Can a husband infect his wife with HIV? Faithful husband infected pregnant wife with HIV

Usually the question is: “Could I have become infected with HIV?” arises after a stormy night with a stranger, a young lady from the street of pink lanterns, “just an acquaintance.” Usually this is a fast, violent, “under the table” intercourse with jumping out of panties without rubber product No. 2, which reduces the risk of contracting HIV infection by 80% (according to the US Centers for Disease Control).

Any person who considers himself highly moral, but nevertheless has been married three times, can become infected. This is enough for one of the wives to become infected and then infect the next ones.

“And in the morning they woke up”

and in the morning they woke up...

And they began to think: “Have I become infected with HIV????”

Have I become infected with HIV?

Was it possible to become infected with HIV at all?

First, let’s determine: “Was there, in general, a possibility of becoming infected with HIV?”

He may be a virgin) (although it is possible that he could have been infected through a needle or from his mother during birth, breastfeeding when he was a baby).

Therefore, there is no need to panic right away.

First, try to find out his HIV status and bring him for examination. immediately and in a month, because may not show right away, and suddenly he is in . Who said it would be easy? You have to pay for everything, especially for pleasure.

Let's start with the worst option: “You had contact with HIV+.” In principle, HIV should be suspected in all unfamiliar, untested partners, even if she is “well-groomed and smells delicious.”

This wonderful sign will help you determine the likelihood of contracting HIV or AIDS if your partner was HIV-infected:

The risk of contracting HIV and AIDS through various contacts with an HIV-infected person in percentage.

Approximate probability of “catching” HIV infection from HIV positive under different situations.
Contact typeProbability of infection, %
Blood transfusion for HIV+92,5
Using someone else's syringe or needle after an HIV-infected person0,6
A needle prick after an injection for an HIV-infected person0,2
Passive intercourse through the anus with HIV+ with extraction of part before eruption0,7
Passive intercourse through the anus with HIV+ with the introduction of semen1,4
Active uncircumcised intercourse in the anus of an HIV+ partner0,6
Active intercourse with a circumcised man in the anus of an HIV+ partner0,1
Passive natural intercourse of a woman with an HIV+ man0,08
Passive natural intercourse between a man and an HIV+ woman0,04
Oral intercourseFantastically low
FightFantastically low
Slobbering, spittingFantastically low
Swallowing body fluids (such as semen)Fantastically low
Sharing toys for sensual pleasuresFantastically low

It is not so easy to become infected through sexual contact, and as the most important AIDS specialist in Russia, Academician Vadim Pokrovsky, says: “To become infected through sexual contact, you need to sweat VERY GOOD!”)).

May the hand of the giver never fail

Project "AIDS.HIV.STD." is a non-profit, created by volunteer HIV/AIDS experts at their own expense to bring the truth to people and to be clear before their professional conscience. We will be grateful for any help to the project. May it be rewarded to you a thousandfold: DONATE .

What contributes to HIV infection?

What factors increase the likelihood of contracting HIV infection. After all, not every contact makes a person infected. That’s why the horror story is about how, after a stormy night, a stranger writes on the glass of her victim: “Welcome to the AIDS club.” not entirely true, it might get carried away.

Even if you managed to be alone with an HIV+ guy, this does not mean that you have become infected.

Firstly, the risk of infection depends on the HIV+ status itself partner: if he:

  • regularly tested for viral load,
  • takes medications that suppress HIV,

as a result, he has an undetectable viral load and his risk is sharply reduced by 96% (with little remaining).

If he is in the stage of acute HIV infection (6-12 weeks after infection), then at this time the infectiousness increases 26 times, the amount of the HIV virus in his blood goes off scale. In this situation, the risk of a woman becoming infected with HIV from a man with such a high viral load with a single normal natural contact soars from 0.4% to 2%!!!, and with contact in the anus for the receiving partner, the risk of infection increases from 1.4% up to 33.3%!!!

What helps you become infected with HIV and AIDS?

Also, whether you will become infected with HIV or not depends on his behavior: “How many partners does he have?” and if there are a lot of them, this is bad, the risk of infection increases, as well as from your behavior: “Did he put the elastic band on right away?” If he also has others, then this is a clear marker of his dysfunction (for example, gonorrhea in the anus or throat increases the risk of HIV infection by 8 times), even if he does THIS like a god.

The nature of intercourse is also of great importance, whether it’s just oral sex (the lowest level of risk, you can’t get infected with HIV through saliva (if there are no wounds)), or whether it’s an act on the anus (the biggest risk of contracting HIV, which is why there is now an HIV epidemic -infections among lovers of this method of obtaining pleasure) and of course duration, intensity, roughness (increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases by 3 times, HIV by 1.5 times). If there are abrasions, tears, blood, even with normal natural intercourse, this is very bad, you can skip and run to get tested for HIV after 2 weeks.

Is it possible to become infected with HIV through oral sex?

The number of documented cases of infection through oral few, but they are there. This is due to the fact that they are very difficult to identify, because... no one does oral sex only, but also .

Besides, there are different types of oral:

  • woman, man, anus,
  • different roles: active, passive,
  • change of roles: active - passive, passive - active.

Oral to a man

Although the risk through natural intercourse is much higher than through the mouth, there have been cases of infection of the receiving partner even without ejaculation. The cause of infection may be transmission of HIV through seminal fluid into the mouth with wounds and ulcers.

Oral to a woman

Again, the risk through natural intercourse is much higher than through oral intercourse, but there are documented cases where more likely HIV infection occurred through vaginal fluid, which entered the mouth with wounds and ulcers.

Oral anus

There has only been one case of infection of the receiving partner through stimulation of the anus with the mouth. Theoretically, infection is possible, just as with oral sex to a woman and a man, through infected secretions of the anus into the mouth with ulcers and damage to the mucous membrane.

Is it possible to get infected with HIV and AIDS through a kiss?

To become infected with AIDS through a kiss, you need to try VERY, VERY hard, there is a risk, but it is very minimal and certain conditions are required: ulcers, bleeding wounds, gums, injuries, it also depends on the type of kiss: simple, French, wet, hickey. Here's one rule:

The more traumatic the kisses, the higher the number of them with an HIV-infected person, the higher the likelihood of HIV transmission.

To date, only one case of suspected infection of a woman through kisses from an HIV+ man has been officially registered (according to the CDC). He kissed her regularly for 2 years, even when he had bleeding ulcers. Presumably because they had other types of unprotected contact, they had an accident with a rubber band, they used nonxinol-9 lubricant (increases the risk of HIV infection for women), but in in this case The likelihood of contracting AIDS through kissing is high.

Apart from this case, there are no other recorded cases of infection through kissing, but this does not mean that it is impossible, it is just rare when it is done only smack-smack.

What does it take to become infected with HIV and AIDS through kissing?

  1. There must be biological fluid (seminal, vaginal, breast milk, blood) of an HIV-positive person in which HIV can survive. HIV does not fly through the air; it dies in an acidic environment (stomach, gallbladder), and it also dies where there is antibacterial protection, for example in the mouth.
  2. There must be a path along which HIV in biological fluid will move into the body healthy person , for example intercourse, used syringe, .
  3. There must be an “entry gate” for the virus , for example, a tear, an injection, a microtrauma.
  4. There must be a sufficient concentration of the HIV virus in the biological fluid for infection Therefore, HIV is not transmitted through saliva, urine, or tears.

From this we can conclude:

To become infected with HIV through a kiss you have to be VERY, VERY lucky.

Speedophobes and conspiracy theorists

This is sad, but even today those who believe that you can become infected with HIV from shaking hands, touching, sitting on the toilet where an HIV-infected person sat, from door handle. There is, of course, out of ignorance. But if a person is provided with complete information, then these people really need qualified help from a specialist: a psychologist, a psychotherapist, so that they can get rid of the fear and depression that constantly haunts them.

If a person is at real risk of contracting AIDS, for example living with an HIV-positive person, then the doctor may prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis (pre-exposure prophylaxis). One tablet a day can reduce the risk of infection by 90%).

What should I do next?

Determine the risk of infection using a test:

Test to determine the risk of HIV infection.

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Determining the likelihood of infection after drug or sexual contact.

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Time's up

    You are NOT at risk of contracting HIV.

    But if you still have concerns, then get tested for HIV.

    You DO have a risk of contracting HIV!
    Get tested for HIV immediately!

  1. With answer
  2. With a viewing mark

  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    Have you had unprotected intercourse with a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    Have you ever had intercourse through the anus with a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    Have you had contact with the biological fluids of a person who is (or may be) sick with HIV infection or AIDS.

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    Have you had sexual intercourse with several partners or with a person who has many sexual partners?


Good afternoon 2 days ago my world collapsed, I found out that my husband is infected with HIV. He hid this from me. I can’t tell anyone close to me about this; I need an outside perspective on the situation. I don’t know my status, 1.5 years ago it was negative and we took contraception.
We have known each other for 2.5 years, a beautiful romance, we are from different countries, six months ago beautiful wedding on the ocean shore, I moved to his country. Every day I thanked fate for him, he loves me very much, at least it seemed so to me, a lot of plans for the future, life is a fairy tale. Husband famous person in his locality, a philanthropist, a public figure, a believer... all this did not fit with the fact that he could deceive me.
In matters of sex and everything related to illness, I am very scrupulous, even too much. And HIV is something that I have been afraid of all my adult life, although I never had any risks before. Even at the initial stage of the relationship, I asked about the absence of infection and when the tests were done, he said that everything was ok, I took his word for it, since the relationship was at the very beginning, and we lived in different countries, especially since in my eyes he was a trustworthy person... Before the wedding, I asked for tests and provided mine. Sent tests. All infections are negative.
We live calmly, we are happy, we are back from vacation, we are planning the next one.
I accidentally found pills without packaging, googled them, and the trail led to HIV. I asked him right away, he said that these were dietary supplements from Thailand, I had to poke my nose into Google... he admitted...
He always used a condom, but I’m very suspicious... now I remember a bunch of situations when sex was not “sterile”, I apologize for the details, contact with sperm with hands, at first there was oral sex, without ejaculation, once the condom remained in the vagina until ejaculation. ..Penetrative sexual contact is always carried out with a condom. He has been on therapy for 4 years, and his viral load is 0; according to data on HIV infection, the risks tend to zero, but of course they are not zero.
The question is how to forgive? And should I forgive? He cries, says that he was afraid of losing me, that he was afraid, that he believed that he could not infect me. What science basically says is that infection is unlikely if you have a viral load of 0 and use a condom. Apparently I wanted to drag it out until the question of children came up... I believe that my health was put at risk, I consider it meanness not to inform me about this, to falsify tests. I had the right to know this, to decide whether to put my life at risk or not, to get married or not, to leave everything and move to another country or not. He says that he didn’t want to lose me, and tried to do everything so as not to infect me. At first, even with a condom, he didn’t cum inside me, then I insisted on it, I thought that he didn’t like something, but he just wanted to reduce the risks. But nevertheless, he followed my lead, he was afraid of somehow giving himself away, he knew that I might suspect something was wrong. However, if I had known about HIV and allowed sex, I would have been much more careful about everything. And I had the right to do so, this is my life and my health, but he decided for me. He was probably right in that he was afraid of losing me, if this had happened earlier, probably fear would have won over love and I would have left him, I don’t know, it’s hard to say for sure now... But he became part of my life, we probably became one , I love him, he is probably the best thing that happened in my life, although it was good and successful before him, but with him it became even better, I was very proud of him. We are both crying... I don’t know how to live on.
Abandon someone because of illness? Maybe this will ruin not only him but also my life... Should I stay with him? Now I’m leaning towards this...but how can I live in constant fear? Constantly shaking for yourself and for him? I even saw a psychotherapist with my hypochondriasis even before this situation, they told me that I have a very strong power of self-hypnosis, and I create illnesses for myself... and is it possible to be afraid of HIV all my life and pull it so close to myself? I thought that I had laid out straws...I was careful, I didn’t have casual sex, I asked for tests...but this is how it turned out.
Sorry, it's probably a bit of a mess. I am very lost, there is emptiness and fear inside. I looked at him on the first day, I was very angry for the deception, as if he were a stranger, now two days later I see that he is still the same, maybe nothing has changed? I'm afraid that peace and happiness will never return to us. It's like I was crumbling into small pieces...
I will be very grateful for your participation.

Olesya Verevkina

Maria1986, yes indeed. Your situation is not easy, but don’t despair. Psychologists will comment on your message in the near future.


Thank you, I really hope so. I can’t come to my senses, I can’t tell anyone close to me. Participation is really needed.

@, Hello! I really sympathize with you, you are going through a difficult moment... First of all, do tests and find out what is wrong with your status - has your husband’s condition affected your health? When you decide on this, it will be a little easier for you. After all, the unknown is the most frightening thing. Don’t delay this question - after all, your husband is already being treated by someone, so it won’t be difficult for you to find a doctor, right? Knowing the real state of affairs, you can consciously choose whether to stay with him or whether it’s better to build your life differently. Do you agree?


Thank you, Irina. I took the tests, the results will be out at the end of next week. If you are not an alarmist, then the chance is slim. But I already turned out to be terribly unlucky, having seemingly done everything possible to avoid health problems, but in the end I got what I got, I hope this is the end of my lottery with a chance of 1 in 1,000,000.
I’m already starting to blame myself that somehow, with my paranoid fears, I “pulled” this man and this situation to me... even though it’s destructive, and I myself never believed in it.
From this perspective, I did not think that the results of my analysis would affect my vision of the situation and my decision. Having received a negative test, should you live with your loved one in fear of getting sick? I dreamed of a long life together, growing old together, I wanted children (although this is possible, it is much more difficult) Should I worry about him all the time? Or quit... but how to live without him? And how is he without me? Maybe I have a chance to meet another person and live a normal life?...or maybe not...I'll grow old with cats, alone, without loved one, but healthy...
Is it possible to understand him and forgive him for his cowardice? in his mind and in the mind of modern medicine, he did everything he could so as not to infect... but it was a deception... the risk, although negligible, was there, besides, such feelings as pity for him began to arise in me, although I should think First of all, about myself... I’m very worried, I started delving into tests... trying to understand the situation. He says that he will live and will live for a long time, modern research also transfers HIV to the category of chronic diseases that people live with. But at the moment I have lost hope for peace, for happiness, for dreams of the future. Everything is mixed up...
Sorry for the confusion. But how to set priorities, how to understand yourself? What's more important? Health, happiness, love, peace. For me, it’s all together, I lived like that until the day. But this is no longer possible in our family...
If someone had asked me 3 years ago if I would break up with a person, knowing that he was infected with a virus that could kill and be transmitted to me, I would have answered an unequivocal Yes... but in life everything turned out to be much more complicated.

You won't be able to prioritize things like health. happiness, love and peace. They are equally important.
On the one hand, your husband did something. which undermined your trust in him. But on the other hand, the disease has now united you (although it is possible that your test results will still show a negative result). If you still love and are afraid of losing your husband, then it should be important for you to understand that you have now experienced such a big common problem - such news that turned life upside down. And you both need to look for a way out of the problem together. You now understand each other's problems better than other people.
You can meet a healthy or any other man at any time in your life, and. if feelings flare up between you, then you can change your life at any moment. Don't worry, you won't miss any of this if you don't go looking now.
If now there is no one like this on the horizon, but you have a pressing problem, then it makes sense to fight the disease together with your husband and establish life in new conditions. Of course, if you still love him and want to see him around.

Discordant couples. Husband HIV "+", wife HIV "-"

1. We contacted the perinatal center in our city, the manager said that the only way she could help was to calculate the most favorable days for conception by

injection of my husband's sperm with a syringe at home. This does not guarantee that the infection will not be transmitted to me and birth healthy child.

2. The AIDS center gave me contacts for a clinic in St. Petersburg, AVA-Peter. After calling there, I found out that they haven’t dealt with such couples there for 2 years already.

A 3.100% guarantee of sperm purification from the virus is given in foreign clinics, but there is no guarantee of pregnancy the first time, and the money is considerable.

I really want a child from my husband, but I’m afraid to give birth to an HIV “+” child, and I don’t want to be infected myself. Dear forum users, who is in the same situation, has already given birth to a baby or is just planning, please share information about what methods you used (are using) and what are the results?

Thanks everyone for the answers.

The doctor promised to call and tell me how it turned out for the guys, I’ll give you some info.

Time passed, I wanted a full-fledged family, a child. I began to study the issue of conception in couples like ours. We contacted the Speed ​​Center to help guide us in the right direction, but we couldn’t get anything out of them. The desire to have a child was so great that once we took a risk and had sex without a condom, but we didn’t get pregnant. Then I waited for several months with fear for the test results. But everything worked out. We realized that by following this path we were risking my health and the health of my unborn child. After some time, we turned to the Family Planning Center (which was located in another city, 4 hours away from us), told us our situation, wanted to ask them to do artificial insemination, but they refused us.

Help, advise anyone in the same situation as us, what you did. Maybe there is another way to get pregnant from your husband (my husband does not take therapy).

My little one is a plus. I found out during pregnancy. The child is healthy.

True, now she is afraid of the second one. He says that he cannot take on such responsibility and risk his health. I understand her and don’t put pressure on her. although I want it that way.

“The thought that I could infect my wife and unborn child with AIDS burned me from the inside, but our son was born healthy.”

The only artificial insemination center for HIV-infected people in the CIS operates in Uzhgorod

Many married couples, where one of the spouses is HIV-infected, until recently were afraid to even think about having a child - what if he was born sick? But there were also those who informally consulted with doctors and took risks. And in Uzhgorod, under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the only Center for artificial insemination of HIV-infected people in the CIS began to operate. Here, couples in which the man is HIV-positive can get help if they want to have children. In particular, a service such as sperm cleaning is provided free of charge. After this procedure, the risk of infection of the partner and unborn child is eliminated.

“After going through eight months of rehabilitation, I got rid of drug addiction.”

“I’m a former drug addict,” he says. 35-year-old entrepreneur from Kyiv Alexander. - I got rid of this addiction ten years ago. Now in addition entrepreneurial activity I volunteer with drug addicts and HIV-positive people. My wife is 27 years old and my son is four and a half years old. I took drugs for almost 12 years - I started with light drugs and ended up with heavy ones. My relatives did everything to save me from this addiction: they took me to doctors, arranged for me to go to special clinics. But I only lasted for a month or two at most, then another breakdown followed. One of the relatives attended a church that operated a drug rehabilitation center. He suggested that I undergo a course of treatment there. At first I refused, but when I practically couldn’t get out of bed, I realized that if I didn’t stop with this, I would simply die.

Before going to the rehabilitation center, it was necessary to bring the results of examinations - x-rays, tests for hepatitis, HIV/AIDS antibodies. I collected some and handed them in right away. Tests for HIV/AIDS take several days, so I was accepted into the center with the condition that I would bring the missing results later. So I started going to rehab. I talked to young people who gave up drugs and changed their lives. Their example was very inspiring. I also started making plans for the future. My family was happy and supported me in every possible way. And about a month later, I accidentally found out that I was HIV positive. Those close to me had known about this for a long time, but no one dared to tell me. When I heard my diagnosis, I thought: it’s over. All my plans collapsed overnight, I no longer wanted to go through rehabilitation. I have lost the meaning of life. Consultants and psychologists helped me get out of this state. It turned out that out of ten patients at the center, eight were HIV-infected, and many of those who underwent rehabilitation led a full life. I met these people, talked, and again there was hope that everything could be fine for me too.

After rehabilitation, which lasted eight months, I completely got rid of drug addiction. I wanted to work with people who were in a similar situation. So I became a volunteer, and then found a job in the social sector.

I met my wife at a rehabilitation center. Olga is also a former addict, but she used fewer drugs, so she did not have time to receive such an “inheritance” as I did. Both she and her parents knew that I was HIV positive. When a mutual feeling arose between us, Olya took the initiative. But what could I offer her? There was a period when I wanted to end the relationship, but she said: “I love you and am ready for self-sacrifice.” In a relationship between two people, one of whom is sick, the final decision should be made by the healthy party. I consulted with doctors, read literature about discordant couples (couples where one of the spouses is HIV-infected - author), met with such people. In the end, Olya and I decided to start a family.

For a long time I thought that we would not have our own children, we would take someone to raise us. Unofficially, we took care of one boy (my wife was working in an orphanage at the time), and took him home to rest. We fell in love with this baby very much, and even began collecting documents for official guardianship. And then it turned out that the boy was not an orphan. Soon his own mother took him from the orphanage.

This became a kind of impetus in our relationship; my wife said that she wanted to have a child. I explained: it may happen that upon conception, she and the unborn baby will become infected. I had to work with HIV-positive children and see what happened to them. But the wife insisted, saying that everything would be fine, God would arrange everything. She and I are believers, and this helped us a lot. I did everything to reduce the risk of infecting my wife and unborn baby. I collected a lot of information, translated English-language literature, and consulted with doctors. I took tests, which showed that I am in a good, stable condition. Finally we decided to conceive. The thought that I could infect the people closest to me with AIDS burned from the inside. But, thank God, everything ended well. After the fourth attempt, the wife became pregnant. The test results showed that both she and the unborn child are absolutely healthy. My son is now four and a half years old. Olya and I have many friends, former patients of the center, who also gave birth to healthy children. True, in most of these couples the women are HIV-positive. In such cases, it is much easier to conceive a child and there is a greater chance that he will be born healthy. Frankly, my wife and I are already thinking about a second baby. Most likely, we will use the services of the Uzhgorod center for artificial insemination of HIV-infected people, which we were told about at the Kiev center.

Probably, couples like yours who want to have a child come to you for advice. What advice can you give them?

Everyone has their own situation, individual course of the disease. Our positive example does not mean that others will succeed in the same way. You need to contact specialists, undergo examinations, and make a decision based on their results.

“Now the sperm of an HIV-infected man can be cleared of infection for free”

Before the opening of the center in Uzhgorod, many couples who wanted to have a child approached us, but when the real opportunity arose to do this, approximately forty percent. withdrew their applications, says obstetrician-gynecologist of the Kyiv City Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS Nina Gerasimenko. - People were simply afraid of responsibility. In addition, most of them had wives who were not ready to conceive. After all, at the time of fertilization, a woman must be completely healthy, but during the examination it turns out that someone has a menstrual cycle, someone has a cyst, someone has an obstruction in one of the tubes. Nevertheless, we are recruiting men who travel to Uzhgorod for sperm purification and cryopreservation. In Kyiv, on the basis of maternity hospital No. 4, the Center for Reproductive Medicine also began operating, which will provide services similar to those in Uzhgorod.

Eight couples who visited our center became parents of healthy children. All of them had HIV-positive wives, not husbands. The fertilization procedure in such cases is simple: a condom is used during sexual intercourse, after which the sperm is collected and injected into the woman with a sterile syringe. By the way, this procedure can be carried out even at home. If the husband is HIV-positive, everything is much more complicated. At the antenatal clinic, the wife’s ovulation period was determined, and the woman began taking antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV infection. After some time, unprotected contact occurred.

Such couples go all this way on their own initiative, since doctors are against fertilization, which carries a risk of infection. There was another option. Many spouses whose husband is HIV-infected traveled to Poland, where a center for purifying sperm from infection has long been operating. This procedure is not cheap. At the same time, no one gives a guarantee that conception will occur. You could say this is pure business: the couple comes to the clinic, immediately after the sperm is cleaned, insemination is carried out, and the same evening the spouses return home - on the train, across the border and customs, experiencing stress. And as you know, stress negatively affects conception.

Regional offices of the All-Ukrainian Network of PLHIV (PLHIV - “people living with HIV/AIDS”) provide counseling and social support to couples who want to give birth to a child through the Uzhgorod Center for Artificial Fertilization for HIV-Infected People.

The project operating on the basis of the Uzhgorod center is the only one not only in Ukraine, but also in the CIS,” says social worker of the Kyiv department of PLHIV Alexandra Melanchenko. - For spouses whose husband is HIV-positive and his wife is healthy, this is a unique chance to give birth to a child without the risk of infection. After all, the center does a complete purification of sperm: from HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis. The procedure is performed free of charge. We strongly recommend such couples to use the services of the Uzhgorod center. Today, this is the only legal way to use methods of assisted reproductive technologies - sperm purification in HIV-positive men. Previously, such a procedure was prohibited in Ukraine.

I have HIV, and my husband is healthy.

did you hang out with the newcomers?

1. Infected through sexual intercourse before your husband

2. During blood transfusion

I sympathize with you. Contact family planning specialists, you can not only give birth to a child, with proper treatment he will be born healthy, good luck and good health to you, convince your husband not to get infected. It's easy! Alas, women get infected more easily.. Live long, I wish you to live until the invention of the vaccine.

Excuse me, what specific disease is HIV?

But my husband still needs to take precautions.

You explain it to him. What if you are a carrier? You are not sick yet, and you may not get sick for another 20 years. How things will go for him is unknown. He can get infected from you and immediately get sick. So let him think how you will have to live without him

do the analysis again. suddenly an error?!

It is quite possible to give birth to a healthy child. They usually do not become infected during pregnancy, but during the birth process. That's why they do a caesarean section.

You just need to monitor your pregnancy at an HIV center

Hospital, dentistry and any other procedures related to blood - treason has nothing to do with it at all.

Just go and cure your tooth and get AIDS. what a horror((((((

mikiHospital, dentistry and any other procedures related to blood - treason has nothing to do with it at all.

You explain it to him. What if you are a carrier? You are not sick yet, and you may not get sick for another 20 years. How things will go for him is unknown. He can get infected from you and immediately get sick. So let him think about how you will have to live without him. Go and cure your tooth like this and get AIDS. what a horror((((((

Go get a manicure like this, or go to the hairdresser. There are many ways, unfortunately. I read how gynecologists got infected, it happened.

Unfortunately, HIV can develop due to weak immunity. My husband's friend is a carrier of hepatitis, and his wife has a weak immune system and has not been able to recover for several years. Every 3 months he takes tests for HIV, as doctors are afraid of its development against the background of poor health (all this was told by friends, I can’t answer for the accuracy)

Right. And this problem also happens to cancer patients, not only to those suffering from autoimmune conditions.

Without re-analysis there is nothing to talk about. HIV is made by mixing the blood of 5 comrades, and if the PRIMARY positive result comes, it means one of your five is infected.

Retake the tests once or even twice. Such analyzes always need to be double-checked.

Don’t give it to your husband without it, and there’s already one sick person in the family - it’s better to work on pills for you, so that your dear ones can buy for themselves and not just some, otherwise look at Dartagnan - it’s not a bad thing! HIV is not transmitted through any dental offices or gynecologists, during sexual intercourse the risk is very small, remember everything that is connected with your venous and arterial blood. In general, there is a special website on the Internet, where all questions are asked and specialists explain everything, go there.

One of the couples, by the way, is the abbot of the monastery (or whatever the head of the monastery is called, sorry, I don’t know) and his wife

Forgive me, but the abbot of a monastery (at least an Orthodox one) cannot have a wife) The abbot of a monastery is, as far as I know, always a representative of the black clergy, i.e. monastic face. But monks cannot have wives) Perhaps you meant the rector of the parish/temple?

Maybe I wrote that I don’t know much, it’s just that when I had suspicions, they introduced me to this couple.

Read information about HIV. It so happened that I once had to read because of suspicions, and I learned a lot of new things. HIV is transmitted sexually in a very small percentage of cases; it is far from certain that such an inheritance will be passed on to the child, because not always from the mother either. People live with HIV and live long lives. I already know 2 couples in which one is sick and the other is not. You can talk to people like you, I don’t think they will refuse. One of the couples, by the way, is the abbot of the monastery (or whatever the head of the monastery is called, sorry, I don’t know) and his wife, she is sick, and they have children.

The “chief of the monastery” cannot have either wives or children. This is a monastery. Make it more believable

you used condoms for 4 years. O_O

I don’t understand where I got this disease from

if you are not bl. screw it up, most likely this analysis is a mistake, don’t lose heart!

You took the test again. and then remember where you had any procedures done - dentistry, blood transfusions, gynecology - maybe there was an operation.

It's a nightmare, now you'll scare me. And you are so afraid to go to the dentist.

Yes, yes, yes, real fear after such stories. no author. do the analysis again. You never know what they said for sure.

And then I can tell you a story as a consolation - in a paid expensive center I took gynecological tests for infections. When I called to find out the results, the administrator asked my last name, first name and when I took the test, in the end, when she read out a bunch of positive answers for all sorts of ailments, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Then it turned out that there was a namesake, and that the administrator was also inattentive. Anything can happen. Everyone could have made a mistake... retake it again

I also think that the author needs to retake the analysis. I wouldn't give up so easily. I was checked myself last time during pregnancy and I know for sure that the only way I could get infected was at the dentist. How can this be, the doctor has so many patients, this is not one hundred patients. Doctors probably have a very low chance of getting infected.

When Tooth Brushing Is Performed on Some Patients blood is flowing, I really felt uneasy.

Be sure to take it to another laboratory! Now a very popular wiring in major cities about HIV, hepatitis, syphilis and other things. They deliberately make false positive results, then process the client so that he is not registered for the disease. They ask for money for this. Then they prescribe all sorts of medications that can only be bought in certain places. They're ripping me off again. And they charge for treatment, even though there is no trace of the disease. According to one test, HIV is not diagnosed in any case.

What nonsense “they said there is no need”, there is no need, but they are obliged to take a second analysis. Be sure to pass, don’t despair, good luck to you

I didn’t take the test again, they said there was no need, that’s for sure. I went to the dentist, but didn’t have a blood transfusion or surgery...

What kind of nonsense are you writing here, HIV is a very serious disease, and tests must be repeated. This is the law.

Girls, is it possible to get infected when taking a test? I was confused by one situation... it seemed that it was not a disposable dropper (the blood was collected in a dropper)

There is no need to stir up fears. It is extremely difficult to become infected with HIV through dental instruments.

Read the article here

Over the 20 years of the epidemic, there have been no registered cases of HIV infection through manicures and dental procedures.

Main routes of HIV infection

sexually - 70-80%;

injection drugs - 5-10%;

occupational infection of health workers - less than 0.01%;

transfusion of contaminated blood - 3-5%;

from a pregnant or nursing mother to a child - 5-10%.

Strengthen your immune system and everything will go away.

They turned to the wrong place for advice. Contact a consultant at the AIDS center, an infectious disease specialist. They will tell you what to do with conception. VKontakte is very good group dedicated to HIV, there are many useful information. There are quite a lot of discordant couples like yours who give birth to healthy children.

Good afternoon. The topic is not simple, I really ask for help with advice. I was recently diagnosed with HIV while undergoing tests. My husband’s tests were all normal and he is healthy. I don’t understand where I got this disease from, I haven’t cheated on my husband, we’ve been together for 4 years. We planned to have a child, but how can we do this now if I am sick and he is healthy? My husband doesn’t want to use any protection at all, he says, I don’t want to be healthy if you’re sick, but I’m against it. Are there any women here who have a similar situation? Help. Thanks in advance for answers.

HIV does not mean AIDS. You just need to be thoroughly examined. But from one or two analyzes this is not 100% established.

Maybe something else. I myself know such people when people from the monastery came to us for baptism. Ordinary ministers in the monastery do not have wives or children.

My friend has Hepatitis B (once a year for six months she takes a course of IV drips), her husband is healthy. She became pregnant, gave birth via CS, and her second child is now 4 years old. is not a carrier. I didn’t know how and where I picked him up.

My friend has Hepatitis B (once a year for six months she takes a course of IV drips), her husband is healthy. She became pregnant, gave birth via CS, and her second child is now 4 years old. is not a carrier. I don’t know how and where I picked it up.)
