We issue a compulsory medical insurance policy at Rosgosstrakh. RGS medicine: where to get a compulsory medical insurance policy from RosGosstrakh Medical policy of compulsory medical insurance from Rosgosstrakh

Within the framework of the law, every citizen of the Russian Federation must have a mandatory insurance policy. health insurance. With this insurance you can use free healthcare throughout the Russian Federation. The contract form is drawn up even for newborns, since without it it will not be possible to receive free treatment. It is worth paying attention to the Rosgosstrakh compulsory medical insurance policy, which can be issued on attractive terms.

About the company Rosgosstrakh

The insurance company Rosgosstrakh is considered a leader in the financial services market. The insurer has been providing high-quality insurance assistance since 1921. As for compulsory medical insurance, then this product relevant for 25 years.

Over the entire period of its activity, the organization has developed. Today the RGS is:

  • pension fund;
  • bank;
  • medicine.

RGS-Medicine is the largest organization, the services of which are used by every second citizen living in the Russian Federation. As of 2020, the number of insured people is more than 22,000,000 people.

Get compulsory insurance possible throughout the Russian Federation. More than 1,000 representative offices operate specifically for this purpose, not counting official offices.

What services can be obtained under compulsory medical insurance Rosgosstrakh

When contacting the Rosgosstrakh office for compulsory medical insurance, you must take into account what services are included in this product. As practice shows, every second citizen living in the Russian Federation is sure that he is needed only in the clinic to receive a sick leave.

Let's take a closer look at what is paid:

  • emergency medical care;
  • dentistry;
  • calling a doctor at home;
  • eco and childbirth;
  • hospitalization and treatment;
  • obtaining the necessary advice;
  • vaccination;
  • examination;
  • obtaining health certificates.

Important! All of the listed services are not available in all clinics, but only in public ones. Full list institutions can be clarified by calling the toll-free customer support line.

Where to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy

You can apply for protection at any office of the Rosgosstrakh insurance company, or at a specialized delivery point. Usually a company representative is represented at the post office.

You can always find out information about offices or points:

  • by toll-free number 8 800 100 81 02;
  • on the official website.

To obtain information via the Internet, you should visit the official website and select the region where you want to use the service.

What documents will be needed

You can receive a form for compulsory medical protection only after providing a minimum package of documents. For registration you need:

  • personal passport of the recipient, if the insured person is over 14 years old;
  • birth certificate, if insurance is required for a citizen under 14 years of age;
  • power of attorney to receive compulsory medical insurance, if the insured is over 14 years old and cannot personally go to the office to receive the document.

In addition to the listed documents, you must present SNILS, if available.

As for the power of attorney, it is absolutely not worth contacting a notary and paying money. A power of attorney is drawn up completely free of charge, according to the insurer’s form. We suggest you fill it out before contacting the insurer. In addition to the power of attorney, each insured person, when applying for compulsory medical insurance at Rosgosstrakh, is required to fill out an application. completely free.

If the contract is necessary for foreign persons, then you must have with you:

  • identification document;
  • residence permit or temporary residence permit during a business trip;
  • temporary registration.

Important! It will not be possible to obtain medical protection without a residence permit and registration. In this case, the only option is to buy voluntary health insurance or pay for services at your own expense.

How to apply for a policy: step-by-step instructions

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to get insurance. Especially for your attention step by step instructions registration of a compulsory medical insurance policy in Rosgosstrakh. You can purchase a contract:

  • in person at an office or specialized delivery point;
  • order online.

How to get a policy inRosgosstrakh office:

  • The first thing you need to do is choose an office or specify the point of application. As already mentioned, this information is available on the official portal of the insurer and by calling the toll-free customer support line.
  • Prepare the documents necessary for registration. What you will need has been discussed above. If you have additional questions, you can ask them to an expert on our portal or write a question through the “Add a comment” section.
  • Contact the office with a completed application. If you can't print the document, that's okay. A company representative will provide a template for entering information. It will take no more than 5 minutes to fill out the template.
  • Get a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy from Rosgosstrakh, which allows you to use free medicine and is no different in functionality from a permanent one.
  • Find out when the permanent medical protection form will be ready. As a rule, the production time does not exceed 30 working days.
  • After the specified time, re-visit the point of issue, present your identification document and pick up the insurance.

Important! RGS-Medicine values ​​every client with compulsory medical insurance. That is why the specialist informs you about the readiness of insurance personally, by making a phone call. Additionally, the client is sent an SMS message about readiness to the phone number that was specified when submitting the application.

To take advantage of compulsory health insurance in Rosgosstrakh via the Internet you will need:

Features of issuing a policy for persons without Russian citizenship

If citizens of the Russian Federation can receive protection without problems, then foreign citizens must fulfill several conditions. Let's look at the design features for foreigners:

  • You can order protection for only 1 year.
  • To register, you must have a permanent or temporary registration, otherwise the provision of the product will be legally denied.
  • You must have a residence permit or residence permit with you. One foreign passport is not enough.
  • For replacement of compulsory medical insurance You should contact Rosgosstrakh at the beginning of each year, since the form is always issued before the end of December.

"RGS - Medicine" is a brand of the Rosgosstrakh company, which deals exclusively with compulsory medical insurance. Our compatriots most often choose it among other health insurers.

The company offers compulsory medical insurance policies in all regions of the Russian Federation and is a guarantor of the quality of services received by clients in medical institutions.

About the company

"RGS - Medicine" is the largest medical insurer in the Russian Federation, engaged in the protection of holders of compulsory health insurance policies Rosgosstrakh Compulsory Medical Insurance.

The company began its activities in 2002.

The holders of shares of the insurance company RGS-Medicine are the companies Rosgosstrakh - 30% of shares and RGS MedInvest, which owns a controlling stake - 70%.

From 2011 to 2013, several regional and small federal SMOs joined the company: SK Ecofond, SMO Lipetsk - Health, MSK Ikar, SMK Aibolit. Since 2017, the insurer “Capital Medical Insurance” has joined the union.

The organization has a large network. Branches are located in 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Services to the population are provided by highly qualified specialists.

Thanks to a significant number of insurance points, the number of which has exceeded a thousand throughout the country, clients timely carry out the mandatory procedure for processing compulsory medical insurance documents. This allows you to easily receive the necessary free medical care.

Availability and reliability ensured unquestioned authority for the insurer. Its clients are 22 million people. This is every seventh resident of our country.

Advantages of RGS

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to choose an insurance organization in the compulsory medical insurance system and replace it - this is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Since the rules for insurers are regulated by the state, the companies have a lot in common, but there are subtleties that greatly influence the attractiveness and final decision of potential clients.

This medical insurance organization has significant advantages:

  1. "RGS - Medicine" is a subsidiary of Rosgosstrakh. Thanks to its scale, the organization can easily cope with quality control of medical services and registration of compulsory medical insurance documents.
  2. Continuous customer support using 24-hour federal and regional contact centers. Providing advisory assistance to the insured when receiving medical services or when their rights are violated.
  3. The quality of medical care is monitored by 380 full-time and 1,500 part-time medical experts. With the help of their labor-intensive work, for 9 months of 2017, the insured persons received financial compensation in the amount of 2.25 million rubles by court decision.
  4. The authorized capital of the organization is 210 million rubles, which ensures 100% protection of clients from non-payments cash.
  5. The wide network of the Rosgosstrakh company gives clients the opportunity to take out a compulsory medical insurance policy in remote corners of our country.
  6. Availability of a system of insurance representatives who deal with:
    • receiving requests from citizens via telephone, e-mail, applications on the website, letters, personal appeals;
    • informing citizens through the media and Internet resources;
    • conducting training courses, posting information on stands;
    • individual notification of citizens via SMS, phone calls, mailings and consultation when receiving a policy;
    • quality control of medical services provided;
    • conducting customer surveys.
  7. RGS is constantly developing and using new technologies. One of the innovations is electronic policy, which is superior to the usual paper one in a number of indicators:
    • the plastic policy card is compact in size;
    • it is extremely difficult to accidentally damage it (there is a known case when it remained fully functional after an hour and a half wash in the washing machine);
    • when using it, there is no need to present a passport at the clinic, since all the necessary information is on the chip.
  8. Other advantages of the company include:
    • the ability to submit an online application for free delivery of 5 or more policies, which allows you to receive the document directly at your workplace, at a time convenient for the insured person;
    • purchasing an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy using an online application through the official website of the organization.

How to get a RGS policy

The following categories of the population can take out the “RGS – Medicine” policy:

  • all citizens Russian Federation;
  • foreign citizens living in Russia on a permanent and temporary basis, as well as individuals who do not have citizenship of our country;
  • refugees are persons who have received the right to compulsory health insurance.

The presence of official employment does not matter when applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy in the RGS company, as well as in other Russian health insurance companies.

Any citizen who has reached the age of majority can personally obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy. The issuance of this document is a free service, the basis for which is the person’s application to choose or replace an insurance organization.

The easiest way to obtain free insurance for newborn children is through the same insurance organization to which their parents belong.

The application can be submitted in person or through legal representatives using a power of attorney.

Documents required for its registration

To obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy "RGS - Medicine" you need to provide a number of documents, without which the procedure will not be feasible. These documents include:

To learn more about how the replacement of a compulsory medical insurance policy is carried out -.

After completing the document, a temporary certificate is issued, which can be used for a month until the real compulsory medical insurance policy arrives.

Rights and obligations insured by the RGS

Persons insured under the compulsory medical insurance program have rights and obligations.

If difficulties arise in obtaining medical care it is necessary to take measures to resolve the current situation. The right way out— appeal to representatives of the CMO.

The rights of insured citizens include:

  • guaranteed receipt of assistance in medical institutions without paying for the services of medical personnel in the event of an insured event (illness);
  • exercise of free choice of the compulsory medical insurance company, which is determined by law;
  • independent choice of attending physician;
  • obtaining complete and authentic information about the range of services provided under the compulsory medical insurance program, conditions of provision and quality of service;
  • the possibility of changing the CMO once a year until November 1;
  • the insured company undertakes to ensure the safety of citizens’ personal data;
  • the medical insurance company is obliged to pay for damage caused to the client when the medical institution fails to fulfill its duties, or when they are not performed at the proper level;
  • obtaining protection of rights and interests in the field of compulsory medical insurance.

The responsibilities of citizens include the following:

  • presenting the policy when visiting a medical institution;
  • mandatory notification to the insurance company of changes in data: last name, first name, place of residence, etc. within one month;
  • submitting an application to select an insurance company in person or through a legal representative;
  • choosing an insurance company when moving within 1 month, if the company with which you have a compulsory medical insurance agreement is not valid in this region.

Protection of customer rights

The medical insurance company RGS strictly monitors the fulfillment of the obligations of medical institutions to the client.

If rights are violated, the insured person will be required to write a complaint to the insurance company. The form can be downloaded on the official website, and after filling it out, submit it to the RGS.

If reimbursement of expenses is required, copies of the following documents must be attached to the complaint:

  • payment receipts, sales receipts that can confirm payment for medical services;
  • documents for the provision of paid services;
  • extracts from the outpatient card;
  • a copy of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Compulsory medical insurance policy from the RGS for foreign citizens

Foreign citizens permanently residing in Russia must submit the following documents to receive compulsory medical insurance:

  • passport of a foreign citizen or other identity document;
  • resident card;
  • SNILS, if available.

Foreign citizens who temporarily reside in Russia must provide the following information to receive compulsory medical insurance:

  • passport of a foreign citizen or other identification document;
  • SNILS, if available.

The compulsory medical insurance certificate is issued for the duration of the citizen’s stay in the Russian Federation; for permanent residence, it is valid for an indefinite period.

Useful information

The central office of "RGS - Medicine" is located at:
Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 25, bldg. 1, Timiryazevskaya metro station.
Central office phone number: 8-499-142-72-26

Official website - https://rgs-oms.ru
In the upper left corner you can find a link to pages with addresses and contact numbers of all company offices.

Hotline "Rosgosstrakh (RGS) - medicine": 8-800-100-81-02

When choosing an insurance company, pay attention to its financial resources. This is due to the organization’s resources; the more it has, the greater the protection of rights and quality of service the insured person can receive.

The number of offices, coverage area, and prevalence are also important. Here the RGS has some of the highest indicators.

The legislation provides for the right of every citizen to receive qualified medical care according to a certain list of services. This right is regulated and enshrined both in the constitution of our country and federal laws. To obtain it, every citizen upon reaching the age of legal capacity (18 years) must receive a special health insurance policy. This document can be obtained from a specific insurance company. The list of companies is determined by the state and is in a special register. The most popular company that has the most clients not only in the field of health insurance, but also in other segments of such activities is Rosgosstrakh. Therefore, the issue of obtaining a compulsory health insurance policy (CHI) from this operator is so relevant.

Features of compulsory medical insurance in the company Rosgosstrakh

This factor is important, since according to the law the policy is valid throughout the country (that is, when moving, on a business trip or traveling, a citizen can always exercise his right to receive medical care). Find out about third party liability insurance at.

The video shows a description of the features of issuing a policy in the company:

However, it is worth remembering that the list of free procedures may vary from region to region (such a list is established by special regulations in each subject). So, when traveling to another region, a citizen may not take the policy with him, but by contacting the location of the company’s branch, he can confirm his right or receive a temporary document. Read about the description and reviews of the Zhaso insurance company.

In the absence of a regional branch (and this situation often arises with small companies), the fact of having a policy will be much more difficult to prove.

In general, with an extensive network of branches, obtaining this document from this particular company is quite hassle-free. Read about apartment insurance with a mortgage.

The process of obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

In order to obtain a policy, the applicant must be present in person (soon the legislation on this issue should be simplified, and receipt will become possible via the Internet). He will tell you about the forwarder's liability insurance policy.

What documents are needed to apply?

The application is submitted in person, it indicates the reason (receipt of the policy), and also attaches the necessary list of documents to issue the policy:

  • Russian citizen passport(issued from the age of 14), since obtaining a policy presupposes legal capacity in relation to minor representatives, the document is received by legal representatives (parents or guardians), while the execution of a power of attorney for third parties in in this case not required;
  • If a person's identifying information changes, such as changing your last name or first name, you must also provide documents confirming the change of data;
  • If a person is not a citizen of Russia, he must provide a package of additional documentation confirming the legal right to stay on the territory of Russia (passport or other identity document, documents from the migration service, SNILS, employment contract);
  • For citizens representing whose interests require a notarized power of attorney.

The video shows the process of obtaining a policy:

When submitting documents, the legislator established a single period for the production and issuance of a policy - 30 calendar days. This period is calculated from the moment the application is submitted (depending on the region of residence and, accordingly, the workload of the branch, in practice this period may be shorter, but never longer). Read about title insurance when buying an apartment.

The citizen will be notified of the production of the document using the contact information provided in the application, either in writing or by telephone.

When submitting a complete package of documents, there are no grounds for refusing to issue a policy. If difficulties arise with obtaining, or if, a citizen has the right to submit a second application, file a complaint with the management of the branch, and if there is no response, contact the prosecutor's office.

Receiving a document through a power of attorney

Also, a citizen always has the opportunity to obtain a document through a power of attorney for third parties. To do this, you need to contact a notary office and draw up the appropriate document to receive the policy, having it certified by a notary. In the office, you can also. When submitting an application and the corresponding package of documents, company employees are required to accept the application supported by a power of attorney.

The motto of Rosgosstrakh is reliability, clarity and accessibility of insurance for all citizens who apply for protection. Over 97 years of experience, the company has established itself as a reliable insurer providing services anywhere in Russia.

More than 1,500 branches and 35,000 agents work to provide high-quality service, which includes a compulsory health insurance policy. In addition to voluntary insurance options, clients have the right to take out a compulsory health insurance policy, which provides free medical care within the limits of services established by the state.

Compulsory medical insurance is issued through the company Capital MS LLC, which was part of Rosgosstrakh from 1994 to 2002. Now compulsory health insurance has been separated into a separate area aimed at meeting the needs of citizens for free medicine.

Taking out compulsory medical insurance is a mandatory step that must be taken as soon as a person is born. In the future, this policy will provide the volume of medical care provided by free medicine. The exact list of activities that health insurance covers is fixed by legislative acts and is subject to revision only after the new regulation comes into force.

Owners of a compulsory medical insurance policy from Rosgosstrakh do not need to look for information about the provision free service, you can find it out by calling the hotline by calling one of the toll-free numbers.

Having a policy will help resolve the issue of examination and care in a medical institution, although even in the absence of insurance, doctors are required to provide emergency care (urgent surgery, resuscitation, acute and critical conditions). Lack of insurance will become an obstacle to receiving routine treatment, prevention, and addressing current issues without an obvious threat to life.

Not all medical services are provided free of charge, but the list is constantly revised and expanded. For example, high-tech medicine (audiological screening, assisted reproductive technologies) was added to the basic compulsory medical insurance policy.

The compulsory medical insurance policy gives the right to undergo regular medical examinations to timely identify problems and prevent the development of serious diseases. One of the goals of medical examination is to combat oncology and identify pathologies in the early stages.

If the policyholder needs medicines, the policy will provide free allocation of some medications if they are included in the list of vitally important drugs.

Compulsory medical insurance at Rosgosstrakh - Features of Policy Registration

An important feature of the compulsory medical insurance service from Rosgosstrakh is that the policy is issued through a separate company separated from the insurer’s structure to ensure full coverage of all applicants with insurance services. Any person with Russian citizenship and other categories of policyholders have the right to receive the policy.

Persons who do not have Russian citizenship need to renew insurance services at certain intervals:

  • For persons without Russian citizenship, insurance is issued for 1 year.
  • Citizens who have received the right to medical care under the Law “On Refugees” and persons with the right to temporarily stay in the country receive a policy valid until the end of the year, or until the end of the permitted period of stay in the Russian Federation.
  • Employees who arrived in the Russian Federation for work from the EAEU countries receive insurance valid for up to 1 year, or until the date of completion of the employment contract.

The policy provides the right to a standard set of medical services, regardless of the category of the insured. The main requirement is to have insurance that contains correct information about the policyholder, and to see a doctor during the policy period if it involves a limited period of insurance.

Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy at Rosgosstrakh - What Documents Are Needed to Apply for a Policy?

There is nothing complicated in obtaining compulsory health insurance if the requirements for the documents provided are met:

  • Personal document (birth certificate for children under 14 years of age, passport, other identity document).
  • Previous policy.
  • Application for medical insurance.
  • Since 2016, the company requires the presentation of SNILS to obtain insurance.

"Rosgosstrakh-OMS" - How to Obtain and Replace an Electronic Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy?

The registration procedure does not imply any differences between the initial application and the repeated replacement of the form. The policy must be replaced in 3 cases:

  • At the end of the action previous document Compulsory medical insurance.
  • Physical damage or loss of the document.
  • Change of personal data indicated in the policy form (full name, date of birth, city, gender).

After changing personal parameters, the client is obliged to contact the insurer directly within 1 month after changing the registration information. At the request of the policyholder, duplicate forms are issued instead of lost or damaged policies.

While waiting for the paper compulsory medical insurance form, a temporary document is issued confirming the right to medical care. To re-issue a document, you must contact the branch or place of issue reflected in the list of addresses of compulsory medical insurance registration points.

The compulsory medical insurance form cannot be filled out remotely, but the website provides an electronic submission of an application for compulsory insurance. The “Application for Compulsory Medical Insurance” section describes 2 options for expedited registration of an insurance product:

  • By submitting an application and then filling out the form directly at the branch.
  • By sending a completed application form via the website indicating vital information about the policyholder, which is required to conclude the contract.

If you don’t have time to fill out an application at the insurer’s office, you can fill out the form online, going through 5 stages of registration, following the proposed algorithm:

Step 1. Determine the type of application - initial registration, issuance of a duplicate to replace a lost one, change of insurer or entering updated personal data. If it is not the client himself who is contacting, but his authorized representative or representative, this must be indicated at the first stage.

Step 2. Indicate who specifically applies for insurance - a new or existing client changing an outdated form.

Step 3. They determine whose citizenship the person has - the Russian Federation, a foreign state, the status of “refugee” or the absence of any citizenship.

Step 4. A form opens for filling out information from documents (passport details, full name, gender, information about place and date of birth). The photograph is attached as a separate file, or a note about taking the photograph is made at the insurer’s office during a personal visit. The requirement to attach a scanned copy of a personal document is optional.

Step 5. Enter information about the policyholder’s residential address.

Step 6. Select your preferred location for issuing the policy in one of the proposed offices and provide contact information.

The algorithm may vary slightly depending on the reason for the application and the status of the policyholder. It is important to understand that, unlike eOSAGO, the electronic compulsory medical insurance form is not sent by mail. You will have to come to the insurer's office to get it.

Mobile Application "Capital MS" - Download on Android and iOS

For the convenience of active users of modern mobile devices It is possible to receive up-to-date information on compulsory health insurance using a mobile application.

For devices with the Android platform and iPhones with iOS 9.0 and higher, use the free download link:

The service will offer:

  • Make a quick call to hotline to receive urgent information about insurance services.
  • Submit a request for a policy.
  • Clarify information about obtaining ready-made insurance and other useful information.

Additionally, you can check out medical institutions working with compulsory medical insurance policies as part of compulsory medical care.

The design scheme is presented in the following steps:

  1. Selecting the region of contact and representative office.
  2. Entering contact information (full name, phone number, email address).
  3. Sending the prepared application for processing.

After applying for compulsory insurance services through a mobile application, you can track preventive measures within the framework of compulsory medical insurance and have at hand the information from the policy necessary when visiting a medical institution. If desired, at any time the user of the application will be able to familiarize themselves with the nuances of compulsory medical insurance and their rights to qualified medical assistance.

Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy for a Child - Registration and Receipt at Rosgosstrakh

Parents and guardians, being the legal representatives of the child, have the right to independently apply for the policy, without providing additional documentary evidence other than those required according to the status of the insured person. If it is necessary to represent the interests of an adult, a power of attorney is prepared on a special form downloaded from the insurer’s website.

Compulsory medical insurance at Rosgosstrakh - List of Clinics: Addresses and Phone Numbers

In the section of medical organizations, when you enter the region in which the compulsory medical insurance service was required, a list of institutions appears where medical care is provided under the free policy:

  • First, indicate the region, then select the locality of appeal from the drop-down list.
  • In the information that appears, select the healthcare facility of interest, determining its line of activity, address, telephone number, and the name of the head physician. You can familiarize yourself with the clinic’s operating hours and visit the official website on the Internet.
  • Click on the “More details” link to get acquainted with the list of medical services covered by the insurance policy.

Similar information about available medical institutions is provided in sections of the mobile application.

If you need to contact the insurer's office, follow the link: determine the list of nearest branches, having previously filtered them by the specifics of the insurance services provided.

Questions and Answers on Compulsory Medical Insurance at Rosgosstrakh - Documents and Application

There are some difficulties in the process of filling out an application and receiving a policy. Before contacting the insurer through the form feedback, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of the most popular questions and clarifications regarding:

  • region of the policy;
  • cases of paid provision of medical services;
  • the possibility of reimbursement of expenses for paid treatment and the purchase of medicines;
  • choosing a clinic or doctor when receiving free medical services;
  • the procedure for obtaining specialized assistance outside the region of registration;
  • description of cases of violation of the rights of the insured, etc.

If the website does not answer your question, you can order a call on the insurer’s website and discuss the problem over the phone.

"Rosgosstrakh" - Responsibility within the framework of the current Compulsory Medical Insurance Policy

By providing the right to a number of medical services, including regular examinations and emergency care, Rosgosstrakh acts as an intermediary providing financing for treatment activities. Along with the right to medical care, the policyholder must comply with certain insurance obligations.

Rights of the Insured Person under Compulsory Medical Insurance at Rosgosstrakh

With the issuance of a policy, a citizen receives the right to medical assistance in medical institutions in the event of an insured event.

The scope of services provided is determined by the basic and territorial compulsory health insurance program.

If desired, the insured person can change medical insurance organization. Changes occur no more than once a year, until November 1. If personal data or registration changes, the frequency does not apply.

The insured person has the right to choose an institution that is authorized to implement the territorial health insurance program. The changing of the attending physician occurs through an application addressed to the head of the organization.

Upon request, the insured person receives information from the territorial compulsory medical insurance fund, insurance company or medical institution about the types of assistance provided, conditions of provision, quality.

In case of non-compliance with the obligations undertaken by the medical organization or damage caused, citizens have the right to demand monetary compensation.

Responsibilities of the Insured Person under Compulsory Medical Insurance at Rosgosstrakh

To receive a range of medical services, the insured person is required to fulfill certain obligations:

  • To select a medical insurance company, submit an application in accordance with the procedure established by compulsory medical insurance.
  • Promptly report changes in personal data (full name, place of birth). You have 1 month to apply for policy renewal.
  • Within a month, inform the insurance company about the change of registration at your new place of residence.

The obligation to comply with compulsory medical insurance rules applies to current medical procedures, regular checkups and research. Emergency assistance Doctors are obliged to provide services within the limits of the resources available under compulsory medical insurance, regardless of the fulfillment of obligations under health insurance.

Medical insurance provides two options for protection within the framework of voluntary (VHI) and compulsory (CHI) insurance. Every person who is in the Russian Federation legally has the right to count on the help of doctors in the event of illness or injury.

The policy allows citizens of the Russian Federation to visit doctors, undergo examinations, and perform operations for medical reasons. To avoid problems with the provision of medical care, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules for the provision of compulsory medical insurance and the list of responsibilities assigned to insurance, medical organizations and the insured person.

Issuance of compulsory health insurance policies foreign citizens, stateless persons who have a residence permit or temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, as well as refugees and those temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, signed in Astana, is carried out at the addresses:

1. 121309, Moscow, st. Novozavodskaya, 23/8, building 1. Working hours: Mon-Fri: 09:00-20:00, without breaks, Sat: 10:00-15:00.

2. 117588, Moscow, st. Tarusskaya, 18, building 1 (metro station Yasenevo)

3. 125445, Moscow, st. Belomorskaya, 11, building 1 (metro station Rechnoy Vokzal)

4. 111675, Moscow, st. Svyatoozerskaya, 18 (m. Vykhino)

5. 127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 7, building 2, office 8 (metro station Dmitrovskaya)

6. 109147, Moscow, st. Marksistskaya, 22, office 508 (metro station Taganskaya)

7. 115184, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Tatarskaya, 13, building 19 (metro Novokuznetskaya, metro Tretyakovskaya)

8. 111395, Moscow, st. Sniperskaya, 9 B (m. Vykhino)

9. 125438, Moscow, st. Onezhskaya, 18 (metro station Koptevo)

In accordance with the order of the Moscow City Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, starting from August 1, 2015, an electronic compulsory health insurance policy is being issued in Moscow. Every insured person in the city of Moscow has the right to replace a previously received compulsory medical insurance policy (green card or blue slip) with an electronic one. You can apply for an electronic compulsory medical insurance policy (EPOMS) at one of the representative offices of Capital MS LLC, a list of which is given below.

The Moscow branch of Capital MS LLC began its work in January 2013 on the territory of the city of Moscow.

Capital MS LLC, in connection with the reorganization carried out in July 2013, became the legal successor of the Moscow company MSK Ikar LLC, which has extensive experience in providing compulsory medical insurance for residents of the city of Moscow. Currently, the activities of the branch are organized taking into account the professional staff and the regional network of the affiliated company.

The branch and its representative offices have created all the conditions for fast and high-quality customer service. You can receive or exchange a compulsory medical insurance policy at one of our offices in Moscow. You can choose an office that is convenient for you, check its telephone number and work schedule on this page, or use the search in the general database of all offices of the Policy Issuing Points company. For persons with disabilities(disabled), low-mobility groups of the population, it is possible in the “Policy Issue Points” mode to leave an application for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy at home. For all questions about obtaining or exchanging a compulsory medical insurance policy, you can contact the compulsory health insurance department of the branch.

To ensure the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the insured, the branch operates a department for protecting the rights of the insured and examining the quality of medical care, where you can receive comprehensive information and qualified assistance on all issues of compulsory medical insurance, including the collection of funds for medical services included in the territorial program Compulsory medical insurance, restrictions on the availability of medical care or poor quality of its provision.

To ensure the provision of medical care to citizens insured by the company in accordance with the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of Free Medical Care, the branch has entered into agreements with all medical organizations included in the register of medical organizations operating in the compulsory medical insurance system of the region. Get contact information for the company you are interested in medical organization You can use the “Find a medical organization” service search.
