Adjusting the sash pressure of a plastic window. Adjustment of plastic windows and doors - we carry out adjustments before the winter season

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Modern plastic windows are installed anywhere and everywhere, since they are superior to wooden products in many ways. However, position adjustment is required for full operation. plastic windows“winter-summer”, which can be carried out independently in accordance with the instructions.

Why adjustment is required

You need to set one or another window mode according to the season. Due to rising and falling temperatures, windows need to be closed more or less tightly. Thus, it is possible to improve the flow of fresh air into the room in summer and reduce heat loss in winter. If the PVC window is always in the “winter” position, then the rubber seal will become unusable due to strong and prolonged pressure.

If you leave the window in winter with a weak pressure, then drafts and high heat loss will occur inside the room. Often, when installing a window, the adjustment is set to the middle position, which corresponds to the “spring-autumn” mode.

When the season changes, it is advisable to make adjustments accordingly.

When to adjust

Setting the required position is required in several cases:

  • there is a strong draft through the frame;
  • the window closes and opens poorly;
  • the sashes sag;
  • The window fogs up when the humidity in the room is high.

It is worth considering that some manufacturers (usually in the budget segment), in order to save money, install components that do not allow adjustment.

Varieties of adjusting elements

The force with which the opening part of the window leans against the frame is adjusted by special elements called trunnions. They are located on the side parts and on top of the sashes.

The quantity, appearance and location of these elements may differ both from the cost of the windows and from the manufacturer. The most common are:

PVC window adjustment sequence

To adjust plastic windows with your own hands and set the “winter-summer” mode, you need to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step actions of this process.

Preparing tools

To carry out adjustment work you will need the following list of tools:

  • hex wrench;
  • a set of nozzles in the form of stars;
  • minus and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • pliers.

Preparatory activities

Selecting the desired window mode is a matter of minutes, which every owner can do. However, first the windows should be prepared for use during the cold period. To do this, perform the following steps:

Sash clamp

Let's figure out how to switch plastic windows to the winter position:

The eccentrics rotate 180°: from the initial position 90° to the right and left, which corresponds to the “winter-summer” mode.

Top loop

Adjustment of hinges is resorted to in the event of a loose or uneven fit of the opening part of the window to the frame. So, in order to lean the upper corner of the sash more against the frame, with the possibility of turning and tilting, you will need to tighten the screw on the scissors.

If the sash sag and touches the impost, by changing its position you can get rid of the snag. The screw itself is located in a hinge, and to access it you will need to open a window.

Rotating the key clockwise lifts the lower opposite corner doors, in reverse side- its lowering. During the adjustment work, you need to ensure that the trunnions do not rest against the strike plate. If the desired result cannot be achieved, you will need to tighten the screw on the scissors, for which the sash is opened so that it is held only by the lower hinge.

One of the plates has a bolt with a hex key. By turning it clockwise, more pressure is achieved on the opening part of the window against the frame. Reverse rotation will weaken the fit of the corner to the frame.

Bottom loop

The hinge at the bottom has 2 adjustment screws. One of them allows you to align the sash horizontally, i.e. raise or lower its upper opposite corner.

The second adjustment is at the top of the hinge. To get to the adjusting element, you will need to open and tilt the sash, and then remove the plastic lining. By tightening the screw, the sash can be lifted and, accordingly, vice versa.

If during horizontal adjustment it was not possible to get rid of the lower corner of the sash being caught on the profile, then by raising the opening part this problem can be eliminated.

You can learn more about adjusting plastic windows for “winter-summer” with your own hands from the video.

Setting up windows from different manufacturers

Each brand that produces PVC windows has its own characteristic features, and adjustment is no exception:

Possible problems

When using PVC windows or carrying out adjustments, it may turn out that the fittings do not function properly. The reasons may be different, so some of them are worth dwelling on in more detail.

Loose handle

Most often, the handle begins to dangle due to loosening of the fasteners. The nuance is eliminated by displacing the plastic cover and tightening the handle fasteners with a Phillips screwdriver. As a rule, this is enough for the fittings to fit tightly to the window.

Sticky handle

Possible reasons for such a malfunction are:

Locked handle

If the handle is blocked, do not rush to change it. Typically this problem is caused by a malfunctioning locking mechanism that prevents the sash from changing state when it is open. You will need to turn the lever responsible for the lock so that the handle has free movement.

Broken handle

If the handle is broken, then the only solution to the problem is to replace the part. This is done quite simply: just turn the cover and unscrew the two screws, and then remove the handle. Installation of the new part is carried out in the reverse order.

Checking the window tightness

After the adjustment work, a sheet of paper is placed between the opening part and the frame and the sash is closed. Then they pull the leaf, controlling its tension. If the paper comes out easily, you need to adjust the opening part closer to the window.

You can also use a lighter. If the flame deviates from the vertical, this will indicate insufficient tightness.

PVC window sashes need adjustment immediately after installation and throughout their entire service life. With the most careful handling, over time they become unbalanced. And the walls themselves can shrink. Adjusting plastic windows with your own hands is quite simple, the main thing is to know where to turn.

Advantageous problems:

  1. Sagging of the window sash, due to which it begins to touch the frame. Eliminated by lifting the moving part.
  2. Displacement of the opening mechanism, due to which the sash begins to touch the frame or fittings. Horizontal adjustment will solve the problem.
  3. Blowing from under the window. The problem can be resolved by adjusting the pressure.
  4. To secure loose handles, simply re-tighten the screws.
  5. Sometimes the handle begins to turn with great difficulty. Then you have to lubricate the rubbing parts with machine oil. For prevention, it is better to do this once a year.
  6. The plastic handle may crack as it is used almost daily. In this case, it will have to be changed, and you can do this yourself without calling the service department.

Horizontal and vertical adjustment

It is almost always necessary to eliminate sagging windows after a couple of years of operation. To adjust the fittings yourself, you need a 4 mm hex key or a simple screwdriver. It depends on the manufacturer.

Window sashes are aligned by manipulating the hinges. They have key holes covered with a special cap. In this way, you can eliminate the skew of the window. You can work with both the top and bottom loops. The upper one is capable of moving the doors down and up or left/right and changing the pressure. However, the top hinge is only accessible from the outside when the window is open, and the bottom hinge is accessible in any position from the inside. It also allows you to move the bottom bar of the window horizontally and vertically and adjust the pressure.

Pay attention! By inserting a tool into the hinge sockets and rotating it clockwise, you pull the window half towards the frame and the bottom rises. And vice versa: counterclockwise rotation lowers the sash down.

Window clamp

The clamping of the sashes depends on eccentric screws along the entire window perimeter. As a rule, they are rotated using a wrench or the same hexagon. Sometimes the pressure is adjusted using plates on the sash itself.

Some window models also allow you to control the pressure of the hinges, only the top hinge or both at once.

To adjust the top hinge, you need to open the window in ventilation mode and insert the hex key into the hole. By rotating it left and right (each manufacturer has it in its own direction), you can change the hinge pressure.

The lower hinge is controlled by the rotation of a bolt located behind the cap at a right angle to the plane of the window.

Pay attention! After all the screws have been tightened, the quality of the clamp must be checked. To do this, a piece of newspaper is clamped between the frame and the sashes on each side of the glass unit. If the paper strip is easily pulled through, the fit should be strengthened. But keep in mind that the tighter the clamp, the faster the seal will wear out.

Problems with the handle

Most often, a window handle becomes blocked because it was turned down while the window was open. In this case, it is impossible to close the window, and the handle does not rotate.

You can correct the situation by pressing the lock tongue with your hand. If the hardware brand is AUBI, the tongue is made in the form of a metal plate. For other brands: Roto, GU, Winkhaus - this is a small element located at an angle to the frame. Press it down so it's parallel.

Other reasons why the handle does not rotate or rotates with difficulty may be:

  • sash sagging;
  • dried grease.

The easiest way to fix the second problem is. You just need to lubricate all moving parts of the profile with machine oil or any other penetrating lubricant.

If this does not help, you will have to start adjusting the hinges. How to do this is described above.

Replacing a broken or deformed handle will require some minor repairs. The plate under the handle is unscrewed, and the fastening screws hidden under it are unscrewed. After this, you can simply replace it along with the limiter.

Double-glazed window adjustment

Sometimes the sashes sag so much that even when raised to their highest position, they continue to touch the window sill. Or a cheap brand of windows does not have adjustable fittings, only simple hinges and a lock. Then the only way left is with double-glazed windows.

It is necessary to lower the sash as much as possible using the lower hinge. With the window closed, remove the glazing beads with a spatula (don’t forget to mark the location) and the glass unit itself.

Then you need to open the sash and put spacers in the corner on the handle side so that in the closed position it slides over them and rises by 5–7 mm. Only the corner should rise, not the entire half of the window. To do this, another tab is placed on top in the place of the closing mechanism. This leaves a gap of about 5 mm.

A double-glazed window is inserted and tightly fixed with gaskets and glazing beads. After this, the rubber from the frame can be removed and the operation of the window can be checked.

Preventive Maintenance

From time to time you should inspect the water drainage holes and clean them.

Pay attention! It is advisable to adjust windows seasonally. In summer they open more often, so their pressure can be loosened. This will allow the seal to last a little longer.

Rubber must be inspected periodically. If signs of wear or tear appear, it will have to be replaced.

Metal-plastic windows have become an integral attribute of almost every modern home. For many, maintenance of plastic windows - repair and adjustment - is quite simple process. To perform these steps, you can watch a video that tells you how to set up PVC windows yourself, study the design of window fittings and have a minimum set of necessary tools.

Adjusting PVC windows does not require any complex special knowledge. You just need to study in detail the operating instructions for window fittings, which are provided with each plastic product or can be found on the official website of its manufacturer.

​Tools and materials

To adjust and preventive maintenance of plastic products, a few simple tools are enough:

To prevent wear of the moving parts of the fittings and rubber seals, they must be cleaned and lubricated at least twice a year. To perform these operations, the following materials are required:

  • Solutions for removing dust and dirt.
  • Lubricant: machine oil, special impregnating composition.
  • Silicone-based softener for rubber seals.
  • Soft cloth, brush or brush, hair dryer with cold blow function.

​Introduction to the structure of fittings

In order to independently repair a plastic window or adjust it, you need to know which hardware elements need to be used to solve specific problems that arise. The main parts involved in the operation of window fittings are:

  • locking pins that regulate the degree of pressing of the sash to the frame;
  • upper and lower hinges, responsible for moving the sash in horizontal and vertical planes;
  • window handle that ensures the operation of the entire mechanism.

Before you start adjusting plastic window blocks, you need to find the location of all the necessary mechanisms on their sash. Clamping elements or locking pins are located along its entire perimeter and are round or oval protrusions. The hinges on which the window sash is attached to the frame differ in their structure and method of adjustment.

The direction of opening the sash has a certain significance in the process of setting up the operation of the fittings. Adjustment of the left and right loops occurs in the mirror direction. The handle is usually located in the center of the window sash and has 2-3 opening positions. The place where it is attached is covered with a decorative cover, which should move to the side quite easily.

Preventive Maintenance

To ensure long and stable operation of PVC windows, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  1. Adjustment of window pressure winter-summer.
  2. Cleaning and lubricating all hardware parts subject to friction.
  3. Maintenance of sealing rubber.

Window pressure adjustment

Adjusting the degree of pressure of the window sash to the frame must be done due to the need to change the tightness of the window depending on climate changes and to prevent premature wear of the sealing rubber due to constant strong pressure.

To adjust plastic windows winter - summer, you need to prepare a suitable tool. Its choice depends on the shape of the clamping pins. For moving oval clamps you will need pliers. Depending on the shape of the hole on round clamping parts, use a screwdriver or a hexagon.

All plastic windows have three degrees of fit of the window sash to the frame:

  • The middle (standard) clamp is set by default at the window manufacturing plant and corresponds to the central position of the trunnions. It is usually used in the autumn-spring period.
  • Weak pressure ensures air flow into the room in summer due to the formation of microcracks.
  • Strong pressure ensures complete sealing of the plastic product. It is installed during the winter cold.

The algorithm for adjusting the window by clamping is quite simple:

  1. All locking elements are found at the end of the open window sash.
  2. The tool turns the parts either clockwise (winter clamp) or counterclockwise (summer clamp).
  3. All clamping pins are adjusted identically.
  4. Close the sash and check the degree of pressure. The check can be performed using a sheet of office paper, which is placed between the sash and the frame. When pressed firmly, the sheet should not move. In the summer position of the locking mechanisms, the leaf can be pulled out from under the sash.

Cleaning and Lubrication

Window fittings are subject to natural wear and tear, which can occur faster due to improper use of the plastic product or untimely cleaning and lubrication. There are two options for cleaning the working mechanisms of PVC windows:

  • Cleaning and lubricating parts accessible in the open or tilted position of the sash.
  • Deep cleaning of the fittings with the sash removed from its hinges.

The second option is quite labor-intensive and requires the participation of two people, as well as certain professional skills. Therefore, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

The first option for cleaning plastic products is easy to do with your own hands:

Caring for sealing rubber

The seal (sealing rubber) is an important part of a plastic window, which ensures its tightness and reliable clamping. Rubber can lose its properties as a result of improper installation and use of the window, insufficient care, or become unusable over time.

To prevent this from happening, you must:

Replacing the sealing rubber on most windows takes little time and can be done by yourself. An important condition is to replace the damaged seal with an identical one, since products from another manufacturer may not fit the groove that is located on window frame. To replace the old seal, use a screwdriver to remove it from the groove, and insert a new one into it. During installation, the sealing rubber is lightly pressed into the groove using a tool. After replacing the element, close the sash and check the degree of pressure and the presence of airflow between the sash and the frame.

Operational problems

Main problems problems that arise during the use of plastic window blocks are:

  • blowing between the sash and the frame;
  • sash sagging;
  • incorrect operation of the window handle or its breakage.


This problem is the most common when using plastic products. It occurs for several reasons:

  1. Poor quality of product or installation.
  2. The degree of pressing of the sash to the frame is incorrectly set.
  3. Sagging of the sash due to shrinkage of the building, during operation or due to its large mass and size.

All problems that arise with a plastic product during the warranty period must be resolved by the window company that installed the product. Especially if the problem is related to product or installation defects. Any independent intervention may become a reason for the seller to refuse warranty obligations.

There are many videos on the Internet with detailed instructions on how to tighten plastic windows so that it does not blow. Often, to eliminate a draft, it is enough to move the clamping pins to the winter position or change the seal. If, after these manipulations, the window continues to blow, then the problem is associated with sagging of the sash and a decrease in contact between the locking lugs and the strikers located on the frame. This problem requires a lot of effort, but can also be easily solved on your own after studying the instructions and watching the video tutorial.

Sagging of the sash

You can find it on the Internet detailed instructions how to adjust plastic windows yourself. The video tells in detail about the stages of work and the features of performing operations. Adjusting the window using hinges is carried out in several stages:

If, after making all possible adjustments to the sash, it still does not fit tightly to the frame, then you can try to repair the plastic window rather than adjust it yourself. To do this, use a screwdriver or screwdriver to unscrew the mating part of the locking latch in the area of ​​the handle and place a gasket up to 4 mm thick under it. It must be made of plastic or wood. These additional elements are inserted into the side and bottom of the striker plate, which is put in place and screwed with a self-tapping screw.

Replacing and adjusting a window handle

The window handle is a wearing part of window fittings. During the operation of the window, it changes several times to a new or more functional model.

To replace the handle, you need to turn it to the position corresponding to the opening mode. After this, carefully, without using sharp objects, move the decorative trim to the side and unscrew the fastening screws using a screwdriver. Rocking slightly, the handle is removed from the hole and replaced with a new one, performing all the above steps in reverse order. When purchasing a new handle, it is important to take into account the width of the profile system, since the length of the pin of the required product will depend on this. If this value does not correspond to the width of the sash profile, the handle will not work correctly, which will lead to its rapid wear and problems with the functioning of the fittings.

In some cases, it is not replacement but adjustment of a loose handle that is required. To do this, move the decorative trim aside and tighten the fastening bolts with a screwdriver.

It will become much easier to independently adjust PVC windows if you carefully study the simple instructions and watch videos made by professional window installers. However, in the event of a serious breakdown, it is imperative to seek the help of qualified technicians. This will help avoid major complications and save your budget.

Plastic windows and doors differ from other options in their practicality in operation and provide an optimal microclimate in the room. In this case, the structures need adjustment, which involves adjusting the mechanism depending on the situation. For this purpose, there is a certain technology that allows you to independently make plastic doors and windows even more convenient and functional.

The need for the procedure

Plastic doors and windows are airtight and prevent dust, moisture, and cold from entering the room. As a result, they become practical for living spaces, but require periodic adjustment of the mechanisms.

Adjustments are made as needed

When manufactured at the factory, windows and doors are adjusted in height, taking into account the pressure against the frame and the inclination. After installation, the product does not require special operation, but over time the mechanism wears out, the fastenings become loose and the need for adjustment arises. This process may be required in the following cases:

  • disruption of easy movement of the sash, jamming of the mechanism when opening/closing;
  • loose pressing of the sash to the frame, penetration of cold air;
  • loosening of the handle mechanism;
  • change from cold to warm season;
  • sagging window or door sash.

There are situations when even professional adjustment does not allow returning functionality to a plastic product and serious repairs are required. This is necessary if the quality of the fittings that were used to install the product is poor. Incorrect assembly during installation also causes breakdowns. Such defects cannot be eliminated on your own and require the help of a specialist.

Features of adjusting windows and doors from different manufacturers

Many factories produce plastic windows and doors, characterizing their products as easy to use and durable. Promotional offers often contain information about various unique technologies that distinguish products. All this may be a marketing ploy, since the designs of finished plastic windows and doors from different manufacturers are practically the same.

Plastic windows from any manufacturer require regular maintenance

REHAU products are characterized by high quality, but they also require adjustment during operation. The features of this process for REHAU brand products are expressed as follows:

  • the internal mechanism of doors and windows can be adjusted in several planes, that is, down and up, right and left, as well as with adjustable pressure;
  • if the structure is equipped with fittings from the Siegenia Aubi brand, then to adjust it you need to tighten the screws;
  • if there are MAKO brand fittings, then you need to remove the sash and then carry out adjustment work;
  • REHAU blitz products use Roto fittings, which require hex keys to operate.

Fittings from different brands require different approaches to repair.

One of the well-known manufacturers is Veka, which produces modern doors and windows. When setting up such products, take into account the following features:

  • to switch the structure to winter mode, you need to turn the closing tenon by 90° using a hexagon, located under the top turn;
  • if the sash is closed, but the handle does not turn and it is impossible to close the window, then you should slightly move the sash towards the counter zone of the blocker, using the adjusting screw located under the lower hinge;
  • If the handle breaks, you need to turn the decorative trim 90°, unscrew the screws and remove the old element.

Windows and doors have similar design mechanisms

KBE brand products are of high quality, but require timely adjustment. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following design features:

  • the tightness of the fit of the canvas to the frame is adjusted by three eccentrics located on the end part of the sash;
  • to eliminate sagging, adjust the screws on the upper canopy, that is, loosen the lower one and turn the upper element to the right or left;
  • The broken handle is removed by removing the lining and unscrewing the bolts.

The design of windows from different manufacturers is similar and does not require complex tools for adjustment.

Products from different companies differ only slightly in the shape of the control parts and their location. The operating principle of the mechanisms is the same, and therefore it is not difficult to adjust the operation of the system with your own hands.

Self-adjustment of plastic doors and windows

To carry out self-adjustment You will need tools such as hex wrenches, flathead and Phillips screwdrivers, as well as pliers and mechanical lubricant. The process can be completed in a short period of time by following the instructions and using high-quality tools.

Adjusting doors and windows allows you to create a comfortable indoor microclimate

How to set summer-winter mode

Setting the summer-winter mode of windows and doors is similar and is necessary when the season changes. In summer, after adjustment, the sash turns out to be less pressed against the frame than when setting the winter mode. In hot weather, this ensures that air enters the room through micro-holes. If you constantly use the winter mode, which is characterized by very tight pressing of the sash to the frame, the seal will quickly wear out, and the room will be stuffy during the heat. Thus, the difference between these two modes lies in the compression density and the degree of tightness of the structure.

To control the mode you need to perform the following actions:

  1. At the side end of the door or window sash, in the handle area, there is a system of eccentrics, which are an adjustment tool.

    The eccentric allows you to adjust the pressure of the sash to the frame

  2. A hex key whose diameter corresponds to the parameters of the element is inserted into the eccentric hole.

    A hex wrench is the main tool for controlling window or door mechanisms.

  3. Next, slightly turn the eccentric a few millimeters to weaken (summer) or strengthen (winter) the pressure of the sash to the frame. It is important to do this carefully and without sudden movements.

    For the demi-season, you should only slightly adjust the rotation of the axles

  4. To easily correct the pressure in the autumn or spring, you need to rotate the element very slightly, which should take the standard position.

    The mechanisms may differ in appearance, but they work on the same principle.

Video: features of adjusting window mode

Setting the sash pressure

In case of drafts or loose pressure in the hinge area, the mechanism is adjusted, for which you will need a 4 mm hex key. First you need to determine the area where the strongest blowing occurs. This is necessary to configure the lower or upper loop.

The work package involves the following actions:

    To adjust the sash to vertical position the bottom loop should be used. A cap is opened on the hinges, which provides access to the mechanism and the hex hole.

    After removing the cap, the mechanism of the blade is visible

    The canvas can be adjusted in horizontal or vertical positions. If the hexagon is rotated clockwise, the window is pulled closer to the frame, otherwise it only works to loosen the fixation between the panel and the sash, that is, to lower its lower area. Adjustment on the top hinge is only carried out with the sash fully open. In this case, it is impossible to move the window by more than two millimeters.

    Using a hexagon, adjust the hinges to the desired result

  1. When setting the clamp for the first time, it is important to only slightly turn the hinge mechanism with a hexagon. After several years of operation, the elements of the system wear out as a result of opening/closing and the rotation can be increased.

Video: adjusting hinges to adjust the pressure on the plastic sash

How to adjust the handle of a plastic window or door

The handles of modern metal-plastic doors and windows are subjected to intensive and not always correct use. To avoid damage, this element should be rotated only when the sash is pressed tightly. If the handle malfunctions, the following measures will help solve the problem:

  • To replace the old element with a new one, turn the decorative cover 90° and remove it after unscrewing the screws. The mechanism is removed and a new one is installed, returning the screws and cover to their place;

    A new pen can be easily purchased from the manufacturer

  • If the handle is in the closed position, but the window cannot be closed, then the mechanism is blocked. The design includes a special lock designed to prevent the handle from being turned in the open position. To unlock, press the lock located at the end of the sash, then close the door and turn the handle;

    Blockers from different manufacturers differ in appearance, but have the same operating principle

  • Difficult turning of the handle is often due to insufficient lubrication of the mechanism. To fix the problem, you need to remove the decorative panel, unscrew the screws and slightly pull out the mechanism, which is then applied with aerosol or machine lubricant, and the excess is removed with a napkin.

    After lubrication, the handle is put back in place.

Video: installing and replacing the handle

Adjusting plastic balcony doors

Despite the fact that the window and door sash designs are similar, the mechanism settings have slight differences. Position correction can be carried out vertically, in which the height of the canvas relative to the opening changes. Horizontal adjustment allows you to correct the gap between the sash and the hinges, and with the help of front adjustment you can set the optimal pressure of the leaf to the frame.

The implementation of these options for adjusting the mechanism involves the following actions:

  • For horizontal adjustment, you need to remove the decorative trim from the hinges, install a 3 mm hex key in the adjusting screw and turn it clockwise 1 or 2 times. This is done for each of the loops;

    The hinges are adjusted using a 3 mm hexagon

  • the vertical screw allows you to slightly move the blade up (you need to turn the element clockwise) and down (counterclockwise). This option is optimal if the lower sash balcony door when moving, it rubs against the threshold, and also if, during normal closing, defects arise on the upper or lower rubber seals. To work, you will need a 5 mm hex key. A similar 2.5mm hex wrench, as well as a flathead screwdriver, are needed to correct the placement of the counter bottom and upper slats opening. A Phillips screwdriver is used to adjust the main linings;

    Setting up a PVC balcony door is carried out according to the principle of window adjustment

  • if frontal correction of the door leaf is required, then for this you need to follow the technology of pressing the door against the frame, since these measures provide an equal effect.

    After setting the door there should be no drafts

Video: adjusting the bottom hinge of a door or window

Rules for caring for PVC doors and windows

Plastic structures are unpretentious in operation, but still require compliance simple rules care One of them is that the system mechanisms require regular lubrication. For this purpose, use machine oil or WD40 aerosol, which are applied in small quantities to the mechanism.

Additional features of care and operation are expressed as follows:

  • Glasses need to be washed with special products and soft cloths. There are kits on sale for the complete return of plastic doors or windows, which include all the necessary components;
  • the entry of foreign objects into the frame space is unacceptable, as it leads to breakdowns that cannot be repaired independently;
  • Do not rub the surfaces of PVC systems with hard sponges, because this will cause scratches and damage appearance designs;
  • after installation, it is best to install slopes that will ensure tightness and prevent damage to the polyurethane foam used to seal cracks;
  • Complete replacement of double-glazed windows, sashes, window sills and other parts is carried out only by professional craftsmen, and the elements must be ordered from the manufacturer.

Proper operation significantly extends the service life of PVC windows and doors

During operation, do not place hot, sharp, or heavy objects. The window or door serves to provide comfort, is fully assembled and does not require additional treatment with silicone sealant or other similar means. Sheathing, painting and other measures are unacceptable for these systems.

Adjustment of PVC doors and windows is carried out when problems arise that you can fix yourself. Compliance with operating technology and accuracy when setting up will ensure a long service life of the structures. This also allows you to maintain the characteristics and functionality of the systems, that is, tightness and good sound insulation, which is important for many rooms.

Do-it-yourself adjustment of plastic windows may be required at any time, despite the guaranteed long service life of PVC structures. This simple operation can be easily performed by any home craftsman if you understand some of its subtleties.

Modern plastic windows are made using massive and truly reliable fittings. It guarantees trouble-free operation of structures for many years. But even highly reliable mechanisms require periodic maintenance and adjustment. It is possible to perform such operations with your own hands. It is enough to stock up on simple working tools and understand the key components of PVC structures.

Adjustment of PVC windows

The plastic window is adjusted using a screwdriver (Phillips) designed for several different sizes, a set of hexagons, star and cross-shaped nozzles marked TX or T, machine oil and pliers. No other devices will be needed. In most cases, it is possible to adjust windows using a hexagon (popularly called a furniture wrench). Such a tool may have the shape of the letter S. But more often it is made in the form of an L-shaped metal rod that can easily handle.

Star-type nozzles are used infrequently. With their help, it is possible to restore the functionality of a plastic window with your own hands using rarely found types of fittings. In other cases, all problems that prevent the window from closing or opening can be solved using an ordinary Phillips screwdriver. There are several points for customizing window designs. They are the same for all PVC products, regardless of which company manufactured them. The adjustment points are located:

  • In the area of ​​the upper loop. This point makes it possible to adjust the top of the window sashes horizontally.
  • In the bottom loop. A point for restoring normal horizontal operation of the lower corner of the sash, as well as its vertical position.
  • In the locking (lower) journal and in the area of ​​the eccentric journal. This point is used to calibrate the pressing force of the window sash.

If the indicated points are deformed, it is prohibited to adjust the windows yourself. In such cases, you need to contact specialists. Sometimes, after long-term use of window structures, they become clogged with dust and small debris, which should be removed and then the planned work should be carried out.

It is advisable to carry out technical inspection of PVC structures regularly. Such an inspection of the condition of the windows will not be superfluous. But they need to be adjusted directly as needed. Note that even in cases where the initial configuration of the structures was carried out to the highest possible quality, certain problems may arise when using them. They are usually associated with violations of the tightness and integrity (structural) of windows, breakage of the fasteners used, and violations of the recommended operating rules for plastic products.

Strengthening the window handle

By independently adjusting PVC window structures, you can solve the following problems:

  • Sagging of the sash (its lower part). A common failure. This leads to the fact that the sash clings to the frame when opening. The problem can be easily solved. You need to calibrate the lift of the sash (either vertically or horizontally), and the latter will close perfectly again, without hitting anything in its path.
  • Blowing is a noticeable draft from under the heat-insulating layer. IN in this case You will need to adjust the sash pressure.
  • Loose handle. This kind of malfunction occurs quite often. The situation is corrected by tightening a small plate, which is located under the plug.
  • Adhesion to the frame of the middle part of the sash, which is why the window does not close well. In this case, adjusting the sash lift helps. The adjusted element will again function flawlessly.

Another common problem is difficulty turning the window handle. This problem occurs either due to a lack of lubrication or due to improper lowering of the sash. You will either need to lubricate the problematic product with machine oil, or disassemble the handle and adjust the stroke of its roller. Next, we will tell you in more detail how to properly adjust plastic windows in order to solve all the problems described.

First, let's look at how to adjust a window product vertically. Everything here is elementary. Find the location of the hinged bottom hinge, open the plug under which it is hidden. Insert the hexagon into the special hole and begin to carefully rotate it clockwise. This will cause the sash to rise. If you rotate the tool in the opposite direction, the sash will lower. Windows are calibrated horizontally in the same way. This setup allows you to solve various problems with plastic structures.

Plastic window calibration

If you need to fix a slight bevel of a window or a shift in its frame, you will need to remove the cover from the bottom hinge and use a furniture key according to the scheme already described above. Horizontal calibration makes it possible to adjust the window from both the inside and the outside. In other words, you can easily adjust the window structure in a closed or open state. In practice, everything looks like this. Insert the hexagon and turn it.

When rotating counterclockwise, the lower section of the window structure will begin to lower. If you turn the adjusting key in the opposite direction, the bottom of the window will begin to rise.

Horizontal adjustments can also be made on the upper hinge of the structure. This need arises if a plastic window does not close well. Here you need to know one nuance. Such calibration is carried out only when the window is open. The principle of setting remains unchanged. Let us add that the shift of the sashes with the described repair methods is carried out by no more than 2 mm.

The seal located around the perimeter of PVC products loses its original volume over time. This causes gaps to appear in the heat and. A similar situation can arise due to temperature changes outside. Some people immediately turn to specialists for help. They advise replacing the seal. As a result, restoring the window structure costs a pretty penny. But the problem can be solved more simply. It is enough to slightly change the clamping force to return the window to its heat and sound insulation characteristics.

At the end of the window sashes there are special oval cylinders. These protruding elements are called eccentrics (or trunnions). You will find them in the slots of the metal plugs. On the window frame there are hooks into which the above pins enter when you turn the window handle. You can change the pressing force of the sash in two ways - by moving the hooks and turning the trunnions. You need to turn the protruding section of the eccentric towards the outer surface of the PVC structure (if you need to reduce the amount of force) or towards the inner surface (when you need to increase the force).

Do-it-yourself PVC window setup

Take note! The calibration methods for fittings from different manufacturers differ from each other. There are three ways to adjust the clamping force:

  1. If there is a special slot on the trunnion, insert a flat-head screwdriver into the last one and turn the eccentric slightly.
  2. If there is no slot, you need to remove the pin with pliers and then turn it.
  3. Grab the eccentric with pliers, lightly tighten it, and then turn it.

In cases where it is impossible to adjust the trunnions, you can try to calibrate the hooks. They are usually secured with two bolts. You need to loosen these hardware with a hexagon and move the adjustable element (hook) towards the street (if you want to increase the pressure) or towards the room (to reduce the pressure).

Experts do not advise excessively clamping the window frame and its sash. The design in this case will not close and open better. But early wear of the seal is guaranteed. If you want your home to always have an ideal microclimate, readjust the sash pressure twice a year. Tighten them tighter before the onset of cold weather (then in winter the cold air will not penetrate into the room at all) and loosen them in the spring so that a small air flow enters the home.

Handles on plastic products are subject to the greatest load. We constantly open and close windows and do not always do it carefully. The result of such carelessness is the loosening of the handle. Fixing this situation is very simple. Find a rectangular trim under the loose part, pry it up with your fingers (do not use metal tools, as they can damage the edge of the plug or even the profile itself) and turn it 90°. Bolts will open in front of you. Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten them, then return the trim to its place.

Self-repair of PVC windows

It is more difficult to cope with a handle that does not reach any given position or noticeably jams. First, dismantle the closing mechanism, thoroughly clean its internal parts, and then treat them with oil (machine oil). If this does not solve the problem, try reducing the clamping force on the sash. You will need to adjust the hooks and trunnions. We discussed this technique in detail in previous section articles.

Sometimes the handle gets stuck. There is an opinion that such a malfunction definitely requires replacing the device that closes the window. This is wrong. Moreover, you don’t even have to dismantle the handle to wedge it. The problem in this case arises because the locking device on the PVC structure does not work correctly. The problem can be corrected simply - at the end of the sash, find the locking lever (it can be made in the form of a clip or in the form of a small tongue) and carefully move it away. This is all. The functionality of the pen has been restored!

And one last thing. Hinged PVC windows are equipped with two hinges. These elements can be calibrated independently using a screw. A similar operation is performed to improve the functionality of the loops. By turning the screw in different directions, you adjust the degree of their pressure, which means you can choose the optimal ventilation mode for your home. The adjustment range for the hinges is within 2.5 mm. Now you know how to properly adjust a plastic window. Don’t waste your family budget by calling experts to repair PVC structures. After all, you can solve almost all problems with windows yourself.
