How the universe came into being. Origin of the universe Origin and development of the universe presentation

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The Universe The Universe is the entire existing material world, unlimited in time and space and infinitely diverse in the forms that matter takes in the process of its development. The part of the Universe covered by astronomical observations is called the Metagalaxy, or our Universe. The dimensions of the metagalaxy are very large: the radius of the cosmological horizon is 15-20 billion light years.

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The evolution of the structure of the Universe is associated with the emergence of clusters of galaxies, the separation and formation of stars and galaxies, the formation of planets and their satellites. The Universe itself arose about 20 billion years ago from some dense and hot protomatter. There is a point of view that from the very beginning the protosubstance will expand at a gigantic speed. At the initial stage, this dense substance scattered in all directions and was a homogeneous seething mixture of unstable particles constantly disintegrating during the collision. Cooling down and interacting over millions of years, all this mass of matter dispersed in space was concentrated into large and small gas formations, which over hundreds of millions of years, approaching and merging, turned into huge complexes. In these complexes, in turn, denser regions arose - subsequently, stars and even entire galaxies were formed there.

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Origin of the Universe Is the Universe finite or infinite, what is its geometry - these and many other questions are connected with the evolution of the Universe, in particular with the observed expansion. If the speed of the “expansion” of galaxies increases by 75 km / s for every million parsecs, then extrapolation to the past leads to a surprising result: about 10-20 billion years ago, the entire Universe was concentrated in a very small area. Many scientists believe that at that time the density of the universe was the same as that of an atomic nucleus: the universe was one giant "nuclear drop". For some reason, this "drop" came into an unstable state and exploded. We are now seeing the consequences of this explosion as a system of galaxies.

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Theories of the Origin of the Universe The Big Bang Theory Theory: "Infinitely Pulsating Universe" Creationism Theory "Breaking Vessels"

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The Big Bang Theory According to modern concepts, the Universe we observe now arose 13.7 ± 0.13 billion years ago from some initial singular state with gigantic temperature and density, and since then it has been continuously expanding and cooling. Recently, scientists have been able to determine that the rate of expansion of the universe, starting from a certain point in the past, is constantly increasing, which refines some of the concepts of the Big Bang theory.

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After the explosion, two types of matter were formed: matter and field. First chemical elements H, He, H2. H and He began to form clumps and stars formed from them. More heavy metals formed in the interior of stars as a result of stellar nucleosynthesis. Elements heavier than Fe are formed in the explosion of new and supernova stars. At the site of the remnant of a supernova explosion, new stars and their planetary systems are formed. Dense substances always form inner dwarf planets, less dense substances form giant planets on the periphery of the system. As the Earth grew to its present mass, it warmed by isotope decay and by capturing kinetic energy from the collision of large debris. As a result of heating, Fe and Ni, having melted, plunged into the center of the planet and formed the core. The rest of the material formed the mantle (less hot). Cooled - the earth's crust.

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“Infinitely pulsating Universe” According to one of the alternative theories (the so-called “infinitely pulsating Universe”), the world has never arisen and will never disappear (or, in other words, it is born and dies an infinite number of times), but has a periodicity, while the creation of the world is understood starting point after which the world is rebuilt

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Creationism Many creationists believe that there is no such fundamental contradiction between scientific and religious concepts as it seems at first glance. It is believed that many of the terms used in ancient religious texts should not be taken literally and that it is necessary to take into account the time and language used in antiquity and consider them comprehensively. For example, the well-known biblical story about the 6 days of creation should be understood metaphorically, if only because, according to the same text, the Sun and the Moon appeared only on the fourth day, which clearly indicates that at least all previous "days" ( and, possibly, subsequent ones) are not days in the generally accepted sense of the word and are not identical to days

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The theory of "breaking the vessels", somewhat similar to the theory of the Big Bang in modern physics, was formulated by the medieval cabalist Yitzhak Luria. Creation began not with the fact that the almighty God created being out of nothing, but the process of creation is the result of a collapse and crisis in the very Almighty God. And the purpose of creation is a way to fix it. According to the Lurian scenario, when God was working on the creation of being, a catastrophe occurred. The divine rays that were the main components of creation were shattered. As a result of this catastrophe, all the rays scattered and went into chaos. In this Lurianic Kabbalah differs from the biblical version of the creation of the world and resembles the Big Bang theory. Theory of "breaking vessels"

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In 1922-1924. Soviet mathematician A.A. Friedman proposed general equations to describe the entire universe as it changes over time. star systems cannot be on average at constant distances from each other. They must either move away or move closer. Such a result is an inevitable consequence of the presence of gravitational forces, which dominate on a cosmic scale. Friedman's conclusion meant that the universe must either expand or contract. This led to a revision of the general ideas about the Universe. In 1929, the American astronomer E. Hubble (1889-1953), using astrophysical observations, discovered the expansion of the Universe, confirming the correctness of Friedman's conclusions.

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Further Evolution of the Universe According to the Big Bang theory, further evolution depends on an experimentally measurable parameter - the average density of matter in the modern Universe. If the density does not exceed a certain critical value (known from the theory), the Universe will expand forever, but if the density is greater than the critical one, then the expansion process will someday stop and the reverse phase of compression will begin, returning to the original singular state. Modern experimental data on the value of the average density are not yet reliable enough to make an unambiguous choice between two options for the future of the Universe. There are a number of questions that the Big Bang theory cannot yet answer, but its main provisions are substantiated by reliable experimental data, and the current level of theoretical physics makes it possible to quite reliably describe the evolution of such a system in time, with the exception of the very initial stage - about a hundredth of a second from " the beginning of the world." For the theory, it is important that this uncertainty at the initial stage actually turns out to be insignificant, since the resulting this stage the state of the universe and its subsequent evolution can be described quite reliably.

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Origin of the Universe

Completed by: Shiryaeva Sofia KhB-3

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The Universe is the entire existing material world, unlimited in time and space and infinitely diverse in the forms that matter takes in the process of its development. The part of the Universe covered by astronomical observations is called the Metagalaxy, or our Universe. The dimensions of the metagalaxy are very large: the radius of the cosmological horizon is 15-20 billion light years.

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The evolution of the structure of the Universe is associated with the emergence of clusters of galaxies, the separation and formation of stars and galaxies, the formation of planets and their satellites. The Universe itself arose about 20 billion years ago from some dense and hot protomatter. There is a point of view that from the very beginning the protosubstance will expand at a gigantic speed. At the initial stage, this dense substance scattered in all directions and was a homogeneous seething mixture of unstable particles constantly disintegrating during the collision. Cooling down and interacting over millions of years, all this mass of matter dispersed in space was concentrated into large and small gas formations, which over hundreds of millions of years, approaching and merging, turned into huge complexes. In these complexes, in turn, denser regions arose - subsequently, stars and even entire galaxies were formed there.

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Is the Universe finite or infinite, what is its geometry - these and many other questions are connected with the evolution of the Universe, in particular with the observed expansion. If the speed of the “expansion” of galaxies increases by 75 km / s for every million parsecs, then extrapolation to the past leads to a surprising result: about 10-20 billion years ago, the entire Universe was concentrated in a very small area. Many scientists believe that at that time the density of the universe was the same as that of an atomic nucleus: the universe was one giant "nuclear drop". For some reason, this "drop" came into an unstable state and exploded. We are now seeing the consequences of this explosion as a system of galaxies.

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Theories of the Origin of the Universe

The Big Bang Theory Theory: "Infinitely Pulsating Universe" Creationism Theory "Breaking Vessels"

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The Big Bang Theory

According to modern concepts, the Universe we are currently observing arose 13.7 ± 0.13 billion years ago from some initial singular state with gigantic temperature and density and has been continuously expanding and cooling since then. Recently, scientists have been able to determine that the rate of expansion of the universe, starting from a certain point in the past, is constantly increasing, which refines some of the concepts of the Big Bang theory.

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After the explosion, two types of matter were formed: matter and field. The first chemical elements H, He, H2. H and He began to form clumps and stars formed from them. Heavier metals were formed in the interiors of stars as a result of stellar nucleosynthesis. Elements heavier than Fe are formed in the explosion of new and supernova stars. At the site of the remnant of a supernova explosion, new stars and their planetary systems are formed. Dense substances always form inner dwarf planets, less dense substances form giant planets on the periphery of the system. As the Earth grew to its present mass, it warmed by isotope decay and by capturing kinetic energy from the collision of large debris. As a result of heating, Fe and Ni, having melted, plunged into the center of the planet and formed the core. The rest of the material formed the mantle (less hot). Cooled - the earth's crust.

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“Infinitely Pulsating Universe”

According to one of the alternative theories (the so-called "infinitely pulsating Universe"), the world has never arisen and will never disappear (or, in other words, it is born and dies an infinite number of times), but it has a periodicity, while the creation of the world is understood as the starting point after which the world rebuilt

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Many creationists believe that there is no such fundamental contradiction between scientific and religious concepts as it seems at first glance. It is believed that many of the terms used in ancient religious texts should not be taken literally and that it is necessary to take into account the time and language used in antiquity and consider them comprehensively. For example, the well-known biblical story about the 6 days of creation should be understood metaphorically, if only because, according to the same text, the Sun and the Moon appeared only on the fourth day, which clearly indicates that at least all previous "days" ( and, possibly, subsequent ones) are not days in the generally accepted sense of the word and are not identical to days

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The theory of "breaking the vessels", somewhat similar to the theory of the Big Bang in modern physics, was formulated by the medieval cabalist Yitzhak Luria. Creation began not with the fact that the almighty God created being from nothing, but the process of creation is the result of a collapse and crisis in the almighty God himself. And the purpose of creation is a way to fix it. According to the Lurian scenario, when God was working on the creation of being, a catastrophe occurred. The divine rays that were the main components of creation were shattered. As a result of this catastrophe, all the rays scattered and went into chaos. In this Lurianic Kabbalah differs from the biblical version of the creation of the world and resembles the Big Bang theory.

Theory of "breaking vessels"

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In 1922-1924. Soviet mathematician A.A. Friedman proposed general equations to describe the entire universe, which changes over time. Star systems cannot be on average at constant distances from each other. They must either move away or move closer. Such a result is an inevitable consequence of the presence of gravitational forces, which dominate on a cosmic scale. Friedman's conclusion meant that the universe must either expand or contract. This led to a revision of the general ideas about the Universe. In 1929, the American astronomer E. Hubble (1889-1953), using astrophysical observations, discovered the expansion of the Universe, confirming the correctness of Friedman's conclusions.

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Further evolution of the Universe

According to the Big Bang theory, further evolution depends on an experimentally measurable parameter - the average density of matter in the modern Universe. If the density does not exceed a certain critical value (known from the theory), the Universe will expand forever, but if the density is greater than the critical one, then the expansion process will someday stop and the reverse phase of compression will begin, returning to the original singular state. Modern experimental data on the value of the average density are not yet reliable enough to make an unambiguous choice between two options for the future of the Universe. There are a number of questions that the Big Bang theory cannot yet answer, but its main provisions are substantiated by reliable experimental data, and the current level of theoretical physics makes it possible to quite reliably describe the evolution of such a system in time, with the exception of the very initial stage - about a hundredth of a second from " the beginning of the world." It is important for the theory that this uncertainty at the initial stage actually turns out to be insignificant, since the state of the Universe formed after passing through this stage and its subsequent evolution can be described quite reliably.

Existing hypotheses of the origin of the Universe
(1. Religious theories
2. Theories based on scientific factors
Classification of hypotheses of the origin of our world
Characteristic features of the most popular hypotheses
Cosmological epochs

Christian creationism
Creationism in Judaism
Creationism in Hinduism
Creationism in Buddhism
Creationism in Islam

Kant's cosmological model
Emmanuel Kant argued
that in having no beginning and no end
opportunities through which
to appear
biological product.
time his hypothesis became a theory,
which by the beginning of the 20th century already considered
the only true one.

Einstein's Model of the Universe (Static Universe)
finite dimensions, but at the same time it does not have
there were boundaries, which is possible only in
when space is curved, like,
For example,
So the space in the model
closed itself and was homogeneous, i.e.
it had no center and edges, and in it
galaxies are evenly spaced.

Expanding Universe Model (Universe
Friedman, non-stationary Universe)
In 1922, the Soviet scientist A.A.
nonstationary model of the universe. This
theory is not in conflict with the general
theory of relativity, but if the universe
expands, then it had to happen
some event that led to the scatter
That's why
called it the "Big Bang".

The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory is being built
on the fact that matter and energy, of which
consists of everything that exists but the universe, previously
were in a state of
pressure. In this state, no
one law of physics, and all that is currently
the moment the universe consists, was
microscopically small particle
unstable state, resulting in
the Big Bang happened.

big rebound
Big bang, viewed
as a unique phenomenon,
this theory is just one
as a result of which the universe
constantly reproduces itself

String theory and M-theory
According to M-theory, the physical world
consists of ten spatial and one
temporary dimension. In this world are
spaces, the so-called branes, one of
which is our Universe, consisting
World structure levels:
1.Macroscopic level -
2.Molecular level
3. Atomic level - protons,
neutrons and electrons
4. Subatomic level - electron
5. Subatomic level - quarks
6. String level

describing early development universe, that is
the beginning of the expansion of the universe, before which it
was in a singular state
the temperature of the substance.

stars (6<η<14)
decay (15<η<39)
black holes (40<η<100)
eternal darkness (η>101)
* η as a decimal exponent of the age of the Universe in

current era, era
active star birth
ends exactly at the moment
when the galaxies run out of everything
reserves of interstellar gas; V
the same time they will finish their
path and low-mass
stars are red dwarfs,
having completely exhausted their
combustion sources.

Main objects
Universe - white and
brown dwarfs, and quite
some neutron stars and
black holes. Ordinary stars
no at all, they all got to
final stage of
evolution: white dwarfs,
neutron stars, black

All matter
represents the sea
elementary particles. AND
only in some corners
Universe continue
live neutron stars.
Come to the fore
black holes.

This time already without any sources of energy.
The temperature is rapidly approaching
absolute zero.

In the modern scientific world, the most recognized hypothesis remains
the emergence of the universe, based on the theory of the Big Bang.

collapsing stars. Composition of the Universe. The question of the real existence of black holes. Primitive black holes. Classification of dark matter. Difficulty. Region in space. Dark matter. The history of ideas about black holes. Warm dark matter. Hot dark matter. Detection of black holes. Supermassive black holes. Black holes. Black holes and dark matter. Terrible impression. Cold dark matter.

"First human spacewalks"- Preparation. Yuri Alekseevich. Laika is the first life in space. April 2, 2010 marks the 49th anniversary of the first human flight. The first experiments with sending dogs into space began in 1951. Career in the detachment after the flight. Cosmonautics Day. V.V. Tereshkova. In the cosmonaut corps. Flight on Vostok-6. Work to determine the reactions of a highly organized living being. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin. Korolev and Gagarin.

"Life and Mind"- Our Shakespeare, on the scale of the Universe, will turn out to be a provincial poet, and Einstein - a village wise guy. If everything new is presented to us on a silver platter, the path of knowledge, the joy of discovery, we will lose for a long time. There is a lot of evidence of hostile UFO behavior. Will a person be able to save then his inner core? After all, in the end, the question is not who the aliens are, but who we are. What are all our great geographical discoveries worth compared to the upcoming expedition to Mars?

"Glushko"- Buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery. Founder of domestic rocket engine building. Popular science and scientific works. He was the chief editor of several editions of the encyclopedia "Cosmonautics". Honorary citizen of 8 cities. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Appointed as General Designer. Arrested by the NKVD. Crater. Decree of the Special Meeting. Glushko Valentin Petrovich.

"Giant Planets of the Solar System"- Atmosphere of Neptune. Mimas. William Herschel. Inner small satellites. Temperature features of Jupiter. Flat ring shape. Satellites of Neptune. Phoebe. Satellites of Jupiter. What do the giant planets have in common? Titanium. Prometheus and Pandora. The composition of the atmosphere of Uranus. Orbit and rotation of Uranus. Huygens and Cassini. Jupiter bands. Tethys. Brief description of Jupiter. Atmosphere of Saturn. Europe. Miranda. Internal heat of Neptune.

"50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight"- The decision to avoid the hype to sit somewhere away from the city. Preparation. Applicants for the first flight into space. Gagarin was picked up and the helicopter flew to the base at the Engels airport. He was handed a congratulatory telegram from the Soviet government. Gagarin gave interviews and took pictures. It was required that the astronaut be a member of the CPSU. Meeting on Earth. At 10:48 a.m., the radar of a nearby military airfield picked up an unidentified target.
