Does a UFO really exist: facts and sensations. Chronicle of UFO appearances in recent days How a UFO appears

Really UFO are extraterrestrial ships and aliens have been monitoring our civilization since ancient times? Where do UFOs come from? These questions interest many people on our planet.

However, the answers to them are so different and contradictory that it is very difficult to understand where the truth is hidden. Maybe the whole point is that the UFO phenomenon is too multifaceted for clear answers?

Since June 1947, when businessman Kenneth Arnold famously observed flying saucers in the skies over the Cascade Mountains in Washington state, various publications on the topic of UFOs have been on the pages of newspapers and magazines. Today, the number of skeptics who deny the reality of UFOs has decreased sharply.

And this is not surprising, because flying saucers were observed not only by housewives who did not inspire much confidence, they were seen by civil and military pilots, sailors, submariners, astronauts, among the eyewitnesses there was even American President. In addition, over the past decades, many UFO videos have been made, the authenticity of which is beyond doubt.

True, many scientists do not believe that UFOs have any connection with aliens from outer space. One of the arguments is huge distances to the nearest stars, overcoming which, even at the speed of light, will take an unrealistically long time.

At the same time, pundits do not take into account the fact that in the 19th century the journey from Moscow to Far East in just seven hours it would also be perceived as science fiction. Perhaps now we simply do not know about other ways to overcome huge distances.

In my opinion, the fact of the lack of results in a long search for signals from brothers in mind is not a serious argument. Maybe these “brothers” are simply smarter than us and do not “voice” to the whole Universe about their existence; you never know what guests might respond to this call.

It seems to me that it is time to abandon the idea that only humane, highly developed civilizations can go into deep space and bring us goodness and prosperity. In this regard, it is not worth sending signals with information about our civilization into deep space.

Let's return to the UFO. At the moment, the question is not about the reality of UFOs, but about their nature. In 2000, a British Ministry of Defense report described UFOs as follows: “A significant body of evidence supports the thesis that (UFO) events are almost certainly caused by physical, electrical and magnetic phenomena in the atmosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere.

They appear under certain weather conditions and electric charge and are observed very infrequently, which allows observers to talk about their uniqueness.”

But several years ago, German scientists puzzled ufologists with the statement that in reality there are simply no UFOs. It's just lightning charges shaped like a ball. They can soar in the sky, move chaotically, instantly changing their trajectory, and even hover motionless.

If a military aircraft tries to catch up with such an energy ball, it naturally experiences problems with its instruments, and when approaching close, they completely fail.

It turns out that there are no “starships” in the skies of the Earth?

Don't rush to conclusions. The conclusions of German scientists, for example, cannot explain the emergence of UFOs from the depths of the seas and oceans, observations of UFOs of a strict geometric shape with side lights and even portholes, contacts with humanoids, and mass abductions by aliens. It remains to be recognized that in addition to thunderstorm charges, something extraterrestrial also appears in our sky.


So, UFO observations are explained mainly by human technical activities (rocket launches, observations of satellites and aircraft, etc.) and various atmospheric phenomena. But some observations cannot be explained by natural causes. It can be assumed that they just refer to alien ships. Where do they come from?

There is no doubt that The main base of UFOs is the Moon. Once, astronomers managed to record a whole string of UFOs heading from the Earth to its satellite. UFOs accompanied all American ships during their flight to the Moon, and on the satellite itself, the first person to set foot on its surface, Neil Armstrong, immediately saw alien spaceships, which he very emotionally reported to Earth.

Extraterrestrial spacecraft were observed not only by American astronauts, but even by amateur astronomers. For example, Fred Stekling and his son observed three cigar-shaped objects in the Archimedes Crater, each about 20 km long and 5 km wide... The “cigars” remained in the crater for several hours and then disappeared. In the 90s, a Japanese amateur astronomer recorded video of a huge UFO maneuvering over the surface of the Moon.

Where did the aliens come from on the Moon? It is possible that they came from another star system and established a permanent base on our satellite. Or maybe thousands of years ago they arrived in our solar system on the Moon itself, because there is a hypothesis that it is a huge spaceship.

By the way, it’s worth recalling once again about another hypothetical UFO space base - the Earth’s twin planet Gloria. According to the hypothesis of astrophysicist Kirill Pavlovich Butusov, it is located in the Earth’s orbit, hidden from us by the Sun.

Since the conditions there are almost identical to those on Earth, many assume the presence of intelligent life on Gloria. Due to the fact that Gloria is in a very unstable position, any global cataclysm on Earth could become a disaster for her. That is why the inhabitants of this planet are constantly watching us closely.


Those who do not want to believe in the extraterrestrial origin of flying saucers have put forward another hypothesis, according to which UFOs are time machines and come to us from the future. From the perspective of this hypothesis, UFO sightings in various historical eras are easily explained - our distant descendants visit the past for research purposes, and perhaps as tourists...

It becomes clear that there is no desire for contacts and non-interference in earthly affairs, because any change in the past entails unpredictable changes in the future.

In addition to hypotheses about alien spaceships and time travelers, there is also an assumption that UFOs come to us from parallel worlds. The versatility of the phenomenon cannot be ruled out; perhaps we are seeing extraterrestrial ships, time machines, and visitors from parallel worlds as UFOs.

Andrey Sidorenko

With enviable regularity, a person or group of people becomes eyewitnesses of a strange phenomenon. Something strange appears in the sky glowing object. It is not like the usual flying machines or atmospheric phenomena. Such strange formations are called UFOs - unidentified flying objects.

This is what a UFO should look like in the sky of the Earth, judging by eyewitnesses.

Some people tend to see them as manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence. Many researchers explain the appearance of UFOs by unexplored physical processes occurring in the atmosphere. Some blame everything on natural anomalies. There is no clear opinion among scientists on this issue.

Academic science recognizes the presence of unidentified flying objects, but denies the extraterrestrial origin of such formations. Experts interpret the appearance of UFOs in different ways, but deny the presence of extraterrestrial intelligence. Such hypotheses are too incredible and doubtful, and science needs strong evidence.

Statistics record eyewitness testimony over decades. But apart from stories, there is no confirmation of mysterious objects. Here it can be argued that people interpret what they see very freely. Sometimes they try to pass off what they want as reality. In most cases, the stories turn out to be lies or misinterpretations of events.

One saw a mysterious glow in the sky, the second watched a landing plate, the third was attacked by extraterrestrial creatures, but simply miraculously managed to escape. Such statements cannot be considered as serious evidence. Here photographs or videos represent serious arguments. But there are no clear images or photographs.

There is, however, an excuse here. It sounds quite plausible. When an unidentified flying object appears, any equipment stops working. Car engines stall, lights go out in houses. It’s difficult to argue here. The mysterious substance must contain a powerful source of energy. He is the cause of all troubles.

True, there are lucky people who manage to photograph or film a mysterious celestial phenomenon. But photographs and films are not of adequate quality. Only fakes are clear. Fortunately, they are easily recognized and give skeptics another reason to deny the extraterrestrial origin of mysterious objects.

The appearance of a UFO in the sky of London

But it happens that several thousand citizens observe the mysterious and incomprehensible in the sky at once. This happens very, very rarely. In the sky of Denmark on September 29, 1952, people observed a large cigar-shaped body. It was surrounded by 5 small disks. This formation moved north and ended up in the airspace of Sweden and then Norway.

The unidentified object later moved south. He was seen in France and Germany. He then reached the Mediterranean Sea and disappeared. Thousands of residents observed this phenomenon different countries Europe. In November 1999, people saw a brightly glowing triangle in the sky. It flew over France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany.

In mid-June 2001, residents of Manchester, England took to the streets at night to look at two luminous balls. They shimmered with bright colors and hung in the sky for several hours. With the first rays of the sun, the balls scattered in opposite directions and disappeared from view. Also in June 2001, a silvery disk with brightly glowing edges was observed in the sky of Melbourne, Australia. He hung over the houses for a very long time, and then quickly soared high into the sky and disappeared from view.

It is such cases that do not allow the scientific world to dismiss flying saucers, disks and triangles. A special science has even been created, called - Ufology. Ufologists record and document all cases and reports of UFO sightings. Based on them, a special database is created. All this brings certain results, but does not shed light on the reasons for the appearance of mysterious atmospheric phenomena in the sky.

The appearance of a UFO in the skies of Denmark

It has been established that most often unidentified objects are observed in areas with low population density. They try to avoid large crowds and appear in front of individual citizens. Very often, mysterious celestial phenomena are seen by people who, due to their work profile, go to places inaccessible to others. These are astronauts, members of polar expeditions, teams of sailors and military pilots.

The heads of such departments demand that their subordinates report to them about everything incomprehensible and mysterious that they observe in the remote corners of the planet. Whether such reports exist or not is unknown, since the information is classified. On this basis, the public has various guesses. She accuses the military of hiding information about unidentified flying objects. There is also an opinion that these are not flying saucers, but secret military weapons.

Sometimes, under public pressure, high-ranking military officials remove the secrecy label from individual materials directly related to everything mysterious and incomprehensible that is happening in the sky. They provide ordinary photographs and testimony from many eyewitnesses. But there is no data on contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. There is no mystery either secret weapon flying freely over cities and villages, since all tests are carried out at testing grounds. Some people believe in it, some don't. But most researchers believe that the generals are disingenuous.

The appearance of a UFO today remains a tightly sealed mystery. No one can explain what it is. All that remains is to fantasize, guess, assume and argue..

Our humanity inclined to believe that it is not alone in the Universe. Facts about aliens are increasingly found in our daily lives.

But is a person ready? give up confidence in your exclusivity and chosenness, as an intelligent creation of God, even if aliens suddenly knock on the door, landing on his porch?

Do aliens exist?

Military openly admitted the facts of discovery flying saucer, but local residents were forbidden, on pain of death, to talk about what they witnessed.

The sheriff's daughter and Brazeal's son, recalling this crash, said that their parents, in addition to the UFO debris, saw an almost intact flying saucer, as well as four aliens with huge heads - one of them was supposedly still alive.

The military later retracted its press release about the UFO find and told reporters misinformation about weather balloon.

The 1970s saw a new wave of interest in the Roswell UFO crash. Eyewitnesses of those events - the military - spoke up.

Thus, Philip Korsa, a former US military man, published the book “The Day After Roswell,” which described the contents of the boxes brought to the base in Kansas from the crash site. The boxes looked like small coffins. When opening one of them it was discovered alien corpse.

Are aliens abducting people?

The second place among the evidence of UFO visits to our planet is occupied by alien abductions.

Many people claim to have been abducted by aliens. Such statements were made especially en masse in the 80s of the last century.

Some abduction victims reported that they were subjected to research during their abductions; Some of them claimed that experiments were performed on them, that they were raped, that implants were inserted into them.

Other victims nothing after returning they don’t remember, their memory simply lacks long periods.

By the way, a video has been posted on YouTube showing instructions on how to behave if abducted by aliens. The guide to action is outlined by the author of the book, Galina Zheleznyak, in the “Anomalous Zone” series.

Are aliens really abducting people?

Alien implants

In some bodies of people who have been victims of alien abductions, from time to time find foreign elements implants that are made from materials unknown on Earth.

Implants are considered the third most important fact of the presence of aliens on earth. So, starting in 1994, the following were extracted from the bodies of abducted people by aliens:

  • very strong threads
  • thin needles with balls at the end and threads of fiber sticking out in different directions. Such implants are usually removed from the ears, nostrils and recesses under the eyes.
  • implants that can be changed at random physical state or turning into a jelly-like state from a solid
  • implants create an electromagnetic field while located only in the human body. The field disappeared after extraction
  • implants with a shell of keratin and protein and a metal core inside
  • other items in which were found chemical elements, unknown on Earth.

Unfortunately, most often foreign bodies are found in people who have been kidnapped in the brain area and, accordingly, modern medicine on our planet cannot study them, much less remove them.

Ufologists believe that such implants correct human behavior and, perhaps, even control it.

Implants that aliens give to people

UFO appearance

Evidence of unidentified flying objects is in 4th place in the top 10 evidence of aliens visiting Earth.

The first evidence of a UFO was recorded on June 24, 1947, when pilot Kenneth Arnold discovered nine unknown flying objects around 3 p.m. moving at incredible speed in Washington State, in the Cascade Mountains region.

Soon other eyewitnesses began to report UFOs. Arnold later clarified that the UFOs were similar in shape to crescents, and their movement was looks like diving saucers in the water. Since then, the term “flying saucer” has become entrenched in the everyday life of earthlings.

UFOs have been seen on Earth many times

Alien corpse

The fifth piece of evidence in the top 10 for aliens visiting Earth is the film Autopsy.

In 1995 a black-and-white film of poor quality was presented to the public, in which there was autopsy shown an alien found on a crashed craft in Roswell.

The film immediately became a sensation because it demonstrated secret information about the Roswell case and confirmed the hypothesis about the appearance of aliens on Earth, as well as the fact that the US government does not want to share information about aliens and UFOs with the public.

Later, a statement appeared that this film was a falsification.

Let's hope and believe that they come to us with good intentions and, in the end, will teach us to overcome outer space to explore new planets.

Despite the fact that unidentified flying objects are being caught on camera more and more often, earthlings never cease to be surprised by this. And there are good reasons for this (

If these are aliens, then what do they want and why don’t they make contact with us? If these are aliens from parallel worlds or even gods and angels, then what does their recent activation mean? And finally, if these are top-secret aircraft of earthly origin, then why does no one know anything about them? After all, the United States, for example, cannot help but “throw a pebble” at Russia in this regard, just as the Russian Federation can respond in kind if such weapons appeared in America.

Therefore, ufologists have to painstakingly collect all the information about the UFOs seen, systematize and study them in order to draw at least some intelligible conclusion on this matter. However, judging by the recently published CIA documents, this issue is of interest not only to ufologists...

Iranian military fired on UFO

This video (see below) was filmed in Iran - in the Taran province. It captures a very interesting moment when the military notices an unidentified “enemy” in the sky and begins to fire at this mysterious luminous ball slowly floating above them from anti-aircraft guns.

Moreover, note that the operator is constantly filming either a UFO in the sky or anti-aircraft guns installed on the roofs of houses, thereby recording not only the fantastic ship, but also the confusion that it caused among the military.

The unidentified object in the sky actually does not resemble any earthling aircraft. Including a drone: it has neither propellers nor wings, and it moves completely silently. Moreover, the Iranian military, despite all their efforts, cannot cause the slightest harm to the UFO. Yes, he, apparently, is not afraid of these shellings, and therefore slowly flies away - disappears from sight, leaving the people in camouflage in bewilderment.

Donald Trump is accompanied in the sky by a UFO

Back in November last year, a unique video appeared on the Internet, which captured a fantastic apparatus accompanying the helicopter on which the current US President Trump was flying. And here is a new sensational video. This time, an unidentified flying object was captured next to the plane of the head of the White House.

Moreover, the UFO flew right under the wing of the plane at enormous speed, due to which the human eye simply could not detect this flight. But the cameras...

Fox News, which aired the video on national television, earned extra points and increased its ratings. As the famous ufologist Scott Waring noted on this occasion, these cases once again prove that the figure of the current president is ambiguous, and therefore not only politicians from all countries of our planet are showing interest in her, but even aliens and, possibly, aliens from parallel worlds.

Perhaps, the researcher continues, these extraterrestrial forces even helped Trump ascend to the “throne” of the presidency: they can certainly control the thoughts and desires of huge masses of people. After all, Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential race, when, apparently, too many forces have taken up arms against him, including the shadow world government, still seems fantastic to many...

Bright white UFO over Zealand

Sixteen-year-old Josh Marshall filmed a strange spinning white disk that appeared the other day over the suburb of Blenheim, located on the South Island of New Zealand.

It was definitely not a satellite or an airplane, and certainly not a drone, the teenager comments on his video. This strange disk appeared in the sky immediately after a strong thunderstorm, accompanied by powerful streams of water, numerous lightning and strong thunder, which in itself was fantastically creepy. And then, in the already clear sky, this UFO “appeared” in the form of not even a disk, but rather a donut. He hung above the ground for at least forty minutes, until new clouds rolled in and obscured this strange phenomenon. Moreover, it seemed that the stars were circling around the UFO.

Josh Marshall's material was studied by Wellington Astrological Society expert John Holmes, as well as by New Zealand Air Traffic Control specialists, but none of them were able to identify the bright white disk captured in the young man's video.

Curiosity rover's camera catches a UFO again

The navigation camera of NASA's Mars rover has once again captured a strange flying object above the surface of the Red Planet. Despite the fact that employees of the American space agency posted these pictures in black and white, restless ufologists found something interesting for themselves among them.

This time, Streetcap1, already well-known on the YouTube video hosting site and the author of numerous videos of this kind, distinguished himself. The video released by the researcher to the public shows a classic “flying saucer” hovering over the mountain ranges of Mars. And with some enlargement of the image, you can see something more: something like a cabin protrudes from the bottom of this UFO.

On the other hand, writes Streetcap1 himself, the object somewhat resembles a soaring bird, so it may well not be an alien ship, but simply a drone.

By the way, we note that thanks to his fruitful work in searching for information about UFOs and unidentified objects on the Red Planet, Streetcap1 became a participant in the filming of a new documentary about Mars. The filming is being conducted by Russian documentary filmmakers from the REN TV channel, who promised to air the film in February of this year.

Exactly forty years ago, on September 20, 1977, at four o’clock in the morning, a UFO appeared over Petrozavodsk. This was the first time in the history of the USSR that an unidentified flying object was observed by residents of a large city. This episode marked the beginning of the development of ufology in our country. Let's talk about the most notorious cases of UFO sightings in the skies of Russia.

"Medusa" over Karelia

In the first minutes of the appearance of a UFO over the city, one would think that a new bright star had lit up in the sky. Gradually it began to gradually increase in size, slowly approaching the observers shocked by the incredible spectacle. A few minutes later, a huge purple “jellyfish” hung over Petrozavodsk. Hundreds of light streams hit the city from her body. From the outside, one might think that it was raining, consisting of rays of light that emanated from a huge purple cloud hanging over the city. Having descended to a height of 300-500 meters, the UFO, according to eyewitnesses, took the shape of a clearly defined octagon. Along its perimeter, luminous yellow spots were clearly visible, reminiscent of airplane windows. The length of the unknown body was about 100 meters. According to numerous witnesses to the incredible phenomenon, people were overcome with a feeling of panic and anxiety, as usually happens when observing a UFO. At the same time, in the city itself and its surroundings there were recorded interruptions in the operation of electrical equipment, which is also characteristic feature presence of an unidentified flying object in the sky. Meanwhile, the “show” continued. A bright fiery semicircle appeared around the UFO, and the object itself floated towards Lake Onega. A hole appeared in the center of the object, framed by a bright red rim. A white fireball separated from the UFO, which, rapidly descending, went towards the forest and landed. A bright glow was visible, but no explosion or fire followed. According to eyewitnesses, the UFO could be observed for forty minutes, after which it slowly began to move away until it completely disappeared into the morning sky. This was the first time that the country's authorities were forced not only to admit, but also to comment on an incredible incident. The director of the Petrozavodsk Hydrometeorological Observatory, Yu. Gromov, then stated that nothing like this had ever been observed in the skies of Karelia before. In his opinion, the nature of this phenomenon is a mystery and has nothing to do with atmospheric phenomena, which were normal on September 20, 1977; no technical tests were carried out that day either. Both local and central newspapers reported about the sighting of a UFO in Petrozavodsk, but no one was able to explain this phenomenon.

Interest in ufology around the world arose after the supposed fall of two UFOs in Roswell in the USA in 1947. This incident became widely known, while UFO crashes on the territory of the USSR remained shrouded in secrecy. However, they also took place. The most famous of them is described in one of her books by Doctor of Technical Sciences, test pilot Marina Popovich. In her opinion, the Soviet military had at least five fragments of UFOs that crashed over the territory of the USSR. The loudest of them occurred in 1986 in the city of Dalnogorsk, Primorsky Territory. On January 29, 1986, several dozen people were surprised to discover a spherical object moving parallel to the Earth. After a few minutes of observation, the UFO abruptly changed its course and literally crashed at an angle of about 70 degrees onto Limestone Mountain, located within the city. Given the fairly high speed of 15 m/s, the device exploded and caught fire. Heavy flames were visible for an hour. When a few days later an expedition from the Far Eastern Branch of the Research Committee on Anomalous Air Phenomena at the Academy of Sciences, led by Doctor of Science Valery Dvuzhilny, arrived in the city to study the incident, scientists discovered many fragments of an unknown artificial body. These were: aircraft debris, lead and iron balls, pieces of unusual steel alloys and glass. The most surprising thing is that the alloy from which the metal balls were created could only be cut with a diamond saw. According to scientists, it was not possible to obtain this alloy on Earth. Investigations of the crash site showed that the crash site was exposed to extremely high temperatures ranging from 4,000 to 25,000 degrees Celsius. The most amazing thing is that two years later, on November 28, 1987, the appearance of 33 UFOs of cylindrical, cigar-shaped and spherical shapes was witnessed over Dalnogorsk. The end of the world was observed by more than 100 people, among whom were many policemen and military men, who then wrote up official reports. Many ufologists believed that this was a rescue action. It continued in January 1989 when a large UFO landed 200 meters from the UFO crash in the winter of 1986. Obviously, the aliens also conducted their own investigation of the disaster.

This year marks seventy years since an alien spacecraft crashed in Roswell, sparking worldwide research into the UFO phenomenon. The USSR was no exception. In our country, any military and civilian organizations in the event of a UFO sighting were required to report it to the relevant authorities. Here are the most interesting cases of UFO sightings in the skies of the Soviet Union.

Gorbachev ordered to meet the aliens

Speaking about cases of contact between aliens and representatives of humanity, it is interesting to recall the case told by Lieutenant General of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, retired A.Yu. Savin. According to Alexey Yuryevich, in the spring of 1991 he personally had the opportunity to participate in the official meeting of the alien ship. The most incredible thing is that the operation was carried out on the orders of M.S. Gorbachev. In 1991, a group of ufologists appealed to the country's leadership with a request to receive information from contactees about the imminent arrival of spaceship aliens. Ufologists assured that the aliens certainly wanted to establish contact with the military and political leadership of the USSR. The alien ship was supposed to land near the city of Zarafshan in Uzbekistan. True, the aliens asked to turn off the country's air defense so that their ship would not be mistakenly shot down by air defense systems. The ufologists’ letter reached M.S. Gorbachev, who sent him to work for the USSR Minister of Defense D. Yazov. He, in turn, put a resolution “to I. Tretyak (Commander-in-Chief of the Air Defense Forces), A. Savin – accept!” On the appointed day, the military, together with ufologists, flew by helicopter to the meeting place. However, the aliens did not appear at the time they had appointed. The upset helicopter pilot tried to tease the ufologist accompanying the military. In response, the researcher suggested that the pilot put him into hypnosis so that he could personally communicate with the aliens. During the experiment, the pilot suddenly began to give out information that he simply could not know. Those present had no choice but to believe in the reality of mental contact with aliens.

Vedlozero: where the UFO drowned

One of the places in Russia where UFOs are most often observed is Karelia. Local ethnographer Alexei Popov, who has been collecting cases of UFO flights for several decades, has repeatedly told journalists about where, according to his information, the alien ship crashed. This story happened on November 15, 1928 over the village of Shchuknavolok, located on the banks of Vedlozero. One late evening, the residents of the village heard a strange growing rumble and poured out into the street. They saw a strange cylindrical object appearing from behind the forest and heading towards the lake. His flight was surprisingly slow and silent. However, the moment the metal cylinder crossed the lake, it suddenly began to fall, broke through the ice and sank. The most interesting thing is that the upper part of the massive metal cylinder remained sticking out above the water. Subsequently, for several years, the surrounding boys caught fish from it, and a strange creature appeared in the vicinity of the village. It was a humanoid, one meter tall, thin and big-headed. His torso and arms were disproportionately long, while his legs, on the contrary, were too short. The creature's clothing resembled a tight jumpsuit. The frightened boys, seeing him, threw stones at him and the creature soon disappeared. When the NKVD became aware of this incident, people in uniform arrived, lifted the metal cylinder from the water, and then took it away in an unknown direction.

Petrified Soldiers

In the nineties, a number of publications appeared in the domestic press, which spoke about the sale abroad of certain KGB archives describing incidents with UFOs in the skies of the USSR. Soon one of the cases described in this archive became public. The Canadian publication was the first to publish this episode, after which a reprint of the article appeared in Russia. The material in the Western press talked about how Soviet time A UFO appeared over one of the military bases in Siberia. Following instructions, the military attacked him with a Surface-to-Air missile. Got it. The object tilted and began to fall. When it crashed into the ground, five short humanoid aliens with large black eyes appeared from the spaceship. As soon as the five aliens left the UFO, they gathered in a kind of round dance, hugged their shoulders and merged into a single being. It began to spin, turned into a sphere, buzzed and exploded. Those soldiers who observed the bright flash and explosion with their own eyes immediately petrified, turning into limestone statues. Only two servicemen survived, having guessed to take cover behind an outbuilding. When scientists tried to study the “petrified” soldiers, they could only state that due to unknown radiation, the structure of their cells had changed, turning the soldiers into stone idols.

UFO fight over Perm

As a rule, when observing a UFO, eyewitnesses see either the flight of an unidentified object in the sky, or its fall to the ground from a missile hit. It is assumed that the aliens are generally friendly and not aggressive towards people. It's not like that. In the late USSR, the case of an air battle between several UFOs over the outskirts of Perm became widely known. The incident occurred on September 16, 1989 in the sky above the port of Zaostrovka on the banks of the Kama River. Residents of the city watched in amazement as six silver UFOs in the shape of flying disks rushed at wild speed after the seventh, who was trying to hide from them. Each of the UFOs had the shape of a disk up to 20 meters in diameter. From the outside, the spectacle resembled an episode of a Star Wars film. Periodically, “fire lightning”, reminiscent of laser beams, flew out from the disks towards the enemy. Fortunately, the pursuers were unable to shoot down the seventh UFO, after which it safely disappeared into the forest. His pursuers went there at great speed, and the electricity was cut off in the entire port. Later, this incident, according to eyewitnesses of the event, was repeatedly described in the local press.
