How to beat cervical cancer stage 2. All about cervical cancer stage II


It is known that cancer of any localization significantly affects the life expectancy of patients, which is largely due to the stage at which the tumor was diagnosed. In particular, cervical cancer, if left untreated, can reduce a woman's life expectancy by several times.

In recent years, there has been an increase in malignant tumors. In women, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer, second only to breast cancer. It is extremely important to detect and start treating a tumor when the malignant process is in the initial stages, for example, 1A - 2B.

A feature of cancer is an asymptomatic course to advanced stages. This is due to the fact that with the development of oncology, malignant changes occur at the cellular level. The progression of the tumor and its growth begin to affect the surrounding organs and tissues, disrupt their functioning. This is manifested by a certain clinical picture.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Cervical cancer involves the formation and further development tumors of a malignant nature. Cancer tumor can be located:

  • in the vaginal part of the cervix;
  • in the region of the cervical canal.

The occurrence of cancer is directly related to anatomical structure cervix. It is noteworthy that the neck is not an independently functioning organ. This is the structural part of the uterus, its lower section, which performs a number of necessary functions:

  • protection of the uterine cavity from infection;
  • participation in conception and delivery.

The cervix is ​​the subject of research during a gynecological examination. In fact, using a mirror, the gynecologist can assess the condition of the epithelium of only the area that is adjacent to the vagina. The supravaginal region, which occupies a significant part of the cervix, is not determined during a visual examination.

The vaginal part of the cervix looks like a pale pink mucous membrane with a smooth surface. The epithelium is represented by flat multilayered cells, which are arranged in several rows.

  1. basal layer. Immature cells are round and contain one large nucleus.
  2. intermediate layer. Mature cells look flattened. The nucleus is also subject to reduction.
  3. surface layer. Mature cells are considered old. When they are desquamated, the epithelium is able to renew itself.

The basal layer borders on the stroma. This term refers to muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

It is known that a cancerous neoplasm of the cervix is ​​often formed from squamous stratified epithelium. The cell goes through a series of changes that imply dysplastic and malignant processes:

  • increased cell division of the epithelium in response to a damaging factor;
  • the occurrence of dysplasia, that is, changes in the cellular structure;
  • the appearance of malignant changes in cells, which is called the preinvasive stage of cancer;
  • germination of cancerous elements in the stroma, implying the development of a microinvasive stage;
  • defeat of the epithelium by more than 3 mm, indicating the appearance of the second stage, that is, invasive cancer.

The duration of pathological changes is several years. Initially, cellular elements undergo modification:

  • the rounded shape is lost, the cells become shapeless;
  • the number of cores increases;
  • the division of the epithelium into layers disappears.

Thus, the mutated atypical cells cannot function adequately. Dysplasia has several degrees of severity, which reflect the severity of its course. The duration of each degree varies up to several years.

  1. The occurrence of mild dysplastic changes. The lesion is observed in a third of the thickness of the epithelium. Usually the body copes with these disorders on its own. However, in the presence of a complex of adverse factors, the degree of CIN I progresses. The duration of the progression of changes before the onset of cancer is five years.
  2. The changes are moderate. Two thirds of the cervical epithelium are involved in the pathological process. The duration of progression from the second degree of dysplasia, which is designated as CIN II, to invasive cancer is about three years.
  3. Dysplasia is characterized by a severe course. The entire squamous stratified epithelium is involved in the precancerous process. In fact, CIN III is a pre-invasive cancer, the duration of which is up to a year.

Third-degree dysplasia and pre-invasive cancer, referred to as cancer in situ, are classified into one group. This is due to the same approach to treatment and certain difficulties in differentiating these pathologies.

In some cases, cervical cancer grows from the glands of the cervical canal, which is called adenocarcinoma. The cervical canal is located inside the uterus and has a velvety surface of a reddish color. The epithelium consists of cylindrical single-layer cells. In the cervical canal, there is an active production of protective mucus by special glands.

Cervical cancer in 90% of cases is located in the transformation zone. This is the transition area where two different types of epithelium join. The transformation zone is localized in the depth of the external os, which is formed by the lower edge of the cervical canal.


Cervical cancer is classified by specialists depending on the identified stage, localization, degree of cellular differentiation. These factors significantly affect life expectancy and the choice of treatment tactics.

The stages of cervical cancer include four stages of progression of the malignant process.

  1. Involvement exclusively of the cervix. Stage A1 - invasion up to 0.3 cm. Stage A2 - invasion up to 0.5 mm. Stage B - the depth of the lesion is over 0.5 cm, in particular, B1 - up to 4 cm, B2 - over 4 cm.
  2. The defeat of the uterine body. Stage A - without involvement of periuterine tissue. Stage B - involvement of the parametrium.
  3. Spread of cancer to the lower third of the vagina, kidneys and pelvic wall. Stage A - only part of the vagina is affected. Stage B - involvement of the pelvic wall and kidneys, the appearance of hydronephrosis.
  4. Damage to neighboring and distant organs. Stage A - involvement of the bladder, intestines. Stage B - the formation of distant metastases.

Cervical cancer is often detected at stage 2. This is due to the peculiarities of the appearance of the clinical picture. Invasive cervical cancer stage 2 is considered relatively favorable in terms of life prognosis, provided timely treatment.

On average, the duration of each stage is about two years.

Depending on the localization, there are:

  • squamous cell form of cancer;
  • adenocarcinoma or glandular carcinoma.

In gynecological practice, the ratio of these pathologies is unequal. According to statistics, adenocarcinoma occurs only in 10% of cases.

The direction of neoplasm growth can be:

  • endophytic;
  • exophytic;
  • mixed.

The degree of differentiation of cellular elements affects the life expectancy and the nature of the prognosis:

  • highly differentiated;
  • moderately differentiated;
  • poorly differentiated.

The most common tumor is considered to be moderately differentiated cancer. The effectiveness of treatment and a favorable prognosis of life expectancy is noted at the first or second degree. Highly differentiated cancer is characterized by slow growth, rare metastasis and non-aggressiveness. The prognosis for life expectancy is generally favorable. The most dangerous are poorly differentiated formations that grow rapidly and form metastases at stages 1-2.


Specialists have developed several basic theories for the occurrence of cervical cancer. Various provoking factors that can trigger precancerous and malignant processes are considered as causes.

As a result of numerous studies and observations, it was found that human papillomavirus is detected in 95% of smears. To date, infection with certain strains of HPV is considered as the cause of the development of cervical cancer and the corresponding decrease in women's life expectancy.

HPV has more than a hundred subspecies. Their effect on the body is ambiguous. For example, some strains cause warts, papillomas, and condylomas. While other strains provoke malignant processes. Such subspecies have a high degree of oncogenicity.

For the development of invasive cervical cancer stage 2 strains 16 and 18 are responsible.

However, it cannot be said that a woman with highly oncogenic HPV strains will necessarily develop cervical cancer. In 90% of cases, the virus is independently eliminated from the body by the immune system. If the virus has been in the body for a long time, and there are also immune disorders and exposure to provoking factors, the appearance of oncology is not excluded.

There are the following factors that provoke the appearance of oncology:

  • heredity;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • smoking;
  • precancerous and background pathologies of the cervix;
  • chronic inflammatory processes pelvic organs;
  • a combination of genital infections;
  • carcinogenic effect of smegma on the epithelium of the cervix, subject to insufficient hygiene by the sexual partner;
  • immune imbalance.

A combination of unfavorable factors is especially undesirable. After the treatment, the elimination of provoking factors prevents the occurrence of relapses.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

Symptoms often occur at the second or third stage of the cancer process. Signs of cervical cancer are both general and specific. Symptoms that occur in the second stage of cervical cancer include:

  • pathological discharge when an infection is attached;
  • profuse leucorrhoea due to damage to the lymphatic capillaries;
  • bloody discharge of an acyclic nature;
  • bleeding;
  • discharge like meat slops with a putrid odor during the decomposition of the tumor;
  • pain syndrome, which is localized in the lower back, sacrum, lower abdomen;
  • soreness during sexual intercourse;
  • contact discharge due to increased susceptibility of the affected tissue;
  • compression symptoms internal organs located in the pelvis, for example, frequent painful urination, constipation, blood in the stool and urine;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • deterioration in general well-being, including weakness, subfebrile temperature, dizziness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia.

Usually, the appearance of a clinical picture indicates that the malignant process is at stages 2-4 and the prognosis of life expectancy may be unfavorable. At early stages there are no signs of cancer.

In the detection of cervical cancer, such an indicator as timeliness is important. The earlier the disease is diagnosed and treatment is started, the better the prognosis of life expectancy.

Used in the diagnosis of cervical cancer following methods research.

  1. Evaluation of complaints and anamnesis of the patient allows the doctor to suspect dangerous disease. The hereditary factor is of great importance.
  2. A gynecological examination is valuable for detecting advanced cervical cancer when it becomes possible to visualize pathological changes such as discharge, elevation, and uneven coloration.
  3. Colposcopy, which is performed in simple and advanced versions, is the study of the cervix under a microscope. When visualizing characteristic changes, an acetic acid solution is applied to the epithelium. If whitish areas appear, this indicates an HPV lesion. Areas not dyed brown after applying Lugol are a sign of atypia.
  4. Cytological examination involves performing a smear for oncocytology. The doctor takes material from different parts of the mucosa with a special cytobrush. The material is applied to a glass slide. In the laboratory, the sample is stained and examined under a microscope for atypia and inflammation.
  5. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs allows visualizing neoplasms and assessing the functioning and condition of the organs of the reproductive system.
  6. Curettage of the cervical canal is performed when glandular cancer is suspected.

In addition, methods for diagnosing metastases and lesions of other organs are widely used:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • X-rays of light;
  • cystoscopy;
  • rectoscopy;
  • urography.

Some experts prescribe a blood test to determine the level of the tumor marker. This analysis helps to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. Its use is inappropriate as a method of primary diagnosis.

Therapeutic tactics in the second stage

Stage 2 cervical cancer is an invasive form of cancer. Treatment and prognosis of life expectancy depends on the nature of the spread of the pathology.

If cervical cancer is detected at stage 2A, the following treatments are recommended:

  • extirpation of the uterus, including the removal of regional lymph nodes, appendages;
  • intensive radiation therapy.

These techniques can be used both in combination and independently. In particular, for tumors up to 6 cm, either surgery or radiation is used. The effectiveness of therapy reaches 90%. Accordingly, the life expectancy prognosis is favorable. If the neoplasm is larger than 6 cm, surgical treatment is recommended.

At stage 2B, surgical treatment is ineffective. However, the correct stage is often set after the extirpation. In such cases, after removal of the uterus, appendages and lymph nodes, intensive radiation therapy is performed.

It is possible to prescribe remote irradiation and brachytherapy, which involves the direct introduction of a radiation source into the cervical tissue. Then amputation of the uterus, lymph nodes and appendages is performed and chemotherapy is prescribed. After the operation, as a rule, radiation therapy is resumed. In order for the ovaries not to be exposed to harmful effects, their transposition is possible.

Life expectancy for stage 2 cervical cancer in 60% of cases is more than 5 years.

The second stage of cervical cancer means that the tumor has spread outside the organ, into the surrounding tissues. But it has not yet affected the muscles or ligaments that line the pelvis (the area between the thigh bones) or the lower part of the vagina.

To select the most effective treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer, this stage of the disease is divided into subtypes.

  • Stage 2A - The cancer has spread to the upper part of the vagina. This stage, in turn, is divided into 2 A 1 (the tumor has spread to 4 cm or less) and 2 A 2 (the neoplasm is more than 4 cm).
  • Stage 2B - The cancer has spread to the tissues around the cervix.

For selection proper treatment in addition to the stage, the type of cells in which the cancer began to develop, the presence of known mutations, the location of the tumor, and the general health of the patient are also determined. Life expectancy for stage 2 cervical cancer depends on all of these factors.

Treatment of cervical cancer stage 2A

The main methods at this stage of the disease are surgery and combined chemoradiotherapy. Surgery for stage 2A cervical cancer usually means that the patient's uterus and cervix will be removed (radical hysterectomy). The surgeon also removes lymph nodes around the cervix (pelvic lymph nodes). This is because there is a risk of cancer spreading to adjacent areas of the lymphatic system. In modern clinics, this procedure is performed in a minimally invasive way: using a laparoscope or a Da Vinci robotic system.

Combination chemoradiotherapy is the appointment of daily sessions of external radiation for 5 weeks, excluding weekends. Chemotherapy taken at the same time for stage 2 cervical cancer helps to increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to radiation therapy. At the end of the course, internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) is often prescribed. Granules with a radioactive substance are injected into the cervical region and left near the site where the tumor was located. Depending on the radiation dose, the residence time of the pellets inside the patient's body also varies.

The prognosis for stage 2 cervical cancer, if the complex treatment is carried out correctly, is 63% of surviving patients within 5 years.

Treatment of cervical cancer stage 2B

If cancer has spread around the cervix, chemoradiotherapy is given without prior surgery. Doctors try to shrink the tumor with drugs and radiation so that they can then perform a more effective operation (remove all cancer cells). The prognosis for cervical cancer at stage 2B is about 50% of patients.

Targeted Therapy for Stage 2 Cervical Cancer

When specific mutations are found in the patient's cancer cells, modern clinics prescribe targeted therapy. These drugs target specific mechanisms in the tumor and therefore have fewer side effects than chemotherapy. For example, for the rapid growth of cancerous tissue, new blood vessels are needed. This process is called angiogenesis. Some targeted drugs (angiogenesis inhibitors) block the development of new blood vessels, thereby stopping tumor growth.

Stage II cervical cancer is usually found during a pelvic exam.

During the examination, a Pap smear is done, which determines the pathology and cytology. Stage 2 cervical cancer has a favorable prognosis, but the percentage is already somewhat lower than in the first stage and is 75%. The information in this article is intended to help guide treatment options and facilitate decision making with your primary care oncologist.


  • frequent discharge with blood before and after the monthly cycle;
  • unpleasant odor of secretions as a result of the decay of the tumor;
  • discharge with blood during intercourse and during heavy lifting.

Factors affecting life expectancy

Cervical cancer stage 2, how long patients live depends on:

  • stage and degree of spread of cancer;
  • general health of the patient;
  • chosen treatment;
  • professionalism of doctors;
  • nutrition of the patient;
  • immunity;
  • individual attitude to healing;
  • family, wealth and conditions where the patient will live.

Research has shown that combination treatment can improve survival rates to live a full life.


The following is a general overview of treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer. Individual health problems can affect general principles treatment. Patients with cervical cancer pathology are offered a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy. A radical hysterectomy (surgery in which the uterus is removed) may be suggested, sometimes followed by a course of radiation therapy. Currently, grade 2 uterine cancer is better managed with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Radiation therapy using X-ray energy has the ability to kill cancer cells. It is given through a device that fires x-rays at the body or by placing small capsules of radioactive material directly near the cervix.

Most patients receive both types of radiation therapy during their course of treatment. External beam beam therapy (EBRT) for cervical cancer is administered on an outpatient basis for 4-6 weeks.

Immediately after the external part of radiation therapy, patients may undergo the following procedure. Placing the radiation inside the cervix allows high doses of radiation to be delivered to the cancerous site while reducing radiation to the surrounding normal tissues and organs.

During the procedure in the operating room, a small device is placed in the cervix and vagina. The radioactive material remains in place while the patient is in the hospital for 1-3 days. This process may be performed once or twice during the course of treatment.

Chemotherapy can also destroy cells independently of radiation therapy. Several clinical studies conducted in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer using concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy have suggested that this strategy may improve remission rates and prolong life in cancer patients.

The five-year survival rate for patients with stage IB, IIA, IIB, or cervical cancer is 77% for patients treated with combination radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and 50% for patients treated with radiotherapy alone. Simultaneous chemotherapy and radiotherapy was well tolerated with minor gastrointestinal and haematological complications. side effects.

Thus, the combination of chemotherapy at the same time as radiation gives excellent overall survival and reduced risk compared to treatment with radiation therapy alone.

Even with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy, approximately 30% of patients with recurrent stage II cervical cancer:

  1. In some patients, cancer cells can survive near the tumor despite radiation therapy.
  2. Other patients with stage II disease already have a small number of cancers that have spread beyond the cervix and have not been treated with chemotherapy.

These cancer cells cannot be detected by any of the currently available tests. Undetected areas of cancer outside the neck of the gland are called micrometastases. The presence of these microscopic areas of cancer or the survival of cancer cells can cause relapses (returns) that must be continued to be treated.

Biological treatments with natural or synthetic substances that enhance the body's normal immune defenses. The goal of biological therapy is to force your own immune system to destroy cancer cells.

Biological therapies include interferons, interleukins, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines. To improve survival rates, these and other therapies are being tested alone or in combination with chemotherapy.

Supportive care refers to treatments designed to prevent and control the side effects of cancer and its treatment. Side effects not only cause discomfort to the patient, but can also prevent therapy at its planned doses and schedules. To achieve optimal treatment outcomes and improve quality of life, it is essential that the side effects resulting from cancer and its treatment can be managed.

Newer radiotherapy techniques can be delivered more accurately to the cervix using special CT scans and computer targeting. This capability is known as 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy (CRT), or 3D-CRT. The use of 3D-CRT appears to reduce the chance of damage to nearby body structures, such as the rectum or bladder.

Overall survival was 80% for patients treated with Ellence and radiotherapy compared with 70% for patients treated with radiotherapy alone. The main benefit of Ellence was the prevention of distant relapses. Further possibilities may arise from combining Ellence with Platinol or chemotherapy agents.

MRI provides better images of the cervix and finds cancer growths in the pelvis. An MRI can be used to guide radiation therapy.

Uterine cancer of the 2nd degree, how to treat and how long do they live?

Cervical cancer is considered a serious cancer. Pathology develops slowly, but there are cases when the disease has progressed in no time.

At an early stage, in about 20% of cases, symptoms do not appear, which makes timely diagnosis and treatment impossible.

The reasons why the oncological process develops in women are: abortions, early sexual activity, promiscuity in partners, early pregnancy and childbirth, HPV and herpes, smoking.

Every woman needs to monitor her health, regularly visit a gynecologist and take cytology tests. As a rule, cancer develops against the background of existing diseases, so it is advisable to be treated in time for any pathologies.

It is important to remember that in the zero and first stages, about 85% of patients can be completely cured and live on. Already at the second stage, 75% of women can be cured, and when the disease has passed into stages 3 and 4, the survival rate is up to 15%.

How is uterine cancer diagnosed in stage 2?

Cervical cancer develops in four stages, each with different symptoms and signs. The first stage may be completely asymptomatic, but already at stage 2, cancer is accompanied by characteristic signs.

Below are the symptoms at each stage and how long patients live when they have stage 2, stage 3 and 4 uterine cancer.

  • 1 stage. The tumor is localized in the cervix, not protruding beyond its borders. There may be no clinical signs, sometimes there are minor discharge mixed with blood, regardless of menstruation. On this stage the chances of being cured are high - about 85% of women can return to their normal lives with the right treatment.
  • 2 stage. At stage 2, the tumor extends beyond the cervix, but does not affect neighboring organs. To the symptoms listed above are added frequent discharge with blood, which becomes abundant before and after menstruation. In addition, stage 2 cancer is characterized by an unpleasant odor of secretions, which is due to the decay of tumor cells. The prognosis for women is still optimistic - about 75% of patients can be cured and live on.
  • 3 and 4 stages. The oncological process extends to the entire pelvic area. To those symptoms that stage 2 uterine cancer showed, pain in the sacrum and abdomen, swelling of the limbs, and heavy bleeding are added. The chances of cures fall - at 3 stages up to 40%, at the last - up to 15%.

Based on the foregoing, it can be understood that the most optimal time when you can consult a doctor is the period until the disease has passed to stage 3. In the initial stages of cancer, the chances of recovery are higher in patients who strictly follow the doctor's instructions. Also a significant role is played by the experience of a specialist and the correctly chosen method of treatment.

Diagnosis of cervical cancer

The doctor prescribes diagnostic procedures and sends the woman for tests based on her complaints, the clinical picture of the course of the disease. During the gynecological examination, a smear is taken, which is examined for specific parameters.

If oncology is suspected, colposcopy may be prescribed, which will accurately determine the degree of damage to the cervix, its stage and prognosis of the disease.

During colposcopy, biopsy material is taken - atypical cells are detected under a microscope. According to the results of tests and diagnostics, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of uterine cancer of the 2nd degree

To give the patient the opportunity to live longer and get rid of the tumor forever, doctors prescribe a set of procedures in the treatment of cervical cancer of the 2nd degree. These are surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. In most cases, at stage 2, the tumor must be removed along with the uterus, tubes, and ovaries. Nearby lymph nodes are also removed.

The operation is carried out in a suitable way from the following: cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser therapy. Which of the listed options is more suitable, the doctor determines based on the results of the diagnosis, the size of the malignant neoplasm, and the patient's health status.

The result after the operation is necessarily fixed with radiation therapy, chemotherapy. This will help destroy any cancer cells that may have remained in the body. Such a complex effect increases the effectiveness of the entire treatment, serves as an additional guarantee that the tumor is over.

The daily routine and nutrition of a woman

An important condition for treatment is the correction of the diet and daily routine of a woman. Nutrition plays no less a role than the drugs taken orally. Each product in its own way affects the activity of the body as a whole and each organ separately. In particular, the doctor will recommend increasing the daily intake of foods that can increase defensive forces organism.

Fruits and vegetables, juices - everything that contains vitamins should be consumed during each day of treatment, during rehabilitation. Food must be vegetarian, dishes are cooked at a time, consumed fresh, without heating.

So in food there will be a minimum amount of carcinogens and harmful elements. They eat little and often. It is better to exclude coffee, replacing it with healthy herbal infusions.

The answer to the question: how long do they live with cancer of the second degree - lies in the woman's lifestyle, her desire to recover and continue to live after treatment. About the benefits healthy lifestyle life, the dangers of immoral behavior and bad habits, everyone knows from childhood. But few people realize that this is really true until they encounter malignant tumors.

Cancer is a disease whose causes have not been established, but among the factors that provoke oncology are stress, a pessimistic attitude, and neglect of preventive measures. Care should be taken by women who have had cancer in their family.

A genetic factor may increase the risk of getting sick. A regular visit to the doctor, an examination once a year will help to avoid the sad fate of those women who realized it too late.

Prognosis for cervical cancer stage 2: how long do they live

Among malignant tumors in women, cervical cancer is ranked 3rd. Improving methods of diagnosis and impact, it became possible to vaccinate against the main cause - the human papillomavirus.

In economically developed countries, there is a tendency to reduce the frequency of neoplasms, but in developing countries these figures remain high.

About the disease

Cervical cancer is an aggressive tumor of the cervical tissue that develops like adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma. In 75%, the development factor is the human papillomavirus, infection is possible during sexual intercourse. The immune system is able to get rid of the pathogen, but some serotypes can break down the defense and cause cancer.

Degrees of development

The stage of the tumor is determined by the depth of germination, damage to neighboring organs and the presence of metastases.

  • Stage 0 - preinvasive, only the upper layer of the epithelium is affected, the basement membrane is not affected.
  • Stage 1 - germination in the stroma of the neck. Excision of the pathological site leads to a cure.
  • Stage 2 - grows into the vagina, parametrium or on the body of the uterus.
  • Stage 3 - spread to the same organs as in stage 2, but with the involvement of the pelvic lymph nodes.
  • Stage 4 - invasion of cancer into the intestinal wall, bladder, multiple metastases throughout the body.

Detailed description of the second degree

With this degree of development, the tumor grows into the neck and reaches neighboring tissues, but does not reach the walls of the pelvis. The direction of growth can be different - the upper two-thirds of the vagina and the lower part of the uterus, or mainly the body of the uterus and parameters. Changes on the neck at this stage are visible to the naked eye.

The clinical symptoms of the disease are pronounced:

  • leucorrhoea - discharge from the genital slit, in this case pathological. Sometimes they smell unpleasant, with impurities of blood. Damage to blood vessels, the collapse of the tumor is accompanied by the appearance of tissues in the secretions.
  • bleeding, regardless of the menstrual cycle, of varying intensity. Appears after sex, doctor's examination, physical activity, brisk walking. The appearance of this symptom in postmenopause reliably indicates the development of a tumor.
  • the pain is localized in the pelvis, give to the lower back, sacrum, rectum. By nature, these are dull, aching sensations.

What awaits the patient

According to the collections of cervical cancer therapy published under the auspices of FIGO, in volume 19, the statistics on survival with stage 2 in years was 57%. At the moment, it was possible to achieve a 63% survival rate at 5 years after therapy. Many factors influence - from prevention to the choice of treatment methods.

In 2008, Professor Harold Suhr Hausen was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cervical carcinoma. An HPV vaccine has been successfully developed. Since the infection goes sexually way, immunity is formed before the onset of sexual relations at the age of 9-14 years.

Screening diagnostic methods allow to detect a tumor at an early stage. Mandatory for women is an annual visit to the gynecologist, during which a swab is taken from the cervical canal. The subject of the search is atypical cells or epithelial dysplasia. Early diagnosis leads to the timely start of treatment, organ-preserving intervention is carried out.

Help improve survival prognosis latest methods treatment. If a woman is diagnosed with papillomavirus of oncogenic serotypes 16 or 18, but there is no tumor yet, they begin to get rid of the pathogen. You can also use a vaccine for this. The goal is to prevent the transition of the infectious process into cancer.

Treatment of the tumor itself depends on its stage. But they always adhere to the principle of radicalism, preferably the removal of the affected organ. Five-year survival rates are increasing as complex treatment is applied. It includes surgical operation, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Maximal removal of the affected organ increases survival. Women with stage 2 undergo extirpation of the uterus along with the cervix. With adenocarcinoma, the ovaries are also removed; squamous cell carcinoma allows them to be preserved. Minimally invasive laparoscopic intervention is less traumatic, speeds up recovery and reduces the number of postoperative complications.

Radiation therapy is performed at stage 2 and above of the tumor process as an additional treatment. It is aimed at the destruction of tumor cells outside the remote focus. Modern methods allow to reduce the radiation load on the body as a whole, to act specifically on the tumor.

How long do people live with stage 1 cervical cancer? Here are the statistics.

To do this, I use remote irradiation or intracavitary. The devices for treatment have undergone changes. Modern equipment has linear accelerators with a three-dimensional planning system. Thus, they reach the maximum effect on the affected tissues, while healthy ones remain intact.

Radiomodifiers allow you to enhance the effect of radiation on the affected tissues without affecting the rest. These are special low-dose drugs that increase the sensitivity of cancer to radiation.

This approach reduces the harmful effects of radio rays on the entire body, reduces the symptoms of intoxication and improves the general condition after the course. The body needs less strength to recover, the prognosis for life is favorable.

Chemotherapy improves treatment prognosis if given after radiation treatment. At stage 2, it can be used as an independent method if it is not possible to use another method. Long-term studies have proven the sensitivity of cervical carcinoma to platinum preparations, their combinations with Gemcitabine, Topotecan, Paclitaxel.

The combination of prevention, diagnostics, modern methods of therapy improves the prognosis for survival after a diagnosed tumor. The general availability and simplicity of the screening study makes it possible to identify precancerous and background conditions and treat them in time.


The effectiveness of cancer treatment is determined statistically in terms of survival. It is calculated as the ratio of patients who survived diagnosed cancer to the total number of people who survived a selected age group over a certain period of time (meaning life expectancy for certain age groups).

Thanks to modern medical techniques, survival rates have risen in most countries. Iceland leads in terms of growth rates, the difference was 16%. The best results were achieved in South Korea - 76% survival rate according to 2012 data.

In Russia in 2010, 14.7 thousand cases of cervical carcinoma were diagnosed. Over the previous 5 years, the growth was 13%. But in overall structure diseases, its share fell from 7% to 5.3%.

The table shows statistical data on mortality from cervical cancer and common cancer of the female genital area in 1991, 2007, 2010:

Statistical data obtained by the Institute of Demography of the National research university"High School of Economics".

Therapeutic diet for liver cancer: what can and cannot be eaten.

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What to do

After the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of leucorrhoea, bloody discharge, especially in postmenopausal age, pain in the lower abdomen, you should contact your gynecologist for an examination and a minimal examination.

At the first visit, a standard examination is carried out on a gynecological chair using mirrors, a two-handed examination. A smear is taken for oncocytology. Based on its results, further tactics are determined.

Success stories

Patient, 31 years old, stage 1b cervical cancer (T1N0M0). A nulliparous woman, plans to have children in the future. Disturbed by bloody-sanguineous spotting from the vagina, pain in the small pelvis. 10 years was registered with a gynecologist with cervical erosion.

HPV 16 serotype was detected. Further examination revealed and histologically confirmed squamous nonkeratinized cervical cancer with invasion up to 3 mm, the degree of differentiation is moderate.

The results of CT scan of the abdominal cavity: moderate hyperplasia and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes up to 8 mm.

The decision was made to proceed with chemotherapy. It was carried out according to the Gemzar scheme with Cisplatin. The result is a reduction in tumor invasion and size. The lymph nodes returned to normal. The patient was referred for photodynamic therapy.

A photosensitizing substance, radachlorin, was administered intravenously. Complete resorption of the tumor occurred 1 month after the course of therapy. After 2 months, according to MRI, colposcopy, histology, no traces of the cancerous process were detected.

Perhaps a combination of cervical cancer with a missed pregnancy. A 34-year-old patient was admitted with complaints of delayed menstruation for 4 weeks, dull aching pains below the navel, and nausea. When viewed in the mirrors on the neck, bleeding erosions and papillary growths were found.

The results of the morphological study of tissues - squamous cell nonkeratinizing cancer with invasion up to 6-7 mm, moderate differentiation. According to MRI, the lymph nodes of the iliac region were enlarged up to 4 mm.

Treatment: extirpation of the uterus with preservation of the appendages, bilateral removal of the pelvic lymph nodes. According to histology, a non-developing pregnancy of 3-4 weeks was found in the body of the uterus against the background of chromosomal pathology, DNA of the virus was found in the trophoblast of the embryo.

After the operation - a course of radiation therapy, remote irradiation in a total dose of 44 Gy, intracavitary - 50 Gy. Taking into account the detected DNA of the type 16 virus, Panavir was prescribed.

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  • chest 34
  • myoma 32
  • mammary gland 32
  • stomach 24
  • lymphoma 23
  • intestines 23
  • malignant tumors 23
  • lungs 22
  • liver 20
  • blood diseases 20
  • diagnostics 19
  • metastases 18
  • Melanoma 16
  • adenoma 15
  • lipoma 15
  • leather 14
  • brain 14

Uterine cancer grade 2

Uterine cancer is a malignancy that is more common in older women. Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence, which is most likely due to an increase in life expectancy, as well as a longer stay of women in the postmenopausal period.

Clinical symptoms

The clinical picture is the predominance of three main signs: bleeding, whiter and pain. On early stage disease symptoms for a long time may be absent. With the progression of the disease, when stage 2 uterine cancer is diagnosed, the symptoms become more pronounced. First of all, it draws on itself the acyclicity of bleeding in the intermenstrual period, and in postmenopausal patients - any bleeding from the genital organs. Beli, to which some women at first do not give due attention, become more intense. The smell, insignificant at first, becomes more noticeable. With an increase in malignant formation, a feeling of slight discomfort in the abdomen is possible, pain may join. Often they are felt by patients in the early stages of the disease. But it should be borne in mind that the cause and nature of this pain depends on the prevalence of the cancer process. As practice shows, pains of a cramping nature in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower extremities, are considered typical. They are caused by contraction of the muscles of the uterus as a result of stretching of the growing tumor or as a result of the accumulation of secretions, the delay of which in the uterine cavity is due to the narrowing of the cervical canal or its blockage. With periodic emptying of the uterine cavity, the pain recedes for a while. In more advanced cases, the pains are permanent, there is even a definition - gnawing pains. The spread of the tumor entails the appearance of new symptoms associated with the involvement of nearby organs in the process.

Treatment of the disease

Modern medicine offers many treatment options oncological disease. The tactics of therapeutic measures depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient and concomitant diseases. Currently, in case of malignant formation, complex treatment is carried out, which includes: surgical intervention, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy.

  1. The main and most effective treatment when grade 2 uterine cancer is diagnosed, surgery is considered. In case of malignancy in women of childbearing age, an organ-preserving operation can be performed. With an unfavorable course of the disease, an organ extirpation with appendages and pelvic lymph node dissection is performed.
  2. The second component in combined treatment is radiation therapy. The irradiation field includes the pelvic area and regional metastasis zones. Pre- and postoperative radiotherapy reduces the recurrence rate.
  3. The third component of complex treatment is chemotherapy, which, despite the improvement of other methods, still occupies a prominent place in therapy, as it is effective and effective method, allowing not only to restrain the progression of the disease, but also to achieve inhibition of the activity of tumor cells.
  4. Hormone therapy. The emergence of synthetic progestogens has improved the long-term results of complex treatment. In addition, the duration of remissions with relapses increased. But it should be borne in mind that hormone therapy is carried out for a long time.

With timely detection and timely treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Extirpation of the uterus avoids the spread of the process by lymphogenous and hematogenous routes. If the visit to the oncologist is delayed, then the survival rate drops significantly; even after a successful operation, it is no more than 60%, with a disease in stages III and IV, it reaches no more than 20%. In addition, it should be noted that in more advanced cases, the volume of the operation is much larger. Often, with an extensive process, not only the body of the uterus, but also the appendages, as well as the vagina, are subject to removal.

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stage 2 cervical cancer

Cervical cancer has become a serious problem among women in industrialized countries. According to statistics, among female oncology, this form of cancer ranks second after the defeat of the breast. Pathology is diagnosed in every eighth woman per hundred thousand of the population. More than a third of patients die after the detection of the disease. The cause of death in most cases is the diagnosis of oncology at a late stage.

Stages of progress of oncology

Exist different types classifications of cancer, including female genital organs. The most common is the TNM system, it is generally accepted in many countries and allows you to accurately assess the degree of neglect of the process. Cervical cancer has four degrees of spread of the process according to the TNM system, but each of them has an additional gradation.

The grades are marked as follows:

  • T0 - has no gradation and indicates the absence of a tumor;
  • T1 - has a gradation of T1a and T1v;
  • T2 - respectively, a gradation of T2a and T2b is also observed;
  • T3 - T3a and T3b;
  • T4 - has no gradation.

Second stage

It is known that the earlier a tumor is detected, the more likely it is to be cured. The best prognosis is, of course, the first degree of pathology. Cervical cancer stage 2, the prognosis is also relatively positive. In 75% of cases, patients survive a five-year milestone, but only if timely and prompt treatment is provided.

T2 stands for:

the neoplasm extends beyond the cervix, but does not affect the pelvic wall and the lower third of the vagina;

regarding gradation, T2a differs from T2b in that in the first case, parametrium tissue is not damaged.

As a rule, signs in the second degree of the disease are not pronounced. They appear vaguely and are often not perceived by a woman as a call to action.

Of the specific manifestations can be observed:

  1. slight bleeding in the intervals between the menstrual cycle;
  2. contact bleeding, for example, at the time of injury to the tumor during sexual contact;
  3. violation of the menstrual cycle.

Of the nonspecific signs that are characteristic of any localization of the tumor at this stage, note:

  1. the occurrence of weakness;
  2. dizziness, weakening of ability to work;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. weight loss;
  5. perhaps a slight increase in temperature, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process;
  6. anemia on blood tests.

Symptoms in later stages of the disease

The stages of cervical cancer, the symptoms are more distinct, only in the third and fourth stages. The reason for this is the prevalence of the process, tumor growth and compression of its neighboring tissues and structures, as well as intoxication due to the decay of cancerous tissues.

The clinical picture in this period may look like this:

  • the situation with spotting is aggravated, they can have the character of bleeding;
  • there are pains in the lower abdomen in the region of the sacrum and lower back, the reason for this is the involvement of the sciatic nerve;
  • violation of the outflow of urine may occur as a result of squeezing by the tumor of the urinary tract and bladder. An admixture of blood may be present in the urine, and the process itself may be painful;
  • purulent discharge from the vagina with a characteristic fetid odor, a sign appears when the tumor begins to decay;
  • a significant increase in temperature to 39 degrees and above - the progress of intoxication;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • violation of the stool during the germination of the tumor in the walls of the intestine;
  • when squeezing the lymph nodes, swelling of the lower extremities occurs.

Treatment for the second stage of the disease

Regarding therapy, it also depends on the degree of progress of the pathology. So, for example, for the first and second (T2a) stages, surgery is most often used, possibly with additional radiation. If stage T2b and above, in this case, a different approach to treatment is required, and radiation exposure in combination with chemotherapy becomes the main method.

Cervical cancer stage 2, treatment with surgery was first performed back in 1902 by the Austrian doctor E. Wertheim. Since that time, the operation has been significantly transformed, but the original specificity has remained.

So today there are 5 types of operations for the treatment of cervical cancer:

  • the first type is extrafascial extirpation of the uterus;
  • the second type is a modified radical extirpation of the uterus;
  • the third type is radical extirpation of the uterus;
  • the fourth type is extended radical extirpation of the uterus.

During the operation, a number of characteristic complications may occur, such as:

  • bleeding;
  • the occurrence of fistulas;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • adhesive bowel disease.

Along with the development of surgery, radiation therapy is being actively used, both in combination with surgery and separately. To date, it is customary to combine intracavitary and remote radiation therapy. Contact exposure is carried out using special radioactive elements such as cesium, iridium, cobalt, etc. There are a number of complications after radiation exposure: cystitis, rectitis, enterocolitis.

If a recurrence of the disease occurs after surgery, radiation and chemotherapy drugs are also prescribed, such as:

Stage 2 cervical cancer, how long do they live? this question cannot have an unambiguous answer, since some patients achieve a complete recovery and continue to lead an almost ordinary life, while others, unfortunately, do not live even a year. It all depends on the correctness and speed of the decision made regarding treatment measures, as well as the individual characteristics of the woman's body, her age and the presence of concomitant diseases. According to data from various sources, from 45 to 75% of patients manage to survive the five-year milestone. The third and fourth stages have an even worse prognosis.

Video: treatment and diagnosis of cervical cancer

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Among malignant tumors in women, cervical cancer is ranked 3rd. Improving methods of diagnosis and impact, it became possible to vaccinate against the main cause - the human papillomavirus.

In economically developed countries, there is a tendency to reduce the frequency of neoplasms, but in developing countries these figures remain high.

Cervical cancer is an aggressive tumor of the cervical tissue that develops like adenocarcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma. In 75%, the development factor is the human papillomavirus, infection is possible during sexual intercourse. The immune system is able to get rid of the pathogen, but some serotypes can break down the defense and cause cancer.

Degrees of development

The stage of the tumor is determined by the depth of germination, damage to neighboring organs and the presence of metastases.

  • 0 stage- preinvasive, only the upper layer of the epithelium is affected, the basement membrane is not affected.
  • 1 stage- germination in the stroma of the cervix. Excision of the pathological site leads to a cure.
  • 2 stage- grows into the vagina, parametrium or on the body of the uterus.
  • 3 stage- spread to the same organs as in stage 2, but with the involvement of the pelvic lymph nodes.
  • 4 stage- cancer invasion into the intestinal wall, bladder, multiple metastases throughout the body.

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Detailed description of the second degree

With this degree of development, the tumor grows into the neck and reaches neighboring tissues, but does not reach the walls of the pelvis. The direction of growth can be different - the upper two-thirds of the vagina and the lower part of the uterus, or mainly the body of the uterus and parameters. Changes on the neck at this stage are visible to the naked eye.

The clinical symptoms of the disease are pronounced:

  • leucorrhea- discharge from the genital slit, in this case of a pathological nature. Sometimes they smell unpleasant, with impurities of blood. Damage to blood vessels, the collapse of the tumor is accompanied by the appearance of tissues in the secretions.
  • bleeding regardless of the menstrual cycle, of varying intensity. Appears after sex, medical examination, physical activity, brisk walking. The appearance of this symptom in postmenopause reliably indicates the development of a tumor.
  • pain localized in the pelvis, give to the lower back, sacrum, rectum. By nature, these are dull, aching sensations.

What awaits the patient

According to collections of cervical cancer therapy published under the auspices of FIGO, in volume 19 the statistics on survival with stage 2 in 1976-1978 was 57%. At the moment, it was possible to achieve a 63% survival rate at 5 years after therapy. Many factors influence - from prevention to the choice of treatment methods.

In 2008, Professor Harold Suhr Hausen was awarded the Nobel Prize for discovering the cause of cervical carcinoma. An HPV vaccine has been successfully developed. Since the infection is sexually transmitted, immunity is formed before the onset of sexual relations at the age of 9-14 years.

More than 40 countries have included this vaccine in national calendar vaccination. This significantly reduces the incidence of cancer, and therefore improves the prognosis.

Screening diagnostic methods allow to detect a tumor at an early stage. Mandatory for women is an annual visit to the gynecologist, during which a swab is taken from the cervical canal. The subject of the search is atypical cells or epithelial dysplasia. Early diagnosis leads to the timely start of treatment, organ-preserving intervention is performed.

Newer treatments are helping to improve survival prognosis. If a woman is diagnosed with papillomavirus of oncogenic serotypes 16 or 18, but there is no tumor yet, they begin to get rid of the pathogen. You can also use a vaccine for this. The goal is to prevent the transition of the infectious process into cancer.

Treatment of the tumor itself depends on its stage. But they always adhere to the principle of radicalism, preferably the removal of the affected organ. Five-year survival rates are increasing as complex treatment is applied. It includes surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Maximum removal of the affected organ increases survival. Women with stage 2 undergo extirpation of the uterus along with the cervix. With adenocarcinoma, the ovaries are also removed; squamous cell carcinoma allows them to be preserved. Minimally invasive laparoscopic intervention is less traumatic, speeds up recovery and reduces the number of postoperative complications.

Radiation therapy is performed at stage 2 and above of the tumor process as an additional treatment. It is aimed at the destruction of tumor cells outside the remote focus. Modern methods make it possible to reduce the radiation load on the body as a whole, to act specifically on the tumor.

To do this, I use remote irradiation or intracavitary. The devices for treatment have undergone changes. Modern equipment has linear accelerators with a three-dimensional planning system. Thus, they reach the maximum effect on the affected tissues, while healthy ones remain intact.

Radiomodifiers allow you to enhance the effect of radiation on the affected tissues without affecting the rest.. These are special low-dose drugs that increase the sensitivity of cancer to radiation.

This approach reduces the harmful effects of radio rays on the entire body, reduces the symptoms of intoxication and improves the general condition after the course. The body needs less strength to recover, the prognosis for life is favorable.

Chemotherapy improves treatment prognosis when used after radiation treatment. At stage 2, it can be used as an independent method if it is not possible to use another method. Long-term studies have proven the sensitivity of cervical carcinoma to platinum preparations, their combinations with Gemcitabine, Topotecan, Paclitaxel.

The combination of prevention, diagnostics, modern methods of therapy improves the prognosis for survival after a diagnosed tumor. The general availability and simplicity of the screening study makes it possible to identify precancerous and background conditions and treat them in time.


The effectiveness of cancer treatment is determined statistically in terms of survival. It is calculated as the ratio of patients who survived diagnosed cancer to the total number of people who survived a selected age group over a certain period of time (meaning life expectancy for certain age groups).

Thanks to modern medical techniques, survival rates have risen in most countries. Iceland leads in terms of growth rates, the difference was 16%. The best results were achieved in South Korea - 76% survival rate according to 2012 data.

In Russia in 2010, 14.7 thousand cases of cervical carcinoma were diagnosed. Over the previous 5 years, the growth was 13%. But in the overall structure of diseases, its share fell from 7% to 5.3%.

The average age of patients with cervical cancer has changed from 58 to 52 years. Most often diagnosed in the group of 50-60 year olds.

The table shows statistical data on mortality from cervical cancer and common cancer of the female genital area in 1991, 2007, 2010:

Statistical data obtained by the Institute of Demography of the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

What to do

After the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in the form of leucorrhoea, bloody discharge, especially in postmenopausal age, pain in the lower abdomen, you should contact your gynecologist for an examination and a minimal examination.

At the first visit, a standard examination is carried out on a gynecological chair using mirrors, a two-handed examination. A smear is taken for oncocytology. Based on its results, further tactics are determined.

Success stories

Patient 31 years old, cervical cancer 1b stages (T1N0M0). A nulliparous woman, plans to have children in the future. Disturbed by bloody-sanguineous spotting from the vagina, pain in the small pelvis. 10 years was registered with a gynecologist with cervical erosion.

HPV 16 serotype was detected. Further examination revealed and histologically confirmed squamous nonkeratinized cervical cancer with invasion up to 3 mm, the degree of differentiation is moderate.

The results of CT scan of the abdominal cavity: moderate hyperplasia and an increase in inguinal lymph nodes up to 8 mm.

The decision was made to proceed with chemotherapy. It was carried out according to the Gemzar scheme with Cisplatin. The result is a reduction in tumor invasion and size. The lymph nodes returned to normal. The patient was referred for photodynamic therapy.

A photosensitizing substance, radachlorin, was administered intravenously. Complete resorption of the tumor occurred 1 month after the course of therapy. After 2 months, according to MRI, colposcopy, histology, no traces of the cancerous process were detected.

The observation period is 1 year, there is no recurrence, the patient continues to be observed.

Perhaps a combination of cervical cancer with a missed pregnancy. A 34-year-old patient was admitted with complaints of delayed menstruation for 4 weeks, dull aching pains below the navel, and nausea. When viewed in the mirrors on the neck, bleeding erosions and papillary growths were found.

The results of the morphological study of tissues - squamous cell nonkeratinizing cancer with invasion up to 6-7 mm, moderate differentiation. According to MRI, the lymph nodes of the iliac region were enlarged up to 4 mm.

Treatment: extirpation of the uterus with preservation of the appendages, bilateral removal of the pelvic lymph nodes. According to histology, a non-developing pregnancy of 3-4 weeks was found in the body of the uterus against the background of chromosomal pathology, DNA of the virus was found in the trophoblast of the embryo.

After the operation - a course of radiation therapy, remote irradiation in a total dose of 44 Gy, intracavitary - 50 Gy. Taking into account the detected DNA of the type 16 virus, Panavir was prescribed.

It has been 2 years since the operation. Data for recurrence has not been received, follow-up continues.

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Primarily caused by HPV (papillomavirus infection), the most common among people. If the first stage usually passes without symptoms, then the second stage has characteristics. Stage II cervical cancer is usually found during a pelvic exam.

During the examination, a Pap smear is done, which determines the pathology and cytology. Stage 2 cervical cancer has a favorable prognosis, but the percentage is already somewhat lower than in the first stage and is 75%. The information in this article is intended to help guide treatment options and facilitate decision making with your primary care oncologist.


  • frequent discharge with blood before and after the monthly cycle;
  • unpleasant odor of secretions as a result of the decay of the tumor;
  • discharge with blood during intercourse and during heavy lifting.

Factors affecting life expectancy

Cervical cancer stage 2, how long patients live depends on:

  • stage and degree of spread of cancer;
  • general health of the patient;
  • chosen treatment;
  • professionalism of doctors;
  • nutrition of the patient;
  • immunity;
  • individual attitude to healing;
  • family, wealth and conditions where the patient will live.

Research has shown that the combinedtreatment can improve survival rates to live a full life.


The following is a general overview of treatment for stage 2 cervical cancer. Individual health problems can affect the general principles of treatment. Patients with cervical cancer pathology are offered a combination of chemotherapy. A radical hysterectomy (surgery in which the uterus is removed) may be suggested, sometimes followed by a course of radiation therapy. Currently, grade 2 uterine cancer is better managed with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Radiation therapy using X-ray energy has the ability to kill cancer cells. It is given through a device that fires x-rays at the body or by placing small capsules of radioactive material directly near the cervix.

Most patients receive both types of radiation therapy during their course of treatment. External beam beam therapy (EBRT) for cervical cancer is administered on an outpatient basis for 4-6 weeks.

Immediately after the external part of radiation therapy, patients may undergo the following procedure. Placing the radiation inside the cervix allows high doses of radiation to be delivered to the cancerous site while reducing radiation to the surrounding normal tissues and organs.

During the procedure in the operating room, a small device is placed in the cervix and vagina. The radioactive material remains in place while the patient is in the hospital for 1-3 days. This process may be performed once or twice during the course of treatment.

Chemotherapy can also destroy cells independently of radiation therapy. Several clinical studies conducted in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer using concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy have suggested that this strategy may improve remission rates and prolong life in cancer patients.

The five-year survival rate for patients with stage IB, IIA, IIB, or cervical cancer is 77% for patients treated with combination radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and 50% for patients treated with radiotherapy alone. Concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy was well tolerated with few gastrointestinal and hematologic side effects.

Thus, the combination of chemotherapy at the same time as radiation gives excellent overall survival and reduced risk compared to treatment with radiation therapy alone.

Even with combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy, approximately 30% of patients with recurrent stage II cervical cancer:

  1. In some patients, cancer cells can survive near the tumor despite radiation therapy.
  2. Other patients with stage II disease already have a small number of cancers that have spread beyond the cervix and have not been treated with chemotherapy.

These cancer cells cannot be detected by any of the currently available tests. Undetected areas of cancer outside the neck of the gland are called micrometastases. The presence of these microscopic areas of cancer or the survival of cancer cells can cause relapses (returns) that must be continued to be treated.

Biological treatments with natural or synthetic substances that enhance the body's normal immune defenses. The goal of biological therapy is to force your own immune system to destroy cancer cells.

Biological therapies include interferons, interleukins, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines. To improve survival rates, these and other therapies are being tested alone or in combination with chemotherapy.

Supportive care refers to treatments designed to prevent and control the side effects of cancer and its treatment. Side effects not only cause discomfort to the patient, but can also prevent therapy at its planned doses and schedules. To achieve optimal treatment outcomes and improve quality of life, it is essential that the side effects resulting from cancer and its treatment can be managed.

Newer radiotherapy techniques can be delivered more accurately to the cervix using special CT scans and computer targeting. This capability is known as 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy (CRT), or 3D-CRT. The use of 3D-CRT appears to reduce the chance of damage to nearby body structures, such as the rectum or bladder.

Overall survival was 80% for patients treated with Ellence and radiotherapy compared with 70% for patients treated with radiotherapy alone. The main benefit of Ellence was the prevention of distant relapses. Further possibilities may arise from combining Ellence with Platinol or chemotherapy agents.

MRI provides better images of the cervix and finds cancer growths in the pelvis. An MRI can be used to guide radiation therapy.

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