We'll have time to do everything in the morning! How to organize your morning hours? Workouts after work. Time for yourself

Even if you're definitely a night owl and not a morning person, there are always good things to be found in your morning routine. For example, if you make morning a part of your healthy lifestyle program, then your attitude towards it will change very soon, and you will finally stop waking up with the thought: “Why do I need all this?”

We tell you what five things people who take care of their health must do in the morning. And now you can too.

Drink a glass of water

Nutritionists agree that drinking more water is a simple step towards health with two obvious benefits (optimal hydration of the entire body and increased metabolism). Why is this especially important in the morning? The fact is that at night our body uses water to restore itself, so in the morning this balance must be replenished so as not to feel lethargic or tired. Your goal: a large cup or two glasses clean water without gas immediately after waking up.

Do exercises

Five minutes of physical activity at the beginning of the day is the key to not only health, but also excellent well-being. It doesn't have to be anything strenuous: a couple of yoga poses or stretching will already get your muscles working, so over time your body will learn to wake up without the help of caffeine (which will certainly benefit you, even if you don't plan to give up caffeine). morning cup of coffee).

Time management experts also note that a small but completed task at the beginning of the day will allow you to get into the right rhythm and get everything done that you have planned. Let's add to this the opinion of fitness trainers, who remind us that exercise helps reduce stress and increase endorphin levels.

Give up gadgets

Unless it's part of your job, try not to touch your phone for at least 30 minutes after waking up. Give your brain some time to really wake up, instead of throwing it into emails and social media posts. Psychologists are sure that starting the day as calmly as possible is extremely important for our mental health. So you should make your morning truly good as soon as possible.

Take care of your skin

A proper breakfast, two liters of water a day and exercise is an excellent, but still incomplete list. Don't forget about skin care, which should be given no less attention in the morning than in the evening. You've probably heard that while we sleep, regeneration processes occur in skin cells. Thanks to this, it is in the morning that the skin is especially susceptible to the effects of active ingredients in creams, gels and serums.

Dermatologists advise not to limit yourself to using a moisturizer, but to accustom yourself to a morning care procedure, which will include at least three stages (cleansing, nutrition, hydration). By the way, it is important to cleanse your skin of excess sebum in the morning even more thoroughly than before bed - so if you don't use a cleanser at the beginning of the day, it's time to change your approach. And, of course, in the process of caring for your facial skin, do not forget about such strategically important areas as your hands and décolleté.

Find time for yourself

In fact, the guarantee of a beautiful, amazing and inspiring morning is your internal state that meets all the given parameters. And, let’s face it, it’s hard to be in a good mood when “five more minutes” has turned into half an hour again, and there’s so little time left before leaving the house that, at best, you only have time to comb your hair and brush your teeth. Psychologists advise setting your alarm clock with 15-30 extra minutes in mind, which you can spend the way you want. Listen to your favorite music, watch an episode of Friends, or just sit on your bed with a cup of fruit tea and look out the window - it's up to you. The main thing is that the process is truly enjoyable.

Anastasia Sergeeva

7 things to do in the morning to get ready for work

To have a good and cheerful whole day, you need to greet its beginning well! What to do in the morning, how to get ready for work after waking up so that the whole day is productive - we’ll tell you in order.

Information silence

Many of us, in the first minutes after waking up, reach for our smartphones and tablets to check email, log into personal accounts on social networks and read the morning news - and thus, already in the morning, they load their brain with a stream of information, most often quite useless and sometimes not very pleasant. However, it would be better to give yourself at least half an hour of information silence in order to finally wake up and not darken your mood with something you accidentally saw on the Internet.

Even if you expect a whole stream of emails from colleagues or clients, remember an important rule of how to get ready for work - leave work matters for working hours, and before and after, relax and put yourself in order, otherwise any work will turn into hard labor.

Drinking water

A well-known fact that very few people adhere to is drinking at least one glass of clean and still water right in the morning after waking up. This simple action will help your body wake up, speed up your metabolism and replenish the water supply lost overnight (which is an average of 6-8 hours without consuming any liquid). Thanks to ordinary water, we can tune in to work later in the day and forget about fatigue.

Morning exercises

What you need to do in the morning is to spend at least 5-10 minutes on exercises. Such morning physical activity will help you both get ready for work and get a boost of energy from the first hours after waking up in order to feel in good shape for the rest of the day, increase endorphin levels and reduce the risk of stress. At the same time, no one forces you to exhaust yourself with heavy exercises; it will be enough to do a warm-up, stretching or a few yoga asanas. And if time allows, you can even go for a short run.

Skin care

Skin care, of course, is of great importance for our well-being and appearance. It doesn't matter if you are a woman or a man, nice appearance and it will cheer you up and change the attitude of others towards you, which will affect your self-esteem and mood.

It is important to take care of your face in the morning, since at night the skin goes through a regeneration process and becomes extremely susceptible to the beneficial effects of skincare products. For the same reason, it is especially important to cleanse your face of dead cells and excess sebum in the morning - and you need to use a special cleanser, and not just splash your face with a towel. Well, after washing your face, you need to apply a moisturizer to your skin. And don’t forget: it’s not just the skin on your face that needs care - at a minimum, you should also take care of your neck, arms and décolleté.

Proper breakfast

What you need to do in the morning without fail to get in the mood for work is to eat right! The importance of a full breakfast should never be underestimated. If you skip breakfast, you will soon feel weak, lethargic, and our brain, which is left without a charge of energy, will not be able to concentrate on labor activity. As a result, you will be quite distracted, apathetic all day and, perhaps, take the first step towards developing depression.

Remember: breakfast, even during a diet, is a strategically important meal that not only cannot be skipped, but you also need to consume substances that are important for energy, namely proteins and complex carbohydrates. Left without “fuel”, the body will do exactly the opposite - it will begin to accumulate fat in reserve in case it does not receive food again.

Plan for the day

Another important point on how to tune in to productive work during the day is to make a list of tasks that you must complete today. Famous speaker and author of the book “Hour of Silence” David Horsager advises to be guided by the so-called SVD tactics - the most important matters. Its essence is to determine the most important tasks for the day, discarding everything unimportant, and do only what you can do. Here's how you can get ready for work and competently build such a plan:

  1. Number several lines with numbers from 1 to 5.
  2. Determine the most important, global goal for today, and write it down as number 1.
  3. Think about what tasks will help you achieve this goal. Write down the supporting tasks under the remaining numbers, from most important to least important.

The main thing is to set yourself realistic goal and be responsible to yourself.

Time for yourself

Here's another tip on how to get ready for work and a good day right in the morning - spend a little time on your personal affairs or entertainment. Set an alarm for the morning, taking into account that you can spend about twenty minutes watching a TV series, listening to music, drawing, or simply contemplating nature from the window with a cup of green tea - the main thing is to do what you like, that brings joy, pleasure and peace, and inspires you to new achievements. You will see for yourself how much more pleasant it will be to leave the house after this.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Don't put off until evening what you can do in the morning

The classic idea of ​​routine workdays can be changed by starting to view the morning hours as something other than the time we spend getting ready for work. Especially if your work day does not start at eight in the morning.

Most of us cannot lift our heads from the pillow and our bodies from the bed in the morning. We set the alarm clock several times so that we can jump up 15 minutes before leaving, take a shower, drink coffee on the run and arrive at work with the thought: “Lord! When will I get enough sleep!”

If you change your approach and start treating the morning as free time, which rightfully belongs to you, the relief of the day will change dramatically. conducted a small survey and, based on its results, compiled the top 10 useful things that can be done before work.

1. Walks and sports
This is the very first thing that comes to mind. A morning visit to the fitness center will free up your evening, and a walk will improve your mood. If you treat it like a walk, and not like a commute to work.

“If the weather is good, I like to go out early and take a walk for 30-40 minutes before work,” says Leonid Tretyakov, a specialist in the strategic risk department of UniCredit Bank CJSC. “This is important in the spring, when there is not enough sun after winter.” Elena Khvatkova, budget controller of the LUXE division of L'Oreal, walks to work. Especially in the summer.

Don’t be afraid to break up a linear weekday with a non-linear morning: your approach to your free time and to work itself will change. This is why it’s worth getting up a little earlier. At least a couple times a week.

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Women have a double burden: they have to keep up both at work and at home, at the same time make a career, earn money, and maintain a home, raise children, take care of their appearance - you can’t list everything. In this turmoil, each of us dreams of a free moment to remember ourselves and our desires. But sometimes these dreams remain dreams.

We asked business coach Olga Strelkova, Russia’s only expert on time management for women, who leads practical seminars “Organizer in a Cosmetic Bag” about how to put these desires into practice.

We must remember that it is now the 21st century, and we are able to harmoniously combine all areas of life. But for this you need to know something and be able to do something. This is where the art of keeping up comes to the rescue. In order not to be a tortured workhorse, but an elegant and charming woman, it takes a lot high level self-organization.

It’s worth starting like a woman, with vital little things. What does your morning look like? Not every one of us can consider ourselves to be early risers, and even early risers have a lot of worries in the morning. Life often and with persistent regularity requires us to get up early. An unlucky morning, when you didn’t find your favorite blouse, discovered that you forgot your laundry in the car yesterday, and all the oranges were eaten by your household, so that you were left without freshly squeezed juice for breakfast, can ruin your mood for the whole day.

To make every morning good, you need to prepare for it in the evening


Prepare your clothes the night before

There is no need to complicate your workday morning by having to iron your blouse or find a skirt to match your shoes. It is in the morning that you most likely will not have the energy, time and mood for this. For women who are seriously involved in their careers and simply work a lot, image makers advise having sets of work clothes in their wardrobe for two weeks in advance.

Recommendation: It’s good if you have not one or two suits and three or four blouses, but 12 blouses and at least 7 suits. Then you can conveniently build an administrative chain with preparing clothes for exit. Wear clothes from the weekend on weekdays. And take the one that you have already used to the dry cleaner or housekeeper on the weekend, or wash and iron it yourself.


Calculate routes

Unfortunately, we do not live in mansions, but in apartments, which are often cramped. It is completely pointless to try to calmly insert contact lenses or carefully apply eyelashes at a time when your household is claiming the bathroom. Calculate the routes of all your family members and try to find an “unoccupied” niche.


Prepare a basic morning makeup kit

Almost every woman has a voluminous little bag at home where all her cosmetic supplies are stored. Basically, it's nice to go through a lot of items in search of the right lipstick, but only if you're not in a hurry. For many of us, it's high time to improve our storage system.

In the morning we use only a small part of our cosmetic arsenal. Not thirty-three lipsticks that have accumulated over my entire adult life, but a maximum of 2-3 neutral tones, or even less.

Recommendation: take an ordinary pencil holder, in which the ladies' daily set will always be in sight. This can be lipstick, mascara, foundation, powder, blush and eyeliner. It is very convenient to place it and even move it to the place where you dress your face in the morning. All means of “creating a face” must be in perfect order, like a surgeon’s instruments.


Take your handbag seriously

Don't take a handbag lightly. She?has long been a mobile office modern woman. Of course, there are certain rules for “packing it” so as not to waste time either getting ready or on a hectic search for pads or spare stockings at the nearest kiosk.

Recommendation: The main thing is to have your list of vital minimums at hand, and always stick to it. This list should not be “in your head”, but on paper. Each time you pack your bag, check the boxes by placing the item you need inside. Usually there are at least two bags - one dark and one light, and you have to transfer things from one to another regularly. Compiling such a list is a kind of art. And you can only learn it by practicing. Give the bag you assembled according to the list a “test drive”, check if it is too heavy? Every seemingly insignificant example - a magazine, a toy, extra lipstick, a pocket book - can deprive you of lightness and grace if you are on your feet all day.


Get yourself in the mood

It is in the morning, when you often have to act under severe time pressure, that you must set aside time to create the mood of the day. If you fly into the office in the tension of a busy but confused morning at home, all the worries of the day will seem to you much more complex and unpleasant than they really are.

Recommendation: If you can find just fifteen minutes for a quiet walk along a pleasant route or a cup of coffee in a nice cafe before work, your day will delight you with “ordinary” wonders. It is important that this activity to lift your spirits really warms your soul.

Time management as a technology covers much more methods, techniques and even little secrets than the described “morning recipes”. This is just a small part of it. But if you carefully, with interest and enthusiasm create your own ritual for starting the day, it will be much easier for you to arrange and organize your life as a whole.

Text: Olga Strelkova, expert on time management for women
Photo: Fotobank/Getty

Each person has their own morning rituals: someone starts their day with a cup of aromatic coffee, while others check their email immediately after waking up and get to work. This article contains 10 proven actions-rituals that will make your day maximally charged for productive activity and good health, and you decide for yourself what and in what order should be implemented into your daily routine.

1. Warm water with lemon

We will not be original if we say that every morning you need to start with a glass of water with lemon (someone can also add a spoonful of honey). Now all doctors and scientists are talking about the incredible benefits of this drink, because after sleep the body is very dehydrated and, therefore, needs to be invigorated. Nutritionists unanimously say that you need to drink half the daily amount of water in the first half of the day. Such a morning ritual will be the key to health and longevity: water in the morning will cleanse the body of toxins, and also moderate appetite and even the risk of headaches during the day. Try it!

2. Stretching or any light exercise

Since childhood, they have tried to teach us to exercise, but not everyone succeeded. Now, at a conscious age, it is much easier to come to the conclusion that sports (stretching, exercise, etc.) reduces stress accumulated in the body, gives energy for the whole day, helps to lose weight, invigorates and generally puts you in a positive mood. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to devote at least 15 minutes in the morning to your body.

3. The right food for breakfast

It's no secret that our body is a system that needs to be nourished with the right substances so that it works without failures. Even if you have a habit developed over the years of drinking coffee in the morning and leaving without breakfast, try to change your mind at least for a while, and you will see the result. A balanced diet is the key to health and beauty, as well as the ability to focus on completing tasks and not dreaming about a lunch break.

4. Meditation or a few minutes for yourself to clear your thoughts

You may not be a fan of meditation and all kinds of eastern spiritual practices, but every person needs space for themselves. Try to spend a few minutes in peace and quiet without gadgets, alone with yourself. This will help you focus on important goals and tasks that need to be completed that day. Having cleared your head of the chaos of thoughts, you will definitely feel cheerfulness and inspiration for new achievements.

5. Planning your day

It has been proven that the more you plan, the more you accomplish. A drawn up schedule allows you to effectively manage time and achieve your goals. This morning ritual is for those who want to live life to the fullest, and not attribute failures to a lack of time and opportunities.

6. Motivational quotes from influencers

Every person wants to be believed in, praised for his achievements and inspired to new heights. We receive such energy from loved ones, as well as from famous people who are examples from life. We recommend reading inspiring quotes in the morning from famous people who live the way you would like. Books, memes or just pictures often provide mottos for life and help achieve greater results.

7. Praise yourself and say “thank you” to yourself

There are many practices to improve your success, but your day will begin productively from the moment you thank yourself for your accomplishments, no matter how small. Be grateful to yourself for everything that happens, and it will make you more resilient to unexpected situations.

8. Even in a hurry, keep things tidy.

Chaos is the worst enemy of a productive day. Do not under any circumstances allow everyday life to destroy the energy of success around you. Experts recommend cleaning up after yourself (things, trash, etc.) so that when you return home after a hard day, nothing will distract you and make you lazy. Your home is a cozy corner that gives strength and helps you relax. A productive day is made up of little things.
