What helps with psoriasis. Psoriasis is a disease with a complex character: can it be cured? Alternative Treatments

Psoriasis is a well-known chronic skin condition that causes raised red patches with silvery white scales. According to statistics, about 3 percent of people from the entire population of the planet suffer from the disease.

The main symptoms of psoriasis are characterized by the appearance of a monomorphic rash on the skin: bright pink nodules covered with silvery scales. The elements of the rash can merge into various configurations, resembling geographical map. Accompanied by mild itching.

As a rule, the disease affects areas of the skin on the head, elbow and knee joints, in the lower back. Psoriasis of the nails, vulva and joints is also known, however, these forms are much less common compared to skin lesions.

The disease can develop at any age, but most often psoriasis affects young people. In this material, we will tell you everything about psoriasis - symptoms, treatment, diet and folk remedies that will help treat the disease at home.

Causes of psoriasis

The cause of psoriasis is unknown, but immunological changes in the body (autoimmune aggression), neurological disorders, and metabolic disorders can provoke the disease. Contribute to the occurrence of psoriasis heredity, reduced immunity after illness, stress.

One of the main theories of the occurrence of psoriasis is the hypothesis of the so-called genetic factor. As a rule, psoriasis in children under 10 years old is precisely a hereditary form of the disease - in the family of crumbs, you can almost always find a relative suffering from a similar disease. But if psoriasis manifests itself at a more mature age, doctors suggest that the disease has a different nature of origin - bacterial or viral.

Factors that contribute to the development psoriasis:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • thin dry skin;
  • external irritating factors;
  • excessive hygiene;
  • bad habits;
  • taking certain drugs can provoke the disease (beta-blockers, antidepressants, anticonvulsants and antimalarials);
  • infections (fungi and staphylococcus aureus);
  • stress.

International Psoriasis Day (World Psoriasis Day) is celebrated annually on October 29 under the patronage of the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA). This day was first celebrated in 2004.

Is psoriasis contagious?

Numerous studies have confirmed that psoriasis is not contagious. The presence of several family members with psoriasis is explained by the possible hereditary (genetic) transmission of the disease.

Stages of development

There are three stages in the development of psoriasis:

  1. progressive- new rashes appear, the patient is worried about intense itching.
  2. Stationary - the appearance of new rashes stops, existing ones begin to heal.
  3. Regressive - pseudo-atrophic rims form around the foci, areas of healthy skin are visible in the center of large plaques; however, hyperpigmentation reminds of the disease - in place of the affected areas, the skin has a darker color than healthy.

Also, psoriasis is usually classified by severity into mild (involving less than 3% of the skin surface), moderate (involving 3 to 10 percent of the skin surface), and severe (involving more than 10 percent of the skin surface). Joint damage is regarded as a severe form of psoriasis, regardless of the area of ​​skin damage.

First signs

  1. Red raised spots (plaques) covered with dry white or silvery scales. Spots most often appear on the elbows and knees, but rashes can be on any part of the body: the scalp, hands, nails and face. In some cases, the spots are itchy;
  2. Deformed, exfoliating nails;
  3. Strong exfoliation of dead skin cells (reminiscent of dandruff);
  4. Blisters on the palms and feet, painful cracks in the skin.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects more than just the skin and nails. It affects the joints, tendons and spine, immune, nervous and endocrine systems. Often affects the kidneys, liver, thyroid. The patient feels severe weakness, suffers from chronic fatigue and depression. In connection with such a complex effect on the body, the disease in recent years is called psoriatic disease.

Psoriasis and its symptoms are characterized by the presence of a homogeneous rash in the form of plaques with a diameter of 1-3 mm to 2-3 cm, pink-red in color, covered with loosely sitting silver-white scales. As a result of marginal growth, elements can merge into plaques of various sizes and shapes, sometimes occupying large areas of the skin. Plaques are usually located on the skin of the extensor surface of the limbs, especially in the area of ​​the elbow and knee joints, torso and scalp.

  1. Plaque psoriasis, or psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis vulgaris, simple psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) (L40.0) is the most common form of psoriasis. It is observed in 80% - 90% of all patients with psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis vulgaris most commonly presents as typical raised, inflamed, red, hot skin patches covered with gray or silvery-white, easily flaky, scaly, dry, and thickened skin. Red skin under an easily removable gray or silvery layer is easily injured and bleeds, as it contains a large number of small vessels. These areas of a typical psoriatic lesion are called psoriatic plaques. Psoriatic plaques tend to grow in size, merge with neighboring plaques, forming whole plates of plaques (“paraffin lakes”).
  2. Psoriasis of the flexion surfaces(flexural psoriasis), or "inverse psoriasis" (inverse psoriasis) (L40.83-4) usually appears as smooth, non-scaly or with minimal scaling, red, inflamed patches that do not particularly protrude above the skin surface, located exclusively in the folds of the skin, with absence or minimal damage to other areas of the skin. Most often, this form of psoriasis affects the folds in the vulva, in the groin, on the inner thighs, armpits, folds under the abdomen enlarged with obesity (psoriatic pannus), and on the folds of the skin under the mammary glands in women. This form of psoriasis is particularly susceptible to aggravation by friction, skin trauma, and sweating, and is often accompanied or complicated by a secondary fungal infection or streptococcal pyoderma.
  3. Guttate psoriasis(guttate psoriasis) (L40.4) is characterized by the presence of a large number of small, raised above the surface of healthy skin, dry, red or purple (up to purple), similar in shape to drops, tears or small dots, circles of lesions. These psoriatic elements usually cover large areas of the skin, most commonly the thighs, but can also be seen on the shins, forearms, shoulders, scalp, back, and neck. Guttate psoriasis often first develops or worsens after a streptococcal infection, typically after strep throat or streptococcal pharyngitis.
  4. Pustular psoriasis(L40.1-3, L40.82) or exudative psoriasis is the most severe of the skin forms of psoriasis and looks like vesicles or blisters raised above the surface of healthy skin, filled with uninfected, transparent inflammatory exudate (pustules). The skin under and above the surface of the pustules and around them is red, hot, edematous, inflamed and thickened, easily peels off. Secondary infection of the pustules may occur, in which case the exudate becomes purulent. Pustular psoriasis can be limited, localized, with its most common localization being the distal ends of the limbs (arms and legs), that is, the lower leg and forearm, this is called palmoplantar pustulosis (palmoplantar pustulosis). In other, more severe cases, pustular psoriasis may be generalized, with widespread pustules over the entire surface of the body and a tendency for them to coalesce into larger pustules.
  5. Psoriasis of the nails, or psoriatic onychodystrophy (L40.86) results in a variety of changes in the appearance of fingernails or toenails. These changes may include any combination of discoloration of the nails and nail bed (yellowing, whitening, or graying), dots, spots, striations on the nails and under the nails, thickening of the skin under and around the nail bed, splitting and thickening of the nail , complete loss of nails (onycholysis) or the development of increased fragility of the nails.
  6. Psoriatic arthritis(L40.5), or psoriatic arthropathy, arthropathic psoriasis is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and connective tissue. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joint, but most commonly the small joints of the distal phalanges of the fingers and/or toes. This typically causes a sausage-like swelling of the fingers and toes, known as psoriatic dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hip, knee, shoulder, and spinal joints (psoriatic spondylitis). Sometimes psoriatic arthritis of the knee or hip joints, and especially psoriatic spondylitis, is so pronounced that it leads to severe disability of the patient, inability to move without special adaptations, and even bedridden. Mortality in these most severe forms of psoriatic arthritis increases, as immobilization of the patient in bed contributes to the occurrence of bedsores and pneumonia. Approximately 10 to 15 percent of psoriasis patients also have psoriatic arthritis.
  7. Psoriatic erythroderma(L40.85), or erythrodermic psoriasis, is manifested by widespread, often generalized inflammation and flaking, skin detachment over all or a large part of the skin surface. Psoriatic erythroderma may be accompanied by intense skin itching, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and skin soreness. Psoriatic erythroderma is often the result of an exacerbation of psoriasis vulgaris with its unstable course, especially with sudden abrupt withdrawal systemic treatment or topical glucocorticoids. It can also be observed as a result of a provocation by alcohol, neuropsychic stress, intercurrent infections (in particular, colds). This form of psoriasis can be fatal because the extreme inflammation and flaking or sloughing of the skin disrupts the body's ability to regulate body temperature and the barrier function of the skin, which can be complicated by generalized pyoderma or sepsis. However, limited, localized psoriatic erythroderma may even be the first symptom of psoriasis, subsequently transforming into plaque psoriasis vulgaris.

The symptoms of psoriasis vary depending on the specific season and stage. Many patients have a “winter” type of the disease, in which periods of exacerbation occur in late autumn or winter.

Psoriasis photo

What does psoriasis look like in the initial and other stages in the photo:

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Course of the disease

Psoriasis is a chronic disease, usually characterized by an undulating course, with periods of spontaneous or caused by certain therapeutic effects of remissions or improvements and periods of spontaneous or provoked by adverse external influences (alcohol consumption, intercurrent infections, stress) relapses or exacerbations.

  • The severity of the disease can vary in different patients and even in the same patient during periods of remission and exacerbation within a very wide range, from small local lesions to complete coverage of the entire body with psoriatic plaques.

Often there is a tendency to progression of the disease over time (especially in the absence of treatment), to worsening and more frequent exacerbations, an increase in the area of ​​​​the lesion and the involvement of new skin areas. In some patients, there is a continuous course of the disease without spontaneous remissions, or even continuous progression. The nails on the hands and/or toes are often also affected (psoriatic onychodystrophy). Nail lesions may be isolated and occur in the absence of skin lesions.

Psoriasis can also cause inflammation of the joints, the so-called psoriatic arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis. From 10 to 15% of patients with psoriasis also suffer from psoriatic arthritis.

Treatment of psoriasis

For successful treatment, it is necessary to take into account what stage the disease is currently in - depending on this, the intensity of therapy changes. In addition, the treatment of psoriasis always consists of a whole range of remedies: external ointments, physiotherapy procedures, general regimen. It is also necessary to take into account other existing diseases, age, gender, the influence of professional factors and the general state of human health.

In the case of psoriasis, emollients, keratoplastic preparations, local preparations (ointments, lotions, creams) containing glucocorticoids ( , ), preparations containing zinc pyrithionate, ointments containing analogues of vitamin D3, tar, naftalan, hydroxyanthrones are used for treatment.

In severe forms of psoriasis, ineffective external therapy or damage to more than 20% of the skin surface, systemic drug therapy is prescribed, which includes cytostatics (methotrexate), synthetic retinoids (retinol acetate, retinol palmitate, tretinoin), glucocorticoids.

How to treat psoriasis without the use of medications - the essence is the use of cryotherapy, plasmapheresis, as well as the appointment of systemic photochemotherapy:

  1. Photochemotherapy- this is the combined use of ultraviolet radiation (wavelength from 320 to 420 nm) with the ingestion of drugs that increase sensitivity to light. The use of photosensitizers is based on their ability to increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays and stimulate the formation of skin pigment - melanin. The dose of drugs is selected individually, taking into account the weight of the patient. The procedures are carried out 3-4 times a week, 20-25 sessions are prescribed for the course. PUVA therapy is contraindicated in acute infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases, cardiovascular decompensation, oncology, severe diabetes mellitus, severe liver and kidney damage.

To the question of how to treat psoriasis, modern medicine is not able to give a clear answer, therefore, in addition to traditional treatment, patients with psoriasis are advised to follow a special diet, as well as try folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis.

Ointment for psoriasis

In mild forms of the course of psoriasis, sometimes external treatment of psoriasis with the help of masks is sufficient. There are many drugs used in the external treatment of psoriasis, here are some of them:

  1. helps to soften the horny scales of the skin and their speedy removal, which helps to better absorb other drugs. 0.5 -5% salicylic ointment is applied in a thin layer in the affected areas of the skin (the stronger the inflammation of the skin, the less the ointment is applied) 1-2 times a day. Salicylic acid is also found in psoriasis ointments Diprosalik, Akriderm SK, etc.
  2. Naftalan ointment used in the stationary and regressing stages of psoriasis (never with exacerbation, progression of psoriasis). Naftalan ointment reduces skin inflammation and itching. In the treatment of psoriasis, 5-10% naftalan ointment is used.
  3. Sulfur-tar ointment 5-10% helps to reduce inflammation of the skin, but is contraindicated in the exudative form of psoriasis (with weeping scales and crusts). Sulfur-tar ointment should not be applied to the skin of the face. For psoriasis of the scalp, shampoos containing tar are used (Friderm tar, etc.)
  4. Anthralin is an ointment that inhibits cell division of the surface layers of the skin and reduces peeling. Anthralin is applied to the skin for 1 hour and then washed off.
  5. Ointments for psoriasis with vitamin D (Calcipotriol) have an anti-inflammatory effect, help improve the course of psoriasis. Calcipotriol is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin 2 times a day.
  6. - These are creams, aerosols and shampoos that are used in the treatment of scalp psoriasis. Shampoos are used for psoriasis of the scalp three times a week, aerosols and creams are applied to the skin surface 2 times a day.

In the event that the treatment did not give the expected effect, then hormonal-based ointments are prescribed. Treatment begins with lighter drugs that have minimal side effects. If improvement could not be achieved, then stronger ointments with glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.

  1. Ointment flumethasone. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edematous, antipruritic effect. Suitable for patients with exudative forms of psoriasis, reduces bleeding. Apply a thin layer to limited areas 2-3 times a day. Treatment lasts 10-14 days.
  2. Ointment triamcinolone acetonide. Local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergic agent. Reduces wetting of the skin. Apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day for up to two weeks. Used during an exacerbation.
  3. Hydrocortisone. Suppresses the increased activity of leukocytes, prevents their movement into the skin, eliminates the feeling of tightness and itching.

In which sanatoriums is shown rest?

For the rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis in the resorts use: mud therapy, mineral water, treatment with fish, light fractions of oil and physiotherapy. Sea water, warm climate also have a powerful influence.

Russian resorts that specialize in the treatment of patients with psoriasis: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik. The mild subtropical climate, the abundance of sun and long sea bathing have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and joints. The Elton sanatorium near Volgograd (mud therapy), the Assy sanatorium near Ufa offer a range of physiotherapy procedures and clean air.

What can be done at home?

It is important to understand that the success of therapy largely depends on the actions of the patient himself. That is why people suffering from psoriasis are advised to completely change their lifestyle and make every effort to create conditions conducive to recovery.

  • observe the regime of rest and work;
  • avoid emotional and physical stress;
  • resort to the use of folk remedies (in consultation with a dermatologist);
  • follow a hypoallergenic diet.

How to treat psoriasis folk remedies

There are many recipes you can use at home. traditional medicine to help treat psoriasis. Let's consider some of them.

  1. In a clay dish, it is necessary to grind fresh St. John's wort flowers (20 g), celandine root, propolis, calendula flowers (10 g). Vegetable oil is added to the resulting mixture. Store in a cool place, protected from sunlight. Method of application - 3 times a day, carefully lubricate psoriatic rashes.
  2. Tar is applied to the affected areas with a cotton swab. In the early days, start with 10 minutes, then wash off the tar with tar soap. And gradually increase the time to 30-40 minutes (this can be done in 10-12 days). The procedure is done once a day, preferably in the evening, because the smell of tar remains even after prolonged rinsing. And overnight the smell, as a rule, completely disappears.
  3. The celandine is uprooted, ground, the juice is squeezed out and each speck is generously smeared with it. Do it all season. Repeat next summer if necessary.
  4. On early stages diseases, you can use an ointment that can be obtained from a mixture of two eggs and one tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. All this must be beaten, and then add half st. spoons of acetic acid. The container with this agent should be kept tightly closed and in a place where light does not reach. Apply, spreading on the spots, should be at night.
  5. Alternative treatment of psoriasis includes the use of some medicinal herbs. The infusion of agrimony copes well with the disease. In particular, this folk method should be tried by those who suffer not only from psoriasis, but also from diseases. gastrointestinal tract, liver or gallbladder. The infusion helps to normalize the work of the affected areas and improve metabolism. One tablespoon of dry apricots should be poured into an enamel bowl with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for an hour, then strain, squeeze, bring the amount of liquid with boiling water to the original volume and drink a quarter cup four times a day before meals.

Psoriasis cannot be cured. Modern medicine offers none medicinal product that can cure psoriasis once and for all. However, if it is treated with medications and other methods, then a rather unstable remission can be achieved.

Diet for psoriasis

It is difficult to say unequivocally which diet for psoriasis will be the most effective. The fact is that in addition to products that are undesirable for consumption or useful, individual tolerance of the same food products is correlated in different patients.

In this regard, specific recommendations are given for each person suffering from psoriasis. The generally recommended form of nutrition provides for the rejection of certain foods, but provides a balanced diet that supplies the human body with all the necessary substances.

What not to eat with psoriasis patients:

  • spices;
  • nuts;
  • spicy, smoked and salty foods;
  • citrus peel;
  • fat meat;
  • alcohol;
  • blue cheese;

Nutrition for psoriasis should be rich in fatty acids, which are found in abundance in fish. The essence of the disease is this: a failure in the activity of the immune system provokes the body to produce more and more new skin cells, not having time to get rid of the old ones. As a result, skin cells layer and stick together, itching, irritation, and peeling occur.

Why the immune system behaves this way is unknown. Doctors say one thing - psoriasis is incurable, so you have to fight not with the disease itself, but with its manifestations.

Quality of life of patients

It has been shown that psoriasis can worsen the quality of life of patients to the same extent as other severe chronic diseases: depression, previous myocardial infarction, hypertension, heart failure or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Depending on the severity and localization of psoriatic lesions, patients with psoriasis may experience significant physical and/or psychological discomfort, difficulties with social and professional adaptation, and even require disability.

In a 2008 American National Psoriasis Foundation survey of 426 psoriasis patients, 71% of patients reported that the disease was a serious problem for them. Everyday life. More than half of the patients noted a significant fixation on their appearance(63%), fear of looking bad or being rejected by others due to the presence of psoriasis, a feeling of embarrassment, shame or embarrassment when communicating (58%). More than one-third of patients reported that with the onset or progression of the disease, they began to avoid social activity and communication with people or limited the search for partners and intimate relationships due to the disease.

Severe skin itching or pain can interfere with basic life functions: self-care, walking, sleeping. Psoriatic plaques on the exposed parts of the arms or legs may prevent the sufferer from working certain jobs, playing certain sports, caring for family members, pets, or the home. Psoriatic plaques on the scalp often pose a special psychological problem for patients and generate significant stress and even social phobia, since pale plaques on the scalp can be mistaken for dandruff or the result of lice.

An even greater psychological problem is caused by the presence of psoriatic rashes on the skin of the face, earlobes. Treatment of psoriasis can be expensive and take a lot of time and effort from the patient, interfering with work, study, socialization of the patient, and the arrangement of his personal life.


The prognosis for life in psoriasis is conditionally unfavorable, the disease is chronic, slowly progressive, timely and adequate treatment only improves the quality of life, but does not eliminate the disease itself.

During periods of exacerbation, there is a loss of ability to work. In the absence of adequate medical care can lead to disability.

Psoriasis is one of the most mysterious and difficult to treat diseases. It is impossible to get rid of it once and for all. The only thing that patients can count on is to achieve a stable remission. Moreover, there is no single and generally accepted method of treating psoriasis by the world medical community, just as there is no drug that one hundred percent guarantees the onset of remission.

The tactics of treating this most complex skin disease depends on a number of parameters:

    Type of psoriasis;

    The age of the patient;

    The presence of concomitant pathologies;

    Severity and chronology of exacerbations;

    Location and size of lesions.

The treatment of psoriasis is almost always complex: some medications and procedures are aimed at eliminating the very cause of psoriatic exacerbations, some are designed to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, and some are needed to maintain the body's own defenses. The sad thing is that almost half of the patients do not help any of the three approaches to the treatment of psoriasis. And the drug that allowed a thousand people to drive psoriasis into stable remission for several years may very likely have no effect at all on another thousand.

In this article, we will discuss all currently known means and methods of treating psoriasis, even the most controversial ones, and we will try to answer the question of where to start for a person who has heard a disappointing diagnosis from a doctor. During the use of popular methods, procedures and medicines, it was possible to collect impressive statistics on their effectiveness. We invite you to read the reviews of patients and find out how many percent of the respondents really helped this or that method of treating psoriasis.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of psoriasis treatment methods

According to the results of numerous surveys of people suffering from psoriasis, the hit parade best practices treatment for this disease is something like this:

    Biologicals - more than 33% of patients completely clear the skin in 3 months of therapy(the cost of a course of treatment is from $ 20,000 and more);

    37% - Ointments based on grease(Cytopsor, Kartalin, Akrustal, Magnipsor, Antipsor);

    33% - Compliance with a special diet- that is, the rejection of products, the use of which provokes exacerbations of psoriasis;

    26% - Climate change, balneotherapy and spa treatment. Almost a third of patients note that they feel better simply due to moving to an area where there is a mild maritime climate and clean air. The same number of patients avoid winter exacerbation helps annual rest in a sanatorium.

    Here is a list of the best specialized resorts:

    1. Sulfide mineral waters: Pyatigorsk, Yeysk, Kayakent, Kemeri, Khilovo, Hot Key, Sochi, Matsesta, Taminsk, Usolye, Krasnousolsk, Black Waters, Sergievsky mineral waters, Transcarpathian Sinyak;

      Radon mineral waters: Belokurikha, Molokovka, Mironovka, Khmilnik, Zhitomir, Tskhaltubo, Pyatigorsk, Krasnousolsk, Nilova Pustyn.

      Sodium chloride mineral waters: Druskininkai, Kuldur, Ust-Kut, Angara, Sosonovsky mineral waters, Uchum lake, Shira lake.

      rape mineral waters: Odessa, Evpatoria, Saki, Berdyansk, Lake Elton.

      Therapeutic mud - Anapa, Evpatoria, Kuri, Luben-Veliky, Kayakent, Yeysk, Kemeri, Saki, Klyuchi, Lake Elton, Lake Uchum.

      Children's sanatoriums:"Lenin rocks" in Pyatigorsk, "Falcon" in Anapa, "Red assault and sanatorium named after N. A. Semashko in Sochi;

    19% - Salt baths- are very effective both in the framework of spa treatment, and as home procedures. Sea salt contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and other beneficial minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin affected by psoriasis, relieve and peel, and even improve the patient's sleep due to a relaxing effect on the nerve endings. It is recommended to purchase high-quality, natural sea salt in a pharmacy and take baths 2-4 times a week at night;

    14% - Ointments based on tar(Colloidin, Anthramin and Anthrasulfonic ointment) - relieve itching well, contribute to scarring of psoriatic plaques and falling off of crusts;

    12% - Selective phototherapy (SPT)- a physiotherapeutic method for the treatment of psoriasis, based on the therapeutic effect on the skin of ultraviolet radiation with a certain wavelength. Not suitable for all patients, but for some it allows for 1.5-2 months of regular procedures to achieve a two-year remission;

    12% - Powerful hormonal ointments(Budesonide, Mometasone, Betamethasone). At first they give a very good therapeutic effect, but then the condition of the patients deteriorates sharply, it is necessary to apply the ointment more and more often, and it helps worse and worse. A vicious circle is formed, comparable to drug addiction. Prolonged use of such drugs leads to dysfunctions of the adrenal cortex and gradual atrophy (necrosis) of the skin;

    12% - Baths, steam rooms, saunas and pools- absolutely harmless, but ineffective method of treating psoriasis. According to most patients, staying in a steam room, followed by swimming in cool water, allows you to temporarily soothe the itching and ensure a restful sleep, which in itself is not bad. But there are also people whose psoriasis, on the contrary, is exacerbated by excessive humidity and sudden changes in temperature;

    12% - Sports and leisure - any pleasant physical exercise, whether it's cycling, dancing, hiking or playing football, help to improve well-being, strengthen, increase the mood and self-esteem of the patient, which cannot but have a beneficial effect on the course of psoriasis;

    12% - Ointments based on calcitriol(Osteotriol) or calcipotriol (Dyvonex) - these drugs saturate the epidermis with an active form, penetrate well into the blood and normalize calcium metabolism, and this almost always leads to a decrease and gradual disappearance of psoriatic plaques. Of the minuses: ointments are expensive, the best are German-made, they are sold mainly on order;

    10% - Therapeutic fasting- a radical method of treating psoriasis, allows you to achieve remission or at least a decrease in the area of ​​skin lesions in almost all patients, but has a lot of contraindications. It is better to take therapeutic fasting courses in a hospital, and even more so, you can’t start starving on your own, without examination and consultation with a specialist;

    10% - Ointments based on salicylic acid- strictly speaking, they do not treat psoriasis at all, but they contribute to the healing of plaques and the falling off of crusts. After the skin is cleansed of the stratum corneum, it is advisable to start treatment with other means, for example, the same grease. Salicylic ointments in a sense prepare the epidermis, as they improve the absorption of active substances;

    10% - Phytotherapy - this term refers to all methods of treating psoriasis with the help of medicinal plants: ointments, lotions, rubdowns, compresses, taking decoctions and infusions inside. Roots, and many other plants demonstrate good efficiency, but herbal medicine is always fraught with side effects;

    9% - Therapeutic baths with turpentine and herbal decoctions- a safer method of treating psoriasis, since the active substances act on the skin for only a short time. If you have no contraindications to taking hot medicinal baths, try taking them every other day for 20 minutes, adding pine resin, freshly crushed plantain, a decoction of birch buds, juniper leaves or valerian herb to water heated to 38 degrees;

    8% - Weak and combined hormonal ointments(Hydrocortisone, Fluticasone, etc.) - often used during seasonal exacerbations of psoriasis, when no other methods can stop the growth of plaques and unbearable itching. The treatment of psoriasis with hormonal ointments should be approached very carefully, not resorted to unnecessarily and canceled gradually;

    8% - Enterosorbents(Polifepan, Filtrum STI, Polysorb, Enterosgel) - good addition to a diet, help to cleanse the intestines of debris and normalize, thereby, the composition of the blood, which will not be slow to have a positive effect on the course of psoriasis;

    7% - Ultraviolet and quartz irradiation- some patients with psoriasis are helped by regular visits to the most common solarium, especially in combination with the use of ointments based on active vitamin D. However, quartz lamps are preferable, if only because of the lower risk of developing oncology with regular exposure;

    7% - Vitamin therapy- a very controversial method for the treatment of psoriasis, since in some patients therapeutic doses of vitamins cause a rapid improvement in well-being, while in others the same rapid deterioration with severe allergies and dyspeptic disorders in addition;

    4% - Dietary supplements are an inexhaustible source of profit for pharmaceutical companies, for which psoriasis with its chronic and highly individual course is just a gold mine. "Revolutionary" remedies for psoriasis appear on sale with enviable regularity, however, in their composition, for the most part, there are well-known components for a long time. So, before buying a dietary supplement, ask what it consists of: will it not turn out that you have already unsuccessfully used it, or, worse, you have begun to exacerbate. Also keep in mind that the legislation on dietary supplements is very soft, so the true composition of the drug may differ from the information on its label without catastrophic consequences for the manufacturer and seller;

    4% - Immunomodulators- serious drugs that can be used to treat psoriasis only according to the testimony of an immunologist and on the basis of immunogram data, otherwise you can only make things worse;

    4% - Calcium and sodium salts(calcium chloride, sodium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate) - sometimes with the help of a short course of such injections it is possible to stop the exacerbation of psoriasis and reduce the pain of symptoms, however, the introduction of calcium and sodium salts is not considered as an independent method of treatment;

    4% - Hepatoprotectors(Legalon, Essentiale, Karsil, Liv 52) - stimulate and maintain liver function, thereby indirectly helping it cleanse the blood of toxins and prevent exacerbations of psoriasis. Without a diet do not work;

    4% - Dental care- in some patients, exacerbations of psoriasis occur due to untreated teeth, when the oral cavity is a constant focus of inflammation and a breeding ground for bacteria whose waste products enter the bloodstream. To help such a patient, it is sometimes enough to heal;

    3% - Cleansing the body- this refers not only to cleansing the intestines using hydrocolonotherapy, but also detoxification courses for other organs: the liver, lungs, kidneys. All these activities have a beneficial effect on the course of psoriasis;

    3% - Plasmophoresis is a method of instrumental blood purification, which is used in the treatment of severe forms of psoriasis in a hospital setting. It gives a very good therapeutic effect, but it does not last long - about one and a half to two months;

    3% - Cosmetic creams and oils- not bad help to cope with peeling of the skin, especially when applied immediately after a bath or shower. The simpler and more natural composition of cosmetics, the better. Give preference to baby creams based on vegetable oils;

    3% - Psychics and healers- it is impossible to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of the magical treatment of psoriasis, for obvious reasons, however, the patients of healers and witches claim that they recovered thanks to the sessions, and demonstrate clear skin. Well, no one canceled the power of suggestion;

    3% Anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis- some patients with ordinary psoriasis avoid exacerbations helps preventive course intake of these funds;

    2.5% - Purified, melted, activated and charged water- there are many methods for imparting healing properties to plain water, from consecration in the church to cation-anion separation, but we can only say with certainty that drinking such water will not harm your health, but will it help to overcome psoriasis - this big question;

    2% - Homeopathy - treatment with microscopic doses of natural poisons in order to trigger an immune response to defeat the disease. With psoriasis, the technique is ineffective;

    2% - Heat therapy and infrared irradiation- a controversial treatment for psoriasis, because in some patients, warming causes an exacerbation instead of improving well-being;

    2% - Corticosteroid injections- "fire" technique, which is resorted to only in a hospital and only in the absence of other ways to help a patient with a severe form of psoriasis;

    2% - Oatmeal baths is a safe and easy way to reduce inflammation and itching in psoriasis. Regular intake of oatmeal baths to varying degrees helps almost all patients;

    2% - Cytostatics - highly toxic drugs that have a devastating effect on the kidneys and liver. Used to treat life-threatening forms of psoriasis under strict medical supervision;

    1.5% - Apitherapy - treatment with bee products, and more specifically - apitoxin, bee venom. The principle of apitherapy is close to homeopathy - it is expected that the poison will stimulate the patient's immunity. Sometimes it works, but let's not forget that apitoxin is also one of the most powerful natural allergens;

    1.5% - Naftalan oil– a unique natural product extracted in the Azerbaijani resort of the same name Naftalan and used for the treatment of psoriasis by the method of applications and baths;

    1.5% - Fungicides - drugs for internal and external treatment of fungal diseases. Sometimes they alleviate the condition of patients with psoriasis, they are used only as directed by a doctor because of the risk of complications;

    1% - Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, auto-training, neuro-linguistic programming and other personality management techniques may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis, since right attitude the success of recovery in any disease depends;

    1% - Starch baths- not as effective as oatmeal, but also relieve itching well and reduce flaking. Starch can be very drying to the skin, which cannot be said about oatmeal. But some patients need just such an effect. For one procedure, it is necessary to dissolve 800 g of potato starch in a pan with cool water, and then pour the solution into a warm bath;

    1% - Retinoids - preparations of vitamin A, provide symptomatic treatment of psoriasis, since it is with a lack of this vitamin that a person develops a tendency to dryness and flaking of the skin;

    0.5% - Acupuncture- an ancient Chinese technique based on the impact of thin needles on biologically active points of the human body associated with the relevant organs. A very controversial and unsafe method: it will take, firstly, a highly qualified acupuncturist, and secondly, a lot of luck for acupuncture to work at all;

    0.5% - Bioresonance and wave therapy- modern physiotherapy techniques that are not very well tested in practice, and so far can not boast of great success in the treatment of psoriasis;

    0,2% - Breathing exercises, urine therapy, laser therapy and other controversial methods deserve attention, but can hardly guarantee a positive result.

Treatment of psoriasis with pure grease, as the most effective remedy

At the moment, the shelves of auto parts stores are filled mainly with press grease of the US-2 brand - this is an inexpensive and technically convenient lubricant made from synthetic fatty acids. However, it is poorly suited for the treatment of psoriasis, if only because some manufacturers add harmful additives to improve performance.

For medicinal purposes, it is best to use a medical grease produced specifically for this, but it is almost impossible to purchase it in a pharmacy in its pure form. Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of ready-made ointments for the treatment of psoriasis, but their effectiveness is questioned by patients. According to reviews, the best result can be achieved with ordinary fatty solid oil without any mineral and vegetable additives, that is, solid oil in its pure form.

The benefits of solidol in the treatment of psoriasis

The method of treating psoriasis with grease has been used for over sixty years and is one of the most popular for several reasons:

    Does not require large material costs;

    Very easy to use;

    Rarely causes allergies and side effects;

    Neutralizes burning and itching after the first 2-3 procedures;

    Quickly reduces skin flaking and accelerates epithelialization;

    Allows you to completely get rid of the visible manifestations of psoriasis in 60-70% of patients;

    Gives a long lasting effect.

Other recipes for the treatment of psoriasis based on grease

    The most effective recipe Apply the usual pure technical solid oil to the affected areas of the skin with psoriasis in a thick layer, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse with water using tar soap to eliminate the characteristic odor. After a week of daily procedures, increase the exposure time of grease to the skin to 20 minutes, and so every week until you reach one hour. Then, subject to good tolerance, switch to night solid oil compresses: wrap the smeared areas with food plastic wrap, cotton pajamas on top and sleep. Treat for at least three months.

    Mix in a clean glass jar 250 g of fat grease, 2 tablespoons of bee honey, a quarter tube of baby cream, 2 tablespoons of pharmaceutical sulfuric ointment, the protein of one chicken egg, one teaspoon of rosehip and chestnut ash and one tablespoon of chopped celandine leaves . Store the resulting ointment in the refrigerator and apply liberally to the affected areas of the skin with psoriasis twice a day, morning and evening, wash off after two hours. Use up all the ointment in a week, do not store longer!

    Pour 4 tablespoons of ground elecampane root with half a glass of boiling water and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, then strain the broth, cool slightly and pour into a half-liter glass jar of grease, mix thoroughly and store the finished ointment in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks. Treatment of psoriasis with this ointment is carried out twice a day for one hour, after which the skin is washed with water with baby or tar soap.

    Mix in a glass jar 300 g of grease, 100 g of lime honey and 2 egg yolks. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator for no longer than two weeks, and during this time, apply it in a thin layer three times a day on psoriatic plaques and wash off after 2 hours. Then spend another two-week course of psoriasis treatment with the same therapeutic composition, but with the addition of two tablespoons of dry celandine powder. This ointment should be washed off after an hour.

    Prepare ashes from rosehip branches and. Mix 25 g of such ash with one hundred grams of grease and ten grams of dry celandine powder, close the jar and store it in a dark, cool place for two weeks. Then mix thoroughly and remove the finished ointment for storage in the refrigerator. Treatment of psoriasis with this composition is carried out three times a day for 1-1.5 months. Apply a thin layer of ointment to plaques and wash off with baby soap after 2 hours.

Recommendations and contraindications for the treatment of psoriasis with grease

This technique has no direct contraindications, since the components of grease do not penetrate the skin into the bloodstream and do not cause significant changes in the body. However, both solidol itself and ointments based on it can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, regardless of whether you are prone to allergies, before starting treatment with a ready-made ointment or folk remedy home-made, check if grease is right for you.

Be sure to conduct a preliminary skin test for allergies or individual intolerance to grease. To do this, apply a little substance on the skin of the inner surface of the elbow and hold without rinsing for 12 hours. If redness, itching and swelling do not appear, you can start treating psoriasis with grease.

The success of therapy largely depends on the lifestyle that the patient adheres to. You must follow the diet prescribed by your doctor and refrain from drinking alcohol. It is very useful to undergo a course of cleansing the body with freshly squeezed vegetable juices or herbal infusions before starting treatment. The less toxins your blood contains, the lower the risk of seasonal exacerbations of psoriasis, and the higher the chances of getting the disease under control. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Ointments for psoriasis based on grease

On sale you can find many ointments for the treatment of psoriasis, including those based on grease (by the way, one of the most effective, not counting hormonal ones), which one to choose? Everything is very individual, because the composition of the preparations is different, and even the concentration of grease in them is not the same. Although it is called the main active ingredient, it follows from most instructions that there is only a tenth of pure grease there, and everything else is additional components of dubious effectiveness.

Ready-made ointments for the treatment of psoriasis based on grease are divided into three types according to their composition:

    Vegetable - Kartalin, Markin's ointment;

    Vegetable and mineral- Magnispor, Makeev's ointment;

    Mineral - Rybakov's ointment.

To choose the best option for yourself, it is recommended to take one course of treatment with ointments of each group and compare the effect. If there is no improvement, you can resort to the treatment of psoriasis or home-made ointments based on it. Detailed Recipes we will give below, and we will start the conversation with a discussion of the most popular ready-made ointments.

The standard course of treatment for psoriasis with any of the following ointments is 4-8 weeks, you should not count on a stable positive effect earlier. But already after a week, the itching and external manifestations of the disease should decrease, and if this does not happen, then it hardly makes sense to continue using the drug - it is better to try another one. All ointments are applied in a thin layer to the affected skin 1-2 times a day and are not washed off . Additional aspects of treatment can be found in the instructions for each specific drug.

For comparison, here is the composition of the most popular solid oil ointments for psoriasis:

Solipsor - fatty grease, petroleum jelly, lanolin, talc, potato starch, birch tar, olive oil, pumpkin seed oil, extracts of garlic, burdock, walnut, succession, calendula, birch and licorice;

Magnipsor - fat grease, mineral salts of the Dead Sea, extracts of medicinal plants, vegetable oils of sea buckthorn, pumpkin and tea tree;

Antipsor - fatty grease, vaseline, lanolin, camphor, linseed oil, extracts of string, birch, cudweed and celandine, chitin fibers from shells of crustaceans;

Kartalin - fatty grease, salicylic acid, bee honey, lysozyme, eucalyptus and lavender oil, string and chamomile extracts;

Picladol - fatty grease, lanolin, birch tar, lard, fir oil, celandine extract;

Cytopsor - fatty grease, petroleum jelly, purified mineral oil, citric acid, castor oil, boric acid, calendula alcohol tincture;

Psorium - fatty grease, extracts of calendula, chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort, yarrow, wheat germ, aloe, honey and beeswax, eucalyptus, cedar and sea buckthorn oils, vitamins A, B, E and D;

Psorilam - fatty grease, petroleum jelly, lanolin, stearin, zinc pyrithione, glyceryl monostearate, boric and salicylic acids;

Psori-cream - fatty grease, vaseline, lanolin, naftalan oil, birch tar, mint and sea buckthorn oils, extracts of string, licorice, sage, milk thistle and eucalyptus.

Diprosalic is a Swiss topical preparation with anti-inflammatory and keratolytic effects.

The composition of the preparation contains aqueous extracts of white birch leaves, tripartite string, large celandine, officinalis calendula, marsh cudweed, lanolin, camphor, linseed oil, vaseline oil, medical grease.

Not registered as a medicinal product.

Medical treatment of psoriasis

When a patient has been diagnosed with moderate to severe psoriasis, or when other treatments fail, the doctor may suggest an oral or injectable medication option.

The most common oral and injectable medications used to treat psoriasis include:

This class of drugs works on your immune system, stopping your effects inflammatory processes for immunity. These drugs are administered intravenously.

Over the past 15 years, the FDA has approved 11 biologics for the treatment of psoriasis:

    Adalimumab (adalimumab)

    Brodalumab (brodalumab)

    Etanercept (etanercept)

    Ikekizumab (ixekizumab)

    Infliximab (infliximab)

    Ustekinumab (ustekinumab)

    Secukinumab (secukinumab)

    Guselkumab (guselkumab)

    Certolizumab (certolizumab)

    Tildrakizumab (tildrakizumab)

    Risankizumab (risankizumab)

A newer biologic that targets a key cytokine, the interleukin-17A (IL-17A) inhibitor, has shown impressive therapeutic results.

Ikekizumab was approved in March 2016 and has shown very promising results in clinical trials. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, in 1/3 of the subjects, the skin became clear after three months of using the drug. Other recently approved biologics Brodalumab and Secukinumab also target the interleukin IL-17 inhibitor.

Doctors prescribe biologics to patients with moderate to severe psoriasis. In addition, they are prescribed to those patients who have not responded to other treatments or because of possible side effects. Biological preparations are not recommended for use in patients with a weak immune system or an organism weakened by any infection. Before you start taking biologics, your doctor should conduct a complete examination for tuberculosis and the presence of other infectious diseases.

Price? Biological drugs are quite effective in the treatment of psoriasis, but are expensive. According to 2014 studies, treatment with adalimumab can cost over $39,000, with etanercept over $46,000 per year, and with ustekinumab over $53,000 per year.


Retinoids reduce the production of skin cells, however, as soon as you stop taking them, the symptoms of psoriasis are likely to return. Side effects from treatment with retinoids are extremely unpleasant: hair loss and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy in the next three years are strictly forbidden to take retinoids due to the high risk of birth defects in the fetus.


Cyclosporine (Sandimmun) suppresses the immune system of the body and the manifestations of psoriasis are reduced. However, this means that it is very easy for you to get sick, as your immune system will be weakened. Side effects from the drug are also quite serious: it helps to increase blood pressure and impaired renal function.


Methotrexate, like cyclosporine, suppresses the body's immune system. Taking the drug in a lower dosage, there is a high probability of reducing side effects, however, with prolonged use, it still seriously affects the body. Liver damage and reduced production of red and white blood cells are just a few of the side effects of the drug.

The latest methods of treatment of psoriasis


No, this is not at all about using a scalpel to remove plaques that have not healed for years, as you might think. Domestic specialist, Dr. V. Martynov, proposed a very interesting, and most importantly, effective method of surgical treatment of psoriasis. He performs an operation on his patients to restore the valve of the small intestine, which is responsible for cleansing this part of the intestine from toxins and pathogenic microflora. As a result, after a few months, immunity is restored, and a person forgets about psoriasis for at least a few years.

Phototherapy with narrowband 311 nm ultraviolet light

It is this method of ultraviolet irradiation that shows the best efficiency in the treatment of psoriasis. Narrowband phototherapy is suitable for patients with any skin type, including those with very fair and sensitive skin. The incidence of side effects is minimal, the procedure takes only a few minutes, and after 10 weeks of regular visits to a physiotherapist, a stable remission usually occurs.

Over the past few years, lamps for narrow-band phototherapy sessions have appeared in many public medical institutions, so the technique has become more accessible.

Vectical ointment based on calcitriol

More recently, a new American-made ointment based on active vitamin D, calcitriol, Vectical, has appeared on sale. In clinical trials of this drug, 800 volunteers with psoriasis took part. For 18 weeks, they daily applied the ointment to the affected areas of the skin, and during this time, in a third of the subjects, the manifestations of the disease significantly decreased.

For children under 18 years of age, Vectical ointment is not yet contraindicated, since the necessary tests have not yet been completed. The manufacturer also warns that during treatment one should not stay in the sun for a long time, it is undesirable to combine the use of Vectical ointment with the intake of diuretics, and it is not recommended for people with calcium metabolism disorders.

PUVA therapy is a type of phototherapy. This method treatment of psoriasis works using a photoactive substance and subsequent irradiation of the patient's skin with ultraviolet radiation type A (wavelength from 315 to 400 nm).

A positive result with PUFA therapy is achieved in more than 80% of cases. The effect is already noticeable after the first 4-6 sessions, and remission can last up to several years.

PUVA therapy slows down the growth of epidermal cells, and this is achieved due to the impact on the patient's body of ultraviolet irradiation type A after taking photoactive drugs of the psoralen group.

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

  • How the disease manifests itself

    Simple but effective method treatment is the use of linseed oil. It should be warmed up a little, applied to the affected areas. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.


    1. Grind 15 g of the product, add 300 g of homemade butter.
    2. Heat in a water bath until boiling. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, filter.

    Rub the ointment into the affected areas. Place in refrigerator after use.

    Birch buds

    Fresh (120 g) grind. Add 200 g of tar, 50 g of ash.

    Mix until smooth. Apply to inflamed areas, cover with parchment, fix the compress with a plaster.


    Birch fungus is used not only for decoctions. Based on it, you can prepare a useful ointment.

    • chaga powder - 130 g;
    • - 30 ml;
    • laundry soap crumb - 25 g;
    • pharmacy bile - 20 ml;
    • chicken yolks - 3 pcs.;
    • melted goose fat - 200 g;
    • soda - 5 g.

    Heat the fat a little, add birch fungus powder and tar, mix. Grind soap crumbs, bile and yolks, add soda. Combine both mixtures, create a homogeneous mass. The ointment is well absorbed, it should be applied in the evening.

    Therapeutic baths

    Water treatment procedures are very useful during seasonal exacerbations of the disease. Washing with psoriasis should be done with ordinary household, tar or sulfur soap without additives and fragrances.

    1. Collect 100 g of stems and celandine, brew 3.5 liters of water.
    2. Dissolve 50 g of sea salt in the broth. Leave the mixture for an hour, then pour into warm water.
    3. The duration of the procedure is half an hour. After taking a bath, the body should dry naturally.

    For baths, you can use blue clay (50 g) in combination with sea salt (500 g). The procedure makes the inflamed skin softer.

    A bath with potato starch is necessary during an exacerbation of the disease. One procedure will require 500 g of starch, which must first be diluted with cold water.

    Important! The main cause of psoriasis is a genetic factor. Most of the patients have relatives or friends suffering from this disease.

    In the treatment of psoriasis, it is necessary to maintain faith in the successful outcome of therapy, to love yourself. And then getting rid of the disease will come much faster.

    The treatment of psoriasis is a difficult, largely unsolved problem. There is no etiological treatment. For successful treatment of psoriasis, factors that contribute to its exacerbation should be eliminated or reduced.

    These include all concomitant diseases, foci of focal infection, neuro-conflict situations. Rational therapy requires an accurate diagnosis of psoriasis.

    How to properly treat psoriasis

    First of all, before treating psoriasis, it is necessary to know its constituent factors, such as:, form (type), stage and seasonality of the process. Psoriasis should be treated only after a full study of all factors as a whole.

    The treatment of psoriasis implies a set of measures that consist of general (drug) therapy, physiotherapeutic methods, external therapy and a number of measures aimed at medical and labor expertise with the employment of patients.

    General drug therapy contains a number of drugs aimed at reducing psoriatic sensitization of the entire skin, to enhance the protective immune forces of the body, etc. These include, first of all, hyposensitizing agents used mainly in the progressive stage of the process.

    Effective treatment for psoriasis contains treatment with sodium thiosulfate (aka sodium hyposulfite) in the form of a 15-25% solution of 5-10 ml administered intravenously (for a course of 15 infusions), and calcium gluconate intramuscularly (15 injections are enough for the entire course of treatment).

    You can use a 10-15% solution of calcium chloride, at a dose of 10 ml administered intravenously (with a course of treatment of 10 infusions). With a pronounced neurogenic component, the use of sodium bromide in normal doses is recommended. To create a sparing regime, small tranquilizers are recommended, such as Elenium, Seduxen and others.

    Symptoms and treatment of psoriasis

    With such symptom of psoriasis, as severe itching, antihistamines in usual dosages and hypnosuggestive therapy can be recommended for treatment.

    Also, in the treatment of psoriasis, it is necessary to follow a diet, exclude spicy dishes, seasonings, coffee, alcohol, excessively fatty foods from the menu. Recommended by doctors diet for psoriasis. In some cases, with a progressive stage of psoriasis, lactotherapy is performed with whole boiled cow's milk. Intramuscularly, 5 ml of milk is injected simultaneously. The resulting change in the reactivity of the body in some patients can stop the progression of the process, but in many patients this psoriasis treatment method can cause postpsoriatic erythroderma, which significantly limits its use.

    How to cure psoriasis

    There are many methods that describe how to cure psoriasis, but they all have one common concept - this is the complexity of treatment, and it will not be superfluous to apply.

    At any stage of the psoriatic process, B vitamins, vitamins A, E are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. Vitamins B1 (thiamine bromide) and B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) are administered as a 5-7% solution in / m, at a dose of 1-1, 3 ml daily or in turn (the course of treatment is 9-14 injections in total).

    Vitamin B12 (nianocobalamin) is administered at 200-500 mcg (course of treatment in the amount of 15 intramuscular injections). Vitamin A is administered two-stage at 100,000 units. intramuscularly (daily, 15 injections will be enough).

    Vitamin E is used for the treatment of psoriasis as part of the combined drug "Aevit", and is administered intramuscularly at a two-stage interval of 1-2 ml; injections are carried out every other day, with a course of treatment of 10-15 injections.

    How to treat psoriasis

    Every year there is something new in the treatment of psoriasis, but the relevance of the issue how to treat psoriasis does not fade away.

    A prominent place in the treatment of psoriasis today is occupied by drugs - histaglobulin and pyrogenic agents (pyrogenal, prodigiosan), which are protein-free liposaccharide complexes of bacterial origin.

    Histaglobulin is preferably used in the progressive stage of psoriasis at a dosage of 2.0 ml s / c, twice a week (presumably for a course of treatment from 7 to 9 injections). The drug helps to increase the histamine-pectic index, has a hyposensitizing effect.

    Pyrogenal and prodigiosan are prescribed for psoriasis treatment only in the stationary and regressing stages, in the form of intramuscular injections at an initial dose of 25-40 MTD (minimum pyrogenic doses) with a gradual increase in the amount of the drug by 25-40 MTD for each injection. The drug must be administered every other day, with a course of treatment of up to 20 injections, depending on the tolerability of the drug, a total of 500-1100 MTD.

    Prodigiosan can also be administered intramuscularly, starting with 10-15 mcg, every 2 days. This course consists of 11-16 injections. An increase in body temperature after injections of pyrogenic drugs causes a change in the reactivity of the body, an increase in the production of antibodies leads to a regression of rashes. However, such psoriasis treatment methods can be recommended only in stationary conditions.

    Corticosteroid drugs have not been widely used in the treatment of common forms of psoriasis. They should be used only for erythroderma, with arthropathic psoriasis. They are used at an initial dose of 25-35 mg of prednisolone per day, with a gradual decrease in the administered drug upon reaching a clinical effect and titration of the smallest stopping dose that maintains a satisfactory clinical effect. In cases of using prednisolone derivatives (dexamethasone, triamcinolone), the doses are recalculated accordingly.

    How to cure psoriasis permanently

    It must be remembered that cure psoriasis permanently, is an impossible task of modern medicine. Only complications of the manifestation of psoriasis can be cured.

    In the treatment of severe forms of psoriasis, cytostatic drugs (antimetabolites and immunosuppressants) currently play a certain role.

    At the moment, these modern methods psoriasis treatments are undergoing clinical testing and have not yet taken their place in clinical practice. They are used to block excessive proliferation of keratocytes in the elements of psoriasis and reduce the immunological component of dermatosis, especially in the arthropathic form of psoriasis.

    More commonly used, blocking DNA synthesis in the body and reducing the proliferation of the body's cellular systems, including in the skin. There are various methods of using methotrexate, but the most practiced method is the treatment of psoriasis with small cyclic doses of methotrexate, which selectively acts on the hyperproliferation of skin cells.

    The drug is used in weekly cycles. Each cycle consists of 3 doses of the drug, 6 mg, every 10 hours. That is, the time of taking the drug is limited to 30 hours a week. You can combine methotrexate with vitamins A and E, histaglobulin and UVI (ultraviolet radiation).

    Due to the heterogeneity of the pharmacological action of cytostatics, weekly monitoring of leukopoiesis is necessary, monitoring of functional state liver, and at the slightest deviation from the initial data that goes beyond physiological norms, the use of cytostatics should be discontinued. This class of drugs can be used in any stage of psoriasis.

    Playlist of videos about psoriasis (video selection in the upper right corner)
