Pain in the lower jaw on the right side. Jaw hurts: causes of pain and its immediate treatment Jaw pain

Jaw pain causes a lot of inconvenience: it interferes with speaking, chewing, yawning, laughing and greatly reduces the quality of life. After dental procedures or mechanical injuries, the cause is obvious. But how to understand why the jaw hurts if there was no damage? When do you need to urgently see a doctor, and in what cases can you cope on your own? The main causes of pain in the mandibular joint and methods of treatment will be discussed further.

A bit of anatomy

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is not only one of the most complex joints in the body, but also the most loaded, since it takes an active part in chewing, swallowing, talking and other movements of the facial muscles. It is located at the junction of the temporal bone and the lower jaw.

The lower jaw is the only movable bone of the skull, which consists of two branches and an angle between them. The TMJ is formed by the head of the mandibular bone and the socket of the temporal bone. The cartilaginous disk has a unique structure, since it fuses with the capsule and divides the articular cavity into two sectors.

In the lower sector, rotational (rotational) movements occur, and at the top - translational (back and forth). Anatomical structure joint is such that it can move in the vertical and horizontal planes. At the same time, the jaw can move horizontally not only forward and backward, but also to the sides.


The maxillofacial joint can hurt constantly or from time to time, the intensity of pain is also different. The cause of acute soreness is often dental procedures, when the patient keeps his mouth wide open for a long time. Therefore, within a few days after a visit to the doctor, the jaw joint hurts.

Such pain is due to the fact that fluid or blood accumulates in the joint cavity. In addition to pain, there is a feeling of inconsistency between the upper and lower teeth. In this situation, it is necessary to temporarily reduce the load on the jaw by eliminating hard foods and chewing gum from the diet. Opening your mouth to yawn or cough should be done with caution. A cold compress can be applied to quickly relieve discomfort.

If the pain in the jaw is constantly disturbing and there is no apparent reason for this, degenerative changes in the joint can be assumed - arthrosis. A prerequisite for its development may be the absence of chewing teeth, which leads to a redistribution of the load. When chewing food, bone is loaded instead of teeth, resulting in increased friction in the joint.

The temporomandibular joint can hurt for the following reasons:

  • trauma - bruise, dislocation or fracture of the jaw;
  • TMJ dysfunction due to malocclusion, congenital anomalies, unsuccessful prosthetics, etc.;
  • arthritis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • dental pathologies - untreated caries, pulpitis, alveolitis;
  • Horton's disease (temporal arteritis);
  • neuralgia;
  • erythrootalgia, or red ear syndrome;
  • glossitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • neoplasms.


Bruising of the soft tissues of the jaw from a direct blow to the face or a fall is the easiest injury. Its consequences are pain, bruising and slight limitation of movement. With a dislocation, the pain syndrome is much stronger and a visual distortion of the jaws is observed. It is almost impossible to talk, because when you try to open your mouth, the pain intensifies. Most often, dislocations are diagnosed in the elderly, which is associated with a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

With a fracture of the lower jaw, the mouth does not open, severe swelling and hematomas occur. If the upper jaw is broken, bruises appear under the eyes.

TMJ dysfunction

The cause of dysfunction may be malocclusion, missing teeth, ill-fitting dentures, congenital underdevelopment of the jaws, trauma to the head or spine.

The symptoms of dysfunction are:

  • crunching and clicking when moving the jaw;
  • joint pain radiating to the head and collar area;
  • soreness can spread to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes and ears;
  • grinding of teeth at night;
  • noise in ears.


Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint can develop as a result of injury or infection. The TMJ is most commonly affected by rheumatoid arthritis, which presents with the classic signs of inflammation—pain, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, and reddening of the skin over the joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by symmetrical damage to the joints, that is, with inflammation of the jaw on the left side, the joint on the right almost immediately becomes inflamed. A characteristic symptom of inflammation of the TMJ is a decrease in hearing, speech and chewing functions.

Arthritis can occur in acute and chronic forms. Acute inflammation is accompanied by a sharp pain in the joint, which increases with any movement of the jaw. Most often, the pain is clearly localized, but can spread to the cheekbones, occipital and temporal zone.

With acute inflammation of the TMJ, a person manages to open his mouth by no more than 1 cm, while the lower jaw is clearly shifted to the affected side. The accumulation of effusion, pathological fluid in the joint cavity causes a feeling of fullness, the teeth do not close completely.

In chronic arthritis, the leading symptom is stiffness and limited mobility. There is usually no acute pain, but the joint aches and clicks when opening the mouth. The disease is often accompanied by a deterioration in the general condition and fever.


Osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic process that develops in the bone and bone marrow with the involvement of surrounding tissues. The reason is the infection in the bone due to an open fracture, filling of the dental canals, the formation of a facial boil or acute otitis media. This pathology is also called jaw caries and requires urgent medical intervention.

With osteomyelitis, part or all of the jaw can be affected and the following symptoms are observed:

  • temperature increase up to 39-40°;
  • severe pain syndrome, which can spread to the temples, eye and ear areas;
  • swollen gums under diseased teeth;
  • jaw dysfunction - difficulty swallowing and speaking;
  • numbness of the lips and chin;
  • enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes.


A furuncle, better known as a boil, appears against the background of a metabolic disorder and a decrease in immunity. The trigger mechanism is microtrauma of the skin - for example, when shaving, as well as increased work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, poor nutrition.

Most often, boils occur on the cheeks, neck and back. After the release of necrotic contents, scarring occurs, however, in the case of inflammation of several hair follicles, complications are possible.

The accumulation of pus in the subcutaneous tissue next to a group of sebaceous glands is called a carbuncle. If it is located on the right or left side of the face, then consequences such as sepsis and purulent meningitis are possible.

Often, boils and carbuncles are formed in diabetes mellitus and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. If found, you can not open them yourself, but apply for medical care.

dental diseases

If the jaw hurts on the right side or the pain is localized on the left, then dental pathologies may be the cause. This is, first of all, progressive caries, which was not cured in time, and its complications - pulpitis, periodonitis and periodontal abscess (abscess next to the tooth). Pain in the area of ​​the mandibular joint can be caused by a fracture of the tooth neck, loosening of the tooth in the hole and increased sensitivity due to weak enamel.

It is not difficult to recognize dental pathology, because it becomes painful to chew, by night the pain intensifies and has a pronounced pulsating character.

Separately, it should be said about the alveolitis that occurs after tooth extraction. Normally, the hole is tightened for several days, and the pain disappears a day after the operation. If the blood clot has not formed or has moved, the socket becomes infected.

Important: before removing a tooth, especially a molar, it is necessary to first cure caries of adjacent teeth in order to prevent infection.

Alveolitis does not develop immediately, but a few days after tooth extraction. Moreover, at first the pain may subside, and after a week it will return again. The severity of the pathology is determined by the intensity of the pain syndrome, which varies from moderate to excruciatingly unbearable.

In order to prevent washing out or shifting of the formed blood clot, after tooth extraction, any rinsing and eating hot / cold food is prohibited.

If a large molar tooth was removed, then swelling is observed on one side of the face. An increase in body temperature, salivation, bad breath and an increase in submandibular lymph nodes are possible.

Temporal arteritis, or Horton's disease

Horton's disease is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects large and medium-sized vessels, in particular the temporal artery. With inflammation of the vessel, its walls become thinner, which often leads to a pathological expansion - an aneurysm. The most severe complication of temporal arteritis is an aneurysm rupture followed by cerebral hemorrhage.

Horton's disease causes the following symptoms:

  • acute throbbing pain in the temple and cheekbones, radiating to the jaw, the root of the tongue and the neck and shoulder area;
  • fever, weakness;
  • when you press on the affected area, you can feel the absence of pulsation, as well as thickening and soreness of the veins;
  • subcutaneous nodules form on the scalp;
  • during chewing or talking, the jaw hurts;
  • with inflammation of the ophthalmic artery, visual function is disturbed, which is manifested by pain and double vision, drooping of the upper eyelid.

Inflammation of the carotid artery causes migraine-like pain, which is felt not only in one half of the head, but also under the lower jaw, in the teeth and ear.


Damage to the peripheral nerves, accompanied by severe pain in the zone of innervation, is called neuralgia. It differs from neuritis in the absence of motor disturbances and the preservation of tactile sensitivity.

Trigeminal neuralgia is manifested by burning pain mainly at night. To provoke sharp pain can hypothermia, the use of hot or cold. Before the onset of an attack, itching of the skin or a feeling of crawling is possible.

If the ear nerve becomes inflamed, the pain syndrome is blurred, as it spreads to neighboring areas - the lower jaw, the base of the skull and shoulder girdle. Involvement of the glossopharyngeal nerve causes pain in the throat, lower face, and ear.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve is accompanied by pain attacks of a jerking nature, while the pain is localized in front of the neck under the jaw and can radiate to the temples, ears and eyeballs. Typical symptoms are also cough and dry mouth, and after an attack, increased salivation.

Which doctor to contact

If the cause of the pain is obvious, for example, with injuries and problems with the teeth, a traumatologist or dentist will help. In case of sudden pain in the lower jaw, combined with shortness of breath, sticky cold sweat, it is necessary to call an ambulance. These symptoms may indicate an impending myocardial infarction.

If a boil or carbuncle is found, you should visit a surgeon or dermatologist. Pathologies of the temporomandibular joint (arthritis, arthrosis, dysfunction) are dealt with by dentists.

Neuralgia of any origin requires an appeal to a neurologist. Horton's disease, which is autoimmune in nature, is treated by a rheumatologist. In doubtful cases, when it is not clear which doctor to go to, you can visit a general practitioner or dentist.


Therapy of injuries depends on the severity of the injury: with bruises, cold compresses on the first day and warming, absorbable ointments help in the following days. After reduction of the dislocation, it is necessary to avoid wide opening of the mouth and eat liquid or pureed food that does not require chewing.

In the dental clinic, all the necessary studies are carried out to determine the cause of the disease - X-ray or computed tomography, after which treatment is prescribed

In case of fractures, mandatory immobilization (immobilization) of the jaw is carried out using a ligature, special plates and splints. Diet recommendations are the same as for dislocations.

If dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is diagnosed, the following therapeutic measures are carried out:

  • bite correction with braces, mouthguards;
  • installation of dentures;
  • wearing an articular splint (trainer);
  • the use of myotronics - an apparatus for relaxing the muscles of the dentoalveolar system;
  • taking medication.

Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases

In pathologies caused by infection, antibiotics are prescribed, taking into account the type of pathogen. It is detected through analysis for bakposev. Penicillin antibiotics (Ampicillin) are most effective, but fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin) and other drugs may be used.

To disinfect the oral cavity, rinses with a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin or baking soda are used. Levomikol ointment has an antibacterial effect. To speed up healing and prevent re-traumatization, Solcoseryl ointment is applied to the affected mucous membranes.

If necessary, surgical treatment is carried out, during which the pathological focus is opened, washed and drained for free outflow of purulent contents.

Treatment of Horton's disease

Temporal arteritis is treated with corticosteroid hormones. First, Prednisolone is prescribed in a dosage corresponding to the severity of the pathological process. After about a month, the doses are gradually reduced, moving on to maintenance therapy. The general course of treatment is from six months to two years.

What to do if hormonal therapy does not give an effect or unwanted side effects? In this case, cytostatics are prescribed - basic drugs used in the treatment of autoimmune disorders. These drugs include Methotrexate and Cyclophosphamide.

Jaw pain can be a sign of many diseases, most of which are dental. Self-medication in this case will not give a result, and the pain may intensify. Consultation and treatment with a dentist will help not only to cope with pain in a short time, but also to prevent possible complications. Be healthy!

Jaw pain is one of the most common complaints in dental practice. But it is not always associated with diseases of the dentoalveolar system. A symptom can also occur due to pathologies of the respiratory system, lymph nodes, cardiovascular system, inflammatory processes and neurological abnormalities.

Most often, jaw pain occurs due to injuries. Its intensity and the nature of the accompanying symptoms depend on the nature of the damage:

Important! Sometimes, jaw pain may return after the wound has healed. It is caused by damage to the tire for fixing tissues and nerves, repeated fractures, improper fusion or displacement of the bone.

Pain during dental treatment

Correction of the bite and leads to displacement of the teeth. As a result, they become mobile, pain in the jaw occurs. This is the standard state. It lasts for about a month while getting used to it.

Important! Discomfort and discomfort for several days after prosthetics are also considered normal.

Pain after getting braces is normal.

Sometimes both the lower and upper jaw can hurt due to illiterate treatment. The symptom occurs due to incorrectly installed fillings and dental structures, which leads to a change in bite.

Inflammatory diseases

With infectious lesions and inflammatory processes, it becomes painful to open the mouth, the temperature increases, edema or a characteristic purulent formation appears. Such diseases include:

  1. - inflammation of the bone as a result of the penetration of infection through the bloodstream.
  2. Abscess- local purulent tissue damage.
  3. Phlegmon- an inflammatory process without clear boundaries.
  4. Furuncle- an abscess on the skin or mucous membranes.

Neurological factors

This type of pathology includes lesions of the nerves of the facial region, accompanied by impaired speech, chewing, salivation. May inflame:

Important! Treatment of neurological pathologies should be started as soon as possible. The longer there is no therapy, the greater the risk of not restoring the function of the facial muscles.


They are divided into two main groups:

  • Benign: osteoma, osteoblastoclastoma, adamantinoma. Accompanied by thickening of tissues, changes in facial symmetry, increased pain during chewing. All of them are subject to mandatory surgical removal.

Important! Benign tumors are asymptomatic for a long period.

  • Malignant: cancer, sarcoma, osteosarcoma. Neoplasms grow rapidly, affecting the joint, soft and bone tissues. In addition to surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are used.

TMJ pathologies

They are characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of pain in the jaw, ear, clicks and crunch when opening the mouth, stiffness of movements. The joint also loses mobility, which makes it difficult to talk and chew.

Such diseases include:

Important! All TMJ pathologies are similar to each other. The exact decision of what to do in this or that case and what the treatment will be is made by the specialist after a thorough diagnosis.

Causes of radiating pain

Sometimes pain in the jaw may not be associated with damage to the TMJ, but with diseases of other organs and systems. They can become:

  1. Carotidynia- A type of migraine. There is radiating pain in the lower jaw, ears, eye sockets.
  2. red ear syndrome- develops due to damage to the structures of the brain.
  3. Lymphadenitis- inflammation of the lymph nodes. Accompanied by fever, fatigue, general weakness, enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. sialolith and sialadenitis and their inflammation. In this case, the jaw often hurts when opened.
  5. Arteritis of the facial artery. Discomfort is noted either below - from the chin to the corner, or above - from the wings of the nose to the upper lip.
  6. Angina pectoris and heart attack. As a result of impaired blood flow, squeezing sensations behind the sternum appear, extending into the arm or, in case of an atypical course, the face area. They will always be marked not on the right side, but on the left side.

Important! Submandibular lymphadenitis, sialolith, sialoadenitis can provoke the development of phlegmon, abscess, or affect the temporal joint.

Irradiating syndrome also occurs in diseases of the respiratory system (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis), tumors of the larynx, otitis media, parotitis - mumps. In these cases, it is accompanied by other symptoms: swelling of the mucosa, serous or purulent discharge from the nasopharynx, fever.

If the jaw hurts, this is a rather dangerous signal indicating a possible disruption of the joints or various pathologies of the skeletal system. Disease...

Jaw hurts: main causes, diagnosis and treatment

By Masterweb

13.05.2018 16:00

If the jaw hurts, this is a rather dangerous signal indicating a possible disruption of the joints or various pathologies of the skeletal system. Pain can also occur due to dysfunction internal organs. Before proceeding to fix the problem, it is imperative to determine why the jaw hurts.

It is important to undergo a comprehensive examination, according to the results of which the doctor will be able to choose the required treatment.

Pain in diseases

If the jaw hurts, then many immediately turn to the dentist, but the source of the problem may be hiding in serious ailments. These include:

  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • vascular pathology.

Sinusitis is a dangerous disease that causes significant discomfort. Inflammation in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses may go unnoticed for a long time due to insufficiently good blood supply to this area. During the course of the disease, the upper jaw hurts very much, these painful sensations intensify when opening the mouth and making chewing movements. Aching pain occurs due to the proximity of the tooth roots.

With cervical osteochondrosis, the vertebral discs become thinner and gradually collapse, which leads to a deterioration in blood supply. cervical. The pathological process involves blood vessels and nerve endings. With cervical osteochondrosis, the jaw hurts and gives into the teeth, but there are no dental problems. The pain impulse is dull in nature, passes from one side and gradually covers the entire head. The pain is aggravated by talking and chewing.

If the jaw and ear hurt, then this can be caused by otitis media. The fact is that the human hearing aid is very closely connected with the jaw joint, and when inflammation of the ears occurs, the pain also affects the jaw. With otitis media, there is a sharp pain in the jaw and ear. The pain syndrome increases significantly when trying to open the mouth, talking, swallowing. Soreness occurs suddenly and goes to the temple, neck, cheekbones. At the same time, the lymph nodes are enlarged.

With arthritis, there is a constant, aching pain in the lower jaw, which radiates to the ear area. Pain is aggravated by movement of the jaw. Arthrosis is characterized by the fact that during the course of the pathology, the ligaments are also affected. And the manifestations of this disease are almost the same as with arthritis.

If the lymph nodes under the jaw hurt, then this may be a sign of the presence of malignant neoplasms. Before the onset of pain, sensitivity disappears at the site of the lesion. In addition, patients report tingling and numbness. Gradually, the affected area swells, and joint pain occurs.

If the jaw near the ear is very sore, then this may be a sign of the development of benign neoplasms. A bump that forms in the behind-the-ear region is the result of inflammation of the cervical lymph node. When feeling the affected area, you can find a moving ball.

Also, pain can be observed with purulent pathologies. Osteomyelitis is considered the most dangerous, since when it occurs in a person, not only the bones are affected, but also the surrounding soft tissues. Basically, this disease is of bacterial origin and occurs when various pathogenic bacteria enter the body. In this case, not only soreness is observed, but also severe swelling. The neck or ear may also be involved in the inflammation process.

The presence of pain in the lower jaw may also indicate cardiac pathology. In this case, the pain gives to the lower jaw and neck. If painful manifestations occur in the region of the heart and jaw, it is imperative to call an ambulance, as this may be a sign of a heart attack. If the jaw hurts, then this may also indicate problems with the carotid artery and a deterioration in its blood supply.

Soreness in the jaw structure can often manifest itself as a result of inflammation of the nerve endings. In this case, the patient feels burning, shooting pains, which are localized in the lower jaw and ear area. With some types of migraine, the jaw near the ear and lower part of the eye socket may also hurt. This sensation is very painful and prolonged, and the affected area becomes painful and swollen.

Injuries and fractures

Very often, if the jaw hurts on the left or right, it can be caused by trauma - both a simple bruise and a fracture. Often the cause is fights, accidents, domestic injuries. There are the following types of fractures:

  • with debris displacement or not;
  • closed or open;
  • single or multiple.

The peculiarity of the jaw bones is that the regeneration process lasts for a long time. In this case, the victim feels severe discomfort, and after injuries, unpleasant consequences may remain.

Quite often there is a bruise of the jaw, which occurs due to a strong blow. At the same time, its character largely depends on how strong the blow was. A bruise can provoke severe headaches, malocclusion, deformation of the position of the teeth or their loss.

dental problems

Soreness in the jaw area is often found in people who wear removable dentures and braces. In the process of correcting the bite, this is quite normal, since as a result of the treatment, the dentition is displaced. But pain can also occur due to the presence of dental diseases:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • limited osteomyelitis;
  • dental injuries;
  • high sensitivity enamel.

The pain in this case can be aching in nature and intensify at night. Discomfort also occurs with inflammation of the gums, as well as in the presence of complications after tooth extraction.

Pain in a child

If the jaw hurts on the right or left of a child, then this can be caused by various injuries, fractures, dislocations, as well as diseases of the oral cavity. However, sometimes discomfort occurs for reasons that are rarely found in adults. These include mumps and tetany.

Parotitis or mumps - acute infectious disease, provoked by viruses, which affects the salivary glands. With its development, there is a strong swelling in the jaw area. The swelling is accompanied by soreness, which is aggravated by pressure, high fever and dry mouth.

Tetany is a convulsive syndrome provoked by a violation of calcium metabolism in a child. This pathology is accompanied by convulsions, pain in the jaw, paresis of the masticatory muscles and involuntary grimaces.

It should be noted that soreness can also occur during teething in a child. At the same time, the baby also has signs such as irritability, anxiety and crying. Jaw pain can occur as a result of hypothermia, prolonged wearing of braces, and an abnormal structure of the jaw apparatus.

Main symptoms

If the jaw hurts, then this can be triggered by various diseases, injuries, as well as mental disorders. Each disease and pathology is characterized by its own symptomatology, which allows you to determine what exactly provoked the pain.

So, the first sign of sinusitis is a runny nose, and after a few days, symptoms of intoxication of the body join it. In the acute course of the disease, an intense, throbbing headache is characteristic. The pain impulse is bursting in nature, which increases significantly when the head is turned. The pain radiates to the forehead, jaw and intensifies with pressure.

The main symptom of cervical osteochondrosis is pain, which extends not only to the jaw and head, but also affects the shoulder girdle and sternum region. At the very beginning of the development of the disease, the pain syndrome occurs only in the evening and is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head. There is also tingling and numbness in the shoulders and arms. The head hurts, and when it is turned, a characteristic crunch is heard. Symptoms largely depend on the violations that occur during the course of the disease.

The main symptom of otitis media is pain impulses of varying intensity. In addition to the fact that the jaw and ear hurt, other symptoms are observed:

  • dizziness;
  • hearing loss;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • temperature increase;
  • discharge from the ear canal.

In acute otitis, the patient experiences excruciating boring pain. The development of a purulent form is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

In the presence of fractures, specialists distinguish the following signs:

  • the occurrence of hematoma, bruising;
  • fragment displacement;
  • soreness and difficulty in moving the jaw;
  • the presence of profuse salivation;
  • change in bite;
  • displacement of the dentition.

When the first signs of a fracture occur, it is imperative to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room.

Which doctor to contact

If your jaw hurts after going to the dentist, then you need to urgently visit this specialist. Consultation is not required only if a bracket system has been installed. In this case, pain can manifest itself during the formation of the correct bite and is quite natural. However, if the pain does not go away within 2 months, a dentist consultation is required.

If the jaw began to hurt after an injury, then you need to contact a trauma surgeon. This may indicate the presence of a dislocation, bruise or fracture. If the jaw (left side) hurts and radiates to the neck, then this may be a sign of heart disease, so you need to consult a cardiologist.

If there is soreness and crunching in the neck, you need to visit a therapist, as this can be a sign of diseases such as bursitis, arthritis, sprain. In addition, if there is pain in the jaw, it may be necessary to consult a neurologist and an ENT specialist.

Carrying out diagnostics

If you experience pain in the jaw, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe a diagnosis. On its basis, it will be selected proper treatment. Diagnosis involves a patient survey, visual examination, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies.

To make the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe tomography, x-rays, and arthroscopy. This will help to understand exactly how the pathology develops, and choose a method of treatment.

Features of treatment

Treatment of dysfunctions of the jaw joint is carried out by a dentist. Difficult cases require the advice of a surgeon. Treatment, as a rule, is quite laborious and lengthy, as it requires refilling of teeth, correction of bite, replacement of prostheses. Treatment of dysfunction of the jaw apparatus is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. You can relieve pain at home with the help of compresses, ensuring complete rest, as well as the consumption of soft, frayed food.

If the doctor has found periodontitis, cyst or pulpitis, surgery may be prescribed, as only this will eliminate the pain. As soon as the wound heals, the discomfort should completely go away.

In the presence of diseases associated with ENT organs, inflammation of soft tissues, as well as neuralgia, medications are prescribed, as well as physiotherapy procedures.

In the presence of migraines, the doctor prescribes painkillers, as well as antidepressants. For the treatment of abscesses, their opening and removal of purulent contents are shown. The presence of a tumor requires surgery, as well as chemotherapy and radiation.

Medical treatment

Drug therapy should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor. Self-medication can lead to a deterioration in well-being and an uncontrolled reaction of the body. The following drugs are used to treat pain:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • preparations for the renewal of cartilage tissue;
  • vitamins;
  • intraarticular injections.

Women may also be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during menopause under the supervision of an endocrinologist or gynecologist. Physiotherapy, massage also have a good result.

Folk remedies

For a faster recovery, you can additionally use funds traditional medicine. As rubbing, you can use alcohol tincture of acacia or mummy. In addition, you can take mummy inside, dissolving it first in warmed milk and adding honey.

Compresses with a decoction of chamomile flowers help well, which must be applied to the affected area. Fir oil has a warming effect, which can be rubbed into the skin. However, this should be done very carefully, as this remedy can provoke an allergy.


After treatment, certain preventive measures must be observed to avoid the recurrence of the disease. Please dress appropriately for the weather and do not go out in strong winds. In the presence of a viral infection - immediately undergo treatment. You should try to avoid stressful situations.

As a preventive measure, hardening of the body can be carried out. A good remedy is a contrast shower, which helps maintain immunity at the required level. Periodically, massage should be carried out, as well as ensure proper nutrition.

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The pains related to the jaw region bring a lot of inconvenience to a person, especially when they intensify in the process of communication or eating.

There are many reasons for their occurrence: diseases of the teeth, trauma to the jaw, damage to the nerve endings.

At the same time, the problem may be non-dental in nature, but indicate the presence of a certain disease.

To understand which specialist can help in this situation, you should pay attention to the nature and localization of pain.

Accurate and timely identification of the cause pain when chewing food, it contributes to the correct diagnosis and the provision of appropriate therapeutic procedures.

There are several large groups of factors that affect the occurrence of pain in the jaw apparatus.


Mechanical trauma to the jaw is often due to such reasons:

  1. Injury caused by a strong blow or fall. At the same time, the bones of the jaw apparatus retain their integrity, however, damage to soft tissues occurs. When opening the mouth, pain occurs, a bruise forms and slight swelling of the damaged area of ​​​​the skin. As a rule, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 days.
  2. Dislocation. This situation is possible with a sharp opening of the mouth, yawning, laughing, opening a bottle with the teeth. Often, pathology occurs when a person has articular diseases. The dislocation looks like this: the lower jaw is fixed with a skew to one of the sides with the mouth open. To get rid of a dislocation, you will need the help of a traumatologist.
  3. Fracture of the upper or lower jaw. This problem is the result of a mechanical injury, like a strong blow, accident, fall from a height. There are fractures of both one and both jaws at the same time. In addition to acute pain, the fracture is characterized by the inability to chew, swelling and bruising.
  4. Traumatic osteomyelitis. The main cause of this disease of the jaw bones is an untreated fracture, complicated by low immunity and the presence of foci of infection in the oral cavity. Often the cause of the development of pathology is an infected tooth, from which the infection spreads to the jaw tissue. Osteomyelitis is characterized by throbbing pain and fever.
  5. Chronic subluxation of the lower jaw. This condition occurs as a result of some actions, such as coughing, yawning, laughing, and is characterized by the displacement of the jaw forward or to one side. The situation is a consequence of the stretching of the fibrous tissue surrounding the joint between the lower jaw and the cavity of the temporal bone, as a result of the lack of proper fixation of the articulation of the bones.

Consequences of wearing dentures or braces

The use of various orthodontic structures intended for bite correction may be accompanied by minor pain, especially during the adjustment period.

Such devices are located on the teeth and contribute to their movement relative to the dentoalveolar line, which leads to the formation of uncomfortable sensations. This indicates the correct course of the process of correcting the pathological bite.

Important! If the pain during the use of orthodontic structures increases over time and interferes with eating or communication, you should seek the advice of a dentist.

The installation of prostheses to restore lost crowns can also lead to some pain at the initial stage of their use. After a while, the pain will disappear.

If this does not happen, it is worth contacting a dentist to exclude the possibility of incorrect installation of the orthopedic structure and the presence of an inflammatory process.

Dental diseases

The presence of certain dental diseases can lead to pain when chewing:

  1. Pulpitis. The inflammatory process affecting the dental nerve is accompanied by the occurrence of paroxysmal pains that worsen at night. In addition to the affected tooth, soreness often passes to the zygomatic, occipital region, or to the opposite jaw.
  2. Periodontitis. Jaw pain in this disease is acute in nature, which is characterized by an increase and pulsation during an exacerbation of the process. During eating and pressure on the jaw, the pain increases.
  3. Alveolitis. Pain from an inflamed hole can radiate to the entire jaw, interfering with chewing food. In the absence of timely therapy, the disease can go into the form of limited osteomyelitis, accompanied by purulent fusion of the jaw bones.

Eruption of wisdom teeth

The growth of molars is often accompanied by pain. This is due to the fact that the jaw is already formed and there may not be enough space for the growth of additional molars.

This can lead to the appearance of impacted or dystopic crowns.

The eruption of these molars may be accompanied by aching pain in the cheek area, spreading to the throat and ear, difficulty chewing and swallowing, inflammation of the bones and muscles located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200btooth growth.

If you experience pain associated with the eruption of root crowns, you should contact your dentist to avoid the formation of inflammatory processes due to their incorrect location.


The pathological position of the crowns relative to the line of the dentition can cause pain during chewing. This is due to the incorrect distribution of loads and the need for additional efforts.

Pathological bite may be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, headaches, spasms of the jaw muscles.

This situation requires an immediate visit to the dentist, because if left untreated, it can lead to the formation of dislocations provoked by weakening of the ligaments due to the incorrect location of the temporomandibular joint.

Purulent-inflammatory diseases

An acute purulent process is another possible cause of pain in one of the jaws. The most common diseases are:

  1. Osteomyelitis characterized by inflammation of soft and bone tissues. It is accompanied by soreness of the teeth, passing to the entire jaw, swelling of the face and its asymmetry.
  2. Furuncle accompanied by the development of acute purulent inflammation of the skin. Often the focus of the spread of the disease is limited, but has a pronounced soreness.
  3. Abscess most often develops against the background of mechanical damage to the jaw and concomitant infection. With the course of the disease on the upper jaw, difficulties in opening the mouth and swallowing are characteristic, on the lower jaw, pain occurs when chewing. Outwardly, the abscess is expressed in the swelling of the submandibular triangle and the distortion of the shape of the face.
  4. Phlegmon. Symptoms of this pathology resemble osteomyelitis - a sharp pain in the jaw row or under it, swelling of the face, fever. The site of inflammation in this disease has a feature to spread.


Soreness of the jaw during chewing in the absence of any trauma and inflammatory processes may indicate the presence of a benign or malignant neoplasm in the body.

Often, such pain is of a mild chronic nature, regardless of the type of tumor.

The following types of tumors are benign:

  • adamantioma characterized by an increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to difficulties and soreness in the process of chewing food, which gradually increases in the process of growth of the neoplasm;
  • osteoma- a tumor that slowly grows from bone tissue and is accompanied by malocclusion, jaw deformity and limitation of the degree of opening of the oral cavity;
  • osteoblastoclastoma accompanied by a slight aching pain, which gradually grows, and with an increase in the tumor becomes an ongoing character.

Malignant neoplasms include osteosarcoma and cancer. These diseases are accompanied by soreness when pressing on the jaw, severe pain near the ear or in the neck area, deformation of the jaw bones.

In this case, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin, you can find the area with the most severe soreness.


Damage to certain nerves can also cause pain that radiates to the jaw. Often this happens due to the following inflammations:

  1. Trigeminal nerve injury causes a sharp paroxysmal pain, which is concentrated on one side and intensifies at night. In this case, the pain does not extend to the back of the jaw.
  2. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerve accompanied by severe pain on one side of the submandibular region, which can move to the area of ​​​​the face and chest. The greatest intensity of painful sensations occurs when chewing or yawning.
  3. Key symptom neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve- severe pain in the tongue, gradually transmitted to the lower jaw and face. It occurs, as a rule, during communication or eating. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, lasts about 2-3 minutes, after which it weakens.
  4. Carotidynia is a type of migraine caused by diseases of the carotid artery. The pain comes on in bursts and lasts up to several hours. It is usually localized on one side of the upper jaw, gradually radiating to the lower dentition, face, ear.

Pain near the ear

Painful sensations during chewing, radiating to the ear, are characteristic of diseases of the temporomandibular joint - arthritis, arthrosis and dysfunction.

These joint pathologies can be caused by infection, hypothermia, high load, mechanical damage, malocclusion.

Joint diseases of the jaw are characterized by persistent aching pain that flows into the ear area, discomfort and crunching when opening the mouth and chewing. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire face.

For more information on the causes of pain in the jaw joint, see the video.


To determine the cause of pain in the jaw associated with eating, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

An examination by a dentist will reveal whether this symptomatology refers to diseases of a dental nature. In some cases, additional consultation with a neurologist, otolaryngologist or cardiologist may be required.

Methods of treatment

The way to eliminate jaw pain depends on the cause of its occurrence, established during the preliminary examination:

  • in the presence of a bruise, a fixing bandage is applied, and compresses are prescribed;
  • dislocation requires repositioning of the jaw by a traumatologist and bandaging;
  • acute purulent diseases are treated in a hospital with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of abscesses, they are opened and the purulent filling is removed;
  • carotidinia requires the appointment of painkillers and antidepressants;
  • pain caused by an impacted wisdom tooth is eliminated after its complete eruption, which is facilitated by a small surgical incision;
  • in the presence of neoplasms that cause pain in the jaw area, they are surgically treated with chemotherapy, if necessary.

With the permission of the attending physician, as an adjunct to drug therapy, you can use folk remedies. Here is one of them:

  1. 20 grams of crushed herbs of coltsfoot and oregano are placed in a small container, pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for 3-4 days.
  2. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used to rub the area with high soreness.
  3. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Helps to cope with jaw pain and therapeutic exercises. Orthodontists recommend the following exercises:

  1. Smile with closed lips.
  2. Sequential lifting of the upper and lower lip until the teeth are exposed.
  3. Puffing out and retraction of the cheeks.
  4. Closing lips with a tube.

Each exercise must be performed 8-10 times twice a day. After the end of the gymnastic procedures, the face must be relaxed and lightly massaged.


In order to avoid the occurrence of jaw pain, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely cure viral and dental diseases;
  • consume enough vitamins;
  • refuse to use chewing gum;
  • apply local self-massage of the jaw;
  • perform myogymnastic exercises;
  • make sure that during sleep the head is raised above the bed by 30 cm.

Pain and other discomfort in the jaw are familiar to many. This symptom is characteristic of many diseases, so you should not ignore it. The fact that the pain syndrome is constantly present, sometimes subsiding a little, then, on the contrary, intensifying, should be especially alert. This condition requires an urgent consultation with a doctor to exclude its dislocation, fracture, purulent inflammation and other no less formidable pathologies. Why it hurts, aches and hurts the jaw on the right or left, including when opening the mouth, the reasons for this and what to do is the topic of our article.

The human jaw is located on the front side of the skull and occupies a fairly large area. It consists of two parts: top - motionless, it contains the maxillary sinuses, and the lower one, on the contrary, mobile. Its bone is connected to the muscles that are needed to process food. In addition, the jaw is needed there to yawn, open the mouth wide, move the chin, and grimace. All these movements are provided by the jaw joints. With their damage, as a rule, severe pain and discomfort are associated.

If you have pain in the upper or lower jaw on the right or left, the reasons for this may be the following:

  • osteomyelitis - infectious inflammation of bone tissue;
  • neuralgia;
  • all types of joint damage, including as a result of injury;
  • damage to the facial or carotid artery;
  • carried out the day before, dental manipulations, including the extraction and prosthetics of teeth;
  • red ear syndrome;
  • the growth of "wisdom teeth";
  • wearing braces;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • abscess, phlegmon and other purulent diseases of the submandibular region;
  • all types of injuries and mechanical damage;
  • carotidinia;
  • malignant tumors.

Pain in this part of the skull can provoke heart disease, including acute myocardial infarction. Therefore, in the first place, it will be necessary to exclude this.

The jaw quite often hurts and swells in boxers, as well as in athletes involved in different types oriental martial arts. Soft tissue injury is the simplest cause that causes severe discomfort. The pain with it is localized, either on the right or on the left, in the same place where the edema is visualized.

Mouth won't open with jaw pain

Based on the patient's complaints and the question of why the mouth does not open, the jaw hurts on the left side and it hurts to chew, the doctor may suggest fracture. Its characteristic sign will be that the pain does not recede even if you do not move the jaw, since the bone is greatly displaced with it. Dislocation is diagnosed quite often in patients of all ages.. It has such vivid symptoms that an experienced specialist can only look at the unchanging position of the mouth and the incorrect position of the jaw. And if, in addition, the patient complains of impaired swallowing and the appearance of a speech defect, the diagnosis will be obvious. Pain during dislocation is localized at the site of the damaged joint.

On your own, you can only guess the reason why it hurts to open your mouth on one side and the lower jaw hurts. Accurately diagnose and prescribe a scheme and procedure adequate treatment only the attending physician can, to whom you need to rush at the first manifestations of discomfort.

Features of pain in the lower and upper jaw for various reasons for their appearance

Pain and aches in the jaw is a common symptom that is present in various pathologies and disorders of our body. As already clarified in the previous section, in addition to traumatic injuries of the joint, pain syndrome can provoke:

  • neoplasms;
  • purulent infections;
  • heart disease;
  • neuralgia.

We will analyze the features of pain in each of these ailments.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the growth of neoplasms in the skull area. Pain and aches in the jaw are caused by many benign and malignant tumors.. The most annoying thing in this situation is that tangible pain appears only at a late stage of all the above pathologies, which are asymptomatic for a long time. Discomfort with them is most noticeable at night. A little later, a pronounced asymmetry of the face, a change in the thickness of the jaw, the inability to open the mouth, and difficulties with chewing food join it.

Osteogenic sarcoma of the jaw

Concerning sarcomas- the most formidable neoplasm, which is malignant in nature, then its development may indicate pain radiating to the neck and ear when pressing the jaw and severe facial deformity. In the later stages of the disease, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the affected areas.

Acute pain in the jaws can also provoke inflammation pyogenic bacteria that enter the bone and soft tissues through carious teeth, blood or open wounds.

The most dangerous inflammation is osteomyelitis, in which the infection, moving through the dental canals, penetrates into the deep sections of the jaw, causing lymphadenitis, sore teeth, swelling of the face, headache and a general deterioration in well-being.

Other purulent inflammations include:

  • furunculosis, which is characterized by purulent inflammation on the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and severe soreness;
  • phlegmon, which is easy to identify by pronounced edema spreading to the ear;
  • abscess in which tissue necrosis occurs.

Osteomyelitis of the jaw

Often heart pain may radiate to the lower jaw. This happens with acute myocardial infarction which requires urgent hospitalization of the patient. This disease is characterized by damage to the coronary arteries, thrombosis and spasm of the cardiac arteries, which leads to necrosis of the heart muscle. The patient's life depends on urgent medical intervention. In addition to pain in the jaw, a heart attack can be indicated by severe heart pain, lack of air, and excessive sweating.

Reduce the lower jaw can and an attack of angina pectoris, in which the pain increases from the area behind the sternum gradually moving to the face, as well as inflammation of the carotid and facial arteries.

Pain in the jaw often occurs when the trigeminal, superior laryngeal and glossopharyngeal nerves are damaged, as well as congenital or acquired malocclusion.

Pain in the jaw with malocclusion in children

In children, pain syndrome appears against the background of the development of rickets, and in adults, poorly selected dentures can become the cause of discomfort.

How to get rid of jaw pain

Pain in the jaws is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance. The etiology can be very different and, accordingly, the principles of treatment will also be radically different from each other. The first thing to do is to pass a series of examinations:

  • Analysis of urine;
  • general blood analysis;
  • skull x-ray;
  • MRI.

Of course, an examination of specialists is shown - a dentist, a surgeon, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist, a traumatologist, a therapist. Therefore, to the question of what to do if the lower or upper jaw hurts when you open your mouth, the answer will be obvious - go to see a doctor.

Depending on the cause of the development of the pain syndrome, treatment will be prescribed: dislocation needs a fix, fracture- in immediate operation, injury- in cold compresses. With purulent inflammation you can not do without taking antibacterial drugs, and in case of heart disease - calling an ambulance.

If you have pain in the jaw, you should definitely consult a doctor

Regarding dental reasons treatment will depend on their type and severity. Those teeth that cannot be saved are subject to removal, caries, pulpitis and stomatitis are urgently treated, and if a growing wisdom tooth causes discomfort, sometimes a small incision in the gums is enough to eliminate it.

Symptomatic treatment of pain and jaw aches consists in taking painkillers and analgesics. Sometimes, if it is impossible to identify the cause of pain, the patient is prescribed a course of antidepressants.

Pain in the jaw can be of a different nature, severity and intensity. But the identification of its cause is urgent. Often, she happens first an alarming symptom serious pathologies, on the timely detection and elimination of which the overall prognosis will depend. After all, in this way the body tells us that it needs help. Self-treatment, as a rule, does not bring the desired result. Lotions, compresses, rinses and other traditional medicine methods will not solve the problem. Even if they can relieve the condition for a short time, removing soreness and aches, it is only in order to survive the night and go to a specialist in the morning.
