Green tea with lemon: benefits and harm - recipes. Beneficial properties of green tea with lemon and tips for weight loss Green tea with ginger

Numerous studies have proven that green tea with lemon is healthy drink. It restores strength and improves mood. Thanks to its composition, which harmoniously combines catechins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, etc., the drink is considered the best for balancing body weight. Tea can bring both benefits and harm to the body. There are rules for brewing and drinking this liquid. Recommendations help to reveal the full useful potential of the product.

Benefits for weight loss

The medicinal drink consists of 1500 elements and compounds. But this information only applies to high-quality green tea. To start the necessary processes in the body and start losing weight, it is important to purchase decent tea leaves. Good stuff won't be cheap. Its average price starts from 100 rubles per 100 g.

Green tea with lemon

The emerald drink contains the following most important components:

  • Vitamins (carotene, C, group B, K, PP, U);
  • Essential oils;
  • Caffeine tannate (caffeine due to tannins);
  • Minerals (fluorine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, etc.);
  • Pectin;
  • Polyphenols (catechins);
  • Alkaloids (theobromine and theophylline);
  • Amino acids, etc.

Useful properties tea plant are due to the content of all these elements in ideal proportions. As a result, the composition is recommended for use by those who care about their body.

  1. Emerald tea leaves are powerful antioxidant. It stops free radicals that stimulate the destruction of cell bodies, and also defeats high cholesterol. The product works by increasing metabolism and heat transfer. The body begins to process food faster, after which it does not stop and burns off accumulated fat deposits. A drink that has honey and ginger added works especially well.
  2. Amino acids and caffeine in the product play the role of biostimulants and antidepressants. They win depressive states. These substances, once in the body, cause chemical reactions that can lift your spirits.

Additional information. Physiologically, amino acids and caffeine tannate have an effect on the kidneys and provoke a diuretic effect. The result is the absence of excess liquid. The body becomes toned, swelling does not occur. The product acts on accumulated salts and is able to help the body remove them.

  1. Tea can increase the body's resistance. A strong immune system is not susceptible to pathogenic microorganisms. This property during a diet allows a person not to get sick or weaken. Ginger and cinnamon will help improve the effect.
  2. Thanks to pectin, which also affects metabolic processes, digestion improves. In combination with vitamins and minerals, the drink reduces hunger well. One cup can reduce sugar levels, and a person on a diet stops thinking about food. If you have tea 30-45 minutes before lunch or dinner, then while eating, the body will be filled with less food.

Important! Green tea is the elixir of longevity. It has been established that it can prolong the life of a person who loves to drink emerald liquid by 5-15 years. An example of this is the Chinese, whose secret to long life lies in green tea.

The medicinal drink consists of 1500 elements and compounds

Adding lemon to tea

Lemon is a natural first aid kit. In its rich composition:

  • Vitamins (A, C, PP, E, group B);
  • Potassium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Dietary fiber;
  • Organic acids, etc.

All substances are easily absorbed by the body. Lemon stimulates brain activity, strengthens the skeleton, normalizes heart function, treats colds, improves immunity, and cleanses the body. The fruit has a positive effect on the metabolic process. Because of this, he is considered one of the best products, capable of breaking down extra pounds.

Healthy green tea with lemon turns into an energy cocktail. Many people are interested in the question “can I drink green tea with lemon for weight loss?” The answer here is clearly positive. This mixture is the best assistant in the fight for a slim waist. She helps clean up overweight and gives the skin tone.

During a diet, both women and men often experience stress and loss of strength. In this case, green tea with lemon has the benefit of lifting your mood and providing a boost of energy.

Pay attention! Cocktail of emerald tea and yellow fruit is considered successful due to some features of these products. Tea flushes iron from the body. Lemon, on the contrary, is rich in this trace element. As a result, the lemon drink enriches the body with iron.

Lemon is a natural first aid kit


Despite all the positive properties of the emerald drink with lemon, in some cases it is not worth drinking. Among the contraindications:

  • Insomnia. People suffering from this disease feel a surge of strength after a cup of drink and cannot go to the kingdom of Morpheus even with a strong desire. In this case, experts advise organizing a tea party in the morning.
  • Low blood pressure. Japanese researchers, after numerous experiments, concluded that green tea leaves can significantly lower blood pressure.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, the product is contraindicated due to the possibility of developing allergies in both mother and baby.
  • Problems with the digestive tract. In this case, tea leaves will do more harm than good. The only thing nutritionists advise is to give up the drink if it’s night. It is allowed to brew a bag once every few days and only before lunch time.
  • Problems with the liver, kidneys.
  • Researchers agree that emerald tea leaves with water should not be used frequently by pensioners. An elderly body can produce an unpredictable reaction to a stimulating, invigorating cocktail.


  • Green tea can be consumed by healthy adults who do not experience problems with blood pressure, heart function or the digestive tract.
  • Men and women who are unhappy with their weight should definitely keep the product at home.

Additional information. The cocktail should not be drunk on an empty stomach. In this case, the infusion causes dizziness, indigestion and negatively affects the mucous walls of the stomach.

Secrets of preparing the drink

To make the drink work as effectively as possible for weight loss, it must be prepared correctly. When brewing a bag, you should not leave it in the mug until it is completely brewed. It is recommended to drink weak tea so as not to cause disruptions in the body.

A good recipe for preparing an infusion at home for losing excess weight is to purchase a good leaf product. As soon as the kettle boils, you should rinse the French press or container in which the tea leaves will be placed with boiling water. 15 g of leaves are placed in the container. This is about a tablespoon. Suitable water for the procedure is 70-85 degrees. Boiling water is not suitable. After 2-4 minutes, the infusion is poured into a mug. As soon as the liquid has cooled a little, add a slice of lemon. It is allowed to add honey, but not sugar. Citrus fruit should not be placed in very hot water due to the loss of vitamins.

  1. You are allowed to drink 3-4 mugs of emerald cocktail per day.
  2. For effective weight loss It is recommended to replace liquids such as coffee, soda, compotes, alcohol, etc. with green tea.
  3. Do not drink the drink with meals. It is best to have a tea party 30-40 minutes after breakfast, lunch, or 30-40 minutes before meals. This way the product will be better absorbed.
  4. Pills and tea drinking are incompatible. The effect of this method of taking medications may be zero.
  5. To ensure that the previous weight never returns, women and men should get into the habit of drinking green tea with lemon without sugar at least 5-7 times a week.
  6. The fresh drink is drunk immediately. Leaving the tea leaves loses its properties.

People may or may not like green tea with lemon, but its benefits are difficult to overestimate. If you follow all the recommendations and drink the drink correctly, you can lose from 1 to 3 kg per week.

Most people associate lemon tea with inclement weather or a cold. After all, this is known to everyone folk remedy for coughs and sore throats, a rich source of vitamin C. But not everyone knows how to properly prepare the drink so that tea with lemon is truly beneficial.

Lemon tea: benefits

In addition to all the beneficial components of the tea itself, the hot drink, thanks to the sour fruit, contains vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

In addition to its well-known protection of body function, vitamin C has other healing properties:

  • helps the body absorb iron;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps with cerebral vascular spasms;
  • protects joints from premature destruction;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • tones and invigorates no worse than coffee;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • helps with bloating.

Nutrients in lemon tea

  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium

Green tea with lemon: benefits

Everyone has their own preferences in choosing types of tea, but if we talk about health benefits, then the healthiest tea with lemon is green! In addition to a solid portion of antioxidants, good leaf green tea contains important microelements: magnesium, potassium, fluorine, iodine. Green tea with lemon is useful for hypertension, tachycardia and other cardiovascular diseases. It protects the body much more actively from viral infections and restores the immune system.

The combination of citrus with herbal teas is no less useful. For colds, problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems, herbal teas are one of the mild but effective medicinal products. By adding a slice to such hot tea, you will enhance the healing effect. It is useful to use it as part of linden and chamomile tea, and also with mint, lemon balm and thyme.

It is very useful to drink tea with lemon and ginger - such a drink will quickly put you on your feet if you have a cold, and will help with food poisoning.

Is drinking lemon tea good for weight loss?

Even water with lemon is good for weight loss - a long-known recipe. But tea will also help you get rid of extra pounds. For these purposes, green tea varieties and the addition of fresh ginger root are best suited. To lose weight, drink a drink that is not too hot. Active polyphenols in the drink help bind and remove excess fat from the body. In addition, the composition of this tea improves digestion, accelerates metabolic processes, and cleanses the intestines of toxins. So the benefits of lemon tea are obvious!

For whom is tea with lemon harmful?

Tea with lemon can only be harmful if you have high acidity or are allergic to citrus fruits.

In pregnant women, a passion for sour citrus fruits can cause heartburn, and in nursing mothers, diathesis in infants.

How much tea with lemon can you drink?

If there are no problems with high acidity and no heartburn, then you can drink tea with lemon 5-6 times a day.

How many calories are in lemon tea?

200 mg of sugar-free drink with one thin slice contains about 3-5 Kcal

How to make tea with lemon

If you are brewing tea in medicinal purposes, then to preserve the beneficial properties of lemon, it should not be placed in a very hot drink. Wait 5 minutes and when the tea has cooled, add lemon to it.

Instead of sugar, you can add a spoonful of honey to your tea. But, as in the case of lemon, only when the drink has cooled slightly.

Healthy Lemon Tea Recipes

As already mentioned, lemon can be added to black, green and herbal teas. For a variety of taste and healing composition, you can add different spices to this drink.

Tea with lemon and cinnamon for weight loss

Pre-scald the kettle. Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to 0.5 liters. Pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

Green tea with mint and lemon

Osh steam the kettle with boiling water. Then put tea leaves in it (1 teaspoon per glass), 3-4 mint leaves and pour boiling water. Leave for 5-7 minutes, then add lemon.

Green tea with lemon

Green tea with lemon is good for the body. are minimally processed so they retain nutrients after fermentation.

Useful properties

Hot green tea with lemonassociated with its unique composition:

  • vitamins C and P, which have a positive effect on the immune system;
  • vitamin A strengthens vision;
  • B vitamins lower cholesterol levels, enhancing the production of red blood cells, growth and nails;
  • Vitamin E is considered a natural antioxidant, which has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

The healing properties of lemon tea

Japanese scientists conducted a study that involved long-term users. Test result:

  • elimination of cardiac pathology;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Lowers blood pressure

The drink has been proven to normalize blood pressure. Drink 2 cups of the drink per day. You must first consult a doctor and measure your blood pressure.

Helps you lose weight

Unlike the black variety, green tea with lemon is effective for. It burns fat, filling the body with energy. It is included in the nutrition of athletes, as it increases endurance. Green tea is a natural antioxidant that contains catechins. They normalize metabolism, preserving beauty. Antioxidants prevent heart pathologies, minimizing the risk of cancer.

And lemon‒ low-calorie product. Value of 100 ml ˗ one calorie. A 200 ml cup contains 2 kcal. There are 5 calories per lemon slice. If you add sugar to the composition, then the indicator will increase. In 1 tsp. sugar contains 16 calories.

Is it possible and how to drink green tea with lemon?

The drink helps with various diseases and stress. Its main component is theanine. It helps neutralize radiation products. Its constant use helps to avoid stress.

Other indications for drinking the drink:

  • sclerosis therapy;
  • decrease in blood;
  • menopause;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • cold;
  • nausea.
Tea ingredients

You can add lemon slices to remove toxins, cleanse the liver, and prevent swelling. The drink has a positive effect on the body if consumed correctly. It is recommended to drink the drink before and after meals, before physical activity.

It tastes good cold and hot. But the choice of use depends on personal preference. Teatesters identify several main rules for preparing and drinking green tea with lemon slices:

  1. Honey is not added if the water is hot. At high temperatures, its structure changes and harmful elements are released;
  2. Lemon is used in the form of zest, juice, pulp;
  3. No more than 2-3 cups of tea per day.


In the evening, it is better to avoid drinking hot drinks. After lunch, you need to prepare a weak one to avoid nervous excitement.

How to brew

To make a tasty drink, it is necessary. Teatesters recommend using loose leaf green tea and lemon juice. The water temperature for brewing should not exceed +80 degrees. The tea is characterized by a delicate yellow tint. It infuses for 2-3 minutes.

Rules for brewing green tea with lemon slices:

  1. Use of purified water;
  2. A glass or porcelain teapot is suitable for this;
  3. Pre-treatment of the teapot with boiling water.

Green tea with lemon recipes

Loose leaf green tea

There are several recipes for making green tea with lemon. Lighten the tea leaves, and when the water has cooled, add lemon slices. To make the classic recipe, the large-leaf variety is used and the citrus is replaced with lemon juice.

Steps for preparing a hot drink:

  • the teapot is treated with boiling water;
  • dry tea leaves are poured into the container;
  • hot water is added to the kettle (temperature +80 degrees);
  • after 10 minutes, the tea is poured into cups, lemon slices or 1 tsp are added. lemon juice per serving.

Green tea is a good drink for colds.

And honey

Brewed tea leaves with citrus juice quickly relieve pain. To cheer up and boost immunity, honey is added to tea. Other characteristics of a hot drink include:

To prepare tea, you will need 1 tsp. dry brew, ½lemon and honeytaste. The kettle is pre-treated. Boiling water is used for this. Dry leaves are added to the container, which are poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The composition is infused for 5 minutes. Lemon juice is added to tea. If the water has cooled, add honey. The ready-made drink quickly quenches thirst.

And ginger

Scientists have identified many benefits in green tea with lemon and ginger. The drink not only has an exquisite spicy-sour taste, but also has a positive effect on the body when consumed regularly:

  • increases performance;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • cleanses the intestines and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract from harmful substances;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • strengthens the walls of large and small vessels;
  • eliminates various infections;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes, which are localized in different organs.

To prepare the drink you will need: 2-3 tbsp. l. tea leaves, a piece of root, lemon, 2 liters of water. Steps for brewing tea:

  1. Ginger root is peeled and crushed;
  2. Liquid and ginger are added to the container;
  3. The composition is cooked over low heat;
  4. If the water boils, you need to wait 5 minutes;
  5. Tea leaves are added to the container pre-treated with boiling water;
  6. After a few minutes, lemon slices are included in the composition.

The resulting drink is filtered.

And mint

To get rid of migraines and eliminate menopausal symptoms, it is recommended to prepare. The drink strengthens the general condition of the body, improving the elasticity of blood vessels.

Small dry mint leaves are used for brewing. To prepare tea according to the classic method, fresh branches, ground by hand, are used. If dry leaves are used, they are mixed with dry tea leaves.

With cinnamon

Various spices are added to green tea, including cinnamon. With the help of this drink, metabolism is accelerated and fats are broken down. More often, this composition is effective for obesity of varying degrees. For 1 cup, ingredients are used in the following quantities:

  • 1 tsp each tea leaves and ground cinnamon;
  • 2 slices of lemon;
  • 200 ml water.

To prepare the drink, you will need to brew tea leaves with boiling water brought to a temperature of +80-+85 degrees. Mix cinnamon and 2-3 tsp separately. boiling water The components are combined and infused for up to 10 minutes.

And lemon balm


To calm down, with lemon and lemon balm. To do this you will need 30 g of dry lemon balm, 1 liter of boiling water, 2 tsp. honey Melissa is poured with boiling water and infused for up to 30 minutes. Honey is added to the composition. The solution is mixed until the bee product is completely dissolved. You can drink up to 3 cups of this drink every day.

With and without sugar

You can make green tea with lemon, sugar and no sweeteners. To prevent lemon from dulling the smell of tea leaves, you must follow the following sequence:

  1. Water is poured into the kettle. The composition is boiling;
  2. The teapot with dry tea leaves is rinsed with boiling water. In this way, tea leaves are warmed and washed;
  3. For brewing, water heated to +95 degrees is used;
  4. Water is poured into the kettle at 1/23. After 2 minutes it is filled to the edges of the container;
  5. The kettle is closed with a lid. After 6 minutes the drink is ready to drink;
  6. Lemon is added at the end, when the tea is poured into cups. At this stage, add sugar to taste.


Citric acid changes the color and astringency of tea, which is taken into account during the preparation of a hot drink. It is better to cut the citrus into slices. For one cup you will need 1 whole or ½lobules.

And cloves


To give the drink more nutrients, enhancing the overall taste, spices are added. This tea is good for colds. The hot, spicy composition reduces chills, reducing pain and relieving aching joints.


  • 80 g ginger root;
  • 6 carnations;
  • 8 pcs. cardamom;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • juice from ½ lemon;
  • 3 tsp. tea leaves.

Tea leaves are brewed hot water and infuse for 5 minutes. Ginger is crushed, which is then added to the mixture along with cloves, cinnamon and cardamom. The ingredients are boiling. Squeeze lemon juice into cooled tea and add sugar or other natural sweetener.

And milk

The British believe that milk is a nutritious, easily digestible, stimulating and body-strengthening drink. considered difficult chemical composition a product that contains more than 100 useful substances.

At the same time, milk is bad. To improve its absorption, the product is diluted with tea. This composition enriches the body with vegetable fats, vitamins and proteins.

Softens the effects of caffeine and other alkaloids contained in green tea. It is useful to drink drinks together in the morning and evening. They give strength, treat kidney and heart diseases, strengthening the central nervous system.

Steps for brewing milk with green tea:

  • green tea is brewed separately;
  • heated to a temperature of +40-+60 degrees.

The components are mixed. Honey or sugar is added to the drink.


Green tea with lemon slices can be drunk not only hot, but also cold. The latter composition contains many useful substances, since some of its components are not destroyed by boiling water.

Iced tea quickly quenches thirst, preventing dehydration. American scientists believe that the drink provokes urolithiasis. It contains a compound that is hazardous to health: oxalate. It promotes the formation of kidney stones. This substance is present in hot green tea, but the drink is not consumed in the same volumes as a cold drink.


There are several preparations for the drink. We first take into account the fact that the finished product is stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours. This is due to the fact that green tea, with or without sugar, contains excessive amounts of nutrients necessary for the life of microbes, bacteria and fungi.

You can prepare green tea according to the classic recipe: 1 tsp. tea leaves are brewed with boiling water. The composition is cooled. Lemon is added to it. To make a cold drink you will need:

  1. 200 ml water;
  2. Tea brewing: 2 tsp;
  3. Half a lemon;
  4. Sugar;
  5. Sparkling water: 150 ml.

The kettle is pre-treated with boiling water. Tea leaves are added to it and brewed with hot water. It will take 10-15 minutes for the composition to brew. Lemon and sugar are added to the ingredients.

The drink should cool to room temperature. It is filtered. Sparkling water is added. The drink is stored in the refrigerator. After 30 minutes, green iced tea with lemon is ready to drink. In hot weather it gives a feeling of vivacity.

Harm and contraindications

Harm of green tea with lemon juice- allergies. Citrus is considered the main provocateur of rashes, itching and other allergy symptoms. The risk group includes not only adults, but also adults.

A strong concentration of tea is capable of... Therefore, it is excluded from the diet of people who suffer from heart and vascular pathologies.

Green tea varieties

Contraindications for drinking the drink:

  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including increased stomach acidity;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • problems with urination.


Since the drink has a diuretic effect, it causes additional stress on the body. It is recommended to avoid it before bedtime. It can cause insomnia. In the morning, bags and swelling appear around.

Due to citric acid, which is part of the citrus fruit, the drink should not be drunk if you have problems with. Scientists have proven that tea destroys enamel. It is not recommended. It increases acidity, which negatively affects a woman’s condition.

It is forbidden to abuse tea. It causes allergies and heartburn. Often babies are bothered by colic and diathesis. To exclude the manifestation side effects, the drink must be brewed and drunk correctly.

Green tea is a unique drink. But you will learn in the article how to choose the right tea and brew it. Also check out original recipes brewing green tea.

There is a beautiful Chinese legend about the discovery of green tea:

“They say that when heaven and earth were created, the god of the sun and flame, Yan-di, ordered water to be boiled. During the boiling process, green leaves of Chinese camellia were blown into the vat by the wind. Feeling the indescribable aroma, God tried the resulting drink, and it turned out to be so wonderful that Yan Di ordered it to be prepared constantly. Since then, in heaven and on earth, green tea has been one of the favorite drinks of gods and people.”

Although this is a legend, it is not far from the truth: in China they have been drinking green tea, probably since the creation of the world. There is a whole culture of its consumption, including famous Chinese tea ceremonies, occasions for drinking tea, brewing and drinking rituals. A compulsory pot of tea is present in everyday life, at official and special events. It can be argued that no one better than the Chinese can reveal all the facets of the taste and aroma of green tea.

In Russia, the drink became widespread not so long ago, having firmly entered into everyday life no more than half a century ago. Despite the fact that leaves must be carefully selected to enjoy the true taste of tea, few people are well versed in this issue and know how to find the right variety for themselves. The situation is similar with brewing, a violation of the technology of which can negate the properties of the best tea. So that you no longer have to be disappointed in the drink, the article reveals the main secrets that allow you to experience the right green tea.

How to choose green tea

Green tea is sold in two forms: loose leaf, loose or packaged in a sealed bag, and bagged. And if the first one can be examined, smelled and understood what it is made of, then figuring out what the manufacturer poured into a translucent bag is beyond the power of even the most seasoned tea professional.

Choosing quality tea is not an easy task

Without detracting from all the advantages of bagged teas, especially their convenience in the frantic pace of life in the 21st century, green tea lovers will never take it for real, thoughtful tea drinking. Therefore, all further recommendations on the choice, method of brewing and drinking the drink will relate exclusively to loose leaf tea.

Criteria for choosing green tea:

  • Appearance. Good green tea should be the appropriate color, not too dark, without spots. It is believed that the most the best varieties have a pleasant pistachio hue. The leaves can be of any shape, the main thing is that they are not broken, and that when poured over, no debris is formed.
  • Humidity. Like any dry bulk product, tea leaves require suitable storage conditions. If the room is damp, they swell and begin to mold, losing their beneficial properties and becoming dangerous for consumption. Therefore, if the tea wrinkles when touched, then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  • Smell. High-quality tea exudes a pleasant, not very pronounced tea aroma. Strong sweet smells indicate that it is flavored and low-grade. Extraneous notes that are not typical for tea indicate that it was transported or stored in unsealed packaging and the resulting drink will contain undesirable impurities.
  • Collection time. This criterion directly affects the taste of the finished drink. For example, leaves from a summer harvest will give a slight bitterness, while leaves from a spring harvest will add sweetness. In this case, you need to take into account how long ago the tea was packaged. The fresher it is, the better, and after a year you can safely throw it away.
  • Price. Important aspect, which should also be taken into account. Alas, high-quality tea cannot be cheap. Options cheaper than 500 rubles per 100 grams are unlikely to give an understanding of real Chinese green tea. In specialized stores, good tea will cost from one to two thousand rubles per 100 grams, and up to infinity.

How to brew green tea

After purchasing the treasured tea bag, the question arises of how to brew it correctly. The Chinese prefer to use the pouring method, as opposed to the usual Russian infusion of leaves until bitter. The essence of this method is that tea is poured with hot water for no more than a minute, after which it is poured into mugs. Thanks to this, it releases all the beneficial properties, and does not have time to transfer tannins to the water, which negatively affect health. High-quality green tea can withstand from 5 to 10 pours without deteriorating in taste and aroma.

Secrets of delicious tea:

  • water must be clean, spring, filtered or distilled;
  • the optimal water temperature for brewing is 80-85 degrees;
  • The kettle must be heated or rinsed with boiling water before adding leaves;
  • the ideal ratio of dry product and water is a teaspoon per 200 ml;
  • the first spill should be poured out, since it is preparatory;
  • We keep each subsequent brew a few seconds longer than the previous one.

You can brew tea in spills up to 10 times

The sequence of actions for enjoying delicious tea is as follows: heat the water to a temperature of 80 degrees so that bubbles begin to appear on the walls, rinse the teapot with it, put the tea leaves in it, make the first pour, pour it out, make a second pour, pour it into a cup and drink. It seems to be nothing complicated, but over time, an understanding of the importance of each movement comes, and the tea reveals itself more and more to the craftsman, allowing him to feel all the facets of taste and aroma.

How to drink green tea correctly

In the east, tea is a drink to be enjoyed. You should not drink it while running, wash it down with food, or consume it with additives like sugar or lemon. True connoisseurs will not understand the meaning of such tea drinking, which distorts the very essence of the tea ceremony, which is akin to meditation. However, in Russia they are not so scrupulous about the rules, so they drink green tea as their heart desires and are quite satisfied.

The main thing in drinking tea is to enjoy the process

The only thing you definitely shouldn’t do is heat up a drink that has not been drunk for some reason. Such barbaric treatment spoils its taste, and beneficial substances are converted into harmful substances for the body or simply disappear. It is better to add berries to iced tea and use them as a refreshing cocktail, or pour them out and make a new infusion.

Green tea recipes

The true recipe for real tea remains unchanged for many centuries and does not involve any additives other than tea leaves and water. All other options were created in modern times and adapted to Russian realities. But this makes them no less tasty, so if you wish, you can try making green tea with additives.

Green tea with lemon

In the post-Soviet space, they like to add lemon to many dishes and drinks. Green tea did not escape this fate either. Its combination with citrus enhances the healing effect of both products and gives the drink a noble sourness.

Lemon tea is delicious and healthy


  • lemon – 1 circle;
  • water – 200 ml.

Pour the tea leaves with water heated to 85 degrees, leave for a minute, add lemon to the mug and drink. To make the citrus taste more pronounced, you can squeeze the juice out of it using a teaspoon.

Green tea with ginger

Ginger is famous for its ability to help in the fight against excess weight. And by combining it with green tea, you can get a vitamin drink that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

Ginger tea is used in many diets


  • green leaf tea – 1 tsp;
  • chopped ginger root – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml.

Place ginger in a teapot, pour boiling water over it and leave for 15 minutes, then add tea leaves and wait another 2 minutes. Strain the drink into a cup, sweeten it with a spoon of honey if desired.

Green tea with milk

Milk in green tea reduces the effect of caffeine it contains on the body, making it softer and more invisible. Therefore, tea with milk is indicated for people prone to insomnia and problems with the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system.

The milk in green tea softens the effects of caffeine on the body


  • green leaf tea – 1 tsp;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk - to taste.

Brew tea in your favorite way, by infusing or pouring, strain it from the leaves and add milk. You don't want to pour too much because there is a risk that the drink will become too cold.

Green tea with jasmine

Fragrant jasmine perfectly complements green tea, which sparingly releases its aroma. A drink based on tea tree leaves and jasmine flowers gives pleasure 3 times: when looking at beautifully brewed tea, when inhaling its enchanting aroma and when savoring the delicious infusion.

Green tea with jasmine exudes a magical aroma


  • green leaf tea – 1 tsp;
  • jasmine flowers – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 200 ml.

Place the dry ingredients in a heated teapot, add hot water and wait a couple of minutes for the tea to steep. Then we strain it into a mug and consume it hot.

Green tea with mint

The pleasant menthol taste of green tea with mint is especially popular in the hot summer. It perfectly refreshes, invigorates and gives strength.

Many people wonder: what are the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon? At any time of the year, most people prefer a drink with the addition of citrus. You can drink not only black, but also green teas with it. Tartness and sourness are in perfect harmony in terms of taste. This article will talk about delicious drink in the form of green tea with the addition of lemon.

What does it consist of?

Before we get acquainted with the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon, let's look at what substances are included in its composition:

  • An analogue of caffeine is theine. Its effect is a little milder, but it also activates the brain, invigorates and gives energy to the body.
  • Minerals and trace elements - zinc, iodine, potassium, fluorine, manganese and copper. They strengthen the immune system, normalize metabolism, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth and nail plates.
  • Catechins, also known as antioxidants. They slow down the aging process and protect against cancer.
  • Vitamins – P, C, K, E, B, PP, A and D.

Green tea with lemon: benefits

This drink not only warms and quenches thirst, but also helps to avoid many diseases:

  • Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid, which is why the drink is enriched with vitamin C. It helps the body absorb iron, and also promotes the formation of connective tissue and normalization of cell renewal.
  • Green Lemon Drink - excellent remedy to prevent diseases such as arthritis and hypertension.
  • Positively affects digestion.
  • Relieves the feeling of thirst.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Harm of green tea with lemon

Despite the beneficial effects of green tea, it also has harmful effects on the human body:

  • The content of theobromine and theophylline stimulates the cells of the nervous system.
  • Increases the acidity of gastric juice. If a person has a stomach ulcer, this process prevents the wounds from healing.
  • Theophylline may increase body temperature.
  • Some compounds that are included in the composition burden the liver.
  • Drinking green drink in large quantities promotes leaching of metals.

Why are tea bags harmful?

Below are just a few of the disadvantages:

  • In most cases, the drink contains “tea debris”, namely sticks, damaged foliage and petioles. In other words, it is a defect that was sorted out during the production of high-quality loose leaf tea.
  • Various plant components of questionable quality negatively affect the taste and benefits.
  • Thermoplastic fiber is added to the wrapping paper to give it shape. Upon contact with boiling water, it begins to release harmful substances.


The benefits and harms of green tea with lemon were presented above. However, there are a number of contraindications that you should definitely familiarize yourself with:

  • It is not recommended to drink the drink frequently if you have stomach diseases, including ulcers and gastritis.
  • Personal intolerance to some component or lemon.
  • The green drink is considered a diuretic, so people with kidney problems need to consume it wisely.
  • People suffering from insomnia are not recommended to use in the evening.

During pregnancy and lactation

What are the benefits and harms of green tea with lemon for pregnant and nursing mothers? The answer to this question is ambiguous: some experts recommend it, while others, on the contrary, categorically prohibit it. But still we will look at some positive and negative properties:

  • Drinking the drink in large quantities may cause heartburn.
  • In some cases, tea with citrus relieves nausea, that is, it helps fight toxicosis.
  • Tea with lemon contains potassium, which is necessary for the cells of the child’s nervous system and brain.
  • When used correctly, it is suitable for the prevention of colds.

Can I drink green tea with lemon while breastfeeding or not? Of course, the drink is healthy and contains vitamins, and it has long been known that tea stimulates lactation. But lemon is considered an allergen, so it is better to refrain from consuming it during this period.

Use of green tea for weight loss

This lemon drink is especially popular among those losing weight. And it should be noted that those who drank green tea with lemon had the most positive reviews of the drink:

  • Green tea does not contain many calories, which allows it to be consumed in any diet.
  • Polyphenols, which are part of the drink, help quickly burn fat, and also help eliminate waste and toxins.
  • It has a diuretic effect and also prevents the formation of edema.
  • Satisfies the feeling of hunger, which, in turn, helps reduce food portions.

If there are no contraindications, then you can lose weight with the help of this miracle drink. To start the weight loss process, you need to drink a cup of tea before meals.

How to brew correctly

We discussed all the benefits and harms of the drink above, now you can move on to the recipe for green tea with lemon:

  • For brewing, use high-quality loose leaf tea.
  • First of all, you need to boil the water.
  • To heat up the teapot, hot water is poured over it from the inside.
  • To prevent the tea from losing its astringency due to citrus, you need to put a little more tea than you measured into the teapot.
  • Only boiled water cannot be added; you should wait until it cools to 90 degrees.
  • First, fill the kettle 1/3 full, and after two minutes add water almost to the brim.
  • Cover with a lid and leave for five minutes.
  • Pour into mugs and add lemon.
  • That's it, the tea is ready to drink.

Small tricks:

  • To prevent the citrus aroma from dulling the aroma of the drink, lemon is added last, when the tea is poured into mugs.
  • For one cup you will need a thin slice of lemon.
  • Instead of citrus pulp, you can simply squeeze out the juice.
  • Granulated sugar can be replaced with bee nectar, the drink turns out sweet, and its beneficial properties increase.
  • If you like a strong lemon flavor, you can pour boiling water over the citrus zest and then brew tea. But in this case there will only be aroma and taste, no beneficial properties will remain, since vitamin C dies at a temperature of 60 degrees.
  • To make the drink tastier, it is recommended to use filtered water.

Why is ginger root added?

The root has a spicy and pungent taste. But, besides this, it is rich in fiber, minerals, essential oils and carbohydrates. Ginger is often added to tea for weight loss, but this drink has many other beneficial properties.

  • green tea, brewed with the root, perfectly warms;
  • the drink relieves muscle pain;
  • invigorates the body;
  • has fat burning properties;
  • satisfies hunger;
  • strengthens the immune system and improves tone;
  • stabilizes blood sugar;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • a wonderful anti-inflammatory agent.
  • green tea with root and lemon can cause insomnia;
  • not recommended for people with impaired central nervous system;
  • You should refrain from drinking the drink if you have ulcers in the mouth, as well as stomatitis.

The benefits of green tea with lemon and ginger are undeniable, but it should be used correctly.

Popular recipes

No. 1. Green tea for weight loss: recipe with lemon

A glass of water and twenty grams of chopped ginger are placed in a saucepan. Place on the stove and cook for half an hour. Ginger liquid is poured into 30 grams of dry chamomile inflorescences and the same amount of leafy green tea. Take ½ lemon, squeeze out the juice, and finely chop the zest. Everything is mixed and poured into a thermos, left for about an hour, filtered and consumed warm. It is not recommended to abuse the drink for weight loss; you can drink no more than three mugs per day.

№2. Classic recipe green tea with ginger and lemon

30 grams of tea and chopped ginger (10 g) are placed in a teapot, the contents are poured with half a liter hot water. After five minutes, pour in 15 ml of lemon juice and add a couple of lemon slices. The kettle is wrapped in a terry towel and left for half an hour. To enhance the beneficial properties, you can drink tea with bee nectar.

No. 3. A healing drink with spices at the first sign of a cold

For a glass of brewed tea you need to take five grams of ginger root, three grams of cinnamon, one clove and two pieces of cardamom. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and cooked over medium heat for fifteen minutes. The healing drink is poured into mugs and a slice of lemon is added.

No. 4. Cold drink with sparkling water

Pre-brew tea; to do this, take ½ cup of boiling water and pour in loose leaf tea (30 grams), cut ¼ of a lemon into slices and place in a teapot. When the liquid has cooled, pour in 75 milligrams of carbonated water and leave for half an hour. Add granulated sugar and pieces of ice if desired.

No. 5. Mint green tea

Place two mint leaves (fresh or dry) on the bottom of the teapot for brewing. Pour in a teaspoon of loose leaf tea, pour in 1/2 liter of hot water and add a slice of citrus. Wrap in a terry towel, after ten minutes you can consume.

No. 6. Recipe for delicious green tea with apple

The drink is first brewed by pouring 30 grams of loose leaf tea into a glass of water. After five minutes it must be strained. Next you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 50 grams of sugar in a small amount warm water and cook until it thickens. The syrup should be refrigerated. Place an ice cube, a slice of lemon, syrup (to taste), peeled and diced apples into a mug. The contents are filled with a cool drink.

  • To get as many benefits as possible for the body, it is recommended to choose loose leaf tea of ​​those varieties whose benefits you are sure of.
  • It is best to brew tea in a special glass or porcelain container.
  • Drink the drink half an hour before meals.
  • Start taking small doses of no more than 50 milligrams per day. Gradually increase the dosage, but drink no more than a glass of tea at one time and only three times a day.
  • If ginger root is added to the drink, you should take a break every two weeks.
  • It is recommended to drink tea for people with heavy physical activity, as it perfectly relieves fatigue.

Green tea is popular all over the world; it is consumed not only hot, but also cold. Aromatic herbs help diversify the taste and increase beneficial properties.

This article discussed whether people drink green tea with lemon. The main thing is to remember one thing: in order not to cause harm, moderation is needed in everything.
