5 ethical pedagogical views of V. Zenkovsky. Coursework - Orthodox pedagogy of V.V. Zenkovsky - file n1.doc

The Russian diaspora, which included the flower of the intelligentsia who emigrated from our country during the years of the revolution, left a great legacy in the form of scientific works that were unknown to Russian readers for so long. One of the areas of Russian science returning to us from Russian countries abroad is pedagogy.

Unlike the Soviet school, which was based on the principles of class and party affiliation, Russian foreign pedagogy prioritized the value of Orthodoxy for education, culture, personal freedom and the traditions of the pre-revolutionary school. It is characterized by an approach to the problems of pedagogy based on the characteristics of Russian religious consciousness, from the inseparability of Orthodoxy from Russian national culture and ethics. A bright representative of Russian foreign pedagogy -.

V.V. was born. Zenkovsky July 4, 1881 in Proskurov, Podolsk province (now Khmelnitsky) in the family of a teacher. Since his father was also a church warden, the whole family was religious and church-going. In 1913-1914 he attended lectures at universities in Germany, Austria and Italy. Upon his return, he became a professor of psychology at the Kiev University of St. Vladimir.

In 1920 he left the country and emigrated to different time became a professor of philosophy at the University of Belgrade, head of the department of experimental and child psychology at the Higher Pedagogical Institute in Prague, and head of the department of philosophy at the Paris Orthodox Theological Institute. In the 1920s-1930s, he headed one of the directions of the pedagogical social movement - the Pedagogical Bureau for the Affairs of Secondary and Lower Russian Schools Abroad. In 1942, Zenkovsky accepted the priesthood, and in 1944 he was elected dean of the pedagogical faculty of the Theological Academy. V.V. died Zenkovsky August 5, 1962, buried in the Russian part of the Sainte-Genevieve des Bois cemetery.

For us, the most interesting thing in his works is the question of the purpose of education, which is, of course, the main thing for pedagogy as an art. V.V. Zenkovsky believed “that one cannot educate without realizing the purpose of education.” According to the scientist, “our intervention in the life of a child makes sense only if it helps to reveal the image of God in the child and eliminate everything that slows down this disclosure. Revealing the image of God, becoming inner man» .

V.V. Zenkovsky in his book “Problems of education in the light of Christian anthropology” made an attempt to determine the goals of education based on the principles of Christian anthropology. IN different options the philosopher will repeat them repeatedly. So, “the purpose of education in the light of Orthodoxy is to help children in liberation from the power of sin through the grace-filled replenishment found in the Church, help in revealing the image of God, ... revealing the path of eternal life.”

In the educational process, according to V.V. Zenkovsky, there are two main directions: the first is “to prepare a child for Eternal life, for life in eternity, in God and with God, so that earthly days are not wasted and so that death is not a spiritual catastrophe.” This is one of the areas of education, which is based on concern for the spiritual development of the child.

The second direction is no less important - “this is preparation for this life, since this life not only provides the opportunity to acquire Eternal life, but also gives the opportunity to lose it. As this life is passed, so it will respond in Eternal Life, we live in such a way that this life is a step into eternity.” The hypnosis of earthly life is so strong that we often put immediate goals and objectives in the foreground, completely forgetting about eternity. The task of education must be defined in such a way that the priority in it is aspiration to heaven and eternity, and not to earth and decay. But the question of where to go, to earth or to heaven, is up to us - the people to whom Christ gave freedom of choice - to decide. Thus, considering the goals and objectives of education, V.V. Zenkovsky complements it with the fact that “the path of education is the path of preparation for freedom in Christ. Freedom is a gift from Christ. However, it is very difficult to master this gift of Christian freedom, because freedom is the most valuable and most fundamental thing in us.”

Zenkovsky convinces us that the need to “raise a child for freedom” is very important. The system of education for freedom is a system of communion with the truth - “the latter for us is laid down in the Church, and therefore the knowledge of the truth for us lies in communion with the Church.” It is impossible to think of education outside of freedom, and it, according to V.V. Zenkovsky, shines on the human soul not as reality, not as a given force, but as an opportunity, as a task. Freedom is not given, but given. In education, the question of liberation is raised, that is, the ascent to freedom.

Thus, education should be personally oriented toward the pedagogical “discovery” of the cross and its implementation. To raise a child means to reveal his personality, “but not in the lines of the so-called “harmonious” development of nature, but in the lines of the internal hierarchy of values ​​in a person.” That is, education is the development of the basic principle in the individual - spiritual life, and physical, moral, social, religious, moral, aesthetic education acquires instrumental significance in this.

1. Zenkovsky V.V., Pedagogy, Christian Life Foundation, Klin, 2002

2. Zenkovsky V.V., Problems of education in the light of Christian anthropology. Christian Life Foundation, Klin, 2002

Pedagogical views of Russian thinkers abroad

/. "Fundamentals of Pedagogy" S.I. Hesse

2.V.V. Zenkovsky - ideologist of Orthodox pedagogy

3.Ideas N.A. Berdyaev

4.Ideas I.A. Ilyina

1. In the early 1920s. Many scientists who were the cream of national pedagogical science were forced to leave Russia: V.V. Zenkovsky, SI. Gessen, N.A. Berdyaev, I.A. Ilyin, S.L. Frank, N.O. Lossky and others. In the main work Sergei Iosifovich Gessen(1887 - 1950) "Fundamentals of Pedagogy"(1923) underlined the leading role of philosophy as a source of pedagogical science- “pedagogy largely reflects the development of philosophical thought.”

Hesse recognized education primarily cultural function:“The task of any education is to introduce a person to the cultural values ​​of science, art, morality, law, economics, to transform a natural person into a cultural one.” Following neo-Kantianism, he classified pedagogy as a normative science, that is, knowledge of what education and training should be like. The purpose of training, from an SI point of view. Gessen, is not in imparting to students knowledge of the fundamentals of science and developing practical skills, which is typical for supporters of real education, and not in the formation of rational thinking based on students’ mastery of logical techniques of deduction and induction, which is typical for supporters of formal development of the mind, but in arming them with the method of science; in other words, the task teacher is essentially to prepare schoolchildren to independently obtain knowledge and creatively apply it in life.

2. Vasily Vasilievich Zenkovsky(1881 - 1962), a long-forgotten philosopher and theologian in Russia, a historian of Russian philosophy and literary critic, was at the same time a prominent psychologist and teacher.

V.V. Zenkovsky suggested original philosophical and pedagogical

system, close to the ideas of SI. Hessen, although the philosophical basis of their education was different: V.V. Zenkovsky based his approaches from a purely Christian worldview.

In his last year in Russia he published the work "Social education, its tasks and ways"(1918). In his opinion, the essence ideal of social education should be spirit of solidarity and brotherhood, on the basis of which unity and mutual assistance of various social groups develop.

the main task education, according to V.V. Zenkovsky, essentially consists in helping the student find himself and, guided by the instructions of the teacher-pastor, learn to creatively transform his " natural composition", directing towards good the triune existence in oneself of heredity, sociality and, above all, spirituality.

Under spirituality V.V. Zenkovsky understood the special interest of the developing person in the area of ​​the absolute, superhuman, eternal. In this he was close to pedagogical views Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky(1870 - 1965), who believed that the spiritual formation of man should develop in the direction of the "Absolute Perfect Being."

3. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev(1874 - 1948) in his book "The meaning of creativity"(1914) presented education process How self-creation his inner world by a person in the course of his free creative activity. At that time, many Russian thinkers spoke about the role of personal creativity in the matter of human self-improvement, his “creative self-determination.”

Berdyaev noted that the task of life is “not pedagogical, not assimilative,” but creative, facing the future, striving for the ideal. This approach of Russian philosophers aimed teachers at mastering creative orientation of education and training of schoolchildren, to move away from “pedagogical stencils” (V.V. Rozanov).

Berdyaev drew attention to the fact that thanks to his own creative activity, a person acquires the ability for holistic self-creation. He believed that the creative development of personality is at the same time its spiritual formation, has a beneficial effect on the whole person, on the formation of positive mental qualities and his physical health.

He later developed this idea in his works " On the appointment of a person"(1931) and "Self-Knowledge"(1949). Personal creativity, according to N.A. Berdyaev, develops in a person the ability to overcome oneself, go beyond the boundaries of what is already known, continuously follow the path of spiritual and moral self-improvement and is a “redemptive” work of a person.

4. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1882 - 1954) - one of the most famous educators and thinkers of the Russian diaspora.

He expressed the idea that relying in human education only on earthly human values ​​is “the stupidest thing,” since it deprives people of the “spirit of love,” conscience, sacrifice, self-discipline, etc. The teacher's task- organize the student’s communication with God, which will be the basis for the formation of a pure and “powerful” conscience, and as a result of this, all of his morality, all of his virtues.

Combining religious, philosophical and psychoanalytic approaches in understanding the inner world of a child, I.A. Ilyin identified two basic stages in the development of childhood:

Up to 6 years - period of the "spiritual greenhouse"", when the main task of the teacher is essentially to protect the child from mental trauma and fill it with pure love, joy and beauty;

From 7 years to puberty - period of "mental hardening" when it is necessary to develop in a teenager conscience, will, self-control and other personality qualities necessary for his subsequent spiritual self-improvement.

Summarizing and transforming the pedagogical views developed by several generations of Russian religious thinkers, I.A. Ilyin came to the conclusion that the first place in a person’s upbringing comes not from “rational” education, but from the formation of a subject-oriented, but at the same time oriented personal spiritual self-improvement souls, improving oneself in accordance with “absolute values”.

The path of spiritual self-creation of each individual person is unique, individual, because, according to I.A. Ilyin, “man is a personal spirit.” In order to strengthen the child’s inner spiritual world, to protect him from the external pressure of vulgarity and evil, from external and his own, often distorted, ideas about true life, it is extremely important for the teacher to help the student learn the art of comprehending his own personal spiritual and religious experience.

The teacher's task according to I.A. Ilyin, essentially consists in organizing this subjective spiritual experience of children, taking into account that each student is a unique, original spiritual being.

Topic 15.Humanistic tradition in foreign pedagogy of the first half of the 20th century.

UDC 37.017.93

SUKHORUKIKH Alexey Viktorovich, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences


The article examines the pedagogical views of one of the largest Russian religious philosophers V.V. Zenkovsky, the most important value priorities of the educational tradition of the Russian school and their significance for genuine progress are emphasized.

The cognitive aspect of the problem of the relationship between faith and knowledge in the pedagogical intentions of V.V. is outlined. Zenkovsky, the ethical vector is especially highlighted cognitive activity within the framework of the goal-setting of Orthodox anthropology and the conceptual hierarchy of the Christian anthropological triad “body-soul-spirit”. The key principle of V.V. Zenkovsky’s pedagogical innovations, which have not lost their relevance, is the principle of correspondence of educational tasks to the stages of a person’s spiritual formation.

Key words: education; upbringing; Christian anthropology; pedagogical innovations; personal development.

DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908.2015.7.5/1.284-286

SUHORUKHIH Alexey Viktorovich, Candidate in Philosophy


The article focuses on the pedagogical views of one of the greatest Russian religious philosophers V.V. Zenkov-sky. It highlights the important value priorities of the educational traditions of the Russian school and their significance for the real progress. The article also highlights the cognitive aspect of the problem of the correlation of faith and knowledge in the pedagogical intentions of V. V. Zenkovsky, stresses the ethical vector of cognitive activity in the framework of the goal setting of Orthodox anthropology and the conceptual hierarchy of the Christian anthropological triad "body - soul - spirit." The principle of correspondence of educational problems to the stages of spiritual development of people is called as a key principle of the pedagogical innovations of V.V. Zenkovsky which have not lost their actuality.

Keywords: education; Christian anthropology; pedagogical innovations; development of personality.

Modern education is in a difficult situation of paradigmatic, essentially destruction, because, first of all, in the context of postmodern pedagogy it affirms the relativity of the ethical principle, denying, by and large, the very possibility of introducing a person to timeless absolute moral imperatives. The emerging gap in educational discourse can be overcome by including strategic planning fundamental value aspects of the moral education of the individual, in particular those that, being part of the national pedagogical heritage, are organically connected with universal humanistic cultural traditions.

In this regard, the philosophical and pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky (1881-1962), an outstanding Russian thinker, one of the most prominent representatives of the Russian Abroad, are of great interest. As is known, a significant religious and pedagogical movement is associated with his name, which is embodied not only in theory, but also in practice, showing ways to solve many problems of culture and education, which have become recognized as especially significant only in our time. The cognitive aspect of the problem of the relationship between faith and knowledge turned out to be central as a fundamental philosophical issue in the pedagogical intentions of V.V. Zenkovsky. Distinguishing between empiricism and the rational way of cognition, emphasizing the importance of their essential interpenetration, the thinker at the same time noted the dissimilarity of their epistemological positions in relation to the phenomenon of faith. As for a religious philosopher, for V.V. Zenkovsky, it was the path of faith that acted as the most holistic, synthesizing way of understanding the world, without which a person will never get closer to his true, divine essence. The philosopher believed that the most appropriate would be to raise the question not about the opposition of faith and reason, but about the different scale of knowledge by rational tools and the non-rational sphere of the spirit, and this is most clearly manifested not so much in the sphere of natural sciences, but in relation to man himself, the bearer of spiritual nature and her sacraments. At the same time, in the pedagogical work of V.V. Zenkovsky should note the clear priority of ethical-intuitive means of cognition over logical-discursive ones.

Assessing the state of contemporary pedagogy, the thinker emphasized its significance for genuine progress precisely within the framework of the goal-setting of Christian anthropology, which for V.V. Zenkovsky was a holistic, hierarchically structured knowledge that included pedagogy, that is, the practice of forming human spirituality along with religion, philosophizing and scientism , into the structure of general anthropological knowledge and activities aimed at achieving conciliarity as the Kingdom of God on earth.

ISSN 2075-9908 Historical and socio-educational thought. Volume 7 No. 5 part 1, 2015 Historical and social educational ideas Volume 7 #5 part 1, 2015_

He, in particular, noted points that are quite relevant today: “The main reason for the modern pedagogical crisis is that pedagogical thought has become detached from Christian anthropology, that, following other spheres of culture, pedagogy has taken the path of secularization, separating itself from faith. ..Overcoming pedagogical naturalism, returning to the justification of pedagogy in a holistic Christian worldview, attracting the ideas of Christian anthropology to illuminate the main problems of pedagogy is the main task, the solution of which lies the key to fruitful creativity in the field of education.” One of the fundamental principles in the pedagogical concept of V.V. Zenkovsky became the principle of personal orientation of the educational process, meaning, in his opinion, a sacred focus on a person’s entry into the conciliar grace of the Heavenly Church, projected - ideally - into the social plane of a fair community life. The idea of ​​a hierarchical structure of personality was determined by V.V. Zenkovsky’s key principle of the priority of upbringing over education: it is upbringing as the formation of value guidelines, as the birth of an emotional-conscientious attitude, the revelation of the “depths of the soul” that is primary, and only after that is adequate intellectual development: mastery, in fact, of a system of knowledge. That is why childhood is so valuable and important: its whole meaning “lies in preparation for independent creativity in life, and the protection and development of the creative forces in us, the creative basis of the soul, is the first and main task of education. If it is extinguished or suppressed, then all the wealth of mental skills . will be dead capital. The process of “learning” absorbs so much energy, so pushes back, weakens creative impulses, so levels the personality, subordinating it to a pattern, that when entering life, many of us turn into colorless people performing some kind of... social function, but hopelessly who have lost creative initiative and an animated attitude towards their activities.”

Another characteristic feature of V.V.’s pedagogy. Zenkovsky is the priority of spiritual education over empiricism and naturalism of knowledge, since the empirical principle was associated by the philosopher with earthly life, while the spiritual principle, the image of God in man, “who is the conductor of a never-ending connection with God,” was associated with absolute being, with “life.” eternal,” preparation for which, in the context of the Christian tradition, becomes, according to the thinker, the main sacred task of education. The priority of spiritual education over the empiricism of “earthly existence” did not mean at all for V.V. Zenkovsky’s detachment of the individual in the process of its formation from the entire diversity of active psycho-emotional and social life - he only fundamentally emphasized the value aspect within the framework of the conceptual hierarchy of the anthropological triad “body - soul - spirit”. “In the ways of education, we do not have a “linear” series of values,” the philosopher spoke in this regard, “but we must establish a hierarchical principle. The development of the empirical side in the personality is a genuine and valid, but still relative (due to the instrumentality of its function) value, and the development of the spiritual sphere is a correlative, but not relative value: one cannot separate the empiricism of a person from his spiritual life, one cannot fall into pedagogical empiricism, nor pedagogical idealism. The truth lies in the education of an integral personality and its hierarchical structure.” It should be noted that modern school lacks an understanding of the main tasks of development by age, while it is V.V. Zenkovsky developed in detail the problems of “age stages” and the corresponding forms of a child’s spiritual life, the goals and means of education in various age periods. The key principle of these pedagogical innovations became the principle of correspondence of educational tasks to the stages of a person’s spiritual formation. And again, the most important, unique stage in the spiritual development of a person, in the formation of his self-awareness for V.V. Zenkovsky envisioned childhood: the potential “development of the beginnings of personality, spiritual powers, reason and freedom, creativity and self-regulation” because, in essence, “a child’s soul is the soul of adults in miniature, this early stage her" . The stages of childhood and, consequently, education as spiritual help at each of them were associated for the philosopher with the stages of disclosure and “maturation” of the Spirit in a human being, which means that the basis for age periodization was the idea that the hierarchy of the triad “body - soul” - spirit” manifests itself in different periods of growing up (infancy, first childhood, second childhood, adolescence, youth) not in the same way, and each of the listed periods has, as V.V. believed. Zenkovsky, his “spiritual attitude”, and precisely in youth, when there is a painful experience of the boundlessness of the freedom given to a person and the transformation of the energy of sex into the energy of creativity, it is so necessary to “church” the individual, to make him aware of his cross - responsibility and moral duty to the universe. It is at this stage that the special, deeply personal (also at the sacramental level) relationship between the student and the teacher - the teacher, in the interpretation of V.V. - acquires fundamental importance. Zenkovsky, Orthodox: ascetic, preacher, “spirit creator”, aware of the “divine grain” hidden in

in the depths of every child’s being, a person capable of “cultivating conscience”, leading students “to salvation” through the sacrament of faith, the power of moral action, for “the straightening of a moral being occurs only where there is faith in its achievability.” It is worth adding that all of the above remains a guide to action and awaits its practical implementation.

1. Zenkovsky V.V. A few words in response to Mr. Serezhnikov // Bulletin of the RSHD. - Paris-New York. - 1930. - No. 3.

2. Zenkovsky V.V. The problem of education in the light of Christian anthropology. - Paris, 1934.

3. Zenkovsky V.V. Essay on pedagogical intellectualism // Russian School Abroad. - Prague, 1923. Book 2-3.

4. Zenkovsky V.V. Apologetics. - Paris, 1957.

5. Zenkovsky V.V. Problems of education in the light of Christian anthropology. Church and school. Our era. -M., 1993.

6. Zenkovsky V.V. Psychology of childhood. - Leipzig, 1924.

7. Zenkovsky V.V. The principle of individuality in psychology and pedagogy // Questions of philosophy and psychology. - M., 1919. Book 108, Book. 110.

1. Zenkovsky V. V. A few words in reply to Mr. Serednikov. . Bulletin of the associations, Paris, New York, 1930, No. 3.

2. 2. Zenkovsky V.V. The Problem of education in the light of Christian anthropology. . Paris, 1934.

3. Zenkovsky V.V. Essay on pedagogical intellectualism. . Prague, 1923, V. 2-3.

4. Zenkovsky V.V. Apologetics. , Moscow. 1993.

6. Zenkovsky V.V. Psychology of childhood. Leipzig, 1924.

7. Zenkovsky V.V. The principle of individualism in psychology and pedagogy, . Questions of philosophy and psychology, Moscow. 1919. V.108, V.110.

Sukhorukhih Alexey Viktorovich, Candidate for

losophical sciences, scientific secretary Voronezh- Doctorate in Philosophy, Academic Secretary of

of the Russian Federal District, the Voronezh Branch of Russian Philosopher

/. "Fundamentals of Pedagogy" S.I. Hesse

2.V.V. Zenkovsky - ideologist of Orthodox pedagogy

3.Ideas N.A. Berdyaev

4.Ideas I.A. Ilyina

1. In the early 1920s. Many scientists who were the cream of national pedagogical science were forced to leave Russia: V.V. Zenkovsky, SI. Gessen, N.A. Berdyaev, I.A. Ilyin, S.L. Frank, N.O. Lossky and others. In the main work Sergei Iosifovich Gessen(1887 - 1950) "Fundamentals of Pedagogy"(1923) underlined the leading role of philosophy as a source of pedagogical science- “pedagogy largely reflects the development of philosophical thought.”

Hesse recognized education above all cultural function:“The task of any education is to introduce a person to the cultural values ​​of science, art, morality, law, economics, to transform a natural person into a cultural one.” Following neo-Kantianism, he classified pedagogy as a normative science, that is, knowledge of what education and training should be like. The purpose of training, from an SI point of view. Gessen, is not in imparting to students knowledge of the fundamentals of science and developing practical skills, which is typical for supporters of real education, and not in the formation of rational thinking based on students’ mastery of logical techniques of deduction and induction, which is typical for supporters of formal development of the mind, but in arming them with the method of science; in other words, the task teacher is to prepare schoolchildren to independently obtain knowledge and creatively apply it in life.

2. Vasily Vasilievich Zenkovsky(1881 - 1962), a long-forgotten philosopher and theologian in Russia, a historian of Russian philosophy and literary critic, was at the same time a prominent psychologist and teacher.

V.V. Zenkovsky suggested original philosophical and pedagogical

system, close to the ideas of SI. Hessen, although the philosophical basis of their education was different: V.V. Zenkovsky based his approaches from a purely Christian worldview.

In his last year in Russia he published the work "Social education, its tasks and ways"(1918). In his opinion, the essence ideal of social education should be spirit of solidarity and brotherhood, on the basis of which unity and mutual assistance of various social groups develop.

The main task of education is according to V.V. Zenkovsky, is to help the schoolchild find himself and, guided by the instructions of the teacher-pastor, learn to creatively transform his “natural composition”, directing the triune existence in himself of heredity, sociality and, above all, spirituality towards good.

Under spirituality V.V. Zenkovsky understood the special interest of the developing person in the area of ​​the absolute, superhuman, eternal. In this he was close to pedagogical views Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky(1870 - 1965), who believed that the spiritual formation of man should develop in the direction of the "Absolute Perfect Being."

3. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev(1874 - 1948) in his book "The meaning of creativity"(1914) presented education process How self-creation his inner world by a person in the course of his free creative activity. At that time, many Russian thinkers spoke about the role of personal creativity in the matter of human self-improvement, his “creative self-determination.”

Berdyaev noted that the task of life is “not pedagogical, not assimilative,” but creative, facing the future, striving for the ideal. This approach of Russian philosophers aimed teachers at mastering creative orientation of education and training of schoolchildren, to move away from “pedagogical stencils” (V.V. Rozanov).

Berdyaev drew attention to the fact that thanks to his own creative activity, a person acquires the ability for holistic self-creation. He believed that the creative development of personality is at the same time its spiritual formation, has a beneficial effect on the whole person, on the formation of positive mental qualities and his physical health.

He later developed this idea in his works " On the appointment of a person"(1931) and "Self-Knowledge"(1949). Personal creativity, according to N.A. Berdyaev, develops in a person the ability to overcome oneself, go beyond the boundaries of what is already known, continuously follow the path of spiritual and moral self-improvement and is a “redemptive” work of a person.

4. Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1882 - 1954) - one of the most famous teacher-thinkers of the Russian diaspora.

He expressed the idea that relying in human education only on earthly human values ​​is “the stupidest thing,” since it deprives people of the “spirit of love,” conscience, sacrifice, self-discipline, etc. The teacher's task- organize the student’s communication with God, which will be the basis for the formation of a pure and “powerful” conscience, and as a result of this, all of his morality, all of his virtues.

Combining religious, philosophical and psychoanalytic approaches in understanding the inner world of a child, I.A. Ilyin identified two main stages in the development of childhood:

Up to 6 years - period of the "spiritual greenhouse"", when the main task of the teacher is to protect the child from mental trauma and fill him with pure love, joy and beauty;

From 7 years to puberty - period of "mental hardening" when it is necessary to develop in a teenager conscience, will, self-control and other personality qualities necessary for his subsequent spiritual self-improvement.

Summarizing and transforming the pedagogical views developed by several generations of Russian religious thinkers, I.A. Ilyin came to the conclusion that the first place in a person’s upbringing comes not from “rational” education, but from the formation of a subject-oriented, but at the same time oriented personal spiritual self-improvement souls, improving oneself in accordance with “absolute values”.

The path of spiritual self-creation of each individual person is unique, individual, because, according to I.A. Ilyin, “man is a personal spirit.” In order to strengthen the child’s inner spiritual world, to protect him from the external pressure of vulgarity and evil, from external and his own, often distorted, ideas about true life, the teacher needs to help the student learn the art of comprehending his own personal spiritual and religious experience.

The teacher's task according to I.A. Ilyin, is to organize this subjective spiritual experience of children, taking into account that each student is a unique, original spiritual being.

Topic 15.Humanistic tradition in foreign pedagogy of the first half of the 20th century.

Abstract of the dissertation on the topic "Anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V. Zenkovsky's pedagogical views"

As a manuscript



13.00.01 - general pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education!!


The dissertation work was completed at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Medical and Dental University" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Scientific supervisor: doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor,

Corresponding Member of RAO Lukatsky Mikhail Abramovich

Official opponents:

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,

full member (academician) of RAO

Bim-Bad Boris Mikhailovich,

NOU VPO "Moscow Psychological and Social


Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tagunova Irina Augustovna,

URAO "Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy"

Leading organization: Federal State Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy of Advanced Training and

professional retraining of education workers"

The defense will take place on November 22, 2011 at 2 p.m. at a meeting of the dissertation council D 521.027.01 at the Moscow Psychological University social institution» at the address: 115191, Moscow, 4th Roshchinsky Ave., 9-a, 203 room.

The dissertation can be found at scientific library NOU VPO "Moscow Psychological and Social Institute", with an abstract - on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: [email protected]

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, candidate of pedagogical sciences

N.P. Molchanova


Modern domestic education, according to many prominent scientists and public figures, is in a difficult, essentially critical, situation. The crisis that has engulfed domestic education is to a large extent aggravated by the fact that educational development programs implemented from the late 80s of the last century to the present day do not adequately take into account the rich potential of pedagogical understanding of the patterns of human-shaped education, which has been accumulated over many centuries of Russian pedagogical thought.

Today, more than ever, it has become clear that a way out of the crisis in education is impossible without a fundamental revision of the approaches, methods, and ways of teaching and educating younger generations implemented in education. There is no doubt that education must develop a strategy for overcoming the crisis that will avoid the aggravation of negative phenomena in the field of education and will contribute to the formation in students of the necessary knowledge for life in a dynamically changing world and strong moral ideas about behavior responsible for their own and others’ lives. .

In the panorama of Russian philosophical and pedagogical thought V.V. Zenkovsky (1881-1962) has a special place. In his philosophical and scientific works V.V. Zenkovsky proposed pedagogical solutions to many problems that only at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. began to be recognized as particularly significant for the world of education - a unique sphere of human life that sets the horizons for the development of culture. Currently, the process of restoring the true scientific appearance of V.V. Zenkovsky, one of the original Russian thinkers, is essentially just beginning. The solution to the philosophical, ideological, psychological and pedagogical problems facing education today, which is in a state of crisis, requires an unbiased reading and a comprehensive study of the works of V.V. Zenkovsky, containing original philosophical, pedagogical, didactic ideas for building education on an anthropological and axiological basis, opening up the horizons of the student’s moral elevation.

The degree of development of the problem. The theological, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical heritage of V.V. Zenkovsky has repeatedly become the subject of close scientific attention.

Philosophical and theological works of V.V. Zenkovsky was analyzed and commented on by representatives of the Russian diaspora (N.O. Lossky, K.A. Elchaninov, K.Ya. Andronikov, L.A. Zander, S.S. Verkhovskoy, B.V. Yakovenko, etc.). The focus of their attention was invariably on issues related to religious and theological anthropology and the pastoral activities of V.V. Zenkovsky. In the works of these researchers, the worldview of V.V. Zenkovsky was assessed as a “version of religious spiritualism”, “religious hierarchical spiritualism”, “religious-hierarchical realism” (B.Ya. Yakovenko), as a synthesis of the ideas of platonism and creationism (N.O. Lossky). The views of V.V. also came to the attention of representatives of the Russian diaspora. Zenkovsky for education and upbringing. The pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky were interpreted by them as being predominantly religious in nature. “This is not only religious pedagogy and not even just confessional, it is church pedagogy,” concluded S.I. Gessen is one of the pillars of Russian pedagogy, a neo-Kantian thinker.

The philosophical and pedagogical scientific community of the USSR turned to the study of the work of V.V. Zenkovsky only in the 50-60s. last century (N.G. Tarakanov, I.Ya. Shchipanov, V.A. Malinin). In the works of these scientists, questions related to the historical context of the writing of V.V. Zenkovsky's religious and philosophical works, with the formation of his humanistic views, with the inconsistency of a number of his worldviews.

Understanding the legacy of V.V. Zenkovsky, begun in the USSR in the 50s-60s, was continued by Russian scientists (A.B. Polyakov, M.A. Maslin, V.N. Zhukov,

A.J.I. Andreev, V.V. Sapov, E.H. Gorbach and others) in the 90s. XX century. It was then that the works of V.V. began to be republished in the country. Zenkovsky. Books containing the thinker’s writings included high-quality commentaries, prefaces and afterwords that did not contain ideological assessments. V.V. Zenkovsky was introduced to the reader as a theologian, philosopher and scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic and world culture. A special place in the prefaces and afterwords to the works of V.V. Zenkovsky was devoted to a balanced analysis of the creative path of the thinker, his views on the course of development of domestic religious and philosophical thought, on the future of humanity. The emphasis in the works is on revealing the Christian foundations of V.V.’s worldview position. Zenkovsky (AL. Andreev, M.A. Maslin, V.V. Sapov).

In foreign literature, the works of V.V. Zenkovsky were analyzed by F. Copleston F., T. Spidlik Th., T. Masaryk Th., I. Berlin I. and others. Their works characterized the general structure of the worldview

B.V. Zenkovsky, the content of his religious and philosophical views is revealed, the thinker’s attitude to the directions of philosophical and religious thought developed at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and the West is interpreted.

Pedagogical and psychological views of V.V. Zenkovsky at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries were considered in the scientific works of B.M. Bim-Bada, A.A. and P.A. Gagaev, T.A. Gololobova, B.V. Emelyanova, E.G. and O.E. Osovskikh, V.M. Clarina, V.M. Petrova, M.V. Boguslavsky. During this period, a number of aspects of V.V.’s pedagogical and psychological views were revealed. Zenkovsky's dissertation research was devoted to V.M. Lettseva, E.V. Kirdyashova, T.N. Luban, K.D. Chizhova, E.P. Petrova, E.A. Glushchenko, L.A. Romanova, O.V. Popova, T.N. Zverevoy, A.B. Antonevich. These studies described the stages of V.V.’s pedagogical activity. Zenkovsky, the thinker’s pedagogical ideas concerning the organization of the educational process at school, the development of a student’s personality, his upbringing, and the development of his abilities to creatively solve educational and life problems are interpreted. However, issues related to the anthropological and axiological content of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky remained insufficiently studied, which determined the choice of the topic of this dissertation.

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the historical-pedagogical and historical-philosophical study of the works of V.V. Zenkovsky, as well as critical works devoted to the analysis of his work, will allow: 1) to identify the anthropological and axiological foundations of pedagogical views

domestic thinker; 2) reconstruct the system of views of V.V. Zenkovsky on education, its essence, role and place in human cultural life; 3) demonstrate the relevance of the scientific and pedagogical constructions of the outstanding scientist for modern education.

Purpose and objectives of the study.

The sources for writing this dissertation were the scientific, religious, philosophical and journalistic works of V.V., created at different times. Zenkovsky, which presents his views on man, on upbringing and education. The source base also included the works of: predecessors V.V. Zenkovsky, those thinkers and teachers whose works laid the foundation for the development of an anthropological direction in domestic pedagogy; contemporaries V.V. Zenkovsky, who studied the patterns of educational activity and wrote works, dedicated to problems training and education; authors who critically comprehended the pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky; scientists who reveal from philosophical and pedagogical positions the uniqueness of the educational situation at the beginning of the 3rd millennium.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. The choice of methods was determined by the specifics of the object and subject of research, the nature of the tasks

tasks, as well as the source base of the work. The dissertation uses a combination of portrait-biographical and problem-thematic presentation of the material, which allows us to trace the formation of the thinker’s views on pedagogy and education. The work also uses a comparative historical method to identify the anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky. In the process of research, reliance was placed on methods of historical and pedagogical analysis, which make it possible to reveal and interpret the pedagogical heritage of the thinker.

At work:

Scientific and practical significance of the study. The dissertation research data and materials published on its basis can be used in preparing a course of lectures and seminars on problems related to current historical, pedagogical, theoretical, methodological and applied issues of modern domestic education.

The dissertation materials were presented at the 13th Symposium “Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme” (2008), at the annual educational and methodological conferences “Pedagogical readings on Dolgorukovskaya” in 2009, 2010,2011.

Structure and scope of the dissertation. The dissertation with a total volume of 159 pages consists of an introduction, two chapters (six paragraphs), a conclusion and a list of references.

The introduction substantiates the choice of research topic, its relevance, theoretical and practical significance. The introduction also presents the theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation work and the provisions submitted for defense.

In the first chapter, “The Problem of Man in the Pedagogical Works of V.V. Zenkovsky" examines the anthropological and axiological foundations of the pedagogical views of the outstanding Russian theologian, philosopher, and educator.

The first paragraph of the first chapter of the dissertation research “Spiritual Foundations of Human Life” is devoted to issues related to the interpretation and understanding of V.V. Zenkovsky spiritual and moral foundations of human existence.

The paragraph analyzes the views of V.V. Zenkovsky as a representative of pedagogical anthropology - an independent branch of pedagogical knowledge that began to actively develop from the second half of the 19th century century. The connection between his views and the pedagogical ideas of a number of domestic thinkers and figures in the field of education is shown (P.D. Yurkevich, K.D. Ushinsky, N.I. Pirogov, P.F. Lesgaft, P.F. Kapterev, A.F. Lazursky , A.P. Nechaev, S.I. Gessen, M.M. Rubinstein, etc.) and foreign philosophers, teachers (P. Wust, E. Brunner, A. Ferrier, M. Scheler,

A. Bergson, G. Marcel, E. Husserl, etc.). A significant place in the first paragraph is devoted to the consideration of the pedagogical views of domestic Christian thinkers (V.I. Nesmelov, B.S. Solovyov, P.A. Florensky, S.N. Bulgakov, L.I. Shestov, N.A. Berdyaev, etc.), who had a serious influence on the formation of original pedagogical anthropological views of V.V. Zenkovsky.

The main place in the paragraph is devoted to revealing the vision of V.V. Zenkovsky on the spiritual and moral nature of human existence. Pedagogical anthropological attitudes of V.V. Zenkovsky is interpreted in the paragraph as having a synthetic nature, that is, as combining the achievements of theological thought in the field of human knowledge and the achievements of philosophy, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, focused on understanding the realities of human existence. The paragraph found a rationale that is strategically important for all creativity

B.V. Zenkovsky’s position that the phenomenon of spirituality can be comprehensively studied only within the framework of an interdisciplinary approach that organically connects theological insights with scientific discoveries in the field of studying human existence as a bearer of a complex inner world.

The paragraph states that V.V. Zenkovsky was convinced that the spiritual life of a person always manifests itself as a desire to achieve the ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty, which set the parameters for responsible, conscious, moral behavior sanctified by faith. The paragraph also emphasizes that V.V. Zenkovsky, speaking about the primacy of the spiritual principle in human life, noted the fundamental irreducibility of this principle to the psychophysiological nature of man, as well as its fundamental irreducibility to the diverse social and cultural constants that determine the characteristics of human existence itself.

Fundamental for V.V. Zenkovsky's idea that the spiritual life of a person is not static, but carries within it the possibility of constant development, is presented in the paragraph as key in his pedagogical anthropological

vision. The problem of developing the spiritual and moral principle in a person and determining ways to achieve this main goal for all people is considered in the paragraph as subject to solution by pedagogical means.

Second paragraph of the first chapter “The Formation of Man as a Personality”

is devoted to the analysis of V.V.’s ideas. Zenkovsky about the path of formation of a person - a bearer of values ​​of the highest order. The paragraph interprets the approach of V.V. Zenkovsky to the study of the phenomenon of personality, the views of V.V. are characterized. Zenkovsky on the course and logic of a person’s personal development, on the process of a person acquiring the ability to realize himself and lead a morally responsible life.

In the paragraph, the interpretation of V.V. was meaningfully disclosed. Zenkovsky's concept of “personality”. For a detailed presentation to the reader of the dissertation work, the position of V.V. Zenkovsky, concerning the personal development of a person, extensive quotation material was used from theological, philosophical, philosophical and pedagogical works of the domestic thinker: “Problems of education in the light of Christian anthropology”, “Apologetics”, “Christian philosophy”, “Principles of Orthodox anthropology”, published lectures on pedagogy, psychology.

The paragraph describes and characterizes the views of V.V. Zenkovsky on divine nature human personality, on its hierarchical structure, on the trichotomy of the physical, spiritual and mental in a person, on the role and place of the deep “I”, on the dominant role of the heart in human existence (in the terminology of V.V. Zenkovsky, the heart is a spiritual organ that connects the individual with the Absolute ), as well as on the essence of the process of a person’s striving for the ideal of improving himself and the world as the main task human life.

Understanding V.V. Zenkovsky reveals the dynamic side of personality development in the paragraph using materials from dissertation research by A.E. Likhachev “The system of Orthodox pedagogy in the works of V.V. Zenkovsky" (1995); L.A. Romanova “Goals and means of spiritual education of the individual in the pedagogical concept of V.V. Zenkovsky” (1996); E.V. Petrova “The problem of man in the philosophical and pedagogical anthropology of V.V. Zenkovsky: social and philosophical analysis" (2006).

Particular attention in the paragraph is paid to understanding the judgments of V.V. Zenkovsky, regarding ways to strengthen the spiritual principle in a person and contain pedagogical imperatives, without compliance with which the formation of a person as an individual is fundamentally impossible.

Social views of V.V. Zenkovsky, the thinker’s understanding of the nature and essence of social existence is revealed in the third paragraph of the first chapter “Social constants of human existence.”

Representations by V.V. Zenkovsky about the relationship between the individual and social principles in a person are displayed and analyzed in the first part

paragraph. The teachings of V.V. are also illuminated and interpreted there. Zenkovsky about the spiritual unity of humanity, leveling the contradiction between the individual and social forms of human society. The paragraph shows that the theological idea of ​​the conciliar existence of people is the foundation of V.V.’s social constructions. Zenkovsky. It is explained why V.V. Zenkovsky used the concept of “conciliarity” to describe forms of social life consistent with the human inner world. The paragraph suggests that the interpretation of V.V. Zenkovsky’s concept of “conciliarity” is based on the domestic sophiological tradition and therefore is organic to the interpretations of this concept proposed by V.V. Solovyov, S.N. Bulgakov, P.A. Florensky.

A reflection of the discussion about the essence of social existence, which was conducted in absentia by V.V., also found its place in the paragraph. Zenkovsky with the classics of sociology and social philosophy G. Tarde, J. Baldwin, B. Sidis. Statement by V.V. Zenkovsky that in the context of conciliar public life there is no loss of personality of each person, alienation from each other, was the main thesis and argument of this correspondence dialogue.

The paragraph also notes the important role that V.V. Zenkovsky devoted education to the family - a natural social community. The social connectedness that arises in the family was considered by him as the primary experience of interaction, which lies at the basis and largely determines a person’s relationship with his own kind.

The paragraph consistently reveals the thoughts of V.V. Zenkovsky about the importance of social education in the ascent of people to a conciliar existence. This pedagogical aspect of the thinker’s social views is interpreted through the prism of modern ideas about the formation of man as an independent being, morally and carefully building relationships with others.

The second chapter of the dissertation research “Pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky: axiological aspects” is devoted to the consideration of the thinker’s views on the laws of human moral development in the context of the educational process; on the specifics of the student’s psychological development during the implementation of educational initiatives; on the nature and content of the educational process carried out by the educational institution.

Philosophical, pedagogical and ethical ideas of V.V. Zenkovsky about the moral education of a student, his formation as a morally mature personality are analyzed in the first paragraph of the second chapter, “The Moral Development of Man.”

The paragraph shows that the views of V.V. Zenkovsky, concerning the moral formation of a student, are built on the basis of Christian ideas about the inherent desire for a good life in a person from birth. The organic connection between V.V.’s pedagogical judgments is revealed. Zenkovsky about the moral process

elevation of the student with the constructions of domestic scientists and teachers P.D. Yurkevich, S.A. Rachinsky, K.D. Ushinsky, who built their pedagogical views on the platform of the Christian vision of man.

An important place in the paragraph is given to the coverage and interpretation of V.V. Zenkovsky in his pedagogical and psychological works made conclusions about the peculiarities of the path of moral formation traversed by the student and the sequence of his acquisition of moral qualities. The paragraph emphasizes that the interpretation of V.V. Zenkovsky’s path to a student’s moral improvement is identical to the statement about the coincidence of moral and spiritual growth, leading to overcoming the “internal duality of man,” to the victory of the human “I” over the inclination to evil and to the strengthening of people’s inherent inclination to good. Views of V.V. Zenkovsky about the duality of the human soul, its predisposition to both good and evil are directly related to the ethical constructions of I. Kant, which is reflected in the paragraph.

The paragraph consistently presents and characterizes the pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky on the role of the school in providing assistance to the student in the process of his moral development, in ensuring the “health of the young soul.”

In the second paragraph of the second chapter, “Psychological imperatives of personality development,” the views of V.V. are presented in an analytical manner. Zenkovsky on patterns mental development a person striving to strengthen his spiritual, moral and mental strength. In the presentation of materials revealing the views of V.V. Zenkovsky about the mental life of a person, the emphasis is on explicating those psychological ideas of the thinker that contain reasonable criticism of the intellectualist position both in psychology and in pedagogical science.

The paragraph provides a detailed interpretation of V.V.’s theses. Zenkovsky about the need to strengthen a person’s abilities for creativity, for emotional enrichment, for meaningful expression of will - those psychological qualities, without which it is fundamentally impossible for the individual to move towards the ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

Disclosure of V.V.’s representations Zenkovsky about the course of psychological development of children, about the sequence of formation of their mental functions, about the construction of the educational process, in the context of which the psychological imperatives of personality development can be taken into account, is given the main place in the paragraph.

The paragraph ends with conclusions about the significance of using the theoretical psychological concepts of V.V. Zenkovsky about the stages of spiritual and moral development of the individual in the pedagogical process, focused on introducing students to the values ​​of Love and Goodness.

Views of the solution V.V. Zenkovsky problems of socialization and education of a person, introducing him into social life found coverage in the third paragraph

the second chapter “Education of a person as a member of society.” The paragraph presents a description of the evolution of the social and philosophical views of V.V. Zenkovsky, as well as his views on the process of personality education. It is demonstrated how the thinker’s interest in the problems of socialization and education of a person increased, which, in particular, was reflected in the sequence of writing by V.V. Zenkovsky's works: “Social education, its tasks and paths”, “Psychology of childhood”, “Church and school”, “On national education”, “The Gift of Freedom”, “System of cultural dualism”, “Problems of education in the light of Christian anthropology”, “Our era”, “On the threshold of maturity”. The paragraph analyzes the content of the dialogue conducted by V.V. Zenkovsky with prominent representatives of foreign (I. Herbart, G. Münsterberg, P. Natorp, D. Dewey, G. Kerschensteiner, G. Simmel) and domestic (M. M. Rubinstein, S. I. Gessen, S. T. Shatsky ) social-philosophical and philosophical-pedagogical thought, offering original solutions to issues related to instilling moral qualities in a person.

A significant place in the paragraph is occupied by the description and interpretation of the views of V.V. Zenkovsky concerning the organization of the process of social education of students in educational institutions. It is shown how the thinker understood the goals of the educational process, its structure, the role of “graceful and natural conciliarity” in the moral improvement of the student, in overcoming the duality of his inner world, in strengthening the forces of resistance to evil and the forces of striving for good. The paragraph also makes sense of how V.V. Zenkovsky understood the sequence of social maturation of a child, his acquisition in the process of education of those most important social qualities, without which rooting in social existence is impossible. Conceptual vision of V.V. Zenkovsky's educational activities, based on the ideas of pedagogical authority, are revealed in the paragraph on the materials of the original socio-pedagogical works of the thinker, created by him during the period of leadership of the network of Russian schools abroad from the 20s to the 40s of the XX century.

V.V. Zenkovsky’s views on the moral education of students, which contain criticism of individualist ethical teachings, are characterized in the paragraph as today retaining relevance and significance for the field of education, focused on the formation of a person responsible for his behavior. The thinker’s ideas about “linking the upbringing of a child with the structure of his life”, making sure that “upbringing leads him into life, and does not lead him away from it,” are presented as those theoretical guidelines that can act as the foundation of modern pedagogical projects, concepts and programs aimed at strengthening the moral principles of generations entering life.

In conclusion, the results are summed up and the main conclusions of the dissertation research are formulated. The main conclusions of the study:

V.V. Zenkovsky is a prominent representative of Russian pedagogical anthropology, who proposed an original version of educating and training people,

based on taking into account the anthropological constants of human existence.

V.V. Zenkovsky is a thinker whose pedagogical views are synthetic in nature, combining the achievements of theological thought in the field of spiritual enlightenment of man and the achievements of scientific (philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, etc.) thought in the field of human knowledge.

V.V. Zenkovsky is a scientist-teacher who developed an original concept of human upbringing and education, built on value foundations - the ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

V.V. Zenkovsky proposed an original interpretation of the concept of “personality”, taking into account the multidimensionality of man, his divine nature, the hierarchy of his inner world, the trichotomy of the physical, mental and spiritual in him, the dominant role of the “heart” in his being. According to the thinker, it is precisely this understanding of personality that should serve as the foundation of human-commensurate training and education, introducing the student to both the latest achievements of science and the moral imperatives of a responsible and conscious life.

The main provisions of the dissertation research are reflected in the following publications:

1. Smirnova, N.B. V.V.Zenkovsky about the personal beginning in a person / N.B. Smirnova // New in psychological and pedagogical research. Theoretical and practical problems of psychology and pedagogy. - 2009. - No. 2. -P.114-131.

2. Smirnova, N.B. V.V.Zenkovsky about the spiritual life of man / N.B. Smirnova // New in psychological and pedagogical research. Theoretical and practical problems of psychology and pedagogy. - 2009. - 2009. - No. 4. - P.177-190.

3. Smirnova, N.B. The spiritual dimension of human existence in religious pedagogy by V.V. Zenkovsky / N.B. Smirnova // Pedagogy and psychology in higher education medical education. - M: MGMSU, 2010. - P.102-108.

4. Smirnova, N.B. V.V. Zenkovsky on the nature and significance of pedagogical authority / N.B. Smirnova // Pedagogy and psychology in higher medical education: In 3 parts - M: MGMSU, 2011. - 4.2. - P. 104-110.

License No. 0006521 Series ID No. 06106 Signed for printing on October 19, 2011. Order No. 10 / 11, A5 format, circulation 110 copies, cond. oven sheet. 1.2. Printed in the publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute 115191, Moscow, 4th Roshchinsky proezd, 9a

Contents of the dissertation author of the scientific article: candidate of pedagogical sciences, Smirnova, Natalia Borisovna, 2011



1.1 Spiritual foundations of human life.p.

1.2 The formation of a person as an individual.p.

1.3 Social constants of human existence.p.


2.1 Moral formation of man.p.

2.2 Psychological imperatives of personality development. p.

2.3 Education of a person as a member of society.p.

Introduction of the dissertation in pedagogy, on the topic "Anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V. Zenkovsky's pedagogical views"

Relevance of the research topic. Education is a social institution that transmits significant sociocultural experience from generation to generation, and thereby ensures the unity of the human race. The effectiveness of the functioning and development of education depends on many factors. Among them, a special place is occupied by the factor of historical continuity, which guarantees an organic connection between the existing ones and those that are replacing them with innovative forms of educational and educational activities.

Modern domestic education, according to many prominent scientists and public figures, is in a difficult, essentially critical, situation. The crisis that has engulfed domestic education is to a large extent aggravated by the fact that educational development programs implemented from the late 80s of the last century to the present day do not adequately take into account the rich potential of pedagogical understanding of the patterns of human-shaped education, which has been accumulated over many centuries of Russian pedagogical thought.

The widespread spread of postmodernist sentiments in pedagogy does not contribute to the rapid recovery of education from the crisis. Postmodernist pedagogy, with its denial of universally valid values, ideological fixation on the subjectivist, irrational and relativistic principles of human existence, does not allow consolidating the efforts of the scientific pedagogical community aimed at developing projects for the humanistic renewal of education, based on the unshakable values ​​of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. The interpretation of education and socialization proposed by postmodern pedagogy as processes of human formation, occurring under the sign of the consumption of information products, also runs counter to this goal. By articulating the relativity of the ethical, postmodern pedagogical thought undermines the very possibility of introducing a person to timeless moral values. The mosaic nature of the consciousness of many modern young people, their lack of strict moral ideological guidelines, is one of the consequences of the prevalence of postmodernist attitudes in the teaching environment.

Today, more than ever, it has become clear that a way out of the crisis in education is impossible without a fundamental revision of the approaches, methods, and ways of teaching and educating younger generations implemented in education. There is no doubt that education must develop a strategy for overcoming the crisis that will avoid the aggravation of negative phenomena in the field of education and will contribute to the formation in students of the necessary knowledge for life in a dynamically changing world and strong moral ideas about responsibility for their own and others. life behavior.

In the panorama of Russian philosophical and pedagogical thought V.V. Zenkovsky (1881-1962) has a special place. In his philosophical and scientific works V.V. Zenkovsky proposed pedagogical solutions to many problems that only at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries. began to be recognized as particularly significant for the world of education - a unique sphere of human life that sets the horizons for the development of culture. Currently, the process of restoring the true scientific appearance of V.V. Zenkovsky, one of the original Russian thinkers, is essentially just beginning. The solution to the philosophical, ideological, psychological and pedagogical problems facing education today, which is in a state of crisis, requires an unbiased reading and a comprehensive study of the works of V.V. Zenkovsky, containing original philosophical, pedagogical, didactic ideas for building education on an anthropological and axiological basis, opening up the horizons of the student’s moral elevation.

All of the above determined the choice of the topic of the dissertation research “Anthropological and axiological foundations of the pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky".

The degree of development of the problem. Theological, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical heritage: V.V. Zenkovsky has repeatedly become the subject of close scientific attention.

Philosophical and theological works of V;V. Zenkovsky were analyzed and commented on by representatives of the Russian diaspora (N.O. Lossky, S.I. Gessen, K.A; Elchaninov, K.Ya. Andronikov, L.A. Zander, S.S. Verkhovskoy, B.V. Yakovenko etc.): The focus of their attention was invariably on issues related to religious and theological anthropology and the pastoral activities of V.V. Zenkovsky. In the works of these researchers, V.V. Zenkovsky’s worldview was assessed as a “version* of religious spiritualism,” “religious hierarchical spiritualism,” “religious hierarchical realism” (B.Ya. Yakovenko), as a synthesis of the ideas of platonism and creationism (N.O: Lossky). The views of V.V. also came to the attention of representatives of the Russian diaspora. Zenkovsky for education and upbringing. The pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky were interpreted by them as being predominantly religious in nature. “This is not only religious pedagogy and not even only confessional, it is church pedagogy,” concluded S.I. Gessen is one of the pillars of Russian pedagogy, a thinker of the neo-Contian persuasion.

The philosophical and pedagogical scientific community of the USSR turned to the study of the work of V.V. Zenkovsky only in the 50-60s. last century (N.G. Tarakanov, I.Ya. Shchipanov, V.A. Malinin).

In the works of these scientists, questions related to the historical context of the writing of V.V. Zenkovsky's religious and philosophical works, with the formation of his humanistic views, with the inconsistency of a number of his worldviews.

Understanding the legacy of V.V. Zenkovsky, begun in the USSR in the 50s-60s, was continued by Russian scientists (A.B. Polyakov, M.A. Maslin, V.N. Zhukov, A.JI. Andreev, V.V. Sapov, E.H. Gorbach and etc.) in the 90s. XX century. It was then that the works of V.V. began to be republished in the country. Zenkovsky. Books containing the thinker’s writings included high-quality commentaries, prefaces and afterwords that did not contain ideological assessments. V.V. Zenkovsky was introduced to the reader as a theologian, philosopher and scientist who made a significant contribution to the development of domestic and world culture. A special place in the prefaces and afterwords to the works of V.V. Zenkovsky was given to a balanced analysis of the creative path of the thinker, his views on the course of development of domestic religious and philosophical thought, on the future of humanity. The emphasis in the works is on revealing the Christian foundations of V.V.’s worldview position. Zenkovsky (A.JI. Andreev, M.A. Maslin, V.V. Sapov).

In foreign literature, the works of V.V. Zenkovsky were analyzed by I. Berlin (Berlin I.), F. Copleston (F. Copleston), g

T. Spidlik Th., T. Masaryk Th., etc. Their works characterize the general structure of V.V.’s worldview. Zenkovsky, the content of his religious and philosophical views is revealed, the thinker’s attitude to the directions of philosophical and religious thought developed at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and the West is interpreted.

Pedagogical and psychological views of V.V. Zenkovsky at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st centuries were considered in the scientific works of B.M. Bim-Bada, A.A. and P.A. Gagaev, T.A. Gololobova, B.V. Emelyanova, E.G. and O.E. Osovskikh, V.M. Clarina, V.M. Petrova, M.V. Boguslavsky. During this period, a number of aspects of V.V.’s pedagogical and psychological views were revealed. Zenkovsky's dissertation research was devoted to V.M. Lettseva, E.V. Kirdyashova, T.N. Lyuban, E.P. Petrova, E.A. Glushchenko, L.A. Romanova, O.V. Popova, T.N. Zverevoy, A.B. Antonevich. These studies described the stages of V.V.’s pedagogical activity. Zenkovsky, the thinker’s pedagogical ideas concerning the organization of the educational process at school, the formation of a student’s personality, his upbringing, and the development of his abilities to creatively solve educational and life problems are interpreted. However, issues related to the anthropological and axiological content of pedagogical views * V.V. Zenkovsky remained insufficiently studied, which determined the choice of the topic of this dissertation.

Object of study. Philosophical and pedagogical heritage of V.V. Zenkovsky.

Subject of study. Anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky.

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the historical-pedagogical and historical-philosophical study of the works of V.V. Zenkovsky, as well as critical works devoted to the analysis of his work, will allow: 1) to identify the anthropological and axiological foundations of the pedagogical views of the national thinker;

2) reconstruct the system of views of V.V. Zenkovsky on education, its essence, role and place in human cultural life;

3) demonstrate the relevance of the scientific and pedagogical constructions of the outstanding scientist for modern education.

Purpose and objectives of the study.

The main goal of the dissertation work is a historical-philosophical, historical-pedagogical, methodological analysis of the views of V.V. Zenkovsky on education, consideration of the anthropological and axiological components of the pedagogical views of the domestic thinker, identification of the pedagogical potential and modern sound of his pedagogical ideas.

Achieving this goal required solving the following interrelated tasks:

Carry out a reconstruction of the philosophical and pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky and reveal their contents;

To identify and interpret the anthropological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky;

To identify and characterize the axiological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky;

Analyze the views of V.V. Zenkovsky on education in the context of the relationship between cultural, sociological, psychological and pedagogical components;

Consider the pedagogical credo of V.V. Zenkovsky through the prism of modern ideas about the essence of the educational process, the role of the teacher in the development of the student’s personality, the factors in the formation of responsible moral behavior of the student;

To substantiate the relevance of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky in the situation of the philosophical and methodological crisis of modern education.

The sources for writing this dissertation were the scientific, religious, philosophical and journalistic works of V.V., created at different times. Zenkovsky, which presents* his views on man, on upbringing and education. The source base also included the works of: predecessors V.V. Zenkovsky, those thinkers and teachers whose works laid the foundation for the development of an anthropological direction in domestic pedagogy; contemporaries V.V. Zenkovsky, who studied the patterns of educational activity and wrote works devoted to the problems of training and education; authors who critically comprehended the pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky; scientists who reveal from philosophical and pedagogical positions the uniqueness of the educational situation at the beginning of the 3rd millennium.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. The choice of methods was determined by the specifics of the object and subject of research, the nature of the tasks, as well as the source base of the work. The dissertation uses a combination of portrait-biographical and problem-thematic presentation of the material, which allows us to trace the formation of the thinker’s views on pedagogy and education. The work also uses a comparative historical method to identify the anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views. Zenkovsky. In the process of research, reliance was placed on methods of historical and pedagogical analysis, which make it possible to reveal and interpret the pedagogical heritage of the thinker.

Scientific novelty of the research. In this work, for the first time in a scientific and pedagogical vein, a study of the anthropological and axiological foundations of V.V.’s pedagogical views was carried out. Zenkovsky.

At work:

A historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation and development of V.V.’s views is presented. Zenkovsky on the specifics of the spiritual and moral formation of a student in the context of the educational process;

The views of V.V. are described and commented on. Zenkovsky on the essence of the process of revealing the student’s personal beginning in the course of educational activities and his acquisition of personal self-identity;

The views of V.V. are identified and characterized. Zenkovsky on the features of taking into account the social imperatives of human existence in the pedagogical process;

The role and place of V.V.’s anthropological views are determined. Zenkovsky in the system of his pedagogical views;

The axiological views of V.V. are revealed and interpreted. Zenkovsky, which form the foundation of his pedagogical worldview;

The relevance, theoretical and practical significance of V.V.’s pedagogical ideas is substantiated. Zenkovsky to develop projects, programs and concepts for the moral education of students that meet the requirements of today.

Scientific and practical significance of the study. The dissertation research data and materials published on its basis can be used in preparing a course of lectures and seminars on problems related to current historical, pedagogical, theoretical, methodological and applied issues of modern domestic education.

The validity and reliability of the results and conclusions of the dissertation research is determined by the fact that its fundamental provisions meet the requirements of philosophical-pedagogical, historical-pedagogical, theoretical-methodological and cultural analysis. The theoretical results and conclusions of the study were obtained using methods adequate to its goals and objectives. They are confirmed by analysis, systematization and generalization of the theoretical material contained in wide circle various sources on the topic of the dissertation.

The main provisions of the dissertation submitted for defense.

1. The dynamics of the formation of philosophical and pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky is characterized by a number of successively replacing each other stages.

2. Philosophical and pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky, despite the fact that they have undergone changes in the context of creative scientific activity thinker, have one semantic center: addressing the spiritual and moral issues of the formation of a learning person.

3. Development by V.V. Zenkovsky's theoretical principles of education that morally elevates a person are based on the foundation of his anthropological and axiological views and views on education and training as the basis for the development of culture.

4. Proposed by V.V. Zenkovsky's theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of education is inextricably linked with his understanding of the meaning of human life as consisting in following the unchangeable spiritual law inscribed in the soul of every person.

5. Philosophical and pedagogical views of V.V. Zenkovsky represent an organic synthesis of faith and scientific knowledge, which is determined by his worldview.

6. V.V. Zenkovsky made a significant contribution to the theory of social education, substantiating the need to build the process of social education on the basis of ideas about public life as a conciliar (unified in spiritual and moral terms) existence.

7. Views of V.V. Zenkovsky’s ideas on education are relevant today and can be used in the context of developing concepts for the renewal and development of domestic education.

Approbation of the dissertation. The materials of the dissertation research were discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of MGMSU, at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy of the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MSPS, at meetings of the Department of Philosophy of Education and Methodology of Pedagogy of the Ural Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy.

The dissertation materials were presented at the 13th Symposium “Psychological problems of the meaning of life and acme” (2008), at the annual educational and methodological conferences “Pedagogical readings on Dolgorukovskaya” in 2009, 2010, 2011.

Conclusion of the dissertation scientific article on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education"

The main conclusions of the study:

V.V. Zenkovsky is a prominent representative of Russian pedagogical anthropology, who proposed an original version of educating and training people, based on taking into account the anthropological constants of human existence.

V.V. Zenkovsky is a thinker whose pedagogical views are synthetic in nature, combining the achievements of theological thought in the field of spiritual enlightenment of man and the achievements of scientific (philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical, etc.) thought in the field of human knowledge.

V.V. Zenkovsky is a scientist-teacher who developed an original concept of human upbringing and training, built on value foundations - the ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty.

V.V. Zenkovsky proposed an original interpretation of the concept of “personality”, taking into account the multidimensionality of man, his divine nature, the hierarchy of his makeup, his inner world, the trichotomy of the physical, mental and spiritual in him, the dominant role of the “heart” in his being. According to the thinker, it is precisely this understanding of personality that should serve as the foundation of human-commensurate training and education, introducing the student to both the latest achievements of science and the moral imperatives of a responsible and conscious life.

V.V. Zenkovsky made a significant contribution to the theory of education, substantiating the idea of ​​pedagogical support for the child’s moral efforts aimed at overcoming the duality of the inner world, at strengthening the spiritual forces of striving for Good and the forces of resisting evil.

V.V. Zenkovsky enriched the theory of social education by introducing into it a number of provisions that explain and characterize the mechanism of a child’s entry into social life. Starting from the sophiological tradition of Russian social and philosophical thought, V.V. Zenkovsky substantiated the need to use the concept of “conciliarity” to describe the phenomena of the social formation of a child and to reveal the essence of the process of acquiring social qualities by him.

V.V. Zenkovsky developed the patristic teaching about the consistent moral ascent of a person along the ladder of virtues and placed it at the basis of his vision of organizing the educational process in school.

V.V. Zenkovsky, as a psychologist who studied the patterns of development of the child’s subjective world, identified those features of his inner life (stages of spiritual and moral formation, the connection of emotional and volitional principles with moral improvement, the interdependence of spiritual and mental forces), which must necessarily be taken into account in building an effective educational process.

V.V. Zenkovsky, in his scientific and pedagogical works, revealed the essence of the process of educating a person as a member of society - a process built not on individualistic and pragmatic foundations, but on the foundation of the ideas of conciliar coexistence of people and their moral improvement.

V.V. Zenkovsky left a rich philosophical and pedagogical heritage, which continues to be relevant and significant for modern education.


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