How is influenza prevented? Prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and colds in adults and children: a reminder. medications, antiviral drugs and folk remedies for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults and children Flu and measures for its prevention

Every year, with the beginning of the spread of ARVI, health workers warn the population about the need to prevent influenza. These measures help protect the body from dangerous infections.

Flu is a viral infection and is spread through droplets of saliva and nasal mucus. People's susceptibility to this virus is quite high, so a large part of the population usually gets sick. People with weakened immune systems are most susceptible to influenza infection:

  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • Little children.
  • Elderly patients.
  • People with concomitant serious diseases.
  • Cancer patients.
  • Persons receiving immunosuppressive (immune suppression) treatment.

Are there any effective precautions against influenza? These include:


Flu vaccination is the most effective method prevention of this disease. It allows you to create specific anti-influenza immunity in the body - antibodies aimed at fighting a specific virus. Since the causative agent of this infection constantly mutates and circulates throughout the planet, experts collect information about it in advance every year. This usually happens in the spring. Data on the most likely strain is then passed on to pharmaceutical companies, and they produce a vaccine with the appropriate composition.

The following immunological drugs are known to prevent influenza:

  • Influvac;
  • Vaxigrip;
  • Flu.

Vaccination must be carried out in advance so that specific immunity can form in the body. Typically, patients are vaccinated in early to mid-fall.

If you get vaccinated in the midst of an epidemic, the protection most likely will not work.

You should know that vaccination is not able to completely protect against the disease, but it alleviates the course of the disease in those infected. Vaccination is especially indicated for people at risk.

Anti-epidemic regime

An adequate anti-epidemic regime is the second most effective preventive measure after vaccination. If you avoid contact with sick people during the peak of the flu, you can successfully avoid infection.

However, this is difficult to implement in practice. Every adult during this period comes into contact with a large number of people - at work, in a store, on public transport.

Quarantines in schools and kindergartens reduce the spread of infection in children. IN medical institutions an anti-epidemic regime is also being introduced - staff and visitors are required to wear a mask. It will not protect against infection through close contact, but it will help avoid the massive spread of infection.
A flu epidemic is a time when you should not visit places with large crowds of people, as any of them can be a source of infection.

Strengthening nonspecific immunity

Strengthening nonspecific immunity does not prevent the incidence of influenza specifically, but it increases the body’s resistance to ARVI in general.

Achieve strengthening protective forces the body can be done using the following methods:

  • Hardening.
  • Maintaining optimal temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Sanitation of chronic foci of infection.
  • Correction iron deficiency anemia if available.

These measures work especially well if you start using them in childhood. Hardening babies has a beneficial effect on the immune system and reduces their susceptibility to infections.

Taking medications

Today there is only one drug with proven anti-influenza effectiveness. We are talking about Tamiflu (oseltamivir). This is an antiviral medicine that is used to both prevent and treat influenza.

The cost of Tamiflu is quite high, but for some patients it can be given free of charge. We are talking about people from risk groups.

Flu is especially dangerous for pregnant women. On early stages the virus can negatively affect the development of the fetus and even cause miscarriage due to severe intoxication of the body.

In the second and third trimester, the woman is also in danger. The longer the pregnancy, the weaker the expectant mother’s immunity. This is a physiological phenomenon, but with a viral infection it is fraught with serious complications.

If a woman has not taken oseltamivir for prophylaxis, she should begin treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear. This drug is prescribed by a doctor.

Influenza is a serious infectious disease, so preventive measures should be taken for both adults and children.

To avoid getting respiratory diseases, it is necessary to take the necessary measures to prevent influenza. You just need to follow simple rules and no disease will overcome your body.

Proper prevention of influenza can avoid many complications.

None of us wants to catch a cold or the flu. However, simple laziness and failure to comply with simple preventive measures do not allow people to easily protect themselves from diseases. But all you need is to love your body, that is, strengthen it, create a “shield” that protects against the penetration of microbes.

Any actions to prevent diseases involve strengthening the internal forces of the body. If colds and viral infections occur frequently, it makes sense to consult a doctor. Perhaps a certain or several organs are affected, affecting the immune system and reducing its potential.

Along with traditional treatment, you can’t put off the basic rules, which will only make your body feel better.

Proper nutrition

A lot depends on how a person eats, including his state of health. Some foods are harmful internal organs, others, on the contrary, restore, strengthen, heal and even save. Let's take a closer look at what you need to pay attention to:

  • Quitting bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  • Healthy eating - including in the diet as many fruits, vegetables, herbs, juices as possible, natural suppliers of important vitamins, trace elements, and minerals. The main fighter against infections is vitamin C, concentrated in huge quantities in lemon, rose hips, and bell pepper.
  • You should avoid smoked, fatty foods, canned food, eat food made from meat, fish, poultry, steamed, or open fire.

Do you want to get sick less often? Then give up bad habits!

Important procedures at home

Many of us have heard about the endurance and good health of Indian yogis. But few people know that every resident of this country carries out a “ritual” of cleaning the nose, mouth, and ears at least 3 times a day. This procedure has the right to life, since doctors strongly recommend rinsing the mucous membrane during the day. It’s even better if you perform this action not only with water, but also with decoctions of chamomile and string. No virus will “attach” to the throat if you gargle it with a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate. The main thing is to follow the dosage and not cause harm.

During an epidemic, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxaline ointment and Vaseline.

Activity as a guarantee of health

  • To strengthen the defenses, the human body needs to be regularly given rest, which means healthy and sound sleep, relaxation in the open air, and easy walks.
  • With normal blood circulation, the body is renewed, stagnation does not occur, which significantly affects the immune system. And for this you need activity, playing sports, running in the morning, swimming.
  • A visit to a bathhouse, sauna, or Turkish hammam will cleanse skin pores, increase blood circulation, improve metabolism, and as a result, protective forces increase.

Moral component

Stress, moral stress, depression also affect the immune system in a negative sense. You can’t go too deep into the problems; in this way, they still can’t be solved. A sober and wise approach to critical situations is necessary, which will significantly reduce the impact of psychological problems on physical condition body.

Avoid stress. A good mood strengthens the body

Medical preventative measures against influenza

For many years, doctors have been trying to convince people of the benefits of vaccinations. For unknown reasons, whether it is a sanctimonious approach or fear due to empty, unsubstantiated rumors about the dangers of vaccinations, many refuse the necessary preventive measure. To convince you, the WHO and the Ministry of Health regularly publish statistics on the reduction of morbidity during the peak of acute respiratory infections and influenza. In fact, there is no reason to fear complications after vaccination; you just need to treat this manipulation professionally and with care. full responsibility. A tiny dose of a specific strain of the virus is injected into the human body, which produces antibodies. Thanks to their “work”, a person is completely protected from the next epidemic.

The gauze bandage makes some comrades smile. Yes, not entirely aesthetically pleasing, but the effect is amazing. Gauze or a medical bandage folded in several layers is an excellent flu prevention; it blocks the path of viruses and microbes to the respiratory system. The only condition is that you need to change the mask every 3-4 hours.

Remember that drinking plenty of fluids is good for the body

Rescue in the water!

  • To protect yourself from viruses, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Thanks to liquid, our body “cleanses”; water “washes out” toxins and waste. This measure is useful not only as a preventive measure, but also for influenza. You should drink tea, herbal decoctions, clean water, exclude sweet sodas, energy drinks, and coffee from your diet.
  • Since childhood, we have been told “Wash your hands before eating!” No matter how irritated we are, we become infected ourselves through our hands and bring into the house not only flu viruses, but also others, even more dangerous diseases. But it turns out that a simple rule can save the life of a person and his loved ones.
  • You can become infected with the influenza virus and acute respiratory infections through dishes and household items, which requires careful handling. The premises should be ventilated more often, and wet cleaning should be carried out using special disinfectants.

A healthy lifestyle is already protection against the flu

As you can see, simple and easy-to-implement measures can protect the human body from diseases, not only from influenza, acute respiratory infections, but also other dangerous infections. Enough to lead correct image life, streamline the regime, use healthy products, and, of course, be an optimist. With such a “set” of necessary factors, the virus will have no chance of winning!

Most measures prevention against influenza relate to maintaining a healthy lifestyle - correct and healthy eating, careful hygiene, physical activity, strengthening the immune system, giving up alcohol, smoking and other bad habits, proper sleep and rest, etc. All recommendations for a healthy lifestyle can also be applied to antiviral prevention. This is logical - the healthier the lifestyle, the stronger the body, the higher its protective functions.

But human immunity is a complex mechanism that depends not only on physical factors, but also on emotional and psychological ones. Various studies prove that people with depression, dissatisfaction and other emotional problems are more susceptible to the flu virus. Therefore, surprisingly, a good mood and peace of mind are also prevention of influenza, which should not be neglected.

10 flu prevention measures - everything anti-flu is simple

  • The best way to prevent influenza is vaccination. With a vaccination, you receive a particle of the virus to which your body produces antibodies and for some time - from six months to a year - the flu is not scary for it. You need to get vaccinated not at the height of the epidemic, but in the fall, so that immunity to the disease has time to form.

  • A gauze bandage is also a good flu prevention. If, of course, you change it often, it’s better every 3-4 hours.

  • A balanced diet, or rather, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances, will give your body the strength to resist a dangerous infection. You will need ascorbic and citric acid(citrus fruits, apples, rose hips), selenium (porridge, garlic), vitamin E, manganese, zinc and copper (nuts), iron (meat, tomatoes), iodine (sea fish), phytoncides (onions, garlic). Phytoncides generally kill viruses well - for example, it is useful to eat 1-2 cloves of garlic a day.

  • Regularly rinsing your nose will create a protective barrier on your mucous membranes, through which the influenza virus can enter the body. As a preventive measure against the flu, wash your nose twice a day with soap or onion infusion with honey. It is also recommended to gargle with solutions of furatsilin, soda, chamomile, potassium permanganate, and do inhalations with essential oils or potatoes. Lubricate the nasal mucosa before exiting with oxolinic ointment or Vaseline - this will also delay the infection.

  • Drinking plenty of fluids is useful both for the flu itself and as a preventive measure - with its help, toxins are removed from the body much faster. Of course, we are not talking about soda and coffee - but about herbal teas, rosehip infusion, tea with raspberries and honey, etc.

  • Wash your hands before and after eating, and especially after visiting public places. People with the flu spread the infection by leaving germs on handrails, tables, and dishes. For this reason, touch your face less with your hands.

  • Wash dishes with boiling water - it neutralizes viruses, especially if they are shared dishes, for example, at work. If you have a sick person at home, allocate a separate set of dishes for him; it will need to be disinfected every time after use.

  • Ventilate the room - the flu really likes the warm, dry air of a clogged room. Windows should be opened at least once an hour for a few minutes. It is better to abandon the heater in favor of warm clothes.

  • Start going to the bathhouse a couple of months before the seasonal flu epidemic - this will train your immunity.

  • Good flu prevention is sports. Physical activity improves blood circulation, the body is saturated with oxygen and more and more immune cells are created.

In fact, preventing influenza does not require much effort - just healthy image life, be active, don’t be nervous, eat right, have a positive attitude towards everything and get an annual vaccination - and the flu will not dare to approach you.

Flu and colds are the most common diseases during the cold winter or changeable autumn-spring seasons. Surely every reader of our article encounters them regularly – 1-2, or maybe 3 times a year. In most cases, these diseases result in complete recovery of the patient after 7-10 days, but sometimes they can cause serious complications and even cause death. Since any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, our article will focus specifically on the prevention of flu and colds. But first, we will talk about what kind of diseases these are and how they manifest themselves - this way you can easily recognize the pathology and promptly seek help from a doctor.

Flu and colds - what are they?

Many people who are not related to medicine believe that colds and flu are synonyms, one and the same. They are wrong. What exactly? Let's figure it out.

Influenza is one of the acute respiratory viral infections. That is, the causative agent of the disease is exclusively a virus, which is called the influenza virus. The main route of transmission of infection is airborne (when a patient sneezes and coughs, the virus enters the air, and with it into the body of another healthy person). It also happens contact-household path transmission of the virus - with dirty hands through the mouth and mucous membranes.

So, to transmit the virus you need:

  1. The source of infection is a sick person.
  2. An organism susceptible to infection (that is, one that lacks immunity specifically to this disease or has immunodeficiency in general - both primary (congenital pathology of the immune system) and secondary (developed against the background of other serious diseases - AIDS, diabetes mellitus and others).
  3. Contact of a susceptible organism with the virus (occurs when a patient blows his nose, coughs or sneezes - the virus immediately enters the mucous membranes of a previously healthy person and enters the body, or it spreads to furniture and other household items, from where, with dirty hands, into the mouth or again on the mucous membranes of the infected person).

People of all ages suffer from influenza, especially during periods of epidemics and pandemics that occur periodically.

Cold is a “folk” term. There is no such concept in medicine - not a single doctor will write “Diagnosis: cold” on a patient’s card. This is a condition that occurs as a result of hypothermia of the body - when a person freezes. The fact is that in the oral cavity of each of us there live many opportunistic microorganisms. When a person’s immunity is normal, these bacteria do not manifest themselves in any way, but if immunity decreases, they become more active - they penetrate the mucous membranes, multiply there, release toxins and metabolic products - a disease develops. One of the factors that significantly reduces both general (whole body) and local (oral) immunity is hypothermia.

In addition, some of us suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. For example, chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis. When hypothermia occurs, microbes “sleeping” in the tonsils or cells of the pharyngeal mucosa wake up and an exacerbation of the disease occurs.

So, it would seem that a healthy person froze, local and general immunity of the body decreased, microorganisms in the oral cavity became more active, and a disease arose.

From what was written above, it probably became clear to readers that the flu is a viral infection, and the cold is bacterial in nature. These conditions are not the same thing and should be treated differently. However, preventive measures are largely similar - they will be discussed below.

Flu and cold symptoms

The manifestations of these diseases are similar. Their intensity depends on the characteristics of the response to the disease of a particular patient, and therefore varies quite widely in each specific case.

  • Increased body temperature. This is a sign inflammatory process in the body of absolutely any etiology, and not just with flu and colds. A change in temperature is a protective reaction, which means that the immune system has entered the fight against infection. The temperature may rise to subfebrile (37-38°C) or febrile (up to 39°C) values ​​- this depends on the type of pathogen. Influenza, as a rule, occurs with a febrile temperature, and another infection from the ARVI group - rhinovirus - can be limited to a rise in the mercury column to 37.5 ° C and no more.

You should not try to reduce the temperature below 38.5-39.0°C - it will not cause harm to the body, but it is at these values ​​that the immune system works as actively as possible. The exception is for persons with medical conditions nervous system(epilepsy, tumors and others), as well as those who very poorly tolerate an increase in temperature - in these cases, in order to prevent the development of seizures or alleviate the patient’s condition, antipyretics are taken earlier.

  • Signs of intoxication: headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, irritability, muscle and joint pain, decreased or complete lack of appetite. With a certain infection, the patient may complain of all of these symptoms at once or only of some of them. The degree of their severity also depends on the aggressiveness of the pathogen and the immune status of the body. With the flu, as a rule, the symptoms of intoxication are very pronounced, and with an exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis or tonsillitis, they are practically, and sometimes completely absent.
  • Runny nose and sneezing. In most cases, nasal discharge is accompanied by viral infections. Nasal mucus contains substances in huge concentrations that affect viruses, depriving them of their ability to multiply and spread further through the respiratory tract. At the beginning of a viral infection, the mucus released from the nose is clear, but after a few days it darkens, changing its color to green.

The body tries to expel viruses from the nasal cavity by sneezing (this is also a protective reflex).

If, at the very beginning of the disease, thick yellowish, greenish or green contents are released from the nose, most likely there is an acute or chronic inflammation paranasal sinuses - sinusitis (sinusitis, sinusitis, ethmoiditis - these are types of the disease), which could occur after hypothermia. In this case, mucus is secreted by the inflamed mucous membrane of the sinuses and contains a large number of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria.

  • Sore throat. It may or may not be there. Its intensity depends on the type of pathogen and the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Cough. In inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, their mucous membrane secretes increased amount mucus. It is necessary to neutralize the action of pathogens and clear pathways of them. The body tries to eliminate excess mucus by coughing. It can be dry (occur due to an irritating effect on the mucous membrane) and wet (productive - that is, with sputum). It is worth saying that at the initial stage of the disease the cough is often dry, and as it progresses it becomes more and more productive. A superficial cough occurs with lesions of the upper respiratory tract - the pharynx, larynx, and if the pathological process is localized in their lower parts - in the trachea or bronchi - the cough becomes deeper, popularly called thoracic. With an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis (that is, with a cold), a cough also occurs: inflamed tonsils secrete an increased amount of secretion, which partially flows into the pharynx and irritates its mucous membrane. To prevent it from entering the lower sections, a cough occurs.

Prevention of flu and colds

In order not to catch these diseases, every person needs to monitor the state of their immunity and help strengthen it, as well as avoid contact with viruses. Let's take a closer look.

How to strengthen your immune system

Hardening, fresh air and sufficient rest will help strengthen the immune system.

Experts have developed the following recommendations:

  • Rational and balanced nutrition: building material Proteins are essential for immunity, so they must enter the body in sufficient quantities, namely 60-120 g per day for an adult, depending on his body weight. In addition to protein, you should eat a large amount of foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and microelements. Limit the consumption of fast food and easily digestible carbohydrates. It would also be a good idea to include yogurts in your diet - they contain bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the immune system. But it is worth noting that there is no need to rely on store-bought yoghurts - their shelf life is often much longer than the lifespan of these bacteria. It would be more correct to prepare yoghurts yourself, using special starter cultures. You can do this using a yogurt maker, or if you don’t have such a device, just in a saucepan, which needs to be properly insulated.
  • Quitting bad habits. Ethyl alcohol and nicotine are toxins for our body - they suppress the immune system, reducing its ability to protect against infections. In addition, nicotine entering respiratory tract, mechanically damages their mucosa, which facilitates the penetration of infection into it.
  • Observe the work and rest schedule. Lack of sleep has never benefited anyone. As a result of exposure to increased stress and insufficient rest, all body functions, in particular metabolism and defenses, are significantly reduced - the risk of infection by all kinds of microorganisms increases. To prevent this, you should get enough rest - allocate 7-8 hours for a healthy night's sleep, and, if possible, an hour during the daytime.
  • Avoid psycho-emotional overload. Negative experiences, just like overwork, disrupt the normal functioning of the body and the immune system in particular. You should begin to calmly respond to difficulties and not worry about trifles. It is also worth learning to relax. During this process, the content of special substances in the blood increases - interleukins, which fight viruses like no other. To relax, you should turn on calm, pleasant music, lie down or sit comfortably, close your eyes and draw in your imagination a certain picture that will lead you to a state of calm and satisfaction. This procedure should be carried out for half an hour daily.
  • Avoid hypothermia. Under the influence of cold, blood vessels spasm and the body's defenses are reduced. You should always dress according to the weather, not neglecting a hat, scarf and mittens in the cold season.
  • Fight physical inactivity and lead an active lifestyle. As a result of physical activity, blood circulation improves, metabolism accelerates and the body's resistance to infections increases. If your health does not allow you to attend, say, aerobics classes, you should take walks in the fresh air every day, or better yet several times a day - this will also be quite enough to strengthen your immune system.
  • Temper yourself. An organism adapted to the effects of unfavorable factors more actively resists diseases. Hardening should be done gradually. For young children, as a hardening procedure, it is recommended to wipe them with a damp towel, the temperature of which is gradually reduced, or to pour over their arms and legs. Adults often use cold water dousing and... There are also many proprietary methods that, according to their creators, allow one to harden most effectively.

All these recommendations relate to a person’s lifestyle. Is it possible to increase immunity with the help of pharmaceutical drugs or prescriptions? traditional medicine? Let's say right away that no studies have been conducted to guarantee the effectiveness of these treatments. There are many drugs of herbal and synthetic origin, homeopathic, but their effectiveness is questionable. There is also a separate group of medications - immunomodulators, but they are allowed to be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor. Otherwise, they may cause more harm than good.

As for traditional medicine, the use of such recipes is quite acceptable, but as an element of complex prevention, but on their own. To strengthen the immune system, you can use:

  • decoctions and infusions of echinacea, lemongrass - consumed internally;
  • garlic and onions - you can eat them, or you can chop them and place them in all rooms; the phytoncides contained in these products spread in the air and, so to speak, repel microorganisms, and when consumed orally they have a negative effect on viruses;
  • coniferous plants - juniper, pine, fir and others; in order to disinfect indoor air, you should burn 1 branch of these plants once a day;
  • essential oils of citrus, tea tree, eucalyptus or others coniferous plants; they can be used in different ways: if you are in a room, drop a few drops of oil or a mixture of oils into the aroma lamp; if at work, use an aromatic pendant, or you can take a bath with these oils added;
  • honey-lemon bath: to prepare it, grind 7 lemons and pour them hot water and leave for several hours; draw water into the bath, pour lemon juice into it, and immerse the peel and pulp in water in a gauze bag; Dissolve 100 g of honey in 100 ml of warm water and pour into the bath; take for 15-20 minutes once every 3-4 days.

How to prevent exposure to infection

When talking about flu prevention, one cannot fail to mention vaccination. As a rule, epidemics are expected, and the virus that will cause a wave of morbidity is known to doctors in advance. During the period when the incidence has not yet increased, it is worth getting a flu shot. If an epidemic has begun, it is not advisable to vaccinate, since it takes time to develop immunity, which you no longer have.

Vaccination is done only healthy person, outside of ARVI and other pathologies. It is especially recommended to get vaccinated against influenza for people for whom this disease can cause a number of serious complications (namely, pregnant women and the elderly), as well as those who, due to their occupation, have a lot of contact with people, children and food products (doctors, teachers, cooks and so on).

It is worth noting that vaccination does not guarantee that you will not get ARVI at all. You can become infected with any other virus and even the flu virus, but in this case the disease will be mild and with minimal risk of complications.

Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it later. Only an integrated approach to the prevention of flu and colds will help prevent you from developing these diseases.

TV channel “41”, “News” program, “Rules of Life” section on the topic “On the prevention of influenza”:

Prevention of influenza is an extremely important issue, since it is better to prevent such a disease than to waste time, money and last energy on its treatment. That is why the selection and implementation of protective measures must be approached with particular seriousness, and not superficially.

For high-quality protection against viral infections, not only medicines, but also some folk remedies. You just need to know how to use them all correctly, so that instead of benefit you do not encounter harm to your health.

In general, the following types of influenza prevention are distinguished:

  • vaccination;
  • chemoprophylaxis;
  • hygiene (non-specific measures).

All these options should be considered in more detail.

Eat various ways flu protection

For example, vaccination is considered the most effective method of preventing influenza and ARVI. It helps strengthen the immune system, which significantly increases the body’s chances of successfully resisting viral attacks.

It was vaccinations against viruses that once helped completely eliminate infections such as diphtheria, polio, and measles. Unfortunately, there is no vaccine yet that could protect against influenza once and for all, since infectious strains are constantly mutating and changing. That’s why you have to get vaccinated every year – shortly before the expected start of the epidemic.

Statistics confirm that people who are vaccinated are less likely to get the flu, and if they do get sick, they almost never experience complications. But among those who refuse such immunoprophylaxis, there are even complications such as mortality.

The main goal of vaccination is not the elimination of the infection itself, but the reduction of the percentage of cases of ARVI. This measure is recommended for all people, starting with children six months old, but is especially indicated:

  • those over 65 years of age;
  • children attending kindergarten and school;
  • medical workers and military personnel;
  • everyone who, on duty, comes into contact with a large number of people;
  • people suffering from chronic lung and heart diseases.

Pregnant women are allowed to get vaccinated starting in the second trimester. Although, of course, you should think about this in advance and get vaccinated even before conceiving a child. One way or another, pregnant women need, first of all, to know what to do to prevent acute respiratory infections, because such diseases pose a threat not only to the women themselves, but also to their future children.

Sometimes people are hesitant to choose a vaccine from all the means to prevent influenza because they are afraid of possible adverse reactions or believe that it is more harmful than beneficial. However, truly dangerous adverse reactions occur very rarely or when vaccination is carried out despite obvious contraindications.

Of the typical side effects Those who choose this method of disease prevention should note:

  • headache;
  • feeling of aching in the joints;
  • feeling of unreasonable weakness;
  • increase in temperature (up to subfebrile level);
  • manifestation of local allergic reactions(reddened skin, rash, swelling).

As a rule, they go away within a few hours, less often - after a couple of days. But the probability of severe adverse reactions is one millionth of a percent.

Before getting vaccinated, you need to tell your doctor what diseases you have/are suffering from. He should check whether you are allergic to the components of the vaccine (for example, to chicken protein, which is the basis of most of these drugs).

So it should be summarized that vaccination is the most effective preventive measure against influenza and ARVI. But certain contraindications should be taken into account in order to prevent possible side effects.

Prophylactic products for adults

What medications can I take to prevent flu and colds?

Most often, doctors recommend drugs such as Arbidol, interferons, and interferon inducers. Of the interferons, Grippferon (these are effective preventive nasal drops), Alfaron (another nasal drop) and special ointments are usually preferred.

Grippferon - effective nasal drops

As for interferon inducers, benefit can be obtained from Amiksin and Cycloferon.

There are also drugs to protect against influenza made from plant crops. In principle, the use of some plants in their pure form turns out to be a very useful measure. The following are considered especially effective in strengthening the body’s defenses:

  • garlic and onions, since they contain many phytoncides that destroy microbes;
  • mint – has a virucidal effect, often used in inhalations;
  • lemon, cranberry, sea buckthorn and some other berries and citruses - these crops contain vitamin C and other useful microelements, with the help of which it is possible to strengthen the immune system.

Now let's take a closer look at what medications adults can take to prevent influenza and ARVI?


This medicine not only protects but also successfully treats the infection. Among the contraindications, it should be noted that it is prohibited from use for children under six years of age. For preventive purposes, it is drunk according to:

  • 0.25 grams for five days;
  • one tablet every two days for three weeks.

In principle, one package containing 20 tablets will be enough.

The spectrum of action of the described medicine is quite wide, and it is relatively inexpensive.


It is also recommended to take these tablets for prevention. In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, they are no less effective: they manage to cope with both the disease itself and its complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, herpes, and so on).

Arbidol is considered an effective prophylactic agent

This remedy can be safely taken not only by adults, but also by children, starting from the age of two. Protection against influenza infection is ensured if you drink 0.2 grams daily for a couple of weeks.


It best protects against strain A of the virus. It helps even if taken in the midst of a mass epidemic.

A tablet per day is enough for 15 days.


An excellent homeopathic remedy that helps treat influenza (as part of complex therapy) and protect against it.

You can take one pill a day for three months.


But it is not advisable for children under seven years of age to take it.

The prophylactic drug Amiksin is contraindicated for children

It is enough to drink it only once a week - 0.125 grams. The general course is at least 6 weeks.

Prevention in children


Separately, you should consider what to give your child to protect against the flu.

Firstly, the baby will need to strengthen the immune system, which is helped by such proven means as Interferon, as well as Grippferon.

If the child is not yet six months old, these medications are taken in the form of nasal drops.

One drop twice a day is enough.

Usually produced in ampoules in order to make a solution.

The medicine must be taken both to treat and to prevent influenza. It is allowed for children and adults, regardless of age.

To prepare the solution, the contents of the ampoule are diluted in 2 milliliters of chilled water. The resulting liquid is dripped into the spout.


Allowed for children from the age of seven. The tablet can be diluted in warm water. When doctors are asked: “What is best to take to prevent influenza?”, they often focus on this particular drug.

But still, carefully read the instructions before use, read the list of possible contraindications (this, however, applies to taking all medications without exception).

Anaferon protects against influenza even during an epidemic

It is also one of the best remedies to protect children from colds and other viral diseases. You can drink it even during an epidemic so that the body is protected from infectious attacks.

The main form of this medicine is tablets that must be dissolved in water or sucked.


This brand produces not only medicinal ointments, but also suppositories. They should be stored in the refrigerator. In fact, it is one of the best antiviral drugs for flu prevention available today.

It is even used for the prevention of newborn babies. It also helps in complex therapy. Moreover, it is recommended to take it after the first symptoms appear.

With its help, it is possible to avoid post-flu complications, such as the addition of a bacterial infection.

The ointment is applied to the nasal mucous membranes three times a day using a cotton swab.

Oxolinic ointment

Here's another one effective remedy, time-tested. Doctors prescribe this medicine even for newborns (from about 2 months of age).

What needs to be done? Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a cotton swab. This drug is usually not used in treatment, but it is one of the best in preventing influenza during an epidemic.

Aflubin fights against the virus and strengthens the immune system


Here is another homeopathic medicine that can be given to your child to strengthen his defenses against the virus.

Since not all children like its taste, it is usually diluted in tea. It has a fairly wide versatility and the ability to perform the following properties:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • detoxification;
  • antipyretics;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Moreover, taking this drug is necessary when the first signs of the disease are noted.


Allowed for children of all ages. Store in the refrigerator.

Your child can take these drops up to five times a day. To the question: “What should you take to prevent the flu?” Doctors often recommend this particular drug.

It is also effective in treatment.

Arbidol for children

Allowed as a preventative and remedy from the age of two. It acts not only as an antiviral drug, but also as an immunomodulatory drug, protecting the child’s body from a large number of viral ailments.

If a child takes it on a regular basis for active prevention, his body will become resistant to influenza infection.

Pregnant women need to take extra care of their health

Protecting pregnant women from influenza

What to do with the prevention of influenza and ARVI in pregnant women, because a viral infection turns out to be doubly dangerous for them, since it can harm the child? What medications can I recommend to take?

First of all, you should think about strengthening the immune system, since the immune system of a pregnant woman is very weakened (which contributes to the development of various diseases).

In addition to eating well, eating natural foods (fruits and vegetables) and drinking plenty of fluids, you should consult your doctor about taking immunomodulatory drugs.

For example, the same Interferon is not in vain considered the best drug for the prevention of influenza in cancer patients who also have serious problems with the immune system. So during pregnancy, it can really help, both protect against influenza infection and cure it.

Vaccination, for example, is not advisable for pregnant women - at least not earlier than the second and third trimester (and then you should consult your doctor). Therefore, doctors recommend thinking about vaccination even before trying to conceive a child.


We looked at the best remedies for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, some of which can be taken on an ongoing basis, while others can only be taken for a certain time.

Proper flu prevention reduces the likelihood of infection

One way or another, you should always carefully read the instructions, find out if there are any contraindications to its use and consult a doctor if any doubts arise. This is what adults should do, and even more so if an effective medicine is being selected for children.
