Ultrasonic dog repeller with hands, powerful circuit. Ultrasonic emitter

Summer will soon come and there will be a lot of mosquitoes, mosquitoes and other annoying midges. Therefore, I propose to assemble a diagram of a simple but very necessary device - an ultrasonic repeller. The proposed device will protect you both during work and during rest from mosquitoes and even from annoying barking dogs if you increase the frequency of the generator to ultrasound.

The diagram of the ultrasonic repeller is shown below:

The sound-reproducing element of the device is a piezo emitter (ZP-1, ZP-3, ZP25... in general, any). With a slight modernization of the device, you can increase its power by adding a simple ULF and using a high-frequency speaker.

Operation of an ultrasonic repellent device. Diode VD1 is needed to protect against incorrect power connection. - battery or accumulator with voltage from 1.5V to 9V. But it is better to give the maximum voltage, since with increasing voltage the radiation power of the device increases and, accordingly, the efficiency. The frequency of the generator depends on the capacitance C1 and C2, and the resistance R1. Several more piezo emitters can be connected to the contacts of the ZP-shki. It is advisable to choose models that are more powerful.

About the details for the ultrasonic repeller circuit. Instead of the KT361 transistor, you can use any other one pnp transistor similar in parameters (for example, a733, kt3107).

The ultrasonic repeller requires almost no adjustment, you just need to adjust the frequency of the generator using resistor R6 (you can use a frequency meter, to do this, connect the frequency meter in parallel with resistor R1).

The current consumption of the device is about 1.5 mA. The printed circuit board for the ultrasonic mosquito repeller is shown in the figure below:

Archive with printed circuit board and the diagram in Lay format is on the forum. I wish you a great summer vacation, because now mosquitoes will fly around you for a kilometer! Material sent by R. Rybalko


Stray dogs can cause a lot of trouble: seriously frighten a child, bite a passerby and tear his clothes, cause severe injuries if the pack is large and aggressive. Dogs especially do not like cyclists, barking with hatred at people riding this type of transport. Sometimes it’s not easy for both postmen and ordinary passers-by walking through a wasteland favored by animals.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to have protection with you that can scare away four-legged aggressors. By the way, you can build this protection with your own hands. Read on to learn how you can make a chemical or electronic dog repeller with your own hands, look at the diagrams, and create masterpieces!

What you will need

For chemical repeller:

  • vinegar;
  • ground black pepper.

The second option for a chemical repeller:

  • ground black pepper;
  • shag;
  • mustard powder.

This video will show you how to make a low-power dog repeller with your own hands:

Manufacturing technologies

  • The easiest way to make an imitation is to take a plastic bottle with a capacity of up to 0.5 liters, fill it with vinegar and add a teaspoon of pepper. Then shake and put on the spray bottle. However, it is not very convenient to carry this with you.
  • In another option, they buy the most “vigorous” cheap shag, finely grind it together with black pepper in a coffee grinder and get a very caustic cayenne mixture. To enhance the effect, add mustard powder. Place everything in a small plastic container that is easy to open. in case of threat, apply to the dog (nose, eyes, mouth). You can also stuff a firecracker with this and shoot from afar.

Below we will tell you how to make, although not the most powerful, homemade ultrasonic dog repeller with your own hands, with a useful diagram.

How to make an ultrasonic DIY dog repeller

Such devices are also called dogchasers - taken from English language. The operation of the device is based on ultrasonic radiation, which people do not feel, but dogs react to it by backing away and running away.

What you will need

Option 1

Ultrasonic device diagram one:

  • piezo emitter (can be pulled out of a speaker, speaker, music box, calculator);
  • battery type "Krona" with a voltage of 9 volts or type "L1028" with 12 volts, you can take two batteries from mobile phone(lithium-ion);
  • microcircuit K5 61LA7 or K176LA7, K1561LA7, 564LA7;
  • three silicon small-sized diodes;
  • five capacitors;
  • five resistors per 100 kilo-ohms;
  • 33 kilo-ohm resistor;
  • 2 kilo-ohm resistor;
  • four transistors from the KT3102 or KT3107 series;
  • one silicon transistor with a base current gain of at least 30;
  • switch;
  • textolite;
  • solder and soldering iron.

A good device for scaring dogs can be made using this video:

Option 2

Ultrasonic device diagram two:

  • constant resistors with a power of 0.25 W - five pieces;
  • variable resistor;
  • piezo emitter (for example, ZP-1, ZP-18, ZP-25);
  • two transistors (type KT361B or 2T3307A, 2T3307V, KT3107);
  • two ordinary ceramic capacitors;
  • diode KD503A (protective);
  • toggle switch;
  • textolite;
  • solder and soldering iron;
  • a 9-volt Krona battery, a battery or a power supply with a voltage of 1.5 to 15 volts.

Another option for a dog repeller homemade type discussed in this video:

Manufacturing technologies

Option 1

Here we need only one microcircuit and five transistors. Two resistors, together with logic elements and capacitors, make up a multivibrator rectangular pulses frequency of one and a half hertz. And the second multivibrator, which includes two other resistors and a capacitor, as well as the logic elements of the microcircuit, produces rectangular pulses of 20 kilohertz.

The output pulses are amplified by a transistor bridge that has a piezo emitter as a load. It can be replaced with a car piezo siren to increase the range.

As a housing, you can take the housing from an old VHF radio station.

Scheme for making a dog repeller

Option 2

Simpler, contains only thirteen elements. Five terminal resistors serve to reduce voltage and limit current. They also set the operating points for the two transistors that form the frequency circuit together with the capacitors.

A variable resistor regulates the ultrasonic frequency. We select it by power. The protective diode serves one purpose: it saves the device if the poles of the power source are accidentally reversed. Its voltage can be from 1.5 to 12 volts. The higher it is, the more powerful the emitted vibrations.

Electrical circuits of ultrasonic rodent and dog repellers

The main purpose of the repeller is to fight moles in summer cottages, lawns, vegetable gardens, flower beds. The electronic mole repeller “Tornado OZV.01” is completely safe for people, plants, beneficial underground insects and worms and is the most optimal and environmentally friendly means for combating moles.

Tornado OZV.01 is necessary for use in open areas, so the repeller is waterproof and protected from rain and snow.

Using electronic circuit repeller, you can assemble the repeller with your own hands

1 - body; 2 — bushings; 3 - plug; 4 - board; 5 - contacts; 6 - spring; 7 - plug.

Electrical circuit of a generator for repelling rodents

  • Electrical diagram generator includes consists of an ultrasonic vibration generator (C3, C4, DD1.3, DD1.4, R3, R4), a low frequency modulator (C1, C4, DD1.4, R1, R2), a power amplifier using transistors VT1-VT3, emitter, which uses a high-frequency loudspeaker 4GDV-1.
  • The generator emits frequency-modulated oscillations in the range of 15....40 kHz. The frequency can be adjusted by resistor R4, the modulation frequency is adjusted by resistor R2 within 2...10 Hz.
  • If you set contact SB1 in such a way that in case of unauthorized entry into the room this contact closes, the generator can work like a security alarm siren, since it begins to emit frequency modulation in the range of 1000...2000 Hz.
  • It is important that when working for a long time in one frequency range, rats get used to it, so you need to change the radiation parameters with resistors R2-R4 2-3 times a week. Or connect capacitor C4 to a piece of wire that creates an additional capacitance that changes with changes in temperature and humidity. Then the frequency will change randomly.

Generator circuit

Electrical circuit of a device for repelling rats and mice

The rat and mouse repeller is designed to repel rodents in urban areas and in the country. It can also be installed in a car to protect wiring. The operating principle of the model is based on the generation of ultrasonic waves with a frequency of about 23 kHz. Most rodents cannot tolerate sound of this frequency and experience anxiety and leave their habitats. Recommended housing BOX-G020. Dimensions of the printed circuit board are 53x28 mm.


  • action area,
    20 m2;
  • supply voltage,
    9 V;
  • current consumption,
    50 mA;
  • operating frequency,
    16…28 kHz.

Electrical circuit of a dog repeller

  • A simple version of the dog repeller (Fig. 1) is assembled on one digital chip (DD1) and five transistors (VT1~VT5). An infrasonic generator is made using logic elements DD1.1, DD1.2, resistors R1, R2 and capacitors Cl, C2. It is a symmetrical multivibrator that produces rectangular pulses with a frequency of 1.5 Hz.
  • The second symmetrical multivibrator, built on elements DD1.3, DD1.4, resistors R6, R7 and capacitors C5, C6, is an ultrasonic generator, the frequency of rectangular pulses of which is 20 kHz and periodically (every 0.66 sec) increases 4 times. A smooth periodic “rise” of the ultrasonic frequency upward is performed by a part of the circuit containing resistors R3-R5, transistor VT1, capacitor SZ, diodes VD1.VD2.
  • The rectangular ultrasonic waves created at output pins 10 and 11 of the DD1 microcircuit have low power. They are amplified in power by a push-pull bridge amplifier made using VT2-VT5 transistors. The emitter load of this amplifier is a piezoceramic emitter BF1.
  • Ultrasonic vibrations (modulated by infrasonic ones) are excited in it after pressing the SB1 button, which performs the “on” function.
  • The power circuit of the DD1 microcircuit is protected from accidental “reversal of polarity” of the GB1 battery by the VD3 diode, and filter capacitors C4 and C7 provide transmission of high-frequency and low-frequency oscillations through the power circuit.
  • When you use the ACT-10 car piezo siren instead of the SP-1 piezo emitter, the range of the repeller will increase significantly.
  • The GB1 battery can be assembled from six to ten galvanic cells (316), D-0.25 batteries, or you can use a ready-made 12-volt battery L1028 or a 9-volt “Krona” or “Corundum”.
  • The K561LA7 chip can be replaced with 564LA7, K176LA7,
  • Diodes VD1-VD3 - any small-sized silicon, transistor VT1 - any low-power silicon with a base current gain of at least 30.
  • Transistors VT2, VT4 and VT3, VT5 can be replaced with any of the KT3102 series
    and KT3107.

When assembling a dog repeller, you can not use microcircuits at all, then the number of transistors will increase to nine. Fig. 2 shows a diagram of the second version of the repeller, more precisely, part of it (the rest is according to Fig. 1), in which the infrasonic generator consists of transistors VT6, VT7, capacitors C1, C2 and resistors R1-R4, and the ultrasonic generator consists of transistors VT8 , VT9, capacitors C4, C5 and resistors R7-R10. The ultrasonic frequency “stealing” circuit has resistors R5, R6, capacitor SZ, transistor VT1 and diodes VDI, VD2.

So that when setting up, which mainly consists of selecting the resistance of resistors R3 (Fig. 1) or R5 (Fig. 2), you can determine its operation by ear, for a while two capacitors with a capacity of at least 6800 are connected by soldering in parallel with capacitors C4 and C5 pf each.

Publ.: 2013-06-13

Change: 2017-08-31

  • 2590 rub.

    The ultrasonic rodent repeller SD-002 has a protection area of ​​up to 400 square meters. m. It is used against rats and mice, and repels cockroaches, ants and other insects. Power supply: mains.

  • 1790 rub.

    3 types of waves. The device is ideal for use in small residential and non-residential premises, operates on a 220V network and is effective against rodents and small crawling insects.

  • 2100 rub.

    Tornado OG.08-400 is designed to protect premises from rodents. For installation in granaries, warehouses, household and industrial premises. Effective area 400 sq. m., power supply: 220 V network.

  • 3150 rub.

    Tornado OG.08-800 is designed to protect premises from pests. Repeller of rodents, rats, mice for tunnels, underground communications and other elongated objects. Effective area 800 sq. m, power supply: 220 V network.

  • 1500 rub.

    For installation in all types of residential and non-residential premises. It has a wide angle of ultrasound radiation and two operating modes (sound and silent). Effective area 400 sq. m.

  • 1300 rub.

    For installation on an area up to 400 sq. m. For premises where people are constantly present, as well as for non-residential objects with temperatures ranging from -15 to +45 degrees. Silent.

  • 2000 rub.

Dog repeller circuit

During the summer season, or how often the question arises, how to deal with dogs that stomp around while you are away, on your summer cottage.

Here is the answer to your question scare dogs away using ultrasound

Dog repeller circuit easy to assemble, and also suitable for a beginner radio amateur

Device diagram:

The device, as is already clear, is designed for frightening using ultrasound.

Device described has a range of up to 13 meters and a qualitative effect on dogs that are about to bite you. As already mentioned, of the many diagrams of ultrasonic dog scarers published on the Internet, the most common was the following diagram above.

On top of the board- piezo emitter SQ-340L. We can recommend using the ultrasonic sounder MFC-200 instead, which has a high acoustic pressure of up to 85 dB, which means a longer range.

The piezo emitter can be obtained from speakers, also from speakers that people call pancakes, from a music box, from calculators, and so on.

Assembly box The ultrasonic repeller was made from a housing from a failed VHF radio station made in China; you can use any other housing that you have at hand, a walkie-talkie, etc., the dimensions of which were used to guide the development, manufacture and assembly of the device.

On the right is the SB1 button, when pressed, the power is turned on. Battery type "Krona", "Corundum", the main thing is to have operating voltage 9 volts.

You can also use lithium-ion batteries to power the device. A big plus will be the ability to charge.

Master oscillator assembled on a domestic microcircuit, it sets the frequency we need, and the transistor cascade amplifies it. Transistors VT3, VT5 - It is advisable to use high-frequency ones; the device works great if you use transistors like KT816. VT2 and VT4 - type KT315, KT368 or imported analogues like S9018, S9014. According to the circuit, it is better to use Schottky diodes; all polar capacitors must be supplied with a voltage of 15 volts. The printed circuit board of the device is also attached to the article. This ultrasonic frightener has been used on dogs several times and each time it performed even better than expected.

The dogs ran away and looking at the dog it was clear that the scarer was making a very unpleasant sound for them.

Attention! You should not turn the device on people at close range (close to the ears and eyes), our ears catch ultrasonic waves, but the brain is not able to decipher them and for this reason we do not hear the world where communication is at an ultrasonic frequency. When the power is reduced to 3 volts, a quiet whistle is possible, which can be heard, and at 9 volts, the frequency increases and we stop hearing the whistle, since the piezo emitter begins to emit ultrasound. All in all this device- this is an active weapon of self-defense against dogs and more!

This story began with the fact that my wife is very afraid of dogs. And I bought an ultrasonic repeller for her on Ali a long time ago. It has already been used with great success many times. It really works. And it was especially indispensable at the beginning of spring, when in our city dogs gathered in packs and behaved extremely aggressively. There were a lot of people bitten. I thought about purchasing a second repeller as a reserve, in case the first one breaks down, and it would be useful for me, I repeatedly took the repeller from my wife for a walk with my dog, and it always came to the rescue when a rabid flock was rushing toward us. No sooner said than done.

The order was sent to me on April 17, 2014, and on May 12 I received a standard yellow package in the mail:

What is a dog repeller?
This is an ultrasonic emitter with a frequency of 18,000 to 25,000 Hz, which causes significant discomfort to the animal. And if you combine the infliction of this discomfort with the execution of given commands, or vice versa, failure to perform given actions, then the dog will reflexively do what you are striving for.

And here I will make a small digression and write an important warning about using an ultrasonic repeller.


1. The repeller only works on dogs that are angry and in an aggressive (excited) state! The device may be ineffective against sick, deaf or heavily trained dogs.
2. Do not point the device at close range when the device is turned on. In such a situation, an ultrasonic repeller affects the hearing organs, the consequences of which can be “ringing” in the ears, headache etc. Do not point the flashlight in the direction of a person's eyes, especially in the dark.
3. Do not test the device on your pets - this will cause a negative attitude towards you as the owner.
4. Do not modify the design of the device! Do not cover the ultrasonic emitter with your hand or clothing.
5. Do not drop the device or allow moisture to enter the device.
6. Do not use the device against an indifferently wandering or peacefully lying dog - you may cause an ambiguous reaction from it;
7. Do not use the device against a dog in rooms with limited volume (elevator cabins, storage rooms, etc.) - you may cause an ambiguous reaction from it.

The repeller was packed in a cardboard box. By the way, the name of the company is different than on Ali.

Inside is, in fact, the repeller itself:

And the instructions are in Chinese and English.

Let's take a closer look at the ultrasonic repeller.

Specifications from the store page:

Functions Dog training, Dog repelling, LED light
Dimension 130 x 40 x 22 mm/ 5.12 x 1.57 x 0.87" (L x W x H)
Weight 98g
Frequency 25 KHz
Max current 130 mA
Power 9V battery
Package Includes
1 x Ultrasonic dog trainer repeller
1 x User manual
1 x 9V battery

On the bottom of the case there is a slide switch for operating modes. Mode 1 – flashlight only, mode 2 – training, mode 3 – scaring. All this is illustrated near the switch.

The reverse side of the repeller. Battery compartment and a hologram that acts as a seal on the screw. There was no hologram on the repeller with Ali.


Front view, in the form of a dog's muzzle. Ultrasonic emitter and 2 LEDs. They shine quite brightly. In flashlight mode - constantly while the button is pressed. In scare mode they operate in strobe mode. The strobe is quite effective against dogs at night. (I have repeatedly used my flashlights, of which I have a few))) for these purposes.)
The light is white. On the repeller with Ali - with a very noticeable blue tint and duller.


Let's compare 2 repellers. They are slightly different in color. In addition, the old one with Ali is already noticeably worn. IN in this case repeller from Ali on the left, new repeller from Tmart on the right:

New below:

The body of the new repeller is made of much better quality. One example is the power button.

The battery included with Tmart is:

I didn’t want to disassemble the repeller with Ali, but then I decided that the truth was more valuable. And it was interesting to compare myself.

So, let’s look at the ultrasonic repeller with Ali:

The installation was done rather sloppily:

Now let's look at the ultrasonic repeller from Tmart:

To be honest, at first I was even taken aback when I saw a very small set of parts, which made me wonder how it actually works:

But as it turned out, the mounting on the board is double-sided (!) and done very carefully using SMD components, unlike the repeller with Ali:

The power of the new repeller is higher. Under equal conditions, and new batteries, the range is longer. If you nevertheless point the switched-on repeller at yourself, unpleasant sensations arise. My head is aching, my ears are squeaking. The effect is more pronounced when using a repeller with Tmart.

Various organizations also use similar repellers. For example, our staff who work with clients in rural areas are given EcoSniper repellers. The same China, only with a Russian name. It is considered effective, was selected by trial and those who use it are very satisfied. Let's take a look at it:

Doesn't remind you of anything?

I was not allowed to take it apart. Very fragile plastic on the body.

Instructions in Russian:

In terms of impact level, it is approximately the same as the repeller from Ali and does not reach the level of the repeller from Tmart.

The body is made of thin plastic. Also has 3 functions. But it does not have a slide switch. The modes are activated by pressing inconvenient ones, which are also not labeled on the body. three buttons. Accidental clicks are not excluded. This product costs 1000 rubles.

Therefore, based on effectiveness, repellers can be arranged in the following order:

1st place. Repeller from Tmart.

2nd place. Repeller from Ali.

3rd place. Repeller EcoSniper. Of course, in terms of effectiveness, he could compete with Ali’s repeller and share 2nd place with him. But I couldn't. It was pushed into last place by its inconvenient body in the hand and extremely inconvenient controls.

*A video of the process was intended here. But... I don't have a camera ready. And dogs tend to appear suddenly. I just don't have time to take it off. Besides, they mostly rush at me when I’m walking the dog. And there are simply no free hands. In one there is a leash, in the other there is a repeller. And the pack of dogs running around the neighborhood has become wiser. A few uses of the repeller were enough, now they are avoiding me and my dog.)))

The product was provided for review by Tmart, for which we are very grateful.

This concludes the review. Let only kind dogs come across your path, for example, like this one.
