Cool time when my family is with me. Me and my family - great time

Class hour"Me and my family"


To instill in students a sense of love and pride for their family, respect for their parents.


To form in students a respectful attitude towards their home and family;

Draw students’ attention to the meaning of the word “family” in their lives;

Promote the rapprochement of adults and children, the formation of positive emotions;

Promote class team unity.

Progress of the lesson.

“A friendly family will move mountains.”

How do you understand these wise words?

Today our class hour “Me and my family” will help us get to know each other and our relationships with our parents more.

I have a mother

I have a dad

I have a grandfather

I have a grandmother

And they have me.

What is this? (FAMILY)

Today I would like to talk to you about family, family values, because a class is also a family, and how each of us treats our school family determines whether it will be good for all of us, for the whole class.

What are family values?

This is something important, dear, that unites the family and prevents it from falling apart.

What can unite a family? (Children, kind attitude, love, sense of duty towards elderly parents, traditions, family heirlooms, shrines, common views, sense of mutual assistance). These are family values.

Each person puts his own meaning into the words: “family”, “parents”.

Read them carefully and complete them as you understand, as you feel and imagine.

Test "Unfinished Sentence"

    Family is...

    My parents are

    Joy in my family is

    Grief in my family is

    Far from my home, I will remember...

    I believe that my parents' deepest desire is...

    From the traditions of my family, I would like to take into my future family...

Children read out their answers as desired.

2.We start the game "Parents through the eyes of their children"


I have 3 envelopes in my hands, each containing 1 situation.

Each team will imagine themselves in the shoes of their parents.

You will collectively read the situation, discuss it and try to give an answer by acting out your situation.

One or two participants can speak from a team; you can provide two answers to the question. But you should play with all this with facial expressions, maybe even gestures, the way you would talk to your child.

Let’s discuss it all together: did you, our “parents,” find the right way out of this situation?

Tasks for children:

    You opened the diary and saw that your child got a bad grade. You need to find out the reason for this and make a decision.

    The child came home from school without a change of shoes and lost them at school. Your reaction.

    You instructed your child to tidy up and wash the dishes, but he (she) lost all this time on the computer and did nothing. What's your reaction?


In solving these situations, each of you looked at yourself from the side of your parents, perhaps recognized your actions, your words, and maybe your behavior.

I think everyone can now better understand their parents' behavior. Try never to upset your parents, but more often to please them, show care and respect for your elders, and help them.


3.Remember the proverbs about family, home, parents, and relationships in the team.

When everything is together, then the soul is in place

It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence

A family in a heap is not a terrible cloud.

What's the point of treasure when there is harmony in the family?

There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.

4. Guys, listen to the parable " Warmth of the family hearth"

Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but it decided.

“But first,” said happiness, “I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I lived for many years.

What do you want? - happiness asked the hostess of the house. And she replied that she did not have a mink coat, and the hostess received a fur coat.

Happiness asked adult daughter housewife: “What do you want?” - and she replied that she wanted to marry an overseas prince - and she married an overseas prince.

Happiness asked the owner’s son: “What do you want?” “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I will be happy if there is a bicycle,” and the boy got a bicycle.

And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: “What do you want?” The owner thought and said: “I want the warmth of the family hearth to never leave my house.”

And happiness fulfilled the owner’s request and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns!

5. Project "My Family" :

Create a project using colored pencils and markers. Do the work carefully and beautifully.

    In the upper left corner of the blank, write the name of the project - “My Family”.

    In the upper right corner, draw your family's coat of arms.

    In the lower left corner, list (you can use a pen) those family values ​​(3-4 main ones) that are inherent in your family.

    In the lower right corner, write your wishes to your loved ones and your family.

List of family values

Children, kind attitude, love, a sense of duty towards elderly parents, traditions, family heirlooms, shrines, common views, a sense of mutual assistance, friendship, a sense of gratitude, mutual respect, equality, etc.

We collect projects in one folder.

Look, guys, what a big family we have. I want to believe that she is kind and friendly.

6 .Reflection


Our class hour “My Family” has come to an end.

How can we sum it up?

What did we try to understand today about our family?

I want to say a big thank you to all of you for your work and I hope that we as a whole class will always be as friendly as we are today! Let's respect the opinions of others, learn to express and defend our opinions!

Monument to the family in Saransk

Target: expanding children’s ideas about the family, the responsibilities of each member, family traditions, forming the concept of a “happy family”


  • help strengthen children's feelings of gratitude to their parents and grandparents;
  • help children realize that a family is people connected by a sense of love, respect and responsibility for each other;
  • foster pride and respect for people of different generations.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, document camera, family photos of children, magnets for the number of children, “family trees” for each of the children.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

Today, we will talk to you about a very interesting and important topic. Which one? You yourself will be able to name the topic of the class hour a little later. And now I invite you to listen to one story and help me continue and finish it.

In one fairy-tale forest lived Baba Yaga, the Bone Leg. (A table appears on the interactive whiteboard with empty columns.) All she did was fly on her broom and play all sorts of tricks on the inhabitants of the forest. She had no other entertainment.

Character, appearance
Why? How can you help change?
Evil Bad parenting

There was no one to educate

had no friends

Lived alone

Didn't go to school

Lived alone

There was no family

Go to a beauty salon

Clean up the house

Find friends (make friends with someone)

Move to the city

Find relatives

Go travel around the world

Enroll in school or hire a governess

Adopt a child

Start a family


Help fill out the second column of the table. What should you write down in it? ( children's answers). Children who name the word go to the board and fill out the first column. Similar work is carried out with filling out the third and fourth columns.

Guys, please tell me, is it possible to identify the main reason why Baba Yaga was so evil and harmful? ( She had no family). What happy ending to a fairy tale can you come up with? ( Baba Yaga realized that she missed her family. And one day she met a kind young man who could see in her good qualities. He helped her change. And one day Baba Yaga turned into a young beautiful girl. The young man offered her his hand and heart. They lived happily ever after.)

2. Goal setting. Work on the topic of the class hour

This is a fairy tale. Does this happen in everyday life? ( children's answers).What do you think we will talk about today?( children's answers). Let's try to find out what a family is? ( children's statements).

Absolutely right. Family is the people with whom we live, we take care of each other, help each other.

Now listen to poems about family prepared by Dima, Lera, Yulia, Polina.

Dad complains:
- Something
I'm tired of work...
Mom too:
- I'm getting tired
I can barely stand on my feet...
I take a broom from dad -
I'm not a slacker either,
After dinner, dishes
I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget, -
I'm taking care of mom and dad,
I'm strong
I can do it!

About love

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window there is no sun,
And the blizzard
It's just how they do it
They're just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and easy.
Me with my dad and mom
So lucky!


Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on Sunday
Mom is making pancakes.
Dad washes the cups for tea.
We wipe them together,
And then we as a family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song pours through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

It's raining continuously outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it’s possible for brown showers
Calmly look through the glass.
Here you can hide from the heat,
Escape from a frosty day.
To a good native place -
It just pulls me home.

You brought your family photos to our class hour. Please put them on our board. ( children attach photos to the chalkboard using magnets). Tell us a little about your family. Introduce her to us. ( Several mini-stories about the family are heard.Guys talking about their family place a photo of the family under the document - camera).

From your stories, I realized that your parents are the closest people to you. Can you name the words that characterize your parents? I suggest you compete. Boys will describe dad, and girls will describe mom. Who can name more words?

The words DAD and MOM appear on the interactive board. Children take turns going out and writing down words that characterize dad and mom.

Dad: smart, kind, caring, earns money, knows how to fix things, loving...

Mom: beautiful, kind, caring, smart, cooks goodies, washes, irons, cleans, loving...

You mentioned a lot of words. Probably because you love your parents. But your dads and moms also have parents. How do they relate to you? ( grandparents). How do your grandparents treat you? What are they doing? ( children's answers: they care, tell fairy tales, share experiences) How do you help your loved ones: parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers? ( children's answers). Well done! Help your loved ones, don’t upset them, take care of them!

How long do you think the family has existed? ( children's assumptions) Yes, the family has existed for a very long time. And the people put together many proverbs and sayings about family. I suggest you remember and name them ( children are invited to connect parts of proverbs that are placed on the interactive board with arrows and read them).

In your home
The tree is held together by its roots,
It's not the stove that warms the house,
It's warm in the sun,
A family where they help each other,
but love and harmony.
good with mother.
troubles are not terrible
and the walls help
and a person is a family.

3. Generalization.

Today we talked about family and found out a lot. Can you now choose from all the words placed on our interactive board those that characterize happy family? (working on an interactive whiteboard)

  • LOVE
  • CARE

4. Creative work.

Please listen to the poem.

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my kin.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My dad
I learned to fly on it
And I was able to become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until the morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves were ringing,
Like bells
When I have
Chicks have appeared...

Every family has a family tree, where you can see family ties, the names of your parents and grandparents. There are family trees in front of you, but there are no photographs or inscriptions on them. Write the names of you and your family members. Draw their portraits.

5. Summary of the class hour

Our lesson is coming to an end. Please answer the question why the family was called that - SEVEN ME? ( assumptions, children's answers).

In the old days, it was believed that a family consisted of five children, father and mother - 7. Now our families have much fewer children. But, as before, a family unites close people who love and care for each other. I wish that love and mutual understanding reign in your families.

You'll be back home soon. Show it to your family family trees. Ask them for help: to complement them.

Family through the eyes of a child

Didactic material:

    cards (“colored bricks”, “rays”).

    Cards - tasks: “Wishes to my family”, “Recipes for family happiness”.

    Cards indicating the parents’ positions towards the “preferred outcome”

Teacher's opening speech:

Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all today.

Psychological mood:

Let's stand in two circles, outer and inner. And we greet each other. First, “crabs” with their little fingers crossed, then the greeting “Sandwich,” and “Cool guys.” Well, how has your mood improved? It's clear that your mood has improved.

Let's start our lesson.

Today we have an unusual meeting, during which we will try to learn better about what we already have. And you and I have the most important thing in life - family.

Our lesson is called “Family through the eyes of a child”, i.e. with your eyes. We will also work in an unusual way - in creative micro-groups, and I will see how harmoniously and actively you can work.

Folk wisdom about family.

It is no coincidence that folk wisdom is rich in sayings about family. We will now be convinced of this by remembering sayings and proverbs. And I'll see which microgroup can name more.

(children name sayings and proverbs)

How many sayings and proverbs you named! This speaks of the importance of family in the life of every person. In preparation for today's meeting, I also wrote them on the screen. Pay attention to the statements presented here and how you understand these statements.

Family is...

Pay attention to the circle... The sun is drawn here, and you have rays from it on your tables.

Please write on the ray how you understand what a family is, i.e. family is...

And we will glue all the rays to our sun.

(Children write.)

Judging by your answers, we can conclude: family is...

(teacher reads students' answers)

And it is no coincidence that you and I chose the sun as a symbol of family, because when people love, understand and respect each other, they feel warm together, as if from the sun.

Family in associations

Let's imagine together how else we can figuratively imagine a family? In the form of what?

(Children offer their own options)

I agree with your comparisons. I especially liked the comparison between a family and a house. Because many people associate family with him.

Home - family

Now we will build this house together. Each of you have bricks of different colors in envelopes on your table.

And each of you can choose the brick that he considers the color appropriate for his family. Let's glue these bricks onto the model of this house and see what kind of house we get. Do you like him?

« Weather" in the house

You compared your family to a color, now let's make another comparison.

To do this, you need to listen carefully and choose the weather that matches the atmosphere in your home.

(The teacher reads out the characteristics of the weather: on the screen)

Select one of the named weather characteristics that matches your home.

And when I call you raise your hands that correspond to you.

(the teacher calls, and the children raise their hands accordingly.)

Now look at our house and answer, what weather most often happens in your family?

What needs to be done, from your point of view, to maintain clear weather?

(Student answers)

Now let's think about what needs to be done to improve the weather?

(Students' answers)

Now you see that the “weather” in the house, in your family, will depend on each of you.

Preferred outcome.

Of course, you and I strive for ideal “weather” in the house, but every family has problems that darken the lives of all its members. Sometimes these problems do not depend on us, but very often you and I become their source.

Let's imagine this situation:

The child did not clean his room. How will a parent behave when he walks into a room and sees a mess?

Let's play mini skits. To do this, in each microgroup you decide who will play the role of the parent and who will play the role of the child. To do this, I wrote options for parental behavior on the screen.

And you must choose and depict this in your scenes.

We have now seen three different approaches for parents to solve the same situation. Which one do you think is the most correct and why?

« Recipe for family happiness"

Now let’s create a “recipe for family happiness” together. Before you compose a “recipe” in your microgroups, think and answer the question: “What could be the basis of the concept of “happiness in the family”?”

(students answer questions and read out their recipe for family happiness)

Guys, we worked well today and discussed a lot, let's remember what a family is?

Family is warmth, light, sunshine

Family is home, joy.

Everything that happens in a family depends on each family member, i.e. and from you too.

What would you most like to wish for your family?

I will give you leaves, but not simple ones, but scroll leaves on which you will write a wish for your family. It is important to write it with your soul, with love in your heart. Now roll up your wish scrolls and take them home. Place it in the most visible place and wait.

All your wishes will certainly come true, but a lot will depend on you. Remember this.

And let’s finally sing the song “Little Country.”

Class hour "My family"

Guys, I am very glad to see you so beautiful and joyful today. I hope you will maintain this positive mood until the end of our lesson. So, guys, have we greeted each other? Now everyone greet your neighbor. Let's hold hands, close our eyes, feel the warmth of our hands, and now open our eyes and smile at each other.

Well done! Sit down guys. Tell me, are you comfortable in your seats? So, can you and I start a conversation?

Guys, look at the board. Here you see photographs of your closest and dearest people. Right?

What do you think we will talk about today?

That's right, guys. Today we will talk about family, what family is, what family means in the life of every person and why family should be protected.

It's very difficult to do it yourself

To live alone in the world.

Living with mom and dad

I always want to, guys.

Guys, who does the family consist of?

(rays appear on the board)

What did we get?(Sun) Right. After all, family is as warm a word as the sun. Do you agree with me?

Guys, what is a family, as you understand it? What does family mean to you?

Guys, on the tables in front of you are leaves in the shape of palms. Write on each finger what kind of family you imagine. What do you think a family should be like?(attach your palms to the board).

Well done guys! Look, you wrote down words like...

Of course you're right. After all, a family is people who are close to each other. From the first minutes of our birth, family is next to each of us. If we feel bad, it’s difficult, if a misfortune happens to us, who will listen to us, help, reassure us, give advice, protect us? Of course, relatives: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters - our family, the people closest and dearest to us, our support for life.

Who, guys, in your house manages to do so many different things in just one day? Cook breakfast, help you get ready for school, tidy up the house, go to work, cook dinner, wash, iron, read you a fairy tale at night... Not a single sorceress will do as much as she manages to do...(Mother) . Are you helping your mother? How do you help?

And who is the kindest in the family? Who always wants to hug you, who will always stand up if your parents punish you, even if it’s for a cause. These are our wise...(grandparents) . Do you ever forget about your grandparents? That's right, guys! After all, your attention is so valuable to them. Do you give them gifts made with your own hands? Which? Tell me.

And, finally, with whom do we play pranks and pranks together, to whom can we entrust the biggest secret, without whom it would be so boring and sad? Certainly! These are our brothers and sisters. You are probably always proud of your older brothers and sisters and help look after the little ones. Right?

Well done! You are such wonderful helpers! Your help is so necessary for your relatives, because they rarely rest.

And if your loved ones are on vacation or working, how should you behave?

(Don’t disturb, don’t make noise, try to find something to do)

That’s right, never interrupt adults in conversation, don’t be rude, be attentive to them. If it suddenly happened that you upset your family with something, then what do you do?

(We ask for forgiveness, we say kind words, we promise not to upset you again...)

Right. Your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers - your whole family loves you very much, and you must remember this, try to be affectionate and kind with your loved ones and with everyone around you.

Guys, aren't you tired? Let's take a little rest anyway. We stood up from our desks and answered my questions loudly and in unison:

How are you living? Like this!How are you going? Like this!How are you running? Like this!How are you flying? Like this!How are you swimming? Like this!How are you being naughty? Like this!How are you sitting? Like this!

Well done!

Guys, look at the screen. What's on the screen?(proverb) . How do you understand its meaning?

Read another proverb...

Well done! Thank you for your wonderful answers!

And now I want to ask you riddles. I think you will easily recognize your family and friends in these comic riddles. Therefore, we answer loudly, amicably, clearly and cheerfully. Agreed?

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friendly... (family)

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I’ll answer the question directly:

- Ours is the cutest of all... (mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?

Will let you steer the car

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything -

This is our favorite... (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is our... (grandmother)

Who all life worked,

Surrounded with care

Grandchildren, grandmother, children,

Did you respect ordinary people?

And he is already many years old

Our ageless... (grandfather)

Who is the cheerful little one -

Does it crawl quickly on its belly?

Amazing boy -

This is my youngest... (brother)

Who loves both me and my brother,

But does he like to dress up more? -

Very fashionable girl -

My eldest... (sister)

Mom's older sister -

Doesn't look old at all

With a smile he will ask: “How are you living?”

Who came to visit us? (Aunt)

Who's with mom's sister?

Does he come to us sometimes?

Looking at me with a smile,

"Hello!" - tells me... (uncle)

And Alina and Kirill have prepared a poem for us today. I encourage everyone to listen to it.

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,
They are always waiting for you here with love,
And they send you off on your journey with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more valuable than her?
On this fabulous land!

Well done! Wonderful poem!

Guys, you have pieces of paper and pencils on your tables. I suggest you quickly draw your family. Literally in five minutes - the most important thing.

Pin your drawings to the board. Look at these pictures. Close your eyes. Remember how you were escorted to school in the morning. Remember the warmth and care of your family. Now open your eyes and think, is your family the same as you described at the beginning of our conversation on the palms of your hands?

Right. Each of us has a family. In some ways they are different, but very similar in one thing: this is the place where they always love and wait, where they will always take pity on us and help us. Just like that.

They loved you for no particular reason.

Because you are a grandson,

Because you are a son,

For being a baby

Because you are growing,

Because he looks like mom and dad.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

Let us always remember this and never upset our loved ones. Agreed?

Guys, let's sing a song about family?

There's a bunch of toys lying in front of me,

But everyone has known for a long time

That it’s quite boring for me to play alone

And it’s completely, completely uninteresting.

But when my family is with me

And the people I love most,

I immediately forget about despondency.

And it always was, is and will be...


It will be a very happy and wonderful day,

If mom and dad are nearby.

I will be cheerful, I will be very happy,

If my sister and brother are nearby.

And I will also be endlessly happy,

If grandparents are nearby.

Well, I’ll be the most happy

If the whole family is nearby,

My whole family.

And I need to confess to my mom and dad,

That sometimes I am, of course,

A little naughty and stubborn

But I love you, I love you endlessly!

Failure won't scare me

The cold wind will not be afraid of me,

My family is with me, which means:

I am the happiest person in this world!

Well done guys? Tell me, do you still feel cozy and comfortable in your seats? Did you enjoy our conversation? Well, guys, I really liked it too. I want to thank you very much for your active participation and for your answers. I hope there are many more interesting things ahead for you and me.

State budget educational institution

Lugansk People's Republic

"Mikhailovskaya secondary school»

Single lesson


class teacher

Mironova O.V.

Subject. My family

Target: contribute to the formation of ideas about the life ideal of the family; develop thinking, speech, imagination.


Nurturing spiritual needs:

    love and respect for others;




Developing the ability to balance your needs with the needs of others; give up material wealth for the sake of health and comfort of loved ones.

Help to form the right attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships.

Equipment: computer, cartoon “Peter and Fevronia”, children’s drawings, quotes from the Bible about family

Lesson progress

Family is difficult. But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Class teacher.
Today we have an unusual lesson. We will talk about family. You are becoming more mature year by year and the time will come when you, too, will start your own family.
Poem "Family".
But how did the word “Family” come about?
Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
“Now I’ll ask you seven questions:
- Who will give birth to children, my queen?
And Eve quietly answered: “I”
- Who will raise them, my goddess?
And Eve humbly answered: “I am.”
- Who will look after the grandchildren, oh my joy?
And Eve still answered: “I”
- Who will cook the food and iron the clothes?
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
"I. “I,” Eva answered, sighing, “I. I".
This is how “FAMILY” came into being!

Family- these are people who are related to each other, living together. From the first minutes of our birth, family is next to each of us. If we feel bad, it’s difficult, if a misfortune happens to us, who will listen to us, help, reassure us, give advice, protect us? Of course, people close to us: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters - our family, the people closest and dearest to us, our support for life.

Current questions for discussion with children:
1. What does the concept of family mean to you?
2. Which family is considered happy?
3. Does family life require a lot of creativity?
4. How to understand people close to you and be understood by them?

Class teacher.

When a person is born, he receives a name. Our ancestors attached special meaning to the name. It was believed that it largely determines the future life of the child, his successes and failures, virtues and vices. That is why in the old days the name was given either according to church books in honor of a saint whose feast day was celebrated in the month the child was born, or in honor of one of the family members.
Now, please raise your hands, those who were named after relatives.

(Students' stories)

Class teacher.

For every family, its customs and traditions are of particular importance. For a long time, wonderful traditions have taken root in Russian families, which I propose to remember now:

    Gathering with the whole family at the parental home on holidays, as well as celebrating family holidays;

    Everyone sing and play musical instruments together;

    Invite guests and gather a feast;

    Collect and store family photographs;

    Store things that belonged to relatives as antiques and as a memory of family and friends.

    Since ancient times, there was a tradition in Rus': representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

And now I invite you to tell about the traditions of your family(children talk about family traditions)

Class teacher.

Did you guys know that families used to be big? In such families, everyone helped each other, the kids respected old age, and the old people felt sorry for the little ones. Oh so big family I have a riddle. Try to count how many people there are in this family.
I'll give you a task now
Listen, here's my family:
Grandfather, grandmother and brother.
We have order in the house, okay.
And cleanliness, why?
We have two mothers in our house,
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter,
And the youngest is me,
What kind of family do we have?

(Answer: 6 people - brother and sister, their parents, grandparents).

Thanks to this poem, we touched on a very interesting topic of family relationships. Each of us, as soon as we are born, finds ourselves in this intricate web of family relationships. The child may not yet have a name, but he is already someone’s son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter, brother or sister, nephew or niece, and may even be someone’s aunt or uncle.


Quite a few kind words have been written
About our mothers, dear and beautiful.
They are like fairies from fairy tales,
They bring an endless holiday into our lives.

They are with their kindness and love
Capable of dispelling any fog.
There are no dearer mothers in the world.
There is no one more beloved than my mother.

She is like a ray of light in the night to me.
When she is near, my heart is warmer.
Thank you for being able to teach
Everything that you yourself, dear, can do

Maybe he's in football play,

Can you heat up the soup for me?

Maybe watch a cartoon

Can he play checkers?

Maybe even wash the cups,

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Maybe take me for a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me -

My best DAD!

Quiz “Who lives in my family?”
1. Who are grandparents?
(mother's or father's parents).
2. What is the name of mom or dad’s sister?
3. Who is uncle?
(brother of mom, dad or aunt)
4. Explain who a grandson, granddaughter, nephew, niece is?
5. Are there any uncles and aunts among the students in our class?
6. Is it possible that an uncle and a niece study in the same class at the same time?
7. Mother-in-law and father-in-law. Who is this?
(husband's parents)
8. Father-in-law and mother-in-law. Who is this? (wife's parents)
9. Who are brother-in-law and sister-in-law?
(wife's brother and wife's sister)
10. What do you call your husband's brother and husband's sister?
(brother-in-law and sister-in-law)
11. Who are brothers-in-law?(sisters' husbands)
12. Who are daughters-in-law?
(brothers' wives)
13. Who is called a son-in-law?
(husband, daughter, sister or sister-in-law)
14. Your daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law have come to see you. Who is this?
(this is one and the same person, since a woman can only be a daughter-in-law to her father-in-law; she is the daughter-in-law of the rest of her relatives)

Class teacher: A strong, friendly family has always been an ideal for every generation. How many proverbs have people made about family?
Guys, what do you think the following proverbs mean:
(The class teacher reads out proverbs, and the children explain what they heard)
1. Family - stove: how cold it is, everyone gathers to it.
2. In the family there is love and advice, and there is no need.
3. To a family where there is harmony, happiness does not forget the way.
4. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.
5. A tree is supported by its roots, and a person is supported by a family.
6. Hints and reproaches are family vices.
7. A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.
8. The family agrees that things are going great.
9. Good children grow up in a good family.
10. What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?
11. Don't hide your failures from your parents.
12. Harmony in the family is wealth.
13. Away is good, but home is better.
14. It’s warm in a friendly family even in the cold.
15. There is discord in the family, and I’m not happy at home.
16. It is not the stove that warms the house, but love and harmony.
17. When the family is together, the soul is in the same place.

Watching the cartoon "Peter and Fevronia"

Class teacher.

Children, what does this cartoon teach us?(children's statements)

Every person must comply“Commandments family life

    Keep the honor of your family sacred.

    Love your family and make it better.

    Be attentive and sensitive, always ready to help your family members.

    Show care and concern for close and distant relatives.

    Give your parents joy.

    Know how to find and complete a task for the benefit and joy of your family members.

    A good deed is more valuable than wealth.

    Life is a road full of challenges, be ready to pass them with honor

Drawing competition “My Family”

Closing words from the class teacher.

Family is happiness, and happiness is glass,

Glass happiness is easy to break.

Like a fragile vase and delicate bouquet

Take care of your family, live without troubles.

Kindness, warmth and comfort,

Never lose hope, never lose love.

For family happiness, you have to work,

And the warmth of the hearth will remain in the house.

I wish you all happiness, health, harmony in your families! I hope that sincerity and mutual understanding will always reign in our school family, and peace will always reign in our large national family!
