Guidelines for the organization of independent work for students of distance learning introduction. Rewrite, inserting instead of points the words you need in meaning

Exercise 21 Read the text. Define his style. Describe the lexical, morphological, syntactic features of the text.

How are calories measured?

A calorie is a unit of measure for energy, or heat. One calorie is the amount of heat required to measure the temperature of one gram of water per degree Celsius.

What does it have to do with food then? We eat food to provide energy to the body, and the energy of food is also measured in calories. When food is processed, combining with oxygen in the cells of the body, it gives off energy. When measuring energy value food, we use a large calorie, or kilocalorie, which is equal to one thousand ordinary calories.

Each type of food, "burning", allocates a certain amount of calories. For example, one gram of protein provides four kilocalories, and one gram of fat provides nine kilocalories.

The number of calories your body needs depends on the work it does. A person who weighs 68 kilograms needs 1680 kilocalories per day if he does nothing. If he does non-labor intensive work, he needs about 3360 kilocalories per day. And if he does hard work, 6720 kilocalories will be required to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

There are other factors that determine the body's need for calories, such as age, gender, physical state organisms and even the climate. Imagine that you are consuming more calories than you need. The body processes the number of calories it needs and stores the rest in reserve. About one third of the amount needed daily by the body can be deposited in the reserve. It turns into fat. That is why it is very important to count the calories needed by the body.

("All About Everything")

Exercise 22.Read an excerpt from the draft federal law "On the Russian language as a state language Russian Federation". Prove that this text refers to the official business style of speech.

This Federal Law regulates public relations related to the status of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and its official use.

The purpose of the law is:

to strengthen the consolidating role of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation in the political, socio-economic and cultural spheres as contributing to the preservation of the unity and integrity of the multinational Russian state;

ensure the use of the Russian language as a means international communication peoples of Russia;

strengthen legal basis use of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation in the activities of federal bodies state power, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state and other organizations;

establish the basic requirements for officials of government bodies or organizations operating on the territory of the Russian Federation in relation to the use, development, improvement and dissemination of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;

delineate powers between federal authorities state authorities and public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the use of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation;

to promote the formation of a careful attitude to the Russian language as state language the Russian Federation, the preservation of its originality, wealth and purity as a common cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and world culture;

promote the spread of the Russian language as one of the world languages.

Exercise 23Read the text, determine what style of speech it belongs to; justify your answer.


Legal Department

Apparatus State Duma

according to the draft federal law

"On the Russian language as a state language

Russian Federation"

Having re-examined the mentioned bill, the Legal Department of the State Duma Administration reports the following.

In accordance with the preamble and Article 6 of the draft law, the purpose of this law is "the delimitation of powers between the federal state authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the use of the Russian language." This provision contradicts Part 3 of Article 11 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which establishes that the delimitation of powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the constitution, Federal and other treaties on the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers.

The bill needs significant legal, technical and stylistic revisions.

Head of Department V.B. Isakov

Exercise 24 For which language styles are given language tools are characteristic (fill in the table, remembering that the same remedy can be characteristic of two or even three styles).

Words and word combinations: colloquial, professional, terms, clericalisms, socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, abstract, colloquial words in figurative meanings, words in basic (conceptual) meanings, bookish, dialectal, slang, created by the author, interjection words, abbreviations, stamps , obsolete, borrowed, neologisms, diminutives.

Offers: exclamatory, with treatment, with homogeneous members, with introductory words, with direct speech, interrogative, motivating, definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal, nominative, incomplete sentences with isolated members, replicas, quotations, compound, compound, compound non-union , complex sentences With various types connections.

Exercise 25What styles do these genres of speech belong to? Fill in the table according to the sample.

Dissertation, abstract, report, novel, story, reportage, poem, agenda, statement, act, open letter, summary, memorandum, cover letter, indictment, dialogue, fable, phrase, slogan, leaflet, law, decree, questionnaire, characteristic , ode, fairy tale, article, note, announcement, contract, decree, speech (speech).

Exercise 26 Determine which of the following words form paronymic pairs. Make suggestions with them.

Regretfully, Sweden, refute, Austria, Switzerland, reject, Australia, surprised, crushingly, surprisingly, bewilderment, misunderstanding, ideal, courtier, idealistic, yard.

Exercise 27 Before you are “shifters” - stable expressions in which each word is replaced by an antonym. Restore them to their original state.

  1. New lie. 2. Get out of bad taste. 3. To die with your stupidity. 4. Come from being. 5. The nights are countless. 6. Get started.
Exercise 28. Read and write antonyms. Which of them are used as a means of a joke, a play on words?

  1. An old friend is better than two new ones. (Last) 2. There is nothing stronger in the world ... and more powerless than words. (T.) 3. Lies are the religion of slaves and masters... Truth is the god of a free man. (M.G.). 4. “Now the enemy will attack,” he said to the soldiers. “We will meet him with a counterattack.” (N. Nick.) 5. And no matter what happens in life, whatever - soldiers' hearts are condemned to be friends to the grave, and love to the grave, and also hate to the end. (Drunina) 6. White does the white work, black does the black work. (Beacon.) 7. Living feelings bloom and fade in their turn. (Good) 8. Here is a long answer to your short letter. (Ch.) 9. He [Pavel Petrovich] suspected that Bazarov did not respect him, that he almost despised him - him, Pavel Kirsanov! (T.) 10. Only valuable representatives of the troupe will remain in Yalta for rehearsals, while the rest will rest ... I hope that you are valuable. For the director you are valuable, but for the author you are priceless. Here's a pun for a snack for you. (Ch.)
Exercise 29. Read. Indicate what mistakes were made when using foreign words. Make the necessary corrections and rewrite.

  1. Nothing can take Oblomov out of his balance. 2. Disputes constantly arise between Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov. 3. The landscape of the area plays an important role in the composition of the novel. 4. Urgent issues of academic performance and discipline were discussed at the classroom forum. 5. The writer demonstrated the true nature of the "bloodsucker" Judas. 6. Karim V.I. Surikov is characterized by a deep understanding of the antagonism of contradictions historical process. 7. The staging of the play on the stage was a great progressive step forward in the development of our dramaturgy. 8. Sateen's monologue is a laudatory praise to Man.
Exercise 30. In the following examples, find the words and turns characteristic of clerical speech. Rewrite, correcting sentences and replacing clericalisms with general literary synonyms.

  1. In response to a request to send books on the history of chess, we inform you that there are no such books in the store. Upon receipt of this, you should contact the regional branch of the "Book - by mail". 2. window frames, as well as doors, require replacement. 3. In order for the fence not to rust, it must be covered with oil paint. 4. The above decision must be strictly observed. 5. The TV was repaired within the time frame specified in the instructions below.
Exercise 31 Rewrite, replacing unsuccessfully used dialect and vernacular words in the following sentences. Find an example of the appropriate use of dialectism.

  1. Prince Igor escaped from captivity. 2. Prostakova scares Sophia in every possible way. 3. Go ahead, I will describe Mitrofan. 4 Khlestakov, talking about life in Petersburg, lies much more strongly. 5. The following Sunday, all the students in our class decided to go back on an excursion. 6. On the stage of the village club, we saw a choir of girls. They were wearing white blouses and bright plaid pony skirts. 7. It was difficult to find out what Plyushkin's clothes consisted of.
Exercise 32. Divide the words into two groups: 1) terms; 2) jargon. Note the cases when jargon arose on the basis of figurative meanings commonly used words.

Authority (experienced thief), water area (section of the water surface), subsidy (state aid), ment (policeman), monik (monitor), soap (e-mail), cool (excellent, beautiful, worthy of respect), idiom (stable expression, peculiar only to this language), ancestors (parents), deportation (forced resettlement of individuals and peoples), cash (cash), dude (young man), chaos (element), party (collective entertainment event), fan (fan), eclecticism (mechanical combination of different views).

Exercise 33. Taking advantage explanatory dictionaries, determine the meanings of obsolete words, distinguish between historicisms and archaisms.

Boyar, brow, oratay, cheeks, right hand, oprichnina, treasury, equestrian, lorgnette, this, cutting, art, tower, interpreter, yoke.

Exercise 34Analyze the communicative qualities of your speech.

Answer questions in writing.

1. Correctness of speech:

What are the norms literary language do I break more often?

What prevents my speech from being correct?

What are the ways to develop correct speech for me?

2. Speech efficiency:

What prevents my speech from being effective?

What are the ways to develop the effectiveness of speech for me?

the most efficient? Why?

3. Relevance of speech:

What prevents my speech from being relevant?

What are the ways to develop the appropriateness of speech for me?

the most efficient? Why?

4. Richness of speech:

What means of increasing the level of richness of speech do I use?

What are the most effective ways to increase the level of richness of speech for me? Why?

5. Speech Accuracy:

What prevents my speech from being accurate?

What are the most effective ways to develop speech accuracy for me? Why?

6. Purity of speech:

What prevents my speech from being pure?

What are the most effective ways to develop speech clarity for me? Why?

7. Logic of speech:

What prevents my speech from being logical?

What are the most effective ways to develop logical speech for me? Why?

8. Expressiveness of speech:

What means of expression do I use?

What prevents my speech from being expressive?

What ways of developing expressiveness of speech are the most effective for me? Why?

9. Speech etiquette:

What speech etiquette tools do I use?

Russian language and culture of speech

What are the most effective ways to develop speech etiquette for me? Why?

The main layer of the vocabulary of the Russian language is the words commonly used, interstyle, for example: autumn, summer, school, garden, city, newspaper, book; new, old, young; study, work, walk, read, draw; good, bad, interesting, etc. Such words are used in all styles, they name objects, actions, signs and do not contain evaluations of the corresponding concepts. Against the background of this interstyle, stylistically neutral vocabulary, two other layers of words stand out: words with a reduced stylistic coloring (colloquial) and words with a high stylistic coloring (bookish).

colloquial vocabulary- these are words that are used in everyday everyday speech, have the character of ease and therefore are not always appropriate in written, bookish speech, for example: start (start doing), blond (with very blond hair), tricky (tangled, complex), now ( now) and others. Many of the colloquial words not only name the corresponding concepts, but also express a positive or negative assessment of the phenomena designated, for example: hard worker, big man, squeal, razinya.

Even more reduced compared to colloquial vocabulary are the words colloquial, characterized by simplification, rudeness, and usually serving to express sharp, negative assessments, for example: get involved (strengthen in the mind), dreary (unpleasant), head (head). Colloquial words are undesirable even in ordinary conversation.

Book vocabulary- these are words that are used primarily in writing, used in scientific, official business styles, for example: hypothesis (scientific assumption), genesis (origin), interpret (interpret, explain), addressee (person to whom the letter is sent), applicant (a person entering a higher educational institution), worldview (a system of views on society, nature), unshakable (sustainable), etc.

In vocabulary scientific style terms play a significant role - words with precisely defined meanings. In each branch of science, special terms are used, for example: leg, hypotenuse (mathematical terms); declension, conjugation, subject, predicate (grammatical terms); oxide, anhydride, ethyl (chemical terms), etc.

In works journalistic style many words of socio-political vocabulary are used, for example: state, mobilize, active and many others.

IN official business style, special business vocabulary and phraseology is used: resolution, mandate, duplicate, plaintiff, defendant, credentials, authorized representative, make a decision, initiate a case, hold accountable, etc.

Sometimes in business documents there are obsolete words and phrases, clerical patterns of state institutions of the distant past, for example: the undersigned, such, this is given in that, etc. Naturally, such clericalism should be avoided.

Book words most often do not have additional expressive coloring. However, in the book vocabulary, words stand out high, giving a color of elation, sublimity or poetry to the concepts that they designate, for example: selfless, future, is based, overshadow, unshakable, paternal, mouth, descend. High words are used in solemnly uplifted speech (journalism, fiction), for example: All peoples in the world, bless the bright hour! Those years rumbled that caught us on earth. (Tward.)

Thus, when choosing a word, it is necessary to take into account not only its lexical meaning, but also possible stylistic fixation and expressive coloring. For example, the colloquial word is unsuccessfully used potato in a sentence: cleaning potatoes the peasants finished on time (the general literary word potato should have been used). It is unjustified to include a clerical and obsolete word in such a sentence: In 1898. "Gooseberry" appears. IN aforesaid story Chekhov wrote ... (here the pronoun would be more appropriate this).

IN art style writers and poets use all the richness of the lexical means of our language. Therefore, in the fabric artwork along with general literary words, words used only by residents of a certain area can sometimes be included - dialectisms, for example: kochet (rooster), gutorit (talk), beam (ravine), buchilo (deep pit with spring water). Dialect words are outside the literary language, their use in oral and written speech instead of general literary words violates the norms of the literary language and is unacceptable. However, in the language of fiction, dialectisms are usually used for special stylistic purposes: the author seeks to give a more expressive speech description of the hero, to evoke in the reader a more vivid idea of ​​the place where the action develops. So, the bright and original language of M. Sholokhov is distinguished by the skillful use of dialectisms. Drawing in the novels "Quiet Don", "Virgin Soil Upturned" the life of the Don Cossacks, the author instead of words hut And hut uses the word chicken; a place in the yard fenced for livestock calls base, backyard grove - levada etc., for example: From pipes kurenei in the morning straight orange shafts of smoke rise like timber.

Some dialectisms, becoming common, gradually enter the literary language, enriching it. Examples are the words strawberries, plowing, tentacle, clumsy and others, which entered the literary speech from local dialects.

Vocabulary can be found in works of fiction slang And argotic. Slang and slang words are the second name for phenomena that already have a generally accepted literary name, for example: buza instead of a mess shamat instead of eating. Slang and slang words are outside the literary language. They are used in works of fiction in order to characterize a character or create the desired color.

Slang and slang words clog the language.

55. K. Chukovsky in the book "Alive as Life" sharply objects to the penetration into colloquial speech, scientific style, textbooks of many standard turns of business style, which he calls "clerical". Find in the examples given by him such a "clerk". How can these suggestions be corrected?

1) Mickiewicz's ballads are close to Pushkin's ballads, and it is no coincidence that the latter enthusiastically appreciated them... 2) The period of stagnation and decline of the theater did not at all go along the line of the absence of talented performers. 3) It is necessary to close the gap on the front of misunderstanding of satire. 4) [Stranger] approached my friend who was fishing in a nearby pond and asked: “What activities are you taking to activate the bite?”

56. Read and point out high words. Pass the 4th, 5th sentences as quotations using the material of § 89 and write them down. Explain the meaning of the underlined word.

1) ... They go far with a sovereign step ... - Who else is there? Come out. (A. B.) 2) Griboyedov saw how serf chains prevented Russia from fulfilling its plans. (Leon.) 3) That's all - my native country, my dear blessed land. (Isak.) 4) The people - an ascetic and a hero - met the weapon of evil with a weapon. (Tvard.) 5) There is a trait in a Russian person: in difficult moments of life, in difficult times, to renounce everything familiar with which he lived from day to day. (A. N. T.) 6) Noise in the capitals, thunder ornate, a war of words rages. (N.) 7) The crowd says: "The century does not need singers!" And there are no singers ... The deity fell silent ... (N.)

57. Find the words and turns characteristic of clerical speech. Write off, correcting sentences and replacing clericalisms with commonly used synonyms. 1) When asked about the availability of books on the history of chess, we inform you that there are no such books in the store. Upon receipt of this, you should contact the regional branch of the "Book - by mail". 2)

Window frames, as well as doors, require replacement. 3) In order for the fence not to rust, it is necessary to cover it with oil paint. 4) The above decision must be strictly observed. 5) The repair of the TV set was carried out within the time frame provided for in the instructions below.

58. In the following passages, find the dialectisms and indicate their stylistic role.

I.“Did you guys hear,” Ilyusha began, “what happened the other day at Varnavitsy?”

On the dam? Fedya asked.

Yes, yes, on the dam ... All around are such gullies, ravines, and in the ravines there are cases. (I. Turgenev)

II. From that time on, they rarely saw him [Prokofy Melekhov] in the farm, he did not even go to the Maidan. He lived in his kuren, on the outskirts of the Don, a biryuk. They said wonderful things about him around the farm. (M. Sholokhov)

59. Write off, replacing in the following sentences unsuccessfully used dialect and vernacular words. Find an example of the appropriate use of dialectism. Motivate your answer.

1) Prince Igor escaped from captivity. 2) Prostakova frightens Sophia in every possible way. 3) First I will describe Mitrofan. 4) Khlestakov, talking about life in St. Petersburg, is lying a lot. 5) The following Sunday, all the students in our class decided to go back on an excursion. 6) We saw a choir of girls on the stage of the village club. They were wearing white blouses and bright plaid skirts - ponyovs. 7) It was difficult to find out what Plyushkin's clothes consisted of.

60. Read the dialogue from V. Tokareva's story. Why does the heroine of the work not understand her interlocutor? What vocabulary does he use in his speech?

Marina hardly waited for everyone to get up. At breakfast, she solemnly announced:

Oleg! I know what you must do... You will be free as a bird.

What a bird, mother ... - Oleg said cheerfully. He was in a good mood. - Filter the market.

What? Marina didn't understand.

Think what you say, - translated Snezhana into Russian.

Why a market?

The bazaar is a contradiction.

And in what language?

Test Yourself On a colossal plank terrace near a hemp plant with honeysuckle, to the skillful cacophonous accompaniment of a cello and the unreasonable wolverine’s wailing, the freckled clerk’s notorious widow Agrippina Savvichna Filippova surreptitiously regaled juniper jam, Californian vinaigrette with clams and other dishes of tongueless kol Lezhsky assessor Thaddeus Apollonovich, who was sitting on the veranda, unbuttoning the blue -black frock coat, spreading the fingers of his left hand and putting his ring finger in his right armpit. Rewrite, inserting instead of points the words you need in meaning. 1. Laugh ... with laughter. Transfer ... disease (contagious, contagious). 2. Have… intentions. Possess ... character (hidden, secretive). 3. ... master. …. silk (skillful, artificial). 4. ... a woman. ... word (offensive, touchy). 5. Watch for ... the development of the plant. Go ahead ... (process, procession). 6. To be an ill-mannered person, .... It is not enough to read - to be ... (ignorant, ignorant). 7. Say ... in honor of someone. Leave to rest in ... (toast, health resort). 8. The writer Turgenev spoke about the tragic fate of ... Gerasim. Troekurov was cruel ... (serf, serf-owner). 9. It became ... in the yard. Lilac began ... (bloom, dawn). 10. ... child. ... galoshes (put on, put on). 11. ... a bad worker. ... different colors (mix, shift). 12. ... to the top of the mountain. ... into the class (enter, ascend). Make the necessary changes to the sentences and rewrite them 1. Friends, let's try to look into the future. 2. Both plot lines develop in a comedy in parallel, mutually intersecting. 3. At the time of his stay in the south, Pushkin wrote romantic works. 4. Very early I realized that biology is an exciting science. 5. At first glance, he may even seem like a very fine person. 6. The sudden departure of Khlestakov and the news of the arrival of a real auditor horrify officials. 7. It is impossible to treat various Chichikovs, Plyushkins and Nozdrevs without angry indignation. Divide the phrases into groups: a) the direct meaning of the word; b) the figurative meaning of the word 1) Steel needle - pine needle. 2) The seashore is a sea of ​​flags. 3) Bronze coin - bronze tan. 4) The wolf howls - the storm howls. 5) Iron clothes - iron hair. 6) The sole of the shoes is the sole of the mountain. 7) Work in production - hand over work. 8) Read Chekhov - Chekhov's works. 9) Rifle bayonet - a detachment of a thousand bayonets. Read. Write out the highlighted words, distributing them into groups: a) the direct meaning of the word; b) figurative meaning. 1) The east burns like a new dawn. 2) It used to be that he was still in bed: they carried notes to him. What? Invitations? In fact, three houses are calling for the evening. 3) Branil Homer, Theocritus; but read Adam Smith, and was a deep economy. 4) The edges of Moscow, my native lands, where at the dawn of blooming years I spent golden hours of carelessness, not knowing sorrows and troubles. 5) The whole village runs towards him, everyone congratulates him warmly. 6) He won incessantly, and raked in gold for himself, and put banknotes in his pocket. 7) But the triumph of victory is still full of viciously seething waves. 8) Fur coats and raincoats flashed past the stately porter. Read a humorous poem. What vocabulary is this poem based on? Find homonyms and their varieties. Beaver, in the Fox there is no soul of tea, He looked at her for a cup of tea And politely asked: “Did you interfere?” The fox answered: “Oh, what are you, friend, on the contrary!” And she sat down in an easy chair opposite, And he stirred tea with a spoon. Come up with phrases with the following homonyms: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Key - key; Club - club; flood - flood; Mina - mine; Shelf - shelf. Rewrite, replacing each underlined word with a synonym 1. Listen to an interesting story. 2. Talk to a polite young man. 3. Find out the real truth. 4. Great power. 5. Admire the riders. 6. With enthusiasm to talk about something. 7. Look at the raging sea. 8. Instantly do everything. 9. It's flattering to speak of someone. 10. Open the outer door. Write sentences, eliminating repetitive words. 1. The author satirically portrays the images of the landowners. 2. Having inherited his uncle's inheritance, Onegin began to live in the village. 3. The French emperor miscalculated, counting on a quick victory. 4. When the enemy troops began to approach closer, the whole people marched against the enemies. Rewrite, choosing antonyms for the underlined words. 1. Polite response. 2. Actively act. 3. Bring people together. 4. Exaggerate dignity. 5. True words. 6. Go on the attack. 7. Treat with confidence. 8. Dangerous road. 9. Brief conversation. 10. Our opponents. Rewrite, replacing unsuccessfully used dialect and vernacular words in the following sentences. 1. Prince Igor escaped from captivity. 2. Prostakova scares Sophia in every possible way. 3. Khlestakov, talking about life in St. Petersburg, is lying a lot. 4. The next Sunday, all the students of our group decided to go back on an excursion. 5. It was difficult to find out what Plyushkin's clothes consisted of.
