Rose the dancing queen encyclopedia of roses. Rose climber Dancing queen

Hint for assessing rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and flower beauty

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting exclusively the personal preferences of the rose gardener. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple, modest one with five leaves can “get you hooked” and “make you fall in love with yourself.” The assessment includes general attitude to the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of flowering (looseness, inconspicuousness, weak rapid flowering)
★★ low. Not satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the flowering duration is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering, but expected more, although the flower and flowering are normal
★★★★ high. I like both the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and blooming, beautiful, abundant, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, barely perceptible
★★★ average, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma that can be heard from a distance

Resistance to diseases (various spots, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly sick, despite preventive measures)
★★ low (gets sick only in unfavorable summers, prevention does not help)
★★★ average (it only gets sick when there is a massive disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if initial signs of the disease were observed, then everything went away with prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no diseases observed)

Winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but may freeze in unfavorable winters)
★★★ average (overwinters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when frozen)
★★★★ high (overwinters well, with virtually no losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (overwinters without or under light shelter, without losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, the buds slightly rot, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds and open flowers deteriorate a little or wither)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, for example, hemp appears, without loss of decorativeness)
★★★★★ very high (does not respond to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorativeness, buds and flowers bake and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds are intact, edges of open flowers are baked, color may change uncritically)
★★★★ high (no effect on decorative effect, flowering without loss, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (no effect on decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering will increase)

Foliage and bush shape

★ unattractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ average attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ tall attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape

Rose Dancing Queen one of the most interesting two color roses. A combination of greenish and pinkish petals are arranged in a perfect tall flower glass.

Tall glass variety roses Dancing Queen attracts attention with a hidden mystery. When a flower just begins to bloom, its outer petals may have a strong green color. But the more the bud opens, the more tenderness and charm it carries.

The inner pinkish petals are curled into a neat glass, and the outer petals framing them are lightly corrugated. As it dissolves, the dense bud does not expose the center and does not lose the ideal forms inherent in Rose Densing Queen.

A rather large flower, up to 12 cm in diameter, blooms on strong, even stems covered with dark green matte foliage. Usually 1-3 buds are formed on one branch. Flowering is continuous, lasts all summer, accompanied by a subtle pleasant aroma.

Rose bush Dancing Queen compact, erect, up to 90-120 cm high. Tolerates even severe pruning. The variety is very resistant to black spot and powdery mildew, but in rainy and cool times preventive spraying is recommended. High winter hardiness roses Dancing Queen will please most flower growers. Rose winters well in open ground without any special insulation. Even despite its southern origin.

Root system rose seedling Dancing Queen To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy rose seedlings Dancing Queen You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months.

Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with the customer’s climate zone).

Buy climbing rose Dancing Queen in Voronezh with delivery throughout Russia wholesale and retail at the Florini nursery.

Rose climber “Dancing Queen”

Plant height is 150 – 200 cm or more.

The flower is bright pink, cup-shaped, with a high center, double, 20 - 30 petals in one flower, flower diameter 5 - 7 cm, has a light aroma. Flowering lasts from June to September, on one peduncle during the period of mass flowering there are 3 - 5 flowers at the same time.
The leaves are dark green, glossy.

Frost-resistant variety.

Videos roses

How to plant a rose “Dancing Queen”

A rose can grow in one place for decades, so the planting site requires careful preparation.
Prepare the planting hole. The size of the planting pit for roses is 60x60, depth 50 cm. Leave the top fertile layer of soil next to the pit, remove the lower layers of soil. The soil for planting roses should be loose, fertile, with a neutral reaction, so add humus, vermicompost, and well-rotted compost to the soil from the top layer. Add sand to heavy soils; if necessary, add additional additives to reduce soil acidity: wood ash or dolomite flour. Mix all components thoroughly and fill the planting hole with the mixture.
At what depth should I plant a container rose?
1) Roses grafted onto rose hips.
1.1. If you need to save root system rose hips, then the grafting level should be +- 2-3 cm from the soil (above, at the level, below). In this case, you simply need to preserve the grafting site in winter with the help of shelter, otherwise the varietal rose may die and you will be left with rose hips.
Rosehip shoots are periodically cut out.
With such planting, over time, the rose hips dominate and your varietal rose disappears. You need to take very good care of these roses.
1.2. If you decide to transfer the rose to its own roots, the grafting depth should be from 5 to 17 cm. The transition to one's own roots lasts from 3 to 18 months. At this time, it is better to protect the rose from frost with a light shelter for the winter. Subsequently, mulching the soil with 3-5 cm of bark (chips) will be sufficient.
2) Own roots.
2.1. This year's seedlings are planted in a deep hole so that there is still about 15cm of edge left in the hole above the planting level. In the first year, for the winter, the seedlings in the hole are mulched (chips, bark, shavings or leaves), and covered on top with a board (glass, sheet of cellular polycarbonate). The next year, as the rose grows, the hole is filled with fertile soil for roses. As a result, you grow a very powerful rooted rose. From the second year onwards, the rose can only be mulched for the winter.
2.2. From the age of two, you can plant your own rooted rose without worrying about planting depth.

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: Rose hybrid tea Dance Queen

Rose Dance Queen is an exquisite flower that belongs to the hybrid tea group. The original shape and spectacular color of the bud allows you to make each flowerbed unique, and bouquets of roses of this variety have attractive power and originality. Hybrid tea rose Dansing Queen: features of the variety The delicate color of the glass is very original; the center of the flower is painted in soft pink tones, outer petals are white with a slight greenish tint. The rose has an original shape, all the petals have graceful curves, the porcelain fragility of the flower makes this rose attractive and sophisticated. The aroma is delicate, weak, and lasts from the moment the bud opens until the end of flowering. The height of the bush is up to 1.2 m. The flower size is up to 13 cm in diameter. Frost resistance is high, up to -28 C. Advantages of growing An original variety for growing in a rose garden. An excellent crop for bouquet cutting. Delicate coloring in pastel colors. The high winter hardiness of the rose variety can easily withstand harsh winters provided proper shelter is provided. We recommend ordering Dansing Queen rose seedlings - the flower is full of exquisite charm and tenderness.


Payment: by bank card, electronic money or cash on delivery.

Delivery: by SDEK courier or Post throughout Russia.

Warranty: 90 days for the whole planting material.

Information for buyers: all offers on this site are not a public offer. The site administration does not collect or process personal data of visitors. Appearance, the characteristics and prices of the goods presented on this site are for informational purposes only, please check these details with the retailer. To place and pay for your order, you will be directed to the supplier’s website. Minimum order: 1500 rub.

The Vyatka roses we sell can grow without problems in any zone of the country under different climatic conditions. Our task is to grow seedlings that will delight you with pleasant flowering and excellent growth, while requiring you to spend a minimum of time and effort when growing them.

When you contact us, you will always receive professional assistance in the care and proper cultivation of all our seedlings from a garden specialist (16 years of experience in growing roses). All rose planting material can be purchased in the online store and received in your locality at any post office. The rose seedlings you purchased will be sent to you by mail.

We have been growing and propagating seedlings of roses and other plants for a long time. During this time, we have grown a large number of different varieties of roses, each unique and beautiful in its own way. In the harsh northern winters it is very difficult to preserve rose seedlings, so only those rose seedlings that can withstand such unfavorable natural conditions grow and reproduce in our country.

Each of our plants survived at least one winter in such conditions, despite the fact that not every small seedling remains alive when spring arrives. Therefore, our next advantage is the very high survival rate and hardiness of roses. You get Vyatka roses that can survive in natural habitats. Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness.

Every year our assortment increases and changes, because the task is to offer you those roses that can please you with their beautiful color and excellent hardiness. Today, with joy and love, we grow over 100 types of roses different types- hybrid tea, park, ground cover, climbing (climbing), English, sprays.
