The best varieties of remontant raspberries description care. How to distinguish remontant raspberries from ordinary

Remontant raspberries are often called continuously fruiting, or autumn-fruiting.

"Indian Leto" is the first-born of the domestic selection of remant raspberries. Although it was suitable for cultivation in the south of the country, it laid the foundation for the development of new varieties by the method of interspecific hybridization. Thanks to the invaluable contribution of Professor I.V. Kazakov, modern domestic remontant raspberry varieties are distinguished by early ripening and high yields. "Indian Summer" 1 and 2, "Diamond", "Golden Domes", "Augustina", "Elegant", "Hercules", "Apricot" - varieties included in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

Harvest in the first year

Initially, remontant raspberries produced two crops per season. The first was formed on two-year-old shoots that threw out new fruit branches in the spring. This markedly weakened the plant, reducing the ability to re-fruit. Over time, breeders focused on getting a “second” crop, hence, in fact, remontant.

At the end of fruiting, a complete basal cutting of bushes is made. This not only increases the future harvest, but also protects it from pests, focused mainly on the timing of the fruiting of ordinary raspberries. This protects the stems from winter freezing. New shoots grown in the spring ripen and give a generous harvest, without requiring tying to the trellis.

Disadvantages of repair raspberries

Against the backdrop of undeniable advantages, the disadvantage remontant varieties is the meager formation of root branches, and, consequently, replacement shoots, which, however, facilitates care.

There are several ways to fill the shortage of planting material and increase the multiplication factor. The first is harvesting green petioles. Produced during the period of awakening and formation of root buds (May-June). To do this, choose three-centimeter above-ground shoots with a mandatory bleached (underground) zone.

The second is stimulating the development of root branches - cutting out the central part of the root (no more than 1 - 1.2 dm in diameter) on a 2-3 year old raspberry bush, followed by the development of up to 20 new future seedlings. The third is sowing seeds, while more than half of the seedlings retain their remontant properties.

Seedlings are planted in illuminated areas in loose, light soil, with a density of 1.5 m by 0.7 m, with a depth of up to 30 cm. late spring) - the yield of the bush reaches 3 kg.

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences I. KAZAKOV, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences S. Evdokimenko, Kokinsky Stronghold of the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery (Bryansk region). Photo by I. Kazakov.

A completely new berry crop repair raspberries cannot be named, because its first varieties were obtained almost a hundred years ago. Naturally, selection has not stood still all these years, and modern remontant varieties created by Russian scientists are unlike their progenitors. As a result of various combinations of crosses, domestic breeders have bred remontant raspberry varieties that have no analogues in the world. The fruits of these varieties begin to ripen in early August, the peak of their fruiting falls on the end of August - the beginning of September.

Indian summer! marvelous rubies
caressed by a quiet dawn.
Generous remontant raspberry
Falls into the basket of September.

I. Kazakov

Raspberries owe their popularity to the excellent taste and unique aroma of berries with a high content of vitamins and other biologically active substances with unique healing properties. Unfortunately, enjoy fresh berries does not last long: with a wide choice of varieties (from early to late) - a little more than one month, from late June to early August. In addition, unfavorable environmental conditions, pests and diseases, weather anomalies significantly reduce the yield of berries. It is possible to extend the season of consumption of fresh raspberries up to 3-3.5 months - from August to autumn frosts - and significantly increase the yield using remontant varieties.

Remontant, as the ability for continuous (during the entire growing season) fruiting, is a well-known phenomenon. For example, many gardeners grow remontant varieties of garden strawberries, the first crop of which ripens at the same time as regular varieties. But unlike ordinary remontant varieties, after the first harvest, they throw out inflorescences, bloom and bear fruit again. Thus, fruiting is almost continuous. Remontant raspberry varieties also have another property: they are able to bear fruit both on biennial and annual shoots. In principle, such varieties can give two crops: the first - as on ordinary varieties and the second - on annual shoots. However, getting two crops in one season is impractical, since the first crop on biennial stems weakens the plants and delays the start of maturation of the second, usually more valuable crop. Therefore, it is much more profitable to grow remontant raspberries as an annual crop and get only a late summer - early autumn harvest. With this technology, in the first half of summer, annual shoots grow intensively in remontant varieties. Toward the middle of summer, fruit twigs appear, then raspberries bloom, and at the end of summer the crop ripens.

The popularity of remontant raspberries is explained by the fact that, thanks to its biology and special cultivation technology, it is devoid of many of the shortcomings that ordinary raspberries have. Firstly, the problem of winter hardiness of shoots disappears, because the aerial part of raspberries is cut to ground level in autumn, and there is nothing to freeze. Secondly, the care of plantings is simplified, since there is no need to cut the fruit-bearing stems, bend the shoots to the ground and shelter before winter. Low bushes (up to 1.5 m) of remontant raspberries do not need to install a trellis and tie shoots to it. Thirdly, removing fruiting stems from the garden in autumn removes a significant part of the infection and wintering pests. Do not cause damage to plantings of remontant raspberries and such dangerous pests as raspberry beetle and raspberry-strawberry weevil, since the phenophases of their development and plants do not coincide. All this allows you to grow remontant raspberries without or with limited use chemicals and thereby obtain an environmentally friendly berry.

Despite these advantages, remontant raspberries did not "populate" the gardens of Russians for a long time. The reason is the lack of reliable varieties capable of ripening before the onset of autumn frosts. Until the beginning of the 70s of the last century, domestic breeders did not carry out work on the creation of remontant varieties, although in some cases forms were distinguished that gave berries on the tops of annual shoots. Raspberry varieties of foreign selection with an autumn type of fruiting turned out to be of little use for the central part of the country: by the beginning of frosts, their crop had time to ripen only by 15-30%.


Purposeful breeding of remontant raspberries in our country has been carried out for a little more than three decades. The leading institution implementing this program in Russia is the Kokinsky stronghold (Bryansk region) of the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery, where a model of an "ideal" raspberry remontant variety for this region was developed, including more than 30 traits, donors and genetic sources of these signs. Over the past period, an economic-biological and breeding assessment of more than 300 interspecific remontant forms of raspberries was carried out, and on their genetic basis, more than 250 thousand seedlings isolated from controlled crossings, free pollination and inbreeding (forced self-pollination) were obtained and analyzed.

The main tasks of selection are the creation high-yielding varieties, adapted to adverse environmental factors, having high taste, commercial and technological qualities of berries, suitable for mechanized harvesting.

A reliable level of adaptation of remontant raspberry varieties in middle lane In Russia, it means the ability of plants to fully complete their fruiting before the onset of autumn frosts at a sum of active temperatures (t> 10 ° C) of 1800-2000 ° C and a frost-free period of at least 130 days. They must be resistant to major pathogens and pests, endure soil and air drought without a noticeable decrease in yield, accumulate a minimum amount of ecotoxicants (heavy metals, radionuclides, herbicides) in berries.

The most important indicator of the competitiveness of a variety, especially in conditions market economy, - fruit quality. In practical selection, work is carried out in three areas: 1) external attractiveness and marketability of berries; 2) high palatability; 3) increased content of biologically active substances.

One of the main tasks of breeding remontant raspberries is to increase the yield of its varieties. Modern breeding programs provide for a yield per raspberry bush of at least 2 kg of berries or 15 tons per hectare with a fruit weight of 6-8 g.

The creation of remontant raspberry varieties suitable for machine harvesting solves the problem of obtaining genotypes with a straight-growing habit of the bush, high density of berries, good separation from the fruit and friendly ripening.

As a result, more than 20 first domestic varieties of remontant raspberry were created, of which eight (Apricot, Augustine, Indian Leto, Indian Leto-2, Diamond, Heracles, Golden Domes, Elegant) are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation approved for use. The rest pass the state and production test.

Remontant raspberry varieties give from 1.7 to 3.7 kg of berries per bush. Under favorable soil and weather conditions, the varieties Atlant, Bryansk Divo, Ruby Necklace, Elegant have a special yield - more than 20 tons per hectare. In the interspecific offspring of raspberries, it was possible to isolate remontant hybrids, the crop of which fully ripens in late August - the first half of September. Of particular interest are the varieties Indian leto-2, Bryansk jubilee, Nadezhnaya, Eurasia and Penguin, which combine early ripening of berries with an extensive zone of autumn fruiting and other valuable features.

Modern interspecific varieties of remontant raspberries are large-fruited, according to this indicator they can easily compete with the summer assortment of raspberries. Among the varieties with average weight berries 3.1-4.5 g - Augustine, Indian summer, Indian summer-2, Bryansk anniversary, Golden domes, Firebird, Mulatto, Reliable, Elegant, Amber. The most large-fruited are Golden Autumn, Hercules, Ruby Necklace, Merchant, Atlas, Orange Miracle, Bryansk Miracle, the mass of their berries reaches 7-11.5 g, which is two to three times higher than the large-fruitedness of not only the best parent forms, but also the most common raspberry varieties. These genotypes are valuable complex donors for further work on the improvement of raspberry remontant forms. They are of great interest for cultivation in the conditions of central Russia.

An important indicator is the one-dimensionality of the berries. According to this indicator, the following stand out: Augustine, Diamond, Firebird, Penguin, Elegant. It has been established that the one-dimensionality of berries to a greater extent than large-fruitedness depends on agricultural technology. Adequate nutrition and watering ensure the manifestation of the hereditarily determined fruit size.

In the conditions of market relations, aesthetic components are of particular relevance. The most popular among gardeners are varieties with large, even-sized, brightly colored fruits - red, raspberry, yellow, apricot, black.

The most attractive bright berries are: Indian Leto-2, Ruby Necklace, Bryansk Jubilee, Firebird, Snegirek, etc. Varieties Augustina, Brilliantovaya, Mulatka, Merchant and elite forms 1-125-1, 26 form intensely colored fruits with a strong sheen. -139-1, 18-183-1, etc. The berries of the varieties Apricot and Golden Domes have an unusual golden-apricot color. Large "lanterns" of berries of amber-yellow color of the Golden Autumn variety look spectacular on the branches. Very beautiful fruits in the Orange Miracle variety.

"Turned", elongated-conical shape, large fruits are distinguished by the genotypes Golden Autumn, Hercules, Merchant, Atlas, Orange Miracle, Bryansk Miracle. The original elongated-cylindrical shape of the berries - "lady's finger" - in the Ruby Necklace variety.

One of the main quality indicators of berries is their taste, which is largely determined by the ratio of sugars, organic acids and other biologically active substances. It is known that the species and varietal composition of raspberries varies significantly in this indicator. Unfortunately, the raspberry fruits of most hybrids of the first generations, in the origin of which, in addition to red raspberries, black raspberries, hawthorn-leaved, fragrant and wonderful, took part, are somewhat inferior in taste to berries the best varieties ordinary type. Four or five generations of these parental forms with red raspberries were not enough to create genotypes with a dessert taste of fruits. However, interspecific remontant varieties created in further generations have good palatability berries (4.0-4.1 points). Among them: Indian summer, Apricot, Augustine, Indian summer-2, Reliable, Diamond. The result of the last years of many years of purposeful work was the creation of high-yielding remontant forms with a dessert taste of berries and a delicate "raspberry" aroma (Orange Miracle and Firebird varieties).

The decisive factor determining the safety of berries during harvesting and transportation is the density of berries - this is necessary requirement and for machine harvesting. Raspberry varieties differ significantly in this indicator, which often determines their suitability for one or another type of processing.

The density of berries greatly depends on weather conditions. A significant decrease in density (up to 50%) is observed in all varieties in rainy, as well as in excessively hot seasons. The formation of a thicker skin of drupes is facilitated by dry and warm weather, as well as a contrasting change in day and night temperatures (range of fluctuations up to 15-18°C). For this reason, the berries of the autumn harvest of remontant raspberries, compared to summer harvest, are usually denser and more suitable for machine harvesting.

By stepwise hybridization of interspecific forms, unique genotypes with a high density of berries were created among themselves (Penguin, Eurasia, Ruby Necklace, Bryansk Divo, Heracles, Atlant, elite forms 15-146-2, 23-70-2, 3-62-1). Some of them (Penguin, Eurasia, Atlant), along with an increased density of berries, are distinguished by good separability from the fruit, a straight bush habit, as well as early and friendly ripening. According to the main features, these varieties meet the requirements of machine harvesting.


For successful cultivation remontant raspberries need to know some secrets of agricultural technology. So, plant it should be in the most illuminated places in the garden. Even slight shading, which is acceptable for common raspberries, significantly delays the onset of ripening of berries in varieties with autumn fruiting and leads to a decrease in yield.

In central Russia, it is better to place plants on the south side of the house and fences, in areas protected from cold northern winds fruit trees or berry bushes. In such corners, their own microclimate is formed: in spring, snow melts faster and the soil warms up, in summer, due to the accumulation of solar heat by a wall or fence, it is much warmer, and in autumn light frosts “come” here a little later. It has been noticed that the earlier the snow melts from the raspberry plantations and the growth of shoots begins, the earlier the first berries ripen and the higher the yield.

When digging on light and medium loams, which are characterized by average fertility, it is advisable to add two or three buckets of well-decomposed humus, compost or riding (red) peat and a glass of complex mineral fertilizers enriched with microelements (Kemira universal, Stimulus, Growth, nitroammophoska) per square meter ). Complex fertilizers can be replaced with one glass of superphosphate and a glass of potassium sulfate. Fertilizers are also applied to the planting pit: one or two buckets of well-decomposed organic fertilizer and four to five tablespoons of complex mineral fertilizer. Instead of mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers can be applied during soil preparation, increasing their dose by 1.5 - 2 times, and the lack of potassium and trace elements in the soil can be compensated by applying wood ash- a half-liter jar per 1 m 2. On acidic soils, lime or dolomite flour is used.

A year before planting, green manure is sown in the place where raspberries are supposed to be grown, in the fall they are crushed and embedded in the soil. You can not plant plants in places where nightshade crops (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants) that have pests and diseases in common with raspberries grew in the previous year.

In the conditions of central Russia, the optimal period for the autumn planting of remontant seedlings is the period from the beginning of October until stable autumn frosts. With early autumn plantings (until the second half of September), the plants take root poorly and overwinter unsatisfactorily, because the biorhythm of the development of remontant raspberries differs significantly from the biorhythms of other berry bushes, including raspberries of the usual type. In remontant varieties, the outflow of plastic substances into the roots, the growth of the root system and the accumulation of nutrients in it occur somewhat later.

Plants are planted in pits with a diameter of at least 30-35 cm and a depth of 25-30 cm. When planting, both deepening and bulging of the root neck of the seedling are unacceptable. In properly planted plants, the root neck should be at the level of the soil surface, and only on light soils is it possible to deepen it by 3-5 cm. With a deeper planting, the seedlings develop slowly, they have offspring out of time, and the plants often die. If the root neck is placed too high, the roots may dry out in the spring and summer and freeze in winter.

For most varieties with average soil fertility, the distance between rows is 1.5-2.0 m (sometimes up to 2.5 m), between plants in a row is 0.7-0.9 m. Bushes with this placement are much better illuminated.

You can plant such raspberries in the garden and in the form of small well-lit groups (one or three plants), reducing the distance between them to 50-70 cm. Raspberry varieties that form only one or two replacement shoots in the bush, it is advisable to place two seedlings per hole . It is advisable to mulch the soil around the seedlings.

Often, after planting, the above-ground part of the seedlings is completely cut off. They do this to prevent the spread dangerous diseases, whose pathogens overwinter on plant stems. However, the removal of the aerial part of the seedling has negative consequences. The removed part contains important nutrients for a young plant, which are necessary for bud break in spring and intensive growth of roots and annual shoots. It is thanks to the leaves on the left part of the seedling that the first few weeks the whole plant is nourished, the work of the roots is stimulated. Therefore, seedlings with an uncircumcised aerial part take root better.

Care remontant raspberries comes down to regular loosening of the soil, top dressing, weed control and, if necessary, watering. Simultaneously with loosening and mulching the soil, mineral fertilizers are applied from the second or third year after planting. In the first half of summer, during the intensive growth of raspberry shoots, nitrogen fertilizers are preferred, in the second half - complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a set of microelements. Doses of fertilizers are chosen, guided by the instructions on the packages, as well as the level of fertility and the quality of preplant soil preparation. Liquid fertilizing is especially effective. organic fertilizers: fermented (one to two weeks) infusions of bird droppings (ratio of fertilizer and water 1:20) or mullein (ratio 1:10).

In autumn, with the onset of persistent frosts (in central Russia - at the end of October or in the first half of November, in the southern regions - until the end of November), all annual shoots that bear fruit are cut off from remontant raspberries. (This can also be done in early spring, before the vegetation of plants begins). The remaining debris and fallen leaves are composted and burned. The soil is shallowly loosened; if the weather is dry, water and mulch. Don't be in a hurry to cut. It can also be done when the topsoil is already frozen or even the first snow has fallen. Before the soil freezes, nutrients will flow from the leaves and shoots to the roots, which will allow the plants to develop more intensively next year. Thus, an annual cycle of crop formation is maintained annually.

The high annual yield of new varieties and the environmentally friendly technology of their cultivation create real prerequisites for the successful cultivation of remontant raspberries both in industrial and amateur gardens.

Gardener - note


Raspberries are rich in fiber (4.8-5.1%), which stimulates the intestines and helps to remove harmful substances from the body. The pectin contained in the berries also has a beneficial effect on digestion. A valuable component of the fruit is biologically active substances: ascorbic acid (up to 50 mg), catechins (up to 80 mg), anthocyanins (100-250 mg), vitamins B 9, B 12, E, etc. There are quite a lot of mineral compounds in raspberries iron (1200 mg), zinc (200 mg), copper (170 mg) and manganese (210 mg per 100 g of crude product).

In raspberries, a special substance was found - beta-sitosterol, which prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels and, consequently, the occurrence of sclerosis. According to the content of beta-sitosterol, this berry is second only to sea buckthorn. The high hematopoietic effect of its fruits has also been proven, the use of which helps to prevent leukemia.

Healing properties have not only raspberries, but also leaves, inflorescences, stems, roots. In raspberry leaves, for example, the content of vitamin C is 8-10 times higher than in berries.

In October, collect the buds, flowers, leaves, green berries remaining on the branches. Rinse freshly picked leaves cold water, dry, put in a bowl, close the lid and hold until they are tied up. Then with your palms roll into tight rollers, cut the rollers into small pieces and wrap in a towel, lightly dampening with water. In this form, soak for 2-3 days without access to light, then immediately dry in the oven or dryer at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

Delicious, fragrant tea is also obtained from raspberry flowers. Brew it like regular tea: 1 tablespoon per cup of boiling water. It is good to add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey.
