Installation of a submersible deep pump in a well. Installing a pump in a well with your own hands Installing a pump diagram in a well

Installing a pump in a well is the first step towards arranging an autonomous water supply system. After all, it is the pump that pumps water from the well. And performance autonomous system depends not only on the characteristics of the unit itself, but also on the method of installing the pump in the well.

Therefore, in this article we will look at the installation process of several types of pumps at once.

Well pumps are divided into surface and submersible options. The first ones are located above the water, and the second ones are located in the water. Moreover, two hoses extend from the surface units: suction (it is immersed in water) and pressure hose (it is connected to the water supply).

From the submersible unit, in turn, only one hose departs - the pressure hose. Since the place of the suction hose in the design of the submersible pump is occupied by a special pipe located in the upper or lower part of the housing.

In addition to the installation method, well pumps can also be classified according to the type of design of the working chamber. And according to this feature, pumps are centrifugal and vibration.

The working chamber of the vibration pump is separated from the engine compartment by an elastic membrane, which vibrates, creating alternating cycles of vacuum and compression. Therefore, the vibration pump is not afraid of either highly polluted water or dirt.

The working chamber of a centrifugal pump is equipped with a special unit - an impeller, which is rotated by an electric motor shaft. As a result, water moves through the pipes under the influence of centrifugal force generated by the impeller. Well, the pump itself needs to be pre-filled with water in the working chamber and to clean the transported flow. Otherwise, the impeller will become clogged with silt and sand or simply burn out from friction against the walls of the air-filled chamber.

How to install a pump in a well?

The design differences described above affect both the performance of the units and the methods of installing pumps in wells. That is, a submersible pump is mounted completely differently than a surface pump. Therefore, below in the text we will consider both technologies separately.

Installing a surface pump in a well

Surface pumps are mounted either indoors or at the well head (in a caisson).

Thus, installing a surface pump in a well is carried out as follows:

  • A hose of the required length is connected to the suction pipe of the pump.
  • A check valve is installed at the end of the hose - a special fitting that prevents water from draining into the well after the pump is turned off.
  • A strainer is attached to the check valve, protecting the pump and valve from possible penetration of sludge particles.
  • The hose, supplemented with a filter and valve, is immersed into the well to the desired depth.

However, connecting the pump to the well can also be done using an adapter. And in this case, the hose will not be connected to the suction pipe of the pump, but to the adapter fitting.

If the surface pump is equipped with a remote ejector, then a more complex system is introduced into the well, consisting of two hoses - pressure and suction. Moreover, a check valve, ejector and filter are mounted at the end of the suction hose. And the pressure hose is connected to the side fitting of the ejector (using a tap).

Installing a submersible pump in a well

Submersible pumps are mounted directly in the well shaft. Therefore, the diameter of such a unit must correspond to the dimensions of the casing pipe. Moreover, the pump should not fit tightly into the pipe - in this case it will simply “burn out” due to problems with cooling the engine compartment. However, the device passport always indicates the minimum possible diameter of the well casing pipes, which guarantees the absence of problems with cooling the pump.

Well, the installation of a deep-well pump in a well looks like this:

  • A check valve is attached to the pump nozzle - it will relieve the well owner from the need to control the filling of the working chamber of the unit, preventing water from draining after the pump is turned off.
  • An additional cup-shaped filter is attached to the suction pipe - it eliminates the threat of silting in the working chamber.
  • A discharge hose is attached to the check valve, through which water will flow upward (from the well). This pump model does not have a suction pipe. The second end of the hose is attached either to the hydraulic accumulator or to the inside of the adapter, with the help of which the “exit” from the well is arranged.
  • The power cord (electrical cable) is connected to the injection hose using special clips or polymer ties. Wire, in in this case, is categorically not recommended - it can “pinch” the cable or hose.
  • A polymer rope (twine) is inserted into the eyes (brackets) in the upper part of the pump housing. The unit will hang in the well on this rope.
  • The resulting structure should be lowered into the well. Moreover, the pump should only support the rope. Operating with a “cable + hose” bundle is strictly prohibited. However, before lowering the pump into the well, the rope can be connected to the bundle with the same ties. Otherwise, you will have to prevent possible overlap between the rope and the pressure hose.

After the unit is immersed in the well to the required depth, the rope is fixed on a special bracket located on the outside of the casing pipe head.

How deep should the pump be lowered? The answer to this question depends on the depth of the well itself, the reliability of the filter elements and the quality of the aquifer. Typically, the pump is “suspended” a meter from the bottom of the well. However, it is also possible to bury the pump to the upper limit of the filter element of the casing pipe.

However, in any case, it is necessary to compare the immersion depth of the pump with its power and pressure. Therefore, conventional pumps are immersed to a level of 7-10 meters, units with an ejector - to a level of 15-20 meters, and deep-well equipment - to a level of 25-40 meters.

How to replace a pump in a well?

Unfortunately, the pump can break down, just like any other mechanical device. And after a breakdown, the pump will have to be removed from the well for repairs. Well, in the most difficult cases The pump in the well is completely replaced, along with all filters and safety elements.

And this procedure looks like this:

  • The system is turned off from the power supply and disconnected from the water supply.
  • The pump is pulled out of the well by winding the extractable pressure hose and electrical cable into a coil. Moreover, the procedure for “lifting” the pump itself involves significant physical activity. Therefore, in this case, you will have to use at least three to four people: two or three pull, and one cuts the ties and winds up the hose and cable.
  • After removing the pump, it is disconnected from the check valve, the filter element is removed and repaired (on site or in a service center).
  • During repair of the unit, free partners can inspect the hose and cable for integrity defects.

After cleaning and repair, the entire system is assembled, fixed with polymer ties and immersed in its old place.

The presence of a well already implies the installation of a pump. Whether it will be submersible or surface depends on the depth of the well. The choice of pump is the very first step during installation. The submersible pump is the most popular view, because It is this that makes it possible to deliver high-quality water with the necessary pressure.

It is better to choose centrifugal models, because... When working with vibration pumps, there is a possibility of soil collapse and well collapse due to their additional vibrations.

Preparing to install the pump

Also, the choice of pump will depend on what performance you need. After all, if this is a residential country house, then you need constant water pressure, without interruptions.

Water from the pump rises through pipes, most often plastic. It is plastic that is more durable: it has a good service life, it does not rot and is not susceptible to corrosion.

In addition to all of the above, you will need clamps with which to secure the electrical cable through the pipe, a pressure gauge, a check valve and a shut-off valve.

Before installing a pump for permanent use, first pump the dirty water from the well using a cheap pump.

The deep-well pump is installed directly in the well, thereby not requiring a separate space.

First you need to assemble the entire structure, which will subsequently be immersed in the well.

The pump is connected to: water supply pipe, electrical cable, safety cable.

Installing a pump in a well

When the structure is assembled, the most difficult part begins - installation into the well. Before inserting the pump into the casing pipe, a protection in the form of a ring is put on it.

The pump is mounted at the height you need, provided that it matches the technical capabilities of the equipment. Plus, the pump should be completely in the water, but should not reach the bottom of the well.

The best distance to the bottom is two meters. Without taking into account such features, all this can lead to rapid breakdown of the pump due to the ingress of tiny particles, as well as idle operation.

In the end, you need to make sure that it is the cable that holds the pump and not the pipe. After this, the cable is attached to the bracket.

One example might be a pump that is not at its operating depth. Instead of 30 meters, it was operated at 50.

With the same parameters, such a pump will not be able to lift water; the pump will work “in vain”, without the adjusted operating water pressure.

Repair work

If there is a problem with the pump, there are two repair options:

The advantage of calling a specialist is the warranty. Those. If after repairs the pump fails again for some time, you have the right to contact the company from which the employee came to have the work done again.

  • Repair on your own, if you have certain knowledge. The lower the depth of the well, the greater the weight of the pump. Therefore, during repairs, it is necessary to have assistants who will help pull the pump out of the depths of the well.

Important: before starting repair work, turn off the power supply to the pump and disconnect the pipeline. You will also need to stock up on tools.

The pump is lifted using a safety rope. After the pump is lifted to the surface, it is necessary to determine whether it is in working condition. If necessary, worn parts are replaced and replaced.

If the pump cannot be repaired, then you will have to buy a new deep-well pump.

Water in your own home is a necessity. Arrangement of bathrooms, kitchens, as well as watering the beds - all this requires serious water consumption. In addition to drilling a well, it is also necessary to connect a pump to it.

Installing a pump in a well is one of the important points that should be studied before work begins. It is also equally important to choose the right device for wells.

Types of pumps

The following types of water pump in a well are distinguished:

  • Borehole. Such devices have a small diameter. In addition, they do an excellent job in cases where the water contains clay or limestone. This type is excellent for high pressures and significant distances between the water intake point and the consumer.
  • Wells. Such a water pump is not completely immersed in the well. The water intake hole is designed at the bottom, the engine is cooled by liquid. Some models are equipped with a shut-off system when there is no water.
  • Vortex. By their type, such aggregates are classified as surface. Their advantages include a relatively low price and compact size. In addition, if the water in the well contains various impurities, the vortex apparatus may not cope with its task.
  • Centrifugal. Such devices are capable of drawing water from depths of up to 9 meters. Installing a pump in a well of this type has a significant advantage - their operation does not fail when a plug forms from the air.

The first two types of pumps are classified as submersible. They also require a special SQE package - an automation kit for the units. The pressure and other characteristics will be regulated by the equipment independently.

Choosing a location for a well

Typically, professional drillers do not give clear recommendations on where exactly a shaft should be dug. They will find water everywhere, but in the end you will have to use the running water. What parameters are important to consider when constructing a well?

  • The sanitary standards clearly state the distance from the water intake to other objects. This is 5 meters from a residential building and 25 from a septic tank. You need to decide where there will be a parking lot or garage, chicken coop or other buildings for livestock and poultry. In addition, the well must be located at a distance of at least 10 meters from the neighbor’s fence. Situations are not uncommon when neighboring buildings can simply spoil the water, for example, as is the case with a latrine installed nearby. Remember this, because even the most sealed mine can begin to leak harmful effluents over time.
  • In an area with pronounced relief, it is impossible to drill wells for water in lowlands. During the spring snow melt, water can become polluted due to runoff. For example, E. coli can live in water for more than a year! Moreover, the site must be assessed by professionals. A slope of 3 degrees is not noticeable, but it can be enough to pollute the water.
  • If there is no other way out and you have to carry out drilling work in a lowland, before connecting the well, you need to make a high-quality drainage system.
  • There should be no plants or trees within a radius of 5-7 meters, even in future plans.
  • Please note that you will also need a place where equipment for drilling and laying HDPE pipes will be placed. The area for equipment access must have the following dimensions: at least 4 meters wide and at least 9 meters long.
  • Be sure to leave a spare space for another water intake. The fact is that in extremely rare cases it is possible to repair an existing system.
  • Under no circumstances should the source be placed in the basement of the house! Usually they connect the pump to the so-called Abyssinian wells. However, the water from it is only suitable for watering plants.

An ideal place for drilling may be a free lawn, which is located at the required distance from all buildings. You can hide the hatch using a small garden sculpture or fountain.

Pump selection

It’s not enough to drill water well, it is also necessary to choose the right equipment for it. How to do this?

  • the diameter of the device must correspond to the width of the well walls;
  • the pump must fit freely both into the hole and;
  • It is preferable to choose centrifugal devices. This is especially true for deep sand mines;
  • calculate the amount of water you need. This should be taken as a starting point when choosing a unit indicator such as productivity.

Recently, so-called smart pumps for wells have become popular. Such devices are not cheap, but their price is fully justified. The device is equipped with special sensors that respond to an increase in water consumption - an increase in liquid pressure is activated. The possibilities of such a device do not end there; they could be listed for a long time. If you wish, you can learn from the video how to connect a pump to a well in a dacha or personal plot.


How to connect a well to a pump? This can be done with the help of professionals or on your own. The service of specialists will not be so cheap, so more and more often preference is given to installation on one’s own. This is not so difficult to do if you first study the procedure.

Let's consider the most simple diagram pump, which will help both in connection and during operation.

A special pipe adapter is installed on the outlet pipe. Most often it is sold immediately with the unit. If not, you'll have to buy it. A coupling is screwed onto this adapter.

All threaded connections should be treated with a special “winding”. Some people use tow, but at the moment there are special tapes. If linen is used, it must be carefully treated with a special silicone sealant.

Surface pump installation

Installation of a surface pump in a well is carried out either indoors or directly above it. Connecting a surface pump to a well begins with digging a place in the ground for the device below the soil freezing level - a caisson.

Let's start connecting the surface pump:

  • We attach the hose we need to the suction part;
  • A special valve should be secured at the end of the hose. It prevents water from flowing back when the device is turned off;
  • the filter element is attached to the check valve. It cleans the water from dirt and sand particles;
  • the hose is immersed into the hole to the desired depth.

Installing a pump in a well with your own hands is not difficult at all if you have the tools.

The connection diagram for the surface device is shown in the figure:

Installation of a submersible pump

To install a deep-well pump in a well, you must strictly follow the instructions. A submersible well pump is installed directly into the hole. Moreover, a certain gap must be maintained between the device and the shaft, otherwise it will simply burn out. In the instructions you can find out the minimum distance between the walls. How to connect a submersible pump?

Instructions for installing a submersible pump in a well are as follows:

  • A check valve is mounted on the pump nozzle. It prevents the pipe from draining water when the device stops working;
  • a special valve is attached to the suction part to filter the water;
  • a hose is attached to the check valve through which the water will rise up;
  • the power supply wire to the deep-well pump is attached to the discharge hose using special clips or ties made of polymer material;
  • Twine is inserted into the brackets of the upper part of the device body. It is on this that he will hang in the well;
  • how to lower the pump into the well? This must be done carefully and exclusively with the help of a rope.

Installing a deep-well pump is not such a difficult task, which you can handle yourself.

The connection diagram for a submersible type unit is shown in the figure.

Connection diagram 2

After diving to the required depth, the rope must be secured with special brackets. How deep should the pump be lowered? Usually the device is fixed a meter from the bottom. The installation depth of a deep-well pump also depends on the properties of the soil and the groundwater level.

Typical connection errors

During installation, it is extremely important to avoid mistakes that will certainly affect you in the future. The most typical of them when installing a pump in a well are the following:

  • incorrect determination of the height of the unit suspension;
  • small cross-section of the power cable;
  • neglect to install protection against voltage instability;
  • insufficient pipe diameter for water supply;
  • absence of a check valve in the system;
  • incorrect selection or lack of instrumentation and control automation.

That's all. Now you know how to properly install a pump in a well. As you can see, it’s not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to delve into all the nuances. Another tip - don’t skimp on pumping station. It’s better to spend money once and buy a quality device than to constantly repair a cheap one. And one more thing - before installing the pump in the well, watch videos that explain in detail all the nuances.


Comfortable living in a private house depends on many factors, and water supply plays an important role here. If there is already a well on the site, then the issue is half resolved. But to ensure a complete water supply, you will need to select a suitable pump, otherwise you will get water from deep and narrow hole It will be, to put it mildly, difficult, don’t you agree?

At first glance, installing a pump in a well seems like a rather difficult task. Here, as in any business, there are a number of important nuances. Therefore, before starting to solve it, it is worthwhile to thoroughly study this issue. We will help you understand the intricacies of installing pumping equipment.

Useful tips for installing surface and submersible pumps are presented in this material. There are also photos and videos with expert advice that will help you better understand the intricacies of installation.

First you need to select and purchase a suitable pump, as well as a number of materials necessary for its successful installation. The pump is usually submersible, but it is highly desirable that it be centrifugal.

Unlike centrifugal models, they cause dangerous vibrations in the well, which can lead to destruction of the soil and casing. Such models are especially dangerous for sand wells, which are less stable than their artesian counterparts.

The pump power must correspond to the productivity of the well. In addition, the immersion depth for which a particular pump is designed should be taken into account. A model designed to operate at a depth of 50 m can supply water from a depth of 60 m, but the pump will soon break down.

A submersible centrifugal pump is the optimal choice for a well. Its performance, size and other indicators should be correlated with the characteristics of your own water source

Another risk factor is the level of quality of drilling work. If an experienced team drilled, the well will better withstand the destructive effects. And for wells created with your own hands or through the efforts of “shabashniks”, it is recommended to use not just a centrifugal pump, but special models for wells.

Such devices better withstand the loads associated with pumping water heavily contaminated with sand, silt, clay particles, etc. Another important point– pump diameter. It must match the dimensions of the casing pipe. It is also important to take into account the power supply features of the pump. For wells, both single-phase and three-phase devices are used.

It is easier to find equipment for four-inch pipes than for three-inch pipes. It would be good if this point was taken into account at the well planning stage. The greater the distance from the pipe walls to the pump housing, the better. If the pump fits into the pipe with difficulty rather than freely, you need to look for a model with a smaller diameter.

Preparation of materials accompanying installation

A stuck pump in a casing can be a major headache. And you need to pull it out (as well as lower it) using a special cable. If the pump is already equipped with a polymer cord, you need to make sure that it is of high quality and of sufficient length. Sometimes it makes more sense to purchase this item separately.

It is believed that a reliable cable or cord must be designed to withstand a load that is at least five times the weight of the equipment attached to it. Of course, it must withstand moisture well, since part of it will constantly be in water.

If the device is suspended relatively shallowly, less than ten meters from the surface, care must be taken to provide additional shock absorption for the equipment during operation. To do this, use a piece of flexible rubber or a medical tourniquet. Metal cable or wire is not suitable for suspension as it does not dampen vibration but may destroy the mount.

A special electrical cable is provided to power the pump. Its length should be sufficient so that the cable lies freely and is not strained.

Special plastic pipes are used to supply water from the pump to the house water supply. Designs with a diameter of 32 mm or larger are recommended. Otherwise, the water pressure in the system will be insufficient.

To install a submersible pump, a special cable is used, which is designed for long-term operation under water. Its cross-section must correspond technical requirements specified in the product passport

Pipes can be used both metal and plastic. There is controversy regarding the connection of metal pipes. Some experts object to the threaded connection as less reliable. It is recommended to use flanges, and the bolt should be on top, this will prevent it from accidentally falling into the well.

But threaded connections in wells are used quite successfully. During installation, winding must be used. Some experts recommend using linen or “Tangit” sealing tape instead of the usual FUM tape or tow. The linen winding is additionally strengthened with silicone sealant or similar material.

The characteristics of the water supply pipe should be selected in accordance with its operating conditions. For depths up to 50 meters, HDPE pipes designed for a pressure of 10 atm are used. For a depth of 50-80 m, you will need pipes capable of operating under a pressure of 12.5 atm., and for more deep wells 16 atm pipes are used.

In addition to the pump, pipes and cord or cable, before installing, it is recommended to stock up on the following materials:

  • clamps for securing the electrical cable to the pipe;
  • check valve;
  • pressure gauge;
  • shut-off valve for the water pipe;
  • steel fastening unit;
  • power cable, etc.

Before connecting the pipe to the pump, attach a nipple adapter to its outlet. Usually modern submersible pumps are equipped with such a device, but if it is not there, this unit must be purchased separately.

It should be remembered that to pump the well immediately after drilling, i.e. To remove large amounts of very dirty water from a well, such a pump cannot be used. It will quickly fail. Usually the well is pumped with a separate pump, which is cheaper and when working with dirty water functions better.

Rules for installing the surface version

Surface pumps are not often used for this type of water supply as they are only suitable for shallow hydraulic structures, up to eight meters deep.

And yet, this option has a right to exist, and its installation is no more complicated than installing submersible equipment.

Surface pumps are easier to install and cheaper than submersible models, but they are only effective for wells up to eight meters deep

Mount the device as follows:

  1. The surface pump is installed in a special caisson or a separate room.
  2. A hose of suitable length is connected to the suction pipe of the pump.
  3. A check valve is attached to the other end of the hose (a protective measure to prevent water from draining when the pump stops running).
  4. A protective strainer is installed on the valve to prevent various contaminants from entering the pump housing.
  5. The hose is lowered into the well.

At this point, the installation can be considered complete and a test run of the pump can be done. To install such a pump in a well, a special adapter is often used. In this case, the hose is connected to the adapter, and the adapter is connected to the pump. The rest of the installation procedure is exactly the same.

It is a little more difficult to install a surface pump equipped with a remote ejector into a well. In this case, two hoses need to be lowered into the well. In addition to the suction hose, a pressure hose is also installed. It is connected to the side fitting of the ejector using a special outlet.

Selection and installation well pump depends on many factors: the location of the equipment, the required water pressure, pressure losses due to technological friction in the supply pipes, the pressure difference when turning the equipment on and off, its reliability, ease of use, manufacturer and cost.

For personal needs and installation in a suburban area, well pumps are selected according to the following criteria:

  • Initial equipment dimensions. A well pump is placed in a well with a certain technological tolerance.
  • Power of the electricity source. Based on the initial parameters of the site and its power supply, it is necessary to take into account that well pumps are single-phase and three-phase.
  • Pump power. This parameter is determined in advance based on water consumption and design pressure.
  • Pump cost. Today on the market there are a lot of offers in different price categories, the main thing is right choice ratio of price and quality of equipment.

Pumps intended for domestic water supply are divided into surface and submersible equipment. Surface pumps are designed to draw water from a shallow depth (up to 8 m) and are mounted outside the water supply source; submersible pumps, which include borehole and well pumps, are completely immersed in water during operation and are used to lift water from greater depths. Sometimes well pumps (when arranged in a horizontal arrangement) are used to draw water from rivers or other open bodies of water, if they are located away from the house and high-power equipment is required to deliver water.

Borehole pumps have a number of advantages:

  • Large depth of water intake, inaccessible to other types of pumps.
  • Ease of installation.
  • No rubbing parts.
  • Low noise level.
  • Long service life.

Installing a well pump requires certain skills and knowledge. It is very important to carry out installation competently and carefully, since all further operation of the equipment will depend on the correct arrangement of the equipment.

Incorrect installation of the pump, the use of low-quality materials and violation of technology can lead to the following negative consequences, which will then be difficult to correct:

  • Pump breakage;
  • Its premature failure;
  • Inability to lift the pump during dismantling.

If the well pump gets stuck, its operation will become impossible, and all organizational work on drilling and equipping the well will need to start again.

Stages of work

After selecting equipment, this is the second, very important stage of well configuration.

The pump must be installed in the well below the water level, but no closer than one meter to the bottom, so that during operation of the equipment sand and sedimentary soil, which can accumulate at the bottom of the well over time, are not captured.

Together with the pump, the production well is lowered into the well. plastic pipe, along which the water will rise, a safety rope and an electrical cable for the pump motor. The cable is secured to the head of the well, and the protected cable and pipe for supplying water are brought into the house. The head is needed to seal the wellhead of the well structure.

When installing equipment, it is necessary to provide for the organization of a check valve that will protect the system from water hammer.

The water supply from the caisson to the house must be laid in advance in the ground at a depth of at least one and a half meters, below the freezing level.

Before installing a well pump, you need to thoroughly clean the well, pump it, pump out water until the well is cleared of sand and excess particles. Then the well pump is lowered into the well, a start-up protection device is installed, and adjustment work is carried out. If the equipment does not have a non-return valve provided by the manufacturer, then to avoid back pressure of water it is installed immediately after installing the pump. After solving organizational issues, the pressure in the pressure tank is regulated, its calculated value is 0.9 units from the switching pressure. Having adjusted this indicator, connect the well pump.

Another important advantage of borehole pumps is the fact that the water they pump simultaneously cools the engine, which protects it from overheating during long-term operation. The presence of a float switch in the pump will ensure automatic shutdown of the equipment in the event of a sharp drop below the permissible water level. The main disadvantage of borehole pumps is the technological complexity of carrying out preventive and repair work.

Regardless of the parameters of the selected pump, during installation it is necessary to verify its operating point in various modes; measure the estimated water supply flow rate, which is determined by the filling rate of the volume; Based on the pressure gauge readings, the created pressure and current consumption are measured using special current forceps.

If the operating parameters are exceeded (in comparison with the manufacturer’s original data), it is necessary to close the pump valve at the well outlet, thus creating additional resistance, which will be sufficient to correct installation operating point. When installing a well pump, it is necessary to install a starter with protection and set it to the calculated current value.


This story will tell you about the assembly of a pump group for a submersible pump.

We bring to your attention a video that will tell you about some aspects of installing the pump.

And this video will tell you what to do if the pump gets stuck in the well.
