Why don't tomatoes grow outdoors? Why, after active flowering, tomatoes in the greenhouse do not tie or tie poorly: what to do

Crop failure can be affected by lack of moisture, lack of lighting, high or low humidity, poor soil, etc. There can be many reasons why tomatoes do not grow in a greenhouse, for example, planting them after peppers or eggplant. A lot also depends on the seedlings, since the entire future tomato crop depends on how the seedlings are grown correctly and how strong and healthy it will be.

Instructions: how to speed up the ripening of a tomato in a greenhouse in the country

There are many folk ways, which will speed up the ripening of tomatoes, the most famous is the removal of the lower leaves to the brushes, which will increase the amount of nutrients to the fruits, as well as the need to ensure good aeration.

It is also worth stopping abundant watering and abundant feeding of plants, in addition to this method, there are others:

  1. Iodine top dressing - a weak solution of iodine at the rate of 30-40 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water, this amount should be used for every 1.5-2 linear meters of the bed. Such top dressing should be carried out once or twice per season.
  2. If the tomato bushes are undersized, you should carefully turn them to pour towards the sun, and try to fix them with stands, spacers, etc.
  3. You can pinch the tops of tomato bushes, if there are already inflorescences, then 2-3 leaves should be left above them. If the tomato bushes are undersized or medium-sized, then 4-5 brushes should be left on them, the rest of the flower brushes should be cut off.
  4. In order to avoid phytophthora, which harms the ripening of fruits, the bushes should be sprayed with infusion of garlic.

In mid-August, it is also worthwhile to carry out the following operation on the stems at a height of about 8-12 cm - from the ground along the stem, you need to make a shallow cut, about 7-8 cm long, insert a thin chip or a match without a sulfuric head into it. Such an operation will reduce the amount of incoming nutrients, which will speed up the ripening of the fruit.

You should also remove already browned fruits, and they should be removed early in the morning, before they have time to warm up in the sun - the tomato bush will spend all its energy on ripening the remaining green fruits.

Possible reasons: why tomatoes do not grow in a greenhouse

First of all, you should monitor the temperature in the room in which the seedlings grow, water according to a certain regime and preferably with water of a certain temperature, etc.

And further:

  1. Already adult plants at the beginning of their lives may grow poorly due to violations of the temperature regime, in order for the flowers of tomatoes to be successfully pollinated, the temperature in the greenhouse in sunny weather is from 22 to 28 degrees, and in cloudy weather 20 - 23 degrees. If the temperature is higher or lower, then pollination will not occur.
  2. The growth of bushes can also be slowed down due to high humidity, if the humidity in the greenhouse is above 65%, then at this humidity pollen cannot spill out of the anthers.
  3. During the growth of fruits and the formation of ovaries, it is necessary to properly moisten the soil, if there is not enough moisture, flowers and ovaries will slowly form.

You should carefully monitor the humidity and regulate the air temperature, on hot days you should cover the glass of the greenhouse with a chalk solution, or hang part of the glass with wide strips of gauze or spandbond. If the humidity is high, the greenhouse should be ventilated as often as possible.

For better formation of flowers, ovaries, tomato bushes should be treated with a special stimulant for better formation of ovaries.

Reasons: why there are few tomatoes in the greenhouse on the site

It happens that, despite all efforts, the amount of tomato crop remains very modest, this can happen for various reasons - violation of the temperature regime, lack of watering or, conversely, excessive humidity, lack of mulching or hilling tomato bushes, etc. All this can lead to low yields.

Also, a little tomato may be due to:

  1. Lack of sunlight, as a result of too dense planting of bushes. The lack of such important elements as potassium and phosphorus in the soil negatively affects the formation of ovaries. Also, flowers and ovaries can form poorly due to various diseases, in particular late blight.
  2. If tomatoes are grown from previously stored own seeds, then as a result of this, the number of tomatoes can also be small. You should not make a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers, especially during the flowering period, and even more so, with pesticides.
  3. Lack of watering, especially during flowering and the formation of ovaries, can also provoke a stop in the formation of ovaries and, as a result, fruits. Moreover, irrigation should be carried out warm water early in the morning or late in the evening. If the water is cold, then this can lead to a massive disease of plants and, as a result, a decrease in the number of fruits.

Also, a small number of fruits in the greenhouse may be due to the fact that in a greenhouse with opening windows and doors it is difficult for insects to penetrate into it, and therefore the flowers are poorly pollinated, and as a result, the tomatoes do not ripen well. In this case, artificial pollination is necessary.

For this in morning hours it is necessary to shake each plant slightly, or use a fan in the greenhouse to create artificial wind.

Why tomatoes do not ripen in the greenhouse and what are the reasons for this

Sometimes, despite the best efforts of a person, tomatoes ripen slowly, this may be due to a number of reasons. Most probable cause untimely ripening of the fruit may be an uncomfortable temperature, if it is below 15 degrees and above 35, the tomato does not turn red, but acquires Orange color. It may also be due to the occurrence of sudden changes in temperature and a strong effect on the fruits of direct sunlight. Uneven ripening can also be due to too dense planting of bushes, as well as due to lack of potash fertilizers and an excess of nitrogen.

In addition, there are other reasons:

  1. Untimely removal of stepchildren and lower leaves, the plant spends energy not on ripening fruits, but on stepchildren. In the second half of July, the amount of fertilizing and watering should be reduced, as this will lead to an increase in green mass, and not to fruit ripening.
  2. If there are already browned fruits on the bush, they should be removed, and the plant will spend all its strength on the ripening of other fruits. Sick, cracked, overripe tomato fruits are also subject to collection and subsequent destruction.
  3. A large number of flowers and ovaries formed in August do not allow the already formed fruits to ripen normally. Therefore, in August, it is necessary to manually remove them for the timely ripening of fruits.

The same applies to very tiny tomatoes, which, as a rule, are formed on the upper parts of the bush.

Reasons why tomatoes do not grow in a greenhouse (video)

If all of the above requirements are met, then, accordingly, the plants will develop in the right direction, they will bear fruit well, and tomatoes will ripen on them in a timely manner. Also, poor ripening can be associated with a variety of bushes, there are varieties that ripen in a timely manner and bear excellent fruit.

Almost all gardeners grow tomatoes on their plots. This culture of vegetables is valued for its high taste properties and the benefits it gives the body. Those who have been planting tomatoes for more than a year know what conditions and care are necessary for a good result. But beginners often face a lot of problems along the way.

Very often, the main difficulty in sprouting vegetables is that tomato seedlings do not grow. How to deal with it? What should be done to save seedlings? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading the material collected here.

A few words about useful properties

Due to the many useful qualities, this culture is considered one of the most beneficial for the human body. Vegetables contain a wide variety of vitamins and minerals:

  • folic acid;
  • Nicotinic acid;
  • Starch;
  • Elements of iron and iodine;
  • Vitamins of groups B and C and others.

However, among all these elements, lycopene has the greatest benefit. This antioxidant is actively involved in the destruction of cancer cells. It is because of the presence of this substance in tomatoes that they have a red color.

In addition to the usual use of all, these vegetables are also used to treat certain diseases. For example, with the help of tomato juice, you can get rid of constipation by drinking it daily after meals.

The course of such therapy should last at least two weeks. They also help with atherosclerosis. People with this disease are advised to add tomatoes to their diet daily (the more, the better).

In addition to all of the above, cosmetologists have also found use for tomatoes. Tomato juice is used as tonic face masks. The mixture is applied to clean skin for 15-20 minutes, and then washed off with water.

For those who live in the northern part of the country, with a short summer period, the cultivation of tomato crops by seedlings is recommended. Also this method is suitable for earlier harvesting.

Of course, the easiest way is to buy ready-made seedlings on the market and immediately plant them on your site. However, in this case, no one will give you a guarantee of the quality of the acquired seedlings. Therefore, it is better to make a little effort and grow bushes on your own.

Selection and disinfection

Before you start sowing seeds, you need to choose only those that are large in size and healthy in appearance. They should be brown. Then the selected seeds should be disinfected. For this purpose, it is better to use popular and proven methods:

  1. Soaking in potassium permanganate. Pour the prepared seeds with a weak solution of manganese and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Aloe juice solution. Tomato seeds must be placed in a mixture of aloe juice and water, prepared in a ratio of 1: 1 and left for 24 hours.
  3. Treatment with 2-3% peroxide. For this method, hydrogen peroxide is preheated to 40 degrees, and then seeds are poured into it. Leave to stand for 10 minutes.

Attention! At the end of this procedure, it is not recommended to wash the seeds. They must be drained of all water and put on a dry towel to dry.

Soaking before planting

To soak the tomato seeds, prepare a clean gauze. Gently pour the seeds into it, collect in the form of a bag, and then place in a bowl of warm water. It is very important that the temperature in the water is not less than in the room, and the volume does not exceed 80% of the seeds.

Landing in the ground

After all the procedures, you can plant the seeds in the ground. Before landing, prepare everything you need:

  • several pots or boxes (but not small ones);
  • soil enriched with useful minerals;
  • tomato seeds.

Soil evenly fill all pots or boxes, and then pour plenty of water. Make small holes in the ground (enough 1 centimeter deep) and put a couple of grains in them. Pour a small layer of soil on top.

Now the future seedlings need to be placed in a well-lit room suitable for it. In order to make it easier for you to water the seedlings in the future, you can use a spray bottle.

Experts advise sometimes putting a lamp on near the pots.

The temperature indicator in the room where you will grow tomatoes should be at least 23 degrees. Sprouted tomatoes are transplanted into open soil after 1.5–2 months.

Seedling not growing

Those who are faced with growing tomatoes for the first time often wonder why seedlings grow poorly? In some cases, seedlings may grow poorly or not grow at all. For what reasons does tomato seedlings grow poorly, and what measures should be taken?

After the seedlings have been transplanted into open ground, they require special and careful care and constant watering. Seedlings may develop poorly for the following reasons:

How can you help seedlings?

To help seedlings that have stopped growing, you need to act immediately. Otherwise, there is a risk that weak seedlings will simply die.

So, to improve the developing seedling, you can follow the following tips:

  • If tomato seedlings stopped growing faster, you need to use special stimulants. Experienced gardeners use sodium humate. You need to water at the rate of - one glass for one plant;
  • If the stems and leaves of the seedlings have become pale green, it is worth fertilizing the soil. At the end of feeding, remove the seedlings to a room with a constant temperature of about 10 degrees. Do not water until growth stuns. After recovery, return to the room where she stood;
  • Nutrient supplementation. Often seedlings develop poorly due to a lack of useful elements. From a lack of nitrogen, yellowing appears on the leaves, and the root system and stems become frail and thin. To meet the needs of plants, you need to use urea as a top dressing. Feed at the rate of one tablespoon per ten liters of water;
  • Phosphorus supplement. If there are manifestations of a purple-red color on the leaves, this indicates that the plant needs phosphorus. This element is required so that the seedlings do not stop growing and have good roots. To restore the normal development of tomato seedlings, it is necessary to fertilize with a special phosphorus fertilizer.
  • Proper watering. In order for the seedlings to be well developed, good care is very important. It should be watered moderately and regularly.
  • The subtleties of picking. If the picking is carried out incorrectly, the roots of tomatoes often bend or break off. As a result, the formation of air layers occurs, and the plants stop growing.

Now you know why tomatoes sometimes don't grow and what to do!

Sometimes tomatoes planted in open ground or in a greenhouse slow down growth, shed fruit that has set, or give a very modest harvest.

Air temperature

Tomatoes are a thermophilic crop. In northern and temperate climates, they suffer from cold. Tomatoes feel best at 24-28 ° C. They grow rapidly and set fruit.

Favorable temperature for pollination of flowers:

  • sunny weather – +24…+28;
  • cloudy weather – +20…+22;
  • at night - +18 ... +19.

Temperatures above 32 ° C are detrimental to pollen, which in this case becomes sterile, that is, incapable of fertilization. At temperatures below 15°C pollen does not ripen. In both cases, pollination becomes impossible, and the flowers fall off without forming an ovary. The tomatoes themselves grow, but there are no fruits.

If the outdoor temperature is not suitable for growing tomatoes, they use covering material, small collapsible greenhouses and grow vegetables in a greenhouse. In such facilities, you can regulate the temperature by slightly opening them in hot weather or closing them in cold weather.

Lack of water in the soil

Tomatoes are not as demanding on moisture as their relatives peppers and eggplants, but love watering. Moisture is especially required during the period when tomatoes set fruit. At this time, the soil must be kept moist, otherwise the plants may drop some of the ovaries.

Tomatoes are watered with warm water - cold plants may experience shock. You can not water in the sun.

Some summer residents can visit the plots once a week, so they try to catch up on this day and water the tomatoes more abundantly. The approach leads to cracking of the fruit. Having quickly absorbed a large amount of water, the dried plant sharply directs moisture into the fruits, from which they crack. To prevent this from happening, the dried soil is watered in small volumes, making several approaches per day.

Too humid air

Tomatoes prefer "wet bottom" and "dry top". In our climate, the air in open field rarely wet. But the situation often occurs in greenhouses. It is necessary to remove excessively wet and heated air through the vents in the upper part of the greenhouse.

If the climate in the building resembles a Russian bath, then there will be no harvest. At a relative humidity of more than 65%, ovaries do not form at all. The fact is that in moist air, pollen gets wet, becomes sticky and cannot wake up from the anthers to the pestle.

In order for pollen to retain its flowability and ability to fertilize on hot days, the greenhouse must be ventilated. When warm weather sets in, the windows on the south side are covered with a solution of chalk. On sunny days, lightly tap the twine to which the plants are tied so that the pollen can spill onto the pestle.

Helps the formation of ovaries processing flowers with stimulants: "Bud" and "Ovary". The substances contained in the preparations ensure pollination even at unfavorable temperature and humidity.

Diseases and pests

Tomato bushes can slow down growth and stop fruiting as a result of disease and pest attacks. If tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse, and humidity and temperature are normal, take a look at reverse side sheet. If there are cobwebs on it, then the cause of poor growth is a tick, a microscopic pest that often settles on tomatoes in a greenhouse.

Ticks suck juices from plants, leaves turn yellow on bushes, shoots stop growing, tomatoes tie, but do not increase in size. Karbofos Fitoverm and Actellik will help get rid of the pest.

Tomatoes are susceptible to viral diseases. Pathologies can be expressed by different signs - deformations of leaf blades and growth of stepchildren, on which fruits are not tied. Tomatoes that often appear on diseased bushes do not develop and remain small.

To get rid of viral diseases, seeds are soaked in a dark solution of potassium permanganate before sowing. Affected plants are dug up and burned.

Food area

If tomatoes grow slowly, you need to pay attention to the nutritional area. Plants planted too densely cannot develop a powerful root system, so they lack useful elements.

The tomato naturally has a tap root system, but when grown from seedlings, the lower part of the root comes off during transplantation. After the root system of the plant is formed from a mass of horizontal roots located in the arable layer - 20 cm.

When planting seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground, the planting rate per square meter should be observed.

Table 1. Tomato planting rate

If the feeding area is chosen correctly, then adult plants completely occupy the space allotted to them. In this case, solar energy is used most efficiently and the yield will be maximum. By placing tomatoes rarely, you risk getting a small crop, as with thickening.

In greenhouse conditions, it is possible to accelerate the ripening of tomatoes Many of us prefer to grow vegetables on our own in our summer cottages or household plots, which allows us to be sure that in the end only the freshest and most natural products will end up on the table, without terrible GMOs and other additives. Greenhouse planting of tomato bushes is well suited for growing tomatoes on an industrial scale. But what if the tomatoes in the greenhouse do not grow well or practically do not produce tomatoes? The first step is to determine why this is happening, and only then develop a plan to save your landings.

    • Reasons: when tomatoes do not grow in a greenhouse
    • Why are there few tomatoes in the greenhouse
    • Reasons: why tomatoes do not ripen in a greenhouse
    • How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse
    • Agronomist's answer: how to speed up the ripening of a tomato in a greenhouse (video)

Almost every gardener wondered: “why don’t tomatoes grow in a greenhouse?” There can be completely different answers to this question, and each of them has the right to be. Consider what causes can have an inhibitory effect on the growth of tomato bushes of different varieties.


  1. Poor seedlings. Remember, if you do not grow young plants yourself, but prefer to buy them from others, there is always a chance of running into a "pig in a poke". Seedlings may be sick.
  2. Violation of the temperature regime inside the greenhouse. As you know, each tomato variety prefers its own temperature indicators, and if your tomato bushes must develop at a temperature of +20 ᵒС, then do not expect good growth from them if the temperature is lower or higher than necessary.
  3. Damage to the bush during the tying of branches or when picking a plant.
  4. Insufficient amount of nutrients and minerals needed by the plant. Such a deficiency very quickly affects the development of the plant, the color and appearance of the leaves.

In order for tomatoes to grow well, they need to be watered without breaking the regime.

Violation of the irrigation regime - tomato varieties, apart from single species, are greatly influenced by both the lack of irrigation and the excess of water in the soil. With an overabundance, the plant may begin to rot, and with a lack, the bush will significantly slow down its development or may shrivel.

Insufficient ventilation of the greenhouse is detrimental.

Like all plants, tomatoes also need oxygen, and its lack has a bad effect on the development of bushes, in addition, the lack of ventilation in a closed greenhouse can lead to an increase in humidity, which is also detrimental to a tomato. Tomatoes are susceptible to various diseases and various pests and insects, among which there are those that completely destroy the bush without the possibility of saving it.

Why are there few tomatoes in the greenhouse

Such a misfortune can also happen, the tomato bushes themselves developed and grew quite actively, but at the same time very few ovaries and berries form on them. This misfortune also has its reasons and they are not few. You should know the "enemy" in person in order to give a worthy rebuff.

So, what leads to problems with the formation of the ovary and fruits:

  • Violation of the temperature regime;
  • Violations of the regime of watering plants;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • Excess nitrogen - this leads to a mutation of flowers and the impossibility of forming an ovary;
  • The lack of potassium and phosphorus does not allow the whole plant to develop in general and flowers in particular;
  • Diseases;
  • The absence of pruning or pinching in determinant plants - in this case, the forces of the bush are spent on growth, and not on the formation of the ovary and the ripening of the fetus;
  • Chemical treatments also affect pollen negatively, making plant pollination impossible.

Violation of the temperature regime and lack of ventilation can lead to problems with the formation of ovaries and fruits.

As is known, the best condition for pollination of plants is a temperature equal to 21-26 ᵒС. At temperatures below 16 ᵒС, plant pollen does not mature, which means pollination will not occur, and at temperatures above 36 ᵒС, pollen becomes completely sterile.

The lack of moisture in the soil can lead to drying and falling of flowers, and without them, the formation of the ovary will not occur.

At the same time, with an excess of humidity in the air, the pollen begins to stick together and form large clumps that cannot be distributed throughout the greenhouse plants. Pollination problems are also noted in tightly closed greenhouses, due to the fact that in the greenhouses of those insects that usually help pollinate the flowers of open ground plants, as well as in enclosed spaces, there is no wind that carries pollen from plant to plant. Diseased tomato bushes themselves drop flowers to the ground. Knowing what exactly you are doing wrong, you can try to correct the mistakes, and have time to get a good harvest.

Reasons: why tomatoes do not ripen in a greenhouse

Often you may encounter the fact that the tomato fruits that have started do not want to ripen in any way, remaining green for a long time. As it turned out, tomatoes do not ripen well for the same reasons that the tomato bushes themselves grow and bear fruit poorly.


  1. Temperature.
  2. Planting density.
  3. Watering.

In order for the fruits of tomatoes to ripen quickly and efficiently, a sufficient amount of a substance such as lycopene is needed. It is he who determines the saturation of the red color of ripe tomatoes. As you know, the substance is well synthesized at a temperature regime from 16 to 34 ᵒС, therefore, with indicators below or above the permissible norm, there is a violation of the synthesis and color of the fruit.

Tomatoes may not ripen well due to planting density.

As a result, the tomatoes turn yellow, in addition, greening around the stem of the fetus is noted.

If tomato bushes are planted close, then the sun's rays do not reach the fruit. In case of lack of sunlight, tomatoes ripen much more slowly. But do not forget that an overabundance of direct sunlight will not lead to anything good either. In this case, the tomatoes can sinter and dry before they have time to ripen.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in the greenhouse

If there is a problem, then it needs to be solved, which means that if the tomatoes do not ripen well in greenhouse conditions, this process can be accelerated. But what needs to be done for this? In order for ripening to take place faster, you can use some secrets.

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse, plants need to be fed

Pasynkovanie - this procedure is the process of removing excess leaves from the plant. Such a procedure will allow the plant to give all the nutrients to the ripening of the fetus, and not to the growth of the bush itself. Prevention of tomato diseases, for example, late blight - diseases take all the strength from the plant, and diseases can also affect the fruits themselves, not only preventing them from ripening, but also destroying the tomato itself.

Feeding the plant with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers is important. Ripening fruits indoors is one of the favorite ways experienced gardeners and he is justified. It consists in the fact that the fruits of tomatoes are torn off in a green form and left in a warm room for the purpose of ripening.

Agronomist's answer: how to speed up the ripening of a tomato in a greenhouse (video)

In conclusion, it is worth remembering that often green tomatoes add a couple of red fruits. It is believed that in this case, maturation will be faster.

Tomatoes are grown in almost every garden - this is a simple crop in terms of cultivation. It is planted in open ground, in a greenhouse, it happens that seeds are sown immediately, and sometimes seedlings are made. Harvests of tomatoes of different varieties give satisfactory, but only with good growth. Unfortunately, it happens that tomatoes develop slowly. Why tomatoes grow poorly and what to do about it will be described later in the article.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in open ground?

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in open ground? At least once every gardener who grows them asked himself this question. There can be many reasons, and all of them are quite possible to solve.

Why do tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse?

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Greenhouses usually have a completely different microclimate, so slow tomato growth due to incorrect temperature is extremely rare, and yet it is possible, so the thermometer in the greenhouse should always hang, and the temperature should be checked all the time. But most often the reason why tomatoes grow poorly in a greenhouse is completely different factors.

What to do if tomatoes do not grow?

There are quite a few reasons why tomatoes grow poorly, as you can see, but how to solve them? A few simple tips have already been given above, now it’s worth studying in more detail how to prevent growth from stopping or correct the situation.

Why is tomato seedling not growing?

Not only adult tomatoes, but also seedlings can lag behind in development. But why does tomato seedlings grow poorly and how to avoid it?

The reason for the slow growth of seedlings may be excessive watering, poor soil chosen for seedlings, damage to the roots when picking from a common pot into separate containers. Also, growth may be affected by a lack of light and top dressing. These are the most common causes and are fairly easy to manage or avoid.

  1. Soil for seedlings is easier to buy if there is no confidence or mixing practice.
  2. It is necessary to dive seedlings very carefully, according to all the rules, and preferably in peat cups.
  3. Watering is necessary regular, but in small doses. Plants cannot be flooded, and it is worth making small holes in the bottom of the containers so that excess moisture does not accumulate in the ground, but comes out. Plus, this is additional ventilation for the roots.
  4. Grow seedlings only in a lighted place (windowsill, veranda, greenhouse or something like that).
  5. Top dressing is applied in low concentrations for seedlings, but if this is not done at all, growth may stop. So you should not neglect this point of care.

Experienced gardeners share tips on how to enhance the development of the plant, improve the quality of the fruits obtained and not think about the question of why tomatoes grow poorly.

  • Tomatoes should be watered only with warm water infused in the sun. This should be done early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has disappeared.
  • Frequent watering is much preferable to rare, but plentiful. The latter lead to cracking of the fruit.
  • It is not necessary to collect seeds from sown tomatoes from year to year. It is necessary to update the seed, otherwise the yield of the variety will rapidly fall every year. Once every three years, it is worth buying new seeds, store-bought in bags and sowing them, and not collecting them from tomatoes sown for this year.
  • When choosing a variety for planting, you need to pay attention to where it should be grown? If tomatoes are intended for a greenhouse, they cannot be grown outdoors and vice versa. If this rule is neglected, tomatoes, having reached a certain height, will simply stop developing or will not bear fruit.

VIDEO - 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes
