The World of Warcraft game is going to be completely free. Guide for beginners: Important stages of leveling up a character in WoW Warcraft, what you need to know to get started

Every beginner will encounter moments in the game that will be completely incomprehensible. I will try to describe to you the most famous of them, so that you know what to do if you come across them.

Is a guild a difficult choice?

From the moment you create your character, you will receive endless invitations to the guild. Soon you will get very tired of this, so in the end you will have to accept the invitation. In addition, the guild provides incredible benefits in the form of: assistance in leveling up and going to dungeons, things for the profession, of course the guild bank, and in the Cata and Pandaria patches additional bonuses to experience and reputation appeared, depending on the level of the guild. You can leave the guild at any time, so don’t be afraid to search for the most worthy guild for you. I’ll tell you honestly that I myself was looking for a guild and came across one that was not top and there were only a few level 80 people there (I played Lich King), but the people there were so kind and pleasant that I immediately wanted to stay there.

What other profession?

What is a profession and will I really have to work in the game? — I asked myself this question when I first heard about professions in WoW. As it turned out later, there was no need to work, but rather to enjoy the work. To create armor, bottles or food, you need to upgrade your profession. Well, you don’t have to worry about the latter, since you can buy food from almost any merchant, but what to do with the bottles? To find a profession trainer, just get to the capital and ask any security guard. Security will direct you to the nearest trainers.
What profession to study depends on you, or rather on your character. Later, a guide will be written for each class on which profession to upgrade, but I would advise you to start leveling up the profession from the sixth level. You can study two main professions and all minor ones. The main ones include: herbalism, mining, leatherworking, alchemy, blacksmithing, tailoring, jewelry making, inscriptions, skinning and enchanting. Minors include: First Aid, Cooking, Fishing and Archaeology.
If you are just starting to learn professions, and you like to craft things, then take a couple of collecting professions, such as herbalism, mining or skinning, and then put all the collected goods on auction or transfer them to your other characters who level up the profession. Plus, this is a great way to earn extra money.

What is an auction house?

First of all, this is a wonderful place where you can find something that you couldn’t get in the ordinary world. You can also make great money here. There are very few auction guides out there because few people want to share their secrets. You can find auctions in all the capitals of your factions, and again, to find the auctioneer you need to talk to the guard.
Don't know what to sell? Pay attention to the color of the item. And as we all know, there are 5 types of things:

Gray: Very poor quality. Items of this color have no value or bonuses. Often no one collects such things, and if they do collect them, they sell them to traders.

  1. White: Slightly best quality than gray items, but again does not have any bonuses and is sold from merchants. But you should not neglect white things, because they are often used in professions, for example: grass, ore, meat, leather, etc.
  2. Green : Better than normal quality. Items of this color can be bought at auction or obtained as loot. If you put such an item on your character, it will become personal and no one else except your character will be able to wear it. Moreover, such things cannot be transferred through exchange.
  3. Blue: Rare quality. Items of this type can be sold at auction if you have not already worn them.
  4. Purple: Epic quality. This type of thing is very, very difficult to get. If you find such an item, but there is no “Personal Item” signature above it, then you can safely sell such an item at auction and get a tidy sum.
  5. There are several other types of things, but it’s too early for you to know about them, and you won’t be able to get them at the beginning of the game.

If you are really interested in making money at auctions, then addons such as Auctioneer and Aucionar will come in handy.

All bags are full! What to do?

The bag that appears during character creation will not be big enough for you. As the character grows, so will the growth of his things. Try to find bags with up to 10 slots at low levels. This will be enough for now. If you are upgrading your profession, you can buy bags specifically for your profession. Usually they are quite large, but you can only put professional things in them. Once you consider all your bags to be small, you can look for larger bags at auction. They will cost a variety of prices, ranging from the cheapest to the extremely expensive. The price depends on the person who supplied the bag. The easiest way is to find friends in the guild who are engaged in tailoring and ask them to make you bags.

Where can I find a rideable vehicle?

Your first horse will appear at level 20. You will be able to research or buy a mount (depending on your class). Horse riding skills are not taught in the capitals, so you will have to find them yourself. This is not so easy to do, especially if you are a beginner. It’s best for you to ask experienced players or guildmates for help, but here are some rough guidelines (for each race):

Man - Elwynn Forest
Night Elf - Darnassus
Dwarf - Dun Morogh
Dwarf - Dun Morogh
Draenei - Exodar
Troll - Durotar
Tauren - Mulgore
Undead - Tirisfal Glades
Blood Elf— Woods of Eversong
Goblin - Orgrimmar
Orc - Orgrimmar

Trainers will train you at level 20 (60% speed) and at level 40 (100% speed). If you want to acquire other races, you will have to achieve the Exalted reputation. Upon reaching level 60, you will receive your first flying vehicle (150% speed), at 68 you will be able to learn “Flying in Bad Weather,” which will allow you to fly in Northrend. At level 70, learn new flights (280% speed), and upon reaching level 80, gain the latest skills (310% speed).

What about the symbols?

Starting at level 25, you will begin to fool yourself with such a thing as symbols. They can even greatly improve your abilities, or they can worsen them. You need to approach this wisely and try to buy the most profitable symbols for your build. For starters, you get a slot for a large symbol and a small one. The following slots will be available from levels 50 and 75. You can view the available symbols for your class at any time by pressing the N button. Symbols can be bought at an auction, made yourself (in outline), or again contact the guild and ask them to make the symbols you need.
When you receive a symbol, carefully study it, read the properties, because you can always enchant it for yourself, but you can’t return it back. A large symbol is inserted only into a large slot, a small one, respectively, only into a small one. If you make a mistake in the arrangement of symbols, you can always erase what you don’t need.

Where is this damn airship going?

Once you get the mount and the flying paths, you'll immediately feel like you can get anywhere in the world fairly quickly. but there are ways to get there much faster, for example, airships and ships. The game has several sea and air routes. You won't pay a penny for using airships and ships, unlike flying on griffins and wyverns. You can get on the deck of a ship or airship at any time, as well as get off it and even in the air.

Booty Bay (Stronghorn Vale) - Ratchet (Barrens) - Neutral Path
Menethil Bay (Wetlands) - Theramore Island (Dust Marsh) - Alliance Route
Stormwind City (Elwynn Forest) - Rutheran Village (Teldrassil) - Alliance Route

Orgrimmar (Durotar) - Grom'Gol Camp (Stronglethorn Vale) - Horde Route
Orgrimmar (Durotar) - Undercity (Tirisfal Glades) - Horde Route
Orgrimmar (Durotar) - Thunder Bluff (Mulgore) - Horde Route
Undercity (Tirisfal Glades) - Grom'Gol Camp (Stronghorn Vale) - Horde Route

Players over high level Those who want to get to Northrend (68+) can find ships in Stormwind and airships near Orgrimmar.

I hope the article was useful to you and with each new guide you will learn something new for yourself!

There are probably still people in the world who have never played World of Warcraft, but more and more often they are thinking about starting. It's rare that a game can boast such a fan base and a lifespan of 14 years. Once every 2-3 years, impressive addons are released that add a lot of content and greatly change the rules of the game. And the upcoming Battle for Azeroth intends to bring some classic mechanics back to players. Therefore, if you are still wondering whether to play WoW, now is a great time to start. We have prepared 10 useful tips especially for you.

1 . If during the game you come across something out of the ordinary or simply incomprehensible, do not hesitate to go to third-party resources to look for information. Save a lot of time.

2 . Create a Hunter as your first character. It is easy to learn, deals quite a lot of damage, both in PvP and PvE, and is also extremely easy to level up.

3 . To get started, improve your first aid, cooking, herbalism, and alchemy skills. With these skills, you can independently obtain herbs for alchemy, endlessly create potions, cook delicious food that gives additional bonuses in battle, and heal in critical situations.

4 . When leveling up your character, be sure to complete the “yellow” quests. Colors indicate difficulty levels. If you take on difficult tasks, then you will have more experience, which is why “yellow” is your choice. Green quests give you little experience, but you’ll most likely get screwed quickly on “orange” and “red” quests.

5 . Be sure to complete all dungeons at least once. In them you will find tasks that give a lot of experience, but at the same time they are easy to complete.

6 . It is also necessary to acquire the support of a living and active guild as soon as possible. The sooner you join one of the factions, the sooner you will begin to receive pleasant bonuses in the form of additional experience, loot, and faster movement on mounts.

7 . Don't neglect reading the assignment magazine! He will always tell you where to go, what to do and where to find something interesting. There has always been plenty of curious things in the world of WoW.

8 . Do not stoop to asking for gold. In the eyes of other players, you will look like a weak beggar who cannot earn money on his own by completing quests. In general, just like in real life.

World Of Warcraft is now known to almost everyone who has a personal computer at home. Legends are already forming about this game. Millions of people spend almost entire days in the game, gaining levels and other in-game currency. For many years now, WoW has probably been the most popular and discussed game in the world, so the demand for various instructions for setting up this or that component is huge. In my article, I will try to explain in understandable language, even for users who are not computer savvy, how to properly set up an unofficial local or Internet server on your computer. How to create a WoW server?

It is possible that you have already prepared for the fact that setting up will take you a huge amount of time and nerves. Actually this is not true. Creating a server is a fairly simple task and the developers did almost all the steps for you. For the most part, you will only have to press the “Next” button and sometimes enter data (logins, passwords and standard values ​​​​for the game).

Let's first talk about implementing our server, or more precisely, what software we will use to solve this problem. The most popular server for Games World Of Warcraft is now a cross-platform solution called Mangos. What does cross-platform mean? This means that this program can be run on any operating system. Mangos is completely free and distributed under a free license, so it imposes few restrictions on the user. The most significant is the ban on use for commercial purposes. This means that you cannot use a server based on this solution to earn money.

Instructions: how to create a WoW server?

So, it's time to create your own server.

  1. First you need to download the Mangos assembly from the Internet. I advise you to do this on the official website. This will protect our computer from viruses and other bad things.
  2. If you downloaded a rar(zip) archive with the program, then you need to unpack it. After unpacking or if you immediately downloaded without an archive, go to the Denwer folder and click Run. This will start the database and the server itself. For the future: the folder also contains the Stop and Restart files, which mean stopping and restarting the server, respectively.
  3. Now we need to change the database a little. To do this we need a program called Navicat. Have you downloaded and installed? Great. Launch it. We find it in the Connection menu, and there we enter the Connection name: localhost, leave the field labeled port untouched, but fill in the username and password (which means login and password) with the data that you entered in the previous paragraph when starting the server.
  4. If you did everything successfully, now we need to create 4 databases. Their name: mangos, realmd, characters, scriptdev2. How to do it? You need to right-click and select New Database. In the window that opens, you will need to enter the name of the databases. Yes, in order to enter each name you will have to right-click 4 times and open the window.
  5. So, we have done the bulk of the work and we can say that we already have the server itself. But don't rush. Now we need to copy the cards from the game to our site. To do this we will have to use a program called Extractor, which is already on our computer. Where? In the place where you unpacked the server itself, that is, Mangos. Once you're in this folder, look for a subfolder called Extractor. There will be many different files that we need. Copy all these files to the clipboard and move them all to the folder where World Of Warcraft itself is installed.
  6. Run ad.exe file. After completing it, we will have 3 more folders. You need to safely delete the folder called “building”, otherwise we will not be able to play on our new server. But you need to move the other two folders, which are called maps and dbc, to the mangos folder.
  7. Now comes the longest part of the installation process. Run the makevmaps_SIMPLE.BAT file and you can safely go make yourself some tea or maybe even eat. This file is optional, but it is important because it will help you get rid of many errors and glitches that you might encounter.
  8. After the program from the previous paragraph has finally finished its work, we once again need to delete the building folder.
  9. We need to move the vmaps folder to the mangos server folder.
  10. The last point that will answer the question: how to create a WoW server! Remember what I said about the files that are located in the denwer folder? Remember them! In order for all the changes we have made to take effect, click on the program called Restart. This will reboot our own server and allow all changes to be accepted. Now you know how to create a WoW server.

If you just started playing World of Warcraft, this guide will tell you about all the important stages of leveling up your character. If you're struggling to figure out what direction you should take, enter your character's name into Wowhead's Planner to see recommended content, find the right gear, and see what achievements you're missing.

Level 5

At level 5 you can choose your profession! Professions are skills that allow you to collect and craft special items that are useful to you and other players (such as armor, potions, and enchantments). Some recipes allow you to create pets and mounts (for example, Engineer's Chopper and Plush Elekk).

Profession Where to get materials How to make money
HerbalismElixirs, potions, infusions, transmutation
MiningWeapons and plate armor
SprayingUpgrading equipment
MiningRanged weapons, explosives, trinkets
Grass collectionHerbs
New Moon Cards, Symbols, Shoulder Upgrades
Raw and processed stones
SkinningLeather armor, chain mail armor, pants reinforcement
Ore and IngotsOre and Ingots
Skinning MonstersLeather
Loot from monsters
Fabric collection
Cloth armor, reinforcement for pants

There are several different professions in the game. A character can only have two main professions, but no one is stopping you from mastering all the secondary professions.

At level 10, you can also queue for the first battleground: Warsong Gulch. You will have to fight with other players in the classic "capture the flag" mode. On the battlefield, you will have to use skills and tactics that are different from those used in battles with monsters. For every kill and victory on the battlefield you will receive honor points.

Finally, at around level 10, you will be able to visit your faction's first capital. The capital is an area for relaxation, exploration and meeting with other players. Each capital has its own history, which you can get acquainted with by visiting shops and visiting architectural monuments.

Level 15

At level 15 you will receive your first talent. To do this, you will have to choose one of three abilities. This decision can be changed later. Additional talents are unlocked every 15 levels. Some of them improve existing skills, some add new ones.

At level 15, you will be able to queue up for dungeons with random players. The first dungeons will be Dead Mines And Fire pits. After this, new dungeons will appear every few levels.

As you progress through dungeons, you will learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of other players and learn a lot interesting stories from the past World of Warcraft. Here are just a few of them:

  • Cleansing of Stratholme: Travel back in time to witness how Prince Arthas cleansed the plague-infested city of Stratholme. This step was one of the first in his development on the path of evil and transformation into the Lich King.
  • Old Hillsbrad Foothills: Travel back in time to free the future Horde leader Thrall from the slavery of Aedelas Blackmoore, ruler of Durnholde Keep. The story takes place in the area of ​​Tarren Mill and Southshore, where other famous characters can be found.
  • Black swamps: Travel back in time to visit the swamp known as the Black Marsh and protect Guardian Medivh, who has fallen under the influence of Sargeras and is trying to open the Dark Portal to Draenor. Confront the Infinity dragons who want to thwart Medivh and prevent the invasion of Draenor.
  • Forgotten city: Before the Sundering of Azeroth, the ancient city of the night elves was in full swing with life, but as a result of sad events, its inhabitants refused to be cut off from the outside world and turned to corruption to maintain their magical powers. The once magnificent city is now at the mercy of twisted forces led by Prince Thortheldrin, who harbors a terrible secret.

Level 20

At level 20, you gain the ability to use land vehicles! This makes moving around the world much easier. Contact a riding trainer and pay him 4 gold to master the Horse Riding (Apprentice) skill.

There are many beautiful vehicles in the game. Here are just a few of them: Reins of the Crimson Horse of Death, Scepter of Az'Akir, Reins of the Frisky Phantom Tiger, Reins of the Raven Lord.

Full list ground transportation is . The methods for obtaining mounts can be different, for example, Reins of the Fiery Warhorse drops from Attumen the Stalker, Infernal Direwolf can be obtained from the Glory of the Hellfire Citadel Raider achievement, and Darkmoon Dancing Bear is bought for tokens on Darkmoon Faire.

At level 20, you will also receive the Warcraft Guest achievement, which allows you to play as the hero Lady Liadrin in a card game.

Level 30

At level 30, you get the opportunity to choose a second specialization and switch between them at any time for free. This is great for hybrid classes and players who like to fill different roles. If you have acquired a second specialization, but do not like it, you can change it for a small fee.

Double major acquired from a class skills teacher in any big city. If you don't know where the teacher is, talk to the guard and he will mark the right place on the map.

Level 40

At level 40, you gain the ability to move on the ground even faster (100% instead of 60%). Horse riding training (apprentice) costs 50 gold.

Level 58

At level 58, players can travel beyond Azeroth by using the Dark Portal. Outland is a devastated, ruined world where you will have to face the might of the Legion. This is also where you meet Illidan Stormrage and the Demon Hunters for the first time. Sounds familiar? These places are definitely worth visiting again before the new expansion comes out! Items and achievements related to Outland are described in detail in the guide A Week in Shattrath: How to get vehicles and pets from Outland (85+). One of the most attractive factions is Nether Dragons, for leveling up your reputation you can get amazingly beautiful dragons.

  • Mission areas: Shadowmoon Valley, Netherstorm, Blade's Edge Mountains, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh, Hellfire Peninsula
  • Dungeons: Dark Labyrinth, Arcatraz, Black Marsh, Steam Vault, Shattered Halls, Botany, Magisters' Terrace, Mechanar, Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Sethekk Halls, Auchenai Tombs, Mana-Tombs, Underbog, Prison, Bloodforge, Hellfire Bastions
  • Raids: Tempest Keep, Gruul's Lair, Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Sunwell Plateau, Serpentshrine Shrine, Hyjal Summit, Black Temple

Level 60

At level 60, you gain the ability to use airborne vehicles, soar into the skies, choose your own travel route, and dismount at any convenient time. The Airway Master's license costs 250 gold

There are many mounts in the game that can fly. Here are just a few of them: Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent, Reins of the Invincible, Frosted Flying Carpet, Majestic Armored Gryphon. A complete list of ground transport is available. Air transport can be obtained different ways- for example, make a Panther from a sunstone using Jewelcrafting, knock out the Reins of the Headless Horseman's steed during the Hallow's End celebration, or buy a Cenarion War Hippogryph after leveling up your reputation with the Cenarion Expedition.

Level 68

At level 68, players can travel to Northrend, home of the Lich King, Icecrown Citadel. As you complete the quests, you will learn about the history of the titans and help the Argent Crusade fight the Scourge. Items and achievements related to Northrend are described in detail in the guide Two weeks in Dalaran: How to get transport and pets from Northrend (85+).

  • Mission areas: Crystalsong Forest, Storm Peaks, Icecrown, Sholazar Basin, Zul'Drak, Grizzly Hills, Dragonblight, Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra
  • Dungeons: Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection, Forge of Souls, Halls of Lightning, Summit of Utgard, Oculus, Cleansing of Stratholme, Trial of the Champion, Halls of Stone, Gundrak, Violet Fortress, Fortress of Drak'Tharon, An'kahet: Old Kingdom, Azjol-Nerub, Nexus , Utgard Fortress
  • Raids: Trial of the Crusader, Eye of Eternity, Icecrown Citadel, Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, Ruby Sanctum, Ulduar

Level 70

At level 70, you gain the ability to move through the air even faster (280% instead of 150%). Horse riding training (advanced) costs 5,000 gold.

Level 80

At level 80, players can begin to appreciate the extent of the Sundering of Azeroth caused by the appearance of Deathwing. Help retake Hyjal from the Elemental Lords, explore the threat of the Old Gods in Vashj'ir, and team up with the dragons to restore order to the Dragon Soul.

  • Mission zones: Molten Front, Twilight Highlands, Uldum, Deepholm, Mount Hyjal, Vashj'ir
  • Dungeons: Zul'Gurub, Well of Eternity, Halls of Creation, Zul'Aman, Time of Twilight, End of Times, Lost City of Tol'vir, Grim Batol, Stone Core, Tornado Pinnacle, Blackrock Caverns, Throne of Tides
  • Raids: Blackwing Descent, Dragon Soul, Firelands, Throne of the Four Winds, Twilight Bastion

At level 80, players gain the ability to fly at 310%. Master Riding costs 5,000 gold.

Level 85

At level 85, you can go to Pandaria - a lost continent where peaceful pandarens live. Here you will learn about the Mogu tyrants, the mysterious Klaxxi who serve someone unknown, and meet the cheerful Pandaren. The conflict between the Alliance and the Horde will intensify, and Orgrimmar, led by the traitorous leader Garrosh, will be under siege. We advise you to read.

  • Mission areas: Isle of Thunder, Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Isle of Giants, Timeless Isle, Dread Waste, Townlong Steppes, Kun-Lai Summit, Krasarang Jungle, Valley of the Four Winds, Jade Forest
  • Dungeons: Gate of the Setting Sun, Siege of Niuzao Temple, Mogu Shan Palace, Shado-Pan Monastery, Temple of the Jade Serpent, Stormstout Brewhouse, Scholomance, Scarlet Monastery, Scarlet Halls
  • Raids: Terrace of Eternal Spring, Heart of Fear, Dungeons of Mogu'shan, Siege of Orgrimmar, Throne of Thunder

Level 90

At level 90, you can travel to Draenor, an alternate universe that would have arisen if Grommash Hellscream had not drunk the blood of Mannoroth. Experience the flourishing culture of the draenei, witness the rise of Vindicator Yrel, visit areas of Outland (such as Shadowmoon Valley) that have changed beyond recognition, and witness historical encounters (such as Thrall and his father Durotan).

  • Mission Zones: Tanaan Jungle, Nagrand, Spiers of Arak, Talador, Gorgrond, Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Valley
  • Dungeons: Upper Blackrock Spire, Everbloom, Grimpaths Depot, Shadowmoon Necropolis, Skypath, Auchindoun, Iron Docks, Bloodmaul Slag Mines
  • Raids: Blackrock Foundry, Hellfire Citadel, Highmaul

Level 100

Congratulations, you have achieved maximum level! You get access to the most complex and interesting content. You can:

  • Get the most powerful equipment in .
  • Fight the Iron Horde or go on a treasure hunt in.
  • , the mainstay of military operations on Draenor.