Properties of cedar needles. Useful properties of cedar

May 9, 2018

Cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree, considered one of the most powerful natural healers. The plant contains a large number of useful components and is considered a living battery of powerful positive energy. In many cultures, including eastern ones, cedar is recognized as a symbol of health and longevity. It relieves stress, restores strength, gives energy, and is considered completely medicinal, from the bark to the kernels.

Wood, bark

The wood of an evergreen coniferous plant has bactericidal properties and includes a huge amount of valuable natural substances:

  • oxalic, malic, citric, quinic, and other organic acids;
  • arachidic, octadeic higher fatty acids;
  • aromadendrin, aligenin, chrysin, other flavonoids;
  • phytoncides that kill pathogenic microflora, bacteria, viruses;
  • nonane, octane, decane, heptane, other higher order carbohydrates.

The environmental friendliness and antibacterial properties of wood allow it to be used for the production of aromatic, aromatic, etc.

The bark and bast of an evergreen tree is rich in vitamins and microelements. Used to prepare diuretic and laxative decoctions, it is considered a powerful anthelmintic.

What are the benefits of pine needles?

Cedar needles are rich in ascorbic acid, beta-carotene, phytoncides, and provitamin A. The maximum amount of vitamin C accumulates in young needles, especially in winter. What other useful elements does the green mass of the plant contain:

  • chlorophyll;
  • vitamin concentrates;
  • microelements: phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, manganese, etc.

The needles have powerful anti-scorbutic properties; their potency is equal to that of lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits. It is better to use fresh needles for infusions and decoctions, since when stored, especially in a warm room, the healing properties are reduced by 40-45% in 5-7 days.

Benefits of cedar needles for the body:

  • increases elasticity and strength of blood vessels, helps cleanse toxins and cholesterol plaques;
  • improves the composition and quality of blood, improves the structure, saturates with energy;
  • stops uterine and internal bleeding;
  • It is considered a powerful immunomodulator, indispensable for weakened, disease-depleted people;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular, endocrine, and nervous systems, relieves fatigue and nervous tension.

Infusions and decoctions of raw materials are useful for diseases of the respiratory system of a cold, viral, or fungal nature. They help with bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, and any pulmonary ailments. It is recommended to gargle with a decoction for sore throats and mouth mucous membranes for stomatitis. Slightly heated, it is used to rinse the nasal and maxillary sinuses for a runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, or any inflammation of the nasopharynx.

Coniferous baths are considered useful and restorative. They are indicated for children with scrofula, rickets, for adults - with fatigue, exhaustion, loss of strength after a debilitating illness. Steamed raw materials have long been used to treat radiculitis, muscle pain, and spasms.

Alcohol tincture of pine needles is an effective wound healing agent. Recommended for joint rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis, gout. To prepare, take 100 g of crushed raw materials, add 200 ml of alcohol, leave for 7-8 days in a cool place, protected from light.

The decoction is useful for washing abscesses, wounds, and using as a lotion for pustular skin formations. If you suffer from migraines, it is useful to apply a towel soaked in a strong decoction of needles to your temples and forehead. At the same time, medicinal tinctures are taken orally. With constant use, your well-being improves, the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems is normalized, immunity and the body’s protective functions are increased.

Chlorophyllocarotene paste is produced from pine needles, which is indispensable in dentistry and surgery. It is useful to take orally for peptic ulcer, use externally for various skin diseases, burns, soft tissue injuries.


Resin is the resin of a plant, which is extracted during active sap flow. Known for its powerful antibacterial and wound-healing properties, it creates a natural barrier to viruses, fungi, and microbes. The composition of resin is unique and contains:

  • resin components – resinols, ether resins, resinous compounds;
  • volatile carbohydrates monoterpenes - phellandrene, pinene, camphrene, limonene, used for the production of turpentine;
  • sesquiterpenes, diterpenes - neutral components, the basis of the resinous secretions of the plant;
  • higher fatty acids, including linoleic acid.

Cedar resin restores, heals, is considered a natural immunomodulator, relieves neuroses, depressive states. Resin is actively used in aromatherapy for the common cold, flu, acute respiratory infections, to facilitate the removal of sputum, and improve respiratory function. Cedar essential oil is used with aroma lamps, aroma pendants, and added to inhalers for a speedy recovery from colds.

Its properties and power of influence are extensive. Resin based products are considered:

  • antioxidants that normalize metabolism, remove toxins, carcinogens, waste;
  • anti-ulcers, normalizing microflora and activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anti-sclerotic, activating brain activity;
  • wound-healing, removing inflammation, swelling, quickly relieving any abscesses, wounds, acne, any problems of the epidermis.

Cedar resin is effective when the following problems occur:

  • blindness, glaucoma, intraocular pressure, any eye diseases;
  • inflammatory processes of any etiology, duration;
  • diseases of the oral cavity, including periodontal disease, stomatitis, caries;
  • muscle spasms, joint pain;
  • loss of strength, anemia, weakened immunity after surgery, illness;
  • thrombosis, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, other vascular and heart problems;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis, inflammation, obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • bone fractures, chronic, severe damage to soft and hard tissues, up to gangrene;
  • prevention, treatment oncological diseases of different origins and duration.

Resin is widely known in cosmetology. It is added to the basic massage to massage the face, décolleté, neck, and chest to restore and rejuvenate the skin. After the procedures, the epithelium becomes soft, silky, its elasticity and firmness increases, wrinkles, age spots, acne, and other problems go away.

Body massage with the addition of resin is useful. After massaging your arms, legs, and back, fatigue goes away, energy tension and muscle spasms relax. The joints warm up, the pain stops, the blood vessels dilate, filling with blood, and the ligaments become elastic. Regular massage with cedar resin helps to cope with varicose veins, thrombosis, improve performance, feel cheerful, and have a surge of strength.

Kernels (seeds)

The nuts of an evergreen tree are a depot of useful microelements and vitamins; they are useful for adults, children, and women during pregnancy and lactation. Cedar seeds are healthy and high in calories, 100 g contains 673 Kcal. Contents of useful elements:

  • 65-70% natural oil, completely absorbed by the body;
  • carbohydrates, proteins, 19% nitrogen compounds;
  • 4% fiber, 2% ash, pentosans;
  • amino acids, minerals;
  • potassium, sodium, cobalt, iodine;
  • manganese, phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum;
  • iron, copper, zinc;
  • lecithin, vitamin complex.

What are the benefits of cedar kernels? They are considered to be a depot of nutrients beneficial to the body. Regular intake improves the composition and quality of blood, stimulates the functions of the thyroid gland, and normalizes functioning internal organs, endocrine glands. They have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, increase elasticity and strength of blood vessels, and strengthen the immune system. Nuts are good for children, teenagers, and adults; they promote quick satiety, normalize metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and digestive system.

  • relieve symptoms and the course of colds, help with vitamin deficiency, loss of strength;
  • strengthen joints, ligaments, connective and bone tissues, regulate the processes of salt deposition;
  • activate regeneration processes, promote rapid healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • will help with hormonal imbalance, uterine bleeding, menstrual irregularities, impotence;
  • ease the course of allergies, asthma, have a beneficial effect on the body in case of anemia, diabetes;
  • improve the functioning of the organs of vision, will become a good prevention and treatment for ailments of the hearing aid;
  • improve the condition of the nervous system, have a calming, relaxing effect, and help normalize sleep.

The milk of cedar kernels is an indispensable medicine for tuberculosis and genitourinary diseases. You can use it to make butter that tastes just like butter, but has great nutritional value.

Cedar oil

How to use nuts for medicinal purposes

Cedar kernels have the unique property of regulating appetite and suppressing acute hunger. Regular intake normalizes metabolism, oxidative processes, saturates the body with calories and a complex of nutrients. If you eat a handful of kernels every day half an hour before eating, a person will feel full even before eating, which means that less food will be eaten.

Nuts are used for impotence, decreased libido, and frigidity.

  • Take 100 g of raw material, peel it, grind it, add 100 ml of water.
  • Take daily, once a day.

To eliminate inflammation of internal organs and generally strengthen the body, the following is recommended:

  • Take ½ cup of peeled kernels, add a little water, leave for 1.5-2 hours to soak.
  • Grind the swollen raw material with a blender, adding 300 ml of water in small portions. Beat until smooth.
  • Strain the resulting infusion, take 3-4 times a day, add to tea, juice, water.

To strengthen the immune system and increase the tone of the body, it is recommended to prepare an alcohol tincture of kernels:

  • Mix a glass of shelled nuts with the resinous coating of cedar.
  • Add 0.5 liters of vodka and leave to steep for 14-15 days.
  • Strain the finished infusion, take no more than 50 g per day.

The remaining raw material after straining can be refilled with vodka, but this time 1 liter, leave for 20-21 days. Rub the resulting mixture onto your legs for varicose veins, swelling, and a feeling of heaviness. At the same time, take 50 g per day orally. If you have problems with your legs, it is recommended to do a light massage of the veins with cedar oil and eat peeled kernels daily.

Treatment with resin (resin)

Resin is useful for burns of varying severity. Take a gauze bandage, soak it in resin, and place it on the area of ​​the damaged epithelium. If sunburn or boiling water burns, lubrication of the affected areas is sufficient. This will reduce pain, remove swelling and blisters, and promote rapid regeneration of the dermis.

For dry eczema and dermatitis, it is recommended to prepare an ointment from medical grease and resin, taken in a 1:1 ratio. Lubricate the affected areas with the prepared composition twice a day for 15-20 days, until complete recovery. At the same time, take the resin orally at the rate of 15-30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Cedar resin quickly relieves sore throat. For treatment you need:

  • Rub the resin into the areas of the neck where the diseased tonsils are located. If rubbing is painful, just lubricate the skin and wrap your neck. The procedure is repeated every 5-6 hours until complete recovery.
  • Take a ready-made cotton swab or wrap a little cotton wool around the stick. Soak the swab generously with resin, carefully coat the tonsils and affected pharyngeal mucosa. Lubricate every 4-5 hours until the disease subsides.

For colds, flu, diseases of the lungs and respiratory system, rub the resin into areas on the chest and back. If the skin is delicate and prone to allergies or dermatitis, the resin is first applied to a gauze pad, then applied to the chest and back. Additionally, in case of illness, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to take the valuable resinous ingredient orally. The dosage is calculated individually, preferably by the attending physician. The average dose of oleoresin for oral administration is 3-5 drops 3-4 times a day.

Health recipes with shells and cedar buds

Cedar shell is indispensable for eye diseases, mastopathy, problems of the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems. An infusion is prepared for treatment:

  • Take 1.5 cups of raw materials, add ½ liter of vodka and alcohol.
  • Infuse the mixture in a dark, cool place for 10-11 days.
  • Take daily, a level tablespoon 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months, then I take a break of 30 days and repeat the dose again.
  • It is recommended to conduct 4-5 courses per year.

For arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, and blood diseases, prepare an alcohol tincture according to the following recipe:

  • Take a handful of kernels, grind them in a mortar or blender, without removing the shell.
  • The prepared raw materials are poured with vodka so that 5-6 cm does not reach the level of the kernels.
  • Leave in a dark place for 7-8 days, strain, take 1 tbsp. l. about 1.5-2 months.
  • Dry 200 g of shells, grind into powder, pour in 1 liter of vodka and medical alcohol.
  • It is better to mix the ingredients in a jar, which is then sealed tightly and placed in a dark place for 3 days.
  • Strain the finished tincture, consume 1.5 tbsp. l. every day on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.
  • Grind the ingredients, measure out a glass, add 1.25 liters of water.
  • Place the mixture on low heat, bring to a boil, and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then remove from heat and leave to steep for 30-40 minutes.
  • Strain the finished broth, take ½ cup at once, gradually increasing the dosage to 200-250 ml.
  • If the taste of the tincture is cloying and resinous, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice and honey.

For kidney diseases and lung problems, prepare the following tincture:

  • 10 g of long-lived conifer buds are poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  • For a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is recommended to brew the mixture in a thermos and leave for 3-3.5 hours.
  • Take the prepared infusion every 2-3 hours, 1 tbsp. l.

Cedar is a natural healer, on the basis of which healing and food biological supplements are produced. If there is a contraindication to the drugs? No special restrictions have been identified, but there are some recommendations. Nuts should not be consumed in unlimited quantities if you are obese or prone to rapid weight gain. The optimal portion is 50 g per day. Medicinal compositions with cedar are prescribed with caution to people prone to allergies, dermatitis, and rashes. Before use, it is worth conducting a test to check which of the components causes a negative reaction: resin, buds, pine needles, etc. If you have serious illnesses, you should consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Cedar Since ancient times, it has served as the personification of human greatness. The Jews used this word to call their most best men. Even then they knew about the special properties of resin, oil and cedar wood. Ships were built from the slender trunks of the green giant, anchors were made, and temples were erected. These architectural monuments, made of unusually durable cedar wood, have survived to this day. Cedar has been used for over 5,000 years. The ancient Sumerians and Egyptians believed that cedar helped connect the body with the mind in rites and all kinds of rituals. The Egyptians also believed that the body should be embalmed with cedar. In Ancient Egypt, cedar resin was used to embalm corpses. Thanks to the use of cedar oil, we were able to see and study the ancient papyri of the Egyptians. Due to the fact that they were well soaked in aromatic liquid, insects and bacteria could not destroy them. In their writings, writers tell stories about Solomon and his love for cedar. He built his temple and palace from the Cedar of Lebanon, which made him the wisest man on the planet. In those distant times, cedar was a symbol of strength, connection and protection. Cedar continues to attract people who want to connect with their soul consciousness in the physical plane.
Cedar belongs to the genus of evergreen coniferous trees. Pine family. Cedar is famous for its very hard and aromatic wood. There are four types of real cedar, they are of different origins: African and Asian.
Lebanese cedar with the strongest redwood, Himalayan cedar, Atlas cedar and Cypriot cedar are all varieties of cedar.
Siberian cedar, or Siberian cedar pine, belongs to the genus pine. This is an evergreen tree, will grow up to 35-45 m, and can have a trunk diameter of up to 1.8 m. Cedars are known to live up to 900 years. Siberian cedar has a dense crown with a large number of tops and thick branches. The bark of the tree is brown-gray. The needles are triangular in cross-section, dark green in color with a bluish bloom, up to 14 cm long. Usually soft, collected in bunches of 5 needles. Since the trunk and crown of the tree are very powerful, the root system is developed. The tree has tap and lateral roots, and in good soil also anchor roots, penetrating to a depth of 2-3 meters. Siberian cedar is a dioecious plant, with both male and female cones located on the same tree.
The fruit is a cone. The cones are large, oval, brown in color. A cone contains from 40 to 150 nuts (cedar seeds). Cedar seeds in the strict sense are not nuts, but this name is assigned to them. The cedar bears fruit at the age of 60 years, and sometimes later. One tree can produce up to 12 kilograms of pure nuts. However, very often the name “cedar” is applied to other coniferous trees.
Cedar pines are pharmacist trees. Many beneficial properties of both the trees themselves and the cedar taiga have long been used by humans for medicinal purposes. For thousands of years they have faithfully served man. The world of cedar is a world of magic and mysteries. And nuts, resin, and cedar needles can be turned into miraculous remedies.

Pine nuts are tasty and healthy.
For a long time, oil was extracted from pine nut kernels in Siberia and the Urals. It significantly exceeds the best varieties Provencal oil obtained from olives.
For a long time, Siberians have been preparing “vegetable cream” from pine nuts, which is twice as fat as cow’s cream. Vegetable cream and lean milk made from it have been used for medicinal purposes for a long time.
The valuable dietary and medicinal properties of Siberian cedar nuts were noted back in 1913 by a doctor by profession F.A. Avtokratov, who worked in the village. Talitsa near Sverdlovsk. He reported that nuts help with elevated, blood pressure and atherosclerosis. He used pine nuts as a dietary and medicinal product and expanded the scope of their use every year.
In particular, F.A. Avtokratov wrote that nuts “were usefully tested... for arteriosclerosis, shriveled kidney and in general in pathological conditions accompanied by high blood pressure.” Pine nuts, noted the author of the article, gave a positive effect against increased acidity of gastric juice, against stomach and duodenal ulcers, against belching and heartburn.
Currently, scientists have established that pine nuts contain various substances that help maintain high human performance, improve blood composition, and prevent tuberculosis and anemia. Pine nuts, in addition to their nutritional value, contain a whole complex of vitamins that promote the growth of the human body and improve blood composition. Cedar needles are also healing.
Healing properties of pine needles.
The healing properties of cedar needles are also known. It contains many biologically active substances that have a healing and stimulating effect. Siberian cedar needles are rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and carotene. Back in 1786, Academician P. S. Pallas wrote that young cedar shoots “have a very pleasant taste, almost similar to citron peel, and constitute a very good cure for scurvy, even if raw, or boiled in beer or water.” And then he adds that from young cedar tops “one could make a very medicinal anti-scorbutic and fortifying drink.” The anti-scorbutic property of cedar buds was noted by the doctor Espenberg back in 1812, who used them against scurvy while traveling around the world on the ship “Nadezhda” under the command of I. F. Krusenstern. In his report, Espenberg wrote that a decoction of dwarf cedar buds was used to cure scurvy and even eliminate abscesses on the legs. Many expeditions of those distant times saved themselves from scurvy with an infusion of Siberian cedar and dwarf cedar needles.
B. Tikhomirov and S. Pivnik note that the needles of our northern trees (pine, spruce, Siberian cedar and dwarf cedar) can be equated to lemons and oranges in their anticygotic properties. According to V.S. Fedorova, the needles of the Siberian cedar contain from 250 to 350 mg% of vitamin C. According to G.A. Sokolov, from one ton of cedar needles you can get five thousand daily servings of vitamin C. Cedar needles I.I. Thunder is considered a natural concentrate of vitamins. It is especially valuable in winter, when the consumption of fruits and berries is limited. According to A. Skarzhitsky, essential oil is extracted from young shoots of Siberian cedar, “very valued in folk medicine; it is used internally for stone disease, and externally for wounds, abscesses and rheumatic suffering.” Siberian cedar needles are a valuable means of restorative aromatic and hygienic baths.
According to A. N. Pryazhnikov, Siberian cedar needles contain up to 2.18% essential oils, which are successfully used in medicine and perfumery. This is five times more than the essential oils contained in Scots pine needles. The essential oils contained in the needles are recognized as the most important antimicrobial substances. The latter are especially active in the summer months (July and August), as a result of which the phytoncidal activity of this plant significantly increases at this time.
Healing properties of cedar resin.
The resin of Siberian cedar, which is rightly called resin for its ability to heal wounds, also has great healing power. Residents of Siberia and the Urals have long discovered the healing anesthetic properties of resin.
There is evidence that back in 1638, the Tobolsk voivode, “according to a state charter,” gave orders, simultaneously with St. John’s wort, to collect cedar resin for use “for wounds and for slaughter.” About successful application traditional medicine In the past, cedar resin for medicinal purposes against snake bites and for healing wounds is reported by V. M. Florinsky (1880). Scientists have now established that cedar resin actually has bactericidal and balsamic properties. It is smaller, but compared to pine it is prone to drying out and is less susceptible to crystallization.
It has been established that cedar resin has a high therapeutic effect. According to doctor I. I. Yukolis, it has powerful bactericidal, epithelializing, anti-inflammatory, adsorbing and deodorizing effects. “Natural cedar resin (turpentine balsam) has a great therapeutic effect in the treatment of chronic leg ulcers of various origins (varicose, trophic, pustular), for pustular skin diseases and as an epithelializing agent for various ulcerative and erosive processes of different etiologies.” During the Great Patriotic War Turpentine balsam was obtained from cedar resin, which was successfully used in military hospitals. He contributed to reducing the treatment time in hospitals for wounded soldiers, returning healthy soldiers to the army, and saved the lives of many. Cedar resin is successfully used in the production of turpentine and rosin. It serves as a raw material for the production of camphor, an immersion oil used in microscopy.
Cedar wood.
Siberian cedar wood also has healing properties. “Beautiful texture, pleasant pink color and a constantly released subtle aroma that heals and disinfects the air in the room - these are another number of valuable specific properties of cedar wood,” wrote V.K. Dobrovolsky. Cedar wood wardrobes are valued “for their moth-repelling incense (like cypress”). But hives made from cedar wood are better populated by bees. In Siberia and the Urals, cedar wood is used to make dairy utensils. Due to its disinfecting properties, milk and dairy products are well preserved in such containers.
The wood of Siberian cedar is strong and at the same time soft, making it easy to process. It is also highly valued in the construction industry. In many regions of Siberia and the Urals, people still build houses from cedar logs. Due to its bactericidal properties, wood is very popular in the furniture industry for the manufacture of high-quality, beautiful furniture with good texture. Siberian cedar is the only tree in our country whose wood is used to make a pencil stick. It has completely replaced expensive imported juniper virginiana wood, previously imported for this purpose from the USA. Siberian cedar wood has good resonant properties and is used for making musical instruments. M.F. Petrov, a great specialist in Siberian cedar, a great connoisseur and admirer of this tree, told how they first learned about the use of cedar wood in music production. He wrote that “German trading companies set a condition for Siberian butter producers that butter should be exported to them only in cedar containers...”. The conditions also stipulated that the boards for containers be of a certain thickness. It turns out that abroad the boxes were carefully broken and the planks were used to make musical instruments. This is how the secret of German companies was revealed.
Air in cedar plantations.
The air in cedar plantations is clean and healthy. The antimicrobial properties of cedar trees are high. The health-improving properties of cedar plantations were pointed out by I. Ya. Slovtsev, an expert on Siberian forests. He wrote that “the cedar forests always breathe with fragrant freshness.” V. Gomilevsky provides interesting data in his work. Describing Siberian cedar as a valuable tree, the author notes that this type of plant has a repellent effect on harmful insects. In particular, he writes: “Gadflies, horseflies, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, designated by the population by the common name “gnus,” avoid Siberian cedar, probably driven away by the resinous smell, especially strong during the heat and after dusk.”
Thanks to the release of phytoncides, cedar plantations heal the air, destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and give the air healing properties. They have antimicrobial effects against diphtheria bacteria. The number of microbes in the air decreases with an increase in the proportion of Siberian cedar in the planting composition. In addition, if the pine forest has an adverse effect on some heart patients, in cedar plantations “even with a very high saturation of cedar essential oil vapor, no negative deviations are observed in air ionization indicators” (Sverchkov, 1964. P. 80). All this confirms the great sanitary and hygienic and even therapeutic and preventive importance of cedar plantations.
Taking all this into account, we need to plant more Siberian cedar in our suburban forests, resort areas, city squares, gardens and parks, especially since it is more resistant (compared to other conifers) against smoke and gases in urban environments. On a hot day, it can well protect a person from the summer heat. The most important biological feature, which also has great practical significance, is the great winter hardiness of Siberian cedar. This is one of the representatives of nut-bearing plants that is not afraid of harsh winters and spreads far to the north. Among conifers, Siberian cedar is the most smoke-resistant tree and can be grown in large industrial cities.
Cedar essential oil is especially known for its healing properties.
It is a powerful antiseptic and insecticide. Has a pronounced antifungal, diuretic, expectorant, sedative, and antiputrefactive effect
Atlas cedar essential oil stimulates lymph drainage and breaks down fats accumulated in the body, and also prevents their accumulation.
Since it is a diuretic, it is used to treat cellulite and edema.
Cedar is considered a mucolytic agent, which is useful in the treatment of colds, coughs and bronchitis.
Stimulates the immune system. Effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza.
Recommended for use in atherosclerosis.
Perfectly heals wounds, helps with eczema and skin rashes.
Used in the treatment of cystitis and urinary tract infections.
The aroma of cedarwood essential oil is considered a money-bringing aroma and is used in “money blends” along with patchouli oil. Used before visiting “money places” (banks, financial institutions).
Coniferous baths made from cedar needles are recommended - both restorative and therapeutic. They have a calming effect, relieve fatigue and nervous tension. When oxidized, the essential oil contained in the needles releases ozone - triatomic oxygen - into the atmosphere. Ozone heals the human body as a whole.
Cedar forests differ from other forests in their extraordinary purity and healing air. For patients with tuberculosis, chronic and other lung diseases, such air is recommended as the first remedy.
For radiculitis, it is good to apply steamed crushed pine needles or steamed cedar wood sawdust to the sore spot. Chlorophyll-carotene paste is produced from pine needles. It is used in surgery, dentistry, for peptic ulcers, and also as an external remedy for burns and various skin diseases.
Inhalations for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system: per liter of hot water, 2-3 drops of cedar tree essential oil.
Combination of rubbing and inhalation: add 1-3 drops of cedar essential oil to an inhaler or a wide bowl of boiling water, inhale the steam, covering your head. At the end of the inhalation, rub your chest with cedar essential oil mixed with sweet almond oil (5-7 drops per 10 ml) and warm yourself with a blanket.
Sitz baths for cystitis, urethritis: in an incomplete (to the waist) bath with warm water(38-40 degrees) add 5-10 drops of cedar tree essential oil. Take 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day. Course 10 days.
Applications for varicose veins and external hemorrhoids: place a cotton swab soaked in a mixture of sweet almond oil and cedar essential oil (5-8 drops per 10 ml of warm base oil) on the hemorrhoids.
For toothache: moisten a cotton swab or bandage with essential oil of cedar wood and apply to the sore tooth or inflamed gum for 10-20 minutes. Repeat after 1.5-2 hours.
Compress for relieving joint pain and bruises: apply 10 drops of pure cedar essential oil to a damp compress of gauze or any other soft fabric.
Warming massage to relieve muscle pain: aromatic mixture - 3 drops each of cedar and rosemary essential oils and 2 drops of eucalyptus essential oil per 20-25 ml of sweet almond oil.
For cold-related arthritis and rheumatoid polyarthritis: rub pure cedarwood essential oil into joints that have been pre-warmed with a compress of heated sea salt. After rubbing, repeat the compress.
Aroma baths with cedar essential oil are very effective as a pain reliever for arthrosis and colds, and as a diaphoretic.
Cedar beauty:
Currently, natural Atlas cedar essential oil is one of the most potent and effective products in cosmetology and dermatology.
This powerful natural antioxidant effectively rejuvenates the skin, increasing its elasticity; helps restore and maintain healthy skin and a fresh complexion; enhances lymph flow and blood exchange, helping to saturate tissues and skin cells with oxygen. In modern cosmetology it is used to care for any type of skin, especially recommended for oily skin prone to irritation: due to increased metabolism, it activates the process of removing toxins.
Cedar essential oil is indispensable for various skin problems: helps eliminate acne, stress spots, rashes associated with hormonal disorders; in dermatology it is considered a radical remedy for neurodermatitis, allergic rashes, age spots and traumatic spots. Promotes rapid regeneration of skin cells in case of all kinds of damage to the skin: wounds, burns, cuts.
Nature cedar tree essential oil is considered the most wonderful healer for hair, especially damaged by coloring or perm: restores the integrity of the keratin layer, stimulates hair growth; revitalizes and saturates color; gives shine, splendor and a healthy, well-groomed appearance. It also reduces hair oiliness, prevents hair loss and dandruff. Another cosmetic bonus of natural cedar essential oil is that it can be used as a natural deodorant. And when added to hand creams or mixed with sweet almond oil, cedar essential oil is effectively used to treat dermatitis. With the help of pure cedarwood essential oil, you can cure reddened and cracked skin on your hands and heal cracks around your nails, returning your hands to smoothness, softness and velvety, so that a real gentleman would not be ashamed to offer his hand for a kiss...
Aroma Recipes in cosmetics:
Enrichment of cosmetics (creams, shampoos, balms, hair masks): 3-5 drops per 10 ml of base.
Nourishing anti-aging aroma cream with a light lifting effect: dissolve 2-3 drops of cedarwood essential oil in 5-7 drops of sweet almond oil. Apply to face and neck after cleansing, morning or evening.
Cosmetic remedy for cracks in hands or feet: 15-20 drops of cedarwood essential oil per 10 ml of sweet almond oil. For dermatoses in children: mix cedarwood essential oil in a ratio of 1:3 with baby cream or sweet almond oil and lubricate the redness.

The healing properties of cedars have been known to folk medicine since ancient times. They are not denied by modern scientific medicine and are confirmed by popular science and Christian medicine. Literally everything in cedar - from green needles to pieces of bark - has healing powers y.

If in former times traditional medicine was the only one available to the majority of the Russian population, now they are turning to it consciously, abandoning chemotherapy and artificial drugs. The substances contained in plants can restore health and functional balance to the human body. They have a certain effect on living cells and tissues, while entering into harmonious relationships with all processes occurring both in the human body as a whole and in each individual cell. "In God's pharmacy grow herbs that cure any disease", say the Germans.

Treatment with plants is recommended for pregnant women; children susceptible to various inflammations; elderly people who often suffer from colds, cardiovascular ailments, and liver diseases. And the cedar in God's pharmacy is the most perfect, powerful healer, who has no equal. The power of Siberian cedars is especially great: according to authoritative researchers, the healing properties of cedar increase as the places where it grows move closer to the north. Cedar needles are rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid), provitamin A (carotene) and other vitamins. Thus, fresh needles contain more than 300 mg% of vitamin C. The maximum amount of ascorbic acid in needles occurs in winter. If the covered branches are stored in snow, then their vitamin C content will not decrease within 2-3 months. But in a heated room (or in the summer), the C-vitamin activity of needles decreases to 42% of the original within 5-10 days.

In the Middle Ages, Europe was faced with a disease that struck, like divine punishment, warriors besieging cities and the besieged. It was popularly called "camp disease." Later, this disease became the scourge of sailors and travelers. It was scurvy (or scurvy - literally means “sore mouth”). Those with scurvy began to turn blue in their ears, nose, lips, and fingers. The gums swelled and bled, and the teeth became loose and fell out. Characteristic signs scurvy - pinpoint hemorrhages on the knees, thighs, buttocks, which turn from bright red to blue-black. In places where the body comes into contact with clothing, as well as with bruises, intramuscular and subcutaneous hemorrhages of the same nature form. Hemorrhages occur in joints, organs, in the pleural cavity, etc. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted: constipation, bloody diarrhea are debilitating... Anemia develops, and the immune system sharply weakens. The Russian captain Vitus Bering, the discoverer of the strait between Asia and America, died of scurvy. Its victims were polar explorer Bill Barents and polar traveler Georgy Sedov. Because of scurvy, only 65 of Magellan’s 265 satellites returned home. But outbreaks of this disease also raged on land, including in the European part of Russia (in 1849-1958, several tens of thousands of inhabitants died from scurvy in Russia). However, the indigenous population of Siberia did not know scurvy. The Russian naturalist, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811) wrote in “Flora of Russia”: “Young pine and cedar tops collected at the ends of branches are praised by all our industrialists and sailors in Siberia as the best antiscorbutic and balsamic remedy and constitute medical science is a wonderful medicine for scurvy diseases.” The scientist pointed out that the tops of cedar and pine were exported from Siberia to foreign pharmacies in large quantities. In 1786, in his travel diaries, P.S. Pallas named the bark of young pine and cedar trees as an antiscorbutic remedy. Local residents scraped it off and consumed it fresh. In addition, fresh bark scraped off in the spring was used in folk medicine as a laxative, diuretic and anthelmintic (“...and worms survive in children...”) remedy. At the beginning of the 17th century, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich approved the Pharmacy Order. Decrees were sent to different areas of Russia ordering the collection of medicinal plants "knowledgeable people", which were supposed to make medicines from them, describe methods of preparation, use and effects of medicines on the human body for certain diseases. It was already known at that time that the Siberian flora was very different from the European flora.

There is a well-known letter of 1675, sent from Moscow to the Yenisei governor Mikhail Priklonsky with a requirement that the population of a number of cities and forts in Siberia collect herbs “for medicines and vodkas” (in racks). The local population willingly responded to these decrees and, as archival documents testify, collected medicinal plants, prepared (“sat”) vodka from them and sent “paintings” about the properties and benefits of many medicinal herbs. Materials on the collection of herbs by local residents for the Pharmacy Order indicate that folk remedies were introduced into medical practice. On the other hand, these materials (“paintings”) prove that traditional medicine used various medicinal plants, based on centuries-old experience and observations of the people themselves. Thus, cedar was also introduced into scientific medical practice. Against scurvy, a medicine was prepared from green young cones, which must be It was crushed, ground with chopped radish, then add honey and water and, after letting it brew for several hours, squeeze out the juice. It was recommended to drink this juice with milk or whey. An alcoholic tincture of cedar pollen is a wonderful remedy for respiratory diseases and tuberculosis. they squeezed out the juice, which they called balsam, mixed it with “fatty drugs” and used it as very useful “for wounds and other old problems.” Green cones were crushed, infused in whey and drank “decoction of these cones” for gout. according to Academician P.S. Pallas, it was considered “very healing for the eradication of even old venereal diseases” if you drink several bottles of it every day and wash your genitals with it - from itching and rashes. Green cones were considered a good medicine in the treatment of diseases respiratory tract, hyperacid gastritis, gastric ulcer. The medicine was prepared as follows: fill 1/3 of the bottle with crushed cones and add vodka to the top, leave in a warm place for 7 days. Drank 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 1-2 months.

Everything in cedar - pine needles, resin, wood - has high phytoncide. In one day, a hectare of forest releases more than 30 kg of volatile organic substances, which have enormous bactericidal power. According to researchers, this amount of phytoncides is enough to neutralize all pathogenic microbes in a big city. Around every branch, every needle, the air is saturated with phytoncides. It’s very good if you have 2-3 cedar branches in a vase with water in your house. Then ozonides will constantly form in the air. When phytoncides and ozone interact, ozone molecules become electronically excited and their energy increases 3.2 times compared to a regular oxygen molecule. Cedar phytoncides increase the content of light negative ions in the air. Phytoncides not only disinfect and kill pathogens, they have a beneficial effect on the reproduction of those microorganisms that fight pathogens. Berries and plants growing in cedar forests are richer in vitamins and provitamins than those growing in other forests. This is explained by the fact that phytoncides actively promote the formation of vitamins and other biologically active substances in plants and fruits. Phytoncides have a beneficial effect on humans, and primarily on their nervous system. People prone to hysteria, various types of nervous disorders, and insomnia benefit from spending more time near cedar. They would do well to sleep on a bed made of cedar wood, instead of the usual down pillow, have a pillow made of fresh cedar feet. The same advice can be addressed to those who have impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system or diseased respiratory organs. Essential oil, chlorophyll, vitamin concentrates are obtained from cedar needles; vitamin flour is produced, which is rich in phytoncides, vitamins C, E, carotene, microelements (copper, cobalt, iron, manganese, phosphorus). A kilogram of pine flour obtained from coniferous cedar shoots contains 70 mg of carotene, up to 35 mg of vitamin E, as well as vitamins B, K, B. Pine flour is produced from already spent pine needles, that is, pine needles from which the essential oil and vitamins. First, up to half of the vitamin C it contains is extracted from the needles, and its concentration reaches 500 mg per liter of water. The needles continue to be heated with steam to separate the essential oils. From 500 kg of cedar foot, 2.5 kg of essential oil is obtained. Essential oil obtained from pine needles is included in some medications used for diseases of the kidneys, liver, etc. Cedar needles in the form of decoctions and infusions are used in the same cases as pine needles. In addition to vitamins, it is rich in tannins, alkaloids, and terpenes. Infusions and decoctions of pine needles are drunk as a diuretic. Russian folk medicine uses cedar needles in the form of decoctions and infusions for bronchial asthma as an anti-asthmatic agent. Decoctions, infusions and tinctures of cedar needles are drunk for respiratory diseases, both cold and infectious: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. A decoction or infusion of pine needles has an expectorant effect, helps in the removal of mucus and cleanses the respiratory tract. A decoction of cedar needles is an excellent remedy for gargling with sore throats, the mouth with stomatitis, and the nasal passages with a runny nose. Rinsing your mouth with an infusion of pine needles strengthens your gums and teeth and protects your teeth from damage. A decoction and infusion of cedar needles are recommended for o inhalations and herbal applications (compresses). In the form of a drink with the addition of honey, pine decoction is given to children with rickets. The pine drink is also useful for scrofula. It is good to bathe scrofulous and rickets children in pine baths. Drinking pine decoctions and infusions is beneficial for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Cedar needles help cleanse blood vessels, increase their elasticity, improve blood composition, and cleanse it of harmful substances. A decoction of pine needles was once taken as a hemostatic for excessive bleeding in women. Tincture of cedar needles with alcohol or vodka is an effective wound healing agent. To prepare the tincture, 100 g of crushed pine needles are poured with 200 ml of alcohol and infused in a dark place for 7 days. The bast of young cedar trees was used to draw out arrows and splinters. Wounds and abscesses are washed with a pine decoction of cedar paws. In the form of lotions, it is used for pustular skin lesions. Alcohol tincture of cedar needles is used to rub joints for rheumatism, gout, and arthritis. Drinks made from cedar needles are useful for recovering people who have suffered serious illnesses or surgeries. An infusion or decoction of cedar needles is drunk for some poisoning, for example, smoke, alcohol, exhaust gases. For headaches and migraines, apply a towel soaked in a strong decoction or infusion of pine needles to the forehead and temples; take the infusion orally. With constant use of cedar needles infusion, the body's defenses increase, the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems are strengthened. In general, there is an improvement in well-being and healing of the body. A decoction, infusion of cedar needles, bast of young trees are excellent anti-scorbutic and vitamin preparations. Coniferous baths made from cedar needles are recommended - both restorative and therapeutic. They have a calming effect, relieve fatigue and nervous tension. Such baths are useful for those suffering from rheumatism and gout. Pine baths are prepared for children suffering from rickets and scrofula. Cedar needles are included in various collections. Oxidized by atmospheric oxygen, the essential oil contained in the needles releases ozone - triatomic oxygen - into the atmosphere. Ozone heals the human body as a whole. Cedar forests differ from other forests in their extraordinary purity and healing air. For patients with tuberculosis, chronic and other lung diseases, such air is recommended as the first remedy. For radiculitis, it is good to apply steamed crushed pine needles or steamed cedar wood sawdust to the sore spot. Chlorophyllocarotene paste is produced from pine needles. It is used in surgery, dentistry, for peptic ulcers, and also as an external remedy for burns and various skin diseases. Cedar needles can also have purely practical applications.

In the first half of the 19th century, S.I. Gulyaev found a method for producing “forest wool”. His invention was tested in Tomsk, where at that time there was a factory plant for processing pine needles. “Forest wool,” that is, fiber obtained from pine needles, turned out to be an excellent padding material for upholstered furniture and mattresses. Today, in industrial conditions, approximately 5,000 daily servings of vitamin C, about 5 kg of essential oil, 10 kg of pine extract for medicinal baths, and more than 200 g of the finest cellulose threads, which are slightly inferior in quality to cotton fibers, are produced from a ton of cedar needles. How medicine pine needles were used several thousand years BC. Sumerian clay tablets found during archaeological excavations ancient Sumerian kingdom, confirm that 5 thousand years BC. extracts and decoctions of pine needles were used in the form of compresses and poultices. But cedar resin was no less valued in prehistoric times. A bowl of cedar resin was part of the initiation ritual of the kings of Khorassan. From burning the resin in the bowl, the fire of Zoroaster was born. The Druids called the cup of life a cup of cedar resin. Cedar resin has very high bactericidal and healing properties. Cedar balm - purified and strained resin - is used by modern medicine in the treatment of wounds. The balm is pre-dissolved, mixed with neutral oils or petroleum jelly, and bandages are made. Cedar resin is used to treat chronic ulcers and boils. During the Great Patriotic War, cedar balsam was widely used in Siberian hospitals as a bactericidal and wound-healing agent. Tampons soaked in cedar balsam stopped the onset of gangrene and protected wounds from suppuration and infection. Traditional medicine has always used cedar resin in its centuries-old practice. Cuts and wounds were filled with sap. The most severe and chronic tissue damage, including gangrene, was treated with cedar resin. It was applied to abscesses as a softening, stretching, healing agent. In case of fractures, resin was smeared on the site of injury - and the bone healed faster. Resin was used in the treatment of purulent wounds, boils, and burns. Unlike resins from other conifers, cedar resin does not crystallize for a long time and does not lose its bactericidal properties. Cedar resin was once used to treat toothache in Siberia by applying it to the tooth and gum. Sometimes rather strange methods of dental treatment were used.

Cedar resin is also used internally - for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, pulmonary tuberculosis, and pneumonia. There is information in the literature that Russian healers used oleoresin to treat cancer. Cedar resin is of high quality, it contains approximately 30% turpentine and 70% rosin. The turpentine obtained from it (essential, turpentine oils) contains 80% pinenes, which are the starting material for the synthesis of camphor - a wonderful remedy that stimulates the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Camphor is used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, schizophrenia; it is part of many modern medications, including stimulants. nervous activity. Turpentine finds even wider use, especially in folk medicine. It is used for rubbing against rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, colds and respiratory diseases, in the treatment of wounds and in a number of other cases. Turpentine baths are prescribed to remove salts from joints in case of arthritis, polyarthritis; for putrefactive bronchitis, inhalations with the addition of turpentine to water are indicated. Heel spurs are treated using local turpentine baths, while contrasting baths are taken alternately: cold - hot. After the procedure is completed, a compress of steep pine needle decoction is applied to the heel spur overnight. For respiratory diseases, it is good to inhale the vapors of cedar resin, which burns slowly on coals. In former times, cedar resin was collected when it flowed from naturally damaged trunks or branches. It was this kind of resin that was considered the most healing, but the healer himself did not harm the tree. Cedar has a very high ability to self-heal its wounds. According to cedar researchers, under tapping conditions, the wound becomes overgrown with wood starting from the first year of tapping. Over time, the wounds heal completely and along the entire periphery, and the trees are no different in appearance from those that were not tapped. The first harvesting of cedar resin was carried out in the Altai Mountains starting in 1932. In 1947, the first industrial site was founded in the Tomsk region, and a year later forestry enterprises began to be created for the extraction of resin. From a hectare of cedar forest you can annually obtain from 40 to 60 kg of resin. According to scientists and many years of observations, tapping does not harm cedars. On the contrary, it increases the growth of needles and increases the leafiness of shoots. As a result of tapping, the cedar stores nutrients in the crown that ensure normal fruiting. However, researchers also associate a negative fact with tapping: the number of full-grain seeds decreases. Resin is also used in industry. Thus, immersion oil is obtained from it, which is necessary for special microscopic equipment, which helps determine the refractive indices of the smallest particles of a substance. Cedar balsam is used in the optical industry. Abietic acid, glycerol esters, and plasticizers are produced from it. And of course, pine nuts are truly priceless.

Siberian cedar - Cedrus.Pine family – Pinaceae

Botanical characteristics

Appearance. Siberian cedar is a vigorous tree (up to 50 m) with a dense evergreen crown. On young trunks, the bark is smooth, brownish-gray; on adult cedars, the bark is cracked, scaly, and darker in color.

Needles needle-shaped, triangular, hard, dark green or blue-green. The needles on the shoots are collected in whorls of 5 pieces (unlike ordinary pine, which has only 2 needles in a bunch). The lifespan of needles is up to 6 years.

Seeds. Cedar pine is a monoecious plant. Each tree develops both male and female flowers in the form of spikelets. Pollination occurs in June, after which the entire female spikelet is transformed into a cone, consisting of an axis and hard scales attached to it. There are 2 seeds in the axils of the scales. The seeds develop over 2 years and ripen only the following September. Mature cones grow up to 13 cm in length and have a diameter of up to 8 cm. Mature seeds - pine nuts - are dark brown, about 1 cm long.

Cedar pine grows slowly. Trees begin to produce their first seeds at the age of 30 years. Siberian cedar is a long-liver. The average lifespan of a tree is up to 500 years (specimens up to 850 years old are known).

Spreading. Siberian pine forests in Russia occupy vast areas on the plains and mountains of the northeastern region of the European part, as well as in Eastern and Western Siberia.

A closely related species of cedar pine is dwarf pine, another name is dwarf cedar..

In Russia, it is distributed in the Far East and Eastern Siberia. Elfin wood is found in Japan, Korea, China and Mongolia. This is a coniferous evergreen shrub with a curved trunk and creeping branches that rise above ground level to a height of no more than 1–2 meters. Dwarf dwarf has hard bluish-green needles 4–8 cm. Dwarf dwarf cones are similar to the cones of Siberian pine, but smaller. They also ripen in 2 years, and the dwarf seeds are called “pine nuts.”

Chemical composition

Needles cedar pine is rich in biologically active substances, essential oils (more than 2%), carotene (provitamin A), as well as microelements (iron, phosphorus, manganese, copper, etc.). Cedar needles contain from 250 to 350 mg of ascorbic acid, so in terms of their antiscorbutic properties it can be equated to citrus fruits. Cedar needles become especially valuable in winter, during the period of lack of a sufficient number of berries and fruits.

Cedar resin contains gum turpentine (about 20%) and resin, including up to 77% resin acids, as well as about 0.3% higher fatty acids.

Pine nuts (kernels) contain up to 63.38% fat, 1.63% lecithin, 16.82% proteins, 13.26% carbohydrates, 2.57% ash, 2.03% glucose. 14 amino acids were found in the seed protein, most of which are essential, including arginine, which is necessary for the proper development of a growing organism. The seeds contain a high content of vitamins D and E (40–60 mg), as well as B vitamins (B1 - up to 1.1%). Nuts are rich in microelements: manganese, copper, zinc and iodine.

Pine nut shells also rich in macro- and microelements and contains 52.8% lingin, 32.4% cellulose, 5% fats and resins.

Use in folk medicine

Everything in cedar - needles, resin, and nuts - have healing properties and are used in folk medicine to treat many diseases.


Cedar needles contain more than 2% essential oils and have an antimicrobial effect. The air of cedar forests has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular and nervous systems. It has been observed that the volatile secretions of cedar repel stinging insects, allowing both humans and animals to create a favorable atmosphere of relaxation in the shade.

Cedar needles have diuretic properties and are also used for bronchial asthma.

An infusion of young pine twigs (cedar paws) is an effective antiscorbutic remedy.

Oil extracted from young shoots is used for urolithiasis, and is used externally to heal wounds, abscesses, and also for rheumatic pain.

Resin (resin)

Cedar pine resin is called “resin”. The name is completely fair, since it is effective remedy for wound healing. The action of resin is antiseptic and bactericidal. In folk medicine, oleoresin is used to treat abscesses, purulent wounds, burns and cuts. Resin is used to heal stomach ulcers.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the resin of Siberian cedar has an antimicrobial effect and is able to inhibit the growth of diphtheria bacteria, white staphylococcus and Bacillus subtilis, due to the content of resin acids in it: abietic and lambertian.

Pine nuts (kernels)

Cedar nuts contain substances that increase performance and improve blood composition. They are used in the treatment of tuberculosis and kidney diseases. It is believed that pine nuts can restore male strength and restore youth to a person.

Nuts are eaten in fresh, for preparing various dishes, and is also used for making oil.

In folk medicine, crushed nuts with honey are recommended for use for diseases such as gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, bulbitis, as well as stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Pine nuts are a rich source of lecithin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of nerve cells and maintaining active brain activity. Siberian cedar seeds are recommended to improve immunity, vitamin deficiency and weight loss.

Pine nut shells

Activated carbon is obtained from the shell, the effectiveness of which is twice as high as that of birch.

Shell infusion effectively treats hemorrhoids, neuroses, kidney and liver diseases. Rubbing the shell infusion is recommended for colds, gout, rheumatism and joint pain. For joint diseases, baths with the addition of decoction have proven themselves well.

A decoction of the shell is used to absorb salts for arthritis and osteochondrosis. For inflammation of the throat or oral mucosa, rinsing with a decoction is effective.

For burns and skin diseases: lichen, eczema, pustular lesions, lotions and wraps are used.

Traditional medicine recipes

Cedar balm. Mix 600–800 g of crushed cedar needles, 200 ml of alcohol and add 50 g of resin. Leave in the dark and cool for 10 days. Use for disinfection and treatment of wounds. In the form of rinses (10 drops of the product per 100 ml of water) can be used for periodontitis and gingivitis.

Cedar resin balm. Dilute cedar resin in vegetable oil heated in a water bath. Balm for external use is prepared in a ratio of 1:10, in a ratio of 1:20 the balm can be used for both external and internal use.

"Cedar cream". Dry the peeled nuts, remove the film, rubbing them in your hands. Crush the nuts in a wooden mortar, adding hot water little by little. Pour the mushy mass into a refractory glass container and place in an oven heated to 200 degrees or in a water bath. Let it boil and immediately remove from heat. Cool and pour into a clean glass container with an airtight lid. If you add water to the cream before using it, you get cedar milk.

"Lean milk" can be obtained in another way. Grind 600 g of nuts in a wooden bowl, gradually adding 300 ml of water. Then the milk needs to be strained. Pour the remaining cake with the same amount of water, leave and strain again. The first and second portions of milk should be mixed. You can drink 2-3 cups of nut milk per day. Cedar milk improves tone and causes a surge of strength. Cedar milk is consumed during fasting, as well as during vitamin deficiency.

Alcohol tincture from seeds. Pour the crushed nuts together with the shells with alcohol until the liquid level is 2 cm above the seeds. Leave the mixture for a week, then filter. Take for gout, articular rheumatism and arthritis.

Pine nut shell tincture. Place the dried nut shells in a dark glass bottle up to the shoulder level and fill with vodka until the stopper is reached. Leave in a warm, dark place for 10 days.

Shell decoction. Brew 1 cup of shells in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Simmer for 20 minutes in a water bath. Cover with a lid and leave. Then strain and use for treatment.

Treatment with pine needles - pine, spruce, cedar

Treatment with pine needles - folk recipes

Greetings, dear blog reader " Traditional medicine recipes" Today I will tell you about healing properties some conifers.

Useful properties of pine needles

● Since ancient times, when traditional medicine was just beginning to develop, all nationalities used pine needles to treat various diseases. Decoctions and extracts of pine needles were used as medicinal products by the ancient Sumerians five thousand years ago. They knew about pine needles at that time both in Rus' and in Ancient Greece.

● People chewed all winter to avoid getting sick. Moreover, people who constantly chew pine needles do not have any problems with their teeth and gums.

You are amazed when you begin to understand how many diseases can be cured with the help of forest beauties - pine and spruce. What is the secret of these plants?

● Needles contain a lot of biologically active substances that have stimulating and medicinal properties. These include vitamins, macro- and microelements, chlorophyll, essential oils, phytoncides and phytohormones.

The most important thing is that pine needles are rich in ascorbic acid - vitamin C, the level of which increases to a maximum in winter and decreases slightly in summer.

● As for essential oils, it’s the other way around – their accumulation is much greater in summer and less in winter. Needles are a unique source of carotene, which is absolutely indispensable for prevention.

In our body, beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A - a very important trace element that ensures the body's resistance to infections and normal vision through the synthesis of visual pigment.

● Pine needles contain a lot of vitamin E. A lack of this vitamin leads to rapid aging of the body, miscarriages, painful changes in the heart muscle and skeletal muscles, gonads and nerve cells.

The needles are rich in phytoncides. These are substances that have the ability to destroy pathogenic microbes, fungi, harmful protozoa: unicellular and multicellular organisms or stop their development.

Have a detrimental effect on pathogens and other diseases; accelerate wound healing, stimulate cardiac activity, stimulate the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract, purify the surrounding air from harmful chemical substances and microbes, maintain biological stability.

● Phytoncides in their structure contain essential oils - special mixtures of volatile aromatic compounds. That's why the beautiful Christmas tree has such an unusual, long-lasting aroma. New Years is soon!!!

I am sure that a forest beauty will certainly appear in your home by this date. Be sure to pay attention to how the air environment in your home will change.

If a cat lives in it, he will really want to lie under the Christmas tree. Moreover, he will try to climb up the trunk. The explanation is simple - the animal is treated by inhaling the aroma of a coniferous plant.

● To ensure a sound and restful sleep, place a bouquet of fir paws in your bedroom. Pine needles contain many macro- and microelements, for example: aluminum, copper, iron, etc.

These elements are indispensable for human life. When we lack a certain microelement, our blood counts deteriorate, resulting in (anemia), dizziness, digestive difficulties, and respiratory and cardiovascular system disorders.

● Now you are convinced that pine needles are a storehouse of nature, a natural pharmacy containing useful vitamins and substances. Make friends with pine needles: they are always ready to help you fight illnesses and gain good health for many years.

Treatment with pine needles - traditional medicine recipes

- let it brew for half an hour, 500 grams of pine needles in 300 ml. boiling water; Take a piece of gauze large enough to wrap the limb affected by varicose veins.

Distribute the resulting pulp evenly over the limb and wrap it in gauze. Keep for 15 minutes, wrap every other day for two weeks;

— at the same time take a decoction of pine needles: pine needles ground in a mortar with a small amount of cold boiled water Boil for half an hour, adding enough boiled water so that the proportion is 1:10 (one part of pine needles to 10 parts of water). Acidify the broth with a little lemon juice, leave for 3 hours and filter; drink half a glass twice a day.

Other pine needle treatment recipes

Tea that strengthens the immune system. This drink will help you with. Rinse a glass of pine needles thoroughly, chop them and brew with three glasses of boiling water. After an hour, add the juice of ½ lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Then you can drink this healing nectar, but first strain it.

A unique remedy for bronchitis. Rinse the pine needles thoroughly and fill a liter jar, pour into an enamel pan and cover with two liters of water for 30 minutes.

Add 4-5 potatoes there and place on the stove. After the potatoes are cooked, mash them, wrap them in clean paper or a thin towel and place them on your chest. Keep until completely cool.

Ointment to kill fungus. Finely chop half a kilogram of pine needles and place them in a one-cm layer at the bottom of a jar with a volume of no more than 250 ml. On top of the same layer - 200 grams of butter.

Fill the entire jar: there should be five layers laid in this way. Cover the full jar with foil and place in the oven at 100-120˚C for about 6 hours.

Remove and cool the jar, strain its contents through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. You should end up with greenish colored oil. Apply the ointment two to three times a day. You will see the result already on the second day.

● We treat. Stuff your mattress with crushed pine needles and sleep on it. Soon your joint pain will leave you.

Pine baths at home. Collect pine needles in a canvas bag and place it in a bath with hot water. Take a bath - colds and other diseases will leave you.

Set up your own home sauna. It is well known that essential oils help improve the health of the body. Put on “coniferous clothes”: a robe or an old nightie, boiled in a solution of spruce branches.

It is best to do this before taking a pine bath: while you are in the bath, the clothes will be saturated with the esters and aroma of pine needles. After the bath, wring out the “pine” robe, put it on and go to bed. It helps treat colds and...

Toning face mask. Mix equal parts (50 ml each) of kefir or cottage cheese and pine needle infusion until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply an even layer to your face for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This product is an antiseptic and has tonic and whitening properties.

How to smooth out wrinkles. Apply the following mixture on your face in a thin, even layer: 20 ml of sunflower oil, three tablespoons of honey, 2-3 tbsp. l. chopped pine needles. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Such masks should be done 1-2 times a month, after which you will notice a rejuvenating effect.

● To . Place two cups of pine needles in a saucepan and fill with water until they are completely covered. Cook over low heat for one hour.

After 20 minutes of removing from heat, filter and add the beaten white of one chicken egg and 3-5 drops of good cognac. Apply this mixture to your hair, wrap it in a towel, and after half an hour wash it with shampoo. This mask will relieve hair from brittleness and dryness.

How to get rid of unpleasant negativity. Popular rumor says that our house is protected from damage by smoke from spruce or pine branches. To do this, place several spruce or pine branches on a hot frying pan.

The branches will begin to smolder, and direct the smoke to all corners of your home - it will drive away all the negative energy that has accumulated over the years.

Contraindications for treatment with pine needles

● Coniferous baths are contraindicated for patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system, blood circulation, severe cancer, malignant neoplasms, infectious skin diseases and the presence of acute inflammatory processes.

● Spruce and pine needles are best collected in winter, when the trees are dormant. Place the broken spruce branches on a cotton cloth and place them to dry in places with air circulation.

The needles will fall off on their own. Collect needles in the forest away from populated areas. Do not pluck the top young shoots with buds under any circumstances - the plant may die due to growth disturbances. Store the needles in closed glass jars in a cool, dark place for no more than 2 years.

Get treatment for your health, and may the Lord God help you with this!!!

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