Small arm tattoo ideas for girls. Small arm tattoos for guys and girls

Body painting is very popular today. But not everyone likes to put huge tattoos on their back, neck or leg. Many people prefer the simplest ones. These will be discussed in our article. There is no place on the arm where a tattoo cannot be applied. They are done on the wrist, palm, fingers, elbows. Small drawings on hands are aesthetically pleasing and practical.

Simple hand tattoos for girls

The female body was worshiped by many poets and artists. Trying to be more attractive, girls choose delicate tattoos to highlight their natural assets. A stylish but simple tattoo on a girl’s arm will boost the self-esteem of any beauty. Women's drawings are graceful and small in size. What are the simplest symbols on the hand that can reflect a woman’s character?

Very often, girls choose symbols that speak about their character traits. Romantic and dreamy people choose small images of fragile fairies, weightless butterflies and dragonflies, flying dandelions, and fluttering swallows.

Girls with a rich inner world decorate their wrists or elbows with zodiac signs, images of stars and planets. This could be a plant branch. The snake speaks of wisdom, the scorpio speaks of sexuality, the lynx's head speaks of independence. Many people prefer cute angels or dragons.

The simplest tattoos are cat paws, a symbolic rose, and a heart. It has become fashionable among girls to apply designs on their fingers near the nails, which emphasizes the beauty of the manicure. To attract good luck, choose a talisman sign - a horseshoe or a hieroglyph.

Various ornaments and images of flowers look very feminine on girls’ hands. A thin female wrist will be decorated with a tattoo in the form of a bracelet, bow, or cross. Some choose an airy feather, symbolizing lightness and spirituality.

Creative people, accustomed to freedom, choose bird signs. A very simple image is an asterisk, but it speaks of changes in the life of the hostess. Recently, white tattoos on the arm have become very fashionable; they are very feminine and graceful.

A crown tattoo on the wrist has a deep meaning. It is a symbol of power and authority. Both women and men choose this tattoo.

Simple arm tattoos for men

Many men also limit themselves to a small design on their hand. Simple symbols, inscriptions, amulets on a man’s hand look very original. Treble clef, anchor, heart cardiogram, Chinese characters- this is a small selection of a large range of simple tattoos. The “yin-yang” sign on a man’s wrist is quite popular.

Many guys choose a flying comet, a parade of stars, a spider on a web. Men write letters and numbers on their fingers. Sometimes this may be an unusual icon in the form of a mustache. Stars are popular among men. Flames, patterns, and zodiac signs are painted on the forearm. Small images of animals and birds are also in demand. A small predator in the form of a wolf, tiger or bear will only emphasize masculinity. Men prefer birds, symbolizing freedom. One of them is an eagle.

Couple tattoo

Very often, two people go to a fashion salon: a guy and a girl, or a husband and wife. There are a large number of couple tattoos for her and him. They look especially impressive if they are performed on identical areas of the hand. Couples choose symbolic inscriptions, personifications of joint hobbies, signs of appearance.

The girl pins the initial letter of the guy's name, and he, in turn, pins the name of his beloved. This symbolizes their unity. Married couples display their children's names on their hands. Lovers often choose different hearts and cupid signs. A dove in the hands is also a symbol of purity of relationships and seriousness of intentions.

Popular inscriptions

Both men and women love hand tattoos in the form of inscriptions. It could be a small phrase, an aphorism or a word with meaning. The inscription on the hand is a person’s life credo, reflecting his aspirations and desires. The phrases most often chosen are in Latin, Arabic, English languages. Sometimes they also use Russian.

There are religious inscriptions bearing spiritual meaning. To commemorate an important event in life, they decide to put a memorable date on their hand. Sometimes people themselves come up with symbols that carry importance and meaning only for them. Even a simple drawing on the hand reveals the inner world and indicates the character traits of its owner.

Small tattoos occupy a special place in the art of body art. They are often chosen by both girls and boys as the first drawing in order to understand the sensations of the application process itself.

In addition, mini tattoos are convenient because their size allows you to both demonstrate and, if necessary, hide them from prying eyes. The most popular tattoo ideas are flowers, butterflies, hearts, cats, feathers, celestial bodies, etc.

Benefits of small tattoos

Small tattoos are just as popular as large ones because they are just as capable of attracting attention, provided they have aesthetic and symbolic value. The advantage of choosing a small design is that the tattoo can be easily hidden when the need arises.

A small tattoo is sweeter, softer and more feminine in nature than large and bold designs. But this in no way means that men should not stuff them: this is a matter of a person’s taste and preferences. There are many cool and stylish ideas for guys.

Beautiful tattoos also have a number of other advantages related to time and financial issues. A small tattoo can be filled in a few minutes and costs much less than an artistic piece. Also, the pain experienced during the session is less intense compared to the sensations when applying larger and more complex designs.

Thanks to their many benefits, beautiful small tattoos have already won the hearts of many stars. Demi Lovato, Kylie and Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Lucy Hale, Katy Perry, Rita Ora, etc. The list of stars can be continued endlessly.

Tattoo ideas for girls

The smaller the tattoo, the more sophisticated it needs to be to show off its full potential. To achieve this, tattoo artists from all over the world have come up with some amazing ideas that could meet these criteria. Here are some of the most original designs.

Moon. Moon tattoos have several symbolic meanings such as dreaminess, magic, femininity, the dark side and change.

In addition, each phase of the moon has its own interpretation. A full moon signifies perfection and fulfillment, a new moon signifies new beginnings and growth, a waning moon signifies separation and farewell, and a waxing moon signifies fertility and healing. Basically, these beautiful tattoos are suitable for girls who believe in fate and chance.

Feather. Feather tattoos are primarily a symbol of freedom and informality, as well as creativity and intelligence. This motif is interpreted differently in diverse cultures and religions. For the Celts they were considered a sign of holiness, for the Egyptians - for truth, and for Buddhists - for sincerity and honesty. The Romans associated her with Juno, the goddess of marriage, birth and care.

Small feather tattoos for women look great when applied to collarbones, ribs or wrists.

Eye. The eye is considered an expression of the mind and soul, and also symbolizes truth and knowledge. Like other motifs, the eye also has different symbolic meanings in each culture. For example, in Turkey and Greece it is believed that a blue eye helps against the evil eye.

For this reason, so-called Nazar amulets (glass amulets in the shape of a blue eye) are very common in both countries. They are worn as pendants on necklaces, hung in the car and in apartments above front door. A particularly popular tattoo motif is the "Eye of Providence", also called the all-seeing eye. These beautiful tattoos for girls will look great on any part of the body.

Heart. A heart tattoo primarily symbolizes love and vitality. Heart with flame means strong love, broken heart - sadness and heartache, heart with a dagger - disappointment in love.

Such a small tattoo is suitable for a girl who wants to show others her attitude towards love.

Flower. Floral motifs symbolize femininity, vitality and youth, but each flower has its own symbolism. For example, a rose symbolizes love and passion, a lotus symbolizes innocence and perfection, and a tulip symbolizes the joy of life and optimism. These are the most popular tattoo designs for girls.

Bow. The next popular small tattoos for girls are bows, which are used to represent femininity and are a hot favorite design among women. Moreover, the color of the bow is significant in the meaning of the tattoo. For example, pink can be a sign of attractiveness and innocence, while red can be a sign of sexuality and sensuality.

Anchor. This simple symbol looks amazing when used in small tattoos, which is the reason for its ever-growing popularity. Originally, anchor tattoos were associated with sailors and travelers, but in modern times they have become symbols of stability. These modern women's tattoos look best on the arms and legs.

Cats. Girls often choose cute cat images for their tattoo. They can be cat silhouettes, paws, muzzles or whiskers. If you are thinking about a tattoo design for girls on your arm, then this design will be a great choice.

Decorations. Many girls prefer to wear small jewelry tattoos with rings, bracelets or necklaces on their body. Such tattoos are not only beautiful to look at, but also valuable to the owner, as they can be associated with memories or emotions. These are the most beautiful tattoos for girls: they can be successfully placed on the ankle, wrists, fingers or waist.

Butterflies. This is one of the most loved designs among girls as it perfectly displays the beauty of vibrant colors and feminine designs. These delicate tattoos can range from the outline of a butterfly to a more complex design with lots of detail on the wings.

Inscriptions. Something that has special meaning for a person can be applied in the form of an inscription. This could be the name of a child, a spouse, an important date, a life motto, etc. Moreover, the choice of font can make it cute and neat or, on the contrary, bold: the choice depends on the personal preferences of the owner.

In addition to the above designs, you can add images of birds, dragonflies, various signs, lions, musical symbols, angels and any other motifs. They all look interesting and in the best possible way emphasize the beauty of the girl.

When you're thinking about a future tattoo, there are two things you need to consider: key points– the place where the tattoo will be applied and its design. Carefully think through all the details to find best option, which would ideally meet both of these conditions.

Basically, where to place a tattoo depends on its size. Volumetric designs look good on large surfaces: back, stomach, sides, chest, hips or shoulders. While smaller and more subtle designs work great on smaller areas such as the ankles, wrists, neck, spine, back of the ear and even fingers.

As for design, the choice here depends only on your own preferences. The most popular tattoos for girls are related to the theme of travel, adventure, love, astronomy, nature, animals, etc. If you want your tattoo to carry hidden symbolism, pay attention to ethnic or ancient symbols.

It is best to get tattoos in places that will not be difficult to cover if necessary, for example, according to the requirements of the employer. For this reason, small body designs that have a hidden meaning for their owner are very popular today among adherents of tattoo culture. They can be placed on the arms, legs, back, shoulders, stomach or even neck.

Small tattoos on the arm, regardless of the style in which they are made, have a number of advantages compared to larger body designs.

Guys and girls are increasingly choosing mini-tattoos today because:

  • creating such a picture does not require a lot of time;
  • a small tattoo can be placed on absolutely any part of the body, including the face and phalanges of the fingers and toes;
  • small designs, if necessary, can be hidden not only by a piece of clothing, but also by an accessory, for example, a watch or a ring;
  • it is easier to care for small tattoos (the period of restoration of integrity small plot the skin takes only 2-3 days);
  • a small tattoo costs less than a full-size one (no more than 2-3 thousand from a famous tattoo artist);
  • in a small format, it is the symbols and signs that most often have a deep meaning for the owner of the tattoo that look most advantageous;
  • If a small tattoo gets boring over time, it can easily be covered with a new, larger sketch.

Where do girls and guys get mini tattoos on their arms?

Experienced tattoo artists recommend doing small tattoos on the hands. The client chooses a specific area for the design, depending on his preferences, the presence of skin defects (in some cases, with the help of small tattoos, people hide scars, scars or age spots), as well as the style of the miniature picture.

The photo shows examples of small tattoos on the arm.

Girls most often get tattoos on:

  • wrists (usually similar or identical, symmetrical tattoos are created on the wrists of both hands);
  • inner side of the forearm;
  • at the base of the thumb;
  • on the phalanges of the fingers (such tattoos are the least practical due to the high degree of mobility of the skin in this area, as well as due to the frequent external influence on it).

Guys prefer to create small designs on their body in the area:

  • biceps (such tattoos look especially good on those with an athletic build);
  • elbow bend;
  • outer sides of the palms;
  • the front of the forearms.

Styles and colors of small tattoos

Small tattoos on the hand, depending on the client’s wishes for the sketch, can be made by a master in several styles:

  • old-school (characteristic feature This style is the use of bright, rich colors in creating tattoos);
  • dot-work(tattoo done in black, the sketch of which is based on a specific geometric figure);
  • new school(within this style, cartoon or comic book characters are usually drawn on the body);
  • Celtic(tattoos with a high semantic load);
  • trash polka(bright tattoos, usually symbolizing a challenge to society posed by the owner of the body design);
  • minimalism(a small tattoo that usually has no meaning, such as an ice cream with eyes and a mouth);
  • 3D(Only an experienced tattooist who specializes in creating three-dimensional body designs can perform small-format work in this style.)

When the master agrees with the client on the style of the sketch and its main idea, it will be necessary to decide on a color scheme.

Miniature tattoos will look most advantageous on the body if they:

  • black and white(exclusively two pigments are driven under the skin, without derivative shades);
  • colored(provided that no more than 2 bright colors are used. Otherwise, due to the size, the elements of a small tattoo will merge into one colored spot).

Small tattoos on the arm should only be done if you have complete confidence in the selected design.

  • do not chase fashion trends (remember that fashion for a particular style will pass after 1-2 years, but the tattoo will remain on the body forever);
  • “draw” a sketch yourself, putting in a meaning that is understandable only to the future owner of the body design (if you don’t have the ability to draw, you can use the services of tattoo artists who create sketches according to the client’s established criteria);
  • avoid names, dates and other specific details that may become irrelevant after some time (for example, due to separation from your other half);
  • avoid small details (due to their miniature size, not every tattoo artist will be able to draw them efficiently. Due to high level mobility of the skin on the hands, the pigment can spread over time, forming a shapeless spot on the skin due to the presence of a large number of strokes and lines).

A sketch is considered successful if, when applied to the skin, from a distance of 2-3 m it will be possible to distinguish the details of the drawing, or at least in general outline understand what exactly is depicted on the human body.

Meaning of various symbols

In the absence of ideas about what an individual tattoo sketch should look like, it is recommended that a person first study the meanings of the most popular variants of body designs made in different styles.


Symbolism is a style of making body designs that implies the presence of a miniature symbol or sign that has a generally accepted meaning (for example, clover symbolizes good luck). To stand out, young people sometimes get a tattoo, putting into it the opposite of the main meaning.

The most popular options for symbolic body art are:

Symbol Meaning
DiamondStrength of spirit, crystal purity of thoughts and motives, presence of values.
BowFemininity, grace, gentleness of character, penchant for romanticism.
LadybugIt is a symbol of a person’s protection from the negativity of others, the presence of balance in the inner world.
ScalesA symbol of logic, emotional balance, the desire for thoughtfulness in one’s actions
Tape cassetteIllustrates the presence of valuable memories in a person from the era of cassette recorders. To make the sketch more specific, young people add a significant date to it.
Night (stars, moon, month night composition)A symbol of the mystery of its owner, mystery, the presence of a person’s sympathy for the world of otherworldly forces and magic.

Inscriptions in a foreign language, hieroglyphs with meaning

Small arm tattoos depicting hieroglyphs or a foreign phrase should be chosen in conjunction with a native speaker of the chosen language or a tattoo artist who specializes in creating body designs of this type.

The most popular tattoos and inscriptions are:

Tattoo Meaning
My family is my treasure. (English)“My family is my wealth.” This phrase is chosen as a body image by young people who want to emphasize the family priorities of their worldview.
Finchè c'è vita c'è speranza. (Italian)“To live means to hope and believe.” This tattoo is suitable for those who want to emphasize their openness to the outside world, as well as their willingness to sincerely believe in themselves and their loved ones.
Niemand als du. (German)"Nobody but you." A tattoo used as a reminder to oneself that nothing is impossible for a person, provided he has desire and faith in his own abilities.
Nuncio te rindas. (Spanish)“You should never give up.” Such a phrase, being on a person’s body, illustrates his readiness to go towards his intended goal despite external circumstances and difficulties that arise along the way.
"Dragon". The word-symbol illustrates the inner power of the owner of such a tattoo, and is also a kind of amulet against external negativity.

"Love". Such a tattoo means that the inner world of its owner is full of tender feelings. A person who chooses such a hieroglyph has a subtle mental organization, he is emotional and values ​​the warmth of human relationships most of all in life.


Not only girls, but also men choose flowers as miniature body designs.

Flower tattoo Commonly accepted meaning
RoseSymbolizes love, beauty, purity of thoughts and intolerance for underestimating one’s own abilities on the part of people around him.
LilyLily means a person’s inner peace, the presence of harmony and stability in his life, the desire for tenderness and reverent treatment.
SakuraSakura is considered a symbol of recognition of the transience of life. It is filled by people who strive to focus the attention of others on the subtleties of their mental organization, the vulnerability of the soul and excessive emotionality.
OrchidThis flower symbolizes the harmony of a person’s nature, the carefree lifestyle, as well as the desire to inform others about the presence of a significant attachment (not necessarily a person of the opposite sex, but, for example, a mother or father).
LotusLotus is chosen by people who strive for perfectionism in everything. They recognize the transience of life, but consider it their duty to fill each day with a variety of emotions and philosophical conclusions.


Animals are extremely rarely chosen as designs for miniature tattoos. This is due to the impossibility of reproducing the detailed appearance of a living creature on a small area of ​​skin.

The simplest ones to implement are:

Animal tattoo Commonly accepted meaning
FoxA symbol of prosperity, abundance, the desire for a comfortable life. Such an animal is tattooed on their body by people who consider the main advantage of their character to be cunning and flexibility in relationships with others.
CatThe cat chosen as a design for a tattoo symbolizes the independence of its owner. It illustrates the mystery and beauty of his inner world, which he does not strive to reveal to others.
WolfIt is a symbol of loyalty and strength. People with wolves on their bodies consider friendship as their main priority in life. They are leaders by nature, striving to live according to their conscience.
TigerThe tiger is considered a symbol of passionate nature, great power and a person’s desire to develop his spiritual strength and morality.


Small tattoos made in the Abstract style usually do not meet the generally accepted requirements of the tattoo industry. In some cases, only its owner can disassemble the components of the overall picture.

Tattoo option Intended value

Symbolizes excessive emotionality of a person. Owners of such a tattoo are purposeful and independent. They do not tolerate lies and do not consider it necessary to take into account the interests of others in achieving their goals.

The imitation bracelet symbolizes the constraint of a person. People who have chosen such a sketch for body art are reserved, but at the same time they always have a plan of action that does not depend on external circumstances.

A symbol of clarity of thinking and the predominance of positive emotions in the life of such a person over negative ones. Owners of such a tattoo are usually the life of the party, attracting people with their optimism and ability to get out of difficult situations. life situations with positivity.

The main value in the life of people with such a tattoo is the desire to surround themselves with comfortable circumstances. They avoid negativity, are very peaceful and easy-going.

Other mini tattoos

Depending on the interests, lifestyle of a person and the meaning that he plans to put into his body drawing, You can also select a sketch from:

Tattoo option Intended value
ScorpionOwners of such tattoos always fight for justice in life. They are withdrawn, lonely, and consider this to be their strengths, which have a positive impact on the quality of their life.
SunA symbol of wisdom, having a clear understanding of life goals, as well as the desire to dominate others.
AngelThis body design is a kind of amulet for its owner. It personifies the spirituality of a person’s nature, as well as his inner balance.
FeatherA symbol of lightness, attentiveness and kindness to others. Owners of feather tattoos are modest, easy to communicate and sincere with their loved ones.
CrownThe crown is considered a symbol of longevity. Owners of such a tattoo have leadership qualities and strive for excellence in all areas of life, often ignoring the feelings of others.

Application techniques

Small tattoos are created on the hands by masters in accordance with the generally accepted work algorithm:

Is it possible to do a small tattoo yourself?

It is highly not recommended to apply tattoos to your skin yourself. Even experienced tattoo artists turn to their colleagues to create tattoo designs for themselves.

You can't get a tattoo because:

  • it is impossible to fully control the movements of one’s limbs while the body experiences pain;
  • the risk of infection in injured skin increases (it is impossible to maintain complete sterility of the work process when working with one hand);
  • It is difficult to objectively evaluate the result of the work, seeing it from only one angle.

Sketches of small hand tattoos for guys

Sketches of small arm tattoos for guys should be selected depending on the specific area of ​​the body design.

Tattoo option (place of application) Intended value


The inscription on the wrist translates as “Always First”, and the crown symbolizes the presence leadership qualities the owner of such a tattoo. Guys who choose this sketch are not shy about their opinions, are purposeful, and usually list career growth as a priority in life.

A treble clef tattooed on a man’s shoulder symbolizes that the owner of such a tattoo is a creative person. He loves music, the attention of others, and strives to emphasize his talent under any circumstances.


Symbolizes the commitment of the tattoo owner healthy image life.

The tattoo illustrates the young man’s attachment to his family, his emotionality and sensuality of nature.

Dice on the palm indicate the frivolity of the owner of the tattoo and his reluctance to take on obligations.

A symbol of the emotionality and subtlety of a guy’s mental organization.

A symbol of masculinity and the ability of a young man to defend his position in life.

Sketches of beautiful and light miniatures for girls

Miniature tattoos for girls on the arms are usually a way to emphasize the femininity of the tattoo owner, her vulnerability and emotionality. In some cases (crown, rose, and so on), a body design can illustrate the determination of a representative of the fairer sex, as well as her desire to be the first in everything.

(on the wrist)

(on the shoulder)

(on fingers)

(on the forearm)

(on the elbow)

(on palm)

(on the hand)

Tattoo care

The speed of tattoo healing, as well as the quality of pigment distribution under the skin, is influenced by the person’s compliance with Basic recommendations from a tattoo artist related to body tattoo care:

  • rinse the tattoo under warm running water running water with soap 4 hours after creating the drawing;
  • spread a thin layer of healing ointment around the perimeter of the tattoo;
  • cover the tattoo with film and secure it with adhesive tape;
  • repeat the above manipulations every 3 hours during the first 2 days after creating the tattoo;
  • Avoid steaming injured skin, exposure to the sun, and UV radiation for 7 days after driving in the pigment;
  • minimize physical activity, using your hands until the tattoo is completely healed.

Small tattoos, regardless of the gender of their owner, look most advantageous on the hands.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the process of creating them, it also requires special training and following recommendations for tattoo care after the session. Otherwise, the miniature body pattern in the shortest possible time (after 6-7 months) will transform into a solid spot due to improper distribution of pigment, excessive mobility of the skin or its incorrect healing.

Video about small tattoos

40 small tattoo ideas:

Small tattoos are a common choice for girls, especially as a first tattoo. If you want to stand out and emphasize your individuality, but at the same time remain cute and feminine, then small tattoos are the ideal choice. In other cases, the first tattoo is made small in order to understand what it is, how the process itself will happen and how painful it is. As a sample option for a large complex tattoo. Choosing a small design reduces responsibility, because if during your life you change your mind about having such a design on your body, it will not be difficult for the artist to cover up the tattoo with a larger design. The choice of place on the body for applying a small tattoo is varied, as is the choice of sketch. Let's consider popular options.

Small tattoos on the neck.

A tattoo on the neck will emphasize sophistication and draw attention to the face. If desired, it can be easily closed by simply letting down your hair. Small flowers behind the ear will serve as a feminine decoration. A scattering of stars on the back of the neck will strengthen unity with nature. You can place your zodiac sign on the side of your neck. The style of small tattoos on the neck is minimalism or watercolor. It is worth considering that applying a tattoo to the neck is painful and the thin skin in this place is often renewed. The tattoo should be simple and light. So as not to deform over time.

Small tattoos on the collarbone.

Elegance and fragility are emphasized. Application is painful. Execution style – minimalism or graphics. A convenient place for writing quotes, inscriptions or important dates. Such a tattoo will add sexuality and will draw attention to the décolleté area.

Small tattoos on arms.

Wrist – perfect place for applying a small tattoo of any shape. The skin is thin and application will be painful. Paired tattoos on wrists are popular. Most often these are paired drawings that complement each other.

  • Sun and Moon;
  • Yin and yang;
  • Rocket and star;
  • Key and lock;
  • Halves of hearts;
  • Puzzle pieces;
  • Card king and queen;
  • Cross and zero;
  • The inscription "Mrs" and "Mr".

Small tattoos on the leg.

A tattoo on the ankle, foot or small one near the fingers will emphasize grace and lightness. An elegant bracelet around the ankle, a light feather along the fingers or a scattering of flowers - there are many options for tattoo designs on the leg. The drawing can be in any style and can be easily hidden from prying eyes if desired.

Intimate small tattoos.

A small, elegant tattoo under the breasts, around the nipples or lower abdomen is hidden from prying eyes and will only be visible to your chosen one. It’s like a little secret, known only to the two of you, that brings you closer and unites. The sketch of an intimate tattoo is often individual, made by a master for you. Used as decoration, most often it does not carry any serious meaning. It could be a cute bow, sakura flowers or a scattering of precious stones.

The meaning of small tattoos.

  • Crown – leadership and superiority over others;
  • Anchor – stability and confidence;
  • Wildflowers – simplicity and femininity;
  • A rose is happiness in love, if with thorns it is unhappy love;
  • Sakura – sexuality and liberation;
  • Lotus – Buddhism, connection with the universe;
  • A dandelion with a flying dome is a symbol of life’s fleeting moments;
  • Clover - for good luck, belief in miracles;
  • Ladybug - for good luck, a symbol of attracting money;
  • Wings - a talisman, attracting a guardian angel;
  • Mandala is a talisman for good luck, protection, happiness. The meaning depends on the execution of the drawing;
  • Zodiac sign – enhances the personal qualities inherent in your sign;
  • Hummingbird – strength and perseverance in achieving your goals;
  • Stars - unity with nature;
  • The sun and moon depicted side by side are harmony;
  • Clock – intelligence and erudition, power over time;
  • Compass - determination;
  • The key is curiosity, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation;
  • Feather – freedom from stereotypes imposed by society;
  • Giraffe - the desire to reach heights that others cannot achieve;
  • Arrow – determination and stability;
  • Snowflake – individuality;
  • Elephant - luck and luck. Two elephants - eternal love;
  • Dragonfly – frivolity and fragility;
  • Seahorse - cheerfulness;
  • Owl – mysticism and intelligence;
  • Cherry – one for purity, two for affection;
  • Precious stone – perseverance and prosperity.

The hieroglyph tattoo has lost popularity and is perceived by society as bad taste. Today, tattoo inscriptions are performed in English, Latin or their native language. Decorate yourself with meaning and choose a tattoo design that suits you.

IN modern world tattoos are very popular not only among young people, but also among middle-aged people. For girls, tattoos have a special meaning. Beautiful designs are usually applied to the arms, legs, neck, and back.

Representatives of the fair sex also get tattoos on other parts of the body, but the hands are especially popular.

Neat beautiful drawings are able to decorate and express a girl, highlight her individuality. Any tattoo should have some meaning, denote an important event in a person’s life. They can be black and white and color, large and small. Everything is done according to the client's wishes.

If a girl can’t decide where to get a tattoo, then you can familiarize yourself with possible options. Not always, if a girl has a tattoo, it is made with a specific idea. Often, this is just a way to attract attention or add some zest, to acquire an eternal talisman.

Among the latest fashion trends in tattoos for girls are the following techniques:

  • Mehendi. Initially, mehendi was a ritual design that had meaning and significance only for Arab women. For everyone else, it’s just a beautiful drawing made with special paints. Many beautiful lines and curls, flowers and dots that are interconnected. The design is done with henna, it is washed off over time;

  • White drawings. These are raised patterns that look like a scar. Moreover, they have a clear outline. Many stars began to get similar tattoos. But they have one drawback - you can examine and understand what kind of drawing it is only up close;

  • Pair performance tattoos They are done together with a young man in the same place. Often - in the hands. The drawings can complement each other, be completely identical, or made in the form of beautiful inscriptions.

Colored and black and white tattoos for girls on the arm

Paired tattoos are individual and always carry a special meaning for their owners.

Finger tattoos for girls

Tattoos for girls on the arm can be represented by many designs.

It could be:

  • image of animals;

  • birds;

  • inscriptions;

  • small icons;

  • simple ornaments;

  • Chinese characters;

  • flowers;

  • any patterns made with dots;

  • lines and spirals.

Such body designs are made on the inside of the fingers, on the phalanges, and on the wrist.

The tattooing procedure is quite painful and requires patience.

Hands are a graceful part of the body and should not be cluttered. It will be enough to decorate them with a small, beautiful and at the same time simple design.

Those with thin, long fingers and fragile, small hands will be able to give it additional tenderness.

Hand tattoo

This type of tattoo is placed on the back of the hand. If a girl has thick and short fingers, then you should not make the drawing large and cover the entire area of ​​the brush with it.

Often girls make patterns at this place that are directly related to the East. It looks beautiful and elegant. Before getting a tattoo on your hand, you should think about choosing a design, and it is important to remember that not all hands will be decorated with it.

Wrist tattoo

Here, basically, a small drawing is printed. It is able to decorate the inside of the wrist and emphasize its elegance.

Look great:

  • small floral patterns;

  • inscription in any language;

  • paired tattoos on both hands;

  • ringing pattern around the entire wrist;

  • infinity icon.

Tattoos with an infinity sign are often combined with other small designs or inscriptions.

Tattoo on the inside of the arm

Such tattoos for girls on the arm are chosen by representatives of the fairer sex who need to hide the presence of a pattern on the body. This can be done with long sleeves of a blouse or sweater. Often, they are made in the form of inscriptions in Latin or hieroglyphs.

This part of the body does not have hair, the skin is thin and soft, specialists easily and quickly cope with the task. But The pain on the inside of the arm is quite high.

There are cases when tattoos are used to hide scars from injuries or the consequences of past illnesses.

Drawings of any color and size look beautiful here. Small hearts or flowers, animals or birds, inscriptions - all this looks cute and attractive.

Forearm tattoo

Flowers, animals, knives or other types of weapons are often stuffed here.

Tattoos that are located on a girl’s forearm on her arm should occupy at least half the area of ​​this area of ​​the body.

But on the inside of the forearm, small drawings and phrases are quite acceptable.

Tattoo on shoulder

Often such tattoos can be found on men, but girls also get large and beautiful designs on their shoulders.

The most popular tattoos for girls on the arm are the shoulder tattoo with flowers.

A large dragon or snake that wraps around the hand to the wrist looks gorgeous.

It is also possible to transfer such a tattoo to the shoulder blade. Girls also prefer talismans that will protect them.

Sleeve tattoo

A bold sleeve tattoo option for girls is available in 3 options:

  • from wrist to shoulder;

  • from wrist to elbow;

  • from the wrist to the middle of the forearm.

Here the entire surface of the area is hammered, performing a general pattern or a combination of several. It looks slightly informal on a woman's body.

Very brave girls decide to take this step.

Colored hand tattoos for girls

The peculiarity of such tattoos is their good ability to disguise scars from injury. Colored drawings look beautiful on a woman’s body; they are able to accurately convey their meaning and express the individual’s individuality.

In addition to advantages, they also have disadvantages.

Tattoo on hand with meaning

Before getting a tattoo on a girl, especially on her arm, you can do a trial version - apply the same design with henna.

This will help you find out whether a person is able to withstand the design for the rest of his life, whether this tattoo will affect his lifestyle and the opinions of others.

The girl will be able to find out whether the tattoo bothers her or whether it decorates her. Perhaps this will be enough, and she will no longer get a tattoo.

Any tattoo should be done thoughtfully
so as not to regret it later, and to carry a certain meaning.

Sketches of arm tattoos for girls

For lovers of marine themes:

For incorrigible “cat ladies”:

Particularly popular among girls and owls are:

An example of an original mehendi:

If desired, anyone can create a sketch on their own.

Flowers are also always popular among girls as a tattoo design on the arm.

In a professional salon there are always several booklets with various sketches from which you can choose a pattern or design for your hand.

Meanings of popular tattoos for girls on the arm

Tattoo name Tattoo meaning Execution options
Sun tattoo on handSymbol of protection, wisdom and lightSun tattoos are popular in Celtic and traditional or any modern style.
Lettering tattoo on women's handTheir meaning is determined by what is written on the bodyIn Latin, French, Chinese and many other languages
Name tattoo on handThe name of a person who is very dear and beloved is written. Sometimes, the name is made in honor of memoryIn various languages
Forest tattoo on armThis is how the girl expresses her dissatisfaction with the world around her. This is a rather aggressive tattoo, its owner should always be ready to defend itBlack or black and white design
Heart tattoo on handLove, life and relationshipsThe heart can be with wings, broken or, on the contrary, happy, with an arrow inside
Infinity tattoo on handIt means the infinity of life or being, reincarnationThe infinity shape is quite popular, but it is performed mainly in the classical form, possibly with compacted edges or the middle
Smile tattoo on handJoy, funCan be performed with lips, teeth, colored or black and white
Cross tattoo on armReligious tattoo means faith, patience and chastityMainly done in Celtic style. Can also be German, Latin, Christian, Gothic and others
Rose or rose tattoo on armYouth, undying beauty, loveAvailable in color and black and white
Crown tattoo on handLeadership, desire for respect and honorA crown over a heart, a crown with a snake or flowers are the most popular tattoos
Save and save tattoo on your handFaithMostly in Russian or Latin
Wolf tattoo on armLoyalty and devotion to family, husband, childrenA good wolf or with a grin, what a look
Owl tattoo on armWisdom, intelligenceSleeping owl or with open eyes
Bird tattoo on handFreedomSwallows or sparrows, pigeons
Flower tattoo on handTenderness, some naivety, opennessRoses, violets or lilies of the valley, peonies and so on
Dragon tattoo on handCourage, courageColored or black and white
Snake tattoo on armWisdom, cunningColored or black and white
Fox tattoo on armUnusual cunning and intelligenceColored or black and white
Eagle tattoo on armThe girl has a masculine characterFlying or sitting, color or black and white
Fire tattoo on handLack of controlAlone or in combination with another tattoo
Star tattoo on handBeauty, harmony, trustVarious constellations
Hieroglyphs tattoo on armMysticism, originalityWords, phrases or whole sentences
Tree tattoo on armLife, sustainabilityDry or with leaves
Wing tattoo on armLightness, airiness, eleganceSome kind of bird (eagle or swallow, etc.)
Butterfly tattoo on handDesire for family. The girl is kind and soft, devoted and gentleSitting on a flower, open (flying), colored or black and white
Slavic tattoos on the armReligious supportIn monochrome or color
Bird tattoo on handFreedom, independenceColored or black and white
Clock tattoo on handHonesty, ability to manage time, patience and order in everythingPocket or wrist
Feather tattoo on handLightness, openness to peopleBird or animal feather
Children's names tattoo on handA mother's affection for her children, special maternal loveColor or black and white, in different languages
Dream catcher tattoo on armAmuletColored or black and white
Pulse tattoo on handEnergyColored or black and white
Space tattoo on armWorld mind, orderColored or black and white
Wire tattoo on armPrison stylePrickly or not prickly
Skull tattoo on handImmortality of the soulColored or black and white
Peonies tattoo on armPurity and kindnessColored or black and white
Stripe tattoo on armPositive, developmentThin or thick
Tiger tattoo on handPower, tenacity and ability to overcome difficultiesJumping, walking or lying down

Simple small tattoos on the arm

Tattoo on hand

Tattoo meaning

Sakura tattoo on handBeauty, elegance
Triangle tattoo on armGirlhood-motherhood-old age, unity of soul, mind and body
Bear tattoo on armIndependence
Lily tattoo on handTenderness, femininity
Jesus tattoo on handFaith in God
Gun tattoo on handTendency to dangerous relationships, symbol of protection
Mandala tattoo on handSource of life
Geometry tattoo on armLuck, luck
Compass tattoo on handThe right choice of path, self-determination
Angel tattoo on handStriving for moral purity, ideality and spirituality
Joker tattoo on handOptimism, cheerful attitude towards life
Yin yang tattoo on handHarmony
Phoenix tattoo on handYouth, energy, fortitude
Praying hand tattooA sign of memory of someone
Ring tattoo on handPromise of love and fidelity
Tattoo around the armAmulet
Bracelet tattoo on hand for girlsAmulet
Biomechanics tattoo on armWillingness to open your inner world
Palm tree tattoo on armSlender figure, a symbol of femininity
Lotus tattoo on handFemininity, harmony, love and purity
Celtic pattern tattoo on armPersonal life path map
Swallow tattoo on armThe desire for freedom, an easy and carefree life
Anchor tattoo on handReliability, loyalty, constancy
Word tattoo on handFamous phrase or catchphrase as the motto of life
Raven tattoo on handMasculinity, mystery
Eye tattoo on handSometimes he expresses the girl’s unconventional orientation.
Ornament tattoo on handTo attract or repel
Spider tattoo on armStealth
Cat tattoo on handIntelligence, grace, dexterity
Samurai tattoo on armThey mean the tough temperament of its bearer, or complete fidelity to her husband
Skeleton tattoo on armPersonification of death
Blackwork tattoo on armMinimalism or maximalism
Arrow tattoo on handPurposefulness, composure
Scorpio tattoo on handCoolness and defiance
Polynesia tattoo on armFemininity, tenderness
Tribal tattoo on armSpiritual connection between soul and body
5 dots tattoo on handTerm
Knife tattoo on handCoolness
Abstract tattoo on handHot temper or poise, cheerfulness
Tattoo on arm sleeveStrength, courage, energy

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your arm?

Before the procedure, the specialist treats the skin well with an antiseptic and lubricates it with an anesthetic gel.

The duration of the procedure depends on the size of the tattoo, and the pain depends on the sensitivity threshold and the selected area for the tattoo.

The procedure is not very pleasant; constant tingling sensations can be tolerated.

Treatment with an antiseptic, removal of excess paint and application of a bandage are the final stages.

How long does it take for a tattoo on a hand to heal?

How long a tattoo will heal depends on how well you care for it. If you follow all the recommendations of the master, it can heal in 10-14 days. It depends on the size of the drawing.

How much does a tattoo on a hand cost - price

The cost of getting a tattoo on the arm depends on the size and complexity of the design. On average, prices range as follows:

  • 2-3 cm² - 2500-3000 rubles. You can make any drawing, inscription, shapes;

  • 5*5 cm² – 3700-4200 rubles. Not flashy designs, light and casual;
  • 10*10 cm² – cost up to 5000 rubles. Such an area can accommodate an animal, a beautiful amulet, or an ornament;

  • 15*15 cm² – 6000 rubles;

  • 20*20 cm² – 7000 rubles;

  • 25*25 cm² – 8000 rubles.

Each tattoo has a specific meaning.

Before deciding on a design for a girl on her arm, it is advisable to study many options, know the features and meaning of tattoos, so that in the future you will not only not regret the chosen image, but, on the contrary, be absolutely satisfied with the result.

Video demonstrating the most popular tattoos for girls on the arm

This video clip presents tattoos for girls on the arm in the form of inscriptions with their translation:

The second video contains 50 of the best tattoo designs for girls on the hand (wrist):
