How to ask for forgiveness correctly: ready-made phrases. How to apologize to a friend? How to choose the right time and choose the right words Apologies on VKontakte to all your friends

I'm bored, I'm sad, I can't be angry,
So I want to make peace with you, friend,
I apologize, forgive me,
And let go of your resentment.
Don't be offended and don't hold a grudge,
I need your friendship
From now on I will follow the words,
I will be a lot smarter in the future.

I know it's not easy to forgive me,
But believe me, it’s even more difficult now,
Knowing that you hurt your friend
This makes it doubly painful.

Let's forget past grievances,
I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying,
Therefore, hoping for forgiveness,
I apologize.

Sometimes we build walls
From words to each other,
But mercury corrodes the veins,
When I'm in a quarrel with you, friend.

Just a glance is enough for me,
See - you were able to forgive.
Friend, soul and joy,
Sorry: I was wrong!

Girlfriend, excuse me
For this stupid act of mine.
After all, God sees how I repent,
It was stupid to swear.
Please forgive me quickly
And call, friend.
After all, you and I must go
For life just by the hand!

We are friends who don't spill water,
And they quarreled over a trifle,
I'm the only one to blame for everything,
And I admit my mistake.
Excuse me, dear friend,
You won't hold a grudge for long, I know
Forgive me for everything
Give me a chance to find friendship again.

Please don't be angry with me,
I'm guilty, I admit it
Better just smile
I love you with all my soul.

You are my friend
Dear little man,
I will never become
With someone closer than with you.

Girlfriend, extend your hand,
After all, you and I are still friends,
I stumbled and found
We must belong to each other in this darkness.

In no way you
I didn't mean to offend.
Let me hug you lovingly
I want you to smile again!

It's so quiet and empty without you,
My whole world is in the dark,
I'm very sad without you,
Well, at least answer me!

Our quarrel dragged on
Our quarrel needs to stop
My dear friend,
It's time to forgive me!

Sorry, I repented a long time ago
I'm in all my sins
It's hard for me without you,
Loneliness and darkness all around.

I beg you, a truce,
I ask for a truce
Forgive me, stupid
Your stupid girlfriend!

Apologize to your best friend until you cry

It so happened, we quarreled with you,
I don't know how to cope with such trouble,
I'll definitely be lost without you,
I won't find a better friend anywhere.
Please forgive me for everything,
Please accept my apologies,
I won't hurt you anymore
I will always respect your opinion.

A quarrel fell upon us so unexpectedly,
I myself didn’t understand how it all happened,
In a word, I offended you,
I'm sorry, all this is not out of malice.
I can't find a better friend
Only you and I are on our way,
Please accept my apologies,
And don't hold grudges anymore.

Did I offend you?
Believe me, I didn't want to.
Something came over me
I didn't look at my tongue.

Sorry friend,
I inadvertently
I won't repeat myself
It will be a lesson to me.

I'm so ashamed, uncomfortable,
My soul felt bad,
Excuse me please
I will improve, I will become better!

Girlfriend, forgive me
Sorry for the words I said
I suddenly miss you
I blame myself for being rude
Forgive me my friend
For the last time, trust me
You can't lose a friend like that
You were not given to me to lose!

Our quarrel dragged on
It's time to fix it
You are my beloved friend,
We need to save our friendship!

We need to forget the grievances,
We must let go of anger and sadness,
And I must apologize
And ask for forgiveness.

We won't quarrel anymore
It's very difficult without you,
You will understand, you will always support,
Forgive me, forgive me!

Friend, dear, please forgive me,
I really don't want to argue with you,
I didn’t do it on purpose, try to understand me,
I want to be friends with you as before - to smile.
Let there never be quarrels, insults and vile disagreements,
There will be no more life between us,
After all, I want you to always be happy,
Let's forget all our grievances and sorrows?

You and I ate a ton of salt,
We have gone through and survived everything.
Days and weeks flew by
But we valued our friendship.

We didn't abandon each other
In a difficult moment, in a moment of vanity.
I love you, friend.
There are no others like you.

There have already been quarrels,
But then they always made up.
We have forgiven each other everything
And they only got closer.

So let's forget everything
The bitterness of words and the burden of insults.
Let's discuss everything with you.
I believe friendship will win.

It’s sad, it suddenly became empty all around,
Silence on the network and the phone is silent,
Forgive me for everything, understand...
Just don’t turn away, come back.
You and I have been together for a hundred years!
We've been through and through a lot,
We still have a long way to go.
Dear friend, just forgive me!

Forgive me, friend!
I was wrong.
Forget, I beg you, rude
Hurtful words.

I'm terribly embarrassed
I'm languishing in my guilt.
We are stupid and in vain
We quarreled with you.

I miss you
And I know you're sad.
I have hope
That you will forgive me!

Sincere apologies to my friend

Beloved friend, forgive me quickly,
I understand that you are angry with me now,
I promise - I won't behave so lousy
I'll improve, for sure, you'll see!!!
And if you want anything, just ask,
I will try to do everything in the world for you,
Please, save our friendship, save us,
Resentment and evil, I ask you, do not need to remember!

Friend, I'm sorry, I was wrong,
I know the words were unpleasant
But you also understand and accept me,
And forgive me for thoughtlessness and stupidity.

You are not closer, smarter and dearer,
I admire your kindness
Let's just appreciate each other
To preserve the hearth of friendship for a long time.

Forgive me, my friend,
Our conflict weighs on me,
I think about him with fear
Both at night and during the day.

Someone like you, friends in life
I know for sure I won’t find it,
I sincerely apologize
So that our paths do not diverge.

Well, that's enough, I'm sorry, please,
Yes, I admit that I lost my temper,
I want to make amends
Let's forget what happened!

Are you my friend or what?
I'm not interested without you,
And without you there is only horror, fear,
Believe me, I say honestly!

Let's make peace, I'm tired of the quarrel,
And I know you miss me
Best friend on earth
Tell me, do you forgive me?

Listen to me, dear friend.
Forgive me soon, my dear,
I know everything - my guilt is very big,
And I wish to beg your forgiveness as soon as possible,
Let's try and forget everything bad,
And we will never quarrel again,
After all, you are my closest and best friend,
And we are not strangers, we love each other very much.

Girlfriend, excuse me!
I was wrong.
I offended you in vain
It's all my fault.

Let's make peace with you.
Forgive me, I pray!
You are the dearest person,
And I love you!

My best friend
My good sister,
Forgive me, dear,
What offended you!
Forgive me, fool,
I can't live without you.
The best friend in the world
I shed tears for you!
I'm suffering for you now,
My soul hurts for you.
Forgive me, dear,
What offended you!

Well, that's enough, that's enough,
There's no need to be mad at me
I'm not comfortable, I'm restless,
I know I offended you.

I know you are angry, dissatisfied,
And maybe, just like me, you’re sad,
Please, let's continue as before
You call me today.

It’s impossible for friends to quarrel,
It spoils karma, everything around,
Well, pay attention to the torment,
I won't do this again, I promise!

Apologizing to a friend in your own words

Forgive me, friend, forgive me for my stupidity. I couldn't even imagine that I would offend you. But I feel very bad, I haven’t heard your voice for a long time... You know, our friendship is stronger than all the obstacles and insults, I hope that you will forgive me. You are very dear to me...

Dear friend, you taught me that friendship is an art that does not tolerate falsehood. But today I understand that asking for forgiveness is also a kind of art, and I would like my little creation to reach the depths of your heart and return your priceless friendship to me!

To my dear friend I want to say that I love you very much and trust you in everything! Let us never quarrel, let us always help and support each other! Forgive me for all the bad things I said to you - these are all emotions. I respect and trust you very much!

I'm so happy, girlfriend, that I forgot about everything in the world! Forgive me for the long silence, for the unanswered calls and inattention to your SMS. When we meet, I will tell you so much! Don’t be offended, dear, but rather rejoice for me from the bottom of your heart! I wish you to be as happy! Life is beautiful, take my word for it!

Dear friend, I really want you to forgive me as soon as possible and that everything will be fine! We have been friends for so long, we are ready to do so much for each other, that I think this resentment cannot come between us. Let's forget everything that happened and start with a light heart from a clean slate!

Apologizing to a friend is perhaps even more difficult than simply admitting that you were wrong. To truly apologize to a friend, you need to be sincere, admit your mistakes and let your friend know that he means a lot to you. This sounds much simpler than it actually is, but if you still put your pride in... away for a minute and just do everything as described in this article, then the conflict will soon end on its own!


Part 1

Swipe preparatory work
  1. Apologize in person if you can. Of course, if you live far from each other, then even an apology card or a small gift will help make up for the incident. If you and your friend do not live on opposite sides of the country, then it would be best to apologize in person, and nothing else so as not to be branded a coward. Believe me, for a sincere and honest apology there is nothing better than an in-person and frank heart-to-heart conversation.

    • Again, if your friend lives very far away, you will have to find another way to apologize.
  2. Choose the right time. And to do this, you need to think about why there was a need to apologize in the first place. Because of something not very serious - for example, you promised to come to a friend's party, but did not show up? Or does the conflict arise from a much more serious reason, say, because you suddenly decided to take his girlfriend away from your friend? If the problem is not very serious, then you need to act quickly and try to apologize as soon as you and your friend have a free moment. If everything is much more serious, and a friend first needs to come to his senses, cool down, boil over, then it makes sense to wait for some time, maybe even several months.

    • You should know your friend well: is he easy-going or vindictive?
    • If you know that this or that week for your friend will be particularly difficult and stressful, then it is better to postpone the moment of reconciliation a little, even if you are just dying of the desire to finally say the cherished “Forgive me, I was wrong.”
  3. Think about what you will say. You don't have to write everything down on paper - unless you're really worried about apologizing. However, you should have a general idea of ​​what you will say - you don’t want to apologize, and only then, when you return home, suddenly remember that you forgot to apologize for something very important? But it could be worse, especially if you suddenly say something wrong again. An apology must come from the heart, of course, but it also doesn’t hurt to have a more or less clear plan in hand. Here's what you need to think about (more on this below):

    • Acceptance full responsibility for your action.
    • Apologize for the feelings you made the other person feel.
    • Recognize the values ​​of your friendship.
    • Promise to change and do something good in the future.
  4. Take the first step when you need to. Remember the immortal “yesterday was early, tomorrow will be late”? It's the same here. If you need to apologize to a friend, then you don’t have to sit like an owl and wait for an offended or even offended friend to do everything for you. If this did happen, and it was a friend who came to you to discuss what happened, and not vice versa, then rest assured - it’s on your reputation.” good friend” you can put a cross. So strike while the iron is hot (but, again, when your friend has already cooled down)! If you want your apology to be accepted, then be sure to apologize as soon as possible, choosing the right time to do so.

    Part 2

    Apologizing to a friend
    1. Take full responsibility. If you really want to apologize, you will have to accept full responsibility for what your friend had to go through because of you. If you are sure that you have nothing to apologize for, if you are angry with your friend or think that he is simply pretending to be the most offended person in the world, then it is better not to even try to apologize. An apology that does not come from the heart is trash. If you think that you should not apologize, but discuss the problem, discuss it. But if you are ready to take full responsibility, you will have to admit that somewhere you made a big mistake.

      • Say something like “I know you were offended when I missed your birthday. I know it meant a lot to you.”
      • You can also say something like, “I'm sorry I kissed that guy you've been crushing on. Well, something happened. But I'm really embarrassed! No, really, I won't do that again. Our friendship is more important to me.”
      • And no excuses for yourself! Don’t say things like, “Sorry I missed your birthday.” But...” If you want to justify what you did, then you don’t apologize.
    2. Say you're sorry and apologize. This is the most important part. So check how deep in the f... your pride is not getting in the way, and say something like “Please forgive me.” And let it be clear from your apology that to you it's a pity that You You regret something you did to a friend. This can be difficult, it can even be very difficult, so take a deep breath, look your friend straight in the eyes, maybe even put your hand on their shoulder, and then ask them to accept your apology.

      • Don't say anything like “I'm sorry. If you were offended...” or “I’m sorry that You I was so upset...” Such phrases are not an apology, they are an attempt to blame a friend for everything, and to get out of the situation in all white.
      • Emotions at the time of apology are good, but do not overact, so as not to start playing the victim, and your friend will begin to regret you.
    3. Apologize for the feelings your friend had to feel. Having accepted responsibility for everything you've done and apologized, it's time to admit that you hurt your friend's feelings and understand what it was like for him. So, your friend will see that you have considered the situation from all points of view, and now you are truly ashamed of your own actions and words.

      • Say something like, “I can't even imagine how disappointed I was when I didn't come to your birthday party. You’ve been planning the party for six months and you wanted everything to be perfect.”
      • Or “I know that it hurt you when I kissed Vanya Erokhin. I know you’ve been suffering for him for six months now, but I just took it and broke your heart...”
    4. Recognize the value of your friendship. Show your friend that friendship is more important to you than anything else, and that you know that you will definitely have to work on priorities in the future. Your friend needs to see that what you did was not worth it, and that you would clearly like to start over from scratch.

      • Say, for example, “I missed your birthday because my nephew begged me to help him choose a tie for prom. He could have done it himself! I shouldn't have gone with him. I promised you that I would come, but my nephew could have waited...”
      • Say, for example, “Oh, I no longer believe that I could do this with Vanka!” Yes, he’s nothing to me and there’s no way to call him! And you are my friend! Our friendship is more important to me than anyone!”
    5. Promise that you will change. After all, you don't want your friend to think that you'll apologize now and then hurt his feelings again, do you? Your friend should understand that you have thought about the future and do not want to step on the same rake over and over again. Otherwise... how long do you think your friendship will last?

      • Say something like, “I won't let you down again, bro. If I said I would do it, I will do it, even if my nose bleeds. I give you my word.”
      • Say, for example, “Oh, now I won’t even look in the direction of those you have your eye on!” I know how much relationships mean to you, friend! I won't interfere."
    6. Offer something to make amends completely. Let's say right away that this is not an apology and an apology will not replace it. This is just the icing on the cake, nothing more, and you should resort to this only when they are really ready to forgive you. However, this step will show your friend that you want to continue to be friends and that you want him to finally feel better. So, wrinkle your mind and think of something to cheer up your friend.

      • Say, for example, “Well, how about a beer? I'll treat you."
      • Say, for example, “Oh, listen, I’ve been promising to show you how to hold a brush in your hands for ages!” Let's study on Sunday?"
    7. Ask for forgiveness. So, you've said almost everything you need to say. What's left? The Great “Will You Forgive Me?” Luckily, your friend has now seen how much your friendship means to you and will forgive you. It's time for friendly hugs, happy smiles, tears in the corners of the eyes and sighs of relief. If your friend hasn't forgiven you... maybe he just needs a little more time to process the situation. And you... well, at least you tried.

      • If you have truly seriously offended a friend, you can say something like, “Can you forgive me?”

Friendship - important aspect most people's lives. Friends support each other, have fun together, create joint projects, and exchange experiences.

But no friendly relationship, even the strongest, is complete without quarrels. Therefore, knowledge about how to make peace with a friend, if a scandal occurs, they can be useful to almost any woman.

Why do people stop being friends?

There are many reasons for quarrels that lead to, and it is quite difficult to systematize them all.

The main reasons for scandals between friends:

Each of these reasons can lead to fatal scandal, after which communication will be interrupted. Later it may resume, but only if the girls want to make peace, find a compromise, new meaning in communication.

There are also situations when everything seems to be fine, there were no scandals, but the friend ignores, communicates as if through clenched teeth, looking for reasons to cancel another meeting.

Often this is due to something third-party: for example, someone told her a lie about a friend (that she gossips behind her back, slings mud, or behaves inappropriately).

Or some unpleasant truth suddenly surfaced, which became reason for obvious ignorance. In such cases, it is important to carefully ask your friend about what happened and draw conclusions based on the information received.

About things that ruin friendships in this video:

If friends stopped communicating for no reason

In some cases, friendly communication between girls stops on its own, without quarrels, scandals, unexpectedly surfaced negativity and other moments.

This may happen in the following cases:

  • one of the friends or both changed and realized that there was no point in continuing to communicate;
  • a friend has new priorities (for example, family, children, work);
  • a friend has left for another city (country), and for some reason communication on the Internet is not enough to comfortably maintain a friendship;
  • A friend has a new social circle that she likes better.

In such cases, restoring previous communication is somewhat more difficult than after a quarrel, at least because this requires that the friend began to see something important for herself again in him.

This may require you to reconsider your own priorities, take a critical look at yourself and try to change something.

A separate reason for stopping communication is the birth of a child.

A baby requires a huge investment of time and effort, and the father is not always ready to invest it, so a previously active and sociable woman withdraws from society, and her childless friends, who have a poor understanding of the underbelly of motherhood, may decide that she no longer wants to communicate with them.

Does female friendship exist? The psychologist comments:

How can I make peace if I am at fault?

If the reason for the quarrel is not too serious, you can come to reconciliation very quickly: it is enough to talk to your friend, admit your guilt, ask for forgiveness and, if necessary, discuss the situation in a friendly manner in order to find a compromise. After all, it is important not only to make peace, but also to prevent new quarrels.

But sometimes a quarrel is significant, so the guilty friend is looking for ways to apologize so that her apology is definitely accepted.

A thoughtful, beautiful apology will make amends and leave pleasant memories.

Options for a beautiful apology:

  1. Present. If women know each other well, choosing the right one will not be difficult. Surely the offended friend has a small desire that can be realized.
  2. A creative apology. This could be a poem, a story related to an apology and dedicated to a friend, a video clip or a collage with photographs where the girls are together and happy, or a drawing. There are a lot of options, just use your imagination.

If the offense is very strong, it is better to wait with a gift and a creative apology. Over time, the anger, resentment and irritation will subside, and then you can try to ask for forgiveness.

How to make peace with best friend? Trouble-free method:

How to apologize to a friend on VK?

Social networks, including VKontakte, are good because they make it easier to speak out. There is no need to look for a way to meet (besides, this is not always possible), mumble, listening to your own voice faltering with excitement, but simply think through everything and speak out. Also in the chat you can implement the following: difficult to do in reality.

If this is the case, then the only one possible option- wait until she removes you from there. But if she is very offended, this may not happen.

Is it possible to force your girlfriend to come first?

If a friend she started the quarrel and left you offended, important:

  • try to calm down;
  • do something pleasant, take a break;
  • do not rush to hasty conclusions;
  • do not denigrate your friend in front of other people.

When the resentment and pain subside, you should turn on your mind to think about what happened and remember how the friend behaved before and during the quarrel.

There may be no reason to reconnect with her, and the best option would be to cut her out of your life.

Communicate with unpleasant people, endure insults from them and still consider them friends - not the best choice.

If friendship is still dear to you, you can try to overcome yourself and talk to your friend about what happened.

You can also wait until she apologizes herself, but this may never happen: Some people are too proud to admit their mistakes. If your friend means a lot to you, it is better to take the first step.

Dialogue options with a friend:

  1. Have an honest conversation. Try to explain to your friend that the conflict situation that occurred between you is not worth losing loved ones because of it. Remind her that you still consider her a dear and important person.
  2. Find a compromise. Discuss the situation with her, listen to her suggestions for solutions conflict situation and offer yours. This is a rational and competent approach that will allow you to maintain communication and prevent new quarrels.
  3. Try to be funny. This option is not suitable for all girls and is practically useless if the quarrel was serious. But, if your friend is a cheerful person, you can try to approach her and say something like “Well, when are you going to apologize?” with a humorous note in his voice. You can also act out a funny little scene or come up with something else that fits the situation.

Perhaps the dialogue will push your friend to apologize and explain what happened.

How to reconcile friends?

If two girlfriends or two friends have a strong quarrel with each other, one can sympathize with their mutual friend: He will know all the details of the conflict and will probably not feel too good when he realizes that choosing a side in it will mean losing communication with one of his girlfriends (with one of his friends).

But there is a way out: you can try to bring them to reconciliation:

  1. Talk to each of them separately. Try to convince them that they need to meet and talk. Tell your vision of the conflict, but do not take sides, and offer several compromise options. Perhaps these conversations will allow them to look at the situation differently and make peace.
  2. If neither of them is ready to discuss the conflict alone with the other, you can try to get the three of us together and discuss the situation together. Tell them that it is unpleasant for you to see them quarrel, remind them how much they valued joint communication before the conflict.

    Try to prevent a repeat scandal in your presence.

    Ask clarifying questions (“Why do you think that she…”, “What would you do in her place?”), offer compromise options (“Why don’t you try…”, “Have you thought about such an option as ..."), and perhaps you will be able to reconcile them. During the dialogue, try to remain calm.

Ways to start communicating after a serious conflict

How to apologize to a friend if you messed up a lot? Every person there are pain points, and if you press them during a quarrel, you can lose communication. It is very difficult to repay the resentment left after such a situation, and attempts to make peace may be futile.

Tips for reconciliation:

Be prepared for what she wants to cut you out of his life if the conflict was really serious.

In this case, the best option would be to try to come to terms with it and not impose your society.

But best optiondon't quarrel at all. To prevent quarrels from overshadowing friendly communication, it is important to discuss with your friend all the difficult moments that can develop into a conflict, ask her about what is painful or unacceptable for her, and avoid such topics in dialogues.

This will not eliminate the likelihood of scandals, but will significantly reduce it.

“Errare humanum est,” they said in ancient times. Translated into modern language and in transformation to modern life We can say that in our time, just like many centuries ago, it is human nature to make mistakes. We are not always right and often we make mistakes in our lives, after which we have to apologize. But does everyone know how to do it correctly? Do you feel uncomfortable saying words of apology and asking for forgiveness?


Where to start with an apology?

At the very beginning, you must first determine whether your apology is necessary. After all, there is no need to apologize for every sin. Analyze your misdeeds. Calmly assessing your mistakes is important for one simple reason: empathy. You need to evaluate all your actions from all sides and from all angles in order to understand how much and why your actions offended someone close to you.

Put yourself in that person's shoes

The only one effective way to do this is to put yourself in the shoes of this person and ask a few important questions: How did my actions affect his (her) life? Did my action affect this person’s self-esteem? Did it affect me? Is this irreparable or is there still an opportunity to fix everything? It is at this moment that you need to take the situation seriously. We've all made mistakes before, so try to evaluate everything correctly and empathize with the feelings of the other person.

How to speak correctly?

We usually say “sorry”, “I beg your pardon” and “I apologise”. The first two options are correct, and the third can only be used in colloquial situations. Why? Let's figure it out. Excuse, excuse - imply a focus on someone: excuse him, excuse her. And the reflexive form of the verb (-sya) denotes an action applied to oneself: wash, shave, get dressed. In this situation, it turns out that when I apologize, I am apologizing to myself. But is this what we want when we ask for forgiveness?

1. Apologize for your eyes

Before apologizing directly, the offended person needs to be slightly “warmed up”. To do this, send this person a letter, postcard, email, whatever, with an apology. After reading the message, he will certainly not forgive you, but he will be prepared and will appreciate your persistence.

2. Be sincere

Don't start apologizing if you don't actually feel guilty. The person will see your insincerity and the situation will only get worse.

3. Make eye contact

Let me look into your eyes, this will make it clear that you are sincere. Look straight into the eyes of the person you are asking for forgiveness - this is conducive.

4. Apologize privately.

It is better to ask for forgiveness in private. Take the person you want to apologize to aside. This will reduce tension and prevent anyone from distracting you at the most inopportune moment. If a public apology is necessary, you can make it later after apologizing in person.

5. Apologize face to face.

You must come to the person you want to apologize to. Don't ask him to come to you. Don't apologize by mail or over the phone. You must do this in person, face to face.

6. Watch your body language

Nonverbal communication is just as important as verbal communication. Be careful to watch your body while talking. Although, if you really regret what you did and feel guilty, your body will do everything right on its own.

7. Don't delay

The sooner you apologize, the better. Of course, if you are emotional, it is better to wait it out, let yourself cool down and only then apologize, but you should not delay it too much either. Firstly, you may burn out, and secondly, your apology may no longer be relevant.

8. A verbal apology is not enough.

It is not recommended to be clever in apologizing. But it’s also too easy to treat. Of course, sometimes a simple “sorry” is enough, but most often this is not the case. It is better to add a bouquet of roses to your words when meeting (if you need to apologize to a girl) or a small present (if you need to apologize to a man).

9. Admit your mistake

Don’t forget the phrase “Sorry, I was wrong.” As a rule, admitting you are wrong is very effective. Never deny the fact that you have something to apologize for.

10. Take a break if necessary.

If the person does not accept your apology, you should stop it. Just wait a couple of days and see how things go. It is possible that the person accepting the apology realizes that a “second chance” needs to be given.

11. Stop on time

An apology should not be long and drawn out. It is quite difficult to stop such a conversation in time, but remember that by continuing it, you are walking blindfolded on the edge of an abyss. Don't do this, you may only make the situation worse.

12. Don't make excuses

13. Don't promise the impossible

Of course, the important words “I’m so sorry” must be present in your speech. However, never make promises that this will never happen again. This kind of trap is at the same time easy way solve the problem and strategic miscalculation.

14. Offer a way out

Suggest a way to fix everything. This will show that you care about the relationship with the person. Please note that you should make a suggestion, and not ask “How can I fix everything?”

You must suggest ways to fix things and your suggestions must be relevant. If possible, try to show the person that you understand your guilt. The essence of this step is to minimize the damage caused and make every effort to correct the situation. If you have wronged a loved one, look for ways to strengthen your relationship and show him how much you care for him and how much you value his needs. If you did not justify someone's trust or said something that was not necessary, then you need to restore the friendship with your actions that will prove to this person that you are worth trusting. Be careful not to make offers that even remotely resemble an attempt to buy trust. That is, sentences like “Let’s go to a restaurant tomorrow, I’ll treat you.” Also, try not to ask questions like, “How can I fix this?” or “What can I do to make amends?” This implies that you never realized your mistake.

I propose to conclude a peace settlement,
Sign us the corresponding pact,
It’s not interesting to live without you, it’s boring,
I promise I won't do this again.

You are my friend, you are the best
In the whole world, in the Universe, you are alone,
Maybe we'll forget this incident
I beg you, my friend, please forgive me!

Forgive me for my stupid actions
I'm sorry this happened. I'm so sorry!
But maybe you will make concessions,
February will melt on my soul.
Oh, what should I do to get your forgiveness?
Hurry up again, my friend, deserve it?
But I can’t change it, unfortunately.
What has been done cannot be changed.

Forgive me, my friend,
Forgive me for everything.
If I suddenly said something,
If you missed it.

If I made you wait
Or maybe I didn't wait...
Forgive me for everything
My friend is ideal.

Apologies my friend
I'm sending it to you, read them.
There are many joys around.
Without friends, don't wait for them.

I want to tell you
That the fault is mine.
But you can't keep the seal
Malice towards you and me.

I don't know how to look into your eyes,
Now I have a hard time tolerating myself.
My friend, I offended you greatly,
And if you can, then forgive me!

I felt very bad, it was hard,
And then I met you, as luck would have it!
I couldn’t contain my hot temper in my hands,
And even though it was unintentional, he still shouted!

Believe me, my friend, I didn’t want to offend you.
I simply could not control myself.
And for the sake of our friendship, forgive me,
And accept my apologies from a bitter heart!

Forgive me, my dear friend,
You and I have gone through a hundred illnesses,
But then we quarreled again,
And I just want to suffer.
Forgive me if you can,
My destiny is in your hands.
I don't want to lose you
Let's make peace again.

It's so hard to say "sorry"
But you, my friend, forgive me,
Call me again soon
And meet me on my way.

Forgive me, I beg you, I beg you,
This didn't happen on purpose.
You know I love you.
And I won’t betray you, I know for sure!

I said a rude word
Sorry, friend, it's not out of malice,
I just get tired sometimes
Nerves, troubles, things to do...

I hope you understand me
I know I need to rest more.
Know that your friendship is dear,
Don't break it or take it away.

We are often wrong
Sometimes we don’t understand the essence of the game,
And we get confused among views and people,
Losing understanding of things.

And if, friend, I offended you,
That's just out of stupidity. I'm sorry.
After all, friendship is truly valuable,
Will overcome all obstacles and winds.

Sorry, you are my friend
That I offended you.
I didn't want to offend
Forgive me for everything.

You know I'm with you
Even if it’s head over heels.
I won't let you down
I value your friendship.

And I am grateful to you,
That you will never give up.
So forgive me quickly
After all, insult is not a problem!

Forget my words quickly
They weren't from the heart.
Hide them in your memory
And let them be covered with dust.

Don't be offended by me
Our quarrel scares me.
After all, your friendship is true
Dearer to me than any argument!
