Desk areas according to Feng Shui. Desk location

Arriving at a new place of work, each employee certainly arranges his workplace according to his wishes. If everything is organized correctly, then the mood during the day will be wonderful, and your success at work will be decent. Therefore, many employees do not invent anything, but try to arrange their workplace according to Feng Shui. How to do this?

If you have the opportunity to experiment with the location of your desktop, then this is where you should start.

Desk location

There should be nothing hanging over the table itself. Any shelves or air conditioning systems will attract a variety of failures. There should always be free space around the workplace. According to the laws of Feng Shui, in this case there is a process of expanding prospects and business opportunities.

Avoid positioning the edge of a column or corner toward the table.

And lastly, under no circumstances should you sit with your back to doors or windows. Ideally there should be a blank wall behind and nothing more. Every person entering the office should see the face of the employee working at the desk, and even more so the director. BUT! Don't place a table in front of the door. The table should be diagonal to the door.

Table direction

The direction of the table is a more minor factor compared to the position of the table.

What should you consider?

  • annual influences
  • individual favorable directions

Annual influences

Here the Chinese pay attention to the position of Jupiter. Sit face in the direction of the “prince” is considered an unfavorable factor. This leads to the fact that a person gets tired faster, makes more mistakes and concentrates less on the tasks at hand. Below in the table, you will find degrees of directions that should be avoided. You take measurements with a regular compass.

Individual directions

Before determining your auspicious and inauspicious directions, we need to calculate your gua number. This is done simply:

  • for women

Add the last two digits of your year of birth until you get one single number. Now, if you were born before 2000, subtract this number from 10. If you were born in 2000 or after 2000, then subtract this number from 9. The resulting value is your personal gua number.

  • for men

Add the last two digits of your year of birth until you get one single number. If you were born before 2000, add 5 to this number. If you were born in 2000 or later, then 6. If the result is a two-digit number, then add the numbers to get a single-digit number. The resulting value is your Gua number.

Now just find your Gua number and a list of your favorable directions in the table. Working in one of these areas will provide you with consistency and stability in business, and therefore business success.

Gua 1





Gua 2





Gua 3





Gua 4





Gua 6





Gua 7





Gua 8





Gua 9





Table size

Considering that we spend a lot of time at the table, its shape and size play a very important role. They affect both the emotional state and ability to work. It is worth noting here that unfavorable dimensions can affect concentration and increase the likelihood of mistakes being made. Therefore, do not neglect this advice.

The most important factor is the favorable dimensions of the working area of ​​the table. The height of the table is not that important. Although, it is worth paying attention to the fact that a person can sit relaxed and straight in order to breathe well and evenly.

Below in the table you will find favorable sizes. Unfortunately, there are not many tables of this size on sale, but you can still find them.



88 cm

65 cm

112 cm

69 cm

132 cm

82 cm

155 cm

89 cm

193 cm

107 cm

198 cm

215 cm

Table shape

From the point of view of Feng Shui, the most optimal shape of the table is considered.

At the same time, the person sitting at the table should be able to reach any edge of the table without any problems. Symbolically, this means that he has control over his work or business. Those who work at such a desk generally treat their subordinates with humanity and restraint.

Corner office desks, right- or left-handed, are considered the most unfavorable from a feng shui point of view. A person sitting at such a table is not able to control all processes at the same time.

Regular, straight office desks are more suitable for analytical and organizational work. But round and oval shapes are for creative positions.

Of course, all items on the desktop should not be installed in a chaotic order, but in strictly designated places.

In the center of the table and slightly to the right of it is the zone of career and creative success. This is where the main working tools need to be installed. We are talking about a laptop and a work phone. On the left side is the family and knowledge area. That is, this is where you can install your favorite family photo and put workbooks and folders necessary for current activities. Feng Shui experts advise covering the far left corner with a green plant. It is desirable that the flower pot be red. It is with the help of a living flower that the negative energy accumulated during the working day will be absorbed.

The light source should also be installed on the same left side. It can also be located directly above the head of a working person. But no excess of light energy!

And further. According to the rules of Feng Shui, any workplace must be kept perfectly clean and tidy. Everything should be in its place on the table, shelves, racks.

Creative success!

Although taking work home is considered taboo for many, today's fast pace of life sometimes forces us to do otherwise. Especially in the case when a person is a representative of free professions: notaries, lawyers, writers or freelancers. Such people are distinguished by the fact that they are more independent from their clients or employers compared to hired employees. That’s why they like to work in comfort.

Nothing ensures work comfort better than a properly positioned desktop. Following advice on desktop placement is necessary both from a practical point of view and from the point of view of more esoteric knowledge such as feng shui. As with any details of the house, Feng Shui also has recommendations regarding the desktop.

The practical side of the correct positioning of the table should include:

Comfort. The table cannot be considered as a separate piece of furniture; it must be close to other objects that provide work: sockets, cabinets or bedside tables, a printer, etc.

Hygiene. The table should be positioned so as to provide optimal lighting and proper seating for the person sitting behind it.

Optimality. The table should not interfere with movement around the room.

Aesthetics. The desktop must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The table should not be facing the wall

Although a desk is a workplace that requires privacy, it does not at all require that the person working at it turn his face away from this world. This desk placement tip is especially valuable for those who don't like too much interaction with people.

However, the key to success, no matter how it is, is the ability to communicate correctly with people. After all, it is impossible to attract a client without inviting him to further conversation.

If you pay attention to the placement of desks in any business office, you can easily notice that they are all facing the entrance and their backs are to the wall. This means that all employees in such an office must be ready to receive a client. No one would want to communicate if they were met with their back.

Of course, if in your home the place near the wall is the most suitable for installing a table there, do not hesitate and feel free to place it there. However, in this case, it is recommended to place symbols around the workplace that remind you of your favorite places, hobbies, or simply photographs of people close to you.

Avoid the door behind you

Another tip regarding desk placement, which follows on from the first, is that you should not place the desk so that the person sitting at it has their back to the door. After all, it is impossible for a visitor to enter without using the doors.

According to the Feng Shui system, if a person sitting at a table sits with his back to the entrance, then someone may overtake him or betray him. The situation in this case can only be corrected by a mirror hung so as to reflect the image of the entrance.

In addition, such a requirement for desktop placement has a deeper and more reasonable meaning. This is safety. After all, if you were sitting with your back to the alleged offender, you would hardly be able to defend yourself in a timely manner. For example, a true Japanese samurai would never sit with his back to the door. On the contrary, he would take a position in which he could inspect the entire room.

Regarding the rules of military security tactics in this case, interesting facts can be highlighted. The medieval Japanese were so afraid of insidious murder that their martial arts schools accumulated many techniques for defending against an attacker from the back, including from a kneeling position. They always carried weapons with them and were on alert to repel attacks. It is also noteworthy that there were no tables in Japanese houses.

Be ready for the meeting

Another rule for placing a table is to have a place where a visitor and a colleague who needs to agree on necessary work issues could sit. This means that the desktop should not be squeezed into such a corner that it simply would not physically allow another person to sit on the opposite side.

In addition, it is important to take care of such an important accessory to the table as a chair for the visitor. It is often located opposite the recipient’s workplace. However, from the point of view of the psychology of working with a client, this is wrong. The opposite situation puts people against each other, programming them to confront each other on a subconscious level.

Positioning the visitor to sit slightly to the side of the recipient will create a friendly atmosphere and will not put them in a competitive position. This is justified by the fact that the person sitting on the side finds himself in a more intimate comfort zone of the person than the person sitting opposite. In addition, the words of the interlocutors will be better heard by each other, since they are sitting very close.

Correct lighting

The work desk should be positioned in such a way as to ensure proper lighting. It is important to remember that both too bright and too dim light causes excessive eye fatigue, causing them to strain. But it has long been known that about 90% of a person’s overall fatigue comes from eye fatigue.

If possible, you should place your desk near a window to receive natural light during the day. At the same time, a person sitting at a table should not sit in such a way that his back blocks access to light.

It is preferable to have diffused background lighting around the work desk, but the work area itself has one direct light source. Lamps on the desktop should not be placed at eye level. They must be able to adjust the position of the lamp. The light should fall from the side where a person will not cover it for himself with his writing hand.

Workspace organization

The constant rule of desktop placement is to keep it as organized as possible. Documents and folders on the table should not be scattered. Pencils, pens and other office supplies should be collected in a specific place.

You should not clutter your desktop with many items that have no practical use. To somehow dilute the boring office desk environment, one or two of these things is enough. For example, it could be a figurine donated by colleagues in connection with a promotion, a paperweight, etc. A long-standing tip is to place cacti at the table, which supposedly remove radiation harmful to humans around them.

It is important to remember about the shukhlyads, the documents for which should also be laid out systematically.

Hospital for the mind

Someone said that it is a hospital for the mind. Indeed, there is something in these words, because reading books has always been directly related to a person’s education.

Although the workplace is not always a good place for reading, it is not a sin to turn over a page or two during your lunch break. After all, it is difficult for even the most able-bodied mind to concentrate its attention only on work issues, and such a switch of attention contributes to further normal productivity. Therefore, some book on the table outside working hours will not be superfluous.

At home, a table can generally be placed in a personal library, if the area of ​​​​the home allows it to contain one. Or, at least, not far from your desktop you can hang a small shelf on which a couple of good books will always be at hand. This is another table placement tip.

Feng Shui for an office means a harmoniously organized workplace. It is advisable to sit with your back to a blank wall so that it is convenient to communicate with colleagues and clients entering the office. You can hang a picture of your favorite image on the wall. This will allow you to feel support coming from the rear.

If, due to insurmountable circumstances, you are forced to sit with your back to the front door, then you can fence yourself off with a closet or screen, and if there is a window behind you, place a plant on the windowsill. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a wide range of plants can be used in the office workplace, but the most common are Dieffenbachia, Croton and Chinese rose.

When you are at the table, sharp corners should not be pointed at you. Such objects, like a poisonous arrow, send you negative Sha Chi energy. This energy constantly interferes with your work, provokes various diseases and unfounded accusations directed at you.

Your desk should not be between closely spaced cabinets or in a corner of the office. Leave a clear path to your workplace. It will symbolize your perspective.

Even in a limited space, it will not be difficult to organize Feng Shui of the workplace. If you are forced to work in a cramped cubicle or there is a partition close to you, then you should expand your visual perspective. To do this, you need to hang a reproduction on the wall depicting the surface of the sea, a flowering field, etc.

Setting up your office according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of an office is a complex but fascinating process that is built gradually. Decorate your workplace with a figurine or a symbolic image of the wise Turtle and the powerful Dragon. To implement your plans, install in the eastern part of the room, which will be illuminated by sunlight for at least three to five hours a day.

The table should not be placed under an air conditioner, bookshelf or ceiling beam. A threateningly overhanging structure is a source of disease and adversity. It is unacceptable in feng shui at work.

Choose a chair with a high back and armrests. It is a symbol of confidence, stability and support. A chair that does not completely cover your back cannot bring good luck.

Keep your work area tidy at all times. All necessary papers must be stored in special folders. Shelves, cabinets and tables should not be cluttered. Otherwise, stagnant energy will begin to accumulate in the room. You can install it in the work area. This powerful Feng Shui talisman helps attract financial flows.

Keep all necessary papers and documents at your fingertips. If you hide them somewhere far away, you will subsequently have to look for them for a long time and lose the positive energy that comes from them. Never put off cleaning until later. Start right now and get rid of everything unnecessary!

Collect the wires used to connect office equipment into one bundle. Cables lying haphazardly create erratic energy flows.

The workplace should have sufficiently bright lighting, but it is desirable that the light does not irritate the eyesight. Choose table lamps that are comfortable and well adjustable. Any metal object or table lamp standing on the left side of the table attracts material well-being.

A Feng Shui work table for money should be relatively light (so that it can be easily moved), but at the same time quite stable. Place a photograph of yourself on the table showing you during your work process. This will help attract the energy of professional success.

Office windows that open outward will promote career growth. Windows that open inward, on the contrary, will limit your prospects.

Feng Shui desktop to attract money

Many people use Feng Shui for work and career. There is a special hieroglyph that ensures well-being and activates monetary energy. This powerful amulet is suitable for any company that offers its services or products. It attracts clients like a magnet and helps you make useful connections. To make a talisman you will need two cards with its image.

You probably already noticed that in addition to the hieroglyph, the picture also shows three coins. This is a monetary symbol of wealth and material success.

A business mascot is used as follows. You need to print a couple of cards and then carefully cut out the image. On the reverse side you can write your own name and wishes. For example: “I am the best salesman.” It is recommended to print the image in the following format - width 2.82 cm, height 5.35 cm.

The resulting card should be placed in the most visible place - the desktop, so that it is always in front of your eyes and activates the positive processes of feng shui in the office. The second card should be kept with you at all times, for example, in your wallet or in any other convenient place. From now on, no matter where you are, the attention of customers will be drawn to you. Nothing more is required from you, trust the magical energy of Feng Shui!

Feng Shui desk

To achieve success in the professional sphere, you need to think about how to create positive Feng Shui in the workplace. The higher the position you hold, the stronger the energy in your work area. First, you need to consider the basic Feng Shui recommendations for the workplace:
-You can’t sit with your back to a window or door
-it is unfavorable to place the desktop directly opposite the front door
-it is undesirable to locate the office at the end of a long corridor or opposite the toilet

The ideal location of the desktop is diagonally from the front door. There should be a wall behind your back, this means reliability and confidence in the future.

Activating your workplace with talismans

It is very important to establish “reliable protection” behind your back. To do this, you can hang a picture of a mountain landscape or an influential person on the wall. You cannot hang a picture of water and place an aquarium behind your back. This can lead to the energy of water simply “flooding” you (it can manifest itself in the form of negative events in the professional sphere)

Cabinets, shelves and safes are best placed on the sides. This means supporting and protecting your work. By installing cabinets on both sides, you will always be safe.
The choice of chair should be taken very seriously. A long back guarantees you increased authority and respect in the eyes of your employees. The chair must have armrests. They symbolize reliable support and confidence.

Oddly enough, in Feng Shui, a clock in the office is an unfavorable symbol. It is believed that the clock “counts down” the time of your tenure in this position.

It is better to hang a panel or painting depicting money, wealth or treasures instead of a clock. With their help you can attract more profit and luck in money matters.

When choosing a desktop, Feng Shui masters advise paying attention to the size of the table - the table should be large and voluminous. Keep your desk clean and tidy. Do not store unnecessary documents or old folders in boxes. To do this, create a separate archive. Clean your desk at the end of the day every day.

It would be ideal to apply a bagua grid on your desktop and arrange the Feng Shui symbols in accordance with it. When applying the Bagua grid, keep in mind that North will be located where you are sitting. It is best to place any talisman that symbolizes prosperity and abundance (for example, a hottey, a frog on coins, an expensive business card holder) in the left corner of the desktop. In the middle of the table (in the place opposite you), place a crystal pyramid. It will symbolize the desire to grow and will bring you promotion and professional growth.
On the right side is an ideal place to place a figurine of an assistant in business - Ganesha.

Ganesha is a very effective talisman that helps solve any business and career issues. To do this, you need to place a piece of candy next to him and stroke his hand. There is a special ritual to activate this talisman.
Be sure to put Chinese coins under your computer and phone. Coins tied with red thread are best placed in folders with documents. This will provide you with a constant flow of wealth.

A significant part of the average person's life is occupied by work. Sometimes you have to spend 12 hours a day or more at your workplace, so the surrounding space plays a huge role in the success of your work. It doesn't matter where the work is, in the home or office. Impeccable comfort is important for success. Feng Shui experts talk about how to achieve it and not waste energy in vain. Whether these methods of attracting money and success work or not - there is no need to guess, just test them in practice.

If the office is at home

At home, you are free to do whatever you want with your work area. And this is good, because it is much easier to arrange the table in the office according to Feng Shui relative to other interior elements.

The ideal option is when the table is positioned so that you can see the door, but are away from it. You should see it, but you shouldn’t place the table directly opposite it. Is it possible to make such a change? Then hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the room so that the entrance is reflected in it.

If the door and window are opposite each other, you should not place a workplace between them: it is believed that in this case a “draft” will form, which will carry all your ideas and plans away. It is important that there are no entrances or windows behind you: this causes a subconscious feeling of threat, anxiety, and drains energy.

If you are running a business, placing a table in the eastern part of the room will help in its promotion. The southeastern part favors creativity, the western part favors stability in life, and the northwestern part promotes the development of leadership qualities.

According to Feng Shui, the table in the office should be positioned so that there are no sharp corners directed at you behind your back. Overhanging structures silently cause illness and injury. If you work at a computer, hide all wires and tubes if possible. It would be a good idea to purchase a wireless mouse and keyboard: this will increase the comfort of your area. In addition, wires are considered “thieves” of money.

Make the lighting of the work area sufficient, but not too bright: add a table lamp to the general light.

Feng Shui of a workplace in a company office

If you are an ordinary office employee, then there are few opportunities for rearrangements. However, even when working in a company building, you can arrange your personal space in such a way that it will orient you to success.

If besides yours there are other tables at which colleagues are working, then you should not arrange the furniture so that you are face to face with them. Otherwise, frequent disagreements are possible. Sitting facing the wall, you block the channels for the emergence of new ideas and energy for their implementation. The window and door should be located to your side.

To win the “love” of management, it is better to sit facing them, even if the boss’s office is far from yours. In order not to lose your favorite work, you should not sit in front of any mirror surfaces that show your reflection. The workplace should not be reflected in mirrors, especially if you deal with money.

You should not position your face or back to a long corridor, even one hidden behind an office door. This is especially bad for the success of people in leadership positions.

The place of work should radiate positivity

Place things in your workplace that inspire and delight. These can be photographs of loved ones, slogans, items of personal success. Take a photo of yourself where you are successful and happy - and place it near you to attract even more luck. The image of a path leading to a distance or a staircase going up in the northern part of your place will lead to advancement in your career.

If it is prohibited to place foreign objects on the table, put them in a drawer. This way you will have the opportunity to admire your favorite things every time you take something out of there. Place a beautiful screensaver on your desktop with peaceful landscapes or objects of your dreams.

Color spectrum

If you want to arrange a workplace in your company office according to Feng Shui, but you don’t like the color scheme of the room, arrange some variety on your desk. So, an orange mouse pad or a bright photograph in orange tones will raise your energy and relieve fatigue.

Red color of fire. It is suitable for energetic people and helps them succeed even more in business. However, too much of it in the interior can cause increased fatigue and irritability when staying indoors for a long time.

Dark blue and black. This is a symbol of water, helping to find peace and focus on creativity. In excess, these colors impart uncertainty and vulnerability.

Metallic colors. Silver, gold, white and gray colors. They attract wealth, but in excess they make a person greedy.

Brown. The element of color is earth. A person who chooses this color gains stability and confidence in the future. However, too much brown leads to weakness, stubbornness, and self-criticism.

Putting things in order

How often do you clean your workplace? Usually people get used to the mess very quickly and stop noticing it. It becomes the norm of life. According to Feng Shui, one of the methods of attracting money is to put things in order on the table with a certain arrangement of objects on it.

  • Career area. It is located right in front of you on the table. Leave it blank so that new horizons of success open up before you.
  • Creative sphere. Located on the right. Everything that has already been completed - documents, folders, reports, etc. - is better to put here. However, any imperfections should not be stored on the right hand. Also, here you should place your favorite photos, creative images, etc.
  • On the left is the health sphere. This is where we store all unfinished or planned tasks. For health, you can place a crane figurine or a wooden container with nuts.
  • In the far right corner it is good to place photos of couples in love, or you can have your own (if you already have a loved one).
  • In the far left corner you should grow a money tree or any other plant: it will bring wealth.