Useful information about tarot cards. This is interesting! How music affects health

The article will tell you how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards and how to interpret fortune telling.

Perhaps all people are concerned about the future. And even those who do not want to look into it, sometimes would like to know how to act correctly in a given situation. Fortune telling is a way to open up the space of options and see what our intuition tells us.

  • The secret of fortune telling is not that some mysterious entity helps us lay out a deck of cards. Maps are just a tool to help you look into yourself
  • Psychologists, starting with Sigmund Freud, have established that a person is not only his conscious part, but also his unconscious
  • Maps help you establish a connection with the unconscious and extract information from your subconscious
  • Each person has his own way of telling fortunes. Some people like regular cards, others like runes or specific decks
  • Adherents of Tarot cards claim that fortune telling with them is simple and most effective.
  • Anyone can try fortune telling with Tarot cards. Over time, you will learn to master them and understand what each of them means.

How to learn to tell fortunes with Tarot cards for beginners on their own, where to start?

  • The first thing you need is desire. You must get rid of prejudices and the opinion that cards are a 100% answer to any question you are interested in
  • Fortune telling with cards as interpretation of dreams. It's all about sensations and images. The cards only present the desired option. But the interpretation is up to you
  • Many professionals argue that interpretations from books or the Internet are too general. Therefore, take notes to tailor the meaning of the cards to suit you
  • Buy a deck of cards. Don't accept it as a gift. It must be completely new
  • Fortune telling regularly. Even if some of the cards' answers seem strange or blurry to you, record the results in a notepad. With practice, you will be able to understand their meaning more.
  • Don't expect quick results. Tarot reading is hard work that can be compared to spiritual development. Gradually, a connection and understanding is established between you and the images of the cards
  • Study as much literature as possible and practice new divination techniques. This will expand your receptivity in the spiritual realm
Fortune telling with Tarot cards

History of Tarot Cards

  • Cards have always been banned in the Christian world. In the beginning they were used only for games. And later, for fortune telling
  • Any methods of predicting the future were considered by the church to be “displeasing to God,” so those who told fortunes with cards were severely punished
  • It was only in the 14th century that Tarot cards were mentioned in sources. Then it was already a full-fledged deck of 78 cards
  • Back then, Tarot cards were used to play tarok. It was distributed in Germany and France
  • Tarot cards gained their popularity due to the fact that the deck was divided into major and minor arcana. The minor arcana are symbolic images that even illiterate people could perceive
  • Since the 16th century, fortune telling began using Tarot cards. According to experts, this method of using the deck was invented by the gypsies. They spread this teaching throughout Europe.

History of Tarot

Opinions of scientists and psychologists about Tarot cards

  • The opinion that cards are only an area of ​​esotericism is extremely wrong. Many psychologists see cards as a tool for communicating with their subconscious.
  • Sigmund Freud believed that in conscious life a person practically does not feel his unconscious (or subconscious). It manifests itself in hidden desires, complexes and dreams. The subconscious has a huge influence on decision making and character in general.
  • There are many practices to “hear” your subconscious. Meditation, fortune telling, prayer - all these are sides of the same coin
  • Another famous psychologist Carl Jung noted that cards are symbols that correspond mental state person. When guessing, a person synchronizes these symbols and his psyche, thus extracting answers outward
  • This is why science does not deny that cards can be used for self-knowledge

How to start telling fortunes with Tarot cards?

  • If you are convinced of your desire to begin the practice of fortune telling, then buy a new deck of cards
  • You need to choose cards personally. Don’t be lazy, but look at all the images and try to feel the energy
  • Decks of cards are drawn by various artists. And images can be perceived differently by each person.
  • Choose the images that please you. Which you will want to look at for a long time
  • When you bring a deck of cards home, don’t rush to start reading straight away
  • In your free time, sit quietly and meditate on the cards. Look at each card, feel what emotions each of them brings to you
  • Only after you become familiar with the deck, proceed to simple layouts
  • Make notes noting which card corresponds to which situation. Over time, you will be able to move away from standard interpretations and use personal

Introducing the Tarot Card Deck

  • A deck of Tarot cards consists of 78 cards, the major and minor arcana.
  • The major arcana are cards with a picture and a symbolic name (for example, "Sun", "Tower" or "Moon"). There are 22 of them. The calculation starts from 0 - this is the “Fool” card. Last card - 21, "World"
  • Minor Arcana - 56 cards, divided into 4 suits - wands, swords, cups and pentacles
  • Tarot cards in some methods of fortune telling have upright and inverted meanings. This must be taken into account when laying out cards

How to properly store a deck of cards?

  • Taking care of your deck has two purposes. The first is keeping the deck in proper shape. The second is the energy perception of the cards
  • A deck of cards is usually bought one for life. A special connection is established with her. And it will be a shame if the drawings are erased and the corners are wrinkled
  • In terms of energy, by carefully storing cards you give them significance as something valuable.
  • Experts advise storing cards by wrapping them in fabric (silk) and placing them in a special wooden box
  • The more carefully you store the deck, the more importance you will attach to fortune telling and the deck of cards.

Tarot card storage box

The connection between astrology and Tarot cards

  • Although there is a connection between Tarot cards and astrology, they cannot be perceived identically. Astrology and Tarot are two different directions
  • Astrology helps to gain deeper insight into the essence of the cards. Especially for those who were already familiar with astrology before
  • Everyone knows that the zodiac signs are divided into 4 elements: fire, air, water and earth. Tarot cards (minor arcana) are also divided into 4 types: wands, swords, cups and pentacles
  • They have a correspondence: wands - fire (West), swords - air (East), cups - water (North), pentacles - earth (South).
  • Zodiac signs have the following relationships with cards: cups - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces; pentacles - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn; swords - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; wands - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Astrology and Tarot cards

How to choose “your card” in a deck?

  • “Your card” is the one that will symbolize you in some layouts
  • Selected personal card from the minor arcana. It will be a page, knight, king or queen. For young girls and boys - page and knight, respectively. For mature women and men - queen or king
  • Next, select a card by suit, focusing on your zodiac sign
  • For example, a girl under the zodiac sign Cancer should choose the Page of Cups card

“Own card” in the Tarot deck
  • Read the literature before drawing conclusions about the process of fortune telling with Tarot cards
  • There are two sides of the coin - skepticism and blind trust. Both of these approaches are wrong and will not bring self-knowledge
  • Always approach fortune telling with optimism. Cards do not predict the future, but speak about your subconscious attitude to the situation. Analyze this to do the right thing.
  • There is no need to guess for everyone. Maps are a tool for self-discovery. It is difficult to analyze someone else’s subconscious with the help of cards if you still have little connection with the images
  • Fortune telling by cards goes well with other spiritual practices. Remember that a person is beautiful when he develops all areas of his life

Video: What is Tarot? How to choose a deck of cards

Tarot cards are a collection of images printed on rectangular pieces of cardboard. Each image is assigned a series of general, vague meanings that are of interest to the general public. back side pieces of cardboard have the same pattern. A way of arranging some of the total mass of these pictures is invented, called a layout. Each card position in the layout is also endowed with eigenvalue. All. The system of communication with your subconscious is ready. Now you need to place the cards in front of you with the same picture (also called “back up”) facing up and mix thoroughly, while thinking about a question that you really want to answer, but cannot get it through the power of your intellect alone. Next, the required number of cards is selected and laid out face up on predetermined positions in the layout. Thus, the subconscious, having received a coordinate system, tries to convey to consciousness important information in connection with by the question asked. Now intellect, intuition and emotions are included in the work, by controlling which you can analyze the current situation and find ways to solve the issues that have arisen.

Tarot cards have been known since ancient times and are used mainly by various soothsayers to make predictions about the future. They appeared along with the production of paper and cardboard. Now hardly anyone can say whether there was any such tradition before the advent of paper. At least the presence of these symbols in earlier times than around 1200 AD, for example, in Sumerian clay tablets, is not mentioned (although these tablets describe the structure in detail solar system). There was nothing similar among the Mayans and Aztecs (if there was, the inhabitants of Central America chose to keep this information silent). In addition to Tarot cards, there are a large number of other systems of communication with your subconscious: the Chinese book of changes I-Ching; palmistry - fortune telling by hand; astrology – predictions based on the analysis of the movements of the planets of the solar system; fortune telling with runes; fortune telling on corn kernels, invented by the Indians of Central America; Numerology is a prediction system based on the idea various information in digital form and manipulation of numbers; fortune telling on coffee grounds; fortune telling on a lamb shoulder... etc. and so on.
The most common points of view about the place of origin of Tarot cards are India or Egypt. These guesses (without any basis) appeared among people who were engaged in everything in the world, being in a constant search for the truth - for example, Etteilla, Papus, Cour de Gebelin - these people were the first to ask themselves questions about the origin of the Tarot, and gave themselves the answers. Subsequent researchers, lovers and practitioners of Tarot, such as Oswald Wirth, Aleister Crowley, Arthur White, Hayo Bonclaw, Evgeniy Kolesov, Andrei Kostenko, Uspensky, followers of OSHO, etc. and so on. (this list can be continued for a very long time) were engaged in processing information, most of it fictitious, by previous researchers and adding something of their own, sometimes presenting their own extensive theories.
Some of the researchers tied the Tarot to their value system and religion (which, of course, they received from the world around them). One of the most interesting books about the Tarot can be considered the following: V. Shmakov (engineer of communications) THE SACRED BOOK OF THOTH - THE GREAT ARCANA OF THE TAROT. It is not worth recommending for reading this masterpiece, which very clearly shows what happened around the Tarot cards and continues to happen to this day - as always, about each card there is a description, who is drawn there and what is doing, then quotes from ancient Indian texts and various philosophers, and a bunch of other various information, little that tells a sane person. It is argued that Tarot cards contain esoteric and exoteric meaning: i.e. some use them to tell fortunes and prophesies; and others who are “especially gifted” “meditate” on them and comprehend the deep essence, connecting these pictures with the “Emerald Tablets” of Thoth Atlas and (or) with anything else. If an inquisitive reader gets acquainted with the entire volume of printed material about the Tarot that is now available in this world, then he will make a natural conclusion that he, too, is not a “redhead,” but a human being, and he has the right to give meanings to the ancient pictures of Tarot cards. Currently, in any city in the world there are several “salons”, as well as a bunch of enthusiasts who will readily offer those who want to find out their future by laying out pictures on the table. It is a very profitable business to show people in need of guidance their future - while Tarot cards are shrouded in an aura of mystery and sacredness. If a person believes that the future is predetermined, he can easily become dependent on such predictors, whose goal is to acquire as many souls as possible. There are also a huge number of different Tarot decks. Each artist tried to convey exactly how he sees this or that aspect of life, symbolized by a special card. It often happened that an exalted representative of some totalitarian sect gave an order to an artist to draw cards in accordance with his views... We can sum it up briefly by saying that there is no unified point of view in the world either about where Tarot cards came from or about about how this or that card should be drawn, nor about what exactly a particular card means.
It should be remembered that Tarot cards do not show any future (using them can only suggest some of the possible options future) and are an analysis tool various situations. When performing layouts, you can ask the same question to the cards at least a hundred times within an hour - and look at different answers. You have every right not to believe in the result obtained, and to act not as the cards advise you, but as you yourself think. Tarot cards are a good tool to help consciousness, in order to rummage through multivariate existence.

Tarot 3D Group programs use the so-called “Marseille Tarot Deck”, as it most closely matches the goals of a person who wants to communicate with this ancient book without beginning and end. This deck contains 24 Major Arcana; 56 Minor Arcana, which in turn are divided into four suits - Wands, Cups, Pentacles (Disks), Swords, 14 cards each. The programs are implemented in a three-dimensional environment based on OpenGL technology and equipped with a realistic physics engine.
In each suit of the Minor Arcana there are four figure cards - King, Queen, Horseman (Knight), Page (Knave) and ten numbered cards from one to ten. The unit is given special meaning - such a card is called an ace. As a rule, the Figure cards of the Minor Arcana in the layout designate specific people whom the questioner knows. Also, if in the context of the layout we are not talking about people, these cards have a special meaning, which is indicated for each card separately (the meaning of the cards can be viewed directly in the Tarot Cards 3D Seven Layouts program).
Suits of the Minor Arcana:
- Wands (Scepters, Staves) - Represent Initiative and Glory.
- Cups (Bowls) - Represent Love and Happiness.
- Denarii (Disks, Pentacles) - Represent Money and Things, as well as everything connected with them - documents, contracts, real estate, etc.
- Swords (Swords) - Represent Conflicts and Strength. Until now, to this point in time, Tarot practitioners have different points of view on which position of the number cards of the suit of Swords should be considered direct and which reverse. Our point of view on this issue is as follows: If the numbered card of the suit of Swords, which contains, in addition to stylized images of blades, is also real, and it is facing the questioner with the hilt, then this position of the card is direct. If the real blade is facing the questioner with the blade, then this position of the card is reversed (inverted). A symmetrical card, with a stylized image of blades, such as the Two of Swords, does not have a direct and reverse position - such a card, regardless of how it is laid out, has the same meaning.
It should be borne in mind that when fortune telling, in readings, the Minor Arcana speak about the bustle of life, about momentary aspirations and goals, about “daily bread” (high-frequency vibrations). In contrast, the Major Arcana speak about fundamental, serious processes in our lives that have fateful significance (low-frequency vibrations). The detailed meaning of cards and layouts is given directly in the program, which will be discussed below.
Attention! There is currently a tarot deck called the Rider-White Tarot. In this deck, Mr. White gave unreasonable importance to the Minor Arcana, practically putting them on the same level as the Major Arcana. This happened because the numbered cards of the Minor Arcana were equipped with pictures and it makes no difference to an ignorant person which card he sees - the Major or Minor Arcana. A paradoxical situation has arisen - most people who use the Rider-White deck are more afraid of tens of swords (it depicts a hedgehog-like man with a dozen swords in his back) than, for example, the Towers of the Major Arcana. In general, Mr. White was a strange man. If you read his book Pictoral Key of Tarot, you get the impression that Mr. White, having given Pamella Smith the task of drawing cards, completely forgot what he was telling her. And having received the finished deck, he began to describe the cards directly from the picture, as if he had seen them for the first time. We do not recommend using the Rider-White deck for fortune telling and divination - this is fraught with a misunderstanding of the result obtained.

Tarot 3D Group website on the Internet.

I went to the Tarot master, they made a reading for me, and I understood everything about myself,” one of my friends recently boasted, a rational, far from any mysticism, very down-to-earth girl who wears heels and a pencil skirt, works in a bank and Raises two excellent daughters. Then I heard the same thing from another friend, a successful lawyer - at work she makes decisions quickly, but for herself for two years she could not decide whether to marry her man. Several sessions with a tarot psychotherapist helped her find a long-awaited (very unexpected!) solution.

Personally, everything connected with cards used to cause superstitious fear for me. But now it’s common to talk about Tarot seriously:

If you delve deeply into the Tarot cards, they discipline the mind, help you understand the feelings - your own and others', develop intuition, teach you to foresee and (most importantly!) listen and hear yourself.

There is a hypothesis that this system is several thousand years old. The cards in the Tarot deck are called "arcanas" - from the French les arcanes, "sacraments." They are surrounded by an incredible number of legends, and for each image of the Tarot there are multi-page studies - from the occult to serious scientific ones.

According to one version, in Ancient Egypt there was a temple with 22 rooms, on the walls of which symbolic paintings from the Book of the Dead were depicted, from which the Tarot arcana were derived. There is also a theory that ancient Egyptian priests encrypted a message about the secrets of the universe on 78 gold plates (there are 78 cards in a Tarot deck), which miraculously survived the fire in the Library of Alexandria. There is also an opinion that the Tarot is a message from the Kabbalists: the 22 “major” arcana (these are the main cards in the deck, which are most often used to tell fortunes) correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, as well as the 22 steps on the Kabbalistic Tree of Sephiroth, symbolizing the path that one takes in life a person improving through the lessons sent to him. The Tarot also contains elements of the symbolism of the medieval heretical order of the Templars, ancient, ancient Babylonian, Masonic, alchemical, astrological, Christian images (the four evangelists are depicted on the “World” lasso), as well as popular allegories of the Renaissance. At the end of the 14th century, at the court of the French king Charles IV, 22 Tarot-like cards made of calf parchment, with a gold edge, inlaid with silver, were in use.

At first they played with them, but very soon they began to guess. Since the Renaissance, the Tarot has been considered a powerful magical tool. In the 19th century, the French occultist Eliphas Levi called them “the sum of all sciences, the key to the answers to all questions,” and the Russian esoteric philosopher Pyotr Uspensky said that “Tarot in relation to metaphysics and mysticism is the same as the decimal number system.” is in relation to mathematics."

Now Tarot is used not only by fortune tellers, but also by psychotherapists - primarily Jungian psychoanalysts.

The founder of analytical psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, came to the conclusion that the characters on Tarot cards are archetypes, collective images that reflect the collective human experience.

Modern psychologists believe that the images on the 22 major arcana of the Tarot are archetypal psychological roles that we must learn to consciously manage in order to become much happier both in love and at work.

The first seven arcana (“Magician”, “Priestess”, “Empress”, “Emperor”, “High Priest”, “Lovers”, “Chariot”) are our personal growth. The second seven (“Justice”, “The Hermit”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Strength”, “The Hanged Man”, “Death”, “Time”) are our realization in society, that is, a career. The third seven (“Devil”, “Tower”, “Star”, “Moon”, “Sun”, “Last Judgment”, “Peace”) is a higher level of personality development, our spiritual growth. The remaining 56 cards are “minor” arcana (their number corresponds to the number of cards in a regular playing deck) - these are psychotypes.

In socionics (the study of psychological compatibility and how we perceive and process information about the world) there are 16 psychotypes that Tarot researchers correlate with the royal court (16 cards of the minor arcana - kings, ladies, knights, pages - four cards each in each of the four suits). Each suit is one of four elements: earth, air, water and fire and four types of temperament. The suit of scepters (wands) is the element of fire and choleric. The suit of coins (in the Tarot they are called pentacles or denarii) is the element of earth and phlegmatic. The suit of swords is the element of air and sanguine. The suit of cups is the element of Water and melancholic.

A skilled Tarot master, laying out the minor arcana, explains your current situation in the context of the interaction of these energies or those forces that symbolize the images on the 22 major arcana.

By the way, for any fortune-telling, and in particular for fortune-telling with the Tarot, experts strongly recommend paying: it is believed that the information you receive is energy from space, which cannot be taken for nothing. Psychotherapists, by the way, also insist that their services cannot be free - but they argue that a client who does not pay has no incentive to cooperate with a psychologist.

The accuracy of the Tarot answer (as, by the way, the result of any other fortune-telling, as well as psychotherapy) depends on how precisely the question was formulated and how sincerely - that is, it comes not only from the mind, but also from the heart - your desire to understand the situation and change something in your life.

When asking a specific question that is really important to you, you often already know—or rather, intuitively feel—the answer, or at least the direction in which the situation will develop. The card layout just indicates certain landmarks, flags on the relay of events. Fortune telling with Tarot is a bit like the ancient Chinese Book of Changes, only in the case of Tarot you have the opportunity to get a more specific and understandable, close European culture information.

A tarot therapy session looks something like this. You choose the card whose image best matches yours emotional state at the moment, and formulate your problem or question. Then you remember what is drawn on the map, close your eyes and tell the story through a free associative series. The psychotherapist acts as a guide: asks leading questions, writes down your feelings. For example, you want to harmonize your relationship with your man. The psychologist suggests meditating on the images of the arcana High Priestess(this archetype symbolizes basic trust in the world, flexibility, empathy and intuition) or the Empress (birth of the new, fertility, joy and fullness of life)

If you lack energy or need a new impetus in your career, your arcana are the Magician (activity, initiative, setting goals and achieving them), the Emperor (implementation of ideas, intentions, perseverance) and the High Priest (finding the essence and path). If you can’t get rid of parental attitudes, immersion in the arcana Tower (overcoming stereotyped thinking, flexibility of thought and breakthrough to freedom), Strength (awareness and acceptance of your unique path, your goals and desires, love of life) and Hermit (knowing yourself and their values, protecting themselves from external influences). Then, together with the Tarot master, you interpret the story that your subconscious told you (although the answers to most questions most often come during the process of immersion in the image, so there is no need to explain anything later). In any case, you will definitely learn a lot of new things about yourself and open up opportunities that you didn’t know about before. Tested for myself.

There are no “good” or “bad” cards in Tarot; it is an encyclopedia of our life and the very essence of a person, in which there is always both black and white. Even such gloomy cards as Arcanum No. 15 (Devil) and Arcanum No. 13 (Death) also symbolize the awareness of one’s own mistakes, overcoming the Ego and moving to a new level.

There is an opinion that the first seven cards in the Tarot deck are personal growth training. If you learn to manage the images on these cards, many things in life will be easier.

One of the most powerful and mysterious cards is the Jester lasso. In some decks it goes under number zero, in some – under the last, 22nd, and in playing cards it's called Joker. Carl Gustav Jung believed that this is the archetype of the Child, that the image of the jester symbolizes our “self,” that it is the “unconscious outline of the Ego,” the basis of a personality that is ready to learn, but intuitively already knows everything, infinitely wise and desperately reckless at the same time.

First Arcana – Mage(Jungian archetype Creator, Master) is an image of an active transformer of the world, but not an aggressive one, as is customary in Western thinking, but a wise one, capable of masterfully juggling his internal states, gently and subtly influencing those around him. These four states on the Magus card are represented by four symbols (chalice, coins, scepter, sword), corresponding to the four elements - water, earth, fire and air.

Arcana No. 2 – Priestess(archetype Queen of Heaven) - symbolizes the eastern way of interacting with the world - the state of “being in the flow”, the intuitive ability to foresee events and find yourself in right time in the right place.

Arcana No. 3 – Empress(Mother archetype) symbolizes the exploration of new spaces, knowledge of new qualities of people, stability and support, fullness of life and prosperity, feminine energy. Having learned the state of the Empress, we must learn to structure what we have mastered and build the boundaries of personal space.

This opportunity is provided by lasso No. 4 – Emperor(Father archetype). This is a rational system, search internal form and patterns of the surrounding world, the ability to set and achieve goals, masculine energy. Having mastered the qualities of the Emperor, we need to learn to listen to external authorities, otherwise we are in danger of stopping our development and being unable to grow further. The boundaries built at the previous stage are broken - the person opens up to new knowledge.

This is lasso No. 5 – Pope or High Priest(Saint archetype). The key concepts of this state are the search for authorities, the path of the student, new information, spiritual and creative energy.

Arcana No. 6 – Lovers(archetype Choice) - the ability to choose with your heart, abandon parental scripts, follow your own path, independently distinguishing what is good and evil in your destiny.

The final arcana of the first seven is the Chariot(Breakthrough archetype) - the energy of a winner, necessary to solve important social problems - in particular, a successful career. The two sphinxes on this card, black and white, pulling a cart, are symbols of self-control, mastery of emotions, internal flexibility, the ability to withstand the blows of fate, to reconcile contradictions and opposites.

An honest way to find out the future

Psychologist and Tarot master Olga Danilina explains how to learn to read yourself with the help of cards.

What is tarot?

Tarot images live in the transpersonal layer of our psyche - in the subconscious. These are reference, harmonizing and healing images. In ordinary life, in difficult situations, we often take a position that is wrong for ourselves, reacting in the usual “conflict-prone” way. In childhood, adolescence, and even in adulthood, we absorb the behavior patterns of those around us important people and unconsciously become charged with other people’s thoughts and emotions. This creates stress and, like computer viruses, gradually distorts our inner " operating system" Tarot images are not static, but dynamic patterns of behavior - an anti-virus program that helps you become a more holistic person. Tarot therapy is an environmentally friendly and creative process. “Living” the images of Tarot cards causes gentle but irreversible positive changes, cleansing our subconscious of “emotional waste” - childhood traumas, ineffective life scenarios, sensory deprivation, inability to express our feelings.

How does Tarot know the future?

Fortune telling from the point of view of Jungian analysis is the ability of the psyche to connect to the collective unconscious. And these are not only archetypes, but also a data bank of human destinies. Everything in life happens for a reason: any event is the sum of your previous experiences, which also intersect with the experiences of others. The more time before the event, the more resources we have to influence the situation. The fortune teller simply connects to the flow of information that you yourself give to it. If you wish, you can learn to do this yourself, developing intuition, reading the signals and signs that space sends us. Therefore, with the right approach, Tarot will not do any harm.

What can a fortune teller learn by looking at a client?

Every person, even sitting silently with a fortune teller or psychotherapist, already emits a powerful flow of information about himself - non-verbally, through gestures, facial expressions, intonations, and eye movements. The specialist picks up these signals, and his subconscious converts the information into a forecast or consultation.

Is there mysticism in Tarot?

Eat strict rules. For example, no one except the fortuneteller dares to touch his tools unnecessarily. And the need arises at the moment of removing the deck - when, when fortune telling on the minor arcana, the client must touch the cards. The instrument must be prepared for use and undergo a consecration ritual. The question cannot be repeated or tried to be asked differently. The question must have a clear answer. The only danger of any fortune telling is that a person ceases to control his destiny and accepts only the scenario that the fortuneteller “sees” and offers him.

Does Tarot ever make mistakes?

The cards are not wrong - the intuition of the Tarot master can misfire. Or he brings too much personal experience into the interpretation. But immersion in the images of the arcana is such a strong emotional experience that all the answers often come to you on their own.

The book by Anna Parvati, a professional psychologist and tarot reader, presents a description of the Tarot system in the key of modern psychology. Now a visit to a psychologist can be replaced by a Tarot deck! The cards will help you build harmonious relationships, find love, achieve financial well-being, and open the path to personal growth. You will become familiar with basic information about the Tarot and the myths that surround this area of ​​knowledge. Together with the author, you will understand the structure of the esoteric pyramid of human development - from personal to spiritual. You will learn how you can combine working with the deck and self-improvement, because each card carries a special message that a person can use to his advantage. Thus, in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, a person’s life mission is “written down,” and the Minor Arcana contains the necessary information for the comprehensive development of the individual. You can also master the art of meditating on Tarot cards. For wide range readers.

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The given introductory fragment of the book In the language of Tarot cards. Psychological notes of a tarot reader (Anna Parvati, 2016) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Basic information about Tarot cards

What are Tarot cards?

Tarot cards are a well-known divination tool in the modern Western world. But for the ability to handle them in the Late Middle Ages, a person could be sent to the stake... or made an influential person at court! Written in Latin as Tarot, with an unpronounceable last letter, the word refers us to the place of its birth. However, most likely, the French only chose a name for an object that became famous later, but had long existed in the world. What was it used for? The first mentions hint at a variety of methods: this is a sophisticated intellectual game, and “the alphabet of wisdom”, and simply a subject of aesthetic pleasure...

The history of the appearance of Tarot cards is surrounded by mystery. According to one version, they came to us from the lost Atlantis, and all the secrets of the universe are encrypted in the mysterious images of each card. Another version calls Ancient Egypt the birthplace of Tarot. The process of training the priests included the study of symbols and archetypes that we see on maps today.

Version for skeptics: initially it was just a playing deck, which became widespread in Europe in the 16th–17th centuries, and only then they began to use it to guess.

Perhaps the place and time of the appearance of the first deck is no longer particularly important. The main thing is that in the hands of a professional, these cards still work today. How? Let's figure it out gradually.

The deck consists of 78 or 79 cards (if it contains a special, “empty” card), divided into the Minor Arcana and Major Arcana. The younger ones repeat the playing deck - these are four suits, distributed from Ace to King, plus - in addition to the usual Jack (Knight), Queen (Queen) and King - there is also a Page for each suit. And the Major Arcana are 23 unique archetypes that are reflected in the lives of each of us.

For example, the Empress is the patroness of family and marriage, harmonious relationships between a man and a woman.

Death is a state of “hanging” between the past and the future, when one has already ended, and the other is just ripening.

Jester-Fool - playfulness, creativity, a fountain of great ideas and luck in their implementation...

The list can go on and on. But many books have already been written that examine each card in detail from different angles - everyday, philosophical, psychological... We will touch on the meanings of the Major Arcana only in the context of purpose, and the Minor Arcana - in the context of how they reflect a person’s ability to achieve social and financial success , enter into emotional connections, interact with the world at the level of energy and intention. Some cards will be mentioned again in the chapter on meditation on the Arcana - based on personal experience such meditation, I will share the opportunities and insights that open up for a person immersed in such a practice.

How can tarot reading help?

First and foremost, the layout helps you see the picture objectively. If this is a quarrel with a loved one, then what? true reasons for the conflict (usually we succumb to our own conjectures, mixed with blaming others and defending ourselves, “white and fluffy”). If you don’t get promoted at work, what is the situation there? Maybe the assistant is attracting the attention of his superiors, or the manager is expecting some specific action from us that we are not even aware of. By the way, you can separately look at subjective opinions: what the boss, assistants, beloved woman, and anyone else thinks about the client. But this is for the sake of completeness.

The second is good way understand themselves. How does the work we go to every day reflect our deepest values? Perhaps the feeling of vague dissatisfaction has real grounds, but it is not possible to formulate them? Maps are ideal for helping you sort out the “mess” in your head and put everything into order. In addition to everyday issues, with the help of Tarot you can find out your purpose, how it is realized, which will improve this process.

Third, maps will help you understand perspectives. How profitable is it to invest money in this particular project? Is it better to do this now or in a month? What will marriage be like with your current partner? Are children possible in it? What difficulties will you face? In these and other similar situations, it is not always possible to calculate the prospects yourself - a person does not have all the information.

And fourth, they make a layout to decide what to do. Change jobs or stay and ask for a promotion, break up with your partner or not... What results will the actions lead to and which of them are most favorable at the present moment.

Remember: information is power! It allows you to control your life to a greater extent and get what you want more easily.

Where do Tarot cards get their information from?

Often people who have just begun to be interested in Tarot cards, including clients, wonder: where do Tarot cards get their information from? Does the mood of the tarot reader or client or, say, the day of the lunar cycle affect the quality of this information?

In the system created by Dr. Papus, a French physician and occultist, it is believed that Tarot cards draw information from a kind of “database” that contains all the information about our past, present and future options. In esotericism, this base is also called the Hindu term “Akashic Chronicles”. They contain the entire human experience and history of the origin of the universe, as well as timeless, eternal truths. You can join the Akashic Chronicles (or, simply put, the information flow) as a result of clairvoyance (clairaudience, clairaudience), astral travel (exiting the physical body) or fortune telling, for example, using Tarot cards.

How this happens, judging by the sensations: when a tarot reader asks a question and stirs a charged deck (for more information about charging the deck, see the section “How to find out your purpose”, chapter “Destination Layout”), he enters an altered state of consciousness, as a rule, “pulling in” the client as well. A very pleasant, quiet state, similar to meditation.

Cards are laid out on the table in certain positions. Interestingly, by this moment the tarot reader is already in information flow and therefore sometimes feels in advance which cards will appear in the layout.

Most often, there are no problems with interpretation - the interpretation of the meaning of the cards and their connections with each other comes on its own, as if someone were prompting it. It is enough just to be receptive and trust the deck, because it is it that connects the tarot reader to the flow of information. Sometimes during fortune telling you really want to say something that is not in the cards. If remaining silent seems impossible and wrong, it means that this information came from the stream, but was not transmitted through the cards (or was transmitted, but the tarot reader did not notice it). After all, there are a limited number of cards in the layout, and most life situations are so multidimensional! Most often, in such cases, if the tarot reader is not at all inclined to speculate and make “gags,” everything said gets right to the point.

Let's return to whether circumstances can influence the fortune-telling process. It is believed that it is unfavorable to tell fortunes on sunny and lunar eclipses, as well as on the client’s birthday - at such moments the energy is so seething around the person that there is a danger, like in troubled waters, of seeing the information incorrectly or not clearly enough.

Also, you should not guess if the White card (an additional “empty” card used in the Papus system of Tarot fortune telling) appears all day in different layouts. This means that the situation is now subject to strong changes and it makes sense to look at it the next day or a little later.

Regarding the state of the tarot reader and the client: since the “database” itself is impartial, only the one who reads it or then perceives it can distort the information.

Therefore, a tarot reader needs to begin work only when he feels that he is able to detach himself from his affairs and worries, and become as impartial as possible when reading the layout. This skill is facilitated by regular yoga and meditation - the mind does not talk too much, emotions do not cloud the view.

As for the client, the tarot reader’s responsibility is also partly manifested here - he must state as clearly as possible the situation seen from the cards. But there are still no guarantees that the client will understand everything exactly. So the person who comes can be advised to simply not think of anything beyond what was said at the session.

Myths about Tarot cards

There are a huge number of myths associated with Tarot cards and the process of fortune telling; I think most of those presented here are familiar to the reader. Unfortunately, many of them were invented not only by ordinary people, but also by tarot readers who want to add weight (and for some reason frightening weight!) to their profession. The reason I decided to debunk these preconceptions is simple: Tarot consultations deserve to be looked at correctly, not as a “moment of fear”, but as a key to awareness, an opportunity to receive wise advice, to learn more about yourself.

Myth #1: The future is impossible to predict.

Supporters of this option are either skeptics who are deaf to everything (and, as they say, medicine is powerless here), or brave and desperate people - those who believe that predetermination in fate simply does not exist and man himself shapes the entire flow of life events.

Let's look at a banal and often encountered example: a certain lady really wants to marry a certain man, she is sure that he is her destiny and together they form happy family. If you rely solely on logic and will, then she needs to interest him, make him fall in love, marry him (and if she uncompromisingly professes the idea of ​​one marriage for life, then she must always control the situation so that her husband never disappears from her life). Heroic woman! Will she succeed in her plans?

There are several serious aspects here that cannot be ignored. 1) Her “potential groom” has his own interests, views and plans, 2) as well as fans, who, in turn, also have plans for him. Another point that cannot be predicted by the everyday mind at all: 3) past incarnations and the “tails” stretching from them. Roughly speaking, if in the last incarnation this man left our heroine with a child in his arms, then in this life he will probably (depending on the true tasks with which his soul incarnated) will have to go through a “school of courage” and try to become a good husband and father.

So, what can we say about the prospects for this wonderful couple? Variability of the future certainly exists here, but it is driven into a certain framework of cause-and-effect relationships - it is a lump of lessons from fate, karmic debts, one’s own (possibly forgotten) desires, which still act as a kind of “order” made to the Universe, and others Not accidents. From all this it follows that our future is predetermined. Dotted line. And while passing from one point to another, you can get creative!

If our heroine came for a consultation with a tarot reader with a question about the man of her dreams and joint prospects, she could find out, for example, the following:

1. The meaning of the fact that the paths of the two crossed, their common tasks. In this story, let’s assume this is working off karmic debts from a past life, getting rid of illusions and expectations, adjusting some of your manifestations in relationships with the opposite sex. According to the laws of learning in the school of life, sooner or later both will have to go through these lessons.

2. As it became clear from the previous scenario, the connection is karmic (and you can’t “throw it out the window” no matter how hard you want, since we are talking about serious lessons for the souls of all participants in the situation), which means it makes sense to look now how does the partner treat to the client, what plans he is making for her. Perhaps he already senses something special between them.

3. If a man has no plans, and he treats this woman rather indifferently, look at the advice “What to do to harmonize relationships” . Harmonization refers to the experience that a couple is destined to go through (see the first question), with maximum benefit and minimal resistance. Most likely, it will become clear what actions our heroine should take (outside) and how to work on herself (inside). Maybe the cards will tell you that you need to start a joint work project or deal with fears left over from a previous relationship.

4. If you wish, watch couple's prospects for the coming months. Regarding the general objectives, it is already clear that the emergence of a relationship is a matter of time, and regarding the previous point, what to do in tactical terms.

5. Of course, the possibility of living together until the “last breath” remains unclear. If our heroes slowly and painfully go through life lessons, then their whole life is ahead, please. But, most likely, the Universe will use some kind of “chasing stick” towards them in the form of difficult circumstances, tension in relationships - so that they think and change faster. If dynamics and awareness are high, the time frame decreases. New tasks may appear within the framework of the union (for example, having a baby, creating a family business, or writing a book “How to survive next to your loved one?”), or there may be an option “thanks for everything - goodbye.” To maintain awareness (in the union and in your own head), it makes sense to periodically ask the cards: What local challenges are people facing now?.

As a result, we get the opportunity to “steer” our destiny in the desired direction (while remaining, of course, within the framework of the future that is already inevitable) and do this, realizing where we are “going”, for what purpose, in what company and what all this can do end.

Myth No. 2: guessing means telling fortunes

I’ll answer the pun makers with a biting rhyme: guessing is not pointing your finger at the sky!

For many, the word “fortune telling” is associated with throwing a shoe over a shoulder, pouring wax onto water, and similar unusual actions. But Tarot cards in this regard are psychological and even a little harsh: if you want happiness, do it yourself!

Are you tormented by the question of “the weather in the house”? Why does the man I love come home every evening with a sour face? What's the best way to proceed? Should I go to my mother for an evening or two, feed her in silence, pay special attention to the sexual side of the relationship, or something else? All these questions can be answered by asking the cards the following questions:

What unites the partners?

What energies surround them in terms of male-female relationships?

What is the real reason that a man is in a bad mood?

What does a man think/feel towards his woman?

What can be done to harmonize relations?

By the way, why does the Tarot as a source of information scare some suspicious people? After all, similar information could be given by a psychologist (“When your man comes home irritated, leave him alone / feed him / show attention...”) or an astrological horoscope (“Be careful with irritated Leos, they can attack without warning...”). But have you ever heard that “going to a psychologist means ending up in a mental hospital” or “reading a horoscope means being abducted by aliens”? The danger of myths is that they take root in people’s minds, after which it is difficult to force a person to think about the question, because he has a template answer that he uses from year to year. Meanwhile, life goes on, and the problems only get worse.

The more information we have, the more appropriate and relevant actions we can take to improve the situation. In the end, the one who miscalculates is the one who is afraid to know the truth, does not want to see cause-and-effect relationships in life, and does not dare to take responsibility for the formation of events and results. Tarot cards in in this case is just one of the tools for achieving awareness.

Myth No. 3: Tarot reading programs

Within the framework of this myth, the situation is presented as follows: no matter what the tarot reader predicts to the client, success or misfortune, the person, still impressed by the session, will fulfill the prophecy himself. Because the Tarot programs, the fortune teller recruits, the client receives subconscious instructions...

When crossing the threshold of a tarot reader’s office, many people think that something like this will follow: “Come in, sit down, now I’ll tell you your whole life.” But - surprise! During the consultation, we work together with the client; this is an active process on both sides. Programming is possible if a person comes with a passive position: “Tell me what will happen to me.” But here, even without maps, you can predict - you will go with the flow, neither shaky nor unsteady.

If a person comes to understand what is happening to him, how he can change the course of events, turn them in his direction and, in general, takes an active life position, then programming is not possible. Usually he himself already suspects his failed positions on certain issues. In this case, the fortune teller only increases his awareness, suggests where and when problematic issues, which he himself can guess about, can escalate, and how a person can rectify the situation.

Whether to do this or not is up to the client to decide. As well as whether he should listen to a fortune teller at all - maybe “it will somehow resolve itself”... Free will is an element of the divine in us, it is a very powerful tool, which, however, allows, if desired, to put the brakes on even the most successful life.

Myth No. 4: A tarot reader can predict something terrible.

It must be admitted that this myth is partly true. A tarot reader, indeed, can tell the client something not very pleasant. But here a significant difference between specialists is revealed.

In my opinion, a true professional will not intimidate, because his task is to inform about upcoming difficulties, their causes and find out how to get around them. If this is not possible, then explain to the client how such a lesson will be useful to him. Lesson! Not a test! Good specialist will not put pressure on the client’s psyche, although sometimes professional psychologists resort to pressure, but only so that the client begins to understand what situation he finds himself in and who brought him there (and guess who?..).

That is, the tarot reader is called upon to help the client get out of a difficult situation (or warn about its occurrence in time so that he does not get into it), and not to drive him into depression with his predictions. Although some clients need a “magic kick-off”, there is such a style of work. Unfortunately, specialists very often go overboard with rigidity.

After the “correct” consultation, the client leaves satisfied, but thoughtful. He gets answers to the questions that tormented him, the direction of movement in life becomes clear, true goals become clearer and a huge amount of energy is released! But the next day it can “cover you” - dissatisfaction with your current life, despair, irritation, fear of change... This state is normal.

I usually suggested that my clients write down the main conclusions and plans that would arise during fortune-telling; in case of negative states, wait for a while, and then get down to business. And indeed, after a day or two, the energy and positive outlook on things return, and the person is ready to roll up his sleeves and get down to building his own happiness.

Myth No. 5: the client leaves a good tarot reader exhausted.

The creation of this myth lies entirely on the conscience of the representatives of the professional workshop. Allegedly, after a “real” fortune telling session, the client feels “gutted” and exhausted. After all, the flow of energy cannot be touched with your hands, but such a state of a person proves that something has happened, and the energy came from where it should and flows where it should.

Perhaps, of all the statements I have come across on the Internet about the obligatory “hard arrivals” of clients after the “high-quality” work of a tarot reader, I only agree with such descriptions as the feeling of being “sucked into a hole,” “flowing out of energy,” and “changes in state.” But I agree partly. Why? Yes, the client will most likely have feelings. But which ones? And is it guaranteed? But it is unknown. Energy is really too subtle a phenomenon, and an ordinary person who has not engaged in any practices cannot touch it with his hands, see it...

The same applies to Reiki, the Japanese system of healing using hands, to which I devoted several years. You can place warm palms on the client’s head, but the palette of sensations will largely depend on his ability to relax, trust, listen to himself, and not just on how wide the flow of energy conducted by the healer is. So it is in the Tarot - by completely surrendering to the process of fortune-telling, a person can feel the powerful energy of the alignment and its movement throughout the entire session. And if his mobile phone rings, then he checks the tarot reader “for lice”... here he has no time for subtle conditions!

The idea of ​​measuring the professionalism of a tarot reader by the degree of “evisceration” of the client seems quite inhuman and far-fetched. During the reception, we work with the information space, a kind of database about each person. It is from there that Tarot cards take information that even the client himself does not own, not to mention the information that is known to him or is in his subconscious. The client receives answers to his questions, specific recommendations - why bother?

Another thing is the manner of presenting information. Some clients need to receive shock therapy from a tarot reader, yes, they don’t get it any other way. But this is only style work, not an indicator of efficiency. It also happens differently: when the client, even if he learned some not very pleasant information during the session, leaves noticeably cheerful, full of strength and new ideas.

Myth #6: Cards bring magical trouble.

We often hear questions: “Is it dangerous to guess on maps?” and “How often can you guess that nothing will happen for it later?” The profession of tarot reader is already surrounded by a bunch of prejudices, but also colleagues in the shop, quite venerable ones at that, add fuel to the fire. Here is a quote from my beloved Alicja Chrzanowska’s book “The Magic of the Tarot”:

“Many people are afraid of Tarot cards, and rightly so, because in the hands of a charlatan or dishonest person they can become dangerous and show their “dark” appearance.”

Most troubles only occur if a person has been magically influenced. Magic is “directed” by other people or “caught” during special magical processes. But it cannot be “infected” from a Tarot deck if you are its first and only owner, that is, it has not been subjected to ritual charging on anyone’s part.

Of course, the neutrality of the deck does not mean that it can be treated anyhow, after all, it is a serious magical tool (even if you have something like “The Fey Tarot” pictures). You can ask the cards for advice on almost any issue: from your purpose in life to choosing a method of contraception. Of course, there are exceptions: Aleister Crowley’s deck, for example, will not tolerate such “everyday stuff”; the Black Magician himself generally believed that one should not often turn to the Tarot - only on really important issues. However, this was his personal opinion, and many followers of his school have not followed this rule for a long time.

The deck should be stored in a box or a special case (you can do both), laid out on a special cloth or simply on a clean surface. If you want to get rid of the deck, you need to burn it - this is the last tribute to the instrument.

Let's turn to more mundane circumstances. Thus, negative experiences after an appointment with a tarot reader can become a tangible “trouble.” But in this case, you need to separate where your own emotions are after receiving answers, and where you throw off responsibility: “Oh, the deck did something to me!” If the client has learned that her lover is rapidly losing interest in her and that it is unlikely that she will be able to change this trend, there is no point in blaming the “mirror,” that is, the Tarot cards. They are not responsible for the client’s emotions, although no one can completely cancel the professional and attentive approach on the part of the tarot reader, as already mentioned above.

Let’s return to the quote from Khshanovskaya’s book and other “scares” from the tarot workshop. The work of a tarot reader is, of course, not for everyone, like a huge number of other professional activities. But not only “hereditary sorcerers” who received “special abilities from their grandmother” deal with cards. These are simply people with strong intuition, with the ability to capture the energy of a process, to look closely at symbols, who want to help those who are looking for answers in difficult situations. Therefore, to be afraid of a person because he is a tarot reader, or to be afraid of cards because they are called Tarot, is stupid. Treat with respect - yes. Shaking and fawning - no.

Myth No. 7: A tarot reader should tell fortunes for free.

A few years ago, a woman expressed her opinion to me, saying, “ gift given from above for nothing, therefore, taking money for its use is dishonest and ungodly.” I repeated these words at each of my Tarot training courses, when I explained to future tarot readers why they should take money for their work. Can And need to.

Look how many diversely gifted people there are around—everyone is the first! Do you disagree with me? That's right, because every gifted person is first, and exhibiting your own gift - it’s good if every tenth. We are accustomed to thinking that gifted people are somehow special, they say, not everyone has this gift, only the lucky ones. What a convenient position: “You have a gift, but I am poor and poor!” You should help me for free, because you are lucky and I am not!” Let me bring to the attention of the “untalented”: everyone is gifted in something, and this “starting capital” was really given to us for free. But the process of discovering your gift - acquiring the necessary tools, paying for studies, books, time, effort, money spent on this - is far from free. Only those who have invested in their gift will be able to reveal it.

The logical question is: who will recover all these costs? And why should a tarot reader do his work for free? Let then seamstresses, bakers, taxi drivers, dentists, lawyers join the ranks of “unselfish workers”... And you too, yes, yes!..

As for clients who “would be happy to pay, but there is no way.” They can do something else useful - give a box of chocolates, a book they need, offer some of their professional barter services... But this most often does not happen, because it is a waste of resources, and freeloaders just start a record like “we ourselves not local” - so as not to be wasted in any form - neither monetary, nor energy, nor time.

And even despite this, the problem is solvable! The Internet is full of communities where tarot readers tell fortunes for free, answering the question with several (sometimes one) phrases. Of course, the information provided is minimal. Of course, the quality of the work of tarot readers in these communities varies; the answers of different specialists to the same question often contradict each other - here the client has to rack his brains about which prediction to choose and how much to believe in it.

Well, excuse me: when you have a toothache, you can go to the dentist, cure caries carefully and relatively painlessly by paying money, or you can knock out your own tooth - but for free. However, sometimes it is sad to watch how people try to solve global issues in this way, such as wedding or divorce, emigration, starting their own business... Those who understand understand and go for a full-fledged consultation.

Despite all of the above, I myself often read fortunes using Tarot cards for free. Sometimes to friends (by the way, for friends this is also not always free of charge: if your friend is the owner of a store, will you be able to regularly shop with him for free?), sometimes to people you barely know, in the case when communication with them filled you with energy. But I did it exactly then and as much as I considered necessary. In other cases, this position can help (if you yourself read fortunes with cards): yes, my services are not available to everyone, but this is not my problem - I invest enough in my business to set some conditions. If the question is really important, the client will find a way to get an answer, through you or otherwise.

Myth No. 8: You can’t guess for yourself and your loved ones.

Supporters of this myth are divided into two categories: those for whom prohibition means the presence of danger, and those for whom “you can’t” equals “nothing will work out.”

We will not spend much time discussing the former; it is enough to mention that if the deck is loaded according to all the rules, then it will not lie to the owner, no matter whether he is telling fortunes to himself, a relative, or someone else. As stated earlier, the deck cannot “curse” a person or “give” him any magical problems for telling fortunes about himself. But it makes sense to consider the arguments of the second group of people in more detail. Usually, all the reasons why it is supposedly impossible to make an accurate prediction for yourself come down to one thing - the bias of the fortuneteller.

Indeed, it is difficult to be objective when analyzing your own problem, especially when it is acute (for example, breaking up or not breaking up with your partner). I want to blame someone else when it comes to relationships. Or you don’t want to understand what’s happening if it’s something very important...

But Tarot cards, in my opinion, are there for this purpose - they indicate our share of responsibility in conflicts, our mistakes and misconceptions. Of course, to admit something unpleasant requires a certain amount of courage. And to change it, you will also need knowledge and skills from the field of psychology or the help of appropriate specialists (rarely the problem disappears on its own, only because we now know about it). It is not enough to simply diagnose the situation - you also need to convey the idea of ​​​​the importance of changes to the client... or to yourself.

It is my deep conviction that a tarot reader who does not want to be responsible for what is happening in his life will not be able to truly help other people. So this is a question of not only personal, but also professional development. Ask yourself more often (especially in difficult situations): “Why did I create this for myself?” The lessons and discoveries may surprise you greatly.

Difficulties in maintaining objectivity also occur when emotions overwhelm. Suddenly, all the plans suddenly become incomprehensible, and, to be honest, you don’t want to understand anything. In this case, several ways help: 1) wait until the emotions subside, and then do the layout, 2) do the layout on a simpler deck, such as the Osho Zen Tarot (description of the deck in the chapter “Osho Zen Tarot”), or better yet, on one card, so that everything is as unambiguous as possible, 3) admit to yourself: “I’m “slowing down” now, because the topic is very sensitive for me, I feel strong emotions,” then write down the layout and try to read it, and if that doesn’t work, go back see him later.

After a few hours, you will notice that your understanding has increased dramatically. Of course, if a decision needs to be made quickly, and you can barely distinguish between tears and cards, it makes sense to turn to another tarot reader for help. But, in my opinion, these are rather exceptional situations, and most often you just need to pull yourself together. A tendency to exaggerate colors can also prevent you from making an objective reading for yourself; however, this is a purely psychological question, which probably affects not only communication with Tarot cards, but also a person’s entire life. Maps teach you to see the truth and can greatly bring a person closer to understanding your problem.

There is also an opinion that the less the tarot reader knows about the situation, the more accurate the fortune telling will be. I absolutely agree with this, but on a different level. The point here is still not about knowing the facts, but about remaining a “tabula rasa” (blank page). Neither the client's age nor his Family status, neither profession nor anything else should force one to draw a conclusion about the essence of his problem. Otherwise, the tarot reader begins to make remarks, guided not by the information that the alignment gives, but by his own prejudices (“Young, that means she’s up to Serious relationships I haven’t grown up yet”, “We’ve been married for many years, therefore, cooling has set in”, “An accountant, most likely, life is boring”).

The saddest thing about this is that the tarot reader himself can sincerely mistake the impact of the stamp on consciousness for “insight,” “information from the stream.” In such cases, I used the following method: first I checked whether the information that came to me from the stream was reflected in the cards. If not, then I put it off until later (while voicing what the cards say clearly) and watched how this information “behaved.” While you were reading the cards, did you forget about the information you received? This means, most likely, there was a “gag”, or the client did not need to find out about it now. If the information seems to be “beating” in the throat, waiting for its turn to be voiced, then it really is a flow.

I will also mention one more difficulty that is relevant when doing fortune telling for yourself - the imaginary “understandability” of the layout. When you feel the general mood of the cards, you seem to “understand” everything, but then you put the cards together, and in your head - wow!.. This happens immediately or a short time after the layout. Emptiness, it is impossible to remember anything, which means that the specific recommendations of the Tarot cards have sunk into oblivion. They are usually remembered much later, for example, when what the cards warned against happens.

For several years I could not bring myself to write down the layouts - it seemed like a very tedious task. And when I finally got around to it, I discovered a wonderful effect - literally a pocket book of wisdom with a detailed description of the important answers received - and always at hand! Since then, I have written down everything essential in a special notebook - not only the question and layout diagram, but also a brief interpretation.

Of course, acquiring professional impartiality requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is easier and faster for a person who does not deal with cards to go to a tarot reader than to break through the jungle of his own doubts and mistakes. However, if you are involved in a professional workshop (or want to be), then, in my opinion, it is not only possible, but even necessary, to learn how to help yourself on your own.

Myth No. 9: You can’t say “thank you” for fortune telling.

At the end of the session, some clients fearfully ask if they can now say thank you. The word “thank you” has become firmly established in everyday life, and most people no longer know its roots, but in magical matters, just in case, they adhere to the myth of the ban on verbal expressions of gratitude.

The word “thank you” comes from the phrase “God save us.” And since among religious people it is most often believed that divination of any kind is a dispute with God and a great sin, its mention before, during or after committing an “ungodly” deed automatically becomes blasphemous. Some even believe that in this way the entire prediction can be destroyed, they say, God will be angry and “mix the cards of fate.”

In this part of the myth, the fear of the “evil God” is especially clearly manifested, as well as crafty attempts to appease him - the “policy of double standards.” Do not fast, but find convincing reasons for it. Having sex before marriage, but then lighting a dozen candles, trying to “outweigh” this sin in this way. Go to a fortune teller, but do not mention the name of God there. In general, be a vegetarian, but eat meat on weekends. By the way, people with a red level of spiritual development usually believe in such a God - persecuting, avenging, zealously guarding his flock (see “Levels of Spiritual Development”). Therefore, he is distinguished by pagan cruelty among them.

There is another view of God - as a Being who is loving and compassionate towards his children. A being who wishes for humanity to “get rid of suffering and the causes of suffering, to know happiness and the causes of happiness” (as stated in Pema Chödrön’s book “Where It’s Scary”). And such a God does not care how you look for answers to your questions - through meditation, prayer, map layouts or shamanic journeys. This God is equal to the Universe, equal to the Absolute. And there is no battle for the flock here and there cannot be, as well as disputes on the topic “whose religion is more correct.” Because the world is one and God is one. In this last case, we are free to choose our own rules and, of course, bear responsibility for our words and actions, focusing not on the fear of receiving “punishment from God,” but on the vision of cause-and-effect relationships in our lives.

Which God to believe in is up to you. And also to answer the question: to say or not to say “thank you” for fortune telling.

Now about the contribution of the professional workshop to this topic.

Some fortune tellers support the myth about the dangers of verbal expressions of gratitude for completely mercantile reasons. Almost any person who has been given time and effort has a desire to balance the situation by giving something in return. For example, saying “thank you.” But, as you know, you can’t spread it on bread. Therefore, the fortuneteller seems to “lock” the client in a situation where he wants to balance the situation, but cannot do this with “little blood”, that is, with words. All that remains is to either suffer from a vague feeling of guilt due to the broken mutual exchange, or pay back with money.

The services of a tarot reader, like any specialist, should be rewarded - this is true. But resorting to manipulation for the sake of payment is simply unethical. It is much more fair, in my opinion, to set a stable fee for your consultations. This creates a feeling of calm in the client and an understanding of the rules of work. And then he himself will decide whether to say “thank you” or not.

P.S. If, after reading everything, the topic still bothers you and the word “thank you” still gets stuck in your throat, try replacing it with “thank you.” As my yoga teacher says: “There is no need to save us. It’s better to give something good.”

Myth No. 10: All fortune tellers have an unfortunate fate.

I’ll close this ten myths about the Tarot with a prejudice that I heard from people who are interested in cards, but are afraid “whether I will get something for it.” Let's figure it out.

First, let me remind you about the troubles of a magical nature - this question stands a little apart. The cards themselves will not cause any “damage” to their owner, but clients can do this spontaneously, without realizing what they have done. Therefore, when carrying out work of this nature, a person is recommended to have a talisman against magical influences or regularly do cleansing practices, removing from oneself and releasing the energies of other people who come to the appointment in different states and with different thoughts.

If problems have already begun and you associate them with Tarot studies, you need to look at which area is suffering. I would leave the diagnosis of magical effects as an afterthought - most often, discord in life is associated with simpler factors. By the way, I always suggested that clients who come to be tested “for magic” due to worsening problems in relationships / at work / elsewhere, first look for simpler reasons, such as unexpressed grievances, insufficient involvement in the process, the need for change, etc. A magical influence in this case can indeed take place, but it is not the only issue, which means that we will not solve the problem by removing only it.

The main idea of ​​this question can be expressed in one sentence: the presence of the gift of prediction itself does not require any special “payment”, except awareness and the ability to integrate this awareness into own life. Is it so easy? Try it - it's actually not a simple process at all.

First, the tool we use every day should also be used for ourselves. At the very least, I tried to instill in my students the “shoemaker with boots” attitude, so that at the end of the Tarot course they would be able to competently help not only others, but also themselves. Otherwise, our activities have very little meaning. After all, a tarot reader is partly a psychologist; he works with a person’s soul, and not just with earthly questions like “how to improve one’s financial situation.” This means that the state that is transmitted to the client during the session has special meaning. And it is highly desirable that optimism, wisdom, and balance be shown during the reception. Getting answers to your questions, facing the truth and accepting it, and not wandering in the dark, is the key to not becoming a “miserable fortune teller.”

Secondly, you need to be able not only to receive information, but also to integrate it into life. Nothing will change just because you understand: main reason problems at work lie, say, in an obsession with career growth. It is necessary to understand what actually lies behind this fixation, from whom it was transmitted, and what you want yourself... That is, to carry out the usual psychological and spiritual work. In this regard, a tarot reader is no different from people “on the street” - they have problems in the same way and must solve them in the same way if they want to be happy.

Another reason why a person who deals with Tarot cards may feel unhappy is a banal waste of resources. When others constantly ask you to “save” them, and you do it absolutely free and/or almost around the clock, it’s no wonder you “burn out at work.” The topic of resource recovery will be discussed in more detail in the chapter “How to restore resources when practicing esotericism?” Here I will remind you of two basic rules: set a price for your services (any work should be paid equivalent to the effort and time invested) and set a boundary between professional and private life (investing in yourself is as important as giving to the world).

Towards the end I will say a few words about Wang. Alas, the name of this woman is regularly mentioned not only in connection with “sensational predictions”, but also as an example of the creation of a myth, which is what we are talking about now. There is no need to connect everything so linearly! Of course, the loss of vision forces a person to look deep into himself, sharpens his intuition - anyone who has attended “blind seminars” or has had the experience of living without the use of the visual channel knows this. But many people lose their sight, and only a few of them are clairvoyant.

Another thing is more significant in this example: each of us has our own karmic debts that need to be worked off. Some people do it while going through difficult life situations, tense relationships, some through financial difficulties, others through illness. In Vanga’s case, blindness could be a type of karmic work-off, and clairvoyance could be a way to serve the world. One was not a punishment, a “payment” for the other.

The theory of purpose (more about this in the section “How to find out your purpose”) of each person says: when we do what we came to this Earth for, the world around us encourages us, helps us, and brings people who need our help. After all, the Universe is primarily interested in ensuring that each of us is in his place. Conscious and happy.
