Socio-demographic policy of the Russian Federation. Social and demographic policy of the Russian Federation Give a description of social and demographic policy

Social and demographic policy in Russia is a basic element in the formation of the country's economic concept.

The level of social well-being within the country and the indicators of its foreign economic situation as a subject of the global economic space depend on the provision of labor resources.

Demographic policy: what is it

The purpose of this sphere government regulation- provide the necessary for the country. The state of all the most important forms depends on this. social life: economy, quality of life of different social strata of the population, level of defense capability of the country. What indicators form the socio-demographic picture of Russia:

  • population reproduction level;
  • dynamic indicators of population size and structure;
  • mortality/birth rate;
  • number of concluded and dissolved marriages;
  • migration indicators.

All other indicators about the state of society in the state over 10-15 years, on the basis of which an analytical summary is made, identify problems that require immediate solutions, or negative trends and the development of measures to neutralize them.

What is social policy?

The goal of social policy is to improve the quality of life of the population through the implementation of social programs and government support for certain groups of the population. Successful social policy is a condition for Russia's demographic policy to achieve its goal.

For example, the Maternity Capital program is being implemented with the support of the state and has outlined a good prospect for increasing the average birth rate in Russia.

However, the social sphere is not always ready to provide conditions in this area. The situation with the increase in the birth rate, which Russia's demographic policy has led to, is indicative. 2013 revealed a shortage of places in preschool educational institutions, this problem remains relevant for the near future. Imbalance can lead to undesirable social consequences. In addition to these negative aspects, the lack of places in kindergartens does not allow parents to fully realize their

Population reproduction indicators in Russia

Despite the measures taken to increase the population in Russia over the past ten years, the trend toward depopulation continues.

Despite the fact that the birth rate tends to increase (by an average of 15%), high mortality rates leave the issue of population reproduction unresolved.

Russia's demographic policy at the beginning of the century showed its ineffectiveness. The lowest birth rate was in 2000. In the future, this should manifest itself by 2020, when the ratio of people of retirement and working age will reach critical proportions.

It was during the period of lowest population reproduction that the Concept of Demographic Policy until 2015 and the perspective until 2025 was adopted to create conditions for stabilizing the process of population reproduction.

Migration processes in modern Russia

Due to fundamental changes in the country’s economy over the past decades and a reduction in development programs for the northern regions, the outflow of the working-age population from these areas was significant and amounted to more than eight percent of the total population of the Far North (more than 1 million people).

There are serious changes in the proportion of legal and illegal migration flows of residents of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). That is why the Concept of Demographic Development includes the task of creating programs to attract promising young specialists from the CIS and the return of compatriots from foreign countries.

Institute of Family and Marriage

The institution of family and marriage is the basic social unit of society. It is in it that the principles of social structure, culture, views, social views, and personality orientation are laid down.

For the successful implementation of social prospects, it is the family that is an indicator of healthy relationships. Therefore, Russia's demographic policy relies on the development of the institution of family and marriage. What activities should help strengthen this important thing? They are provided for by the program to support the institution of the family and serve the purpose of not only strengthening it, but also developing the spiritual and moral foundations of the social unit:

  1. Advisory and psychological support for families, solving the problem of preserving the family and preventing divorces.
  2. Promoting the value of marriage and raising children, as well as accepting children without parental care into the family.
  3. Decrease in the number of abortions.
  4. Increasing parental responsibility for the upbringing and development of children.

Concept, program, plan and demographic policy

The concept is an ideological position, which is a postulate for all other documents and decisions at the federal, regional and local levels. A general vision of the country’s demographic situation and strategic directions in solving identified problems.

Russia's demographic policy is carried out within the framework of a program in areas of activity.

Determined by the area of ​​problem solving (protection of motherhood and childhood, support for people of retirement age, prevention of antisocial behavior of youth, etc.) and organizational scale (federal, regional, municipal levels).

Plan - spatio-temporal localization of activities in accordance with the developed program. The plan is expressed in specific numbers and dates. At the end of the year, it is subject to analysis in relation to the actual indicators to the planned ones.

What are the priorities at the present stage?

As priorities, according to the adopted Concept, which are decided by the demographic policy of Russia in 2014 for the present period and until 2025, the following can be identified:

  1. Reduced mortality rates (especially maternal and infant mortality).
  2. Increasing the active life expectancy of the population up to 75 years of age.
  3. Maintaining the dynamics of increasing birth rates.
  4. Strengthening the institution of family.
  5. Attracting migrant workers.

The solution to the set demographic tasks is directly dependent on the effectiveness of social measures aimed at stabilizing economic processes, reducing the stratification of society, creating favorable social conditions and increasing the standard of living of the population.

Socio-demographic policy in modern Russia, its significance and prospects

For the effectiveness and predictability of the given parameters, it is important to provide not only for a successful increase in the quantitative indicators of population growth, but also to ensure this growth with the quality of social life. Demographic policy in Russia assumes in the period until 2025:

  • Reduce the mortality rate of the working-age population by at least 1.6 times.
  • Reduce the maternal level by more than 2 times.
  • To improve public health indicators, to create motivation for maintaining healthy image life.
  • Increase the birth rate by 1.5 times, achieve population reproduction through the birth of a second and subsequent children.

At the moment, the legitimacy of the provisions declared by Russia’s demographic policy is confirmed by statistical data. Natural population growth according to 2012 data was noted in forty regions Russian Federation. The population level of 143 million people, which was planned for 2015, has already been achieved. But the goals remain relevant.

Demographic policy and specific mentality in Russia

Thus, Russia, briefly presented in the Concept and detailed in social programs, is a system of state influence and social institutions on processes in society in order to improve quantitative indicators and demographic development.

Demographic policy in Russia does not change, but only develops the original Russian traditions in understanding the value of family and family education of children.

The Russian mentality has always contained the spiritual and moral principle of justice and equality in society, the availability of benefits for all its members.

Based on these priorities, state policy is doomed to success, since it is identical to the Russian traditional understanding of the relationship between man and society.


1. Socio-economic and legal measures for the implementation of demographic policy

2. National problems of the Krasnodar region


List of sources used


Relevance of the topic. The population of the Russian Federation is currently rapidly declining, which poses one of the most serious threats national security Russia in the 21st century. The situation in which the generation of children replaces the generation of parents by only 60% is increasingly alarming; the country loses 700-800 thousand people annually. Since 1992, mortality in Russia has consistently exceeded the birth rate. Over 14 years (1992-2005), the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths in Russia amounted to more than 11.1 million people. The absolute population decline (taking into account the 5.3 million migrants who entered) during this period amounted to about 5.8 million (about 400 thousand people on average per year). Data from recent years demonstrate an increase in the scale of population decline: for 2000-2005. - about 700 thousand people on average per year.

Maintaining the current level of fertility and mortality will lead to the fact that the population of our country by the beginning of 2025 could be about 123 million people, having decreased by 20 million people (or by 1/7) compared to the beginning of 2006.

The current birth rates are 1.6 times lower than necessary to ensure at least simple reproduction of the population. This situation calls into question the further possibilities of the peoples of Russia to develop the material, spiritual and cultural potential accumulated over centuries. The Russian Federation today lags behind advanced countries in terms of average life expectancy by 16-19 years for men and 9-13 years for women. The disproportion in the population of the regions is getting worse. IN central regions In the European part of the country, which is the historical and cultural basis of Russian statehood, against the backdrop of a sharp decline in the birth rate, the proportion of older people is increasing; the regions of Siberia and the Far East continue to lose population due to migration outflow.

The aging of the population increases the burden on the working population, the health care and social security systems, and exacerbates problems with the payment of pensions and social benefits. The population decline poses a direct threat to Russia's national security. The additional outflow of qualified personnel from Russia, especially young people, leads to a decrease in the scientific, creative, and cultural potential of Russian society and aggravates the problem of Russia's external technological dependence.

The real threat to the national security and sovereignty of the Russian Federation is associated with a decrease in the working-age population and, accordingly, the economic potential of the country. In conditions of expected economic growth, the reduction in the number of economically active population (according to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development by 3.2 million people in 2006-2010) will cause an acute labor shortage. Attracting migrants from foreign countries with sociocultural parameters and lifestyles that differ significantly from the sociocultural characteristics of the peoples of the Russian Federation can only temporarily and locally contribute to solving economic problems, while simultaneously contributing to the destabilization of the social situation in the near future. The nature of modern spontaneous migration processes does not correspond to a number of regions (South of Russia, Far East) economic and political interests of the state.

The further development of Russia as a viable society and state is impossible without the development and implementation of a strategic and state plan to overcome the demographic crisis based on comprehensive solution issues of family and fertility, health and life expectancy, migration and resettlement. Considering that from 2010 the depopulation process will intensify due to negative changes in the age composition of the population (decrease in the population of reproductive age, increase in the proportion of elderly people) and any measures taken will no longer be able to give the necessary effect, a transition to large-scale, active and financially supported actions that will really change the demographic situation.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the main activities for the implementation of demographic policy in Russia, as well as to study the national problems of the Krasnodar Territory.

The object of the work is the demographic situation in Russia.

Subject: demographic policy measures.

Job objectives:

1. Study socio-economic and legal measures for the implementation of demographic policy

2. Analyze the national problems of the Krasnodar region. The structure of the work consists of an introduction, main part, conclusion, and a list of sources used.

1. Socio-economic and legal measures for the implementation of demographic policy

In a broad sense, demographic policy is population policy. The object can be the population of the country, its individual regions, population cohorts, families of certain types. The historical goal of the state's demographic policy is to achieve a demographic optimum.

Demographic policy in Russia is implemented in the form of the national project Demography, which includes as a main component the “maternity capital” program, as well as benefits and benefits for the birth of a child. Participating in demographic policy in Russia are: public organizations, putting forward their own projects to improve the demographic situation. An example is the Russian Foundation, which put forward the Concept of Demographic Development of Russia. The Russian Council of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Russia also has a Committee on Social and Demographic Policy, which is headed by D. M. Yakobashvili and which, however, has not shown any merit so far. In addition, there are many initiative groups and individual citizens who put forward their own ideas about ways to solve the demographic problem.

In the President's program message Federal Assembly a thesis was voiced about the seriousness and even catastrophic nature of the demographic situation in the country.

The “Concept of Russia’s demographic policy until 2015” was recently published; it was developed under the leadership of one of the leading demographers, L. Rybakovsky. The government approved basically the concept of demographic policy until 2015.

Recognition of the catastrophic demographic situation of the country requires today the immediate activation of a policy to encourage the birth rate, the adoption of a program that is equally based on both national interests and those family values ​​that any person could freely accept. This Concept formulates the main directions of demographic policy, as well as measures that can return to the family its main function of reproduction of generations and socialization of offspring. These measures must be systematic and permanent, implemented in different areas - primarily in legislative, social and economic areas. All possible elevation of the family as a family production with diverse investments in what is called “human capital” is assumed.

A pronatalist (i.e., aimed at increasing the birth rate) income-tax-credit policy is many times more demographically effective than a benefit policy, although it presupposes a fundamental revaluation of the criteria for the distribution of the national product, as well as a revision of the priorities of the national budget. It will require significant financial investments, but it is necessary to take into account savings on items of expenditure associated with the current crisis of the family, in particular with the costs of the repressive and penitentiary apparatus, with the costs of the apparatus of social security bodies for children and the elderly, with the social costs created by the aging population , with a reorientation of everything national economy for the needs of older generations.

A pro-family policy of radically increasing the value of a family with children, increasing the prestige of family-related roles in comparison with professional roles of the individual, offers the population a real choice between a family-children and a single-single lifestyle. Eliminating the material deterioration of life when children are born takes the problem of fertility and family beyond the standard of living, filling it with value content that determines the meaning of existence. The Concept describes measures to increase the family and individual’s need for children, as well as measures aimed at improving the conditions for realizing the population’s need for children.

The state's new demographic policy offers individuals a choice of various family models and family lifestyles, and supports those 1 that meet the strategic interests of the state. This means that it strives not only to eliminate the negative course of demographic processes, but also to have such an impact on the processes of population reproduction that would be fully consistent with a society of demographic and social well-being.

A national program was also developed.

Demographic development of Russia: draft national program.

The goal is to ensure stabilization of the population of the Russian Federation by 2015. at a level not lower than 140-142 million people. Providing further prerequisites for population growth.

Creating conditions to increase the birth rate and provide support for families with children.

Improving public health and reducing mortality.

Attracting Russians and Russian-speaking residents of the republics former USSR to immigration to the Russian Federation.

Improving the balance of population settlement of the Russian Federation by region.

Limiting illegal immigration, especially in those regions of the Russian Federation where it can pose a threat to social stability, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of the country.

Formation of a system for ensuring state demographic and family policy.

State policy in accordance with the National Program is implemented on the basis of the following principles:

ensuring the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in independently determining the paths of the country's demographic development;

priority of measures aimed at the permanent population of the Russian Federation over measures to use external migration in solving demographic problems;

the priority of attracting Russian and Russian-speaking residents of the republics of the former USSR - representatives of peoples historically living on the territory of the Russian Federation, to immigration to the Russian Federation in the complex of measures of the immigration policy of the Russian Federation;

ensuring a balance of the rights of immigrants legally arriving in the Russian Federation and settling on its territory with the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the geopolitical, demographic and socio-economic interests of the Russian Federation in terms of resettlement and employment of legal migrants, arrangement and use of social infrastructure ;

a differentiated approach to the reception of various categories of migrants in accordance with the strategy and guidelines of the socio-economic and demographic policy of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure the migration flows necessary for the state.

2. National problems of the Krasnodar region

The Krasnodar Territory is one of the most densely populated territories of the Russian Federation with high positive population dynamics. Average population density 65.9 people. per sq. km. The share of the urban population in the total number of residents is only 53.4%, which is below the national average (73.2%). It should be emphasized that rural settlements in the region (they are called “stanitsa”), especially regional centers^ have a population comparable to small towns central Russia, and an equally high level of infrastructure development.

The ethnic composition is dominated by Russians (87.9%), some of whom consider themselves to be Kuban Cossacks; there are also Ukrainians (3.9%), Armenians (3.7%), Adygs (0.2%), Kurds (0. 1%), Turks (0.1%), Belarusians, Germans, Greeks, Tatars, etc. In the 90s. The interethnic situation became more complicated, including due to the proximity of the region to crisis regions and hot spots in the North Caucasus, which actually turned Kuban into a front-line zone.

Migration population growth in recent years in the region is 5-6 times higher than the Russian average and is turning into a serious social problem: the housing problem is becoming more complicated, the shortage of jobs is growing, the burden on social security agencies, healthcare, etc.

The overwhelming majority of migrants, and many of them are forced migrants, are Russians (88.5%), the rest are Ukrainians (4%) and Armenians (2.2%, 1997). Serious problems arise in Kuban in connection with the migration of Kurds, Armenians, and Meskhetian Turks from Transcaucasia. At the same time, the most conflict-prone areas are considered to be the areas in the resort area of ​​Adler, Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik and the adjacent areas, where migrants most often settle.

The economically active population at the beginning of 2007 was 2,134 thousand people, of which 1,907 thousand people were employed in economic sectors, and 227 thousand people were looking for work. Officially registered unemployment in 2007 was 2.7% of the economically active population, or 58.3 thousand people. By the end of 2006, the official number of unemployed had decreased to 45 thousand people, or 2.1% of the economically active population. In total, during that period, 213 thousand people did not have an occupation, but were looking for it, and 1,915 thousand people worked in various fields and sectors of the economy. Thus, general level unemployment was equal to 10% of the economically active population, or 2128 thousand people.

At the end of 2008, the number of workers in all sectors of the region's economy practically remained at the level of the previous year and amounted to 1909 thousand people. Almost a quarter of the total employed population worked in agriculture. The situation on the labor market was relatively stable. There were 28.8 thousand officially registered unemployed people. The level of registered unemployment even decreased: from 1.7% at the beginning of 2009 to 1.1% in December 1996. At the same time, the level of overall unemployment in the region became significantly higher than 15.6%, which exceeded the average for Russia ( 11.2%).

As of January 1, 2009, 7.3 thousand unemployed people aged 16-29 years were registered in the region. The share of young people in the total number of unemployed decreased from 27.5 to 25.6%.

In the field of employment, the Program to Promote Employment for the Population of the Krasnodar Territory was implemented. It contributed to the creation of a flexible state system of social support and the prevention of unemployment growth. A special regional labor exchange was organized for young people.

Thus, over the past decade, the quality of the migration flow has changed radically. Now the bulk of it is migrants who come to us temporarily, earn money and leave.

Therefore, the emphasis in migration policy today should be fundamentally different. The problem of labor shortage is very acute. Therefore, we must accept labor migrants. Moreover, when they exist, they play the role of a wonderful shock-absorbing cushion for our society in case, God forbid, of another economic crisis. Simply because external migrants are the category that is washed out first in the event of an increase in unemployment. They protect the local population from too violent social upheavals.

And migration policy, in fact, unfortunately, is focused not so much on really existing problems, but on the phantoms of the 90s. In addition, the powerful wave of labor migration is currently in no way adapted to Kuban society. While there were not very many foreign workers and they lived in isolation in their trailers, not appearing anywhere, no one actually saw them. Now there are already a lot of them. Over the course of two years, the age composition of these people changed radically. If previously these were exclusively fathers of families, now very young people come to work.

One of the serious problems of migration policy is the lack of real public control. Such control is needed not only to protect migrants. First of all, it is necessary in order to protect Russian citizens.

It is necessary to separate the issues of migration policy and interethnic relations. The largest number of foreigners entering the Krasnodar region are migrants from neighboring Ukraine. Georgia comes in second place, then Kazakhstan and only then Armenia. Moreover, according to statistics from recent years, the percentage of Russians by nationality among foreigners entering the territory of our region is approximately equal to the percentage of Russians among the indigenous population. This figure ranges from 83 to 87 percent.


So, based on the above, we can draw some conclusions.

Currently in the world, the majority of scientists, politicians and government officials do not recognize depopulation as an urgent problem - global and national. Public opinion is dominated by the idea of ​​“rapid growth” of the world population, “increasing birth rates” and the “threat of overpopulation.” In this context, the depopulation of a number of European countries is seen as a “salvation” from “overpopulation”, and a reduction in fertility and low birth rates is considered the only means of this “salvation”.

Russia, as a multinational country with vast territories and an insignificant by modern standards, but also depopulating population, risks once again becoming a testing ground where the global contradictions of our time tragically intersect. According to the developers of the Concept, our country has only one opportunity to preserve national and territorial integrity - intensifying demographic policy aimed at increasing the birth rate and a sharp increase in the proportion of families with three or more children through systemic promotion of family lifestyle.

List of sources used

1. Beloshapkina E. Analysis of the demographic situation in the country and in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug // Economist. - 2009. - N 2. - P.63-68.

2. Bystroe A. A. Maternity capital: stimulating fertility? // Sociol. research - 2008. - N 12. - P.91-96.

3. Demographic modernization of Russia in the 20th century // Society, science and modernity. - 2007. - N 3. - P. 128-140.

4.1 Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2008: stat. Sat. / editor: Surinov A.E. and others - M.: Rosstat, 2008. - 557 p.

5. Demchenko A. Demographic situation in Krasnodar region//

6. Lubanets E. Kuban is experiencing a demographic surge //

7. Perevedentsev V.I. Demographic prospects of Russia // Sociol. research - 2007. - N 12. - P.58-69.

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Faculty of Management

Department of Management and Marketing

Discipline: Demography

Topic: Social and demographic policy: relationship and difference of goals

Completed by a 1st year student, gr. Uzs 21.1/B-13

Sverchkova Irina Andreevna

Teacher: Osipova Natalya Viktorovna

Moscow 2014


In many areas of public life, the state pursues its own policy, or, one might say, many different policies, each of which pursues a specific limited goal and, in accordance with this goal, has a name (employment policy, wages, income, education, housing policy, national, cultural, defense, social, etc.). The name of the policy indicates (proclaims) its goals. Thus, this is not at all an empty formality, not scholasticism. The declaration of the goals of this policy imposes a certain responsibility on the governing bodies for achieving these goals and for the results (including side effects). In this way, the effectiveness of the policy is determined by comparing the results with the goals.

It is perhaps impossible to name government activities or social processes that would not at all affect the demographic situation. But this does not at all give grounds to classify any state action as demographic policy. Meanwhile, there is already a long tradition, in particular with regard to fertility. After every government decree containing any measures to provide financial support for families with children, these measures are considered even by some authoritative demographers to be measures of demographic policy. They are expected to increase the birth rate. However, the short duration of action and the demographic ineffectiveness of such measures are well known - both from the experience of the former Eastern European countries and from the experience of our fatherland. And this ineffectiveness is natural, since it was not intended as a goal.

In this regard, it is necessary to distinguish between social and demographic policies.

1. Demographic policy

Demographic policy is a complex of economic and administrative propaganda measures with the help of which the state influences the birth rate in the direction it desires.

In a broad sense, demographic policy is population policy. The object can be the population of the country, its individual regions, population cohorts, families of certain types. The historical goal of the state's demographic policy is to achieve a demographic optimum.

History of population policy

Demographic policy has been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, when wars and epidemics raged, it acquired the direction of maintaining an increase in the birth rate. In modern times, clear definitions and actions to stimulate the birth rate were formalized in France.

IN early XIX century in Europe, Malthus's theory prevailed, which led to a policy of birth control.

After the Second World War, due to the demographic crisis, special attention was paid to the development of demographic policy. The problems were discussed at sessions of the UN General Assembly, and in 1969 a special UNFPA fund was created.

In the United States there is no clearly defined demographic policy; the population is given free choice. However, there is the problem of abortion: they are either allowed or prohibited depending on the ratio of liberals and conservatives in the government. In the USSR, a policy was pursued to encourage large families, material and moral incentives. In the 1980s there was a decline in the birth rate, after which incentives were increased. In independent Russia, the policy of encouraging fertility continued, and maternity capital appeared as a measure of material incentives.

Goals of demographic policy

In developing countries where there is a population explosion - a decrease in the birth rate and natural population growth due to contraception, health education, consultations on family planning, voluntary sterilization, economic and administrative measures. There is also the fact of high mortality in developing countries.

In economically developed countries - an increase in the birth rate and natural increase (democracy policies were carried out especially actively in Eastern Europe until the end of the 80s) thanks to loans to newlyweds, benefits for the birth of each child, housing benefits, and long leave for pregnant women. It is estimated that policies of this kind have now intensified in France and Sweden. demographic birth rate social

Demographic policy measures

1. Economic

· paid holidays; various benefits for the birth of a child, often depending on their number

family age and condition are assessed on a progressive scale

· loans, credits, tax and housing benefits - to increase the birth rate

· benefits for large families - to increase the birth rate

2. Administrative and legal

· Legislative acts regulating the age of marriage, divorceability, attitudes towards abortion and contraception, the property status of the mother and children in the event of a marriage breakdown, the labor regime of working women

3. Educational, propaganda

· formation of public opinion, norms and standards of demographic behavior

· determination of attitude towards religious norms, traditions and customs

family planning policy

sex education for youth

Demographic policy, in accordance with the subject of demography, aims to manage demographic processes and regulate them

2. Social policy

Social policy -- policy in the area social development And social security; a system of activities carried out by a business entity (usually the state) aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of certain social groups, as well as the scope of studying issues related to such policies, including historical, economic, political, socio-legal and sociological aspects, as well as examination of cause-and-effect relationships in the field of social issues. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that there is no established opinion as to what should be understood by the expression “social policy”. Thus, this term is often used in the sense of social administration in relation to those institutionalized (that is, enshrined in legal and organizational terms) social services that are provided by the state. Some authors consider this use of the term to be erroneous.

More often under social policy in an applied, practical sense (context) they understand a set (system) of specific measures and activities aimed at supporting the livelihoods of the population. Depending on who these measures come from and who their main initiator (subject) is, the corresponding types of social policy are distinguished - state (federal), regional, municipal, corporate, etc. In a broad sense and from a scientific point of view, this is not so much a system of measures and activities as a system of relationships and interactions between social groups, social strata of society, in the center of which is their main ultimate goal - man, his well-being, social protection and social development, livelihoods and social security of the population as a whole.

The traditional areas of social policy are the following: education, health care, housing and social insurance (including pensions and individual social services)

State social policy

The state usually carries out its social policy through local and regional authorities. State social policy is financed from the state budget. The objects of state social policy are usually large social groups that correspond either to the ideological guidelines of the state at the moment, or to the value orientations of society in the long term.

The goal of the state’s social policy is to improve the health of the nation, to ensure sufficient income and social support in certain unfavorable situations. life situations and, in general, in creating a favorable social atmosphere in society for the population.

Social policy is an integral part of the general strategy of the state related to the social sphere: targeted activities to develop and implement decisions directly related to a person and his position in society; to provide it with social guarantees, taking into account the characteristics of various groups of the country's population, the social policy pursued by the government, all branches and authorities, based on broad public support, is intended to accumulate, focus, and reflect the situation in the country and the situation in society, the needs and goals of social development.

Forms of implementation of social policy

The forms of implementation of social policy are different. One of the main such forms is the provision of social services. The object of receiving social services can be both individual social groups (usually having certain social problems), in relation to which social administration is carried out, and the entire population as a whole.

For example, the social protection system for the unemployed is an integral element of government policy. It includes two systems: labor-based unemployment insurance and insurance experience based on wage levels, and means-tested social security to maintain living standards. The most common government income support program for the unemployed in developed countries is unemployment insurance.

Strategy and priorities of social policy

A social policy strategy is a general solution to the system of social problems of a country at a given specific historical stage of its development.

When developing and implementing social policy, the question of social priorities necessarily arises, that is, social tasks that are recognized by society at at this stage its development are the most pressing and urgent, requiring priority solutions. The main priorities of social policy include:

· providing a person with normal living conditions and development from birth to old age;

· creating conditions for the functioning of the family as the primary unit of society, paying special attention to mothers;

· ensuring economic security, reliable protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens;

· ensuring effective protection of the population: improving the quality of social protection of the population, protecting health, culture, housing, improving the demographic situation.

The subjects of social policy include legislative and executive branch different levels, employers in the state and non-state sectors of the economy, as well as trade unions and other public organizations that influence the development of state social policy.

The following principles of social policy are distinguished:

· social justice,

· social responsibility,

· social partnership,

· social guarantees,

· continuity.

The objectives of social policy include:

· stimulating economic growth and subordinating production to the interests of consumption,

· strengthening work motivation and business entrepreneurship,

· ensuring an adequate standard of living and social protection of the population,

· preservation of cultural and natural heritage, national identity and identity.

To effectively carry out its regulatory functions, the state has such powerful levers of influence as the country's legislation, the national budget, and the system of taxes and duties.

The experience of most countries in the world confirms: despite all the objective dependence of solving social problems on the economic and political situation in the country, social policy is independent and is capable of helping to improve the level of well-being of the population through its own means and exert a stimulating influence on the desire of citizens for social progress. In modern conditions, social policy should be a priority for the power structures of any state.

WITHsocial policy aims to regulate living conditions, organize assistance to those in need, etc.

3. Interrelation and difference between the goals of social and demographic policy

Of course, social policy measures aimed at improving the material living conditions of families and individuals can come closer to the objectives of demographic policy, creating favorable conditions for the implementation of existing demographic, in particular reproductive, needs. But the ability of social policy measures alone to influence changes in needs is small.

According to all studies of reproductive attitudes conducted in our country and abroad, the average desired number of children in a family is higher than the average expected (actually planned) number of children, which indicates incomplete satisfaction of the need for the number of children experienced by many families (one can even to say what part of families this is. But, according to different studies, this part is assessed differently. An analysis of the research results would lead us away from the main topic. Therefore, I will allow myself not to consider this aspect).

A positive difference between the desired and expected number of children indicates the possibility of some increase in the birth rate, which can be achieved using traditional social policy measures: benefits, benefits, etc. At the same time, the small value of this difference, only 0.15 children, shows the corresponding insignificance of the influence of material obstacles on the fulfillment of the existing need for children. Still, even in the current transitional social conditions, most families have a number of children in accordance (or almost in accordance) with the needs for them. From this we can conclude that traditional demographic (or rather, social) policy has little ability to increase the birth rate using the usual methods: benefits and benefits. It would be possible to bring the birth rate only to the average desired number of children, which according to the 1994 microcensus, as is known, is 1.91 children and does not reach the value of 2.12 necessary for at least simple population reproduction (since we are already in the process of depopulation, then for exiting it, the birth rate should significantly exceed the value of 2.12).

In order to exit the zone of demographic catastrophe, it is necessary to raise the birth rate significantly above 2.12 per woman without difference in marital status or above 2.6 per effective marriage. And for this it is necessary to influence the reproductive needs of millions of Russian families, to raise the average desired number of children to approximately 2.8-3.0 children, for which it is necessary to popularize a family with 3-4 children, without forgetting to show everything signs of attention and respect for a large family (with 5 or more children).


Based on the foregoing, policies designed to influence the reproductive behavior of the population in the direction of increasing the birth rate consist of two directions: 1) regulation of living conditions in order to assist families in meeting their existing needs in the number of children, and 2) regulation of living conditions in this way , to increase the need for the number of children to a level that allows our society to avoid a demographic catastrophe.

The first direction completely merges with the tasks of traditional social policy. They should not at all be limited to systems of benefits and benefits. On the contrary, a social policy is needed that would steadily reduce the proportion of families in need of state charity. In other words, it is necessary to increase the proportion of families in society that are able to live on their own income from hired labor and commercial activities.

The second direction of pronatalist (i.e., aimed at increasing the birth rate) state policy and the activities of public organizations is to strengthen the family as a social institution, increase the advantages and attractiveness family life, the usefulness of children for parents. It is not yet possible to name more specific measures to strengthen the institution of the family and increase the family’s need for the number of children, since there are no scientific developments in this area yet.

From this we can conclude that demographic and social policies are closely related.

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The policy designed to influence the reproductive behavior of the population in the direction of increasing the birth rate consists of two directions:

1. Regulating the living conditions of the population in order to assist families in meeting their existing needs in the number of children.

2. Regulation of living conditions, i.e. so that the need for the number of children grows to a level that makes it possible to avoid a demographic catastrophe.

Demographic policy in Russia

The current situation in the field of demography in the Russian Federation is characterized by a number of negative trends. Since 1992, Russia has experienced population depopulation, which is due to low birth rates, on the one hand (the parameters of which are almost 2 times less than those required to replace generations), and high level population mortality, especially in infancy and working age on the other hand. Among those who die of working age, men make up about 80%, which is 4 times higher than the mortality rate of women. The main causes of death: accidents, poisoning and injuries, diseases of the circulatory system and neoplasms.

The health status and mortality rate of the population are reflected in the life expectancy of the country's population. The average life expectancy of the country's population at the end of 2000 was 65.9 years. The difference in life expectancy between men and women is 12 years.

The goal of demographic policy for the medium term is to take measures to reduce the mortality rate of the population; creating prerequisites for stabilizing birth rates.

In this regard, the main objectives of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of demographic policy are:

Development of main directions of action for the implementation of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the long term, including specific measures for the implementation of the Concept of demographic policy, taking into account the prospects for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, individual ethnic groups of the population and regional characteristics of demographic processes;

Development and implementation of a set of federal target programs to protect public health, including the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension among the population of the Russian Federation; providing oncological care to the population of the Russian Federation; prevention and control of AIDS, etc.

Development of measures providing for certification of workplaces in order to identify adverse factors on the health of workers, as well as a procedure for economic incentives for employers to improve working conditions and safety;

Development and implementation of measures to prevent crime, drunkenness and drug addiction.

Great value to obtain the most complete and reliable information about the country’s population in its various aspects, to conduct wide range Research on the formation and adjustment of demographic policy will be carried out by the All-Russian Population Census carried out in October 2002, as well as the creation of the State Population Register of the Russian Federation.

In the area of ​​creating family living conditions that make it possible to raise several children, the main focus should be to ensure that the demographic aspect is taken into account when developing and implementing state housing policy, including:

Maintaining a system of housing standards, ensuring a favorable system of housing standards for families with children;

Promoting the development of market forms of ensuring affordable housing, in the best possible way satisfying the housing needs of families in the active phase of the reproductive cycle;

Taking into account the number of children in a family in need of improved housing conditions when determining the amount of assistance from the state (free subsidies for the purchase of housing, assistance in repaying mortgage loans, etc.).

Demographic policy is the purposeful activity of government bodies and other social institutions in the sphere of regulating the processes of population reproduction, designed to maintain or change the trends in the dynamics of its population and structure.

In a broad sense, demographic policy is population policy. The object can be the population of the country, its individual regions, population cohorts, families of certain types. The historical goal of the state's demographic policy is to achieve a demographic optimum.

Demographic policy in Russia is implemented in the form of the national project Demography, which includes as a main component the “maternity capital” program, as well as benefits and benefits for the birth of a child. Public organizations also participate in demographic policy in Russia, putting forward their own projects to improve the demographic situation. An example is the Russian Foundation, which put forward the Concept of Demographic Development of Russia. The Russian Council of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of Russia also has a Committee on Social and Demographic Policy, which is headed by D. M. Yakobashvili and which, however, has not shown any merit so far. In addition, there are many initiative groups and individual citizens who put forward their own ideas about ways to solve the demographic problem.

The president's program message to the Federal Assembly voiced the thesis about the seriousness and even catastrophic nature of the demographic situation in the country.

The “Concept of Russia’s demographic policy until 2015” was recently published; it was developed under the leadership of one of the leading demographers, L. Rybakovsky. The government approved basically the concept of demographic policy until 2015.

Recognition of the catastrophic demographic situation of the country requires today the immediate activation of a policy to encourage the birth rate, the adoption of a program that is equally based on both national interests and those family values ​​that any person could freely accept. This Concept formulates the main directions of demographic policy, as well as measures that can return to the family its main function of reproduction of generations and socialization of offspring. These measures must be systematic and permanent, implemented in different areas - primarily in legislative, social and economic areas. All possible elevation of the family as a family production with diverse investments in what is called “human capital” is assumed.

A pronatalist (i.e., aimed at increasing the birth rate) income-tax-credit policy is many times more demographically effective than a benefit policy, although it presupposes a fundamental reassessment of the criteria for the distribution of the national product, as well as a revision of the priorities of the national budget. It will require significant financial investments, but it is necessary to take into account savings on items of expenditure associated with the current crisis of the family, in particular with the costs of the repressive and penitentiary apparatus, with the costs of the apparatus of social security bodies for children and the elderly, with the social costs created by the aging population , with the reorientation of the entire national economy to the needs of old generations.

A pro-family policy of radically increasing the value of a family with children, increasing the prestige of family-related roles in comparison with professional roles of the individual, offers the population a real choice between a family-children and a single-single lifestyle. Eliminating the material deterioration of life when children are born takes the problem of fertility and family beyond the standard of living, filling it with value content that determines the meaning of existence. The Concept describes measures to increase the family and individual’s need for children, as well as measures aimed at improving the conditions for realizing the population’s need for children.

The state's new demographic policy offers individuals a choice of various family models and family lifestyles, and supports those 1 that meet the strategic interests of the state. This means that it strives not only to eliminate the negative course of demographic processes, but also to have such an impact on the processes of population reproduction that would be fully consistent with a society of demographic and social well-being.

A national program was also developed.

Demographic development of Russia: draft national program.

The goal is to ensure stabilization of the population of the Russian Federation by 2015. at a level not lower than 140-142 million people. Providing further prerequisites for population growth.

Creating conditions to increase the birth rate and provide support for families with children.

Improving public health and reducing mortality.

Attracting Russians and Russian-speaking residents of the republics of the former USSR to immigrate to the Russian Federation.

Improving the balance of population settlement of the Russian Federation by region.

Limiting illegal immigration, especially in those regions of the Russian Federation where it can pose a threat to social stability, sovereignty, territorial integrity and national security of the country.

Formation of a system for ensuring state demographic and family policy.

State policy in accordance with the National Program is implemented on the basis of the following principles:

ensuring the sovereignty of the Russian Federation in independently determining the paths of the country's demographic development;

priority of measures aimed at the permanent population of the Russian Federation over measures to use external migration in solving demographic problems;

differentiation in approaches and implementation of demographic and family policies, emphasis on creating incentives for the birth of a second and subsequent children in the family in the system of measures to stimulate the birth rate;

the priority of attracting Russian and Russian-speaking residents of the republics of the former USSR - representatives of peoples historically living on the territory of the Russian Federation, to immigration to the Russian Federation in the complex of measures of the immigration policy of the Russian Federation;

ensuring a balance of the rights of immigrants legally arriving in the Russian Federation and settling on its territory with the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the geopolitical, demographic and socio-economic interests of the Russian Federation in terms of resettlement and employment of legal migrants, arrangement and use of social infrastructure ;

a differentiated approach to the reception of various categories of migrants in accordance with the strategy and guidelines of the socio-economic and demographic policy of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure the migration flows necessary for the state.
