Ural Federal University named after the first president of the Russian Federation. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin UrFU

Economics and management

Construction equipment and technologies

Informatics and Computer Science

Electrical and thermal power engineering

Forms of training


Education levels


UrFU Admissions Committee

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 09:00 to 17:00

Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00

Latest reviews of UrFU

Anonymous review 15:07 01/16/2020

Low level of teachers. In FT algebra, complex variables are simply terrible. Complex variables are impossible to attend - the teacher makes mistakes in every letter and number, does not hold attention - it sucks.

I studied at a good school, my classmates went to other universities, but I made a mistake.

If you want to be bullied by stupid losers, then go to Physicotechnical Institute. They won’t teach you anything, since they themselves don’t know anything, but believe me, they will mock you to the fullest extent. it's a nightmare.

Anonymous review 11:11 04/25/2019

I’m a 3rd year student at the Higher School of Economics and Management – ​​I like everything. Teachers explain the material they are studying well and help them write scientific articles that can then be published - this is valuable practice for students. The time schedule for couples is convenient - you can combine it with work or part-time work. The downside is that sometimes couples are placed in the building at a different address; it is not always convenient to travel to different places. The dean's office is always ready to help with any questions students may have. You can study in your free time...

General information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin"

UrFU branches

Colleges of UrFU

  • College Ural Federal University named after. B.N. Yeltsin - in Nizhny Tagil


No. 02214 valid indefinitely from 06/21/2016


No. 03017 valid from 03/14/2019

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for UrFU

Indicator2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 7 7 7 6
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study69.85 69.07 69.61 70.38 66.54 67.12
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget75.65 73.75 72.46 71.57 72.46 73.47
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis63.63 64.17 66.13 69.12 60.30 62.15
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled51.32 54.34 53.20 59.80 48.44 44.7
Number of students33458 32932 32835 32720 34326 34717
Full-time department26350 25381 24632 23182 22760 23230
Part-time department410 412 388 425 583 716
Correspondence department6698 7139 7815 9113 10983 10771
All data

Named after Yeltsin (modern UrFU, former USTU, UPI) is a large educational institution in Russia, located in Yekaterinburg. Today there are about 40 thousand students and 2 thousand teachers. The university has a rich history. It started in 1920. Let's take a closer look at what events the current university has experienced.

At the origins of creation

The need for qualified mining specialists arose in the Urals in the 18th century before the abolition of serfdom in the country. Industry was concentrated in this area. Some of the workers working here included foreigners. To eliminate the shortage of personnel, towards the end of the 18th century, a mining school was opened in St. Petersburg. It trained engineers for factories and mines in the Urals. The problem with specialists was resolved, but they noticed one drawback - the personnel were trained in isolation from production practice.

In the 19th century, several mining schools were opened in the Urals, and at the end of the century, proposals to open a technical university began to be discussed. Several projects were put forward, but none of them were implemented. At the beginning of the 20th century, the mining industry of the Urals was negatively affected by the economic crisis. Due to the difficult situation, factories were closed and new construction was stopped.

The economic boom came in 1910. Industry began to recover, and the number of proposals to create a technical university in the Urals increased. The event associated with the founding of the educational institution occurred in 1920. An educational organization began to function, from which the Ural State University was to grow in the future. technical university(UPI).

Formation of the university in the period from 1920 to 1940

The first years of school were quite difficult. One of the main problems was financial difficulties. The Soviet government did not have the funds to develop higher education. In the 1920s, measures were taken to rationalize the network of educational institutions. As a result, only technical specialties and faculties remained at the university. For this reason, the university was renamed the Ural Technical Institute in 1925.

In 1930, the educational institution was divided into 10 small, highly specialized institutes, close to certain enterprises. This was done with the aim of improving personnel training, but this plan was unsuccessful. Colleges (as these educational institutions were called at that time) had a weak material base. In 1934, some of them were united into an industrial institute. It became a multidisciplinary educational institution, which had 7 faculties and 31 specialties.

War years

The future Ural State Technical University (UPI), called an industrial institute in the pre-war years, built the main buildings and equipped laboratories in the 30s. In the early 40s, the institution was already considered one of the largest technical educational organizations in the country, a forge of engineering personnel for Siberia and the Urals. All this was crossed out in an instant by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The university found itself in difficult conditions. First, the institute created units for general military training and organized courses for the training of nurses and sanitary assistants.

In the future, the university set itself the goal of implementing high-quality and accelerated training of specialists needed by the rear, factories producing ammunition and tanks. The studies were difficult:

  • four-shift classes were introduced, which were held in poorly heated buildings;
  • vacation periods were shortened;
  • Correspondence and evening education was abolished.

End of the war and post-war period

The Ural State Technical University (UPI, Yekaterinburg), called an industrial institute, coped with all the tests. In 1945, the Great Patriotic War ended with the victory of the USSR. The news of the defeat of the enemy burst into the educational institution with an explosion of joy. This event served as the starting point for a new period in the history of the institution.

In the post-war years, the country began to rise from ruin. The restoration and construction of enterprises began, and the demand for qualified specialists increased. In 1948, the Ural Industrial Institute was renamed the Polytechnic University named after. Kirov. This event determined the profile of the existing institution. In subsequent years, the university developed, new faculties, departments, and specialties were opened.

Entry into the number of leading universities in the country

Around the 60s of the previous century, the Ural Polytechnic Institute became one of the leading higher educational institutions in the country. The number of people wanting to study here has increased. Several people competed for 1st place. Enrollment in graduate schools has also increased. In connection with the changes taking place in life, disciplines and the educational process were improved, and technical teaching aids and programmed control began to be introduced.

In 1969, the Ural Polytechnic Institute formed a workers' department. Preparatory courses have opened at the institute. Correspondence courses and a correspondence physics and mathematics school on a voluntary basis were also created. Educational television has also begun to be introduced. It has become one of the main forms of teaching in the first three courses of correspondence and evening studies.

New period in development

An important event that marked the beginning of a new period in the history of the university occurred in 1992. The educational institution has changed its status and name. The institute became known as the State Technical University (USTU). A variety of specialties opened up. Such topics as “World Economy”, “Technology of Artistic Processing of Materials”, “Rational Use of Natural Resources and Protection of the Environment”, etc. appeared.

Since the change of status, the Ural State Technical University (UPI) began a gradual transition to a multi-stage education system. This means that some faculties have begun to train bachelors and masters. Several more important events date back to 2008 and 2010. In 2008, the educational organization was named after the first President of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Ural State Technical University (UPI) named after B. N. Yeltsin merged with the university named after. A. M. Gorky. As a result, UrFU was formed.

Modern period

UrFU, which currently exists, is one of the best universities in our country. Educational organization occupies high positions in national ratings. A huge number of Russian and foreign students study there. There are about 400 educational programs, and budget places- over 7 thousand.

UrFU does not plan to stop there. In the future, he plans to create a scientific, educational and innovation center in the Ural Federal District. The core of all this will be the university. This will allow us to gain leadership in many areas and become one of the leading educational centers in the world.

Specialties at the university

UrFU (formerly Ural State Technical University, UPI), in accordance with the current certificate of state accreditation, operates in 37 enlarged groups of professions and areas of undergraduate training. Here are some of them:

  • mechanics and mathematics;
  • information and computer sciences;
  • astronomy and physics;
  • architecture;
  • radio engineering, electronics and communication systems;
  • chemical technologies;
  • nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;
  • management and economics;
  • psychological sciences, etc.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that UrFU (formerly USTU, UPI) is now a university that the Urals and all of Russia can be proud of. The educational organization has several branches in different Russian cities that implement higher education programs. The university also includes the Nizhny Tagil Mechanical Engineering College. It trains students in secondary vocational education programs.

It is one of the most promising universities in Russia. More than 10 thousand applicants annually choose this educational institution to receive the highest level of education. What attracts future specialists to the institution? What specialties and areas of activity are there?

History pages and general information about the university

The Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin has been operating for almost a century - it was opened in 1920. The dedication to the first President arose for a reason: Boris Nikolaevich received his higher education right here. At that time the university still had the status Polytechnic Institute named after S. M. Kirov.

In general, during its existence there were many renames: UrSU, UPI, USTU, there was a division into two universities, but ultimately in 2011 the modern Ural Federal University appeared.

The main founder of the organization is the Ministry of Education of the Federation.

At the moment, more than 35 thousand students are receiving education at UrFU, many of whom are in government-funded places.

The university has its own brand and symbols.

Contacts, address

Rector's reception phone numbers, toll-free number for inquiries and admissions committee are listed on the official website of the university.

Address Ural Federal Street Mira, 19.

List of specialties that can be obtained while studying at a university

Ural State Federal University is recruiting in the following areas:

  • Economic: energy management, business informatics, customs, etc.
  • Managerial: trading, economic security, advertising and public relations, etc.
  • Natural sciences: hydrometeorology, biology, mathematics, etc.
  • Innovative: design and technological support, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and robotics, etc.
  • Information: infocommunication technologies, design of electronic means, applied computer science, etc.
  • Sports and youth: organization of work with youth, hotel business, physical culture etc.
  • Fundamental: fire and technosphere safety.
  • Humanities: design, anthropology, journalism, etc.
  • Construction: architecture, construction of buildings, structures, unique structures.
  • Energy: thermal power engineering, design of nuclear power plants, etc.
  • Physical and technological: instrument making, standardization, biotechnical systems, etc.
  • Chemical: biotechnology, energy-saving processes,

In total, more than 400 programs are taught at UrFU.

Structure and faculties of the Ural Federal University

The rector of the university is an entire council consisting of vice-rectors.

Scientific structural units consist of schools, centers, institutes and faculties.

  1. Additional prof. education.
  2. Specialized educational and scientific.
  3. Military training.
  • Engineering.
  • Management and Economics.


  1. Radioelectronics.
  2. Entrepreneurship and public administration.
  3. New materials, technologies.
  4. Chemical-technological.
  5. Mathematics and natural sciences.
  6. Physical culture.
  7. Building.
  8. Open education technologies.
  9. Fundamental education.
  10. Humanitarian.
  11. Energy.
  12. Physico-technological.

In addition, there is a general department of military training.

International contacts of the Ural Federal University

One of the main areas of work of an educational institution is active work with international partners, establishing relationships through which students will gain experience, skills, and be able to expand their horizons.

64 countries constantly cooperate with the university, 400 foreign universities become participants in a common cause: educating true professionals.

UrFU daily works in projects: Network Universities of the CIS, SCO, BRICS, University of the Arctic, Association of Technical Universities of China and Russia.

More than 2000 students from foreign countries receive their education at the base Ural University. Students from Korea, Guinea, China, Mongolia and more than 80 other countries already consider the walls of UrFU their home.

Also, every student can participate in exchange programs and visit leading European countries.

In addition, the university is a platform for various international events: a tournament of young physicists, a forum of rectors of the BRICS Network University, a programming championship and many others.

How do UrFU students spend their free time?

The university administration strongly supports student initiatives, the development of creative life, sports, and much attention is paid to this. Many different teams and sections work every day with those who do not want to stop only at studying.

The institution hosts a variety of events: tournaments in sports ballroom dancing, acrobatic rock and roll, festivals in cheerleading, KVN, choreographic jazz, various shows and competitions.

UrFU athletes have the opportunity to train at the most modern facilities. GTO tests and events within the framework of the “Game” project are constantly taking place; fitness, arm wrestling, basketball, boxing, badminton, golf, volleyball, handball, diving, mixed martial arts, duathlon, curling, speed skating, crossfit and much more are held for everyone.

Educational institutions dependent on the university

UrFU has an extensive branch network located in the following cities:

  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Kamensk-Uralsky;
  • Alapaevsk;
  • Verkhnyaya Salda;
  • Sredneuralsk;
  • Irbit;
  • Krasnouralsk:
  • Krasnoturinsk;
  • Nevyansk;
  • Noyabrsk.

How to enter a university?

The Ural Federal University begins accepting applications for admission on June 20, for those who want to enroll in a full-time budget place, the collection of documents ends on July 26, for part-time on August 10. Those students who are applying to programs with internal tests (architecture, journalism, design, etc.) need to submit their application before July 14.

The admissions committee will have the right to open a personal file and include the applicant in the competition only if he has with him: an identity document (copy or original), proof of secondary education (copy or original), 2 small photographs, and For a number of directions, a permitting medical certificate is required.

Details of the admissions campaign can be found in the Admission Rules posted on the official Internet resource of the university.

Thus, Ural Federal University named after. It is not for nothing that Yeltsin has earned his trust among applicants and their parents: there is a large list of training programs, professional teaching staff, a wide range of extracurricular activities, the opportunity to establish international contacts and visit other countries. UrFU can become a starting point in a future successful career for everyone, you just have to submit an application during the admissions campaign!

The Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin is the largest federal university in the country, operating in Yekaterinburg. It was created in 2009 by combining the Ural State Technical University - UPI and the Ural State University. Today, UrFU connects the entire spectrum of technical, natural science and humanities education, and is the center of scientific and educational life, as well as social design and innovative activity. The university has an impressive number of budget-funded places - in 2017, 6,235 were allocated, and 3,900 places with tuition reimbursement. The university offers affordable contract training - applicants can receive a discount if they lack a few Unified State Exam points before passing. In addition, even before the start of the admissions campaign, applicants can leave an application and enter into a contract training agreement with suspensive conditions. Training is conducted in 109 areas of bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees in 350 educational programs. More than 35,000 students, undergraduates, graduate students and trainees are studying in 14 specialized institutes and other structural divisions of the university. They are taught by 4,038 teachers, including 1,952 candidates of science, associate professors, 575 doctors of science, professors, 48 ​​academicians and corresponding members of public academies, as well as more than 30 members of foreign and international academies. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, experienced professional practitioners, political and cultural figures regularly come to UrFU as guest lecturers. The educational process takes place in 14 buildings, and students live in 16 dormitory buildings. Their park is updated and replenished every year - so in 2013 a new building was opened for thousands of students. In 2016, major renovations were carried out in 4 dormitories. And on September 1, 2017, another new student building for 1,230 people will welcome its first residents. Among the university’s partners are the largest industrial enterprises and organizations that are key to the Russian economy. Students regularly undergo industrial practice on their base. Such cooperation allows UrFU to train in-demand young personnel - more than 90% of graduates are employed immediately after graduation. Ural University is the core of a research cluster, which also includes scientific institutes of the Ural branch Russian Academy sciences, specialized laboratories and high-tech industry enterprises. The UrFU research complex includes dozens of research centers, innovative infrastructure, scientific library(with a collection of publications over 3 million), several museums and specialized collections. Since 2013, the university has been a participant in the 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 of world university rankings. Today the university is included in QS subject rankings for mathematics, physics, astronomy and electrical engineering. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, UrFU is among the top 10 Russian universities.
