How to install heating in a private house - from planning to installation with your own hands. Heating a private house - what you need to know to choose the appropriate system and scheme Assembling heating in a private house

Despite its apparent simplicity, competent and correct organization of heating is quite a complex task, especially for non-professionals. If you don’t have the necessary skills, or unexpected surprises in the form of the need to redo the work in the future, turning to specialists in the installation and design of home heating systems will help - in Moscow and the regions it should not be a big problem to find qualified installers. Therefore, you first need to decide whether it is worth developing a heating scheme for a private house with your own hands or turning to professionals.

Without specialized education, it is very difficult to perform calculations and installation

In general, in order to have high-quality heating at home, you can go in the following ways:

    Contact a specialized service that will carry out both the creation of a heating scheme for a private house by the designer and the implementation of installation work;

    Order partial execution of installation work by specialists;

    Get professional advice and install heating in a private home yourself.

Regardless of the option chosen, you should imagine the entire installation process in stages. Even if you don’t have to do anything yourself, it never hurts to monitor the progress of the work being done.

What is home heating?

This is a set of engineering components designed to receive heat, transport it and maximize its efficiency in the desired room, in order to maintain temperature conditions there at a given level. Comprises:

    Converter of stored fuel energy into heat (boiler);

    Coolant transportation systems (pipes)

    Shut-off and control valves (faucets, manifolds, etc.);

    Devices for transferring heat to air or a hard surface (battery, heated towel rail, heated floor).

Sample project for installing a heating system for a private home

What is burned in boilers

The choice of boiler is initially made according to the type of fuel from which it extracts thermal energy:

    Gas is a simple and inexpensive heating solution. The use of this type of fuel allows you to fully automate the heating process, subject to high-quality installation and configuration of the equipment;

    Solid fuel is most often used in populated areas where there is no gas pipeline. Used: firewood, briquettes, coal or pellets. These types of boilers have a disadvantage - it is impossible to fully automate the heating process. They require manual filling of the combustion chamber every 10 hours and a separate place for storing fuel. They also need to be cleaned periodically. An intermediate solution is to use an automatic dispenser - autonomy in this case depends on the size of the bunker. In some cases, it is possible to increase the operating time of the boiler without adding fuel to 5-12 days;

    Electricity is the leader in terms of cost, and at the same time in terms of convenience and environmental friendliness of use. The main advantage of such devices is the ability to fully automate control. Also, such boilers require virtually no maintenance;

    Liquid fuel (gasoline, diesel) is most often used in places where there are no other energy sources. The efficiency of such boilers is about 80%, which makes them relatively economical.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer heating and water supply services country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

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Comparison of fuel types on video:

Coolant transfer devices

For use as a coolant, a universal solution in terms of price and efficiency would be to use ordinary water. True, such heating systems in private homes will require the installation of additional equipment. It includes the following elements:

    Capacity to compensate for the expansion of liquid when heated (open or membrane type);

    Circulation pump;


    Buffer tank;

    Collector. Needed if a beam distribution system is used;

    Container for indirect heating;

    Sensors and devices for taking their readings (if automation is used).

Note. The expansion tank is an integral part of the water heating system. It must be installed without fail.

When water is heated, it increases in volume, which confined space increases the pressure in the pipes and often provokes their rupture. An expansion tank into which excess water is forced out helps to avoid such consequences.

This is what the expansion tank looks like in the system

The circulation pump ensures the movement of coolant through a network of pipes. The use of several pumping units for a large number of circuits is possible due to the installation of a separating hydraulic needle or a buffer tank, which simultaneously serves as a heat storage tank. The use of such equipment is especially indicated for multi-storey private houses.

Distribution manifolds are most often installed to power heated floors or when connecting radiators using a radial circuit. Regarding the tank indirect heating, then it is a container with a coil that heats water for hot water supply needs.

Measuring instruments are installed for visual monitoring of temperature and pressure in pipes. To ensure automation of the heating process, pressure sensors, temperature regulators and controllers are installed.

Types of batteries by shape and material

There are various types of heating devices on the market, each of which has its own design features and characteristics. When installing heating in a private house, an important condition for the correct operation of the entire installation is the competent selection of the heating unit.

Properly selected batteries are the key to uniform heating of the room

The following types are distinguished:

    Sectional batteries made of cast iron. Their disadvantages are bulkiness, unsightly appearance, possible violation of the integrity of the joints between sections, as well as a low degree of heat transfer; In return, they are resistant to pressure changes and have an impressive service life.

    Sectional batteries made of bimetallic materials. The radiator sections are made of light alloy metal, and their inner part is lined with stainless steel. They are distinguished by durability, practicality and aesthetic appearance. Unlike cast iron radiators, bimetallic can withstand more high pressure;

    Sectional aluminum batteries are made of light alloy metals without the use of steel. They have high thermal conductivity, and the operating pressure is comparable to that of cast iron radiators;

    Panel batteries made of steel. They are non-demountable welding structures with decorative cladding and have high heat transfer rates. The disadvantages include low operating pressure, which limits the scope of application.

  • Convector is a pipe with fins designed for the same pressure as in the main pipelines.
Important! The use of steel pipes for hidden installation of liners is strongly discouraged. It is also prohibited to join different materials together - a common mistake is connecting copper pipes to aluminum radiators.

The pipelines through which the coolant enters the heating devices can be made of polymer and combined materials, copper or steel.

Pipelines and splitters made of various materials

The basis for choosing any autonomous heating circuit is the purchase of a boiler that has the necessary design and runs on a specific type of fuel. Main selection criteria:

    Reliability and safety;

    Operating on a commonly available type of fuel;

    Compact dimensions;

    Ease of maintenance and adjustment;


Safety is an absolute advantage of a water heating system. But besides the positive aspects, it has disadvantages:
  • The difficulty of heating large rooms due to significant heat loss during the circulation of coolant through the pipes;
  • Additional costs for hiding an extensive network of pipes and heating devices under the cladding to preserve the aesthetics of the appearance of the rooms;

    Large battery dimensions;

    Possible problems may arise after draining the coolant from the pipes, in the form of air plugs.

What does a thermal imager show if there is air in the sections?

What heating systems are used according to the wiring method?

Structurally, a water heating system can be implemented in the following ways:

    Single-circuit. It is closed and focused only on heating the premises;

    Double circuit. Requires installation of a boiler of a certain design. Focused on both space heating and supply hot water into the taps.

According to the method of distributing heating from a boiler in private houses, the following varieties are distinguished:

Single pipe connection

The pipes are looped here, and the batteries are connected one after another. The coolant moves from the boiler to each radiator in turn. Its significant drawback is uneven heating of heating devices. The further they are located from the boiler, the lower their temperature. At the same time, such heating arrangement is quite common due to its efficiency and simple design.

Difference between one-pipe and two-pipe connections

To reduce heat loss, you can use the following tricks:

    Install radiators with an increased number of sections last;

    Raise the temperature of the coolant, but this will increase costs;

    Install a pump - switch from gravity to forced water circulation. In this case, water will pass through the system faster and return to the boiler

Two-pipe connection

Here, additional discharge pipes are used, which remove the cooled coolant from the batteries back to the boiler. Hot water is transferred without heat loss.

Also, parallel connection makes it possible to save on material.

Radiant heating distribution

This type of heating distribution in private homes essentially consists of many small autonomous circuits. The water pressure and temperature in each of them can be adjusted separately. It is still used quite rarely due to the complexity of execution. In addition to a large number of pipes, it requires the installation of additional equipment, namely a collector, which plays the role of a storage tank with subsequent distribution of the coolant.

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An example of radiant heating wiring in the video:

Fluid circulation methods

The coolant moves through the pipes by gravity (convection and expansion), or by forced means. In the first case, the liquid heated in the boiler moves through a network of pipes to the radiators due to convection. This movement of water is called direct current. Next, the coolant cooled in the batteries moves back to the heating boiler, after which the cycle is repeated. This segment is the reverse current.

To increase the circulation rate of the heat carrier through the pipes, specialized pumping units are used that are installed between the return flow pipes. There are models of heating boilers with built-in pumps.

Natural way of circulation

The coolant is transported here naturally, without the application of extraneous forces. It uses the simplest physical principle, thanks to which water is heated in a kettle, and this happens because its hot layers are lighter than cold ones and rise to the top.

An example of natural coolant circulation

This is how the whole process happens - the water heated in the boiler rises to the highest point of distribution and then moves by gravity under the influence of its own weight (the pipes are at a slope of 3-4 degrees). Passing through the batteries, the water cools, its density increases, and when it enters the heating boiler, it displaces the already heated layers to the top.

Heating systems based on this type of circulation are quite simple and do not require the installation of additional equipment, which simplifies the installation process. But they are only suitable for houses with a small area due to restrictions on the contour length of 30 meters. Also, the disadvantages include the need to install pipes with a large diameter and low pressure levels.

Artificial circulation method

The implementation of forced movement of liquid through pipes requires the mandatory installation of a pumping unit that ensures increased circulation. The coolant circulation is ensured by the difference in forward and reverse pressures. The installation of such structures does not require calculations and compliance with the slope of the pipes, which is an undoubted advantage.

With forced circulation there is no need to make pipe slopes

The disadvantages include energy dependence - if the electricity goes out in winter, then without a generator, water simply will not move through the pipes. This is an important point that must be taken into account when choosing the type of coolant circulation.

Installation of heating with forced movement of coolant can be done in houses with any square footage. The power of the pumping unit is selected individually.

Heating system calculation

To make a correct heating installation, you should calculate the basic parameters, which will make it possible to determine the required boiler power, the dimensions of the pipeline and the capacity of the radiators.

First, calculate the dimensions of all rooms. To maintain moderate temperature regime, a boiler with a power of 70 W/m³ should be installed, including a mandatory reserve of 20% to reduce the load.

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For questions regarding air heating, see this video. :

The capacity of the required batteries is calculated individually for each room. The initial power indicator of the heating boiler is multiplied by the dimensions of the room. 20% is added to the resulting value and divided by the power indicators of one battery section. The result is rounded. It shows the required number of battery fins per room.

Mistakes made during installation

The most common mistakes when performing calculations or installing heating are:

    Incorrect determination of the required boiler power;

    Incorrect strapping;

    Illiterate choice of the heating scheme itself;

  • Incorrect installation of all elements.

Insufficient boiler power is the most common error. It occurs when, during the selection of a heat generator for heating and hot water supply needs, the necessary additional power for heating water is not taken into account.

Incorrect selection of heating scheme leads to additional costs for reworking the entire structure. This mistake is made when installing a single-pipe distribution with more than 6 radiators. A large number of batteries does not allow them to warm up.

The last heating elements in the chain will always remain cold

Also, during installation, the slopes of the pipelines are not observed, pipes of poor quality are connected, and inappropriate additional equipment is installed.

When installing heated floors, the pipes must be insulated to avoid heat loss on the way to the heating “snail”.

A common mistake when connecting pipelines is exceeding the exposure time of the soldering iron to the pipes required to obtain a reliable joint. As a result, their internal diameter decreases and a bottleneck is formed.


A correctly selected heating scheme in a private house and its correct installation will provide heat to all rooms during the cold season. You can install heating in a private house yourself, but if you have doubts about your abilities, it will be more economical to turn to professionals.

Organizing a heating system in a private home is not an easy task. This work cannot be done without professional specialists in this field.

However, they can be involved at different stages of the work. Hired workers can complete the entire heating work or do only a specific stage of the work. You can also seek advice from specialists.

Regardless of whether you do the heating work yourself or hire workers, you definitely need to know all the stages and nuances of the process. Let's look at how to organize home heating with your own hands.

Heating system elements

In country houses it is better to do water heating. This method is considered traditional. Heat is supplied to the house using a coolant, which can be heated by various energy carriers.

Such a system includes the following components:

  • heating system devices;
  • heat source;
  • pipeline network.

If you do not have the time and opportunity to handle heating yourself, then contact the GWDE Engineering Company. Specialists in the installation of engineering systems will perform their work efficiently and provide a guarantee for up to 7 years.

Full work is impossible without such equipment as:

  • expansion tank;
  • buffer capacity;
  • circulation pump;
  • distribution manifold;
  • automation devices;
  • hydraulic separator;
  • heating boiler.

It is important that for a water heating system a mandatory piece of equipment is an expansion tank. Everything else is installed if required.

Heating boiler

Today it is not difficult to select and buy a heating boiler. There is a wide range on the market various models. They differ from each other only in the type of fuel used, as well as the energy carrier.

For private homes, the following types of devices can be used:

  • gas;
  • liquid fuel;
  • solid fuel;
  • electric.

Heating scheme in a private house

At this stage, it is better to seek help from professionals. They will amount correct scheme. Since making a heating circuit is not easy.

There are two types of heating:

  • Single-pipe, in which all radiators are connected to one collector.
  • Double-pipe, in which two pipes are involved. One goes to supply, and the second to return heat.

Two-pipe heating, among experts, is considered the most reliable system. At the same time, the costs are much lower than for the single-pipe type.

Heating installation

Before starting work, you need to decide on the location where the boiler will be located. If its power is not higher than 60 kW, then it can be placed in the kitchen space.

In other cases, you need to prepare a separate room, which should be well ventilated. It is also necessary to make a chimney through which combustion products will escape.

Let's look at the photo of the heating of the house and see how the boiler connection system is arranged.

Purchase and installation of pipes

There is a wide range of heating pipes on the market. Each owner chooses the type of pipes as desired. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material from which they are made.


Types of pipes

  • Copper, great option. They are resistant to any changes in pressure and temperature.
  • Steel ones are chosen quite rarely. Since they are susceptible to metal corrosion, which shortens their service life.
  • Polypropylene pipes must be reinforced with foil. This way they will last much longer than conventional pipes. Polypropylene heating of a private house is the cheapest way.
  • Stainless steel is a very different option. However, it is a reliable, durable material.
  • Metal-plastic ones are suitable for those who have decided to install a heating system for the first time.
  • Polyethylene pipes are inexpensive, and their installation is very simple.

Selection of radiators

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of different heating devices. First of all, you need to pay attention to the type of material, and then to their appearance.

Battery types:

  • Cast iron batteries have high heat output. But their cost is very high. And if you take Soviet-style models, their appearance will not decorate your home.
  • Bimetallic ones have a table frame inside. This type of device is used in apartment buildings.
  • Steel batteries are among the cheapest, with a service life of 20 years.
  • Aluminum ones are good because you can automatically regulate the heat supply.

It is important, when making a choice in favor of a certain type of device, take into account its features.

Of course, the process of organizing a heating system is very labor-intensive. However, if you understand all the intricacies, you can make heating yourself.

But, if this is still a difficult job for you, then it is better to hire specialists. And basic knowledge will help you control the entire installation process.

Photo of home heating with your own hands



Gone are the days when the only way to heat a private home was a stove. It is precisely because of the lack of adequate heating and running water with hot water many did not want to live outside the city, moving to comfortable high-rise buildings. But the benefits of civilization have reached country houses. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to equip the heating of a private home with your own hands, so that you no longer have to endure hardships. Now the amenities in a country house will be no worse than those in the city. There are several ways to make heating in a private house, which differ in design elements and energy sources. We will talk about them in this article.

What kind of heating system can a private house have?

First of all, heating systems differ in the type of coolant, which directly heats the premises by releasing heat. There are water systems, steam, air, electric and open fire. The latter are implemented in fireplaces, Russian stoves and grubs. In rooms where heating is implemented in this way, heat is distributed unevenly: there is cold air near the floor, hot air near the heat source (stove), and cold air in the distance. In principle, a small house can be heated quite efficiently with a stove, but we will not focus on these systems, but will talk about those that can provide more uniform heating of a large house.

The water heating system is a closed circuit through which hot water circulates. The boiler acts as a heating element, pipes radiate from it throughout the house, radiators are installed in each room, through which hot water passes and gives off heat. Having given off the heat, the water returns to the boiler, where it is heated, and the cycle repeats.

For a water system, a boiler using any available fuel is suitable. The most common are gas boilers because they are economical. Heating in a private house using natural gas is only possible if a gas main is connected to the house. Another disadvantage is that gas boilers require regular maintenance and monitoring by special services. However, gas heating is in great demand.

If the area is not gasified, you can use solid fuel boiler(coal, firewood, pallets). In this case, the heating will be completely autonomous and independent of the energy supply. But to store solid fuel you will have to equip a convenient and dry storage facility.

Liquid fuel boilers, for example, diesel, can also be used for water heating. This method has a number of disadvantages: diesel fuel is very expensive, heating is uneconomical, to store fuel you will need a tank buried in the ground, which, despite all precautions, is a fire hazard.

Electric boiler, connected to the central power supply, will also perform its functions well. But if you have already decided to use electricity as an energy source, it would be more advisable to install electric radiators to directly convert electrical energy into heat without the mediation of water.

For complete arrangement autonomous heating You can use alternative electricity, solar and wind converters, mini-hydro stations and more.

The boiler power is selected depending on the area of ​​the house. Approximate characteristics can be seen in the table.

Both water and antifreeze can circulate in a water heating system. The system may also have additional elements for its adjustment. The expansion tank is used to collect excess liquid, thermostats are necessary to control the temperature in front of each radiator, a circulation pump for forced water movement is not always used, as well as an automatic air vent, shut-off and safety valves.

If you are interested in how much it costs to heat a private home, you can calculate it yourself. First you need to decide on the type of energy carrier. We will consider the option with a gas boiler. So, we need to purchase a boiler, pipes, radiators for each room, an expansion tank, taps, fittings, and all the necessary related materials. But before purchasing all this, you should draw up a heating diagram for a private house, which will accurately indicate the location of the boiler and radiators, the length of the pipeline, and more. Design work“they will cost a pretty penny”, permits, approvals, plus installation. As a result, heating a private house will cost approximately 9,000 - 11,000 USD.

The cost of equipment for the heating system will largely depend on the materials. For example, radiators are cast iron, steel,aluminum, stainless steel. The cheapest are cast iron, they are also the heaviest and short-lived. Stainless steel is the most expensive; few people can afford to install them throughout the house. Pipes for laying the heating pipeline also come from various materials: steel(stainless steel, galvanized steel), copper, polymer(metal-plastic, polypropylene, polyethylene). Copper pipes are considered the most reliable, as they can withstand large temperature changes, and the connection is made by soldering with silver solder. Although polymer pipes are easy to install and are not afraid of corrosion, they have a significant drawback - they are afraid of temperature changes and lose their strength if they are bent. Steel pipes have recently been used quite rarely, although stainless and galvanized pipes are not afraid of corrosion, are durable and are firmly connected.

The cost of materials and work for installing heating in a private house is also affected by the type of water heating system, which can be single-pipe, two-pipe or collector. We'll talk about this below.

The water heating system has several disadvantages: complex and time-consuming installation, regular prevention systems and boiler testing, but at the same time it is very popular among suburban residents compared to other systems.

Steam heating of a private house

The steam heating system is implemented according to the following principle: the boiler heats water under pressure to a boiling state, the resulting steam goes through the main line to the radiators, where it gives off its heat, condenses back into water and returns back to the boiler. The air is forced out of the system by hot steam. Based on the principle of condensate return to the boiler, there are two types of systems: open (open) and closed (closed). In open systems there is a tank in which condensate accumulates and then enters the boiler. In closed systems, condensate independently returns to the boiler through a wide pipe.

Important! Steam heating is not used in private residential buildings. “Steam” heating is mistakenly called “water” heating. In fact, a steam heating boiler is a huge unit, the size of a room, it is very difficult to operate and also dangerous. Such heating is used only in enterprises where steam is needed for production needs. Even in this case, the heat-releasing elements are carefully isolated from humans, since the steam temperature is 115 °C.

An air heating system can be installed in a house only at the construction stage; this is impossible in a finished residential building.

The principle of operation of this system is as follows: the heat generator heats the air, which then rises through the air ducts into the rooms and exits under the ceiling in such a way as to displace the cold air that has accumulated near the window or door. Cold air is forced into the air ducts leading to the heat generator. This is how circulation occurs, which can be gravitational or forced.

Gravitational circulation occurs due to temperature differences, when the volume of warm air is large enough, it displaces cold air towards the air ducts. The disadvantage of this method is that when windows or doors are open, circulation is disrupted.

For forced circulation a fan is used to increase air pressure.

The figure shows the heating of a private two-story house using air.

The heat generator can burn natural gas, kerosene or diesel. In this case, natural gas can be either from the main line or bottled. Combustion products go into the chimney.

To refresh the air, clean air is mixed into the system, which can be taken from outside the room.

Air ducts can be made of metal, plastic or textile, and can also be round or rectangular in shape. The structure of air ducts can be rigid or flexible. Air ducts adjacent to external walls or unheated rooms must be thermally insulated. To correctly calculate how the air heating system at home should be located, what the size of the air ducts should be, what the network topology should be, you should contact specialists. Installation of such a system for a two-story house can cost 11,000 USD.

Electric heating of a private house

Heating a house using electricity can be achieved in several ways: using electric convectors, "warm floor" systems, infrared long-wave heaters(ceiling).

Heating a house with electricity cannot be called economical. Sometimes they even equip a water heating system and connect it to a boiler that runs on electricity. This method has a significant drawback: high energy costs and heat loss. Therefore, it is recommended to install an electric boiler as a spare in addition to a gas boiler (subject to the presence of a gas main).

But if there is no other available energy source, you have to use what you have. Then it will be more economical and expedient to use electric convectors rather than a boiler.

To calculate the number of necessary devices, you should know the volume of the room and the degree of its thermal insulation. For example, to heat a house of 100 m2, with a ceiling height of 3 m, the volume is 300 m3; if the room is poorly insulated, its heating requirement is 40 W/m3. In total, we multiply the volume of the room by the demand, we get 12,000 W. This need can be satisfied by installing 4 convectors of 2.5 kW each and 1 convector of 2 kW. The cost of the equipment is approximately 1300 - 1500 USD. This is significantly less than installing water heating with a gas boiler, but it is much less economical when paying for energy.

The disadvantage of using electric convectors is uneven heating of the room: it is cold near the floor, and hot air accumulates near the ceiling. To evenly warm the room, you can additionally install a “warm floor” system.

Diagram of a heating system for a private house with liquid coolant

The water heating system can be single-circuit or double-circuit. The single-circuit one is used only for heating, and the double-circuit one is used for heating and heating water for household needs. In practice, in private houses, two single-circuit systems are most often installed: one is purely for heating water, the second is for heating. This is also convenient because the second boiler does not work during the non-heating season.

Based on the principle of water movement in the system, one-pipe, two-pipe and collector systems are distinguished.

Single pipe water heating system

In a single-pipe system, water passes sequentially from one radiator to another. At the same time, in each subsequent radiator the coolant temperature will be lower and lower. In the latter, it may not be sufficient to heat the room. This system It is practically impossible to adjust, since by blocking access to one radiator, the access of water to all the others will be blocked. Also, if one radiator fails, you will have to completely turn off the system, bleed the water, and only then replace it with a new one or repair it.

Two-pipe water heating system

A two-pipe system can heat a house more efficiently, since two pipes connect to each radiator: one with hot water, and through the other, cooled water leaves. In this case, the hot water pipe is connected to all radiators in parallel. If you install taps in front of each radiator, you can disconnect any radiator from the system. In the last radiator, to which the hot water pipe is connected, the temperature will be lower than in the first, but the losses will be insignificant compared to a single-pipe system.

Collector water heating system

The collector system means that pipes go from the collector to each radiator separately: one with hot water, the other returns cooled water. This system allows you to regulate the temperature in any room, as well as easily replace or repair any part of the system without turning off the heating. The collector system is the most progressive. Its only drawback: additional installation of a manifold cabinet and high pipe consumption.

Installation of a heating system for a private house

First of all, you should decide which heating system is best for a particular house. The most optimal solution would be to install a system for which the energy carrier is more accessible and economical; economical heating of a private home is very important for many. For example, if gas is supplied to the house, then you can install a water heating system with two boilers: one - gas (main), the second - electric (spare) or solid fuel, so that in case of force majeure it is completely energy independent.

At the next stage, you should contact the design bureau, where they will make the appropriate calculations and draw up project documentation and heating drawings for a private house. Only after this can you purchase necessary equipment and materials.

The first step is to install the heating boiler. For any boilers containing combustion products, except electric ones, it is necessary to equip a boiler room. This is a separate room, or a room in the basement, with good ventilation. The boiler is installed at a distance from the walls to ensure easy access. The floor and walls around the boiler are lined with fireproof material. A chimney is led from the boiler to the street.

Further installation of heating in a private house consists of installing a circulation pump (if necessary), a distribution manifold (if provided by the system), measuring and control devices near the boiler.

Only then do pipeline lines lead from the boiler to the radiator installation sites. To pass pipes through the walls, you will have to make holes in them, which must be covered after the pipes have been pulled through. cement mortar. Pipe connections are made based on the material they are made of.

Radiators are installed last. They are installed on brackets under the window opening. If the size of the radiator is not enough to cover the opening, you should install two radiators or build up sections, if possible. The distance from the floor should be 10 - 12 cm, from the wall 2 - 5 cm, and from the window sill to the radiator - 10 cm. We install shut-off and control fittings and temperature sensors at the inlet and outlet of the radiator so that you can regulate the temperature and block the movement of water.

After installing all structural elements, the system is pressure tested. The first start-up of the boiler is possible only in the presence of a representative of the gas organization.

In conclusion, I would like to note that it is better to choose a heating system taking into account two factors: the availability and low cost of energy and the autonomy of the system in the event of force majeure. Installing a heating system in a private home is such a responsible and complex task that it is not recommended to do it yourself. At least the most important thing is that the calculations, diagrams and design should be carried out by professionals. And to save money, you can try to install the system elements yourself, but under the strict guidance of a specialist.

For wooden house Water heating would be a rational option. It represents a closed loop of pipes through which water circulates. The pipes are connected to the boiler, where the water is heated. There are single-circuit and double-circuit schemes. The second is used for simultaneous heating and water heating. The first implies only the supply of heat.

Practice shows that it is better to use two single-circuit designs, where one boiler is intended for heating and the other for supplying hot water. Parallel installation will allow you to achieve high performance and make the heating completely autonomous. In addition, such a scheme will eliminate the risk of being left without heat and will allow you not to use the boiler to supply heat during the non-heating season, which will save money.

There are one- and two-pipe manifold pipe distribution systems. The single-pipe option is convenient to use for a house with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters, since in this case it is impossible to use more than ten devices on one “branch”. Double-pipe structures are suitable for cottages larger than 100-1500 square meters, as they can withstand a large number of appliances. This system is effective and easy to install. It will ensure the same temperature for each radiator, but will require more materials.

In this article we will look at how to install heating in a private house with your own hands.

Water heating circuit

The boiler is the basis of the circuit. Today they produce gas, electric, solid and liquid fuels. The choice of boiler is influenced by the size of the house and the seasonality of residence, the availability of fuel and the specifics of the area, the preferences of the owners and other factors. We will look at how to choose a suitable boiler at the end of the article.

Installing a single-pipe system means that water flows sequentially from one radiator to the next. In this case, the temperature of each subsequent device should become lower. The disadvantages of this design are that it is practically not adjustable. If you cut off water access to one carrier, water will stop flowing to everyone. And if one device fails, you will have to turn off the system completely.

In addition, with a single-pipe circuit, the temperature in the last radiator may not be enough to heat the room. Installing a circulation pump will help ensure the desired temperature for each radiator with a single-pipe design. This device will ensure uniform heat distribution across all media. But keep in mind that such a pump only runs on electricity.

For installation of heating systems with two pipes, we assume a scheme in which two pipes are suitable for each radiator. Hot water comes in through one pipe, and cooled water leaves through the other. A hot water pipe is connected in parallel to each carrier. Installing taps in front of each device will allow you to turn off the radiator one at a time without stopping the operation of the entire system.

With a two-pipe system, the temperature in the last carrier will also be lower, but the losses are not as significant as with a single-pipe system. For a two-pipe parallel connection, a special automation design must be provided. It will ensure switching between devices in the absence of any type of fuel supply.

Heating installation and piping technology

Do-it-yourself installation of heating systems begins with heating calculations and planning. In this case, it is better to turn to professionals, since mistakes will lead to serious problems, including accidents and equipment failure. The masters of the MariSrub company will select and calculate the heating system, provide the necessary materials and equipment, and carry out the installation quickly and efficiently. Read more about the service.

After calculations, suitable devices are selected, including pipes, boilers, radiators, pumps, etc. After which, according to the diagram, the devices are installed in the house. First of all, the boiler is installed. Please note that for a solid fuel device you need to equip a separate boiler room, chimney and additional ventilation. Electric and wall-mounted gas boilers are installed directly in residential premises.

When equipping a boiler room, several parameters are taken into account. The area of ​​the room must be at least seven square meters with good ventilation and a chimney. The walls and floor next to the boiler are finished with fireproof material. The device itself is installed at a distance of at least 50 centimeters from the walls.

Please note that liquid and solid fuel boilers cannot be placed directly on the floor due to their heavy weight; a special backing made of bricks is made under the equipment. A lot of interesting projects houses with a boiler room can be found at the link Don't like any of the options? Experienced architects and engineers of “MariSrub” will create an individual project taking into account your wishes!

To install radiators inside the house, special fasteners are used. For a wooden house, brackets are suitable, on which the batteries are then hung. The brackets are installed under the window opening. In the future, if necessary, install a circulation pump and a distribution manifold. Only then do they begin laying the main pipes from the boiler to the radiators.

For water heating, the main pipeline is laid with a slight slope of 3-5 degrees per 1 linear meter. The routing of highways is carried out using metal or polypropylene pipes. The first option is suitable for a solid fuel boiler; in other cases, polypropylene and metal-plastic products are used. Pipe diameters are selected individually depending on the layout, type of appliances and boilers. To pass the pipeline through the walls, special holes are made.

Radiators are installed last. When installing batteries yourself, you need to follow certain parameters. So, the distance to the floor should be 10-12 centimeters, to the window sill - 10 centimeters. If the device does not completely cover the opening under the window, you can install two carriers. After installation, shut-off and control valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of the equipment, and heat sensors are added if necessary.

Which boiler to choose

Boilers of any type are divided into single- and double-circuit. Boilers of the first type are used only for heating, the second type - for heating and supplying hot water. Before purchasing, you need to correctly determine the power of the equipment. The necessary parameters are determined based on the area of ​​the house.

So, to heat 10 square meters you will need a power of at least 1 kW. Thus, for country house with an area of ​​up to 100 square meters, choose boilers with a power of 10 kW. For an average house of 150 square meters, the minimum power is 15 kW. And for spacious cottages over 200 square meters required power is 20 kW and above.

The most popular are gas boilers due to the availability of equipment and fuel, ease of use and installation, high performance and efficiency. Among the disadvantages are fire and explosion hazards and the need for regular inspections by the gas service. But at the same time, gas heating is the most optimal system for a private home.

But what to do if there is no gas connection? Then use solid fuel or electric boilers. The first devices run on solid fuel in the form of firewood, coal, pellets, etc. Such equipment will quickly heat a large area of ​​the room.

However, they take up a lot of space, are difficult to install, and require a separate boiler room and chimney. The use of solid fuel boilers is complicated by the need to prepare or purchase firewood and arrange a dry place for fuel storage.

Electric boilers are functional and easy-to-use equipment that are connected to a central power supply or a separate electric radiator. They provide simple and operational method heating, take up little space and are practical to use, environmentally friendly and silent. However, such boilers depend on electricity, and further service will be expensive.

Do-it-yourself heating installation is a labor-intensive and dangerous process. The professionals of the MariSrub company can easily handle the installation of any system. They will help you choose the equipment that is suitable for your home. We will promptly install reliable and high-quality heating.

One of possible options, often used for heating country house, especially in conditions of permanent residence, is the use of water heating. However, when considering the installation of heating, the private house in which it will be performed, you may be faced with the need to determine how the project will be implemented. Each of them has its own characteristics that may influence your choice.

About water heating

The principle of operation of such heating is clear to everyone - water is heated in a heating boiler and then enters the batteries, passing through which it gives off heat to the surrounding air. It is quite simple to make heating in a private house that works on the described principle, but the fact is that it is necessary to take into account a number of additional factors, ranging from the choice of equipment to its location and connection.

The answer to these questions largely determines what heating will be like and how we conduct heating in a private home.

About coolant circulation

It should be noted another feature inherent in water heating. Hot water circulation in the system can be ensured in several ways:

  • natural or gravitational;
  • forced.

Natural circulation is based on the fact that cold water heavier than hot water, and therefore water with a higher temperature rises. With this method of coolant circulation, heating in a private house must take into account some additional requirements, which are understandable when considering the above figure:

These are the following requirements:

  • the diameter of the supply pipe must be larger than the other pipes;
  • it is necessary to ensure a slope when laying pipes from the expansion tank to the radiator and from the latter to the boiler; water must flow to the batteries and boiler by gravity;
  • the expansion tank must be located above all other elements of the system.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to operate the heating without the use of additional devices (pumps or blowers); in this case, it can work even when there is no electricity (broken power lines, accidents and other disruptions in the power supply, as well as its complete absence). The disadvantage is the small radius of use due to low pressure.

When using forced circulation, a pump is built into the heating system to provide the necessary pressure and supply the coolant to the right place. This system is universal and can be used for any type of installation and in any buildings.

Single-pipe installation

This type of heating installation for a private home is the least expensive and most independent of external conditions. What such a heating scheme is can be understood from the figure below:

The installation of a heating system in a private house under consideration involves the passage of hot water through all radiators. In this case, the system can be made with both vertical and horizontal wiring; the heating connection diagram for a private house with both types of wiring is shown below:

Such single-pipe heating wiring in a private house is called “Leningradka”. According to experts, this is one of the most common options for water heating. Its advantage is the lower cost of materials required for installing heating in a private house, and the lower cost of installation work. You can additionally familiarize yourself with the features of the system using the video.

One of the advantages of such a system can be considered its versatility; it can work with natural and forced water circulation.

Two-pipe installation

A diagram of what the installation of heating systems in private houses looks like is shown in the figure:

Hot water enters each radiator independently (from the common line through a separate pipe), and then in the same way returns to the common line to enter the boiler and reheat.

This heating system is the most versatile and can be used in any private home, regardless of number of floors and size.

The peculiarities of using this installation option include increased costs for materials and components (pipes, pump, fittings, etc.) as well as a significant amount of work, typical for cases when such heating installation is carried out in a private house.

About other options and possibilities

The types of installation shown do not cover all possible ways construction of water heating wiring. It was noted above that single-pipe wiring can be horizontal and vertical. Two-pipe wiring is also performed using the same methods. In addition, different connections of radiators are acceptable for any installation options:

It is worth noting that other installation options can be used in order to ensure greater heating efficiency in specific conditions, but this should be done by specialists to achieve maximum efficiency from heating. The data provided covers the most popular and most commonly used installation options.

How is all this implemented?

There are different approaches to creating heating. But only heating focused on locally available resources and fuel is the correct heating of a private home.

Considering that any heating system represents a rather complex hydraulic system; it is best to entrust its design and subsequent installation to professionals, companies and organizations that deal with this on an ongoing basis. In this case, you can always get advice on the operation of the installed system, as well as contact them to repair it if damaged.

You can do such work yourself, in this case the costs of creating and installing heating will be minimal, but you will also have to make claims for poor quality work.

In your own home, heating should be designed to use available and cheap energy sources, as well as to operate in autonomous conditions, for example, in the absence of electricity. In addition, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the implementation of plans to create a heating system, given that this is a rather complex and expensive procedure.
