How to dilute fertilizer for flowers. Coffee as a fertilizer for indoor plants. DIY fertilizer

The classic crop rotation, which allows the soil to restore the balance of nutrients, cannot be applied either in mixborders or in perennial plots.

Why, you can’t even dig up a long-broken flower garden properly! And at the same time, we want it to please us with lush and abundant flowering from early spring to late autumn? Then it is necessary to add inspiration and strength to the soil in those areas that are vacated after the pilots. TO what kind of fertilizer to apply in the spring for garden flowers, and what kind of fertilizer is applied in the fall and when is the main soil fertilizer done?

In autumn, you need to dig and feed the soil.

Our advice:

Autumn fertilization for garden flowers is not without reason called the main one, because no regular plant nutrition during the growing season can replace it.

What's on the "menu" of garden flowers?

With the main application of fertilizers, the entire dose of organic fertilizers and most of the mineral fertilizers are applied. During the autumn refueling of the soil, fertilizers for garden flowers have time to be included in the biochemical processes taking place in it, due to which garden flowers receive nutrition in an easily digestible form.

If the main fertilization for flower beds has to be transferred to spring, it is carried out as early as possible, at least two weeks (and even better - a month) before planting or sowing.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers for garden flowers are applied only in spring.

Garden flowers need macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron) and microelements (boron, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, etc.), which they consume in the form of salt ions:

  • Nitrogen promotes vigorous growth, gives the leaves a dark green color and slows down the aging process in plants. With a lack of nitrogen, garden flowers are stunted, the leaves become small and pale green.
  • Phosphorus increases the frost resistance of plants, normal nutrition with phosphorus accelerates flowering. The lack of this element at the beginning of growth is then difficult to correct even with abundant phosphorus nutrition. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves turn yellow from the edges and fall off.
  • Potassium also increases the frost resistance of perennials, promotes the absorption of nitrogen, enhances tillering and stem strength. If fungal diseases are spreading in the flower garden, this may be a sign of a potassium deficiency in the soil.
  • Calcium participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, with a lack of this element, growth points die off, the roots develop poorly and become brittle, the edges of the leaves turn brown.
  • Sulfur contributes to the powerful growth of the roots of garden flowers.
  • Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, promotes photosynthesis, with prolonged magnesium starvation, plant growth stops.
  • Iron- with its deficiency, growth stimulants (auxins) are destroyed, chlorosis of the apical leaves develops, they become light yellow or whitish and die, and the tops of the shoots also die.
  • Bor with its deficiency, flower buds and apical buds die, the leaves turn red.
  • Copper increases the resistance of plants to drought and disease.

On different stages development, the need for nutrients in garden flowers is changing. Young plants consume a lot of nitrogen, during the flowering period, the need for potassium increases, and after flowering, nitrogen and phosphorus are evenly assimilated throughout the growing season.

An excess of mineral fertilizers leads to inhibition of plants.

A high concentration of one element can interfere with the absorption of another. For example, an excess of potassium and sodium makes it difficult to absorb magnesium, and an excess of phosphorus - iron and nitrate nitrogen. That is why it is important to adhere to the norms for applying fertilizers, including organic ones.

Organic fertilizers for garden flowers

Organic matter stimulates the vital activity of soil microorganisms and loosens the earth.


It is considered the best of organic fertilizers for making under garden flowers.

Advantages: it contains all the nutrients the plants need and acts in the soil for several years.

How to use: manure is applied no more than once every 3-4 years. The norm is 2 kg per 1 sq. meter, and on poor podzolic and sandy soils - 4-6 kg per 1 sq. meter.

With fresh manure, flower growers need to be very careful:

  • Firstly, it can only be applied in autumn. Before planting fresh manure do not use, as it serves as a source of development of putrefactive bacteria and fungal diseases;
  • secondly, in no case do manure fertilize areas for bulbs (bulbs are planted in manured soil no earlier than after 3 years) and other plants that prefer light soils.

Our advice:

For flower beds, it is safer to use rotted manure - humus. As the main fertilizer, it is applied annually at 6-10 kg per 1 sq. meter.

Bird droppings for garden flowers

Advantage: fast-acting fertilizer, it is saturated with all the necessary macronutrients, as well as magnesium, and in a form that is easily digestible by plants.

How to use: it is given at 200-400 g per 1 sq. meter, after mixing with peat chips or garden soil.

Peat for garden flowers

Advantage: lowland peat is rich in nitrogen, but poor in other elements, so it is always supplemented with mineral fertilizers. Peat gives the greatest effect in the third year, before that it serves as a baking powder for the soil.

How to use: application rate for garden flowers 8-10 kg per 1 sq. meter. Fresh peat, just extracted from a swamp, cannot be used immediately, it contains a lot of substances harmful to plants, in particular hydrogen sulfide and methane. When making high-moor peat, which has a high acidity, add 2% lime.

More often, instead of peat, peat-mineral fertilizers are used; there are several types of them on sale, differing in the content of phosphorus and potassium. When buying peat fertilizers, you need to carefully read the information on the package.

Our advice:

In summer cottages, feces composted with peat with the addition of superphosphate are effective fertilizers. They are brought in for autumn digging (1.5-4.0 kg per 1 sq. meter).

Plant residue compost for garden flowers

Advantage: good nutrition for a flower garden, it can be applied in large quantities.

How to use: application rate is 10-12 kg 1 sq. meter.

Bone and blood meal, silt, wood ash as a source of potassium are also used as a fertilizer, and birch ash is considered the most valuable.

Perennial garden flowers have a good appetite

Since perennials are planted for a long period, the soil for them is prepared especially carefully. Some reference books recommend making up to 25 kg per 1 sq. meter of rotted organic matter (humus, compost, peat) plus 100-150 g of bone meal, 150-200 g of wood ash (potassium) and 50-60 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. meter. If necessary, add 200-400 g of lime material per 1 sq. meter. This recipe is designed for poor and depleted soils.

To bookmark a flower garden:

  • perennials: the classic application rate of the main fertilizer on sufficiently fertile soil is 5 kg of organic matter, per 1 sq. meter and 12-18 g of the active substance of phosphate and potash fertilizers per 1 sq. meter;
  • biennials and annuals: the rate of fertilizer is reduced by 50%;
  • bulbous crops: as the main fertilizer, 40-45 g per 1 sq. meter of complex mineral fertilizer, for irises, the same fertilizer is enough 20-30 g per 1 sq. meter.

Very often in flower beds it is not possible to prepare a significant area of ​​soil in accordance with all the rules. Then the main fertilizer is applied to the planting pits. In a hole 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide, give 5 kg of organic fertilizers, 200 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt (or 200 g of wood ash).

How to calculate the doses of mineral fertilizers for garden flowers?

In some reference books, the norms of mineral fertilizers are indicated in kg or g of the active substance (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), as in the example we have given above.

In this case indicated figures(12-18 g per 1 sq. meter in our case) according to the percentage formula, they are converted to the mass of the available fertilizer. That is, you need 12 g of phosphorus, and there is a simple superphosphate, on the packaging of which it is indicated that it contains 16% phosphorus. We divide 12 by 16, it will be 0.75, and multiply by 100, we get 75 as a result.

This is the number of grams of our particular superphosphate.

© Magazine "Ogorodnik"

Often, uninitiated people have a question: is it necessary to use fertilizers in ornamental gardening and floriculture? Whether there is a general rules application of mineral fertilizers for ornamental plants?

Of course, you need to apply fertilizers. After all, it is thanks to them that plants receive good nutrition, develop and grow correctly and well, bloom luxuriantly and brightly. As you know, plants need to receive at least 16 nutrients. Carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) are obtained naturally from water and ambient air, so these elements should not be taken care of. But it is worth thinking about how to provide plants with other elements - those that come through the root system from the soil. What are these elements? First of all, these are the main ones - nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S).

Nitrogen(N) is one of the most important elements that plants need, it contributes to their growth and development. Try an experiment: in the spring, when peony sprouts have just appeared, water one peony warm water, in which dissolve a tablespoon of urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water), pour the second peony with plain water and watch them for about a week. You will see how quickly a peony watered with fertilizer will grow and how a “regular” peony will lag behind in growth. So, nitrogen is needed regularly, but in company with other elements. Excess nitrogen will lead to violent growth at the expense of flowering and fruiting. There is even an expression: the plant fattens. In addition, excessive growth reduces resistance to disease, reduces winter hardiness. It is important to remember that trees, shrubs and perennials can only be fertilized with nitrogen until mid-July.

Phosphorus(P) as opposed to nitrogen, shortens the growing season. In trees with a lack of phosphorus, the growth of shoots slows down, in perennials fewer flowers form. The amount of nitrogen and phosphorus must be balanced.

Potassium(K) increases the resistance of plants, in particular frost resistance. Plants, especially young ones, require a lot of potassium. The more they grow, consume nitrogen, the more potassium they need. If there is not enough potassium, the plants do not tolerate drought well and die more often under adverse conditions.

Calcium(Ca) is required by plants for the formation of woody tissue and roots. Without calcium, the roots grow slowly, with few lateral roots and small root hairs, thanks to which the plant receives nutrition from the soil.

Magnesium(Mg) is a necessary element for the formation of chlorophyll. With a lack of magnesium, the leaves become pale, even turn yellow, and the flowers become smaller and lose their bright color.

As additional elements and trace elements necessary for plants, we will name iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo) and cobalt (Co). Of course, they need very little, but their value is great. Trace elements protect plants from diseases, improve fertilization. Many gardeners know, for example, that if, during the flowering of cherries or plums, they are sprinkled with a solution boric acid, there will be more fruits. Thanks to micronutrients, plants better absorb essential nutrients.

It receives most of the substances necessary for the plant through fertilizers, mineral and organic.

Types of mineral fertilizers

All mineral fertilizers are divided into three groups:

1. Simple - contain only one of the main batteries. These include:

a) nitrogen fertilizers:

b) phosphate fertilizers:

  • superphosphate (single and double);
  • enriched superphosphate (ammonized);
  • phosphate rock, etc.

V) potash fertilizers:

  • potassium chloride;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • potassium carbonate (potash).

2. Double fertilizer– ammophos (NP), diammophos (NP), potassium nitrate (NK), calcium nitrate(CaN), potash-lime fertilizer (KCa), dolomite flour and etc.

3. Triple fertilizers (NPK) - nitrophoska, nitroammophoska, crystallin, etc.

For the most part, the latest mixtures are also enriched with the most important trace elements - Cu, B, Mn, Zn, Mo. Liquid fertilizers are also available. The elements in them are completely soluble and act faster.

Fertilization methods

First way- filling the soil. This is the application of fertilizer to the planting hole. Carried out before planting. Fertilizers are applied once, for a long time and therefore in higher doses. First of all, superphosphate and potassium must be added.

The main fertilizer is applied annually in autumn or spring for digging (loosening). These are necessarily nitrogen, as well as phosphorus and potash fertilizers. For annual flowers, it is also a preplant fertilizer.

Second way- top dressing. They are produced during the entire period of plant development. To do this, use complex fertilizers or organic, for example, mullein. Top dressing can be root and foliar. Root top dressing can be carried out with dry fertilizers. To do this, they scatter them around the bush on wet ground, then loosen the soil and water it. It is very good to carry out a full top dressing before or during rain - this way fertilizers are well absorbed. You can dissolve fertilizers in water and shed the plants with a solution, but it is better to do this after watering, since absorption into dry soil is worse.

Mandatory fertilizing with complex fertilizers of plants planted in containers. The volume of soil in them is limited, and the plants do not receive sufficient nutrition.

Foliar top dressing is carried out by spraying with fertilizer solutions. In this case, nutrients are introduced into the plant through the leaves, branches, stem. Since plants need few trace elements, it is possible to fully provide them with plants only with foliar feeding.

As for the specific doses and methods of applying fertilizers, here each gardener must decide for himself, based on his experience and taking into account individual growing conditions, including soil conditions, as well as the needs of specific plants.

Many are tormented by doubts: “How to determine if a plant needs to be fertilized at home?”. Experts identify a number of important signals that plants are able to show, indicating their inferior development:

  • Weak and emaciated stem
  • slow growth process
  • No flowering
  • The leaves are unsaturated, practically uncolored, small and not developed.
  • The appearance of yellow coloration on any part of the plant, the loss of foliage.

Do you see any of the signals? Urgently take care of the health of home flowers? Do you want your green spaces to smell and bloom, pleasing to the eye? The solution is found - start fertilizing, and do it as quickly as possible.

Fertilizers for flowers: studying types

Easiest to buy flower fertilizers in a specialized gardening store, but do not forget that not everything is of high quality, and not everything is able to immediately solve the problem. Before you go to the store, study the issue thoroughly, learn to understand the types and types of feeding, and only then recover to “save the world”, your green world.

Fertilizers for indoor plants classified into several types:

  • mineral- These are fertilizers that have a ready-made composition. Mineral fertilizers for flowers are divided into three main groups, the name of which is formulated depending on which main nutrient is included in its composition.
  • Phosphoric
  • Potash
  • Nitrate

Mineral fertilizers have minor drawbacks, among which should be highlighted:

  • lack of a full range of nutritional compounds;
  • have a negative impact on soil salinity and acidity.
  • organic top dressing are the waste products of living organisms (for example, animals or plants). Examples include peat or bird droppings, manure, compost.

The advantages of organic fertilizers are wide, but there is one significant drawback - an unpleasant odor coming from feeding animal and plant life. Therefore, many limit themselves from using organic fertilizers at home. But, as practice shows, if the situation is hopeless, everything is used, even unpleasantly smelling manure.

  • Bacterial - the most acceptable type of fertilizer, moreover, environmentally friendly. It is very effective when used in vast areas, but in a home environment it is problematic.
  • Combined

Fertilizers for flowers: all about irreplaceable feeding

According to the state of aggregation, fertilizers are divided into:



  • Very convenient to use. Mix fertilizer with water, mix the resulting solution and water the flowers. What could be easier?
  • The plant absorbs all the necessary nutrients very quickly and absorbs them just as quickly.


  • Short term exposure



  • Long interval between feedings
  • More economical


  • Need more time to digest

Even a non-specialist will say that the strength of a fertilizer is in the active ingredient or even in the complex of active ingredients. How to choose the optimal top dressing so as not to harm? It is best to make fertilizer at home and with your own hands.

Home first aid kit for flowers: we prepare fertilizers ourselves

  • Fertilizer that is always at hand - sugar. Glucose obtained from the breakdown of sugar is a unique source of nutrients that acts as a building material.

Important! Glucose is a complete zero if there is no carbon dioxide nearby. The absence of carbon dioxide contributes to the development of root rot. Therefore, when using sugar, combine it with an EM drug.


  • Take 1 tablespoon of sugar.
  • Pour half a liter of water into the container.
  • Add sugar and water, stir until sugar dissolves and a homogeneous solution is formed.
  • Use the resulting sugar solution as a fertilizer once a month.
  • onion peel- "Klondike" of important trace elements.


  • Take 50 grams of onion peel.
  • Fill the husk with water, a volume of 2 liters.
  • Let it boil for 8-10 minutes.
  • Let the solution brew for 2-3 hours.
  • Yeast- the connection is direct: the dough grows, the plant grows. For domestic plants - the best top dressing, besides it is very easy to prepare and inexpensive. The result will not keep you waiting long.


  • Prepare a liter of water at room temperature, you can warm it up a little.
  • Dissolve 10 grams of yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar in water.
  • Let the solution stand for 2 hours.
  • Add another 5 liters of water to the resulting solution. .

Feed is ready. Get into action.

Advice. If dry yeast is at hand, then the amount of ingredients used to prepare the fertilizer should be as follows: 10 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of sugar and 10 grams of yeast.

  • Ash is a perfect top dressing, the richest in the content of micro and macro elements, which are so necessary for the growth and development of home flowers.

Instruction: mix the ashes with the soil before planting the plant in it. The soil is saturated with nutrients, preventing the plant from rotting.

Is the plant already in a pot? No problem. Prepare liquid fertilizer by mixing 1 tablespoon of ash with a liter of water. The result is identical.

Basic rules for fertilizing flowers

  1. Before using this or that fertilizer, be sure to consult with specialists. Specify whether the chosen dressing is suitable for the flower or not. Are they compatible?
  2. "It's better to miss than to beat." The main thing is not to overdo it. Excess nutrients - the process is almost irreparable. At best, the plant will become covered with spots, at worst, it will wither. Stick to this rule, and remember about proportions and periodicity.
  3. "Everything should be in moderation." Especially when it comes to the process of feeding domestic plants. Insufficient amounts of nutrients can only exacerbate developmental changes.

Remember, oversaturating one micro or macro elements, you do not compensate for the lack of another. Chemical processes, if you, of course, are not a specialist, cannot be calculated, so experiments should be said: “No!”.

A huge variety of fertilizers for house flowers increases the likelihood that your flower will be cured. Powders and granules, fertilizers in the form of sticks are offered today by shops for gardeners.

Choose your fertilizer wisely, and remember that care must be taken in everything: in determining the type and type of fertilizer, in calculating its amount, in the frequency of feeding.

Feed the plant with mineral fertilizers at home and let every flower, every leaf of your green friend be healthy.

  • decrease in the body's immune defenses
  • drowsiness
  • frequent fatigue
  • depression
  • headaches, and as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs

If you feel frequent ailments, you just need to cleanse the body. How to do it

Flower Fertilizers For proper growth, development and flowering, each flower in your garden must be nourished by certain elements from the soil. If such nutrition is insufficient, you will immediately notice it in the appearance of the flowers, which will grow poorly, lose their bright and lively hue, as well as pretty blooms. Therefore, if you want to keep every planting of flowers: flowerbed, rabatka or parterre in excellent condition, then do not forget to use fertilizer during care.

Depleted soil cannot provide plants with the required amount of nutrients, so if you plant flowers in one place for several years in a row, or this area has already been used for other crops, the land on it must be fertilized. Remarkably, even undepleted, "walking fallow" land is not always rich in essential elements. Therefore, top dressing of garden flowers is required, only in this case they will delight you with an irresistible appearance.

When to fertilize flowers?

According to experts, it is much easier with annual plants, which are enough to feed only 2 times a season: the first time - 12-15 days after planting the seedlings in the ground and rooting, and the second - during the formation of buds with flowers. This will be quite enough for the flowers to grow and develop, and also show exuberant color at a certain time. With perennials, the picture is slightly different, they need to be fed three times a year: the first time - at the moment when the earth begins to dry out in spring (it can be loosened and fertilized), the second - at the time the buds appear, and the third - after flowering. This is necessary so that the flowers stock up on strength for wintering and can lay strong buds for the next year.

Organic fertilizers for flowers

The use of organic fertilizers for flowers is very important, since most of them prefer organic. It is very difficult to imagine beautiful bushes and bright flowers of roses, dahlias and peonies without fertilizing with manure.

The most suitable for fertilizing cow and horse manure. But if horse dung can be used for top dressing fresh, then the cow must definitely perepret. It is best to fertilize flower beds with liquid manure, which is not difficult to prepare. To do this, you just need to take 10 liters of clean water and insist 1 kg of manure in it. After a day, liquid top dressing can be used. To do this, it is diluted with water, 1: 2, and flower beds and other flower plantings are watered, depending on the type of plant, the soil after such watering can be loosened or mulched.

If we continue talking about organics, then the next the best fertilizer for flowers, chicken manure is considered. It is prepared in much the same way as an infusion of ordinary horse or cow dung, but it is insisted for about two weeks. After the expiration of the period, the slurry is diluted (0.5 l of infusion in a bucket of water) and the roots of plants are poured into it.

An incredible "delicacy" for flowers will be feeding with a solution of ash, for the preparation of which wood ash and clean water are used, 1 cup per bucket.

Mineral fertilizers for flowers

But, unfortunately, not all flowers are good for organic fertilizers. Among them are asters, marigolds, nasturtiums and almost all bulbs: hyacinths, daffodils and tulips), which either get sick or die from organic matter. It is in these cases that mineral fertilizers will come in handy.

At the very beginning of the season, you can use nitrogen fertilizers for flowers, which will make it possible to build up a dense and healthy green mass - strong stems and bright leaves. Next, you can apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, they will help the buds develop faster and bloom profusely. Potash fertilizers are well suited for perennial flowers, but only at the end of the season in order to lay flower buds for the next year.

But, sometimes, it is very difficult for a person without experience to choose the right fertilizer for garden flowers, especially when it comes to mineral ones. In this case, experts recommend simply using complex fertilizer for flowers, which already combines all the necessary elements. You can buy complex fertilizers for flowers at any specialized store, so there should be no questions.

How to make fertilizer for flowers?

Sometimes there are situations in which soil fertilization is almost impossible, but should take place. There are a huge number of examples: a person cannot afford to buy fertilizer, elderly people cannot bear heavy loads and deliver fertilizer from stores, they do not sell the necessary fertilizers in the dacha area or its environs. In short, there are many such nuances, but what to do in this case if you want to grow on suburban area at least a small flower bed of beautiful flowers? There is a way out, as usual, and now we'll talk about it:

  • With many flowers, ordinary coffee grounds are perfectly absorbed, and if you need to fertilize a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers, then a portion of such fertilizer can be collected in just a week;
  • An infusion can be a source of calcium for your flowers eggshell in ordinary water, which further should be watered plants;
  • Some plants are even fine with sugar, which can be sprinkled on the surface before watering;
  • You can add tea leaves to the soil, a decoction of onion peel, an infusion of banana peel and infusions from other food waste. Also, good compost can be prepared from this raw material, however, this will take a little more time.

Of course, this list is more like fertilizer for home flowers, but believe me, it is perfect for a small flower bed, where you don’t need a huge expense.

DIY fertilizer

Also, I would like to note that if it is not possible to buy a universal fertilizer for flowers or a special decorative fertilizer for flowers, then you can always use rotted weeds, rotted straw, wood ash, and also droppings of small pets for dressing, which will perfectly hide the deficiency. , say, manure, horse or cow. Perhaps these fertilizers will not be enough for the ideal cultivation of flowers, but any flower will be very grateful to you for such an amount.

Spring fertilizer - how and what to apply

Spring fertilization on the site and cottage

Everything that we plant grows well only on fertile land. And when there are not enough nutrients in the soil, there is no need to wait for a plentiful harvest and beauty.

Vegetables and annuals are usually fertilized in the process of growing seedlings and immediately after "moving" to the beds and flower beds.

perennials, fruit, ornamental trees and it is important to feed the bushes during transplantation, but during the season you should not keep them on a starvation diet.

Each season has its own “diet”, because different periods of vegetation require a certain ratio of the main nutrients.

At the core spring fertilizer nitrogen is responsible for active growth.

Equally important in spring are phosphorus, which stimulates root growth, and potassium, which supports flowering and lays the foundation for fruiting.

In autumn, the last two components predominate in dressings and fertilizers, they help plants prepare for the winter cold and survive them safely.

Each gardener has their own preferences.

The older generation usually uses natural organic matter, which in its “fresh” form inhibits the soil microflora and is even capable of burning the roots, and also contains pathogens and weed seeds.

Therefore, it needs to be “brought to mind”: the manure needs to be overturned, and the compost needs to ripen.

A good alternative to the old-fashioned fertilizer is ready-made organic top dressing, environmentally friendly and practically devoid of flaws. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Organo-mineral fertilizers begin to work on increasing fertility immediately after they are applied to the soil.

They help to structure the soil, increase the amount of humus in it and increase the resistance of plants to many bacterial and fungal diseases.

Mineral fertilizers of a new generation, as a rule, are designed for specific crops or problem areas of these crops.

In fertile soil, they are quickly absorbed by plants.

"Sticks" do not require special care, have a prolonged action and gradually release nutrients when watered.

Dry water-soluble fertilizers contain a full range of macro- and microelements necessary for flowers, ornamental plants, vegetable and berry crops, and finally, new forms of liquid root and foliar dressings are the most gentle soil microflora, usually contain humates and, in fact, are both and fertilizers, and growth stimulants.

However, if you want to achieve noticeable results, you should not “comb everyone with the same brush” - each culture (species or family) needs its own diet.

For example, ornamental plants need a lot of nitrogen, while flowering plants need potassium to ensure long flowering.

Important: many plants are capricious and do not tolerate even minimal errors in the diet, so before you buy fertilizer, study the tastes of your pets.

In addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which form the basis of the diet, plants need trace elements, preferably in a chelated form.

These drugs are especially useful for those who lag behind in development.

But before choosing a top dressing, determine which element is missing in the soil and which “additive” will be optimal.

They accompany plants from the appearance of the first shoots to the formation of ovaries, accelerating the growth of stems and foliage and making flower ovaries more viable.

Fertilizers in the spring - norms and rules of application

The spring season is considered the most favorable for applying all types of fertilizers to the soil. This applies primarily to planting new plants that need to create a supply of nutrients, however, feeding already mature plants is extremely important for their normal growth and development. It is especially important to apply fertilizers for fruit, berry and vegetable crops. Today there are many fertilizers, dressings and remedies. Of course, on each package you will find comprehensive information on this fertilizer, but it is very important to understand the general principles of fertilizer action.

Kaoke fertilizer to choose for spring application

If we talk about organic fertilizers, such as manure or humus, peat, bird droppings and compost, then they are recommended to be applied once every two to three years.

The main advantage of such fertilizers is the ability to enrich the soil with useful trace elements. They necessarily contain phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, potassium and other elements that positively affect the condition of the soil and contribute to plant nutrition. Organics loosens the soil very well, improves its structure and is environmentally friendly. However, not all owners of cottages or summer cottages are ready to put up with the dirt and smell associated with organic matter.

As for mineral fertilizers, they must be applied to the soil annually. Despite the fact that mineral fertilizers do not affect the improvement of soil structure, they should not be biased. Indeed, thanks to mineral fertilizers, plants receive all the elements necessary for growth, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus. The advantage of mineral fertilizers is the ease of their application, they are easily dissolved in the soil, the faster they are absorbed by plants. They usually fertilize where there are the most roots that can absorb nutrients, i.e. not under the very trunk of the apple tree, but around the entire trunk, as far as the branches stretch. After sprinkling, fertilizer must be embedded in the ground.

Granular fertilizers are popular and convenient, but take longer to dissolve and work on plants. Powders and liquids work faster and are usually better dosed and more balanced. Such a fertilizer is usually dissolved in water and either watered under the roots or sprayed onto the leaves using garden pumps or special sprayers.

The optimal spring norm for a plot of 1 acres is considered to be the addition to the soil: 200-250 g of phosphorus fertilizers, 200 g of potash fertilizers (replaced wood ash) and 300-350 g of nitrogen fertilizers (carbamide or urea, ammonium nitrate).

Recently, complex fertilizers have also been considered very convenient, with two or even three components in the composition, which enrich plants with the necessary substances, including trace elements. Now gardeners can choose special dressings - for seedlings, ornamental deciduous, coniferous, flowering and other types of plants. All of them are balanced, without sediment, made specifically for the needs of specific groups of plants, and are produced in a liquid state.

Liquid fertilizers are highly soluble in water and are used as root and foliar feeding. Application liquid fertilizer occurs at the time of sowing or planting, or together with water during irrigation. Granular nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied directly to the soil when sowing or planting seedlings, or before digging to a depth of approximately 20 cm.

It is important to remember that when applying organic, mineral and complex fertilizers, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions on the package, because an excess dose can affect plants in an undesirable opposite way.

We hope that our advice will be useful when choosing fertilizers. Enrich your lands. We wish you success and great harvests!

We fertilize flowers according to science - balanced and on time

Top dressing and fertilizers for flowers in the garden - which when and how much?

Plant nutrition should be plentiful, affordable and most importantly, balanced. It is important to fertilize right time and in sufficient quantity. Only in this case, favorite flowers will be able to realize all their potential.

The need for nutrients in plants depends on the phase of their growth and development. At different cultures feed system requirements may vary. But there is a general rule for all: in the spring, during the period of active vegetation, perennials are given in nitrogen fertilizers. In the budding phase, it is recommended to apply a complex fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium; in the second half of summer, only phosphorus and potassium rheniums are applied to prepare plants for winter.

Iris top dressing

Irises are better underfed than overfed, otherwise the active growth of green mass will occur at the expense of flowering. The first top dressing with mineral fertilizers is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, the second - in the budding phase and the last - two weeks after flowering. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be 3:1:3.

Feeding roses

Immediately after the first spring pruning under roses, we must apply nitrogen fertilizers (urea or ammonium nitrate) 20 g / m2, superphosphate 30 g / m2, potassium salt - 10 g / m2 or use complex mineral fertilizers 30 - 40 g / m2. Beneficial effect on the soil microflora is the introduction of humus 5 - 6 kg / m2. During the season, up to 6-7 top dressings are carried out, by the middle of summer the nitrogen concentration is reduced to 5 g, and then completely excluded.
