Forms of interaction of children with different educational needs. Organization of interaction of children with special educational needs (with children with disabilities) in groups of joint education in a preschool educational institution

State budgetary educational institution Neftekamsk correctional boarding school for children with handicapped health


at the pedagogical council on the topic:

"Features of interaction with children with special educational needs"

Prepared by: Sagadieva Yu.V.


The education of children with special needs is one of the main tasks for the country. This is a necessary condition for creating a truly inclusive society, where everyone can feel the involvement and relevance of their actions. We have an obligation to enable every child, regardless of their needs and other circumstances, to reach their full potential, contribute to society and become a full member of it. (David Blanket) Children whose condition prevents learning educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing, i.e. these are children with disabilities, or other children under the age of 18 who are not recognized in in due course children with disabilities, but having temporary or permanent deviations in physical or mental development and in need of creating special conditions for education and upbringing. Children with disabilities include: children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system; children with intellectual disabilities; children with impaired hearing, vision, underdevelopment of speech; children with autism; children with combined developmental disorders. Federal state educational standards for children with disabilities are considered as an integral part of the federal state standards general education. This approach is consistent with the UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which guarantees all children the right to compulsory and free secondary education. Special educational standard should become a basic tool for the implementation of the constitutional rights to education of citizens with disabilities. There are currently three approaches to teaching children with special educational needs in Russia:

Differentiated education of children with disabilities of physical and mental development in special (correctional) institutions of types I-VIII;

Integrated education of children in special classes (groups) in general educational institutions;

Inclusive education, when children with special educational needs are taught in the classroom along with ordinary children.

Inclusive education involves accepting students with disabilities like any other children in the class, including them in the same activities, engaging in collective forms learning and group problem solving, using a strategy of collective participation - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc. Inclusive education expands the personal opportunities of all children, helps to develop humanity, tolerance, willingness to help peers. Inclusion is not only the physical presence of a child with disabilities in a general education school. This is a change in the school itself, school culture and the system of relations between participants in the educational process, close cooperation between teachers and specialists, and the involvement of parents in working with a child.

General rules corrective work are:

Individual approach to each student.

Prevention of the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means for this (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).

Using methods that activate cognitive activity students who develop their oral and written speech and form the necessary learning skills.

The manifestation of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, development of faith in him in own forces and opportunities.

Effective methods of corrective impact on the emotional and cognitive sphere of children with disabilities in development are:

game situations;

didactic games;

game trainings that contribute to the development of the ability to communicate with others;

psycho-gymnastics and relaxation, allowing you to relieve muscle spasms and clamps, especially in the face and hands.

The teacher needs:

monitor the progress of students: after each part of the new educational material check if the child understands; put the child at the first desks, as close as possible to the teacher;

support children, develop positive self-esteem in them, correctly making a remark if something is done wrong.

For children with disabilities, it is important to learn without coercion, based on interest, success, trust, and reflection on what has been learned. When organizing the educational process, one should proceed from the capabilities of the child - the task should lie in the zone of moderate difficulty, but be accessible, since at the first stages of correctional work it is necessary to provide the student with subjective experiences of success against the background of a certain amount of effort. In the future, the difficulty of tasks should be increased in proportion to the growing capabilities of the child. The main thing that a child should know and feel is that in a huge and not always friendly world there is a small island where he can always feel protected, loved and desired. Every child is bound to become an adult. And tomorrow's victories and successes will depend on the decisions taken by us today.

Psychological sciences


P. M. Terziysk, Southwestern University. N. Rilsky (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria).

Summary. This article is devoted to the organization of work with children with special educational needs in an ordinary kindergarten. The issues of integrated education of these children are considered.

Key words: children with special educational needs, integrated education, kindergarten, developmental environment.

Children with special educational needs can and should learn and develop in the normal kindergarten along with their peers. For the integrated education of these children, it is necessary to completely remove the distance between children, equal partnership in various activities. It is very important when the kindergarten is considered not only as an institution for the education of children, but as a living space in which it is necessary to realize the natural, stimulating transition "from the zone of actual to the zone of proximal development" of each child. Here, children with special educational needs fulfill the requirements on an equal basis with their peers in Group.

Co-education and education must begin at preschool age. The success of this training requires an interdisciplinary, i.e. pedagogical and socio-psychological approach. It is necessary to use various therapeutic measures in the daily life of the child, in activities that have personal meaning for him.

In the pedagogical process, it is necessary to use various methods of therapy: object, speech, music, art therapy, therapeutic exercises. At the same time, exercises for training perception, rhythmic-motor activity, etc. are very useful.

Children with special educational needs are offered various didactic speech games. They perform simple exercises,

that make sense in the household, learn to concentrate their optical and acoustic attention on didactic material. Such children, depending on their characteristics in psychophysical development, can and should participate in the frontal, subgroup lessons of the group. When organizing games on a daily basis, children with special educational needs should be actively involved in them, more often entrusting them with the role of leader. Makes sure that their participation in the game is not silent, the implementation of certain actions only to imitate other children.

For the successful integration of children with special educational needs into the environment of their peers, it is necessary to:

Creation of a supportive environment for development;

Appropriate software and methodological support;

Interaction of specialists (teachers, special teachers, psychologists, speech therapists).

Interaction of specialists with parents of children with special educational needs

Active interaction of children in a group with a child with special educational needs

Psychological and pedagogical support.

To meet the special educational needs of children, special programs must be created. For each child, draw up an individual program of training and development, taking into account his individual characteristics - the structure of the disorder, the level of psychophysical development, and age.

The success of educational integration presupposes the creation of a developing environment. This is a very important task of the kindergarten.

Of exceptional importance is the creation of optimal conditions for the successful correction of violations in the development, education, upbringing, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with general educational needs.

It is necessary to bring the entire object-spatial environment, taking into account its structural and functional components, in line with the general and special needs of preschool age. Kindergarten equipment is supplemented by teaching aids adapted for children with special educational needs. For example. For children moving in a wheelchair, ramps should be made instead of stairs, additional railings, etc. It is very important for children with hearing impairments to be seated in class so that they can constantly see well the illuminated faces of the speakers - teachers, children. In this regard, it is advisable to place such children with their backs or sideways to the window, and the teacher

be positioned so that his face is facing the light. For children with poor eyesight, the door must be made in a bright contrasting color. It is important to pay attention to the lighting of the desktop. In addition, the visual material that is used must be voiced so that the child can receive information. It must be remembered that excessive special equipment does not give children with special educational needs the opportunity to learn how to act independently in real life.

It is very useful that the kindergarten uses adapted classical Montessori materials for the needs of children with various kinds of developmental disabilities. During the lesson, the child can and should independently choose the type of activity, while the learning tools are in the public domain. The beginning of work with the material chosen by the child should be shown specially by the teacher.

In such an environment, children have the opportunity to show independence; acquire skills and abilities useful in Everyday life(plant care, personal hygiene skills, going shopping, etc.).

At the same time, stable relationships are needed to help social adaptation and correction of deviations in children with special educational needs. Communication and social experience are essential for social and emotional development. Children who do not have enough communication with their peers quickly find themselves in a vicious circle: the inability to adapt in society leads to limited contacts, and this, in turn, leads to an even greater lack of social and emotional development. Children with special educational needs learn even more from other children than from adults. In order to establish and facilitate contacts between children, purposeful work of teachers is necessary, the creation and use of suitable situations for this purpose.

It is important for the teacher to involve children with developmental disabilities in active communication with their peers more often. When planning and conducting classes, it should be taken into account that a child with special educational needs should actively participate in them. In this regard, it is unacceptable to give him any individual task for independent completion at a time when a conversation is being held with other children: he will not participate in the discussion, he will not know what the conversation was about. So gradually the child will increasingly drop out of classes and his integration will turn into a simple stay in the same room with the children in the norm.

Children with special educational needs need to feel sufficiently autonomous, competent, confident and able to fulfill the basic responsibilities in the group.

Recognition and sympathy from others, the experience of oneself as "belonging to a group" have a huge impact on individual development.

An important condition for meeting the special educational needs of children are the personal qualities and professional competence of teachers.

When working with children with special educational needs, the teacher should:

Constantly look for and apply new methods and means of working with these children.

To be able to understand the child and be able to take his position in relation to him.

To improve professional competence for successful work with children with disabilities.

Be capable of internal dialogue (love yourself and transfer love for yourself to love and for children with special educational needs).

To be able to see and hear yourself from the outside.

Be able to express your thoughts clearly.

To be able to see and feel your interlocutor (your pupil).

Be able to apply reasonable, adequate requirements.

Learn to improvise as you go.

Be able to repeat the main ideas.

Be able to speak expressively.

Observations of the behavior of teachers in kindergarten showed a decrease in cases of undesirable behavior (negative attitude and impact on children, excessive care, etc.) and a clear expansion of the required behavior - encouraging children to joint or independent activities, to structure the situation by the children themselves, etc. .d.

Many teachers have developed such qualities as: calm acceptance of difference; "spiritual warmth"; "active personal involvement"; patience, etc.

An important aspect of the activities of teachers is the observation of the child, drawing up a characteristic diagram in relation to: general behavior (in various types activities); independence; social behavior; level of development at the moment (knowledge, skills); understanding and following the rules.

It is extremely important to contact a specialist in time to correct any function that limits the adaptation or development of the child.

The success of the education and development of children with special educational needs in a kindergarten largely depends on the involvement in it

child's parents. It should be emphasized that the integrated education of children with special educational needs is impossible without the active, daily participation of parents.

Cooperation with parents is the most important link in the concept of integrated education. Its essence lies in:

Interchange of information;


mutual assistance;


Communication with parents should be characterized by openness, sensitivity, understanding of the situation and problems within the family. The most important initial stage of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family is complete information about the socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical situation of the child's life.

It is very important that trusting, open, sincere relations be established between parents and teachers, so that parents consider it obligatory to fulfill the requirements of the kindergarten.

Parents should fully participate in the correctional work carried out by the preschool institution, follow the recommendations of teachers, speech therapists, and psychologists. By observing the child in kindergarten and talking with teachers and specialists, parents can get to know their child better in order to contribute to his development at home in the family.

For the effective implementation of the educational process, including correctional work with children with special educational needs in kindergarten, it is necessary:

Actively include all children in the group, regardless of developmental disorders;

Create for each of them an individual developing

program with parents. When developing such a program, rely on general patterns age development both in normal and pathological conditions;

Actively use various activities that contribute to

development of fine and gross motor skills;

Use suitable creative activities.

Specialists, developing the abilities of the child, using all available

his development reserves, carrying out correctional and rehabilitation work, observe, investigate and diagnose the depth of violations, the causes and types of difficulties that arise in the child in the process of the dynamics of his development.

It should not be forgotten that when assessing the dynamics of a child's progress with

special educational needs, it is necessary to compare him not with other children, but mainly with himself, with his achievements at the previous stage of development.

The dynamics of the child's development and the possibility of his social adaptation largely depend on the activity and independence in the learning process.

In the course of games, classes, regime moments, the teacher needs to write down tasks in a special notebook for each integrated child that caused difficulties, words that the child does not know, or in the perception (understanding) of which it is difficult; makes sure that the child takes this notebook with him every time he goes to a lesson with a special teacher or home.

Effective organization of work with preschool children with special educational needs in a regular kindergarten involves:

Systematic comprehensive individual psychological

pedagogical correction.

Creation of an atmosphere of goodwill, psychological


Using tasks that stimulate activity as much as possible

child, his cognitive activity.

Combining education with therapeutic activities.

Increasing opportunities for communication and adequacy in

relationships with peers and adults.

Creation of special conditions for training and education (light,

game activity, art-pedagogical techniques - paper-plastic,

dance therapy, music therapy, isotherapy, puppet therapy, etc.).

Using memory techniques.

Consolidation of skills through repeated repetition of instructions,

exercises, assignments.

A step-by-step summary of the work done in the lesson.

Tasks based on samples.

Use of available instructions - verbal and non-verbal.

Using the maximum visibility - volumetric visual environments -

properties, paintings, natural objects, multimedia presentations,

suitable computer programs.

It is extremely important to build a pedagogical forecast on the basis of pedagogical optimism. In each child, it is necessary to look for and find preserved psychomotor functions, his abilities, the positive aspects of his personality and

development, which can be relied upon in pedagogical work. Literature:

1. Terziiska P. Decata ss special educational needs in the general educational environment. Blagoevgrad: UI "N. Rilski", 2012.

2. Terziiska P. Integrated education for children with special educational needs. Blagoevgrad: UI "N. Rilski", 2005.


(by P. M. Terziyska)

Abstract: This article focuses on the organization of work with children with special educational needs in the mainstream kindergarten. Questions of integrated education for those children are explored.

Keywords: children with special educational needs, integrated education, kindergarten, supportive environment.

Assoc. Pelagia Mihailova Terziiska Doctor of Pedagogy (= Candidate pedagogical sciences) is a lecturer at Southwestern University. Neofit Rilsky, Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria). Her scientific interests lie in the field of special education, psychology and pedagogy of persons with intellectual disabilities, art pedagogy and art therapy in special education, integrated and inclusive education of children with special educational needs, methods of teaching natural history to children with special educational needs.

© P. M. Terziiska, 2014.

© «Science. Thought: electronic periodical, 2014.

Requirements modern education and the requirements of life itself dictate to us the need for an attentive attitude to the personality of each student, the need to talk about effective methods, forms, methods of working with students with different educational needs.

The pedagogical council does not have an epigraph, a statement that would accumulate information about the topic and purpose of the meeting. At the end of the work, we will select those words that could act as an epigraph.

Prologue. theoretical block.

Student-centered learning involves the construction of individual educational trajectories, taking into account the subjective experience of the individual, his preferences and values, the actualization of the student's personal functions in the learning process.

The goal of differentiating the learning process is to provide each student with conditions for the maximum development of his abilities, inclinations, satisfaction of cognitive needs and interests in the process of mastering the content of general education.

Grounds for differentiation:

  • by ability
  • by disability
  • by interest
  • by projected profession

Internal differentiation- such an organization of the educational process, in which the individual characteristics of students are taken into account by the teacher in the conditions of an ordinary class.

External differentiation- such an organization of the educational process, in which special differentiated educational groups are created, in which the individual characteristics of students are taken into account.

Independent practical work in groups: describe how external and internal differentiation manifests itself in our educational institution.

Episode 1. Gifted children

“Ah, these “wunder kinder” for me! How many times have I met them, and how many times have I been deceived! So they often fly with idle and unnecessary rockets! It will fly, fly, light and beautiful, and there it will soon burst in the air and disappear! No! I no longer trust anyone or anything between them! Let them grow up and get stronger in advance, and prove that they are not empty fireworks! .. "

This is how the great philanthropist and teacher L.N. Tolstoy.

What does modern science say about geeks? Only that they are nothing but early manifestation abilities in a certain area, from other normal children do not differ. A gifted child spends much less time and effort on solving the tasks that he sets for himself than any other, and positive emotions from success easily compensate for energy costs. On special tests, gifted children demonstrate very high abilities only in some narrow area.

Given the specifics of our educational institution, we must understand what difficulties can be when interacting with gifted children.

Let us dwell on the tragic example of the fate of a gifted person. Your attention is invited to a fragment of the film about the poet Nika Trubina "History of Flight" (mother's memories, Nika's story about the loss of a notebook, words by A. Likhanov).

After reviewing this fragment, draw a conclusion about how a teacher who accompanies gifted children, who is aware of their typical difficulties, should work.

Independent practical work in groups:

  • The activities of the teacher for the individual support of a gifted student
  • Negative manifestations of the personality of a gifted child
  • Increased emotionality, excitability, sensitivity
  • impatience
  • exaggerated fears
  • Self-blame, low self-esteem
  • Making excessive demands on yourself and others
  • Insufficient sociability with peers, difficulties in establishing social contacts
  • Uneven development of individual abilities and personality traits
  • Dislike of school, protest against standard requirements if they seem meaningless or not in the best interests of the child

Possible answer

Actions of the teacher

  • Tactful behavior towards the student. Consistency of actions with his parents, a psychologist. Teaching self-regulation techniques. Support
  • Impatience A detailed explanation of the logic of all actions. Formation of the ability to plan their activities, predict the result, switch from one type of activity to another.
  • The study of the nature of fears. Encourage success. The holding of trainings. Consistency of actions with his parents, a psychologist.
  • Encourage success. The holding of trainings. Consistency of actions with his parents, a psychologist.
  • A conversation with a student about tolerance towards others. An order to help one of the comrades, to jointly complete a task. Reward for success.
  • Building tolerance and modesty. Consistency of actions with his parents, a psychologist. Orientation to various ways communication with people with similar interests.
  • Inclusion in a new activity in form and content, organization of interaction with peers in an area that seems unfamiliar or unexplored to a gifted student
  • Explanatory work. Commentary on the rules and norms established in society. Playing situations is about the opposite.

Episode 2

Liya Solomonovna Slavina, a Soviet psychologist, a student of Vygotsky, identifies the following groups of underachieving schoolchildren:

  • Children with the wrong attitude to learning
  • Children with difficulty learning
  • Children who are not formed academic work
  • Students who are unable to work
  • Children who lack cognitive and learning interests.

At the same time, one must understand that academic failure can be episodic: adult control has weakened, interests outside the school have arisen. There may be a student's inability to a particular subject, associated with a lack of interest in it or with a conflict with the teacher.

Of course, overcoming failure in each case is individual.

Determine the universal ways of the teacher's activity to accompany a poorly performing student.

Independent practical work in groups

The activities of the teacher for the individual support of an underachieving student

Signs of a learning disability:

  • Difficulty answering text questions
  • Has difficulty understanding, remembering, reproducing rules
  • Does not possess general educational skills, skills

Actions of the teacher

  • Repeat the explanation, breaking it into parts. Ask questions about the main content of the studied material, omitting the details
  • Perform several tasks of the same type, constantly returning to the text of these rules or formulas. After training, play them back
  • Explain the purpose of these skills, systematically and consistently work out each skill, ensure the algorithmization of skills development. Give precise instructions for performing elementary operations and actions in a certain sequence.

The group work materials will be summarized in a recommendation for teachers. We hope that the product of collective creativity will be useful to every teacher, that the situation will change by the end of the quarter and the year.


Carefully read the proposed statements about children and the activities of teachers. Determine for yourself which of them reflects the content of our conversation and the conclusions that you made today.

Dull and incapable of learning minds are as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rarely seen. (…) The vast majority of children show good hopes; if all this fades with age, it is clear that it is not nature that is to blame, but education. (Quintilian)

To change people, you have to love them. The influence on them is proportional to the love for them. (Johann Pestalozzi)

Let the child learn not because you told him, but because he himself understood; let him not learn science, but invent it. If someday you replace reasoning with authority in his mind, he will no longer reason: he will become only a toy of someone else's opinion ... To live is the craft that I want to teach him. (J.J. Rousseau)

Respect the ignorance of the child! Respect the work of knowledge! Respect failures and tears! Respect the current hour and today! How will a child be able to live tomorrow if we do not let him live a conscious, responsible life today? (J. Korchak)

A child is a person who has the right to his own opinion. Of course, with such a child it is more difficult. He demands respect for himself and for what he does. He needs to clearly explain his every action, because he is ready to defend his opinion in a dispute with an adult. (M. Montessori)

Someone has to answer sometime
Revealing the truth, revealing the truth,
What are difficult children?
The eternal question and sick, like an abscess.
Here he sits in front of us, look,
Shriveled like a spring, he despaired,
Like a wall with no doors and no windows.
Here are the main truths:
Late noticed ... late taken into account ...
No! Difficult children are not born!
They just didn't get help.
(S. Davidovich)

Causes of psychophysiological developmental disorders in a child: 1. Biological: - chromosomal - genetic abnormalities in the child's body; - endocrine diseases mothers; - infectious and viral diseases of the mother during pregnancy; - sexually transmitted diseases of parents; - Rhesus conflict; - biochemical harmful effects;

Causes of psychophysiological developmental disorders in a child: 1. Biological: - alcoholism, drug addiction; - hypoxia; - toxicosis; - pathology of sexual activity of a woman; - deviations in the somatic health of the mother; - brain injuries in a child, chronic diseases of a child at an early and preschool age. 2. Social factors: unfavorable social situations in which the mother of the child is; stress.

Classification of violations of the psychophysical development of the child: - violation of the analyzers (visual, auditory); - mental retardation, delay mental development; - severe speech disorders; - disorders of the musculoskeletal system; - combined defects; - twisted development (disharmonious development).

Children with special needs have personal problems that have the following main specifics: 1. Inferiority complex. 2. Feeling different from others, alienation from them. 3. Feeling of loneliness due to limited contacts with the outside world, subordination in contacts, low level of empathy. 4. Feeling the loss of the meaning of life.

Tasks: - Acquisition by children of the necessary social experience, interaction skills, mastering the means of communication. - The acquisition of self-regulation skills by children, the development of mechanisms for regulating behavior. - Ability to overcome difficulties, solve everyday problems. - Formation of positive self-perception and perception of the surrounding world. - Responsible attitude to one's health, the ability to self-organize living space and one's own development in general.

The education and upbringing of children with special needs is based on the following principles: 1. Availability of all forms of education and educational services. 2. Individualization and adaptation of curricula taking into account the needs and abilities of the child. 3. Combining traditional and innovative approaches to child development. 4. Creation of favorable conditions for socialization, self-determination and self-presentation of children.

Stages of development of reactions in parents Denial. The most typical reaction of parents to a diagnosis made by a doctor about the presence of developmental disabilities in a child is simply disbelief in the existence of the disease. Underlying this behavior is the desperate hope that the initial diagnosis is wrong. Psychologists and educators should do everything possible to help families get through the crisis and gradually come to terms with the idea that their child has special needs that must be met. Anger. Anger is also one of the most common defensive reactions of parents to early stage awareness of their child's condition. Usually it arises on the basis of a feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and disappointment, both in oneself and in one's child. Specialists should be able to mitigate it, for example, to involve parents in helping the child as early as possible, to introduce them to other families with children with similar problems.

Stages of development of reactions in parents Feelings of guilt. Misplaced guilt is also a common reaction of parents to a doctor's report about the characteristics of their child. emotional adaptation. This is the final stage of a kind of adaptation of parents. It is at this stage that parents "heart and mind" accept the illness of their child, which allows them to develop such skills that will help them further ensure the future of their child.

Aggressive, conflicting, demonstrating an advancing position, they seek to justify their own non-intervention, parental impotence in raising their child: “We are busy at work, we don’t have time to take care of the child!”; “You are educators, teachers, it is your duty to teach and educate children!” Parents in a position of confusion and helplessness, who constantly complain to the teacher, ask for help: "The child does not listen to us, we do not know what to do, help us!". In the first phase of communication with such parents, it is necessary to maintain emotional detachment and maintain a calm and chilled neutrality, i.e. not allow yourself to be charged with the negative emotions of this parent. It is necessary to “hold out” for about a minute while the parent, in the form of a monologue, expresses his claims or complains about his helplessness. In the case of an “aggressive” parent, one should try to listen silently, remain calm, self-confident, without losing polite goodwill. And in the case of a “complaining” parent, we calmly nod our heads to the interlocutor, insert neutral phrases: “I am listening to you”, “I understand you ...”, “Calm down”. Feeling our neutral position and emotional detachment, the parent will begin to “cool down”, his emotions will begin to cut and fade. In the end, he will calm down, in him will be formed psychological readiness to a constructive conversation with you.

Compiled by:

Filipova Elena Vladimirovna, teacher of the first category MBDOU - kindergarten of compensatory type No. 49 in Yekaterinburg.

1. Introduction

“Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they are capable of. You can go where your mind can go. Remember what you believe in is what you can achieve.”
Mary Kay Ash

The birth of a child is a real happiness for the family - it has increased by one person, and yesterday's boyfriend and girlfriend are proudly called parents today. It is natural for every parent to want to see their baby healthy. It just happens that supposed happiness is overshadowed by some rather unpleasant illness. As a result, doctors announce their opinion: disability.

The main thing to understand is that this has nothing to do with the verdict. In order to overcome the further path, which will by no means be easy, it is necessary to accept the circumstances and not blame anyone for what happened. We must not forget that now you are parents, whose state of mind is transmitted to the child. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary stress in the baby, it is necessary to feed him with positive thoughts.

2. Children with special needs

“No one is immune from illness in life. Do not laugh at crippled, sick people, because in their place ... you can easily be yourself.
Inva Life. en

Children with disabilities are children with various mental or physical deviations that cause violations of general development that do not allow children to lead a full life. The following definitions of such children can be synonyms of this concept: "children with problems" , "children with special needs" , "Atypical Children" , "Children with learning difficulties" , "abnormal children" , "Exceptional Children" . The presence of a defect (deficiency) does not predetermine the wrong, from the point of view of society, development. Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (correctional) training and education.

According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, the main categories of abnormal children include:

  • Hearing impaired children (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);
  • Children with visual impairment (blind, visually impaired);
  • Children with speech impairment (logopaths);
  • Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with behavioral and communication disorders;
  • Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with the so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the features of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various forms of pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can master only elementary general educational knowledge (read in syllables and write simple sentences) , the other is relatively unlimited in its capabilities (for example, a child who is mentally retarded or hard of hearing). The structure of the defect also affects the practical activities of children. Evaluation of certain manifestations of a kind of atypical development is a necessary basis for developing a system of special education and upbringing based on the positive capabilities of children. Source of adaptation of children with disabilities to environment are preserved psychophysical functions. The functions of the disturbed analyzer are replaced by intensive use of the functional potential of intact systems. Thus, four factors will influence the development of a child with a disability.

View (type) violations.

The degree and quality of the primary defect. Secondary deviations, depending on the degree of violation, can be pronounced, mild and almost imperceptible. The degree of severity of the deviation determines the originality of atypical development. There is a direct dependence of the quantitative and qualitative originality of secondary developmental disorders of an atypical child on the degree and quality of the primary defect.

Term (time) occurrence of the primary defect. The earlier there is a pathological effect and, as a result, damage to speech, sensory or mental systems, the more pronounced deviations of psychophysical development will be;

Conditions of the surrounding socio-cultural and psychological-pedagogical environment. The success of the development of an abnormal child largely depends on timely diagnosis and early onset. (from the first months of life) correctional and rehabilitation work with him.

3. Features of education and upbringing of children with needs in the Russian Federation

“Impossible is just a big word behind which small people hide, it is easier for them to live in the familiar world than to find the strength to change it. Impossible is not a fact. This is just an opinion. Impossible is not a sentence. It's a challenge. Impossible is a chance to test yourself. Impossible is not forever. The impossible is POSSIBLE.”

Mark Victor Nansen

At present, in the education system of Russia, as well as other countries of the world, the leading position in the education of children with developmental problems is occupied by integration. Currently, the world is attentive to children with disabilities (HIA), which is also reflected in the ratification in 2012 by the Russian Federation of the UN Convention (2006), and in the first Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (No. 597 and No. 599). Currently, a concept is being implemented, according to which a person with disabilities is not required to be "ready" in order to study in kindergarten or at school, and much attention is paid to adapting the environment to his capabilities, developing abilities that can be in demand where he lives and studies. The group of students with disabilities is very diverse and numerous. The most important direction in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the development of the psyche and health of each child.

  • It is important to develop psychological recommendations for children with mental retardation. The educator in working with children should use methods of cooperation and a student-centered approach, as well as educational games and tasks.
  • The teacher and educator should take into account the age characteristics of children and remember the zone of proximal and proximal development. In the classroom and in extracurricular activities, actively use the methods and techniques for the formation of universal educational activities among pupils. These are regulatory UUD skills - the ability to act according to a plan, overcome impulsiveness, involuntariness, evaluate the correctness of the performed action and make adjustments to the result. Also, an important role in the development of personality is played by communicative UUD; they include the ability to establish friendly relations with peers.
  • The teacher to work on the development of cognitive (cognitive UUD) and creative abilities of schoolchildren, as well as the formation of adequate self-esteem and learning motivation. Using developmental exercises.
  • The teacher and educator to carry out a special, individual assessment of the answers of students with disabilities: the use of tasks that they can handle.

The educator and teacher should create a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom. Focus on organizing the success of the child in educational activities, by relying on his positive, strong qualities.

  • Should be developed according to the principle from creativity to action, as well as in educational work give instructions, engage in various activities, for example, dramatizations, dances, artistic creativity. Children should be involved in research projects, creative activities, sports events. In the process of such work, children learn to understand the meaning and predict the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They realize the importance of the emotional atmosphere of kindness, joy, cooperation.

4. Problems of children with needs

“The basic rule is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances”
Maria Sklodowska-Curie

The future of any country is decided by the school desk. One of the main problems that arose in our society at the turn of the century is the problem of moral and spiritual burnout of the younger generation. Increasingly, we are faced with the facts of the substitution of values ​​and concepts among young people. It is remarkable that the main goal of education at school is kind: the development of a highly moral, harmonious, physically developed and spiritually healthy personality, capable of creativity and self-determination. The topic of moral education of children with disabilities is extremely relevant. In the context of the formation of a new education system focused on entering the world educational space, there is an active process of searching for models of education that will preserve the moral and cultural-historical traditions of domestic education and upbringing, formed both in the pre-revolutionary, and in the Soviet, and modern periods of it. development. In the messages of the President Russian Federation YES. Medvedev draws attention to the leading role of education: "Education comes first!" . The definition of the process of education is very multifaceted, the process itself is very complex even when it comes to healthy children. Of course, it turns out to be especially difficult when children with developmental disabilities are brought up, and there are more than 10 thousand such children in our region. All the factors that determine the moral formation and development of the student's personality, I.S. Marenko divides into three groups: natural (biological), social and pedagogical. In interaction with the environment and purposeful influences, the student socializes, acquires the necessary experience of moral behavior. The moral formation of a personality is influenced by many social conditions and biological factors, but pedagogical factors play a decisive role in this process, as the most manageable, aimed at developing a certain kind of relationship.

One of the tasks of education is to properly organize the activities of the child. Moral qualities are formed in activity, and emerging relationships can affect the change in the goals and motives of activity, which in turn affects the assimilation of moral norms and values ​​of organizations. Human activity also acts as a criterion of his moral development. The development of the child's moral consciousness occurs through the perception and awareness of the content of the influences that come from parents and teachers, surrounding people through the processing of these influences in connection with the moral experience of the individual, his views and value orientations. In the mind of the child, external influence acquires an individual meaning, thus forming a subjective attitude towards it. In this regard, the motives of behavior, decision-making and the moral choice of the child's own actions are formed. The direction of school education and the real actions of children may be inadequate, but the meaning of education is to achieve a correspondence between the requirements of proper behavior and internal readiness for this.

A necessary link in the process of moral education is moral education, the purpose of which is to inform the child of a body of knowledge about the moral principles and norms of society that he must master. Awareness and experience of moral principles and norms is directly related to the awareness of patterns of moral behavior and contributes to the formation of moral assessments and actions.

Raising unusual children "requires" the use of special technologies, methods in the work of a teacher. The difficulty of the problem of moral education of children with disabilities is determined by:

  1. insufficient research on the topic of moral education of children with disabilities, since there are no special programs in a given direction (especially for children with disabilities);
  2. children studying at MSCOU are distinguished by a wide variety of profound disorders in psychophysiological development. In a child, due to past illnesses, the normal development of the processes of perception, the processes of memorization and reproduction, especially in their active arbitrary forms, is disrupted: the processes of distraction and generalization are significantly disturbed in their development, i.e. what characterizes verbal-logical thinking. Many students are characterized by the presence of serious disorders in the field of excitability, imbalance in behavior. The abnormal functioning of these processes does not allow the child to acquire a complex system of knowledge about the world;

3) families of children with disabilities often belong to the categories of low-income, disadvantaged. Unfortunately, the number of families abusing alcohol and psychoactive substances is not decreasing. There is a low educational status of parents, and as a result, a low percentage of employed parents. All these circumstances point to the extremely low pedagogical potential of families. Children living in such families from childhood imprinted in their emotional memory a negative life experience, saw life with "back door" . For the formation of the personality of this contingent of children, it is necessary to make pedagogical adjustments to the conditions of life, life, content and forms of educational work;

4) spontaneous education ("street" , not purposeful, often immoral) children with disabilities can have a serious negative impact on personality development, exacerbating health problems, turning them into "socially dangerous" population group. Based on the analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature and the results of practical activities, it can be concluded that the role of the moral education of children with disabilities is great, since it contributes to the prevention of offenses; allows you to form the spiritual world (value orientations) and the moral qualities of such a child, allowing him to organically fit into society; reveals creative potential, expanding the possibilities of professional choice; forms diligence in work, promotes professional orientation, helps to reduce the number of unemployed, fosters industriousness (voluntary attitude to work and honesty), forms in the mind of the child the concept of labor as a universal value; reduces the number of dysfunctional families; solves the problem of social infantilism. Scientists in the field of pedagogy have revealed that in different age periods there are unequal opportunities for moral education. A child, a teenager and a young man have different attitudes towards different means of education. Knowledge and consideration of what a person has achieved in a given period of life helps to design his further growth in education. The moral development of the child occupies a leading place in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

When working on the problems of moral upbringing of schoolchildren with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account their age and psychological characteristics:

  1. propensity to play. In the conditions of play relations, the child voluntarily exercises, masters normative behavior. In games, more than anywhere else, the ability to follow the rules is required from the child. Violation of their children notice with particular acuteness and uncompromisingly express their condemnation of the violator. If the child does not obey the opinion of the majority, then he will have to listen to a lot of unpleasant words, and maybe even leave the game. So the child learns to reckon with others, receives lessons in justice, honesty, truthfulness. The game requires its participants to be able to act according to the rules. “What a child is at play, such is in many ways he will be at work when he grows up” - said A.S. Makarenko.
  2. Inability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time. According to psychologists, children of 6-7 years of age cannot keep their attention on any one object for more than 7-10 minutes. Further, the children begin to be distracted, switch their attention to other objects, so frequent changes in activities during classes are necessary.
  3. Insufficient clarity of moral ideas due to little experience. Given the age of children, the norms of moral behavior can be divided into 3 levels: A child under 5 years old learns a primitive level of rules of behavior based on the prohibition or denial of something. For example: "Do not speak loud" , "Do not interrupt the conversation" , "Don't touch someone else's thing" , "Don't Throw Trash" etc. If the baby has been taught to comply with these elementary norms, then others consider this baby to be a well-bred child. It makes no sense to talk about the second level of moral education if the first has not been mastered. But it is precisely this contradiction that is observed among adolescents: they want to please the people around them, but they are not trained in elementary behavior. At level 3 (by 14-15 years old) the principle is learned: "Help the people around you!"
  4. There may be a tension between knowing the right way and practical application (this applies to etiquette, good manners, communication).

Knowledge of moral norms and rules of behavior does not always correspond to the real actions of the child. Especially often this happens in situations where there is a discrepancy between ethical standards and personal desires of the child.

5) Uneven use of polite communication with adults and peers (at home and at home, at school and on the street).

How will we overcome these features? Let us turn to the experience of great teachers. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “In practical work on moral education, our teaching staff sees, first of all, the formation of universal norms of morality. At a younger age, when the soul is very malleable to emotional influences, we reveal to children the universal norms of morality, we teach them the ABC of morality:

  1. You live among people. Do not forget that your every act, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can. Check your actions with a question to yourself: are you doing evil, inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.
  2. You enjoy the benefits created by other people. People make you the happiness of childhood. Pay them well for it.
  3. All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor. One cannot live honestly without labor.
  4. Be kind and considerate to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Help a friend in need. Don't hurt people. Respect and honor your mother and father - they gave you life, they educate you, they want you to become an honest citizen, a person with good heart and pure soul.
  5. Be indifferent to evil. Fight against evil, deceit, injustice. Be irreconcilable to those who seek to live at the expense of other people, harm other people, rob society.

Such is the ABC of moral culture, mastering which children comprehend the essence of good and evil, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice.

Among the main tasks that modern society before public education, the actual task of educating an active conscious creative personality is highlighted.

The educational process is built in such a way that it provides for situations in which the child is faced with the need for an independent moral choice. Moral situations for children of all ages should in no case be presented or looked like teaching or controlling, otherwise their educational value may be nullified.

The result of moral education is manifested in the attitude of children to their duties, to the activity itself, to other people.

5. Pedagogical solutions for working with children with disabilities in the Russian Federation

“It is important that people do not feel like disabled people… These are people whom fate sent difficult trials… Only sympathy is not enough, it is necessary to develop opportunities.”

L.I. Shvetsova

Every year more and more children come to municipal educational institutions who have deviations from the conditional age norm; these are not only frequently ill children, but also children with logoneuroses, dysgraphia, dyslexia, increased excitability, impaired concentration and attention retention, poor memory, increased fatigue, and also with much more serious problems (ZPR, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy). They need specialized assistance, an individual program, a special treatment.

More and more it is realized that psychophysical disorders do not deny the human essence, the ability to feel, experience, acquire social experience. An understanding has come that each child needs to create favorable conditions for development, taking into account his individual educational needs and abilities.

According to "Dictionary of the Russian language" To accompany means to follow alongside, along with someone as a companion or escort.

The purpose of psychological support: the creation of a comprehensive system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • prevention of child development problems;
  • help (assistance) a child in solving urgent problems of development, learning, socialization: learning difficulties, problems with choosing an educational and professional route, violations of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems in relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) students, parents, teachers.

The most important area of ​​psychological and pedagogical support for the development of students is the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical support of the child cannot be limited to the area of ​​direct interaction between the psychologist and the child, but requires the organization of work with teachers and parents as participants in the educational process.

Special work should be carried out with parents of this category of children to provide them with the necessary knowledge about the characteristics of the child, optimal forms of interaction, learning effective methods help.

Children with disabilities need to develop social competence, communication skills with others.

Overcoming social isolation, expanding the possibilities of arbitrary interaction with peers is an essential condition for positive changes in the development of such children, improving their learning abilities.

"He who is discouraged dies prematurely"
Omar Khayyam

The development of the child is directly affected by the type of disorder, the severity of its manifestation, the time when the defect manifested itself, the surrounding conditions, the social and pedagogical environment of life. Working with children with disabilities is hard work. After all, such a child needs to be given much more attention than without developmental disorders. For each variant of defects in development, its own training program is selected. But in general, their main aspects are the same.

The main principles of teaching children with disabilities are listed below:

  • Motivation - it is necessary to arouse the child's interest in the world around him and the educational process.
  • Development – ​​it is important to create a single process of cooperation and joint activities.
  • Building interaction, assisting in adapting to the conditions of the surrounding world.

The principle of psychological security.

At the initial stage of education, it is important to arouse interest, readiness and ability to cooperate with the teacher, the ability to complete tasks. And the purpose of training in high school there will already be the formation of a moral, ideological and civic position, as well as - to reveal creative abilities. As a result of teaching children with disabilities, violations of one of the analyzers are replaced by stronger and more sensitive work of others.

It is worth noting the importance of family education of children with disabilities, because most of the baby's life passes in the circle of relatives. Purposeful actions of parents can significantly affect his life. After all, if they know exactly what they want to achieve, then you can count on success. In the family, the child is becoming a part of society, the formation of social values, communication skills. It must be remembered that conflict situations and any manifestations of aggression will lead to the opposite result and have a very negative impact on the already fragile psyche of the baby. Thus, the family plays a major role in the formation of personality.


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