Fruit still life using quilling technique. Master Class

Product Compatibility

Meat, fish, poultry
This group represents animal proteins, which are the hardest for the body to digest. That's why the best combination will combine them with green non-starchy vegetables, which help neutralize harmful properties, improve digestion and keep cholesterol levels in the blood under control. Under no circumstances should you combine animal proteins with alcohol! High-grade drinks contain pepsin, which prevents such food from being easily absorbed by the body.

This group includes lentils, beans, peas, soybeans, etc. Food is quite heavy for the body, but it is necessary in the diet. To facilitate its absorption, it should be combined with light fats- vegetable oil or sour cream. It can also be eaten together with starchy vegetables.

Butter, cream
The ideal combination is green, non-starchy vegetables. However, cheese and butter are similar products, but it is not recommended to eat them together, since otherwise a double portion of fat enters the body at one meal.

Vegetable oil
The product is very healthy, but high in calories. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation. As for the combination, vegetable oil is compatible with vegetables.

Confectionery, sugar
Sugar tends to affect the secretion of gastric juice, slowing down this process. Therefore, its consumption in the diet should be limited. If sugar is combined with other foods, they will take much longer to digest, which can cause a feeling of discomfort in the stomach. Therefore, use confectionery recommended separately from other products. Nutritionists do not even recommend combining cereal porridge with jam or jam. Despite the pleasant taste of the dish, this is not a healthy duo for the stomach.

Potatoes, cereals, bread
The prohibited compatibility of these products is their combination with animal proteins. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that bread is an addition to any food. In fact, this is a separate food. The only exception is a product made from whole grains. It can be combined with vegetable salads.

Sour fruits, tomatoes
Tomatoes belong to this category because they contain several different acids: citric, oxalic and malic. Like sour fruits, they should be eaten at different times from proteins and starchy vegetables.

Dried fruits, sweet fruits
Ideally, it is advisable not to combine both sour and sweet fruits with anything. This way they will be better absorbed by the body and bring maximum benefit. They should be enjoyed at least 20 minutes after the main meal. However, they may be compatible with milk and nuts, but such a mix will be much more difficult for the body to digest.

Non-starchy vegetables
This group has good compatibility with almost all groups. Therefore, they can be safely combined with the desired products.

Many children and adults love to create amazing things with their own hands and try something new. Making products using the ancient but currently very popular handicraft technique of paper rolling or quilling. The article is devoted to the formation of the basics of needlework using the quilling technique (creating a composition using paper spirals different shapes and colors). Quilling is the art of paper rolling, one of the oldest types of decorative and applied arts. Quilling on English language This handicraft is called “quilling”, translated as “bird feather”. It was the bird feather that played an important role in the development of paper rolling: in order to obtain a spiral for the composition, long strips of colored or plain paper were wound onto the hard round part of the feather. This art became widespread from West to East, immediately after the invention of paper in China, while enriching national characteristics different cultures. Paper is the material from which children begin to craft, create, and create unique products. Paper strips allow a child to feel like an artist, constructor, designer, and most importantly, a creative person. It seemed that paper, an ordinary accessible material, was acquiring a new modern direction, it is easy for them to work using the quilling technique. To create semi-volume compositions using the quilling technique, we will need the following tools and materials: sheets of colored and white A4 paper, from which 5mm wide strips are cut, colored cardboard (for making the background of the composition), a toothpick or a metal rod with a slot at the end will help quickly and deftly twist the paper strips into a spiral; medium-sized scissors and a stationery knife will be required to cut a sheet of A4 paper into strips; PVA glue will be needed for gluing the ends of paper strips twisted into spirals and connecting the spirals; a ruler with circles of different diameters (from 2 to 40mm) will help in forming paper spirals of the desired size. Tweezers are used to accurately secure parts to the base. (Figure 1)

Before you begin, you need to master the technique of making the main elements of the composition - spirals. Let's start by making tight spirals (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2 Tight spiral

To get a tight spiral, you should smear glue on the wrong side of one edge of a strip of paper, wrap it around a toothpick or metal rod, placing the turns of paper close to each other, and fix the other edge with glue to the finished spiral. When creating a loose spiral, its turns must be placed at some distance from each other.

Fig.3 Loose spiral

If you squeeze the turns of the finished loose spiral on one side, you will get a drop-shaped spiral (Fig. 4),

Rice. 4 “Eye” element

if you squeeze on both sides - a spiral in the shape of a leaf or “eye” (Fig. 5),

Rice. 5 "Rhombus"

and if on four sides it is a rhombus.

Rice. 6—"drop"

You can experiment with the spiral as much as you like; depending on your imagination, new and new elements will be born. Paper is an excellent craft material, working with which provides an incredible variety of opportunities for the development of creativity. Original compositions made using the quilling technique are a wonderful decoration for the interior of a home, office and an exclusive gift for any holiday that will surprise, delight and will not go unnoticed. Compositions with flowers made using the quilling technique look very impressive. This is a simple and elegant type of needlework that promotes the formation of creative thinking. In the educational process of the proposed classes, when organizing creativity, the basic didactic principles of NFTM-TRIZ are implemented (1, p. 21),

the principle of development of intellectual activity of the individual,

The principle of environmental conformity of applied solutions,

The principle of continuity of succession of creative development,

The principle of forming systems thinking,

The principle of pedagogical coupling of the theory of development of creative thinking with a standardized program, the principle of development and education of the individual through creativity,

The principle of creative self-realization,

The principle of search activity,

The principle of subject integration with TRIZ methodology and creativity,

the principle of a positive emotional background,

the principle of democratization of the educational process.

Innovative pedagogical technologies in the multi-level system of NFTMs provide for the implementation of these basic didactic principles through changing the structure of creative classes and their original content.

Let's consider an example of classes on creative composition creation using the quilling technique, where the following educational and developmental tasks are solved:

1. Give new and update concepts: blank, spiral, paper, creativity, individuality.

2. To form the concept of creativity as an element of craft.

3. Strengthen the skills of a step-by-step creative process, using in work various types paper.

4. Teach techniques for twisting spirals of various shapes.

5. Develop the ability to model a product by combining spirals of various shapes and methods of securing elements.

6. Learn to create decorative paper crafts using the quilling technique.

Let's consider one lesson on creating the composition “Fruit Bowl”.

Lesson structure:

1. motivation block - study of ready-made compositions and literature on this type of needlework - 5 min.

2.2 search and selection of colors for the composition - 2 min.

2.3 Making spirals and fixing them on a background in the form of a vase, grapes, orange slices - 23 minutes, discussion of creative ideas 13 minutes.

3. Psychological relief block. Reading poems about the beauty of Russian nature - 4 min.

4. Puzzle - 5 min.

5.Intellectual warm-up (riddles about fruits and vegetables) -5 min..

6. Physical education minute - 5 min.

8. Computer intellectual support - 5 min.

9. Reflection - 5 min.


1. Motivation block - acquaintance with ready-made compositions made by children studying in the circle: The work “Two Comrades Served” was completed by a 4th grade student of the Kamyzinskaya Sosh, Daria Valuyskikh, postcards “Spring Flowers” ​​by a 4th grade student of the Kamyzinskaya Sosh, Alekhina Irina, Vetka Rowan" 5th grade student "Kamyzinskaya school" Anna Kudinova, "Still life" "6th grade student "Kamyzinskaya school" Nastya Popova (Fig. 7)

Acquaintance with the literature that describes the basic techniques of working in the quilling technique (Fig. 8).

2.1 introduction to safety precautions when working with quilling tools and devices 2 min.

2.2 search and selection of colors for the composition - 2 min. We select the color of the stripes for the spirals according to the color of the given fruit and vase shown in the picture. Selection of colors: a) warm colors consist of yellow, orange, red, b) cool colors - green of different shades. The process of making spirals of various shapes and colors, fixing them on a background.

3. Psychological relief from reading poetry about the beauty of Russian nature.

4. Puzzle - come up with a device that can be used to twist a spiral. Answer: Instead of a toothpick and a slotted steel refill, you can use the refill of a ballpoint pen. Make a jig from an old needle by breaking off the top of the eye of the needle and attaching it to the back of a pencil.

5. Intellectual warm-up by solving riddles about fruits and vegetables.

6. Physical education - helps relieve fatigue.

8. Computer intelligent support. It is necessary to draw three circles and paint them in the colors that make up color scheme future composition. 9. Reflection helps to understand the mood of children.

  1. Zinovkina M.M., Gareev R.T., Gorev P.M., Utemov V.V., Scientific creativity: innovative methods in the system of multi-level continuous creative education NFTM-TRIZ: textbook. Kirov: Publishing House of VyatGGU, 2013.-109 p.
  2. Gorev P. M. Utemov V. V., Zinovkina M. M. Summer travel with an owlet: educational manual. - Kirov: VyatGGU Publishing House, 2013. - 174 p.
  3. Utemov V.V., Zinovkina M.M., Gorev P.M. Pedagogy of creativity: Applied course of scientific creativity: Tutorial. - Kirov: ANOO "Interregional CITO", 2013. - 212 p.
  4. Gorev P. M., Utemov V. V. A. Yurtakova “Quilling semi-volume compositions”

In order to create masterpieces of this kind, you need to master quilling basics. The art of original paper rolling arose at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries in medieval Europe. The nuns came up with an original and elegant way to make medallions on the tip of a bird's feather by rolling paper with gilded edges. Such masterpieces created a certain illusion of medallions made of thin strips of gold. Since then, this technique of paper crafts has been preserved to this day.

This type of handicraft is today defined as a hobby and is widespread in the region. Western Europe. However, the people of the East adopted this fashion and significantly improved it. Now quilling products can act as works of the highest skill and virtuosity. However, anyone can master the art of paper plastic art. This will require perseverance and a little patience. But the result will exceed all expectations and efforts.

All you need is:

  • torsion device
  • colored paper

You can make the device yourself: find some kind of handle, for example, from an old brush and an ordinary needle. It is important that it is comfortable to hold in your hand. Use side cutters to bite off the tip of the needle. Using the same nippers, remove lint and tassels. And insert the needle into the handle as deeply as possible so that it does not scroll.

The tool is ready!

Now you should master the basic quilling shapes. It is from them that entire compositions consist.

Using simple paper forms, entire works of art are created.

With the help of simple shapes you can create magnificent compositions.

This kind of cockerel can be easily made with basic quilling skills, and it will only take a couple of hours.

The quilling technique is quite universal and sometimes amazes with its originality. So, for example, some crafts can be used for playing with children, others can serve as decorative functions, and others can even be used for table setting.

Today we propose to consider several master classes devoted to the topic of fruits and vegetables, the level of complexity of which can be mastered by both beginners and experienced quilling needlewomen. Each master class is detailed instructions With step by step description of all actions, supplemented by a variety of photos, diagrams, sketches and templates.

Necessary materials for work

So, to work on fruit joys you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • colored paper or ready-made quilling strips;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • military ruler with round holes of different diameters;
  • a toothpick or a specialized device for rolling strips of paper.

By the way, the above device can be made with your own hands using an unnecessary paint brush, a needle with a large eye and wire cutters. Now we will tell you step by step how to make a simple quilling tool from available materials.

Remove any existing lint from the brush.

Break off the needle using wire cutters, as shown in the picture, then secure it in place of the former pile.

We have more or less figured out the tools and materials, let’s move on directly to the blank figures for quilling, which are the basics for beginners.

From each rolled roll, by simple manipulation with your fingers, you can get simple shapes like these, which will be useful in the future for creating an entire composition.

In order to make such a fruit composition using the quilling technique, you need paper of red, green, orange, white and brown.

Quilling strawberry

We roll up many rolls of red paper and give them the shape of an eye.

We connect the strawberry parts together, fix a strip of paper along the contour, and glue an arbitrary tail to the top of the berry. This is how the fruit turns out.

Orange slice using paper rolling technique

We roll up a roll of two strips glued together (orange and white).

We give the roll a droplet shape, fix the parts together with glue, according to the template.

Glue a strip of white paper along the contour, then a strip of orange.

Kiwi using quilling technique

Roll up some white rolls for the core and form a bunch of green pieces into a teardrop shape.

Connect the parts together, cover the kiwi slices along the contour with a brown stripe.

Ideas for Quilling Vegetables

Using the principle of creating fruit slices, you can also quill vegetables. We'll give you a few interesting ideas.

Fridge magnets in the shape of fruits

Quilling magnets are easy to make yourself from available fruit and vegetable crafts. To do this, take any craft and glue it using Secunda glue or a hot gun on reverse side small magnet or magnetic strip.

Quilling “Fruit Basket”

The basis of the basket is one of the main shapes - a drop. There are a huge number of similar elements that need to be made.

Cut out the desired shape for the basket from a piece of notebook paper; MK uses a trapezoid. Lay out and glue all the elements according to the template. Make sure that the basket parts do not stick to the sheet.

There should be two such blanks - these are the front and back walls of the basket.

Glue the bottom of the basket. Its length should be equal to the sum of the lengths of the three sides of the side part. Connect the side and bottom with glue.

Glue the second wall of the fruit basket.

While the basket is drying, make a handle for it. To do this, glue the parts onto two strips. Decorate the basket with fruits from the first MK or put them inside.

Quilling “Fruit Vase”

Twist 12 loose rolls with a diameter of 14 mm, give them a teardrop shape. Assemble 6 parts into a flower and glue them together.

Roll 13 yellow rolls of 18mm diameter into a crescent shape.

Glue the parts together and place a tightly rolled red roll in the center, as shown in the picture.

Glue the V-shaped pieces to the flower. Glue the remaining teardrop-shaped pieces.

Roll 12 eye-shaped pieces from a sixteen-millimeter roll. Glue them along the bottom edge.

Form 12 elements in the shape of a drop and 12 in the shape of a crescent from a sixteen-millimeter circle, glue to the base.

Roll 12 yellow and 12 blue rolls of 20 mm each. Give them the shape of an eye.

Form the side of the vase. From the rolls (point 9) make 4 flowers (2 yellow, 2 blue). Glue tight red rolls among the yellow petals, and yellow ones on the blue flower.

Place pre-twisted curls in the middle of the flowers, as in the photo. Glue a drop in the center of the curls.
