How to properly install a submersible pump in a well. Self-installation of a well pump Installation of the pump and head on the well

Water in your own home is a necessity. Arrangement of bathrooms, kitchens, as well as watering the beds - all this requires serious water consumption. In addition to drilling a well, it is also necessary to connect a pump to it.

Installing a pump in a well is one of the important points that should be studied before work begins. It is also equally important to choose the right device for wells.

Types of pumps

The following types of water pump in a well are distinguished:

  • Borehole. Such devices have a small diameter. In addition, they do an excellent job in cases where the water contains clay or limestone. This type is excellent for high pressures and significant distances between the water intake point and the consumer.
  • Wells. Such a water pump is not completely immersed in the well. The water intake hole is designed at the bottom, the engine is cooled by liquid. Some models are equipped with a shut-off system when there is no water.
  • Vortex. By their type, such aggregates are classified as surface. Their advantages include a relatively low price and compact size. In addition, if the water in the well contains various impurities, the vortex apparatus may not cope with its task.
  • Centrifugal. Such devices are capable of drawing water from depths of up to 9 meters. Installing a pump in a well of this type has a significant advantage - their operation does not fail when a plug forms from the air.

The first two types of pumps are classified as submersible. They also require a special SQE package - an automation kit for the units. The pressure and other characteristics will be regulated by the equipment independently.

Choosing a location for a well

Typically, professional drillers do not give clear recommendations on where exactly a shaft should be dug. They will find water everywhere, but in the end you will have to use the running water. What parameters are important to consider when constructing a well?

  • The sanitary standards clearly state the distance from the water intake to other objects. This is 5 meters from a residential building and 25 from a septic tank. You need to decide where there will be a parking lot or garage, chicken coop or other buildings for livestock and poultry. In addition, the well must be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the neighbor’s fence. Situations are not uncommon when neighboring buildings can simply spoil the water, for example, as is the case with a latrine installed nearby. Remember this, because even the most sealed mine can begin to leak harmful effluents over time.
  • In an area with pronounced relief, it is impossible to drill wells for water in lowlands. During the spring snow melt, water can become polluted due to runoff. For example, E. coli can live in water for more than a year! Moreover, the site must be assessed by professionals. A slope of 3 degrees is not noticeable, but it can be enough to pollute the water.
  • If there is no other way out and you have to carry out drilling work in a lowland, before connecting the well, you need to make a high-quality drainage system.
  • There should be no plants or trees within a radius of 5-7 meters, even in future plans.
  • Please note that you will also need a place where equipment for drilling and laying HDPE pipes will be placed. The area for equipment access must have the following dimensions: at least 4 meters wide and at least 9 meters long.
  • Be sure to leave a spare space for another water intake. The fact is that in extremely rare cases it is possible to repair an existing system.
  • Under no circumstances should the source be placed in the basement of the house! Usually they connect the pump to the so-called Abyssinian wells. However, the water from it is only suitable for watering plants.

An ideal place for drilling may be a free lawn, which is located at the required distance from all buildings. You can hide the hatch using a small garden sculpture or fountain.

Pump selection

It’s not enough to drill water well, it is also necessary to choose the right equipment for it. How to do this?

  • the diameter of the device must correspond to the width of the well walls;
  • the pump must fit freely both into the hole and;
  • It is preferable to choose centrifugal devices. This is especially true for deep sand mines;
  • calculate the amount of water you need. This should be taken as a starting point when choosing a unit indicator such as productivity.

Recently, so-called smart pumps for wells have become popular. Such devices are not cheap, but their price is fully justified. The device is equipped with special sensors that respond to an increase in water consumption - an increase in liquid pressure is activated. The possibilities of such a device do not end there; they could be listed for a long time. If you wish, you can learn from the video how to connect a pump to a well in a dacha or personal plot.


How to connect a well to a pump? This can be done with the help of professionals or on your own. The service of specialists will not be so cheap, so more and more often preference is given to installation on one’s own. This is not so difficult to do if you first study the procedure.

Let's consider the most simple diagram pump, which will help both in connection and during operation.

A special pipe adapter is installed on the outlet pipe. Most often it is sold immediately with the unit. If not, you'll have to buy it. A coupling is screwed onto this adapter.

All threaded connections should be treated with a special “winding”. Some people use tow, but at the moment there are special tapes. If linen is used, it must be carefully treated with a special silicone sealant.

Surface pump installation

Installation of a surface pump in a well is carried out either indoors or directly above it. Connecting a surface pump to a well begins with digging a place in the ground for the device below the soil freezing level - a caisson.

Let's start connecting the surface pump:

  • We attach the hose we need to the suction part;
  • A special valve should be secured at the end of the hose. It prevents water from flowing back when the device is turned off;
  • the filter element is attached to the check valve. It cleans the water from dirt and sand particles;
  • the hose is immersed into the hole to the desired depth.

Installing a pump in a well with your own hands is not difficult at all if you have the tools.

The connection diagram for the surface device is shown in the figure:

Installation of a submersible pump

To install deep well pump into the well, you must strictly follow the instructions. A submersible well pump is installed directly into the hole. Moreover, a certain gap must be maintained between the device and the shaft, otherwise it will simply burn out. In the instructions you can find out the minimum distance between the walls. How to connect a submersible pump?

Instructions for installing a submersible pump in a well are as follows:

  • A check valve is mounted on the pump nozzle. It prevents the pipe from draining water when the device stops working;
  • a special valve is attached to the suction part to filter the water;
  • a hose is attached to the check valve through which the water will rise up;
  • the power supply wire to the deep-well pump is attached to the discharge hose using special clips or ties made of polymer material;
  • Twine is inserted into the brackets of the upper part of the device body. It is on this that he will hang in the well;
  • how to lower the pump into the well? This must be done carefully and exclusively with the help of a rope.

Installing a deep-well pump is not such a difficult task, which you can handle yourself.

The connection diagram for a submersible type unit is shown in the figure.

Connection diagram 2

After diving to the required depth, the rope must be secured with special brackets. How deep should the pump be lowered? Usually the device is fixed a meter from the bottom. The installation depth of a deep-well pump also depends on the properties of the soil and the groundwater level.

Typical connection errors

During installation, it is extremely important to avoid mistakes that will certainly affect you in the future. The most typical of them when installing a pump in a well are the following:

  • incorrect determination of the height of the unit suspension;
  • small cross-section of the power cable;
  • neglect to install protection against voltage instability;
  • insufficient pipe diameter for water supply;
  • absence of a check valve in the system;
  • incorrect selection or lack of instrumentation and control automation.

That's all. Now you know how to properly install a pump in a well. As you can see, it’s not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to delve into all the nuances. Another tip - don’t skimp on the pumping station. It’s better to spend money once and buy a quality device than to constantly repair a cheap one. And one more thing - before installing the pump in the well, watch videos that explain in detail all the nuances.


One of the primary tasks of every owner of a suburban area is to provide living space drinking water. Several decades ago, this problem was solved by digging a well.

Deep-well pumps are easy to install, you don’t need to look after them, since they are protected against “dry running,” and the price is quite reasonable.

These days, the best source of drinking water is your own well. Correct installation of pumping equipment is the key to the effective functioning of the water supply system at home.

Preparatory work

In order for drinking water to flow uninterruptedly into a country house, it is necessary to purchase a pump that is characterized by reliable operation and excellent quality. One of these types of equipment are deep-well pumps.

Before lowering equipment into a well, its exact depth and width should be determined. The choice of pump model directly depends on the depth of the well. On the one hand, the unit should not lift water in an amount that exceeds the productivity (dynamic potential) of the well. On the other hand, the pressure should be enough for normal water supply to the house and land.

Electrical wiring is installed immediately. Even if you plan to use the pump irregularly. An extension cord is not suitable since the equipment consumes a large amount of electrical energy. This often leads to overheating of the cable and melting of the plug, which can cause a short circuit and a fire.

When installing the pump, ensure the presence of optimal voltage electrical network, on which the indicators of water pressure and equipment pressure depend. Depending on the power of the unit, the need for two or three phases of electric current is determined.

The deep-well pump is quite sensitive to voltage changes. Therefore, when connecting it to the electrical network, it is better to use a voltage stabilizer (220 V). If electrical wire needs to be increased, then the soldering method is used, followed by insulating the cable into a fluid coupling. It is recommended to connect cables that have insulation of the same color.

The well needs to be cleaned. To do this, a small amount of water is pumped out. Pumping is carried out until the impurities of soil and sand disappear. Only after this can installation work be carried out.

To efficiently install a pump in a well, we will need the following materials and tools:

  • safety rope;
  • HDPE pipe;
  • hose;
  • fitting;
  • couplings;
  • insulating tape;
  • silicone sealant;
  • clamps;
  • head kit;
  • pipe wrench;
  • metal scissors;
  • bending pliers;
  • hammer;
  • air gun;
  • hexagon;
  • roulette;
  • square;
  • lace.

The safety rope and pipe are purchased with a margin of 2-3 m.

Nuances of equipment installation

At the initial stage, the casing should be carefully checked. There should be no narrowing, unevenness or curvature of the structure. The presence of any defects will lead to difficulty correct installation deep-well pump and its premature deterioration.

It is immediately worth noting that there should be no significant discrepancies between the diameter of the HDPE pipe and the diameter of the pump. A large difference in size may negatively affect the efficient operation of the unit. In some cases, this can result in equipment failure. The maximum rate of discrepancy can be found in the instructions that come with the pump.

Installation of equipment is carried out on a clean and level surface. A fitting is screwed to the pump, which has different external threads on both sides. The fitting is connected to the HDPE coupling. For maximum thread tightness, flax is used, which is coated with silicone sealant.

The HDPE pipe is unwound. It should be laid in as straight a line as possible. It is best to use a polyethylene pipe, which has a diameter of 32 mm. If its diameter is less than 32 mm, pressure loss will increase and water pressure will deteriorate.

The end of the pipe that connects to the deep-well pump is pulled out and straightened. The equipment must fit smoothly into the well. To install the pipe to the pump, use a HDPE coupling, which is tightened with a pipe wrench.

A safety rope and an electrical wire are unwound along the pipe. The cable is threaded through special eyelets-brackets. Two loops are made. The two ends of the cable are compressed with steel clamps.

Electrical tape is used to secure the electrical cable and cable to the pipe. There is no need to pull them strongly towards the pipe. If the cable and cable are not secured to the pipe, then when lifting the pump from a depth they may become tangled.

The next step is installing the head. To facilitate this process, all connecting screws are unscrewed. The head flange is placed on the pipe. The extreme part of the pipe is lubricated with sealant. The water pipe is connected to the rubber ring of the head. The casing pipe is cut before the head is installed. The pipe should protrude 25-30 cm above the well.

Completion of installation work

The pump is lowered into the well. If in some area the equipment does not pass further, it is necessary to carefully rotate the pump or pipe around its axis. If the unit does not lower further, it should be pulled to the surface and try to better align the pipe. The pump must be installed below the water level and above 1 m from the bottom of the well.

It takes two people to complete the installation of the pump. One person is holding the pipe. His assistant must thread the cable through the head and secure it to the carabiner. The upper part of the head with a cable and pipe is lowered into the well. Both parts of the head are combined.

To check the correct location of the pump (it should be fixed with a cable and not hanging on the pipe), press on the end of the pipe.

It should go down a little. Now the head can be tightened with screws. After installing the equipment, all performance indicators are checked: pressure, power and amount of electricity consumed.

Largely from correct installation deep-well pumps will depend on the quality of operation and service life of the equipment. The use of low quality materials and violation of the pump installation technology in the well can cause breakage or premature failure of the equipment. And this is fraught with additional costs for creating a new well, since it is almost impossible to get a stuck pump.

Installing a pump in a well is a very important process, the correctness and quality of which determines the duration of normal and uninterrupted operation of the equipment. The installation of a well pump is carried out after the drilling and surface equipment of the well or well is completed.

Most often, there is not much space in suburban areas, so drilling a well is preferred to digging a well. The well itself does not take up much space, which cannot be said about the well, which is its huge advantage.

Water supply from a well can be carried out using an installation. In order to ensure the rise of water from the well, installation will be required well pump. In order to install a submersible pump with your own hands, you need to know the operating features and connection of the equipment.

The main characteristic properties of submersible pumping equipment are the following:

  • the ability to create water pressure at a level that ensures its optimal extraction from the well and supply to the water supply system;
  • high duration of uninterrupted operation;
  • cylindrical body shape, which provides a certain convenience during installation;
  • Some models are capable of pumping from a well that contains impurities in the form of sand and clay; such devices are made of materials that have high wear resistance.

Deep pumping equipment is different good quality manufacturing and a high degree of reliability. These qualities allowed these devices to gain high popularity and become in demand among owners country houses and summer cottages.

The use of these has become a popular way of organizing autonomous water supply for country cottages and private houses.

The main advantages of submersible pumps:

  • large depth of water intake;
  • low technical complexity of installation;
  • absence of rubbing elements, which increases the overall service life and increases wear resistance;
  • low noise level;
  • long service life.

Due to the reliability of this equipment, maintenance and replacement of a submersible pump in a well is carried out very rarely.

Selection of pumping equipment for a well

The selection and installation of a well pump depends on a large number of factors:

  • equipment location;
  • required pressure;
  • coefficient of water pressure loss due to the occurrence of technological friction in the pipeline;
  • the magnitude of the pressure difference when turning off and on;
  • equipment reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • equipment cost.

For subsidiary farming and autonomous or summer cottage plot submersible pumps are selected according to the following parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • power of available power supply;
  • performance;
  • price.

The main technical criteria of the well:

  • immersion depth, which is measured in meters; the value of this parameter characterizes the height to which the deep pump should raise water;
  • the volume of water that enters the well per hour - an indicator characterizing the flow rate of the well, measured in cubic meters, power is selected in accordance with this criterion.

The productivity should not exceed the productivity of the well, while at the same time the power of the equipment is sufficient to raise the water to the required height.

The reliability and durability of the operation of deep-hole equipment primarily depends on the correct installation in the well.

If you have the required amount of knowledge and skills, you can connect the well pump yourself. To install it yourself, you need to thoroughly study the methods and technologies of installation work and connections.

Each model has its own connection features. For this reason, the manufacturer provides an installation diagram for the pump. The connection diagram contains sequential instructions for installing and connecting the equipment to the electrical network.

When making connections, you must strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions. This will allow you to avoid difficulties and errors when installing the pump and breakdowns during operation.

Preliminary installation work

Before lowering the pump into the well, all its parameters should be measured. The main technical parameters are:

  • depth;
  • statistical and dynamic water level.

While everything is immediately clear about depth and width, not everyone knows what statistical and dynamic water levels are. These terms are most often known only to professionals.

The dynamic potential affects the power of the device used and determines how much water the well can produce per unit of time.

The statistical indicator indicates to what minimum height the pumping unit is capable of raising water. It indicates the distance from the surface of the earth to the water level.

Before installing a pump in a well, you should decide how often the pump will be used. If frequent use is expected, then it makes sense to install a stationary power supply line for pumping equipment. For irregular use, an extension cord with an outlet will be sufficient to power the equipment.

When connecting an extension cord, it should be taken into account that the power consumption of the device is quite high, so the extension cord wire must have a suitable cross-section to prevent overheating and, as a result, short circuit and fire.

Rules for installation work

In order for the device to serve for a long time, the connection technology must be followed when installing it. Before carrying out all installation operations, it is necessary to compare technical specifications pump with the characteristics of the well for their correspondence to each other.

After comparing the characteristics, you should worry about providing power to the equipment. Depending on the pump model, single-phase or three-phase current may be required. Before starting work on installing a submersible pump, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • safety rope;
  • kit for creating a head;
  • clamps made of stainless steel;
  • hose;
  • HDPE pipe;
  • a set of necessary fittings;
  • valve having a spherical design.

The cable and hose should be prepared in such a length that it is sufficient for the entire depth of the well.

Additionally, during installation you will need a voltage stabilizer. This is due to the high sensitivity of the equipment to voltage drops in the network.

If necessary, the cable for power supply should be extended. The cable pieces should be connected to each other using soldering; this is required in order to improve the electrical contact between the cable pieces.

When extending the cable, you should carefully connect the wires in accordance with their color.

A ball valve is installed at the outlet of the pipe from the well and is used to regulate the flow.

It should be remembered that if there is no water in the well, connecting the device to the electrical network is prohibited.

Installation of equipment in a well

Before connecting, the casing pipe is checked for irregularities, narrowings and bends. All identified defects affect the functioning of the device and complicate the installation of the pumping apparatus.

Before installing a well pump, the well must be cleaned and pumped.

The video shows the installation of a deep well pump in a PVC casing pipe:

The pump can be installed only after preparatory work has been carried out. When connecting the pump, if its design does not provide a check valve, it is recommended to install it yourself.

For convenience, the hose, power cable and safety rope are connected together using insulating tape. To seal the well, a cap is installed on the surface, to which a safety cable is attached, and the pipe and cable for power supply are brought out.

The pipe is connected to an autonomous water supply system. The water supply from the house to the well must be laid underground at least 1.5 m deep in order to prevent it from freezing in winter.

The pipes are connected without the use of threaded connections, which reduces the level of exposure of structural elements to corrosion processes that damage metal structural elements.

A well is one of the most popular methods of water extraction, the use of which allows owners of suburban areas to have a double benefit: obtaining high-quality water and saving financial costs. By drilling a well, you can ensure water supply at any time of the year. But narrow hole in the ground cannot yet act as a full-fledged source of water supply; only the installation of a water well makes it possible to make life-giving moisture suitable for use and consumption.

Having drilled water well, you can start arranging it. To ensure uninterrupted water supply, it is necessary to install special equipment, which includes: a caisson, a pump, a hydraulic accumulator and a well head.

The scheme for arranging water wells at a dacha is generally the same; differences can only be in the selection and installation of individual elements

Before you begin constructing a well, you should wisely select structural elements in order to protect yourself in the future from unnecessary hassle and expenses for repairing expensive equipment.

Purpose of the caisson

The caisson is one of the main structural elements for the arrangement. Externally similar to a barrel, a waterproof container is designed to protect water in the water intake system from freezing and mixing with groundwater.

In a sealed structure, you can place automatic equipment, cleaning filters, a membrane tank, pressure switches, pressure gauges and other components, thereby freeing living quarters from unnecessary units and devices. The caisson is usually equipped with a neck with a tight-fitting lid.

Caissons are made from corrosion-resistant metals - stainless steel and aluminum, or from plastic that is not subject to rotting and other processes of destruction

Submersible pump

In order for your well to serve properly over the next few decades, you need to do it correctly.

The choice of product depends on its performance and maximum pressure. Today, the most popular are pumps from European manufacturers, for example: Grundfos, Water Technics Inc

When calculating, as a result of which the parameters of the product are determined, the diameter and depth of the well, the length water pipes, peak water flow from all connection points.

For stable operation of the water supply system, it is necessary to maintain the operating pressure in the range from 1.5 to 3 atm., which is equal to 30 m of water column.

Hydraulic accumulator

The main function of the hydraulic accumulator is to maintain and smoothly change the fluid pressure in the water intake system. In addition, the tank provides a minimum supply of water and protects against water hammer. The devices differ only in the volume of water they hold, ranging from 10 to 1000 liters.

For small country house with 3-5 taps it is enough to install a hydraulic tank with a capacity of 50 liters

Well head

The head can be made of either plastic or cast iron. Plastic products can withstand a suspended load whose weight does not exceed 200 kg, and cast iron - 500 kg

Main stages of well construction

Household owners who do not have enough time, knowledge and skills to understand communication schemes can always entrust this important work to specialists.

Those who are particularly skilled will do everything themselves. But even if someone does all the work for you, you will need to check everything. So, the organization of autonomous water supply takes place in several stages.

Caisson installation

To install the caisson, it is necessary to prepare a hole, which should be dug around the well to a depth of 1.8-2 meters. The dimensions of the pit are determined by the dimensions of the container; on average, its width is 1.5 meters. As a result, a pit should be formed, in the middle of which the casing pipe sticks out.

If the pit is filled with groundwater, it is necessary to create an additional depression in order to pump it out in a timely manner.

In the bottom of the caisson itself, it is necessary to cut a hole equal to the diameter of the insulating casing pipe. The prepared caisson can be lowered into the hole, placing it in the center of the wellbore. After this, the casing pipe can be cut and welded to the bottom of the caisson by electric welding.

It is necessary to attach a water outlet pipe and an electrical cable to the pump to the assembled structure. The caisson is covered with a layer of soil: only a cover should remain above the surface, protruding as an entrance to the structure.

Caissons are installed below the ground freezing level and are additionally equipped with: a lifting ladder, a hydraulic storage tank, pumps, compressors and other operational water-lifting devices

Installation of a submersible pump

Despite the fact that the pump installation process itself is quite simple, when installing it it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • Before installing the pump, thoroughly clean the well, pumping water until the water stops producing sediment in the form of sand and other particles;
  • the pump in the well is placed so that it does not reach 1 meter from the bottom of the source, and at the same time is completely immersed in water;
  • in parallel with the installation of the pump, installation is carried out plastic pipe(through which water is supplied upward), and a cable (to control the operation of the pump motor);
  • the start-up protection device and check valve are installed after preliminary installation of the pump;
  • after installing the system, it is necessary to regulate the pressure in the tank according to this calculation, it should be 0.9 of the pressure when turned on;
  • the cable with which the pump is attached to the head cover must be made of stainless steel or have a waterproof braid.

After installing the pump, you can install a head that seals and protects the wellhead.

Installing a hydraulic accumulator

It is impossible to ensure an uninterrupted water supply without installing a hydraulic accumulator.

The hydraulic accumulator can be installed both in the caisson itself and in the basement of the building

The principle of operation of the system is quite simple - after turning on the pump, the empty tank is filled with water. When you open a tap in a house, water flows into it from a hydraulic accumulator, and not directly from a well. As water is consumed, the pump automatically turns on again and pumps water into the tank.

The tank must be installed in the engineering system, leaving free access for repair or replacement in the future. At the location where the tank is installed, in the direction of water flow, a check valve must be provided. Before and after placing the tank, it is necessary to install a drain valve to drain the water. Securing the hydraulic accumulator using a rubber seal will reduce vibration levels.

Alexey 05.01.2015 Pumping stations

Owners of private households prefer tap water, which most often taste qualities very bad, clean, extracted from a deep well.

This requires special equipment, as well as the help of specialist drillers. After all, it is impossible to dig a well by hand, especially if you are interested in drinking water and not industrial water.

But the arrangement of the future source of life-giving moisture does not end there. Having done everything preparatory work, including such as installation and installation of a pump in a well, proceed to the main stage of testing the performance of the equipment and analyzing the resulting water.

But in order for the result to meet your expectations, it is necessary to complete all stages of equipment installation with the utmost precision.

What is a well pump?

This is equipment used for pumping water. Its main feature is the need to immerse the unit in water during operation. At the same time, it can lift water to the surface from a depth of up to 400 meters. The design of borehole pumps is quite complex; high-tech engineering solutions are used in their creation.

Types of pumps

There are several types of this equipment:

  • Deep;
  • For wells;
  • Borehole.

The former have a high cost due to their complex design. Pumps for wells are used for reservoirs with shallow depths, so they are simpler in technical terms and, accordingly, have a lower cost.

Downhole models are submersible pumps. They are installed in boreholes and mine wells and are used to pump water from various depths.

The price for installing such a pump in a well is quite high. This must be taken into account when choosing. Structurally, they consist of a multistage centrifugal pump and an electric motor with a rigid shaft connection, also of a submersible type.

Watch the video, types of pumps:

Such equipment has a cylindrical shape and small dimensions, which makes it possible to use them even in narrow wells. They are able to provide the necessary water pressure from the most remote sources. There are two types:

  • Centrifugal;
  • Vortex.

The first ones have a design made of large number stages, which allows them to be used to supply water containing mechanical impurities. While vortex ones are designed exclusively for pure liquid without any additives.

The model is usually selected taking into account the depth of the well, the maximum demand and the required pressure.

Which pump to choose

In order to download drinking water from a well, one of two types of equipment is usually used: deep or surface. The first one must be completely immersed in water, so installation is carried out according to a certain pattern. The second one is usually located on the ground.

It pumps water by sucking it from the source, but the deeper the vein is, the more powerful the equipment must be. Therefore, surface equipment is usually used for wells and boreholes up to 8 meters deep. But at the same time, such a pump is very easy to install.

Watch the video, expert advice:

Submersible models are installed directly into the pipe, and they must be completely immersed in water. Their operating principle is based on pushing liquid into pipes. They are selected taking into account the height to which the equipment will have to push water. Its installation is much more complicated, and choosing the necessary modification is not very easy. However, most wells are deep, so submersible ones are most often used.

Preparation for installation of water supply equipment

The installation process of a deep-well pump depends on many factors:

  1. Required pressure;
  2. Pressure;
  3. Reliability;
  4. Ease of use.

But before proceeding with installation, it is necessary to determine how well the parameters of the equipment correspond to the dimensions of the well and select an installation scheme for the well pump. In addition, the characteristics of the device are determined, the power of which must correspond to the required pressure and volume of water consumed.

To install, you must purchase in advance:

  • Pump;
  • Stainless steel clamps;
  • Pipes;
  • Fitting.

The pipes and cable must correspond to the length of the dive plus 2-3 m in reserve. In order for the well to be in continuous operation, a 220 V stabilizer will be required.

Installation steps

Pipe fastening

Installation begins with disassembling the head. Its flange together with the sealing ring are put on the casing pipe. Then measure the length of the cable and make two loops at its end. One of them is passed into the eye of the pump, and the second through the carabiner of the head.

The pump is installed in the well by holding it by the cable. It is necessary to ensure that the pipe with cable and cable does not twist. In this case, the latter are attached with special ties so that there is no sagging. After the immersion is completed to the required depth, the end of the pipe is cut at a short distance from the head flange.

Watch the video, installation:

Installing a well pump is quite simple and you can handle it yourself. However, some nuances must be taken into account:

  • Before carrying out installation work, the well must be cleaned;
  • Water is pumped until the sediment in the form of sand disappears.

There is one more important condition. The pump should be placed in the well in such a way that it does not reach the bottom by 1 m, but is completely immersed in water. This installation guarantees normal operation of the equipment.

Causes of failure and troubleshooting methods

If your pump begins to vibrate during operation or the tone of the noise it produces has changed, or pressure pulsations have appeared, then you need to contact a specialist. Perhaps it has malfunctioned. There can be many reasons for this; they are divided into several groups:

  • Mechanical;
  • Control systems;
  • Hydraulics.

And although manufacturing defects are usually identified during the preparation and test run, this is not all. Some of them may appear after some time of use.

Example installation and diagram of a borehole pump:

In addition, during pump operation, some parts wear out, such as bearings, sealing elements and rubber coupling parts. They lead to the changes described above.

Some of them can be fixed on your own. For example, if the housing is depressurized, disconnect the power supply and remove the electric motor from the housing. Next, take out the magnet and cut small grooves across its entire surface. It is then coated with sealant and placed back into the housing using a press. After drying, the pump is assembled and placed back into the well.

But since malfunctions can be very different and not all of them can be fixed at home, it is better to entrust this process to professionals.
