Improving the results of financial and economic activity. Improving the management of the financial activities of an enterprise (on the example of KipStep LLC)

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1.1 The concept of the financial activities of the enterprise……………..….....

1.2 The essence of the financial activities of the enterprise……….…….…...

1.3 Methods of financial activity of the enterprise …..…...……....….


2.1 Analysis economic characteristics enterprises……..…...

2.2 Analysis of the profitability of the enterprise……………..………..….....

2.3 Analysis of the liquidity of the enterprise …………………….……..…..





The market economy involves the formation and development of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms based on different types private property, the emergence of new owners - both individual citizens and labor collectives of enterprises. There was such a type of economic activity as entrepreneurship - this is an economic activity, i.e. activities related to the production and sale of products, the performance of work, the provision of services or the sale of goods needed by the consumer. It has a regular character and is distinguished, firstly, by freedom in choosing directions and methods of activity, independence in decision-making (of course, within the framework of laws and moral norms), and secondly, by responsibility for the decisions made and their consequences. Thirdly, this type of activity does not exclude risk, losses and bankruptcies. Finally, entrepreneurship is clearly focused on making a profit, which, in conditions of developed competition, is also the satisfaction of social needs. This is the most important prerequisite and reason for interest in the results of the financial activities of the enterprise. The implementation of this principle in practice depends not only on the independence granted to enterprises and the need to finance their expenses without state support, but also on the share of profits that remains at the disposal of the enterprise after paying taxes. In addition, it is necessary to create an economic environment in which it is profitable to produce goods, make a profit, and reduce costs.

As a rule, an enterprise acts as a legal entity, which is determined by a combination of features: the isolation of property, liability for obligations with this property, the presence of a bank account, and acting on its own behalf. The isolation of property is expressed by the presence of an independent balance sheet on which the property of the enterprise is listed.


1.1 The concept of the financial activities of the enterprise

In numerous works devoted to financial and economic analysis, the term "financial activity" is interpreted from two positions. In a narrower sense, the term "financial activity" can be considered from the point of view of the presentation of data in the Report on the Movement Money", in which all the activities of the organization are divided into financial, investment and current. Financial activity here refers to activities related to short-term financial investments: the issuance of bonds and other valuable papers of a short-term nature, disposal of previously acquired shares, bonds, etc. for up to 12 months. Investment refers to activities related to capital investments of an organization in connection with the acquisition of land plots, buildings and other real estate, equipment, intangible assets and others in non-current assets, as well as their sale, with the implementation of long-term financial investments in other organizations, the issuance of bonds and other long-term securities. The current activity is understood as the activity of the organization in accordance with the goals and objectives of its creation, which is reflected in the constituent documents. The current activity, as a rule, pursues the extraction of profit as the main goal (production of industrial products, construction and installation works, trade, catering, renting out property, etc.), however, for non-profit organizations, on the contrary, their current activities may not be related to making a profit ( educational institutions, cultural and sports institutions, procurement of agricultural products, etc.).

On the other hand, the term "financial activity" can be considered somewhat broader, referring to the financial and economic activities of the organization as a whole. Thus, there is an integrated approach to understanding financial activities: all the activities of the organization are divided into financial and production. Of course, in comparison with the first option, such a division of activities cannot have a clear boundary. In particular, V.V. Kovalev singles out financial and economic activities and, as a result, proposes to distinguish between such components of economic analysis as financial analysis and analysis of economic activity.

So, financial activity is an activity associated with the movement financial resources organizations. The latter represent cash income and receipts intended to fulfill the financial obligations of the organization to employees, the state, counterparties, credit institutions and other economic entities; as well as for the implementation of costs in order to develop processes of expanded reproduction.

The circle of persons involved in the financial activities of the enterprise is heterogeneous, and therefore there is a need to study the economics of the enterprise from various positions. Suppliers and contractors, credit institutions are interested in the financial condition of the enterprise, and, in particular, its solvency; investors and owners are also interested in the financial condition of the enterprise, but first of all, the efficiency of operations: return on investment and dividends; managers - the competitiveness of products (works, services), profitability and turnover of funds; the state - the reliability of the enterprise as a taxpayer, its ability to provide new jobs.

Often, the interest of external users of information is expressed in the consideration of only one of the systems of indicators of the organization's performance. For example, the purpose of a bank that provides a company with a line of credit is to analyze liquidity ratios; a potential investor who is considering investing money in a company, analyzes profitability indicators and assesses the degree of investment risk. At the same time, the results of the analysis for certain specific purposes cannot reflect a complete picture of the activity of the organization under study. Thus, solvency depends on the quality and competitiveness of the goods (services) produced and the rate of asset turnover; profitability is determined by the financial independence of the enterprise; profitability - efficiency of financial activity in general. For example, in the practice of financial analysis, the problem of reconciling the results of certain aspects of financial activity exists between liquidity and profitability, as an indicator of the effectiveness of financial activity. Investing in highly liquid assets is usually characterized by low returns, and, conversely, investing in less liquid assets associated with high risk will bring a higher return. Thus, we see that in order to assess the financial activities of an enterprise, a comprehensive analysis is necessary - an analysis of a system of indicators that allows a comprehensive assessment of the results of the financial activities of an organization.

As you know, the goal of any commercial organization is to generate profits. However, for an external analyst, the amount of income received cannot answer the question: is the amount of profit received optimal for a given enterprise at a given time, that is absolute indicators cannot provide a holistic picture of performance. It is known that the same results can be obtained by investing a different amount and quality of funds to achieve the goal, or in another way - by choosing more or less effective ways to achieve the goal. Accordingly, the effectiveness of achieving the goal can be interpreted as obtaining a better result at a lower cost. As mentioned above, the purpose of the organization, and, in particular, financial activities, is to make a profit; therefore, the efficiency of financial activity can be defined as getting a better profit. Qualitative profit means that profit, which, firstly, is more stable from the influence of other factors in relation to the main activity, that is, more predictable; secondly, the qualitative indicators of which have a positive trend.

A comprehensive analysis of financial activity can be carried out with varying degrees of detail. The depth and quality of the analysis depend on the volume and reliability of the information at the disposal of the analyst. In accordance with the possibilities of access to information resources, two levels of data are distinguished - external and internal. External data contain publicly available information about the object of analysis and are presented to users in the form of accounting and statistical reporting, publications in the media; industry reviews; with a certain degree of conventionality, this also includes the materials of the meeting of shareholders, data from information and analytical agencies. Note that the latter source does not always provide reliable data, since it is more of a commercial nature. Internal data is confidential information of an official nature circulating within the analyzed object. Internal sources of information include management (production) accounting data, accounting registers and analytical transcripts of financial accounting, economic and legal, technical, regulatory and planning documentation.

Lukyanova Milyausha Tagirovna, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Agricultural Production, Bashkir State Agrarian University, Ufa [email protected]

Improving the management of financial performance of small agribusiness enterprises

Annotation. The article deals with the issues of improving the management of the financial results of the activities of rural small and micro businesses. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the problem of competent and effective management of financial results is the most significant in the development of small business structures. By assessing and analyzing the main indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise, it is possible to draw initial conclusions about its commercial, industrial, investment and financial and economic activities. Modern Analysis plays a major role in the preparation and adoption of management decisions, both by internal stakeholders and external users (investors, creditors). Key words: efficiency, enterprise, financial results, financial condition, working capital, small business.

The financial condition of the organization is characterized by the availability of financial resources necessary for the normal functioning of the enterprise, solvency, liquidity and financial stability, and is determined by a system of indicators that reflect the real and potential financial capabilities of the enterprise as an object of capital investment and a taxpayer. The scientific novelty of the work is as follows:

the theoretical and methodological aspects of assessing the financial results of an enterprise have been clarified;

an analysis was made of the financial condition and dynamics of the main economic performance indicators of Druzhba LLC, Blagoveshchensky district for 2012–2014;

problems and directions for improving the system of managing the financial results of the enterprise were identified;

measures are proposed to improve the financial results in the organization. The practical significance lies in the fact that the analysis and generalizations made allow the use of conclusions and suggestions to improve the financial condition of the analyzed enterprise. In our opinion, this will increase the volume of production and increase economic efficiency. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are the developments of domestic and foreign economists and scientific works in the field of financial results analysis, regulatory, legislative and teaching materials. The purpose of the study is to determine ways to improve the main indicators in assessing the financial results of Druzhba LLC, Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Belarus. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved in the work:

to study the problematic issues of financial result management methods in the economic literature;

Conduct organizational and economic characteristics of the object of study;

make an analysis of the financial condition and dynamics of the main economic indicators characterizing the activities of the enterprise;

identification of reserves to improve the efficiency of formation and use of profits;

to develop proposals for improving the financial results in the farm under study. The object of the study is LLC "Druzhba" of the Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The subject of the study is to determine ways to improve the financial management system of the enterprise. (annual accounting reports for 2012–2014). comparative analysis, economic and statistical methods, namely the normative method. In the literature there are many different points of view on the issue of assessing and analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise. A stable financial condition is formed in the course of all economic activity of any enterprise. Correct Definition this concept gives answers to many questions, namely: how correctly this company managed financial resources during the previous period; whether the enterprise used the property rationally from an economic point of view, what is its structure; what is the ratio of own and borrowed sources and how effectively they were used during the reporting period; what is the return of production potential; whether the counterparties were chosen correctly and what is their relationship. The financial condition of the economic object is directly dependent on the volume and dynamics of production (the development of production and the state of finance have a direct and inverse relationship). An increase in production volumes is accompanied by an improvement in the financial condition of the organization, and its curtailment worsens the state of finances. However, the financial condition also affects production processes, slowing them down when they deteriorate and speeding them up when they improve. The financial condition of an enterprise is characterized not only by the ability of an enterprise to function and develop, but also to maintain a balance between its assets and liabilities. Even with good financial results, the company may experience difficulties due to the irrational use of its financial resources. The principles are: continuity of monitoring the state and development of financial processes;

consistency, that is, the study of each object should be considered as one changing system, which consists of various elements related both to each other and to the external environment;

the complexity of the study makes it necessary to cover all aspects of the activity;

objectivity, specificity and accuracy, i.e. be based on reliable information that really reflects reality, and its conclusions must be substantiated by calculations; form data consistency financial statements, clarity in the interpretation of the results of financial analysis;

efficiency in making managerial decisions, i.e. the ability to quickly analyze, make decisions and implement them;

efficiency, that is, the costs of its implementation should be covered by a multiple effect. Financial stability is a characteristic of the state of an enterprise, in which the optimal structure of its resources and factors allows it to achieve the most effective performance results, which, in turn, subject to the fulfillment of all obligations of the enterprise, give it the opportunity to move to the next stage in the shortest possible time. life cycle. Financial stability is mainly determined by the relative position of the enterprise in relation to the maximum possible, best position of the enterprise itself in the given economic conditions, taking into account internal and external factors.

As the main parameters in the analysis of financial stability, you can use: - the value of indicators for previous years; − average values ​​of indicators for the industry; − values ​​of indicators of similar organizations. The assessment of the level of financial stability of organizations is carried out using a fairly wide range of indicators, on the basis of the processing of which it is possible to form a set of operational and long-term measures to counteract negative factors, prevent and overcome possible negative consequences of threats. This suggests the need to study such aspects of the financial activities of commercial organizations as: improving the quality of assets, increasing equity capital, the adequacy of the level of profitability, taking into account financial risks, the necessary level of liquidity while obtaining stable income and opportunities to raise borrowed funds. Most scientists express financial stability only through relative indicators are the coefficients of the capital structure. Analysis using relative indicators provides a basis for research and analytical conclusions. A system of coefficients is used as relative indicators of the financial stability of an enterprise. Among them are the coefficients of autonomy, agility, the ratio of own and borrowed funds. There are a large number of such coefficients in various sources, and the analysis usually consists in studying their dynamics for the reporting period.

However, in our opinion, when using only these coefficients to identify financial instability, the following main shortcomings can be identified: the absence of differences in the recommended values ​​of these coefficients by industry, although a number of sectors of the national economy are producing on an industrial basis; the presence of a close relationship between the indicators. In this regard, the assessment of financial stability should be supplemented with the use of a system of indicators of cash flow, which characterizes the reflection of a stable excess of income over expenses of the enterprise, ensuring the free circulation of its cash flows. I testify to the data in table 1. The data in table 1 show that in dynamics the revenue increased by 10.5%, and at the end of 2014 amounted to 22,654 thousand rubles. The cost of sales of products decreased by 2 times and in 2014 amounted to 20,508 thousand rubles. The farm received a profit only in 2014, in the amount of 2146 thousand rubles, the profitability level was 10.5%, in other years losses were received, the payback in 2012 was 49.7%, in 2013 -83, 2%.

Table 1

Financial condition of Druzhba LLC, Blagoveshchensky district

Indicators 2012 2013 2014 2014 in % of 2012 Proceeds from the sale of products, thousand rubles 205081271922654110.5 Full cost of goods sold, thousand rubles 41236152902050849.7 Profit from sales (loss), thousand rubles 2072825712146

Profitability level, %

Cost recovery rate, %49,783.2

Financial stability is an internal side that ensures stable solvency in the long term, which is based on a balance of assets and liabilities, income and expenses, positive and negative cash flows. During the analyzed period, the assets of the enterprise increased by 6942 thousand rubles. or 3.1%. At the same time, there is an increase of 15.7% for current assets, and a decrease of 14.9% for non-current assets. The data in Figure 1 indicate that the main source of formation of the property of the analyzed enterprise is borrowed capital, but there is a gradual increase in the share of equity capital. Further continuation of this trend may lead to an improvement in the financial independence of the enterprise.

Figure 1. Dynamics and structures of capital sources

The amount of receivables and payables decreased. But the pace of change is not the same, so accounts receivable decreased by 54%, accounts payable - by 20%. As a result, we observe an unfavorable situation of excess of accounts payable over accounts receivable, since this means an increase in the company's dependence on external sources. The degree of financial stability can be assessed using coefficients. The coefficients reflect a rather low level of financial stability of the enterprise. In LLC "Druzhba" there is a decrease in 2014 the coefficient of financial dependence (0.11). The current debt ratio is within the recommended value of 0.1 -0.2. The coefficient of long-term financial independence tends to increase (0.15), but, despite this, it does not reach the recommended value of more than 0.5.

The solvency indicator, which implies the ability to pay in cash on time its various payment obligations, is one of the indicators characterizing the financial position of an enterprise. As a guideline for the normal value of the absolute liquidity ratio (0.65), a value of 0.2 or more is used. However, too high value coefficient indicates an unreasonably high amount of free cash that could be used for the development of the enterprise. Quick liquidity ratio in 2012 was below 1, which indicates a high financial risk associated with the fact that Druzhba LLC is not able to consistently pay current bills. A value greater than 3 may indicate an irrational capital structure. In 2013 and 2014 the values ​​of the absolute, quick and current liquidity ratios are within the normative values. Business activity is manifested in the dynamics of the development of entrepreneurial activity of enterprises and the achievement of their goals in the shortest possible time. In financial analysis, business activity is the performance of an enterprise in relation to the amount of advanced resources and the amount of their consumption in the production process. Business activity in finance is the acceleration of the turnover of the resource potential, as well as the speed of the turnover of funds. The average annual cost of funds increases by 2.4 times. Positive dynamics is observed in the reduction of receivables, there is a decrease by 38.9%. There is a decrease in the value of fixed assets (by 2.2%), total capital (68.2%), cost of goods sold (by 50.3%), but at the same time there is an increase in revenue by 10.5%. The business activity of the economy is declining. The growth of indicators is observed only for receivables (0.25), the average annual cost of fixed assets (0.02) and the average annual cost of total capital (0.19). Table 2 Indicators of profitability and turnover of total capital

Indicators 2012 2013 2014 2014 by 2012, /Return on total capital, %(7.9)(7.5)2.6

Profitability (payback) of products, %(49.7)(83.2)10.5

Return on equity (recoupment) of equity, %(72.1)(41.3)6.5

Total capital turnover ratio, turnover Turnover duration, days4649486513383310.45

Table 2 shows that the company fully covered its loss only in 2014. Since 2013 the intensity of the use of total capital has increased: its turnover indicators show a steady downward trend, which is a positive moment in the activity of this enterprise and the correct chosen organizational and economic policy. The following factors can be attributed to the symptoms of the bankruptcy of an enterprise: lack of cash or problems with cash flows. Other symptoms of financial hardship include increased spending. The standard payment period is limited to a calendar month, and the longer the non-payment period increases, the more likely the company has a problem. The causes of bankruptcy can be both individual problems that arise one-time, and complex, which include many problems. In this regard, it is important to diagnose these problems in time, effectively assess your capabilities and act.

To assess the probability of bankruptcy of Druzhba LLC, we will use the modified model of E. Altman. The Altman method will give an idea at what stage of bankruptcy the enterprise is. The analytical model of "Altman" is an algorithm for a consistent integral assessment of the indicator of the threat of bankruptcy of an enterprise, which is based on a comprehensive accounting of important indicators that diagnose and check the crisis state of an enterprise.

As can be seen from these calculations, Z account of the enterprise for 2012. and 2014 fell into the middle zone, so draw a conclusion about the average probability of bankruptcy. Let us analyze the assessment of the probability of bankruptcy using a complex indicator of predicting the financial crisis of an enterprise, developed by R.S. Seifulin and G.G. Kadykov: If these indicators correspond to their minimum standard levels, the value of R will be equal to 1. The state of enterprises with an R indicator of less than 1 is characterized as unsatisfactory.

Calculations show that during 2013. and in 2014 the R indicator was less than one, which indicates a high probability of bankruptcy of LLC Druzhba of the Blagoveshchensky district. This requires the adoption of serious measures for the financial recovery of the enterprise, in particular, by optimizing the sources of capital formation. In a market economy, diversification of production, competition for product markets, all greater value for economic entities, acquires the development of effective mechanisms for managing the financial and economic processes of enterprise development. In this regard, the task of improving the mechanisms of strategic management is coming to the fore, which makes it possible to respond flexibly to constantly changing market conditions, increase the ability to meet consumer demand, significantly increase the growth of technological equipment, and ensure a higher quality level of products, works and services of the enterprise.

One of the most difficult tasks of financial analysis is the optimization of the capital structure in order to ensure the most effective proportionality between its cost, profitability and financial stability. We will optimize the capital structure of Druzhba LLC according to the criterion of minimizing the level of financial resources. Let us determine the normative value of the coefficients of concentration of equity (KSK), concentration of borrowed capital (CPC) and financial leverage (CFL). If the company chooses an aggressive financial policy:

If the company chooses an aggressive financial policy:

If the company chooses a moderate financial policy:

If the company chooses a conservative financial policy:

Calculations show that the analyzed enterprise pursues an aggressive financial policy, accompanied by high level financial risk. Given the rather high share of non-current assets in the property structure and the rather low asset turnover, we consider it appropriate to switch to a moderate financial policy. In this case, the ratio of own and borrowed capital will change towards the first and the level of financial risk will decrease significantly. In this regard, there is a need to increase the amount and share of equity and reduce borrowed. This can be achieved in several ways. For example, by managing accounts receivable and payable, improving the efficiency of the organization, analyzing profitability and pricing policy, and planning costs. Rational and economical spending of individual elements of working capital of enterprises is of great economic importance. In 2013 the average amount of receivables by 8957 thousand rubles. less than accounts receivable in 2012, and in 2014 - by 16444 thousand rubles. less accounts receivable in 2013 From these data it can be seen that there is a gradual reduction in the amount of receivables, which is a positive development. Although its share in the economy remains high. In the analyzed economy, it is necessary to take measures to reduce the amount of receivables. In our opinion, one of the most effective tools that allow maximizing the cash flow and reducing the risk of overdue receivables is the use of a system of discounts and fines (penalty accrual) in the economy. When drawing up the contract, it is necessary to provide for a system for accruing penalties and fines for violation of the payment deadlines established by the debt repayment schedule. Depending on the term of payment for the goods, the following discounts may be provided: with a 100% prepayment, the buyer can count on a discount of 4% of the cost of the goods; shipment of goods - 2% discount. Consider in table 3 the calculation of two options, with and without discounts. Table 3

Options for payment methods with buyers

IndicatorsWith discountWithout discountDeviations, (+,)Coefficient of decrease (increase) in purchasing power1.2% * 10 / 30 = 0.401.2% * 14 / 30 = 0.600.2 Influence of inflation per thousand rubles of the contract price, rub. 1000 * 1.004 1000 = 462

Table 3 shows that when using a discount for every 1 thousand rubles. the farm will receive a gain of 2 rubles, the additional profit in this case will be:

The amount of accounts receivable in LLC "Druzhba" Blagoveshchensky district in the analyzed period is high. The total amount of receivables amounted to 2362 rubles. From the analysis of financial and economic indicators in 2014. from 1 rub. proceeds, the company makes a profit of 0.1 rubles. Next, we calculate the economic effect of the proposed measure using the following formula:

The application of these recommendations will lead to the fact that Druzhba LLC of the Blagoveshchensky District will have funds that can be involved in production and thereby increase the volume of products, expand the range or repay its obligations to creditors and customers. Thus, the increase in profit will amount to 2382.2 thousand rubles. (2146 thousand rubles  236.2 thousand rubles), or 11% only through the use of measures to reduce receivables at the enterprise. The specialization of the analyzed enterprise is grain, therefore, consider the main indicators of grain crops and offer organizational, economic and agro-technological measures to improve the main financial results in grain farming. General land area LLC "Druzhba" of the Blagoveshchensky district does not change in dynamics and in 2014 is -28284 hectares. Of these, the area of ​​agricultural land is 25433 hectares, including the area of ​​arable land - 8839 hectares, hayfields - 2652 hectares, pastures - 13942 hectares. Having made an analysis of the acreage under crops of grain crops over the past three years, it was revealed that their gradual increase is taking place on the farm.

Due to the additional input of an area in the amount of 600 hectares for spring grain crops, the structure of crops is changing, which leads to an increase in the volume of production of spring grain crops by 5100 centners. The next factor that determines the level of yield is high quality seeds. According to the results of competitive and production tests, the State Register of Breeding Achievements included and approved for use in production the following crops and varieties. If we analyze the actual structure, we will see that we have significant reserves for increasing productivity in the production of spring wheat and other crops. We will determine the reserves for increasing the gross harvest by improving the varietal composition of crops in OOO Druzhba, Blagoveshchensky District. We propose to replace the variety of soft spring wheat Kazakhstanskaya 10 with a yield of up to 23 c/ha with the variety Omskaya 35 or Ekada 70. The purchase of seeds will be carried out at the Bashkir Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, with which there is a preliminary agreement on the joint conduct of primary seed production and the introduction of these varieties into production . The seeding rate depends on many components: seed quality, weediness, germination energy, sowing time. The sown area of ​​spring wheat, taking into account the additional planned 600 hectares, will be 2920 hectares. The amount of subsidies for the purchase of seeds in 2014 is 110 thousand rubles, including from the federal budget - 90 thousand rubles, from the regional - 20 thousand rubles. For the purchase of spring wheat seeds of the Kazakhstanskaya 10 variety, taking into account the subsidies received from the budget, the farm will need 8299 thousand rubles, the Omskaya 35 variety -6897 thousand rubles, and the Ekada 70 variety - 12348 thousand rubles. The total cost of variety renewal of the Ekada 70 variety is higher than the actual cost of seeds of the Kazakhstanskaya 10 variety by 4,049 thousand rubles. And the cost of variety renewal of the variety Omskaya 35 is lower by 1402 thousand rubles, due to a decrease in the seed sowing rate. The increase in production from improving the structure of crops of grain crops and the varietal composition for the variety Ekada 70 -10980 q, this will occur due to the renewal of spring wheat varieties on the planned area of ​​2920 ha. The increase in productivity of the Omskaya 35 variety will be 7 centners per 1 ha, and Ekada 70 - 11.1 centners per 1 ha. Thus, it is more expedient to use the new spring wheat variety Ekada 70 in Druzhba LLC. The increase in the yield of the variety will be 8.9 centners per 1 ha. According to the plan, there is an increase in material costs by 19.6% due to an increase in the cost of purchasing seeds and planting material by 50.2%. Thus, due to the measures proposed by us, there is an increase in the cost of crop production by 17.7%, or by 5789 thousand rubles. The efficiency of grain farming under the current conditions is determined by the impact of a complex set of natural-economic, soil-geographic, scientific-technical, technological and organizational-economic factors. Increasing the gross grain harvest by improving the structure of crops and reducing the area of ​​crop death, varietal composition and application complex fertilizer in LLC "Druzhba" of the Blagoveshchensky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan will amount to 47888 c.

Thus, the economy has significant reserves for increasing grain production. The most important condition for this growth is an increase in the gross grain harvest, which is possible either by changing the sown area under grain crops, or by increasing the yield due to the renewal of grain crop varieties, or through the use of an integrated mineral fertilizer, or the simultaneous use of all options. The marketability of grain on the farm is 74.7%. This value of marketability is characterized by the fact that in Druzhba LLC a certain amount of grain is left in reserve for the next year and for seeds. In table 4, we present an analysis of the economic efficiency of grain production from the proposed measures, taking into account full-fledged high-quality seeds. Table 4

Economic efficiency of grain production

Indicators Actual value for 2014 Forecasted value Change in % Gross harvest, c22908478882 times Grain sold, c17114357722 timesCost price of 1 centner, rub. from sales, thousand rubles 17456.344929, 6257.4 Cost of total, thousand rubles 15881.838497.8242.4

Table 4 shows that with the introduction of the proposed measures, the profit on the farm due to the sale of grain crops increases by 4 times. The level of profitability increases by 6.8 p.p. The increase in the sale price of grain is explained by organizational and economic proposals. For the economy it is necessary to sell their products at the most favorable price. In connection with these, we will consider more efficient channels for the sale of grain. Initial




























under construction














In 2014 channels



cultures were: Ilishevsky elevator - 80%, to the population, incl. -5% in wages and 15% in barter transactions.




trade at a higher price. Thus, in LLC "Druzhba" it is necessary to pay attention to improving the structure of sown areas, increasing productivity and ensuring the competitiveness of products. The basis of the enterprise management process is the diagnosis of the financial condition. The analysis of the financial condition was not chosen by chance, since it is financial indicators that are an indicator of the position of an economic entity in the market. Financial analysis provides an opportunity to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the state of the enterprise, to identify the trend in the development of crisis processes. The implementation of these and other measures to manage the financial condition of the enterprise in conditions of unstable production and the market will allow the enterprise not only to identify and realize external and internal reserves, but also to provide better management decisions on the formation financial strategy and financial policy.

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The financial policy includes all decisions, the changing rules of the game in the enterprise, the basic principles of its activities. Therefore, it is formed at the stage of development and adoption of a new development strategy, for example, reforming an enterprise. Financial management of a reformed enterprise aims to provide the enterprise with the methods, approaches, resources necessary to overcome a crisis situation, as well as to track the rational use of funds and the effectiveness of operations and processes for which these funds are intended.

The study revealed the following points:

A functioning organizational structure contributes to the achievement of the company's goals. However, it should be noted that in the organization of financial resource management units there is no clear control and planning for financial responsibility centers.

The calculation of the coefficients characterizing the financial position of the enterprise (for example, the financial stability coefficients are below the norm) showed the need to develop measures to improve the financial position.

The object of the study is a trading enterprise: Open Joint-Stock Company Shopping mall"Bashkortostan".

OJSC TC "Bashkortostan" is a large trading company in Ufa and the Republic of Belarus. The main purpose of the Company's activities is to make profit. The main activities of the Company are:

Retail trade of food and non-food products;

Production and sale of public catering products;

Provision of household and other types of services for the population.

The analysis of the key performance indicators showed that in 2008 the growth of retail trade turnover by 2.9% can be noted.

As a result of the current activities of the trade enterprise, income of 174498 thousand rubles was received, which amounted to 21.47% of the turnover, compared to last year, the level of income increased by 2.04%, in terms of the amount, income increased by 21034 thousand rubles.

When conducting a financial analysis according to the forms of financial statements, it was revealed that the enterprise has a low level of financial independence (the norm is not lower than 0.5). By the end of the reporting period increased by 4% - a favorable trend. By the end of 2008, the ratio of borrowed funds to equity decreased by 26% - a favorable trend. The enterprise has a low proportion of funding sources that it can use in its activities for a long time. At the end of the reporting period, there was a slight decrease in the share of these sources.

The calculation of the coefficients showed that it is necessary to develop measures to improve the financial condition of the enterprise:

Since the current liquidity ratio is less than 2, the value of current assets cannot cover the entire value of current liabilities. Those. the enterprise does not have a reserve stock to compensate for losses that the enterprise may incur in the placement and liquidation of all current assets, except for cash. In other words, the entity is not protected from any possible decline in the market value of current assets caused by unforeseen circumstances that could suspend or reduce cash inflows.

The solvency recovery ratio is less than 1. Thus, the ratio calculated for a period of 6 months indicates that the company has no real opportunity to restore solvency in the near future.

The coefficient of loss of solvency is less than 1, which indicates the loss of solvency. Therefore, further development of measures to improve the financial condition of the enterprise is required.

This is the weakness of the company.

In 2008, compared to 2007, there was an improvement in all profitability indicators, and the profitability of fixed assets, sales, use of current assets and equity increased significantly (sheet No. 2). This happened as a result of an increase in sales and the average annual value of current assets.

As a result of the analysis of cash, it was revealed that the net cash flow in the reporting period increased by 13,719 thousand rubles, and amounted to 2,305 thousand rubles in 2008. According to the results of the analysis, it can be noted that there is a fragmentation in the responsibility for conducting financial activities, namely: in the current, investment and financial.

The company lacks clear control and planning for financial responsibility centers. The division of responsibility at the level of individual structural units will allow for effective control, operational analysis of production results and identification of weak points in production. In addition, this method will make it possible to keep the management of the organization aware of which areas of production fail to achieve planned targets.

Therefore, it was necessary to develop a strategy to improve the financial performance of the enterprise.

To achieve the main strategic goal, the enterprise must carry out planning in three main areas: financial management, planning management at the enterprise and personnel management.

In the field of personnel management, the company's management plans to improve the personnel motivation system by introducing competition for departments, and, based on the results of work, financially encourage employees in the form of bonuses to wages, vouchers to the resort places of the Republic of Belarus, clothing rewards, etc.

In the field of financial management and planning in the enterprise, the leadership for the near future provides for the improvement of the policy in the field of inventory management by minimizing current costs.

When optimizing a batch of orders, we will get a release of funds in the amount of 18994 tr.

In order to strengthen control over the spending of funds at the enterprise, it is necessary to create a financial service, where departments responsible for accounting and planning the movement of financial resources of the enterprise will be concentrated by reorganizing the financial and economic departments, accounting.

Based on the division of financial responsibility centers, a financial plan was drawn up.

The planning process consists of the following elements:

1. Sales budget

2. Budget of expenses

3. Cash flow budget

4. Budget according to the balance sheet.

The final stage in the development of a financial plan is the construction of a forecast balance.

The funds released at the same time cannot be withdrawn from circulation, as they are in stocks of inventory items that ensure the growth in the sale of goods. The relative and absolute release of working capital has a single economic basis and significance, because it means additional savings for an economic entity.

Based on the calculated data, it can be concluded that the rational, efficient use of the working capital of the enterprise and the feasibility of implementing the proposed measures.
