GOST design documentation procedure for making changes. The order of designation of project documentation (code)

A selection of the most important documents upon request Composition of working documentation(regulatory legal acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more).

Document forms: Composition of working documentation

Articles, comments, answers to questions: Composition of working documentation

Particular attention is paid to the frequency of assessing the effectiveness of the risk management system, the procedure for informing the board of directors about the identification of significant risks and violations of procedures internal control and risk management. During on-site inspections activities of the company, the regulator’s employees are very attentive to the composition of the working documentation of the internal audit service, the conclusions drawn, the description of methods for determining the sample, even to the point of recalculating the share of audited objects with violations in the total sample.

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The basic requirements for the procedure for registration and composition of working documentation are contained in GOST R 21.1101-2013 "System of design documentation for construction (SPDS). Basic requirements for design and working documentation." Also, the design documentation must contain requirements that must be taken into account in the working documentation developed on the basis of the design documentation, in connection with the accepted methods for the construction of building structures and installation of equipment. In this case, the volume, composition and content of the working documentation must be determined by the customer (developer) depending on the degree of detail of the solutions contained in the design documentation, and indicated in the design assignment.

Regulatory acts: Composition of working documentation

4. In order to implement during the construction process the architectural, technical and technological solutions contained in the design documentation for the capital construction project, working documentation, consisting of documents in text form, working drawings, specifications of equipment and products.

Design and working documentation is the main package of documents on the basis of which construction work will be carried out. If the project documentation may contain a lot of “superfluous” from the point of view of the builder (labor safety and environment etc.), then the working documentation is a set of rules - what and in what order should be built according to the technical specifications. It includes estimates, basic drawings for all types of work, equipment and tools necessary for the work, as well as other documents that may be required at different stages of construction.


Working documentation - rules for the preparation and execution of working and design documentation

Working documentation is a set of text and graphic documents that ensure the implementation of technical solutions for a capital construction project adopted in the approved design documentation, necessary for the production of construction and installation work, providing construction with equipment, products and materials and/or manufacturing construction products.

The working documentation includes the main sets of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials, estimates, and other attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.

The composition, design and content of working documentation are determined by the requirements of the GOST SPDS set of documents and can be specified in the design assignment by the Technical Customer.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, in contrast to previously existing regulatory documents, design stages are not provided for: “Feasibility Study”, “Project”, “Working Design”, “Working Documentation”, but the concepts “Project Documentation” and “Working Documentation” are used. The difference between “Project Documentation” and the previously existing “Project” stage is that it is more detailed.

Source: http://uksdesigning.ru/services/working-documentation/

Working documentation for construction

Since the release of the “Temporary Instructions” in the second half of the last century, working documentation for construction has undergone and is undergoing constant changes that take into account current trends affecting construction. Over the course of evolution, working documentation has formed as a separate concept with its own composition and staging characteristics. Already in modern history there have been changes in state standard, which also from this side required a refinement of the main parameters that currently constitute the content of working documentation for construction.

The key idea of ​​creating working documentation for construction

Practice of design and construction organizations is based on the current system of regulatory documents, which:

  • regulate the procedure for the formation of project documentation from development and coordination to approval,
  • establish the requirements for equipment, volume of materials and other resources,
  • allow you to determine the estimated cost of installation and construction work.

This regulatory system includes state standards, building codes and rules, technical conditions, becoming technical, methodological, organizational, and legal bases for bringing the design and construction process into a unified format so that participants in the process can communicate in the same language, use symbols that everyone understands, and focus on generally accepted requirements. Standardization and unification led to the creation of the SPDS (construction design documentation system), which includes several dozen standards.

The beginning of standardization and the fight against the diversity of forms is considered to be the release of the “Temporary Instructions” (SN 460-74), which dealt with the composition of working drawings in construction and the method of their design. To replace this instruction, since 1977, various system standards began to be developed, to one degree or another relating to the creation of design documentation for construction. These standards required coordination with the Unified System of Design Documentation so that during operation there would be no intra-system contradictions between SPDS and ESKD.

In the early 90s, some standards, which were not compiled into a single set and sometimes were not revised for decades, required revision and reissue, which was done by the Central Research Institute (a design institute dealing with the issues of standardization of design documentation). At the same time, domestic and foreign experience, confirmed by practicing documentation development organizations, was taken as a basis.

Today, the system (SPDS), taking into account the requirements of new times, still retains functionality, which, among other things, is ensured by the ability to clarify the specific features of construction when drawing up an agreement between the designer and the customer during the design of a specific object.

Definition of working documentation

Working documentation for construction in practice is a package of basic sets of working drawings, which present different types and directions of construction work, text documents for them, drawings and diagrams, in accordance with SPDS standards. In the Resolution on the composition of sections relating to project documentation (PP No. 87) in paragraph 4 general provisions it was determined that working documentation is being developed for the implementation of various architectural, technical and technological solutions during the construction process.

That is, for each capital construction project, working documentation is drawn up in the form of working drawings, text documents, specifications of products and/or equipment. There are rules and standards for the development of each of these parts, which will be described below.

In sets, such documents are combined by brand - letter abbreviations, in which this or that type of construction and installation activity is encrypted (for example, GP - General Plan, AR - Architectural Solutions, etc.).

The complete list of such brands is a list of several dozen items, some of which are combined.

  • Constructive decisions,
  • power supply,
  • water supply and sanitation,
  • heating and cooling supply,
  • air supply,
  • gas supply,
  • protective systems,
  • telecommunications direction, etc.

These types represent elements of engineering design, in addition to which there is transport (roads, bridges), architectural (ground objects, including buildings), industrial, landscape, technical and design planning related to interior and exterior design.

GOST R-21.1101-2013 stipulates that the working documentation transferred to the customer contains working drawings of the main set and additional documents attached to them, which, in turn, include:

  • working documentation related to construction products,
  • sketch drawings representing the general appearance of non-standard products,
  • dimensional drawings presented on the basis of data from manufacturers and questionnaires,
  • Hardware Specification,
  • specification of materials,
  • product specifications,
  • local estimates(according to forms) and other documents in accordance with SPDS.

The specification here is carried out according to the requirements of GOST-21. 110, and sketch drawings - according to the requirements of GOST-21. 114.

The content of the package of attached documents in each specific case is established not only according to SPDS standards, but also in accordance with the design assignment, the content elements of which are discussed between the customer and the designer. All clarifications and agreements between them are recorded in the contract (agreement). In this standard, the attached documents (supplementing the working drawings of the main set) are also included in the working documentation (see 4.2.

SNiP-11-01-95 stated that the working documentation does not include:

  • the construction standards themselves at various levels (state, republican, industry),
  • reference documents - drawings of standard structures that are referenced in working drawings.

However, all these materials can also be transferred from the contractor to the customer if this is specified in the contract. This rule has been preserved in the 2013 standard.

A number of regulatory clarifications and clarifications are aimed at separating the scope of the concept and the content of design documentation and, as a separate type, working documentation. But the place of the working documentation in relation to the design documentation was not immediately determined. At first there was a staged design, which was then (after the entry into force of PP No. 87) in the meaning of “the previous division and a certain sequence” was canceled.

Place of working documentation as part of the construction project documentation, SPDS

According to the provisions of the Town Planning Code, according to its types, design is divided into territorial and architectural-construction, which applies to objects (and their parts) related to capital construction, as well as to objects under construction and reconstruction. Architectural and construction design is also used when carrying out major repairs if structural elements that affect safety characteristics are included in the repair.

Thus, the different specifics of the tasks being solved make it possible to distinguish the following types of projects being developed:

  • new construction,
  • expansion, refurbishment and reconstruction,
  • overhaul, restoration and strengthening.

For documentation processes in previous times, a staged design procedure was introduced. In February 2008, it was abolished after the approval of Resolution No. 87 of the Regulations on the composition and content of sections of project documentation. In its place came a division into design and working documentation, which were filled with the following content:

  1. Project documentation. This is the main project package of documents, consisting of two parts: graphic and text. Almost always this package of documents passes state examination, to which is sent by the customer. In case of successful conclusion of the expert commissions at different stages of the inspection, the package of documents is sent to the customer for approval. An important feature of the project documentation is the lack of comprehensive data in it for carrying out turnkey construction work. The design documentation contains a description of all the main technical solutions, which are sufficient to justify the technical feasibility, assess the safety and/or economic feasibility of construction, but are not enough for the construction itself, since there is no proper degree of detail and a complete set of project specifications.
  2. Working documentation. This type of documentation is precisely developed to provide technical solutions with the proper degree of elaboration in the form of graphic and text documents: working drawings, explanatory texts, specifications. There is no single consolidated document in which all parameters of the composition and content of such documentation would be systematically organized. But there is an explanation from the Ministry of Regional Development, where the function of determining the composition, volume and actual content of working documentation is assigned to the customer, who in his decision is guided by SPDS standards.

The customer’s task is to draw up a task that does not contradict the provisions of the SPDS. Thus, simultaneous documentary unification is achieved, on the one hand, and the creation of conditions for the implementation of a unique project, on the other hand.

It is important that nowhere in the Regulations does it speak of mandatory a certain sequence development of these types of documentation, which means either the possibility of parallel development of working and design documentation, or the order in which design always precedes working documentation. The last requirement is due to process logic and technical reasons.

As a result, with the abolition of the concept of stages in the previous normative meaning, we can talk about different types design taking into account a combination of types of documentation:

  1. Single-stage design occurs during the parallel development of working and design documentation.
  2. A two-stage process arises when the design documentation is first developed and then the working documentation.
  3. A three-stage approach is possible if it is necessary to develop a pre-project proposal, followed by design and working documentation. This form is used for objects of categories 5-4 of complexity, as well as for those objects of category 3 that do not have a sufficient list of initial permitting documentation and are carried out on individual projects.

This understanding of stages differs from the once accepted understanding, where a single-stage process was represented by the RP - a working draft that combines the approved part of the working draft and the attached working documentation. Two-stage in the previous understanding was a sequential combination of the first stage “Feasibility Study” and the second stage “Detailed Documentation”, having the general name “Project”.

In addition, in the mentioned letter of the Ministry of Regional Development N 19088-SK/08 (pertaining to June 2009), the application of SNiP 11-01-95, which previously regulated the composition and procedure for the development of construction documentation, is canceled, as well as SP 11-101-95 - the previously existing composition justification of construction investments. Further explanations clarify two more important points:

  1. Price design work. Its definition is advisory in nature, with working documentation accounting for 60% of the total cost, and design documentation accounting for 40%. The base price is calculated based on the prices of design work given in reference books. The mobility of this parameter is emphasized by mentioning the specifics of various construction projects, which are taken into account when making an agreement between the customer of the work and the executor of the construction documentation. In addition, the degree of correlated development of types of documentation is also taken into account - the completeness of design and working documentation in construction. The total percentage can also be adjusted by agreement between the customer and the designer-executor, if the work is carried out within the framework of a one-stage process - by simultaneous preparation of design and working documentation in full or partial form. This format is provided for by the design assignment and depends on specific architectural, structural, technical, and technological parameters. The degree of detail also plays a role.
  2. State examination. Project documentation is subject to the provisions of Resolution No. 145, according to which the customer is obliged to prepare and submit a corresponding package of documents for state examination. Working documentation, together with the design documentation in full and the overall package, can be submitted for state examination by decision and initiative of the customer, as well as with the consent of the expert organization, if the development of packages of these stages is carried out simultaneously.

The state examination proceeds sequentially in several stages after the customer transfers documents to the government expert council. After passing the Main State Expertise, a number of ministries (Civil Defense and Emergency Situations, Natural Resources, Health, etc.), the documents are submitted for consideration to federal expert executive bodies and to departmental experts. The result of the review is a summary conclusion, which is approved and, if there are no comments, remains with the customer, and if there are any, it is sent for revision to the design organization.

Since September 2016, state examination of documentation carried out during the construction of objects financed (even partially) from the federal budget has switched to electronic form. Resolution No. 145 has been amended accordingly in this regard. Since 2017, this approach began to be applied to regional examinations with the exception of cases of restricted access to engineering and design information. The issuance of the conclusion, accordingly, is also converted into electronic form.

Thus, the developer and design organization are left with quite a lot of scope for adjusting the process to the specific features of the construction of a particular facility.

Initial design data, what is it? Sections according to the town planning code of the Russian Federation

The Urban Planning Code of Russia regulates the general composition of the design documentation package, which is specified by Resolution No. 87 for objects of both industrial and non-industrial purposes (excluding linear objects). It consists of:

  1. Explanatory note.
  2. Land plot plans.
  3. Section of architectural solutions.
  4. Constructive solutions (space-planning parameters are placed in the same section).
  5. Information about engineering and technical support in terms of equipment, networks, events, technological solutions. Each engineering solution in this section is assigned its own subsection, describing the systems of gas, heat, water, electricity, ventilation (air conditioning), communication networks, etc.
  6. Designing the organization of construction activities.
  7. Designing the organization of dismantling work.
  8. Plan of environmental protection measures to preserve the environment.
  9. Fire safety plan.
  10. Activities aimed at comfortable access and movement of people with disabilities.
  11. Construction estimate.
  12. Other documentation.

At the same time, in terms of working documentation, one should, first of all, focus on SPDS standards and customer requirements relating to a specific object and detail.

The developer must (in accordance with Article 48 of the sixth paragraph of the Town Planning Code) transfer the following initial data to the project executor (design organization):

  • regarding information about the allocated land - Urban development plan of the site.
  • in terms of environmental, geodetic, geological surveys– a consolidated package of such engineering studies,
  • in terms of technical support - technical conditions for connecting to utility networks.

In fact, this initial package almost always comes with:

  • A letter from the State Control Committee for the Protection of Monuments with permission to conduct construction activities, if the object is to be located in the protection zone of historically valuable immovable monuments.
  • Requirements regarding emergency and civil defense measures according to engineering and technical parameters.
  • Conclusion of the authorized bodies on the results of the inspection of structures and foundations (such inspections are carried out on the surrounding buildings in the case of cramped construction conditions and in the case of reconstruction at the site).
  • Measurement drawings (also for reconstructed objects).
  • Inventory plans for the floors of the surrounding building.
  • For projects with special technologies - an approved technical specification.
  • Approved design assignment as a whole.

By agreement with the customer, the initial list can be expanded to carry out specific design work.

GOST R 21.1101-2013 as a system of basic requirements for working documentation

This standard replaced GOST R-21.1101-2009, implementing the requirements of the Urban Planning Code and combining current documentation standards into a single system. In terms of basic terminology related to the topic of working documentation, the standard gives the following basic definitions:

  • The main set of working documentation here is the set of main sets of working drawings. These drawings are supplemented by reference documents and appendices.
  • The main set of working drawings, in turn, are documents presented in graphical form that contain sufficient information to carry out the work. The kit consists of various drawings and diagrams describing construction or installation work of a certain type. This type of work is called a “mark” in the standard.
  • “Mark” is a kind of work cipher - alphabetic (often in the form of an abbreviation based on the first letters of the phrase) or alphanumeric code (index), which denotes a certain type of work in the documentation. With its help, work is marked in working drawings.

In addition, marks may indicate design features building elements, distinguishing one from another.

Stamps and codes

In this standard, the brands of the main sets of working drawings are collected in Appendix B (Table B1). But each of these sets can be further divided into several “subsets” while maintaining the same markings, but with the addition of a numerical value (ordinal number). In addition, it is allowed (if necessary) to assign additional marks, and recommendations for their formation are given. This is what is recommended:

  • make up a brand of no more than 3 capital letters, orienting them to the initial letters of the name,
  • use letters of the Russian alphabet,
  • if necessary, select letters of the Latin alphabet based on the rules established in the organization’s standard, and/or digital codes.

In total, the mentioned table shows 39 valid brands for 42 names of sets, including combined names. But when demonstrated by different design organizations its expanded list, it contains 50 or more used names and labeling correspondences.

For example, “Construction estimates” and “Monitoring prices of building materials” are carried out under the same brand with a different numerical code: CD1 and CD2, respectively. However, depending on the project specifics, this list can be further expanded.

  • APU – for dust removal systems,
  • AOB – for heating and ventilation systems,
  • AVK – for water supply systems- sewerage,
  • ANV – for external water supply systems,
  • ANVK – for external water supply and sewerage systems, etc.

In addition to the marks in Appendix B, the standard recommends the use of ciphers for documents attached to the main documentation. These ciphers are also made up of letters of the Russian alphabet, but if necessary, Latin can also be used. Thus, code “C” in the attached documents is used for specifications, code “N” for sketches of non-standard products, “I” for product drawings, “OL” for questionnaires, “LS” for local estimates.

For “Calculations”, the list of attached documents also includes the code “RR”, but calculations are often not included in the working documentation. The exception here is cases when the inclusion of calculations in the composition is stipulated in the contract.

Working drawings: general data

The main kit includes general data, drawings and diagrams. Each individual main set is assigned a designation, which consists of two parts:

  1. The basic (main) part, representing the notation system adopted in the organization. It can be the code of the construction site, the contract number, the number according to the general plan.
  2. The corresponding brand of the main kit.

In this form, the designation looks like this: 1234-56-TR. If the main set is divided into several documents, then a digital value is added to the designation - a serial number: 1234-56-TR.1, 1234-56-TR.2. Moreover, the first number in this case always contains general data on these working drawings.

In working drawings it is permissible to refer to documents whose contents are drawings of standard structures or assemblies. But these documents themselves do not belong to the working documentation and, without a special agreement, should not be attached along with the package transferred to the customer. That is, standards with drawings and drawings of standard products are not transmitted in a package of documents. The exception here is when the transfer of these documents is stipulated in a separate agreement.

General data on the transmitted working drawings is placed on the first sheet of each main set. General data includes:

  • Gazette:
    • working drawings of the main set (form 1) – a list of sheets of the main set in sequential order,
    • specifications for several layouts in the main set (form 1),
    • reference (in a separate section indicating, in addition to the name of the standard, also the number and series of production drawings of standard structures and products) and attached (in a separate section) documents (form 2),
    • main sets of working drawings (Form 2) on the general data sheets of any set of working drawings - in the form of a listing of the main sets of drawings that are part of a complete set of working documentation.
    • Symbols (from among those not established by generally accepted national standards, unless they have been explained on other sheets of the main set).
    • General instructions. Here they give:
      • information about the documents that became the basis for the development of a package of documents (for example, a design assignment),
      • record of compliance with the assignment, technical conditions, requirements of regulations and standards,
      • a list of regulations and documents with standards according to which technical decisions are made and implemented,
      • absolute “conditionally zero” mark (usually for drawings of structural and architectural solutions),
      • results of checking for patent purity and patentability with numbers of applications and patents for processes, equipment, products, etc., involved for the first time in the project,
      • owner information intellectual property,
      • operational requirements for the construction site,
      • a list of works that affect safety, if for them it is necessary to carry out inspections of hidden work confirmed by an inspection report.

Points of general instructions are numbered and written on a new line each. The technical requirements placed on other sheets are not repeated here.

The mentioned form 1, according to which records of the working drawings of the main set and specifications are kept, requires the following completion:

  • In the “Sheet” column, in the part of the working drawings, enter the serial number of the sheet, in the part of the specifications, the number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings where the specification is located.
  • In the “Name” column – names of images based on the names of the main inscription of the sheet and names duplicated from the drawings for specifications.
  • In the “Note” column enter Additional information, which concerns, for example, changes made.

Form 2 is distinguished by the first column “Designation”, where for the main set of working drawings its designation and/or index of the organization that issued the document is indicated. When filling out the list of reference and attached documents, the same column of Form 2 contains the designations (indices) of the corresponding attached and reference documents.

Despite the indication of the sizes of graphs and columns in the illustrations, they can be changed at the discretion of the developer. It is also permissible to change the number of columns and graphs as necessary.

Attached documents: composition

According to clause 4.2.1, the attached documents represent part of the working documentation intended for delivery to the customer. These include:

  • Working documentation for construction products - that is, for those that are used as an element of a structure or its structure, where the structure is also a part of the building responsible for the load-bearing, enclosing or aesthetic function.
  • General view sketches (drawings) of non-standard products (according to GOST-21.114). The exact name of the document: “Sketch drawing of the general appearance of a non-standard product.” Its contents include information materials that will be needed for the development of design documentation:
    • a simplified image of an installation block, device, system, engineering structure (internal and external) or other structural product, which, in most cases, was first manufactured at the site of installation work,
    • main parameters of the original design,
    • technical requirements (according to technical specifications).
    • Specifications. According to the definition adopted in the same standard, this includes such textual documents on the project that determine the composition of materials, equipment and products necessary for the preparation and implementation of construction. They are carried out in accordance with GOST-21.110.
    • Questionnaires. And in the same paragraph, dimensional drawings are mentioned. They are manufactured based on data from equipment suppliers (manufacturers).
    • Local estimates.

The design assignment can be adjusted and clarified by the listed composition of the attached documents. This package is sent along with the main set of drawings. In this case, each document is encrypted (the code is placed with a dot after the designation of the main set: 1234-56-TR.S). Here “C” means “Specifications”, and the full list of ciphers is presented in GOST - in table B1, and in this article - above, in the section “Brands and codes”.

Specifications on drawings

Specifications for drawings are drawn up in accordance with Form 7 of the mandatory appendix under the letter “K” of this standard, and in the case of drawings made using the group method (group specification) - in Form 8.

Most often they are placed on a sheet of drawings where installation plans and equipment locations, diagrams are placed. But it is permissible to carry out the specification on separate, subsequent sheets of drawings.

Working drawings: basic requirements

In design practice, the requirements for working drawings require maintaining a certain balance between “inflating” their volume and being informative. On the one hand, the drawings must contain enough information to carry out the construction and installation process in full.

On the other hand, drawings should avoid repetition, unnecessary detail and should not include information that would be redundant for construction. Based on this, it is generally accepted that working documentation in terms of working drawings should be presented in a minimum and sufficient volume. This is also facilitated by the criterion of logical feasibility of drawing up a package of documents and recording them.

Thus, to avoid duplication and confusion, each document is assigned its own number, and links to standards and technical specifications must meet a number of requirements. For example:

  • links should lead to the entire regulatory document or its section, and not to its individual paragraph,
  • the standards must fully define the requirements for the relevant element of the working drawings,
  • symbols, simplified images, which are established by standards, are not explained in the drawings (except for the provided indications of the standard number and cases when the symbols used are not provided for in the standards),
  • the dimensions of the symbols must be clear, visual and standardized for all documentation,
  • to execute graphic documents, the default color is black, but some elements and their designations can be made in other colors (for symbols, the color is indicated in the relevant standards, but if some of them are missing, they are indicated in the drawings),
  • recommended fonts: Arial, Times New Roman.

All of these requirements logically follow from the requirements of convenience and information content.

Nowadays, documentation is most often carried out automatically in paper form with duplication in electronic form (DE - electronic document). Such documents, if they represent the same type and name, are interchangeable and equal, for which the developer is responsible. Both 2D electronic drawings and paper drawings can be based on an electronic (3D) building model.

Working drawings, depending on the complexity and amount of information, choose the optimal scale in accordance with GOST-2.302. The scales of images are not indicated on the drawings, except in cases provided for by SPDS standards. With such exceptions, the scales are taken in parentheses and placed immediately after the image, as stipulated by GOST-2.316.

The form of presentation of the package of documents is determined by the documentation developer and agreed with the customer. Moreover, various forms of presentation are acceptable as part of the working documentation.

Text documents

Texts in working documentation are also subject to the principles of accessibility and convenience, which presupposes standardization and an optimal recording format (for example, technical conditions and calculations are made in continuous text, and the text of statements, tables, specifications is divided into graphs). Each sheet of text documents, most often, is framed and contains the main inscription and its complementary columns. Without them, it is allowed to execute text documents that contain mainly continuous text (including sections and subsections). But in this case, a number of conditions are adhered to:

  • The first sheet contains a list of performers with positions, full names, initials of designers involved not only in development, but also in control and approval. There should also be space for a signature and date.
  • The second sheet contains a table of contents with numbers and names of sections (subsections) and applications. If necessary, it is expanded to subsequent sheets.
  • The document designation is indicated in the header on the left side if the documentation is printed single-sided. If documents are double-sided (double-sided printing option), then the designation is placed for even pages - in the right corner, for odd pages - in the upper left corner.
  • The logo and name of the organization that prepared the document, the name of the document, as well as the sheet number are placed in the footer on the right or left, also depending on the printing option (double-sided, single-sided) according to the same principle.

For texts in working documentation there are a number of requirements that are dictated by the logic of drawing up any document presented with the goal of being understood equally by all interested parties. Among them are the following:

  • In terms of content, the text of the document should not allow different interpretations. Therefore, terms established by regulatory documents are used, and the list of scientific and technical terms is indicated in the contents of the document. In addition, words close in meaning and foreign synonyms are not used, and the use of different options term for the same concept.
  • In terms of form, words (verbs), in the case of describing mandatory requirements, unambiguous ones are used: “should”, “must”, etc. Abbreviations are not allowed unless they are established spelling rules. Also, symbols that can be understood in two ways are not used (for example, the word “minus” is used to denote the “-” sign, etc.).

In accordance with the requirements for textual documentation, calculations of technological and design solutions are also drawn up, which, however, are not included in the working documentation, representing a mandatory preparatory element of the design stage.

Working documentation: specifics of making changes

During the creation of project documentation, it may be necessary to make changes to it. Such edits are also regulated by the standard. This may be an internal standard of the organization, but it still should not contradict GOST, therefore, in this case, it is developed on the basis of the provisions of the corresponding section of the SPDS.

Any correction (including additions and deletions) is considered a change to a document previously transferred to the customer, unless the designations of this document change. But the designation by this standard is allowed to be changed only if the same designations were assigned to different documents by mistake (or an error was made in the designation). Otherwise, a new document must be issued, which will have a new designation. A change in one document entails mandatory changes in all related documents using the same rules.

Changes are made to the original document, and information about this is entered in the title block of paper documents (and/or in the table for registering such changes), in the details of electronic documents, in accounting documents and statements (in the “Note” column).

Permission to change is also issued in Form 9 on a paper document (the originals are then moved to the organization’s archive) or in electronic form. Such permission is approved by the head of the organization involved in the development of documentation.

For each document, it is common practice to issue a separate decision on changes, but it is also permissible to issue a single permit for changes in several documents if the changes are of the same type and interrelated in all documents mentioned in the permit. Also, with one general permit, changes are made to the main set of working drawings, which are drawn up in separate documents, and to project documentation documents.

Changes are numbered, but all changes that occur on the basis of one permit go under the same serial number. Electronically, the change is indexed with the status of a new version of the document.

Changes may be made to paper versions different ways, starting with crossing out and erasing and ending with replacing, adding or excluding sheets. This can be done either manually or automatically. It is important to take into account physical state the original and so that high-quality copies can then be made using reprographic methods. In electronic documents, when changes are made, a new version of the document is released.

The automated method of making changes involves making a new original. This also happens if there is not enough space for handwritten changes or if the clarity of the image may be affected during correction. When replacing one sheet of the original, the inventory number of the original is retained on it, but when replacing all sheets, the original is assigned a new number. When changes are made, estimate documentation occurs in an automated way, and the entire document is replaced.

  • In text documents, if a new sheet is added, it can be assigned the serial number of the previous sheet, but with the addition of an Arabic numeral or a lowercase Russian letter (for example, 5.6 or 5e). A similar technique of adding a letter is used in text documents that contain mostly solid text if a new clause is added. But if an item is excluded, then the serial numbers of subsequent items are retained.
  • In images, the changeable parts are outlined with a closed solid line and crossed out crosswise with the same thin solid lines.

If a new one is placed next to the area of ​​the image being replaced, then they are connected by callouts (thin lines conveying information), and the change number is indicated in a parallelogram.

With regard to construction working documentation, there are other rules of a more specific nature that regulate the order of indicating coordination axes, drawing slopes or cuts and sections. Since every nuance affects the quality of design in terms of working documentation, when preparing a package of documents during construction and installation, it is advisable to refer directly to the regulations and standards.



GOST 21.501 - 2018



Official publication

Form standards


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-2015 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2015 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards. rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development and adoption. updates and cancellations"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED Joint stock company"Center for Technical and Estimated Standardization in Construction" (JSC "CNS")

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK465 “Construction”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated August 30, 2018 N9111-P)

4 By order Federal agency of technical regulation and metrology dated December 18, 2018 No. 1121-st, the interstate standard GOST 21.501-2018 was introduced as a national standard Russian Federation from June 1, 2019

5 INSTEAD GOST 21.501-2011

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards”, and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.nj)

© Staydarinform. decor. 2019

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

1 area of ​​use............................................... ..................1

3 Terms and definitions................................................... ................2

4 General provisions................................................... ....................2

5 Architectural solutions................................................................. ...............3

5.1 General requirements................................................................... ................3

5.2 General data on working drawings.................................................... ...4

5.3 Floor plans................................................... ....................4

5.4 Sections and elevations.................................................... .................V

5.5 Floor and roof (roof) plans.................................................... ..........7

5.6 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions, window filling elements

and other openings................................................... ....................7

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials...................................................8

6 Design solutions................................................................... ..............9

6.1 General requirements................................................... ................9

6.2 General data on working drawings.................................................... ....9

6.3 Layout diagrams of prefabricated structure elements.................................................9

6.4 Drawings of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures............................................10

6.5 Specifications for the layout of elements of prefabricated structures. Specifications

monolithic structures................................................................ ............15

6.6 Steel consumption sheet................................................................. ...........16

7 Detailed documentation for construction products...............................................16

7.1 General requirements................................................................... ...............16

7.2 Designation of construction products.................................................... .18

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products....................................................19

on filling them out......................................................... .........20

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of building plans....................................................25

Appendix B (for reference) Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements......27

Appendix D (for reference) Examples of cross-sections of buildings....................................28

Appendix E (for reference) Examples of building facades..............................................31

Appendix E (informative) Example of a floor plan....................................................33

Appendix G (for reference) Example of a roof plan....................................................34

Appendix I (for reference) An example of the layout of prefabricated elements

partitions........................................................ ..........35

Appendix K (for reference) An example of the arrangement of filling elements

window opening......................................................... .........36

Appendix L (informative) Examples of implementation of layout diagrams of prefabricated elements

structures........................................................ ..........37

Appendix M (for reference) Example of filling out a list of parts............................................41

Appendix H (for reference) Example of filling out a steel consumption sheet....................................42

Appendix P (for reference) An example of a group drawing on a grid...................................43

working drawings are carried out as part of the working documentation of reinforced concrete structures.................................................... ...................44

Appendix C (for reference) An example of a drawing of a reinforced concrete product......45

Appendix T (for reference) Example of a drawing of a typical product with additional

embedded products........................................................ ...46

GOST 21.501-2018


System of design documents for construction


System of design documentation for construction.

Rules for execution of the working documentation of architectural and construction solutions

Date of introduction - 2019-06-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the composition and rules for preparing working documentation for architectural and structural solutions for buildings and structures for various purposes, as well as working documentation for construction products.

The composition and rules for preparing working documentation for design solutions for metal building structures are established in GOST 21.502, for wooden structures - in GOST 21.504.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard uses regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system of design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.113-75 Unified system of design documentation. Group and basic design documents

GOST 2.306-68 Unified system of design documentation. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings

GOST 21.001-2013 System of design documentation for construction. General provisions

GOST 21.101-97* System of design documentation for construction. Basic requirements for design and working documentation

GOST 21.110-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Hardware Specification. products and materials

GOST 21.113-88 System of design documentation for construction. Accuracy Characteristic Designations

GOST 21.201-2011 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and structures

GOST 21.205-2016 System of design documentation for construction. Symbols for elements of pipeline systems of buildings and structures

GOST 21.302-2013 System of design documentation for construction. Conventional graphic symbols in documentation for engineering and theological research

GOST 21.502-2016 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for metal structures

GOST 21.504-2016 System of design documentation for construction. Rules for the execution of working documentation for wooden structures

In the Russian Federation, GOST R 21.1101-2013 is in force.

Official publication

GOST 13015-2012 Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 14098-2014 Welded connections of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. Types, designs and sizes

GOST 21780-2006 System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Accuracy calculation

GOST 23009-2016 Prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete structures and products. Symbols (brands)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annual information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index “National Standards” for this year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms in accordance with GOST 21.001, as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 drawings of architectural solutions: Drawings of a building or structure showing its external and internal appearance comprehensive solution spatial, planning, functional and aesthetic requirements for it, recorded in the form of a contour symbolic image of load-bearing and enclosing structures.

3.2 drawings of constructive solutions: Drawings showing in the form of conventional images building structures (reinforced concrete, stone, metal, wood, plastic, etc.) used in buildings or structures, and their mutual placement and connection.

3.3 plan: Top view or horizontal section of a building or structure.

3.4 facade: Orthographic projection outer wall buildings or structures on a vertical plane.

Application - There are main, side, courtyard and front facades.

3.5 building structure: Part of a building or structure that performs certain load-bearing functions. enclosing and (or) aesthetic functions.

3.6 construction product: A product intended for use as an element of buildings, structures and building structures.

3.7 element of a building structure: An integral part of a prefabricated or monolithic structure.

3.8 construction material: Material, including piece material, intended for the manufacture of building products and the construction of building structures of buildings and structures.

4 General provisions

4.1 Detailed documentation of architectural and structural solutions, as well as construction products, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.101 and this standard.

4.2 Working documentation on paper (in paper form) and in the form of electronic documents can be prepared on the basis of an information model of a building or structure.

4.3 Conventional graphic images of elements of buildings, structures and building structures are accepted in accordance with GOST 21.201.

4.4 Graphic designations of materials in sections, cuts and on facades, as well as the rules for their application are accepted in accordance with GOST 2.306.

4.5 Elements of sanitary systems (baths, sinks, toilets, etc.), depending on the scale of the drawing, are depicted in a simplified manner, taking into account their design features, or with conventional graphic symbols in accordance with GOST 21.205.

4.6 Alphanumeric designations (brands) of elements and building structures of buildings (structures), as well as construction products, are made up of the letter designation of their type and ordinal 2

th numbers. The designation of the type of element, structure and product consists of a conventional letter designation of their name. Letter designations for names of structures and products are accepted according to the relevant standards, for example GOST 23009.

The serial number of the element, structure and product is assigned within the type designation, starting with one.

Example - B1, B2, PR1

For grades of monolithic reinforced concrete and concrete structures, designations with the additional index “m” are accepted.

Example - Bm1, PRm1, PRm2

4.7 8 drawings of architectural and design solutions for the geometric parameters of buildings, structures, structures and their elements subject to accuracy control indicate the accuracy characteristics in accordance with GOST 21.113.

Requirements for the accuracy of the functional geometric parameters of buildings, structures and structures must be linked with the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing products (structural elements). laying out axes and installing structural elements by calculating accuracy according to GOST 21780.

4.8 In working drawings (on images of foundations, walls, partitions, ceilings) openings, grooves, niches, nests and holes with the required dimensions and references are indicated.

Table 1

Note - The image scale is selected from the recommended range depending on the size of the building and the saturation of the images in the drawing.

Image name

1 Architectural solutions:

1.1 Floor plans (except technical), sections, facades

1:50; 1:100; 1:200;1:400; 1:500

1.2 Plans for roofing, floors, technical floors

1.3 Fragments of plans, facades

2 Design solutions:

2.1 Layout diagrams of structural elements

1:100; 1:200; 1:400; 1:500

2.2 Fragments and sections for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.3 Nodes for layout diagrams of structural elements

2.4 Types, sections and sections of elements of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, reinforcement schemes

1:20; 1:50; 1:100

2.5 Structural units

1:5; 1:10; 1:20:1:50

3 Product drawings

5 Architectural solutions

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The working documentation of architectural solutions includes working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of the AR brand), as well as:

Working documentation for construction products (if necessary);

Specification of equipment, products and materials:

■ questionnaires and dimensional drawings carried out in accordance with the data of equipment suppliers (if necessary);

5.1.2 The main set of working drawings of the AP brand includes:

General data on working drawings:

Floor plans, including basement, technical underground, technical floor and attic;


Hollow plans (if necessary);

* roof plan (roof);

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions 1;

* layout diagrams of elements for filling window and other openings":

* other plans and layout diagrams that take into account the specifics of the designed building (structure), for example, the layout of wall sandwich panels, the plan of a suspended ceiling (if necessary);

“extension elements (nodes, fragments), local cuts and sections;

Specifications for plans and layouts.

5.2 General information on working drawings

5.2.1 Included in the general data on working drawings in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101. include a statement of finishing of premises in Form 1 (Appendix A) - in the absence of the main set of working drawings of the interiors and if this is provided for in the design assignment.

5.2.2 In general instructions, in addition to the information provided by GOST 21.101. lead:

Class and level of responsibility of the structure;

The degree of fire resistance of the building (structure);

Structural fire hazard class of the building;

Functional fire hazard class of the building;

Fire hazard class of building structures;

Estimated service life of the building (structure):

Characteristics of wall and insulating materials 2 ;

Instructions for installing waterproofing and blind area 1’:

Instructions for exterior finishing of a building (structure) 2:

* instructions on activities during work in winter;

Instructions on measures to ensure the protection of premises from noise, vibration and other influences.

5.3 Floor plans

5.3.1 When creating a floor plan, the position of the imaginary horizontal sectional plane is taken at the level of the window openings or at 1/3 of the height of the depicted floor.

When window openings are located above the cutting plane, sections of the corresponding walls are located along the perimeter of the plan at the level of the window openings.

5.3.2 The following is indicated on the floor plans:

a) the coordination axes of the building (structure), the distances between them and the total distance between the extreme axes;

b) the thickness of walls and partitions and their connection to the coordination axes or to the surface of nearby structures, openings with the required dimensions and connection to the coordination axes, marks of areas located at different levels, other necessary dimensions;

c) lines and designations of sections. Cut lines are usually drawn in such a way that the cut includes openings of windows, external gates and doors, staircases, elevator shafts, and balconies. loggias, etc.;

d) position numbers (marks) of building (structure) elements, for example lintels, stairs, filling of gate and door openings (except for those included in panel partitions), etc. Numbers of types of filling of gate and door openings are indicated in circles with a diameter of 5 to 7 mm:

e) designations of nodes and fragments of plans;

f) names of premises, their area, categories of explosion and fire hazard (except for residential buildings).

The area is marked in the lower right corner of the room and underlined. The category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard is indicated under its name in a rectangle.

For residential buildings, if necessary, the plans indicate the type and area of ​​apartments, and it is recommended to provide information in accordance with Figure 1.


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General seating area

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Picture 1

Zhipvya Square

Note - Instead of the total area of ​​the apartment, it is allowed to indicate the area of ​​unheated premises without reduction factors.

It is allowed to list the names of premises, their area and categories in the explication of premises in Form 2 (Appendix A). In this case, on the plans, instead of the names of the premises, their numbers are indicated in a circle with a diameter of 12 to 15 mm or an oval. For residential buildings, explication of premises, as a rule, is not carried out;

g) boundaries of the movement zones of technological cranes (if necessary); i) location of sanitary equipment (if necessary).

5.3.3 Built-in premises and other areas of the building (structure), for which separate drawings are made, are depicted schematically with a solid thin line showing load-bearing structures.

5.3.4 Platforms, mezzanines, suspended ceilings and other structures located above the cutting plane are depicted schematically with a thin dash-dotted line with two dots.

5.3.5 Examples of building floor plans are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix B).

5.3.6 For buildings with walls made of bricks or small blocks, masonry plans are made, if necessary.

The masonry plan shows the layout of walls, partitions, columns, pillars and other elements. built from bricks or small blocks, window and door openings, openings, ventilation ducts and chimneys, niches, furrows, etc. Staircases, elevator shafts, balconies, loggias are schematically depicted with solid thin lines.

The masonry plank contains information in accordance with listings a)-e) 5.3.2. indicate areas of masonry reinforced with reinforcing meshes and rods, and provide instructions on the placement of meshes and rods in the masonry. In addition to the masonry plan, a lintel plan 3 is made, which indicates the position numbers (brands) of the lintels in the places where they are laid.

5.3.7 For floor plans:

List of jumpers according to Form 3 (Appendix A)";

Specifications of elements for filling window, door and other openings, prefabricated partitions. jumpers 3, marked on plans, sections and facades, - according to form 7 or 8 GOST 21.101 4:

■ other statements at the discretion of the developer (for example, a list of holes for utilities).

Note - In the “Note” column, the specifications of opening filling elements indicate, if necessary, the width and height of the openings.

5.3.8 Examples of the list and specification of jumper elements are shown in Figures B.1 and B.2 (Appendix 6).

An example of the specification of elements for filling openings is shown in Figure B.3 (Appendix 8).

5.4 Sections and elevations

5.4.1 The following is applied and indicated on the cuts:

Coordination axes of the building (structure);

The distances between the coordination axes and the total distance between the extreme axes;

Level marks characterizing the location of the elements of load-bearing and enclosing structures in height (the ground, the finished floor of floors and platforms, the bottom of the supporting part of structural elements embedded in the walls, the top of walls, cornices, wall ledges, rail heads of crane tracks, etc.):

Dimensions and height references of openings, holes, niches and slots in walls and partitions;

The thickness of the walls and their connection to the coordination axes (if necessary);

Position numbers (marks) of building (structure) elements not indicated on plans and facades.

“designations of nodes and fragments of sections.

The contour lines of structural elements in the section are depicted as a solid thick main line. visible contour lines that do not fall into the section plane are shown as a solid thin line.

Of the visible elements on the sections, only the structural elements of the building (structure) are depicted. lifting and transport equipment, open stairs and platforms located directly behind the cut plane.

The composition and thickness of the layers of multi-layer walls, roofs, and floor coverings are indicated in the inscriptions as for multi-layer structures.

5.4.2 On the facades the following is applied and indicated:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), passing in characteristic places of the facades (for example, the extreme ones, at expansion joints, in places of ledges in the plan and height differences);

Markings of ground levels, entrance areas, top of walls, bottom and top of openings and facade elements located at different levels (for example, canopies, remote vestibules). It is allowed to indicate the marks of the bottom and top of openings on sections:

Level marks, dimensions and references of openings and openings not indicated on plans and sections;

Types of filling of window openings 5, if they are not part of the elements of prefabricated stack structures. It is allowed to indicate the types of filling of window openings on floor plans.

External balcony glazing on facades is shown in a simplified form sufficient to develop its design in separate documentation;

Types of finishing of individual sections of walls that differ from the rest (predominant). - on the shelves of leader lines:

External fire and evacuation staircases, adjoining galleries;

Designations of fragments and nodes of facades.

On the sheet showing the facades, if necessary, provide a list of facade finishing according to Form 9 (Appendix A). In this case, outside the image of the facade, numbers of the types of facade finishing are applied in circles with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm, and leader lines are drawn from these circles to the corresponding sections of the facade.

5.4.3 Examples of making sections are shown in Figures G.1-G.Z (Appendix D), facades, their fragments and parts - in Figures D.1. D.2 (Appendix D).

5.5 Floor and roof plans

5.5.1 Apply to floor plans.

The extreme coordination axes indicating the distance between them, the axes in characteristic places are hollow (at expansion joints and at the boundaries of areas with floors of different types) with dimensional references.

* floor slope designations:

■ numbers of floor types - in equilateral triangles with a height of 8 to 10 mm;

* level marks in places where floors differ.

The walls of a building (structure) and partitions on floor plans are depicted as a solid thick main line.

The floor plans indicate the elements of the building (structure) and devices that affect the floor structure (gate and door openings, expansion joints, channels, drains, etc.). boundaries of areas with different floor designs.

Expansion joints are depicted by two thin solid lines, the boundaries of floor sections are shown by dotted lines.

Floor plans may be combined with floor plans.

5.5.2 For the floor plans, an explication of the floors is drawn up in Form 4 (Appendix A).

5.5.3 An example of the execution of the pop plan is shown in Figure E.1 (Appendix E).

5.5.4 The following is applied to the roof (roof) plan:

* extreme coordination axes indicating the distance between them, axes in characteristic places of the roof [at expansion joints, along the edges of sections of the roof (roof) with various design and other features] with dimensional references:

Dimensions of areas with different designs and roofing materials;

Designations of local slopes;

Markings of roof levels at water intake funnels and parapets;

* schematic cross-section of the roof (roof) in the form of a superimposed section with slope indications (if necessary);

Position numbers (brands) of roofing (roof) elements and devices.

The plan of the roof (roof) indicates expansion joints with two thin lines, parapet slabs and other elements of the roof (roof) fencing, funnels, deflectors, ventilation shafts. fire escapes, other elements and devices that are not practical to indicate and mark on other drawings.

5.5.5 A specification is drawn up for the roof (roof) plan in form 7 GOST 21.101 6. in which the elements and devices of the roof (roof) are recorded.

5.5.6 An example of a roof plan is shown in Figure G.1 (Appendix G).

5.6 Layout diagrams for elements of prefabricated partitions, elements for filling windows and other openings

5.6.1 Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated partitions (except reinforced concrete panels), elements for filling window and other openings are carried out taking into account the requirements of 6.3. Specifications for layouts are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 GOST 21.1101".

5.6.2 It is allowed to combine the layout of elements of prefabricated partitions with floor plans.

An example of the arrangement of elements of prefabricated partitions is shown in Figure I.1 (Appendix I).

5.6.3 The arrangement of elements for filling window openings is drawn up for each type of filling. A continuous filling between two adjacent coordination axes is counted as filling of the same type.

The diagram indicates:

Filling elements taking into account the symbols for opening window sashes in accordance with GOST 21.201;

* position numbers of filling elements;

Opening dimensions and basic installation dimensions of bindings.

Above the layout diagrams of elements for filling window openings, the names of the diagrams are indicated in abbreviated form (for example, OK1. OK2).

In the title block, the names of the schemes are indicated with the word “scheme(s)”.

Example - Schemes OK1-OK7.

When panels with filled openings are supplied as a set, the layout of the filling elements is not followed.

5.6.4 An example of the arrangement of elements for filling window openings is shown in Figure K.1 (Appendix K).

5.7 Specification of equipment, products and materials

5.7.1 The specification of equipment, products and materials (hereinafter referred to as the specification) for the main set of working drawings of the AR brand is carried out and designated in accordance with GOST 21.110, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

5.7.2 If the industrial building has attached or built-in parts in which auxiliary premises are located, then the specification is drawn up in parts:

* production part:

Auxiliary part.

If a residential building has attached or built-in parts to accommodate enterprises and public institutions, then the specification is also drawn up in parts:

“residential part;

Auxiliary part.

The name of each part is written as a heading in the column “Name and technical specifications” and emphasize.

5.7.3 If necessary, the specification or its parts specified in 5.7.2 are additionally divided into sections:

Underground part of the building (structure):

The above-ground part of the building (structure).

If it is necessary to allocate resources for individual structural parts of the building, then each section is divided into subsections:

Walls, partitions (except reinforced concrete);

* roof (roof).

When dividing the sections of the specification into the indicated subsections, the equipment provided for in the main set of working drawings of the AP brand. As a rule, they are separated into an independent subsection with the name “Equipment”.

5.7.4 Equipment, building elements, structures (products) and materials in sections (subsections) are recorded in groups in the following sequence:


Elements for filling openings (gates, door and window blocks, including those with opening mechanisms, louvered grilles, etc.);

Jumper elements;

Elements of prefabricated partitions;

Other elements of the building (structure);

Basic materials.

The specification does not include certain types of products and materials (bolts, nuts, washers, dowels, nails, etc.), the nomenclature and quantity of which are determined according to the current technological and production standards for the consumption of materials when performing construction and installation work.

5.7.5 The following units of measurement are accepted in the specification:

Equipment, products (building elements) - pcs.:

Coating materials, protection (for example, roofing felt, roofing felt, plasterboard 7 sheets, gypsum fiber sheets, linoleum, window glass, fabrics, mesh, rolled sheet metal, ceramic tiles, parquet, including piece parquet, parquet boards, fiberboard 7, particle boards 7) - m 2;

Insulating materials, fillers (for example, mineral wool, crushed stone, gravel, rubble stone, sand, concrete) - m 3 ;

Other materials (for example, cement, asbestos, building lime, bitumen, mortar, asphalt concrete) - kg (allowed - t).

6 Design solutions

6.1 General requirements

6.1.1 The working documentation for design solutions includes:

Working drawings intended for construction and installation work (the main set of working drawings of design solutions);

Working documentation for construction products:

Local estimate (if necessary).

Brands and names of the main sets of working drawings of design solutions are assigned according to GOST 21.101 depending on the type of building structures.

6.1.2 The main set of working drawings for structural solutions of concrete and reinforced concrete structures generally includes:

General data on working drawings;

Layout diagrams of elements of prefabricated structures;

Specifications for the layout of elements of prefabricated structures:

Drawings of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures;

Specifications of monolithic structures:

Statement of steel consumption for a monolithic reinforced concrete structure.

6.2 General information on working drawings

6.2.1 The general data on working drawings of design solutions includes the information provided for by GOST 21.101.

When executed as part of the main set of foundation drawings, the general data additionally includes a fragment of the alignment plan with the axes of the building or structure marked, the position of engineering-geological workings (wells, test pits, sounding points, etc.). lines of engineering geological sections, etc.

6.2.2 As part of the general instructions given as part of the general data on working drawings, in addition to the information provided for by GOST 21.101. include:

Information about the loads and impacts adopted for the calculation of the structures of a building or structure:

Information about soils (bases), level and nature of groundwater. freezing depth*:

Instructions on measures to prepare preparations for foundations and on special conditions for the work*;

Information on measures for anti-corrosion protection of structures (in the absence of the main set of working drawings of grade AZ);

Instructions on measures when carrying out work in winter.

6.3 Layout diagrams for prefabricated structures

6.3.1 On the layout diagram of elements of prefabricated structures (hereinafter referred to as the layout diagram), structural elements and connections between them are indicated in the form of conventional or simplified graphic images.

6.3.2 The layout diagram is carried out for each group of structural elements related by the conditions and sequence of construction work.

1 Layout diagram of foundation elements and foundation beams.

2 Layout of basement wall blocks (deployment of basement block walls).

3 Layout of columns, column connections, crane beams.

4 Layout of trusses (beams).

5 Layout of wall panels and partitions.

6.3.3 Layout diagrams are made in the form of plans, facades or sections of the corresponding structures, with a simplified image of the elements.

6.3.4 The layout of wall panels with a multi-tier arrangement of panels within a floor is carried out in the plane of the walls in the view, with a single-row arrangement - in plan.

6.3.5 The following is indicated on the layout diagram:

Coordination axes of the building (structure), the distances between them and the total distance between the extreme axes, dimensional reference of the axes or surfaces of structural elements to the coordination axes of the building (structure) or to other structural elements, other necessary dimensions:

Markings of the most characteristic levels of structural elements:

Position numbers (brands) of structural elements;

Designations of nodes and fragments:

Data on permissible installation loads.

On sections of the pile foundation of a building or structure, lines of engineering-geological sections are drawn that delimit soil layers with different geological characteristics, and data on soil layers are indicated (including symbols in accordance with GOST 21.302). It is allowed to indicate on sections only conventional numbers of soils in circles with a diameter of 5 to 7 mm. and provide data on soil layers in a free-form table.

6.3.6 Identical position numbers (marks) of sequentially located structural elements on the layout diagram may be applied only at the ends of the row, indicating the number of elements in the row in parentheses after the position number. If the item number is placed on the leader line shelf, then the number of products can be indicated under the leader line shelf without brackets.

6.3.7 In the name of the layout diagram, if necessary, information is provided that determines the position of the structure in the building (structure). It is allowed to assign serial numbers to layout diagrams.

Example - Layout of floor elements at elevation. *7,200 between axes 1-15, V-G (scheme 1).

6.3.8 Marks are placed on the layout diagram for installation in the design position of structural elements that have an asymmetrical arrangement of embedded products and other distinctive features.

6.3.9 V technical requirements If necessary, the layout diagram includes instructions on the installation procedure, grouting of seams, and requirements for installation connections.

6.3.10 Examples of the layout of elements of prefabricated structures are shown in Figures L.1-L.6 (Appendix L).

6.4 Drawings of monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures

6.4.1 8 the composition of the drawings of a monolithic concrete structure (including steel fiber concrete without structural reinforcement) includes views, sections and sections (hereinafter referred to as general view drawings).

The drawings of a monolithic reinforced concrete structure or a concrete structure reinforced with composite polymer reinforcement (hereinafter referred to as a monolithic structure) include:

General view drawings (if necessary);

Layout of elements of a monolithic structure (if necessary):

Reinforcement schemes for a monolithic structure or reinforcement schemes for its elements.

6.4.2 General view drawings of monolithic structures indicate:

Coordination axes of a building (structure), the distances between them and the total distance between the extreme axes, as well as the binding of structural elements to them;

External (formwork) dimensions of structural elements (slab thickness, girder height, cross-section of beams, columns, etc.):

Markings of the levels most characteristic of this design;

Embedded products, their item numbers (brands);

Holes, niches, grooves, as well as parts (for example, plugs embedded in a monolithic structure);

Areas of adjacent structures that serve as support for a monolithic structure (for example, brickwork).

6.4.3 Reinforcement diagrams indicate:

The contours of a monolithic structure or an element of a prefabricated structure - a solid thick main line:

Dimensions that determine the design position of reinforcement products;

The thickness of the protective layer of concrete (from the edge of the element to the nearest surface of the reinforcing bar);

Reinforcement products with symbols according to GOST 21.201 - a very thick solid line (one and a half to two times thicker than a solid thick main line);

Embedded products welded to the reinforcement product during its manufacture (without indicating their item numbers or brands and installation dimensions);

Position numbers (brands) of reinforcement products;

Clamps to ensure the design position of the reinforcement (if necessary);

Instructions on the method of connecting reinforcing bars.

It is allowed not to carry out general view drawings of monolithic reinforced concrete structures and concrete structures reinforced with composite polymer reinforcement; in this case, the data specified in 6.4.2 are additionally provided on the reinforcement diagrams.

6.4.4 If a monolithic structure consists of several elements (beams, slabs, etc.). for each of which separate reinforcement schemes are performed, then these elements are assigned position numbers or marks, which indicate on the layout of the elements of the monolithic structure in accordance with Figure 2.

6.4.5 On reinforcement diagrams, the following simplifications are used, if necessary: ​​- frames and meshes are depicted with a contour in accordance with Figure 3.

* to provide correct installation the design position of asymmetrical frames and meshes is indicated only by their characteristic features (the diameter of rods that differ in diameter, etc.) in accordance with Figure 4;

If a reinforced concrete structure has several sections with evenly spaced identical reinforcement products (frames or meshes), then their contours are applied in one of the sections, indicating the position number and the number of products in parentheses after the position number. In the remaining repeating sections, only position numbers and the number of products with this position number are indicated in accordance with Figure 5. If the position number is written on the leader line shelf, then the number of products can be indicated under the leader line shelf without brackets;

In areas with separate rods located at equal distances, one rod is depicted indicating the position number on the leader line flange, and the pitch of the rods under the leader line flange in accordance with Figure 6.

Figure 6

Distribution fittings (pos. c) should be laid within pos. 1.2 on top, within pos. 3-5 - below.

If it is necessary to show the boundaries of such a section, then they are indicated by a solid thin line ending with serifs, which is connected to the symbol of the rod with a circle [see. Figure 7a)]. It is allowed to indicate the boundaries of the site with arrows instead of serifs [see. Figure 76)].

Figure 7

If the spacing of the rods is not standardized, then on the leader line flange after the rod position number the number of rods is indicated in parentheses in accordance with the figure in:

In the image of a frame or mesh, there are identical rods located at equal distances. Apply only at the ends of the frame or mesh, as well as in places where the pitch of the rods changes. In this case, under the flange, leader lines with the rod position number indicate the pitch of the rods in accordance with Figure 9:

Figure 9

The reinforcement of elements crossing the depicted element is usually not indicated (see Figure 10);

* in a complex reinforcement scheme, it is allowed to indicate the position number at both ends of the same reinforcement product or a separate rod in accordance with Figure 10.

6.4.6 Working drawings of reinforcement and embedded products developed for monolithic jelly* reinforced concrete structures as independent documents are not included in the main set of working drawings, but are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents.

6.4.7 It is allowed not to make drawings for simple parts that are directly included in the monolithic reinforced concrete structure, but to provide all the necessary data for their manufacture in the specifications and. if necessary, place images of these parts on the free field of the drawing of the monolithic structure.

The dimensions of bent rods are indicated along the outer edges, and of the clamps - along the inner edges in accordance with Figure 11.

If there is a large number of parts, the data necessary for their manufacture is given in statements in Form 5 (Appendix A). In the sketches in the statement, the details are depicted schematically, the dimensions are applied, mainly, without extension and dimension lines.

An example of filling out a list of parts is shown in Figure M.1 (Appendix M).

6.5 Specifications for the layout of elements of prefabricated structures.

Specifications of monolithic structures

6.5.1 Specifications for the layout of elements of prefabricated structures and specifications of monolithic structures are drawn up according to forms 7 or 8 of GOST 21.YUG, taking into account the additional requirements of this standard.

6.5.2 The specification for the layout of prefabricated structures is filled out in sections:

♦ elements of prefabricated structures:

* monolithic areas:

Steel and other products.

6.5.3 The specification of a monolithic structure consisting of several elements, each of which is subject to a separate reinforcement scheme, is compiled in sections for each element.

6.5.4 The name of the section of a monolithic structure includes the brand of the element and, separated by a dash, the number of elements per monolithic structure.

1 Beams Bm1 - 2 pcs.

2 Plate PM1 - 1 pc.

6.5.5 Each section of the monolithic structure specification generally consists of subsections. which are arranged in the following sequence:

Assembly units:

Standard products:


Subsection 8 “Assembly units” records the elements directly included in the specified monolithic structure in the following sequence:

Spatial frames:

* flat frames:

Embedded products.

Section 8 “Materials” records materials directly included in the specified structure (for example, concrete).

6.5.6 The name of each section and subsection of the specification is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and underlined.

6.5.7 8 column “Pos.” specifications indicate item numbers (brands) of assembly units, parts and standard products. Materials are not assigned item numbers (brands).

8 column “Designation” indicate the designations of assembly units and. if necessary, parts in accordance with 7.2.

8 column “Name” indicate:

“for assembly units - names and brands (for example, “Beam 51”);

Parts for which drawings have been issued. - names and. if necessary, brands;

Parts for which drawings have not been issued - names and rolled materials, other data. necessary for production. When recording a number of parts that differ in size and other data, it is allowed to write down the general part of the designation of the material of the parts once in the form of a general heading. Under the general heading, only the parameters and dimensions of the specified parts are recorded;

Standard products - names and designations established in the standards;

Materials - designations established in standards or technical specifications.

8 column "Count." indicate the number of elements. For materials, indicate their quantity with a unit of measurement (m 2, m 3). It is allowed to indicate the quantity of materials (in m 2 . m 3) in the “Note” column. at the same time, the column “Cop.” do not fill out.

Column “Mass of units. kg" for products (assembly units and parts) for which drawings have been issued are not filled out.

* In the Russian Federation they correspond to forms 7 and 8 of GOST R 21.1101-2013.

6.6 Steel consumption sheet

6.6.1 For elements of monolithic reinforced concrete structures and monolithic elements (sections) of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, a statement of steel consumption is drawn up in Form 6 (Appendix A).

6.6.2 An example of filling out a steel consumption sheet is shown in Figure H.1 (Appendix H).

7 Working documentation for construction products

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 In the general case, the working documentation for a construction product includes a specification. assembly drawing, parts drawings, etc. if necessary, technical specifications.

7.1.2 When executing a group working document for products, products of the same name, uniform configuration and having common design features are combined into one group.

7.1.3 Variable dimensions, not the same for all versions covered by one image. are applied with letter designations, the number of which should, as a rule, be no more than three.

7.1.4 If necessary, a design diagram, a test diagram, or an indication of the load-bearing capacity are provided with the drawing of the product reinforced according to the calculation.

7.1.5 Indicate on the assembly drawing of the product or on its schematic representation, if necessary. places for applying markings and images of installation marks applied to the product, in accordance with GOST 13015.

An example of applying an installation mark is shown in Figure 12.

7.1.6 An installation mark to indicate the orientation of the product in the structure is applied in accordance with Figure 13.

7.1.7 The technical requirements on the assembly drawing of the product indicate:

Requirements for the surface finish of the product, including, if necessary, category concrete 8

on the surface of the product according to GOST 13015. Areas of the surface that require special treatment are marked as shown in Figure 14, indicating the dimensions that determine the position of these areas:

Figure 14

Other product quality requirements;

7.1.8 Assembly drawings of reinforced concrete products, in addition to views, sections and sections, include reinforcement diagrams performed in accordance with 6.4.3, 6.4.5.

7.1.9 On the drawing of the reinforced concrete product, a statement of steel consumption is provided in form 6 (with 8 having married A).

7.1.10 Specifications for products are carried out in accordance with form 7 GOST 21.101 8 sum 6.5.5-6.5.7.

Group specifications for products are carried out according to forms 7 or 8 GOST 21.101 9. filling them out

similar to options A or B GOST 2.113.

7.1.11 The first sheet of the product specification, made in the form of a separate document, is drawn up 8 with the main inscription according to Form 5 GOST 21.101 10. subsequent ones - in the form 6 8 4. in this case, the name of the product is written in column 5. In this case, the specification includes a section “Documentation” (before the section “Assembly units”), in which the designation of the assembly drawing is recorded.

7.1.12 For products (reinforcement, mortgages, connecting, etc.) consisting only of parts 8 lei. draw up a specification in form 7 (Appendix A), in case of a group method of making drawings of such products - in form 8 (Appendix A).

An example of the implementation of a group working document on grids is shown in Figure A.1 (Appendix 8 P).

7.1.13 It is allowed to combine the specification with the assembly drawing, regardless of the sheet format.

7.1.14 As part of the working drawings of reinforced concrete structures, it is allowed to make working drawings of metal products, the list of which is given in Appendix R.

7.1.15 An example of a drawing of a reinforced concrete product is shown in Figure C.1 (Appendix 8 C).

7.1.16 Each drawing of a construction product or release of drawings of construction products, when completed as a separate release, is recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents, which is included in the general data on the working drawings of the corresponding main set.

7.1.17 Changes to product drawings are made in accordance with GOST 21.101, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

Changes to product drawings are made independently within each product drawing, regardless of their configuration.

Information about changes made to product drawings is also provided in the “Note” column of the contents of the release of product drawings when they are completed in the form of a separate issue “Drawings of construction products”.

The change registration table on the title page of the issue is not included.

7.2 Designation of construction products

7.2.1 The product designation is also a designation of its specification.

7.2.2 Parts for which separate drawings are not made are not assigned designations.

7.2.3 The designation of the product and its specifications include the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and its serial (positional) number or through a hyphen of the product brand.

2 &45-5-KZH I-B1

7.2.4 Reusable products may be designated without reference to the construction site and the brand of the main set of working drawings. In this case, the design organization assigns the product designation.

7.2.5 The designation of the product assembly drawing includes the product designation and the code “SV”.

1 845-5-AR.I2SB

2 845-5-KZh.I-B1SB

7.2.6 8 designation of technical specifications for the entire group of products includes the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings with the addition of the code “I” through a dot and the code “TU” through a hyphen.

Example - 845-5-KZh.I-TU

If technical specifications are developed for a group of products of the same name, then before the “TU” code they additionally indicate (through a dot) the brand of products of this group.

Example - 845-5-KZH.I-B.TU

7.2.7 When executing a group working document for products, each design is assigned an independent designation.

The execution designation includes the general designation of products drawn up in one group working document and the execution number.

7.2.8 The serial number of the design is established within the general designation starting from 01 and is separated from the general designation by a hyphen.

1 845-5-KZh.I-B2-01

2 845-5-KZh.I2-01

A performance accepted conditionally as the main one is assigned only a general designation without a serial number of the performance in accordance with 7.2.3.

7.2.9 When executing a group working document for products consisting only of parts for which separate drawings are not performed, a performance number is not assigned. In this case, each design is assigned a separate brand, which is recorded in the “Product Brand” column of the group specification in Form 8 (Appendix A).

7.2.10 In the case of repeated use of drawings of construction products by the organization that developed and approved these drawings, they are recorded in the “Attached Documents” section of the list of reference and attached documents without changing the designation.

7.2.11 When more than three product drawings are completed for the corresponding main set of working drawings, it is recommended to complete them in the form of a separate issue.

the release “Drawings of construction products” is assigned a designation consisting of the designation of the corresponding main set of working drawings and through the code point “I”.

Example - 845-5-KZh.I

The first page of the issue is the title page, which is made according to Form 15 GOST 21.101*.

7.2.12 After the title page of the release of drawings of construction products, the content is placed, which is carried out in accordance with GOST 21.101.

Example - 845-5-KZh.I-S

7.3 Application of working drawings of standard products

7.3.1 If, according to the conditions of use of the working drawings of a standard product, it is necessary to make changes to them (for example, to provide for the installation of additional embedded products, making holes), then as part of the working documentation of the building (structure) for this product additional working documentation must be made, taking into account the following requirements:

* a typical product is depicted in a simplified manner with a solid thin line:

In the image of a typical product, only those elements (solid thick main line) and dimensions that relate to changes are indicated. If necessary, apply other dimensions (for example, the total length and width of the product), given in the working drawings of the standard product, which are marked with the sign “*”. and in the technical requirements on the drawing they indicate: “Dimensions for reference”;

The specification of the changed product records the standard product as an assembly unit and other products installed during the change;

Columns "Pos." and "Col." for a standard product do not fill in; in the “Designation” column indicate the designation of the specification for the standard product, in the “Name” column - its name and brand.

7.3.2 The modified product is assigned an independent brand, which includes the brand of the standard product and an additional index.

Example - 1K84-1a,

ade 1K84-1 - standard product brand; a is the index assigned to the modified product.

7.3.3 An example of a drawing of a typical product with additional embedded products is shown in Figure T.1 (Appendix T).

In the Russian Federation it corresponds to Form 13 GOST R 21.1101-2013.

Forms of statements, explications and specifications and instructions for filling them out

Interior finishing list

A.1 In the statement of premises:

The number of columns is determined by the presence of interior elements to be finished;

The finishing areas of premises are calculated according to the corresponding regulatory documents. A.2 The dimensions of the table graphs are determined by the developer.

Explication of premises

A.3 In the explication of the premises indicate:

In the “Room number” column - the room number. For non-residential buildings (administrative, domestic, public, industrial) with more than one floor, it is recommended that premises be numbered using three-digit or four-digit numbers, consisting of the floor number and the serial number of the premises within the floor (01-99). For the ground floor, instead of the floor number, indicate the letter “C”. For underground floors, add the letter “P” before the floor number.

Example - 101,102, 1111, 1112, Ts02. P102;

In the “Name” column - the name of the premises (technological area);

In the column “Area, m2” - the area of ​​the room:

In the column “Cat. premises" - category of premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The category is indicated for all types of premises in industrial buildings and premises of public buildings in which the presence of flammable substances and materials is provided.

A.4 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

It is allowed to combine the explications of premises on different floors into one explication, subdividing them by floor numbers, made in the form of headings in the “Name” column.

It is allowed to explicate premises;

On separate sheets as subsequent sheets of drawings;

List of jumpers

A.5 In the list of jumpers indicate;

In the “Brand” column - the brand of the jumper in accordance with 4.6;

In the column “Section diagram” - a schematic representation of the cross-section of the lintel. The section diagram can be supplemented with marks of the bottom of the jumpers and the orientation of the location of the jumpers in relation to the coordination

Explication hollow

A.6 The genders are indicated in the explication.

In the column “Room number” - the number or name of the premises;

And in the column “Floor type” - the number of the floor type according to the working drawings;

In the column “Data of floor elements (name, thickness, base, etc.). mm" - when using a standard floor design, only additional data is provided.

The remaining columns for the explanation of floors are filled in in accordance with their name.

A.7 The dimensions of the graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

It is allowed to combine floor explications on different floors into one explication, subdividing its numbers

floors, made in the form of headings in the “Name” column.

It is allowed to explicate priests:

On separate sheets as subsequent sheets of drawings;

In the form of a separate document (when the main set of working drawings is prepared as separate documents).

List of parts

A.8 The list of parts indicates:

In the column "Pos." - part position number;

In the “Sketch” column - a schematic representation of the part and its dimensions in accordance with 6.4.7.

Steel consumption sheet

rolled steel and related standards or specifications. Below indicate: for reinforcing steel - diameter, for profile steel - profile designation.

A.10 The list does not include standard products - dowels, bolts, washers, etc.

Consumption (weight) of fittings and rolled products is expressed in kilograms.

Form 7 - Specification for a product consisting of parts only

Form 8 - Group specification for a product consisting only of parts

A.11 The specifications indicate;

In the column "Pos." - position numbers (brands) of structural elements, installations:

In the column “Product brand” - product brands. It is allowed to indicate the names of products:

In the column “Pos. children." - part numbers in the product:

In the “Name” column - parameters, material and other data necessary for the manufacture of parts.

To record a number of parts that differ in size and other data, the general part of the name of these products or materials with the designation of the specified document can be written on each sheet of the specification once in the form of a common name (heading). Under the general name, only their parameters and dimensions are recorded for each of the specified products and materials:

In the column "Count." - number of parts in the product:

In the columns “Unit mass, kg”. “Weight of 1 child, kg.” “Product mass, kg” - mass in kilograms.

A. 12 The dimensions of the specification graphs, if necessary, can be changed at the discretion of the developer.

Facade finishing sheet

A.13 The facade finishing sheet indicates:

In the column “Pos. finishing" - serial number of the type of facade finishing;

In the column “Name of facade element” - data corresponding to the name of the column:

In the column “Name of finishing material” - the name of the finishing or paint material. its brand or type according to the standard or specifications and the designation of the standard or specifications;

In the column “Name and number of color standard or color sample” - the name of the color of the finishing or paintwork material accepted according to the relevant standard or technical specifications and its number according to the color standard card file. If there is no color number according to the color standards card in the standards or technical specifications, the color number is not entered in the column:

In the “Note” column there is additional information, for example a link to an album of color samples.

The dimensions of the table graphs are set by the developer.

Appendix B (for reference)

Examples of building plans

In pictures B.1. B.2 presents examples of the implementation of building plans.


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Figure B.1 - Example of a plan for a one-story industrial building

Axis My-istrzhpii".

bygodego corps

Figure B.2 - Example of a floor plan for a residential building

Appendix B (for reference)

Examples of execution of statements and specifications of elements

Figures B.1-B.Z show examples of the implementation of statements and specifications of elements.

List of jumpers

OMN MR scheme

GOST 21.101-97



AND WORKING DOCUMENTATION Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission
on standardization and technical regulation
and certification in construction (MNTKS) Moscow


1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise - Center for Methodology, Standardization and Standardization in Construction (SE TsNS) of the State Construction Committee of Russia INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Work of the State Construction Committee of Russia 2 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standardization and Certification in Construction ( MNTKS) December 10, 1997. The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

State name

Name of the state construction management body

Republic of Armenia Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia The Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for Construction and Architectural and Urban Planning Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan Republic of Kyrgyzstan Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Kyrgyz Republic Russian Federation Gosstroy of Russia The Republic of Tajikistan State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan
3 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on April 1, 1998 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated December 29, 1997 No. 18-75 4 INSTEAD GOST 21.101-93
1 area of ​​use. 2 2 Normative references. 2 3. General requirements for the composition of documentation. 2 4 General requirements for completing documentation. 3 4.1 Design documentation. 3 4.2 Working drawings. 3 General information on working drawings.. 4 5. General rules for the execution of documentation. 5 Coordination axes. 5 Applying dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions. 6 Images (sections, sections, views, fragments) 7 Basic inscriptions. 9 6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings. 9 7. Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer. 9 7.4. Permission to make changes. 10 7.5. Alteration. 10 8. Rules for linking working documentation. 13 9 Rules for the preparation of bound documentation. 14 Appendix A. Marks of the main sets of working drawings. 14 Appendix B. Forms 1-2 - Statements of general data for working drawings.. 15 Appendix B. List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction. 16 Appendix D. List of allowed abbreviations of words (addition to GOST 2.316) 17 Appendix E. Forms 3-6 - Main inscriptions and additional columns to it. 18 Appendix E. Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on the sheets. 20 Appendix G. Forms 7-8 - Specifications. 21 Appendix I. Form 9 - Permission to make changes. 21 Appendix K. Form 10 - Change registration table. 22 Appendix L. Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document. 22 Appendix M. Forms 12-13 - Binding stamps (first and subsequent sheets) 23 Appendix H. Form 14 - Cover. 23 Appendix P. Form 15 - Title page. Example of title page design. 24 Appendix P. Form 16 - Project composition. 25


Date of introduction 1998-04-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the basic requirements for design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures for various purposes. The general rules for the execution of graphic and text documentation established in Section 5 of this standard also apply to reporting technical documentation on engineering surveys for construction.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards: GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on printing and graphic output devices of computers GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Types of products GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents GOST 2.105-85 ESKD. General requirements for text documents GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents GOST 2.114-95 ESKD. Technical specifications GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scales GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. Lines GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, sections, sections GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application on drawings GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of tolerances for the shapes and location of surfaces GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Designation of surface roughness GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Applying designations for coatings, thermal and other types of treatment GOST 2.311-68 ESKD on drawings. Image of thread GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings for marking and branding of products GOST 2.316-68 ESKD. Rules for applying inscriptions, technical requirements and tables on drawings GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for the execution of drawings of metal structures GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Rules for accounting and storage GOST 21.110-95 SPDS. Specification of equipment, products and materials GOST 21.113-88 SPDS. Designations of accuracy characteristics GOST 21.114-95 SPDS. Rules for the execution of sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products GOST 21.203-78 SPDS. Rules for recording and storing original design documentation GOST 21.501-93 SPDS. Rules for the execution of architectural and construction working drawings.

3. General requirements for the content of documentation

3.1 The composition and content of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures are established by the current building codes and regulations. 3.2 The working documentation for the construction of a building and structure generally includes: a) working drawings intended for construction and installation work; b) working documentation for construction products in accordance with GOST 21.501; c) sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products according to GOST 21.114*; * Perform if necessary. d) specifications of equipment, products and materials in accordance with GOST 21.110; e) other attached documentation provided for by the relevant standards of the Construction Design Documentation System (SPDS); f) estimate documentation in established forms.

4 General requirements for completing documentation

4.1 Project documentation

4.1.1 Project documentation intended for approval (project stage, approved part of the detailed design) is compiled into volumes, as a rule, in separate sections provided for by building codes and regulations. Each volume is numbered with Arabic numerals. Example - Volume 1 - General explanatory noteVolume 2 - Master plan and transport If necessary, the volume is divided into parts. In this case, the volumes are numbered by type: Volume 1.1, Volume 1.2. 4.1.2 Text and graphic materials included in the volume are compiled, as a rule, in the following order: - cover; - title page; - content; -composition of the project: - explanatory note; - basic drawings required by building codes and regulations. Rules for the design of the cover, title page, content and composition of the project are given in section 9. 4.1.3 Each text and graphic document included in the volume is assigned a designation that is indicated on the title page and in the main inscriptions. The designation includes the base designation, established according to the system in force in the organization, and, separated by a hyphen, the brand and/or code of the project section. The marks of the sections of the project are adopted by analogy with the marks of the main sets of working drawings given in Appendix A. Examples 1 2345-PZ Section “General explanatory note” 2 2345-GT Section “Master plan and transport” 3 2345-12-AS Section “Architectural and construction solutions”, where 2345 is the number of the agreement (contract) or code of the construction project; 12 - number of the building or structure according to the general plan*; 2345-12 - basic designation; PZ - code of the project section; GT and AC are the marks of the project sections. 4.1.4 Text and graphic materials, as a rule, are included in the volume on sheets folded in A4 format GOST 2.301. Each volume includes no more than 250 sheets of A4 format, 150 sheets of A3 format, 75 sheets of A2 format and 50 sheets of A1 format. 4.1.5 General requirements for the implementation of graphic documentation are given in section 5. Text documents are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105, taking into account the requirements of section 5 of this standard.

4.2 Working drawings

4.2.1. Working drawings intended for construction and installation work are combined into sets (hereinafter referred to as the main sets) by brand in accordance with Appendix A. 4.2.2. The main set of working drawings of any brand can be divided into several main sets of the same brand (with the addition of a serial number) in accordance with the process of organizing construction and installation work. Example - AC1; AC2; KZh1; KZh2. 4.2.3. Each main set of working drawings is assigned a designation, which includes the basic designation established according to the system in force in the organization, and separated by a hyphen - the brand of the main set. Example - 2345-12-AR, where 2345 is the number of the agreement (contract) or code of the construction project; 12 - number of the building or structure according to the general plan*; 2345-12 - basic designation; AR - brand of the main set of working drawings. * For sections of the project related to the construction project as a whole (general explanatory note, master plan and transport, etc.), as well as for working drawings of linear structures, master plan, external communications, this part of the basic designation is usually excluded. 4.2.4. The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, as well as drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.

General data on working drawings

4.2.5. On the first sheets of each main set of working drawings, general data on working drawings is given, including: a) a list of working drawings of the main set in Form 1; b) a list of reference and attached documents in Form 2; c) a list of the main sets of working drawings in form 2; d) a list of specifications (if there are several layout diagrams in the main set), carried out according to Form 1; e) symbols not established by state standards, and the meanings of which are not indicated on other sheets of the main set of working drawings; f) general instructions; g) other data provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. Forms 1 and 2 with instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix B. 4.2.6 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set. 4.2.7 The list of reference and attached documents is compiled into sections: a) reference documents; b) attached documents. In the “Reference Documents” section, the documents referred to in the working drawings are indicated, including: a) drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies indicating the name and designation of the series and production number; b) standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products, indicating their name and designation. The design organization issues reference documents to the customer only under a separate agreement. The “Attached Documents” section includes documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set, including: - working documentation for construction products; - sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products*; - specification of equipment, products and materials; - local estimate; - other documentation provided for by the relevant SPDS standards. * Perform if necessary. The design organization issues the attached documents to the customer simultaneously with the main set of working drawings. 4.2.8 The list of main sets of working drawings is given on the general data sheets of the main set of the leading brand **. ** The main set of working drawings is assigned by the general designer as the leading mark. If there are several main sets of working drawings of one brand, a list of sets of this brand is compiled according to Form 2 of Appendix B, which is shown on the general data sheet for each of these sets. 4.2.9 The general instructions provide: a) the basis for the development of working documentation (design assignment, approved project); b) a mark accepted in the working drawings of a building or structure as conditionally zero (as a rule, given on architectural and construction drawings); c) a record of the results of testing for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, instruments, structures, products and materials used or developed in the project for the first time, as well as numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for those used in the work documentation of the invention; d) a record that the working drawings were developed in accordance with current norms, rules and standards; e) a list of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up inspection reports for hidden work; f) information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary); g) other necessary instructions. In general instructions, you should not repeat the technical requirements placed on other sheets of the main set of working drawings, and give a description of the technical solutions adopted in the working drawings.


5.1. When executing design, working and other technical documentation intended for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures, one should be guided by the requirements of SPDS standards, as well as the standards of the Unified System of Design Documentation (ESKD). The list of ESKD standards that must be taken into account when producing graphic and text documentation for construction is given in Appendix B. Documentation intended for microfilming must comply with the requirements of the Reprography system of standards. 5.2. Drawings are made on an optimal scale, taking into account their complexity and richness of information. The scales on the drawings are not indicated, with the exception of product drawings and other cases provided for in the relevant SPDS standards. 5. 3 The list of abbreviations of words allowed in main inscriptions, technical requirements, tables, drawings and specifications was compiled in addition to GOST 2.316 and is given in Appendix D.

Coordination axes

5.4 On the image of each building or structure, the coordination axes are indicated and an independent notation system is assigned to them. Coordination axes are applied to images of buildings and structures with thin dash-dot lines with long strokes, denoted in Arabic numerals and capital letters of the Russian alphabet (with the exception of the letters: Е, З, И, О, ​​X, Ц, Ш, Ш, ъ, ы, ь) in circles with a diameter of 6 - 12 mm. Gaps in digital and alphabetic (except for those indicated) designations of coordination axes are not allowed. 5. 5 Numbers indicate coordination axes on the side of a building and structure with a large number of axes. If there are not enough letters of the alphabet to designate the coordination axes, subsequent axes are designated by two letters. Example - AA; BB; BB. 5.6 The sequence of digital and letter designations of the coordination axes is taken according to the plan from the right to the right and from bottom to top (Figure 1 A) or as shown in Figures 1 b, V. 5.7 Designation of coordination axes is usually applied on the left and bottom sides of the building and structure plan. If the coordination axes of opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, the designations of the indicated axes in the places of discrepancy are additionally applied on the top and/or right sides. 5.8 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main load-bearing structures, additional axes are drawn and designated in the form of a fraction: the designation of the previous coordination axis is indicated above the line; below the line - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in accordance with Figure 1 G. It is allowed to assign numerical and letter designations to the coordination axes of half-timbered columns in continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number. Drawing 1 5.9 In the image of a repeating element linked to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with Figure 2: “a” - when the number of coordination axes is no more than 3; “b” - “ “ “ “ more than 3; “in” - for all letter and digital coordination axes. If necessary, the orientation of the coordination axis to which the element is attached, in relation to the adjacent axis, is indicated in accordance with Figure 2 G.

Drawing 2 5.10 To designate the coordination axes of block sections of residential buildings, the index “c” is used. Example - 1s, 2s, Ac, Bs. On the plans of residential buildings composed of block sections, the designations of the extreme coordination axes of the block sections are indicated without an index in accordance with Figure 3.

Drawing 3

Applying dimensions, slopes, marks, inscriptions

5.11 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines 2 - 4 mm long, drawn with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45° to the dimension line by 1 - 3 mm. When applying a diameter or radius dimension inside a circle, as well as an angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when drawing dimensions of radii and internal fillets. 5.12 Level marks (heights, depths) of structural elements, equipment, pipelines, air ducts, etc. from the reference level (conventional “zero” mark) are indicated by a symbol in accordance with Figure 4 and indicated in meters with three decimal places separated from the whole number comma. The “zero” mark, usually accepted for the surface of any structural element of a building or structure located near the planning surface of the earth, is indicated without a sign; marks above zero - with a “+” sign; below zero - with a “-” sign. On views (facades), sections and sections, marks are indicated on extension lines or contour lines in accordance with Figure 5, on plans - in a rectangle in accordance with Figure 6, except for cases specified in the relevant SPDS standards.

Drawing 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 5. 13 On the plans, the direction of the slope of the planes is indicated by an arrow, above which, if necessary, the amount of the slope is indicated as a percentage in accordance with Figure 7 or as a ratio of height and length (for example, 1:7). It is allowed, if necessary, to indicate the slope value in ppm, as a decimal fraction accurate to the third digit. On drawings and diagrams, in front of the dimensional number that determines the magnitude of the slope, the sign “р” is applied, the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope. The slope designation is applied directly above the contour line or on the shelf of the leader line. 5.14 Labels for multilayer structures should be made in accordance with Figure 8.

Figure 7 Figure 8 5.15 Position numbers (brands of elements) are placed on the shelves of leader lines drawn from images of the component parts of the object, next to the image without a leader line or within the contours of the depicted parts of the object in accordance with Figure 9. With a small-scale image of the line - callouts end without an arrow or a dot.

Drawing 9 5.16 The font size for designating coordination axes and positions (marks) should be one to two numbers larger than the font size adopted for dimensional numbers in the same drawing.

Images (sections, sections, views, fragments)

5.17 Sections of a building or structure are designated in Arabic numerals sequentially within the main set of working drawings. Independent numbering is allowed only for sections of individual sections of a building, structure or installations, all drawings of which are placed on one sheet or group of sheets and if these drawings do not contain references to sections located on other sheets of the main set of working drawings. It is allowed to designate cuts in capital letters of the Russian alphabet. The direction of view for a section according to the plan of a building and structure is, as a rule, taken from bottom to top and from right to left. 5.18 If individual parts of the view (façade), plan, section require a more detailed image, then additional elements - nodes and fragments - are made. 5.19 When depicting a node, the corresponding place is marked on the view (facade), plan or section with a closed solid thin line (usually a circle or oval) with the serial number of the node indicated on the leader line shelf in an Arabic numeral in accordance with Figure 10.

Drawing 10

Drawing 11 If the node is placed on another sheet, then the sheet number is indicated under the shelf of the leader line (Figure 10 A) or on the shelf next to the leader line, in brackets, in accordance with Figure 10 b. If necessary, references to a unit placed in another main set of working drawings, or to a standard unit, indicate the designation and sheet number of the corresponding main set of working drawings in accordance with Figure 10 V or a series of working drawings of typical units and issue number in accordance with Figure 10 G. If necessary, a reference to a node in the section is made in accordance with Figure 11. Above the image of the node, its serial number is indicated in a circle in accordance with Figure 12 A or 12 b. A node that is a complete mirror image of another (main) design is assigned the same serial number as the main design, with the addition of the index “n”. 5.20 Fragments of plans, sections, facades, as a rule, are marked with a curly bracket in accordance with Figure 13. Under the curly bracket, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and serial number of the fragment are written. If the fragment is placed on another sheet, then the backfill is given on this sheet. It is allowed to place a link to a fragment on a leader line shelf.

Figure 12 Figure 13 5.21 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetrical plans and facades of buildings and structures, layout diagrams of structural elements, layout plans for technological, energy, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed. 5.22 If the image (for example, a plan) does not fit on a sheet of the accepted format, then it is divided into several sections, placing them on separate sheets. In this case, on each sheet where a section of the image is shown, a diagram of the entire image is given with the necessary coordination axes and a symbol (hatching) of the section of the image shown on this sheet in accordance with Figure 14.

Note - If drawings of image sections are placed in different main sets of working drawings, then the designation of the corresponding main set is indicated above the sheet number (in accordance with 4.2.2). Drawing 14 5.23 If the floor plans of a multi-story building have slight differences from each other, then the plan of one of the floors is completed in full; for the other floors, only those parts of the plan that are necessary to show the difference from the plan depicted in full are carried out. Under the name of the partially depicted plan, the following entry is given: “For the rest, see the plan (name of the fully depicted plan).” 5.24 In the names of floor plans of a building and structure, indicate the finished floor mark or floor number, or the designation of the corresponding cutting plane. Examples 1 Plan at elevation 0.000 2 Plan 2 - 9 floors 3 Plan 3-3 When executing a part of a plan, the name indicates the axes that limit this part of the plan. Example - Plan at elevation 0.000 between axes 1 - 8 and A - D It is allowed to indicate the purpose of the premises located on the floor in the title of the floor plan. 5.25 The names of sections of a building (structure) indicate the designation of the corresponding cutting plane. Example - Cut 1-1 5.26 The names of the facades of a building and structure indicate the extreme axes between which the facade is located. Example - Facade 1-12

Basic inscriptions

5.27 Each sheet of a graphic and text document must have a main inscription and additional columns to it. The forms of the main inscriptions and instructions for filling them out are given in Appendix E. 5.28 In the design and working documentation, the main inscription is drawn up: 1) on the sheets of the main sets of working drawings and the main drawings of the design documentation - according to Form 3; b) on the first sheet of drawings of construction products - according to form 4; c) on the first sheets of text documents and sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products - according to Form 5; d) on subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products and text documents and general sketch drawings - according to Form 6. It is allowed on the first sheet of the drawing of a building product to make the main inscription according to Form 5. 5.29 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is drawn up: a) on sheets of graphic documents used in design as a basis - according to form 3; b) on the first sheets of graphic and text documents - according to form 5, on subsequent sheets - according to form 6. 5.30 The location of the main inscription and additional columns to it, as well as dimensional frames on the sheets are given in Appendix E. 5.31 Main inscriptions, additional columns to It and the frames are made with solid thick main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303 in accordance with Appendix D. 5.32 Graphic and text documents, bookleted in the form of a volume, album, issue or in other publishing form, are designed with a title page. The rules for making the title page are given in section 9. 5.33 It is permissible to omit the title page and not bind textual working documents of small volume. In this case, the first sheet of the document is drawn up with the main inscription according to form 3, the subsequent sheets - according to form 6.

6 Rules for fulfilling specifications on drawings

6.1. For the arrangement of elements of a prefabricated structure, monolithic reinforced concrete structure, for drawings of installations (blocks) of technological, sanitary and other equipment, a specification is drawn up in Form 7 of Appendix G. When drawings are made using the group method, group specifications are drawn up in accordance with Form 8 of Appendix G. 6.2. Specifications for construction products are made in accordance with GOST 21.501.

7. Rules for making changes to working documentation issued to the customer

7.1. A change to a working document previously issued to the customer is any correction, exclusion or addition of any data to it without changing the designation of this document. The document designation may be changed only if different documents are mistakenly assigned the same designations or there is an error in the document designation. 7.2. Changes are made to the original document. Changes to calculations are not permitted. 7.3. Copies of sheets (modified, additional and issued instead of replaced sheets) of working documentation are sent to organizations to which copies of documents were previously sent, along with copies of the general data of the corresponding main set of working drawings, specified in accordance with 7.5.

7.4. Permission to make changes

7.4.1. Changes to a document are carried out on the basis of a permission to make changes (hereinafter referred to as the permission), drawn up in Form 9 of Appendix I. The permission is approved by the head of the organization that developed the document or, on his behalf, by another official. 7.4.2. The basis for obtaining original documents to make changes to them is permission. 7.4.3. Changes to each document (for example, the main set of working drawings, specifications of equipment, products and materials) are issued with a separate permit. It is allowed to draw up one general permission for changes made simultaneously to several documents, if the changes are interrelated or the same for all documents being changed.

7.5. Alteration

7.5.1. Changes to original documents are made by crossing out or erasing (washing out). In this case, the physical condition of the original is taken into account. 7.5.2. After making changes, the images, letters, numbers, signs must be clear, the thickness of the lines, the size of the gaps, etc. must be carried out according to the rules provided for by the relevant ESKD standards and the Reprography system of standards. 7.5.3. Resizable sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc. They are crossed out with solid thin lines and new data is added next to them. 7.5.4. When changing an image (part of an image), it is outlined with a solid thin line, forming a closed contour, and crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines. A new image of the changed area is made on a free margin of the sheet or on another sheet without rotation. 7.5.5. Changed, canceled and additional sections of the image are assigned a designation consisting of the serial number of the next change in the document and through a dot the serial number of the changed (cancelled, additional) section of the image within a given sheet. In this case, the new image of the changed area is assigned the designation of a change in the replaced image. If a new image of the changed section is placed on another sheet, then the change designation assigned to it is saved and is not taken into account in the table of changes to this sheet. 7.5.6. Near each change, including changes corrected by erasing (washing), outside the image, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

Drawing 15 A continuous thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the changed area. 7.5.7. Changed sizes, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., located close to each other. circled with a continuous thin line forming a closed contour, without crossing out in accordance with Figure 16. 7.5.8. If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image in accordance with Figure 17. 7.5.9. Above the new image of the changed section, a designation of the change in the replaced image is placed in a parallelogram, and in the parallelogram it is indicated: “Instead of the crossed out one.” If a new image of the changed area is placed on another sheet, then with a parallelogram indicate: “Instead of the one crossed out on the sheet (number of the sheet on which the replaced image is located)” in accordance with Figure 18. 7.5.10. If a new image of the changed section is placed near the replaced one, then they are connected by leader lines indicating the change in accordance with Figure 19.

Figure 16 Figure 17

Drawing 18

Drawing 19 Above the additional image, a change designation is placed in the parallelogram, and with the parallelogram, the following is indicated: “Addition” in accordance with Figure 20.

Drawing 20 7.5.11. When canceling an image (part of an image), when indicating the change, indicate: “Canceled.” 7.5.12. If there is not enough space to make changes or the clarity of the image may be impaired during correction, then a new original is made taking into account the changes made and its previous designation is retained. If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the accession number assigned to the original is retained on them. When all sheets of the original are replaced, it is assigned a new inventory number. 7.5.13. When making changes to the sheets of the main set of working drawings, in the list of working drawings of this set on the sheets of general data in the “Note” column indicate: a) when making the first change - “Change. 1". When making subsequent changes - additionally the next numbers of changes, separating them from the previous ones with a semicolon. Example - Change 1; 2; 3 b) on the replaced sheets with the change number - “(Deputy)”. Example - Change 1 (Deputy) c) on canceled sheets with the change number - “Canceled”. Example - Change 1 (Cancelled) d) on additional sheets with the change number - “(New)”. Example - Change 1 (New) 7.5.14. If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then they are assigned successive serial numbers and recorded as a continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set. If there is not enough space in the sheet of working drawings to record additional sheets, the continuation of the sheet is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. In this case, at the end of the list of working drawings placed in the “General Data”, an entry is made: “For continuation of the sheet, see sheet (sheet number)”, and above the sheet on an additional sheet the heading is placed: “List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)” . The numbers and names of canceled sheets in the list of working drawings are crossed out. When changing the names of sheets, appropriate changes are made to the “Name” column. 7.5.15. When changing the total number of sheets of a document on its first sheet in the title block, appropriate changes are made to the “Sheets” column. 7.5.16. When performing additional and canceling previously completed attached documents, corrections are made to the list of reference and attached documents of the corresponding main set of working drawings. 7.5.17. When performing additional and canceling previously completed main sets of working drawings, corrections are made to the list of main sets of working drawings. 7.5.18. Changes made to the original are indicated in the table of changes placed in the title block. It is allowed to place the table of changes outside the main inscription (above it or to the left of it) in the same form. 7.5.19. In the table of changes indicate: a) in the column “Changes.” - serial number of the document change; b) in the column “Count. uch." - the number of changing areas of the image on a given sheet within the next change; c) in the column “Sheet” - on sheets issued instead of replaced ones - “Deputy”, on sheets added again - “New.” When replacing all sheets of the original (at the next serial number of document changes), indicate “All” on the first sheet in the “Sheet” column. In this case, the table of changes on other sheets of this original is not filled out. In other cases, put a dash in the “Sheet” column; d) in the column “Doc. No.” - designation of permission; e) in the column “Sub.” - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the change (the signature of the person responsible for standard control is placed in the field for filing the sheet); f) in the “Date” column - the date of the change. 7.5. 20. The table of changes does not take into account corrections made to the statements of the general data sheet in connection with changes to the sheets of the main set and attached documents. 5.5.21. When making changes to text documents, it is recommended to follow the change registration table in Form 10 of Appendix K. The change registration table is placed on the title page of the text document. 7.5.22. Significant changes in text documents are made in one of the following ways: a) replacing all or individual sheets of the document; b) release of new additional sheets. When changing the originals of text documents, it is allowed, when adding a new sheet, to assign it the number of the previous sheet with the addition of another Arabic numeral, separating it from the previous point. Example - 3.1 In this case, the total number of sheets is changed on the first sheet. In text documents containing mostly solid text, it is allowed, when adding a new paragraph, to assign it the number of the previous paragraph with the addition of the next lowercase letter of the Russian alphabet, and when canceling a paragraph, to preserve the numbers of subsequent paragraphs. 7.5.23. When canceling or replacing a document, all canceled and replaced original sheets are crossed out crosswise with solid thin lines and stamped in accordance with Form 11 of Appendix L.

8. Rules for linking working documentation

8.1. Working documentation - standard projects, standard design solutions (intended for reference) and working documentation for re-use are subject to reference to a specific construction site. A binding stamp is placed on each sheet of linked documentation in accordance with Appendix M: a) on the first sheet - in accordance with Form 12; b) on subsequent sheets - according to form 13. 8.2. The covers and title pages of the main sets of working drawings of standard projects (standard design solutions), published in the form of albums and issues, are not attached and are not sent to the customer. 8.3. The binding stamp is applied on the free margin of the sheet, preferably above the main inscription or to the left of it. 8.4. It is allowed not to apply a binding stamp to unchangeable working drawings of structures, products and assemblies if they are reused by the organization that developed and approved these drawings. The specified working drawings are recorded in the section of the attached documents without changing the designation. 8.5. Changes when linking are made in accordance with 7.5.1 - 7.5.4, 7.5.14 - 7.5.17 and taking into account the following additional requirements: a) if there are two or more changing areas of the image, then they are assigned serial numbers, which are marked in Roman numerals on leader line shelf in accordance with Figure 21; b) above the changed section indicate in Roman numeral the serial number of the changed section of the image and the inscription “Instead of the crossed out” in accordance with Figure 22.

Drawing 21 Drawing 22 If a new image (part of an image) is placed on another sheet, then the number of the sheet on which the new image is located is also indicated for the replaced image. 8.6. The main inscriptions on the sheets of linked documentation published in the form of albums and issues are left unchanged. 8.7. It is recommended to make changes when linking to one copy of the document, which will then be the original from which copies are made. 8.8. Canceled sheets are excluded from the linked documentation without changing the overall numbering of sheets.

9 Rules for preparing bound documentation

9.1 Each bound document is provided with a cover in accordance with Form 14 given in Appendix H. The cover is not numbered and is not included in the total number of pages. 9.2 The first sheet of a text (graphic) document or several bound documents is the title page. The title page is made according to form 15 of Appendix P. An example of filling out the title page is given there. 9.3 All sheets of the bound document, starting with the title page, must have continuous page numbering. In this case, the title page is not numbered. The page number on sheets of text and graphic documents is indicated in the upper right corner of the working field of the sheet. In addition, in the title block of text and graphic documents included in a volume, album or issue and having an independent designation, the serial numbering of sheets within the document with one designation is indicated. 9.4 When compiling several documents in the form of a volume, album or issue, after the title page, the “Contents” is given, which is done in accordance with Form 2 of Appendix B. The first sheet of the “Contents” is drawn up with the main inscription in accordance with Form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent ones - in Form 6 of Appendix D. “Contents” are assigned a designation consisting of the document designation and the code “C”. Example - 2345-GT.S, 2345-11-KZh.IS, 2345-11ТХ.NS 9.5 Title pages of project documents are signed by: the head or chief engineer of the organization; chief engineer (architect) of the project. The title pages of working documents are signed by the responsible person - the chief engineer (architect) of the project. The title page of the reporting survey documentation is drawn up taking into account the additional requirements of the relevant building codes and regulations. 9.6 The composition of the project, in accordance with 4.1.2, is given in a statement made in accordance with Form 16 of Appendix R. The statement contains a sequential list of volumes of project documentation. The first sheet of the statement is drawn up with the main inscription according to Form 5 of Appendix D, the subsequent ones - according to Form 6 of Appendix D. The statement is assigned a designation consisting of the basic designation of the document and, separated by a hyphen, the code “SP”. Example - 2345-SP


Brands of main sets of working drawings

Table A.1

Name of the main set of working drawings


Production technology
Technological communications By combining all technological communications
General plan and transport facilities When combining working drawings of the general plan and transport structures
General plan
Architectural solutions
Interiors Working drawings can be combined with the main set of the AP or AC brand
Reinforced concrete structures
Wooden structures
Architectural and construction solutions When combining working drawings of architectural solutions and building structures
Metal structures detailing
Water supply and sewerage
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Thermomechanical solutions for boiler houses
Air supply
Dust removal
Gas supply (internal devices)
Power equipment
Electric lighting (internal)
Communication systems
Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television
Fire alarm
Security and fire alarm systems
Hydraulic solutions
Automation… The ellipsis is replaced with the name and brand of the corresponding main set of working drawings
Comprehensive automation When combining working drawings of various technological processes and engineering systems
Anti-corrosion protection of building structures and structures
Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines
Car roads
Transport structures When combining working drawings of roads, railways and other roads
External water supply and sewerage networks When combining working drawings of external water supply and sewerage networks
Thermomechanical solutions for heating networks
External gas pipelines
Outdoor electric lighting
Electricity supply
Note- If necessary, additional marks of the main sets of working drawings can be assigned. In this case, for stamps, capital letters (no more than three) of the Russian alphabet are used, corresponding, as a rule, to the initial letters of the names of the main set of working drawings.



Statements of general data according to working drawings

Form 1 - List of working drawings of the main set

Specification Sheet

Directions By filling out statements workers drawings main set

In the list of working drawings of the main set indicate: a) in the column “Sheet” - the serial number of the sheet of the main set of working drawings; b) in the “Name” column - the name of the images placed on the sheet, in strict accordance with the names given in the main inscription of the sheet; c) in the “Note” column - additional information, for example, about changes made to the working drawings of the main set.

Directions By filling out statements specifications

In the specification sheet indicate: a) in the “Sheet” column - the sheet number of the main set of working drawings on which the specification is placed; b) in the “Name” column - the name of the specification in full accordance with its name indicated on the drawing; c) in the “Note” column - additional information, incl. about changes made to specifications. Form 2 - List of main sets of working drawings.

List of referenced and attached documents

Directions By filling out statements main sets workers drawings

The list of main sets of working drawings indicates: a) in the column “Designation” - designation of the main set of working drawings and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document; b) in the “Name” column - the name of the main set of working drawings; c) in the “Note” column - additional information, incl. about changes in the composition of the main sets of working drawings.

Directions By filling out statements reference And attached documents

In the list of reference and attached documents indicate: a) in the “Designation” column - the designation of the document and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document; b) in the “Name” column - the name of the document in exact accordance with the name indicated on the title page or in the title block; c) in the “Note” column - additional information, incl. about changes made to the recorded documents included in the working documentation.



List of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and text documentation for construction

Table B.1

Designation and name of the standard

Conditions for application of the standard

GOST 2.004-88 ESKD. General requirements for the implementation of design and technological documents on computer printing and graphic output devices
GOST 2.101-68 ESKD. Types of products
GOST 2.102-68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501 related to the execution of drawings of construction products
GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents Taking into account the requirements of sections 4, 5 and 9 of this standard
GOST 2.108-68 ESKD. Specification Taking into account the requirements of section 6 of this standard and GOST 21.501
GOST 2.109-73 ESKD. Basic requirements for drawings Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501.
References to GOST 2.108, as well as 1.1.11, 1.1.12, 1.3 GOST 2.108 do not take into account GOST 2.113-75 ESKD. Group and basic design documents
Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501 GOST 2.114-95 ESKD. Specifications
Taking into account the requirements of 5.27, 5.28, 5.30 - 5.32 of section 5 and section 9 of this standard. 3.7.1 and 3.8 GOST 2.114 are not taken into account GOST 2.301-68 ESKD. Formats
Taking into account the requirements of the relevant SPDS standards
GOST 2.302-68 ESKD. Scale »
GOST 2.303-68 ESKD. Lines
GOST 2.304-81 ESKD. Drawing fonts GOST 2.305-68 ESKD. Images - views, sections, sections
Taking into account the requirements 5.17 - 5.26 of this standard GOST 2.306-68 ESKD. Designations of graphic materials and rules for their application in drawings
Taking into account the requirements of GOST 31.302, tables 4 and 5 GOST 2.307-68 ESKD. Drawing dimensions and maximum deviations
Taking into account the requirements of 5.11 - 5.13 of this standard GOST 2.308-79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of tolerances of the shape and location of surfaces
Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.113
GOST 2.309-73 ESKD. Surface roughness designations
GOST 2.310-68 ESKD. Applying designations of coatings, thermal and other types of treatment on drawings
GOST 2.311-68 ESKD. Thread image
GOST 2.312-72 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of seams of welded joints
GOST 2.313-82 ESKD. Conventional images and designations of permanent connections
GOST 2.314-68 ESKD. Instructions on the drawings regarding marking and branding of products
GOST 2.315-68 ESKD. Simplified and conventional images of fasteners Taking into account the requirements 5.14 - 5.16 of this standard
GOST 2.317-69 ESKD. Axonometric projections
GOST 2.410-68 ESKD. Rules for making drawings of metal structures
GOST 2.501-88 ESKD. Accounting and storage rules Regarding the form of the inventory book, subscription card and instructions for folding copies of drawings
Note- The conditions for the application of ESKD standards of classification group 7 are determined by the corresponding SPDS standards



List of allowed abbreviations of words (addition to GOST 2.316)

Full name


Highway hell.
Album Alb. (ts)
Anti-seismic seam a.s.sh. (And)
Architect Arch. (*)
Asphalt concrete asf. bet.
Concrete, concrete bet.
Leading Ved. (*)
Ventilation chamber ventilation chamber
Release Vol. (ts)
Chief Engineer Ch. Eng. (*)
Chief engineer (architect) of the project GIP (GAP) (*)
Chief Specialist Ch. specialist. (*)
Group gr. (T,*)
Expansion joint d.sh. (And)
Diameter dia.
Director Dir. (*)
Document doc. (T.*)
Admissible tolerance
Unit Unit change (T)
Capacity Capacity (ts, t)
Railway railway
Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete reinforced concrete
Manager Head (*)
Insulation, insulating isol.
Institute Institute (*)
Design design
Coefficient coefficient
Efficiency efficiency
staircase, staircase flatter
Workshop (in design institutes) Mast. (*)
Scale M(ts)
Materials materials (t)
Mounting mont.
normal load
Equipment equipment
General total
Mark Elevation (ts)
Checked Prov. (*)
Chapter section (ts)
Size size (ts)
calc. load
Sanitary san. tech.
Toilet san. node
Made Sat.
Sector sec. (ts)
Well well (ts)
Snow snow.
Temperature seam t.sh. (And)
Technological technol.
Technician Tech. (*)
Typical type.
Pipe tr.
Rail head level ur. g.r. (And)
Ground level ur. h. (And)
Finished floor level ur. ch.p.(i)
Plot uch. (i, ts)
Fundamental fund.
Cement, cement cem.
Cement concrete cem. bet.
Part Ch. (ts)
Step w. (ts, t)
Thing PC. (ts. t)
Plaster piece
Crushed stone, crushed stone rubble
Electric email
Element el-t (i.t.)
Floor this. (ts)
Note - Abbreviations marked with (*) are used only in the title block; (t) - in tables; (ts) - with numbers or codes; (i) - on graphic images



Main inscriptions and additional columns to it

Form 3 - For sheets:

main sets of working drawings; main drawings of sections of design documentation; graphic documents for engineering surveys

Form 4 - For drawings of construction products (first sheet)

Form 5 - For all types of text documents

Note- The main inscription according to Form 5 may be used for graphic documents on engineering surveys that are not used as a basis Form 6 - For drawings of construction products and all types of text documents (subsequent sheets)

Directions By filling out basic inscriptions And additional graph To her

In the columns of the main inscription and additional columns to it (the column numbers are indicated in brackets) the following is given: a) in column 1 - designation of the document, including the section of the project, the main set of working drawings, product drawing, text document, etc.; b) in column 2 - the name of the enterprise, housing and civil complex or other construction project that includes the building (structure), or the name of the microdistrict; c) in column 3 - the name of the building (structure) and, if necessary, the type of construction (reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment, major repairs); d) in column 4 - the name of the images placed on this sheet, in exact accordance with their name in the drawing. The names of specifications and other tables, as well as text instructions related to images, are not indicated in the column; e) in column 5 - name of the product and/or name of the document; f) in column 6 - symbol of the design stage: 1) P - for design documentation, including the approved part of the detailed design; 2) P - for working documentation; g) in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet or page of the text document for double-sided printing. On documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled in; i) in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document. The column is filled out only on the first sheet. On the first sheet of a text document for duplex printing, indicate the total number of pages; j) in column 9 - the name or distinctive index of the organization that developed the document; k) in column 10 - the nature of the work (developed, checked, standard control). Depending on the design stage, complexity and significance of the document, it is allowed to fill in empty lines at the discretion of the organization’s management (indicate the positions of the persons responsible for the development of the document (drawing); m) in columns 11 - 13 - the names and signatures of the persons indicated in column 10, and date of signing. Signatures of other officials and approving signatures are placed on the filing field of the sheet; m) in columns 14 - 19 - columns of the table of changes, which are filled out in accordance with 7.5.19; o) in column 20 - the inventory number of the original; p) in column 21 - the signature of the person who accepted the original for storage and the date of acceptance (day, month, year); c) in column 22 - the inventory number of the original document, to replace which a new original was issued; r) in column 23 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled in only on drawings of parts); y) in column 24 - the mass of the product shown in the drawing, in kilograms without indicating the unit of measurement. The mass of the product in other units of measurement is given with an indication of the unit of measurement. Example - 2.4 t; t) in column 25 - scale (indicated in accordance with GOST 2.302); w) in column 26 - signature of the person who copied the drawing (if necessary).



Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on the sheets

Note - Dimensions in brackets are for standard design documentation frames.



Form 7 - Specification

Form 8 - Group Specification

Directions By filling out specifications And group specifications

The specifications indicate: a) in the column “Pos.” - positions (brands) of structural elements, installations; b) in the “Designation” column - designation of the main documents for structural elements, equipment and products recorded in the specification or standards (technical conditions) for them; c) in the “Name” column - names of structural elements, equipment and products and their brands. It is allowed to indicate the name once and underline it for a group of elements of the same name; d) in the column “Quantity.” forms 7 - number of elements. In the column “Number...” of Form 8 - instead of an ellipsis, write “according to the scheme”, “per floor”, etc., and below - the serial numbers of the layout diagrams or floors; e) in the column “Mass, units, kg” - mass in kilograms. It is allowed to give the mass in tons, but indicating the unit of measurement; f) in the “Note” column - additional information, for example, the unit of measurement of mass.



Form 9 - Authorization to make changes

Directions By filling out permissions on deposit changes

In the permit columns indicate: a) in column 1 - the designation of the permit, consisting of the serial number of the permit according to the permit registration book in accordance with GOST 21.203 and separated by a hyphen of the last two digits of the year. Example - 15-97; b) in column 2 - designation of the document to which the change is made; c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building (structure) under construction; d) in column 4 - the next serial number assigned to changes that are made to the document under one permit. It is indicated for the entire document, regardless of how many sheets it is made on. Serial numbers of changes are indicated in Arabic numerals; e) in column 5 - numbers of sheets of the document to which changes are made; f) in column 6 - the content of the change in the form of a text description and/or graphic image; g) in column 7 - code of the reason for the change in accordance with the table;

i) in column 8 - additional information; j) in columns 9 - 11 - the names of the persons signing the permit, their signatures and the date of signing; k) in column 12 - the name of the design organization and the unit (department) that issued the permit; l) in columns 13 - 16 - the name of the relevant departments or organizations, the positions and names of the persons with whom the permit is agreed upon in the prescribed manner, their signatures and dates of signing, as well as the signature of the normative inspector; m) in column 17 - the serial number of the permit sheet. If the permit consists of one sheet, the column is not filled in; n) in column 18 - the total number of permit sheets.


Directions By filling out Form 10 - Change registration table tables changes


In the columns of the table for registering changes indicate: a) in the columns “Changes,” “Doc. Number,” “Sub.” and “Date” - similar to filling out the corresponding columns of the table of changes; b) in the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages) changed, replaced, new, canceled” - numbers of sheets (pages) respectively changed, replaced, added and canceled under this permit. When replacing the entire document, in the column “Numbers of sheets (pages) replaced” indicate “All”; c) in the column “Total sheets (pages) in the document.” - the number of sheets (pages) in the document. The column is filled in if the columns “Numbers of sheets (pages), new” and/or “Numbers of sheets (pages), canceled” are filled in.



Directions By filling out Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document stamp (cancellation) replacements original document

The stamp indicates: a) in line 1 - the serial number of the next change in the document, in accordance with which the sheet was canceled or replaced (for example, “Change 3”). When canceling a sheet, the word “Replaced” in the stamp is crossed out; b) in columns 2 - 5 - position, surname, signature of the person responsible for making the changes, and the date of signing.


Form 12 - Binding stamp (first sheet)

Form 13 - Binding stamp (subsequent sheets)

Directions By filling out stamps bindings

When filling out the binding stamps, indicate: a) in column 1 - the new designation of the document being linked; b) in column 2 - the name of the organization that performed the linking; c) in column 3 - the name of the enterprise, building or structure under construction for which the link was made; d) in columns 4 - 7 - the positions and names of the persons responsible for the binding, as well as the person who carried out the normative control, their signatures and the date of signing; e) in column 8 - the inventory number assigned to the linked document; f) in column 9 - the number of sheets of the linked document; g) in columns 10, 11 - the signature of the person who accepted the linked document for storage, and the date of signing.



Form 14 – Cover

Note - The name of the governing body is indicated for government organizations.



Form 15 - Cover page

Notes 1 The name of the governing body is indicated for government organizations. 2 The field for signing the document is filled out in accordance with the instructions in section 9.

Example of title page design



Form 16 - Project composition

Directions By filling out statements

The statement indicates: - in the column “Volume number” - the number of the volume or its part; - in the “Designation” column - the designation of the document indicated on the title page, and, if necessary, the name or distinctive index of the organization that issued the document; - in the “Name” column - the name of the document in exact accordance with the name indicated on the title page; - in the “Note” column - additional information. Key words: working documentation, working drawings, general data on working drawings, composition, main sets, specifications, changes, binding, design documentation, graphic and text documents, title page, main inscriptions, signatures

Let's consider all stages of the project in order:

Stage 1 - PP. Pre-design studies (concept, preliminary design)

At this stage, the concept of the future facility is being developed and the main technical and economic characteristics (TEC) are being determined. The sketch determines the placement of the object on the ground, its volumetric-spatial solution (VSD), and the structural diagram. Also at this stage, the main engineering loads for water, heat and electricity are calculated, the so-called. calculation of loads.

Development Stages of "PP" is not mandatory, but helps save time and money during further design.

Stage 2 - PD. Project documentation

Unlike the preliminary design Stage "Project"(“PD” or simply “P”) is mandatory and subject to approval by state executive authorities. Based on the results of approval of the “Project” Stage, a permit for the construction of the facility is issued. The composition and content of this stage is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008. Of course, the composition will be individual for each project, but we will try to compile the most complete list of all possible sections and subsections of the “PD” Stage:

Number Section code Section title
Section 1 Explanatory note
Volume 1 HMO Explanatory note
Volume 2 IRD Initial permitting documentation
Section 2 ROM Scheme of planning organization of a land plot
Section 3 AR Architectural solutions
Section 4 Constructive and space-planning solutions
Volume 1 KR1 Reinforced concrete structures
Volume 2 KR2 Metal constructions
Volume 3 KR3 Wooden structures
Volume 4 KR.R Static calculation
Section 5 Information about engineering equipment, engineering support networks, a list of engineering activities, the content of technological solutions.
Subsection 1 Power supply system
Volume 1 IOS1.1 Outdoor power supply
Volume 2 IOS1.2 Power equipment
Volume 3 IOS1.3 Electric lighting
Subsection 2 Water supply system
Volume 1 IOS2.1 External water supply
Volume 2 IOS2.2 Domestic water supply
Subsection 3 Drainage system
Volume 1 IOS3.1 External drainage
Volume 2 IOS3.2 Internal drainage
Subsection 4 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks
Volume 1 IOS4.1 Heating and ventilation
Volume 2 IOS4.2 Heat supply
Volume 3 IOS4.3 Individual heating point
Subsection 5 Communication networks
Volume 1 IOS5.1
Volume 2 IOS5.2
Volume 3 IOS5.3
Volume 4 IOS5.4 CCTV
Volume 5 iOS5.5 Security alarm
Volume 6 IOS5.6
Volume 7 IOS5.7 Other low current systems
Subsection 6 Gas supply system
Volume 1 IOS6.1 Outdoor gas supply
Volume 2 IOS6.2 Domestic gas supply
Subsection 7 Technological solutions
Volume 1 IOS7.1 Technological solutions
Volume 2 IOS7.2
Volume 3 IOS7.3 Air supply
Volume 4 IOS7.4 Refrigeration
Volume 5 IOS7.5 Steam supply
Volume 6 IOS7.6 Dust removal
Volume 7 IOS7.7 Other technological systems
Section 6 POS Construction organization project
Section 7 UNDER Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects
Section 8
Volume 1 OOC List of environmental protection measures
Volume 2 OOS.TR Draft technological regulations for the management of construction waste at the site
Volume 3 IEI Engineering and environmental surveys
Section 9
Volume 1 PB1 Fire safety measures
Volume 2 PB2
Volume 3 PB3
Volume 4 PB4
Section 10 ODI Measures to ensure access for people with disabilities
Section 10(1) ME Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements
and equipment requirements for buildings, structures and structures
metering devices for used energy resources
Section 11
Volume 1 SM1 Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects
Volume 2 SM2 Monitoring prices for materials
Section 12 Other documentation in cases provided for by Federal laws
Volume 1 KEO Lighting calculations of insolation and natural illumination (KEO)
Volume 2 ZSH Measures to protect against noise and vibration.
Assessment of noise impact for the period of operation of the facility
Volume 3 ITM GOiChS Engineering and technical measures of civil defense.
Measures to prevent emergency situations
Volume 4 ED Building Operating Instructions
Volume 5 PTA Measures to counter terrorist acts
Volume 6 DPB Declaration of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities

Stage 3 - RD. Working documentation

Stage "RD" It is needed primarily by builders, since it develops design solutions in the most complete and detailed manner, which were only indicated in the “PD” Stage. Unlike “P”, “Working” includes drawings of components, axonometric diagrams and profiles of utility networks, specifications, etc. On the other hand, at the working stage the documentation is deprived of some sections, the completeness of which was exhausted at the design stage (for example , POS, OOS, KEO, ITM GOiChS, etc.). As at Stage “P”, the composition of the “Working Documents” will be individual for each project, but we will try to compile the most complete list of all possible sections of the “Working Documentation” Stage:

Section code Section title
- GP General plan
- TR Transport structures
- GT General plan and transport (when merging GP and TR)
- blood pressure Car roads
- RV Railways
- AR Architectural solutions
- AC Architectural and construction solutions (when combining AR and KR)
- AI Interiors
- QOL Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures
- KJ0 Constructive decisions. Reinforced concrete structures. Foundations
- KM Constructive decisions. Metal constructions
- KMD Constructive decisions. Metal structures detailing
- KD Constructive decisions. Wooden structures
- KRR Constructive decisions. Static calculation
- GR Hydraulic solutions
- ES Power supply system. Outdoor power supply
- EM Power supply system. Power equipment
- EO Power supply system. Electric lighting
- EN Power supply system. Outdoor electric lighting
- EIS Power supply for engineering systems
- NV Water supply system. External networks
- NK Drainage system. External networks
- NVK Water supply and drainage system. External networks
- VC Water supply and drainage system. Internal networks
- HVAC Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
- TS Heat supply
- TM Thermomechanical solutions (Boiler room, ITP, etc.)
- RT Telephony, Radio, Telereception
- SKS Structured Cabling Networks
- AIS Automation of engineering systems
- ATP Automation of technological processes
- AK Complex automation (when combining AIS and ATP)
- OS Security alarm
- ACS Access control and accounting system
- GOS Outdoor gas supply
- FGP Domestic gas supply
- TX Technological solutions
- TK Technological communications
- Sun Air supply
- HS Refrigeration
- PS Steam supply
- PU Dust removal
Automatic fire alarm installation,
Fire warning and evacuation control system
- APPP Automatic fire protection
- PT Special fire extinguishing (water, powder, etc.)
- T1DM Estimates for the construction of capital construction projects
- T2DM Monitoring prices for materials
- AZ Anti-corrosion protection
- TI Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

GOST R 21.1101-2013 Design documentation system:

4.2. Working documentation
4.2.1. The working documentation transferred to the customer includes:
- working drawings intended for construction and installation work;
- attached documents developed in addition to the working drawings of the main set.
4.2.2. The main sets of working drawings include general data on working drawings, drawings and diagrams provided for by the relevant standards of the Design Documentation System for Construction (hereinafter referred to as SPDS).
4.2.6. The attached documents include:
- working documentation for construction products;
- sketch drawings of general types of non-standard products, made in accordance with GOST 21.114;
- specification of equipment, products and materials, carried out in accordance with GOST 21.110;
- questionnaires and dimensional drawings, carried out in accordance with the data of equipment manufacturers;
- local estimate according to forms;
- other documents provided for by the relevant SPDS standards.
The specific composition of the attached documents and the need for their implementation are established by the relevant SPDS standards and the design assignment.
4.2.8. In working drawings it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products. Reference documents include:
- drawings of standard structures, products and components;
- standards, which include drawings intended for the manufacture of products.
Reference documents are not included in the working documentation transferred to the customer. The design organization, if necessary, transfers them to the customer under a separate agreement.

SNiP 11-01-95 Composition of working documentation:

5.1. The composition of the working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures is determined by the relevant state SPDS standards and is specified by the customer and the designer in the design agreement (contract).

5.2. State, industry and republican standards, as well as drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies, which are referenced in the working drawings, are not included in the working documentation and can be transferred by the designer to the customer if this is stipulated in the contract.
