Cherry Reva description of the variety reviews. Revna: cherries in central Russia are quite possible

Cherry Revna is one of the most popular mid-late varieties in our gardens. The culture was bred by domestic breeders on the basis of the Bryansk rosea seedling, from which it received many similar properties. In 1994, it was entered into the state register for the Central District.

Description and distinctive features of the Revna variety

The Revna cherry is of medium size, the height of the tree reaches about 4 m. The growth rate is very rapid. The crown is pyramidal, not very thick. The shoots are straight. The leaves are large and dark green. The shape of the plates is oval, the top is pointed, the edges are framed with serrations. The buds are large, deviate greatly from the branches, and have an ovoid or oval shape. Petioles are of medium thickness and short length. The flowers are white, 4 pieces are formed in each inflorescence. The formation of ovaries occurs mainly on bouquet branches, but a small part is tied on annual shoots.

Revna's poultry is medium in size, but very juicy

The fruits are medium in size, weighing from 4.7 to 7.7 g. They have a round shape, covered with a dense shiny skin of a dark burgundy color. There are white dots on the top of the berries. The pulp is juicy, has a dense structure, and is dark red in color.

The berries of the Revna variety received a fairly high taste rating - 4.9 points on a 5-point scale.

Their composition is dominated by sugars, the concentration of which reaches 12.6%, and the amount of acids is only 0.30%. The berries also contain 13.3 mg/100 g of ascorbic acid and 18.8% dry matter. The stone is oval, medium size. Its weight reaches 0.29 g, which corresponds to 5.2% of the weight of the fetus. It separates from the pulp quite well. The length of the stalk is average.

The tree trunk and skeletal branches are resistant to frost and sunburn. Flower buds are not afraid of low temperatures either. At -3–5°C, their freezing level was 0.4 points. The variety's early fruitfulness is low. Cherries begin to bear fruit only in the fifth year. But at the same time, the tree is characterized by high productivity, since up to 30 kg of berries can be collected per season. To produce abundant fruit, the tree needs pollinators.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Revna variety has many advantages, these are:

  • resistance to fungal diseases;
  • good taste;
  • frost resistance;
  • high level of transportability of berries;
  • high yields.

Gardeners consider the disadvantages of cherries to be low rates of self-fertility and precocity.

Revna cherry easily resists fungal diseases

Proper planting of crops

Revna is partially self-fertile, so it is necessary to plant pollinators near the cherry:

  • Tyutchevka;
  • Raditsa;
  • And the way;
  • Ovstuzhevka;
  • Rechitsa;
  • Compact Venyaminova.

For cultivation, you need to select an area protected from northern gusts of wind. A suitable option would be a southern or southwestern location.

It is advisable to use an elevated area for planting, but it should not be a hill. If this is not possible, you can artificially raise the ground level by 0.5 m.

Cherries are planted near pollinators

Cherries require sandy or loamy soil. The tree does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so groundwater should be at a depth of 2 m from the surface.

Important! Clay, sandy and peat soils are not suitable for cherries.

The culture is planted in March or April before the buds begin to swell. But preparatory work begins in the fall, since the soil tends to settle.

To do this, gardeners perform the following manipulations:

  1. First, they dig a hole 60 cm deep and 80 cm wide. A stake is installed in the center, to which the tree will subsequently be tied.
  2. Then the hole is filled one third with a mixture of the top layer of soil and 1 bucket of humus. In the spring, add 300 g of superphosphate and 100 g of sodium sulfate. Fertilizers are mixed with the soil.

The longevity and productivity of cherries will depend on the quality of planting material. Therefore, the following criteria for choosing a seedling should be taken into account:

  1. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the root system; it should be well developed.
  2. It is also necessary to take into account the number of skeletal branches. A healthy seedling has 3–5 shoots growing in different directions at an angle of at least 45°, otherwise in the future they may break off under the weight of the fruit.
  3. For planting, annual and biennial plants with a height of 80 and 100 cm, respectively, are used.
  4. There should be a grafting site on the trunk.

After selecting the desired seedling, the root system of the plant needs to be wrapped in damp cloth and wrapped with film on top. This will help protect the cherries from drying out.

Step-by-step tree planting process:

  1. An earthen mound is poured into the prepared hole, after which the seedling is installed and the roots are straightened.
  2. The cherries are covered with soil and watered with 10–20 liters of water. The area around the trunk is mulched with peat.
  3. The root collar should rise 5–6 cm above the soil.
  4. Then the seedling is tied to a previously installed stake, which should be located on the north side of the plant.

Video: master class on planting

Caring for Revna

To obtain an excellent harvest, it is necessary to regularly care for Revna cherries. Mandatory procedures: watering, fertilizing and crown formation.

Features of fertilization

Cherry feeding begins in the second year. It is important to follow the following sequence:

Watering a tree

Revna is watered several times a season:

  • in the last ten days of May;
  • mid-June;
  • in July;
  • before the onset of frost.

A young tree uses 2 buckets of water. Subsequently, every year the volume is increased by 1 bucket. The optimal method is to supply water to the furrows around the circumference of the trunk circle, the diameter of which is 0.8–1 m. After watering, cover the soil with a layer of mulch up to 10 cm thick.

You need to water the cherries in the circle around the trunk.

In September or October, the tree needs to be water-recharged. This is necessary because in winter, when the temperature drops, the moisture from the crown of the plant freezes out. As a result, the branches dry out and freeze. This can be avoided if it receives sufficient watering in the fall, when 50–60 liters are used per tree.

Crown trimming

To form the skeleton of the tree and evenly distribute the branches in the crown, annual pruning is performed. The procedure is carried out in spring (March-April) and autumn (October).

If you were unable to carry out the procedure in a timely manner, then it can be carried out in winter. However, keep in mind that when exposed to low temperatures, the branches become brittle, causing uneven cuts. In addition, wounds heal poorly under such conditions.

Schematic illustration of crown formation

The cutting scheme is as follows:

  1. In the year of planting, the level of the trunk is noted on the seedling at a height of 50–60 cm. 5–6 buds are counted from this place and the tree is pruned.
  2. In the spring of the second year, 3 or 4 branches are left on the cherry tree, growing every 15–20 cm. They will form the first tier. The lower shoot is shortened to 60 cm, the rest are cut to its level. 60 cm depart from the upper branch on the main conductor. Pruning is carried out after 4 buds from this place.
  3. In the third year, you need to identify the lower skeletal branch and shorten the growth of other branches to its level. Shoots located at an acute angle are removed completely. The second tier is formed from branches located at a distance of 30 cm or more from the central branch. These shoots are trimmed so that they are 15 cm shorter than the first row.
  4. Next, you need to retreat 40–50 cm from the second tier. Then count 4–5 buds and prune. The third row will form from them. In the second tier you need to select 2-4 shoots and shorten them below the level of the guide by 20 cm.
  5. With the onset of the fourth year, the third row is pruned in the spring so that it becomes 20 cm smaller than the main shoot. If the side branches have not reached this length, then they, together with the central conductor, are shortened at the height of the weakest shoot in this tier. The skeletal branches of the second and third rows are cut to 70 cm. Shoots growing inside the crown or upward are removed.
  6. In a five- and six-year-old tree, the longest growths are cut off on the skeletal branches and the central conductor. They also get rid of shoots that grow inside the crown.
  7. When the tree begins to bear fruit, weak, diseased and thickening branches are removed.
  8. In the fall, sanitary pruning is carried out, during which they get rid of dry and damaged shoots.

Video: master class on tree trimming

Preparing for winter

The Revna variety is positioned by breeders as a frost-resistant crop, but this does not mean that the tree will withstand the harsh Russian cold without prior preparation.

  1. In October, the trunk and skeletal branches are cleared of lichens and dead bark.
  2. Then it is covered with whitewash prepared from 2.5–3 kg of lime, 50 g of wood glue, 500 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water.
  3. The tree trunk area is covered with peat or sawdust with a layer of 20 cm.
  4. The trunk and bases of the skeletal shoots are wrapped in paper.

Diseases and pests

Much to the regret of gardeners, cherry fruits attract various birds: starlings, thrushes, tits, sparrows, jays. There are several ways to help protect crops from birds:

  1. You can hang some rustling elements on the branches. For example, cellophane bags or tapes from old cassette tapes. Shiny objects also have the same effect: New Year's rain, foil, computer disks.
  2. The cherries can be covered with a fine mesh net. Birds will not be able to destroy the berries, and the tree will receive enough light.
  3. Installing special repellers that produce high-frequency sounds will also help protect the harvest.
  4. The desired effect can be achieved by spraying with tincture of hot red pepper. But after rain, this treatment must be repeated. Place 10 pepper pods in 3 liters of water, leave for 3 days, then spray the tree.

Table: diseases characteristic of the Revna variety

Diseases Symptoms Treatment methods Prevention
Gum treatmentOn the trunk of the affected tree, gum is released, which hardens and becomes like glass.
  1. Damaged areas from which gum is released are treated with 1% copper sulfate.
  2. Then rub with fresh sorrel and smear with garden varnish.
Sheltering a tree before winter.
Hole spot
  • round spots form on the leaves;
  • the tissue in the affected area dies and holes appear in the plates.
The diseases cannot be treated; affected trees are uprooted and burned.
  1. Use of healthy planting material.
  2. Destruction of pests.
  • the leaves are covered with yellow stripes that are located along the veins;
  • after this, the plates curl, turn red and die.

Photo gallery: typical cultural diseases

Table: cherry pests

Pests Signs Ways to fight Prevention measures
  • the berries become dark, depressions appear on the surface;
  • the skin cracks, then the fruits rot.
Spraying at the end of April or early May with Iskra (1 tablet per 10 liters of water).Timely collection of berries (reduces the number of larvae).
Caterpillars eat buds, ovaries and leaves.Treatment in April, then after flowering with Iskra or Kimix (1 ampoule per 10 l).Autumn digging of the soil under the cherry tree.
The pest completely eats the leaves, leaving only bare branches.
The larvae feed on the sap of the leaves, after which the plates curl and dry out.Use of the drugs Inta-Vir (1 tablet per 10 l) and Actellik (10 ml per 10 l of water).Removal of root shoots in summer.
  • cobwebs appear on the leaves in autumn;
  • The caterpillars eat the tissue of the plates, after which only veins remain.
Spraying before the formation of buds with Karbofos (60 g per 8 l of water) or Dendrobacillin (50 g per 10 l).Digging the soil in the tree trunk circle.


The berries of the Revna variety ripen at the end of June or the first half of July. The productivity of one tree reaches 14–30 kg. It is recommended to pick the fruits 3-4 days before full ripeness, this will increase the storage period. The berries are placed in containers in a layer no thicker than 5 cm. Cherries are stored at a temperature of 8–10°C and a humidity of 85–90% for 10–12 days. The berries are used to make jams, compotes, preserves, and are also consumed fresh.

The yield of Revna is impressive in its volume

It is believed that cherries are a southern berry. However, many frost-resistant varieties have appeared in Russia, suitable for growing in cold climates. These include the Revna variety, a medium-late ripening cherry that produces stable yields of medium-sized sweet berries that are easy to transport due to their durable peel.

Description of the Revna variety

Revna cherries, which ripen in the mid-late period, were bred by breeders M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov. Since 1994, this variety has been recommended for cultivation in the Central region, although by now it can be found in many other regions.

The tree is medium in size and characterized by vigorous growth. The strong crown has a pyramidal shape and moderate density. Straight, not too thick shoots extend from the trunk at a large angle. Large, rather thick and wide leaves on a short petiole have a dark green color and a finely serrated edge.

Cherry blossoms bloom in mid-May. White, medium-sized flowers are collected in inflorescences of 4 pieces.

The bulk of the ovaries are formed on bouquet branches, although the bases of annual shoots are also fruit wood.

Revna fruits are not too large (weight 4.5–5 g, maximum 7.7 g), round, covered with a glossy, dense dark red skin. A characteristic feature is the one-dimensionality of the berries. The dense and juicy pulp has the same color as the skin. The taste is sweet, dessert. The berries contain a lot of sugars - 12.6%, and ascorbic acid - 13.3 mg per 100 g. The medium-sized light brown stone is easily separated from the pulp.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Revny variety


  • good winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds;
  • high resistance to fungal diseases (in particular, coccomycosis);
  • skeletal branches and trunks are little affected by sunburn and frost damage;
  • high yield (on average 14 kg per tree, maximum 20–30 kg);
  • fruit resistance to cracking;
  • presentation, good taste and transportability of the fruit.


  • low self-fertility (5%);
  • low early pregnancy (from the fifth year, and maximum fruiting is achieved only by 10 years).

Landing Features

Since Revna is not self-fertile enough, other varieties of cherries must grow next to it: Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Tyutchevka, Raditsa. It is other varieties that are pollinators for a good harvest.

Selection of seedlings

1- and 2-year-old seedlings take root most well. When choosing planting material, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The total height of the seedling should be 1–1.2 m.
  2. The crown should be sufficiently developed (not from 1-2 branches), with living buds. The branches should bend easily.
  3. The bark of the trunk and branches should be clean and smooth.
  4. The roots should be powerful, well branched, with the presence of small roots. The cut color should be light. Be sure to check elasticity and moisture.
  5. The grafting site should be free of cracks and stumps.

Landing dates

Revna cherries can be planted in both spring and autumn, but take into account real weather conditions. It should be remembered that in cold climates, autumn planting (late September - October) is not recommended: the seedling may not have time to take root before frost. In spring, planting is carried out in April, after the soil has thawed. If a seedling is purchased at the wrong time, you can keep it in storage until spring.

Selecting a location

The correct choice of planting site largely determines the further development of the tree. Cherries require deep, fertile soils with good drainage. Places well-warmed by the sun and protected from cold winds are preferred.

Sweet cherries, like cherries, do not tolerate excessive moisture. If the groundwater level is less than 1.5–2 m from the soil surface, you need to plant the tree on an artificial hill.

The cherry tree requires significant space, so the distance to other trees should be at least 4–5 m.

Soil preparation

The soil at the intended site should be prepared long before planting.

First of all, weeds are removed and the soil is dug to a depth of 20–25 cm. If the soil is heavily infested with perennial weeds, two-tier digging should be used.

Prepare a hole 2–3 weeks before planting (for spring planting it is recommended to do this in the fall). The pit should be about 1 m deep and 0.8 m in diameter, the walls should be made smooth, and the bottom should be loosened. At 1/3 of the depth, the hole should be filled with a nutrient mixture: 2 buckets of fertile soil, 2.5–3 buckets of humus, 0.6–0.8 kg of double superphosphate, 600–700 g of ash, 1–1.5 kg of ammonium sulfate. If the soil in the area is heavy, add 2-3 buckets of sand to the bottom of the hole before filling it with the nutrient mixture, and if the soil is sandy, add a layer of clay.


Revna cherries should be planted as soon as possible after purchasing the seedling. If it was stored in a trench, remove it from there only before planting.

Planting is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First install a stake in the hole that will support the seedling.
  2. Carry out a final thorough inspection of the seedling, trimming dried or broken roots and branches.
  3. Dip the roots into a clay mash.
  4. Plant the tree on a mound of soil mixture on the north side of the stake, straighten the roots.
  5. Sprinkle the soil in layers, shaking the seedling slightly so that all the spaces between the roots are evenly filled. Press each layer with your hands.
  6. When the hole is full, compact it with your foot.
  7. Tie the tree to a stake.
  8. Form a hole and pour 2-3 buckets of water into it.

Video: planting Revna cherries

In mid-latitudes, it is better to plant cherries near a house or other buildings, since a warmer microclimate and additional protection from the wind are formed there.

Tree care

For experienced gardeners, caring for the Revna variety is no different from growing other varieties of sweet cherries. If you have chosen the right planting site and soil, you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort on watering and loosening.

Soil care

The main thing in caring for the soil for cherries is to promptly eliminate weeds and loosen the soil around the tree trunk, since it is important for the tree to have a sufficient amount of air in the ground. Usually these operations are timed to coincide with watering. When the soil begins to dry out after watering, loosening is carried out to a depth of 10–15 cm: this simultaneously allows you to destroy weeds and destroy the soil crust. After loosening, the soil surface is mulched.

You can plant strawberries or honey plants (mustard, phacelia) in the rows - they help attract pollinating insects.


Although cherries do not like excess moisture, they need to be watered regularly during the period of active shoot growth and at the beginning of fruit ripening. If the weather is too dry, you need to water after flowering (early June), then again after 3 weeks. Typically, Revna cherries require 4-5 waterings during the summer season. The watering norm is from 3 to 8 buckets per tree (the upper limit of the norm is for adult large trees). To improve wintering conditions, at the end of September it is necessary to carry out moisture-recharging irrigation (5-6 buckets per square meter).

Cherry pruning

Revna practically does not need formative pruning. Nevertheless, in the second year after planting, in the spring, you need to lay a standard 30–60 cm high (the colder the climate, the lower the standard should be). In the first 2 years, all flowers are cut off.

Until fruiting begins, every year the growth should be shortened by 1/5 of their length. If the growth is too intense (more than 1 m per year), it is shortened by a third of the length and transferred to a side branch.

For a fruit-bearing tree, only sanitary pruning is required to remove dried and diseased branches. Since cherries practically do not thicken, there is no need to thin them.

Top dressing

For full development and fruiting, Revna cherries require regular feeding. Usually three feedings per season are enough. They begin to apply fertilizers from the 3rd year after planting:

  1. In the spring, when the buds open, add a urea solution (8–10 g per 10 liters of water). When watering a tree with this solution, try not to get it on the root collar (rotting may begin).
  2. During the budding period and during the formation of the ovary, they are fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (15 g of double superphosphate and a glass of ash per bucket of water).
  3. In the fall, repeat potassium-phosphorus fertilizing with dry fertilizers (80 g of simple superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2).

Once every 2 years, during the autumn digging of the soil, add organic matter - 3-4 buckets of humus or compost.

Preparing for winter

Revna is very frost-resistant; it does not require special insulation. Still, the roots of young trees should be protected with a thick layer of sawdust or peat mulch. In autumn, the trunk and main branches are whitened with lime mortar (lime and clay in a 1:1 ratio with the addition of a small amount of wood glue, diluted with water until sour cream thick).

Pests and diseases of cherries

Revna cherry is resistant to fungal diseases. But besides them, there are a number of other diseases that can cause damage to a tree, not to mention harmful insects.

Birds are particular pests. You can scare them away by hanging Christmas tree tinsel on a tree. Until the tree reaches a large size, it can be covered from birds with a net.

Table: Revna cherry diseases and their treatment

Name Description Fighting method
Branches and leaves are affected. The color of the leaves becomes lead-white, and the wood when cut has brown or purple spots. Purple mushrooms sprout on the bark of dried branches. Without treatment, the tree dies.
  1. When pruning trees, immediately cover the wounds with garden varnish to prevent the penetration of fungal spores.
  2. Cut off dried branches, including 15 cm of healthy tissue. Sterilize instruments.
  3. If mushrooms are found on the bark, destroy the tree.
Brown spots appear on the branches, and the affected tissue falls out. The disease is spread by pollen or grafting. Can cause a 50% reduction in yield.
  1. Destroy weeds in the tree trunk circle.
  2. Eliminate aphid colonies in a timely manner.

Resin (gum) deposits appear on the bark. If the attack is severe, the tree may die. Trees that are deprived of proper care and also weakened by wintering are especially often affected.
  1. Follow the rules for caring for wood.
  2. Cut out severely affected branches, treat the wounds with a solution of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate (3%), cover with garden pitch or a mixture of nigrol and ash.
  3. For prevention, spray the tree in early spring (before leaves appear) or in autumn (after leaf fall) with 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Photographs will help determine the presence of the disease by the appearance of the leaves and trunk. Regular inspection of cherries helps to identify problems early, which will allow the tree to heal faster.

Photo gallery: Revna cherry diseases

Milky sheen manifests itself in changes in leaf color Ring spot disease can reduce yield by 50% Gum disease affects trees under unfavorable weather conditions and poor care

The pests of Revna cherries are the same as those of other varieties of sweet cherries. Therefore, the means of struggle are universal.

Table: cherry pests and methods of controlling them

Pest Characteristics of the pest and damage Fighting method
Cherry elephant A small (5–9 mm) bug of crimson color with a golden tint, the head is covered with “gray” hairs. Lays eggs in the ovary, the larva gnaws out the core of the seed. The next year, young beetles eat leaves, buds, and ovaries.
  1. Regular cultivation of the soil in the tree trunk circle, especially in the fall, to destroy larvae and pupae.
  2. Shaking off and mechanical destruction of beetles.
  3. Treatment with insecticides (for example, Thiophenit 20) during the period of bud swelling.
cherry fly An insect that looks like an ordinary fly lays eggs near the fruit. The larva penetrates the berry and destroys it - what it doesn’t eat, it spoils with its excrement.
  1. Spray for prevention with Decis (0.15%).
  2. If a pest is detected, spray with Iskra, Karate, and Lightning. The first treatment should be carried out at a temperature of at least +18 o C, then repeated every 10 days, stopping no later than 12–14 days before picking the berries.
California scale insect On the branches and trunk, massive accumulations of small round insects, covered with a red-brown shield, are visible. Suck the juice from the shoots.Treat in the spring, then again in the second half of July with Iskra, Inta-vir, Aliot.

Regular inspection of the tree and fruit will help identify the presence of insect pests.

Photo gallery: pests of Revna cherries

Collection, storage and use of the Revna crop

Revna's fruits begin to ripen in late June - early July. Berries should be picked in several stages as they ripen. Collection is done by hand, preferably in the morning, in dry weather. For storage and transportation, the berries should be picked along with the petiole. If processed immediately, it can be harvested without petioles. The berries come off the stalk “dry” and do not flow.

Cherries do not last long - in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0...+3 o C, the berries will last no more than 2 weeks. At room temperature - no more than 1–2 days.

Revna has a dessert taste (tasting score 4.9 points out of 5 possible), and it can be consumed not only fresh, but also made into jam, juices and compotes.

Cherry is not the easiest tree to grow; it is often damaged by frost, is demanding on soil quality and regularly requires fertilizing. However, knowing some specific techniques, you can get a harvest wherever climatic conditions allow. The efforts of breeders are constantly expanding the range of the crop. The choice of variety also depends on the climate; for example, Revna cherries are popular among Russian summer residents. What is the reason for the people's enduring love?

Revna cherry is an achievement of domestic breeders. The hybrid was obtained as a result of free pollination of seedlings of the Bryanskaya Rozovaya variety; it is recommended for cultivation in the Central region of Russia. The variety is relatively new - the first seedlings with stable traits were obtained in 1993.

The variety received its name in honor of a small river in the Bryansk region. It is there that the branch of the All-Russian Research Institute is located, whose employees managed to achieve success in developing a new culture. Sometimes in nurseries and sellers the variety is found under the erroneous name Revno.

Revna is one of the most popular cherry varieties in the European part of Russia.

The tree is not too tall (up to 4 m), with an elongated crown, similar to a pyramid. The shoots quickly increase in growth, but a very thick crown is rarely observed. The tree blooms in the second ten days of May, each inflorescence contains strictly 4 buds. The harvest is harvested after 2.5 months. If the weather was warm and sunny, the berry ripening period may shift to early or mid-July.

Revna brings four-fifths of the total harvest on bouquet branches. Keep this in mind when pruning.

One mature tree produces 25–30 kg of berries, and about 7.5 tons per hectare. The average weight of a berry is 5 g; individual specimens can weigh 1.5 times more. The skin color appears black, but in fact it is dark scarlet. The skin is dense, but not rough. The juice and pulp are bright red. The shape of the fruit is regular, round, slightly elongated along the vertical axis. Deformed and different-sized berries are rare on healthy trees.

Revna is characterized by the presence of a light spot at the base of the berry, as well as a wide funnel.

The taste qualities of Revna are noted by all gardeners without exception who managed to grow this berry.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety has undoubted advantages that make gardeners choose Revna:

  • High winter hardiness compared to southern cherry varieties. A tree with additional shelter tolerates frosts down to -25 ºС. Flowers can withstand short-term return frosts down to -3...-5 ºС. It is especially worth noting that the bases of skeletal branches have the highest resistance to cold and sunburn.
  • Transportability. The berries of the Revna variety tolerate transportation well, as they are not injured at the point of separation from the tree, even if the stalk remains on it. In addition, the fruits almost never crack.
  • The taste is definitely top notch. The pulp is juicy and sweet, dense, without fibers. The bone is small and separates easily. On average, gardeners rate the taste at 4.5–4.8 points out of 5. The berries contain about 12.5% ​​sugars and only 0.2–0.3% acids.
  • High resistance to pathogenic fungi and bacteria. Revna does not suffer from coccomycosis and clasterosporiasis - a real scourge of cherries.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • The variety is self-sterile. A certain minimum number of fruits (3–5%) will set even in the absence of pollinators, but with them the yield increases several times. The best pollinators for Revna are Iput, Rechitsa, Ovstuzhenka, Adeline, Pink Pearl, Compact, Bryansk pink, Tyutchevka, Raditsa.
  • Lack of early pregnancy. You can try Revna berries for the first time 5–6 years after planting the seedling in a permanent place.

The aesthetic moment is also important: the blooming Revna is an amazing sight

Video: Revna cherries as one of the varieties suitable for the Moscow region

Landing Features

Since Revna is intended for cultivation in areas with a temperate climate, the only possible time for planting a seedling in the ground is early spring, as soon as the soil has thawed sufficiently. You need to catch it before the tree’s leaves bloom, otherwise it most likely will not take root in the new place.

But no one forbids growing Revna in warm southern regions. In this case, the planting date can be moved to the beginning of September.

Choosing a location and seedling

The choice of location is extremely important. Any cherry is a heat- and light-loving crop that absolutely does not tolerate cold and sharp drafts. The best place for Revna is the southern or southwestern slope of a gentle hill. Lowlands where moist cold air often stagnates and melt water accumulates in the spring, areas where buildings and structures cast shadows, and places where groundwater comes closer to the surface than 1.5–2 m are not suitable.

Since Revna needs pollinators, consider whether the selected area is large enough for two trees. The minimum distance between them should be 3–3.5 m (preferably 4–5 m). You can, of course, rely on cherries in the neighboring plot, but in this case do not expect maximum yields.

The soil is preferably nutritious, but light and breathable. The ideal option is fertile loam, forest gray soil, sandy loam soil. Cherries will not grow in heavy silt, clay, or peat substrates. The situation can be partially corrected by building a hill and adding coarse river sand to the planting hole. If you have the opposite problem (sandy, gravelly soil), add clay to the soil when planting and provide the plant with regular watering.

Experienced gardeners note that there is no significant difference between one-year and two-year-old seedlings. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the roots and the presence of a characteristic tubercle - the grafting site. If the trunk is completely smooth, the seedling is grown from a seed. Perhaps this is Revna, but in the vast majority of cases such trees do not retain varietal characteristics.

Preparation for planting and planting in the ground

Planting Revna cherries is a procedure that even a novice gardener can handle

The planting hole is prepared in the fall; it is approximately 60 cm deep and 65–70 cm wide. Ideally, the selected area should be plowed, because Revna’s roots go 1.8–2 m deep.

A support at least 20 cm higher than the seedling is strengthened at the bottom. The top 20 cm of fertile turf soil is mixed with 50–60 liters of rotted manure or humus and poured back, forming a small mound.

If you are not satisfied with the soil fertility, add 120–150 g of simple superphosphate and 50–70 g of potassium sulfate. Urea should not be added; it can greatly harm young cherries, especially if overdosed. The time for nitrogen-containing chemical fertilizers will come only in the second year after planting.

Dolomite flour or wood ash (500–600 g or a liter jar), which reduces soil acidity, is also useful. Like all stone fruits, cherries prefer slightly alkaline soil.

Before planting, soak the roots of the seedlings for 8–12 hours in a disinfectant liquid (pale pink solution of potassium permanganate) or a growth stimulator (Epin, Topaz, potassium humate).

The procedure itself looks like this:

  1. The seedling is placed on top of an earthen mound that has been watered 15–20 minutes before and the roots are carefully straightened, making sure that they do not bend upward.
  2. Fill the hole with small portions of earth, periodically carefully compacting the soil with your hands so that there are no air-filled voids left in it. Constantly monitor the position of the tree. When you reach the top edge of the hole, the root collar should be 6–8 cm above it.
  3. Compact the soil again, but do not trample on it. Tie the seedling to a support. Form a low earthen mound.
  4. Water the tree. 4–5 liters of heated water is enough.
  5. Wait until the moisture is completely absorbed into the soil. Mulch the tree trunk circle. This will significantly reduce the time spent on watering and weed control. Freshly cut grass, sawdust, dry peat, and fallen leaves are suitable.

How to plant cherries correctly - video

Necessary care

It will not be possible to regularly harvest abundant harvests without caring for cherries.

Contents of the trunk circle

Revna has a negative attitude towards weeds in the tree trunk circle. It must be kept clean and loosened regularly, ensuring good aeration of the roots. Around the trunk of a one-year-old seedling, a circle of 0.8–1 m in diameter is cleared of weeds; every year it is increased by 20–30 cm, gradually reaching 1.8–2 m. Mulch the soil so that you have to weed less often.

To increase productivity, experienced gardeners recommend planting honey crops (phacelia, mustard) near Revna. Additionally, in the fall you will receive material for mulch. Spraying trees with a weak solution of honey (30–50 g per 3 liters of water) once every 7–10 days also helps.


Revna loves moisture, but cannot stand stagnation.

Rhubarb, like any cherry, is demanding on soil moisture (without this the berries simply do not ripen), but it absolutely cannot tolerate even short-term stagnation of moisture. Therefore, in normal weather conditions, 3–4 heavy waterings per season (once every 25–30 days) are sufficient. The norm for an adult tree is 50–60 liters.

If the summer is dry and hot, watering is increased to once every 7–10 days. When it is cold and rainy, you may even need additional drainage holes to collect excess water.

Before each watering, the soil is loosened well. To kill two birds with one stone, you can add dry fertilizers to the soil. Water will deliver them directly to their intended destination - to the roots.

To prepare for winter, Revna is watered abundantly again at the end of September or beginning of October. After this, all artificial watering is stopped.

Top dressing

Revna cherries do not need excess fertilizer: 1–2 fertilizing per season is quite enough.

Cherries, compared to other fruit and berry crops, ripen very early. Therefore, it is in extreme need of feeding. If the planting pit has been prepared correctly, next summer you can do without fertilizers and start applying them only a year later.

It is useful to combine natural organic matter for irrigation and dry mineral fertilizers. But you shouldn’t overdo it - two feedings per season are enough. It is advisable to plant any dry fertilizers to a depth of at least 15 cm, scattering them around the tree trunk, but not next to the trunk.

  • In the spring, as soon as the soil has thawed sufficiently, it is loosened well, adding 10 liters of rotted manure or humus per m² into the soil. At this time, nitrogen is useful, stimulating the intensive formation of green mass. Add dry urea and ammonium sulfate (25–30 g/m²). If you are afraid of overdoing it, divide the dose in three - before flowering, after the buds fall, and after another 12-15 days.
  • The second feeding is carried out 15–25 days after harvest. The tree is watered with an infusion of cow dung, bird droppings or nettle greens. Before use, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8 or 1:15 (for litter). Potassium sulfate and simple superphosphate (35–40 and 50–60 g/m²) are scattered around the tree trunk circle. You can use a complex fertilizer for stone fruit trees. A natural alternative is wood ash (no more than 300 g/m²).

If you are satisfied with the condition of the cherries, you can limit yourself to one feeding per season.


Revna does not have a dense crown, but pruning is very important.

Although Revna’s crown is not very thick, annual pruning still cannot be avoided, at least for sanitary purposes. The first pruning of the seedling is carried out immediately after planting in a permanent place. The central shoot and the 4 most developed lateral shoots are shortened by a third, the rest are cut off to the growth point.

In the future, it is best to form the crown of Revna in the shape of a bowl. No more than 5 skeletal branches are left, the central shoot is cut 15–20 cm above the growth point of the last of them. On each skeletal branch, 2 semi-skeletal ones are left, growing upward from approximately the middle of the shoot.

Long shoots formed this year are cut off, leaving a length of no more than 50 cm. Next summer in this place you will see not just one branch, but a whole “fan”. This procedure allows you to increase the number of flower buds that form on the lower third of the branch, and the number of bouquet branches, which mainly bear fruit.

Of course, all diseased, dried out, broken shoots, as well as those that are poorly located, should be cut off to the point of growth. Branches growing down and deep into the crown make it much more difficult to care for the tree and shade the berries, preventing them from receiving enough sunlight and heat.

Spring pruning of cherries - video

Revna cherries are positioned by breeders as a cold-resistant crop, but this does not mean that the tree will withstand severe Russian frosts without prior preparation.

Annual whitewashing helps protect cherries from rodents - big lovers of fragrant wood

In mid-autumn, the tree trunk circle is thoroughly cleaned of fallen leaves, broken branches, fallen berries, and other plant debris. Then the ground is thoroughly loosened and the tree is watered abundantly.

The trunk is covered to about a third of its height with a solution of slaked lime mixed with a small amount of copper sulfate and office glue. For additional thermal insulation, it is wrapped with spruce branches, nylon tights, spunbond or a similar breathable material, or a mound of peat, humus, or dry sawdust is poured. When enough snow has fallen, it is raked up to the trunk. The procedure is repeated several times during the winter - as the snowdrift settles.

Check the reliability of the support. You can place additional supports under the most spreading branches so that they do not break under the weight of the snow.

When preparing Revna cherries for winter, be sure to insulate the trunk

Diseases and pests

The undoubted advantage of Revna is its resistance to fungal and viral diseases. But, unfortunately, not a single breeder is yet able to protect his creation from pests. Therefore, you need to know how to deal with at least the most common of them, as well as diseases caused by bacteria.

Fighting the most common diseases and pests of cherries - table

Disease or pest Symptoms Prevention and control measures
Cherry bacteriosis (bacterial canker, bacterial canker) Abundant gum discharge from “ulcers” on the trunk. Leaves located in the affected areas dry out and fall off, and the wood turns into dust. Beige-brown spots with a light yellow border appear on the leaves. The berries are rarely affected, but if this happens, brown spots appear on them. If you press here, liquid will spray out. Soon the spots transform into black and brown dents. There is no effective treatment. The likelihood of developing the disease can be reduced by the annual application of nitrogen-containing fertilizers in doses not exceeding the norm and by observing the frequency of watering the plants. Or choose a variety that is more resistant to bacteriosis. But there are no cherries that do not suffer from this disease yet.
Pests feed on the sap of leaves, paying special attention to those located on the tops of the shoots. The affected leaves curl into a “ball” along the central vein, turn yellow and dry. Light dots - areas of dead tissue - are clearly visible in the light. After the leaves, the berries and stalks suffer. At the same time, the plant becomes contaminated with waste products of aphids, and a black coating appears - sooty fungus. First of all, you need to cut off all the leaves affected by aphids. Folk remedies work well with a small number of pests. Since pungent odors are unpleasant to pests, trees are sprayed with an infusion of garlic arrows, onion peels, dried citrus peels, tomato tops, wormwood, marigolds, and tansy. To make the product “stick” to the cherries better, add a little small shavings of laundry or green potassium soap to the finished infusion. For prevention in the spring, blooming deciduous buds are sprayed with the insecticide Confidor. Later, during the summer, Actellik, Aktar, Iskra, Karate, Inta-Vir, Karbofos are used. Frequency - taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations. The last treatment is at least 15–20 days before picking the berries.
Adults suck juice from unripe berries, nectar from buds, and do not disdain the juice of leaves. Females lay eggs in unripe berries. The larvae that hatch from them gnaw their way to the bone, eating it from the inside, contaminating the pulp with excrement. The fruits turn black, rot, and fall off. The berries are soft to the touch, sometimes with multiple small depressions. For prevention, especially if the pest destroyed the crop last summer, immediately before flowering, the buds and soil under the cherry are sprayed with Zolon, Karbofos, Actellik, Phasis. Repeated procedure - after 10–12 days. In total, no more than four treatments per summer are allowed.
Regular deep loosening of the soil at the roots and cleaning the tree trunk circle from fallen berries will help destroy fly larvae. A few adults may be caught by sticky strips used to catch regular flies. Homemade traps have a good effect: cut plastic bottles in half, pour any sweet liquid inside; Squares of brightly colored cardboard are covered with a thin layer of glue with a long drying time.
A folk remedy is an infusion of tobacco crumbs obtained from personally grown leaves. A glass of raw materials is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and left under a closed lid for 2-3 days. Strain before use.
Cherry leaf roller Adults lay eggs in “nests” of leaves, fastened with cobwebs and rolled into a “ball”. In the spring, caterpillars hatch from them, which cause the greatest harm to cherries. They penetrate inside through cracks in the bark, gnawing out the wood. Excessive gum production begins on the cherry tree, and the bark cracks severely. First of all, remove all dead dry bark in places of damage and immediately burn it. When the cherries bear fruit, these areas are treated with fine sandpaper, disinfected with a 3% solution of copper sulfate or Chlorophos, and covered with garden pitch. In the spring, the tree is sprayed with these preparations again for prevention. Karbofos, Rovikurt, Actellik, Entobacterin, Trichlormetafos cope well with caterpillars, but you should not get carried away with them. Most insecticides are quite toxic.
Folk remedies (infusions of yarrow, chamomile, calendula) are effective mainly as prevention. You can safely spray cherries with them every 5–7 days without fear of harming the tree and the future harvest.
Cherry pipe maker The emerald-colored beetles, tinged with scarlet, first eat leaf and flower buds, young leaves, then turn their attention to the ovaries of the berries, making a hole in them all the way to the seed and eating away the pulp from the inside. In the remaining hollow shell, the females lay eggs, covering the entrance hole with excrement. To combat the pest, freshly blossomed cherries are sprayed with Actellik, Karbofos, Ambush, Aktara, Metafos, Corsair. After 10–12 days, the treatment is repeated. It is advisable to change the drug. All berries with traces that raise suspicion of beetle damage are picked and destroyed.
A method such as collecting beetles by hand or shaking them off onto a cloth or newspaper laid out under a tree has a good effect. The last procedure is best done early in the morning, when pests are least active.
The caterpillars of this butterfly, delicately green with a yellowish tint, eat up cherries in a matter of days, leaving only bare shoots and leaf veins. Foliage, buds, flowers completely disappear. Before flowering, cherries are sprayed with Zolon, Karbofos, Nexion, Chlorophos, Phosfamide, Nitrafen. Repeated treatment - 7–10 days after flowering. During the season, the caterpillars are collected by hand. Sticky elastic belts must be worn on trees.

Diseases and harmful insects in the photo

Moths are a large family, almost all of its representatives cause damage to garden trees and shrubs. Cherry tuberoller is a beautiful bug, but it causes significant damage to cherries Leaves damaged by the leafroller curl along the central vein
The cherry fly is a pest that can deprive you of 9/10 of your entire harvest. Aphids are a pest that is distinguished by its rare “omnivorousness.” Methods to rid cherries of bacteriosis have not yet been invented, so prevention is extremely important

Harvest and storage

You have to wait quite a long time for the Revna harvest - 5–6 years. But then the tree bears fruit regularly.

The fruits are completely universal. They are great for both fresh consumption and baking. Separately, they note the amazing taste of preparations for the winter - jams, preserves, and compotes can be cooked by adding less sugar than for regular cherries. It also makes excellent wine, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Revna is an excellent raw material for any preparations for the winter

You cannot delay harvesting so that the cherries do not fall off. Berries that have reached ripeness are collected immediately so as not to attract birds and insects to the area. You can wait a maximum of 1-2 days, if it rained before, and let them dry. There is no point in picking unripe cherries - they will not ripen. The berries will no longer be sweeter than they are. The best time to pick cherries is morning. But you need to wait until the dew dries.

There is no point in picking unripe bright red berries; cherries do not have the ability to ripen during storage.

Unfortunately, Revna, like other varieties of cherries, does not differ in keeping quality. The berries collected together with the stalks will last in a well-ventilated, cool cellar for no more than 10–12 days. At room temperature, the shelf life is even shorter - a maximum of 5–7 days. In the refrigerator, berries in sealed plastic bags or plastic containers will not lose their taste and freshness for 2.5–3 weeks.

For those who want to preserve Revna for a more or less long period, the only way out is freezing. Here you are limited not by shelf life, but by space in the freezer. The berries are carefully sorted, washed, and dried on paper napkins or cotton cloth. Then they are laid out on paper-lined baking sheets or wooden boards so that they do not touch each other, and sent to the freezer. If there is a fast freezing mode, you will have to wait a few minutes, otherwise - several hours.

After the specified time, the cherries are laid out in small portions in plastic bags or plastic containers and removed to a place of permanent storage. When packaging, be guided by the amount that you will definitely eat or use at a time. Thawing and re-freezing will turn the berries into an unappetizing, tasteless and watery mush.

Revna's harvest is a worthy reward for a gardener

Main characteristics of Revna cherries

To create this variety, its authors, breeders M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov, took the Bryansk pink cherry seedling as a basis. It is recommended for planting in the central zone of the Russian Federation. The experiment was a success, and the new variety of sweet berry was named Revna, after a small river in the Bryansk region. It is on its banks that the research institute where the variety was developed is located. This happened in the early 1990s. Since then, Revna has been winning the hearts of summer residents, who like the following characteristics of its fruits:

  • shape – round;
  • skin – dense, shiny;
  • weight 1 pc. – about 5-7 g;
  • color – dark red, closer to burgundy. From a distance, ripe berries look black;
  • the pulp is rich red, dense, very juicy;
  • taste – sweet, has an almost perfect rating from tasters (4.9 points out of 5 possible);
  • The seed is medium in size and easily detaches from the pulp.

Attention! The main part of cherries is formed on the bouquet branches of the tree, and only 1/5 of the total number of berries is formed on the bases of annual shoots.

The tree itself has an average height - about 4 m. The shape of the crown is similar to a pyramid, it is not very thick. The branches are located at a large angle in relation to the trunk. The leaves are a dark shade of green. In structure they are large, wide, and quite dense. The petioles are very short.

In mid-May, Revna pleases summer residents with abundant flowering. Unlike many other varieties, each inflorescence contains not 3, but 4 buds. In good conditions and with the right agricultural technology, the abundance of cherry flowers turns into a generous harvest. Summer residents manage to collect up to 30 kg of berries from one tree. Since Revna is a late variety, it bears fruit at the height of summer: from the end of June to the first half of July.

Attention! For good yield, this variety requires pollinating trees. Without them, Revna will form only about 5% of all potential berries.

Those amateur gardeners who planted Revna cherries on their plot note that they did not regret their choice for the following reasons:

  1. The berries are very tasty, juicy, and there are a lot of them on the tree during the season.
  2. Cherries are suitable for canning, and due to their natural sweetness, they do not require adding a large amount of sugar to the preparation.
  3. The stalk and stone are easily separated from the pulp without damaging it.
  4. The berries easily tolerate transportation due to their thick skin. For the same reason, they do not crack during ripening.
  5. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases, in particular coccomycosis.
  6. The tree adequately withstands frost even during flowering.
  7. Revna is almost not susceptible to sunburn.

The main disadvantages of the variety that summer residents highlight are:

  1. Late fruit ripening.
  2. Self-sterility of culture. The need to plant pollinator trees.
  3. Low precociousness. You will be able to try the first berries only in the 5th or even 6th year after the seedling takes root.

During planting, gardeners recommend adhering to certain rules. When planning to “settle” Revna in your home, choose the southern or southwestern part of the garden. It is advisable that the hole for the seedling be located on a hill. The soil must be fertile: sandy loam or loamy. Under no circumstances should you plant Revna in clay soil, in a place where there are drafts or stagnant water.

Advice. Residents of the southern regions can plant cherries in the fall. Those who live in the northern regions should root the seedlings in the spring, before the buds swell.

The distance from this cherry to other trees should be at least 3 m. Summer residents advise taking certain varieties as pollinators for Revna. For example, Tyutchevka, Compact Venyaminova, Ovstuzhenka, Raditsa are suitable. The crop does not like drought, so you need to take care of watering. It is important not to forget about other components of care: fertilizing, pruning, removing weeds, preparing the tree for winter. By following the basics of agricultural technology, you will ensure that the Revna cherry variety will grow strong, healthy, and a few years after planting it will not disappoint you with its yield.

Cherry in the Moscow region: video

Sweet cherry, along with cherries, is one of the most popular fruit trees in our country. Sweet cherries with a mild taste, rich in vitamins and microelements, are liked by many. The cold winters of central Russia are not terrible for cherries, since breeders have developed varieties with increased frost resistance.

Description of the cherry variety Revna

The cherry variety Revna was obtained by specialists M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine (Bryansk Region) from the Bryansk pink variety.

The Revna tree is of medium height and grows very quickly. The crown is pyramid-shaped, not very thick. The peculiarity of the tree is that the branches extend from the main trunk at a large angle. The kidneys are also severely deviated. They are of different shapes (ovoid vegetative and oval generative). The leaves are large, thick, dense, dark green, their base is round, the apex is pointed, and there are serrations along the edges.

The inflorescence consists of 4 small white flowers with long stamens and a pistil.

The fruits are round, slightly flattened, with a white dot at the top. The weight of the fruit is average - 4.5–5 g, the skin is dense. Ripe cherry is dark burgundy in color, the flesh is dark red, fleshy, tastes sweet, juicy. Taste rating: 4.9 out of 5 points. Contains a lot of sugars and few acids. The stone separates well, its weight is approximately 5% of the weight of the fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages (table)

Landing Features

The site for planting Revna cherries should be chosen, remembering that the tree loves abundant sunlight and the south side, and will feel bad in lowlands with cold air and close groundwater. Suitable soil is loam and sandy loam soil. It is worth planting cherries in early to mid-April, when the temperature has already risen above 0°C, but before the buds swell. If you purchase a seedling with a closed root system, it can be planted at any time, but not in extreme heat.

Rhubarb needs pollinators, otherwise the yield will fluctuate within 5% of the possible one. The best role in pollination will be played by varieties such as Tyutchevka, Ovstuzhenka, Iput, Raditsa. The distance between trees must be at least 3 m.

When purchasing a seedling from a nursery, you need to make sure that the roots and trunk are intact and well developed.

Video: how to choose a cherry seedling

Step-by-step landing instructions

  1. In advance (so that the earth settles), dig a hole 60–70 cm deep and 80–90 cm wide.
  2. Mix the top layer of soil with 3 buckets of compost or humus, pour the mixture onto the bottom of the hole, forming a mound. You can also add mineral fertilizers (especially if the soil is not very fertile) - 200 g of double superphosphate, 150 g of potassium sulfate.
  3. Place a stake support (on the north side of the tree, at a distance of 10 cm).
  4. Place the tree and spread the roots along the slopes of the mound. Please note that the root collar should rise 5 cm above the soil surface.
  5. Sprinkle halfway with soil.
  6. Pour 10 liters of water.
  7. Fill the hole, compacting the soil a little.
  8. Add 1-2 more buckets of water.
  9. Mulch with humus or peat.
  10. Tie the seedling to a stake.

Plant care

Watering and weeding

Revna does not like either stagnation of water or drying out of the soil. The usual watering regime is 2–3 times a month (2 buckets of water in the circle around the trunk). During drought, the number of waterings can increase to 4 times a month. If it rains heavily, it is worth digging drainage holes to collect excess moisture.

Young trees are watered in the circle around the trunk, adults - in grooves up to 30 cm deep, dug along the perimeter of the crown.

Before watering, the tree trunk circle must be loosened and cleared of weeds. The area of ​​the circle should be 1 meter after planting, and increase with the growth of the tree - up to 1.5 m in 3 years, then you need to focus on the crown area.

Tree pruning

Cherries grow very quickly, so branches should be pruned in the second year of life. This procedure is carried out in the spring, before the buds bloom. Young shoots are shortened by 1/5, 2/3 or even half, depending on the length, dry and damaged branches are completely removed. Use only sharp garden tools. After pruning, the branches are burned. The cut areas must be treated with copper sulfate or pitch.

To increase the yield of a tree, gardeners use the following method: branches that grow upward are forced to move away from the trunk at an angle of 90°. To do this, the tops of the branches are tied to pegs driven into the ground, or a load is suspended.


Whitewashing the cherry trunk will prevent the development of diseases, sunburn and attacks by pests and rodents. You need to whiten the trunk in the spring with an ordinary brush with a mixture of 3 kg of lime, 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of copper sulfate and 200 g of adhesive base. In late autumn, before the cold weather, the procedure should be repeated, then whitewashing will be an additional protection against winter frost.

Preparing for winter

Sweet cherries will benefit from moisture-recharging irrigation, which is carried out at the end of September and ensures autumn root growth, prevents them from freezing in winter and retains heat in the soil. The volume of water for a tree is on average 50 liters, this number may vary depending on the depth of groundwater and the dryness/humidity of summer.

After whitewashing, the trunk can be additionally tied with spruce branches, and if a cold winter is predicted, covered with non-woven material (lutrasil, for example). The young tree needs to be provided with a support (peg) so that it is not broken by winds and heavy snow.

Top dressing (table)

To ensure good tree development and high yields, fertilizing cherries should be done at least 3 times per season.

Diseases and pests

Rhubarb resists fungal diseases well, but is susceptible to pests and some viral diseases.

Table: measures to combat diseases and pests

Pest/Disease Damage dealt Control measures
It damages fruits that darken and form rotting cavities.
  1. Collection and destruction of affected fruits.
  2. Spraying with Karbofos (according to instructions), repeat the procedure after 10 days.
Damages young leaves and shoots.
  1. Cleaning the tree and branches of dead cells under which aphids hibernate.
  2. Treat the tree before buds open with a soap solution (half a piece of laundry soap per 10 liters of water) or Iskra, Fitoverm, Komandor (according to the instructions).
Cherry sawflyDamages the leaves of the tree; in case of mass outbreaks, it can eat the entire plant. The larvae make web nests on the leaves.
  1. Collection and destruction of spider web nests with sawfly larvae.
  2. Mandatory digging of the soil in the fall.
  3. Treatment with Actellik, Karbofos, Metafos (according to instructions).
The larvae damage buds and young shoots.
  1. Collection and destruction of affected shoots.
  2. Treatment with Karbofos, Chlorophos (according to instructions) during bud break.
Mosaic cherry diseaseSymptoms: the appearance of yellow stripes along the veins of the leaf, after a while the leaf curls, turns brown and dies. Although this disease does not affect the fruits, the trees weaken significantly.Viral diseases have practically no cure, so the tree will most likely have to be destroyed. This virus is spread by aphids and ticks.
Symptoms: frozen discharge on the trunks (they resemble glass formations).The wounds are cleaned down to healthy wood, treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate, and covered with garden pitch.

Another threat to cherries is birds. The harvest may suffer greatly. A fabric mesh on a tree will save you. Some gardeners use rain on the Christmas tree to scare away birds.

Photo gallery: how to recognize cherry diseases and pests

Fruit stripe moth damages shoots and buds
Cherry aphids threaten leaves and young shoots
Cherry fly damages cherry fruits
If the sawfly appears in large numbers, the tree may completely lose its leaves.
Gum discharge is easily recognized by its “glassy” discharge

Video: how to treat gum wounds


Revna cherries ripen quite late - in late June and early July. It should be borne in mind that the tree begins to bear fruit in the fifth year after planting. Peak yield occurs at 10 years of age. From one tree you can collect approximately 30 kg of fruit.

Cherries are stored in dry containers and unwashed. At zero temperatures the period can be up to 2 weeks. The skin is thick, does not crack, the petioles come off dry, so the fruits tolerate transportation well.

The purpose of Revna is universal - suitable for fresh consumption, making jams, preserves, compotes. The fruits are sweet and do not require much sugar.
