Reposts about business in a network company. The whole truth about network marketing

A network business is a multi-level structure in which earnings are achieved by directly promoting a product/service through a network without intermediaries to regular consumers.

The essence of the business model is that consumers are also partners of the company.

Each new buyer becomes a partner, a junior link in the distribution chain, receiving not only the product, but also income.

All participants in the organization receive profit from the total turnover, the level of earnings is proportional to the contribution - the more people an employee attracts, the longer and more extensive the network he has built, the more he receives.

The distributor here is not a seller, but an entrepreneur interested in developing the business and promoting the product.

Today, the network business represents a fairly impressive list of companies - the first were once the cosmetic brands Avon and Oriflame, but now they sell clothing and cosmetics, medicines and food products, personal care products and much, much more in a similar way.

The basis of network marketing - personal acquaintances and contacts. The product is promoted through personal example, recommendations, attempts to offer friends the best of what you use yourself. Therefore, the field is suitable for sociable people, with a wide range of acquaintances who inspire confidence, are able to delight and inspire trust. From everything that a company employee sells and from all subsequent sales made by those whom he attracted, he receives a percentage.

Income increases in proportion to the increase in the number of people in the created network, gradually reaching the point where you can no longer do anything on your own, simply making a good profit from sales made by people lower down the chain.

Advantages and features of business in this area

Main advantages of network business:

  • If the company is truly trustworthy, then this is always an opportunity use the products high quality (eliminating the chance of running into a fake) and recommending finds to friends and acquaintances, bringing something good into their lives
  • If the business doesn't work out, it’s not scary - there is no need for an initial large investment from the employee and he practically loses nothing, he will simply have the opportunity to buy products/services at a discount
  • – implemented in the format of purchasing funds/services for personal use
  • Great opportunity to combine with your main job
  • Providing training and support from the person involved
  • Possibility to use information Technology for advancement
  • At good level income will turn from active
  • Work according to your own plan, in accordance with a comfortable pace of development
  • A good opportunity to improve personal qualities, learn to build effective communication with different people
  • Financial perspective not limited by anything- only within the limits that a person can set for himself

Kiyosake video about network business/marketing:

Network Business Manager- is no longer a new profession in Russia, but is experiencing a new round of popularity and has already been included in the state register of professions of the Russian Federation, which indicates the recognition and development of this area. There are a lot of companies, all employees are constantly supported: seminars and video conferences are held, senior employees constantly talk about how to invite people into the structure, promote products, develop and expand the business through joint efforts.

Trips to other cities and countries, training conferences, and meetings where they can communicate and exchange experiences are organized for network members. It's not just a job, it's a new social circle, so to achieve success you need to truly admire the products in order to sincerely recommend them and turn work into a lifestyle.

Today, networking is becoming more and more relevant. Despite the peculiarities of communication, the principle of work remains the same - attracting people to the team, promoting a product/service, increasing sales, receiving a percentage of the sales of your own and all employees that were brought in.

Good earnings in someone else's network

When thinking about how to properly start a network business, it is worth considering this area from two aspects - organizing your own business from scratch or a career in an existing network.

To succeed in an existing network and build a good career, you need to:

  • Be able to speak beautifully, be an excellent conversationalist, easily persuade and be an opinion leader
  • Have enough time to communicate with people - potential clients and future employees
  • Build a reputation for yourself and your brand
  • Be able to manage time and complete assigned tasks, plan and set goals
  • Show patience and persistence, explain the benefits of the service/product and calmly respond to criticism
  • Periodically review and change approaches, methods of persuasion, develop and always be interesting

Organizing your own profitable business

If you want to build your own online business, you will also have to put in a lot of effort. The opportunities are amazing, you can grow endlessly, but you need to be able to organize everything correctly. It is organizational skills and charisma that play a key role in the development of a network business.

Before you build a network marketing business,

You need to carefully consider the main components and draw up a business plan:

1) Product - a good or service that will be in demand, have distinctive features and clear advantages. It is advisable to come up with something new and exclusive so that there are fewer competitors and to find your own niche in the market

2) The structure of the company– carefully consider all components of the subsystem, circuit features, rules and requirements

3) Motivation is a very important component that directly affects how quickly you can grow your network business. The more interested people are, the faster everything will start working. Here you need to think through bonuses and incentives, develop a team concept, and make sure that everyone wants to be part of it.

4) Income – a specific percentage that each participant will receive at one level or another. The structure of calculations can be different: for example, if ordinary employees can count on a certain percentage of sales, then higher-ranking employees are entitled to bonuses, commissions, etc.

5) Well-duplicated schemes for persuasion and dissemination of information - which every employee can repeat

Investments in in this case relatively small - it is enough to organize the production of a product or the provision of a service to begin distributing the final product. To begin with, they select several items and begin work, then you can expand and, as you monitor consumer interest and analyze the popularity of specific units, expand the assortment and improve the offer.

Features of building your own online business

The promoted product can be not only services and goods, but also knowledge. Promotion of lessons, various seminars, useful information etc. It is becoming more and more popular every day.

Here, investments are generally minimal, since there is no need to pay for reproducing the product, you can immediately begin distributing and building a network. But the service life of such proposals is short - what was relevant and new knowledge today may be available to the whole world tomorrow.

But you can promote yourself as a personal brand and then your reputation will work, giving you the opportunity to promote more and more new ideas. In some networks, the final product is even little understood and known to the consumer - everything is built on personal conviction, motivation for a better life, the belief that “you need to join the team” and when it comes to the service/product itself, the employee is already processed and ready to work. But here we are often talking not about a network business, but about a pyramid.

At all levels it is necessary carefully control the process, attract more and more new people, build a good relationship within the team, improve the quality of the product. Moreover, in this case, both the product/service itself and the ability to present it and correctly use the human factor for one’s own purposes are of equal importance.

Everyone knows how a network business works, but there can be many ways to implement the task. A variety of communication methods and channels are used to advertise the product, and new and original ideas are being invented to motivate employees.

The main thing is not to stop there, study the area, set new goals and go towards them, constantly analyze the entire network, eliminate problems and look for successful solutions.

Video on the topic - “Network Marketing. Interview with billionaire Richard Branson about business and MLM":

Welcome, dear friends, to the blog about making money. website. I recently met with an old friend of mine who is actively involved in the network business, or rather, he was involved and tried to bring me there. Now he, like many, has already given up these hour-long gatherings and constant running from one conference to another and has returned to the usual traditional business in sales. I asked him why he didn’t become such a rich and successful businessman, which he so tirelessly shouted about at every step. To which he simply shrugged it off and said that he was simply unlucky.

As you understand, today I want to break everything down and tell you what it is network marketing, and why is someone out there shoveling money, while someone else can’t earn even a few thousand rubles, and even with all this, they still lose their hard-earned money.

Modern life dictates its own conditions, and having money in your pocket decides a lot. Each of us wants to live very well and have a solid income, but how can we avoid falling into the hands of scammers and being left in the cold?

What is the essence of network marketing?

So what is a network business or, more precisely, network marketing? This type of business does not imply the active promotion of a product or service of any company through radio and television, but the main emphasis in this business is precisely on attracting people who are ready to do anything for money, as they say, to sell their soul to the devil.

MLM (network marketing)- a method of selling goods or services by selling them through independent partners (distributors).

I myself was personally present and began my development with such network companies as Tell me And, the second interested me more, as it was interesting in that it was based on making money on the Internet, it had its own stock exchange, and a website builder, and everything like that. Today, this company does not exist, as employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to their offices in large numbers and closed their shop. And just imagine the faces of those people who invested their money and energy there, and in the end, dreaming of themselves only with dreams of a happy life, they lost both money and nerves.

Yes, I won’t hide that when I started doing this business, my eyes simply sparkled, and I was soaring with happiness, believing in a bright future and even turning over in my head what I would do when I earned my first million in this business. I actively invited people, including all my friends and colleagues, some went, and others sat on their butts and were afraid to try something new. Over time, my fervor, like the activity of many participants, began to fade, and it was like people’s eyes were washed after powder got into them, and many began to see the light and began to think where their money was.

What’s most interesting is that in not a single such network business you will sign any documents; more precisely, you are given a product and sent to sell, thereby making you a simple volunteer who will sell and advertise other people’s products at his own expense. Isn't it a paradise for companies? Make money on sales, shoot videos against the backdrop of expensive real estate and cars and tell people that they will soon get rich and even push your product at your own expense, cool!!! And to be honest, let's look at such offers on the Internet. There are thousands of them, now almost every second person is doing this, and when you ask them about money, they will start scratching your ears with their tongues, that you need to work even harder and invest more, in short, there is a zombification of the people who want to get everything at once, without making much effort and without developing as a person.

Many may say that I’m talking bullshit, but believe me, I went through all this myself, and not only me, many of my acquaintances and friends, and many became former friends, both to me and to each other, since the main point PR for such network marketing companies is based on attracting people and their friends and relatives, who are offered so-called business packages, which include an account in some system, and somewhere they simply give you status, and that’s it All. But before you start doing network marketing, think soberly and understand that no one will give you a lot of money for the fact that you just want to earn money and you will run around campaigning for everyone to the seventh generation, that such big money is waiting for them there, as they, and you, will soon become wickedly rich after listening to a couple of seminars. Such NEVER will not be.

Let's remember the well-known pyramid " MMM", which has already been written hundreds of times and discussed just as much. But, as I see, no one cares about sad stories and loss of money. There is such a thing as herd mentality, and if you are part of the same herd of “backers,” then you are straight you need to go there and not even read this article to the end, because you still won’t understand. Recently the second wave of the MMM pyramid ended, in which they made money at the expense of others. By the way, Mavrodi himself said this, thereby revealing the essence. of all this business, which is hidden behind expensive interiors and jackets and ties. The essence of network marketing, like those very pyramids, is based on people bringing other people and selling them the products themselves, business packages, or even worse. There is such a washing going on here. brains, I would like to ask everyone who comes to seminars and spends hours studying this nonsense, guys, are you out of your mind or what?

I’ll tell you using the example of network marketing (or network business), as you like, which I attended in person. The essence is the same everywhere, most likely, it’s written on one piece of paper as a carbon copy, so why bother, they’ll eat it anyway, reminds me of modern Russian cinema with “asshole” humor. Well, in general, everything is quite simple, as in all such dubious companies, they sell whatever they want, and this always happens in conference rooms. By the way, pay attention if you came to a presentation or, as I call them, “sectarian sermons” ", then you are always charged for entry and, thus, you pay for the rental of the premises. This killed me, because it was said that billionaires came from Europe to speak to future “beaters” of clients, and they could not pay the rent themselves, well, this is just cruel and even funny. Billionaires for me too. =))

Many people, having come to network marketing, very sincerely believe that they will be given wads of money on a silver platter, and they themselves begin to promote this business. I myself am constantly getting personal messages, both on social networks and on Skype, from guys who offer to make a lot of money on a new “startup” that is about to launch, and whoever succeeds will become damn rich. I always answer that I’m not interested in this nonsense, it’s even a pity to waste time on this nonsense and pseudo millionaires, which, as I see, almost every 10th consider themselves to be.

Here is one of the most popular, so to speak, business trainers in Russia and the CIS, which assures everyone that they will earn awesome money. By the way, look on the Internet, he also promoted Intway and said that it was there that everyone would become rich, because of which, as I already said and you saw in the videos, criminal cases were filed, the company disappeared with all the money of its partners. This speaker's name is Oleg Permyakov, this name is familiar to many who have participated or are participating in network marketing; now he is promoting another business, “Expert Rights,” where people are also sold products for cars that reduce fuel consumption. I have one question, what is he saying now to his partners, to whom he promised millions, and why he suddenly changes his mind and moves from one business to another.

If it starts new network marketing some company, then the main representatives are always recruited in the regions ( speakers), who are given a little money, and sometimes just out of sheer enthusiasm, so to speak, for food, who, in turn, assemble teams and begin campaigning for mere mortals. By the way, I was brought into this so-called business by a man who wore a tuxedo, with a badge, like congressmen wear in America, and so on, and at the same time drove a rotten “six”. And this man convinced me that I would be very rich, I just need to invite people and buy their “business packages”.

At all the seminars conducted by network marketers, you will definitely hear about the book about making money “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” (the book is interesting, energizing, there are no questions about it), and they will almost retell it to you and draw diagrams of success and levels, in which you will be now, in the future, and so on.

But if you want to start making money, you will need to buy them business package, this is different for everyone, maybe just a membership fee, but many build a “cell” structure, so to speak, they also call it a “binary system”, from the word “two”, where by paying for your package you will invite people and build a chain for receiving commissions from their sales. In short, you bring people, sell them the company’s product or service, and if you don’t buy the products and packages themselves, then your road to wealth is immediately closed. Sometimes I heard such nonsense that I became afraid for the future of our country, where people believe a stranger who speaks a memorized text and promises them to become rich, but he himself cannot even buy a car, even if it’s a used one.

This is what happened to this fraudulent company when they became completely impudent: the managers were even caught in the office of the Moscow office, where they were printing certificates of land ownership, horror!!!

I’ve seen such things, and I’m sure you’ve seen it yourself, when they teach you over a video conference, almost like a schoolboy, who tells you that he is already a successful businessman, and in the background there is an old, destroyed apartment. Someone will say: “Well, he has a rented apartment.” Well, yes, but everyone seems to have this situation. And these people, who, according to them, have a lot of money, from which their wallets are bursting, teach others to earn money without having anything in their souls. I know what I'm talking about, since I myself know several such people. In the evening they feel like millionaires, and in the morning they eat their bread and go to work for pennies, and even there they will sell themselves that they will soon become very rich.

Will Network Marketing Make You Rich?

There is nothing like this; you won’t be able to earn huge money in any network business. Yes, there are people who make money, but they have managed to understand this business and its rules. There are few of them, and they were at the initial stage of its development, having managed to sell a large number of accounts (business packages) and attract a future zombie audience. Let me give you an example of a network business: Avon or Amway . Yes, people there earned their money, but they stood at the origins and endured everything that happens, but the point is that everyone will become rich and will drive an expensive car and live in luxury real estate.

I myself, and many who come to network marketing, at first get excited and try to believe that they will become rich without much effort. Ask your friends out of curiosity who participated in such a business how much they earned and how much others like them earned, they will either lie (if they are still doing it) or tell the truth.

Total 5-7 % of people earn big money, the rest are content with meager earnings. The reason may be either a lack of understanding of the business or a lack of right time V in the right place, so to speak, to be at the origins of starting a business. There cannot be hundreds of billionaires and millionaires in every network business, otherwise everyone will become rich and the balance will be disrupted everywhere. Many newcomers, after working for several months and receiving pennies, immediately leave. There are more stubborn ones, who have been thoroughly brainwashed, and they hope for a bright, carefree future in the Canaries, but sooner or later enlightenment comes to them, and they also flee from there.

At each conference, speakers spoke to us who told us what to do and how to do it, and if in a month or another period you do this or that, then you will almost become a regional representative and so on. Yes, many received this status. I once went to pour some tea in the service room, and there, with her forehead buried in the table, was a woman sleeping, beautifully dressed, in a formal suit. I asked my friends: “Who is this?”, They answered me that this is a regional manager, works with 6 in the morning until the night, conducting such trainings that I could barely make it on the metro in order to fall asleep and start all over again in the morning. I'm not making anything up, I'm telling it as it is.

One young couple of about 30 was very memorable. I won’t say that they are such talkative people, simple quiet people who do everything that is recommended to them. So, a few weeks before the abrupt closure of the company, which presented itself as Dutch (and in the end the managers were taken by the arms in Moscow), they invested all their money in the business, while selling their car for 450,000 rubles. I don't envy them. I knew a lot of people who moved from one network company to another, and then to another, even though they shouted that it was in that company that they would become the richest, or had already become so.

Of course, it’s up to everyone to decide, some people like everything, and they can’t live without it, but for those who are brought into such a business, I would like to advise them to weigh everything and carefully consider all the pros and cons, because every coin has a reverse side and you can greatly regret not only wasting money, but also losing loved ones. Of course, to those networkers who earn normal money in their business, I wish only success, and to everyone else, stop dreaming of easy money and riches that they rub in on you every day. In this article, I expressed my personal opinion, based on experience, and I worked hard, because I also wanted to have a large bank account -))) But it turned out to be a waste of time and nerves))).

If you have participated in similar network marketing and had some experience, then please write your stories and observations in the comments.

Read a new article about sensational fraudulent companies, and also tell and show list of financial pyramids 2015 and what became of them.

I hope the material will be useful to my dear readers and help save your nerves and money. Subscribe to blog updates and stay aware of such scams. After all, as they say, “forewarned is forearmed.”

I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. See you in the next articles, subscribe to updates. Good luck to everyone, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Sincerely, .

There is great power in developing your social media presence!

Why? Social networks now occupy first place in terms of activity in the Internet space! Networking is a great tool for reaching new target audiences or maintaining contact with existing audiences. Currently, there are more than 1 billion users on Facebook, more than 300 million users on Twitter, more than 100 million users on VKontakte. If Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world! Recently, Facebook traffic has surpassed Google traffic.

What does this mean for network marketing businesses? We live in a world of social networks, in a world of limitless lists of acquaintances. Social networks are a great tool for attracting people to your MLM business.

  1. Create a profile on VKontakte and Facebook, if you haven’t already! If you don't know anything about Facebook, find Gen Y guys - it's the smartest people who were born in the age of social networks and work wonders on them, ask them for help, or pay them to teach you and tell you about many tricks. If you don’t want to learn from experts, then start with these social networks yourself. In essence, they are easy to use, very interesting and exciting. As they say at random.
  2. When creating profiles on social networks, make sure that you upload a very high-quality photo. If there are none, order a professional photo shoot. Now young talented guys can do a good job for $20. Remember - you are your own BRAND. If you want people to think you are successful, you have to play that role. Positioning is extremely important!
  3. Be sure to fill out all the information about yourself in your profile. Make sure you add referral links to register with your MLM company, or on your landing pages. Check that they work well! Addresses Email and contact information so that people can contact you in a convenient way.
  4. Clear your profile of debris, if any. View all your profiles, albums. Then answer the question “What impression do you want to leave with the guests of your page?” Delete all photos with unnecessary parties, stupid selfies, ducks, unnecessary feasts. But at the same time - create albums with your family, vacations, travels! It is important that people see you not only from the business side, but also from outside. On your wall you will also have to publish posts not only about business, but also personal ones, about your life, hobbies, family.
  5. Learn the basics of the social networks you plan to be on. Find out how to set up profiles, how to correctly add friends based on your target audience so that you don’t get blocked, learn how to add images and tag your friends in them, and many other simple nuances.

Create posts that will attract and inspire people who will subsequently follow you to watch. It is important to keep useful posts balanced, write not only about business! You need to make the content mixed and sometimes very personal (for example: how your children behave, traveling with your family, experiences, interesting moments that happen during your life or even day). Post inspiring quotes, if you can’t constantly come up with something of your own, that’s okay, you can look at my wall and see how I post interesting quotes in the background beautiful picture and because of this, people like to visit my wall. Once a week, or once every two weeks, you can write selling posts about your business or product. You can also attach a link to a selling website to a picture with an inspiring quote. Do it beautifully and smartly!

Here are 10 Examples of Powerful Posts for People in the Network Business Sphere:

  1. Welcome your new consultants and partners to your page and tag them in photos, thereby showing your audience who your target audience is (for example: “Welcome my new partner Elena, she works as a teacher kindergarten in the city of Mi..." - in this way you can inspire other kindergarten teachers in the city of Mi... or Elena's friends) Directly in the post, ask people to greet them, thereby interacting in a great way to your surroundings. On Facebook, it is very important that a huge number of people interact with your posts, then the post will automatically begin to be promoted among friends and friends of friends, making it viral.
  2. Post your phone number every hour with a call to action - you never know who will call, even out of curiosity.
  3. Event Promotion - Promote your business presentations with beautiful banners and calls to action. You can write something like: “...who do you know in Moscow? I am expanding my business here and I am looking for leaders to whom I will leave this business. Write to me if you want to know about your reward." You never know who might write to you... that's the beauty of it - it's important to do. I build value and interest by saying there are a limited number of tickets available...I even offer free product and a shake to those people who make the decisions!
  4. Share your success stories, testimonials, videos and photos - it provides inspiration and social proof. Show the results of your product and the success story of your MLM business.
  5. Congratulations! Do this regularly for those on your team who have received some kind of BONUS, encouragement, earned themselves a trip or a car, are a key player in your business, etc. People will begin to look and be surprised, they will begin to transfer all these stories to their lives and over time they will come to your business. Tag people in photos, if it concerns them, so that everyone will see not only on your wall, but also on the wall of the tagged person.
  6. Do your promotions from time to time.
  7. Offer discounts at the end of the month, during seasons, when new products are launched, etc.
  8. Develop your own compensation plan for strangers! Involve your friends and acquaintances to repost your business or product posts on their walls, rewarding them with money or your company's product. This way, strong leaders can join your team.
  9. Posts about your product: post before and after photos, customer reviews. Always make sure that at the end of each such post there is a link to the site for purchasing this product.
  10. Always include an image or video in every post. This is immediately noticeable. It doesn't matter whether it's your personal photo or an image from the Internet. The main thing is to attract attention.

Facebook is a great tool for building a network marketing business, make a huge impact on it!

I know this can be a lot of information for one go, if you feel overwhelmed, don't stress. Do as I do, modeling is the best flattery you can give me!


Before starting an online business, you need to choose a company wisely so as not to fall into a pyramid. The basic rule of network business is the presence of a product or service offered; in pyramids, as a rule, there is no such product, and people pay for “air” without any confirmation.

At the moment, a significant part of network companies offer dietary supplements, cosmetics or household chemicals, or all these products together. There are companies that offer services instead of goods. The bulk of such organizations develop due to internal consumption, which is ensured not only by the right motivation but also by psychological pressure.

To choose a company, you need a unique product or service, a transparent marketing plan (this is a system for rewarding distributors), a training system, leaders, and the opportunity to receive passive income. It would also be nice to know the company’s growth dynamics and sales volumes.

In order to start making good money in a network business, you need to work a lot, and at first there may be little return, but in the future it will pay off. You should also remember that this is not a job for hire, this is working for yourself, here you are your own boss, you don’t owe anything to anyone except yourself. You will need a lot of self-discipline.

When you first join a company, you need to invest a lot of time, effort and money in training. This system of doing business is unfamiliar to most people; it needs to be learned. Just like in institutes, people study to obtain a profession.

In any network company, sales of goods or services are necessary; this creates the company’s turnover, due to which distributors receive large rewards. This skill also needs to be developed. At first, sales will help you earn quick income.

And the most important thing is building a network of distributors. The main income depends on the growth of the network, which will grow in direct proportion to the increase in the number of invited people. Invitations alone are not enough; you need to teach your people the same things you learned yourself, so that they begin to duplicate your actions. Success largely depends on this.

Important feature network marketing is the fact that, depending on the marketing plan, upon reaching a certain level, the distributor receives the opportunity for passive income. On at this stage you can retire and just enjoy life, since you have worked hard enough in your time.

Starting from the very first steps in the network business and throughout your entire journey in it, you will grow personally. This is a completely different form of work, or rather business, and in order to cope with all the assigned tasks and achieve the desired results, it is necessary to change, submitting to the ideology of the network structure.


Still, working in a network business means not just working for yourself, but also for the person whose referral you are, plus those people who are higher in the pyramidal hierarchy.

Network sales or, in other words, network marketing is the sale of goods with the help of distributors - people who directly offer to purchase products. In this business, only a few achieve real success; the rest try to find a buyer, spending a lot of effort and time and receiving very little reward.

You will need

  • - small initial capital for the first payment
  • - a lot of free time
  • - sociable, cheerful character
  • - patience and perseverance


Many people have heard about network marketing: some have tried themselves in this business, some have friends who have done this. Some people confuse it with financial pyramid and they are very afraid of just one word. But it is worth understanding the difference between network marketing and a financial pyramid, because... the latter is illegal and, in principle, cannot exist for long. After all, its essence lies only in this: pay money for entry, bring your friends and get money for it, they will bring their own and you will also get your % from this. There is no product at the core, there is simply a money cycle, and at one moment that’s it. The first comers may actually make money, but in the end it will all end quickly.

Network marketing implies the presence of any products that need to be sold. This implementation is carried out directly by people-distributors, but in addition to direct income, you can earn income by also bringing people, creating a network, and from their sales you also receive% - the more people are under you, the less effort is needed on your part to earn , because Ultimately, all your referred people will provide your income.

To make money in online sales, you must have certain character traits: sociability, obsession, perseverance and patience. After all, during your work you will have to constantly communicate with people and sometimes listen to a lot of unpleasant things about yourself and your products.

If you still want to try yourself in this business, then you should carefully choose a network company, because... The level of your income strongly depends on both the products presented - how interesting they are to the consumer, as well as their price-quality ratio, and on the company’s marketing plan, i.e. how remunerations are paid and for what.

Good afternoon, my dear readers!

I am glad that you liked the competition, I see that you are active, I will be very pleased to give prizes to the winners! I also want to congratulate all women on the upcoming holiday of March 8th!

A few words about the competition! I remind you that, first of all, the number of reposts of articles in DIFFERENT social networks and the number of reposts of these posts from YOUR pages in DIFFERENT social networks will be taken into account, and I will also pay great attention to those who competently comment on articles and solve crossword puzzles. Wish you luck!

I continue to fulfill my promises to you, dear readers. In the comments to the article “Earning money on the Internet. Myth or reality? Part 1,” I promised that I would cover the topic of multi-level linear marketing (network marketing, multi-level marketing, in the text below for simplicity I will simply write MLM) in more detail. The topic is interesting, relevant, and very common today.

Network Marketing Companies

I’ll tell you right away that I will write about MLM companies, and not hype projects, which you can get acquainted with in another article if you wish.

What can I say? And you can talk a lot, a lot on this topic! I am sure that on the Internet, business and in life in general, there will be a huge number of people who will say that MLM is good and there will be those who will tear their shirts open and say the opposite!

We are all different, we all have had different experiences, we all have different understandings of this business. Personally, I have a very good attitude towards MLM, but I am not a fan of it in life. I like the products of many MLM companies, I use them often and I am very glad that this business is spreading across Russian expanses.

It’s not for nothing that I named the article MLM. Good or bad? Today I want to explain why people can see different sides to this business, I will try to guide those who want to do it, I will give examples from my life and my experience.

I want you to understand one thing - THIS BUSINESS WILL BE WHATEVER YOU WANT IT FOR YOURSELF!!! Because in every aspect of this business there are pros and cons, and only you decide what you see!!! So let's get started, hang in there :)))

MLM business - what is it?


MLM business is, first of all, freedom of action. No Monday, no boss, no alarm clock. It gives us the opportunity to work whenever we want - morning, evening, night; work when we are in the mood, and that is when we are actually productive, it is in these moments that we are most effective.

Technologies are developing exponentially and this business is moving to the Internet, which means that MLM gives us the opportunity to work where we want - in the office, in a home chair, near the pool in Pattaya or while traveling :)))

You can work in jeans, sneakers, shorts or a house shirt. Isn't this the desired freedom of action that everyone dreams of? Working in such a business, we are full-fledged masters of our own time and our own life. Isn't that cool? Isn't this what we should strive for? This is the dream of millions of people!!!


Is it true? What are you talking about??? Have you ever worked in a network company, ever developed it??? Freedom? - No, have not heard.

Dear friends, what kind of freedom are we talking about? In this business you have to work hard day and night... DAY AND NIGHT!!! If you want results, make money.

You need to INVITE new people into the business, SELL the product, HELP your invitees in all possible ways - teach how to communicate with people, teach all technical aspects (marketing, product, etc.).

You need to be able to work with objections, both from customers, and from partners, and from competitors. You need to know absolutely everything about the company, product, marketing, your structure, control absolutely everything - this is the only way to achieve something in this business. And you don’t need to tell me that I will invite two people and will only work with them, keep these utopian tales for yourself!

You need to work for the first time (it may not be one or two years) 15-20 hours a day!!! This is normal, you are free :))) This is MLM :))) It’s already more fun, let’s move on!


This has always been a “trick” of network companies. Training, training schools, business trainings, seminars. Various major events that attract people from all over the country, and even the world.

This is what most people go for :))) And they do it right, the main thing is to choose the right company with an interesting policy and a person (sponsor) who will lead, guide and mentor you, especially since he is directly interested in this.

All public events are, first of all, acquaintances, new contacts, new connections, new experiences. It’s very interesting to communicate with like-minded people and get to know them life positions, worldview, promotion tools and much more. The people leading such events are most often very highly qualified professionals, you will definitely have a lot to learn from them.

Such events usually charge you with energy, and after them you want to work with even more strength and enthusiasm. This is why MLM companies conduct them, so that partners (distributors) do not lose their zeal for work, develop themselves, and develop the company accordingly.


Have you personally attended the training of famous network companies??? (What follows will not be about all of them, but at least about 80% of the companies; I won’t say the names). Have you heard what business coaches and psychologists talk about, who, as a rule, do their jobs well??? Do you understand that this is just basic brainwashing of your brains???

Some companies will take very decent money from you to wash YOUR brains. It could be 20,000 rubles or 50,000 rubles, or more. The fact is that people present at such trainings, as a rule, do not and will not earn half of this money per month, because the company’s marketing will allow you to earn so much if your entire area uses only your products :)))

DON'T BE A ZOMBIE!!! This is for you with personal experience! Speakers and trainers at such events know the basics of oratory, human psychology and basic skills of influencing the subconscious and nothing more, and everyone sits and clap, how cool!!!

DON'T BE A ZOMBIE!!! Are you lacking motivation??? Are you unable to motivate yourself??? If not, then there will be no place for you in any business!!! This is MLM, guys :))) Everything is not simple here :))) It’s not only more fun, it’s already getting hotter :)))


Of course, the main advantage in a network business remains the opportunity to have passive (residual) income. All work in progress with this idea, and it is quite real: create a business, create a network of distributors, sell goods and earn income.

An MLM business can become a business for years, decades! It can be passed on by inheritance. At first it’s hard, and then everything starts to grow like a snowball, because the number of partners grows and the income grows accordingly.

Many American billionaires, even those like Warren Buffett, advise newcomers to start a business in online companies where there is an idea of ​​financial freedom, good system training and quality product!

In general, such a business does not mean quick earnings, but stable and constantly growing ones, so it is suitable for those who want to steadily move towards their goal - financial freedom and independence.


Are you kidding me??? What amazes me most is that absolutely all networkers and network companies talk about this! Do you know what % of distributors earn more than $1000 dollars per month from network companies? 0.5% -1.5%!!! This is even less than the percentage of linear business entrepreneurs who are trying to start a business and achieve such income

Business for years, decades, children, maybe grandchildren??? Why are you deceiving yourself first??? Please tell me what% of network companies remain on the market after 10 years of operation??? About 2%, which means that out of 100 companies there are only 2 left!!! Are you sure that your company is in this two???

There was the USSR, now the CIS countries, there were some rubles, now there are others, no one knows what will happen to the financial system in a year, two or three... what kind of business will you leave to your grandchildren??? Do not make me laugh!!! It's getting even more interesting and hotter. Just forward.


The product in MLM companies is mostly of high quality. Because, whatever one may say, the emphasis will have to be on it, it needs to be sold first of all, and not the business model, only then will the company live and prosper!

I myself personally use the products of several network companies, I admit honestly. I have Amway products and just the other day I bought almost the entire line of Herbalife sports nutrition. The quality is excellent, there’s nothing to complain about :)

It is very rare that an MLM company’s product is of poor quality; I have almost never come across it, so use it with pleasure and be healthy!


Can you imagine what the markup is for this product??? In addition to the fact that the company itself makes money from sales, imagine how much more is built into the network. Can you imagine how much is included in the network???

Referral, binary or line for many levels - where are all these bonuses included??? Of course, in the product! The price is several times higher! It’s easy to find a product of the same quality, or even better, from companies that work according to a standard principle!!!

I have always been amazed by one question: why do almost all network companies have the same sales profile??? But why??? Do you have enough brains or should I send you a list of other industries???

Dietary supplements, cosmetics, household chemicals... and now, I told you 80% of modern network companies! It's a pity that everything here is so sparse :)

MLM on the Internet

So, my dear readers, I know that there will be criticism about my words, so I am ready to enter into dialogue with pleasure.

I went over the main points of this business, but the essence should be clear to you! I think I was able to get my point across to you. MLM is what you decide: first or second, no more, no less!
