Delicious and healthy products. The healthiest food

Would you like to participate in a little experiment? To do this, you do not need to do something special or make incredible efforts, just go to your refrigerator, open the door and, looking around the contents of the shelves with an inquisitive eye, answer how many of the most useful products you found there. Take your time, take it seriously and do not confuse delicious, favorite and not very healthy foods for the body with sometimes not loved, but very useful. This means that the smoked sausage and a piece of yesterday's leftover chicken after dinner should be pushed aside. They are not useful products. Canned food, mayonnaise and ketchup will also go there. What is the result? Not many useful products have been found, right? Or not found at all?

Maybe, thoughtfully frozen in front of the refrigerator, you simply cannot be sure which of the products is healthy and which is not. Do not worry, there are probably more than half of such doubters, because in order to name healthy foods, you need to know their properties. To help you solve this problem, we have prepared for you a list of the top 10 healthiest foods. According to scientists, these foods are the most useful at the moment. In fact, there are many more, but we want to talk about the most, most, beneficial features which are well studied and tested, so to speak, by time. These very, very healthy foods are quite affordable for everyone, they can be bought at any supermarket and at any time of the year. But this does not mean at all that only these ten products will now “settle” in your refrigerator. Just do not forget about them, let them be present in your diet and benefit your body.


By the amount of vitamin C, it overtakes oranges, and there is more calcium in it than in milk. Cabbage stimulates the production of red blood cells, promotes tissue rejuvenation, activates metabolism, regulates fat metabolism, lowers blood cholesterol, improves immunity and strengthens the heart muscle. Cabbage retains its useful vitamins that our body needs even when pickled. The nutritional value and benefit sauerkraut due to the high content of lactic acid, mineral salts and vitamins. And in this wonderful vegetable there is a lot of nicotinic acid, which gives a beautiful, healthy shine to the hair and strength to the nails. So do not deny yourself the pleasure of being beautiful and healthy, eat cabbage!

By the number of useful substances contained in it, it does not lag behind cabbage. Therefore, they often act as an excellent duet in most cooked dishes. Carrots can be used in different types- raw, boiled and stewed, fried, pickled ... To better digest carrots, eat them with sour cream or sunflower oil. But most often, chew it raw - this will strengthen the gums and significantly reduce the number of germs in the mouth. Carrots are famous not only for the content of the well-known vitamin A (carotene), which is also called the vitamin of beauty, but there are plenty of other vitamins in it, as well as minerals. I just can’t believe that an ordinary small carrot also contains fructose, glucose, lecithin, amino acids, proteins and starch. Carrots strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the intestines, have a beneficial effect on vision and, according to many scientists, can even prevent the development of cancer. And this is only a small fraction of what this miracle vegetable is capable of, deserving not only respect, but also indispensable inclusion in the daily diet.

Onion or garlic
Just allies in the fight against various diseases. In fact, they are similar to each other in the presence of the same useful substances and the invaluable benefits that they bring to the body when we, without even thinking about it, add them to many dishes. It is about them that one can say with full confidence: "The spool is small, but expensive." Onions and garlic strengthen the immune system, lower blood cholesterol levels, come to the rescue in case of liver diseases and are simply indispensable for colds. Of course, eating onions and garlic is much healthier when raw, but not everyone dares to eat them raw every day - the smell is painfully stunning. From time to time, when important meetings and close communication with people are not expected, you can afford a few cloves of fresh garlic or slices of onion, this will only have a beneficial effect on your body.

There are an incredible amount of healthy fruits, and therefore to say that we need only one is not only wrong, but even somehow impolite in relation to others. Another thing is what kind of fruits we can afford depending on the price or season. Therefore, we consider two options that are quite accessible to us.

Apples - such relatives, in all respects useful and wonderful fruits. Remember the proverb: "One apple a day - doctors out of work?" As they say, you plucked a vitamin from a branch, washed it - and enjoy the taste and aroma, and at the same time saturate your body with all sorts of useful things. And, by the way, there are a lot of them. Eating apples slows down the growth of cancer cells, relieves inflammation, and normalizes the functioning of the stomach. And besides, apples are a real pantry of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the immune system and the human circulatory system.

Bananas which are sold in our supermarkets all year round, have long been perceived by Russians not as overseas guests, but as relatives, and the price of this fruit, amazing in its uniqueness, is quite acceptable. Bananas will benefit both a healthy person and those who are prone to diseases of the digestive tract. They are quickly absorbed by the body, thanks to which they satisfy hunger. Bananas contain three natural sugars, namely fructose, glucose and sucrose, as well as the vitamins we need and chemical elements. But most importantly, bananas are champions in the content of potassium, which we need for the cardiovascular system, liver, brain, muscles and bone strength. If you, for example, tend to seize stress with sweets, give preference to bananas, which will relieve nervous excitement, bring sugar back to normal and help metabolism.


Beans - one of the brightest and most useful representatives of the legume family, the constant use of which has a rejuvenating effect and helps prolong life. In addition, beans are very unpretentious, and it will not be difficult to grow them on your site. This inconspicuous "prude" contains a high amount of vegetable protein and potassium, which is necessary for the good functioning of the heart and other vital organs, fiber - for better work Total gastrointestinal tract. It is also extremely low in calories and high in antioxidants. The amount of bean proteins is superior to lamb, chicken and cottage cheese, it is on equal terms in protein with granular caviar and cheese products. Good news for vegetarians and fasting!


Cottage cheese is calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the formation of bone tissue, healthy teeth, nails, heart, brain and blood vessels, as well as an easily digestible protein that can replace meat and fish proteins. The best cottage cheese is, of course, home-made or bought on the market from a seller you trust. But if this is not possible, choose a product with the name “Cottage cheese” in the store, and not the “Curd product” that appeared on the shelves in abundance, you are unlikely to get the benefits that we are telling you about from it.

Vegetable oils

Olive oil , perhaps the most popular among vegetable oils, as it contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are very good for the heart and fight cholesterol plaques. It can be added to salads, soups, cereals, many main dishes and even taken on an empty stomach. It both protects the heart and normalizes arterial pressure, helps to strengthen bones, thanks to the vitamins A, D, E and K contained in it, which reduces the risk of joint diseases. Olive oil is especially useful for children, as it stimulates the growth of bone tissue. Olive oil is indicated for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, liver diseases and diseases gallbladder. Oleic acids, which are part of olive oil, contribute to strengthening memory and have a beneficial effect on thought processes.

Just imagine - 30 grams of fish products per day or three "fish" meals during the week reduce the likelihood of developing a heart attack by 50%! In terms of its nutritional and culinary qualities, fish is in no way inferior to meat, as it contains proteins, fats, extractive and mineral substances, and even surpasses the latter in terms of the ease of digestion of proteins. Among all types of fish, sea fish from cold seas is considered especially useful, for example, salmon , which is the champion in the content of omega-3 fats, which lower cholesterol levels, prevent certain types of cancer and vascular thrombosis, as well as omega-6 and iron. In addition, it can reduce the risk of various heart diseases, overcome depression, prevent memory loss and improve hair condition. Make it a rule to replace meat with fish more often, and soon you will see for yourself how much the condition of the whole organism will improve.

If you have honey, you can simply forget about sugar. This extremely useful and necessary natural product in the diet, which increases the body's resistance to many infections, strengthens the immune system and is the best source of energy. Honey contains many vitamins, enzymes, microelements, organic acids and proteins. It is recommended to take it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, and simply for general strengthening of the body. Add honey to tea, cereals, drink boiled water with the addition of honey before bed, it will help you fall asleep faster and rejuvenate.


The common people of Ancient Babylon were strictly forbidden to eat nuts, it was believed that these fruits strengthen the mind, and mob is useless. Today, fortunately, everyone can afford a handful of any nuts of their choice. Among all the diversity, preference is still given walnut , because it is a real storehouse of vitamin C. It is enough for an adult to eat only five walnut kernels to get the daily intake of vitamin C. However, they must be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly, otherwise they will not be absorbed by the body. Walnut normalizes the level of acidity of gastric juice, normalizes bowel function. For people suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, joint diseases, mastopathy and fibroids, walnuts are simply vital. To all its other positive qualities, one more important thing can be added - it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminating great nervous tension, due to which walnuts are advised to be used to stimulate brain activity, with headaches, impaired memory and attention, with sleep disorders and stress.

Green tea

Admirers of green tea every day becomes more and more. And no wonder, because this drink is very useful. Try to buy green tea in bulk, without additives, and not in bags, so that you can drink a really valuable and healthy drink. Only real green tea contains antioxidants and is especially rich in vitamin C (2 cups of green tea equals 7 oranges). This amazing drink dulls the feeling of hunger and improves bowel function, reduces the risk of strokes, strengthens blood vessels, improves the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar, and has a detrimental effect on various viruses and microbes. And, finally, it increases the overall tone of the body and slows down the aging process. Add to green tea Apple juice This will give it an interesting flavor. Pay attention to the fact that green tea is recommended for those who work a lot at the computer, as it is believed that it protects our body from harmful radiation.

There are actually a lot of healthy products, because everything that nature gives us is beneficial and creative: some help us maintain our sanity, others help us keep our bodies young. If you correctly combine in your daily diet all of the listed components, you will get the most out of them. Eat the healthiest foods ever!

Health to you and longevity!

Larisa Shuftaykina

healthy eating is your guarantee of health. Healthy foods are natural products: cereals, fresh vegetables, fruits, sour-milk products, nuts and other foods that are rich in nutrients and can improve your health. What is the benefit of this or that product? Let's take a closer look.

The rating of the most useful foods for human health was compiled by British scientists and, as expected, the top ten included products of exclusively plant origin, which once again proves the benefits of vegetarianism for any person.

1. Tomatoes

According to experts, their superiority was ensured by the high content of especially active antioxidants - lycopenes, as well as vitamin C. In addition, tomatoes maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, and are also able to prevent the development of a number of types of cancer.

2. Oatmeal

It contains a large amount of vitamin E, as well as protein and fiber, vital for the normal functioning of the human body.

3. Kiwi

It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, C and E, and the seeds of the fruit contain omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Black grapes

It contains antioxidant flavonoids. Berries of black grapes are able to prevent the formation of malignant tumors, and also help maintain the heart in a healthy tone.

5. Oranges

They are rich in vitamin C, as well as pectins, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli is high in antioxidants. She is an excellent supplier of vitamins C, PP, K, U and beta-carotene. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in broccoli is almost 2.5 times more than in citrus fruits. Broccoli is a rich source of minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron.

7. Avocado

Avocados are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, stabilizing blood sugar levels, as well as vitamins and provitamins A, B2, D, E, PP.

8. Watercress

The main wealth of watercress is vitamins C, E and A, calcium, iron, iodine and folic acid.

9. Garlic

It contains the blood pressure-stabilizing allicin.

10. Olive oil

It is rich in antioxidants, as well as monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol levels.

11. Apples

In large quantities they contain vitamin C, vitamins of group B. They improve digestion, intestinal microflora, lower cholesterol, and remove toxins from the body. Make it a rule to eat 1 apple a day.

12. Pumpkin

The pulp of pumpkin fruits contains valuable for the body vitamin C, B1, B2, PP, D, E, sugar, fiber, a lot of potassium, iron, fluorine, magnesium. Contains pectin, which lowers cholesterol levels in the body.

Pumpkin is useful for kidney diseases accompanied by edema, hypertension, metabolic disorders. pumpkin juice dissolves kidney stones, bladder.

13. Carrot

It contains a large amount of beta-carotene. Carrots are a multivitamin and tonic, recommended for heart diseases, stomach diseases, as well as visual impairment.

14. Cabbage

There is a lot of vitamin C in cabbage. Cabbage helps fight obesity, has an anti-sclerotic effect. Cabbage contains protein substances, as well as vitamin U, which helps with ulcers and liver diseases.

15. Celery

The leaves contain a lot of carotene, vitamin A, E, K, PP and C. Celery has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous system on the processes of hematopoiesis.

16. Buckwheat

Rich in iron and calcium. It thins the blood, so it is extremely useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension, and vascular diseases.

17. Greenery

Any greens, whether it be dill with parsley, lettuce, sorrel, spinach, arugula, plantain or nettle. Greens contain a huge amount of vitamins and easily digestible amino acids. Green plants are a source of fiber, which will help cleanse the walls of the digestive tract.

18. Eggs

Rich in macro and micro elements, contain vitamin E. This is an excellent source of protein (1 chicken egg contains up to 10 g of protein). Eggs prevent aging.

19. Curd

Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, which strengthens bones, teeth and nails. Try to eat low-fat cottage cheese, or at least low-fat cottage cheese.

20. Nuts

Of course, these are not all healthy foods and the list could be continued, but these are the main foods that should be present in your diet. Eat at least 4-5 of the above foods per day - this will ensure you good health and long life.

We all dream of living to a ripe old age in perfect health. And hardly anyone will argue with the fact that our health largely depends on what we eat. The human body needs energy, vitamins, minerals, amino acids every day. All these vital components are given to us by food. But what should it be in order to bring only benefits? The pyramid of healthy eating will help us understand this.

The idea to divide products into different groups, taking into account their benefits and harms, originated at the beginning of the twentieth century. In 1992, having systematized all the accumulated knowledge, American nutritionists presented the world with the first visual diagram based on the principles of healthy eating. Visually, the scheme had the shape of a pyramid.

Subsequently, based on research, adjustments were made and the pyramid was updated. The food pyramid is a simple and visual guide to healthy eating. Based on its principles, it is easy to create a suitable balanced and healthy diet yourself.

The food pyramid is built on five whales. Let's analyze them next.


According to this principle, any kind of products can be present in our menu, but each of them has a certain niche.


The size of each segment signals the importance and quantity of the product in the daily diet. The smaller the segment size, the less the body's need for this product.


The measure must be observed not only when using harmful products. Eating low-calorie foods in large quantities will also not lead to anything good.

Physical activity

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to take into account the level of daily physical activity. Physical exercises should be present in the daily routine and take at least one hour a day.


When choosing products that will be included in the menu, one should take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the age of the person and the presence of any diseases.

The new version of the food pyramid is not divided into tiers or steps leading up, but into segments different colors converging to one vertex. Segments include a certain group of products and are colored in different colors. The size of the segment indicates the importance of a particular group in the daily diet of a person.

orange segment


Energy is needed for the life of a living organism. Complex carbohydrates are the main source of energy. The basis of the orange segment is cereal products. In their composition, the fatty component is almost absent, but there is enough vegetable protein and dietary fiber. Grains are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates should make up half of the daily diet and should be consumed mostly in the morning.

  • Products made from wholemeal flour or from whole grains.

Green segment

Vegetables and greens

This segment of the pyramid is represented by all types of vegetables that have a rich vitamin composition. Eating vegetables increases the secretion of digestive juice and enhances its activity, promotes good protein digestion. Vegetables go well with different foods and have a low calorie content. It is desirable that vegetables of different colors (green, yellow, orange) rich in beta-carotene be present in the diet. The daily norm is 500-600 g.

red segment

Berries and fruits

First of all, berries and fruits are rich in organic acids and fiber. These are the main sources of vitamins, mineral salts, iron and folic acid. Give preference to fruits and berries in fresh, they contain all the dietary fiber.

After processing, a significant part of the useful properties is lost. One serving of citrus fruits rich in vitamin C should be present in the daily diet.

Be careful with fruits that are high in glycemic index(dates, bananas, pineapples).

yellow segment


We often hear that fats are bad and should be minimized. This is not a completely correct statement. Fats quickly fill the energy deficit, help digestion of food, promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. A food rich in vegetable fats brings great benefits.

Unsaturated fats speed up metabolism, lower cholesterol levels, and normalize blood pressure. The consumption of such fats is a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The statement about the dangers of fat applies more to the group of saturated fats (margarine, fatty meats, lard, coconut and palm oil).

    Oil (olive, sunflower, sesame, corn, linseed).

    Nuts (walnuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds).

    Fatty sea fish (salmon, salmon, mackerel).

blue segment

Milk and dairy products

We know about the benefits of milk from early childhood. It is an irreplaceable source of calcium and animal protein. Milk is rich in vitamins A and E, phosphorus, iodine and zinc. It is highly nutritious and easy to digest. The bacteria present in fermented milk products contribute to the normalization of the intestines. Two servings of milk or dairy products is the norm for one day.

  • Dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt).

    Dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese).

purple segment

Plant and animal proteins

If carbohydrates are an energy accumulator for the body, then proteins are construction material for cells and tissues. Proteins are rich in amino acids. But the main value is the essential amino acids that our body cannot produce on its own. That's what we get by eating foods rich in animal proteins.

Plant proteins do not have such an extensive set of amino acids, but they are rich in dietary fiber. In addition, vegetable proteins are low in calories and easier to digest. The daily rate of protein intake is at least 30%.

    Lean meat (beef, pork, lamb).

    Poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, quail).

    Fish and seafood.

    Legumes (beans, peas, beans, lentils).

    Nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts).

    Seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds).

Of course, the food pyramid is not a dogma and not an ideal system suitable for every person. We are all different and our food preferences are also different. But knowing what foods are necessary for our body and are beneficial, you can make your diet tasty and healthy. Then you always feel full and healthy. General Food offers you

Among modern people there is an increasing desire to healthy lifestyle life. It is inextricably linked to proper, healthy nutrition. The requirements for the food that appears on our table have become higher.

Everyone who wants to prolong youth, who thinks about their health, is always wondering - what is the most useful product in the world?

Your attention is presented to the top of the most useful products in the world.

The healthiest food in the world is the avocado. Avocado contains a huge amount of Vitamin B, antioxidants, fatty acids. Due to this, this fetus successfully prevents atherosclerosis, oncological diseases. Avocado reduces, improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system, affects the formation of red blood cells. Lutein, which is part of the avocado, has a beneficial effect on vision. In addition, this fruit is useful for the immune system, improves body tone.

The second place is surely occupied by broccoli. It is the undisputed leader in the content of Vitamin C and protein. Eating this vegetable improves eyesight and has a beneficial effect on the skin due to beta-carotenes. Methanin works with the digestive system to prevent ulcers and other diseases. The high content of fiber, which cleanses the entire body, contributes to the removal of toxins. Broccoli proteins contain very important amino acids. Broccoli is especially valued for its folic acid content. This biological material is vital for children preschool age and women, especially those who plan to become mothers in the near future. Folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, so broccoli is best eaten raw or steamed.

The top healthy food continues with ordinary white cabbage. It has non-volume deposits of Vitamin B, C, K, U, fiber, protein and minerals. Cabbage is great for helping digestion and fighting stomach ulcers. White cabbage is recommended for overweight people, because it perfectly removes cholesterol. Cabbage prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The vegetable is well suited for patients, because it contains an extremely small amount of sugar and starch. Fiber in the composition of cabbage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, prevents hemorrhoids and constipation. White cabbage is especially useful raw, sauerkraut or stewed.

Spinach. This recently popular low-calorie product contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, Vitamins B, C, PP, A, E, K, fiber. Spinach is one of the most useful plants in the world. The usefulness of the product is explained by its ability to destroy toxins, improve metabolism, help the functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, prevent oncology, and have a positive effect on vision. Spinach is completely absorbed by the body and retains its qualities with relatively mild heat treatment.

Carrot. Such carrots, which are familiar to all of us, meanwhile, have a completely unique chemical composition. It contains such useful materials for humans as essential oils, carotene, magnesium, iodine, iron. Carrots have always been indispensable in diets, the treatment of beriberi, intestinal pathologies, metabolic disorders, in the treatment of tumors, and anemia. Eating carrots strengthens the nervous system and is a good diuretic. Fresh carrots are recommended, but you can also boil a little.

The healthiest foods in the world are apricots. This guest from the south contains pectins, tannins, starch and organic acids, which are hard at work fighting cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals. In addition, this fruit contains huge deposits of Vitamin A, C, B, which strengthen the immune system, prevent oncology, improve the skin, and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Apricot improves metabolism, which is why it is very good for diets and unloading days and also strengthens the nerves.

Celery. The stems and roots of this fruit are a source of protein, minerals and organic acids that slow down the aging of the body and help the nervous system work. Essential oils of celery contribute to the production of gastric juice. This fruit is very useful for diabetics and the elderly, because it helps to normalize the water-salt balance, helps in the fight against arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. Celery is also a food that has wound healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties.

Blueberries, strawberries and cranberries. These delicious berries contain a lot of organic acids, antioxidants, tannins. Blueberries are very useful for vision, they improve bowel function and relieve constipation. Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins, have a beneficial effect on digestive system recommended for anemia, atherosclerosis. Cranberries will help with viral hepatitis, cystitis, hypertension, polio, rheumatism and diabetes.

Grape. It contains as many as one hundred and fifty very important compounds for human health. Among them are vitamins and minerals, tannins and essential oils, carbolic acid. Grapes will help in the fight against diseases such as arthritis, oncology, anemia.

Citrus. These southern fruits are excellent sources of Vitamin C, essential oils and antioxidants, pectins and organic acids. Citrus fruits lower cholesterol, improve immunity and metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood circulation.

Apples - no one will argue about their taste and benefits . They contain acids needed by the body to fight harmful bacteria. The main benefit of apples is in a positive effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Quercetin, one of the components of the apple, fights cancer. Just one apple a day is enough to fulfill the recommendations of doctors and improve your well-being;

Onions - a savior from many diseases . The usefulness of foods like onions is undeniable. It helps to improve the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, as well as the cardiovascular system, improves immunity and fights against colds. Onion is one of the few that retains its beneficial qualities when exposed to high temperatures. The phytocides included in its composition kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms;

Garlic- normalizes microflora, fights colds and infections, lowers cholesterol. Although garlic does not retain almost all its beneficial properties during heat treatment, it is better to set aside time and at least occasionally eat fresh garlic;

Greenery- this group includes dill and parsley, lettuce, sorrel, arugula, plantain and nettle. How can even one table do without it. we have been aware of the vitamins contained in greens since childhood. But it is worth paying attention to easily digestible amino acids. In addition, greens are fiber that cleanses the entire digestive tract;

Asparagus- a vegetable that cleanses the body. It nourishes the brain, promotes the removal of toxins;

Kiwi- boasts a rich composition of vitamins. It is recommended for hypertensive patients, people with vascular diseases and overweight;

Pepper. It is spicy and sweet. Hot pepper improves metabolism, so it is often included in a weight loss diet. Capsacin, in its composition, improves the functioning of the stomach, preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. Sweet peppers are high in not only vitamin C, but also luteolin. Even in small doses, it prevents development, takes care of the cardiovascular system;

Oatmeal- a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and proteins. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on digestion, lowers blood pressure;

Strawberry- berry, rich in iron, zinc and many vitamins. Promotes heart function, good vision, immunity;

brown algae - product with sea ​​depths, which is a leader in the supply of iodine and calcium to the human body;

Orange- a fruit rich in vitamin C, as well as pectins, which kill “bad” cholesterol in our body;

Grapefruit- a fruit rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, frees the body from free radicals, prevents oncology and cardiovascular diseases;

nuts- a source of vitamins and minerals, increase potency, improve heart function, vision, reduce the likelihood of diabetes. Nuts are very convenient to include in your diet as a snack;

Beans- legume, which has a rejuvenating effect, contains a huge amount of protein, potassium, fiber. She is a real gift for the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract;

Fish and seafood - a storehouse of unsaturated fatty acids, which are so useful for our body. Fish reduces the likelihood of ischemia, lowers cholesterol;

Milk and dairy products - a source of calcium that strengthens our bones, hair and nails. And if experts recommend whole milk only to children and pregnant women, then fermented milk products are useful without exception to everyone, because they normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;

Buckwheat- a source of iron and many other important trace elements. Buckwheat will strengthen the immune system, improve blood composition, enrich the body with useful substances;
The list of healthy foods continues green tea- a savior at the risk of strokes, and problems with immunity. Naturally, you should choose only high-quality tea, which does not contain chemical additives;

Linseed oil o - the leader in the content of such useful substances as unsaturated fatty acids, namely Omega 3 and Omega 6;

Honey is a great natural sugar substitute. Honey perfectly helps not only with colds, but also for our cardiovascular system;

Quinoa- grain, a source of protein, removes cholesterol and fats, is a "slow carbohydrate";

Beet- a unique vegetable, because it contains many very rare nutrients. Beetroot increases potency, is useful for good brain function and blood circulation;

brown rice - a source of fiber, helps the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, reduces the percentage of oncology and urolithiasis;

Artichoke- a vegetable rich in fiber and Vitamin C. Artichokes are a gift for your digestive tract;

Watermelondelicious berries containing lycopene, which prevents the development of oncology and cardiovascular diseases. And yet, in the composition of watermelons, there is practically no fat;

Bananas is a natural antidepressant. Contain Vitamins A, B6, C, have laxative properties;
Healthy food rating completes olives– both green and black olives are a treasure trove beneficial to the body human elements such as Vitamin E and iron. Don't Forget the Olive Oil good quality, which also has all these properties.

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

Is your schedule too busy? In the morning there is no time even for breakfast, and in the evening there is no energy to do cooking?

The main obstacle to proper nutrition is the need to constantly cook. And the thought of wasting time and energy cooking when you're already exhausted and exhausted leads to you just heading to the nearest McDonald's.

There is not enough time to prepare healthy and balanced meals and you decide not to look for the right fast food? And in vain, there are options for quick and healthy recipes .

Don't worry. If you have little to no time and energy, these 16 recipes will show you how to cook quickly and healthy. After all, it takes so little time to prepare these dishes that it’s hard to believe that a healthy diet can be so quick to prepare.

For your convenience, we have divided the recipes into several categories: breakfast, lunch, dinner, salads and desserts.


1. Oatmeal with banana and nuts

Oatmeal is incredibly good for your body, but who likes empty cereal?

There are many ways to diversify oatmeal with different fruits and nuts. So why bananas?

In addition to being delicious, bananas are high in fiber and rich in potassium. Potassium regulates the level of sodium in the body, and also helps to lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

By combining bananas with oatmeal and healthy nut fats, you get the perfect heart-healthy breakfast!

And it's so easy to prepare:

Warm up cereals, filled with water (or almond milk for protein and calcium), then add sliced ​​banana, coarsely ground nuts and some cinnamon. Breakfast is ready. Bon appetit!

2. Omelette with broccoli and feta cheese

Eggs are a storehouse of nutrients. They contain a range of beneficial vitamins and minerals, plenty of protein, and healthy omega-3 fatty acids. That's why eggs are great to start the day!

Making an omelette is as easy as shelling pears - pour beaten eggs into the pan (from 1 to 3, depending on the number of ingredients you use, the size of the pan and your appetite), put the rest of the ingredients on top and pour them again with the egg so that the omelet envelops the entire dish.

Why broccoli? Just like banana oatmeal because fiber is good for breakfast. Since eggs contain a lot of protein, such a breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

Broccoli is also rich in vitamins and minerals. It is important that breakfast contains one or two foods (in this case, eggs and broccoli) rich in dietary fiber. If the feeling of hunger in the morning is too great, add a couple of whole grain toasts and a glass of almond milk to the omelet.

3. Greek yogurt and fruit parfait

Greek yogurt contains more protein and less sugar than regular yogurt. Why not take advantage of Greek yogurt by adding fruits (for vitamins and fiber) and nuts (such as walnuts or almonds, which contain healthy fats and even more fiber)?

But there is one secret ingredient in this dish, by adding which you will simply create a “health bomb” - this is flax-seed.

Research is still ongoing, but the results are promising: flaxseed reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. And it's all thanks to these little seeds!

Parfait is not so easy to prepare by eye, so we offer you approximate measurements:

  • ¾ - 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • 2 cups chopped fruit (choose your favorite)
  • 2 tablespoons walnuts and almonds (finely chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • (optional) honey

Mix these ingredients however you like. Below are just a few options:

  • Mix! Why not just add all the ingredients in one cup, food container, mix thoroughly and enjoy the taste? Quick, simple, and anyway, by the middle, the parfait will turn out to be in the form of porridge, no matter how you originally served it.
  • Stylish yogurt. Classic variant breakfast, where fruits, nuts and flaxseed are laid out on top of Greek yogurt. You can mix all the ingredients at any time.
  • Great layers. If you have a little more time, then you can try the restaurant serving the dish. In a glass or goblet, add ¼ cup of yogurt, then some fruit, nuts, and flaxseed, then more yogurt, and so on. Such a serving of the dish will not only please your stomach, but also satisfy your desire for beauty.

This dish is suitable not only for breakfast, but also for a light snack, depending on when you want to enjoy the light taste of yogurt and your favorite fruits.

4. Chocolate blueberry smoothie

Sometimes even quick meals like oatmeal and parfait take too long. Do you have too many plans? And cooking breakfast isn't one of them?

That's when they come to the rescue. smoothies

Throw all the ingredients in a blender, blend and drink or bottle and take away - perfect for busy people trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. That is why we offer you as many as three smoothie recipes.

The first recipe is a chocolate blueberry smoothie. You may be wondering: “How can chocolate be part of proper nutrition". You just need to choose the right one:

  • 1 ½ cups chocolate flavored almond milk
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 sliced ​​banana
  • ¾ cup Greek yogurt

Just throw all the ingredients into a blender, blend for 30-60 seconds and you're done!

5. Banana Almond Smoothie

The second recipe is more spicy, with the addition of cinnamon. Greek yogurt, bananas and almond butter will make you feel hungry for a long time.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 ½ cups almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • ¾ cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • pinch of cinnamon

By "a pinch" of cinnamon, I mean that you should experiment and choose the option that suits you. Start with a small pinch - the taste of corca may be stronger than you think - then add more if needed.

Cinnamon speeds up metabolism, while almonds contain protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. That is why the combination of these ingredients is great for the right start to the day!

6. Tropical Breeze Green Smoothie

Sometimes you want to start the day with something exotic, with light citrus notes. Then this recipe comes to the rescue.


  • 1 ½ cups almond milk
  • ¾ cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries - all together or separately)
  • ½ sliced ​​banana
  • 1 cup fruits (pineapple, mango and tangerines)
  • 1-2 cups greens (Romaine lettuce, spinach, kale)

This smoothie is overflowing. vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants (good for the heart), raspberries contain more fiber than any fruit, and all berries contain very little sugar.

Mango and tangerine add a light citrus flavor to the smoothie, plus they are high in vitamin C (good for immunity) and prevent cancer.

Pineapples are the only source of bromelain, an enzyme believed to reduce inflammation, relieve joint pain and arthritis.

But that is not all!

Cabbage is known as a "super food" due to its huge amount of nutrients.

You may have noticed that all three recipes include Greek yogurt and bananas. This is due to the fact that bananas are high in potassium and fiber, while Greek yogurt is a source of protein and contains little sugar.

And not to mention the texture.

The name "smoothie" comes from the English smooth - homogeneous, soft. It is in order to achieve this texture that Greek yogurt (or regular yogurt) and bananas are used.

The main thing is to determine the texture that you like. If you feel like your smoothie is too thick, add less bananas and yogurt next time. Otherwise, add more bananas and yogurt.

By choosing the perfect combination for yourself, you can easily and quickly prepare delicious and healthy smoothies that will definitely suit you more than ready-made options in a cafe.

Easy and healthy lunch recipes

7. Sandwich

Sandwich is one of the main dishes for those who prefer a quick lunch. All you have to do is add your favorite ingredients between two slices of bread and dinner is ready. But try to use whole grain bread, your favorite meat and cheese, and then you will get a healthy sandwich that will not harm your figure and health.

We offer you one of the interesting options. You will need the following ingredients:

  • can of tuna
  • ½ cup cherry tomatoes (cut in half)
  • ¼ cup chopped olives
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Whole grain baguette
  • Spinach leaves (as many as you like)

To begin, mix the tuna, tomatoes, olives and olive oil. Cut the baguette in half and put the resulting mixture inside, add spinach leaves on top.

Tuna is rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids (which improve hair, skin, and even heart health). Tomatoes contain vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

Olives are a great source of iron and fiber, and olive oil is rich in healthy fats.

As a result, you get a small but very satisfying sandwich, from which you will have enough energy until dinner.

8. Roll with turkey and Provolone cheese

Roll is a growing alternative to sandwiches:

  • Put thinly sliced ​​turkey on thin pita bread or tortilla, then cheese
  • Add some vegetables (cabbage, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and olives)
  • Top it all off with a few slices of avocado.
  • Assure all ingredients in a sufficiently tight roll.

Turkey is a great source of protein and healthy fats. Paired with healthy veggies and avocados (a fruit that is surprisingly high in healthy fats and over 20 different vitamins and minerals!) you have a healthy, low-calorie lunch.

9. Quesadilla with mango

Yes, this is another variation on the theme of sandwiches. But the more varied your diet, the less you will be bored with proper nutrition.

We are used to fruit for breakfast. But it is important that the body receives vitamins and minerals throughout the day. So why not add fruit to your lunch sandwich?

Cooking does not require much effort and time:

  • Grab a Whole Grain Tortilla
  • Cut half (or whole mango if the tortilla is large) mango into medium sized slices and arrange on the tortilla
  • Add 2 slices turkey or ½ cup sliced ​​fried chicken
  • Top with ¼ cup grated cheese and 1 tablespoon chopped green onion
  • Fold the tortilla in half and fry on both sides until the cheese is melted.
  • Cut into slices

As mentioned earlier, it is important that the body gets enough vitamin C. Vitamin C is water soluble.

This means that the body cannot accumulate Vitamin C, everything that cannot be used here and now, is immediately excreted from the body.

Sure, you can start your morning with 500% of your RDA for vitamin C, but your body doesn't use half of it.

That is why it is important that foods containing vitamin C are in your diet throughout the day. Mango is great for this. In addition, quesadillas are very tasty and satisfying.

Healthy salads for a healthy diet

10. Chicken Curry Salad

It's time to move on to salads, which can be both a snack and a full meal, depending on your appetite and the chosen portion.

The salad contains many healthy vegetables, but do not forget that in addition to greens, it is worth adding some protein and spices to the salad. Try the following recipe:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons Greek yogurt with ¼ tablespoon curry powder
  • Add ½ cup fried chicken (diced) and stir
  • Add ⅛ cup finely chopped red onion, ¼ halved grape, and 1 tablespoon parsley, and stir again
  • Spread mixture over lettuce leaves.

Curry and parsley add spice to the salad. And the combination of Greek yogurt, chicken, vegetables and grapes will help you gain all the nutrients your body needs.

11. Avocado salad

If you want to add some Spanish to your dish, then this recipe is for you:

  • Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a medium skillet over medium heat.
  • Add a finely chopped onion, 2 garlic cloves (finely chop or use a garlic press), ½ teaspoon cumin, ½ teaspoon sea salt, and ¼ teaspoon black pepper.
  • Stir for 3-5 minutes until the onion is soft
  • Add 800 grams of beans and ¼ cup of water. Stir continuously for 2-3 minutes
  • Scoop the mixture into a bowl of Romano salad. Top with avocado wedges and 1 cup salsa
  • Serve with a whole grain tortilla if desired.

Beans are a great source of protein and fiber and keep you feeling full for a long time. In addition, garlic contains an incredible amount of nutrients, so as long as it does not spoil the taste, it is worth adding to many dishes.

Despite the fact that this salad takes a little more time to prepare, it remains tasty for quite a long time and does not become sour. So it can be prepared in advance and portioned in containers.

What to cook for dinner quickly, tasty and healthy

12. Fritata with potatoes and spinach

Eggs, in all their many variations, are a breakfast staple, but why not make dinner out of them.

All dinner recipes require some cooking time. But don't worry, you can always prepare these dishes ahead of time and then just reheat them.

Fritata is very hearty meal. In addition, it will be enough for several people, so if you cook only for yourself, then you get a dish that is enough for two or three meals:

  • Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius
  • Heat two tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add 2 sliced ​​potatoes and one finely chopped onion. Cook for 12-15 minutes
  • In a large bowl, combine 9 (yes, nine) eggs, ½ teaspoon sea salt, ¼ teaspoon black pepper, 300 grams of chopped spinach, 100 grams of cheese (optional) and 100 grams of finely chopped turkey.
  • Pour the resulting mixture into the pan, mix and put in the oven for 12-14 minutes until cooked

Then cut the finished fritata into slices like pizza. Bon appetit!

13. Pork with Asian broccoli in a slow cooker

This dish will take several hours to prepare. Why did it appear on the list of "fast" dishes?

It's simple: dishes that take a long time to cook can usually be stored for a long time.

This means that you can prepare several dishes in advance. Planning is one of the important skills for those who strive for proper and healthy nutrition.

Pork is high in B vitamins and surprisingly low in fat, putting it on par with established healthy foods like chicken breast and salmon.

  • In a slow cooker, combine ⅓ cup soy sauce, two tablespoons cornstarch, two tablespoons finely chopped ginger root, two garlic cloves, one teaspoon sesame oil, ¼ teaspoon ground cloves, and ¾ cup water.
  • Add 1 kilo of chopped pork. Cover and cook for 7-8 (high heat 5-6) hours until the pork is very tender.
  • Prepare 200 grams of noodles (check the recipe on the package). Add 400 grams of broccoli in the last 2 minutes of cooking noodles
  • Divide the cooked pork into fibers using two forks. Add a tablespoon of rice vinegar and stir. Serve with noodles and broccoli.

As a result, you get several servings that can be put into containers and stored in the refrigerator.

14. Salmon in honey and soy sauce

Salmon and other fish are rich in protein and omega-3 fats, so adding them to your diet is essential. This recipe is extremely simple and will not take you much time:

  • Mix ½ tablespoon honey and ½ tablespoon soy sauce
  • Season the salmon fillet with sea salt and black pepper. Fry for 5 minutes
  • Drizzle with the prepared honey and soy sauce sauce and saute for another 2-5 minutes

Garnish with borax rice or quinoa (a tip is to add a few drops of lemon to the fish).

Healthy Dessert Recipes

15. Banana slices in chocolate

Both dessert recipes don't require much time and effort to prepare, thanks to a method that involves dipping the fruit in something that makes it even sweeter and tastier.

Start by cutting the banana into small pieces. Then take two tablespoons of dark chocolate, heat them up in the microwave until they are melted (usually about a minute is enough).

Dip banana slices in chocolate and dessert is ready. You can eat it right away or put it in the fridge to harden the chocolate.

16. Strawberries in frozen yogurt

If you are not a fan of chocolate or bananas, then the following recipe is for you. (besides, this dessert is alsorich in protein).

All you need is two cups of strawberries (cut in half), a cup of vanilla Greek yogurt, and waxed paper.

Using a fork, dip each berry in the yogurt, then lay them flat on the waxed paper. Put the resulting berries in the freezer for thirty minutes.

Transfer the berries to a pretty plate. You can take the berries with your hands or use a fork.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
