UFO Quakers. Quakers, Bioducks and Bloop: What's Hiding at the Bottom of the Ocean

The mid-20th century was marked by the discovery of a phenomenon to which science could not give an answer. In the depths of the ocean, unidentified underwater objects began to be recorded that made sounds reminiscent of the croaking of frogs. The objects received the appropriate name - Quakers.

Sea man. Unidentified underwater objects in the ocean

Before the discovery of the Quakers, reports of meetings with the mysterious sea man were not taken seriously, although there were many such cases. Stories told by sailors on this topic have existed for a long time and were passed on from mouth to mouth. But the Quakers took this issue to a completely different level. It has become impossible to ignore this problem - submarines different countries Unidentified underwater objects began to be recorded with enviable regularity. The concept of "Quaker" appeared in official documents.

The British and Americans first encountered this phenomenon during the Second World War. Their hydroacoustic equipment, superior to German equipment at that time, picked up strange sounds from the ocean. As a result, they concluded that Germany has a new secret weapon. In panic, the Allies classified this fact and did not return to it until the end of the war.

Reports of the observation of Quakers by Soviet sailors appeared already in the 50s in connection with the use of submarines of the 611 and 613 series. Here is what an eyewitness to such a meeting, the commander of a submarine of the Northern Fleet, said: “When we went out into the Norwegian Sea, our acoustician heard that under We are surrounded by water by certain enemies who act very energetically. They actively perform maneuvers, both vertically and horizontally. Their sounds are unknown to us and cannot be classified. At first it seems that an unknown enemy is attacking, but then the sounds disintegrate. Everyone is in shock. Having returned to the base, we report to the command about what happened. The command is also in shock. Immediately a question to science: what is it? But science cannot say anything; it itself does not understand anything...”

Underwater civilization. Quakers - mysterious signals in the ocean

What is special about Quaker signals? This mystery of the ocean depths caused such confusion among scientists and military personnel, since the nature of the sounds was sharply different from other underwater noises coming from the water column. Quakers in the ocean behaved consciously. Witnesses said that they had the impression that unidentified underwater objects were trying to establish contact. As they swam around the submarines, the frequency and tone of their signals changed. Mysterious creatures actively responded to hydroacoustic signals from submarines, accompanying the submarines until they left a certain area. Then the Quakers sounded a farewell signal and left. No aggressive actions were noted on their part, and their presence did not cause any negative phenomena on submarines. However, until the Quakers left, the submarine crews were in a state of tension.

It should be said that the military did not immediately understand that we were talking about unidentified underwater objects. Some NATO countries for a long time seriously believed that the objects they encountered were nothing more than the latest Russian developments. However, in the end it was concluded that modern technologies do not allow the creation of devices that move underwater at a speed of, for example, 400 km/h. Assumptions were made that an underwater civilization still exists, after which a number of studies were carried out in in this direction. However, nothing was reported about their results.

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There are known cases when these objects are pursued by submarines, which is accompanied by characteristic acoustic signals reminiscent of the croaking of a frog, which is why submariners nicknamed them “Quakers.”

During the Cold War, the military suspected that these were miniature American submarines, or stationary objects, the purpose of which was to find direction to the boat of a potential enemy. Every year, “Quakers” were encountered more and more often, as a rule, starting from a depth of 200 meters. Their range of action has expanded from the Barents Sea to the North Atlantic. The hypothesis that these were stationary objects had to be discarded: the “Quakers” pursued the boats, changing course after them, which indicated their mobility. If they are autonomous, then someone must control them, or it must be a robot with artificial intelligence, which would be too expensive even for the United States.

Those who heard the “Quakers” had a strong impression of awareness of the actions of unknown sound sources. It seemed that the "Quakers", appearing from nowhere, were persistently trying to establish contact. Judging by the continuously changing bearing, they circled around our submarines and, changing the tone and frequency of the signals, seemed to invite the submariners to talk, actively responding to hydroacoustic “messages” from the boats.

The Quakers themselves did not pose a threat to submarines. Accompanying our submarines, they followed side by side until they left some area, and then, croaking for the last time, they disappeared as imperceptibly as they had appeared. In all these years there was not a single known clash with the Quakers, and, moreover, the impression was created that the Quakers were actively demonstrating their friendliness.

Over time NGO and the “Quakers” began to seriously worry the Navy command. By the decision of the Minister of Defense Marshal A.A. Grechko, a special group was created at the Navy Intelligence Directorate to systematize and analyze all unexplained phenomena, occurring in the World Ocean, which could pose a danger to our ships. Officers charged with collecting information traveled throughout the fleets, collecting everything that was somehow related to the problem. The Commander-in-Chief ordered the organization of a series of ocean expeditions. One of them, the expedition of the Khariton Laptev reconnaissance ship in April 1970 coincided with the death of our nuclear submarine K-8 in the North Atlantic. Having interrupted listening and recording the sounds of the ocean, the Laptev rushed to the dying nuclear-powered ship and managed to save most of the crew.

In the early 1980s, the Quaker program was closed. The group was disbanded, and all accumulated materials and developments on the topic disappeared in the naval archives under the heading “Top Secret”. It remains unclear why the group disbanded so suddenly, and what they managed to find out about the “Quakers”?

Some of the group's former employees believe that the "Quakers" are unknown living beings with high level intelligence. This is quite likely, because there is a huge amount of evidence about unknown inhabitants of the ocean depths. This version is adhered to, first of all, by employees of the St. Petersburg branch of the Institute of Seas of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who at one time were involved in the “Quaker” topic.

The prehistoric cetacean Basilosaurus had a snake-like shape

Perhaps this is a subspecies of a giant eel or even a plesiosaur. Or “Quakers” belong to some subspecies of giant architeuris squid, whose dead carcasses are periodically thrown ashore by waves. Unknown architeuris may well mistake submarines for their natural enemies - sperm whales. The behavior of the “Quakers” speaks against this version; they do not flee, but make themselves known and show neither fear nor aggression.

The presence of sensory organs operating in the acoustic range makes it probable that the “Quakers” have some features of cetaceans, and then their interest in submarines is understandable. For example, the prehistoric cetacean Basilosaurus had a serpentine shape, lived at great depths, and most likely had the same sound-transmitting organs as modern whales and dolphins. Perhaps creatures similar to basilosaurs still inhabit the depths of the ocean. They may even have evolved and now make daring forays into the upper ocean and get very excited when they encounter mysterious NGOs there, i.e. our submarines.

Decoders who have studied the recorded Quaker signals also disagree. Some believe that these are signals of technical origin, while others hear something alive. At one time it was believed that “croaking” was the work of female killer whales, who made very similar sounds during mating games. However, killer whales have not become extinct and continue to mate calmly even today, when the “Quakers” have disappeared somewhere. They appeared in the early 70s, peaked between 1975 and 1980, and then disappeared within five years. Since the 90s, there has not been a single official report of meetings with “Quakers”.

The version that the "Quakers" are submarines aliens, is not particularly popular among special group officers, although it is not completely ruled out. Perhaps it is aliens escort submarines passing over their underwater bases and escort boats out of these areas.

The most obvious version suggests that the “Quakers” are secret developments of the Americans, who are trying to use them to detect our submarines. Quite often (though not always), soon after the appearance of the Quakers, American anti-submarine ships appeared in the area where our submarines were located. However, it has been noted that the areas where sea serpents are most frequently spotted also coincide with areas where powerful NATO anti-submarine forces are located. Apparently, Americans are also concerned about giant sea creatures. In the early 90s, there was a report in the press that the US Navy was intensively studying the ocean floor and searching for unknown inhabitants of great depths, whose signals were repeatedly recorded and allegedly even partially deciphered. Perhaps they were talking about the same mysterious “Quakers”?

We can only guess why the research stopped so suddenly and who is hiding under the name “Quakers” - living beings still unknown to science, secret US intelligence facilities, or alien submarines.

In the middle of the 20th century. sailors had to deal with a strange phenomenon that cannot be explained using traditional science. At first, stories about encounters in the ocean depths with mysterious humanoid creatures were passed on from mouth to mouth. They were not given much importance until the stories became more and more numerous and it became simply impossible to ignore them. In some places of the World Ocean, submarines of many countries observed unidentified objects. These meetings were preceded by strange sounds that were recorded by hydroacoustics.

The signals strongly resembled the croaking of frogs, so the unidentified objects emitting them began to be called Quakers. At first, this name was present only in oral stories, but gradually migrated to official documents containing information about encounters with strange objects. However, it soon became clear that with the mysterious Quakers we had to meet before. It turned out that the Americans and the British had already dealt with them during the Second World War. At that time, the Allied army had more advanced sonar equipment than the German army. During the battles in the Atlantic, equipment recorded strange sounds from the depths of the water. The Americans and British decided that the Germans had new weapons, which caused genuine panic. As a result, data about this event was classified, and the problem was not returned to until after the war.

Soviet sailors began observing Quakers around the beginning of the 1950s, when submarines of the 611 and 613 series began to be used. These submarines had a more advanced acoustic system, so they were able to pick up sounds inaccessible to their predecessors. Here is the story of one of the eyewitnesses of the meeting with the Quakers, commander submarines of the Northern Fleet: “We go out into the Norwegian Sea, and suddenly the acoustician hears that we are surrounded by some enemies under water, and these enemies are acting very energetically: they are actively maneuvering around vertically and horizontally, their sounds are unknown to us, and we cannot classify them. Sometimes it seems that an unknown enemy is attacking, then the sounds disintegrate. Everyone is in shock. Upon returning to the base, we, the commanders, report on what happened. Now the command is in shock. The immediate question is: what does science say? But science is silent, because it itself doesn’t understand a damn thing...” Why are these strange signals, the source of which is considered to be the mysterious Quakers, remarkable? After all, many other equally mysterious sounds are heard from the ocean depths. The fact is that the sounds born by Quakers are very different from other underwater noises. Eyewitnesses claim that they had the impression that the unknown signal sources carried out their actions quite consciously. It was as if the Quakers were suddenly appearing and trying to make contact with the sailors.

From the stories it becomes clear that the Quakers swam around the submarines, and the frequency and tone of their signals changed, as if they wanted to establish a dialogue. Mysterious creatures especially responded to hydroacoustic signals from boats. After some time, the Quakers sailed away, but only to return later. Sailors from Russian submarines said that the Quakers sailed nearby until the submarines left an area, then they gave a farewell signal and disappeared. There was never any aggression on their part; their appearance did not have any negative effect on the submarines. The Quakers, on the contrary, seemed to be showing their love of peace. But the submarine commanders were still afraid of the appearance of mysterious underwater objects. After all, they appeared unexpectedly and crossed the submarine’s course, but if the submarine changed course, then the unidentified object crossed it again. Despite the fact that in all the years of observing the Quakers they had not attempted an attack, the crews of the submarines were constantly in suspense when meeting them.

Not only submarines had to deal with mysterious phenomena. Crews of surface ships can also report strange incidents. For example, the ship Vladimir Vorobyov was conducting oceanographic research in the Arabian Sea, and one day the team noticed a luminous white spot rotating around the ship counterclockwise. Gradually, it broke up into eight equal parts. Using an echo sounder, the depth under the ship was measured, which was 170 m, and under the keel of the ship at a depth of about 20 m there was a strange mass, from which a light vibrating sound came. In April 1970, the reconnaissance ship " Khariton Laptev was listening to ocean noises, but was forced to interrupt his activities as he rushed to the aid of the distressed Soviet submarine K-8. It was possible to save most of the crew.

To solve the problem with Quakers in the Northern Fleet, the commander of the fleet, Admiral G. M. Egorov, created a freelance special group, which was headed by the chief of staff of the fleet. The group also included the head of the analytical department, Anatoly Grigorievich Smolovsky, who subsequently wrote many serious works dedicated to the Quakers.
In the 1960s There was a lot of fuss about UFOs. There were also many reports of sightings of unidentified underwater objects (UNOs). For the Soviet navy this problem was also relevant. The command of the USSR Navy was extremely skeptical about reports of various anomalous phenomena and did not welcome conversations about it. However, the messages became more and more numerous, and it was simply impossible not to report them.
If it was previously customary to turn a blind eye to reports of strange objects, then at some point the problem of NGOs and Quakers nevertheless became relevant for the Navy command. Defense Minister Marshal A. A. Grechko ordered the creation of a special group within the intelligence department, which included several officers. The task of the special group was to study, systematize and analyze all strange phenomena that occur in ocean waters and could become dangerous for Soviet ships.

The created group took on a job that had many difficulties, because no one had done such work before. Members of the group had to travel to the fleets and collect any information that in one way or another related to NGOs. In addition, several expeditions were organized to detect mysterious signals in the water.
Sailors from other countries also met with mysterious Quakers. There is especially a lot of evidence of encounters with them among Americans. In America, a real hunt for NGOs and Quakers began. The US Air Force had a state-of-the-art global sonar tracking system (SOSUS), which it used to search for Soviet nuclear submarines. The system covered part of the Pacific Ocean and the entire Atlantic. In the 1960s The first parts of SOSUS were installed, and in 1991, civilian scientists were allowed to use the system, as happened with Professor K. Fox. Listening posts were located at a depth of several hundred meters; they could recognize most sounds, for example, whale singing, the friction of icebergs on the ocean floor, the roar of submarine propellers, underwater earthquakes.

In addition to completely natural sounds, SOSUS also picks up unidentified signals. With the help of a hydroacoustic system, it was possible to establish that broadcasts from unknown sources are spreading throughout almost the entire ocean. Long waves are recorded by sensors located in different parts of the planet. These are mainly low-frequency waves, reminiscent of the sounds made by operating equipment. The signals were recorded on a tape recorder and played back at increased speed. It turned out that they are quite distinguishable to human hearing, in addition, there are several different types signals, each of which has its own characteristics. Researchers categorize them as "whistle", "howl", "train" and "braking". Professor Fox, a leading expert on ocean acoustic signals, describes some sounds as follows: "Take 'braking' for example." This sound, similar to that made by a plane landing, first appeared in 1997 in the Pacific Ocean. Now he has moved to the Atlantic. The source is located far from hydrophones, and we cannot detect it.”

From 1991 to 1994, the system recorded a constant signal, called “ascending”. He sounded like he was making sense. Then he suddenly disappeared. A few years later it was possible to detect it again, and the signal became stronger and more diverse. US Navy experts and civilian scientists are conducting their research in parallel with each other, but so far neither one nor the other can figure out the strange sound. They are unable to establish where the source of the signal is, who it belongs to, and to whom it is addressed. The signal source seems to be specially located far from the hydrophones, and at the same time is constantly moving. Such sound sources are called ISO - unidentified sound objects. Scientists are faced with the question: who produces these sounds: unknown sea animals, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, or a mysterious underwater race?

In March 1966, tests on long-distance underwater communications were carried out in the USA. A kilometer-long antenna was laid along the continental shelf. A ship went out to sea, to the bottom of which locators lowered down were attached. With the beginning of the experiment, anomalous events began. At first they picked up a signal, then something similar to its repetition, as if it was an echo, then mysterious, as if coded messages began to be heard. The experiment was carried out several more times and constantly received similar data. Colonel Alex Sanders participated in the experiment, who noted that it was like “someone down there, receiving our signal, imitating it in order to attract our attention, and then he began to transmit his message on the same wavelength.” It was possible to detect the source of the signal, which was located at a depth of 8000 m in a virtually unexplored area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists were unable to understand the strangeness of the signal, so it was decided to stop the experiment, calling it a failure.

Only in 1996 were the records obtained during that experiment entered into the most advanced Pentagon computers. U.S. Navy cryptographers never released the data obtained from decrypting the recordings. However, military oceanologists began to actively study the bottom in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where the sounds came from. The US military is also busy developing new methods of long-distance underwater communication. Professor K. Fox described the situation with mysterious underwater sounds: “Nobody really knows what can be heard from underwater creatures.” It is also strange that unidentified objects are capable of developing incredibly higher speed. For the past hundred years, from the waters of the Gulf of Thailand and the Persian Gulf, from the Strait of Malacca and the South China Sea, messages have been coming from merchant and military ships about luminous lights and strange objects under water.

Over the past few years, strange sounds have been increasingly heard from one of the deepest places in the world's oceans - the Mindanao underwater canyon, which is 9,000 m deep. To study these sounds, an expedition was to be sent to that area, which would include researchers and experts from National Administration for Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences of the United States. Great hopes were placed on this expedition. But there was talk about it for several years, but the expedition itself still could not take place. It may have been cancelled, but it is also possible that it took place, but the data obtained as a result of the research is classified.

In prehistoric times, the cetacean Zeglodon lived in the ocean at great depths, which had a snake-like shape and is believed to have sound transmission organs like those of whales or dolphins. Perhaps a descendant of this animal still lives somewhere in the ocean and makes mysterious sounds. In the early 1980s. research, dedicated to the problem Quakers were suddenly folded. The officers were sent to other assignments, the scientists returned to their laboratories. All data received on this topic was classified and sent to the archives of the General Staff. The reason why all the materials were classified as “Top Secret” is clear. America simply wants to hide its priorities in such a delicate matter and most likely transfer all documents into one hand to avoid information leakage. And yet, what have we been able to learn about the mysterious Quakers so far?

Severodvinsk secrets: the nuclear submarine was destroyed by the “Quakers”? Exactly 20 years ago, the author of these lines first wrote about the mysteries of the death of the Soviet nuclear submarine K-219, built in Severodvinsk, in the Bermuda Triangle in 1986.

But then there was a nuance that I still didn’t raise my hand to write about at that time - there was a fear that I wouldn’t make a mistake... However, recent publications by scientists confirm this version: “K-219” could well have died from the influence of an NGO - an unidentified underwater object...

This version is now increasingly heard both in the specialized press (mostly English-language) and in the Russian press. In a program broadcast on one of the TV channels not long ago, well-known admirals, former naval intelligence officers and representatives of the special services spoke quite openly about miraculous unidentified underwater objects.

That broadcast forced me to pick up the recordings of conversations with the famous Soviet submariner, captain 1st rank Nikolai Alekseevich Tushin, who died untimely, and former deputy commander of the Severodvinsk brigade of nuclear-powered ships under construction. In the 80s of the last century, it was he who was part of a rather narrow circle of Navy specialists who were allowed to accept nuclear submarines built in Severodvinsk at Sevmash into the fleet.

Due to his duty, he was obliged to know about all the nuances of underwater accidents that happened to our atomic marines from time to time.

That rather frank conversation of ours took place after he was transferred to the reserve, just when the most secret secrets of the Soviet ocean fleet began to be declassified little by little. True, he spoke about the secrets of secrets quite sparingly and tactfully, apparently fearing to become some kind of source of unnecessary sensation. Submariners do not like sensations and believe only their own eyes and ears. Well, perhaps the time has come to reveal some of the Soviet secrets directly related to Severodvinsk.

So, the fact is that the underwater object, as a result of a collision with which, died, sinking at a depth of more than four kilometers, the strategic submarine "K-219" with two nuclear reactors and 16 ballistic nuclear missiles on board, was miraculous, Nikolai Alekseevich had no doubt.

By the way, it was from him that I first heard about the troubles Soviet (and American, British, and French) nuclear submariners suffered from the so-called “Quakers.” He said that experienced sailors take conversations about underwater “unidentified objects” quite seriously.

According to Tushin, he himself, like many submarine commanders, saw luminous balls and cylinders in the ocean. Almost every submariner has such a “cherished” story. But somehow it was not customary then to expand on these topics. They will still consider him crazy and write him off the crew. You never know what you'll dream about in the autonomous environment? Moreover, few people recorded encounters with such objects using instruments.

Even now, little is known about them, about these invisible creatures croaking throughout the entire ocean. What kind of phenomenon this is, no one can say either - no one has seen it. They began to be heard several decades ago, when more or less sensitive hydroacoustic equipment appeared on submarines, primarily nuclear ones, which could listen to the ocean in many sectors of the underwater sound spectrum.

In the 70s of the last century, so-called unidentified floating objects and “Quakers” began to seriously bother submariners. The Navy Intelligence Directorate even created a special group to systematize and analyze all the inexplicable phenomena occurring in the World Ocean. A special group of military men and scientists worked on this problem in Severodvinsk until 1989, almost until the collapse of the USSR.

The Quakers' range of action expanded from the Barents Sea to the Middle Atlantic, including the very Bermuda Triangle in which our K-219 atomic bomb perished. However, the version about the man-made origin of the mysterious underwater sounds was rather weak: even the rich US cannot afford such expenses. Imagine how much you need to spend to entangle the entire ocean with some kind of acoustic “croaking” stations and wires...

These mysterious objects stubbornly pursued our (and not only ours) submarines, and this pursuit was accompanied by characteristic acoustic signals reminiscent of the croaking of a frog, which is why the submariners nicknamed them “Quakers.”

A paradoxical situation was created: the terribly secret Soviet reconnaissance expeditions came to the conclusion that the “Quakers” were, after all, some kind of secret NATO development aimed at finding our submarines.

And the Americans, who also studied the mysterious phenomenon in detail, with the same tenacity reported “to the top” that this was a top-secret development of the USSR for detecting foreign submarines. It is possible that if then the efforts of scientists from the USSR and the USA had united to study this incomprehensible phenomenon, the problem would still have been “split.” But there was a Cold War...

Those who actually heard the Quakers had a strong impression of awareness of the actions of unknown sources of the mysterious sound. It might even seem that the Quakers, appearing from nowhere, were persistently trying to establish contact. Judging by the constantly changing bearing, they circled around our submarines and, changing the tone and frequency of the signals, seemed to invite the submariners to talk, actively responding to hydroacoustic “messages” from the sides of the submarines.

In fact, the Quakers themselves did not pose a threat to submarines as such. But another thing is that some hydroacoustics developed a kind of mania - they were afraid to go on duty. They were afraid of going crazy from the mysterious sounds of the “Quakers”...

According to Nikolai Alekseevich Tushin, from whom I first seriously heard the version about the miraculousness and objective reality of the existence of the “Quakers,” sometimes the submariners even got the impression that mysterious objects were actively demonstrating their friendliness.

The famous, most experienced nuclear submariner, who was allowed to command control of almost all projects of Soviet nuclear submarines built in Severodvinsk, even admitted that we are dealing with some unknown underwater civilization that scientists have not yet reached... And indeed, it is still quite limited ( at least by the size of the planet) the underwater world has been studied by us much less than the bottomless space!

The author of these lines, who served in the submarine fleet for a sufficient number of years, once, while still a lieutenant, somehow had the opportunity to hear “Quakers.” Another lieutenant, the commander of the hydroacoustic group, invited me into his control room and handed me headphones: there was indeed something “croaking” (there’s no other way to say it), and with a certain, constant frequency. It was somehow uneasy: psychologically it seemed that the sounds were being made by some unknown animal.

Moreover, as I remember now, our boat was then moving at low speeds at a depth of exactly 250 meters, without changing course. As soon as we surfaced to 120 meters, the “croaking” in the acoustician’s headphones stopped. I also remember that the commander ordered not to make an entry about these sounds in the logbook: they say, I’m tired of these “frogs”, nothing new.

By the end of the 1980s, the Soviet secret research program Quaker began to wind down. A special closed group of scientists also left Severodvinsk. Firstly, there was no money in the USSR, which was then collapsing before our eyes, and secondly, Gorbachev started a “great love” with the USA, why should we catch “almost friends” on some “Quakers”? The most interesting thing is that the sounds of “Quakers” in the ocean also by that time... disappeared - as if someone told the “unidentified” that no one was interested in them anymore. Since the 90s of the last century there has not been a single meeting with them!

But let’s return to the death of the Soviet Severodvinsk-built submarine “K-219” in the Bermuda Triangle, very close to land borders USA. As established by a special commission, with the results of whose work Nikolai Alekseevich was familiar in detail, the cause of the accident was a certain “incident” in the missile silo, which for some reason depressurized, and the subsequent leak of super-toxic and super-active rocket fuel into the missile compartment. Then a fire broke out with all that it entailed.

As a result of experimental checks, situation modeling and careful analysis, it was proven that this was not the fault of the crew. There was influence of external factors. Why was the rocket crushed? How did water get into the missile silo housing? Official reports contain photographs that confirm that a deep groove ran along the hull of the K-219. It was she who broke the seal of one of the missile silos. It was she who allowed the sea water to crush the rocket!

The commission that investigated the disaster made a preliminary conclusion that such an “external factor” was a foreign submarine. However, in a whisper, the same commission members said: there’s still something wrong here... Soviet intelligence agents reported that after the death of the K-219, not a single foreign submarine was repaired at any NATO shipyard. But, having collided with the Soviet one, it should have received considerable damage!

But the one who voiced a different version could then be considered crazy - well, they say, what other unknown underwater objects are there? UFOs are more than enough to excite the public! The fact that the deep groove on the hull of the K-219 did not have a metallic color, which would have been formed after a serious collision with another submarine, but a completely different one (as if bluish paint had been poured on), was not mentioned in the commission’s reports. "Just in case".

However, the experienced Severodvinsk submariner Tushin was sure that it was precisely that mysterious force that sank the K-219, but in those days it was not customary to talk about this out loud, so the “anomalous” version was timidly voiced only years after the disaster. So unidentified underwater objects, like the “Quakers,” remain unsolved mysteries of the World Ocean.

Well, the mysterious object from the Bermuda Triangle, willingly or unwillingly (maybe by accident), actually became the killer of the Soviet submarine born in Severodvinsk...

In the photo: nuclear submarine “K-219” after an accident in the Bermuda Triangle with the wheelhouse rudders “falling” due to lack of pressure in the hydraulic system. The photo was taken from aboard a US Navy Sea King helicopter.


In the middle of the 20th century. sailors had to deal with a strange phenomenon that cannot be explained using traditional science. At first, stories about encounters in the ocean depths with mysterious humanoid creatures were passed on from mouth to mouth. They were not given much importance until the stories became more and more numerous and it became impossible to turn a blind eye to them.

In some places of the World Ocean, submarines of many countries observed unidentified objects. These meetings were preceded by strange sounds that were recorded by hydroacoustics. The signals strongly resembled the croaking of frogs, so the unidentified objects emitting them began to be called Quakers. At first, this name was present only in oral stories, but gradually migrated to official documents containing information about encounters with strange objects.

However, it soon became clear that they had encountered mysterious Quakers before. It turned out that the Americans and the British had already dealt with them during the Second World War. At that time, the Allied army had more advanced sonar equipment than the German army. During the battles in the Atlantic, equipment recorded strange sounds from the depths of the water. The Americans and British decided that the Germans had new weapons, which caused genuine panic. As a result, data about this event was classified, and the problem was not returned to until after the war.

Soviet sailors began observing Quakers around the beginning of the 1950s, when submarines of the 611 and 613 series began to be used. These submarines had a more advanced acoustic system, so they were able to pick up sounds that were inaccessible to their predecessors.

Here's the story one of the eyewitnesses of the meeting with the Quakers, commander of the submarine of the Northern Fleet: “We go out into the Norwegian Sea, and suddenly the acoustician hears that we are surrounded by some enemies under water, and these enemies are acting very energetically: they are actively maneuvering around vertically and horizontally, their sounds are unknown to us, and we cannot classify. Sometimes it seems that an unknown enemy is attacking, then the sounds disintegrate. Everyone is in shock. Upon returning to the base, we, the commanders, report on what happened. Now the command is in shock. The immediate question is: what does science say? But science is silent, because it doesn’t understand a damn thing...”

Why are these strange signals, the source of which is considered to be the mysterious Quakers, remarkable? After all, many other equally mysterious sounds are heard from the ocean depths. The fact is that the sounds born by Quakers are very different from other underwater noises. Eyewitnesses claim that they had the impression that the unknown signal sources carried out their actions quite consciously. It was as if the Quakers were suddenly appearing and trying to make contact with the sailors.

From the stories it becomes clear that Quakers swam around submarines, and the frequency and tone of their signals changed, as if they wanted to establish a dialogue. Mysterious creatures especially responded to hydroacoustic signals from boats. After some time, the Quakers sailed away, but only to return later. Sailors from Russian submarines said that the Quakers sailed nearby until the submarines left an area, then they gave a farewell signal and disappeared. There was never any aggression on their part; their appearance did not have any negative effect on the submarines. The Quakers, on the contrary, seemed to show their love of peace.

But submarine commanders were still afraid of the appearance of mysterious underwater objects. After all, they appeared unexpectedly and crossed the submarine’s course, but if the submarine changed course, then the unidentified object crossed it again. Despite the fact that in all the years of observing the Quakers they had not attempted an attack, the crews of the submarines were constantly in suspense when meeting them.

Not only submarines had to deal with mysterious phenomena. Crews of surface ships can also report strange incidents. For example, the ship Vladimir Vorobyov was conducting oceanographic research in the Arabian Sea, and one day the team noticed a luminous white spot rotating around the ship counterclockwise. Gradually it broke up into eight equal parts.

Using an echo sounder, the depth under the ship was measured, which was 170 m, and under the keel of the ship at a depth of about 20 m there was a strange mass from which a slight vibrating sound came.

In April 1970, the Khariton Laptev reconnaissance ship was listening to ocean noises, but was forced to interrupt its activities as it rushed to the aid of the distressed Soviet submarine K-8. It was possible to save most of the crew.

To solve the problem with Quakers in the Northern Fleet, the fleet commander, Admiral G. M. Egorov a freelance special group was created, which was headed by the chief of staff of the fleet. The group also included the head of the analytical department, Anatoly Grigorievich Smolovsky, who subsequently wrote many serious works dedicated to the Quakers.

In the 1960s There was a lot of fuss about UFOs. There have also been many reports of sightings of unidentified underwater objects (UUs). For the Soviet navy, this problem was also relevant. The command of the USSR Navy was extremely skeptical about reports of various anomalous phenomena and did not welcome conversations about it. However, the messages became more and more numerous, and it was simply impossible not to report them.

If it was previously customary to turn a blind eye to reports of strange objects, then at some point the problem of NGOs and Quakers nevertheless became relevant for the Navy command. Defense Minister Marshal A. A. Grechko ordered the creation of a special group within the intelligence department, which included several officers. The task of the special group was to study, systematize and analyze all strange phenomena that occur in ocean waters and could become dangerous for Soviet ships.

The educated group took on a job that had many difficulties, because no one had done similar work before. Members of the group had to travel around the fleets and collect any possible information that was somehow related to NGOs. In addition, several expeditions were organized to detect mysterious signals in the water.

Sailors from other countries also met with mysterious Quakers. Americans especially have a lot of evidence of encounters with them.

The real thing has literally begun in America. hunt for NGOs and Quakers. The US Air Force had a state-of-the-art global sonar tracking system (SOSUS), which it used to search for Soviet nuclear submarines. The system covered part of the Pacific Ocean and the entire Atlantic. In the 1960s The first parts of SOSUS were installed, and in 1991, civilian scientists were allowed to use the system, as happened with Professor K. Fox.

Listening posts were located at a depth of several hundred meters; they could recognize most sounds, for example, the singing of whales, the friction of icebergs on the ocean floor, the hum of submarine propellers, and underwater earthquakes.

In addition to completely natural sounds, SOSUS also picks up unidentified signals. With the help of a hydroacoustic system, it was possible to establish that broadcasts from unknown sources are spreading throughout almost the entire ocean. Long waves are recorded by sensors located in different parts of the planet. These are mainly low-frequency waves, reminiscent of the sounds made by operating equipment. The signals were recorded on a tape recorder and played back at increased speed. It turned out that they are quite distinguishable to human hearing, in addition, there are several different types of signals, each of which has its own characteristics. Researchers divide them into “whistle,” “howl,” “train,” and “braking.”

Professor Fox, a leading expert on ocean acoustic signals, describes some sounds this way: "Take 'braking.'" This sound, similar to that of an airplane landing, first appeared in the Pacific Ocean in 1997. Now it has moved to Atlantic. The source is located far from hydrophones, and we cannot detect it.”

From 1991 to 1994, the system recorded a constant signal, called "rising". He sounded like he was making sense. Then he suddenly disappeared. A few years later it was possible to detect it again, and the signal became stronger and more diverse. US Navy experts and civilian scientists are conducting their research in parallel with each other, but so far neither one nor the other can understand the strange signal. They are unable to establish where the source of the signal is or who it is to. belongs and to whom it is addressed. The signal source seems to be specially located far from the hydrophones, and at the same time is constantly moving. Such sound sources are called NZO - unidentified sound objects. Scientists are faced with the question: who produces these sounds: unknown sea animals, representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, or a mysterious underwater race?

In March 1966, tests on long-distance underwater communications were carried out in the USA. A kilometer-long antenna was laid along the continental shelf.

A ship went out to sea, with locators lowered down attached to its bottom. With the beginning of the experiment, anomalous events began. At first they picked up a signal, then something similar to its repetition, as if it was an echo, then mysterious, as if coded messages began to be heard. The experiment was carried out several more times and constantly obtained similar data.

Colonel Alex Sanders participated in the experiment, who noted that it was like “someone out there, in the depths, received our signal, imitated it in order to attract our attention, and then began to transmit their message on the same wavelength.” It was possible to detect the source of the signal, which was located at a depth of 8000 m in a virtually unexplored area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists were unable to understand the strangeness of the signal, so it was decided to stop the experiment, calling it a failure. Only in 1996 were the records obtained during that experiment entered into the most advanced Pentagon computers. U.S. Navy cryptographers never released the data obtained from decrypting the recordings. However, military oceanologists began to actively study the bottom in the area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean where the sounds came from. The US military is also busy developing new methods of long-distance underwater communications.
