Number three - what role does it play in human life? Attunement of body, mind and soul.

The 11:11 phenomenon and its meaning

How often do you see the numbers 11:11 on electronic watch, addresses or other places and feel a joyful feeling?

Sometimes we notice repeated numbers or a sequence of numbers and think that they have some special meaning for us.

I have already written my thoughts on this topic in my article, where I made connections with the uronicity of this number (the astrological house of Uranus is the 11th):

And today I offer a translation hodgepodge with the meanings of these numbers, as well as decoding of various digital combinations.

Enjoy and be enlightened!

11:11 – Conscious spiritual journey

Pay attention to how you feel when you see repeating combinations of numbers. You can recognize their significance in your life or simply ignore them. As soon as you see, for example, 11:11, pause and think about what accompanies you now - your thoughts, feelings, what you did.

Many people wonder why they see certain numbers and there are a lot of different interpretations as to why you see these numbers and combinations. Most likely there is a personal message for you here and it is important to interpret it for yourself. More often than not, we believe that this is the intervention of something greater than ourselves and a wake-up call from your “life slumber” to open new perspectives of your reality and truth. This could be a sign from your angels and spirit guides in their attempt to contact you.

Here are some ideas of what it could be:

  • A wake-up call for lightworkers
  • Possible mission
  • Call to action
  • Finding balance in life
  • Heightened awareness
  • DNA activation
  • Time period
  • Intermediaries
  • Angels on earth
  • Threshold
  • Ultimate Reality
  • Spiritual wisdom
  • Reminder from the Universe
  • Peace and quiet
  • Connection with the unknown
  • Synchronicity in your life

So if you keep seeing 11:11 ( I see this very often), then you are likely ascending to higher levels of increased awareness in the realm of the fourth and fifth dimensions. You are capable of more high levels communion with the angels and now is the time to practice kindness, compassion and healing for others and yourself.

Make a wish at 11:11

Many people make wishes when they see this combination of numbers (11:11 or 1:11) on the clock. Nobody knows the roots of this phenomenon, just someone once, perhaps in childhood on the playground, said that this is how it should be done. And we still feel some significance of the moment and stop to realize the moment of what is happening or to launch an enhanced intention.

Lightworkers or Angels on Earth: A Call to Action

There is a fairly large circle of people who consider themselves “lightworkers.” Their mission in this life is to bring as much light as possible to this planet, essentially to raise the vibration of love on planet Earth and come to Unity. When you see 11:11 on the clock, it serves as a reminder to you that you are a lightworker. Or you perceive it as a message from the angels telling you that you are an “angel on earth” with the same mission as a lightworker.

Doreen Virtue in her book “Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444 and Other Number Combinations” writes about the numbers 111 this way: “Energy gates open for you, quickly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, being confident that they are in accordance with your desires." There is no need to think about fears so as not to manifest them. The ancient book Kabbalah also writes about the magic of numbers and that our task is to become Lightworkers.

Maya and 2012

According to the Mayan calendar, and the Mayans were a very advanced civilization with incredible knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, their 26,000 year cycle officially ended on December 21, 2012 at (guess what time) 11:11.

This date marks the change of eras and the rebirth of our world. This new world is moving towards unity as opposed to division. If you see 11:11, this may be another key to understanding universal unity in this world. This is a beautiful ideology. The famous book of the Celestine Prophecies also reports eleven revelations, as do many other New Age books and mindfulness-raising texts.

As for the end of the world, we see the end of the old world, which perhaps means greed and division, lack of social responsibility, disconnection from our influence on the life of the planet and other living beings. We can end that world and ascend into higher dimensions of spiritually transformed existence. Which leads us to...

The Fourth Dimension, 4:44 and Time 4D(transformational) life

Nowadays, you can increasingly see combinations of such numbers as 4:44 and 44. 1111 adds up to 4. 4 is the number of Ascended Masters - angels and drivers who advise and protect. In earthly terms, 4 is the number of transformation, increasing awareness beyond the ego. ( approx. LC – in China 4 is considered “ bad number”, means “death”, so people avoid it, but I very often see “cool” cars with the number 404 and I have an association - “I am not here” because on the Internet the code 404 means “there is no such page”).

According to the Global Esoteric Website: “444 represents the fourth dimension from the perspective of the third. You are moving into the fourth dimension. Your relationship with everything around you is changing and these numbers show your movement. This is the time to introduce your skills. Time to claim your power. Although fourth dimensional attributes prevent you from seeing yourself as empowered, know that implementing techniques that empower you will benefit you. Every time you see these numbers - 444 - remember Mastery and Strength."

Repeating number sequences: their meaning

There are many materials on the meaning of number combinations and numbers, including book by Doreen Virtue and many articles on the Internet.

Here's one I chose interpretations – from Drunvalo Melsihedek. According to him, the combinations of numbers we encounter mean that we go through certain processes. Here they are:

(three or more digits of the same number - 2:22, 11:11, etc.)

111 : Flow of energy *Strengthening the level at which you are 111 or 1111: Flow of energy of water, money, sex, kundalini, magnetism. When one of these energies manifests you see these numbers.

222 or 2222: You are in the middle of a process of rebirth or ascension

333 or 3333: Number of solutions. Either of these could happen: 666 = material world or 999 = spiritual world

444 or 4444: Number of rebirth

555 or 5555: Christ Consciousness

666 or 6666: Material world, chosen reality

777 : Symbolizes the integration of the four lower bodies with the higher spiritual frequencies in the third dimensional plane or the level where you manifest your physical reality on the earthly plane.

888 : symbolizes infinity *United spiral of physical merging with the spiritual *“Movement towards the end of the process of Ascension through energies 222 and 444

999: Symbolizes the three levels of the trinity * completion

000 : great nothingness * living the zero zone * transition or movement to a new field of energy 11:11 Beginning of a completely new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency * opening portal

12:12 Cosmic connection * Bridge to the future * Indicates a level of completion or gradation

Pay attention to the clock, car license plates, what you were doing when they were recorded by your consciousness... what you were thinking about, etc. Often this is a signal after a question has been asked.

What repeating numbers tell us (from 111 to 555)

111: Wakeup Signal

1:11 or 11:11 is definitely a magical sign. The Tarot card - The Magician has the number 1. When you see repeating units, this serves as a wake-up call from the mystical kingdom. Look around and notice where you are and with whom. This is cosmic confirmation that you are going in the right direction. 1 is the first step and there are further steps, you are on the right path and everything will change, you will not stop here.

The first house of the Zodiac is associated with self-expression. As Shakespeare said, “Be true to be yourself.” You can see 1:11 when you are completely in these sensations or in personal creative expression. You are supported for being yourself and expressing your light and radiance.

11 is the number of the master in numerology and signifies the spiritual path. Many believe that 11:11 confirms your identity as a Lightworker or Angel on Earth, to raise human awareness and bring a sense of unity and harmony to the world. You are a bridge that connects people from different segments of society or brings opposing energies together in a beautiful union. As above so below. Without darkness there can be no light. You are strong enough to hold paradoxes and understand that the duality of nature and its unity at the same time.

111 is also the number of manifestation - at this moment you are creating your life, so make sure you are thinking the right thoughts.

2:22 Finding balance

This is the number of partnerships and relationships. When you see 2:22, pay attention to the people appearing in your world. You may meet your soul mate or soul friend, someone who will play an important role in your life. This could also be a signal to balance give and take in your existing relationships. Is everything equal for you? Are you investing enough or not giving or transferring? Take an honest inventory and find a middle ground.

In astrology, the second house of the zodiac rules our basics, values ​​and comfort. Tarot card 2 is the Priestess. Hello intuition. Emergence 2:22 can serve as a reminder to be true to yourself and voice your opinions more openly. When deuces appear, listen to yourself.

Sometimes we are afraid of rocking the boat if we speak up, truth is the cornerstone of any great relationship. Let people know your position when you see 2:22. This can change everything, attract kindred souls to your path and remove those who are on a completely different wavelength. 2:22 talks about trusting your inner voice.

222 is also about your uniqueness and difference from others with your personal power and charisma. When you see these numbers, the Universe is telling you, “You can shine your Light in a unique way.” Don't be afraid to show your strength, shine your light, leave your mark on your career and relationships, believe in yourself, everything will be fine, don't worry about anything - this situation will be resolved in a beautiful way.

333: Attunement of body, mind and soul

Three is the number of the trinity: body, mind and soul. The appearance of 3:33 can serve as confirmation that you are on all three levels and are actually in this zone. You may feel unusually full of life when you see repeating threes.

And it can also be a small warning to check your imbalance. Maybe you've been working too much to the detriment of your sleep or your favorite yoga classes? Perhaps you were in a moment of “spiritual transition”, throwing away the usual mantras and jumping over the obstacles that accompany your growth. Tune in properly and you will feel a sense of peace.

In Tarot 3 represents the Empress: a fertile, abundant, sensual woman who loves to entertain and share her abundance. In numerology, 3 is associated with society. The third house of the Zodiac rules communication, curiosity and mobility. This number pattern can be a wake-up call to move more, connect with people, ask questions and explore new territories. Repeating threes can also mean it's time to throw a party or shift to an abundance state of mind instead of one of poverty and lack.

333 is also the number of Christ consciousness and there is no need to be afraid of anything. This is a sign of your blessing and is the Supreme blessing you and your life at this time.

444: Summoning the Foundations and Homes

4 is the number of home and family. In astrology, the fourth house rules the feminine domain and if you see 4:44, an important woman may appear in your life. What are your loved ones doing? Your inner circle needs your attention. Perhaps you have just met someone who is your soul sister or friend, who in the future will become a member of your family.

In numerology, the number 3 is associated with something divine, absolutely perfect. Everyone knows that three is a sign of the trinity, one of the most mysterious, beautiful and lucky numbers.

In the article:

The meaning of the number three in numerology and more

Even without knowing numerology, you can understand that the number three is actually unique. It is found literally everywhere, has many reflections in human life, in the religious sphere, in magic.

IN Christian religion three is sacred, because it personifies the Holy Father, Son and Spirit. Their holistic energy symbolizes boundless love and light. What other ones are there? Interesting Facts, associated with three?

  • 3 heavens of heaven.
  • Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day.
  • Three crosses located on Golgotha.
  • The Apostle Peter denied Jesus three times.
  • When meeting a friend, kiss him three times.
  • After the doxology, Orthodox Christians are baptized three times.
  • According to tradition, a full-fledged family must have at least three people: mother, father and baby.

The number has many faces and symbolizes the unity of this world. For many centuries, people believed that this number could be considered a symbol of the triple pagan deity, who appears in the guise of a young maiden, an adult lady and a decrepit old woman.

Three also symbolizes balance, maximum strength, pointing to the most stable geometric figure - the triangle. This figure is directly related to the most important processes occurring in the Universe: birth, life, death. Therefore, many witchcraft conspiracies end with the following line:

This will be accomplished by the power of three.

Troika in literature

Since childhood, we have heard about a three-headed dragon, 3 travelers that the main character meets on the road, three-eyed creatures.

And if we turn to ancient epics, then in the story of Ilya Muromets there are three wise men. In fairy tales, families usually have 3 sisters and the same number of brothers, and the hero of a fairy tale must, when performing any task, choose one of three paths.

Russian folklore once again confirms the magical meaning of the number three among our people.

The meaning of birth under the number 3 in numerology

People who are born on the third of any month are truly special. These are sunny, happy children of God who are in constant development. Such people are endowed with extraordinary energy potential and can do things that others cannot do.

May 3: Danila Kozlovsky Tom Cruise July 3 Eddie Murphy April 3

According to numerology, a person born under this number is very dreamy, but is able to fulfill most of his desires. Such people are impractical, but love to create beauty. On the third of the month Pushkin and Vernadsky were born. Such people prefer to work in a team, together with others; loneliness may not suit them. Routine is what destroys such people from the inside.

Threes try to attract maximum attention to themselves, embrace everyone, and teach them to easily cope with life’s troubles. These individuals ideally manifest themselves as writers, artists, and in the sports field. They are excellent speakers who can become wonderful psychologists.

Number 3 plant - dandelion, lucky days: Saturday and Wednesday, lucky stone - amethyst, color: violet and purple.

Positive traits

The most positive 3 is their desire to live, friendliness, and cheerfulness.

They are sociable, eloquent, artistic and kind. They have a good sense of humor and love to support other people.

Negative traits

The negative qualities of a troika include excessive talkativeness and vanity. Such people become gossips. If they understand that they cannot bypass the enemy in any other way, then they begin to intrigue him in every possible way, try to annoy him, “do not play by the rules.”

Often such people are very petty and experience constant anxiety. Unfortunately, the proverb “he sees a straw in someone else’s eye, but does not notice a log in his own” applies to those born under a three. These people are very intolerant of the shortcomings and failures of others, and can be very impatient, boastful and jealous.

The magic of number 3 in human relationships

For those who are, it is very important to know that they are loved and in demand by the opposite sex. Without emotional harmony, such people will not be able to live a normal, harmonious and happy life. Like no one else, they are capable of loving, being faithful to their partner, or often sacrificing personal interests and desires in the name of the couple’s future.

A lot of events always happen in the fate of such a person. These individuals always want to be admired and dream of being significant (both in the eyes of just friends and a loved one).

Children born under the number 3 do not need to talk about shortcomings or focus their attention on this. On the contrary, you should be more supportive of them, encourage them for success, good behavior and make efforts to develop their talents. Such children are very susceptible to everything that others say and are easy to re-educate. However, offensive criticism is remembered by them for many years.

Since ancient times and in our time, many people believed and believe in lucky and unlucky numbers. For example, they fear the number 13 and believe in luck 3 and 11. Many other mystical numbers are known. The essence of number superstitions and number mysticism is that individual numbers are assigned a mystical, supernatural, mysterious meaning. The inspirers of all superstitions without exception are ministers of different religions, since the basis of superstitions is the belief in the existence of mysterious connections between things and phenomena that are inaccessible to people’s understanding. We do not consider ourselves to be superstitious people, but having often heard the expressions “spit three times”, “God loves toritsa”, “Friday the thirteenth”, etc., we wondered if the number 13 is really unlucky, and 3 and 11 are lucky . And they started collecting information about the numbers 3, 11, 13, interviewed their friends and classmates and found information about these numbers on the Internet and literature.

Purpose: To explore the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny. Objectives: Objectives: Studying literature in order to obtain information about the numbers 3,11 and 13. Studying literature in order to obtain information about the numbers 3,11 and 13. Questioning students of our school in order to identify positive and negative events associated with the numbers 3, 11 and 13. Survey of students of our school in order to identify positive and negative events associated with the numbers 3, 11 and 13. Analysis of the academic performance of school students born on the 3rd, 11th and 13th. Analysis of the academic performance of school students born on the 3rd, 11th and 13th. Analysis of the progress of students on numbers 3, 11 and 13 for the school year. Analysis of progress of students on numbers 3, 11 and 13 for the school year. Research methods Research methods Study of available literature on the topic, its analysis. Study of available literature on the topic, its analysis. Questioning. Questioning.

Some Facts: Math can be fun, math tricks can be impressive, and the relationships that numbers have with each other can be bizarre. Mathematics can be entertaining, mathematical tricks impressive, the relationships that numbers have with each other bizarre.

Some facts The founder of the European doctrine of numbers was Pythagoras. He is credited with the saying: “The world is built on the power of numbers.” In his school, knowledge of the properties of numbers was the first step on the path to esoteric knowledge. Pythagoras’s book “The Sacred Word” has not survived, but we are introduced to the principles set out in it by the works of his followers - Philolaus, Archytas, Plato, Aristotle, Porphyry.

Number 3 Three appeared so often in signs and beliefs that the Mysterious Number Three haunted scientific minds in the future! In Rus', the number 3 has always been special. Three heroes, three desires, a distant kingdom, etc. In the cultural tradition of all the peoples of the world, the troika occupies an honorable place. Why? It lies at the basis of the universe: since ancient times, people have universally recognized its trinity, composed of the Heavenly, Earthly and Underground worlds.

Number 11 After the first ten, following the mysterious number 10, double-digit numbers begin. They are a combination of single-digit numbers and are therefore secondary to them. Each two-digit number, by summing its constituent digits, can be reduced to a single-digit number, which should be considered its hidden essence. However, since the act of Creation is considered sacred, double-digit numbers also carry a sacred aspect. It was considered a sacred number, symbolizing “duality in the use of power” (Moebius), which led either to purifying spiritual consequences or to destruction and chaos. This is due to the ambivalent nature of the number 11, based on the negation of 10. Biblical semantic symbolism, developed by Augustine, says that if ten is the law, then the number eleven carries with it a revolutionary violation of any idea of ​​legality. In a sacred esoteric sense, it is a number symbolizing the concept of purification, a sign of life and death, opening the way to the higher spheres of existence. Represents the number of the most faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Number3

Number 13 And now about another number - 13, the “devil's dozen”. The origin of this superstition is similar to the origin of many other superstitions, once born from the imagination of our ancestors. For some people, there is no scarier day than Friday the Thirteenth. And, it seems, adults modern people, but continue to live under the rule of superstition - on this day they spit especially hard and throw scattered salt through left shoulder, not paying attention to those standing behind you, or walking around black cats a kilometer away, just in case. Scientists have even come up with an unpronounceable name for the fear of Friday the thirteenth - paraskavidekatriaphobia. It is impossible to say exactly how and when exactly this superstition appeared. Long before the twentieth century, the number 13 was considered unlucky, Friday was also considered an unlucky day, but there was no connection between them. There are several versions of the origin of the concept of “Friday the Thirteenth”. The most popular one connects this event with the Last Supper, in which thirteen people took part - Jesus, 12 of his disciples, the thirteenth of whom was Judas.

Number 13 There is no reason to consider Friday the thirteenth a lucky or unlucky day, just as there is no reason to consider the number itself good or bad. For example, the number thirteen in Kabbalah and among the ancient Mayans was considered very favorable, and the submarine S-13 was the luckiest in the Baltic Fleet during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. The media also fuels superstitious fear among people by focusing on the date of an event that would not be noticed if it happened on any other day. Good and bad things happen regardless of the day of the calendar, but if a person wants to believe that his life depends on something - on numbers, dates, days of the week - then he will definitely become dependent on the problems that he invents and creates for himself.

What do the numbers “promise” and what do we have? A person does not determine his date of birth. As it turned out, so be it. Astrologers are sure that, on the contrary, the date of birth determines what a person should be and how he should live. When drawing up horoscopes, they necessarily take it into account, and connect all their calculations and predictions with it. So we decided to find information about what a person born on the 3rd, 11th, and 13th might be like. How numbers can influence a person's destiny.

Born on the 3rd The planetary ruler of the number 3 is Mars. Mars endows its wards with a sharp, lively and dynamic character. Advantages. People born under the auspices of the troika are very active, never sit in one place, and have a constant thirst for activity. Threes are characterized by excellent analytical skills. They never repeat their mistakes twice, they know how to draw the right conclusions from negative situations, and they are not stopped by failures. “Troikas” are very sociable, open, and, as a rule, brilliantly educated - people are interested in him. Flaws. The main scourge of “threes” is the inability to concentrate on one thing. They are interested in everything, they grasp at everything, but do not bring anything to the end. The openness and sociability of “threes” sometimes results in talkativeness and intrigue. Trusting secrets to “troikas” can be quite dangerous. Another feature of “threes” is extreme gullibility, bordering on naivety. But the most dangerous vice of “threes” is laziness.

Born on the 11th 11 is a mystical number ruled by the fictitious planet Proserpina. In Roman mythology, Proserpina is the goddess of fertility and the underworld. From the point of view of numerology, 11 is a complex number consisting of two units, as if enhancing their effect. On the other hand, the sum of two ones is already two. A transformation occurs, which is reflected in the character of the owner of the number 11 in the date of birth. Advantages. People ruled by the number 11 have very strong psychic abilities. They know how to influence the world around them and change it. Representatives of this number are prone to clear analysis. They can crush everything, take it apart into the smallest details, and from them construct something qualitatively new. Among these people there are often psychics and clairvoyants. But particular success awaits them in those areas where the ability to think analytically, foresight and foresight are valued. Flaws. Sometimes the “two units” are characterized by excessive pettiness and love of detail. In some cases, “two units” are capable of overwhelming others with their strong psyche, which is why people may experience discomfort and even fear when communicating with them.

Born on the 13th The number 13 is a difficult number. He is considered unlucky, but this is incorrect and based on prejudice. Numbers 1 and 3 are very strong and signify career success. They are practical, good planners and carry out their plans energetically and systematically. They are smart, creative, and have very definite views. Independent, proud, pays debts quickly. Emotional characteristics. The emotional life of number 13 is complex and difficult. Internally, such people crave encouragement, and they need someone who can give it to them. They need to be pushed all the time. Harmonious relationships. Number 13 is a very complex number and requires a partner who has the qualities of many different people. First of all, they need support and confidence. High spiritual qualities, efficiency and devotion make them outstanding people, they will always feel good. Flaws. The main drawback of number 13 is extreme pessimism. This can negate all his positive qualities.

Studying public opinion. 1. Do you consider the number 13 to be an unlucky number? No. Yes Do you agree with the opinion that the number 3.11 is lucky? No. Yes Have positive or negative events happened to you related to the number 13? Positive Negative Are you afraid of Friday the 13th? No. Yes

Conclusion Calculating the total number of marks given on these days, it is clear that more respondents were given on the 13th, but more “5” were given on this day than on the others. This means that it is not so important what date you will be asked, but it is important to always be ready for lessons. Having also analyzed absences due to illness, it turned out that there were more absences on the 11th.

Conclusions Having studied the literature, analyzing statistical data on academic performance and absences due to illness of students, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion that 13 is not the luckiest number, and the bad events that happened (are happening) on ​​this day are simply a coincidence. On other days, both good and bad events also occur (for example, September 11 in the USA), but a person always tries to connect this with something supernatural. Numerical superstitions and numerical mysticism, in different periods of human development, are accepted different shapes. However, their essence has always been and remains the same. In our age of progressive technologies and scientific and technological progress, science, in particular mathematics, is successfully developing, this gives complete confidence that there is less and less room for idealism, and, consequently, for numerical superstitions and mysticism. According to statistics, in Everyday life thirteen does not stand out in any way from the usual series of numbers: on the thirteenth there are, on average, as many accidents as on any other day. Therefore, be calm and remember the phrase of the American film actor Groucho Marx: “13 people at the table can be an unlucky number if you only cooked 12 cutlets.”
