Make your own wedding bouquets from satin ribbons. Double bouquet: tips for creating floral beauty

There are many conflicting traditions and beliefs associated with a wedding, according to one of them the bride should throw her bouquet to her bridesmaids at the end of the celebration, and the one who catches it will be the next to marry. However, there is another tradition that says that the bride must keep her entire wedding attire, including the flower arrangement, in order for the marriage to be lasting and happy. To make both signs come true, you can create a duplicate wedding bouquet, and you don’t have to contact a master, because everything can be done with your own hands.

Photo for inspiration

Attribute assignment

The duplicate bouquet became widespread in our country not so long ago, so few brides know why it is needed. The tradition according to which a girl should throw her flowers to unmarried friends and relatives originates in America, and in Rus' a girl always kept all the attributes of a wedding dress for herself. Gradually, the American tradition replaced the Russian one, since passing the baton of marriage in this way looks very impressive. However, today girls are striving to revive the custom of their people and do not want to part with their wedding bouquet, there are several reasons for this:

  1. The wedding bouquet is given by the groom to his beloved on the wedding day, thus these flowers are his last gift as a bachelor. For this reason, many brides strive to keep this symbolic flower arrangement for themselves.
  2. Modern girls prefer to add some zest to their wedding look, so the bride’s bouquet can be quite heavy and bulky. It may only be intended for careful carrying and not for throwing.
  3. Many fresh flowers are very fragile and can be easily damaged during this tradition. To leave them safe and sound, you need a kind of durable duplicate that will allow you to comply with the custom.
  4. According to the superstition, the bride’s bouquet is her happiness, and it is not recommended to give it to anyone. Why take the risk when you can use a floral understudy.

The trend of using a duplicate has not yet firmly taken root among modern girls, but a sufficient number of brides have already resorted to it. As a rule, future newlyweds seek to reduce their expenses for a wedding celebration, so girls prefer to make a double with their own hands. It’s quite simple, you just need to choose an idea for composing a composition in advance and stick to it as you work.

Features of compilation

There are several ways to create a duplicate bouquet; each girl chooses the appropriate option for herself. It is possible to order it from a florist who will create the main flower arrangement, but it will be much more expensive. If you make a duplicate yourself, you can spend a minimal amount.

First, you should decide whether the understudy will be similar to the main bouquet. Many people prefer to make two similar bouquets, but the duplicate is usually smaller in size and weight. There is an option to create a completely unique composition that the bride will throw to her unmarried friends; there will be nothing contradictory or inappropriate about the difference.

Secondly, you need to decide whether the backup will be made of fresh flowers, like the main bouquet, or whether it will be made of artificial materials. Both options have a right to exist; choose the appropriate one based on your own capabilities and wishes.

You can use a little trick and divide the understudy into several components. Before throwing, the common ribbon is untied, and the bouquet scatters into several small ones, one for each friend.

From fresh flowers

Modern girls choose this option most often, as they consider it more presentable and suitable for a wedding celebration. Try to create a sketch of an understudy in advance; for this you can use ready-made ideas, of which there are a lot in wedding magazines and the Internet, or use your own imagination. Decide whether the backup will be similar to the main bouquet or whether it will be an independent unique composition.

In order for the double to retain its shape throughout the wedding, you need to choose durable flowers that will not wither in a day, no matter what the weather is, for example, you can choose gerberas or lilies. If your wedding is scheduled for spring, you can create a feminine and sophisticated bouquet of tulips. For it you will need:

  • 7-9 tulips of the desired shade;
  • 5 branches of panicum;
  • floral wire;
  • decorative tape;
  • organza;
  • several medium-sized beads for decoration;
  • pruning shears and scissors.

First you need to prepare the decorative frame of the organza bouquet; for this you need to cut 4 identical strips 30 cm wide and cut them in half. The resulting rectangles need to be folded in half in width and cut into parallel strips, not reaching the fold 2-3 cm. From the resulting fragments you need to create something like a fountain, fastening their bases together, and strengthen the resulting structure with wire.

After this, you need to arrange the desired bouquet. To do this, you need to trim the leaves from the tulips, put the stems together, tie them with floral wire and trim the stems to the same length. Panicum branches must be placed inside the base; they should form one of the circles of the bouquet. Then you need to frame the flowers with cut tulip leaves and once again secure the composition with floral wire.

As the last step, you need to combine the organza “fountain” with flowers and tie them with decorative ribbon. If desired, you can decorate the composition with a stylized cord, onto which you string several beads, securing them at the free end with a knot. The resulting bridal bouquet will be light and will retain its fresh appearance for a long time.

If you decide to make a double from fresh flowers, you need to take into account some of their features. Firstly, this floral arrangement must be handled no less carefully than the main one, since it will be more pleasant for the bridesmaid to receive a whole, undamaged bouquet. Secondly, it is advisable to keep it in a vase with water until the very end of the festival, when it is time to throw it away. Thirdly, do not forget that it must be kept in a cool place, so the flowers will not wither.

From decorative ribbons

A practical and original solution would be to create a backup from artificial flowers so that it retains its original appearance for many years. Many brides are dismissive of this possibility, considering dead flowers to be cheap and unsuitable for a wedding, but in reality this is not entirely true. There are certain techniques that are used to create artificial bouquets, most often from satin ribbons. They look rich and delicate, the material creates whimsical reflections and shimmers, which allows you to appreciate the composition at its true worth.

Most often, roses are made from satin ribbons; they turn out very similar to real flowers. To make a double for the bride you will need:

  • 10-15 meters of satin ribbons of the same or different shades;
  • tulle for framing;
  • handle blank;
  • white or colored beads of medium size;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • polystyrene foam or foam rubber;
  • needle and thread.

First you need to prepare the base of the composition, most often it is in the shape of a hemisphere, so you need to cut out a suitable size blank from polystyrene foam or foam rubber. If you do not have these materials, you can use polyurethane foam or crumple newspapers into a ball, securing them tightly with strong woolen threads. The handle of the bouquet can be made from a cardboard base of baking foil, a roller for cleaning clothes or a spool of thread at least 15 cm high.

When the base is ready, you need to put it aside for a while and move on to creating flowers from satin ribbons. For large buds, it is necessary to cut strips 6 cm wide and 90 cm long according to the desired number of flowers. Each tape must be folded in half, the edges aligned and sewn with a basting stitch along the entire length; on the narrow sides the seam should go at an acute angle. After this, you need to tighten the thread and fold the resulting curved ribbon into a bud, securing the base with threads.

To create small buds from satin ribbons, you can use another technique. To do this, cut strips 1-2 cm wide and 10-20 cm long, the edges should be cut at an acute angle. Fold the beginning of the strip to form a right angle, wrap the resulting base three times with the long end of the ribbon and sew to create a bud. Then you need to create petals around it; to do this, the remaining end of the tape must be bent diagonally; it is advisable to secure the structure with thread after creating every 2-3 petals. When the tape runs out, you need to stitch the resulting bud again so that it does not fall apart.

If desired, you can create leaves for each bud; for this you need to cut squares with a side of 5 cm from green satin ribbons; for small flowers you can prepare blanks 3x3 cm. Each such square must be stitched with threads of the same shade in the corners in the form of semicircles, and in the middle Use an awl to make a small hole in the workpiece. The base of the bud must be attached to a thick wire, the free end of which must be threaded into the hole of the green square. Then the thread left when making the leaves is stretched and the ribbon takes the required shape.

To prevent the ribbons from unraveling, it is advisable to burn the cut edges with a candle or lighter.

If you didn't make leaves, the buds can be secured with glue, otherwise you just need to embed the wire inside the soft base. When the desired composition is assembled, you need to wrap the handle of the resulting double bridal bouquet with a wide ribbon and secure it with a pin, push pin or massive brooch. There should be no gaps between the turns, so it is better to place each turn of the tape on glue.

Then you need to make a “skirt” from tulle, to do this, cut a strip 25-30 cm wide, attach it along the long side and pull the thread. The resulting part must be framed with flowers, gluing it to the base or handle. You can glue several white or colored beads onto the buds and between them for decoration.

While preparing for the wedding of one of their friends, all the girls are looking forward to this very day: to be happy for their friend, and, of course, that wonderful moment when the bride throws her bouquet into the crowd of unmarried friends.

And not in vain, because according to legend, the girl who catches him will soon get married next year.

But there is also a belief that in order to maintain happiness in marriage, the bride should keep her wedding bouquet. What should we do?

This is where an understudy bridal bouquet comes to the rescue. Why do you need a duplicate bouquet? In order to circumvent the contradiction in beliefs and make one of the friends happy.

In this article we will tell you how to make a wedding bouquet with your own hands. So, your bouquet will be unique in its kind and will delight both you and your guests with its beauty. But let's look at everything in order and then move on to our master class on creating a wedding bouquet for an understudy

The very tradition of throwing a bouquet into a crowd of girls came to us from America.

It's like a relay baton: the girl who catches him will marry next. The sign, of course, does not always work, but it has taken root quite well, especially at our weddings. However, the girls who became brides resorted to a little trick; it’s not for nothing that our Russian people are called inventive. Why do you need a duplicate bouquet?

The bride's bouquet is often very bulky and large, so throwing such a composition would not be the best idea.

If by chance such a bouquet hits someone in the face or head, the situation will not be pleasant. Therefore, the duplicate bouquet copes with its role perfectly, because it is, as a rule, lighter, more compact and in every sense better than its original counterpart. To compose the composition of a stand-in bouquet, both fresh and artificial flowers, as well as other decorations, can be used.

Since flowers may crumble during throwing, the composition should be delicate, but less suitable for this procedure.

In addition, the bride herself may not want to give flowers to one of the guests that her loved one will buy for her. The solution is very simple - purchase in advance or make with your own hands a duplicate composition similar to the original.

It is important that there is similarity and harmony with the original. There is also a belief that all wedding accessories should stay with the bride throughout her life, so keeping your wedding bouquet is a very good idea.

This bouquet is like a shore from the evil eye and other sorrows of life.

Necessary materials and preparations for creating a do-it-yourself stand-in bouquet

Before you start composing a stand-in bouquet with your own hands, you need to decide what it will look like. The set of necessary materials will depend on this.

In addition, think about the color of your bouquet: usually white or pastel shades will predominate, diluted with bright purple, red and blue accents. You can compose a bouquet of an understudy in the language of flowers. Let's say the rose has always been considered a symbol of passionate and strong love

, and snow-white lilies emphasize the purity and innocence of the bride

Most require this set of materials:

Double master class on creating a duplicate bouquet The duplicate bouquet, as we said, can be made from living or

artificial flowers.

The second option will be more preferable, since such “satin bouquets,” as they are called, are cheaper, more reliable and much cheaper. They can be purchased at the store or made independently using ribbons, lace and other available materials.

Made from artificial flowers Such a bouquet will look very original. There are many such ready-made bouquets on sale, no worse than living ones, only without the enchanting aroma. But the advantages of the doubler are that it will not crumble or wither never.

  • To create such a bouquet you will need:
  • Two bouquets of rosebuds made of light green and cream colored fabric.
  • Ribbons.
  • Nylon lace in green shades.
  • Golden beads and pearl effect.
  • Tulle in pink and blue shades.
  • Scotch.
  • Thin wire.
  • Scissors.

Voila! Your bouquet is ready to fall into the crowd of excited girls right now and remain safe and sound!

From fresh flowers

But here you have to think everything through carefully. Before you start creating a duplicate bouquet, you need to decide on its appearance.

For this, look various models on the Internet, magazines and catalogs in florist shops. There are no restrictions, the main thing is similarity. If you don’t want to offend your friends, do another trick - make a bouquet that splits into several small ones, which will greatly please your friends. To do this, before the final throw, you will need to untie the main ribbon, which will hold all the bouquets.

Necessary materials:

A beautiful stand-in bouquet is a very important part of the bride’s image.

Doing it yourself or purchasing a ready-made one is the decision of each couple.

The main thing is to choose the right weight and appearance.

Hi girls!


A wedding is a wonderful period in the life of every girl. For one day, a lot of money and several months of preparation are spent. What is a bouquet - an understudy? This is a replacement artificial bouquet the bride, which she traditionally abandons unmarried girls after the wedding. I first met such a bouquet at a friend’s wedding. An artificial bouquet flew into my hands and I thought: “What is this? Where is the bride’s bouquet? What kind of greed or is this saving?” After communicating with my friends, I realized that they are generally divided into two types: Type 1 - these are girls who do not believe in modern signs and don’t understand why brides began to throw an artificial “broom” instead of their chic bouquet, and type 2 are superstitious girls who believe in every little thing and in particular in the omen with a bouquet. “If you throw a bouquet, you let go of happiness.” Maybe it sounds something different, I wrote it from memory. I consider myself to be the first type of girl. I'm not particularly superstitious, but I ran into one "BUT". At the floristry center, where they calculated my wedding bouquet for me exactly according to my instructions and desires, they warned me that in addition to the high price (about 5000), the bouquet would also be very heavy and could kill someone, so that I was offered two options, either not to throw it bouquet, and play it between girlfriends, or throw a double. I am for traditions and it is important for me not just to give the bouquet, but to throw it to my girlfriends, so the first option immediately disappeared. I thought about it, walked around the wedding salons and asked the price. Prices for doubles ranged from 500 rubles to 2000 rubles. Can you imagine a bouquet of artificial flowers for the price of real ones? I was once again convinced that a lot of money is made at weddings, I decided to make a bouquet myself and went on Aliexpress in search of flowers.

It didn't take long to choose on the site. Although the choice was huge, I had a rough idea of ​​what the flowers in the bouquet would look like, how many there would be and what size they would be. I chose a seller from good reviews and real photos. I ordered 18 flowers of which 6 are white roses and 12 are red. 17 flowers sat fully on the bouquet, 1 flower was solemnly torn into petals and also used. And now a detailed description.

The size of the rose is approximately 6-7 cm, height 2-3 cm. The material is similar to soft foam. Very beautiful, but the red flowers faded very much, this is their big minus.

My fingers at the end of work. I washed them for two days, somehow getting the red paint off my nails.

Well, now let’s start the master class on creating a duplicate bouquet. You will need:

  1. Artificial flowers/greenery (optional)
  2. Glue gun
  3. Stationery knife and scissors
  4. Satin ribbons of required colors and sizes
  5. Cardboard roll from foil
  6. Foam semicircle or polyurethane foam
  7. Unneeded CD
  8. Fire a candle or lighter to seal the edges of the tapes
  9. Lace ribbon and button for decoration

First of all, I prepared a semicircle of polyurethane foam. Yes, this is a strange material, but if you don’t like it, cut out a semicircle from polystyrene foam. I didn’t have foam plastic on hand, so my husband made a semicircle of foam, kneaded it well when it dried, and then cut it evenly.

If your polystyrene or foam is visible at the bottom, there is very little space for a flower, then for this I cut one rose into petals and glued them into the gaps.

To prevent the red flowers from fading anymore, I sprayed them with matte varnish and set them aside for the “cap” to dry completely.

I marked the cardboard roll by eye and cut it. The end of the CD tape was inserted through the roll, pulled tight and secured with tape. This saved me glue.

Using a glue gun, I glued them to the disk and the roll from the inside, symmetrically in a circle:

I glued small petals along the edge of the disk, according to the scheme: 1 red - 2 white, at a distance slightly shorter than the large white petals, so as not to stick out.

A duplicate wedding bouquet is being used more and more often: the bride throws it to her bridesmaids instead of her own. At the same time, the original bouquet remains with the newlywed in memory of the celebration, as a guarantee of future family happiness. Making a duplicate bouquet for the bride with your own hands is not at all difficult: detailed instructions you will find in our material.

The tradition of throwing a bouquet to the bridesmaids, like many modern wedding rituals, came to Russia from America - overseas they know how to make a celebration truly chic. The bouquet is something like a relay baton: it is believed that the girl who catches it will be the next to marry. The sign rarely works, but now not a single wedding is complete without this cheerful ceremony. Usually the bride throws her own bouquet to her unmarried bridesmaids. However, recently, girls are increasingly using a fake bouquet for the bride. This is dictated by many reasons.

Firstly, the original bride's bouquet, as a rule, is quite heavy and bulky, so it is difficult to throw it. In addition, throwing such a projectile, especially when you throw it without seeing where, can be traumatic for guests.

Secondly, a delicate arrangement of fresh flowers is usually not intended for such exercises: the bouquet may fall apart. And finally, the last reason: very often the bride simply does not want to give away a beautiful bouquet reminiscent of such a joyful day. The easiest way out is to buy or make a duplicate bouquet for the bride. As a rule, the spare bouquet is smaller in size than the main one. In addition, it is often made from artificial flowers, so that the lucky person who catches it can keep it as a keepsake. However, both bouquets must be harmonious in color and match the chosen wedding colors. A spare bouquet for the duration of all celebrations and wedding competitions, until the right moment comes, is entrusted to the bridesmaid, who acts as a witness.

A dummy bouquet for the bride can be made from both fresh and artificial flowers. However, the latter option, firstly, will be more reliable and durable, and secondly, it will be cheaper. And thirdly, flowers made of fabric and ribbons self made will look no worse than the real thing.

The first step to making a bouquet is to decide on its color and composition. As a rule, in wedding bouquets white color dominates, which is diluted with bright colors - red, blue, purple. It depends, first of all, on the colors of the bride and groom’s accessories and the colors of the wedding in general. Each flower - roses, lilies, chrysanthemums, gerberas - has its own hidden meanings. You can create a harmonious bouquet based on the language of flowers. For example, white lilies symbolize, like White dress brides, purity and innocence. Large lilies will go well with small but bright rosebuds - red, pink, purple. After all, a rose, especially a bright scarlet color, has always been considered a symbol of sincere and passionate love.

Making a lily yourself is not difficult, but it is painstaking work. You will need thick white fabric (for example, satin) in white and green, thin wire for making stamens and giving flexibility and shape to the petals, PVA glue, semolina, a candle for singeing the edges, and green ribbon. First you need to cut out six petals: three are larger and thicker, the rest are thinner and oblong. To ensure that the petals are the same, you need to cut out templates from cardboard for each group. The petals should be large, about 4-5 centimeters in length.

The next step is to secure a wire in the center of each petal. If the petal is quite dense (for this you can pre-soak it in gelatin), then you can simply carefully glue a wire wrapped in white corrugated paper onto the petal. Or cut twice as many petals out of fabric, put wire and glue web between them and glue the petals together using an ordinary iron. If the fabric is thick enough, you can limit yourself to one layer and simply secure the wire with adhesive fabric. All petals must be scorched over a candle so that the edges become wavy and neat. You need to do the same with the leaves. It is better to make 3-5 leaves - they should be long enough. However, not every bouquet needs leaves, so you can skip this step.

The next step is to give the petals color. This can be done in different ways. You can crumble the leads of colored pencils and apply color with a cotton swab dipped in water. The color should be delicate, dim, greenish on one side of the petal and reddish on the other side. The paint should be applied at the base of the petal; it should be white on top. You can also use dry pastel instead of pencil. To make the petal look more natural, you can apply black specks at the base. This can be done with a pencil or special fabric paint. The last option is more reliable.

The petals are ready, now we need to make the stamens. You can buy ready-made ones in the store, but it’s easier to make it yourself. You will still need wire: it should also be wrapped in white corrugated paper. The upper tip must be bent in the shape of the letter T - the stamens of the lily have an unusual shape. This T-shaped tip should be moistened in PVA glue and dipped in semolina, previously painted yellow or black with dry pastel or crumbled pencil lead. There should be 5-7 stamens. Then, using wire, you need to assemble the finished flower. Smaller petals should be on the bottom. To prevent the wire from being noticeable, you need to wrap the stem of the flower with green tape.

A detailed master class on creating realistic and beautiful roses shown in the video below.

Having prepared a sufficient number of flowers, you need to make a bouquet of them. It is held together with wire and tape. You can arrange the flowers in a checkerboard pattern, or collect roses in the center and lilies around the perimeter, or vice versa. The finished bouquet can be additionally decorated with a string of artificial pearls or rhinestone beads - they should be secured with a glue gun.

During the wedding, all the unmarried bridesmaids eagerly wait for the bride to throw her bouquet, according to tradition. According to legend, the one who catches him will definitely marry next year. But another belief contradicts the above: for happiness in marriage, the bride must keep her flowers. What to do then? For this purpose, there are duplicate bouquets for weddings, and we will tell you how to make this accessory with your own hands. In this case, it will be original, unique and beautiful.

Why does a bride need a second bouquet at a wedding?

The tradition of throwing a bouquet originates in America. This accessory is like a relay baton: the girl who catches it will be the next to get married. The sign doesn't always work, but such a funny ceremony has become firmly entrenched in our weddings. However, girls have recently begun to resort to such a trick as a double bouquet. Why is it needed?

The bride's original wedding flower arrangement is usually very bulky and heavy, so throwing it away is not a good idea. best idea. If it hits a guest in the face or head, the sensations will not be very pleasant. Therefore, a duplicate bouquet easily fulfills this role, because it is much lighter, more compact and airier than its original, since it is usually made in a much smaller size. To create a composition, they can be used as natural flowers, as well as artificial flowers, fabric flowers, etc.

During throwing, the bride's flowers may crumble, since this composition is very delicate and is not intended for this kind of test. In addition, sometimes the bride does not want to give away flowers given by the groom that remind her of the happiest day of her life. The solution is simple - purchase or make a duplicate composition for your wedding with your own hands. However, it should be similar and also be in harmony with the real bouquet. There is also a belief that all the accessories of the image and the bride’s dress should remain with her, because this is a talisman for the young family.

Necessary materials for DIY crafts

Before you start composing the composition of the understudy with your own hands, you need to decide what it will look like. The set of required materials depends on this. In addition, it is worth thinking about color: usually white or pastel colors dominate in bouquets, which are diluted with bright spots of purple, red, blue, etc. It is not forbidden to create a duplicate bouquet based on the language of flowers. For example, a rose is considered a symbol of passionate and sincere love, white lilies speak of innocence and purity.

In most cases, the following materials are required to make bouquets:

  • Scissors, needle, thread, glue gun, foam.
  • Porta bouquet, floral foam - these materials are purchased at a florist store or at the market. It is not forbidden not to use them at all, but the flowers will wither sooner. Floral foam is designed to saturate the stand-in bouquet with moisture for a long time. The base is also made using polystyrene foam in the shape of a hemisphere.
  • Ribbons for DIY decoration, dressings.
  • Cuts of fabric - organza or other transparent and light fabrics, satin, silk, chiffon. Please note that the edge of the fabric should not fray too much.
  • When making a flower arrangement, you cannot do without such material as wire (or use floral glue).
  • Decor for a flower arrangement with your own hands: twigs, beads, butterflies, rhinestones, feathers, green leaves, and other decorative elements.
  • The flowers themselves: fresh - roses, lilies, callas, exotic options. In addition, they can be artificial or made using fabric, corrugated paper or other materials with your own hands.

Master class on making a stand-in bouquet

A do-it-yourself stand-in bouquet can be made from artificial, fresh flowers. The first option is more preferable, since such flower arrangements are durable, reliable, and cheaper than fresh flowers. Artificial flowers are purchased from finished form or made independently using ribbon, lace, fabric, corrugated paper and other materials.

Made from artificial flowers

A do-it-yourself duplicate bouquet for a wedding made from artificial flowers looks original. There are thousands of varieties of artificial flowers on sale that are just as gorgeous as real flowers, only without the scent. The duplicate bouquet will not wither at the end of the holiday and will not crumble. In order to make your own wedding flower arrangement, you will need the following materials:

  • white satin cord;
  • two bouquets of fabric rose buds in white-green and cream colors;
  • ribbons;
  • green nylon lace;
  • golden and pearl beads for decoration;
  • pink and white tulle;
  • scotch;
  • thin wire;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step master class:

From fresh flowers

Before you start creating a do-it-yourself stand-in bouquet for your wedding, think it through carefully. Look at photos in magazines, on the Internet, and check out the work of florist salons. There are no strict restrictions here, but it is better to use the same flowers as in the original in the floral arrangement of the copy. It is not forbidden to do such a trick to please all your friends - a duplicate bouquet, breaking up into several small ones. The secret is simple: you need to untie one ribbon that holds everything together, and several bouquets will fly into the air.

To make a do-it-yourself stand-in bouquet for a wedding, you will need the following materials:

  • floral green thread, wire;
  • 7 tulips in pastel colors;
  • 5 panicums;
  • light cord for tying a bouquet;
  • scissors;
  • pruner;
  • 15 white beads with a diameter of 1 cm;
  • soft pink organza.

Step-by-step master class:

Bouquet with fabric flowers

Fabric flowers have recently entered wedding fashion and immediately gained great popularity. They are beautiful, unusual, original. This is a real masterpiece of applied art. Such stand-in bouquets are created with soul. The composition can be performed in different styles:

  • Retro floral arrangements abound with decorative items and fabric flowers.
  • Classic – romance, minimalism, decor with pearls, silk ribbons.
  • Vintage - retro, which contains vintage brooches, lace, muted colors.
  • Marine style - white and blue tones, striped ribbons.
  • Bohemian - textile flowers that are combined with elements of nature, for example, pine cones, berries, branches, feathers.
  • Art Deco - stylish products decorated with bright accessories, such as brooches, feathers, pearls. In most cases, they are asymmetrical and have prominent elements, for example, decorative branches, feathers.
  • Country - the use of red and blue tones, denim, decor with twine, burlap, imitation wildflowers.

Below we present step by step instructions creating a stand-in bouquet with your own hands for a wedding. You will need the following materials:

  • glue gun;
  • foam ball;
  • flower holder;
  • pen;
  • organza;
  • handle tape;
  • beads for decoration;
  • fabric for covering the base;
  • lace for a skirt.

Step-by-step instruction:

Photos of beautiful do-it-yourself bouquets of stand-ins

A stylish elegant double bouquet is part of the bride’s wedding look. Doing it yourself or ordering it from a florist is the couple’s decision. Important points are the weight of the composition and its harmonious imitation of the main accessory. In the selection of photos you can see original ideas, which will make you think about the same bouquet for your own wedding.
