What, How, When to read... or conscious reading. Prayer rule How and when to read

You can learn about the life of Jesus Christ from a number of works called the Gospel. It talks about the life of the son of God, about his deeds on earth. New Testament The Bible consists of four parts. But before reading one of the sections, the church recommends reading a prayer. You can read Scripture at home, the main thing is to believe in what you are reading.


Prayer before and after reading the Gospel: how to read the Gospel correctly?

The Gospel is nothing more than Good News. By reading this sacred book, a person receives a unique opportunity to know God and love him. Therefore, while reading it, it becomes possible to free oneself from sin and suffer punishment for it.

In the gospel, it is possible to highlight several main provisions.

  1. What surrounds us, including people, was created by the Creator - God.
  2. God is holy and has no sins.
  3. People must obey God since he is their creator.
  4. For what has been done, a person will face eternal punishment.
  5. It is possible to avoid punishment through good deeds.
  6. Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  7. The trusting relationship between Jesus Christ and humanity. Willingness to follow him under any circumstances.

How to read the gospel at home and when to read prayers?

The Gospel is not a simple book, but a sacred one. Therefore, in order to get the maximum benefit from it, you need to do it correctly. In order to pray before reading, you need to adhere to some basic rules.

  1. Take this matter seriously. If you take a holy book, then you must sincerely believe what is written there. If you have an unbiased attitude to reading, proper results will not be obtained.
  2. A person's desire to study the Bible. A person must want to read the holy book, otherwise he will not understand what is written there. The Gospel is holy scripture; the book is not fiction.

You can read the holy letter alone or in a group of people, but you definitely need to read the prayer. The prayer before reading the gospel can be addressed for your loved ones or relatives. It is worth noting that when picking up a holy book, it is worth reading at least one chapter. At the same time, you should not stop in the middle of the text. You need to read it completely, to the end!

Many who want to understand the gospel with all their hearts take notes on the essence of what they read, highlighting important points for themselves. According to church rules, the Gospel can only be read while standing. But at home, it is best to take a pose that will allow you to escape from extraneous matters and immerse yourself in the essence Holy Scripture. If a person listens to the gospel in the temple, then he should give up.

How to read the gospel correctly and when?

The Church recommends prayer daily. But in order for the study of the holy book to be successful, it is recommended ask your spiritual mentor for a blessing in church. In optimal ways studying the holy book for yourself can become:

  • Read a chapter a day every day.
  • Reading scripture according to Orthodox calendar. Every day, look at what chapter is being read in church today, and study it.

The first method is optimal for those who do not know the basics of gospel history. But at the same time, it will take a lot of time to read one chapter. The second option is optimal for understanding scripture. The next time a person comes to church, he will carefully and consciously listen to what the clergyman says.

But so that there is no additional misunderstanding of what they are reading about. It is best to know the historical moments. The Church recommends reading additional Church literature that presents the correct interpretation of God's Scripture. It is recommended to read the following church explanations.

  1. Interpreter from John Chrysostom.
  2. Interpretation from Theophylact of Bulgaria.
  3. It is recommended to read Bishop Mikhail Luzin, as well as Averky.
  4. The explanation of Professor Alexander Lopukhin is authoritative.

After reading the first two authors, it may seem that the interpretation is unclear and inaccessible to the common person. The clergy suggest that you first read Seraphim of Slobodsky, and only after that begin to study Chrysostom and Bulgarian. To better understand the gospel, it is recommended that you study it in your own language. After all, Church Slavonic is sometimes considered difficult to understand.

How to correctly read the prayer before and after the Gospel at home and when?

In order to correctly understand what you read in the word of God It is recommended to read the prayer before and after reading. It is worth noting that the desired result will not come immediately. You will need to devote sufficient time to this issue. To better understand the gospel, you need to start living according to God's commandments.

Many people note that when reading the gospel, they do not realize what they are reading about, and they also do not always want to continue what they started. Church leaders note Ignatius Brianchaninov’s story about a student. He read the Gospel for a long time and did not understand what he was reading. Then he came to his teacher with questions about what to do if you read and don’t understand anything?! The teacher answered him that the word of God purifies a person’s thoughts and his life. Therefore, reading the Gospel is necessary for self-purification. In addition, it is important to be aware of what book you are holding in your hands. You need to pray before and after reading the holy book at home. When reading the gospel at home, it is best to ask for a blessing in church.

Many priests give some recommendations so that the effect of reading prayer and the Holy Scriptures can be enhanced. By applying simple rules You will be able to achieve purification in a fairly short time and allow improvements in your life. The main thing in this is faith in what you read and faith in God. Let's look at the basic advice that the church offers.

How to correctly read prayers for yourself and for loved ones and when?

The gospel is an integral part of the basis of the life of a Christian person. There is a lot of spiritual literature that the church recommends. But the first source and basis, is the word of God, which should constantly sound in a person’s heart. That is why it is necessary to read the Gospel and prayers every day and without fail.

Even in ancient times, a tradition of reading the gospel appeared. It may be different. People perceive the holy book differently and everyone chooses for themselves how best to say the prayer and how best to read the holy book. Some people begin to read the sacred words a chapter a day. Others, on the contrary, read only passages that sound in the Divine, following the church year.

After prayer, many recommend reading three chapters of the New Testament and one chapter of the Gospel a day. Some people still practice reading two chapters from the Apostle, and then praying. In addition, the main rule of a Christian is to read the psalter. You need to read one kathisma per day or one of the parts. At the same time, you need to read not depending on the needs of the human heart. Each of us can find a few minutes to read one or more chapters of Holy Scripture.

Prayer in a person’s life and when to read it?

In addition, the priests insist that a person's life should be spent reading. Seraphim of Sarov, argued that the human mind should revolve around scripture. That is, everything that a person reads is deposited on an unconscious level. The Bible can be reread several times daily and with each reading a new meaning will be revealed.

If a person begins the day with prayer and reading scripture, then during the day he will definitely put into practice what was conveyed to his heart. In order to receive spiritual benefit, you will need to constantly remember what you have read. And also make every effort to implement in life what was said by God.

It is necessary to pray before and after any task. In the prayer word you can find prayers that must be said before starting to read the holy book. But if this is not possible, then you can ask God for a blessing in your own words. In addition, it is worth asking him for understanding and help in any other matters. And especially in the awareness and understanding of holy scripture.

In addition, the church insists that a righteous person read daily Old Testament. Despite the fact that the Old and Old Testaments are quite difficult to read. They can be accepted and understood with special interpretations. You can find out which interpretations are best for you from your church mentor. Ignorance of the Old Testament as a basis makes it impossible to understand what is being said in the New Testament.

A person can be offered different ways to read the Old Testament. The simplest one is reading from start to finish. You need to do this calmly and not dwell on any details. Especially when it comes to the history of the Jewish people. If it is possible to skip this part, then it will be optimal for you. But despite this, you will need to study the old part of the holy book completely.

You must decide for yourself whether you need constant daily reading of the Old Testament. It is worth noting that it is advisable to read it from beginning to end. Because there is a lot of useful and edifying stuff there. In addition, a person can learn a lot of instructive things from this. Many Christians admire what is written in the old part of the holy book.

It is worth noting that before each reading of the Old and New Testaments it is recommended to read a prayer. The main thing in this is that between the Old and New Testaments a line can be drawn between the soul of man and God. At the same time, there are wonderful images that can help a person take the right path and explain to him what he should not do.

The Old Testament is an instructive part of life in which you can find your own special meaning. But over time, a person becomes uninterested in this part of the old book. At the same time, a Christian can draw a lot of useful things from it. The Old Testament has a positive effect on each of us.

Prayers, reading a holy book- this is what a believer should do every day. Therefore, before you take the true path and plunge into this issue, it is recommended to come to church and ask for a blessing from a mentor. He will help and also give advice on what to do in a given situation, and will also direct you on the right path. Be sure to read a prayer before and after reading the gospel so that your understanding of the scripture goes better.

Alexander, tell me: You are at home in the evening. Look in TuDu, do things. How do you get around to reading a book? Do you have a periodic task of "read 30 minutes of the current book" in the context of @Home? As I understand it, the selection of a book occurs in the Browse the Read folder mode, the tasks of which are hidden in TuDu?

So how and when to make time to read books?

I have already considered the issue of scheduling book reading in MyLifeOrganized.

Now it's time to tell you how to bring this mechanism into action, track and execute.

Every Sunday I choose a book to read for the next week.

I make the selected book active in ToDo.

If a book is on my list, it means I have it in electronic or paper form. So I’m omitting the question of where to get the book.

Is it correct to set a daily book reading goal of “read 30 minutes”?

I think not, since a book is measured not in minutes, but in pages.

Of course, unless you are Vitali Klitschko. Everything is much more complicated for him...

But you can schedule to listen to an audiobook “Listen to an audiobook for 30 minutes.”

For audio format, measuring in minutes is the most appropriate evaluation criterion.

How to plan how many pages we need to plan per day in order to finish the book in a week?

Very simple. Primary school mathematics.

We divide the number of pages of the book into 6 days (the 7th day is a reserve).

It turns out to be approximately 30-60 pages.

If the book is large, we divide it into 2-3 weeks.

The main thing is to get a realistic number of pages per day.

What we do next:

We set the task to repeat daily a certain number of times (usually 6).

For additional control, you can set a reminder in the evening so that you can assess the status of this process.

Again, this is all approximate.

Don't push yourself into limits!

The number of daily pages is necessary so that you can evaluate the percentage of completion and the reality of achieving this task on time.

This is so that we don’t realize on Saturday that we haven’t read 98% of the book.

Can this task be shifted or not completed?

But only with emergency important and very urgent tasks.

For example:

  • Your pipe has burst and you are flooding your neighbors;
  • You have the opportunity to earn a lot of money and need to allocate additional time;
  • A neighbor came in and you felt in your gut that there might be sex. And you look so smart, “Sorry, dear neighbor! But I have a reading scheduled for MLO now...” What will you regret the most? That there was no sex or that 50 pages of the book were not read?

Do we need to contextualize the problem of reading books?

The matter is purely personal. I don't bet.

I'll explain why:

I don’t need any additional tool to read - e-book and my iPhone is always with me. You can read on either this or that gadget.

That is, it turns out that only I am needed for reading.

And I always have myself.

Take it and read it!

If you, dear reader of my site, want to read a book and cannot find it anywhere, write to me - I will try to help you in this matter.

P.S.: If you liked my article, DON’T BE GREEDY! Share a link to this article with your friends on social networks X!

Photo by Michael Liao on Unsplash

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Many well-known conspiracies are read on an empty stomach, in a wide field, on a threshold, on a waning moon, standing east towards the sun, preferably on Wednesday, Tuesday or Saturday, if they are read for good.

If the conspiracy involves subordination of the will of the subject, then it is read on “black” days, of which there are 33 a year, and on which magicians perform magical actions.

The list of such dates also in our time comes from ancient eras:

  • January –20, 19, 12, 11, 6, 4, 2, 1;
  • February –28, 17, 11;
  • March –24, 14, 4, 1;
  • April –18, 17, 3;
  • May –8, 7;
  • June – 17;
  • July – 21, 17;
  • August –21, 20;
  • September –18, 10;
  • October – 4;
  • November – 7, 6;
  • December –18, 12, 6.

The so-called “equinox” days are also considered the ideal time for magical actions. The last and first quarter of the moon are especially revered as a time convenient for enterprises of any kind, while the new moon and full moon are considered less suitable for casting spells and incantations.

Almost every conspiracy can be roughly divided into 5 parts. Most often, the first part of our plot lists the actions performed by the healer. At the next stage, the goals and desires of the spell words are indicated. Part three talks about what should happen when the conspiracy comes into force. Part four is mythological. It talks about spiritualized natural forces or some fantastic creatures that can influence human life. 5 – the final part, “closing” - “I close, I close my words with a thousand locks, and I throw the keys under a white-flammable stone into deep water.” Similar expressions also serve as closing words: “Be strong in my words,” “there is no negotiation or agreement with my words,” “my words are stronger than the stone of the sea, and hot iron.” The closure can be considered as a part that is pronounced to strengthen the first four parts, this most important feature Slavic spells and conspiracies.

Removing the evil eye

Say something about the water and drink it at dawn:

“Like salt is salty, coal is black, ash is bitter. Whisper and say my water in the bowl for (explain what exactly is required) the task. You, sweeten, salt, you, ash, sadden, you, blacken, coal. My hall is bitter, the salt is strong; whoever eats my salt will get rid of all illnesses; whoever licks my ashes will run away from all evil troubles; whoever wipes away coal with his teeth will cause the patterns to fly off with all the little ghosts.”

The next plot must be read in a cemetery, so it is finished there. We stand at the cemetery gates at the time when the deceased is being taken to be buried. They wipe their face and hands with a handkerchief (you have to steal a handkerchief from someone), read on it, and immediately throw the handkerchief away. You should only read it during a declining month, so that the disease does not add up, but goes away. It’s better to stand not outside the gate, but right in front of the entrance.

“I didn’t come to visit, I brought my death. I received it here, and I’m returning it here. And you, the dead sleep the dead, guard my illness, lock up the damage, put it in a coffin, don’t get up, don’t bring back illness and grief. Goy!"

Such conspiracies and rituals against envious people and envy can greatly help you protect yourself from ill-wishers. After all, literally the entire energy space that surrounds a person is permeated with envy, which means hold on - you are constantly “stinged” painfully from all sides by the arrows of envy. Many do not even suspect that it is largely thanks to envious people, their flattering, laudatory speeches addressed to you, that the foundations of happiness and material well-being of many people are inexorably (but very true) undermined. If you feel pangs of envy “in your own skin,” then do this.

Perform a ritual against envy during the period when the moon is waning:

Early in the morning, go (on foot) to the nearest garbage dump from your home. As a rule, in such places there are a lot of crows, and the main thing you need to do when you get to the place is to bow to all 4 cardinal directions, you need to start from the east.

After this, looking at the flocks of noisy birds, quietly say a spell against envious people:

“The crows are full of black, they are barriers everywhere: from fierce envy, from the dashing eye, induced, early, scheduled, midday and midnight. I came, (say the name), protection was taken from every feather, to ward off the poisonous attack, to give it to the Chief Raven, chrome, to his huge eye. What I came with, I left without. Everything was done as I ordered.”

Then pick up a small pebble from the ground (with your left hand only) and throw it lightly towards the dump (flock of crows) with the words:

“I turn the envious eye into this stone, and I forgive everyone who is visible and invisible to me. »

“The lame crow, the huge eye, will never be here, the threshold (the name of your envious person(s)) will never be beaten. So be it!”

Try to feed wild birds for the next three days: tits, sparrows, pigeons with anything, most importantly not bread crumbs (crumbs). During this period, it is better not to give anything from home, not to borrow money under any circumstances, to refrain from “going” to visit, and not to allow erotic contacts.

Another envy ritual

When the moon wanes (from sunset until the very beginning of a new day), hold a few black elderberry berries in your right palm and head to the intersection closest to your apartment (house). While crossing this place (walking slowly in order to have time to pronounce the words contained in the conspiracy against black envy), rub the fruits as hard as possible with your fingers and mentally read at the same time:

“The anger is truly mine. It will take you to the grave, and me to the Garden of Eden. If you don’t stop harming me, you won’t walk around the world (neighbor’s name), you won’t live normally. My word is strong.”

At the very last word of this plot, throw the berries in front of you and across left shoulder turn around and walk away from this place in the opposite direction.

Once upon a time, at the dawn of my freelance work, I earned very little, but I firmly decided to spend 10% of my income on books. Then with this money I could barely buy one normal book. Years passed, and I firmly adhered to this rule. Now, with 10% of my monthly salary, I can buy so many books that I couldn’t read in a year - and this means that I bought and read books for a reason.

Always save 10% of your income on books - this is the best investment of this money. You don’t need to save more, and you don’t need to save less either.

Here is my monthly norm at the moment:

2. Read with a notepad

I also like to call this rule “read smartly.” I never read a book twice. This happens because I “squeeze” all the ideas out of it in as much detail as possible - a notebook helps me. While reading a book, I write down all the interesting and useful ideas, all the links to other books, and write down quotes that inspire me. When I don’t have a notepad at hand or it’s inconvenient to use, I write in the margins with a pencil.

As a result, what remains in my notebook is a summary of the book, a concentration of its ideas, the quintessence of its meaning. It’s nice to re-read the notebook later - it’s very inspiring.

And most importantly, such reading allows you to penetrate deeply into the book.

3. Make a list of books you need to buy

Combining the first two tips, we have a rule of thumb to spend 10% of your money on books and list interesting books in a notepad. This very list is the “to-do” for future purchases. It is regularly shuffled and recycled - personal and professional interests tend to change.

4. Read at least an hour a day

Or better yet, two. It doesn't really matter how much you read (although I highly recommend reading at least an hour a day). It is important to do this regularly - accustom yourself to the rule “not a day without a book.”

Finding an hour a day to read is very difficult, especially for a busy person. In this case, I advise you to break your reading into small twenty-minute segments that you can “eat” evenly throughout the day. Reading at night before bed is not cool; a tired brain will refuse to accept the book and consider it a sleeping pill.

5. Mix styles

I am a big fan of books about self-development and motivation (I’m probably one of those people for whom reading books about self-development has replaced self-development itself). However, reading only such books every day is boring. Therefore, alternate books, first useful, then fiction, then business and then fiction. Fiction books are also very useful and interesting to read.

6. Don't hold on to books

I recommend exchanging books with friends and acquaintances. First of all, it's a great way to save money. Secondly, you help your friends learn and develop. I have already lost count of the books that I have sent by mail to my friends - it is both pleasant for me and useful for them.

7. Switch to e-books

No matter what anyone says, the paper book is gradually dying out, turning into something like a vinyl record - a pleasure for fans. Reading in a reader is easier, simpler and much cheaper. For a reading enthusiast, the reader pays for itself in about two months. It’s hard to calculate how many trees you’ll save.

These are my simple rules and laws. Once you start reading, it is impossible to stop. I'll tell you this for sure. And one more thing: as the unknown designer Artemy Lebedev once said, everyone successful person These are, first of all, books that he read on time.
