Traditional methods of controlling plant pests. How to plant wormwood in the country Wormwood in the garden

Quarantine organism

Family: Asteraceae, Compositae

Genus: Wormwood (Artemisia)

Biological classification


Wormwood- a weedy perennial plant. Height up to 120 cm. Taproot. The surface is covered with adjacent short felt hairs, giving the surface a grayish or silvery tint. The stem is branched, straight. The leaves are of various shapes: twice or thrice pinnately dissected, trifoliate, pinnate, entire or with small teeth. Yellow spherical baskets are collected in a common paniculate inflorescence. The fruit is an obovate, light brown achene. The weed is widespread in Eurasia, North America, and North Africa. (Shishkin B.K., 1961) (Trukhachev V.I., 2006) (Gubanov I.A., 2004)


The shoots are densely covered with gray hairs. The subcotyledon part is thin, reddish. The epicotyledonous internode is either undeveloped or inconspicuous, but covered in dense hairs. Cotyledons are elliptical with a round apex, almost sessile. Cotyledon dimensions: 2.5 – 3 x 1.5 – 2 mm.

The first two leaves are pointed and oval. Size 3 – 7 x 1.5 – 3.5 mm. Petioles 2 – 3 mm.

The next two leaves (third, fourth) are opposite, wedge-shaped with sharp short-lanceolate teeth on the sides. The apex has a larger, rounded middle tooth, at the top of which there is a spine.

Subsequent leaves are round or short-ovate, pinnately divided. The lobes are lanceolate and directed upward. There is a spine at the top. (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965)

An adult plant is covered with dense, short-lying hairs, giving it a grayish or silvery-felt tint. Height up to 120 cm. The straight, short-branched stem at the base sometimes forms shortened sterile shoots with long-petioled leaves, 6 – 9 x 3 – 7 cm in size. These leaves are broadly ovate, three times pinnately dissected. The terminal lobules are lanceolate, pointed. In the middle part of the stem, the leaf blades are located on short petioles without lobes at the base. They are doubly pinnately dissected. The upper leaves are sessile, simply pinnate or twice trifoliate. Bracts can be trifoliate or entire, narrowly lanceolate. (Shishkin B.K., 1961) (Trukhachev V.I., 2006)

Small yellow spherical baskets, up to 3.5 mm in diameter, are collected in a common paniculate inflorescence. The leaves of the involucre are oblong-oval, hairy with a wide film along the edge. The receptacle is hairy and convex. Marginal flowers are pistillate (25 pieces). Median – bisexual (60 pieces). (Shishkin B.K., 1961)

After flowering, obovate, often curved, light brown achenes are formed. Size 0.7 – 1 x 0.5 – 0.5 x 0.4 – 0.5 mm. Weight of 1000 pieces of achenes is 0.15 - 0.2 g (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Trukhachev V.I., 2006)

The underground part, represented by a thick taproot. (Shishkin B.K., 1961)


Wormwood- a perennial root shoot plant. It spreads equally well by seeds and rhizomes. Germination of seedlings and shoots with underground buds begins at a temperature of + 8°C. Optimal temperature formation of seedlings – + 26°C - +28°C. Abundant formation of weed seedlings is observed from March to May and in autumn. Autumn seedlings overwinter.

Wormwood blooms in July - September, bears fruit in September - October. The maximum established fecundity is 926,700 achenes. Freshly ripened achenes have sufficient germination, but those buried deeper than 3 cm do not germinate. (Fisyunov, 1984)


Habitat in nature

Wormwood lives within the forest and forest-steppe zones. Favorite habitats are weedy places, residential areas, roadsides, gardens, vegetable gardens, field edges. (Nikitin V.V., 1983)

Geographical distribution

Wormwood- a widespread plant. The range lies in Eurasia, North Africa and North America. IN Russian Federation distributed throughout the entire territory, including in the Central Russian regions. (Gubanov I.A., 2004)


Wormwood– a ruderal plant that infests vegetable and grain crops, perennial herbs. The species acts as a weed in the zone of broad-leaved and mixed (coniferous-deciduous) forests. Clogging of fields causes:

  • excessive shading of plants and soil;
  • drying out of the upper soil layers;
  • increased nutrient removal;
  • spread of diseases and pests;
  • deterioration in the performance of soil cultivation and harvesting equipment. (Masterov A.S., 2014) (Vasilchenko I.T., 1965) (Dobrokhotov V.N., 1961) (Shlyakova E.V., 1982)

Subordinate unit pesticides against

Chemical pesticides:

Spraying during the growing season.

About the benefits of wormwood for the garden

Many people disparage wormwood, calling it a nasty weed. But I consider her my protector from many misfortunes - pests and diseases of the garden and vegetable garden, and even from human diseases. Over the years I have gained experience in its use.

Previously, I harvested wormwood on the side of country roads, but I inadvertently brought the seeds to my plot, where the plant began to grow and multiply, so that I no longer need to go anywhere specially to get it. And I'm not trying to get rid of it. I have islands of wormwood under almost every young apple and pear tree, near fences and outbuildings, where they don’t bother anyone at all.

However, do not think that it is growing uncontrollably. The needs for wormwood and its reproduction are balanced so that it does not have to stay in the ground. I extract plants in whole or in part at a young or adult age - with my hands or with a trident.

Wormwood also helps in the fall

The greatest need for wormwood occurs in the fall. Where it is not yet growing in the trunk circles of young apple and pear trees, I lay out the grass around the trunks. This protects trees from mice.

I tie a pair of long branches of wormwood to the trunks of young apple and pear trees on the south side using electrical tape. This is protection, on the one hand, from hares in winter, and on the other, from the heat of the sun's rays in early spring. Moreover, during the entire period of application of such protection, there were no cases of damage.

In places where mice may be infested (in a house, barn, cellar), I lay out wormwood branches. I do this in advance, since rodents are moving closer to housing in the winter. And although they sometimes settle in “forbidden” territories, the persistent smell of wormwood irritates the animals, and they leave.

When laying the foundation of the house, I also wrap wormwood branches in foam plugs.

Moths often appear in places where food and clothing are stored. To scare it away, I make special bundles with wormwood from pieces of old sheets.

Spring uses of wormwood in the garden

In the spring I remove wormwood from tree trunks, and also collect it from all the places where I spread it in the fall. But it’s too early to throw away the grass: it will serve until a new one grows.

What am I doing?

I spread out a decent piece of plastic film, place a wooden block in the center and begin chopping the collected wormwood with an ax. The flying pieces remain on the film. I pour the collected chaff into a 20-liter bucket, close it with a lid and place it in the sun. After 1-1.5 weeks (depending on the weather), I pour the infusion through a fine sieve into 6-liter plastic bottles.

By the way, I do the same with the husks and stalks of garlic and onions collected in the fall. I put the infusions in a cool, shaded place.

I use these infusions to combat late blight, alternating them and adding 1 tbsp for every 10 liters. l. potassium chloride, liquid soap and 1 g of potassium permanganate. This remedy also helps against powdery mildew, scab, and other fungal diseases.

I also use them to control pests - caterpillars, aphids, and other insects. I often add iodine, brilliant green, table salt, boric acid, mullein

Not all plants are as harmless as wormwood. During the period of ripening and harvesting of fruits and vegetables, you should not spray plants with infusions of milkweed, tobacco, henbane, hemlock, celandine, and horse sorrel. They are poisonous to plants!

Wormwood is a well-known plant that has medicinal properties. Due to the content of a large number of vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, phytoncides, malic and succinic acid and other beneficial substances, wormwood is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

It is used for fast healing wounds, for bleeding, bruises, as an anti-purulent and anti-inflammatory agent, for gastrointestinal diseases, etc.

An infusion of the herb wormwood is drunk for gastritis, stomach ulcers, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. It will help remove kidney stones, relieve bloating, and also cope well with acne and seborrhea.

How to infuse wormwood

The concepts of “decoction” and “infusion” are often confused, but these are completely different things. A decoction is something that is boiled, that is, kept on fire for some time. There is no need to boil the infusion. The following recipe will demonstrate how to prepare an infusion of wormwood:


  • dry wormwood herb - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 2 glasses.


  1. To boil water.
  2. Pour boiling water over wormwood.
  3. Close the container with a lid.
  4. Leave for about half an hour.
  5. Strain.

You can take wormwood infusion to improve digestion. The drink is a good laxative and anthelmintic. Drink it 2 times a day, 3 tbsp. l, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed.

If you need to improve your appetite with the help of wormwood, then the infusion of wormwood should be taken 0.4 cups 25-30 minutes before each meal.

A cloth soaked in wormwood infusion can be applied to bruises and hematomas: wormwood has anesthetic and antispasmodic properties.

Fresh composition of infusions

An infusion of wormwood can be made from either dried or fresh herbs. It's also easy to prepare.


  • fresh wormwood herb – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Pour boiling water over wormwood.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Strain.
  5. Take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

Here is another recipe for wormwood infusion.


  • wormwood herb – 2 tsp;
  • water – 1 glass.


  1. Grind the wormwood.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over the herb and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. You need to take the infusion 3 times a day an hour to an hour and a half before meals.

An infusion of bitter wormwood has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, digestion, promotes the secretion of bile, and helps with insomnia, anemia, and heartburn.

If you rinse your mouth with this infusion, there will never be an unpleasant odor.
People suffering from acne can cope with their problem if they wash themselves with an infusion of bitter wormwood.

For oily seborrhea, use an infusion made from wormwood to wash your hair every other day. Treatment requires a course consisting

of 15 procedures. If the problem does not disappear, repeat the course in 2-3 weeks. The following recipe will tell you how to infuse wormwood to combat seborrhea.


  • dry wormwood grass – 1 part;
  • water – 10 parts.


  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Place the herb in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for 2-2.5 hours.

After have a hard day When your feet are aching from fatigue, a foot bath with wormwood infusion will help ease the suffering. How to infuse wormwood for this procedure can be seen from the recipe:


  • wormwood herb – 50 g;
  • water – 2 l.


  1. To boil water.
  2. Pour boiling water over the grass.
  3. Leave for about half an hour.
  4. Pour the infusion into a basin and place your feet there. The procedure takes 8-10 minutes. There is no need to throw away the grass; it can be poured into a basin along with the infusion.

Wormwood against garden pests

An infusion of wormwood, the use of which for various diseases is due to the various beneficial substances contained in wormwood, is also an excellent means of controlling garden pests. This quality of the plant was noticed in ancient times, when wormwood branches were laid out in the house in order to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches.

An infusion of wormwood, the recipes for which are quite simple, will allow you to easily destroy leaf-eating pests in the garden:


  • flowering wormwood – 1 kg;
  • water – 2 l.


  1. Pick flowering wormwood and wait until it wilts slightly.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Pour boiling water over the herb.
  4. Close the container with the infusion tightly.
  5. When the liquid has cooled, add water so that the total volume is 10 liters.
  6. The infusion is ready for use.
  7. The effect of the drug can be enhanced by adding an infusion of bird droppings to it.

Spraying with wormwood infusion for the garden is completely safe, but very effective: the result will be no worse than after using chemicals.

Garden pests that are afraid of wormwood:

  • codling moth caterpillars;
  • hawthorn;
  • leaf roller;
  • spider mite;
  • weevil;
  • Colorado potato beetle larvae.

How to prepare an infusion of wormwood for spraying fruit trees and shrubs? The cooking principle is the same as in the recipes given above, only the amount of raw materials is different. The recipe for the infusion also depends on who the remedy is intended for.

To combat the codling moth The following infusion will do:


  • crushed wormwood grass - 5 cups;
  • water – 10 l.


  1. Grind the wormwood.
  2. Pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.

An infusion of wormwood against pests can be prepared using a different recipe:


  • fresh wormwood grass – 3 kg;
  • water – 5 l.


  1. Prepare wormwood grass, chop it, place it in a suitable container.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Pour boiling water over the grass, close tightly, and wrap.
  4. Insist for a day.
  5. Add another 5 liters of water to the infusion.
  6. To prepare an infusion of wormwood, instead of fresh, you can take 600 g of dried herb.

This infusion perfectly fights against spider mites, weevils, and Colorado potato beetle larvae. Spray 4 times a week, preferably in the evenings.
An infusion of wormwood can be combined with infusions of other medicinal plants, for example, infusion of marigolds.


  • dried marigold grass – 200 g;
  • dried wormwood grass – 200 g;
  • water – 12.5 l.


  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Grind marigolds and wormwood.
  3. Separately, pour boiling water over the wormwood and separately over the marigolds.
  4. Leave for 3 hours.
  5. Mix herbal infusions.
  6. Strain.
  7. Add 2.5 liters of water.
  8. It is necessary to use wormwood infusion for plants during the budding period 2-3 times.

Tansy infusion

You can also prepare a remedy for garden pest control from other plants. Tansy is perfect for this. An infusion of this herb can cope with raspberry pests, strawberry mites, and sawflies. The process of preparing an infusion of tansy, as well as an infusion of bitter wormwood, is simple and does not take much time.


  • tansy – 400 g;
  • water – 10 l.


  1. Prepare the plant along with the inflorescences.
  2. Grind the tansy and add water.
  3. Leave for several days.
  4. When the infusion has fermented, dilute with water (2 times).

Water for preparing the infusion can be used both hot and cold. With a hot one the process will go a little faster. It is necessary to treat plants with tansy infusion in summer or autumn.

Infusions of tansy and wormwood in folk medicine are considered effective means to fight worms. The toxic substances contained in these plants can kill flukes living in gallbladder and liver. To prepare an infusion of tansy and an infusion of wormwood, you can use the same recipe:


  • wormwood (tansy) – 1 tsp;
  • water – 1 glass.


  1. Pour boiling water over fresh or dry herbs.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Drink the infusion before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. If, after taking the infusion, you eat about 100 g of grated carrots, the effect will increase.

We must remember! Both wormwood and tansy are aggressive plants that require careful attention.

The prohibition against taking medications from these plants is:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anemia;
  • allergy;
  • childhood;
  • gastrointestinal diseases during exacerbation.

An overdose may cause convulsions, vomiting and even hallucinations, so you should consult a specialist before taking it.

From the section " Useful tips", now I’ll tell you how you can fight pests and plant diseases in your garden without chemicals, using only infusions and decoctions of herbs.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs in this fight have a number of obvious and indisputable:
- they are safe for both humans and pets and our feathered friends;
- they are easy to prepare,
- they are almost always “at hand”, next to us: in the garden, forest, vegetable garden, field.

10 plants, decoctions and infusions of which are used to combat pests and diseases of fruit and vegetable crops.

1- Wormwood.
The whole plant is used for decoction. Freshly cut grass must be chopped, filled with water (half a bucket of chopped grass - half a bucket of water) and the resulting mixture left for a day. After this, boil the resulting water-herbaceous mass for 30 minutes, filter and again add water to the remaining volume of the decoction, the same volume as the resulting decoction. This decoction is used to combat the codling moth and other caterpillars and beetles that feed on the leaves of fruit trees. For treatment, the affected trees are sprayed twice with a decoction of wormwood, with an interval of about a week between sprayings.

2- Burdock.
To prepare an infusion of burdock, its leaves are crushed, poured with water (2/3 of a bucket of water is taken for 1/3 of a bucket of chopped herbs) and infused for 3 days. The strong smell of the infusion repels pests and helps in the fight against butterfly pests. Spraying fruit trees is best done in the evening, when butterflies are active. To achieve a good result, it is advisable to treat with this infusion fruit trees 4 times during the summer.

3- Potato tops.
An infusion of potato tops is used to combat mites and aphids.

For 1 kg of chopped potato tops, take 10 liters of water, leave for 12 hours and filter.

Approximately 10-12 hours after spraying, up to 90% of mites and aphids die.

4- Dandelion.
Dandelion leaves are used to prepare the infusion. For 10 liters of water you need 40 g of chopped green leaves.
Leave for 12 hours, filter.
Dandelion infusion is used in the fight against aphids, mites and other insects that damage fruit and berry crops, cabbage, cucumbers and other vegetable plants.

5- Field chamomile.
100 g dried and crushed flowers field chamomile pour 10 liters of water.

After a day, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water five times. Add 50 g of liquid soap to a bucket of solution and foam.

The infusion is used against aphids, weevils and caterpillars.

6- Tansy.
The grass must be collected at the beginning of flowering, cutting off the entire inflorescences. Fresh grass is a good remedy against flies, bedbugs, fleas and moths. Tansy decoction is effective against apple moth and other pests. To prepare the decoction you need to take 700-800 g of tansy inflorescences.
Chop the plants, place in a container and fill with 2 liters of water, close the container tightly with a lid and leave for two days. Then boil for 30 minutes, strain and add the same amount to the broth cold water how much decoction was obtained? Tansy is poisonous, so it is better to use rubber gloves when spraying, and it is best not to use the container for storing the decoction for any other purpose.

7- Spurge.

Grows everywhere, poisonous.
To prepare the decoction, take 4 kg of fresh leaves and boil in a small amount of water for 2-3 hours. The broth is filtered and diluted with water to 2.5 liters. Used to combat caterpillars of various butterflies. To combat fungal diseases, milkweed stems are cut into pieces 3-4 cm long. As soon as the juice comes out of the plants, they are immersed in water. The washed grass is thrown away, and the next portion is dipped into this water to wash out the juice. The washing is repeated several times until the water turns the color of skim milk. This solution is sprayed 2-3 times on affected plants. powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases.

8- Garlic.
Half a kilogram of garlic is crushed, poured into 10 liters of water, stirred and left for two days, and then filtered through cheesecloth. Then add 50 g of soap and foam well.
The infusion is used against larvae, caterpillars, mites, aphids, and against the tomato disease - late blight. Spray the plants with the resulting infusion in the evening: fruit trees and berry bushes 2 times with an interval of 5 days; tomatoes - at the end of June and again after 10 days; cabbage and cucumbers - when pests appear.

9- Coniferous tree branches.
Fill a bucket with cut pine or fir branches and brew with boiling water.
The next day, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

It is used to spray plants as a repellent against flying pests at the beginning of flowering of fruit trees and shrubs.

10- Celandine.
Celandine should be harvested during flowering, in May-July, cutting off the entire above-ground part. In this case, you need to take into account the harmful effects of celandine juice on the skin and wear gloves on your hands. Quickly dry the collected grass at a temperature of 40-60°. It is ground into a fine powder, which is used to “pollinate” cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes and other crops against the garden flea beetle.
Grass can be fumigated, fruit trees and shrubs to kill various insect pests. An infusion is prepared from the herb and roots of celandine. Infuse 1 kg of dry mass in 10 liters of water for two days. Used against aphids, scale insects and other pests.

There are a great many plants, decoctions and infusions of which can protect your garden from pests and diseases, it’s impossible to list them all. I stopped only at the ten most common, in my opinion, which I also use in my summer cottage.

Have a good mood. Good luck with pest control and a great harvest!
