We grow parsley. How to properly plant parsley in open ground Parsley in seedlings

It is not always possible to get a gorgeous parsley bush. To collect good harvest, you can grow parsley from seedlings.

Benefits of growing parsley from seedlings

There are two ways to grow seedlings:

  • sow the seeds in a container and then transfer them along with the soil, that is, without disturbing the root system;
  • grow seedlings immediately in a pot and then transplant them into the ground (with an open root system).

When seedlings grown using the first method are transferred to the garden bed, parsley continues to grow without changes, but those planted using the second method undergoes some adaptation period of depression.

But in general, planting parsley seedlings allows you to get more lush bushes of greenery in early dates- one and a half to two months earlier than the seeds sown in the ground.

To speed up the germination of seeds, they need to be germinated. To do this, pour the seeds with warm water and leave for three days. Change the water every day. After three days, drain the water, dry the seeds and put them in the refrigerator for a week. Or distribute them evenly on a soft cloth and leave until completely germinated. Moisten the fabric periodically.

To receive early harvest Sow parsley in prepared containers with nutritious soil in furrows 1 cm deep.

To prevent seedlings from being dense, the seeds should be planted individually at a distance of 2 cm from each other or mixed with sand.

Sprinkle the seeds with soil, water, cover with film or glass and place on a sunny windowsill. They will germinate faster if the temperature does not drop below 25°C. When the first leaves grow, remove the film.

Young seedlings are watered or sprayed with a solution of mineral fertilizer (0.5 g per 1 liter of water), preventing the soil from drying out and being exposed to direct sunlight.

When to plant parsley seedlings in open ground

When the second pair of leaves appears, plant the seedlings in separate cups so that they develop better and are stronger.

At the beginning of May, plant the strong parsley seedlings on open garden bed. The soil needs to be watered.

Planting should be done with an interval of 5-8 cm between bushes and 25 cm between rows. In the future, it consists of watering in the early morning or evening and weeding. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers. In order to harvest several times during the season, the greens must be cut at the root, which will provoke its re-growth.

Video about proper planting of parsley seedlings

Parsley is a universal green crop, used both raw in salads and dried as a seasoning. Belongs this culture to the genus of herbaceous biennials and belongs to the Apiaceae family. The very first mentions of this green culture were found by archaeologists on ancient Egyptian scrolls. She was so revered and in demand that many legends were told about her appearance. In its natural habitat, parsley grows actively along the entire Mediterranean coast. They grow it like cultivated plant in America, Canada and throughout Europe. Leaf parsley is usually the most popular.

Growing parsley in the garden. © Jacqueline Soule Content:

When and where to plant parsley?

Parsley seeds are usually sown in open ground towards the end of April, but winter sowing can also be done - at the end of October. Those who want to have fresh parsley throughout the warm season can be advised to sow it using the conveyor method, that is, from the end of April to the end of July every 12-14 days.

For parsley, select the most well-lit area with loose, light-textured, fertile soil with moderate moisture. Excessively dry areas, as well as too wet ones (where the groundwater level is closer than a meter to the soil surface), flooded or waterlogged areas should not be selected, parsley will not grow well there. The most suitable soil type for parsley is light loam or sandy loam with a pH level ranging from 6.5 to 7.0.

Try to choose an area where onions, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, cabbage, cucumbers or potatoes previously grew - these are excellent predecessor crops for parsley. On soil where any umbrella crops were previously grown, that is, carrots, parsley, celery, fennel, dill, coriander and others, it is not recommended to grow parsley, but nearby it is quite possible. Parsley gets along well next to dill, next to carrots, next to cilantro, with legumes, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

How to plant parsley?

Before planting parsley, after you have finally decided on the location and realized that there is simply no better place for parsley in the garden, you need to prepare this area. Ideally, of course, the area for parsley should be prepared in the fall, because there is little time in the spring. You should try to prepare the soil at least a couple of weeks before sowing.

Considering that leaf parsley responds very well to organic fertilizers, it is necessary to add three kilograms of well-rotted manure or humus, 250-300 g of wood ash and a tablespoon of nitroammophoska when digging up the soil in the autumn (simultaneously with removing the maximum number of weeds and their parts). Nitroammofoska can be applied both in the fall and in the spring, nothing bad will come from it. Fertilizers can be scattered over the soil surface either separately from each other or by mixing everything into one composition.

When the soil is ready, you can begin preparing the parsley seeds for sowing. Seed preparation can be carried out if sowing is in the spring; when sowing in autumn, additional seed preparation is not required.

To speed up the germination of parsley seeds, you must first soak them (for an hour to an hour and a half), then dry them on a dry cloth until they flow. Then it is advisable to place them in the refrigerator door for about a day, and after this time, soak them again, but this time for 35-40 minutes, then dry them again until they flow. After such simple preparation, parsley seeds sprout quickly and amicably.

Sowing parsley seeds is usually carried out in grooves a little more than a centimeter deep, spilled in advance with water at room temperature. When sowing, try to leave a centimeter between seeds, and 45-55 cm between rows. After sowing, fill the furrows with soil, preferably nutritious, and compact it carefully. Parsley sprouts in different ways: it can sprout in a week, or maybe in three. Much depends on the temperature, soil type, moisture level, and age of the seeds.

When sowing parsley before winter, in addition to the absence of the need for additional seed preparation, you should not water the furrows, but otherwise everything is the same.

Leafy curly parsley in the garden. © Alli

Caring for parsley in open ground

Caring for parsley is not at all difficult and is no different. All activities are simple and understandable to every gardener, even a beginner. During the season, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings, if it turns out that the parsley is sown densely, remove weeds, loosen the soil, water and apply fertilizers to the soil.

At the very beginning of its development, parsley is especially sensitive to weeds. Until the seedlings gain strength, weeds will have to be removed; it is better to do this manually, so as not to harm other parsley seedlings with the hoe blade. It is better to remove weeds not only in the row with parsley, but also between the rows, so that they do not draw moisture and nutrients from the soil, competing with the parsley.

It is most convenient to remove weeds after heavy rain or watering, then they can be pulled out of the soil with part of the root system. Simultaneously with removing weeds, you can also loosen the soil, completely removing the soil crust, this will improve air and water exchange.

Watering parsley

Leaf parsley loves plenty of moisture, but not its excess, so you need to water it often, but moderately, without turning the garden into a swamp. If you want the leaves to be juicy, tender and fragrant, you need to water it every other day, early in the morning or late in the evening; you cannot pour on the leaves, as burns may occur. It is advisable to water with water at room temperature, from watering cold water heat-loving parsley may freeze in growth and development. Most best option- this is to water with rainwater from a barrel installed under the roof drain; from such water the parsley will grow by leaps and bounds.

Of course, you need to water based on the weather outside the window. So, if it is cold, cloudy, and raining, then there is no need to carry out additional watering, but if it is hot and dry, then they are strictly required. They can even be daily if, for example, the soil on your site is sandy and does not hold moisture well. After watering, it is quite acceptable to mulch the soil with a centimeter-thick layer of humus; this is especially useful for parsley when it gains strength.

Feeding parsley

Leaf parsley simply loves fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. They can be applied twice per season in the amount of 5-6 g per square meter of bed. They are added both dissolved in water and dry. It is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers 3-5 days after emergence and a second time - a week after the first application. Doses of nitrogen fertilizers cannot be increased; in parsley (especially in the petioles), from excess nitrogen, nitrates can accumulate, which are harmful to our body.

In addition to nitrogen fertilizers, about a month before the first harvest, you can also add potassium salt to the soil, a teaspoon per square meter of bed, or mulch the soil wood ash 150-200 g per square meter.

Parsley harvest

You can begin harvesting leaf parsley as soon as three bunches of leaves form on the stems. Stems with a pair or even one segment should not be touched. If we talk about timing, then depending on the variety, parsley can be ready for harvesting from 70 to 90 days after sowing the seeds.

When harvesting, try to cut off the parsley stems exactly at the root; do not cut off just the tops, leaving the petioles. In this way, you will greatly slow down the regrowth of young shoots, while when you remove all the stems entirely, new ones will form much faster.

If you only need a few stalks of parsley, try to remove them not from the inside of the plant, but from the outside. Such cutting will contribute to the full development of the remaining stems; they will be more lush and fragrant.

You can collect fresh parsley for a long period of time, usually a signal that the plant is beginning to die is the discoloration of the leaf blades: from bright green, they will slowly turn into pale green or may even begin to turn yellow.

What to plant after parsley?

After the parsley is harvested, you need to decide what can be planted next in this place. These are, in fact, any crops, except for representatives of the umbelliferous, celery and parsley itself. These crops can be planted in the area where parsley grew in about four years.

Crops such as garlic, onions, tomatoes, legumes and potatoes will do very well in this area.

Parsley varieties

In conclusion, we will talk about the varieties of leaf parsley. Thanks to the work of breeders, there are currently about 76 varieties in the State Register. Among the new varieties of leaf parsley, we can distinguish such cultivars as: Azhur (2017), Arlekino (2017), Bakhmaro (2017), Poti (2017) and Fidelio (2017).

Openwork, - early variety parsley, 70-75 days pass before the first harvest. It has a spreading rosette of leaves, reaching a height of 30 cm. The leaves are rich green in color, rather short, have the shape of a triangle and are slightly wavy along the edge. The shoots are medium leafy, the petioles are short, medium in thickness, without anthocyanin coloring. After the first cutting, the green mass of parsley grows back quite quickly. From one plant you can collect up to one hundred grams of green mass. The aroma of the green mass is good, the yield is up to one and a half kilograms per square meter.

Harlequin, - this is also a fairly early variety of parsley; approximately 80 days pass before the first harvest. The plants have a semi-vertical rosette of leaves, reaching a considerable height - up to half a meter. The leaf blades are green, rather long, and shaped like a narrow triangle. A slight undulation is visible along the edge. The length of the petiole is average, as is the thickness, there is a slight anthocyanin color. After the first cutting, the green mass of parsley actively grows. From one plant you can collect up to 150 g of greens, which have a delicious aroma. The yield per square meter is about two kilograms.

Bakhmaro, is also an early ripening cultivar of parsley, just over 80 days pass from sowing to harvesting the first harvest. The rosette of leaves of the variety is slightly inclined, reaches a height of 47 cm. The leaf blades are rich green, rather long, and have the shape of a narrow triangle. The edge of the leaf blade is slightly wavy. The petiole of the parsley leaf is of medium length and thickness; there is a weak anthocyanin coloring of the petiole. The green mass grows very well after the first cutting. From one plant you can collect about 130 g of green mass with an excellent aroma. The yield per square meter is about two kilograms of green mass.

Poti, - also an early ripening variety of parsley, 70-75 days pass before the fruits are harvested. The rosette of leaf blades is slightly inclined and has a height of 33-38 centimeters. The leaf blades are green and rather long, triangular in shape and slightly wavy along the edge. The petiole is very long and medium in thickness, has a weak anthocyanin color. The green mass of parsley grows very well after the first cutting. From one plant you can collect a little more than forty grams of green mass, which has an excellent aroma, and from a square meter you can collect a little more than two kilograms of green mass.

Fidelio, - this variety of parsley is of medium ripeness; it usually takes a little more than 80 days before harvesting. The rosette of leaf blades is strictly vertical, they reach a height of 42 cm. The leaf blades themselves are rich green, rather long, and have the shape of a triangle. The edges of the leaf blades are slightly wavy. The petiole is quite long and medium in thickness, devoid of anthocyanin coloring. After the first cutting, the green mass grows back quite well. You can collect about two kilograms of greenery per square meter, and a little more than one hundred grams per bush.

In general, parsley is quite easy to cultivate, and anyone can grow it in their garden.

Parsley is a very popular green on our tables. This is very useful product. Almost everyone grows parsley on their plots. Parsley is a fairly unpretentious plant. It is very easy to grow.

Many people ask when to plant parsley? In this article we will answer this common question.

Parsley can be planted immediately open ground, but to get an earlier harvest it is planted through seedlings.

When to plant parsley seedlings?

It is best to plant parsley for seedlings to obtain an early harvest or if grown in winter. Seedlings can be planted all year round, except summer period.

To plant parsley seedlings, you need to prepare small containers and fertile soil. Fill each container with soil and water warm water. Then you can plant the seeds to a depth of 0.5 centimeters. Be sure to cover the top with plastic. Parsley sprouts for quite a long time - up to two weeks.

When to plant parsley in open ground?

Parsley can be planted in open ground throughout the summer. The first planting is carried out in early spring. IN Middle lane Russia can begin landing from mid-April. Parsley tolerates frosts quite calmly, so you don’t have to be afraid of them.

You can plant parsley in midsummer. This way you can provide your family with fresh herbs until late autumn. As a rule, in the summer, parsley is planted in late June - early July.

When to plant parsley before winter?

You can also plant parsley before winter. Next year you will get an extra-early harvest of greens. Parsley is planted before winter late October - early November.

Favorable days for planting parsley according to the lunar calendar 2016.

Many gardeners produce their crops exclusively according to lunar calendar. In 2016, it is recommended to plant parsley only during the waxing moon, in the first ten days after the new moon.


A very useful video about planting parsley and celery.

Planting and growing parsley at home:

If you are not a supporter of store-bought parsley, you can grow it yourself on your windowsill. The main thing in this process is to choose varieties rich in greens and follow some recommendations. The result will not take long to arrive, and soon you will be able to please your family and friends delicious dishes garnished with fresh homemade parsley. More information about growing parsley on a windowsill from seeds will be discussed in this article.

Parsley on the windowsill - growing from seeds

Better to give preference early ripening varieties. Compared to late-ripening plants, early-ripening plants can be cut about 7 days earlier. The difference is small, but it’s enough to decorate the table for some holiday.

The most common early ripening varieties of parsley include the following:

  • Bordovikskaya;
  • Curly Sue;
  • Prima;
  • Green pearls;
  • Breeze;
  • Hanachka;
  • Vorozheya;
  • Carnival;
  • Beads;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Astra and others.

Important! Popular varieties of not only ordinary leaf parsley, but also curly parsley are listed here. Many people prefer to grow ordinary varieties, but curly parsley is better suited for decorating various dishes.

Selecting a container and preparing the soil

For optimal growth of parsley, it is advisable to purchase a special soil mixture for violets, because the composition of such a substrate is excellent for various greens, including parsley. But many gardeners prefer to use soil prepared with their own hands. When preparing soil for parsley, you need to take into account some nuances. Loose, slightly acidic soil is required, but neutral soil may be suitable. As a rule, fertile soil, double potassium salt are mixed.

It’s a good idea to use a container, pot, box or some other container with a depth of 20 cm or more for growing. You need a spacious container not only for root vegetables, but also for seeds. If the former need a large space initially, then the latter will need space a little later. The container should be treated before use. boiled water, and then make small drainage holes at the bottom.

Sowing seeds

Growing parsley is not particularly difficult, but there are still some nuances. Below is provided detailed instructions regarding sowing, we recommend sticking to it.

Table. Step by step instructions for sowing parsley seeds.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Leave the seeds to germinate for several days in a warm place, wrapped in wet gauze. After 2-3 days, the seed needs to be dried.

Place a 2cm layer of drainage at the bottom of the container you are using. Expanded clay is best suited for this. After this, you can fill in the purchased or prepared soil mixture. Alternatively, you can mix 2 parts coconut fiber with 1 part vermicompost. Remember: the looser the soil, the better and richer the harvest you will get. Before planting seeds, the soil must be moistened.

Proceed to planting. To do this, you need to make shallow grooves (no more than 1 centimeter deep) and sow parsley seeds in them. Gently sprinkle them with a small amount of soil and moisten the soil with a spray bottle.

Place the containers in a warm place with a temperature of at least +19 degrees for about 14-18 days (until germination). During this time, water the soil every other day. It is not at all necessary to cover the containers with plastic, although gardeners often do this. For watering, use boiled or settled water.

Remove excess leaves after the first shoots appear. This must be done in such a way that the distance between the remaining sheets is at least 4 centimeters.

Increase watering as new shoots appear, but do not overwater the soil. It is advisable to lower the room temperature to +15 degrees Celsius at this stage development, and at night reduce to +10-12 degrees. This can be achieved by opening the window at night.

Use fluorescent lamp for additional lighting in winter. The distance from the lamp to the plant is 50 centimeters. It should shine at least 8 hours a day.

Approximately 60 days after the appearance of the first shoots, begin harvesting. Do not cut the parsley sprigs at the root, leave the petioles 4-5 centimeters long.

The plant is considered mature once it reaches a height of 12 centimeters. This method is simple, but it has its drawbacks. For example, the growing process is very labor-intensive, but parsley will grow for at least a year.

Features of cultivation

To grow parsley from seeds, follow some recommendations.

  1. Do not allow the soil to dry out. Water the plant regularly, being careful not to erode the soil.
  2. Monitor the temperature, because when the temperature rises, the parsley will begin to dry out, and when it drops, its growth will stop.
  3. Install a fluorescent lamp only in winter, when daylight hours are short.
  4. If the plants have been planted too often, they need to be thinned out.
  5. Cut parsley only after it has grown enough. If you do this too early, you may harm the young plant.


After sowing planting material You need to cover the container with glass or polyethylene and place it in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight.


It is advisable to find a temperature balance, since low temperatures (up to +15 degrees) can be destructive for the plant, and on the other hand, heat is also bad. For comfortable and rapid development of parsley, it is advisable to maintain a temperature regime within +15-20 degrees. This will speed up the growth of greenery.


If when growing parsley in the garden you do not know exactly how much water the plant receives, then in the case of growing it on a windowsill you should definitely know this. Parsley loves moisture, but it does not grow in water - this information should be taken into account when watering. It (watering) should be moderate so that there is a state of increased soil moisture.


As mentioned earlier, for optimal growth of greenery you need to use special ones, because the plant cannot receive enough light. Additional lighting lamps should be used only in winter, since in summer the daylight hours are quite long.

Top dressing

If you managed to prepare a high-quality soil mixture or purchased it in a store, then additional fertilizing is not needed. In other cases, it is necessary to periodically add additional mineral fertilizers to the substrate.

The most common drugs include:

  • “Agrolife” – place 1 teaspoon of fertilizer on the top layer of soil;
  • “Growth” – water the soil with the preparation diluted with water (1/2 cap per 1 liter of water).

There is another, simpler way to grow parsley on a windowsill - from root vegetables. Preparation of planting material is as follows: buy several plant roots in the store or dig them up in your city before the soil freezes. Make sure that there are no cracks, scratches, rot or any other damage to the surface of the root vegetables. The sizes of the latter may vary, but the most suitable are root vegetables whose diameter does not exceed 4 centimeters. If you choose a root crop that is too large, the plant’s growing season will be too long.

Table. Planting root parsley.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

Place drainage at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay may be suitable for this, but if it is not at hand, use the ceiling plinth, finely crumbling it with your hands. The drainage layer should be no more than 2 cm.

Pour the soil mixture on top. You can use either store-bought or home-made. In the second case, mix 2 parts humus, 1 part turf soil and 7 parts garden soil. After thoroughly mixing these components, add a little lime.

Take the prepared parsley roots and trim the greens using scissors. You don't need any greens, just root vegetables. If necessary, trim the tails of the roots.

Carefully plant the roots into the ground. You don't need to plant very deep.

Repeat the procedure with the remaining root vegetables. Do not deepen the roots so that they protrude from the ground by about 1.5-2 cm.

After planting the parsley roots, carefully water everything to keep the soil moist. Place the container with the planted plants on the windowsill to ripen. In about 3 weeks you will have fragrant greens.

Features of caring for root parsley

  1. The container with root vegetables must be moved to a cool place. An insulated balcony is perfect for this purpose. Organize moderate watering of plants.
  2. After the petioles begin to actively grow, the container should be placed on the windowsill.
  3. Rotate the pot of seedlings periodically to ensure symmetrical growth of the parsley bushes. As a rule, this should be done no more than once a week.
  4. On sunny days there is no need to use additional lighting, which cannot be said about cloudy weather.
  5. Watering parsley should be abundant and frequent, but try not to over-moisten the soil, as this will lead to rotting.
  6. The optimal temperature for development is no more than 20 degrees Celsius.
  7. After about 18-25 days, the parsley will be fully ripe and the first greens can be cut.
  8. If necessary, you need to feed the plants mineral fertilizers after the cut. This is done in cases where the plant looks very exhausted.

As a conclusion

Regardless of the method you choose to grow greens on the windowsill, only proper care will allow you to get a good and lush harvest. All that is required from you is timely watering, taking into account soil moisture and time of year, sufficient daylight hours, regular fertilizing and compliance temperature regime. And soon you will be able to please your family with homemade greens!

Video - Growing parsley on a windowsill

Rarely does anyone cook without herbs, and parsley is most often used. Its leaves and crushed roots are great for adding to sauces, preserves, salads, soups, main courses of meat, fish, and vegetables. Growing it on your own plot or even on a windowsill is not difficult. But it is still worth adhering to some rules in order to get the most abundant and high-quality harvest. You will learn about these recommendations from this article.

All varieties of parsley are divided into 2 types depending on which part of it is edible:

Where to plant parsley?

If you decide to plant parsley in open ground, consider the following recommendations:

When to plant parsley?

On open ground, beds for parsley are prepared in the fall, but the seeds are sown in early spring - in April. Leafy - can be sown in the summer, until the end of July.

Important! This crop is not afraid of frost, so even at temperatures of 1-5C and with short drops down to -9C, seedlings will still appear on time.

How to prepare beds for planting parsley?

If you are wondering how to plant parsley correctly, start by preparing the soil. Do it like this:

What varieties of parsley are best?

To get a truly high-quality harvest, give preference to those varieties that have gained popularity among professional agronomists - these are:

How to plant parsley seeds?

Depending on how much time you are willing to spend preparing seeds, choose the best option for yourself:

How to plant parsley at home?

You can provide yourself with fresh herbs not only in the summer season, but also in winter. To do this, it is enough to grow parsley at home, for example, on a windowsill. For this you will need:

If you decide to plant parsley at home from seeds, consider the following features:


Watch another interesting option on how you can grow parsley at home in the video below.

How to care for parsley?

Caring for parsley is quite simple. To get a high-quality harvest with abundant greenery and large root crops, it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:


Now you know that it is very easy to grow parsley on your own plot and at home. Stick to the above simple rules, and excellent results are guaranteed! You will not feel the lack of such healthy greens on your table.
