How to make a canopy from a profile pipe with your own hands. Beautiful canopies attached to the house Attaching the canopy rafters to the house

The topic of building a canopy is always relevant for owners of private households, summer houses, and garage buildings. The most suitable material for them is profiled pipe products. Installation similar design It is simple and can be built with your own hands.

A canopy made of a profile pipe, erected in the yard or on a personal plot, looks modern and can add originality to the area adjacent to the house. Such structures must have the required strength and rigidity to be able to withstand different types loads Before installation begins, a number of steps need to be completed.

Preparation for construction of the structure

Before you begin installation work, you should:

  • calculate the expected loads - if necessary;
  • draw up detailed drawings of the canopy frame from a profile pipe - the dimensions must also be indicated on them;
  • prepare a set of tools;
  • select and purchase building materials.

You can build several canopy options yourself from profile products, namely:

  • arched;
  • single-slope;
  • gable.

The appearance and shape of the future structure largely depend on the personal preferences of the owner of the dacha or house and the size of the unoccupied space on the land plot. The most rapidly erected and most compact relative to the occupied space is considered to be a shed made of corrugated steel pipe.

Approximate calculation of a canopy made from a profile pipe

As a result, the canopy area is 6x9 meters. In this case, the height of the edge that will be raised is 3.5 or 3.6 meters, and the low one is 2.4 meters. As a result of the difference between heights, the angle of inclination will be 12-13 degrees.

To determine the degree of probable loads, wind and snow maps of the specific area where the land plot is located are used. Based on the above data, do-it-yourself drawings of a canopy made from a profile pipe are made.

In addition to the fact that you can draw them yourself, there are special computer programs. To achieve maximum accuracy when carrying out calculations, it is advisable to be in the place where the structure will be placed at this time.

Canopy elements made from profile products

The design has several main elements, including:

  • racks;
  • mortgages;
  • base plates;
  • arches;
  • guides;
  • roof;
  • others - these could be, for example, lighting and drainage systems.

For the manufacture of racks and poles, both profile pipes and products with a round cross-section are suitable. The latter option has a significant drawback, which is the more complex configuration of the support and fastening units of the elements.

To ensure mating of frame parts located at an angle of 90 degrees, the ideal solution is the square shape of pipe products. This type of section provides an equal degree of rigidity in both directions - longitudinal and transverse.

To build a canopy from a profile pipe of any shape based on a drawing, welding is used, as well as threaded or bolted types of connections. When creating trusses or purlins, experts recommend taking rectangular products, since they are subject to a significant load in the transverse direction, namely from top to bottom. In this case, there is practically no effort along the axis.

Characteristics of profile pipe products

In order to build a canopy frame from a profile pipe and make all the necessary calculations, you should determine the characteristics of the manufactured pipe products. For products with a square cross-section, the required values ​​are given in special tables.

For rectangular pipes, the maximum load size is calculated on the larger side. The result can also be seen in a specially compiled table, where, in addition to the desired value, the span length and pipe dimensions are indicated.

Calculation of values ​​for canopy posts

When selecting the parameters of the racks, they first calculate the loads exerted and draw a detailed drawing. The rigidity of the product is affected by the width and thickness of its walls, which in turn depend on the length of the product.

For example, when choosing which profile pipe to use for a canopy, you can use either a thick-walled product with a small cross-section, or one with thin walls, but with a large shelf width.

It should be taken into account that the vertically directed load exerted on the rack by the canopy floors is insignificant and therefore a thin corrugated pipe will withstand it without the slightest deformation. The diagram of a canopy made from a profile pipe must contain the exact dimensions of each element. Quite often, a garage frame from a profile pipe is made using the same method.

For construction with average parameters the best option there will be products with a cross-section ranging from 50 to 100 millimeters. If racks are located frequently, it is acceptable to reduce the size of the pipes used. In the case where a lean-to canopy has four supports, then large-section pipe products will be used.

Trusses as frame elements

Trusses serve as an additional connecting part when arranging a canopy. They give the frame greater stability and strength (read: ""). You should draw a special drawing for them. According to the standards, calculations are required for pipe trusses with an inclination angle of more than 6 degrees. But experts believe that you need to start from 8 degrees.

The fact is that in winter, fallen snow will accumulate on the roof surface at a slight angle of inclination. The optimal value is 15 - 20 degrees. This slope of the roof slope is suitable for coverings made of corrugated sheets, slate, plastic, polycarbonate and other modern materials.

Farms can take the following form:

  • triangular;
  • arched;
  • rectangular;
  • broken;
  • trapezoidal.

Inside the trusses, racks, purlins, braces, and struts are additionally installed. The drawing must indicate both the dimensions and the list and quantity of materials that will be required.

Next, install a sheathing of timber 50 millimeters high. It is needed to fix the roof covering. Wooden beams should be pre-treated with an antiseptic or painted to prevent damage to the wood.

Construction of the structure

Installation work is carried out in stages:

  1. Before making a canopy from pipes, first prepare the foundation.
  2. Then the materials listed in the drawing are measured and cut.
  3. Trusses are made.
  4. The side walls of the structure are assembled.
  5. Connect roof trusses and finished sections.
  6. Check the correct assembly of the elements using a level and tape measure.
  7. Mount and securely fasten the frame to a previously prepared area.
  8. Metal surfaces are treated with protective compounds.
  9. Prepare materials for roofing, install them and fix them.
  10. Trim off excess roofing.
  11. They restore order in the surrounding area.

A cement solution is poured into the free space. The side walls are assembled using one of the selected methods, connecting trusses and pillars that serve as support. If a shed is being built, then the side sections are mounted on the base until the roof trusses are installed.

When carrying out work, you should monitor the compliance of the dimensions of the structure with the drawing documentation and the vertical position of the elements at all stages of the construction of the canopy. Sheets of cladding materials should be cut with a small margin, which will allow you to correct errors made during measurements.

Selection of materials and preparation of tools

The main requirement for the quality of profile pipe products is strength. To ensure the stability of the load-bearing parts of the structure made from them, you need to select pipes with minimum parameters equal to 80x80 millimeters. For additional elements, the optimal cross-sectional size will be 40x20 millimeters.

To determine the amount of roofing material, first calculate the area of ​​the surface to be covered, and then increase the result obtained by 5%. Fastening is carried out with roofing bolts and special gaskets.

The structure is assembled in one of the following ways:

  1. Welding. But for this it is necessary not only to have in stock welding machine with electrodes, but also know how to properly weld a canopy from a profile pipe. Without skills, such work cannot be done.
  2. Using threaded connections. This requires metal corners and mounting bolts.
  3. Using special clamps.

A do-it-yourself canopy costs much less than a purchased one. It will meet the requirements subject to strict adherence to the technology of its construction.

A canopy is an uninsulated structure erected near premises or fixed above doorways. It is also built as an independent object and is used to protect cars from precipitation, as a shelter for summer recreation areas, or as a temporary building for storing building materials. It’s possible to make a canopy with your own hands, thanks to which you can save on calling builders or purchasing a ready-made structure.

You can build a canopy from any material - it can be wood, plastic or metal structures, but the choice of building materials depends on its purpose and location. After all, a building made of unplaned boards will look unsightly against the backdrop of a nice lawn or house.

Canopies are made from the following materials:

  • Wood. Convenient to use. Frame elements can be assembled from round, square or laminated veneer lumber. To work with wooden products, you will need simple carpentry tools: a hacksaw, a plane, an ax and a hammer. The beams are secured with nails or screws. To increase its service life, wood is coated with varnish, paint or other protective mixtures.
  • Metal. Any building material made from it can be used, these can be profiles made of aluminum, iron or stainless steel. Forged structures are also used. Iron products are susceptible to corrosion, so they must be painted or treated with other protective agents.
  • Natural stone, brick. Used in the construction of supports for canopies. Stone pillars made of natural stone or facing bricks. For any brick or stone structure it is necessary to make a foundation.

If you need light under the canopy, the roof is made of light-colored polycarbonate or plexiglass, and for darkening, choose dark shades or any other roof covering. When installing a canopy over a door or making an extension to a house, you need to use materials that match the style of the building's design.

Creating a Project

Having decided on the choice of building materials, you should prepare a sketch of the future canopy. They take into account the location, size, cardinal directions and wind rose.

When drawing up a project, you need to take into account all the design features, including where the canopy will be located:

  1. Near the house, above the door, measure the distance at which the building will be adjacent to the wall and the height.
  2. If under a car, then take into account the location of the support pillars in relation to the parameters of the car, so that there is enough space for comfortable departure and arrival.
  3. For a recreation area, then you need to take into account the height of the grill or barbecue oven so that the structure does not catch fire.
  4. If a canopy is built over a pool, then when choosing building materials, the increased humidity and size of the artificial reservoir are taken into account.

The roof on a canopy can be straight, sloping, single-pitched, gable or complex.

In order for the canopy to be stable and not deformed, calculations must be made for the speed and direction of the wind, as well as the amount of snow. The inclined part of the pitched roof is installed on the leeward side.

Preparatory work

To build a canopy with your own hands, you choose the type of foundation. It is mounted taking into account the terrain. On an area with a slope, a pile foundation is made, and on more level areas - a strip foundation. The heavier the canopy structure, the more supports will be required for a strong construction, which means the foundation must be strong.

To install the support pillars evenly on the site, the space for their location is measured and marks are made: a peg is driven in or a hole is dug. A hole is dug at the designated locations, 10 cm wider than the diameter of the support and 90 cm deep. Load-bearing pillars are installed and secured in any way:

  • Place it in a hole and bury it with the selected soil.
  • Fill with concrete mortar.
  • They are secured using metal brackets or angles to an H-shaped building concrete base.

For a pitched roof, the height of the front pillars is made 30 cm less than the rear pillars, so that rainwater does not stagnate, but flows off the roof. The vertical evenness of the supports is checked using a building level. If wooden posts are used, then the part that will be in the ground is treated with a protective agent against rotting. The depth of the holes dug for the installation of load-bearing supports should be below the freezing level of the soil.

Creating a sheathing

If the canopy is attached to the house, then a horizontal beam of wood with a cross-section of 80×90 mm is attached to the wall. It is screwed with dowels into the drilled holes, with a distance between them of 50-70 cm. If the length of one beam is not enough, extensions are made using another butt-to-butt method, using a metal plate. This will be the rear cross member. It is connected to the rear posts using metal corners.

Along the perimeter of the canopy from above, from one pillar to another, transverse horizontal bars with a cross-section of 70×90 mm are fixed, connecting the frame of the building together. Metal corners are used to firmly fasten structural elements.

The rafters are laid at an equal distance from each other and from the rear crossbar (from the wall of the house) to the front. In order for rainwater to drain beyond the perimeter of the canopy, the rafters are placed with a protrusion of 15 cm behind the front cross member. For the rafters, timber with a cross section of 70×70 mm is used. They are fixed to the beams using corners and self-tapping screws.

To form the sheathing, beams with a cross-section of 60×60 mm and a distance of 90 cm between them are placed across the rafters (along the length of the canopy). Screwed to the rafters with self-tapping screws. The sheathing frame for the roofing decking is prepared.

Roof installation

Various roofing materials are used to cover the roof. The main thing is that it harmoniously combines with the roof of the main building. It could be:

  • Asbestos cement slate.
  • Metal tiles.
  • Polycarbonate.
  • Ondulin.
  • Profiled sheeting.
  • Ceramic, bitumen, cement-sand tiles.
  • Slate roofing.
  • Bitumen slate.

Wave roofing material is placed on the sheathing, with the waves positioned from the wall to the bottom of the canopy. This is done for better drainage of rainwater. The sheets are connected to each other by overlapping one another, with a distance of one wave. They are secured to the sheathing with slate screws and soft washers.

Laying any roofing sheets or tiles begins from the edge of the building, moving towards its top. For smaller roof covering materials, more frequent sheathing is done. The tiles on the slope are secured with clamps, and along the side edges of the canopy roof - with self-tapping screws, into the factory holes in the tiles.

Before starting to create a project, you can find information on construction sites, see what your neighbors’ building looks like, and make your own sketch of the canopy.

If possible, it is better to buy building materials all at once so as not to be interrupted from the intended work.

It is advisable to treat all wooden elements with a protective antiseptic or varnish or paint them with water-repellent paint.

When choosing a roofing material, take into account its weight on the sheathing of the building.

If a carport is being built, then it is necessary to arrange a site under the building. Crushed stone, asphalt, paving stones or concrete are suitable for covering.

A canopy near the house is an extremely practical thing. You can park your car under it, gather with friends for a cup of tea, or cook a barbecue on a rainy day. Moreover, its construction will not require large investments if the materials are used correctly. How to make a canopy with your own hands and at a minimum cost will be discussed in the article.

DIY canopy - how to make the right choice

So, if the goal is to build a cheap, good shed, you should choose the right place and select the materials. The lack of hired labor also significantly reduces the cost of the process.

Selection of building materials - which is better

Not only the final price will depend on the choice of material, but also the ease of construction, as well as appearance. So, the most common materials for the frame:

The following is often used as a roofing covering for a canopy:

Choosing a place for a canopy - how to save on supports and roofing

The best option for a budget canopy is to make it adjacent to the house. In this case, only two or three support posts will be required - it all depends on the size of the cross beam and the material. So, for timber with a cross section of 75x75 mm, the distance between the posts should be about a meter. In this case, you don’t have to use a cross beam, resting the rafters directly on the pillars.

If you use timber with a cross-section of 150 cm or more, you can install only two corner posts. A transverse load-bearing beam is installed on them, and the trails are already attached to it. The other side of the rafters is attached to a support beam, previously fixed to the wall of the house.

In addition, a canopy attached to the house is better protected from the wind. If the canopy is made free-standing, you need to take into account the direction of the wind - the lower edge of the pitched roof should be located on the leeward side. And this is not always convenient, especially if you plan to park a car under it. A gable roof is much more reliable and practical in this case, but a more complex rafter system will be required.

Construction of a simple lean-to canopy

A universal canopy, under which you can place a gazebo or park a car under the house, is erected in several stages:

  • installation of support pillars;
  • installation of the rafter system;
  • roof installation;
  • laying paving slabs.

Installation of canopy posts

The pillars, regardless of the material chosen, are installed in pre-dug holes 1.5 m deep and 10 cm larger in diameter behind the posts. A layer of sand or crushed stone 20 cm high is poured onto the bottom and poured with plenty of water for compaction.

The bottom of wooden and metal racks is treated with bitumen or wrapped in roofing felt to protect against moisture. The racks are installed strictly vertically and filled with concrete.

If asbestos-cement pipes are selected, reinforcement is placed inside and concrete is poured to the entire height of the pipe. To remove air, during the pouring process, another reinforcement rod constantly mixes the solution in the pipe. In the upper part of the racks, you can immediately embed pins to which the upper trim will be attached.

A support beam is attached to the wall of the house. It must be above the level of the posts to provide the slope necessary for snow to roll off. TO wooden walls The beam is attached with self-tapping screws, and to the brick ones with dowels in pre-made holes.

Features of the rafter system

The pitch of the rafters is calculated depending on the selected roofing covering. It is very convenient to use special programs for this. There are also summary tables that allow you to approximately select the distance between the rafters.

One end of the rafters is attached to a support beam on the wall. You can use two options - make grooves in the beam, where to insert the rafter leg and fix it with metal corners, or using special fasteners.

The second end rests on the upper frame of the racks. Given the light weight of the roof, they are also secured with metal corners. But on heaving soils, uneven subsidence of the pillars and the entire house is possible, which will lead to deformation of the canopy. Therefore, for all extensions it is recommended to use a movable connection of rafters with strapping.

Roofing device

The canopy does not require insulation or waterproofing. Almost all roofing coverings are attached to thin sheathing. The exception is soft tiles, which require continuous sheathing and waterproofing of OSB sheets. But corrugated sheeting can be laid directly on the rafters. The sheets are laid across the rafters with an overlap and secured with self-tapping screws.

Laying paving slabs

If you plan to use the canopy as a parking space, you can pave the track with paving slabs. This will prevent dirt from forming in rainy weather, but will preserve more greenery around the house.

The tiles are placed on a solid sand bed and compacted with a rubber hammer.

The video shows how the metal canopy was made next to the fence:

If initially in the project you did not provide for a veranda or terrace, a very convenient thing, and in a hot climate simply necessary, then you may well fill this gap by building an additional canopy for the house. With modern construction technology and the availability of materials, you can completely cope with the task with your own hands. Regardless of whether you use metal beams or wooden sheathing for the improvised one.

Canopy for the house

At least in constructive terms, everyone canopy for the house very similar to all others, but still, before construction, it is customary to distinguish them according to their future functional purpose; both the arrangement of the foundation and the calculated strength of all supports depend on this. The need to cover a certain area with a roof arises when you plan to make a summer kitchen next to the house, an additional fully glazed gazebo for autumn-spring tea parties. Or maybe you want to protect your car parked outside from rain and snow, or you want to protect the porch and front door area. A canopy may be needed even when the living room on the first floor is located on the sunny side of the house and gets very hot during the day. It is the canopy, like the visor of a hat, that helps solve this problem and improve the microclimate in the room.

Before building, you will need to visualize your project, enter the building into . We are not talking about using special computer programs, such a visualization can simply be drawn with colored pencils, but this technique will allow you to most clearly determine not only the dimensions, but also the material that you will use for construction.

Shed adjacent to the house, can be made of several basic materials: metal, wood or brick (we are talking about brick supports on which the flooring is already installed). If we talked about this topic 15-20 years ago, then almost every craftsman would have advised making a metal welded structure, covering the roof with corrugated sheets or tiles. Today there are new favorites among building materials, which have won a large segment of the market for such buildings. We are talking about transparent polycarbonate, which is many times stronger than glass, capable of withstanding heavy loads of precipitation and wind without deforming or cracking, and at the same time transmitting a lot of sunlight. Now every self-respecting builder should know.

Polycarbonate can be bent, making the roof of the most bizarre shapes, plus, its installation is not difficult due to light weight material, it can be processed with a standard set of tools, cut, sawed, drilled. Compared to traditional roofing coverings, polycarbonate has only one drawback - its cost. But, of course, if you do not spend it on construction, but use it for such a necessary and useful task as building a canopy for many years to come, then it will still be better to fork out for it. Just don’t save on it by buying regular polycarbonate, without a special coating that protects the material from ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, after the first season, cloudy spots may appear on the surface and it will become fragile.

Canopy in front of the house

By design canopy in front of the house It can be either installed on permanent supports or cantilevered. If everything is more or less clear with the supports, they are what is most often meant, but the cantilever varieties are more likely referred to as a process, because the console is attached directly to the house. The maximum size of such a canopy is 2 meters, but is this so small, just cover the porch and front door Is it possible with a small canopy?

In fact, cantilever structures allow you to get a fairly large terrace for relaxing around the perimeter of the house, especially at that time of day when the two-meter panel or roof additionally receives maximum shade. In addition, today on the market you can find many offers of sliding cantilever structures, which, if necessary, you can extend even further, and after use, remove them to their original dimensions. Just remember that the two-meter limit is not made because the manufacturer is harmful, but for maximum wind protection of the structure. If the canopy is longer, then there is a risk that in a strong wind it will simply be torn out of place, thereby damaging the wall of the house to which it is mounted.

The canopy is large, long and wide, under which a car can hide and the whole family can have a get-together; of course, it cannot have a console design. There is no need to save money; you need to equip strong, permanent supports on which a full-fledged roof will rest, and the junction of the canopy with the residential building is closed when performing roofing work. Of course, the budget for such a building will be much higher, but taking into account the above, you will be able to make your family happy with a useful room for a long time.

Wooden canopy for the house

The design features of a residential building may require special constructive solutions. And if you to wooden house done, then it’s worth doing after all wooden canopy for house, although it will be somewhat more expensive and more troublesome to operate. After all, wood, as a material, has that special charm that it still has significant influence on the minds of dacha owners. And if, all other things being equal, you show them the choice of a metal canopy or a wooden one, then the majority will vote for the second option.

The peculiarity of working with wood is that the room is outdoor, which means that the wood will be subject to serious atmospheric loads. Especially if your site is located in a lowland or swampy area, then you will need to additionally process each support that is to be installed according to the project. The construction of a structure is not much different from the process. You need to start with the project, calculate the future weight of all the supports and the roof in order to decide on the foundation and the number of beams.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the options for such crafts for the garden, which do not provide a continuous roof on top. Such buildings are built near modern town houses and cottages; due to their light weight, they are not at all difficult to construct and do not require such careful preparation and calculations. Upstairs, on the frame beams (mauerlat), simply lay transverse beams, which will provide quite a lot of shadow downwards. This design came to us from the architectural style of the Mediterranean region, where there is not much rainfall, but in the hot summer you want not only protection from the sun, but also air movement. If you want to get more shade, then it’s easy to cover such a roof with grapes or other climbing plants, or stretch fabric panels on top that can be easily hung up and removed.

Shed adjacent to the house

So, we will assume that the project shed adjacent to the house, you are ready, and you can easily start construction work. It is necessary to mark the places for the pits of future supports, their diameter is about 20 centimeters, and the depth is 50-60 (in any case, up to dense soil, be guided by your natural conditions). Each such pit is filled with up to a bucket of crushed stone, and then supports are inserted. You can also use special fasteners that are mounted inside the pit, and the beams are already attached to this fastener. The ultimate goal is to concrete supports that are level inside the hole, be it wooden beams or metal pipes. Note that the bars must be treated with special means, antiseptic impregnations, and pipes and profiles should be bought either aluminum or galvanized, which are not subject to rust, but when buying ordinary iron ones, it is better to cover their entire surface with a special primer.

Before equipping the site in the perimeter between the supports, it is worth laying electrical wiring and, if necessary, a water supply and sewerage system. After this, the floor is either filled with concrete screed, or paving slabs, decking boards are laid, or sand and crushed stone are simply poured in (for example, if you are just making a parking space for a car). After the concrete screed has dried, you can begin assembling the main structure.

We should start working on the wall of the building, to which one side of our future canopy will be attached. Special brackets are hung on it, onto which a transverse beam is mounted; it is this beam that will take on all the load-bearing loads of the entire structure. After this, you can start lathing.

Canopy in front of the house

Formation of sheathing canopy in front of the house begins with the formation of the top trim, which will become part of the future roof. At the ends of the supports that we previously installed and concreted, transverse beams are laid, which need to be used to connect all the support pillars into a single system. That is, first the perimeter is connected, and then (depending on the size of the canopy and the number of supports), and then the internal beams are laid parallel to each other. For a metal profile, the connection method is welding, and wooden beams need to be tightened together with special corners. Do not forget to check the evenness of the corners and surfaces using a special level. The weld seams on the profile are processed; they need to be thoroughly cleaned and then covered with a layer of protective paint.

Polycarbonate is cut to the dimensions you need - this is the distance between adjacent beams with a small margin for the seam. But in fact, you can use a sheet of exactly the size that is convenient for you to mount, that is, you can even attach it across a row. Cellular polycarbonate has small cells on one side to remove condensate moisture; make sure that all sheets are positioned with the cells facing down. The sheets are connected to each other using a special H-shaped profile, which will allow the seams to be made neat and airtight, but the material must be fastened into the beams with special self-tapping screws with rubberized thermal washers. You should not connect the sheets very tightly, as the material will expand as the temperature rises. Be sure to leave a certain gap for the compression seam.

Making a wooden canopy with your own hands is not at all difficult. In just a few days you will have an excellent design that will protect firewood, grain, a car, and a barbecue from precipitation. In order to save a lot of time, money and effort, it is necessary to develop a clear action plan. This is what we will do in step-by-step instructions.

Installation of supports - the basics

First of all, we need to think about what our structure will be supported on. Some craftsmen recommend simply installing wooden logs on the ground, onto which you can then nail the sheathing, reinforcements and roof. You can do this, but where is the guarantee that tomorrow it won’t rain and blow your canopy 50 centimeters away? Wet and loose soil is the main enemy of wooden structures installed on the ground.

That is why we will only consider supports installed on a concrete base. This is the only way the structure will be level after any rainfall. Let's start our construction from the “foundation”, if you can call it that, and consider step by step instructions by its filling.

Step 1 Dig a hole.

To save concrete, we make a round columnar foundation. You can rent or borrow a hand drill from a neighbor to make holes with a diameter of 35 to 60 centimeters. 35 will be enough. The main thing is the depth, which cannot be less than 50 cm - this is necessary to avoid possible subsidence on loose soil. No drill? We take it and dig.

Step 2 Pour the foundation.

It is important for us to obtain a high specific gravity of concrete, and not its strength characteristics. Therefore, we mix 1:4 with sand and add another 3 parts of coarse crushed stone to bind the materials. Make it very rare and pour it into the hole.

Step 3 Make a base.

It is necessary to raise the foundation 10 centimeters above the ground so that the wood does not touch the wet soil. You can do it this way: select a suitable metal barrel according to its diameter (a 3-liter paint can will do), place it on top of the foundation and fill it with concrete. Remove after 2 days.

All that remains is to simply install wooden poles with a diameter of 20-30 centimeters and initially tie them together in a heap with the bottom strapping at the level of 80-90 centimeters. High precision is not necessary; you can estimate by eye the evenness of the pillars, since then we will measure with a level when installing the top trim.

Lathing, strapping, anti-corrosion treatment of frame

To make a canopy at the dacha with your own hands from wood, you need to master the level - this is the main tool. It will help make a smooth structure. Since the wooden log (25 cm in diameter) will be rounded, its shape is close to ideal, so leveling will be easy. Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to properly make a harness.

Step 1 Align the pillars.

Take a level and lean it vertically against the support. If everything matches, then you can pile up the first 2 supports. After this, we lean the level again and measure. Repeat the procedure every time a new column is added to the bundle. After you have tied everything together, you need to measure the angle of inclination of the structure in all directions, since after nailing the rafters it will be too late.

Step 2 We install the rafters.

The easiest way is to make a lean-to building, then the rafters just need to be laid at an angle of 1 slope every 70 centimeters. But when constructing a gable roof, you will have to take into account another ridge. Using a plumb line and a tape measure, we determine the middle of the room, raise the vertical and attach the ridge to 2 slats. Next, we adjust all the rafters to it at an angle of 45 degrees. This is the ideal angle for a 4x4 meter canopy. Make lathing every 50 centimeters from 35x55 timber.

Step 3 We treat everything with anti-corrosion suspensions.

You can use standard wood stain and varnish, but we recommend treating with exterior stone varnish. It is characterized by maximum penetration into the material, protects the board for many years and protects against biological corrosion.

Pro tip: it is recommended to leave the rafters 30-45 centimeters after the top trim, since moisture can get on the wood during strong winds or snowfall. No matter how good the protection of the tree, it will still rot if it is constantly wet.

Roofing installation

If you don’t know how to make a wooden canopy with your own hands, and what kind of roof to install, then it’s worth evaluating all the advantages of the materials offered on the market. As a rule, to save money, ordinary slate, metal tiles or profiled sheets are used. The latter cost very little, are durable and are easily attached to the sheathing. Let's take a closer look at their installation!

Step 1 We measure.

Lay several sheets and check with a level along the bottom edge so that nothing is mowing. It can be attached with a self-tapping screw so that the material does not “run away” anywhere during its measurements.

Step 2 Screw it on.

Using the help, we make 2 holes per 1 sheet, and we must drill immediately with the sheathing. Then we take M8 bolts and nuts and attach them. We measure everything and only then tighten it with wrenches. It is advisable to use special plastic washers for the outside to limit moisture and seal the sheet well.

Step 3 We cut off everything unnecessary with a grinder.

If somewhere there is a corner on the last row or the skate does not please you with its curvature, you can trim it with a grinder.

If you do everything correctly and constantly measure the slopes, then you won’t have to level anything, the sheets will all become as they were.

Wooden awnings for a summer residence are one of the simplest designs where you can safely experiment, because even if something goes wrong, everything can be redone quickly and not difficult.
