First aid kit for the road: doctor's advice. What medications to take when traveling with a child

When there are two of you, you can safely travel to the sea, on vacation or abroad, taking with you only a regular bactericidal patch and the medications that you usually take. After all, if something unexpected happens, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and count on the help of your other half.

When children appear in the family, any vacation becomes a responsible event that requires you to provide for the slightest nuances and be prepared for any trouble: poisoning, fever, burns, motion sickness, or others. We will tell you what necessary medications you need to stock up on for a child from 0 to 18 years old.

What dangers can complicate a vacation with a child?

At sea, at the dacha, in a foreign city, and even in a forested area of ​​your city, a child may encounter an unplanned, and sometimes even dangerous situation. And the younger the child, the more troubles can happen. This is due to the fact that it nervous system still immature mucous membrane respiratory tract more loose, and the skin is less dense. In addition, there is still no understanding of what can be done and what cannot be done. Therefore, the task of parents is to provide for the following situations:

  1. Outdoors:
    • , ants, causing both pain and allergies;
    • allergies to herbs in various manifestations: from runny nose and sneezing to Quincke's edema;
    • , which can cause both allergies and Lyme disease;
    • overheating;
    • injury to the skin, mucous membranes or eyes, as well as muscles and bones
  2. In addition to the previous ones, the following can also happen on a seaside holiday:
    • colds with fever, which may cause convulsions in children under 6 years of age;
    • ARVI with acute stenosing laryngotracheitis (croup), which is manifested by a “barking” cough and shortness of breath;
    • obstructive bronchitis with dry or wet cough, increased respiratory rate, lack of oxygen;
    • hypothermia;
    • burn by jellyfish tentacles;
    • motion sickness;
    • burn from ultraviolet rays of the sun;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • acute intestinal infection - similar to poisoning, but with an increase in temperature, prolonged persistence of diarrhea or vomiting. However, if you do not give the child enough calcium, potassium or magnesium, there may be muscle spasms (“cramps”) in the muscles of the legs and arms without loss of consciousness;
    • acetonemic condition, which can complicate acute respiratory viral infection or intestinal infection or overeating sweet or fatty foods;
    • constipation;
    • otitis;
    • conjunctivitis.
  3. The same situations can happen abroad as at sea, so the first aid kit should contain the same medications. In addition to them, antibiotics are also added here “just in case”, since if you get sick in a foreign country, you will have to spend too long and difficult getting a prescription to buy the right drug. If your child has chronic diseases, first of all, get a certificate from the pediatrician stating that your child needs to take specific medications on an ongoing basis.

General rules for packing first aid kits

They are as follows:

  • A first aid kit for a holiday with a child should be a thermal bag so that the drugs in it do not heat up from exposure to high temperatures environment. This is especially true for suppositories for fever and severe allergies.
  • Before putting medicines in your bag, you should check the expiration date.
  • Take only the drugs in the package, otherwise, if you rub the bag, the letters may be erased, and it will become unclear what kind of drug it is.
  • It is imperative to follow the instructions for taking the medication, because we are talking about a child, and it is dangerous to overdose.
  • It is optimal for a pediatrician to make a list for a first aid kit at sea with a child, taking into account the characteristics of your baby.

In this article we will talk about drugs that are taken on the road for healthy child. If the child already has chronic pathologies, then the first aid kit is replenished with the medications he needs.

You need to take it on a trip


  • thermometer
  • antiseptics:
    • bottle of alcohol 70%
    • hydrogen peroxide
    • brilliant green (preferably in pencil form)
  • chlorhexidine
  • sterile gauze wipes, wet wipes with antiseptic, hand sanitizer (a spray that is sprayed and does not wash off)
  • cotton pads and cotton buds
  • bactericidal and simple adhesive plasters
  • antihistamines: fenistil drops (they can be applied to the skin or orally)
  • antipyretics: paracetamol or eferalgan, nurofen, ibuprofen
  • remedies for motion sickness: Dramamine or Aqua-Sea, etc.
  • sun remedies:
    • sunburn: panthenol spray or dexpanthenol cream
    • for sun protection: sunscreens with a protection factor of 30-50 SPF (for adults with fair skin and children)
  • antidiarrhea remedies:
    • enterofuril (stopdiar) or furazolidone
    • for rehydration: rehydron or oralit
    • smecta and enterol
  • antibiotics: Amoxiclav and Sumamed
  • antispasmodic: Nosh-pa or drotaverine hydrochloride
  • at possible problems with ears, nose, throat:
    • Otipax (anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving ear drops)
    • Nazol or Nazivin, from 6 years Rinostop (vasoconstrictor nasal drops)
    • Okomistin (miramistin, which can be administered into the eyes, throat, and nose)
  • Additionally you can

    Additionally, you can take into account individual health problems in an adult or child:

    • nasal drops:
      • with antibiotic (isofra)
      • for washing (aquamaris, quickx, aqualor, etc.)
    • for the throat - sprays Lugol, Hexoral, Ingalipt
    • medications for food poisoning, diarrhea, traveler's diarrhea:
      • for adults - fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, etc.) or rifaximin (Alfa-normix)
      • for children - antimicrobial (Enterofuril or phthalazole, furazolidone, sulgin), for rehydration (Regidron or Oralit), sorbents (Smecta), as well as Enterol (or Enterozhermina Ukraine), Linex (or Bifidumbacterin, Hilak forte, bifiform, Acipol (see. )
    • (cerucal)
    • broad-spectrum antibiotics: Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Suprax
    • energy sorbent preparations: polysorb, activated carbon, filtrum, smecta, enterosgel, etc.
    • drugs for seizures: phenobarbital, calcium D3, Magne B6 or Asparkam, as well as Rektodelt 100 suppositories.

    If a child is prone to obstructive bronchitis or has ever had stenosing laryngotracheitis, take a nebulizer (compressor inhaler) with you:

    • In the first case, you can fill it with Naphthyzin 0.5%
    • In the second - drops for inhalation "Berodual"
    • Both of these drugs will need to be pre-diluted with saline sodium chloride solution.

    Below are first aid options for an adult or child before being examined by a doctor for various conditions, with a list of medications that may help.

    Antiallergic drugs

    On any trip with a child, even to a country house, a picnic or a beach in the city, take allergy medications:

    For insect bites

    If an insect bites and a small spot (up to 3 mm in diameter) forms, itch. At the same time, the child is as active and cheerful as before, periodically stopping to scratch an element of the rash:

    If hay fever develops or urticaria appears

    If an insect has bitten you and an itchy spot more than 3 mm in diameter has formed, then in addition to point A, one of the following drugs is used. The same list is suitable for the situation if the allergy is manifested by sneezing, dry cough, lacrimation (see), only then there is no need to smear anything. It is necessary to leave the place where the allergic reaction occurred.

    The third option for using drugs on this list is if urticaria begins after an insect bite. In this case, the loose elements also need to be treated with a gel from list A, and also move to another place or, if possible, stop traveling.


    • Up to one year: not applicable
    • 1-3 years: 2-2.5 ml twice a day (before dinner and at night)
    • 4-6 years: 5 ml twice a day
    • 6-12 years: 5-10 ml twice a day
    • Over 12 years: 10 ml morning and night


    • Up to one year: ¼ tablet 2-3 times a day, no more than 2 mg/kg per day
    • 1-6 years: 1/3 tablet 2-3 times a day, no more than 2 mg/kg per day
    • 6-12 years: ½ tablet 2-3 times a day
    • 12-14 years – ½ tablet 2-3 times a day
    • over 14 years old – 1 tablet 3-4 times


    • Up to a year: 10-30 drops 3 times a day
    • 1 year: 30 drops three times a day
    • 1-3 years: 30-45 drops three times a day
    • Over 4 years: 45-60 drops three times a day


    • Up to one year: not applicable
    • 1-6 years: ½ measuring spoon once a day
    • 6-12 years: 1 measuring spoon once a day
    • Over 12 years: 2 measuring spoons once a day


    • 6 months: 2 ml once a day
    • 1-6 years: 2.5 ml once a day
    • 6-12 years: 5 ml once a day
    • Over 12 years: 10 ml once a day

    Quincke's edema

    If after an insect bite, or after you sat among the plants or gave him some new food, his condition changed, he turned pale or there was swelling, especially on the face.

    • The first point of assistance in this case is to call an ambulance.
    • Secondly, you need to unbutton or remove the disturbing clothes and lay them down with your legs raised 30 degrees. It is necessary to monitor breathing and consciousness, bringing the child to his senses with mechanical stimulation of his ears.
    • And only then do you need to worry about placing the Rektodelt 100 candle, which should always be in the first aid kit.

    This is a drug based on the glucocorticoid hormone prednisolone - an “ambulance” for severe allergic reactions, especially those accompanied by difficulty breathing. It is also used if there have been convulsions with loss of consciousness - with or without fever. Up to 6 years of age, you can use half a suppository, which will equal 50 mg of prednisolone, or 2 times a day, in severe conditions. Over 6 years of age, 1 suppository is used at a time, and if necessary, twice a day.

    If a child is allergic, and has already had at least 1 anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema with obstruction of the airway, he should always have an Adrenaline ampoule and a 100-section insulin syringe (or a ready-packed syringe from the kit) with him. You will need to learn how to perform a subcutaneous injection before the ambulance arrives. The calculation is as follows: 6 divisions on a syringe, graduated at 100 units, for every 10 kg of weight. So, if the baby weighs 10 kg, if anaphylactic shock develops, you need to give 6 units under the skin, if 20 kg - 12 units.

    Medicines for motion sickness


    • Up to one year: not applicable
    • 1 year: not applicable
    • 1-3 years: ¼ tablet three times daily
    • 4-6 years: ¼ – ½ tablet three times a day
    • 6-12 years: ½-1 tablet three times a day
    • Over 12 years: 1 tablet three times a day


    For use only from 3 years of age, 1 tablet per dose. Can be taken every half hour of driving, no more than 5 tablets per day


    Can be used from 12 years of age. 1 hour before travel – chew 1-2 tablets. Repeated appointment - only after 24 hours.


    In case vomiting develops as a result of motion sickness, the first aid kit for a trip to the sea should have a couple of ampoules of Cerucal (Metoclopramide) or the same tablets, as well as a syringe. It is optimal to give the solution from the ampoule to drink based on the following dosage:

    For children over 14 years old, the recommended dosage is 2 ml; for children 3-14 years old, the dose is calculated depending on weight: you need 0.02 ml/kg per 1 time (that is, for 10 kg of weight - 0.2 ml, for 20 kg - 0.4 ml). We recommend taking an insulin syringe with 100 divisions and measuring it like this: 0.2 ml is 20 divisions, 0.4 is, respectively, 40 units.

    After this, it is good to take Motinorm syrup for several days. If the child weighs more than 35 kg, 10 ml is needed every 3 times a day. If your weight is less than 35 kg, you need to drink at the rate of 2.5 ml per 10 kg of weight three times a day.

    In case of skin or eye injury

    In addition to iodine, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, cotton pads and adhesive bandages, you may need:


    This is an antiseptic solution that can be used to treat wounds using a cotton or gauze swab or to treat the throat.

    Chlorhexidine bigluconate

    This is an alcohol-free antiseptic, active against most bacteria, and is used to treat wounds, abrasions, and cuts.


    Antibiotic eye drops. They are dripped 1 drop 3-4 times a day.


    The base is the antiseptic Miramistin: they can be instilled into the eyes if a branch has gotten there or a child has touched them with unwashed hands, the same drops can be used to treat small wounds and for instillation into the nose (for a runny nose) or ears (for complaints of ear pain ).

    Sunscreens and sunburn treatment

    This is especially necessary if you are putting together a first aid kit for a child at sea. You can buy any product: Vishi, Faberlic or another with SPF 30-50. For sunburn, be sure to take Panthenol in the form of foam from any company.

    From temperature

    In addition to the above medications, when traveling to the seaside with a child or abroad, you should take antipyretic medications just in case. It is optimal to take 1 medicine in syrup and one in suppositories:


    Syrup: in a single dose – 0.5 ml/kg or 15 mg/kg. The interval between doses is 6 hours.

    Nurofen (Ibufen)

    • Up to one year: From 3 months, 2.5 ml every 8 hours
    • 1-3 years: 5 ml three times a day
    • 4-6 years: 7.5 ml every 8 hours
    • 7-9 years: 10 ml every 8 hours,
    • 10-12 years: 15 ml every 8 hours
    • Over 12 years: tablets


    • Up to one year: 1-3 months, 1 suppository of 50 mg, from 3-12 months – 1.5-3 suppositories of 50 mg 2-3 times a day
    • 1 year: 1 suppository of 100 mg 2-3 times a day
    • 1-3 years: 1-1.5 suppositories of 100 mg 2-3 times a day
    • 4-6 years: 1.5-2 suppositories of 100 mg 2-3 times a day
    • 6-12 years: 1-1.5 suppositories of 250 mg 2-3 times a day
    • Over 12 years: 1.5-2 suppositories of 250 mg 2-3 times a day

    For colds

    For fever – any of the above remedies
    If you have a runny nose: rinse your nose with the following medications: “Salin”, “Aqua-Maris”, 3-4 times a day. You can use regular saline sodium chloride solution in ampoules. It may also be needed for inhalation
    For a runny nose: to facilitate nasal breathing, you need drops that constrict blood vessels. These are “Nazivin”, “Nazol”, “Xylo-Mefa”. They are dripped 3 times a day
    For a runny nose, on day 2-3, drops with antiseptics: Okomistin, Miramistin
    For ear pain: Otipax + Okomistin
    For barking cough: inhalation with Naphthyzin 0.5%: 3 drops per 10 ml in saline solution, introduced into a nebulizer
    If it is already the third day and the temperature does not subside, you need an antibiotic in an age-appropriate dosage:
    • Cefadox, Cedex, Cefix, Suprax or
    • Augmentin, Amoxiclav or
    • Sumamed, Ormax.

    For diarrhea or vomiting

    For diarrhea and vomiting in children, you should consult a doctor, if this is difficult, before being examined by a doctor, the main thing is to prevent dehydration and stop vomiting or diarrhea as quickly as possible. Do not use products such as Imodium or Loperamide!

    Replenishment of lost salts:
    • Oralit
    • Regidron
    • Chlorazole
    • Litrozole

    They are diluted with different amounts of water specified in the instructions (for example, “Regidron” - 1 liter, “Humana Electrolyte” - 250 ml). They need to be drunk with liquid, which should be at least 20 ml/kg of body weight per day. You can give another 10-20 ml/kg with plain water or dried fruit compote.

    • Atoxyl
    • Smecta
    • White coal
    • filtrum
    • polysorb.
    Antibacterial therapy:
    • furazolidone
    • enterofuril (nifuroxazide)
    • phthalazole
    • intetrix, alpha-normix (for adults)
    • Enterol (Enterozermina)
    • Linux
    • Bifiform
    • Bifidumbacterin
    • Acipol
    For nausea and vomiting - Cerucal (Metoclopramide) in the form of tablets or solution from an ampoule Antispasmodics:
    • Nosh-pa, drotaverine hydrochloride
    • Spasmalgon
    • Spasgan

    With painful cramps in the limbs, with preserved consciousness

    Calcium gluconate or Calcium-D3 Magne-B6 Asparkam (Panangin)

    With convulsions (bending of the whole body, contraction of the muscles of the limbs) with loss of consciousness

    In this case all you can do is:

    • call an ambulance;
    • put the Rektodelt 100 candle mentioned above;
    • if a high temperature is noted, cool the child: wipe him with alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:2, you can add a spoonful of vinegar to 200 ml of the mixture. You need to wipe vigorously, leaving the cloth for a few seconds in areas of large vessels.

    If your child is vomiting and smells of acetone

    When you are on a vacation, you need to take into account this situation, which usually occurs as a complication of an acute respiratory infection or intestinal infection. Then the child may complain of abdominal pain and vomit, often preventing him from drinking water. At the same time, he really needs liquid. Diagnosis is carried out using urine, into which a strip of “Acetone test” purchased at the pharmacy is dipped.

    Typically, in children under 5 years of age, this condition requires only inpatient treatment. But before that, you can try to treat the child yourself:

    • Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter warm water. Cool the water and give the child an enema.
    • Betargin (Citrarginine, Stimol). The contents of 1 sachet (sachet, ampoule) are dissolved in 200 ml of water, you can add honey there. The child is given this solution, little by little, 5 ml every hour. For children over 5 years old, you can give 2 sachets per day.
    • For nausea - Cerucal (Metoclopramide), which was discussed above. It is optimal if the solution is given to the child from an ampoule.
    • What can help with stomach pain:
      • No-spa in dosages;
        • Up to one year: not applicable
        • 1 year: 1/4 tablet maximum 2 times a day
        • 2-6 years: maximum – 1 tablet 3 times a day, minimum – ½ tablet three times
        • Over 6 years: 1 tablet 2-5 times a day
      • If pain appears after eating low-quality products, you can give Smecta, Atoxil or another enterosorbent.

    This help is needed only in an acetonemic state. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude surgical diseases: appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and others, as well as diabetes mellitus, in which acetonemic syndrome can also be detected.

    (1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    A wonderful opportunity has arisen to relax and travel with your child. Show your beloved baby the sea, forests, lakes and mountains, new beautiful landscapes and cultural monuments, feed him new delicious exotic fruits, berries.

    This is wonderful, however, everything new, beautiful and tasty can become a burden and test the functionality of adaptation systems. Emotional and physical stress when moving, food excesses or their diversity can disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and change the child’s reactivity. In addition, changes in geographical and climatic conditions are not always favorable, especially in the first days for the child. All this can affect the baby’s immune system and behavior. The mother will need to pay special attention to the child so as not to miss the first manifestations of changes in the baby’s well-being.

    But, The most important thing before a trip is to pack the right first aid kit for the little traveler on the road. You need to choose and take with you only previously verified and showed effective action medications. Do not save on these funds, purchase medicines in children's dosage forms (suppositories, suspensions, drops) and dosages according to the age of your baby. They simply may not exist in another region or country. Yes, a list of necessary, important and necessary medical and medicines it turns out not small. But you choose those that are familiar and proven, and the list will be significantly reduced.

    1. First aid for bruises, injuries, injuries: wet antiseptic wipes, sterile cotton wool, sterile bandages of different sizes, elastic bandage with fastener, cotton swabs, medical gauze wipes, gauze bandages, medical gloves, self-adhesive wipes with antiseptic (furacilin) ​​or anesthetic (lidocaine), bactericidal adhesive plaster different shapes and just a medical adhesive plaster, a plaster for calluses, tweezers, small scissors, a children's electronic thermometer, a small bulb, a nasal aspirator, a medical tourniquet; liquid antiseptics - potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), iodine, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, furatsilin tablets, 3% boric or 5% chloramphenicol, de-panthenol ointments, bepanten, baneocin, with calendula, eplan, arnica, troxevasin, rescuer, spray panthenol, syntomycin liniment 5%; hormonal ointment - hydrocortisone 1% or ophthalmic ointment, psilo-balm, for severe swelling, after a bite, damage, allergy to midges; pantocid tablets (monalazone disodium) for water disinfection or aquasept, pantocid - 1 tablet should be diluted in 0.5-0.7 liters of water and left for 15 minutes; eye drops - Albucid, Sofradex for eyes and ears, ear drops - Otipax, Otinum; painkillers: paracetamol, ibuprofen, nurofen, diclofenac, viburkol;
    2. When signs of allergies appear(urticaria, itching, swelling) - drugs: tavegil suprastin, diazolin, xysal, erius, telfast, zyrtec, fenistil, advantan, gistan;
    3. For symptoms of colds, inflammation of the nasopharynx: spray or drops Aquamaris, Aqualor, Hexoral, Bioparox, Tantum-Verde, Noroflorin L (drip into the nose, gargle), for the nose - Nazivin, Vibrocil, Otrivin, for the throat - Faringosept, Lizobakt, Strepsils, Falimint, tablets with sage , echinacea, carmolis, sanguiritrin;
    4. Temperature rise(by age): viburcol, calpol, efferalgan, panadol, cefekonD, fervex, nurofen, paracetamol, aspirin, aflubin, coldrex;
    5. When coughing– ACC, gedelix, lazolvan, bromhexine, mucoltin, bronchalis-hel, sinekod;
    6. In case of poisoning: sorbents - smecta, etherosgel, polysorb, zosterin, pecto, recicene RD, Normoflorin L, D, white coal, neosmectin, probifor, filtrum, lactofiltrum, also in case of loss of fluid, intoxication - powders for the preparation of glucose-saline solutions (rehydron, enterodes , electrolyte);
    7. When motion sickness occurs alleviate the condition: homeopathic - air-sea, vertigohel, dramamina (from 1 year);
    8. In case of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea, constipation, bloating, nausea, vomiting and others: intestinal antiseptics - intetrix, ersefuril, enterol, normoflorin L, D, bactisubtil, antidiarrheals - loperamide, imodium, normoflorin D, B, restoring microflora - normoflorin L, B, D, harmony of life; enzymes – Creon, Mezim-Forte, normoflorin L, D, pancreatin, enzistal, festal, antispasmodics – no-shpa, drotaverine, baralgin, cerucal (nausea, vomiting), spazgan. At the same time, they help improve many processes, because have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, metabolic, enzymatic, protective (on mucous membranes) effects, i.e. the effect will replace several drugs;
    9. Severe intestinal infections, complicated colds, sore throat, bronchitis, other emergency– antibiotics – 5-7 days: azithromycin – sumamed, azitrok, (in Thailand), ciprofloxacin (ciprolet), rifaximin – Alpha Normix – effective, for severe intestinal infections, flemoxin solutab - for bronchitis, sore throat;
    10. Remedies for fainting, low blood pressure, stress: ammonia, validol, corvalol, leuzea, aralia, valerian, motherwort, etc.;
    11. Products with a high degree of sun protection, for skin care Mustela, Uriage;
    12. Repellents– protection against ticks, mosquitoes, midges – Moskitol, Gardex, others and help after bites: psilo-balm, desitin, fenistil gel, advantan, histan;

    Before leaving, take the time and write on a piece of paper, which you then put in the first aid kit, what medications should be given and in what dose - in case of fever, poisoning, diarrhea, allergies, colds, bruises and injuries, and other situations. Because in emergency situations you can get confused and forget what to do.

    After all, it is not always possible to quickly find medical care for a child in unfamiliar places or in another country. Mom and dad themselves will need to help the child in unforeseen or painful cases. Save the packaging for proper storage and instructions so that, in extreme cases, you can find a similar medicine by pharmacological name and give the required dosage.

    Place a traveler's first aid kit and a separate baby kit in your hand luggage so that everything is “at hand”. So, you will not depend on the location and arrival of your luggage.

    And most importantly, think with confidence that the child will not need this first aid kit, let it be for safety net and your peaceful rest.

    Dislike 4+

    The best way to protect yourself and your family from illnesses on vacation is to take your personal doctor with you. True, it is not expensive, but very expensive. Therefore, you will have to prepare for the unpleasant surprises that summer vacation may bring. But everything is not so scary - if you prepare correctly.

    In order for your vacation to go smoothly and not be spoiled by unforeseen complications, you need the following:

    • the simplest algorithm of actions in emergency and not so situations,
    • insurance policy,
    • small first aid kit,
    • the ability to quickly navigate a place, which is very easy to replace with banal forethought.

    So let’s quickly go through the points of the article, enter the necessary phone numbers into your mobile phone and put a small first aid kit in your suitcase. Have you started?

    Medical assistance on site

    Even in a remote Italian village, the most beautiful cars are minibuses and jeeps with the inscription Misericordia, which loosely translated means “Ambulance”. And this ambulance will certainly arrive if two things are at hand - a telephone number to call and the address of the place where you are currently located. You will have to find out the address yourself, but you can easily find the phone number in the country guide - on the very first pages. And you can read about the sights and Michelin-starred restaurants later.

    An ambulance arrives for any occasion, but it is still better to call it for emergencies that require immediate hospitalization - loss of consciousness or confusion, severe injury or uncontrollable vomiting. If the situation is a little simpler, it is better to contact a local practicing doctor.

    During the tourist season, doctors work tirelessly. The number of potential patients for whom insurance companies regularly pay is growing significantly. Who would refuse such income? But how to find this doctor and how to contact him is a big question.

    The hotel knows the coordinates of the nearest clinic or medical office, where, if desired, you can even find Russian-speaking staff who can convey this valuable information to you. But how to talk to the doctor later?

    Of course, if a doctor graduated from the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University, communicating with him will not be easy, but very simple. But you yourself are unlikely to choose a country where graduates of this university mainly practice for a holiday with a child. Where you go is probably closer to either Cambridge, or the Sorbonne, or, at worst, the University of Bologna. This means that your holiday will be calm, the doctors (if anything happens) are good, but communication with them will be difficult due to the language barrier.

    Translate in advance (yourself, and online dictionaries will help) the main complaints into the language of the country where you are going to vacation.

    However, our dictionary will be short. Something like this:

    • Temperature rise
    • Pain (arm, ear, shoulder, leg, etc.)
    • Sunburn
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • Loss of consciousness
    • Heart attack
    • Trauma (hands, head, eyes)
    • Foreign body (ear, eye, throat)
    • Allergy

    With such a dictionary, you can already clearly complain to any doctor speaking any language, and get from him necessary recommendations. Well, then, with a prescription, you can calmly go to the pharmacy - in most civilized countries you can only buy sun cream and toothpaste without a prescription.

    However, there are other options for obtaining medical care, which should not be neglected either.

    Stay in touch

    Whatever happens on vacation - your child scratches his leg, sits in the pool or in the sun - don’t panic. And if you are seriously confused, you can use what is called on TV quiz shows “calling a friend.” Only the role of this friend will be played by a familiar doctor, whose phone number you have stocked up in advance. Since now everyone has got a smartphone, and hotels have the Internet, you can also get in touch with the doctor via email and via Skype. For example, to show a suspicious rash on the body - and immediately get advice on how to get rid of it.

    True, to do this, you will again have to stock up on two things: the doctor’s email address and your own vacation pay - so as not to then run to your local doctor for a prescription.

    Vacation first aid kit

    Products for dressing and treating wounds

    Bandages (it is better to bring both sterile and elastic ones with you - for tight bandages for sprains). Band-aids (what if someone gets a sore foot?). Hydrogen peroxide in a special plastic bottle is the best way to wash any wound under any conditions.


    An anesthetic (but not warming!) gel (for example, diclofenac gel) is an ideal remedy for bruises and sprains. Spray with panthenol or balm "rescuer" - used for thermal burns, including sunburn. Hormonal ointment with an antibiotic (for example, celestoderm with garamycin) is very convenient for chemical burns and local allergic reactions, say, in response to contact with plants. Antihistamine gel (for example, fenistil gel) - for insect bites.

    Remedies for stomach pain

    No-shpa - for pain in the right hypochondrium due to overeating. Maalox - for stomach pain. Sorbents (smecta, espumisan, enterosgel) are compact and convenient remedies for bloating and suspected food poisoning. Enzyme preparations (mezim-forte or hilak-forte) are first aid for overeating. Loperamide is a diarrhea remedy for adults and children over 6 years of age.

    Antipyretics and painkillers

    Paracetamol (pentalgin tablets for adults, Panadol or Efferalgan for children). You can take tablets, syrup or suppositories with you - they act faster. Nurofen is a more powerful analgesic and antipyretic than paracetamol for children. Ketanov - only for adults and only for toothache or joint pain.


    It is better to take it on the advice of a doctor - it doesn’t matter, local or your trusted one, whom you call at home. Antibiotics containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid (an example is Augmentin, which is available in syrup for children and in tablets for adults) are almost universal remedies for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ear. Azithromycin (sumamed) - if you are allergic to penicillin antibiotics.

    Antiviral agents

    There are no alternatives here - Genferon or Viferon suppositories (it is better not to use the latter if you are allergic to chocolate). These are almost universal antiviral drugs, which, by the way, doctors almost never prescribe in European countries. But in vain.

    Antiallergic drugs

    Suprastin - acts very quickly, compatible with most medications. Because of side effects it can also be used as a sleeping pill. Zyrtec is compatible with any medications (and even alcohol), does not cause a hypnotic effect, but acts more slowly than Suprastin. Can be used by adults (in tablets) and children (in drops).

    Nasal drops

    Vasoconstrictors (examples: xymelin, nazol, tizin) relieve a runny nose, but do not cure it. If your nose suddenly gets seriously stuffy while on vacation, it’s better to use other remedies. Vasoconstrictors are good to use before a flight to prevent tubo-otitis.

    Polydex nasal spray. An almost universal nasal remedy against everything - allergies (contains dexamethasone), nasal congestion (phenylephrine), and infections (contains the antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin). Most convenient for purulent nasal discharge.

    Cromoglicic acid preparations (say, cromohexal or cromoglin) are very convenient remedies for allergies and viral infections.

    Eye and ear drops

    Ear drops containing lidocaine (such as Otipax) are the best treatment for ear pain caused by otitis media. For external otitis (inflammation of the skin of the ear canal after swimming) they act worse. Do not use for ear discharge - the components they contain can damage the auditory nerve.

    Drops with antibiotics (Garazon and Sofradex) are ideal for purulent or allergic conjunctivitis or for otitis externa. If there is discharge from the ear (this may be a sign of damage to the eardrum), it is better not to use them - it is easier to see a doctor first.

    Remedies for sore throat

    Anti-inflammatory drugs (strepfen or tantum verde for adults, for children - also tantum verde, but in the form of a spray).

    And lastly: the contents of your first aid kit can and should change - depending on your personal preferences, the presence of chronic diseases and the advice of your doctor.

    It’s even better to divide this first aid kit into two unequal parts: put the larger one in your suitcase and check it in as luggage, so as not to find fault with customs, and put the smaller one in your hand luggage. Rarely, but even at the airport and on board an airplane something can come in handy.

    When collecting a first aid kit for children at sea, at the dacha or in another vacation spot, every mother thinks about what should be included in it. You should approach this issue very responsibly and think carefully about the composition of a travel first aid kit for a child, especially if you are traveling with children no older than three years of age. It is not so important where the trip is planned: abroad, to our south or to relatives; in the bag for children’s medicines you need to put drugs “just in case” (bandages, cotton wool, fever medicine, etc.) and medications taken by the child on a regular basis basis.

    Each baby is individual, so before leaving, you should consult with your doctor and discuss with him what medications to put in your child’s first aid kit when going on vacation. Below is a general list of drugs that a children's first aid kit for travel should contain, compiled according to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky.


    If you plan to use a first aid kit for a child at sea, then you should remember about prolonged exposure to the sun, and, accordingly, you need to take care of additional protection for the child’s skin. Therefore, when going on vacation, it is necessary to include in your children's handbag with medicines Panthenol spray and sunscreen (with SPF factor of at least 50).

    For the sea or other warm regions it is very important to have in your first aid kit sunscreen with a high protection factor and Panthenol - in case the baby or adults do get sunburned

    Antipyretics/pain relievers

    A children's first aid kit for travel should include pain relief and antipyretic drugs. As a rule, the basis of these drugs is ibuprofen or paracetamol, as well as their combination. You should be aware that some children are only affected by paracetamol or only ibuprofen. If you have no experience in using these products, you should take one drug from each group, especially in syrup, since the candles can melt, given that their storage temperature does not exceed 20-25 degrees.

    • Ibuprofen series: Ibufen (from three months to 2 years), Nurofen (can be used from three months).
    • Paracetamol series: Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracetamol. At fairly high temperatures that are difficult to control, you can use Ibuklin Junior (we recommend reading:).

    A necessary drug for a children's first aid kit on the road with a child is No-shpa. It helps bring down the temperature, accompanied by spasms of the limbs. For those children who are teething, it is worth taking pain-relieving gels, such as Kamistad or Kalgel.

    Medicines for the treatment of intestinal disorders

    Changes in climatic conditions, water, and nutrition can cause intestinal problems in the baby. Therefore, when packing a children's first aid kit on the road, you must include:

    • Activated carbon is an adsorbent;
    • Enterosgel or Polysorb are enterosorbents approved for use from the first days of life;
    • Smectu is an antidiarrheal drug;
    • Ersefuril is an antimicrobial agent that is used for acute poisoning with diarrhea in children over 6 years of age;
    • Furazolidone is an antibiotic prescribed from the age of 3 for foodborne infections, dysentery, giardiasis (more details in the article:);
    • Mezim Forte, Creon, Festal - enzymes that improve digestion;
    • laxative - for example, Duphalac or suppositories with glycerin;
    • Regidron - used for severe diarrhea or vomiting, helps restore fluid loss in the body.

    If your baby has problems with gastrointestinal tract you need to add drugs such as Bifiform or Linex. If you are traveling with a baby, you should take anti-colic medications: Baby Calm, Sab Simplex, Espumisan.

    To prevent your baby from suffering from colic, you need to take one of the medications to eliminate it - for example, Plantex

    Drugs used for acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

    In order to prevent viral diseases, it is worth taking Viferon ointment with you on vacation (suitable for children under 2 years old) or Oxolinic ointment for older children (we recommend reading:). Also, for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, you can use:

    • homeopathic medicines such as Oscillococcinum, Viferon or Viburkol suppositories (more details in the article:)
    • antivirals– Anaferon for Children (from 1 month), Arbidol (from 3 years).

    For bacterial respiratory tract infections, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed:

    • Flemoxin Solutab (penicillin group),
    • Suprax (cephalosporin group),
    • Sumamed (from the group of macrolides)

    Antiviral drugs help with sore throat:

    • Tantum Verde,
    • Hexoral,
    • Miramistin.

    You can also use lozenges - for example, Lizobact.

    For nasal congestion, you should use sprays:

    • Aqualor-Baby, (we recommend reading:)
    • Aquamaris,
    • vasoconstrictor drops for a runny nose - Nazivin (allowed starting from 1 month), Vibrocil.

    When going on vacation, it is advisable to take ear drops such as Otipax. Salt water, sand, and a runny nose can cause eye inflammation in a baby, so it’s worth using Albucid or any other antimicrobial drops.

    Remedies for injuries and bruises

    When in the country or at sea, the baby will not sit still. For this reason, the likelihood of getting abrasions, cuts and bruises increases. Therefore, when getting ready to travel, take with you:

    • cotton pads and cotton wool;
    • elastic bandage;
    • bactericidal patches;
    • iodine or brilliant green (best in the form of a marker);
    • cotton swabs;
    • sterile bandages;
    • hydrogen peroxide to treat wounds;
    • a product for tissue regeneration - for example, “Rescuer” balm for children or Panthenol spray.

    Bruises on vacation are common, because children spend a lot of time playing and outside. To minimize the consequences of injury, you need to have a first aid kit with you to treat and protect the wound.

    Antiallergic drugs

    Even if your baby has not suffered from allergies before, it is worth taking an antihistamine with you. New water and food, unusual plants, insects can cause allergic reactions. Modern means that are most popular:

    • Fenistil (from 1 month),
    • Zyrtec (from 6 months),
    • Claritin (syrup for children aged 2 years and older, tablets – from 3 years old)

    Fenistil is available in the form of drops, and this is very convenient, since it is possible to give it even to the smallest, mixed with drink or food. Suprastin, although time-tested, is a more “heavy” drug. You should also take into account that children under 1 year of age should not be given antihistamines at night. Their sedative effect can provoke apnea (temporary cessation of breathing).

    When packing a travel bag with medications for a little traveler on vacation, it is worth remembering that it should consist of drugs that are suitable for the child’s age. Not all products approved for use in two- and three-year-old children are suitable for a one-year-old baby or infant.

    When traveling to the country, it is worth having with you medications such as Fenistil-gel or Psilo-balm, which help cope with itching from mosquito bites and other insects. Some remedies like these are suitable for everyone in the family to treat sunburn.

    The pediatrician will advise you when, in what cases and in what doses you should take this or that drug. It is best to write down this information so that you can quickly use the necessary tool if necessary.
