How to grow a tree from seeds. How to grow ornamental trees from seeds. What features you need to know before growing a tree from seeds

As it turned out, it is more profitable to buy some trees not from a nursery, but to grow them yourself from seeds. This method of reproduction has certain advantages.

Firstly, savings - seedlings are much more expensive than seeds, and if desired, you can even collect them yourself.

Secondly, it is possible to obtain more planting material.

As with many fruit trees, an almond tree grown from seed may not produce fruit throughout its life for several reasons. Additionally, to harvest almonds, you must plant at least two varieties of different and compatible fruits in the same yard so that pollen can move from one tree to another. But once you want to feel the joy of growing your own tree from seed, let's get started.

The first thing we need to do is look for freshly picked natural almonds. This may be more difficult than it seems because almost all the almonds that we can find in the market are fried, so these seeds will definitely not germinate. In all cases, we need to find seeds that have not been processed in any way. They should be unprocessed seeds, not toasted, unheated and unsalted. It's better to find freshly picked shelled almonds.

Thirdly, growing trees from seeds produces seedlings that are better adapted to the local climate.

Fourthly, seedlings of rare trees are not always easy to find; with seeds in this regard it is much easier.

This article will tell you how to grow a tree from seeds. He will also introduce you to the types of trees that are easier to propagate in this way, and explain exactly how to do this.

Once we find natural seeds, we must select at least 10 of them. Even if everything is done correctly, only 50% of the seeds or less will germinate, and only a small portion of them will reach small seedlings and young trees. Therefore, we carefully tear the bark and collect the seeds. Then we wet ourselves with a towel and put the towel in a plastic bag.

The key from now on is to put the bag in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks. After about 3 weeks, some seeds will usually germinate. We can plant them in individual small pots containing a special soil mixture. We should plant the seeds shallowly, 1.2 inches deep and cover lightly with soil. Therefore, we place the pots at room temperature, next to a wide window, so that the seedlings have access to plenty of sunlight. From now on, the most important thing is to keep the pots moist, but not soggy.

Let's start with white locust (Rabinia false locust). Winter-hardy forms of this tree can be found in city parks, courtyards, and even in country houses.

Its seeds, ripe for sowing, can be collected independently in early November. Then, placing them in a plastic bag, leave them in the refrigerator until spring. At the end of April - beginning of May, they need to be sanded or ground with coarse sand. These manipulations, called scarification by experts, are needed to destroy the dense seed coat. Next, the seeds treated in this way should be placed in water for 11-12 hours, after which they should be thoroughly dried.

When the seedlings reach 6 inches tall, we can transplant them into a larger container. Do you have experience growing almond trees? Please share your experiences, methods and practices in the comments below. Contrary to what you might think, mimosa is not a plant from our areas, but comes from far away, straight from Australia and, in particular, from the island of Tasmania.

In all temperate climate areas and characterized by fresh and well-drained soil, mimosa grows and thrives without any particular problems, despite the fact that it is quite thin plant, which cannot withstand cold climates. In our country, mimosa looks like a tree of not excessive size, which rarely exceeds 8-10 meters in height. The growth possibilities of this plant are very different on its continent of origin, where you can find mimosa trees about thirty meters high.

Instead of scarification, scalding can be used. IN in this case seeds need to be poured hot water(about 70°C) and keep in it for up to 2 days until swelling.

When the seeds are ready for planting, the soil should be prepared. For white acacia, a mixture of sand, peat and garden soil is suitable. Seeds should be planted to a depth of about 2.5 cm and germinate at room temperature with occasional watering. At the end of 4 weeks after sowing, the first shoots can be expected.

With the name mimosa they usually identify acacias, although the term actually describes plants belonging to the genus Mimosa. The most famous species are winter mimosa and 4 seasons mimosa. The rapid growth of mimosa plants requires direct exposure to the sun and neutral, slightly acidic soil. The most fragrant yellow flowers bloom between December and March for Acacia and throughout the year for Mimosa, with 4 seasons, with a busier period from May to September.

Mimosa: how to grow and treat it

If placed in ideal weather and soil conditions, mimosa plants require little care or skill. To grow new mimosa seedlings in it, simply take the seeds contained in the pods and wrap them in well-moistened cotton balls, maintaining them for at least two to three days to stimulate germination. Subsequently, you can transfer the seeds to a vase containing half soil and half sand; Germination is usually observed within two or three weeks.

The optimal distance between seedlings is 30-50 cm. At first, the growth of white acacia is very slow - only a centimeter and a half in the first summer. Complex fertilizers are suitable for fertilizing; also, do not forget to loosen the soil around and water.

In winter, planting must be covered with lutrasil. In the spring, seedlings are checked to identify those that were least affected by frost and remained the strongest. You can choose a permanent place for them and transplant them, or leave them to ripen. During the first years, the acacia will grow quickly, and in the 4th year it may even begin to bloom.

Mimosa symbol for Women's Day

Remember that mimosa loves the sun and is afraid of wind and excessively harsh temperatures and does not overwater with watering, even in winter they are hung, and in the hot months they do not exceed 2 times a month. Since the 50s in Italy, on the initiative of communist parliamentarian Teresa Mattei, a colored branch of mimosa has been offered to women on March 8th. The name "mimosa" is also used for what is used in preparation for March 8th.

But why was mimosa chosen? Firstly, because it blooms right when the holiday falls, secondly, because it is quite easy to find a cheap flower and, finally, because, despite its delicate appearance, mimosa is quite strong and resilient plant, they were well attuned to the idea of ​​what women wanted to get.

Now let's talk about horse chestnut. Its seeds are collected in the second half of September. In order to carry out stratification, the seeds are kept in wet sand at 3-7°C for 4-5 months. Although you can do it easier - carry out natural stratification and sow horse chestnut before winter.

You can sow seeds both in a seedling bed and in a permanent place. This is done in early June, burying the seeds about 6 cm into the ground. The first shoots can be expected between 20 and 30 days. It is recommended to treat seedlings with copper-containing preparations to avoid fungal diseases.

Every year, in our country, more than 15 million bunches of mimosas are given out for this occasion: this tradition has become a real business and, unfortunately, in many cases has lost the original feeling of the party. Looking at citrus fruits at home is a very responsible task. We need a lot of effort, but imagine what reward you will receive for your work?! A beautiful little tree will be filled with fragrant flowers and bear fruit when properly cared for. Naturally, this height does not apply to homemade trees.

The fruits are quite large and can reach up to 1 kg. The inside is very juicy, sweet, acidic and aromatic, separated into pieces like other citrus fruits. Inside you will find seeds from which you will grow a citrus tree. Growing seeds from fruits. Clean them and rinse them under running water. Dry them and put them in a jar with sand. The good thing is that the pot it is planted in will have more holes for drainage. Drain the drain and apply a layer of sand and garden finger. Place the plumb line, pour the rest of the finger and pour.

By the age of five, the trees can grow up to 2 m. It is important to note that when choosing a place for permanent planting of horse chestnut, keep in mind that this tree is large and can reach a height of 30 m.

Another large tree that can be grown from seeds is the red oak. In autumn it is covered with spectacular red foliage. The best time to collect seeds (acorns) is after the first frost, since these seeds are least damaged by the weevil beetle. Among all the collected acorns, it is very easy to choose healthy fruits - you just need to fill them with hot water. After 15 minutes, all damaged acorns will float.

For some time, you must protect the plant from sudden changes in temperature and from direct currents, as well as from direct sunlight. The most diffused light is best. Once germinated, experts recommend that young leaves should be sprayed with hot, standing water at least twice a week. The plant is moisture-milky, but the water is moderate. The water must have been left over and not straight from the tap. Overwatering can cause fungal disease and cause the plant to wilt. Before the next watering, the finger should be damp or slightly damp.

To carry out stratification, acorns must be stored in sand at 2-5°C until sowing. Oak should be sown to a depth of about 4 cm, choosing a place not accessible to winds and with good sunlight. The optimal time for planting them is early May. In a month or two, the first shoots will appear. By the beginning of autumn, the seedlings will be about forty centimeters long. It is recommended to cover them for the winter.

Remember, it doesn't tolerate peat, so give in. The presence of chlorine prevents its development. The nutritious product will provide beautiful flowers. Pomelos is characterized by abundant and long flowering. The aroma in your home will be rich and you will feel like you are on some sunny island. Indeed, the tree will only begin to produce fruit in 8-10 years. Don't think that you are not doing the right thing - this is a completely natural law that takes a lot of time. So, we understand that citrus tree sweat requires special care.

For its normal development and growth, we must adhere to the optimal temperature regime and do not forget to water it and nourish it in a timely manner. Transplantation Like any other plant, it needs to be replanted in a timely manner. Once you notice that the pot is small, move on to this procedure. You need a larger pot, drainage, potting mix and water. Remove the plant carefully. Pour the drain into a new pot, then some of the mixture and seal. Place it in the pot and pour out the rest of the finger.

Another tree that can be grown from seeds is silver maple. This tree can reach a height of 20-30 m. It has very beautiful light silver-green foliage. Seed collection can be done in May or June. Unlike the other trees described above, maple seeds do not require any specific pre-sowing preparation.

They can be sown immediately after harvest. They germinate quickly, so that by the end of summer the seedlings will be 30-40 cm long. Already in the first year you can transplant the maple to the place you like.

Squeeze and pour out the remaining water. You can place the pot in a large container of water to allow the roots to absorb moisture. Transplantation can be carried out at any time of the year, with the exception of flowering, rest and budding periods. Experts recommend feeding for at least two weeks after transplantation. Exotic mourning will definitely “pay off” your work with its aroma and beautiful flowers. Add a citrus mood to your life!

Order online now the Pepino seed variety and enjoy in summer period tempting tasty and juicy fruits! This extremely attractive exotic variety is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation. Melon, in addition to producing small edible fruits, has many aromatic flowers. The plant is not very well known in Bulgaria, but there are still many amateur gardeners who have some information about Pepino and are looking to purchase their special range of seeds online.

Other trees can also be propagated by seeds. All you need is to be patient.

Today it may be difficult to find country cottage area or a farmstead where there is no apple tree growing in the front garden. This crop is the most widespread in our country, because it is undemanding to care, and at the same time it is capable of producing a generous harvest of sweet fruits. It is for this reason that many gardeners try to plant entire apple groves. And the efforts of breeders were effective: today there are thousands of different varieties. But at the same time, some gardeners are interested in how to grow an apple tree from a seed and what is necessary for successful cultivation.

Originally melon from South America. Because of his attractive appearance and excellent melon-like aroma, melon seeds are also transported to Europe. Its fruits weigh from 100 to 300 grams. The shape of the small Pepino fruit is oval, slightly pear-shaped, and its color is yellow, shiny with reddish-brown lines. The melon tree grows about 100 cm, and its flowers are grouped into inflorescences. Delicious fruits can be collected after 5-6 months of sowing seeds. Juicy fruits are very aromatic, like melon and other exotic tropical fruits like mango.

So, is it possible to grow an apple tree from a seed and what you need to know about this method of growing in order to get a good result, we will consider below.

Preparing seeds for germination

How to plant an apple tree from a seed? In order to grow an apple tree from a seed, it is necessary to properly prepare the seed. It is worth emphasizing that the resulting sprout will not be endowed with the qualities of its parents.

Don't let Pepino be despised because you won't be able to enjoy its excellent taste. Mini minerals are fully ripe when their color changes from greenish to their inherent cream to pale yellow color, softer as they touch, and the characteristic sweet fruity aroma begins to flow.

When sowing melon tree seeds, consider the amount of light the plant has. Like most light grass trees, it is good to provide a well-lit location and exposure to sun. Does not allow very high temperatures! Since it comes from Peru, Chile and Colombia, where daytime temperatures range from 18 to 25 degrees, the plant has adapted to these temperature conditions.

But if you take ripened seeds of such apple varieties as Antonovka, Grushovka Moskovskaya or Cinnamon Striped, then there is a high probability of getting excellent fruit-bearing seedlings.

Since the seed of such varieties is best suited for this manipulation. As for other apple varieties, experienced gardeners say: you can get a strong tree, but the quality of the fruit will be much to be desired.

And yet, in our conditions, growth is impossible. The difference is that the yield will be significantly lower compared to Pepino grown in optimal conditions. Grape seeds can be sown in February - March indoors at temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius. Outdoors, you can plant young plants a month after the risk of sudden cold and frost falls. The growing season is 200 - 210 days. Pepino propagates with seeds similar to their tomato relatives.

An interesting fact is that the fruits of the melon tree are excellent sources of vitamin E, C, A, K, B, iodine and others. beneficial microelements and antioxidants. Sugar levels in the fruit are not very high, but should be consumed with caution in diabetics.

Before sowing apple seeds, you need to prepare them, namely:

  • wash the bones thoroughly warm water to get rid of an inhibitor that blocks germination;
  • then, the seed is soaked in warm water for 3 days, while the water is changed daily and the seeds are washed;
  • on the third day, the water is changed again and a growth stimulator is added to it, in which the seeds should remain for another day.

During the entire period that the apple seeds are in the water, they will swell well. After which they are taken out and hardened. To do this, you need to simulate the onset of winter. This procedure is carried out as follows: the seed is thoroughly sprinkled with a pre-prepared mixture of moss, sawdust and sand.

Planting apple seeds

Beginning gardeners often ask the question of how to grow an apple tree from a branch. This method was also used by our ancestors. It involves removing a ripe fruit from a branch, from which the seeds are removed, washed and immediately begun to be planted in the ground.

Over the fall and winter, the bone acclimatizes, swells and hardens. And with the onset of spring it will give good and strong shoots. This method is very good and effective, the only thing that should be taken into account is that exactly three weeks must pass from the moment of planting the seeds until the onset of the first frost, otherwise the seeds will freeze.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to one more feature: the branches of the apple tree from which the seed material in the form of an apple will be collected must be absolutely healthy.

In specialized nurseries, growing an apple tree from a seed is carried out according to the first option. The seed material is first soaked, then stratified, and with the onset of spring they begin to sow into the ground.

An apple tree from a seed is grown at home as follows: first, the soil is prepared, which needs to be thoroughly enriched. To do this, the following components are added for every 10 kg of planting soil:

  • 50 gr. superphosphate;
  • 25 gr. potassium sulfate;
  • 250 gr. wood ash.

When the nutrient mixture is ready, begin to plant the apple tree seeds. Planting is done as follows. At a distance of 30 ml, small holes are made, 20 mm deep.

Then, the seeds are sown, which are then abundantly moistened with water. At the same time, make sure that the layer of soil above the seeds is not washed away. Perform the planting procedure at room conditions.

When the apple seedlings have grown and a pair of true leaves have formed on them, the sprouts need to be sorted and thinned out. To do this, carefully examine each sprout and remove all weak and obvious shoots. You need to thin out in such a way that there is a distance of about 7 cm between the planted sprouts.

It is worth noting that if you want to get a tree cultivar, but you have no idea how to grow an apple tree from a seed, then in this situation you should remove all sprouted shoots with signs of wildness.

And it won’t be difficult to distinguish them, because the wild crop will have small leaves, and there may be thorns on the small trunk. The fact is that such characteristics are unusual for the varietal crop.

Feeding seedlings

Getting apple trees from seeds at home is not difficult if you follow some growing and care rules. The key to obtaining a strong seedling is not only care, but also timely application of organic fertilizers.

Rotted manure or bird droppings are best suited for this. At the same time, such fertilizing must be applied very carefully. After all, the wrong fertilizer can cause burns on a small root, due to which the plant will simply die.

Therefore, in the first year of seedling growth, you need to make a weak solution of organic matter for watering. So, step by step guide fertilization:

  1. In May, apple seedlings are watered with a weak solution of water and bird droppings.
  2. The next feeding is carried out in August using potassium fertilizer.
  3. And the last time for all growing season Fertilizer is applied in early October. For this, it is recommended to use a superphosphate preparation.

In addition, growing apple tree seedlings includes regular watering and loosening the soil. Moisturizing each seedling is very important. Therefore, until the plant has formed a strong root, it needs to be watered every week.

Another point that is worth paying attention to is that if you are growing apple tree seedlings and in the future such an option as using them as a rootstock is possible, then in early October they should be dug up, the leaves should be completely removed from each seedling and at a distance of 15 cm from root collar, excise the tap root.

This manipulation will allow branched roots to form, while slightly limiting the growth of the tree itself.

In this case, after the grafting is completed, the root of the seed stock is carefully wrapped, and then the sprout is sent to the cellar for storage until spring.

Planting sprouts in open soil

We discussed above how to grow an apple tree from a seed; it remains to be seen how to plant a grown seedling in the ground. The grown tree is planted at its permanent location in the fall or spring. To do this, you must first select a good place in the front garden and prepare it in advance by following these steps:

  • It is better to choose a well-lit area for planting;
  • the soil should not be swampy;
  • mature trees should not grow nearby, which will create additional shade for the sprout;
  • Having determined the place for planting, the ground must be cleared of weeds and other debris;
  • then the area is dug up with a pitchfork, moistened and organic fertilizers are applied.

Having completed all the land work, you can begin planting young animals. Planting an apple tree seedling is practically no different from other fruit crops. The only thing you need to know is the time to carry out this manipulation, namely:

  • if the apple tree is grown from seeds at home, then the optimal period for planting it will be April or September;
  • in the case where the propagation of an apple tree by seeds was carried out immediately in the soil, the sprout is transplanted to the place of dislocation from early spring until October.

Another important point for all gardeners who decide to grow a seedling on their own: all seedlings planted at home need regular replanting into large containers. At the same time, the frequency of watering also increases.

Caring for young seedlings

The first season after planting a seedling is the most important. A young bore needs regular feeding, moistening and weeding. And do not forget that feeding with fresh organic matter can harm even an adult tree, so use only rotted humus or bird droppings.

Besides, organic fertilizers They can also provoke a bacterial infection, which has a detrimental effect on young animals.

Therefore, it is best to use the infusion on humus. And, of course, don’t forget about potassium supplements. As described above, they should be applied in August, after watering and loosening the soil.

Each fertilizing should be applied strictly after watering, which is very important for young sprouts. It is best to moisten the apple grove every 10 days. Well, after the young growth is fertilized, the soil needs to be loosened and then covered with a layer of mulch.

So, in order to get a fruit-bearing tree, it is not at all necessary to run to a specialized nursery or to the market. To do this, just take apple seeds and germinate the seedling yourself. Moreover, such a task is not difficult and even a schoolchild can cope with it, the main thing is to follow all the tips that were described above.

Well, in conclusion, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with a few tips that are given experienced gardeners, namely:

  1. To obtain sprouts from seeds, you need to wash them thoroughly under running water immediately after they are removed from the fruit.
  2. In order for the seeds to germinate, you should pour daily clean water into a container where planting material soaked. And make sure it is warm.
  3. Don’t forget about the stimulant: it must be added to the water on the third day.
  4. Do not ignore the stratification process, it will help in the future when germinating sprouts.
  5. In order for the seedlings to sprout, do not forget to moisten them regularly.

In fact, following all these rules will not be difficult, and there is no need to devote a lot of personal time either. The main thing is to strictly adhere to all the tips described above, growing seedlings in compliance with them, and you will definitely receive high-quality planting material that will bear fruit abundantly in the future.

It is important to devote some time to this process and own strength. And in return you will receive a strong apple tree, generous with the harvest of sweet apples.
