12 supreme gods of Olympus. The gods of Olympus

We offer a list of the most famous ancient Greek gods with short descriptions and links to full articles with illustrations.

  • Hades - god - the lord of the kingdom of the dead, as well as the kingdom itself. One of the older Olympian gods, brother of Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Poseidon and Hestia, son of Kronos and Rhea. Husband of the fertility goddess Persephone
  • - the hero of myths, a giant, the son of Poseidon and the Earth of Gaia. The earth gave her son strength, thanks to which no one could cope with him. But Hercules defeated Antaeus, tearing him off the Earth and depriving Gaia of help.
  • - the god of sunlight. The Greeks portrayed him as a beautiful young man. Apollo (other epithets - Phoebus, Musaget) - the son of Zeus and the goddess Leto, brother of Artemis. He had the gift to foresee the future and was considered the patron of all arts. In late antiquity, Apollo was identified with the sun god Helios.
  • - the god of perfidious war, the son of Zeus and Hera. The Greeks portrayed him as a strong young man.
  • - the twin sister of Apollo, the goddess of hunting and nature, it was believed that it facilitates childbirth. Sometimes considered the goddess of the moon and identified with Selene. The center of the cult of Artemis was in the city of Ephesus, where a grandiose temple was erected in her honor - one of the seven wonders of the world.
  • - the god of medical art, the son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis. To the Greeks, he appeared as a bearded man with a staff in his hand. The staff was wrapped around a snake, which later became one of the symbols of the medical profession. Asclepius was killed by Zeus because he tried to raise the dead with his art. In the Roman pantheon, Asclepius corresponds to the god Aesculapius.
  • Atropos("inevitable") - one of the three moira, cutting the thread of fate and cutting off human life.
  • - the daughter of Zeus and Metis, born from his head in full combat weapons. Goddess of just war and wisdom, patroness of knowledge. Athena taught people many crafts, established laws on earth, and bestowed musical instruments on mortals. The center of worship for Athena was in Athens. The Romans identified Athena with the goddess Minerva.
  • (Kyferei, Urania) - the goddess of love and beauty. She was born from the marriage of Zeus and the goddess Dione (according to another legend, she came out of the sea foam, hence her title Anadyomene, “foam-born”). Aphrodite corresponds to the Sumerian Inanna and the Babylonian Ishtar, the Egyptian Isis and the Great Mother of the Gods, and finally, the Roman Venus.
  • - the god of the north wind, the son of the titanides Astrea (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Nota. Depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.
  • - in mythology, sometimes called Dionysus by the Greeks, and Liber by the Romans, was originally a Thracian or Phrygian god, whose cult was adopted by the Greeks very early. Bacchus, according to some legends, is considered the son of the daughter of the Theban king, Semele, and Zeus. According to others - the son of Zeus and Demeter or Persephone.
  • (Hebea) - the daughter of Zeus and Hera, the goddess of youth. Sister of Ares and Ilithyia. She served the Olympian gods at feasts, offering them nectar and ambrosia. In Roman mythology, Hebe corresponds to the goddess Juventa.
  • - the goddess of darkness, night visions and sorcery, the patroness of sorcerers. Often Hecate was considered the goddess of the moon and was identified with Artemis. The Greek nickname for Hekate is "Triodite" and latin name"Trivia" originate from the legend that this goddess lives at the crossroads.
  • - hundred-armed fifty-headed giants, the personification of the elements, the sons of Uranus (Heaven) and the goddess Gaia (Earth).
  • (Helium) - the god of the Sun, brother of Selene (Moon) and Eos (morning dawn). In late antiquity, he was identified with Apollo. According to Greek myths, Helios travels around the sky every day in a chariot drawn by four fiery horses. The main center of the cult was located on the island of Rhodes, where a giant statue was erected in his honor, considered one of the seven wonders of the world (Colossus of Rhodes).
  • Hemera- the goddess of daylight, the personification of the day, born of Nikto and Erebus. Often identified with Eos.
  • - the supreme Olympic goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage. From Zeus, she gave birth to Ares, Hebe, Hephaestus and Ilithyia (the goddess of childbirth, with whom Hera herself was often identified.
  • - the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most significant Greek gods. The patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence, Hermes patronized schools and orators. He played the role of a messenger of the gods and a conductor of the souls of the dead. He was depicted, as a rule, in the form of a young man in a simple hat and winged sandals, with a magic wand in his hands. In Roman mythology, he was identified with Mercury.
  • - the goddess of the hearth and fire, the eldest daughter of Kronos and Gaia, the sister of Hades, Hera, Demeter, Zeus and Poseidon. In Roman mythology, the goddess Vesta corresponded to her.
  • - the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron of artisans (especially blacksmiths). The Greeks depicted Hephaestus as a broad-shouldered, undersized and lame man, working in a forge, where he forges weapons for the Olympian gods and heroes.
  • - mother earth, mother of all gods and people. Coming out of Chaos, Gaia gave birth to Uranus-Sky, and from marriage with him gave birth to titans and monsters. The Roman mother goddess corresponding to Gaia is Tellus.
  • - the god of sleep, the son of Nikta and Erebus, the younger twin brother of the god of death Thanatos, a favorite of the muses. Lives in Tartar.
  • - Goddess of fertility and agriculture. The daughter of Kronos and Rhea, belongs to the number of senior Olympian gods. Mother of the goddess Kore-Persephone and the god of wealth Plutos.
  • (Bacchus) - the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as a fat elderly man, or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head. In Roman mythology, Liber (Bacchus) corresponded to him.
  • - lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees. The life of a dryad was closely connected with her tree. If the tree died or was cut down, the dryad also died.
  • God of fertility, son of Zeus and Persephone. In the mysteries he was identified with Dionysus.
  • - Supreme Olympian god. The son of Kronos and Rhea, the father of many younger gods and people (Hercules, Perseus, Helen of Troy). Lord of storms and thunders. As the ruler of the world, he had many different functions. In Roman mythology, Zeus was associated with Jupiter.
  • - god of the west wind, brother of Boreas and Nota.
  • - the god of fertility, sometimes identified with Dionysus and Zagreus.
  • - patron goddess of childbirth (Roman Lucina).
  • - the god of the river of the same name in Argos and the most ancient king of Argos, the son of Tethys and the Ocean.
  • - the deity of the great mysteries, introduced into the Eleusinian cult by the Orphics and associated with Demeter, Persephone, Dionysus.
  • - the personification and goddess of the rainbow, the winged messenger of Zeus and Hera, the daughter of Tawmant and the oceanids Electra, the sister of the Harpies and Arches.
  • - demonic creatures, children of the goddess Nikta, bringing misfortune and death to people.
  • - Titan, son of Uranus and Gaia, was thrown by Zeus into Tartarus
  • - Titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus. In Roman mythology, he is known as Saturn - a symbol of inexorable time.
  • - daughter of the goddess of discord Eris, mother harit (according to Hesiod). And also the river of Oblivion in the underworld (Virgil).
  • - Titanide, mother of Apollo and Artemis.
  • (Metis) - the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.
  • - mother of nine muses, goddess of memory, daughter of Uranus and Gaia.
  • - daughters of Nikta-Night, the goddess of fate Lachesis, Cloto, Atropos.
  • - the god of ridicule, slander and stupidity. Son of Nyukta and Erebus, brother of Hypnos.
  • - one of the sons of Hypnos, the winged god of dreams.
  • - the patron goddess of the arts and sciences, the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
  • - nymphs-guardians of waters - deities of rivers, lakes, springs, streams and springs.
  • - the daughter of Nikta, a goddess who personified fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins.
  • - fifty daughters of Nereus and the oceanides of Dorida, sea deities.
  • - the son of Gaia and Pontus, meek sea god.
  • - the personification of victory. Often she was depicted with a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.
  • - the goddess of the Night, a product of Chaos. The mother of many gods, including Hypnos, Thanatos, Nemesis, Mom, Kera, Moira, Hesperiad, Eris.
  • - the lowest deities in the hierarchy of the Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature and were closely connected with their habitats. River nymphs were called naiads, tree nymphs were called dryads, mountain nymphs were called orestiads, and sea nymphs were called nereids. Often, nymphs accompanied one of the gods and goddesses as a retinue.
  • Note- the god of the south wind, depicted with a beard and wings.
  • The ocean is a titan, the son of Gaia and Uranus, the forefather of the gods of the sea, rivers, streams and sources.
  • Orion is a deity, the son of Poseidon and the oceanides Euryale, daughter of Minos. According to another legend, he came from a fertilized bull skin, buried for nine months in the ground by King Giriei.
  • Ory (Mountains) - the goddess of the seasons, tranquility and order, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. There were three of them: Dike (or Astrea, goddess of justice), Eunomia (goddess of order and justice), Eirene (goddess of peace).
  • Pan is the god of forests and fields, the son of Hermes and Dryopa, a goat-legged man with horns. He was considered the patron saint of shepherds and small livestock. According to the myths, Pan invented the flute. In Roman mythology, Pan is associated with the Faun (patron of the herds) and Sylvanus (the demon of the forests).
  • Peyto- the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, often identified with her patroness.
  • Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, the goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death. The Romans revered Persephone under the name of Proserpina.
  • Python (Delphin) - a monstrous serpent, a product of Gaia. He guarded the ancient soothsayer of Gaia and Themis in Delphi.
  • The Pleiades are the seven daughters of the titan Atlanta and the oceanid Pleione. The brightest of them bear the names of Atlantis, Artemis's girlfriends: Alcyone, Keleno, Maya, Merope, Sterope, Taygeta, Electra. All the sisters were combined in a loving union with the gods, with the exception of Merope, who became the wife of Sisyphus.
  • Pluto - the god of the underworld, before the 5th century BC named Hades. In the future, Hades is mentioned only by Homer, in other later myths - Pluto.
  • Plutos is the son of Demeter, the god who gives people wealth.
  • Pont- one of the oldest Greek gods, the son of Gaia (born without a father), the god of the Inner Sea. He is the father of Nereus, Tawmant, Phorky and his sister-wife Keto (from Gaia or Tethys); Eurybia (from Gaia; Telchines (from Gaia or Thalassa); genera of fish (from Thalassa.
  • - one of the Olympian gods, brother of Zeus and Hades, ruling over the sea element. Poseidon was also subject to the bowels of the earth, he commanded storms and earthquakes. Depicted as a man with a trident in his hand, usually accompanied by a retinue of lower sea deities and sea animals.
  • Proteus is a sea deity, the son of Poseidon, the patron saint of seals. Possessed the gift of reincarnation and prophecy.

The twelve gods were the main gods worshiped by the ancient Greeks. According to legend, they lived on the top of Mount Olympus, among them were 6 men and 6 women.

Hestia: patroness of family happiness, protector of virgins, the only goddess who got along with all the gods. She was the eldest daughter and first child of Kronos and Rhea, therefore she was introduced to the rank of the main great Goddesses.

Aphrodite: when Aphrodite emerged from the sea she became synonymous with female beauty in antiquity, was the goddess of love and beauty. Gods and mortals, they were all captivated by the beauty of Aphrodite. During her marriage to Hephaestus, she had an affair with Ares.

Athena: goddess of justice, wisdom, strategy, war. The Parthenon in Athens is the most famous temple dedicated to her. Athena was the favorite daughter of Zeus, born from his head. Goddess symbols - owl, aegis, olive, snake.

Artemis: was the goddess of wildlife and hunting, patronized pregnant women and women in childbirth especially in rural areas, the twin sister of Apollo. The symbols of Artemis are animals and plants, weapons, a goat, a deer, a snake, a bay leaf, a palm, a sword, a quiver, a spear and others.

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Ancient Greek mythology expressed a vivid sensory perception of the surrounding reality with all its diversity and colors. Behind every phenomenon of the material world - thunderstorm, war, storm, dawn, lunar eclipse, according to the Greeks, there was an act of one or another god.


The classical Greek pantheon had 12 Olympian deities. However, the inhabitants of Olympus were not the first inhabitants of the earth and the creators of the world. According to the Theogony of the poet Hesiod, the Olympians were only the third generation of gods. At the very beginning there was only Chaos, from which eventually came:

  • Nyukta (Night),
  • Gaia (Earth),
  • Uranus (Sky),
  • Tartarus (Abyss),
  • Skotos (Darkness),
  • Erebus (Darkness).

These forces should be considered the first generation of the Greek gods. The children of Chaos entered into marriages with each other, giving birth to gods, seas, mountains, monsters and various amazing creatures - hekatoncheirs and titans. The grandchildren of Chaos are considered to be the second generation of the gods.

Uranus became the ruler of the whole world, and Gaia, the mother of all things, became his wife. Uranus was afraid and hated his numerous children-titans, therefore, immediately after their birth, he hid the babies back into the womb of Gaia. Gaia suffered greatly from the fact that she could not be born, but the youngest of the children, the titan Kronos, came to her aid. He deposed and castrated his father.

The children of Uranus and Gaia were finally able to come out of their mother's womb. Kronos married one of his sisters - the titanide Rhea and became the supreme deity. His reign became a real "golden age". However, Kronos feared for his power. Uranus predicted to him that one of the children of Kronos would do the same to him as Kronos himself did to his father. Therefore, all the children born to Rhea - Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Demeter - were swallowed by the titan. The last son - Zeus - Rhea managed to hide. Zeus grew up, freed his brothers and sisters, and then began to fight with his father. So the titans and the third generation of gods, the future Olympians, clashed in the battle. Hesiod calls these events "titanomachia" (literally "Battles of the Titans"). The struggle ended with the victory of the Olympians and the fall of the titans into the abyss of Tartarus.

Modern researchers are inclined to believe that the titanomachy was not an empty fantasy based on nothing. In fact, this episode reflected important social changes in life. Ancient Greece. The archaic chthonic deities - the titans, who were worshiped by the ancient Greek tribes, gave way to new deities who personified order, law and statehood. The tribal system and matriarchy went into the past, they are being replaced by the polis system and the patriarchal cult of epic heroes.

Olympian gods

Thanks to numerous literary works, many ancient Greek myths have survived to this day. Unlike Slavic mythology, which has been preserved in fragmentary and incomplete form, ancient Greek folklore has been deeply and comprehensively studied. The pantheon of the ancient Greeks included hundreds of gods, however, only 12 of them played the leading role. There is no canonical list of Olympians. IN different versions myths, the pantheon may include different gods.


Zeus was at the head of the ancient Greek pantheon. He and his brothers - Poseidon and Hades - cast lots to divide the world among themselves. Poseidon got the oceans and seas, Hades got the kingdom of the souls of the dead, and Zeus got the sky. Under the rule of Zeus, law and order are established throughout the earth. For the Greeks, Zeus was the personification of the Cosmos, opposing the ancient Chaos. In a narrower sense, Zeus was the god of wisdom, as well as thunder and lightning.

Zeus was very prolific. From goddesses and earthly women, he had many children - gods, mythical creatures, heroes and kings.

A very interesting moment in the biography of Zeus is his struggle with the titan Prometheus. The Olympian gods destroyed the first people who lived on earth since the time of Kronos. Prometheus created new people and taught them crafts, for their sake, the titan even stole fire from Olympus. Enraged, Zeus ordered Prometheus to be chained to a rock, where an eagle flew daily, pecking at the liver of a titan. In order to take revenge on the people created by Prometheus for their self-will, Zeus sent Pandora to them - a beauty who opened a box in which diseases and various misfortunes of the human race were hidden.

Despite such a vengeful disposition, in general, Zeus is a bright and fair deity. Next to his throne are two vessels - with good and evil, depending on the actions of people, Zeus draws gifts from the vessels, sending either punishment or mercy to mortals.


The brother of Zeus - Poseidon - the lord of such a changeable element as water. Like the ocean, it can be wild and wild. Most likely, Poseidon was originally an earthly deity. This version explains why the cult animals of Poseidon were completely "land" bull and horse. Hence the epithets with which the god of the seas was endowed - “shaking the earth”, “land holder”.

In myths, Poseidon often opposes his thunder brother. For example, he supports the Achaeans in the war against Troy, on the side of which Zeus was.

Almost the entire commercial and fishing life of the Greeks depended on the sea. Therefore, rich sacrifices were regularly made to Poseidon, throwing them directly into the water.


Despite the huge number of connections with the most different women, the closest companion of Zeus all this time was his sister and wife - Hera. Although Hera was the main female deity on Olympus, in fact she was only the third wife of Zeus. The first wife of the Thunderer was the wise oceanid Metis, whom he imprisoned in his womb, and the second was the goddess of justice Themis - the mother of the seasons and moira - the goddesses of fate.

Although the divine spouses often quarrel and cheat on each other, the union of Hera and Zeus symbolizes all monogamous marriages on earth and the relationship between a man and a woman in general.

Distinguished by a jealous and sometimes cruel disposition, Hera was still the guardian of the family hearth, the protector of mothers and children. The Greek women prayed to Hera to send them a good husband, pregnancy, or an easy birth.

Perhaps Hera's confrontation with her husband reflects the chthonic nature of this goddess. According to one version, touching the earth, she even gives birth to a monstrous snake - Typhon. Obviously, Hera is one of the first female deities of the Peloponnesian Peninsula, an evolved and reworked image of the mother goddess.


Ares was the son of Hera and Zeus. He personified the war, and, moreover, the war was not in the form of a liberation confrontation, but a senseless bloody massacre. It is believed that Ares, who absorbed part of the chthonic rampage of his mother, is extremely treacherous and cunning. He uses his power to sow murder and discord.

In the myths, Zeus's dislike for the bloodthirsty son can be traced, however, even a just war is impossible without Ares.


The birth of Athena was very unusual. One day, Zeus began to suffer severe headaches. To alleviate the suffering of the Thunderer, the god Hephaestus strikes him on the head with an ax. From the resulting wound comes a beautiful maiden in armor and with a spear. Zeus, seeing his daughter, was very happy. The newborn goddess was named Athena. She became the main assistant to her father - the keeper of law and order and the personification of wisdom. Formally, the mother of Athena was Metis, imprisoned inside Zeus.

Since the warlike Athena embodied both the feminine and the masculine, she did not need a spouse and remained virgin. The goddess patronized warriors and heroes, but only those of them who wisely disposed of their strength. Thus, the goddess balanced the rampage of her bloodthirsty brother Ares.


Hephaestus - the patron of blacksmithing, crafts and fire - was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was born lame in both legs. Hera was unpleasant to an ugly and sick baby, so she threw him off Olympus. Hephaestus fell into the sea, where Thetis picked him up. On the seabed, Hephaestus mastered blacksmithing and began to forge wonderful things.

For the Greeks, Hephaestus, thrown from Olympus, personified, although ugly, but very smart and kind god, helping everyone who turns to him.

To teach his mother a lesson, Hephaestus forged a golden throne for her. When Hera got into it, the fetters closed on her arms and legs, which none of the gods could unchain. Despite all the persuasion, Hephaestus stubbornly did not want to go to Olympus in order to free Hera. Only Dionysus, who intoxicated Hephaestus, managed to bring the blacksmith god. After her release, Hera recognized her son and gave him Aphrodite as his wife. However, Hephaestus did not live long with a windy wife and entered into a second marriage with Charita Aglaya, the goddess of goodness and joy.

Hephaestus is the only Olympian who is constantly busy with work. He forges lightning bolts for Zeus, magic items, armor and weapons. From his mother, he, like Ares, inherited some chthonic features, however, not so destructive. Connection of Hephaestus with underworld emphasizes its fiery nature. However, the fire of Hephaestus is not a destructive flame, but a hearth that warms people, or a blacksmith's forge, with which many useful things can be made.


One of the daughters of Rhea and Kronos - Demeter - was the patroness of fertility and agriculture. Like many female deities who personify Mother Earth, Demeter had a direct connection with the world of the dead. After the abduction by Hades of her daughter, Persephone, with Zeus, Demeter fell into mourning. Eternal winter reigned on the earth, thousands of people died of hunger. Then Zeus demanded that Persephone spend only one third of the year with Hades, and return to her mother for two thirds.

It is believed that Demeter taught people how to farm. She also gave fertility to plants, animals and people. The Greeks believed that the mysteries dedicated to Demeter blurred the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead. Archaeological data show that in some areas of Greece, Demeter even made human sacrifices.


Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty - appeared on earth in a very unusual way. After the castration of Uranus, Kronos threw his father's reproductive organ into the sea. Since Uranus was very prolific, the beautiful Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam that formed in this place.

The goddess knew how to send love to people and gods, which she often used. One of the main attributes of Aphrodite was her wonderful belt, which made any woman beautiful. Because of the changeable disposition of Aphrodite, many suffered from her charms. The vengeful goddess could severely punish those who rejected her gifts or offended her in some way.

Apollo and Artemis

Apollo and Artemis are the children of the goddess Leto and Zeus. Hera was extremely angry with Summer, so she pursued her throughout the earth and for a long time did not allow her to be born. In the end, on the island of Delos, surrounded by Rhea, Themis, Amphitrite and other goddesses, Leto gave birth to two twins. Artemis was the first to be born and immediately began to help her mother in the birth of her brother.

With a bow and arrows, Artemis, surrounded by nymphs, began to wander through the forests. The virgin hunter goddess was the patroness of wild and domestic animals and all life on earth. Both young girls and pregnant women, whom she protected, turned to her for help.

Her brother became the patron of the arts and healing. Apollo brings harmony and tranquility to Olympus. This god is considered one of the main symbols of the classical period in the history of ancient Greece. He brings elements of beauty and light into everything he does, gives people the gift of foresight, teaches them to heal diseases and play music.


Unlike most of the cruel and vindictive Olympians, Zeus' older sister, Hestia, was distinguished by a peaceful and calm disposition. The Greeks revered her as the keeper of the hearth and sacred fire. Hestia adhered to chastity and refused all the gods who offered her marriage.

The cult of Hestia was very widespread in Greece. It was believed that she helps to hold sacred ceremonies and preserves peace in families.


The patron of trade, wealth, dexterity and theft - Hermes, most likely, was originally an ancient Asia Minor demon-rogue. Over time, the Greeks turned the petty trickster into one of the most powerful gods. Hermes was the son of Zeus and the nymph Maya. Like all children of Zeus, he demonstrated his amazing abilities from birth. So, on the very first day after his birth, Hermes learned to play the cithara and stole the cows of Apollo.

In myths, Hermes appears not only as a deceiver and a thief, but also as a faithful assistant. He often rescued heroes and gods from difficult situations, bringing them weapons, magical herbs, or some other necessary items. A distinctive attribute of Hermes were winged sandals and a caduceus - a rod around which two snakes twined.

Shepherds, merchants, usurers, travelers, swindlers, alchemists and fortune-tellers revered Hermes.


Hades - the ruler of the world of the dead - is not always included among the Olympian gods, since he did not live on Olympus, but in gloomy Hades. However, he was certainly a very powerful and influential deity. The Greeks were afraid of Hades and preferred not to pronounce his name out loud, replacing it with various epithets. Some researchers believe that Hades is a different hypostasis of Zeus.

Although Hades was the god of the dead, he also bestowed fertility and wealth. At the same time, he himself, as befits such a deity, did not have children, he even had to kidnap his wife, because none of the goddesses wanted to descend into the underworld.

The cult of Hades was almost not widespread. Only one temple is known, where only once a year sacrifices were made to the king of the dead.

The life of the ancient Greek gods on Mount Olympus seemed to people a continuous fun and a daily holiday. Myths and legends of those times are a storehouse of philosophical and cultural knowledge. Having considered the list of the gods of Ancient Greece, you can plunge into a completely different world. Mythology surprises with its uniqueness, it is important because it pushed humanity to the development and emergence of many sciences, such as mathematics, astronomy, rhetoric, and logic.

First generation

Initially, there was Mist, and Chaos arose from it. From their union came Erebus (darkness), Nikta (night), Uranus (sky), Eros (love), Gaia (earth) and Tartarus (abyss). All of them played a gigantic role in the formation of the pantheon. All other deities are related to them in one way or another.

Gaia is one of the first deities on earth, which arose along with the sky, sea and air. She is the great mother of everything on earth: heavenly gods were born from her union with her son Uranus (heaven), sea gods from Pontos (sea), giants from Tartaros (hell), and mortal beings were created from her flesh. Depicted as a fat woman, half rising from the ground. We can assume that it was she who came up with all the names of the gods of Ancient Greece, a list of which can be found below.

Uranus is one of the primeval gods of Ancient Greece. He was the original ruler of the universe. He was overthrown by his son Kronos. Born to one Gaia, was also her husband. Some sources call his father Akmon. Uranus was depicted as a bronze dome covering the world.

List of the gods of Ancient Greece, born by Uranus and Gaia: Oceanus, Kous, Hyperion, Crius, Thea, Rhea, Themis, Iapetus, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Kronos, Cyclopes, Brontes, Steropes.

Uranus did not feel much love for his children, more precisely, he hated them. And after their birth he imprisoned them in Tartarus. But during their rebellion he was defeated and castrated by his son Kronos.

Second generation

The Titans, born of Uranus and Gaia, were the six gods of time. The list of titans of ancient Greece includes:

Ocean - tops the list of gods of Ancient Greece, titanium. It was a large river surrounding the earth, was the reservoir of all fresh water. Oceanus' wife was his sister, the titanide Tethys. Their union gave birth to rivers, streams and thousands of oceanids. They did not take part in the Titanomachy. The ocean was depicted as a horned bull with a fish tail instead of legs.

Kay (Koi/Keos) is the brother and husband of Phoebe. Their union gave birth to Leto and Asteria. Depicted in the form of a celestial axis. It was around her that the clouds revolved and Helios and Selena walked across the sky. The couple were thrown by Zeus into Tartarus.

Kriy (Krios) - an ice titan that can freeze all living things. He shared the fate of his brothers and sisters, thrown into Tartarus.

Iapetus (Iapetus / Iapetus) - the most eloquent, commanded the titans during the attack on the gods. Also sent by Zeus to Tartarus.

Hyperion - lived on the island of Trinacria. He did not take part in the Titanomachy. The wife was the titinide Thea (she was thrown into Tartarus along with her brothers and sisters).

Kronos (Chronos/Kronus) is the temporary ruler of the world. He was so afraid of losing the power of the supreme god that he devoured his children so that none of them would claim the throne of the ruler. He was married to his sister Rhea. She managed to save one child and hide him from Kronos. Deposed by his only rescued heir, Zeus, and sent to Tartarus.

Closer to people

The next generation is the most famous. They are the main gods of Ancient Greece. The list of their exploits, adventures and legends with their participation is very impressive.

They not only became closer to people, descending from heaven and emerging from chaos to the top of the mountain. The gods of the third generation began to contact people more often and more willingly.

This was especially boasted by Zeus, who was very partial to earthly women. And the presence of the divine wife Hera did not bother him at all. It was from his union with a man that the familiar hero of myths, Hercules, was born.

third generation

These gods lived on Mount Olympus. From its name they got their title. There are 12 gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which is known to almost everyone. All of them performed their functions and were endowed with unique talents.

But more often they talk about fourteen gods, the first six of which were the children of Kronos and Rhea:

Zeus - the main god of Olympus, the ruler of the sky, personified power and strength. God of lightning, thunder and creator of people. The main attributes of this god were: Aegis (shield), Labrys (double-sided ax), Zeus' lightning (two-pointed pitchfork with notches) and an eagle. Distributed good and evil. Was in alliance with several women:

  • Metis - the first wife, the goddess of wisdom, was swallowed by her husband;
  • Themis - the goddess of justice, the second wife of Zeus;
  • Gera - last wife, the goddess of marriage, was the sister of Zeus.

Poseidon is the god of rivers, floods, seas, drought, horses and earthquakes. His attributes were: a trident, a dolphin and a chariot with white-maned horses. Wife - Amphitrite.

Demeter is the mother of Persephone, the sister of Zeus and his lover. She is the goddess of fertility and patronizes farmers. Demeter's attribute is a wreath of ears of corn.

Hestia is the sister of Demeter, Zeus, Hades, Hera and Poseidon. The patroness of the sacrificial fire and the family hearth. I took a vow of chastity. The main attribute was a torch.

Hades is the ruler of the underworld of the dead. Husband of Persephone (goddess of fertility and queen of the kingdom of the dead). The attributes of Hades were a bident or a wand. Depicted with an underground monster Cerberus - a three-headed dog, who stood guard at the entrance to Tartarus.

Hera is the sister and wife of Zeus. The most powerful and wise goddess of Olympus. She was the patroness of family and marriage. A mandatory attribute of Hera is a diadem. This decoration is a symbol of the fact that she is the main one on Olympus. She obeyed (sometimes reluctantly) all the main gods of ancient Greece, the list of which she headed.

Other Olympians

Although these gods did not have such powerful parents, almost all of them were born from Zeus. Each of them was talented in their own way. And he did his job well.

Ares is the son of Hera and Zeus. God of battles, war and masculinity. He was a lover, then the husband of the goddess Aphrodite. Ares' companions were Eris (goddess of discord) and Enyo (goddess of violent war). The main attributes were: a helmet, a sword, dogs, a burning torch and a shield.

Apollo - the son of Zeus and Leto, was the twin brother of Artemis. The god of light, the leader of the muses, the god of medicine and the predictor of the future. Apollo was very loving, he had many mistresses and lovers. The attributes were: a laurel wreath, a chariot, a bow with arrows and a golden lyre.

Hermes is the son of Zeus and the Pleiades Maya or Persephone. God of trade, eloquence, dexterity, intelligence, animal husbandry and roads. Patron of athletes, merchants, artisans, shepherds, travelers, ambassadors and thieves. He is the personal messenger of Zeus and the escort of the dead to the kingdom of Hades. He taught people writing, trade and accounting. Attributes: winged sandals that allow him to fly, an invisibility helmet, a caduceus (a wand adorned with two intertwined snakes).

Hephaestus is the son of Hera and Zeus. God of blacksmithing and fire. He limped on both legs. Wives of Hephaestus - Aphrodite and Aglaya. The attributes of the god were: bellows, tongs, a chariot and a pilos.

Dionysus is the son of Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. God of vineyards and winemaking, inspiration and ecstasy. Theater patron. He was married to Ariadne. Attributes of God: a cup of wine, a vine wreath and a chariot.

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess Leto, the twin sister of Apollo. The young goddess is a hunter. Being the first to be born, she helped her mother give birth to Apollo. Chaste. Attributes of Artemis: doe, quiver with arrows and chariot.

Demeter is the daughter of Kronos and Rhea. Mother of Persephone (wife of Hades), sister of Zeus and his lover. Goddess of agriculture and fertility. Demeter's attribute is a wreath of ears.

Athena, the daughter of Zeus, completes our list of the gods of Ancient Greece. She was born from his head after he swallowed her mother Themis. Goddess of war, wisdom and craft. Patroness of the Greek city of Athens. Her attributes were: a shield with the image of the Gorgon Medusa, an owl, a snake and a spear.

Born in foam?

I want to talk about the next goddess separately. She is not only to this day a symbol of female beauty. In addition, the history of its origin is hidden in mystery.

There is a lot of controversy and speculation about the birth of Aphrodite. The first version: the goddess was born from the seed and blood of Uranus castrated by Kronos, which fell into the sea and formed foam. The second version: Aphrodite originated from a sea shell. The third hypothesis: she is the daughter of Dione and Zeus.

This goddess was in charge of beauty and love. Spouses: Ares and Hephaestus. Attributes: chariot, apple, rose, mirror and dove.

How they lived on the great Olympus

All the Olympic gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which you see above, had the right to live and spend all their free time from miracles on the great mountain. The relationship between them was not always rosy, but few of them dared to open hostility, knowing the power of their opponent.

Even among the great divine beings, there was no permanent peace. But everything was decided by intrigues, secret conspiracies and betrayals. It is very similar to the human world. And this is understandable, because humanity was created by the gods, so they all look like us.

Gods who do not live on Mount Olympus

Not all deities had a chance to reach such heights and climb Mount Olympus to rule the world there, feasting and having fun. Many other gods either failed to deserve such a high honor, or were modest and content with an ordinary life. If, of course, you can call the existence of a deity that way. In addition to the Olympic gods, there were other gods of Ancient Greece, a list of their names is here:

  • Hymen is the god of marriage bonds (the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope).
  • Nike is the goddess of victory (daughter of Styx and the titan Pallas).
  • Irida is the goddess of the rainbow (daughter of the sea god Tawmant and the oceanid Electra).
  • Ata is the goddess of obscuration of the mind (daughter of Zeus).
  • Apata is the mistress of lies (heiress of the goddess of night darkness Nyukta).
  • Morpheus is the god of dreams (the son of the lord of dreams Hypnos).
  • Phobos - the god of fear (a descendant of Aphrodite and Ares).
  • Deimos - the lord of horror (the son of Ares and Aphrodite).
  • Ora - the goddess of the seasons (daughters of Zeus and Themis).
  • Eol - the demigod of the winds (the heir of Poseidon and Arna).
  • Hekate is the mistress of darkness and all monsters (the result of the union of the titan Perse and Asteria).
  • Thanatos is the god of death (son of Erebus and Nyukta).
  • Erinyes - goddesses of revenge (daughters of Erebus and Nyukta).
  • Pontus is the ruler of the inland sea (heir to Ether and Gaia).
  • Moira - the goddess of fate (daughter of Zeus and Themis).

These are not all the gods of Ancient Greece, the list of which can be continued even further. But to get acquainted with the main myths and legends, it is enough to know only these characters. If you want to read more stories about each, we are sure that the ancient storytellers came up with a lot of interweaving of their destinies and details of the divine life, in which you will gradually get to know more and more new heroes.

Meaning of Greek mythology

There were also muses, nymphs, satyrs, centaurs, heroes, cyclops, giants and monsters. This whole vast world was not invented in one day. Myths and legends have been written for decades, with each retelling acquiring other details and characters that have never been seen before. All the new gods of ancient Greece appeared, the list of names of which grew from one storyteller to another.

The main goal of these stories was to teach future generations the wisdom of the elders, to tell in an understandable language about good and evil, about honor and cowardice, about loyalty and lies. And besides, such a huge pantheon made it possible to explain almost any natural phenomenon, the scientific justification of which was not yet available.

Olympus- the highest mountain range in Greece (2917 m).

In ancient Greek mythology, Olympus is a sacred mountain, the seat of the gods, led by Zeus.
In this regard, the Greek gods are often referred to as "Olympians".

12 gods of Olympus

  1. Zeus- Chief of the Olympian gods. God of the sky, thunder and lightning, in charge of the whole world.
    (In Roman mythology - Jupiter).
  2. Hera- Wife of Zeus. The patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth.
    (In Roman mythology - the goddess Juno).
  3. Poseidon- the god of the seas.
    (In Roman mythology - Neptune).
  4. Hades- the god of the underworld of the dead and the name of the kingdom of the dead.
    (In Roman mythology - Pluto).
  5. Demeter- goddess of fertility, patroness of agriculture. Her name means "Mother Earth".
    (In Roman mythology - Ceres).
  6. Apollo- the god of the sun, light and truth.
    The patron of the arts, the leader and patron of the muses, the predictor of the future, the healer god, also cleansed people who committed murder. Apollo represents the Sun.
    (In Roman mythology Phoebus).
  7. Artemis- the virgin, always young goddess of hunting, the goddess of fertility, the goddess of female chastity, the patroness of all life on Earth, giving happiness in marriage and help during childbirth.
    (In Roman mythology - Diana).
  8. Hephaestus- the god of fire, the patron of blacksmithing and the most skilled blacksmith.
    (In Roman mythology - Vulcan).
  9. Athena- the goddess of organized warfare, military strategy and wisdom, who gave the name to the city of Athens.
    In addition, the goddess of knowledge, arts and crafts. Virgo warrior, patroness of cities and states, sciences and crafts, intelligence, skill, ingenuity.
    (In Roman mythology - Minerva).
  10. Ares- god of War. (In Roman mythology - Mars).
  11. Aphrodite- Goddess of beauty and love. (In Roman mythology - Venus).
  12. Hermes- the god of trade, profit, intelligence, dexterity and eloquence, giving wealth and income in trade,
    god of athletes.
    The patron saint of heralds, ambassadors, shepherds, travelers. Patron of magic, alchemy and astrology. He invented measures, numbers, the alphabet and taught this to people.
    (In Roman mythology - Mercury).
In honor of the god Zeus were held Olympic Games. The first games in Olympia (Greece) were held on July 1, 776 BC.
The founder of the games is Hercules, the son of Zeus. At the first games, athletes competed in the race for 1 stage (192.27 m.).
At subsequent games: running, jumping, pankrat (fight without rules), discus, spear, horse racing, wrestling (races) of chariots. At the time of the Olympic Games, a sacred truce was established between the policies. Games were held for 5 days once every 4 years. Athletes trained in Olympia ten months before the start of the competition.
The winner ("olympionics") was awarded a wreath, a palm branch, a branch of the sacred olive tree from the Acropolis.
The honor of the winner extended to the descendants. The Olympic Games were attended only by men. The participants, anointed with oil, performed naked. The ancient Olympic Games ended in 395 AD when Olympia was destroyed by two powerful earthquakes. In 1896 AD French Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the idea of ​​ancient competitions and organized the first
modern Olympic Games.

Coins "Olympic Games" and the great Opimpians of Russia

Depicted are two riders - participants II Olympic Games(1900 Paris - France) from Russia against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower, to the left of them - the emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee.
Portraits of the participants of the First Congress of the International Olympic Committee (IOC): in the center - Pierre de Coubertin, to the right of him - General A.D. Butovsky (the founder of the IOC from Russia), to the left of them - a torch and the emblem of the Russian Olympic Committee.
The tradition of Olympic victories for Russian athletes began ON THE. Panin-Kolomenkin(1871-72 - 1956), who became the first in figure skating at the IV Olympics in London (1908).

For the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, a gold medal was won by a Russian athlete.

Summer Olympic Games 1912. The official name is the Games of the V Olympiad - the Olympic Games held in Stockholm (Sweden). The Russian football team, after being eliminated from the main tournament (defeated by Finland - 1: 2), was defeated in a consolation match from the German team with a score of 0:16.

This defeat remains the largest for the Russian team and to this day.

The number "2000" against the background of the Australian continent. In the three zeros connected to each other - images of a runner, a high jumper and a weightlifter, under the zeros in a semicircle of the inscription: "CITIUS" "ALTIUS" "FORTIUS" (Faster, Higher, Stronger). "XXYII SUMMER OLYMPIC GAMES"
in Sydney (Australia) in 2000.
In the unofficial medal standings, Russia took 2nd place.
Yashin Lev Ivanovich(1929-1990) - one of the best goalkeepers in the history of world football.
From 1949 until the end of his sports career in 1971 he played for the sports club "Dynamo" (Moscow). Since 1957 - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, multiple winner of the championships and cup tournaments of the USSR, winner of the European Cup,
champion Olympic Games
L.I. Yashin - Hero of Socialist Labor, awarded the Order of Lenin, two orders of the Red Banner of Labor, medals, the Olympic Order of the IOC and the Golden Order of FIFA. Depicted - a stylized image of a football field, on the right - a portrait of L.I. Yashin, at the bottom - a soccer ball with his facsimile signature, at the top along the circumference - the inscription: "LEV YASHIN".
Streltsov Eduard Anatolievich(1937-1990) - one of the best Soviet strikers in the history of football, played in the Torpedo team. At the age of 17 he made his debut in the USSR national team, at the age of 18 - the best scorer of the USSR championship (1955),
at 19 years old - Olympic champion(1956 Melbourne - Australia).
The best football player of the USSR (1967, 1968), a member of the club scorers Grigory Fedotov. The prestigious Russian award "Sagittarius" is named in his honor, which has been awarded annually since 1997 to the best football players in the country. E.A. Streltsov was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor, the Torpedo stadium in Moscow was named after him.
The coin depicts football players at the moment of the final game on Olympics in Melbourne, which took place on December 8, 1956 between the teams of the USSR and Yugoslavia and ended with a score of 1:0 in favor of the Soviet team.
Inscriptions: under the image of the kangaroo "Melbourne", at the bottom in a circle "Champions of the 1956 Olympics". The coin was issued in 1997 for the 100th anniversary of Russian football.
The date of birth of football in Russia is October 24, 1897, when in St. Petersburg the teams of the Vasileostrovsky Football Club and the St. Petersburg Sports Fans Circle met in the first match.
The coin depicts the players at the moment of the final game at the Seoul Olympics October 1, 1988 between the teams of the USSR and Brazil, which ended with the victory of the Soviet team with a score of 2: 1.
Inscriptions: on the right - "Seoul", below in a circle - "Champions of the Olympics. 1988". At the top in a circle is the inscription: "100th anniversary of Russian football." In the unofficial medal standings, the USSR team took 1st place.
Galina Alekseevna Kulakova(born 1942) - Soviet skier.
  • Won every possible gold medal at the 1972 Olympics in Sapporo (10 km, 5 km and 3x5 km relay);
  • 1976 Olympic champion in the 3x5 km relay;
  • Vice-champion of the Olympic Games in 1968 (5 km, only Kulakova's fall 500 meters before the finish allowed the Swede Toini Gustafsson to get ahead of the Soviet skier) and 1980 (4x5 km relay);
  • Bronze medalist of the 1968 Olympic Games (3x5 km relay race) and 1976 (5 km relay);
  • Won every possible gold medal also at the 1974 World Championships in Falun (10 km, 5 km and 4x5 km);
  • Two-time world champion in 1970 in the 5 km and in the 3x5 km relay;
  • 39-time champion of the USSR: 5 km (1969, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1979), 10 km (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982), 20 km (1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981), 30 km (1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980) 1976, 1978 1979, 1981).
  • Winner of the very first World Cup 1978/79
  • She was awarded the Orders of Lenin, 3 Orders of the Badge of Honor, Orders of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Silver Order of the IOC (1984) for services to world sports.
    Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, Honored Worker physical education Russian Federation.
  • The best athlete of Udmurtia of the XX century.
Smetanina Raisa Petrovna(born 1952) - Soviet skier, 4-time Olympic champion.
In Innsbruck (1976) she won two gold medals in the 10 km race. and in the relay, and was second at a distance of 5 km., in Lake Placid (1980) she won at a distance of 5 km. and won silver in the relay, in Sarajevo (1984) she won two silver medals at distances of 10 and 20 km, in Calgary (1988) she won a silver medal in the 10 km race. and bronze at a distance of 20 km., in Albertville (1992) received a gold medal in the relay.
Five-time world champion. She won more than twenty gold medals at the USSR championships (1974, 1976-1977, 1983-1986, 1989, 1991) at various distances.

She was awarded the Orders of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Badge of Honor. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

  • Most awards for a woman in the history of the Winter Olympics (10 medals)
  • The first athlete (both women and men) who managed to win medals at 5 Winter Olympics in a row
Latynina Larisa Semyonovna(born 1934), an outstanding Soviet gymnast, absolute champion of the Olympic Games in 1956 and 1960, until 2012 she had the largest collection of Olympic medals in the history of sports - 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze.

Absolute world champion 1958 and 1962, European 1957 and 1961, Soviet Union 1961 and 1962
She was awarded the Orders of the USSR - Lenin, Friendship of Peoples, three times "Badge of Honor", the Russian Federation - "For Services to the Fatherland" III Art. and IV Art., Honor, Ukraine - the Order of Princess Olga III Art., Silver Olympic Order of the IOC.

Andrianov Nikolai Efimovich(1952 - 2011), an outstanding Soviet athlete - gymnast, absolute champion of the 1976 Olympic Games, winner of 7 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze medals at the 1972, 1976 and 1980 Olympics,
world champion 1974 (rings), 1978 (all-around and rings), European champion 1971 (horse and vault), 1973 (floor exercises and vault) and 1975 (all-around, floor exercises, vault).

Winner of the World Cup competition 1975-1977.
Multiple champion of the USSR. Awarded with orders of the USSR: Lenin, Red Banner of Labor, "Badge of Honor".

Rodnina Irina Konstantinovna(born 1949) - an outstanding figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969), performed in pairs figure skating for CSKA in 1968-1972. with Ulanov A.N., and since 1973 - with Zaitsev A.G. Rodnina I.K. - champion of the USSR in 1970-1971, 1973-1975 and 1977, Europe and the world in 1969-1978 and 1980,
Olympic Games in 1972 with Ulanov A.N., in 1976 and 1980. with Zaitsev A.G. Zaitsev Alexander Gennadievich(born 1952) - an outstanding figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1973), performed in pairs figure skating for CSKA with Rodnina I.K. Zaitsev A.G. - champion of the USSR in 1973-1975, 1977, Europe and the world in 1973-1978, 1980,
Olympic Games in 1976 and 1980
Pakhomova Lyudmila Alekseevna(1946-1986) and Gorshkov Alexander Georgievich(born in 1946) performed in ice dancing for Dynamo (Moscow). Multiple champions of the USSR, Europe, the world and Olympic Games(1976). L.A. Pakhomova was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. A.G. Gorshkov awarded with orders Red Banner of Labor, Friendship of Peoples, "Badge of Honor", "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree. As six-time world and European champions in ice dancing, they are included to the Guinness Book of Records.
On the coin "Olympic Games Sochi-2014" there is a relief allegorical image

Prometheus (titan in ancient Greek mythology, who stole the fire from Hephaestus, carried it away from Olympus and handed it over to people)

in the image of a man in antique robes with a burning torch in his hand, around him along the edge are figures of athletes representing winter sports:
Alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, luge, ski jumping, speed skating, ice hockey.

On the coin "Olympic Games Sochi-2014" there is a relief allegorical image

Matsesta (Matsesta - "fire water" - hydrogen sulfide healing spring in Sochi)

in the image of a young woman in antique robes with a jug on her shoulder, from which she pours water, around her along the piping are figures of athletes representing winter sports: figure skating, skeleton, snowboarding, freestyle, cross-country skiing, short track and curling, below in two lines - the inscription: "SOCHI" and the date: "2014", under them - five Olympic rings.

Doodle Google

August 2, 2018 - Mount Olympus Celebration
Event description:
On August 2, 1913, 105 years ago, three climbers (Swiss photographer Frédéric Boissonnas, his friend Daniel Baud-Bovy and Greek hunter Christos Kakkalos) climbed the 9,573-foot (2,917-meter) peak where the Greek gods were said to have lived. .
The way to the top passed through deep ravines and steep climbs in foggy and rainy weather.
On one of the peaks of the mountain, which they called "Victory", climbers leave a bottle with a note describing their ascent and a map of the ascent.