What can be opened on the second floor. Dining room on the second floor

Adding a second floor is the most profitable method of increasing living space

The superstructure of the second floor can be with or without reinforcement of the structure finished house. From an economic point of view, setting up the second floor of a house, or an attic, or additional floors, is always an expedient and profitable solution to the housing problem. After all, there is already a foundation and land, communications, utility networks, infrastructure, it is much cheaper than building a new house.

For comfortable stay and the full functioning of people requires sufficient space to provide personal space for all residents of the house. The problem of lack of square meters can be solved by adding a second floor or a residential attic.

When choosing the option of a built-on floor, they are guided, first of all, by the cost of the building, its purpose, and also architectural features structures. As a rule, the addition of an attic floor is cheaper due to savings in the purchase of building materials for the construction of walls. In addition, installing a full floor requires additional expenses to strengthen the foundation of the building.

The construction of an attic is suitable for arranging a cozy bedroom, a study, a room for children or for recreation, for example, a billiard room. If the area to be completed is planned to accommodate several rooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom, it is recommended to install a full floor.

Designing a house with an attic floor


Competent design of the walls and roof of the attic floor allows you to equip a fairly spacious, cozy and functional living space.

The decision in favor of constructing an attic or an entire floor largely depends on the architectural and technical characteristics of the building, as well as the individual preferences of its owner. The structural features of the attic with various roof shapes, compact balconies and terraces allow you to create a more original exterior of the building. The additional full floor has a more ascetic appearance.

Engineering and technical examination of the condition of the building

It is allowed to begin the construction of an additional floor after a detailed study of the technical characteristics of the structure. Engineering and technical expertise makes it possible to calculate changes in the load on the load-bearing structures of the structure and determine the location of partitions. The implementation of the engineering and technical inspection procedure is within the competence of public and private organizations that have the appropriate documents permitting the provision of such services.

During the research process, the following object parameters are determined:

  • technical condition of the building's components;
  • safety margin of load-bearing structures;
  • features of strengthening structural elements.

Construction and technical expertise is one of the most popular, labor-intensive and complex expertise

To identify even hidden flaws, a comprehensive inspection of the object is carried out. Eliminating existing shortcomings will help prevent additional material costs in the future. A comprehensive study includes several stages:

  • collecting information about technical specifications house, building materials used, duration and operating conditions;
  • drawing up a plan for research activities;
  • inspection of the structure using special equipment;
  • laboratory testing of samples;
  • preparation of a technical report.

After a visual inspection and a detailed examination of the organization’s experts, inspection reports and a technical report are issued containing a research action plan, the results obtained, their assessment, conclusion and advice on strengthening the structure.

Types of technologies for adding an additional floor

Depending on the condition of the load-bearing elements of the structure and the permissible load, the materials and features of the construction of the additional floor are determined. If the safety margin of the load-bearing structures is insufficient, the foundation, walls and rafter system structures. When constructing an attic space in apartment building The safety of other occupants is a fundamental consideration.

Frame addition to the second floor in a private house

Installation of the second floor can be carried out in the following ways:

  • masonry;
  • structures made of reinforced concrete elements;
  • from wooden logs or timber;
  • use of frame technology;
  • combined options.

Metal frame and truss structures are durable and affordable. Some difficulties may arise when lifting heavy parts to the site where an additional level is being built. This will most likely require the use of special construction equipment.


Before installing an additional floor made of reinforced concrete elements or bricks, it is necessary to thoroughly strengthen the walls and foundation. To reduce the load on the structure of the house, supporting piles are placed along its entire perimeter.

A floor made of wooden beams is the most suitable for human habitation due to its environmental properties. Certain inconveniences arise at the stage of final finishing of the room. It is recommended to start this type of work only after a year.

Second floor superstructure made of wooden beams

In conditions of limited financial capabilities and time to strengthen the structure for the construction of the second floor, it is advisable to carry out its superstructure using lightweight frame panels or prefabricated structures. Their main advantages include light weight, fire safety, affordable cost, and quick installation.

Modern market building materials has prefabricated structures consisting of individual parts. They can be made of various materials, but the most popular are wood products. Installation of a single structure is carried out directly on the site of the floor superstructure. Wooden parts are connected using keyed fastenings. Joining of glued bent beams is carried out using the keyway method.

Recommendations for strengthening load-bearing elements of a structure

Based on the results of the engineering survey, as well as the degree of deterioration of the load-bearing elements of the structure, additional reinforcement of the base and walls may be required to add an additional floor. This will ensure the safety of the future structure and extend its service life.

When constructing an additional floor, the following measures are carried out aimed at reconstruction and increasing strength:

  • strengthening the base;
  • increasing the width and depth of the foundation base;
  • replacement of base elements.

The process of strengthening the foundation of a private house

The necessary work to strengthen the foundation of the house is determined based on the characteristics of the reconstruction project. To strengthen the base of a wooden structure or replace supports, objects and things are taken out of the room. Input and interior doors they take it out and dismantle the floors. Next, the structure is raised using special jacks and a new foundation is laid.

The building can be reliably strengthened by installing a monolithic belt with reinforcement. This structure is a protective layer of reinforced concrete located on the outside of the building, following the contours of its walls.


Strengthening the walls of a building after installing a reinforced belt is not recommended before the end of the year. This is due to the possibility of shrinkage of the new foundation.

To install a reinforced belt around the perimeter of the structure, a trench is dug at a depth exceeding the level of the old foundation by at least 80 cm. The width of the trench is on average 50 cm. The sheathing is made from boards or plywood. A layer of crushed stone and gravel is poured into the trench. Thoroughly clean the surface of the old foundation and apply a primer with a high degree of penetration. Then horizontal pins are driven into the base to be strengthened at a distance of 25 cm from each other. The pins located in several rows are welded to metal reinforcement, a mesh is laid on it and filled with concrete solution.

Scheme of strengthening the foundation of a brick house

If you plan to add an attic or full floor from light building materials, only the corners of the building can be strengthened. The diameter of the trench around the corners should be approximately 1 m, its depth should exceed the depth of the previous foundation by 50 cm or more. The metal lattice is welded to the reinforcement bars of the house’s foundation, and the space is filled with concrete.

Foundation repair

Ways to reduce the load on the foundation and walls of a house

To reduce or completely redistribute the load from load-bearing elements, a special frame is installed outside or inside the building. The internal frame is a fortification located indoors. When building an additional level, the load will be distributed on the additional frame and walls of the house.

When installing a frame located outside, piles or columns, as well as load-bearing single-span beams, are installed around the perimeter of the structure. To install the columns, the base is first poured.

To partially unload the load-bearing elements of the house, wooden or metal supports installed temporarily are used. The process of installing such reinforcement involves laying special support pads at a distance of 150-200 cm from the walls of the house. Racks, usually made of wood, are installed on the timber, located on support pads.

The top frame is attached to the wooden posts using brackets. Next, wedges are driven between the lower beam and the uprights. After which the load on the walls is partially reduced and distributed over temporarily installed supports.


In an apartment building, the supports located on each floor must be placed one above the other. Strengthening the racks with braces increases the strength of the structure.

Complete unloading of the foundation of the house is carried out using beams (rand beams) embedded in the masonry of the wall, as well as reinforced concrete or metal beams located across them. The walls are pre-drilled for beams and a cement-sand cushion is installed. The rand beams are installed in the groove and secured with wedges. The space between the beams and walls is filled with a mixture of cement and sand. As a result, the load is distributed onto the new foundation.

Strengthening the load-bearing structures of the foundation using external reinforcement with concrete

Sequence of work when adding a second floor

The additional level superstructure is carried out in accordance with the drawn up project, which includes a list of works on insulation, waterproofing, and installation of communication systems. It is also necessary to ensure adequate ventilation of the attic space.

The process of adding an additional floor includes the following main steps:

  • roof dismantling;
  • delivery of building materials to the construction site;
  • installation of trim, frame racks and rafters;
  • external cladding of the frame with oriented strand boards;
  • installation of waterproofing, insulation, vapor barrier;
  • interior paneling;
  • installation of roofing material;
  • arrangement of floors, walls, ceilings;
  • decorative decoration of the room.

The assembly of an additional floor of the building must begin with the installation of the base. The timber for the lower harness is usually connected to each other using the “claw” method. Then the vertical side posts are also attached to the harness. It is better to attach corner posts to the base using the “groove-tenon” type of connection. To do this, a groove is made in the strapping bars, and a tenon is made on the corner posts.

Adding a second floor with your own hands is a responsible task

In a building with an area of ​​no more than 100 square meters. it is possible to install a wooden subfloor on joists. In a larger apartment building, to install the floor of an additional floor, it is necessary to use more powerful monolithic structures or using reinforced concrete slabs.

The roof is constructed from trusses, which are attached to the longitudinal beams with dowels. Then the sheathing is done with boards, and steam and waterproofing of the roof is laid. After which you can begin installing the roofing material.

The location of windows and stairs is thought out in advance. When constructing a full floor, the stairwell is located above the hallway or living room. You can divide the room into rooms using plasterboard partitions. It is more convenient to place the entrance to the attic room from the side of the veranda, terrace or corridor.

I am an individual, I purchased commercial real estate on the second floor of a building, the building itself and the land on which it stands are owned by the individual seller. Can the owner of the building and land prohibit me from getting to my second floor by passing through

Dmitry, good afternoon! Firstly, if you acquired a share in property rights, then according to Art. 247 Civil Code

1. Possession and use of property in shared ownership, carried out by agreement of all its participants, and if agreement is not reached - in the manner established by the court.
2. A participant in shared ownership has the right to be provided for his possession and use parts common property, commensurate with his share, and if this is not possible, he has the right to demand appropriate compensation from other participants who own and use property falling on his share.

secondly, according to Art. 271 Civil Code

1. Owner of a building, structure or other real estate located on the land plot, owned by another person, has the right to use the land plot provided by such person for this real estate.

example from judicial practice

Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 2016 N 308-AD15-19368 in case N A53-18779/2015

As follows from the case materials, the company is the owner of non-residential premises with an area of ​​549.6 square meters. m, located at: Rostov region, Rostov-on-Don, Leninsky district, st. Socialisticheskaya, 74, about which an entry was made in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It on 10/11/2010 N 61-61-01/791/2010-31 and a certificate of state registration of rights was issued, series 61-AZ N 632357 .
Specified non-residential premises are located in a 15-story non-residential permanent building, located on a land plot with cadastral number 61:44:0050707:12 with an area of ​​2940 sq. m.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 271 of the Civil Code Russian Federation The owner of a building, structure or other real estate located on a land plot owned by another person has the right to use the land plot provided by such person for this real estate. When the ownership of real estate located on someone else's land plot is transferred to another person, he acquires the right to use the corresponding land plot on the same conditions and to the same extent as the previous owner of the property.
According to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 35 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 3 of Article 552 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when selling real estate (transfer of ownership) located on a land plot that does not belong to the seller by right of ownership, the buyer acquires the right to use the part of the land plot occupied by this real estate and necessary for its use, on the same terms and to the same extent as the previous owner of the real estate. Based on the foregoing, the right to use the land plot on which the property is located and necessary for its operation arises from the new owner of this property by virtue of a direct indication of the law at the time of state registration of the new owner’s ownership of the property acquired by him.
Thus, in the case under consideration, society has the right to use a share of the named land plot in proportion to the area of ​​non-residential premises of which it is the owner. The specified right to use the disputed land plot arose with the company by force of law. The company did not carry out unauthorized occupation of the disputed land plot.
The fact that the society did not register the right to use the disputed land plot in the prescribed manner, does not constitute an administrative offense, liability for which is provided for in Article 7.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

27 March 2006

Is it true that you can’t open a grocery store on the second floor of a building? And what is the reason for this?

To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard this... what do you think could be the reason for this? or where did you read or hear this???

Guest_eternity_* 28 Mar 2006

And I think they will rise... the main thing is to entice them correctly =)

28 March 2006

In fact, I myself was very surprised when I heard this... They couldn’t tell me the exact reason either, but it seemed like there should be direct access to the store by trucks...

And I think they will rise... the main thing is to entice them correctly =)

I believe that there are no restrictions regarding the number of storeys!

Guest_Maxim V_* 28 Mar 2006

Guest_eternity_* 29 Mar 2006

Guest_eternity_* 29 Mar 2006

There really is a problem with the delivery of goods...
Maybe I'm thinking something like a mechanical elevator - on a winch..?
Could there be problems there due to safety regulations?

In general, what suggestions do you have on this matter?

29 Mar 2006

I wouldn’t take such a big risk by placing a grocery store on the second floor, and even above the car wash... if you want to engage in trade, it’s better to sell goods that may be of interest primarily to motorists

Guest_eternity_* 29 Mar 2006

It's all about the location! If I manage to establish myself in exactly the place where I plan, then there will be no problems with clientele for the grocery store. If it doesn’t work out in this particular place, then I’ll give up the grocery store altogether.

And the sink can be placed absolutely anywhere; the area of ​​the village is very small. You can get from edge to edge in 2 minutes - anyone who needs to wash will get there.

It will not be possible to sell goods for motorists. They are already being traded and for certain reasons it is simply impossible to create competition.

Guest_Maxim V_* 29 Mar 2006

Is the inconvenience of getting visitors up that significant?

And what other disadvantages are there to locating a grocery store on the 2nd floor?

Dear eternity, Isn’t it easier to build a one-story store, but you are going to build it and spend the money intended for the second floor and washing equipment to make the grocery store truly the best in the village. A cool store will always have customers. This is the law: “A beautiful, clean, richly decorated store means fresh and good products"This is how a person's head works, there's no getting around it.
I worked on the second floor, I worked in the basement, my business is not products, large expensive things, for which it would seem not a sin to go up to the 10th floor, but now I’m on the first - the difference is huge.
Summer is coming, I don’t know what level of washing you want to do (maybe with equipment for treating waste water - as it should be), and it’s not cheap, so wouldn’t it be easier to buy a Karcher for 3-10 thousand rubles? Just try to put a guy on the street and see what happens?
It’s very simple to notify everyone in the village - Post yellow pieces of paper with the boy’s address on the garages (by the way, I recommend putting the cage not on the gate, but on the bricks between the gates, otherwise they won’t go.)
In a month you will understand whether or not it is worth building a sink.
By the way, how many people are there in the village?
If the city is at least 40-50 thousand, then a good car wash will be a success, I know for sure I have friends in this direction.
If there are less than 20 thousand people, then I don’t know, I myself live in such a town. We wash using the method described above. I myself and a couple of dozen people are going to a neighboring town to wash a car, 30 km away, but this is in winter. Or when you want to really wash your car, that is, to destroy all the dust and every microbe.
These are my life observations. But in general, it may not be worth listening to anyone, maybe we will all envy you later when you do what you intended, but think carefully.

Guest_eternity_* 30 Mar 2006

Thank you, Maxim, for your empathy!
The thing is that my main idea is a car wash and I really want to implement it. And a grocery store is just a safety net, which quite possibly will bring in greater profits.
I don't need the store itself. And here it will at least compensate for land rent and water/electricity fees.
If you build a car wash from scratch, then after building the car wash itself (the first floor), you can add a second floor by investing additional small funds (compared to the costs of the first floor).
And I just don't find anything less risky and more desirable than a good grocery store.

In fact, such criticism is very important to me!

I still haven’t made my final decision, and only criticism (preferably constructive) can help me either confirm my opinion or abandon it and start thinking about something more suitable.


According to paragraph 2 of Art. 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

2. The state guarantees equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances. Any form of restriction of the rights of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national, linguistic or religious affiliation is prohibited.
This Federal Law defines public policy in the field of social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation, the purpose of which is to provide disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in the implementation of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation.

I didn’t find it, but most likely there is a law on ensuring unimpeded access for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility to information, social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities in the Momsky District of the Republic of Sakha, which lists infrastructure facilities that are subject to special equipment. devices. for example, according to Moscow Law No. 3 of January 17, 2001 “On ensuring unhindered access for people with disabilities to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow”:

3. Social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities to be equipped special devices and equipment
Facilities that must be equipped with special devices and equipment for free movement and access for people with disabilities and people with limited mobility include:
- residential buildings of state, municipal and departmental housing stock;
- administrative buildings and structures;
- cultural objects and cultural and entertainment facilities (theatres, libraries, museums, places of worship, etc.);
- objects and institutions of education and science, health care and social protection of the population;
- objects of trade, catering and consumer services, financial and banking institutions;
- hotels, hotels, other places of temporary residence;
- physical education and recreation, sports buildings and facilities, places of recreation, parks, gardens, forest parks, beaches and facilities and facilities for health and recreational purposes located on their territory, alleys and pedestrian paths;
- objects and structures of transport services for the population, communications and information: railway stations, bus stations, air terminals, airports, other objects of road, rail, water and air transport serving the population;
- stations and stops of all types of urban and suburban transport;
- postal, telegraph and other communications and information buildings and structures;
- production facilities, small business facilities and other places of employment;
- sidewalks, crossings of streets, roads and highways;
- territories and areas adjacent to the above buildings and structures.
GARANT system:

Every person dreams of buying, or better yet building, their own home. And if dreams come true, then a 2-story house is often a priority. After all, the construction of a one-story structure requires a large plot of land, and not everyone has it. That is why, to increase living space and save free yard space, two-story houses are built.

A two-story house, both during construction and during operation, will not be as expensive as a mansion with three floors or higher. At the same time, it looks more solid than one-story chalets or bungalows, and it also confirms the status of the owners. And most importantly, any layout of houses and cottages with two floors is possible.

Two-storey house with an area of ​​158 m²

The area of ​​the house on two floors is quite enough to bring the most daring ideas to life. And this is far from the only advantage of modern, cozy and comfortable two-story country houses.

Advantages of two-story houses

Construction of a comfortable two-story house today is not as expensive as most consumers believe. Of course, such a choice will not cost less than a one-story building, but it is worth it. You can already choose finished project houses 2 floors with a layout or create an individual one. Professional architects and designers will be happy to help you make your dreams of a two-story country house come true and offer relevant solutions that suit your budget.

The main advantages of a country two-story house:

    Rational use of land. If you have received a very small plot of land within the city or beyond, naturally, you will want to equip it with maximum benefit so that everyone can work square meter. Why take up valuable usable space with a squat one-story house? It is better to distribute the same premises on two floors, and equip a garden and a recreation area with a gazebo and barbecue on the site.

    High level comfort. Two floors make it possible to very clearly separate the rooms in which people sleep and relax from the so-called common rooms and work rooms. Traditionally, bedrooms and offices are located on the second floor, and the living room, dining room, kitchen, and playroom are on the first floor. Thus, several generations of families with different daily routines and interests can live in one house with all the amenities.

    Reliable and simple design. Some people decide to save money on the design of a two-story house and look for an alternative option with an attic. In fact, it is not cheaper at all, and sometimes even more expensive. After all, correctly designing and building structures with a sloping roof, correctly connecting all communications to the attic, insulating it, making it comfortable and safe for living is actually much more troublesome than doing all the same work when designing a house with a full two floors. If you need additional useful meters of living space, it makes sense to immediately choose two-story house, and not a building with an attic.

So, beautiful two-story houses are the ideal balance between usable space and the costs of creating a project and construction, aesthetics and comfort, the necessary personal space for each family member, but without frills. It is quite possible to ensure such characteristics - if the project is developed by specialists who are well aware of all the intricacies of the construction process.

Plan of a large two-story house with an open terrace

Features of the design and construction of two-story cottages

There are several nuances that should be taken into account when drawing up a project for a two-story house.

Layout. Typically, the ground floor contains a garage, kitchen, living room, storage rooms, and guest bathroom. On the second floor there are bedrooms and bathrooms for the family. Basement and attic spaces are often additionally equipped. They usually serve as saunas, game rooms or gyms. But if the standard layout does not suit you, and you want to deviate from standard solutions, the finished project can be redone or a new one can be created.

Stairs. In fact, designing stairs is also included in the previous paragraph. But the moment is so broad and significant that it is worth considering it separately. Stairs are one of the main disadvantages two-story houses. Firstly, they take up usable space. Secondly, this is a separate column for the costs of design, materials and construction work. Thirdly, the stairs are unsafe if small children, elderly people, and disabled people live in the house - this must be taken into account at the stage of choosing a two-story house. But you can’t give up the stairs either. With a competent approach, the staircase will successfully cope with its tasks without any threat to the residents of a two-story house. And it will become the highlight of the interior if it is beautifully decorated in accordance with the overall style of the house.

Convenient and safe staircase to the second floor

Foundation. On the one hand, the foundation area will be smaller than when constructing a one-story building. But on the other hand, it must be stronger and more reliable in order to withstand the supporting floors of two floors. It is important not only to choose the right type of foundation and its design. The type of soil, topography of the site, climatic conditions and amount of precipitation, and many other seemingly small details are also taken into account. However, if you ignore them, the house will, at best, serve no more than five years, and at worst, its operation will end in disaster.

Reinforced strip foundation for a two-story house

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

All these nuances should be taken into account already at the stage of designing the future home of your dreams. Of course, a person far from engineering, architecture and construction will not be able to cope with this task on his own - only professionals should deal with design.

Advice: if you decide to build a two-story house among a village of one-story buildings, it makes sense to ask the city planning authorities whether this is allowed. It's not always all about the financial issue. Perhaps your neighbors did not add more floors to their house not because they do not have the funds for it, but because of unsuitable soil or for other equally compelling reasons.

What to build a two-story house from

There are many building materials for building houses; the choice depends on a number of factors: financial capabilities, design features of the future house, climatic conditions of the region, and finally, the architectural style of the house. Modern developers use the following types of building materials for two-story houses:

In a typical development, inexpensive ones predominate frame houses. But in principle, it is difficult to find a project in which only one type of material would be used. Usually several are combined for the ground floor, external walls, internal ceilings, attics and basements.

Tip: the lighter the material for the walls and roof, the less will be the load on the foundation. This is very important point, thanks to which you can optimize the design and layout of a residential building, as well as significantly reduce the cost of materials and work.

Video description

Watch an example of the layout and design of a two-story house in the video:

Optimal dimensions of a two-story house

What size an ideal two-story house should be is a controversial question. For a family of four who have lived in one-room apartment, house of 80 sq. m. will seem like a mansion. And some will have to cram into 180 square meters. m. And yet you can find a “golden mean” - the optimal area for a family of four to six people to live - 140–160 sq. m. m. In such a house you can comfortably equip a large living room, kitchen, two bathrooms and three bedrooms - excluding balconies and auxiliary utility rooms.

An example of the layout of a two-story house with an area of ​​223 m²

First floor layout

The photo below shows some of the most successful and interesting projects first floor for a residential building of medium size. There is a garage, utility room, stairs, and a guest bathroom. The living area is a living room-studio with areas for cooking and eating. From the living room there is access to the terrace.

In the photo below classic version layout, on the ground floor there is a kitchen and living room, utility rooms and a garage for one car, one bedroom for guests. From the living room there is access to the veranda.

Another example of the layout of the first floor of a small two-story house

You can plan the layout of the rooms on the ground floor in any way you like, the main thing is that your ideas do not contradict the safety rules for designing houses.

Video description

For an example of the design and layout of a luxurious two-story cottage, see the video:

Second floor layout

An option for thoughtful, reliable and convenient planning of premises on the second floor in the photo below. There is one large bedroom, two rooms for children's or guest bedrooms, a large bathroom and a terrace.

Another successful example of the layout of the second floor, where there are three bedrooms of various sizes, a large bathroom and spacious hall. The largest bedroom has access to a balcony.

Two-story houses: photo examples of successful buildings

Modern two-story house in a minimalist style with 3 bedrooms, balconies and a garage for two cars, area - 190 m²

Small cottage in modern style for three bedrooms with a garage, area – 205 m²

Two-storey mansion in European style with a combined facade, area – 140 m²

Compact brick house on two floors in a minimalist style, area – 113 m²

Two-storey house in Scandinavian style with a flat roof, area – 126 m²

Modern house in a futuristic style with a garage for two cars and two living rooms

Two-storey house in a classic style, area – 203 m²

House on two floors for a narrow area of ​​energy-saving design, area - 126 m²

A two-story mansion in a neo-colonial style with a panoramic window, area – 174 m²

Spacious house in Art Nouveau style with a garage, large living room and office, area – 197 m²


A two-story house, moderately spacious and comfortable, is the golden mean in matters of size and ergonomics, usable area and placement of living and working spaces. If you are looking to the future and want to build a reliable, durable and beautiful house, where not only your children, but also your grandchildren will happily come, choose the most successful designs of two-story houses and entrust the construction to professionals.
