Severe intestinal colic. Intestinal colic in adults: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment methods

Intestinal colic is not a disease, but a symptom that accompanies various pathologies. The condition is cramping pain in the abdomen caused by intense contractions of the walls gastrointestinal tract. They are most often diagnosed in children in the first year of life, but can also affect adults.


Spasms in the intestines are characteristic of many pathologies accompanied by acute abdominal pain. The condition can develop suddenly, being paroxysmal in nature, but sometimes it presents with increasing pain. The causes of intestinal spasm may be the following:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), accompanied by disruption of the digestive process - pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis. The condition is caused by stagnation and fermentation of the food mass.
  • Irritation of the nerve endings of the gastrointestinal tract. This causes disruption of local blood supply, which also affects digestion.
  • Impaired intestinal motility. Characterized by slow movement of food. It can be triggered by significant physical activity and heavy lifting.
  • Infectious pathologies accompanied by severe diarrhea.
  • Helminths. The accumulation of worms in the intestinal lumen makes it difficult for the food coma to move forward.
  • . The condition is caused by adhesions, polyposis and other neoplasms.


Symptoms of intestinal colic depend on the area of ​​intestinal spasm.

  • Appendicular. This variety can be either a sign of an attack of acute appendicitis, or simply an intestinal spasm.
  • Rectal. Rectal colic is accompanied by severe pain in the rectal area. Over time, the pain intensifies. An additional symptom is a painful urge to defecate.
  • Lead. Diagnosed in people employed in hazardous industries. A characteristic sign of development is excruciating pain, accompanied by tension in the anterior abdominal wall. The pain is cramping in nature, with a gradual reduction in the rest period. A person experiences bleeding gums and a significant increase in body temperature.
  • Vascular. The main reason for its development is a violation of the blood supply to the intestinal muscle tissue. This deviation is due to genetic factors or pathological conditions, in particular tumors. At the beginning of the attack, the pain is aching, but as the condition worsens, a spasm is formed, which involves the entire abdominal cavity.

Important! A common symptom of intestinal colic is pain and spasm.

Muscle spasms can be accompanied by the following conditions. With a prolonged attack, pain can spread to the lumbar region, tailbone and groin area. A disruption in the process of passing gases and feces occurs, causing bloating, flatulence, attacks of nausea, and vomiting.

There is an increase in indicators blood pressure, but if the cause of colic is, then the numbers drop below the permissible norm, loss of strength, stool disturbances - a person may experience diarrhea with impurities of blood and mucus, but constipation is not excluded, a significant increase in body temperature - a symptom indicates an infectious lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.


Colic in the intestines accompanies various pathologies. Only a specialist can determine the true cause of the condition. Intestinal cramps caused by dietary errors go away on their own.

Gastroduodenoscopy is one of the methods of diagnostic research

Diagnosis of pathology includes:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • palpation of the abdomen - with pathological origin of colic, the muscles are tense, and manipulations cause pain to the person;
  • gastroduodenoscopy – instrumental examination of the digestive tract, including examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  • colonoscopy - allows you to examine the large intestine;
  • sigmoidoscopy – combined examination of the rectum and sigmoid colon;
  • cholecystography - examination of the gallbladder using a contrast agent;
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity;
  • CT and MRI;
  • stool examination;
  • blood analysis;
  • Analysis of urine.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed auxiliary techniques. The diagnosis is made after receiving all test results. Treatment is selected individually.

First aid

A spasmodic intestine causes severe pain to a person. First aid is to eliminate the spasm. What do we have to do? Therapeutic measures may be as follows. The patient is allowed to give an antispasmodic. No-Shpa is best suited in this case. The medicine can be replaced with Papaverine or Platiphylline.

If the condition is accompanied by the development of vomiting, then the patient must be given a cleansing enema. Then insert suppositories with belladonna, which have an antispasmodic effect, into the rectum. You are allowed to take Smecta - 1 sachet per 100 ml of warm water. If poisoning is suspected, it is necessary to give the person any available sorbent. It can be regular activated carbon.

In the next 12 hours, it is advisable to completely stop eating. During this period, clean water without gas or warm unsweetened tea are allowed. This will facilitate and speed up the passage of gases and accumulated feces.

If the measures taken do not bring results and the colic does not subside, you must call an ambulance


Drug treatment of intestinal colic includes taking the following medications:

  • Activated carbon or other sorbent. During passage through the gastrointestinal tract, the drug collects all toxic components and removes them out naturally. Absorbing agents are used for intestinal colic caused by poisoning, increased gas formation and digestive disorders.
  • Enterosorbents. Good results are obtained by using preparations based on silicon dioxide. The drugs are used to diagnose salmonellosis, various types of poisoning, intoxication of the body, and enterocolitis.
  • Antispasmodics. Of this group of medications, No-Shpa is most often prescribed. The drug can be replaced with Spazmalgon, Buscopan and other painkillers.
  • Combined medications containing an antispasmodic and analgesic component. Prescribed for severe pain syndrome.
  • Antibiotics. If the cause of intestinal colic is a bacterial infection, then therapy is supplemented with antibiotics. The choice of drug should be carried out by a specialist. Independent use of this group of drugs is unacceptable, since uncontrolled use can lead to the development of dysbiosis, which will only worsen a person’s well-being.

Treatment with traditional methods

Intestinal colic in adults can be treated with prescriptions traditional medicine.

  • Pumpkin seed. So, 1 tbsp. l. The product must be poured with boiling water (300 ml). Add granulated sugar. Take the product throughout the day.
  • Tansy color. Dry plant flowers (1 tbsp) pour boiling water (200 ml). Let the product brew. Filter and drink in small portions. The duration of treatment is two to three days.
  • Lavender oil. Add a few 5 drops of lavender ether to 100 ml of water and drink. The product has a calming effect and helps eliminate pain.
  • White wormwood. Take 100 grams of the plant, pour cold water and leave for 48 hours. After this, boil the composition for 60 minutes at a low boil. Filter the drink and add honey (400 grams) to it. Then heat the composition again, without bringing it to a boil, and let it thicken. Take the resulting remedy four times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  • Tea with ginger. ½ tsp. chopped ginger root must be poured with boiling water (200 ml). During the day you need to drink two to three glasses.
  • Cabbage juice. It should be taken strictly before meals, slightly diluted clean water.
  • Alder cones. If intestinal colic is caused by diarrhea, then you can prepare an infusion of alder cones. You need to combine cones, crushed cinquefoil root, thyme herb, nettle, St. John's wort and lemon balm. The components are taken in equal proportions. Take 1 tbsp. l. mix, pour boiling water (200 ml) and leave. Filter and drink ½ glass twice a day before meals.

If you experience frequent intestinal colic, you should consult your doctor.

Possible complications

If pathological intestinal colic is left untreated, a person can develop serious complications. They will touch the organ that provokes the development of spasm. Inflammation of the pancreas threatens the development of tissue necrosis of the organ; damage to the process of the cecum is dangerous due to suppuration and disruption of tissue integrity, which can lead to peritonitis.

If the cause of intestinal colic is a pathology of the renal system, then in the absence of adequate therapy, the development of renal failure. Inflammation of the liver can lead to the formation of hepatitis. Intestinal spasms caused by stagnation of bile invariably lead to the development of jaundice.

The greatest danger is posed by colic caused by cancer processes in the abdominal cavity. If a person eliminates attacks on his own without seeking treatment medical care, then the spread of metastases beyond the affected area cannot be ruled out.


To prevent the development of intestinal colic in men and women, it is necessary to treat existing chronic diseases, carry out regular prevention helminth infections. If pathological symptoms appear, immediately seek medical advice. If spasmodic pain in the abdomen appears without any prerequisites, then this is most likely functional colic

To avoid the development of an uncomfortable condition, you need to:

  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • get enough sleep - the duration of night sleep should be at least 6 hours, ideally a person should sleep 8 hours;
  • provide a balanced diet - the diet should consist of cereals, vegetables, fruits, fermented milk/dairy products;
  • give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol and drugs are absolutely prohibited.

Intestinal colic is a symptom that may be a sign of the development of a serious disease. But sometimes this is simply a consequence of poor nutrition. Only a specialist can determine the true reason why a person develops intestinal cramps (spasms) after conducting a comprehensive examination of the person.

Intestinal colic is a spasm of the smooth muscles of the intestines, manifested by cramping pain that either increases or subsides. Colic can be functional (temporary, reversible, caused by external causes) or organic (caused by inflammation or injury, damage or obstruction of the intestine). This is not a disease, but a symptom, the second most common after headache. The first occurrence of colic requires a medical examination, during which it becomes clear what actually happened.

According to statistics, up to 20% of the entire population of the planet suffers from intestinal colic, and in half of them a clear cause cannot be found.


Intestinal colic is an abnormal condition and always indicates a violation of the physiologically correct digestive process. The mechanism of formation is a burning, gnawing pain without clear localization, accompanied by vegetative manifestations: sweating, anxiety, pallor, nausea, vomiting. Pain with colic has medium or high intensity, which is caused by stretching and increased contraction of the intestinal wall.

Intestinal colic has common features and manifestations, but sometimes, based on its specificity, one or another disease can be suspected.

General manifestations

  • periodic short-term intestinal pain;
  • nausea or even vomiting at the height of pain;
  • vegetative manifestations – cold sweat, increased heart rate, general anxiety;
  • rumbling and bloating;
  • cessation of colic after the passage of stool or gas.

Peculiarities of manifestations in various diseases

Disease Specific symptoms
  • the pain is constant, intensifies over time, against its background colic either intensifies or weakens;
  • pain begins in the navel and goes down to the right iliac region;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • body temperature may rise
Food poisoning
  • severe nausea and repeated vomiting, often mixed with bile, are required;
  • cold sweat, trembling in the body (“shaking”);
  • diarrhea occurs;
  • signs of dehydration - heart rhythm disturbances, dry skin, small amount of urine;
  • stool discoloration;
  • general condition disorder
Reaction to stress
  • colic occurs after mental shock against the background of normal nutrition;
  • pronounced emotional reaction – tears, lamentations;
  • colic develops against the background of excessive nervous vulnerability or if the traumatic event is of high significance for the patient
  • accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication - weight loss, weakness, decreased performance, refusal to eat meat;
  • symptoms become more severe over time
  • the passage of feces and gases stops;
  • bowel sounds subside;
  • signs of intoxication are increasing - lack of appetite, bad breath, weakness and lethargy
  • dyspeptic symptoms - aversion to food, severe nausea;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • white coating on the tongue;
  • swelling and pain on palpation
Lead poisoning
  • severe cramping pain around the navel;
  • severe bloating;
  • black and gray border on the gums;
  • gray skin color, especially on the face;
  • indication of work involving lead
  • persistent constipation;
  • feces in the form of a “fir cone”;
  • flatulence;
  • frequent pain in the left iliac region;
  • decreased appetite;
  • pustular skin rashes

Diagnosis of causes

Diagnosis is quite difficult, since there are many reasons. It all starts with data collection and examination, the results of which make it clear what disease to look for.

Taking an anamnesis is the most important stage, since it avoids a lot of unnecessary research. Every disease has characteristic features, which serve as a guide for the doctor.

Laboratory research

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprogram or laboratory examination of stool;
  • stool occult blood test.

Instrumental studies

Kit instrumental methods The examination varies depending on the suspected cause of colic and may include:

First aid for intestinal colic - how to relieve pain?

If colic occurs for the first time, then you need to consult a doctor and not delay it. On your own, especially during an attack of pain, it is impossible to determine what hurts and why.

If you have intestinal colic, you cannot take any medications on your own!

Medicines are prohibited because painkillers and antispasmodics change the clinical picture, and it will be impossible for the doctor to understand what happened. In addition, we are all designed in such a way that after the pain has calmed down, we are unlikely to see a doctor. The medications will do their job, and the disease will progress. It is clear that nothing good will come of this.

Before consulting a doctor, you need to visit the toilet. You can try to change the position of the body - find one in which the pain is least severe. You need to stop eating, even if you really want to eat. You can drink non-carbonated clean water as much as you want.

You should also not heat or rub anything - if the cause of colic is inflammation, then heating will only intensify it.


Treatment should be carried out by a gastroenterologist after a thorough examination. According to the standards of medical care, the tactics are as follows:

  • medicinal pain relief;
  • nutrition correction;
  • lifestyle modification – optimization of physical activity, change in professional stress, normalization of emotional state.


WHO recommends using only level 1 analgesics – non-opioid – to relieve intestinal colic. The standard drug of this series is paracetamol, recognized as the most effective and safe.

To enhance the analgesic effect, additional drugs are used:

  • anticonvulsants – Finlepsin, valproic acid derivatives in the lowest possible doses;
  • tricyclic antidepressants - Amitriptyline, Anafranil, Doxepin, Melipramine and the like.

Be sure to use, the most effective of which is hyoscine butyl bromide or Buscopan. The substance is an antagonist of endogenous muscarinic receptors, so a systemic effect does not develop, the effect affects only the intestines. The drug is available in tablets and suppositories, which significantly accelerates the onset of the therapeutic effect.


Nutrition needs to be given special attention, since it is impossible to recover without normalizing it. Regular meals are required, always at the same time, without long breaks, in small portions.


In periods between pain, walking, climbing stairs without an elevator, and other physical activity that... Exercises for strengthening the abdominal muscles are very useful:


Massage improves blood and lymph flow, activates metabolic processes, strengthens and warms muscles.

Massage movements are performed with warm hands. The main ones are:

  • stroking around the navel clockwise;
  • “mill” - palms are placed across the abdomen, movements from the ribs to the pelvis alternate;
  • stroking from the ribs to the pelvis with both palms at the same time.

Self-massage is not difficult to master, and its benefits are undeniable.

Folk remedies

Antique folk remedy– dill seeds boiled in milk. For a glass of milk you need to take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds and boil for no more than 5 minutes. Cool, strain and drink in small sips throughout the day.

Traditional medicine offers a variety of... The peculiarity of all is to take it for a long time, at least a month, since the concentration of the active substances is low. The following are used:

Folk remedies have to be selected by trial and error, but each person has the opportunity to find his own, most effective remedy.


You can only prevent colic that is caused by eating low-quality foods - just don’t eat spoiled foods. Colic of other origins, accompanying illnesses or everyday disasters, is almost impossible to stop.

At chronic diseases intestines, it is only possible to undergo anti-relapse treatment on time and eat right.

The main thing is not to panic when intestinal colic appears. You need to calmly find out the cause and behave according to the diagnosis. Cooperation with a doctor and reasonable behavior are the key to good health.

Cramping pain in the epigastric region often indicates a spasm. Intestinal colic can signal the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you detect frequently recurring symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist. If no serious pathologies are detected, you can try treating intestinal spasms at home.

Symptoms and manifestations

The most likely one is a sharp, cramping pain in the intestinal area that occurs and goes away suddenly. However, spasms do not simply occur, so other symptoms may appear against the background of existing diseases.

Eg, in the presence of spasms are accompanied soreness in the stomach, nausea or vomiting, weight loss due to temporary refusal to eat and dyspepsia.

For stomach ulcers and duodenum the pain increases sharply, especially on an empty stomach or at night when the patient is sleeping. With a sharp deterioration of the condition, in addition to intestinal spasm, pain occurs with right side, hepatic colic appears, the skin becomes yellowish, and the patient vomits bile.

If you have pancreatic diseases spasms are accompanied by bloating, girdle pain and incessant vomiting.

Infectious bowel diseases are accompanied by spasticity, high fever, vomiting, nausea and persistent diarrhea. At the same time, impurities of mucus and blood are clearly visible in the stool.

sharply occurring spasms are short-lived and gradually subside. They are the result of the accumulation of gases and feces. Incessant vomiting may occur. The abdomen becomes very bloated.

Important! If the patient does not seek medical help within 24 hours, he may die.


Colic is the result of impaired motor skills. Their the following factors contribute to the appearance:

  • overstretching of the intestinal wall;
  • irritation of nerve endings;
  • decreased smooth muscle tone;
  • impaired ability to contract smooth muscles;
  • the appearance of pathological peristalsis: strengthening or weakening, partial loss of peristaltic waves;
  • the appearance of obstacles to the movement of feces.

Important! If spasticity is a symptomatic result of another disease, it should be treated.

Most often, colic develops against the background helminthic infestations, stomach and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreatitis. Often enteroviruses, severe intoxication and dietary errors provoke a painful condition.

In persons with an unstable psyche and a tendency to worry excited nervous system negatively affects the intestines, causing spasticity, pain, diarrhea and anorexia.

Types of intestinal colic

Depending on the cause and location of the pain There are several types of intestinal colic:

  1. Appendicular– develops in the area of ​​appendicitis and is the result of inflammation of the cecum. Typically, such colic is a harbinger of an attack of appendicitis. Localization - on the right side in the lower abdomen (at the level of the ovaries in women).
  2. Rectal- contraction of the rectum, which is accompanied by the urge to defecate. Contraction of the anal sphincter often occurs in people prone to constipation.
  3. Lead– result of salt poisoning heavy metals. The patient develops hyperthermia, the abdomen becomes tense, a gray coating appears on the gums, and bleeding occurs in the mouth. There is no specific antidote.
  4. Vascular- the result of intestinal hypoperfusion, which often develops during a hypertensive crisis, atherosclerosis, vein thrombosis, or compression of blood vessels by tumors or adhesions.


Most often, to find out how to relieve pain, the patient goes to see a therapist or gastroenterologist. Both specialists will help you understand the cause of the discomfort and, if necessary, refer you for a consultation with a surgeon.

To begin with, general clinical studies are carried out: The patient takes a general blood and urine test. The first is necessary to identify hidden inflammatory processes, anemia, and the second is needed to detect sugar or other disorders, for example, problems with the exchange of bile acids. It may be necessary to additionally submit feces for a coprogram to rule out intestinal bleeding or helminthic infestation. A biochemical blood test will show the condition of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

If significant laboratory abnormalities are detected the patient may be referred for an x-ray examination, ultrasound internal organs, CT or MSCT of the abdominal cavity.

Referral to an endoscopist is necessary for tests such as: colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The latest diagnostic methods will help identify the exact cause of the patient's painful condition.


How can you relieve intestinal spasms? If severe attacks begin, it is not recommended to relieve pain on your own using heating pads, enemas, muscle relaxants and antispasmodics. Without proper knowledge, self-medication can be harmful.

Important! Therapy can be carried out only after doctors arrive, when they rule out signs of life-threatening conditions, such as an attack of acute appendicitis and intestinal obstruction.

If an operable cause has been ruled out, doctors prescribe. If the pain is the result of a neuropsychic shock, sedatives are prescribed.

“No-spa” has an antispasmodic effect, as well as medicines based on belladonna extract. If spasms are accompanied by bloating, it is necessary to adjust the diet and eliminate gas-forming products. Spasticity due to stool disorder is relieved with antidiarrheal medications.

Remedies symptoms and treatment of intestinal colic in adults with folk remedies:

If the contractions are not pathological, then during an exacerbation, a heating pad is placed on the stomach with warm water . In other cases, this is contraindicated.

Antispasmodics will help relieve the painful condition. Medicines based on papaverine, drotaverine, platyphylline, and mebeverine act best on the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract. Examples of trade names: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”, “Sparex”, “Dyutan”, “Platifillin”.

Sedatives are prescribed depending on the degree of neuropsychic shock. Herbal remedies, barbiturates, bromides (Corvalol, valerian tincture, motherwort tincture, Persen) can be used.


If the discomfort is not pathological character , but is situational and does not interfere with the patient’s life, a diet is suitable for prevention. A balanced diet with a limit on fatty, fried and spicy foods normalizes your general condition.

To prevent the occurrence of cramps, food should be taken 4-5 times a day and in such quantities that you leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger. It is also recommended to protect yourself from stress and nervous shock.


Intestinal spasms can be neurogenic, pathological and physiological in nature. Before starting self-medication at home, it is recommended to consult a doctor to rule out life-threatening conditions. Timely treatment of the underlying disease minimizes the risk of complications.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Expert of the group for the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

The organs that make up the digestive system are sensitive to both internal and external influences. All the food we eat throughout the day passes through them, so any allergy, intolerance or vulnerability can increase the development of abdominal problems.

In addition, the appearance of colic often indicates that there has been a malfunction in the body’s functioning. It occurs under stress and age-related changes. May accompany pathologies such as helminthiasis, gastritis, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis. These conditions require medical attention and a comprehensive evaluation.

Causes of intestinal colic

Discomfort in the intestines manifests itself with spasmodic contraction of the muscles of the organ and is caused by one of the following disorders:

  • Hyperextension of the intestinal walls.
  • Irritation of its muscle tissue or nerve plexuses.
  • Motor impairment.
  • The presence of adhesions that prevent the movement of feces.

Sometimes symptoms associated with abdominal cramps may become worse or occur in conjunction with other physical symptoms, such as weight loss, fever, or blood in the stool. Considering this, the occurrence of pathological contractions in the intestines requires consultation with a doctor. This will prevent the development of serious disorders that can cause severe physiological disorders.

Symptoms of the disease

Intestinal colic occurs as a sudden pain that intensifies when pressing on the abdomen. More often it is localized in the groin or area near the bladder, and can radiate to the genitals, rectum and lower back. Sometimes painful sensations are blurred in nature, when it is difficult to clearly determine where the stomach hurts. In adults, colic lasts from two minutes to several days, causing excruciating discomfort, including loss of consciousness.

Intestinal spasm is sometimes accompanied by distension of the peritoneum, as well as the following additional symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • lethargy;
  • pallor;
  • sweating;
  • fever.

The severity of pain is not always related to the severity of the problem: sometimes intestinal gas can provoke painful sensations. With colic caused by organ obstruction, there is a lack of stool and gas, repeated vomiting, and severe swelling of the abdomen. Therefore, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor.

Video: Infant colic

Accurate diagnosis

Various methods are used to determine the causes of intestinal colic. First of all, it is important to obtain reliable information about the medical history (amnesis). For these purposes, the doctor raises a number of questions, such as:

  • Where are spasmodic pains localized and when did they appear?
  • Are the attacks permanent or temporary?
  • Does the discomfort intensify after eating or appear against the background of eating certain foods (for example, rich in fats).
  • What does the stool look like (diarrhea, constipation, or a specific color).
  • Are there other problems such as nausea, diarrhea, or blood in the stool?
  • Are there any other ailments?
  • For women: when was your last menstrual period.

The doctor then performs a physical palpation examination and listens to the patient's abdomen using a stethoscope. Depending on the results obtained and assumptions about the causes of colic, additional instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound tests (sonography) of the abdominal organs.
  • X-ray examination.
  • Sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.
  • Computed tomography of the intestine.
  • Analysis of blood, urine and feces (general, biochemical).

Types of colic

Diseases of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys can provoke the appearance of spasms. Therefore, the nature of the painful sensations determines the type of disorder. Intestinal colic exists in several types:

If intestinal colic has not occurred for the first time, and the patient knows the cause of the pain syndrome, previously prescribed medications should be taken. It is also allowed to take antispasmodics that will help relieve colic or reduce spasms of the smooth muscles of the organ, normalize the general condition, for example:

  • Papaverine.
  • Drotaverine.

If intestinal spasm occurs for the first time or relief does not occur after taking actions that previously helped to cope with the pain, it is necessary to call an emergency team.

Before the doctor arrives, you should lie down in a position in which the pain will be easier to bear. It is also necessary to remove clothing that compresses the body and ensure the flow of fresh air into the patient’s room.

If the diagnosis has not been established, it is strictly forbidden to take any medications or home remedies, do an enema, apply a heating pad to the stomach, eat or drink.

How to treat colic in the intestines Adequate therapy is possible only after a medical examination and a series of diagnostic procedures. Some pathologies may require inpatient treatment

, operations. If it is determined that colic is not associated with any disease, then sedatives, antispasmodics, and analgesics are prescribed to eliminate them. An important condition for recovery is following a gentle diet. And on the first day after an attack, it is recommended to completely limit food intake.


The main task in the treatment of intestinal colic is to relieve muscle spasm. For these purposes, doctors recommend the use of analgesics that eliminate pain (tablets Spazmalgon, No-Shpa, Riabal).

If spastic convulsions are accompanied by vomiting, injection or rectal administration of an antispasmodic drug (Papaverine with platyphylline) will be required. Medicines that relax the smooth muscles of the organ (Mebeverine) and psychotherapeutic herbal substances (mint, cumin, chamomile, fennel or anise) will also help.

If an attack of colic, tumors or acute inflammation of the appendix, the patient requires urgent hospitalization and subsequent surgical intervention. In other cases, when the cause of colic is related to, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics (Furazolidone, Alpha Normix, Tsifran, Ftalazol, Enterofuril).
  • Enterosorbents (Atoxil, Sorbex, Activated carbon).
  • Intestinal antiseptics (Intetrix, Dependal-M, Enterosediv, Sumetrolim).


Proper nutrition - The best way fight colic. To forget about this problem forever, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.
  • Do not overindulge in overly rich meals.
  • When preparing foods, use aromatic herbs that promote digestion: rosemary, sage, thyme, fennel seeds.
  • Enrich your diet with fermented milk products. In particular, yogurt contains bacteria that help balance the intestinal flora, so they are especially recommended for such disorders.
  • Include proteins (chicken or white fish) steamed or grilled in your daily menu.
  • Add fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits to your diet, which, due to their high fiber content, will stimulate intestinal transit. These include pumpkin, apples, carrots, and beets.
  • Drink enough clean water, 1–2 liters per day.

What to avoid with intestinal colic

The consumption of certain foods provokes gastrointestinal discomfort, so they are excluded from the diet:

  • Stimulant drinks such as coffee, alcohol or tea.
  • Sweet carbonated water, as its consumption contributes to the accumulation of intestinal air bubbles.
  • High-fat foods such as fried foods, oils or sausages, as well as certain meats (pork, lamb) as they aggravate the problem.
  • Dairy products and cheeses, it is recommended to choose low-fat and light options, but only if lactose is well tolerated.
  • Flour products, baked goods, sweets, chocolate.

Folk remedies

Medicinal plants may be useful for diseases of the small and large intestine, including colic. Therefore, in some cases, doctors recommend using traditional medicine to treat such disorders:

  • Boil 2 tbsp in 500 ml of boiling water for 1 hour. l. motherwort and 1 tsp. nettles After cooling, filter and drink the solution throughout the day in equal portions in 3 doses. Treatment course – 1 month.
  • Boil 30 g of oregano herb in 500 ml of water. When the composition has cooled, drink immediately after meals.
  • Infuse 1 tsp in 200 ml of boiling water. lavender flowers. Use throughout the day, divided into 3 doses.
  • For colic with diarrhea, an infusion of thyme, alder cones, lemon balm, nettle and cinquefoil root, taken in equal parts, 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp of herbal mixture. boiling water and leave for half a day. Drink 1/3 tbsp. half an hour before meals.
  • For flatulence, it is recommended to take tea with ginger (1/2 teaspoon of grated root per 1 cup of liquid).
  • IN cold water Soak 100 g of fresh wormwood herb for a day. The next day, boil it for 5 minutes and filter. Add 400 g of sugar to the resulting solution and boil again until thickened. Take 1⁄4 tsp. 4 times a day.

Video: Prevention of colic in adults using folk remedies

Colic during pregnancy

Many women during gestation experience cramping abdominal pain. In the first stage of pregnancy, this occurs as a result of the attachment of the embryo to the inner surface of the uterus. This phenomenon causes characteristic symptoms, such as severe cramps, which may be accompanied by light bleeding. This effect occurs due to modification of the uterus, which is transformed to adequately accommodate the fetus. Therefore, colic in the early months of gestation is common and can appear from the first weeks and continue until the baby is born.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, cramps in the intestines occur due to an increase in the volume and stretching of the uterus.

The ligaments are ready for its growth, but this effect causes frequent cramps in the abdomen. Such feelings are completely normal. However, you need to carefully monitor so that this symptom is not accompanied by other manifestations that are characteristic of serious disorders (miscarriage, bleeding). Intestinal colic at 7 months of pregnancy is a common phenomenon.

  • , since the body experiences the changes that occur at this stage and prepares for the moment of childbirth. However, the intensity of pain during the period 31–32 weeks may also indicate a premature birth of the baby. Therefore, a woman needs to monitor her condition and seek medical help if other symptoms appear:
  • Pelvic, lumbar pain and heaviness in the abdomen.
  • Discharge of water.

Irregular cramping contractions of the uterus.


Premature labor can occur between 23 and 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Treating colic in the intestines is much more difficult than preventing it. To prevent its occurrence you must: If spastic convulsions occur spontaneously, and there are no characteristic signs of diseases of the digestive system, doctors talk about non-pathological intestinal colic., and prevent it in the future by following simple recommendations:

  • Move more - take walks.
  • Exercise.
  • Have a full rest. To restore strength, the body needs 6, 7, 8 hours of sleep at night.
  • Balance the diet, add protein foods, fresh vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products to the menu.
  • Avoid fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods.
  • Get rid of bad habits (we are talking about alcohol, nicotine and drug addictions).

Possible complications

Neglect of one's health can provoke the development of serious pathologies. The case of intestinal colic is no exception. Lack of therapy leads to severe complications that affect the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. Among the most common pathologies:

  • Necrosis of pancreatic tissue.
  • Suppuration of the appendix, rupture of the appendix, peritonitis.
  • Acute or chronic renal failure.
  • Hepatitis, jaundice.

In addition, it is necessary to understand that self-treatment of intestinal colic without an established cause of its occurrence is fraught with the development of oncology.

To avoid such “surprises” in the form of metastases, which can spread to the bone, lymphatic systems, lungs and brain, it is necessary to promptly consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

Altai State Medical University

Department of Hospital and Polyclinic Therapy

Head of department: prof. Lychev V. G.

Teacher: ______________..

Curator: glass 628g. ______________.

Disease history

Sick: ______________.

Clinical diagnosis: Main disease

: Chronic colitis, exacerbation. Single sigmoid diverticulum. GERD. Chronic gastritis, exacerbation. Accompanying illnesses

: Chronic cholecystitis. Diffuse multinodular goiter. Euthyroidism.


Passport details

FULL NAME.: ______________.

Age: ______________.

Place of residence: ______________.

Place of work: ______________.

Family status: ______________.

Date of admission to hospital:

Supervision time:

Diagnosis on admission: Chronic colitis. IBS?

Clinical diagnosis: Chronic colitis, exacerbation. Single sigmoid diverticulum. GERD. Chronic gastritis, exacerbation.


At the time of admission to the hospital, the patient complains of:

Retention of stool for 10 days. Stools in the form of “hard lumps,” sometimes mixed with white mucus and scarlet blood.

Abdominal bloating that occurs after eating and decreases after the passage of gas, there are false urges and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Losing 4 kg over the past 2 years while maintaining appetite

Weakness and malaise, worse in the evening.

Belching sour

Heartburn, worse when bending forward after eating, dysphagia

For a sudden feeling of hunger with drowsiness 1-1.5 hours after eating.


The patient considers himself to be about 30 years old, when stool problems first appeared (frequent constipation), the patient took herbal laxatives, after which the stool returned to normal. But if the diet was violated (the patient likes to eat dry food), constipation and bloating occurred again, due to which the patient again had to take laxatives or do enemas. Then moderate pain began to appear in the right half of the abdomen, which disappeared after bowel movements or after the passage of gas. The patient did not seek help. I tried to follow a diet. Two weeks ago, intense pain appeared in the right half of the abdomen, constant, decreasing slightly after passing stool or passing gas, but did not go away at all. The patient took baralgin, which did not help her. The deterioration of her condition is associated with a violation of the diet (a week before the onset, the patient ate dry food and excessively). There was stool retention for 10 days, I took laxatives on my own and did an enema, but there was still no stool. The patient called an ambulance, she was given analgin with no-shpa and given magnesium, after which there was a one-time excretion of feces in the form of “hard lumps”, the pain decreased, but the feeling of incomplete bowel movement remained. After eating, bloating occurred in the abdomen, which went away after the gases passed. Sleep was disturbed (the patient could not sleep due to pain). The pain intensified again, the patient turned for help to the local therapist and was sent to hospital No. 12 of the gastroenterological department of Barnaul for the purpose of examination, clarification of the diagnosis and treatment.


Born on March 4, 1935 in the Gorky region, she was the first child in the family, she has a younger brother. She grew and developed normally, mentally and physical development did not lag behind her peers. As a child, I suffered from colds 1-2 times a year. Social and living conditions were satisfactory.

Currently he also lives in the city of Barnaul in a comfortable apartment, social conditions are satisfactory. She was married, her husband died. The patient is retired.

Menstruation from the age of 13, regular, painless, established immediately. 2 pregnancies, 1 abortion, 1 childbirth, the course of labor without any peculiarities, menopause since 48 years.

Past diseases: diffuse multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland. Euthyroidism. Chronic cystitis. Common osteochondrosis. There were no injuries or injuries.

Rescheduled surgeries:

In 1990 - surgery on the urethra.

In 1990 - retinal detachment on the left

In 2006 - cataract on the left

02/14/07 - hemorrhoidectomy at levels 3,7,11.

Denies blood transfusions. Denies tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases in himself and his relatives.

Allergy history is burdened - nicotinic acid. There are no bad habits.

Heredity is burdened - the patient's mother died of rectal cancer, her brother suffers from chronic colitis.


The general condition of the patient is satisfactory. Consciousness is clear, position in bed is active. The patient's behavior is normal, answers questions adequately, and makes contact easily. The physique is correct, the constitution is normosthenic.

The skin is pale pink in color, with spider veins, multiple papillomas, and age spots. The skin is warm, moist, turgor corresponds to age. Hairline with gray hair, female type hair growth. There is no edema or subcutaneous emphysema. Peripheral lymph nodes (supra- and subclavian, ulnar, axillary, inguinal) are not enlarged, painless, soft in consistency, mobile, not fused to the skin and to each other. Mammary glands without pathologies. The muscular system is developed satisfactorily, the muscles are toned, there are no atrophies, developmental defects, or pain on palpation. Bones of the skull, spine, limbs, chest without curvature. There are no finger deformities in the form of drumsticks. Movement in the joints is free, there are no restrictions.

Respiratory system:

The shape of the chest is normosthenic, both halves are symmetrical, and participate equally in the act of breathing. The intercostal spaces are not widened, do not bulge, the shoulder blades fit snugly, the collarbones are symmetrical, the supra- and subclavian fossae are well defined. The respiratory rate is 20 breaths per minute, rhythmic. Mixed breathing type. Pathological types of breathing (Cheyne-Stokes, Kussmaul, Biot) are not observed. Nasal breathing is not difficult, there are no changes in the shape of the nose. Palpation and percussion of the paranasal sinuses is painless. There is no deformation of the larynx, no deviation from the midline, palpation is painless, the voice is normal: hoarseness, no aphonia. The shape of the chest is normosthenic, both halves are symmetrical, and participate equally in the act of breathing.

On palpation of the chest, the skin temperature in symmetrical areas is the same, the chest is painless, resistance is good, and vocal tremor is not increased. No pain was detected.

With comparative percussion, a clear pulmonary sound is noted over both lungs at all 9 paired listening points.

With topographic percussion:

height of the apex of the lungs on the right 4 cm, on the left 4 cm

Krenig margin width on the right 5 cm, on the left 5 cm

Lower borders of the lungs

l. parasternalis

l. medioclavicularis

l. axilaris anterior

l. axilaris media

l. axilaris posterior

l. paravertebralis

Mobility of the lower pulmonary edge.

l. medioclavicularis

l. axilaris media

Auscultation: Vesicular breathing is heard over the pulmonary fields, wheezing is not heard. Bronchial breathing is heard over the larynx, trachea and large bronchi. There is no increase in bronchophony.

The cardiovascular system:

Upon examination and palpation along the peripheral vessels, no pathological abnormalities or pain were detected.

The cardiac impulse is not detected, the chest at the site of the projection of the heart is not changed, the apical impulse is not visually determined, there is no systolic retraction of the intercostal region at the site of the apical impulse, there are no pathological pulsations. The apical impulse is determined 1.0 cm medially from the left midclavicular line in the 5th intercostal space. The heartbeat cannot be detected by palpation, the symptom of “cat purring” is absent.

Percussion: relative dullness of the heart:

the right border is 1.0 cm outward from the right edge of the sternum at 4 m/r;

the left border is 1.0 cm medially from the left midclavicular line at 5 m/r;

upper - 3 m/r along l. Parasternalis sinistra.

The heart configuration is normal. The width of the vascular bundle in the 2nd intercostal space is 6 cm.

Auscultation: The rhythm is correct, the heart sounds are muffled in 4 main and 3 additional points (Botkin, Naunin, Levina), there are no pathological noises, there are no bifurcations or splitting of tones. Heart rate 76 beats/min

Vascular studies:

Upon examination, no pulsation of the neck vessels was detected. Upon examination and palpation of the carotid and radial arteries, no visible changes are observed, the vessels are elastic, there are no tortuosities, painless, there are no varicose veins. There are no seals along the veins.

Quincke's symptom is negative. The pulse on the radial arteries of both arms is the same: the rhythm is correct, full of filling and firm tension, of large magnitude. Pulse rate 76 beats/min. There is no pulse deficit. Blood pressure = 110/70 mmHg in both arms.

During auscultation of the aorta and carotid arteries, no pathological noises are observed.

Digestive system:

The oral mucosa is pale pink, shiny, and there are no ulcerations. The gums are hard, pink, without inflammation, and do not bleed. The tongue is covered with a yellowish coating at the root, pale pink, moist. The tonsils are not enlarged, the palatine arches are unchanged. The act of swallowing is impaired. The passage of food through the esophagus is not difficult.

Examination of the abdomen: The abdomen is round in shape, symmetrical, participates in the act of breathing, there is no visible peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, there is no limited or diffuse bulging in the right hypochondrium. There are no venous collaterals.

Superficial palpation: the temperature and humidity of the abdominal skin are the same in symmetrical areas. On palpation of the subcutaneous fat tissue there are no compactions, neoplasms, or hernias. There is moderate pain and tension in the abdominal muscles in the left and right iliac regions, ascending and descending colon, and epigastrium. The Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is negative.

Deep palpation according to Obraztsov-Strazhesko: the sigmoid colon is palpated in the left iliac region in the form of a smooth, inactive cylinder, thickness approximately 2 cm, painful, displaced approximately 2 cm. The cecum is palpated in the right iliac region, painful, rumbling is noted on palpation. The ascending colon is palpated in the right lateral abdomen in the form of a mobile, smooth, elastic, painful cylinder 2 cm wide. The descending colon is palpated in the left lateral abdomen in the form of a cord 2 cm in diameter, moderately painful. The transverse colon is palpated in the form of a transversely located cylinder, moderately painful and tense. Moves freely up and down. It was not possible to palpate the stomach, pancreas, spleen according to Sali.

When examining the liver area, no bulges or formations were found. With deep palpation of the liver, the lower edge of the liver extends +1 cm from under the edge of the costal arch

Percussion dimensions of the liver according to Kurlov: 10 / 8 / 7 cm.

Upon percussion, no free or encysted fluid was found in the abdominal cavity. During auscultation, the sound of intestinal peristalsis is heard. There is no peritoneal friction noise.

With percussion of the spleen according to Kurlov: 7/6 cm. Auscultation: sound of intestinal peristalsis.

Urinary system:

Examination of the lumbar region revealed no edema or swelling. With deep palpation standing and lying down, the kidneys are not palpable. The symptom of effleurage is negative. There is no pain along the ureters. Palpation bladder painless. Urination is painless, regular, 3-5 times a day.

Neuroendocrine system:

Movements are coordinated, consciousness is clear, behavior is adequate, mood is good, answers questions adequately. Oriented in space and time. Hearing and smell are normal. Tremor of the hands is observed

Secondary sexual characteristics of the female type. Thyroid moderately enlarged, elastic consistency, painless.

Preliminary diagnosis

Based on the patient's complaints: pain in the lower abdomen, mainly in the right iliac region, with irradiation to the right inguinal and lumbar region, nagging nature, almost constant, decreases after defecation, stool retention for 10 days, stool in the form of “hard lumps” , sometimes with an admixture of white mucus and scarlet blood, bloating that occurs after eating and decreases after the passage of gas, there are false urges and a feeling of incomplete bowel movement, weight loss of 4 kg over the past 2 years while maintaining appetite, weakness and malaise, increasing in the evening, sour belching, heartburn, worsening when bending forward after eating, dysphagia, a sudden feeling of hunger with drowsiness 1-1.5 hours after eating, it can be assumed that the digestive system is involved in the pathological process, with a violation of its function . From the history of the disease it is clear that the disease developed gradually, is chronic in nature, the first exacerbation is associated with malnutrition. From the life history it can be established that the causative factor was malnutrition, the contributing factor was nervous and emotional stress, and the predisposing factor was a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Physical examination data also indicate that the digestive system is involved in the pathological process, because upon examination, the tongue is coated with a yellowish coating at the root; on superficial palpation of the abdomen, moderate pain and tension of the abdominal muscles in the left iliac region are noted; with deep palpation according to Obraztsov-Strazhesko, a dense, moderately painful sigmoid colon and descending colon are noted. Thus, based on complaints, medical history, life history, taking into account physical examination data, it can be assumed that this disease is: chronic colitis, exacerbation.

Associated diseases: Chronic cholecystitis. Diffuse multinodular goiter. Euthyroidism.

To confirm and clarify the diagnosis, data from laboratory and functional studies are required.

Plan of additional methods of examining the patient:

Laboratory research:

CBC + leukocyte formula;

General urine analysis;

Blood chemistry.

RW blood test

Functional studies of organs:

Electrocardiography - assessment of the state of coronary circulation, exclusion of pathology of the cardiovascular system;

X-ray of the chest organs.



3. consultation with specialists (surgeon).

Laboratory results

General blood test from6.05.08:

Hemoglobin 124 g/l

ROE 9 mm/h

Leukocytes 6.4x10 /l

Basophils 0%

Eosinophils 4%

Neutrophils: p.i. 4%

Lymphocytes 31%

Monocytes 6%

Generalclinical urine test from05.15.08:

Color: light yellow

Transparency: full

Protein: negative

Sugar negative

Leukocytes: 1-3 per field of view

Epithelial cells: 4-6 cells. in sight

Biochemical blood test from05/06/08:

Total bilirubin: 16.6 µmol/l (N up to 20.5)

Cholesterol 4.8 mmol/l (3.0 - 6.3)

Sugar 4.8 mmol/l (3.5-6.2)

Amylase 86.3 U/s (up to 110)

Serum sodium: 143 mmol/L (136 +/- 7.6)

Serum potassium: 4.9 mmol/L (3.96 +/- 0.47)

PTI 87% (80 - 100)

Fibrinogen 2.44 g/l (2.5 - 3.0)

Total protein 64.6 g/l (65 - 85)

ALT: 0.54 µmol/l (0.1 - 0.5)

AST: 0.72 µmol/l (0.1 - 0.7)

Gray test for express reaction to syphilis negative (from 05/06/08)

FGDS from 05/06/08

The esophagus and cardia are unremarkable. There is mucus in the stomach, focal atrophy. In the lower third of the section there is hyperemia, in the prepyloric zone there is erosion of 0.1 - 0.7 mm. Peristalsis is active, folds are straightened by air. A biopsy was taken for Helicobacter pylori.

Conclusion: focal atrophic gastritis, erosive gastritis.

ECG from05/06/08:

Conclusion: Sinus rhythm. Heart rate=70 beats/min. The electrical axis is tilted to the left. Acceleration a-v conductivity. Decreased electrical activity of the anteroseptal region

Chest X-ray05/06/08:

Description: A plain X-ray of the chest in a direct projection reveals the following. The trachea is located in the center. The collarbones are located symmetrically. The ribs are oblique, the spine is deformed. The right dome of the diaphragm is 2 cm higher than the left. Lung tissue of normal radiological density. The pulmonary pattern is not enhanced. The shadows of the vessels are identical in diameter. The bone-diaphragmatic sinuses are free. The left ventricular arch is located 1.5 cm medially from the midclavicular line. The right ventricle is not enlarged, its shadow reaches the right parasternal line. The heart is of a normal configuration.

Clinical diagnosis and its rationale

Based on additional laboratory and instrumental research methods, the preliminary diagnosis is confirmed:

Taking into account the patient's complaints, medical history, life history, physical examination data and analyzing data from additional examination methods: FGDS - focal, atrophic erosive gastritis (which can also be the cause of the development of chronic colitis and lead to its exacerbation, because the remains of coarse undigested food can irritate the mucous membrane of the large intestine and leads to the development of a pathological process), you can confirm the preliminary diagnosis and make a clinical diagnosis: chronic colitis, exacerbation. Chronic atrophic gastritis.

Differential diagnosis

Chronic colitis should be differentiated from tumors of the large intestine, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis. For colon tumors the presence of “early” symptoms is characteristic - “intestinal discomfort”; pain with the left-sided localization of the tumor is less intense. Symptoms also appear, such as bloating, feelings of heaviness, fullness, nausea, loss of appetite, loud rumbling in the stomach 4 hours after eating. There will be constipation, alternating with diarrhea with copious fetid stools. The appearance of pathological discharge is characteristic (admixture of blood, there may be obvious bleeding). Then “late” symptoms appear: weakness, malaise, decreased ability to work, fatigue, anemia, fever. When the intestine is obstructed by a tumor, intestinal obstruction may develop. With deep palpation according to Obraztsov-Strazhesko, the tumor can be palpated (but palpation must be carried out after complete bowel movement). Cancer of the rectum and sigmoid colon (lower colon) can be recognized using a digital examination.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

There are three leading syndromes associated with intestinal damage - dyspeptic, hemorrhagic and pain. Later, general symptoms appear: anorexia, nausea, vomiting, weakness, weight loss, fever, anemia. The onset may be gradual or acute. If the onset of total damage to the large intestine is violent, a pronounced clinical picture will develop within 1 to 2 days. Extraintestinal manifestations are also characteristic: articular syndrome, erythema nodosum, fatty liver, etc. UC, which begins slowly, is clinically manifested only by rectal bleeding. An increase in bowel movements is typical (can be up to 20 times a day). There may also be bloody mucus. Pain occurs in most patients with UC, more often in the left half of the abdomen, pain occurs 20 - 30 minutes after eating. Then this connection between pain and food intake fades away.

Due to prolonged diarrhea, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, and hypoalbuminemia develop. X-ray examination will show smoothing or absence of haustra (water pipe symptom).

For chronic pancreatitis characteristic: - pain syndrome, which depends on the localization of the pathological process (in case of damage to the tail - pain in the right hypochondrium, or to the left of the navel; in case of damage to the body - pain in the epigastric region; with total damage, pain diffused in the form of a “belt or half-belt” in the upper half of the abdomen). Pain occurs or intensifies after eating fatty, fatty, fried foods. The pain can radiate to the heart area, the left shoulder blade. The nature of the pain can be different. Dyspeptic syndrome - belching, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, steatorrhea, flatulence, episodic vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss. At objective research dry and flaky skin, glossitis, and stomatitis are noted. Positive phrenicus is a symptom. There will be an increase in amylase, trypsin, lipase, and elastase in the blood.

For chronic colitis characteristic: pain of a spastic, aching nature, may be girdling, constant, decreasing after the passage of gas or bowel movement. The localization of pain depends on the localization of the process (the patient has pain in the left half of the abdomen, because the descending colon and sigmoid colon are affected). Also characteristic is a feeling of incomplete bowel movement and bloating. All these clinical symptoms are characteristic of the above diseases, but based on objective examination data and additional methods, all of the above diseases can be excluded.


I. Functional intestinal unloading:

-D Ieta No. 4 . Full regulation of stool is possible with the help of diets containing a sufficient amount of dietary fiber. For severe bloating and abdominal pain, vegetables and fruits are prescribed in boiled, well-chopped and pureed form. They use yesterday's bread with added bran, as well as Orlovsky, Borodinsky, rye bread up to 350 g daily. They use borscht, beetroot soup, and soups made from prefabricated vegetables with the addition of thoroughly boiled pearl barley. Use boiled minced, baked pieces of low-fat meat and fish; side dishes from vegetables, casseroles from vegetables, salads from raw vegetables and fruits, but they must be thoroughly chopped. White cabbage, green pea, beans are allowed only boiled and if well tolerated. Rich vegetables are always excluded essential oils: onions, radishes, turnips, mushrooms. Loose porridges made from buckwheat and wheat groats, boiled in water with the addition of milk, are an important part of the diet. Assign fresh berries, soaked and in various dishes. Prunes, dried apricots, and figs are especially recommended. It is recommended to add fats to ready meals; butter and vegetable oils are used. The total amount of fruits and vegetables is up to 700 g per day, in summer you can up to 1 kg, drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of any non-alcoholic liquid daily, including tea, compote, coffee.

-Systematic motor activity: walking at a brisk pace for 1 hour without frequent stops, swimming in the pool, regular gymnastics, daily massage of the anterior abdominal wall, which is preferably done before breakfast in the morning.

-L elimination of digestive enzyme deficiency -

pancreatin, panzinorm.

Rp: Tab. Pancreatini obductae 0.25

D.S.: 2 tablets 3 times a day with meals.

-IN administration of anticholinergics, ganglion blockers.

Drugs that normalize intestinal motor function. For spastic and hypermotor dyskinesia, the drugs of choice are dicetel 50-100 mg 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or duspatalin 200 mg 2 times a day, prescribed for 3-4 weeks. In some cases, spasmomen, buscopan, metacin and other antispasmodics prescribed in the generally accepted dosage are effective.

Rp: Dr.Buscopani 0.01 No. 20

D.S. taking 1 tablet 3 times a day has a pronounced selective, M - anticholinergic effect; is a quaternary ammonium compound, is slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

II. Normalization of impaired intestinal functions:

-F enzyme preparations, Digestal, which improves digestion processes, contains polecriatin (0.2 mg), bovine bile extract (0.025 g) and hemicelmalose (0.05 g).

Rp: Dr "Digestalum" No. 30

D.S.: Take one tablet 3 times a day with meals.

- Prokinetic agents : metoclopromide. Specific blockers of dopamine receptors, serotonin receptors. It has a regulating effect on the function of the gastrointestinal tract, tone, and the motor activity of the digestive organs increases, but the secretion of the stomach does not change.

Rp: Tab. Metoclopromidi 0.01 No. 20

D.S take 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

- Local anesthetic and antispasmodic drugs - novocaine has local anesthetic and antispasmodic properties for spasms of intestinal smooth muscles.

III. Reduction of inflammatory and degenerative phenomena:

-local microenemas (50 ml) with chamomile decoction, 0.3% collargol solution for 10 - 12 days, then oil microenemas (sea buckthorn, rose hip oil) - 10 days. They have a local anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Antibacterial drugs (enteroseptol, intestopan),

Physiotherapy UFO, UHF, diathermy).

І V.Elimination of dysbacteriosis and putrefactive fermentation processes:

In case of excessive bacterial growth in the intestines and when opportunistic microflora is detected, drug therapy is supplemented by the appointment of 2-3 seven-day courses of broad-spectrum intestinal antiseptics (intetrix, furazolidone, nifuroxazide, sulgin and other drugs in standard dosages) with a change of drug in the next course treatment and subsequent use of probiotics (bifiform, lacto- and bifidumbacterin, etc.) and prebiotics.

Bacterial preparations: colibacterin 1-2 amp. x 2 r. in 30 min. before meals 2-3 months, bifidum-bacterin 1 amp. x 3 r., bificop 1 fl. x 2 r. 1-2 months;

Rp: Bifidum bacterini 5 d

S.: 5 doses 3 times a day for 2 - 4 weeks.

Antibacterial drugs:

a) broad-spectrum antibiotics (macrolides - 0.2 x 3-4 r.);

b) sulfonamides - phthalazole, sulgin 1.0 x 3-6 r., biseptol, bactrim;

Rp: Tab. Phthalazoli 0.5 No. 50

D.S.: 2 tablets every 4-6 hours for 2-3 days, then 1 tablet per day for 2-3 days.

c) nitrofuran - furadonin 0.5 x 3-4 r.:

Rp: Tab. Furadonini 0.5 N20

D.S.: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day.

d) other drugs - intestopan 1t. 4-6 r., enteroseptol, mextaza, metronidazole:

Rp: Tab. Metronidazoli 0.25 N20

D.S.: 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.

VI. Stimulation of mucosal regeneration:

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy,

Aloe extract, methyluracil, nerobol, gastrofarm, vitamin "U", solcoseryl, oxyferriscarbon.


The patient ______________. was admitted to the gastroenterology department of the hospital of the tire factory No. 12 with complaints of pain mainly in the right half of the abdomen, with irradiation to the right inguinal and lumbar regions, of a pulling nature, almost constantly decreasing after bowel movements or the passage of gases, bloating, weight loss. The patient considers himself to be about 30 years old, when constipation, bloating, and pain in the right half of the abdomen periodically occurred. I didn't ask for help. The disease worsened 3 weeks ago, when severe pain and dyspeptic syndrome appeared. The patient associates the exacerbation of the disease with a violation of the diet. An objective examination revealed: the tongue is covered with a white coating, the act of swallowing is impaired, upon palpation - moderate pain in the right iliac region, moderately painful and hardened descending colon and sigmoid colon. Based on the above, a preliminary diagnosis was made: chronic colitis, exacerbation. During the patient's stay in the hospital, an additional examination was carried out and it was revealed that there was an increase in neutrophils in the CBC (presence of inflammatory process); BAK - the presence of an acute inflammatory process, signs of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. On FGDS - focal, atrophic, erosive gastritis. Based on the above, it was set clinical: chronic colitis, exacerbation. GERD. Chronic atrophic gastritis, exacerbation.

During her hospital stay, the patient received treatment:

Omeprazole 2 mg 2 times a day

Metoclopramide 10 mg over 15 minutes. before meals

Metranidazole 0.5 2 times a day for 7 days

Bisacodyl 5 mg 1 time per day (evening)

Duspatalin 0.2 (suppositories) per 30 minutes. before meals 2 times a day (morning and evening)

Picosulfate 20 drops every other day, in the evening

Cleansing enema once

After the treatment, the patient’s condition improved, colonoscopy and rectomanoscopy, and consultation with a surgeon are planned.

follow a diet and diet (exclude legumes, black bread, milk, spicy, fried, recommended - bread with bran, porridge, raw grated beets and carrots, kefir, juices from raw berries and vegetables); eat food in a timely manner (at least 5 times a day in small quantities).

Spa treatment indicated beyond the stage of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. It is carried out at such resorts as Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, etc. Treatment with mineral waters:

has a positive reflex-humoral effect on the gastrointestinal tract; anti-inflammatory effect; enhances the excretory function of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Increases the regenerative ability of the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines.

Normalize the motor-evacuation function of the intestines.

Thermal procedures (paraffin baths, mud therapy). Mud applications have antispasmodic, analgesic, immunoregulatory effects that improve functional state digestive organs, regional blood flow and trophism of the gastric mucosa. These procedures are performed outside of exacerbation.

“D” – registration with a therapist (treatment of gastritis, constipation).

Regulate stool with the help of herbal laxatives (preparations of rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, joster fruit, senna leaves, sabur),

Avoid heavy physical activity and psycho-emotional stress


The prognosis for full recovery is unfavorable, because The disease is chronic; with timely treatment and adherence to the diet, long-term remission can be maintained.

The prognosis for life is favorable if the patient maintains healthy image life, follow all doctor’s recommendations and carry out drug treatment to avoid relapse of the disease.


1. Trubnikov G.V. " Methodological basics knowledge therapy", Barnaul, 1997

2. Nikitin Yu.P. “Everything about patient care”, Moscow, 1999

3. Okorokov A.N. “Treatment of diseases of internal organs”, Vitebsk, 1997

4. Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines, part 1 and 2. Moscow, “Medicine”, 1999.

5. Martynov A.I., Mukhin N.A., Moiseev V.S. “Internal diseases” in two volumes. Moscow, GEOTAR-MED, 2001
