Installation of gas heating - from choosing equipment to installing the heating system. Installation of gas heating - from choosing equipment to installing a heating system Do-it-yourself gas heating at home

For a private home or country cottage, with the onset of cold weather, the problem of heating becomes urgent. Thanks to technological progress, today it is possible to create an autonomous heating system in your home using heating boilers and other related equipment. Coal, wood, and electricity can be used as fuel, but natural gas is still the most accessible and cheapest. This aspect is the main reason that today many citizens are trying to use gas to heat their homes. Properly designed autonomous gas heating of a private home will allow you not only to save your own money, but also to calmly await the onset of cold weather.

Despite the fact that today not all regions of our country are covered by a network of main gas pipelines for household gas, there are other, no less convenient ways to heat residential buildings with gas.

Autonomous gas heating - the main essence and principle of operation


Gas is the most accessible and cheapest type of fuel. By installing a gas double-circuit boiler of the appropriate model in your home, you get interior heating and hot water supply.

If you have a problem with centralized gas supply, there is a way out. Install a gas storage facility on your site - a gas holder.

One refill of a liquefied gas tank is enough for 6-7 months of the heating season. In this situation, your heating system is almost completely independent; there is real profitability and efficiency of autonomous gas heating.

The simplest and correct scheme heating of a private house with a gas boiler is presented on this page. Since the design for gas boilers differs from other types of heat generators, we will look at it in a little more detail.

In addition, the heating scheme for a private house with a wall-mounted or floor-mounted gas boiler also implies some differences. They concern production hot water for hot water supply, more about them below.

And finally, the heating scheme for a private house also brings “diversity” to the arrangement of CO in our home.

So, let's take it in order.

The simplest heating scheme with a gas boiler

The most simple circuit heating a house with a gas boiler is definitely a heating system powered by a wall-mounted boiler.

Why? Because usually a wall-mounted boiler already includes a circulation pump and an expansion tank - an expansion tank. In addition, they also already contain a security group.

All these devices, together with the boiler heat exchanger and gas burner, are combined in one housing - a modern gas boiler is obtained.

On the one hand it is convenient. On the other hand, a scheme with separate central heating units and an expansion tank is much more maintainable.

So, what does our simple circuit include:

  1. Gas wall-mounted boiler as a heat generator.
  2. Coolant supply pipes to CO.
  3. Heating system radiators or heated liquid floors.
  4. Shut-off valves.

In fact, that's all. In this configuration, if there is a coaxial chimney, you can hang a turbocharged gas boiler in the kitchen, subject to the requirements of the gas company.

DHW scheme

Regarding the production of hot water for domestic hot water supply. If you are using a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler, then you do not add anything else to this circuit. It is enough to connect the supply pipeline with cold water to the second circuit of the boiler, responsible for DHW, and you receive hot water at the outlet. Using pipes, you can supply it to water distribution points - to the bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

If you have a single-circuit gas boiler, wall-mounted or floor-mounted, then to obtain hot water for hot water supply, you will need a boiler indirect heating, which will heat tap water thanks to the CO heat removed from the supply pipeline.

That is, one more unit has appeared in our scheme - an indirect heating boiler or BKN.

It is better to connect it closer to consumers; it is not necessary to place it. If you want to use the heat from your boiler as efficiently as possible, you will need to install a hot water supply system with circulation.

Otherwise tap water will cool down in the “dead ends” of the hot water supply system in front of the water collection points when the taps are turned off. That is, almost 90-95 percent of the time.

Gas boiler in a separate boiler room

You can afford to post. In this case, a heating main from the boiler room to the house will be added to our diagram. Naturally, the heating main must be insulated - both the supply and return lines.

Make a boiler room in the house or install a boiler in a separate boiler room? Here we must consider what is more profitable. Sometimes it is more expensive to extend a gas pipe all the way to the house than to extend an insulated heating main to the same distance. And this is even taking into account the inevitable heat losses on the heating main during operation.

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The comfort in the house throughout the entire heating season – a whole six months of life – depends on the method and quality of heating. Available natural gas in this case becomes optimal choice for a private home and country cottage. You can connect your home to gas by connecting to the main line, or using cylinders. Next, we will consider the pros and cons of the gas system.

Types of gas heating of a private house

To organize home heating, use main gas or bottled liquefied gas.

  1. Main gas. The system is considered more environmentally friendly and functional. This type of heating allows you to build warm floors and so on in the room. A significant drawback is the mandatory approval of papers with official bodies. You will also need to install a boiler room and chimney. For mainline systems, more stringent fire safety rules are required, and regular preventive maintenance is mandatory.
  2. Bottled gas. Suitable for any type of boiler, even models originally designed for main systems. If you install a cylinder system, you will need single-circuit or double-circuit boilers of appropriate power. Most models are also capable of switching to liquefied gas; just replace the burner.

Advantages of gas heating

  1. High efficiency and low cost of gas make gas heating the most profitable way to heat a private house or country cottage.
  2. Modern gas boilers make it possible to heat large objects.
  3. The automatic operation of the system ensures that even if the flame goes out, the sensor will work and start the ignition system. As a result, the user does not need to constantly monitor the boiler.
  4. Double-circuit gas boilers combine two functions: to heat rooms and supply hot water.

Disadvantages of gas heating

  1. Need to install automatic system monitoring for possible leaks. The system depends on the supply of electricity.
  2. The atmospheric burner has an open flame. The security of such a device is a controversial issue for some users.
  3. Using a gas boiler is not practical if the area of ​​the room is less than 100 square meters. Such an installation is not economically profitable and is considered less safe for the environment.
  4. When installing a gas boiler, a chimney is also required to allow exhaust gases to be removed. In this case, the boiler room is installed in a separate room. Another condition is good ventilation and supply of fresh air to the room, and the presence of a separate exit to the street. The latter is mandatory for installations with a gas burner.

  5. If the gas pressure drops or the burner is worn out, the efficiency decreases and soot may appear.
  6. The gas boiler model should be chosen taking into account the climate. Since gas pressure in Russia can “jump” greatly, foreign devices simply cannot withstand the load. Therefore, the burner of an unadapted installation is capable of “burning itself out” when the pressure drops to the limit. Such equipment quickly breaks down.
  7. The need to coordinate the design and installation with the Gaztekhnadzor service. To install a gas system, you will have to obtain permission and invite an inspector to sign documents and inspect it.

Heating systems come with natural and forced circulation. In the first option, the coolant circulates due to the difference in density of hot and cold water. In the second case, circulation is provided by a pump.

The gas heating scheme in a private house also includes heating wiring, which is divided as follows:

  1. Single-pipe. It is suitable for do-it-yourself heating equipment and is considered easier to implement. It is rarely used for private houses due to the temperature difference in the radiators located - in the first and last. The latter batteries are colder, since they receive already cooled liquid, which is why the rooms in a large private house warm up unevenly. This option is only suitable for small houses with a limited number of rooms.

  2. Two-pipe, which requires a large number of components and consumables, suitable for temperature control in individual rooms. The heating of radiators in different rooms can be controlled using shut-off valves. The main advantage of this system is the batteries heat up evenly in all rooms. However, planning and installation are more complex and costly.

We calculate gas consumption for heating a house

For autonomous gas heating of a private house, gas consumption is calculated according to the following scheme. To obtain 1 kW of thermal energy, you need to consume 0.1 m³ of gas per hour. For a room of 200 m² you will need a boiler with a capacity of 20 kW. In this case, the consumption of such a boiler will be 20x0.1=2 m³/hour.

A standard heating season includes approximately two equal intervals: three very cold and three moderately cold months (rounded up to 100 days each). As a result, the system operates at full capacity for 100 days and the same at half load or less. So, the average gas consumption for the cold season will be: 20x0.1x24=48 m³, for the next period this figure will drop to 24 m³. As a result, the total consumption for the entire heating period will be (48x100)+(24x100)=7200 m³. Most often, the final numbers come with a good cape and turn out to be larger.

Design and installation of gas heating

Before taking active steps, a special project is developed for the heating system, taking into account the characteristics of the house. If the installation of a heating system in a private house and minor work can be done independently, then design is the stage at which you should not save. Design will allow you to calculate the characteristics of the equipment, reduce the costs of consumables and materials, and calculate the final cost of work and installation. The project includes:

  • sketch;
  • feasibility study;
  • drawing up installation diagrams;
  • drawing up a working draft.

Actions by stages

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Drawing up and approval of the project and constituent papers. The gas service gives the go-ahead for installation only after submitting a boiler house design, a contract with the installation team, also requires the conclusion of an agreement on the powers and responsibilities of the parties. Most often, gas workers are responsible for supplying gas, and the design, installation and service are carried out by the service organization.
  2. Purchase of gas equipment, components and consumables. Although the project puts forward requirements for equipment, the price category is chosen by the buyer. Excessive savings may lead to additional expenses or repairs.
  3. Insertion into a gas pipeline and connection of the house to the common line.
  4. Installation and connection of the boiler to the system.
  5. Supplying coolant to the system, performing test runs and checks.

Alternative to gas heating in a private home

Gas stoves for heating a private home are leaders in this sector. Such a device can only be replaced by wood-burning stove heating or electrical equipment. The first option is forced, most often common in rural areas or in areas where there are no gas lines. The second is considered more expensive; electricity bills may well exceed the price of expensive gas equipment.

If you have the opportunity to install gas heating in a private home, we recommend choosing this option. The home owner installs expensive equipment once and saves significantly by using cheaper gas.

Popular heating wiring methods

A fireplace or stove is very often placed in the modern interior of a private house, but they most likely serve a decorative function, emphasizing the individual style of the house, since the main heating load falls on one or two circuit heating boilers. The operating principle of a single-circuit boiler is solely to provide heating for the house, while a double-circuit boiler, in addition to heating the house, can also work as water heating.

Regardless of the type of heating boiler, for arranging an individual heating system You can use either a one-pipe or two-pipe wiring diagram. Let's look at their main features and try to figure out what the advantages and disadvantages of each type are.

Single-pipe heating system

The principle of operation of such a system is very simple: when installing heating, only one pipe is installed, which creates a vicious circle. This system is connected to batteries from every room in the house.

There are two ways to set up such a system:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The horizontal method of arranging a single-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is more popular, as it has a fairly simple design. A special feature is the special installation method, in which the installed pipes must have a slight slope so that the coolant can easily circulate throughout the entire system.

The nuances of installation using the horizontal method arise when the heating is installed in multi-storey building. Then, at the entrance to the original section of the radiator, located on the ground floor, you need to install a valve, partially closing which you can create the necessary pressure for coolant circulation on the upper floors.

One of the advantages of a one-pipe heating system with bottom wiring is the absence of the need for a mandatory connection to a circular pump.

Advantages of single-pipe heating:

  • good savings on materials, as fewer pipes are required;
  • very simple and clear wiring diagram;
  • clear calculation of hydraulic load on pipes.

But, unfortunately, despite all the positive aspects, they are completely negated by one minus. It consists of a significant loss of coolant temperature as it moves away from the heating boiler. This means that the radiators in the farthest rooms will be slightly warm.

This situation can be corrected in the following ways:

  • increase the total number of sections in the radiator as it moves away from the boiler;
  • install special thermostatic valves on the radiators that regulate the coolant supply pressure to each radiator;
  • install a circular pump that will maintain the pressure at the required level and facilitate the correct distribution of the coolant throughout the network.

Single-pipe heating distribution in a private house will be optimal for arranging a heating system in a one-story private house with an area of ​​no more than 100 m², and no additional devices such as “warm floors” will be needed.

Two-pipe heating system

The main difference between this type of heating system arrangement and the previous one is that each battery is connected to the main pipe of both forward and reverse current. This feature approximately doubles the pipe consumption. But it is worth noting the positive aspects. The owner of the house can independently regulate the level of heat supply to each radiator. As a result, you can easily create a pleasant atmosphere in every room.

The arrangement of a two-pipe heating system provides for several different wiring methods. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Vertical scheme with bottom wiring

The technological process of installing a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring includes the following steps:

  1. A main pipeline is installed along the floor of the first floor or basement, which originates from the heating boiler.
  2. Vertical pipes are carried along the main pipe, which ensure the movement of coolant to the radiators in the rooms.
  3. Each radiator must have a pipe installed for the return flow of cooled coolant into the heating boiler.

When designing a two-pipe heating system with bottom wiring, you must definitely think about how exactly the need for regular air outlet from the pipeline will be ensured. As a rule, this requirement is ensured by the installation of an air pipe, an expansion tank and the installation of Mayevsky cranes on all batteries, which are located on the second and third floors of the building.

Vertical scheme with top wiring

This model provides that the coolant is supplied from the heating device to the attic through a pipeline. From there, the coolant flows through the risers to all the radiators of the house. And the already cooled water returns to the heating boiler through the main pipeline.

The presented method of arranging a heating system at home is in many ways more effective than the method with lower wiring, because much greater pressure is supplied through the risers.

Horizontal heating system

Arranging a horizontal heating system with forced circulation is a very popular way to heat a house.

When installing horizontal heating, several schemes are traditionally used:

  1. Dead end. The advantage of this option is the economical consumption of pipes. The disadvantage is that the length of the circuit is very long and this makes it very difficult to regulate the operation of the entire system.
  2. Associated movement of water. All circulation circuits are of equal length, and this helps to adjust the system easily and simply. The disadvantage of this heating layout for a private house is the high consumption of pipes, which, due to their cost, significantly increase the repair budget and also spoil the interior of the premises.
  3. Collector or radial wiring of the heating system. Thanks to the fact that each battery is connected individually to the central heating distribution manifold, it is very easy to ensure uniform heat distribution. The disadvantage, as in the second case, is the very high consumption of materials. But all pipes are mounted into the wall, which does not spoil the interior of the room. Today, this heating distribution scheme for a private house is gaining popularity among developers.

When choosing a wiring diagram, it is important to take into account many factors: area of ​​the building, types of construction materials, etc.

Pipes for heating systems

Practice has shown that for laying heating system pipelines, metal-plastic, polypropylene, steel, copper, as well as stainless steel and galvanized steel pipes are most often used.

Let's look at each type of pipe in more detail:

In what areas can a gas boiler be used?

A gas heating system, in addition to directly creating a comfortable microclimate in a private home, is used as a water heater in a swimming pool, floor heating, and greenhouse heating. Such heat supply is increasingly preferred by happy owners of country cottages and country houses.

Heating a house using a gas boiler much more effective than using solid fuel or electric analogues, which are the main competitors of gas. If you need to heat a private house in a village, then use electric heating unprofitable, since the old power system may not withstand increased loads.

Equipment worn out to the point of impossibility leads to an overload of the central transformer at the substation and, as a result, a power outage in the entire village. At the same time, the cost of the energy carrier used to heat the house will be an order of magnitude higher than running the system on gas.

The storage of solid fuel resources requires special conditions and, as a consequence, the presence of a utility room. Therefore, only a gas heating system can save the homeowner from a lot of minor troubles.

Features of the water heating system

Gas heating of private houses takes leading positions among modern heating systems. The principle of its operation involves heating the coolant, which circulates through pipes and radiators, heating the air in the room to the specified temperature parameters. At the same time, the gas heating system has a number of undeniable advantages:

Considering disadvantages of gas heating, I would like to note the following characteristics:

  • gradual heating of the air after starting the system;
  • contamination of the external surface of the battery reduces the quality of operation of the entire system;
  • water with a minimum amount of impurities should be used as a coolant;
  • When the system is idle in severe frosts, the water turns into ice, bursting pipes and radiators.

In general, the gas heating scheme for private houses using water coolant has gained maximum popularity, even despite its shortcomings. In turn, for a country house or cottage where the regularity of heating is not constant, it is better to use non-freezing liquid as a coolant.

Creation of a gas heating system project

At the stage of independent design of the heating system of a private house, it is important to take into account all the smallest details that will directly affect efficiency and economy gas heating.

  1. Number of boilers and their total power.
  2. Determining the power of the circulation pump sufficient to heat the entire house.
  3. The presence of heated floors in the house.
  4. Drawing up a diagram of a gas heating system taking into account hot water consumers.
  5. The presence of several floors in the building.

Only by taking into account all the features of the house in advance can you calculate a heating system with maximum efficiency that will satisfy all the needs of the homeowner and his relatives.

Gas heating system diagram

The heating system of a private household running on gas necessarily includes a boiler, batteries, an expansion tank, a circulation pump and connecting pipes. Heated by boiler coolant circulates through the pipes and radiators, giving off their heat to the environment and returning again to the main heating unit. The movement of water is usually ensured by a forced method due to the pressure pumped by the pump.

To increase the efficiency of water gas heating at home, its circuit can be supplemented with shut-off valves, Mayevsky taps, a temperature sensor and other elements. The expansion tank is an integral component of any heating system, both with forced and natural circulation.

The gas heating scheme with natural circulation of water is due to the peculiarity of installing the pipeline at the required angle, as well as the use of pipes with a large diameter and the installation of an expansion tank at the highest point of the system. At the same time heating wiring diagram can be done in two ways:

  • Beam method, which is easy to carry out repair work, as well as high efficiency. But you will have to spend money on pipes due to the large size of the pipeline.
  • The tee method is slightly cheaper due to the smaller number of pipes. But it will not be possible to adjust individual heating elements, since this is simply not provided for in the circuit.

If the heating system is connected directly to the central gas pipeline, then human intervention in its operation will be limited to changing the temperature parameters.

Criteria for choosing a gas boiler

For the simple reason that a gas-fired boiler is the central unit of the heating system, its choice should be made with full awareness of the issue. So, purchasing a device with a closed combustion chamber does not require installation of an exhaust gas exhaust pipe. If there is no central gas supply near a private house, you can opt for a combination boiler that runs on different fuels.

The parameters of a gas boiler may vary depending on the size of the heated room. Gas appliances can be either low-power for heating single-story buildings, or powerful boilers capable of heating a multi-story building or even an industrial facility. Depending on the functionality, gas-fired boilers are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit units.

Single-circuit gas equipment is intended only for heating the house. In turn, the dual-circuit analogue, in addition to its direct purpose, has the additional function of heating water. Moreover, such devices are flow-through and storage. But the use of a flow-through device is advisable when the consumption of hot water is insignificant. In turn, a double-circuit boiler with a built-in boiler is capable of fully providing both heating of a private home and hot water supply.

If we consider the types of gas burners, they come in atmospheric and ventilation operating principles. The atmospheric burner is the most common in heating systems for private housing construction. The ventilation burner is installed in boilers used in industrial structures. Boilers also differ in the type of draft for natural and forced exhaust gas removal.

Depending on the installation option, gas appliances are divided into wall and floor units. The floor-standing boiler has large power ratings and device dimensions, as well as high durability. A wall-mounted gas boiler is more compact, but the maximum power of the device is limited. In addition, the wall-mounted device has a shorter service life.

Installation of a gas heating system for a home

To implement the heating system scheme, there is certain sequence events.

Organizing gas heating in a private house will allow its owner to get rid of many problems associated with solid fuel equipment or boilers operating on liquid fuel.

Features of a gas heating system

The principle of operation of the system is that a network of pipes is removed from the gas boiler through which the coolant circulates.

Pipes and radiators give off heat to the air in the rooms, and the cooled coolant returns back to the boiler.

The gas system is installed in three stages:

  1. Project on paper (calculations and diagrams).
  2. Purchase of necessary system elements.
  3. Installation and commissioning.

Let's look at all the steps in more detail.


Autonomous gas heating begins with project development. If you decide to make a plan on your own, think everything over carefully and double-check!

So, an exact house plan with dimensions is drawn on a piece of paper. Then all the details of the future heating are applied:

  • boiler;
  • pipes;
  • radiators;
  • expansion tank;
  • taps, etc.

Armed with a tape measure, take measurements. Mark on the diagram all the connection points where there will be tees and couplings. Mark where the holes will be in the walls. Pipe diameter.

To calculate the system you need to take into account:

  1. Boiler performance, number of circuits, whether it is floor-mounted or wall-mounted, type of combustion chamber.
  2. Pump power.
  3. Radiator characteristics.
  4. Special conditions: if you plan to have warm floors, a swimming pool, etc.

System without main gas

Gas heating, in principle, is also available where main gas is not installed. If there is a gas holder nearby or you can purchase bottled gas.

Having looked at the documents for the boiler, its gas consumption (m 3 / h), you can and should calculate:

  • How quickly will the cylinder run out?
  • How many of them will be needed for the heating season?
  • And how much will it cost?

Let’s say right away that you shouldn’t start heating with cylinders if the house is more than 70 m2. The consumption will be a bottle per day!

Information for calculations:

  • From one kg. liquefied gas is about 510 liters, i.e. 0.5 m 3.
  • The cylinder is usually 85% full. Those. about 42 l. or 22 kg.
  • It turns out that one cylinder produces 11 m 3 of gas.

Example. A 10 kW boiler consumes 1.1 m 3 of gas per hour. It turns out that one cylinder is enough for 10 hours of boiler operation at maximum power.

In practice, boilers (especially if there is a thermostat) turn on/off and can maintain the desired temperature without reaching full power, and working approximately 8 hours a day. This means that the cylinder will need to be changed every 2-4 days.

Accommodation requirements

Floor The boiler must be installed in a designated room. A foundation needs to be created.

Wall boiler can be placed in any suitable room. The following conditions must be met:

  • Area – more than 4 m2.
  • Ceilings – from 2.2 m.
  • Wall materials are non-flammable, or covered with non-flammable sheets (3 mm asbestos or steel).
  • The energy-dependent unit is grounded.

Heating scheme

The circulation of water through pipes and radiators occurs due to the upward movement of the heated liquid, as well as from the operation of the circulation pump.

Additional elements:

  • Shut-off valves (the more taps there are, the easier it will be to maintain and repair heating elements).
  • Air vents (oxygen, which gradually accumulates in pipes, is destructive to metals; it must be vented periodically).
  • Thermostat (needed to keep the temperature in the rooms at the same level, saves fuel).

An expansion tank is a mandatory attribute of any system. It can be closed or open. The closed one is paired with a circulation pump. An open tank is placed as high as possible, for example, in the attic of a house.

Pipe routing

There are two main types of wiring:

  1. Single-pipe.
  2. Two-pipe.

Single-pipe. A pipe extends from the boiler to which radiators are connected in series. The further away the radiator is from the heater, the colder it is. This scheme is the simplest and requires few materials. But it is only suitable for small houses where the coolant will not have time to cool down. In addition, the system cannot be adjusted.

Two-pipe system– all radiators are connected to the supply pipe in parallel. Each one receives the first, hot water. After passing through the battery, the water flows into the return pipe and returns to the boiler. The system is a little more expensive, but all rooms are heated evenly. Suitable for multi-room houses.

Connecting radiators

There are three options for connecting heating radiators:

  1. Unilateral.
  2. Lower.
  3. Diagonal.

They differ not only in location, but also in efficiency.

Let's look at each of these options in more detail:

  1. Unilateral option. The supply and return pipes are located on one side of the radiator. The method saves materials, but is not very effective if the radiator consists of large number sections (the coolant simply cools down while it reaches the last section).
  2. Lower option . Outdated and ineffective (radiators give off 15 - 30% less heat than they could). The liquid flows where it is easier - along the bottom of the heating devices, and the upper part remains unused.
  3. Diagonal option. The most correct one. The water enters at the top of one side of the radiator, and, having passed through the entire battery, comes out at the bottom on the other side. This installation is required for long heating appliances. With such a scheme, you can expect that the radiators will give out the passport indicators.


One of the prerequisites: the boiler outlet pipe must exactly match the diameter of the chimney. Other subtleties:

  • The chimney from the boiler to the head should not have more than three bends.
  • There should be no connections where the pipe passes through the wall or roof.
  • The pipe must be insulated in places where it passes through an unheated room.

To check whether the length of the chimney you are planning will be sufficient, perform a simple calculation. Find the volume of the chimney and the volume of the boiler. The boiler must completely “fit” into the chimney. The area S of a round pipe is determined by the formula πR 2. To find out the volume, multiply the resulting number by the total length of the pipe.

Conclusion. Having studied all the intricacies and carefully thought through everything, you can proceed to installation work. Remember that connecting the boiler to the gas mains should only be carried out by gas service specialists. They are also conducting a test run of the system.

Getting started

The installation of a heating system in an apartment or private house begins with an analysis of the conditions in which it is planned to operate. To ensure effective heating, it is necessary to correctly select the boiler, the diameter of the main pipeline, and also decide on the type of fuel.

Main components

The key components of the heating system that influence the wiring diagram are:

  • Type of fuel.
  • Type of boiler equipment, its main indicators and power.
  • Type of heating devices.
  • Features of the room (number of floors, insulation, area, other features).

Fuel type

The most popular heat source is a gas boiler. This equipment is chosen for private houses, apartments or outbuildings due to its efficiency, autonomous operation and versatility. Also, a double-circuit boiler is capable of heating water for sanitary needs. In this case, connecting the gas boiler to the heating system and the piping layout must take into account the power of the circulation pump and the relatively low productivity.

If you plan to heat a two-story building, in addition to the pump installed in a double-circuit boiler, additional equipment will be required to ensure coolant circulation.


These devices differ in installation method, type of fuel and power. Household boilers can operate on such types of fuel as solid (wood), diesel, liquid (fuel oil), coal, liquefied or natural gas, as well as pellets. Electric boilers, which can be electrode or heating, are quite popular. In addition, there are combined units that operate on various types fuel.

Many boilers are characterized by a floor-mounted design, but there are wall-mounted versions with a power of less than 25 kW. Electric electrode boilers do not require a separate place to be placed; they are mounted directly into the pipeline system. Most modern models are equipped with a heating circuit for hot water supply; they can also be assembled in a cascade to heat large areas.

In any case, for the heating system diagram one-story house you should choose boiler units that allow you to automate their operation as much as possible and simplify operation. The dependence of the heating system on electrical networks is also of no small importance. This condition is fully met by the use of gas boilers, as well as installation schemes for a heating system in a private house without electric pumps.

Heating devices

Heating devices for private homes can be divided into two main groups - radiators and registers. The principle of their operation is quite simple. In both cases, the coolant, moving inside the heating device, gradually releases heat environment. The choice of these structures depends on the number of storeys of the building. If the premises are located on two or more levels, then it is advisable to give preference to compact and aesthetic radiators.

The use of radiators in the heating system of a private house is even more convenient from the point of view of the arrangement of furniture in the premises. They are placed under window openings, pipelines for their connection can be laid along the walls or hidden in the floor structure. Heat transfer is adjusted due to the number of sections determined by the purpose and area of ​​the heated room.

The type of heating device is determined by the characteristics of the system, such as pressure, flow rate and coolant temperature. Depending on these indicators, aluminum finned or cast iron radiators are selected. Aluminum structures give off heat due to incoming convective air flows in the channels between the fins of the device, cast iron - due to infrared radiation and high heat capacity.

At a coolant temperature of 90-95°C and a low flow rate, it is advisable to give preference to cast iron appliances. At temperatures of 65-80°C and the presence of a circulation pump in the heating system, it is preferable to use finned aluminum radiators.

Also, heating systems in private houses are often supplemented with heated floors. The most comfortable microclimate will be achieved by keeping the coolant temperature in the pipelines within 40°C. The installation of a water heated floor requires the installation of pumping equipment.


Heating appliances and the boiler are connected to each other by pipelines, the design of which depends on the location of the radiators, the number of floors of the building, its perimeter and length.

The pipeline material should be selected based on the convenience and installation conditions, their durability, and maintainability.

In modern heating systems, bulky stainless, steel and galvanized pipes have been replaced by products made of polypropylene and metal-plastic. Copper pipelines are widely used in combination with cast iron heating devices.


If there is a heat source, the main task will be to move the heated coolant through the heating system. The operating parameters and durability of the heating system will depend on the type of scheme chosen. As a rule, these works are carried out at the stage of major repairs or construction, as they affect the entire living space.

There are two main types of heating systems. This:

  • Natural (gravity).
  • Closed heating system in a private house. This scheme provides for artificial circulation.

In the first case, natural circulation of the coolant is implied due to its heating and expansion. A closed system uses a closed heating circuit under pressure. Heat redistribution and fluid circulation are provided by pumping equipment.

Any of these options can be organized using various connection schemes. The most commonly used are single-pipe, double-pipe and radial wiring. Let's look at them in more detail.

Single pipe system

A single-pipe heating system connection diagram involves sequential installation of devices. The coolant enters the heating devices, and then, passing through them, gives off part of its heat. Thus, liquid with the lowest temperature possible enters the last device. To prevent this from affecting the microclimate of the room, the number of sections in the final heating device must be increased.

Today, there are technologies that optimize the operation of a single-pipe heating system. Heating regulators, ball valves, thermostatic valves or balancing valves can be installed as auxiliary elements. This will achieve balance in receiving heat supply. Shutting off one specific radiator will not disrupt the operation of the heating system as a whole.

The wiring diagram for a heating system in a private house can be implemented as:

  • Horizontal system using a circulation pump.
  • Vertical system with natural or combined circulation, as well as using circulation pumping equipment.

Horizontal single pipe system

This scheme is popularly called “Leningradka”. The pipelines can be built into the heating structure or laid above the floor level. Therefore, in order to reduce heat transfer, it is recommended to insulate them.

Installation of the supply line is carried out with a slight slope in the direction of flow of the coolant. Heating appliances must be located on the same level. To remove air from the system, it is necessary to provide Mayevsky valves.

The wiring diagram for a single-pipe heating system in a two-story house provides for the presence of a riser supplying coolant to the second floor and leading to the first radiator.

Temperature regulation is carried out using taps. They should be installed in front of the first heating device on each floor.

Vertical single pipe system

Similar schemes of heating systems in private houses provide for natural circulation of coolant. The advantage of such wiring is its independence from power supply, since a circulation pump is not required.

A significant disadvantage is the use of pipelines large diameter, as well as the need to locate the distribution line strictly at an angle. The main disadvantage is the fact that such a scheme for connecting the heating system in a private house does not look very aesthetically pleasing. However, this can be eliminated using a circulation pump.

Two-pipe system

Such heating system schemes in private homes require significant financial costs. The volume of work performed and, accordingly, the cost of installation also increase.

The main advantage is the uniform distribution of coolant throughout the system. And most importantly, the temperature regime is very easily regulated: in accordance with the needs of those living in the house.

When installing modern communications, the manufacturers of components for which are mainly foreign companies, it is recommended to connect the gas boiler to the heating system, the circuit of which is two-pipe, since this significantly facilitates the operation of the pumping equipment.

Heating devices can be connected from the side, bottom and diagonally. The choice of the optimal option mainly depends on the size of the radiators used and the material of their manufacture.

Control valves must be installed at the inlet and outlet of the heating device. Also, do not forget about the drain valve, which should be located at the lowest points of the system.

The flow rate of the pipelines depends on which connection of the boiler to the heating system is chosen - a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme. It is more advisable to equip private houses with a small area with two-pipe wiring.

Additionally, such a system is equipped with a circulation pump. The presence of thermostats in each individual room allows you to set the most optimal heating mode.

If your material resources are limited, and a private house has a small area, then you can get by with single-pipe wiring.

The area of ​​buildings in which single-pipe systems can be used should not be higher than 100 m2. In this case, you can do without pumping equipment and use natural circulation.

Beam system

The collector or radial circuit is characterized by the fact that each heating device has its own pair of pipelines for forward and reverse current. These pipelines converge on combs near the heater. In such a system, the length of pipes is significantly higher even compared to a two-pipe scheme.

For uniform distribution of coolant throughout heating devices The beam system is balanced before operation.


Regardless of which heating system is chosen, the circuit will be developed with your own hands or with the involvement of specialists, it is important to remember that the design and installation of these utility lines are considered a rather complex undertaking. If you are not confident in your own abilities, then it is preferable to seek help from specialists.

This will allow you to avoid errors that may occur at any stage of the startup and operation of the heating system. In order not to eliminate shortcomings in the future, it is better to simply not allow them and to foresee everything in advance.

If the house is intended for year-round use, you need to take care of it. The most economical option is to use a gas boiler and a water circuit ().

What heating schemes exist for a private house with a gas boiler and how to choose the right one?

The heating system of a private house with a gas boiler consists of the following parts:

  • the boiler itself and related equipment - control and safety devices, chimney, automation ();
  • heating pipeline;
  • heating devices - radiators and/or;
  • additional equipment: expansion tank, in systems with forced circulation - a pump, if there is more than one circuit in the system - a collector unit.

The boiler is equipped with a temperature and safety valve, and a control pressure gauge. Each radiator has its own group of fittings: shut-off/control valves, air vents.

If there are no radiators in the heating system, only the fittings are installed on.

Depending on the type of boiler (open or closed), combustion products are discharged either through a regular chimney or through a coaxial pipe through a cut hole in the wall directly to the street.

The intake of combustion air for boilers with an open firebox is directly from the room, for closed ones - through a coaxial tube from the street. In the second case, the supply is forced; a built-in fan is used for blowing.

Heating devices

Radiators differ in size, number of sections, and material of manufacture:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • copper;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetal (steel core, aluminum body);
  • plastic.

Keeps warm the longest cast iron batteries, they are the cheapest. But they have too high inertia and are difficult to integrate into systems with automatic heating control. The most reliable in all respects and the most expensive are copper ones.

Pump and expansion tank

The pump in a classic radiator heating system is installed on the return pipe (through which the cooled coolant returns to the boiler) and is equipped with filters for water purification.

In underfloor heating systems, a not very hot coolant circulates (up to 50 degrees), the pump can be placed on a hot pipe at the inlet to the distribution manifold ().

The purpose of the expansion tank is to relieve excess pressure. Tanks can be open or closed. In open devices, hot air/steam escapes through a special valve directly into the space. Such a tank is installed at the highest point of the circuit (usually in the attic).

A closed tank is a sealed container with a separating membrane: when pressure increases due to deformation of the membrane, the spatial relationship of the sections changes, this compensates for the excess hot air.

The tanks are equipped with special valves to drain excess hot coolant. They can be installed at any height.

Today, when installing heating systems, open tanks are rarely used, and in systems with forced circulation they are not used at all.


Pipe manufacturing materials:

  • stainless steel;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polypropylene;
  • cross-linked polyethylene;
  • copper;
  • cast iron.

For heated floors, they choose metal-plastic and cross-linked polyethylene - they are durable, bend well, and are sold in a single coil. Copper is used less often, it is expensive.

When installing radiator heating, you need to pay attention to the performance characteristics of plastic pipes: the temperatures and pressures in these systems are high.

When installing in a hidden way (in a wall, etc.), plastic is preferable, because pipes are connected with permanent joints. Steel pipes are installed openly, because they are connected by threads and fittings, and this is fraught with leaks.

Basic wiring diagrams

Heating schemes for a private house with a wall-mounted gas boiler are divided according to several parameters:

  • by type of wiring - single-pipe, double-pipe, radial;
  • in direction – vertical and horizontal;
  • by the number of circuits - one (heating) or two (heating and hot water supply);
  • by type of circulation - forced or natural.

Single/double-pipe, beam - pros and cons

The single-pipe heating scheme for a private house with a wall-mounted gas boiler is the simplest: one pipe, which extends from the boiler, bypasses all the heating devices in turn and delivers the already cooled coolant to the boiler. In a two-pipe system, a second pipe is provided for return (cooled coolant).

The first option is used in houses with a small heated space, as well as in technical buildings - garages, etc., because When all batteries are sequentially bypassed, the coolant cools down, the heating of the devices at the beginning and end of the circuit is different.

This problem can be partially solved by installing control valves on radiators: less hot coolant is consumed at the beginning of the route, the main flow goes further.

The advantages of this system: simple installation, minimum connections, easier calculation of hydraulic pressure. Minus: the inability to turn off part of the circuit (for example, in the utility room) when there is no need to heat this room.

With two-pipe wiring, the house warms up more evenly. The use of control valves allows you to achieve an almost ideal temperature balance between different zones. Cons - this system is more complicated and more expensive.

The best option for a spacious cottage is radial wiring. This implies the presence of at least one collector unit, from which each device has its own hot pipe. The downside is that this system is the most expensive and difficult to install.

Pros - the coolant enters each device hot, and when using control valves installed directly in the collector unit, it is also heated to the required condition. When installing heated floors, separately or in combination with radiators, only radial wiring is used.

Natural or forced circulation

In the first case, the pipeline is installed at a slight slope: the coolant flows through the pipe from one radiator to another under its own weight. The second uses a circulation pump to circulate hot liquid through pipes.

A single-pipe system with natural circulation (the so-called “Leningradka”) is used for small buildings heated only by radiators. The speed of liquid flow in such a pipeline is small, when passing long distance the water is guaranteed to cool down.

The second drawback is the complexity of the design: in order for the fluid to move with maximum efficiency, an accurate calculation of the slope is needed. Such a system cannot be used in the construction of heated floors, because they are placed horizontally.

The disadvantages of a forced system are higher cost and the need for power supply for the pump. Some models make noise during operation.

Advantages: high speed of coolant movement, simplicity of system design, savings on pipes: for forced systems you can choose thin ones. Natural pipes will require larger cross-section pipes; this is the only way to speed up the flow.

Vertical and horizontal wiring

Vertical wiring implies the presence of risers through which the hot coolant descends to the radiators.

This scheme is optimal for two/three-story cottages.

The coolant circulation is only forced: otherwise it simply will not rise to the required height. IN one-story house There may be no risers at all, the wiring is horizontal.

One or two circuits

There are no fundamental differences in the installation diagram of a double-circuit system from a single-circuit system. There is an operational feature: when the hot water supply is turned on, the heating is turned off. It doesn't matter in big house: the inertia of the system allows you to retain heat for a long time.

For a small pipeline, frequent shutdowns of the heating circuit can be critical. If the length of the heating circuit is short and the number of radiators is small, and a lot of hot water is required, it is better to abandon the dual-circuit system: install a gas heating boiler and a flow-through column for hot water separately.

In combination with a double-circuit boiler (), forced circulation is recommended, otherwise resuming heating after it has stopped will take a long time. It is better to increase the diameter of the pipes, use cast iron batteries for heating (due to inertia, they take a long time to cool down).

Read in our next article about what they are.

Video about gas system heating with your own hands.

When creating engineering communications for a country house, the most important point for any owner is right choice building heating systems. Furnaces and boilers operating on solid and liquid fuels, gas and electricity are used as heat generators installed in homes. Today in Russia, gas heating of a country house is considered the most convenient and affordable, options for which will be discussed in this publication.

Classification of gas heating systems

Natural gas is an energy carrier that is supplied to the consumer:

  1. under pressure through a centralized line;
  2. in a liquefied state, by filling specialized containers - gas holders or cylinders.

In the first case, the gas flows through a central pipe directly into the distribution device, which equalizes the pressure between the household gas supply system and the main line. Only after this does natural gas enter the home directly to the heat generator. In the second option, the role of the distribution device is played by the gearbox. It is this device that equalizes the pressure between the container and the point of consumption.

Regardless of the type of system, the most popular among our compatriots is the following gas equipment for heating a private home: gas heating boiler, convector. Next we will consider design features, advantages and disadvantages of a centralized and autonomous heating system for a country house with natural gas.

Autonomous gas heating of a country house is used if there is no main gas pipeline running near the building or the gas pressure in it is too low for normal operation of heating devices.


To store liquefied gas, you need to install a gas tank. It is a tank that is installed underground. Through an underground gas pipeline, fuel is supplied from the reservoir to points of consumption.

If a temporary autonomous gas supply system is assumed, then a ground location of the tank is also allowed.

Installing a gas tank cannot be called a budget solution. That is why in Europe it is common to jointly install one underground tank for storing liquefied gas, which is used by several homeowners. IN in this case, the cost of installing the tank is reduced several times. For those who cannot afford to create a storage facility for “blue fuel” on their personal plot, the only option left is gas heating of a private house with cylinders filled with liquefied gas.

Operating a gas tank if its installation is not of sufficient quality is extremely dangerous and harmful: damage to the tank can cause a gas leak.

With an autonomous heating system, heating boilers with a specialized burner for liquefied gas, gas convectors and infrared reflectors are used as heat generators. The first, when burning fuel, heat the coolant, which, circulating through the system, gives off its heat to the air. Radiators are used to increase the heat exchange area.

Convectors are local heating devices. The operating principle of these installations is to heat the radiator, which releases heat to the air in the heated room. To control the operation of convectors, thermostats are used, on which the upper and lower values ​​are set for each heated zone.

Infrared reflectors are heating devices that reflect thermal radiation from heated ceramic plates. Therefore, infrared radiation heats interior items and, as a result, the room in which the device is installed.

Traditional heating scheme

Among Russians, the most popular is the traditional gas heating scheme in a private house, in which the boiler heats the coolant by burning blue fuel. Most often, ordinary water acts as a coolant, which moves through the system using a pump or natural draft. The operating principle of such a system is simple: the boiler heats water circulating through a heat exchanger. Next, the water flows through the pipeline to the radiators. In them, the coolant loses some of the heat, after which it returns to the boiler and is heated again. The use of a pump allows more complex heating systems, for example, a combination of underfloor heating with radiators. The picture below shows standard scheme traditional autonomous heating system for a country house.

With natural coolant circulation, a simplified diagram of the heating system looks like this:

Regardless of the choice of one or another heating scheme for a country house, calculations and installation must be carried out by professionals.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of autonomous gas heating is stable pressure in the gas pipeline, which cannot be said about main fuel. Heating a dacha with gas from cylinders allows year-round living in a country house, ensuring a high level of thermal comfort and full automation of the heating and hot water supply system.

Now, a few words about the shortcomings. Gas purchase costs. In economy mode, to heat a small two-story country house, you will need 6 to 10 cylinders of liquefied gas every month. And this, we repeat, is in the mode of maintaining the room temperature at 16°C from 23:00 to 5:00 daily; from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays. On weekends and in the evenings, the room temperature is maintained at around 22°C. The required amount of gas will be accurately calculated in the project documentation, based on the power of the heat generator and the volume of consumption of “blue fuel”.

If you have to use cylinders for gas heating, then for their storage you need to allocate a separate room, created in accordance with all fire safety rules, or make a fireproof, better insulated cabinet.

Gas central heating

The presence of main gas in a country house allows its use with virtually no restrictions. The only obstacle for the homeowner and the inhabitants of the house may not be the volume of the container for storing blue fuel, but the size of the wallet.

As heat generators, as in the case of autonomous heating of a house, water heating boilers, a piping system, radiators and shut-off valves are used. The only difference between a boiler for liquefied gas and heaters working with natural blue fuel is the design of the burner. Most modern heating boilers are equipped with burners for burning both natural and liquefied gas.

Gas heating boilers differ:

  • By installation method. Today, the climate control market offers a wide range of floor-mounted and wall-mounted boilers. Due to the fact that floor-mounted heat generators are not limited in weight, they are often equipped with a durable cast-iron heat exchanger. Wall-mounted installations, as a rule, have less power, but are equipped with highly efficient heat exchangers made of non-ferrous metals or stainless steel.
  • By functionality. Boiler units are single-circuit and double-circuit. In other words: the first serve only to heat the coolant that is used in the heating system of the house; the second type of device is used for heating and creating domestic hot water at home.
  • By type of traction. In boiler units with an open combustion chamber, exhaust gases are removed due to. The air required for fuel combustion is sucked in from the room. In heaters with a closed combustion chamber, forced draft is created through the use of an air turbine. All combustion products are removed, and fresh air is supplied through or a separate smoke removal system.

Today, convection and condensation gas heating boilers are very popular among Russian consumers, the efficiency of which, in contrast to the usual 75%, varies at around 95-99%.

Structure of a gas heating system

Any gas heating scheme that involves the use of a liquid coolant includes: a heat generator, its piping, one or more heating circuits. The boiler piping includes the necessary shut-off valves, blast valves and an expansion tank, pressure or non-pressure. If the system is circulation, then the boiler piping must also include a pump. The circuits themselves can be made according to a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme.

A single-pipe configuration is when the coolant bypasses the radiators in the order from the installation. With this scheme, significant pipe savings occur, but it is almost impossible to achieve uniform heating of all rooms.

With a two-pipe system configuration, the heated coolant is simultaneously supplied to all radiators. When using such a scheme, it is possible to control and change the heating temperature in each room through the use of mechanical regulators on each radiator.

The figure shows typical diagram gas heating of a two-story private house.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating a home with natural gas

The advantages of gas heating are obvious:

  • Availability. Main gas in Russia is the cheapest fuel, even in relation to pallets and other types of solid fuel.
  • Possibility of creating in a home high level thermal comfort.
  • Environmental friendliness. In modern low-temperature boiler units, emissions of fuel combustion products into the atmosphere are minimized.
  • Efficiency. The use of modern heating devices makes it possible to increase the efficiency of natural gas combustion to 99%.

Despite the many obvious advantages, gas heating also has disadvantages. Gasification of a country house is a procedure that requires not only enormous financial, but also time costs. And this is only the cost of connecting to the highway. Further, enormous investments will be required to calculate the necessary regulating device that equalizes the pressure between the main line and the household system; creation of competent piping that disfigures the facade of the house, and other types of work. The cost of a gasification project for a private home can amount to tens of thousands of rubles and an unlimited time frame.

Despite this, gas heating is the cheapest and most trouble-free system, which allows the owner to live comfortably in a country house and use “blue fuel” at any time of the year.
